As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .
Weekend Open Thread 28 July 2018
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Wired Magazine : Analysis of social media data shows that support for the #FreeTommy campaign is far from English
#1 Sounds like they want to construct a narrative to say the issues TR covers have no UK support.
“Only 40 per cent of the tweets using those hashtags came from UK users”
… So ?
#2 Seems to be the usual CutNpaste from the Brendan Cox’s Hatey No Hopers
It allows no comments
Not the bbc, but a great pitch by the Sky guy for Fran’s job:
UKIP effectively banned from Twitter, looks like a second referendum is imminent at the riff raff is to be kept out of the debate.
The BBC will soon be leading a campaign to restore freedom of speech in this important debate. er… maybe
Anne Marie Waters also
3h3 hours ago
I’m the leader of a legitimate and registered political party @Twitter
Can you please justify your censorship of me?
Wheres the new weeks thread?
Waiting for me to waste 5 mins adding text, links and photos and my comment, posting it here, and having it buried, I bet!
As comments have slowed down a bit I left the start the week one out . But to satisfy the customer I will now put one up which I think will run through to the weekend – unless – of course – events and al beeb change that …
Impartial insights no doubt:
And now Sky News truly believe that their poll of under 1500 alone , warrants a second referendum. Who the hell do they think they are
Where comments are open, their presumption to speak for the nation based on such numbers…. is not being received perhaps as well as they may have hoped.
That Sky link has no open comments
House of Commons DCMS Committee report on FakeNews
it is entirely predictable they would reach for Prof Lew an expert on “conspiracy theorists”, who just happens to be a big conspiracy theorist about people who have different opinions from him eg he speaks about ‘Climate deniers funded by big oil’
So ClipScep Blog are in a position to analyse his submissions
There are open comments of course
Time is coming when we`ll all have to get off Twitter etc, and find some friends.
Thankfully, we`ve got plenty. Might be a good idea to link up regionally, maybe by our BBC radio stations, as organised.
I`m Three Counties, got plenty pals with the same mind on Tyneside, The North West, Worcester and Gloucester as well.
They`re the new parishes-but as things stand, you`ll need to use your Wetherspoons and Service Stations to go off-grid and take the Left on.
Truly appalling. How dare they try to undermine RC Church in that way. The treacherous bastards are always telling us how wonderful Islam is, when we all know that it is a sick death cult and a major threat to western civilisation and stability. One hopes such vile shit-stirring from the Beeb will act as a recruiting tool for all branches of the Christian church. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone from the CofE would come out and criticise the Beeb for this shameful piece of “journalism”.
At the next Census in 2021, I urge everyone who would normally think of themselves as Agnostic or Atheist to call themselves Christian (in the cases where they are nominally from a Christian family). I am non-relgious but would consider myself culturally Christian and would certainly be out defending churches and synagogues and other non-Muslim places of worship if it comes to it in the future.