As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .
Weekend Open Thread 28 July 2018
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You have to admire the contortions the Labour party and the BBC are putting themselves through in order to avoid mentioning the muslim factor in their problems with anti-Semitism. Well, admire or cry with laughter, it’s a nice choice.
Of course Momentum / Corbyn are well aware that for every Jewish vote they lose due to antisemitism, they stand to gain 10 from the Religion of Antisemitism. No-brainer.
And as Corbyn Mcdonald take labour ever left the likes of decent MPs such as Frank Field and Kate Hoey get ‘ no confidence’ votes engineered against them as the parliamentary holidays begin .
But she will doubtless remain the darling of the broadcast sofa set.
Click on Ali Baba’s Twitter replies (above) and they all hate her!
Is the country waking up?
Quick, before they’re deleted!
Ha ha ha.
One of my favourites: (more below)
“Brown has never forgiven the English for giving her Sanctuary in England, but Idi Amin Brown is happy for people to be expelled from a political party. She has brought Ugandan ways of doing things to us”
Replying to @y_alibhai @KateHoeyMP
Just because she’s got strong views in the EU doesn’t make her anti-democratic. You need to explain your case.
Asking a bit much there, I fear.
Indeed- frauds like Yasmin simply use their position to spit unfounded venom.
Kate Hoey is a woman of enormous integrity. If you want to see ghastly and dubious try looking in the mirror.
Kate Hoey is a very well respected MP and I am sorry to see that you have joined the baying mob.
Amin said the Asians in Uganda constantly denigrated the Host population as feckless lazy etc Yasmin Brown uses the same tactics on the English
You’re not fit to carry her bags. An outstanding politician who has given great service to our nation. Disgusting comment.
Great posts by both vlad and GW
GW. Interesting that info. The Bremainer Remoaners are going after our Kate big time at the moment. Thought I detected a bit of delight in Jonny Dymond’s voice when reporting on Friday, I think, that her Constituency Committee had voted to deselect her.
The Food Programme . Radio 4 12.30 .
Is there any point to this series anymore ?
It seems they’ve run out of subject material and hang their hats on any tenuous link between food and anything else .
What next ? Food and telephones . Food and scrap metal ? Food and racial prejudice ? Sorry they will have done that one .
I want to hear about food . You know BBC , stuff you put in your mouth and digest it ? Usually but not always comes on a plate and is necessary for survival .
If you’ve run out of material , beeboids , put the show into abeyance until something really relevant can be discussed .
It stopped being about food at around the time the ghastly Sheiia Dillon moved in and began to use the programme to promote cultural Marxism.
Food is the very last thing The Food Programme is about, as you say.
Indeed GC
The things that interest us are
1; stuff that we do or are affected by
2; how others do things and are affected by .
For example ..: water .
I learnt when I was eight how Arabs conserved water , haw they carried it , even how they washed their faces in sand to save water .
I would like to learn how we can save water in our environment when there’s a heatwave , baring in mind our place is a lot more sophisticated and overpopulated compared to the Arabian Gulf .
But to the BBC the issue of water is how is inspired some Jazz player to write a piece , or how a BAME person used the images of water in 1973 to combat racism .
In fact the Beeboids probably think they can live without water but not art .
Nibor, is it true they used pebbles to wipe their backsides?
The bBBC this afternoon interrupted its Radio 5 commentary on the Hungarian F1 Grand Prix to give an update on the women’s cricket match between Western Storm and Loughborough Lightning.
You couldn’t make it up.
It’s just never ending
I prefer this item on immigration
It seems there is another immigration scandal. I wonder how the BBC will spin the story.
From Breitbart:
“The British government has admitted that no Christians were taken among the Syrian refugees flown into Britain recently, with the Home Office rejected the handful of non-Muslims selected for resettlement by the United Nations.”
The comments (re doobster78 post) would indicate that most people are waking up to the biased bbc agenda.
That BBC tweet gets 246 Likes
Yet the reply tweet that lays into the BBC gets 612
..bear in mind that people are sticking their necks out to click that one
No update on Mary Berry’s life ? thought that was news nowadays and any crap about love island
As a Chuck Berry fan I’m surprised at his choice of white tottie. Still, each to his own eh?
Gina Miller: ‘Dark Brexit forces have led us to crisis’
Quite right Gina…… Barack Hussain Obama did everything he could to illegally influence the outcome of the vote and I can’t think of a darker force than that.
Is she allowed to say “dark” forces. Doesn`t that stigmatise the likes of Lenny Lammy.and the other lefty composites?
Windy Miller needs to be put on a charge sheet, hubby`s loaded.
Is she actually a British citizen anyway? And how come she always gets to the top of the Supreme Court if Brexit can be accused of giving her a hangnail?
I am regularly thankful to Gina Miller. Had Parliament not been given the final say over the A50 notice, it might have been kicked into the longer grass.
Had Parliament not got a vote in October on the results of negotiations it would have been relatively easy for those calling for a second Referendum to have one.
The good Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.
Keep praying! We will need to leave EUgypt on our knees.
One day, we can stand tall and free.
Cum to think of it -which I do – (Copyright Derek & Clive) neither can I.
“Dark forces” – this from the woman who went to the High Court, where she sought and obtained a ruling that the financial backers of her endeavours could remain anonymous.
There will be a few dark forces on the streets at Notting Hill soon but the BBC will no doubt ingnore that, lets have a little look at our Luton residents at the last “carnival” of stabbing and muggings….
dont you just love our diversity and the value they bring to the UK, they just luv a good kommunihi celebration and they do it so well
Hasn’t the BBC jumped on this deal or no deal story?
Maybe many are on their summer hols, or in faggy Brighton for the day…
Mischievous RT news takes the lead:
‘God, help us’: British Army on standby in case of no-deal Brexit supply issues
”The pro-EU Labour MP David Lammy took aim at the news on Twitter saying: “God, help us. This is not coming from Remainers. This is not project fear. Pro-Brexit Ministers are drawing up blueprints for the army to deliver food, fuel and medicine if we leave the EU with no deal.”
‘This lack of “frictionless trade” could see a 10-mile-long motorway in south-east England turned into a “holding area” for goods vehicles, as up to 10,000 trucks a day would suddenly require customs checks to enter the EU, according to the Financial Times.’
No deal is the YK2 Millennium Bug all over again

Amazingly I was affected by the millennium bug two weeks ago.
I was locked out of the internet until I realised my clock had gone back to before 1999. I solved the problem by changing my “Date and Time Properties” to 2018.
Also I won’t starve because I can buy Yorkshire foods from the local farm shop, including English sparkling wine from the heart of Yorkshire. Therefore only the local Champaign socialists will die of thirst, as well as staving to death because of the shortage of posh French grub in restaurants run by nasty left-wing proprietors.
Millennium Buggers like Lammy.
Chicken Lickers like Adonis.
And Warmons like Harrabin.
Such are the Cassandras we allow to spout on our freeviews.
I prefer the chicken bones as they fall out of the cats bowl myself-saves money, more accurate too.
Richard, have you been hacked? “I was locked out of the internet until I realised my clock had gone back to before 1999.”
Richard -having spent the best part of 1999 preparing for the worst I’m glad 2000 is still having an effect -however much time and money was wasted in the run up to it. Definite touch of brexitarmaggedon to it .
‘This lack of “frictionless trade” could see a 10-mile-long motorway in south-east England turned into a “holding area” for goods vehicles, as up to 10,000 trucks a day would suddenly require customs checks to enter the EU, according to the Financial Times.’
I thought the same thing happened on Friday on the M20 and even before we leave the EU.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the British army ended up being the ones delivering us from this evil tyrannical government also.
They want social media to take responsibility for ‘abusive posts.’ No doubt the threshold for ‘abusive’ posts will be set extremely low and defined as anything you do not like. Terrorism, paedophilia etc and stuff everyone agrees is abhorrent should not be allowed but of course the leftist control freaks will want to cleanse the platform of all thought crime.
I caught the last 5 minutes of BBC2’s ‘Secrets of Silicon Valley’ on at 17:30 to 18:30.
Sad music and the presenter making the same summary again and again about how social media has “made politics turbulent” and “how they thought being all connected would make our politics better but…”.
Classic BBC bias. If social media has helped someone (ie. Trump) into power doesn’t mean politics is now “turbulent”. it just means your liberal candidate lost – get over it ffs! Half of the UK and half of the USA are very very happy with the way politics is going right now.
Even the lady talking over the credits couldn’t resist also saying “extraordinary how being connected had affected us all”.
Jamie Bartlett was the presenter and a quick look at what he has written you can see he is left leaning – no surprise there then!
Tabs, it is something of a permanent wonder to me that the people who run TV viewing in the UK, and their employees who benefit from it, and those who own and run and who work for Networks in the USA appear to completely lack understanding of who Donald Trump is.
He is one of their own.
I doubt that social media had much effect in his election, apart from people possibly being free to confess to friends via texts and e-mails “You know, I’ve been thinking about voting for Trump. Everyone says he is so awful but I don’t know. What d’you think?” would be the sort of opener. But that could be done just as well, as in the past, via snail-mail and telephone landline.
What the broadcast TV media do not understand is that one of their own stood for election, on a Republican ticket, and won. His face was known because not only had he been ‘seen’ for years as a celebrity businessman but, if I recall correctly, he fronted a national network TV show – the American version of The Apprentice – for some years.
With Donald Trump as US President, the BBC should be feeling rather pleased and celebrating the power of good old-fashioned TV, not constantly helping instead to attack the bloke!
The interviewer at Cambridge Analytica seemed unable (unwilling?) to understand the difference between transferring experience from one job and stealing material. All professionals learn from jobs that they did in the past and apply that to jobs in the future. The distinction might be harder to understand when that job is processing data but it is still there, i.e. working for Tesco one might learn that buyers of large boxes of chocolates go on to buy baby milk nine months later and that knowledge might come in useful when taking on work for Asda but that doesn’t mean that the data company retains the data about Mr Smith of Acacia Avenue, esrtwhile customer of Tesco.
The advertising business has always tried to ‘target’ potential customers and political parties do the same. Look at the BBC’s website and listen/look again ‘offerings’ they use ‘cookies’ and ‘personalisation’ to better target their ‘cusomers’. Obama was hailed for using ‘social media’, this current fuss is just sour grapes that the ‘wrong’ sort of people are voting the ‘wrong’ way.
The ‘establishment’ hasn’t been listening to the people for 50+ years and the people’s ‘voice’ has been historically limited to ‘letters to the editor’ (easily binned) or the guy in the pub, back of the cab or the barber. The internet has changed that and the ‘establishment’ doesn’t ‘like it up them’.
Safe to say… comments could…
They really are struggling despite an admirable attempt at telling things often enough.
Virtual signalling “Fake News” stories about children and schools on BBC Look North, crowding out real news, such as who has been sent to Hull Prison?
Good to see the sheeple waking up, rising up, and throwing off the mental chains of the bbc oppressors.
We’re mad as hell, and we’re not gonna take this anymore!
So many vox pops on the news. If I wanted to know what someone random chump thought about something I would ask someone in the street. There is no need to pay £3.5 billion to have them do it for us.
Please… carefully-vetted chump.
Bbc editorial integrity.
Are but they are also able to read out what celebrities I have never heard of say on Twitter.
”A 13-year-old girl whose body was found in woodland was stabbed to death, police have said.
Lucy McHugh’s body was discovered near Southampton Sports Centre on Thursday morning.
She was last seen leaving her home in Mansel Road East the morning before.
A 24-year-old man from Southampton is in custody on suspicion of murder and engaging in sexual activity with a child.”
…from Southampton …that style of reporting rings a bell.
It it just recently that the police / media have stopped providing names, until they are forced to, or was it always so?
Rejoice !
Geraint Thomas does it for Wales and Great Britain.
Cummon Al Beeb, say ‘Great’ Britain. Have some pride in your country.
Britain is Great. We know you hate to say it.
As you love the EU so much, why don’t you get them to pay your exorbitant wage bill and get rid of the telly tax? You represent them more than us.
Note that some Welsh PE teacher had PM and the broadsheets slavering around the old boys trainers these last few days.
The press seem to think that it`s because his school welcomes all kind of personal growth and niceness.
Everyone gets a prize and feels included.
That so?
In my experience, those who do best in sport have sporty parents, money and time-and are a bit driven.
They don`t share doughnuts with other faiths, don`t need sex changes or tattooes, and don`t get dangled out of care homes for Gary Al Glittani or Jim Al Savili from the nearby Boozebuster Kebab House either.
Not that the BBC will tell us that though.
By the way-if we paid for him, he`s British.
If he voted Brexit, he can be Welsh.
Tony seems somewhat disturbed.
Rob Burley is a fan.
Guest Who
Is there enough paper in the world to make a list of the BBC flaws, or will we all have to wipe our arses on Dock leaves in order to provide enough? Don’t laugh. As a child I, along with my friends,have used Dock leaves to wipe my bum when out playing in the fields.
Say hi to Mark Thompson guys…
That BBC Facebook thread is full of barking liberals shouting their hate for Trump.
… Shows they not in touch with normal people.
Metropolitan liberal media people live in Lalaland.
..The kind of people that think loud background music improves a documentary prog, instead of ruining it.
… The media really don’t seem in touch with the people, the non-metropolitan people.
At least Trump did not use the word ‘enemy’ for the BBC. He called their star reporter ‘another beauty’.
All the more effective for it.
Soapy seems to have been a gibbering wreck since.
Country file : A regular Sunday prog dedicated to campaigning on SJW issues, which also occasionally mentions the countryside.
Adam’s at a nearby strawberry farm bought by Mr Singh in 1996 …he doesn’t seem to speak good English and all the workers seem his Indian relatives
..ah hang on here come the East Europeans.. each one is a happy genius.
Oh happy, happy
Oh now we are at the dairy farm.
Scary, scary, The hay harvest will be desperate cos there is no sign of rain.
..Obviously recorded before this weekends rain.
Oh big shock one of the winners of the young presenters is a white girl.
Oh the older boy winner is also white.
..the presenter is Anita Rani.
Am I correct in my assumption that Ms Rani is of Indian descent. If so have not the people from India, by and large, integrated very well?
It’s the illegal African “refugees” that concern me.
Funnily her co-judge was an ethnic African guy who was a pop star , who is now a farmer.
As a great fan and admirer of Louis Armstrong and Fats Waller, I just get the feeling that these great talents would have advised the young generation of today to shove the C rap music up their arseholes until it hurts.
Stew, you know that Countryfile is my favourite programme? I have read out your comments here to Mr D who said you must have been listening to us.
We also saw the item about the fires on Saddleworth moor. They did acknowledge that the severity of the fires could have been due to poor management and because there is no longer controlled burning of the heather (they didn’t exactly say that the environmentalists had made controlled burning very difficult); but the solution they were promoting was encouraging more moss to hold water. Can the SJWs not understand that care of the land is best left to the people who understand the land? And that is not the environmentalists who cause disasters by unintended consequences, like major fires on Yorkshire moors.
Stew – it’s a shame countryfile doesn’t have a ‘kill and cook ‘ corner each week. How to kill and skin a rabbit or similar . But I guess nothing gets killed in the “countryfile’ Albeeb version of Blighty .
Personally for me – killing things makes life less ‘ taken for granted’ and more of value but I suppose metro beeboids wouldn’t get that .
This has yet to be confirmed by people at Porton Down, because it could be fake news from an MI5 agent working at Porton Down.
A blond woman and Pablo Miller exchanged a red bag full of perfume bottle sprays made at Porton Down, left at the Skripal house in Salisbury after Exercise Toxic Dagger. One of the bottles was damaged by the red bag hitting something. The intelligence agencies went into emergency mode, deflecting attention from the mess by blaming Russia. The Skripals have been in hiding ever since, except for PR stunts, starting with a phone call from Salisbury District Hospital. Miller and the blond woman were treated in secret at Radnor Ward, Salisbury District Hospital, Intensive Care/High Dependency Unit, a ward with eight beds in the main unit, with 4 one-bedded side rooms. To enter the ward, a bell must be rung. The entrance was guarded by a contingent of policemen. The couple were not in the care of the regular staff of the hospital, but attended to by staff from Public Health England Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, based at Porton Down, near the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down. No person not signatory to the Official Secrets Act and cleared for Top Secret, had sight of the couple after 4th March. It was known that a D-Notice banned the mention of Pablo Miller. At the time, a leak or rumour by scientists, stated that the blond woman was a CIA agent, and/or married to Pablo Miller and/or someone British working at Porton Down. Its thought possible that the couple could have died in Salisbury District Hospital?
Further news is about an American firm that produced the perfume spray bottles at Porton Down. Scientists at Porton Down report that the US federal contracts registry reveals that the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded military projects at Porton Down. Its thought that the bottles could have been the latest developments by a private contractor called, Red Scientific Ltd, which was awarded a contract to explore techniques of delivery. The project’s stated goal was to improve the efficiency of aerosolisation over the current techniques used by Porton Down.
Your post is so ‘heavy’ that I’m surprised it will not picked up in other places with a bigger ‘circulation ‘ as it were. I’ve always viewed the world as ‘cock up’ versus ‘conspiracy ‘ and ‘cock up’ normally winning because there aren’t enough people intelligent enough to get a conspiracy accepted as convincing .
I don’t know if this site is the right place to publish such an account – perhaps it is as good as anywhere .
The subject covered by Richard has been dabbled at by the BBC and our Government repeatedly. If we are in the business of exposing BBC bias Richard may be exposing bias by omission.
Yes okay – I’ve not followed the Salisbury poisonings closely but litvenko and the Bulgarian attack do stick in the mind .
If the site fails on Monday we might draw our own conclusions..
Talking about omission. I have Googled information from the email and most of it can be found on the internet. I also remember Maxincony talking about an amateur journalist in the Salisbury area who collected all the information that appeared in the Media over the months. What it reveals is that professional journalists have removed information from the internet that has been subject to D-Notices and or Super injunctions. But this amateur journalist who Maxincony somehow knew was a Piano tuner in real life, had saved information that then remained the only source left available that came up when I Googled the full address of Sergei Skripal.
It shows that Maxincony can be inadvertently helpful to us, sometimes.
Richard, interesting tale.
Am afraid the possible true story is now looking far more mundane. There was some interesting news released at the start of last week.
Apparently Porton Down has been very busy on something other than Novickok, according to BBC Gardeners’ Question Time.
Any relation to Gina Miller?
More like water butts than butting in to a democratic process, I am led to believe, Thatch.
When the Graun gets behind the conservatives, start checking.
Guest – I’ve seen some of the DCMS committee and sad to say the Tory chair in an embarrassment to his party. It is loaded with remainers and I think the only reason Mr Banks attended before it was to put it in its place . Ever since the vendetta has grown in intensity .
Committees, inquiries, etc.
A major watershed for me was the Whittless-headed one that started promisingly enough but soon ended up a BBC love-in, with the Chair shutting up any members with the audacity to raise some concerns on bbc unaccountable abuses.
Then of course there was a more recent one when the committee was rammed with MPs who all looked fondly back at their BBC pensions. Most Tory, iirc.
So as stitch ups go, the bbc, Graun, Tories, Labour (take a bow, Messrs. Bradshaw and Purnell) seem to have sewn things up quite effectively.
The ever-forensic Craig has a nifty post in complement.
Including an old friend, sorely missed.
Guest Who
As an erstwhile, long time reader and strong believer in the impartiality of The Guardian and The Observer I now think I was the victim? nah- DUPE- of a huge confidence trick.
I also blame wide PC screens for the mayhem during the silly season.
The Telegraph is now a shadow of what it once was, with feeble old farts wandering around without a thought in their ageing heads. The Express isn’t much better and The Mail is content with every bird with a large arse, ‘stepping out’. (shagging), or being ‘consoled’ (shagging), or enjoying a glass of champagne (post-shagging) and the rest. The blokes doen’t even look tired, so I suppose all that shagging hadn’t really happened yet… (did it ever)?
So my answer is, get a cornflakes packet, open it up with a sharp knife (only of you haven’t taken strong drink), Sellotape two side bars and prop it over the screen!
Marvellous – just see the news and no bonking/boobs/shagging/linacres/abbotts/Joecorbyns and all the other trash!
Peace reigns, and another glass of single malt appears at my elbow, poured by a loving wife after a lovely Sunday phone call from a gorgeous daughter…
But Countryfile is turned off permanently nowadays. Silly and uninteresting.
Being of the BASC fraternity “countryfile “ was seen as an enemy long before I discovered this site . Single malt is definitely an appropriate remedy.
I’m thinking of starting a game called ‘ guess the next project fear propaganda” post brexit .
I suggested earlier in the week that light and air would be rationed . Today the army is on standby ( what army ? )
And we ll all die because there will be no meds
But what about the next story ? Cross channel power outage ?
No more Eurovision ? Water supply stopped because they are all French companies -? Lidl , Aldi and ikea to leave Blighty ?
All got to be on the cards – with al beeb cheerfully pumping out the soros poison .
Ha fucking Ha. By that time I shall be in eternal sleep and the rest of you can bask in either Muslim or Jewish sunshine. Who knows, perhaps I will even meet our Lord Jesus Christ and maybe learn a few things that our owners refuse to divulge.
We all go when we are due I suppose .
I was hoping that people might guess the next propaganda strand . It easy to play on anti Islam on anti Jewish sentiments but as some might say – Our Lord may well have been more than a bit Jewish
Declaration – I am not Jewish but I did go on holiday to Eliat once.
Thanks – pretty girl isn’t she . ? But awful timing . Lenny Bruce is long dead – but every one has to earn a living . Surprised she hadn’t been on The Now Show . ….
Says a lot about the quality of RE in our schools these days!
Lefty Wright
Looking forward to seeing her comedy routine on Mohamid
To mention BBC bias for once. I don’t suppose many remember Michael Elkins who was the Jerusalem Correspondent of the BBC and was, IMMSMC the last correspondent they had who was not biased pro- or anti-Israel. His diction was impeccable (and he was New Yorkv born) to a degree that nobody in the BBC factual or dramatic productions ever is today.
Yes I remember him- unfortunately al beeb just looks for the easy narrative of Israel bad bad – Palestinians and terrorist groups good . Lack or balance or explanation .
Sopel had done a ‘Q and A ‘ in the guardian Sunday . If ever there is a foreign correspondent in need of a new posting it is he.
Perhaps the West Indies – Jamaica – would be good for him . Or Hungary , Italy or coming soon … Sweden .
I was surprised to see that the guardian allowed comments and that there are plenty of people noting the anti President Trump bias of an al beeb correspondent who is dragging down the reputation of his employer in foreign parts .
Seems quite a few guardian types wake up in the morning and check to see whether President Trump is still alive . Funny how The Left can be so embracing but then murderous .
Fedup2, strange isn’t it that the left like to put across how caring and touchy-feely they all are. Yet I can safely say with hand on heart, the most vindictive, nasty, self-serving people I’ve ever met have all been on the left. In the early 80s I went through a leftie stage and got involved with my NALGO union branch – what I saw and heard at those meetings turned me off the hypocritical bastards for life.
Yes – and the left does use the word ‘extreme ‘ a lot when by any objective judgement – checking the internet regularly to see if the President of the USA has been assassinated – might be considered a bit ‘extreme ‘.
What would the chap at the entrance to W1A say…. “some clubs are more exclusive than others”?
Maybe they are learning self defence to fend off child rapists-just saying.
“Why are some people in Sweden hiding Afghan asylum seekers in their homes?”
And why are some no longer answering the door?
Listened to some of it – thanks – but I hope the Swedes will wake up to the real world and adopt an Italian type government with a ‘ Sweden first ‘ approach and not accept any seekers of asylum or anything else .hard border and immediate deportation being the ideal. Will give al beeb something to moan about ..
Of all places – the krauts have a track record of getting rid of the people they don’t like. ( cut and paste time maxi )
Or maybe ikea can produce ready made minorettes
10pm news, Sunday BBC1 Ahed Tamimi given martyr treatment. It is obvious that the BBC see her as a heroine for taunting and hitting an Israeli soldier. I just felt sick to the stomach that a photogenic young woman (or child as she would have been called by the BBC had she been injured) should be so idolised.
Let’s face it – Labour is anti Israel and anti any religion apart from Islam – – like al beeb – h aving been infiltrated by Wahhabism so it’s the likely outcome . . The evidence is clear to see if you compare the numbers of supporters of the false prophet mo against the numbers in Blighty who would profess to follow the Judeochristian basis of our society . When the current head of the Church of England dies people will say ‘ what was she thinking ?’
I wonder when-indeed if-Radio 4 will ever again actually give us a Christian “Sunday Service” again, as anybody would recognise it.
This morning had some BBC poppet on a freebie about “pilgrimage”.
Of course, she went to Assisi, Walsingham being a bit-well,” near” and stale I suppose.
Basically, a free puff for Gandhis methods and cuddling a donkey.
Recycle, give your money to cheridee as she would (surely), and tread lightly on Gaias sad face. And no walls either-Pope Francis` one at the Vatican is not to be regarded as typical.
Utter crap-like Dianne Louise Jordan in a helium balloon.
Jesus is a floating gas. Islam best not mentioned.
Just watched Ed Balls (thru slitted fingers) on BBC2 in Trump country. God, the bloke is no Alan Wicker, but the Beeb are clearly trying to keep him in work. He is not humorous, a rubbish interviewer and about as much personality as a lump of wood. Its not even that Trump is the subject matter, he’d be the same if he was guiding us around Cambridge. Even Michael Portillo is infinitely more watchable. As for the programme, it was the usual attempted hatchet job on Trump, so no surprises there.
Thank you for watching, and keeping the rest of us informed.
It’s a filthy job, but someone’s gotta do it.
Now go take a long hot shower. And scrub well: b.b.bullshit sticks.
“More than five million people across England are unable to book an appointment with a GP outside of working hours.”
This photograph is used to illustrate the story.
Does anyone have a work colleague that dresses like the patient, sat by someone in a cinema that dresses like the patient or had a conversation about the weather with someone who dresses like the patient?
Perhaps the patient and people who dress like her and hold the same beliefs as her are responsible for the crisis in the health service, housing and education systems.
BTW do you think the patient in the photograph had to arrange her appointment after she finished work (perhaps she’s a town planner or is a firefighter; I’d love to know).
But I’d been led to believe by the beebistan that the veiled ones were the doctors and whities were the eternally grateful patients. What’s going on?
And the non-male needle-wielder probably works part-time and is expecting to retire at 35… not that any of that could make it hard to get an appointment.
Cassandra. Yes. But it will be black. Black and lacy.
In North London, some Greek Orthodox ladies in mourning for a husband or child dress like that from the date of death to the end of the mourning period, which I think comes 91 days later.
The Phlebotomists in London tend not to wear just stripy tank tops either. Perhaps because it being a hot city has led to GPs having air conditioning as well as in the hospitals.
And how many of her family are in the room with her out of shot? There to protect her honour.
DS, unnecessary, I would have thought with female nurse. Plus, the decoration on the headdress makes me wonder if the patient might be Ethiopian Christian or even a dark-skinned Middle Eastern Christian.
Impossible for a mere male like me to tell.
Not sure why discussion of the pic is important. The headline tells it all. BBC FakeNews or FalseNews.
Any employer ‘worth their salt’ would allow a sick employee or one needing some help, time off during the working day for a GP appointment. Large employers might even employ a nurse for basic care & emergencies in situ, if say, everyone is in one large building as in many cases in central London.
Speaking of which, I notice on my return visits that GP Practices and Dentists have returned to the City of London and its immediate environs. They existed there in the 1950s and 1960s but almost totally disappeared in the 1970s, 80s, 90s and 00s. Now they are on a comeback.
This is not only FakeNews/FalseNews from the BBC (I can tell without reading the item) it demonstrates a stupidity and lack of thinking by the people at the BBC who put it up.
A good example as to why newspapers should not be supported by any taxes.
Sit comfortably and forget about England
BBC tv news this morning reverts to a typical form of “Radio-4-lite” – you’ll know what I mean – unabashed middle class bien-pensant achingly right-on sham liberalism.
We went through the card: from a reminder to get sniffy about zoo animal cruelty in far off sunny holiday resorts; via inordinate celebration of one-hit-wonder, prissy feminised English Lit alienate and bore the boys to tears set book fall back of the nineteenth century Emily Brontë; to the late twentieth century middle England pin-up Kate Bush.
Meanwhile I’m sure others hereabouts have noticed how according to our BBC Wiggins and Froome did it for Britain whilst Geraint does it for… Wales…
And about those podium girlies in the matching yellow dresses… come on BBC there’s a challenge…
Seems everyone’s favourite Mini-star has made a Foe-par.
Wonder if the bbc will berate Jeremy NaughtieMarr for referring to his wife as Asian, instead of… Asian?
What seems more awkward are the comments ripping the bbc a new one.
Anything to do with race sends the beeb into paroxysms of political correcteness and indignation. They’re even sort of implying he’s racist.
Slip of the tongue, beeb, get over it ffs.
Todays SJW TV
7:30pm BBC1 prog abut female lorry drivers presentd by Angela Rippon
8pm choice BBC2 Nadiya or ………. C4 prog about Breastfeeding
10:45pm ITV : Long Lost Family has a transgender searcher
9pm BBC4 : Black Artists
10-11pm Repeat of Women’s Week progs
Just heard Roy Greenslade on Toady suggesting that the taxpayer should paysubsidies to newspapers because of their public service benefit.Sounds as though the Grauniad rag wants the same easy ride as its broadcast arm Al Beeb!
Indeed, PG, your ears did not mislead you.
Free market economy. What free market economy?
That’s the standard Lefty response “We are owed a living” to hard times.
In the 1990s the newspapers did really well. The majors had Editors earning £500K and up, usually with attendant packages of health scheme, bonus & share options.
They are now getting ‘bit’ by the market and want to buck the market but their solution is to bite the taxpayer instead.
No way!
Peter ,
If I remember correctly Greenslade went of to uni . He has obviously drank in too much ‘ dependency ‘ air . State supported newspapers . Judging by the illegally funded local authority rag they’d be like Pravda .
I think the al beeb subscriptions to The Guardian must be the main think keeping it alive – indeed it probably already is State funded
Greenslade most likely talking about subsidising local newspapers where so many journalists have lost their jobs. These are the reporters who spend their time covering all those apparently dull council meetings, court hearings, tribunals etc. that enable the rest of us to find out what’s going on and hold authorities to account. In other words, that essential part of local democracy that no amount of clickbait websites and social media will ever cover.
Ed ,
If you saw the lefty local authority paper put out in my area you’d wish the damn thing to close . The council is corrupt – full of third worlders employing each other and giving contracts to relatives without a word from the local rag .
It takes independent bloggers to get anything like the truth now.
“Just part and parcel…”
‘What are the government going to do to prevent type-1 diabetics dying’
– appeal for urgent aid from Médecins Sans Frontières ?
Head of news at ITN/C4 Oliver King tweeted a link yesterday says
\\ Here’s just one example why: we make no insulin in the UK.
We import every drop of it.
You can’t transport insulin around ordinarily because it must be temperature-controlled.
And there are 3.5 million people [with diabetes, some of whom] rely on insulin, not least the prime minister. //
Not that hyper paragraph is preceded by this note
“…the MHRA press office later insisted that his comments were made “in a personal capacity” and were not representative of the body’s position.”
A diabetic replies : “The expiry date on the insulin in my fridge 2020”
.. We do have quite a few fridges in the UK
And anyway some maybe specialist insulin is made in the UK
– Under WTO insulin is zero tariff
– I see claims that US companies make our insulin, true , but they do it in the EU.
The Sky news bod lays into the ITN bod
David Vance is diabetic and says insulin IS manufactured in the UK.
Of course it’s laughable to say that a truck load of insulin will be turned away at Dover.
There is a also an issue of bulk insulin vs retail packs of insulin
It’s project fear 2.1
There are at least 4 manufacturers of Insulin in the UK, and although Germany & Franc do have a strong position there are countries outside the EU that could supply
The 3.5 million is 90% type 2, the majority of which do not use insulin
Also a statistic that rarely gets mentioned “children of Asian origin were 8.7 times more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than their White counterparts
counterparts and children of Black origin were 6.2 times more likely”
Men of Pakistani origin are 9 times more likely to have Type 2.than general population – with all of the associated costs..I am just stating a diabetes UK fact, no inferences made
“I am just stating a diabetes UK fact, no inferences made”
Extremist! Why can’t you learn to integrate like our returning Brummy jihadists?
How long before ‘hate facts’ become a crime?
BBC bias by omission?
See if they report this from the Times
Muslims only count as refugees.
Not a single Christian was among the 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in the first three months of this year, the Home Office has admitted.
Clear evidence that the wahabi s run the Home Office now – and al beeb
I see al beeb is fixated with Rhodesia again . One corrupt dictator being replaced by another . Each ready to blame whitey for their own inability to run a country .
I don’t suppose they are worth a free trade deal
Shame on the treacherous HO.
pug, is it just me or have I noticed a sudden change on BBC R4’s Any Questions that when the Panel are introduced, how they voted in the EU Referendum is mentioned. Strangely, there now seem to be balanced Panels with two Remainers and two, sort of Leave, Leavers.
And the audience has suddenly gone quiet as well. Or is that wax in may ears?
I wonder.
SJW Radio
9:45am Book of the week just happens to be written and read by Charlotte Higgins the chief culture writer of the Guardian
10am Woman’s Hour
– Love Island ..body image
– What is it like to parent a child experiencing gender dysphoria?
– new BBC4 documentary about the history of British artists of African and Asian descent
10:45 Daily drama : trans teenager Amy has just finished her GCSEs and is waiting for her results. She’s been taking hormone blockers since she was 11
11am Asam Aziz started a halal chicken restaurant and called it Fernandos.
But then, in March, a letter arrived from Nandos’ lawyers – it stated that Fernandos was in breach of the company’s copyright. Not only with the name, but with the Portuguese Chicken Barcelos symbol he’d chosen as his logo,
(I find July 2018 “Reading chicken shop rebrands following spat with Nando”)
12:15pm : Sustainable fashion
: How you can’t drive your car in certain French cities unless you have the correct emissions sticker : don’t buy a fake one
8pm : Sovereignty – what is it? How old is it? What colour is it?
Priceless – thank you . I’m guessing that listening numbers are on decline ….
Remain propaganda
I heard a scrap on Toady where Humph gave up this morning between some sh-t from the Charity Greenpeace and a representative from the IEA – a right Think tank charity .
So the next attack line by Soros is to go after any pro brexit NGO / charity .
I suppose they’ll hack the UKIP membership database and publish names addresses and bank details next –
Then personal targeting of brexit supporting MPs on top of Frank Field and Kate Hoey .
@Fedup almost all R4 progs are the metro-lib bubbleworld. At 9:30am in #BringingUpBritain Tim Samuels had a line
“What’s really important for men and their identity is their work
& in this economy with this level of INEQUALITY, you see how that leads to an anger, amongst men who’re excluded
& the drift to RADICAL politics whether it’s Trump in America
or the far-right in Europe
is underpinned by men who are economically on their downers
.. & feel rage and anger
.. & it’s a really toxic force” (minute 34)
..hang on their Tim
#1 Voting for Trump is not extremist; it is entirely normal to want to drain the swamp.
#2 “Far right” is just a smear word, cos people rarely use that term to define themselves … thy are just people concerned about culture and immigration laws. The media don’t apply the smear labels to dogmatic people on the left.
#3 inequality caused , that a bizarre assertion “Oh you wouldn’t support Trump or Nationalism if you were rich”
The irony is the topic of the prog was “dealing with aggression”, yet it is weird how how Metro-libs are the ones who are VERY aggressive on Social Media
The prog used a term “Ben has ODD oppositional defiance disorder”
… Jesus. Previously known as naughty children
I turned off when he started describing his prayer activities, which he takes so seriously, and we are supposed to be so impressed, apparently.
Is there any chance of a BBC program about Halal*, not just meat but the whole certification thing. I want to avoid the lot on the grounds of principle.
Recently, I was talking to someone about Warburton’s and Kingsmill bread both having halal certification and how I would never buy those. Then I wondered about supermarket own bread. Who makes it for the supermarkets? Even small independent bakers might use halal certified flour. I have tried to find lists online but without much success.
*Rhetorical question. If there was one it would be an advert in favour.
More than half the country voted Brexit.
More than half the country voted Conservative.
The majority still love their country and do not want trendy, lefty, ultra-liberal, SJW, ideological issues shoved down their throat, be it militant femin-ism, trans-ism, gay-ism, immigration-ism, international-ism, islam-ism, BME-ism etc etc etc.
So why in God’s name are they still subsidising the pro Remain, pro Labour, anti-British, globalist, pro trans, fem, gay, islam, BME etc beebistan??
Rise up, stop paying the extortion tax, YOU have the power to overthrow the rotten anti-British Corporation NOW!
Vlad, it is surprising how little I miss TV in the Internet age.
The only thing I really miss is golf.
If I still watched TV, come Olympics time, then I would watch some badminton and table tennis. Perhaps some important footie games and tennis, also. Motor racing (F1) has gone off, so I don’t miss that at all.
Visual arts and retro stuff around music, etc., is the other thing but that’s all available via the Internet as well.
One of the things that made me give up TV was the advent of Big Brother on C4. I could see where that would lead and sure enough, less than two decades later, lo and behold – Love Island.
I added up how much TV I watched back in the early 2000s. To be fair, some decent programme series were still going, eg ER, Frasier, West Wing, and it was still possible to see regular good movies. The total came out at around twenty hours per week including news/current affairs/politics plus ‘arts’ programmes.
Not only have I saved £150 per year, I have an extra day per week, nearly, in my life most of which I waste on here.
But I do recommend giving up TV and the Licence Fee.
The BBC making its own news this morning.
Radio 5 interviewer ask Olympic Gold medalist Eleanor Barker “Should Geriaint Thomas get a Knighthood”. She replied that she hadn’t thought about it until asked, but yes it might be a good idea.
The next radio sport news bulletin leads on “Calls this morning for Geriaint Thomas to be Knighted”
Seems like the so-called ‘supreme court’ has gone one step further to authorising euthanasia of ‘brain dead’ people without judicial oversite .
That will get plenty more inconvenient people on the Liverpool deathway and free up some beds.
Life is only sacred when someone wants to to be
These patients are not brain dead, which is an objective state to diagnose if done correctly. They still retain a functioning brainstem, with damage affecting the higher regions of the brain.
The victims in the case are patients in a Persistent Vegetative State, described as ‘awake but unaware, with ability to consume food and liquids, retain body temperature, respond to painful stimuli, having sleep-wake cycles. Unlike brain death there can be a spectrum with some states more or less severe than others. Research has been going on into improving their condition and there have been claims of limited success. You can bet this will stop. Adding to the lack of clarity is the proposal to include ‘minimally conscious states’, whatever they are.
The BBC tells us that there are 24,000 PVS patients and getting rid of these ‘useless eaters’ (Hitler’s expression) is simple – dehydrate and starve them to death
There are strong ethical objections which ought to be aired, but watch the BBC dismiss them as religious beliefs.
I used ‘brain dead’ as a short cut to a whole list of levels of response and cognition – sorry .
I know that life can be treated as cheap when people want that . Killing babies is routine and now at the other end of life – killing by neglect will be the same .
Once that is settled others who unproductive to the state – or don’t comply with the requirements of the state can go on the list .
I’ll have a look at the judgement and wonder if there were any dissenters but I’m guessing not.
Ironic that the judges making this decision will be wealthy enough to have their own medical support when needed as opposed to some old person who the medics notice has no visitors or no next of kin when they become a nuisance in hospital….
In the mean time Albeeb chucks teddy in the corner because cannabis oil wasn’t available on tap for someone with a fairly short life expectancy ….
I’ve been on to the BBC regarding brain death, and criteria for harvesting organs post mortem since their 1980 Panorama programme which told blatent lies about people being alive when their organs were removed, and being diagnosed as brain dead in an ambulance. It was probably the worst BBC medical programme ever, and damage to the transplant programme was immense. It partly explains why I am here and why I watch the lying bastards like a hawk.
Very good points, FedUp2. What on Earth happens to isolated, frail, elderly or indeed any age patients who fall into this category, people with no family or friends nearby ? It is a terrifying prospect. So we had Liverpool Pathway, in which hospitals were rewarded for “hitting” targets, which effectively meant they were rewarded for killing elderly patients who were not necessarily near the end of their lives. Famous case of a fit, health lively and active 83 year old lady who went in to hospital about 5 or 6 years ago with a urinary tract infection, nothing too serious. She was put on Liverpool Pathway and died. That , to me is murder. Then we had the 1200 or more deaths by negligence at Mid-Staffs hospital, the estimated 650 who were killed off by Dr Jane Barton and co at Gosport (have read the report online) and several other major NHS scandals. I reckon this new ruling should only be applied where the patient has no prospect of recovery, no quality of life, no sensory perception, etc and where ALL family and Doctors are in agreement. Makes me scared to be in hospital alone in the event of a bad accident.
Sky news going all in this morning. They have polled 1500 London folk and come up with this ….
Utterly pathetic
Comments don’t look like they are going same way…A poll in London eh..well that’s representative :-)))
Dear Sir, Madam, Ms, etc. etc. etc.
I voted to leave the European Union and appear to be classed as mentally deficient as a direct result. Please supply my Blue Badge free parking application form by return. Many thanks.
CH4 latest.
And we thought the BBC were bad
17.4 million likes.
There will never be an inquiry .
As I’ve said here -.the orchestrated series of counter brexit propaganda goes along every day so that at some stage
They’ll all be listed
No smoke without fire
Annul the referendum
Get the correct vote next time
Hopefully with the clock ticking and only two months left using the imposed ReichEU timetable
Time will run out .
The real test of resolve will be the realisation. – by the ReichEU – that time is running out for negotiation and we will leave with our own cash and not pays their bribes . That, I guess , is September / October .
That is serious and really Beyond bias . I have never really thought about making a formal complaint to al beeb but may well do so if the facts laid out are true – and from a look at the links you kindly provided -it appears so .
The former State religion was replaced by the Cof E – now it seems that in turn is to be replaced by Islam . And it’s getting close to the time when anyone trying to stop it will be on the receiving end of a kangaroo court ( see TR).