As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .
Weekend Open Thread 28 July 2018
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Heard on Radio 4 this morning, some when between 8am and 8:30am, the interviewer asking the guest about targeted adverts….
guest, “blah blah Trump used targeted ads blah blah”
Interviewer, “why can’t left wing politicians fight fire with fire and also use targeted ads? Is it because right wing politicians lie and are dishonest?”
Wasn’t that long ago the BBC were subtle with their bias but now they don’t even try and hide it.
No they don’t hide it, it’s normalised. Just mention Trump and they fall over themselves signalling and insulting, it’s that blatant.
The irrationality is applied by the media et al. to all of Trump supporters, and is sometimes found in unexpected quarters, such as on the R4 Westminster Hour when Peter Oborne (usually a very rational person) dismissed Steve Bannon as a fascist. As someone who believes in taking away power from the centre (i.e. the Washington swamp) and redistributing it to the lowest possible levels (as much as possible to the ordinary working man), Bannon is surely the very opposite of a fascist.
I heard mr Oborne throw the ‘ fascist ‘ line at mr bannon and wondered if there was a personal thing there or perhaps the heat had got to him. It reminded me of the sneering Matthew Parris – another journo a long way above his station in life looking down on the ordinary people .
It was interesting in that programme ( week in Westminster ) predicted how the coming party conferences will put even more strain on the party factions and how popcorn consumption will skyrocket . I’ve started stocking up because there won’t be any after brexit.
Martin- missed it, but of course, this tells us more about Oborne and R4, than it does about Bannon. One of the things it tells us about Oborne, is that he knows nothing about Fascism. So we need to listen more closely, cos that means he probably doesn’t know much about Politics or History either…
Yes, the Toady programme hit a new low with that interview.
The interviwer fed Tom Baldwin, rabid remoaner, Ed Milliband’s special adviser for the 2015 election and obviously a genius in his field, the line “Is there something about the far right that feels less constrained by truth and taste and therefore much better users of these kind of techniques?”
Baldwin didn’t quite make as much of the feed as he should – but then his prime objective was to promote his new book “Ctrl Alt Delete”.
It’s all part of the BBC “narrative” that Brexiteers are representatives of a “bovine mass”, people consumed with hate and prejudice and so intellectually limited and morally debased that they can be manipilated by nonsense from any far right spe. As Ma Merkel would say all these people have darkness in their hearts
The arrogance of “progressives” is breath-taking. They will say things like “If I could only sit down with Brexiteers and discuss the issues – I’m sure we would find a rational wayout”. The assumption is always that the remainer will save the Brexiteer from his own stupidity -never that the remainer could learn from the brexiteer. You see the same kind of arrogance in relation to anti-semitism in the Labour party – it can’t exist because no one in the Labour party is “that kind of person”. Exactly the same kind of logic that leads the gullibles to believe bishops can’t abuse children. The golden rule is never belive people who “self identify” as saints.
LBC have being using the shtick of the “repentent brexiteer” to encorage the other thickos to change their minds fot the “People’s Vote”. They achieved peak effectiveness today by finding a caller who admitted that he voted leave only because of the bus. LBC nonentity feigned disbelieve. Caller had strong Geordie accent so fulfilled classic stereotype. Full marks for LBC on the Goebbels scale of effectiveness.
Bbc missed this one
Al beeb might have missed the fact that Troy, Darnell, Lekan
And Nathaniel have all been charged with attempted murder and gun possession following a Fire fight with the police in east Londonistan a couple of nights a go . I guess it’s a vibrant cultural thing as a rehearsal for the very excellent and diverse Carnival coming soon ..
Ah yes, the annual crimefest that the beeb love to celebrate…
I don’t know anyone who listens to the bbc any more.
The snowflake generation do Netflix and that Amazon plug thing, and I always listen to YouTube for whenever I want to hear a favourite song (currently Fish in ‘Perfume River’).
R5Dead is so dire, although Dotun is pretty good at ignoring rubbish…
I still despair each time I look at my bank statement, and realise that as a legal person, I still fund the extravagant lifestyles of idiots like linacre and co…
Scroblene, perhaps it is time to sell your TV ? Only when the BBC becomes subscription only and abolishes the licence fee would I even contemplate buying a TV set again. YouTube is great for music , sports, science, history and other things, I read more, I listen to CDs and there’s always the newspapers (not that they are up to much any more) .
The licence fee is totally unfair, as we all agree on here. I also refuse to fund an organisation which covered for and facilitated the abuse of children, not to mention the constant political bias, Project Fear and attempt to wreck this country by brainwashing people. Sadly the Beeb still probably hasn’t reached the nadir yet.
I have a TV set and bought a DVD for a present .
Licence Tax ? No . I’m not going to because I don’t need one .
Maxicony could back me up on this . He probably knows the truth ( about this ,for a change ) .
Maxi ,
Do you need to pay the telly tax just because you have a TV ?
And why don’t the threatograms show this distinction ?
Is it because the BBC starts with a lie ?
i e except after c. Who brung you up?
Oh dear TJ, I always thought it was e before i except after y.
As in yield !
I’ll get me coat then…
We’re lucky he didn’t spell it receeving like, what the current yoof, might do, like.
Recycling live broadcast
Excellent post. I too am sickened by the way the Beeb and much of the MSM tries to equate Farage and UKIP with 1930s Nazism and Fascism. Sadly, far too many people still believe everything the Beeb and MSM tells them.
I know of someone who was bullied and trolled out of college because of being involved with a Brexit-supporting party at the student level. The person suffered a nervous breakdown and is still recovering as far as I know. The real Fascists are on the left…AntiFa, Momentum, Beeboids etc etc.
The idea that ‘fake news’ is undermining democracy is itself fake news. People have been manipulating others since the dawn of time. The problem is when only one source gets to do the manipulation as this is the sort of absolute power which corrupts absolutely, hence the state of the BBC. They are all behind this ‘hate speech’ garbage. How can you trust a news source which believes not hurting feelings is more important than reality?
If the MSM could stop lying so much people might not go elsewhere for their information. I actually find it very annoying that whenever the BBC reports a story I have to go elsewhere to discover which keys aspects have been omitted, spun or fabricated.
Beeb Bro, the hard-core Remainers are fighting very dirty in order to try to overturn Brexit.
They care nothing for democracy because they consider the products of our UK democracy corrupt or incompetent or self-serving or all three. This, despite the fact they are partners with or even led by those who are the products and beneficiaries of that UK democracy like Adonis, Ashdown, Blair, Cable, Campbell, Cameron, Clegg, Falconer, Kinnock and Osborne.
They wish instead to have a superior Government that comes not from the European Parliament or even the Council of Ministers or the Civil Servants that run the Brussels/Strasbourg machinery but instead the concept of Federalisation.
If our UK democracy or its people are sacrificed it does not matter to them. The EU must not suffer a perceived harm that a UK withdrawal might present. The Party must prevail, for that is what the EU is becoming: a single political Party, an entity like no other.
The EU Party is superior, it is supreme.
An independent UK may offer no threat to a pan-European Power, but those who currently lead the EU Party fear that it may.
If we are outside, the source of finance for Enlargement will be seriously reduced. Enlargement will be slowed until extra monies can be raised from the remaining 27 EU States. That will not be easy to arrange. Far better, in their minds, to attempt to stall or negate the UK Brexit vote. They keep control of the money and of us.
We must get out of EUgypt.
Yes, Beeb Brother. We have all had to become “intelligence gatherers”,so to speak, looking at alternative media and trying to find out the truth. It forces us to spend too much time online in some ways, and I worry that this is detrimental to one’s health in the long run.
I agree. The internet turns us all into fanatics as you can study one subject obsessively with ease.
I am just sick of all the lies and hypocrisy. You cannot just sit idly by and be insulted. You can’t resist the urge to find out what is really going on.
With their stock narrative about the Toronto shooter being ‘mentally ill’ they really are insulting us. What percentage of people actually believe that? 2%? They cannot even be bothered to lie convincingly. It is also a real kick in the teeth for any depressives out there who are now associated with mass murder. What happened to their crusade to remove the stigma associated with mental illness?
Question reality ( maybe BBC reality for example) as one person said:
DBS: We’ll have to assume that. But now we’re going to give you temporary control of the world.
JV: Good! (Laughter, a long pause.) The reason I am silent is that it’s so easy to come up with idealistic things. Jesus Christ did it, every prophet has done it, and usually they ended up with the exact opposite of what they wanted. The prophets say: “Let there be love!” and people say, “Yeah, let there be love, but of course it has to be my way and not this other guys’s way!” and they end up fighting.
I do wish that the impulse to search, to question reality, to search beyond the obvious face of reality, became more widespread. I wish that people had more of an interest in the mysteries around them.
I also wish that there was a simple, medical way for all of us to experience what goes on in the moment of death without dying. I think that if people had that simple experience once, the rest of their lives would be very, very different. I have a few friends who have had a near-death experience, usually under very traumatic circumstances like a head-on collision. They changed radically the way they thought about their careers, their relationships, their life, their view of death. In some cases it eliminated their fear of death completely. When you don’t fear death anymore your life is going to change radically. So if there was one thing…
You cannot wish for people to have head-on collisions! I’m just wishing there was a way for people to have the experience of dying, to take it with them into the mainstream of their life without going through the trauma of an accident. Of course, that’s what initiation does, in part, with a lot of work. A head-on collision gives you that instant initiation, assuming you survive it.
So…. if a “wimmin” gets sexually assaulted in public like last year by a black man and does not “go along with it” hmm thats ok its racist if she doesnt it seems, if Donald Trump was suspected of the same behaviour what then ??
Maybe they could say that he should know better which presupposes that we have rapist animals in our midst that know no better ? its certainly known you dont bring your girlfriend along s well as your valuables or mobile phone in fact just leave them to their raping robbing kul;ture let them kill each other as they do each week, we have had a wonderful week around the Norfolk coast what a relief to hear the English language spoken in public and in this heat to see no silly bitches in black robes hey ho back to London next week ….
Al Beeb informs us that Sebastian Kurz of Austria tells Theresa May to avoid “hard Brexit”.
Well he would say that wouldn’t he. Once Great Britain is out Austria will have to pay more money in to the pot to keep the rest of the dictatorship afloat. Why is she even talking to this chap. We voted to leave, end of .
For real freedom and independence vote UKIP.
News not on Al Beeb yet but you can bet that they are working on it. ………………2.5 Million more cars on the roads of GB in the last 5 years cause growing congestion.
Too many people coming into the country. Uncontrolled immigration.
Nigel Farage mentioned this over four years ago when he was late on his trip down to Wales. They laughed at him then but they are not laughing now.
Taffy – Whenever I have discussed the continued inward immigration into the UK with the lefties at work I always ask them “at what point do you say stop! – how many more people do you think we can handle in the UK”
Strangely no one seems to actually answer this simple question , and just like the BBC all they do is mutter about humanitarian duties blah, blah, blah .
They will complain that there is not enough housing
The NHS crisis
Not enough schools
More violence in inner cities.
Inner city congestion
More pollution
Not enough green spaces
Yet the birthrate of the indigenous population has been falling and the population has been going up! What could the “mystery factor” be that is so negatively influencing these issues?
I am afraid many of our snowflakes seem incapable of thinking beyond their “feelings” hence the attraction for proven idiots like Corbyn. In some ways it is the fault of our generation to have insulated them from “cause and effect” However there comes a time when they need to take responsibility for their own voting decisions.
And that time has surely come.
I agree. It’s why I got so tired of watching QT. They’d go from a question of the NHS not having enough money and long waiting lists to then a question on immigration where seemingly nobody could draw the connection between the virtue signalling of ‘we must take more’ and the problems raised in the previous question.
Right = Far Right as far as the media is concerned. So what is the Far-Left? Lets ask Wikipedia for an unbiased comparison!
Cartoon on the week:
‘Profile’ on Radio 4 is yet another programme which has fallen to the SJW virus.
Today is about a female underwriter who is a ‘role model’ and wants to promote ‘diversity.’ This talk of ‘role models’ is so patronising. Children have role models. You do not need someone who ‘looks like you’ to be doing something to want to do it yourself.
She discusses going down the pub with male colleagues and disliking their sexism. Yet another Groundhog programme, saying the same thing for the billionth time. I wanted to hear about her life without the SJW crap crammed in.
It’s nice to know that in this world of change, some things don’t change.
The carriages may be different, the people dressed differently, but Oxford High Street looks the same now as it did at the end of the 18th century.
And that’s reassuring—some things are worth preserving.
Miss Varz: Black student aims to make difference at Oxford
Varaidzo Kativhu is an Oxford University student and award-winning vlogger, who uses the name Miss Varz.
The black undergraduate, who has 4,000 followers on YouTube, is determined to increase the number of black and minority ethnic students at top universities.
The source for this is?
” is determined to increase the number of black and minority ethnic students at top universities.”
No ambition, why not have a policy of having no whites, like they do in South Africa?
Why is this racist not in prison? For hate speech.
Whatever happened to merit? Have we stopped pretending about it now? Grade Hyperinflation will be required.
As Most of the BAME people i know are thick as s hit. The only way for them to go to top universities is as a token BAME . I don’t think the top uni’s will lower their standards.
As for Miss Varz being an award winning vlogger I didn’t vote for her. A real contribution to society which will create loads of high paying jobs. I think not
That comment should work wonders for this site’s credibility.
In my experience, total failure to understand how apostrophes work is a sign of thickness.
And, again, that unique combo of daft comment and projected claim response separated by a few minutes.
In my experience, that is a sign of something clunky.
You are correct rthornton, I think you should open a pedants corner.
Oh, errr…..maybe I should type it as ‘pedant’s corner?’
Oh no, there may be more than one pedant so ‘pedants’ corner’?
Yes…that’s it!
Really, that’s enough…Ed.
Copyright Private Eye.
Pretentious? moi?
The issue is his hypocrisy (“thick”), not his use of the apostrophe per se, although he clearly hasn’t a clue.
Odd, ‘the issue’ could be rampant generalising and conflation, sources close to the BBC have claimed. Allegedly.
I see some people -like you – rubbish an entire site because of one view . I don’t see a record of you reporting the comment so I’m guessing it’s not too bad in your opinion . As for grammar – always a weapon to hit people with . Do you work for Al beeb ? Or perhaps a teacher of the English language ?
It would be good if some one here would try to defend al beeb . They might take some stick but it would be good to read a bit of justification for the state broadcaster being how it is .,
I was thinking, maybe Scotty had returned?
Most of them don’t wash either Pete – I get treated to their rancid BO daily on the tube – makes you want to heave.
Then she needs to be telling more of her kind to study hard. It’s in their own hands, no one elses.
The last story on their main news programme last night was a clip of Mary Berry drumming at a concert. This is not news. If I wanted to watch dross like this I can just look at one of countless sources on my phone. I do not need someone in a suit paid God knows how much to present it to me; not to mention all the editors, producers et cetera.
We should not be forced to pay for this. It is like watching black and white television at a price when we all have colour for free.
Imagine they put the tv contract out to tender. We would get cool, young companies with fantastic ideas at a fraction of the price. The lazy, feckless BBC cannot be bothered as it has a golden money tree extorted from us through the threat of prison.
Imagine that! Beebexit! No more BBC but there is a competition across the land for anyone to produce the best programmes, not just a smug, sneering, nepotistic elite.
“Imagine they put the tv contract out to tender.”
Absolutely, Beeb. Some of it might even be worth paying for as well!
However, the ‘winner’ would be The London Propaganda Party, headed by Shere Khan, and they would go down the pan as soon as you could say Tommy Robinson.
It seems the smug, sneering, nepotistic elite.are allowed to decide what is “news” therefore by any defenition this is “fake news” as it is not news ? remind me again how much I pay to hear about the new Fanny Craddock and her life
On Guido
The Institute of Economic Affairs.
Announcing a competition, prize fifty thousand pounds.
The Prize questions is: What market-based, popular policy would you recommend to alleviate the UK’s housing shortage, and to rejuvenate our property-owning democracy?
My Entry
#1 Stop people who are not British coming to live in the UK.
#2 Export non indigenous people who hate us, and their descendants, currently living in the UK.
This would solve, or greatly assist in solving, other serious problems.
No prize or thanks required, just get on with it.
Last – you missed one – send non british to Scotland where they love them so much .
Piss off! We don’t. Don’t judge all of Scotland by wee Nicola please.
Be fair, there are a few uninhabited islands off the west coast, all they need is a halal kfc for their new kummunihi, …or maybe kfv … halal venison anyone ? but no 13 year old white girls to molest though, they will have to swap their taxis for coracles and a day trip to Glasgow to persue that favourite hobby of theirs
Roland ,
Sorry to cause such an abusive response . As a londonister I would love for non English speaking guest workers / claimants to go where the SNP would welcome them .
You are correct RD, I constantly find myself typing into the F Book posts which criticise Trudeau for his idiot policies.
The comment usually goes along the lines of
‘ Trudeau will be a %^%^t all his life.
The real problem is the bunch of fools who elected him.
He possibly has no choice, but the electorate DO.’
The difference is that Scottish people force immigrants people to integrate. Some immigrants do and (especially their kids) consider themselves Scottish and the rest get annoyed and head south where they can live in a ghetto that English people have long since vacated and left to them.
As to the question asked it’s simple. A lot more high-density housing like you’d get in America. If you built 3-400 high rise tower blocks in London, that would accommodate (avg 3 people x 10 flats x 50 floors x 400 blocks) = 600,000 people and move the supply-demand price point back to the mid-90s when “people could afford to live here”
The problem is that zone 1/2 is largely listed/protected and people in zone 4/5/6 are swing voters who would lose out when their stupidly overpriced houses went back to costing $150k like they do everywhere else
You do deserve a prize, a Nobe Prize for Peace, because your policy if implemented, which it never will be , would avert the existentialist war which we all know willeventually break out across the West.
Al beeb radio news
Fires in America
Corruption in Qatar footy
New ideas for parliament to control the internet
Kiddy fiddling in the C of E
Water shortages
More blue parking permits
Welsh cyclist wins race
Latest Brexit propaganda –
Army on standby for Brexit
Brexit campaign discussed whether to campaign after lefty MP killed .
Italian politician encourages UK PM to be tough with ReichEU . As if . I wish .
Thread traffic is slowing down so will let this post run a while unless others have a different view ….
In the light of yesterday’s reaction, it was very, er, brave of the BBC to run again with this story.
And yes, they could scarcely be going worse. People have the BBC sussed now.
BBC News morning meeting
‘right we have a problem, every time someone types in ‘FakeNews’ into Google the BBC comes up …so what we need to do is we need to OWN that term.
So we’ll create a load of BBC stories to re-hijack that search term’
I’ve seen this before in PR where a brand has been tainted by a certain term, so they have gone out and used that term with adifferent spin on their own website.
From the Mail today, one of the most important stories of the day still not made it on to the BBC………
ABOUT TIME TOO !! this is news but we are given Mary Berry drumming instead, what is wrong with the BBC ?
It seems to me that Yasmin is either very confused or a complete and utter hypocrite.
Would she have said the following?
‘If you call Tommy Robinson racist after he spoke out against British-Pakistani grooming gangs then you are complicit in the attack on young girls.’
Of course she wouldn’t because in her mind Tommy is a ‘waycist’. Unbelievable.
In any case, Daily Mail, the problem is with Pakistanis ‘raping’ white girls not with ‘rapid’ white girls – deliberate slip of the ‘pen’ there?
‘Friend of the show’ Simon Calder ‘of the Independent’ comes onto the TV for the BBC (by link up from London – he’s not been relocated to Salford at great cost to the tax payer for no particular reason).
This chap will be a reliable source (the left-leaning Indie) so let’s quiz him about travel chaos. This line of news is as we know at the level of gossip but has some sound potential climate change agenda tie-ins.
After reading us our rights vis a vis Ryanair cancellations our Simon hits the nail right on the head (and it’s not weather weirding that’s to blame)
“At this busy time of year there’s just very little slack in the system”
Yep, it’s getting a bit crowded over here.
That’s also my take on the BBC’s supposed Travel Chaos narrative.
Supplementing the regulation lanky beta male on the sofa there’s a rather attractive diversity hire. Easy on the eye but the pitch of her peculiar quavery voice is setting my teeth on edge. I guess it’s all about the look – the BBC don’t care about the sound anymore. Off switch.
Al Beeb haven’t given up on their crusade to allow more ‘child asylum seekers’ into the U.K. Today’s POV has Michael Morpurgo pushing their just cause. Amongst one or two interesting points, including one I didn’t know about hundreds of thousands of Belgian child refugees in WW1, he says we have the homes to accommodate many thousands nowadays. How does that fit with their narrative of a shortfall of one million plus homes, caused of course by the influx of four million immigrants in the last 15 years.
I must stop, the news is now well into Damian Collins’ fake news fake report. Do look at Dominic Cummings Blog for a counterpoint.
These days everyone seems to have reason to claim some sort of handout because of a disability.
The BBC report that people claiming to have autism or mental health issues will now be able to qualify for a blue badge parking permit so that they can park closer to their destination in the same way people with physical handicaps can.
If autism or mental health issues mean they can’t walk, what on earth are they doing driving a car?
Just stayed at a hotel yesterday and noticed the disabled bay, EVERY single car (5 of them) had dents and scrapes along it…i was attending a mobile visitor centre in a Waitrose car park a few weeks ago and it was opposite the disabled parking bay, my god some took 10 minutes to park diagonally across two bays and the near misses… these people are allowed on motorways ffs
Personally, I believe at least half the drivers on British roads are autistic, and/or have mental health problems. Why should that entitle them to easier parking, other than acceptance that whilst they’re stationary, fewer sane drivers are at risk…
Fuck me Goatie! 50% of drivers 0n British roads are autistic, and /or have mental health problems? Maybe that’s why so many drivers give me the horn. Always lady drivers a’ coursed.
Prime time film next Sunday night on BBC1 is a lovey-laden comedy called Florence Foster Jenkins.
The BBC (radio times) give it five stars, whilst IMDB say it’s crap.
Stars are Hugh Grant and Meryl Streep which tells you all you need to know.
Standing ovation from Roman Polanski?
It is astonishing how often a pet subject is being discussed when you turn on the BBC at random.
I just put the BBC ‘news’ on and it is a story about disabled people flying. Their need to demonstrate their virtue is pathological – they must get a dopamine hit akin to what gamblers or drug users experience. Is it really a good idea to campaign for disabled pilots? The appearance of virtuosity trumps the actual efficacy of their utopian ideals. The problem with liberals is they see the world as they would like it to be and not as it is, and others suffer the disastrous consequences of their recklessness. It would be great if open borders worked and we could all join hands and live in paradise, but the girls in Rotherham will attest that the reality is more hell than heaven.
I blame Douglas Bader, I suspect though, the way this coutry is going, there will be 737s lined up right next to the terminal with blue badges displayed, and preferential spaces for wimmin pilots with kids
That’s a reach.
He is talking about the problem of ‘trolling’ online and pronouncing it like ‘trolley.’ It shows how little these humourless chumps know about it.
I love Trump’s trolling. He is the Jedi master. They never give him credit for how funny he is. The fake news trophy was a personal favourite – I spat my coffee across the office when I read that one.
Just heard an interviiew with Collins on the nauseous Broadcasting House. If “our democracy is in crisis” as he claims it is, he shows a strange lack of concern about whether the result of the referendum was actually materially effected by “fake news” or not, or investigating the remain campaign – apparently no one “had come forward”. The winning side, of course, would not waste any time on showing its majority had been reduced by “fake news”.
Simply an attempt to undermine the referendum by innuendo.
The interviewer asks if the “referendum” smells wrong” – Collins has nothing to say and no interest in finding out as he has done enough to plant an anti-leave smear in the public’s mind.
Cumming’s is absolutely right. The report is fake news -more verbose than its social media counterpart – but still fake news.
The only crisis is the “establishment” failed to sway the electorate to vote the way they were meant to for Clinton and remain, I have never seen such a vicious and co ordinated backlash from so called independent media since this
And, just maybe, we can have a closer look at our press and their planting of so many “euromadness” stories over the years about sausages and bananas et al, and the effect this has had on our perception ?
The first concerted establishment attack on the social media occured in Germany after Merkel’s madness. The vitriol directed towards politicians by the general public through the social media had the politicians running scared. There were the usual complaints about “hate speech” or Volksverhetzung and deaths threats.,All the US based social media came under attack from Maas the interior minister because they wished to maintain freedom of expression. Hence Merkel’s “hot mike” conversation with Zuckerberg at the UN in september 2015 about what could be done to stifle criticism of her failure. This predates Brexit referendum and Trump – both 2016.
I play golf every Sunday so miss all the BBC action that’s so often commented upon here. Except today totally rained off. So I was catching up on some work but walked through the lounge to find the tele on the Beeb. Two coloureds (? or is it black, not up to speed on the accepted/required nomenclature nowadays), one orthodox Jew and YAB, a Ugandan Asian (I don’t watch Beeb but I believe she is a regular). And there was me thinking I represented 87% of the population being indigenous, Christian and pale-skinned, but obviously the Beeb doesn’t represent me.
You and your ilk are there to pay the license, nothing more, a bit like myself surrounded as I am by dusky households who spend all day doing not much it seems but breeding very well and kids sent to school by taxis if they get up on time, and of course food delivered by lorries and pizza delivery vans all paid for by who ?
The BBC have become obsessed with what has been deemed “fake news.” In Beeb speak this is essentially anything that veers away from their left leaning, pro EU, Islam is a religion of peace, world view. Anyone that dares to disagree with them is sneered at and is treated like a bigoted little Englander.
We only pay the wages of these people after all, so why shouldn’t they despise us?
I wonder if there is any institution that is more up to its neck in fake news than the BBC. They choose what to bring us as news and then present us with stories about half a dozen semi literate. malcontent students who choose to deface a Rudyard Kipling poem. Is that news? Really?
That tedious old, white hating racist, Yasmin Ali Baba Brown, is spewing bile nearly every day. If it’s not her lecturing the nation that took her in about OUR racism then it’s tiddly little Owen Jones claiming to have bullied Trump out of London.
While they’re more than happy to bring us the views of half a dozen parasites they’re very unwilling to report at all on tens of thousands of hard working, tax paying demonstrators in London that want immigration controls, are concerned about Muslim terrorism, or want Tommy Robinson freed from prison.
The Beeb were cheer leading the anti Trump rally in Trafalgar Square, but ignored tens of thousands of us that marched right past their front window. Not a bloody whisper.
We can’t trust them on their views on Brexit, on immigration, on terrorism. It took them 20 years to report on the Rotherham rape gangs. If there’s a terrorist attack they’ll bend over backwards to tell us the attackers came from Nuneaton, Norwich or even bloody Norway…What they always try to hide is that they’re always Muslim.
They lie, they deceive and they manipulate.
If they’re not fake then I don’t know what is…
Wonder how this will play out then…
Staggering that all those tweets never point out the BBC article does NOT say “tens of thousands” marched in Inverness
.. and has never through edit stages said that
Seems to me Steven McKenzie the BBC Highlands reporter who runs the @BBCHighlands account without a blue-tick made an error in his tweet and many disingenuous Scottish Independence campaigners decided to exploit that.

He’s glanced at the article, read the bit about *Glasgow in MAY* having a march with *Tens of Thousands* and mixed that up with Inverness
Wayback machine shows the edits
Friday midnight the BBC named the page :
“Scottish independence march to be held in Inverness”
Saturday after the march the BBC named the page :
“Thousands take part in Scottish independence march in Inverness”
If even the organisers etimated there were 14,000
then “ten of thousands” hsa to be an obvious mistake
It’s quite funny that the ScotRef debate does seem to be the same kind of FakeNews social media pushing that the MPs are on about.
#1 The ScotIndys are willing to knowlingly retweet a BBC headline with a convenient error in it.
#2 They are also willing to tweet photos they say are from Inverness , but are actually of the big Glasgow march
(BTW the BBC Inverness march story first version written before the march , did use a photo of Glasgow , but correctly labelled it)
#3 but The Scots unionists do see to have a lot of sleeper Twitter accounts, that they set up years ago and have only recently started to tweet.
Great post Jeff
As the climate crisis continues, reports reveal that the torrential rain currently continuing the heat wave – in a different format – is some of the wettest on record at 9.95 on the Harrabin-Pistake Scale.
Experts project that the resulting floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, combined with the past two months of dry weather, one of the longest periods of climate change in recent experience – other than those recorded elsewhere – will result in permanent changes in European agriculture, politics and sport.
She did it without appointing a Minister for Rain
BBC climate change experts now predict that in next 30 years 7000 more people a year will drown as a result of rising tides. New homes must have stilts installed or be shaped like arks…
A reminder that BBC climate change experts are not the best scientific experts. A FOI list revealed the BBC had produced “Fake News” about that. Its not known for the BBC to include any causational climate scientists in its list of fake scientists, who are almost all scientifically unqualified environmental activists. I don’t think the BBC meant it as a joke but the most prominent scientists advising the BBC about Climate science are known to have been geneticists.

Lock up your daughters, and of course any white women police constables… wonder what the bbc would have made of this if it was a white film producer or (only republican) American president ? (Clinton sex crimes are ok it seems)
Feeling their pain.
The Grauniad:
Rivalled only by Dad’s Army as Britain’s most-loved sitcom, Fawlty Towers seems an unlikely candidate to merit comparison with the movies of Quentin Tarantino. But the BBC has cut from a repeat of the episode The Germans (screened many times since it was first seen in 1975) a speech in which the blimpish hotel resident Major Gowen uses two outlawed racial insults while reporting on a trip to see an England v India cricket match at the Oval.
It is impossible to discuss properly the censored dialogue without quoting the line. Very sensitive readers should stop now and it should not be assumed that I, the Guardian – or, indeed, John Cleese and Connie Booth, the show’s writers – endorse the general or casual use of such terms. In his anecdote, the Major tells Basil Fawlty that he went to the test with a woman who “kept referring to the Indians as niggers. ‘No, no, no,’ I said, ‘the niggers are the West Indians. These people are wogs.'”
Even satire is not allowed it seems and how sensetive does one have to be that the poor Grauniad readers have to “stop now” ffs, maybe they will cholk on their dolphin freindly garlic muesli if they were to read this
I dont care what they say the Major is funny
If they want to stop casual racism and sexism I can think of a few programmes and individuals to be scrutinised : Jo Brand (the Corbyn version of Bernard Manning without the charm) “all men are c@nts” Loose Women “all men are selfish c@nts”, Citizen Khan we can talk like a Paki if we are black and mock their culture but no one else can, (reference Michael Bates it aint half hot mum) plenty more where that came from
I believe that someone once said Jo Brand is fat, ugly and left-wing.
Shocking that anyone would have such accurate and honest views.
and a nastly little, sorry, big sexist, funny how its always the ugly ones….
I concur…
This clip always makes me laugh and I strongly suspect that the only folks that cannot see the funny side are our beloved middle class, head up their arse, white liberals. Maybe, just maybe, one day they will see the light and learn to laugh at human nature. If they do not they will perish. Allah is poised ready to pounce and he will show no mercy, even to his white enablers.
The Graun, and BFFs…
A pity he does not wake up every morning and check the news, it is his job is it not ? so Trump is his hobby we must assume which is more worrying than anything else he says for someone in his position and responsibility
Doubt he wakes up too early or knows where he is.
As to jobs, he has summed up the BBC America team’s ‘investigative’ prowess like a beauty.
When Katty comes back she may be moved to a four letter acronym.
The link to the story:
BBC website “Most Read”
1 More rain and wind amid ‘drastic’ weather change
2 Girl, 6, dies after going into sea at Margate
3 Indonesia earthquake: 13 dead on tourist island of Lombok
4 Blue badge parking permits to cover ‘hidden disabilities’ in England
5 Newspaper headlines: Brexit ‘grassroots revolt’ and ‘a star is born’
6 Croatia taxpayer anger at $44m tunnel ‘to nowhere’
7 Ahed Tamimi: Israel frees Palestinian viral slap video teen
8 Fake news ‘crowding out’ real news, MPs say
9 Online trolls may be barred from being MP or councillor
10 Paris and glory awaits for Geraint Thomas
1 advert for Climate Alarmism biz
2 Local News
3 Kind of world news
4 England news
5 Anti-Brexit advert
6 Trivia
7 Anti-Israel advert
8 Is hyping Damien Collins opinion, news ?
9 Trivia/scare-story
10 Sports News
I have been trying to watch the BBC 2 Ride London prog. First 15 mins has been a round of virtue signalling featuring BBC presenters and personalities plus a few trendy vox pops. The cycling event has yet to be covered and it is going past my window. Seems everything the beeb does turns into self promoting issue based crap. Am turning off now.
Terrific piece in the Sunday Times (pay walled) by Rod Liddle tearing a strip off the BBC for their bias – “Careful, Auntie, your nasty little prejudice is showing again”
Apologies to Rod for reproducing it below without prior permission:-
“A nice man called Andrew in the BBC Press Office is kind enough to send me a list of stuff the corporation is doing each week. Recently this has included details about something that, as a licence payer, I am very much looking forward to — a month of programmes called The Big British Asian Summer.
They really super-serve the licence payer, don’t they? I am a little worried they may be neglecting Little British Asians, mind, such as the London mayor Sadiq Khan. But no matter, he gets plenty of coverage anyway.
There is also more arcane news, such as the information that a talented former journalist called Noggin the Nog has just been appointed editor-in-chief of BBC Cymru Fyw and speculation about what blind transgender amputee is in the running to be the next Doctor.
I have never replied to Andrew’s email, but I did last week because I had been listening to the book that Radio 4 was serialising. Here’s what I wrote:
Dear Andrew, Many thanks for your weekly bulletins about what the BBC is up to. I wonder if you could answer my inquiry below, or pass it on to someone who can.
Here’s the thing. I am hugely enjoying the serialisation on Radio 4 of the Palestinian writer Raja Shehadeh’s entertaining book, How My People Were Robbed, Murdered and Crushed by the Vile Occupying Fascist Israeli State. I may have got the title slightly wrong, for which apologies. I was wondering if the BBC intended, at any point, to serialise a book that might give a contrary point of view on this disputatious issue — perhaps by an Israeli?
All the best,
I got a friendly acknowledgment from Andrew — and later a two-line reply from the BBC, stating that the corporation’s coverage is impartial. Mr Shehadeh has spent most of his life railing against Israel and Jews, while claiming to be a moderate. And his book is serialised by Radio 4. Of course, it will not serialise a book by an Israeli to provide the political balance that the corporation is duty bound to strive for (even if, frankly, it doesn’t strive terribly hard).
I have no objection to hearing Mr Shehadeh’s lamentations: they are a view and one of which we should be aware. My complaint is that the other side will simply not be put. My suggestion to Andrew is that Radio 4 could rectify this imbalance by serialising Warrior: An Autobiography by the former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. But that’s not going to happen, is it?
The BBC and Radio 4 in particular are in the grip of what the American author Tom Wolfe called radical chic attitudinising. In other words, they are naive middle-class liberals who believe the Palestinian cause is unequivocally just and there is no real argument about that. Which is why, when Hamas rains 200 rockets and mortars down upon Israel, you hear nothing on the BBC. You hear about it only when Israel responds.
The question is, then: are Radio 4 and the BBC anti-semitic? When does a fashionable stupidity teeter into racial hatred? An important question, especially for those of you who think anti-semitism is a preserve of the neo-Nazi far right, elements of the Islamic world and, of course, the Labour Party.
Last week the guitar-strumming halfwit Billy Bragg agreed that the Jews had “work to do” to improve their relations with the Labour Party. In other words, had to stop complaining about anti-semitism: these people — they ask for it, don’t they? All their own fault, really. And the answer to the question — about Corbyn’s Labour and Billy Bragg and the BBC — is simple. That obsession with Israel and the radical chic stuff leads ineluctably to anti-semitism: they become one and the same thing.”
Thanks for reproducing this on behalf of the excellent Rod . He is a better man than I because as soon as I heard the subject . It’s a shame it’s necessary to be so attentive to al beeb radio output and skirt through the bias – which doesn’t leave much .
Daytime radio is more and more biased toward Wimmin type programmes . The afternoon play is normally about Wimmin getting over a divorce from some nasty bloke .
My favourite one is the tedious “home front “ which started as a kind of commemoration of the Great War but quickly turned into a multicultural love in with lots of gay people. I gave up so it may have changed now . I presume al beeb will kill it off mercifully after Armistice Day .
Can’t moan too much about it ( yes I can ) as I don’t pay for it .
“skirt through the bias” !! damn sexist that is, should be gender neutral legwear through the bias pleeese get with the programme, next you will be pronouncing “t”s in a sentence without the required effnick glottal stop and you will never get a job wiv ther bbc then, unless maybe you come from oop north and here is heeyah as we see most days.
Interesting to see the true worth of the presenters when it comes to a live event, I noticed this during the last middle east fracas, so many umms and errs without a cue in front of them
Thank you for pulling me up on the skirting front . Maybe it should be ‘ manoeuvre ‘ but even that’s got a gender reference in it. Oops
I would like to know what bit of Asia are the BBC selecting as Asian ? I only ask because there are hundreds of thousands of Chinese in this country who bring millions of pounds to our economy, respect and enjoy our culture and have no expectation of forcing their religion or culture upon us, they are Asian where is their representation BBC ? and where are the white people with chinese spouses in all the adverts ? (the rule it seems is black men must have a white wife) and the token chinese person in every photo of the British public ? the BBC displays casual racism again through a false representation of the UK population
Any men bought clothes recently?
Marks and Spencer website have had 70% black models for years.
What stopped me using M&S was the move to showing white models in the cheapest clothes.
Sales down at M&S? Good, serves the racists right.
Ditto John Lewis and Debenhams.
Are there any websites which monitor and report on this?
I see the BBC Click programme has replaced the easy on eye female presenter Lara Lewington who has two very shapely legs with a new female not so easy on eye presenter that has just one leg.
I’m sure the new presenter got the job due to her technical qualifications and nothing to do with her disability.
I watched the weather forecast with a one armed wimmin weather forecaster last week with her stump prominently displayed, well done, what next ? a dwarf on a trampoline ? when are the hijabs going to start to appear
Yes, this week the Any Questions “moderator” even asked the representative from the TA who funded the organisation as she was being introduced. That’s somewhat unusual, I think, and must something concerning BBC staff.
New European decides to help their mates at the bbc.
Comments… withering.
… Gary Lineker is a sportsman and, as such, must have the mental capacity of a goose …
The New European, with some casual anti-avianism.
Other recent articles by YAB, Adonis, Campbell, Boyle . . .
I’ve seen some geese and they have never been goalhangers
Perhaps Graham Taylor was more perceptive than we gave him credit for, better qualified at spotting the odd prima donna?
The difference is Ali wasn’t being paid by a ‘corporation’ whose funds are extracted by force to provide him with an income.
Gary Pocketliner
….the rule it seems is black men must have a white wife……
This nonsense has now permeated to photographs on display in adverts. Watch the MacMillan Nurse ad, where she visits an elderly lady – quick camera shot of obligatory photo frame with white female and black man and mixed race child !!
It never ends, and the advertising industry have the white population totally stitched up; no-one dares to comment on this in the public domain for fear of knowing the outcome. So we have to sit idly by and watch this happen – our hands are tied.
Maybe the BBC can do a little investigation of how many mixed race children are lacking a daddy cause he’s off inseminating a few more .. lack of a male role model and need to join a gang and and get a knife? hmm thats worth a look at …. or is it ? widely recognised but not publicly acknowledged, which is why places like this have value as we can not rely on our media to tell the truth, there is truth and bbc”truth”
Bbc currently addressing fatherhood… uniquely.
Then… think of the kids…
I have experience of some of these poor sods both professionally and personally, and they have no life ahead of them due to lack of a family, any support through their childhood and, I hate to say this, but, daddy coming back now and again for a bit of fun to assert his territory, I have had to intervene at one point and 5 police and 2 dogs to remove daddy because mummy wanted to throw herself out of the bedroom window, child whimpering in the corner, apparently he has 5 bitches like this cause hes a big nightclub bouncer, watched her get dragged by the hair along the street when she refused him etc etc
Interesting that the BBC does not report this kind of abuse
It’s tipping down here, so BBC Sunday offerings are proving plenty of entertainment.
Will no-one rid us of this troublesome broadcasting corporation?
There are new ads for Exeter University on the tube – Apparently only Blacks need apply – I’ll say no more
Yep, the deranged white liberals have tied the white man’s hands behind his back, shackled his feet and shoved a gag in his gob via the judiciary -which they control -and said to the darkie “Now kick the bastard to death because nobody will even notice except us and we won’t see a thing.”
The BBC complaining about fake news reminds me of a joke.
A man is driving down the wrong side of a motorway and keeps veering out the way of the oncoming traffic. The Police are informed and announcements about this dangerous lunatic are made. His worried wife calls his mobile.
“Darling – you must be careful! There is one lunatic driving the wrong way down the motorway.”
“One lunatic? There are thousands of them!”
“Don’t shoot! My parents were Indian, I’m on your side!”
Was that BBC Travel Show presenter Rajan Datar having a Frank Gardner moment down there in Jordan?
Not to worry, your BBC chap was never in real jeopardy. It was just a re-enactment scene staged for tourists of Arab rebels hijacking an Ottoman steam train circa 1917 on the Hejaz railway.
Couldn’t help but notice that although our Rajan neglects to tell us many of those uncool outdated Judith Chalmers-ish travel facts, such as the local exchange rate or the availability of cheap package flights, he does go to some pains to editorialise a bit of history – the ‘fact’ that Lawrence of Arabia conned the Arabs who were perfectly happy under the Turkish Empire and the ‘fact’ that Britain and France ‘carved up the Middle East’.
One wonders who our Rajan was rooting for in WW1? I guess as the modern day Bedouins brandishing blunted swords and firing blank bullets prentend to take him hostage his impassioned expression of his Indianess could be taken two ways – I suppose India was sort of on both Britain’s and the Arab’s side in the Great War against the Turks. You don’t think he was saying don’t shoot me I’m not a whitey I’m like you, I’m a brownie, do you? Heaven forbid.
“Family values” sounds like a Tory manifesto but it would be apposite to look at knife crime in London and the background of the perpetrators, also the kind of crap “music” they are listening to that glorifies gang culture, why is this allowed to flourish without any comment ? , I remember Ozzy being attacked for “devil worship” lol but these guys are allowed to promote violence and sexism without any criticism ?
Earlier on this site, someone made a comment that all the BAME’s he knew were generally as thick as pig’s poo. Sadly this is not a generalisation, – I’ve often wondered why, when a ‘leg up’ was given to many African and Indian countries by Western governments in the early 20th century, did they not capitalise on it when we left and gave them Independence. Surely if these peoples had a modicum of intelligence, expansion and revitalisation of their infrastructures would have been on the cards.
No, here we are well over a century later, and those cultures haven’t advanced one iota – except to clamber on the first boats out of there, and where the rule of the jungle (literally) with corruption (not so thick then) at the top of the tree.
“Earlier on this site, someone made a comment that all the BAME’s he knew were generally as thick as pig’s poo.”
Yes, somebody did and, IMO, it was more likely to be a reflection of the circles he moves in.
Some BAMEs do better than others but the acronym includes a wide range of ethnicities. Do you really believe, for instance, that Sikhs and Hindus are “generally as thick as pig’s poo”? People here are very quick to criticise the BBC for the terms it uses and its sweeping generalisations (eg: “asian”).
So far as the “leg up” argument is concerned, you could say the same about welfare costs in many UK regions over several decades. These appear to have had little positive effect and our overall performance in Maths, Reading and Science is still appalling, according to PISA standards. An intelligent country? Perhaps not.
Lastly, somebody else in the same thread made a comment about BAMEs having B.O. This is reminiscent of National Front talk from the 1970s and won’t do this site any good at all.
That’ll be it thornts old boy – yes I am National Front for being extremely annoyed that a certain demographic of society seems to think it is ok to get on a packed tube train carriage in the morning and evenings stinking of rancid BO.
I love walking into work with the stench of BO still fresh in my nostrils (it creeps all over your suit).
And yes it does appear to be 95% BAME
So I am National Front according to you because I state a fact
(1) “Thick as pig’s poo” is a very rude unscientific analysis of the problem.
(2) The book “Race Differences in Intelligence, An Evolutionary Analysis, by Richard Lynn” is a scientific analysis of the problem.
But I admit that both analysis’s would be censored by the BBC.
Brissles, bits of India have done well. In fact, could be said to be ahead of us. Certainly they have had the spare cash in their PO accounts to acquire some British businesses. Exception proving the rule? Probably. Possibly. Hong Kong, another?
What is significant is that a key thing that has hobbled, say for example, most former African colonial countries is corruption. That and racism. What?! Former British colonies racist? Yes, often tribal splits have appeared soon after Independence was celebrated.
Thing that should concern us – now – in 21st century, is that those same ills appear to have become part & parcel of the former Colonial power, the UK. Evidence? Plenty.
Start with the BBC.
Have just been listening to the most monumental pile of crap I have ever heard from the MSM. Madgit Nawaz on LBC has been posing the question “Britain has prooduced the worst muslim terrorists in the form of the” ISIS Beatles” what has gone wrong with Britain.?” The worst Big Beards have not come from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or the Yemen, but Britain. What has gone so wrong in Britain that we produce such people?”.
Madgit calls a tweeter who correctly points out that these people are not British, a “denialist”. Madgit obviosly thinks that someone living in a muslim enclave in Britain with the legal formality of British citizenship is culturally British and so would have an instinctive loyalty to the British people.
The only mistake Britain has made was to allow mass muslim colonisation. The Big Beard problem is one that has been imported lock stock and barrel from muslim shitholes in Pakistan and elsewhere.
Madgit even raises the “foreign policy” excuse again to justify Big Beard activity. Since when have Britons resolved disputes about foreign policy by murdering our children?
Madgit is now prattling on about the Pakistani elections.
Death penalty for blasphemy.
What’s not to like about Islam?
The question should be “what has gone wrong with Luton” and the answer is ghettoisation of muslims” the answer is.. more pork, an army camp, Sunday schools teaching British religion and and more churches along Bury Park Road
Yes this vile attempt to tar us all with the same brush is one of the most mendacious tactics of the brainwashed left. Most of the first, second and third generations who have come over to the UK from the subcontinent are not British. They are responsible for this mess , no one else. They continue to use the cowardice and dimwittery of the leftists to advance their agenda and it is probably now way too late to reverse the inevitable. Unless that is something very dramatic occurs over the next few years, but I cannot envisage it.
I disagree, kingkp. It really needs to be examined at family or individual level.
Yes, there is a problem with Muslim integration. To deny that would be to put one’s head in the sand.
Many others do integrate whether from the Indian s-c or Africa or China or the Carib or the Middle East, including the wider Jewish diaspora. I think it is important not to judge a whole lot of folk by some in a sub-set.
The “a few bad apples” argument can be valid, but when all your barrels contain rather a lot of bad apples you have to ask if something is wrong with the orchard. In other words ask what makes islam so toxic? No one has any difficulty in believing that the totalitarian belief systems that held sway in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany were the cause of untold misery and the deaths of millions as their credos were implemented in practice. Just because the Führer of Islam is a supernatural entity or a figment of the imagination as some would have it, does not make the ideology any less toxic for nonbelievers and those who belong to the wrong sect of the religion.
Madgit was taking about the illegality of blasphemy in Pakistan, it was surprising how many muslims rang in to defend death for blasphemy. This is not an individual or dysfunctional family problem. The problem is that thousands of families share the islamic worldview and ensure that new entries to these families are all brought up to share the same worldview.
I heard it and it was depressing as if he is the Great Brown Hope. These nutters are a result of getting our noses rubbed in diversity and the nose rubbers will not just go away after doing their nose rubbing business but will continue and give birth to not just nose rubbers but sheer evil throat slitters.
Unbelievable. So when these shits turn to terrorism it’s somehow our fault? Nothing to do with the religion of war and violence they espouse, by any chance?
Nick is pretty ‘in’ with the bbc, so it’s not like someone hasn’t tipped them off to a story.
No helicopters required.
Lovely feature on the beeb about a all girl boxing club. Young girls around 50 of them,approx 49 white and just 1 coloured . Interviewed 3 ….you guessed it … always despite being the sole ethnic, they were chosen. Every ruddy time !!!!
‘Crashing out’ is the term favoured by the more deranged remainers. And, by coincidence, the bbc.
No coincidence GW.
Guest I think it was planted by the Soros goebells al beeb people to use instead of the more positive ‘ leaving ‘ . Clever .
Not that clever if folk notice so easily.
But admittedly there are many who will not notice, or be exposed to anything other than sources they ‘trust’ like the bbc.