As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .
Weekend Open Thread 28 July 2018
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Really just trying to be first here. I have trained myself to go to Sky for my online news, so I only dip into Al Beeb to roll my eyes – for instance at the article on Facebook targeting of Leave adverts. The brass neck they have, to be so biased – as if no one else targeted an audience?!! Like the 9 million pound leaflet?
The 9 million pound leaflet is the best evidence to use against the remainers argument that ‘we did not know what we were voting for’?
When in fact it was the remainers that did not know what they were voting for.
They believed Al Beeb, that’s why the lost.
Yes they did. They were voting against us racist,homophobic Islamophobes. That was their one and only argument and remains to this day the only argument they have to offer.
The first paragraph stated
“The official Vote Leave campaign spent more than £2.7m on targeting ads at specific groups of people on Facebook – helping it to win the 2016 EU referendum.”
Helping it to win the referendum? Which BBC reporter’s opinion is being passed off as fact? I don’t know, cos it’s anonymous. So it’s the BBC’s opinion.
Second paragraph
“The US social media giant has now released these ads to a committee of MPs investigating fake news – meaning everyone, not just those they were originally aimed at, can now see them.”
As Guido Fawkes points out, this BBC report is itself fake news.
“Just one problem: it’s total nonsense. The adverts were never requested by Vote Leave or BeLeave. They never ran.”
The whole thing reads like it was written by an angry poster, banging mercilessly at his keyboard. Why so hostile? It reads like the writer has ‘lost the plot’. It smacks of desperation, and i almost pity the fool(s).
Clearly another derangement syndrome.
Scrap Al Beeb, scrap the TV Tax. It is beyond repair .
Support UKIP for they will rid us of this parasite ……………
I joined the on the day of the great betrayal about 3 weeks ago. The night the website went down about 3 times! Never joined a political party before. If i was angry enough, then god knows how many more joined.
Havn’t UKIP said they would make the BBC a subscription channel if they get the opportunity. Stranger things have happened it Europe. All UKIP needs to do is get its act together, anything could happen.
Ray, I rejoined UKIP about the same time. I was duped by May who betrayed not just me but her own Ministers, especially the Brexit Ministers. I hope it’s not hyperbolic but I can’t recall a worse Prime Minister. I actually think this is bigger than Brexit, and I have had my eyes opened to the rotten Establishment, the House of Lords, CBI, BBC, Academia, the list goes on. I look for my political inspiration now to the American Revolutionaries and their unfinished business.
I would leave the licence fee as it is, but make it entirely voluntary. Call it a “donation”.
If the self-styled world’s best broadcaster somehow suffers a revenue shortfall, it could do worse than to trim the multi-million pound salaries of presenters who would, in my estimation, be overpaid at 5 quid a week.
When it comes to the BBC and its future I have three choices that I would like to be given for the future of the Ministry Of Truth, They are iarranged in no particular order.
#1 Encryption and subscription just like cable and sattelite TV for those who want the BBC in their lives
#2 The Ministry Of Truth funds itself with adverts
#3 Closure of the BBC and sale of its assests,land and buildings
All are good but personally #3 is my prefered choice when it comes to the Ministry Of Truth and its future.
No.3 please. I’m certain the proceeds could be usefully employed elsewhere.
The lunacy of the remainers with this is so stupid.
If Leave voters could be so easily swayed by some Facebook adverts, why weren’t they persuaded by the printed Remain leaflet that was posted through their door.
If they are suck fickle, easily led individuals ready to be distracted like a moth by the next big light why didn’t the literal ton of Remain noise, info and propaganda convince them to vote Remain?
But I guess this is the Left’s strategy. When a decision doesn’t go your way, find something to blame (in this case adverts} and then you can start a campaign against the advert to get future adverts banned, so that they don’t get a chance to spread the word that you want so desperately to nullify.
I thought the Leave voters were too old and stupid to use Facebook?
Flex, effectively that is what the BBC and MPs and the Labour & Democrat Parties are NOW saying: young voters (18-35 year olds) are stupid.
Only a few weeks ago ‘some people’ were arguing for the UK voting age to be reduced to 16 years!
Up2snuff, its not just the BBC and MPs and the Labour & Democrat Parties saying: young voters (18-35 year olds) are stupid. Its also Mensa.
On page 22 of the latest Mensa magazine (August 2018) it says “The IQ levels of young people have been steadily falling for the past few decades, according to new research. The decline is believed to have begun following the generation born in 1975” “those born in 1991 scored about five points lower than those born in 1975”
Causes could be (1) Progressive Education (2) Social forces (3) Technology taking over from thinking (4) Intelligent women producing less children than unintelligent women due to (a) equality putting a woman’s career first (b) unemployed women benefiting from having lots of babies. (5) Immigration from low IQ third world nations, increasing the ratio of ethnics in the younger population.
So all the obvious trends are for a lowering of IQ to the point of returning to “savagery for all“, not just for the inner-cities.
Well said and a great summation from Mensa.
I realise this is mostly unrelated. But why is it only those from ethnic minorities who breakdown or populate the hard shoulder on the M25?
A bit like it’s only those from ethnic minorities who are moved by electric vehicles to the gate at the airport. You have to wear a sari, apparently, to get such a lift.
Richard, thanks for that. I had heard about that but forgotten. Think it was covered briefly by the Beeb but they probably did not want to keep it around for long after all they had told us about ignorant, poorly educated, prejudiced old folk being the only ones who voted to Leave the EU.
Surely you meant to write “too old and wise to use Arsebook”?
A slip of the mouse perhaps?
The only Leave advert I can remember was on the BBC. A woman talking about taking back control, while at the same time, a map of Europe, with moving arrows, billions of pounds there, millions of immigrants here.
But the governments Remain booklet I received read like a children’s road safety booklet.
For safety reasons. (1) This Government fears Britain should not be allowed out alone. (2) This Government fears that it is not safe for Britain to leave the European Union. (3) This Government has not seen any evidence (Australian does not exist) that Britain could survive as an independent nation with a standard of living much higher than we have now. (4) This Government believes that Britain should pay the European Union, 39 billion pounds protection money, to stay safe. (5) This Government thinks that the Governance of the European Union is perfect, and anyway, as members of the House of Lords would say, democracy is an old fashioned idea. (6) And finally, as this Government booklet implies. We are your leaders, and you are our followers. NOT you representatives.
Signed by your most posh Eton toff (supported by Jeremy Corbyn), David Cameron.
I then read about the undemocratic governance of the European Union in either the Daily Express, Daily Mail or the Mensa magazine. And therefore did the only decent moral act possible by voting LEAVE.
Richard Pinder
Your interpretation of the Government’s Remain booklet reads like a 1950s on the packet safety instruction for Durex Gossamer. Come on boys, all of us from a certain era remember those don’t we?
Seems like we grew up but Her Majesty’s Government did not.
The thing that gets to me (in the brain) about this, is that for around two years for the EU Ref & US Presidential Election and for a year since the 2017 UK General Election we have been told again and again and again by everyone, including MPs (who may be on that House Committee) and especially the BBC on R4 that:
Young people voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU
Young people voted for Hillary Clinton, and
Young people voted Labour.
For the last seven to nine months we are being told that young people were influenced by Facebook, Twitter, Russians, Canadians, academics, advertising agencies, PR firms and other social media.
What does that say about the results of the EU Referendum in the UK and two major Elections in the USA and UK?
SKY are just as bad as the BBC
Doh, so near and yet so far.
Runner up!
Blast-bronze then!
Lunar eclipse: Century’s longest ‘blood moon’ under way
This is one of those examples where I’m sure they are just trying to piss people off. Thought I’d look at the lovely pic of the blood moon – and wondered why they had a fleet of spaceships flying in front of it. Wadda ya know – they’re the tops of mosques! Funny that they’d use that photo..
I feel like I’m in a Bond movie where the baddy is an Islamic guy (person) planning to take over the world and doing a pretty good job.
I remembered the BBC using a similar photo in May regarding lightning strikes
Yep, a mosque
Who’d a thought. What are the odds? Coincidence?
Auntie and mohammed sitting in a tree.
Islam is a ‘lunar’ religion – and I’m not implying ‘lunatic’ here, in case anyone accuses me of ‘Islamophobia’!
Festivals such as Eid and Ramadan appear to move back in the year according to our calendar, being based on whole numbers of lunar phases cycles. If the average phase cycle is 29.53 Earth days, it is hard to fit any whole number of these in with the solar calendar year of 365.2422 days. The best fit is [12 x 29.5] = 354 days, leaving 11 days spare at the end after 12 complete cycles.
Hence the New Moon on, for example, 22/7/1990 was followed by an equivalent at one lunar year later on 11/7/1991 (and then on 30/6/1992 after another 354 days, and so forth).
P.S. The Total Lunar Eclipse tonight was a total cloud-out here: semper in nubibus.
Watching the blood moon {without mosques in the way} far better than watching 99.5 percent of the BBC’s output.
”In the Swiss Alps, on the other hand, the blood moon could be observed in all its glory.”
More like in Photoshop’s effects gallery.
Up to a few years ago, we just had full moons, and then suddenly they came up with all these fancily named moons – apparently appearing now and then, but which somehow looking no different.
They have even supplied our new lunar friends with backstories, dating back to antiquity.
Bizarre – best guess: it’s some social engineering experiment to see if they can pull it off; getting people to believe they see the moon with a red tinge etc and accept it has always been thus.
A reversed memory hole?
I agree about the photo you attached: very nice for a coffee-table book or magazine but largely fake, as the Moon has clearly been ‘blown up’ out of all proportion just to make a good image.
As for the red colour, this is a genuine phenomenon. The Moon would go completely dark within the Earth’s shadow IF the Earth had no atmosphere. But refraction of sunlight by our atmosphere means the eclipsed Moon still gets some light, which is biased towards the Red end of the spectrum (of R-O-Y-G-B-I-V).
Lunar eclipses can vary from orange to grey/black, depending on how clean the atmosphere is at the ‘edges’ of the eclipsing Earth (i.e. sunrise/sunset locations) through which the refracted light has to pass. After volcanic eruptions or bad forest fires, some lunar eclipses have been notably dark (as the soot blocks much of the refracted light) whereas others have been bright (cleaner atmosphere, e.g. over the Pacific, or when the Moon never gets too far from the edge of the Earth’s shadow during a short eclipse).
Blood moons are rare events. They only come around once in a blue moon so make the most of it.
How often do blue moons come around?
I know there’s a song about them:
” Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own…”.
Which would suggest they are quite frequent but I’ve never seen one.
In my 78 years the only moon’s I’ve ever seen are a sort of yellow colour. Have I not paid attention or am I a bit lunie? I reckon you could truthfully answer “yes” to both of those questions.
Excellent information, Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi. As long as a red tinged moon doesn’t mean it has been taken over by Corbyn and co. Whilst it would be fun to rid the Earth of libmob snowflakes and Beeboids, it would be most unfair to pollute the dear old moon. Personally, I would launch them all off beyond Pluto.
Let’s play them on the Home Ground. There is no way they can win.
Eddy, “Up to a few years ago, we just had full moons, and then suddenly they came up with all these fancily named moons”
Don’t think so.
Harvest Moons are an ancient name and regular event. It was the thought of one of those that was behind my earlier comment to Looby.
I was in the Derbyshire Dales in the 1970s and witnessed a Perigee Moon and thus it was called at the time, at least by those in the know. The BBC knew what they were talking about then, and looking at, thanks to Patrick Moore.
ridiculous cut and paste, anyone who knows anything about cameras and exposures will say the same
Looby, on the Beeb w-s the so-called Blood Moon was awfully pale.
It was probably also male and stale.
Ffs! How bloody patronising has both the bbc and Sky been over this heatwave shite? I mean how on Earth did we survive two world wars? Everyday it’s been complete hysteria with, wait for it… the bbc informing us that 1) the sun is hot 2) it burns, and 3) drink water and stay inside. It has been utterly pathetic. The Australians must think we’re a nation of big jessies.
Also, I know RT is propaganda, too, but today I just couldn’t take the smug, middle class patronising censored leftie crap of Sky or the bbc anymore, so I chose to spend some time looking at RT. And it was so refreshing! They had a ukip spokesman on discussing how pc we are here and that this has led to despicable cowardice in confronting mainly Pakistani Muslim rape gangs and that there has been cover ups due to authorities not wanting to upset Muslims. There was also a discussion on how mass immigration is perceived by many to be destroying the identity of the west, and there was an interesting report on why antisemitism is on the increase and one point was immigration to the west. I thought, when do you EVER hear such discussions on the middle class, London-centric Left-wing bbc, sky and Channel Snore? I am f****** sick to death with our pathetic and craven media genuflecting Muslims and avoiding news that might upset them. Watching rt news can be so bloody refreshing and gives you an idea of how biased our lamestream media is.
Alex, agree with you about RT. When I still had a TV, it was always worth a look. Of course it will be pro Russian, as you say, but at least certain issues used to be debated there which have more or less vanished from the British MSM now. A friend of mine who does have a TV much prefers RT to BBC or ITV or Sky or C4.
Fox for me! I laugh at some of the things they say/discuss that you would never hear in a month of Sundays in the UK. And that’s why you’re not allowed to have it! And a bonus is Katy Hopkins and Nigel F are correspondents. What’s not to like, as they say.
Fox is great. They have a whole bunch of really fine, professional, articulate media people on. There’s even a sprinkling of left-wing, Clinton-supporting shmucks who have permanent slots on Fox and help keep other staff on their toes.
I recall years back they had ‘Hannity and Colmes’ – a righty and a lefty sharing a show. Not even in its worst nightmares would the BBC entertain the idea of employing its political opponents on its ‘news’ programmes.
And this alleged government currently ruining, er, I meant ‘running’ Britain is apparently incapable of doing anything about BBC bias – not even its biased employment practices.
And Charles Krauthammer RIP. I was really sad at his death, and amazed to read stuff about him that I didn’t know, including that he was a paraplegic. What a great guy, unlike so many teat suckers at Al Beeb.
Yes, one minute he was on Fox, articulate as ever, and then he vanished. I was sad to learn that he’d died.
He wrote an open letter to his colleagues, saying that he’d accepted his fate and that he’d lived a wonderful life and done everything he’d wanted. As I said, an admirable chap – fairly impartial too.
I often watch channel 507 (sky) Japan Timeline, half hour of news, and half hour of gentle documentaries.
Anything makes a change from the mind numbing ads that drive me nuts – for life insurance ….. “its June Dad ! ” (tell her to piss off) / Sponsor a guide dog – (the sepsis couple must both be in care homes now its so old) / and the donkey appeal where the loaded donkey is on its knees (why didn’t the cameraman taking the sodding load of it then !!!) / and all of the Wowcher ads – why don’t they just all go and drown themselves.
I agree, I really enjoy Fox. I like to get a decent fix of Tucker, Ingraham and Greg Gutfield along with their regular contributors including the wonderful Mark Steyn and Dan Bongino.
The Greg Gutfield show at the weekend is even more refreshing as they have these little sketches that are hilariously sarcastic and poking fun at the left, something that you would never see on the Beeb.
Payne by name,
I like all of the above on Fox including Martha MacCallum and the bright and talented ladies on ‘Outnumbered.’
I allways found RT far better than the Ministry Of Truth when I owned a telescreen but then I also prefered and had more trust in Al-Jazeera to the BBC< And if you trusted Al-Jazeera more than the Ministry Of Truth
you knew the BBC was dire.
Good news Looby the baddy can even have a cat on his lap (FROM WIKIDPEDIA) cats are not “haram”In Islamic tradition, cats are admired for their cleanliness. They are thought to be ritually clean, unlike dogs, and are thus allowed to enter homes and even mosques, including Masjid al-Haram. Food sampled by cats is considered halal and water from which cats have drunk is permitted for wudu.
I must say I was certainly worried that cats water is permitted for “wudu”- now I can finally sleep easy.
They still lick their backsides though – a bit like the UK govt and certain folk…
And you can get blind from that parasite in their poo, so not all cutesy.
Blood pressure alert!
Would those be the bearded children?
I went to the Albert Hall prom last night as usual the audience was hideously white. There was a young black lady right in the centre of the front rail of the arena; had the cameras been there she would have been ideally placed to be in every shot, there were about three people who appeared to be from the Indian subcontinent and half a dozen from the Far East. The choir was without colour. But Mr D tells me the prom televised tonight made up for it. An evening of English music where the soloist was a black American woman. He said she was excellent but for English music it might have been nice to have had an English performer.
A clear case of blackwashing. here is some whitewashing ..
I had to run up a new thread because some body put a picture of Gary remain Liniker at the end of the last one and that was enough for any decent Briton .
Jacob Abraham: Five boys jailed for teen’s torture murder
They were only children – not aged 5 or 6, but 15 with beards and moustaches. And members of gangs, carrying knives, and setting out to teach someone a lesson by torture. Sentenced to life, but will probably get a few years. British govt, look what we’ve created.
Wow, diverse enrichment of an extreme kind. How much more enrichment can we take?
Incidentally I notice 2 of the enrichers are called Mohamud, and the poor enriched lad was Jacob Abraham, which raises the question whether this particular act of enrichment had an anti-Semitic dimension to it.
If UKIP/Brexit are blamed for any and every act of racism, shouldn’t Corbyn/Labour be blamed for every act of antisemitism?
PS. I began writing, ‘let’s see how quick the beeb can disappear the picture from their Home page’, but hey presto, it’s already gone.

Expect the beebistan to do a follow-up piece titled: 5 boys let down by our racist educational system.
In the good old days, when Fry’s of Somerdale (Bristol), the chocolate makers existed, they produced a chocolate bar called “Five Boys” – anyone remember it? Often on sale in the auto-snack dispensers on railway stations (when they were “railway”, rather than “train” stations)….
I don’t remember ‘Five Boys’ but wish they would bring back Fry’s Five Centre.
Oh yes!
The Five centres were just the best, closely followed by the blue chocolate cream…
All enjoyed while watching real BBC newsreaders like Alvar Liddell and Robert Dougall.
You can still buy the Frys ‘blue’ chocolate cream for the price of a mortgage at our local garage !
What were those round, foil wrapped, Fry’s chocolates called?
Chocolate coins ????
Could be, Brissles, but they had that deep centre and it was soft silver foil, not the usual hard gold foil for flat but embossed chocolate coins. Used to be given one or two of those a week.
The extra delight was deciding whether or not to push a finger through the foil above ‘the crater’ or unwrap it from the back.
I remember Five Boys, Five Centres and the blue bar, too.
“Good old days”
When really charitable rich Quaker chocolate manufacturers did not give half a million pounds to our enemies (Rowntree Trust).
Yes these vibrant chaps were apparently 14 when they ambushed and stabbed to death another vibrant drug dealer in Waltham cross in December 2017.
The judge ordered that their identities be published as a warning to others. I believe names to be published for every one convicted of whatever age ‘ legal reasons ‘ is just a soft signal .
The characters above got life which I guess is 5 years these days. Will always believe in the death sentence . If they were white al beeb would be on it for days
I’m really struggling with this ‘trying to influence an election’ nonsense. Isn’t that the basis of democracy? People with different opinions trying to make you see their point of view without fear of retribution? So the next time that idiot Labour candidate knocks on my door I’m gonna say “sorry I can’t talk to you because you’re trying to influence an election” and then set the dogs on her. We won BBC lost. 52 48 Democracy works.
Tap yes
It’s like people who stick their personal political preference on a poster in the front window . Is that a bit like the Facebook .
Personally I get the staff to put up the posters in my castle but I don’t think too many can see them because of the moat …
Ha, good point!
Their argument falls on the fact that people study multiple sources when deciding how to vote. Their narrative that thicko Brexit voters were turned by a few Facebook groups is horse shit. It is the evidence all around us that inspired the vote.
Billy Bragg, bless him, can always be relied on to come out with ever more twattish leftism, but when he apparently tweeted in support of Jeremy that in Austria ‘the Alt-Right are chanting “Jews will not replace us” he made a simple enough mistake. Well, many come from the same part of the world, but he really meant muslims, not Jews. Only in today’s Labour party, it doesn’t do to say so – even though that’s precisely what the Austrians mean, along with most of the rest of Europe.
If only we could see my Bragg’s tax return – or the company he works for and the reduced tax via cash company dividends against PA effing YE .
Watching the al beeb news – they think the democrat Russia stuff has more of an impact than the economics .
They serve up what European / metro snowflakes want but ordinary American voters just think they’ve got a president who delivers as opposed to a Muslim one with a good speach writer “ yes we can “ an empty nonsense which history will rightly characterise as – nothing .
Lunchtime ‘
Very grateful and I’m sure there less obvious companies where mr Bragg and lady Bragg are beneficiaries . I’m sure , as well , that mr Bragg wouldn’t be so unprincipled as to ‘ go offshore’ an al beeb type.
Wed 25th
“UK heatwave: Temperature record could be broken this week” ?
Operative word “could”. It never happened.
Fake news yet again from Al Beeb.
The temperatures are cooling .
Tell it often enough ?……………….
They could have warned us that there were high pressure hailstones coming
they smashed polycarbonate conservatory roof panels in 20 places & neighbours same,
We were bailing water that seeped in along the windowsills
Afterwards in corner there were hailstone drifts
+ the flat areas to the south covered in leaves ripped from trees.
And trees are down the village
I’ve not seen worse conditions on the Twitter photos
Our storm must have moved through to York
WE had thunder, lighting and tornado winds for 25 mins
Its almost as if the weather deliberately confounds Al Beeb?
Remember Michael Fish 15 Oct 1987 ?
“The gods are against them”
I don’t know if anyone has been keeping up on the James Gunn situation with him being fired but it really hightlights the constant and predictable hypocrisy from the left.
Roseanne Barr makes a joke on Twitter that could be construed as racist but probably wasn’t and the left screams that she must be crushed. News of the story is everywhere. Headlines on the Beeb website and discussed on the news. End her career, consign her to hell, no discussion.
Yet James Gunn willingly makes statements, sorry ‘jokes’ on an open medium about rape, paedophilia and the size of his knob in group pictures with children and it should either be ignored, suppressed or even defended. The reaction is far more muted, small article on the Beeb website and not to my knowledge headlines on the TV. And they’ve even managed to gain 300,000 signatories on a petition that he should be re-employed.
Gunn’s defenders claim that the comedy tweets were made nine years ago and that he has changed since then. It’s strange that I don’t remember the same ‘time leniency’ applied to Trump. He gets secretly taped 13 years ago having some locker room talk in the company of other men about the ‘opportunities’ that willing groupies offer and he’s still a misogynist monster that can constantly have the ‘pussy grabber’ monicker thrown at him?
Now I know that some right wing commentators (including Ben Shapiro) have said that he shouldn’t lose his job over this but with something like this the Right shouldn’t be playing the bigger man and saying ‘bygones’. We have to combat the left and sometimes that means fighting fire with fire.
The Left try to enforce a standard on others yet aren’t willing to live by it themselves.
Extol the virtues of Socialism whilst nicely cosseted in the safe arms of Capitalism. Lecture everyone about the benefits of unlimited immigration but live far away from the immigrants. Preach about abusing the planet and the dangers of pollution whilst jetting around the world in private jets and huge gas guzzling yachts.
And the most frustrating thing is that they aren’t then directly called to task on it. They aren’t berated or reminded of their hypocrisy because many right wingers think rightly that people should be free to do their own thing and we should show leniency not the froth filled foaming that the left do. But in cases like Gunn, who was the first to reach for the virtue signalling, to pillory people whose opinions he disagreed with and encourage sponsor abandonment, he is a classic case for someone needing to have his feet held to the flame that he continually fans.
I saw a video recently where it talked about Trump being the double standard breaker because he exposes the double standards of the Left leaving us on the Right to call them out about it. When they are complaining about the USA travel ban, where was the outrage at the 16 countries that forbid entry of anyone with an Israeli passport. When Trump rightfully responds to the delusional rants of the Iranian president with equally bullish language, why he is an undiplomatic buffoon but nothing is said about the Iranian president. When China hacks and steals countless reams of personal and military data, why are they wined and dined but then Putin should be snubbed because he’s some kind of Trojan horse.
And I guess that is why this site is so important because we all contribute in our own way to highlighting to each other the double standards and the hypocrisy that the Beeb and their ideological masters, the Left carry out. By spreading that message and convincing even just one person to look at a story differently we might hope to turn the tide (air fist pump entirely optional!).
The doctrine of proportionality states that you should not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Firing Roseanne and shutting down her entire show for a single tweet is like using a nuclear missile to swat a fly.
What I would so love to expose the liberal elite’s double standards is a reality tv show where some luvvies preaching for open borders get to have an eighteen year old testosterone bomb from a war zone who does not speak English stay in their spare room next to their teenaged daughter. It would be hell on Earth for them. What I so hate about virtue signalling is that it forces others to do things the signallers themselves would absolute hate, thus violating the golden rule of do as you would be done by. It is infinitely worse than ‘hate speech’ as it lead to real world negative consequences rather than imaginary hurt feelings. God could you imagine the ‘hate speech’ erupting from Emily Maitlis if she was woken in the middle of the night to the screams of her daughter being raped.
Excellent post, Payne by name. I have recently had a minor “success” in that I told someone about George Soros. This educated, retired person had never heard of him but promised to do their own research online. I advised to try a variety of search engines. Anyway, it appears that the person was shocked by what they discovered, especially the currency speculation by Soros which created economic problems in at least two countries on different occasions.
Good work on opening someone’s eyes to the insidious work that Soros is hellbent on doing to Europe.
His endlessly sponsored programmes to undermine nation states and flood Europe with immigrants are the actions of someone who clearly wants to destroy Europe.
News that Al Beeb need to heed of ……………
UKIP to declare war on fake news.
Question , is Al Beeb and Parliament full of coke heads?
Gender-fluid ballerina Chase Johnsey: ‘Take me seriously’
Ladies, be careful what you wish for! We fought long and hard to be equal to men, and now some are fighting for these men to take some of that back.
“Three UK Jewish Papers Run Unprecedented Joint Editorial Condemning Corbyn’s Anti-Semitism”
If not reported.
Their lead story on Five Live is about a crisis of fake news and disinformation.
You have to admire their chutzpah. The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. The BBC specialises in the big lies which paradoxically can actually be more believable when repeated often enough: men and women are the same; there is a ‘pay gap’; all cultures are equal, especially the rapey, intolerant, honour killing, no-go zone creating, benefits-draining stabby one; ‘hate speech’ laws are fantastic and in no way sinister; open borders are wonderful and opposing the chaos that brings is evil rather than the most basic human need for order and security expressing itself.
Do they really think they can put the genie back in the bottle now? A Rubicon has been crossed and no right-thinking person can trust the MSM again. Trump’s spiralling success will be a constant reminder of how dangerously wrong the MSM can be. If it is pouring down with rain people will notice they are wet, even if the BBC make it illegal to say it is raining.
Thanks for the link – it is a good read.
Social media spreading disinformation and it is a crisis?
Did the economy collapse and hell break loose when we voted leave like they said? Not at all.
They actually had a Holocaust survivor on the morning Trump won saying this meant a return to fascism! Now their economy is booming, Isis, Russia and North Korea are in retreat. They could not have been more wrong about Trump and a few rude words or affairs with porn stars or whatever will never speak louder than his bold and brilliant actions.
In Mao’s China at the height of his power the only legal book was a red book of his sayings. Totalitarian leftists like the BBC can only operate when they monopolise information otherwise their lies get rumbled.
So what if there is fake news on social media? Let people decide what to believe. Who watches the watchmen? The idea that liberals – who by their nature are unhinged – should be the judge and jury on what is ‘fake news’ is patently absurd. Their definition of ‘fake’ is anything which promotes hatred or division, which is ridiculous. How can you be human and not hate child rapists etc? What would have happened had we not united in our hatred of the Nazis? Hatred is often inspired by love, and the liberals cannot take that away from us.
Nearly every day the most powerful man in the world tweets about how fake and corrupt the MSM is, and his attacks would not hurt so badly if they were not true. They want the good old days back of when they were the gatekeepers and could manipulate information to fit their agenda. They have to sort themselves out or, as John Nolte says, they will be like Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense: a dead force which thinks it is alive.
Trump and Brexit are two massive, massive events they got totally wrong. Letting them decide what is fake news is like asking a convicted paedophile to run a crèche.
(In Rotherham)
This information from the scientific community is censored by the BBC.
It comes mainly from scientific papers that can be accessed on Google Scholar, and is far more likely to appear on “Social Media” than on the “Mainstream Media” and very unlikely to appear on the BBC.
In 2009 the scientist Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“.
In 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller replaced this with the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition.
By early 2018, Henrik Svensmark finished providing the evidence that Climate Change is caused by Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo. Between 1913 and 1996, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 per cent and there was a 8.6 per cent reduction in clouds.
In 2004, Enric Palle had already provided evidence that there was a 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover from 1985 to 1997.
This resulted in the well informed US President, Donald Trump, whose uncle was a scientist who inspired the Donald to read scientific papers. To end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
Are they serious?
“It’s vital in divisive times to listen to people who seem to think differently to us. Balls’s show does that – we should all watch it”
TR’s lawyers and family say the Court of Appeal is returning with a verdict next Tuesday OR Wednesday. Ezra Levant is flying over to London on Monday to accurately report the proceedings.
On a previous weekend thread, I posted a link re the Breitbart interview with the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto:
It included a video of the interview:
What I didn’t realise at the time was that Szijjarto made some rather pointed comments that were not reflected in the article.
For instance, his opening remarks are quite something:
“… And to me it is very clear that there is only one way to come to Hungary, and that is the legal way. Through the official border crossing points, with appropriate documentation, during opening hours. PERIOD.”
It is exceedingly clear during this interview that the Hungarian leadership is fed up to the back teeth with the political correctness espoused by the liberal MSM (mainstream media) and NGOs (non-governmental organisations).
Biased BBC, sit up and pay attention here (Szijjarto may not have mentioned you, but he didn’t forget your best pal across the pond, CNN):
17:50: “It’s the same level of frustration which was shown to President Trump. After President Trump was elected in the United States, there was a big hysteria in the European Union … everybody has to understand, it is the American people who voted for the American President, and not the liberal media, not CNN and not the NGOs.”
Why mention NGOs? Hungary has a special treat for them!:
In short:
“Hungarian lawmakers have approved a 25 percent tax on financial or material support for groups promoting migration.”
Oh, and wouldn’t it be fun if Trump could deal with the BBC in the same way he deals with CNN?:
If we assume that the BBC is even thicker than CNN (difficult, I agree, but still possible), then they would soon run out of reporters to send to the press pool!
Of all his glorious moments, I think Trump’s encounter with John Sopel at a press conference was my favourite.
“John Sopel, BBC.”
“BBC – that’s another beauty.”
“Free, fair and impartial.”
“Yeah, right. You’re worse than CNN.”
Ha ha ha ha ha!
You wouldn’t expect Trump to go into detail but that response from Sopel couldn’t highlight more the fakery of the BBC.
It’s not free, it’s not fair and it’s certainly not impartial.
Right Angle – Thanks for that and well worth watching the entire 24 minutes. (The only negative is that he says it is not ‘my human right to move to Hungary’, as I’ve recently been looking at property over there!!!)
As you requested I did sit up and listen – for many here ( In my honest opinion ) he is preaching to the converted …, but ….. I do not think you just have to be ‘ of the Right’ to use this site.
It’s about the bias of the State Broadcaster – using taxpayers’ money to promote its’ own view of how it wants Blighty to be – not an objective commentator , reporter on Blighty . As long as it continues to deny this it won’t get any money from me – TV licensing or not PS -bet they love this site .
Great interview, well executed, unlike maitlis’ aggressive style. This guy is fluent and intelligent, hence he appears as a spokesman so much. Someone with a big future…I like him.
Can he get over here and run our country for a while ?
BBC’s most highly paid presenter (who rehouses illegal immigrants in his own home) is now promoting a new flavour in his Walker’s Crisps range.
The only other BBC celebrity that promoted a product that was synonymous with his name was a certain Rolf Harris who advertised Stylophone in the 1960s when I was a child , I wonder what happened to him?
You only have to thank Gabry lineacre for much of the obesity crisis!
His adverts for Walkers awful products might start to deny the snowflake generation the opportunity for a satisfying and nutritious luncheon, complete with enough salt to start another lake.
I’m sure more people would like to enjoy crisps, but they’d have to buy Tyrells or Kettle versions, not greasy rubbish from Walkers. Bit like the Garfield Ball-acher adverts really…
Ah, good old “Do you know what it is yit?” Rolf Harris. Talented artist, shame about the abuse of children. Is he out of jail yet?
Public enemy number one
The BBC may have taken our beloved Crimewatch off the air – some might say, for reasons of community cohesion – but today our national conscience, heat, soul and broadcaster are busy putting out an impassioned hue and cry for… speedboat man.
Clearly in BBC editorial judgement he’s the worst offender since that superannuated batchelor boy, who appeared in the movie Expresso Bongo and was jilted by Sue Barker, dared to go Christian (gosh, what a litany of offences against the BBC agenda that was).
As something of a landlubber and with no direct knowledge of the arcane lore of the BBC-approved PC-obsessed public prosecuting scriveners and notaries it’s hard for me to fathom the severity of this case but I’m afraid something doesn’t quite add up. Maybe he really is a real wrong ‘un and deserves to walk the plank, perhaps?
From here it looks to be a Bonfire of the Vanities scenario – posh white bloke makes a series of daft mistakes which harms a sympathetic victim – lefty prosecuters and press campaigners go crazy.
But with bucket-loads of corrosives being chucked around and moped-equipped battalions of hostiles wreaking havoc it does seem odd that speedboat-boy-racer is sudenly elevated to the rank of pubic enemy number one.
I thought the same thing watching early BBC breakfast…so looked up the story – which the BBC didn’t think important to’s a bad boy on run killed innocent girl…
Story: Drunk man and equally drunk woman get in drunk man’s speedboat – she doesn’t tell him and he doesn’t ask if she can swim neither wear life jackets he drive recklessly she takes wheel and crashes he lives she dies -tragic. Two consenting drunks in charge of a lethal weapon.
Now compare BBC woe at two ISIS bas..ds being potentially given death sentence… doesn’t make sense to me
Interesting. He’s hardly up there with the crimes of Lord Lucan, is he? Can’t help but feel this story is an investment for BBC journos and fellow travellers – now they’ve put out the posse there’s a likely tale of those srumptious European Arrest Warrants (as advertised by Nick Clegg) in the offing.
White and wealthy: 2 unforgiveable crimes in the Socialist Republic of Beebistan.
Meanwhile the 5 diverse torture-murderers have been discreetly whisked off the webshite Home page after about 3 nanoseconds, to Regions. Because of course 5 teenagers torturing their victim to death couldn’t possibly be of national interest, move along now.
Top story on the Beeb website
Fake news a democratic crisis, MPs warn
“The UK faces a “democratic crisis” due to the spread of “pernicious views” and the manipulation of personal data, a parliamentary committee is set to warn.”
I would suggest the democratic crisis is caused by the establishment’s blatant disregard to respect the result of the biggest democratic vote the UK has ever seen.
And of course the Beeb like any other monopolist is desperate to keep control.
Drain the swamp
“pernicious view”
A view based on clarity, coherence, objectivity, truth and reality.
Guess what…
These lovely remainers such as Soubry Cable Chucka etc suddenly think it would be a great idea to hold a second vote. The two choices being:Do you want to stay in the EU or accept the ‘deal’Mrs May comes back which is: very nearly stay in the EU. Laughable. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to shift these people.
Next up, catch VD on the gay vertigo couple whose dream castle on a cliff just fell into the sea once their parents’ £1m cheque cleared…
Why is this news?
Mortgage company surveyors increasingly not playing along with the estate agents /buyers and sellers inflated prices.
Maybe they can smell the bubble about to pop,
Will be hilarious watching the homo- snowflake generation if interest rates rise.
Welcome to the REAL world snowflakies ! you’ll really weep into your artisan gin when you’re on your 4th attempt and all those survey payments you’ve lost ! didn’t Mumsy and Daddy prepare you for those horrible people who are letting you down?
Cliff collapse?
No surprise, the half of the woman in the photograph must weigh
twenty tons.
The first house I bought, in 1983, was valued by the building society at less than the asking price. I went back to the vendor with a revised offer and bought it at the building society’s valuation. It’s not rocket science.
The BBC take on this is, as usual, typically and deliberately myopic.
First, there is a broad point to be discussed about social media which is about how it ought to be regulated. This issue should have been addressed a decade ago.
These social media companies should have been regarded all along as publishers, not as mere ‘platforms’, and therefore should have been regulated accordingly.
Just as all newspaper content, including readers’ letters, is subject to legal scrutiny and for which the editor must take ultimate legal responsibility, so too the social media companies should be held directly responsible for all articles, opinions, advertisements and images published by them.
If the BBC coverage of this latest social media report framed it that way, we could all have an interesting debate.
But it has already set out its stall by working the angle that best suits its political agenda.
The Today programme just after 8am talked about ‘fake news’ being put out by the far right – an assertion by the interviewer – and about how targeted political ads might have influenced poor susceptible folk in the immediate days before the referendum.
As has been said elsewhere, targeted political ads are surely no different to someone sticking up a political poster or a party using a targeted leaflet drop.
We cannot allow the BBC to get away with this ‘far right’ only claptrap.
Fake news, or just rampant over-the-top exaggeration and misrepresentation, comes from all political sides.
And we know that it is the far left (now becoming the mainstream left thanks to the BBC) which is manipulating social media in the most sinister way of all, shutting down conservative views, hounding free-thinkers and using the internet as its own version of Big Brother.
Whenever you watch or listen to BBC news and political coverage these days, keep Orwell at the front of your mind – just think newspeak, doublethink, thoughtcrime. It is getting that bad.
What really drives the BBC agenda, with particular reference to all this social media coverage, is the idea that somebody out there might be having a greater influence than itself and that the plebs might actually be listening to them.
Where was my favourite Newswatch programme this morning. I guess all gone to put their feet up and ignore viewers complaints. I enjoy the weekly ritual of some poor licence fee payer trying to make a point of how the BBC got it wrong and then clearly being slapped down by a Producer or Editor who “knows better” or clearly has to say what they say for the “public interest”. Why not just run the Not the Nine O’clock News Points of View sketch every week – see:
A better choice would be do you accept Mrs May’s deal or do you want no deal.
I do not trust this government and I would bet my house the result would be fiddled, even if 90% voted leave/no deal.
Don’t give the politicians/bbc and MSM a chance to cheat us.
Although I put a little wager on ‘leave ‘ last time I really thought HMG , the Americans under the useless Obama and the ReuchEU fix it . Thankfully I was wrong – but if a Referendum is held I am sure that one will be fixed .
The International Judo Federation performs an expert throw on Arab promoters of Apartheid in sport after the deliberate snub to Israeli athletes:
The IJF Statutes reflect this approach in article 1. 2: “IJF shall not discriminate on the ground of race, religion, gender or political opinion”. Based on experiences from previous years and in an attempt to take a firm and constructive stance in the fight against discrimination in sport, the International Judo Federation announces that it will suspend two of its events, namely the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam and the Tunis Grand Prix.
What a breath of fresh air!
The superb BBC Watch informs us that the world’s most trusted broadcaster shows no interest in this newsworthy story.
This is yet more evidence that the unholy alliance between Islam and the far left holds what little remains of the BBC virtually helpless in its clammy grip.
The guardian launches yet another attack line against Brexit .
This time it’s about donations , use of media , false news . After the most recent attack line – Brexiteers voted for different form of brexit so have another vote – it seems Soros is trying to launch a new attack every third day or so .
Fortunately the clock is ticking and to invoke an extension of A50 will destroy British politics as any pretence of democracy .
“Democracy at risk due to fake news and data misuse, MPs conclude”
Sponsored by Walkers crisps ?
An organiser of the Womad music festival tells us of his heartbreak that so many acts are deciding against due to ‘…the difficulty and humiliation of visa application in post EU Referendum UK’.
This, apparently, is causing them to stay away and has nothing to do with lack of interest, or top-end appearance fees affecting any decisions, it’s just Brexit.
Good news -.make visa s more expensive to fund the borders. Make exceptions for people Blighty needs. And enforce ‘ first country rules ‘ for so-called asylum seekers .
That , of course , is just a start … right maxi ?
I wonder if this organiser can actually describe exactly what changes have been implemented by the government to cause this? Silly question because of course there have been no changes, and it is just more fake news.
In the Guardian article it is damaging “business”!
Business, it’s crappy pop music.
Article ridiculed BTL by hundreds of commentspointing out thousands of “Business” men/women/other genders entered with no intention of leaving.
ITV news last night
“A six year old boy has been killed by a pellet gun in HUMBERSIDE”
… WTF thought a million people who live in the region which was the county of Humberside which was abolished 22 years ago.
(and is now only the name of a radio station, police region, and airport)
Londonmedia really know nothing
Sunday 9pm BBC2 The Ed Balls doco series
The review describes it as nuanced it doesn’t totally mock Trump supportes.
Though the metrolibs do seem to throw the word “redneck” around a lot.
The BBC/LabourParty PR machine gets Ed Balls another 2 pages in the Times magazine as well.
Nadiya gets 2 pages
…. Nadiya gets 2 pages…
Oh God, that means she’s doing the annual* round of supplement magazines, it’ll be our turn next week in the M on S !
*(it was the same last year when she was appearing with Mary Berry for a series – the PR is sooooo predictable they must fink we’re stoooopid)
Well, the PR & Social Media types have proved that Remain voters, Democrat Party and Labour Party voters are, so it is only fair they now have a go at ‘us’.
If I put a tin foil hat, on will it help or hinder them?
A bunch of worthless and stupid MPs have spent months examining fake news and report on How fake news is a threat to democracy.
As expected these money wasting cretins blame social media, Donald Trump, and Brexit campaigners
“The social media ads that were seen used by Donald Trump and the Leave campaign are the most lethal political weapons ever invented,” said Tom Baldwin who has written a book.
Apparently these tossers do not think that the biggest supplier of fake news, by act or omission is non other than the state broadcaster – al BBC.
The solution to the problem of fake news, expected from our finest MPs is predicted to be a tax.
Here is The Guardian wetting itself in 2012 as its hero, Obama, employs a ‘digital team’ to create a ‘massive database’ to ensure a win for his second term.
No talk of a ‘democratic deficit then’.
Personally I think we have had a deficit ever since we only had a choice of BlueEU, RedEU and YellowEU parties with policies that were probably written by the same UN/EU team.
I am surprised that David Cameron isn’t facing trial at the Hague for the crime of giving the plebs a chance to vote for change!
I saw that article and it really does incense me with the level of blatant bias within the article.
It’s no coincidence that when you scroll down the article, it does the classic ‘here’s some other articles that you might be interested in’. The first two which are about Vote Leave. Amazing, an article about fake news and they deliberately conflate the two in a blatant attempt to indicate that only Vote Leave was involved with this kind of fake news trickery.
What about all the doom and gloom that was meant to happen to the country but didn’t – that is fake news.
Or how about the one last week when the Beeb stated that the Miss Universe GB contest had crowned their first black woman. That was a lie because the first one was in 1996. But yet these deceitful, devious fucks (and they really are) aren’t interested in that. It doesn’t suit the narrative that the white people in the UK are horrible racists that are only now waking up to the fact that we can’t be such white supremacists, so let’s push the pro black agenda and push the angle that they have been oppressed for years by us cruel evil swine.
Many years ago, I remember watching the last ever Miss Yorkshire on the TV. There was one Black contestant. And as I guessed correctly at the time, she won.
I suppose it was time for it to go. If it continued, then by 2018, it would have turned into an Orwellian comedy with all the contestants being fat disabled Black lesbians, with the viewers and judges under the repressive cosh of “Hate Crime laws” for not expressing the opinion that they are Yorkshire’s most beautiful girls.
Am listening to Any Questions on R4 repeat. Dr Sarah Wollaston claimed she came from an evenly divided community over the EU Referendum. When people make claims, it is often a good idea to check.
I find the good Doctor was being economical with the truth. Totnes beat the national result with 53.9% voted Leave and only 46.1% voting Remain. Shame that she wasn’t in Parliament when she said it. The BBC would have been able to hound her for a couple of weeks.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Dipping into the BBC News Channel one happens on a filler item they call the BBC Money Clinic. Coming to us from Miami Florida. Well, if you have the budget, then why not?
Considering the degree to which the BBC editorial office appears to deplore the US these days it is remarkable how often the staff manage to wangle a posting over there.
Lots of personable Latinos are settled here. But it’s pricey. The BBC will help them manage their finances. One couple with too many credit cards came here from Venezuela recently. Why, who can tell – it’s a socialist paradise down there, no?
“British democracy in crisis” yelled the number one top BBC headline earlier. Will we ever again accept the result of an election or will we constantly moan and bitch and demand a rematch? This post-Brexit vote sour grapes from Remoaners is dire stuff and it is erroding our faith in a system which is more brittle than most of us Brits think. Once it’s broke it’s gone.
New headline number one for the BBC is Travel Chaos. This report takes news to the level of gossip.
On top form today, as are many others. Thanks to all.
Attacking the BBC is not much of a challenge any more, like shooting into an empty net half the time.
£4,000,000,000 and they still cannot win an argument.
Anyone think the BBC is alone in spreading project fear?
A pox on Brexit, it will spread super doses of clap.
Evening Standard – as edited by one George Osborne.
Patrick Grafton-Green
“A recent highly publicised case was of a man who contracted the world’s worst super-gonorrhoea and brought it back to the UK.”
Comments allowed, mistake, 100% posters to date, falling about laughing at this nonsense.
Such is the hilarity no comments, to date, have enquired about the origin of this “world’s worst”. Which is not divulged in the article. I could not be bothered to search.
So PG-G the suspense is too much for me, let me guess, the winners are in ascending order,
In Bronze medal position – St Helena.
In Silver medal position – Tristan da Cunha.
In Gold medal position – Iceland.
Please stand for the national anthem of the winning super-gonorrhoea infector.
Please clap about this super-clap.
The medals will be presented by Mary Mallon.
‘It’s tough being young and Republican’
This piece was presented on live news with mockery and derision. Check out the comedy background music. The piece that followed, the diversity proms, was treated with serious respect in stark contrast.
So, what’s it like being one of them?
This is an excellent short analysis, on how J R-M managed to outmanoeuvre Ma May via her own White Paper.
Why is there never analysis like this on al Beeb, I wonder?
A few snippets I was less aware of:
“BBC’s Director of News, Fran Unsworth, who had been Acting Director at the time, and had authorised the use of Cliff Richard’s name, said she needed to absorb…”
Spongebob Fran meets Juan Sheet.
But it goes even more rarified….
“It is reported that Entwistle’s successor, Lord Hall, who is also a former BBC Director of News and Current Affairs, was personally involved in the decision two years ago to reject an offer from Cliff Richard to withdraw his litigation in exchange for a public apology’
Talent and market rates indeed.
“What the BBC witnesses said was that there had been a 15-minute management “huddle” on the newsroom floor on the day of the search, with Fran Unsworth at the heart of it”
And what a big heart she has. If not as big as Tony’s line of credit:
“That Lord Hall, even after having time to reflect on this failure to weigh the issue of privacy properly, chose to go to the court rather than settle is yet further evidence of how the privilege of having public money to spend on one’s mistakes leads to abuse.”
Quite. And unique. But then, he is a socialist. And it is the BBC.
Who hold power to account. Apparently.
Comment is, frankly, superfluous. But could be going better.
Reckon they might go for the triple?
BBC News
“I’m not taking jobs away from women. I’m liberating the entire ballet world.” ⚤
This is Chase Johnsey – the first ever gender-fluid ballerina to dance with the English National Ballet.
And, Allongé…
BBC have been pushing the evil man theme for this guy, a “speedboat seducer”, a Lothario
Charlotte Brown speedboat death: Jack Shepherd manhunt launched
Lots of links there on that story. He’s clearly a fool but it’s the bias in the reports that stands out but maybe i’m oversensiive
‘I warn that the BBC‘s latest “Project Fear” initiative, of “relentless targeting of the hyper-partisan views of Remain supporters, which play to the snowflake fears and prejudices of low IQ young people, in order to influence their voting plans” is a threat to democracy.’ Therefore the government should close down the BBC.
Lame jokes, riddles and parliamentary parlour games
My favourite yellow party themed cracker joke: why can’t the Liberal Democrats have jelly for tea?
Because they’ve broken the mould… (…of British politics)
That came from those better days before Dave Cameron and Theresa May stole Nick Clegg’s politics.
Now it’s a sad epitaph for the collapsed middle.
The people that brought you the idea of proportional representation now want a second referendum – discuss. There’s a GCSE exam question in there somewhere but is the subject paper maths, semantic relativism or advanced electoral shenanigans?
Do what? No comprende say the recipients of four decades of Comprehensive Education, two decades of hyper-immigration, a decade of diversity promotions and diminishing BBC childrens’ television.
Try to solve this conundrum: the majority of MPs of all major and most minor parties want to stay in the EU. Only one major/now minor party admits that is their policy (and the Greens).
Puzzle: how can the British public be finagled into thinking the Government tried to Leave when it really always intended to Remain?
Answer: Rely on the fact the EU will agree to nothing we offer meanwhile promote Project Max Fear over a No Deal. Thank you, BBC, keep up the good work.