Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
I notice the BBC this morning is keen to put pressure on the Europeans to change their rules.
Is our national broadcaster suddenly supporting the British side in the Brexit talks?
No, don’t be silly. The BBC just want a Women’s Tour de France.
In other news the VD show is worried about lots of things, including the mental health of contestants.
It’s great – I don’t know what Love Ireland is or what Channel it is on … 5 I guess.
What about the mental health of TV viewers who have nothing to watch apart from mind numbing programmes about vacuous people?
no idea exactly what it is either,
but will be happy when it’s over
too much background noise
Love Island on ITV2 gets 6 times more viewers than Newsnight
..It is an edited reality show.
Stew, I just have to correct you there. It is an edited UNREALITY show.
[ Know a little about what goes on behind these things, nudge, nudge. 😉 😉 ]
Stew – thanks – I’m not even sure what a “ reality show” is
could be my ears but
im pretty sure this bint said “pacific” when she meant “specific” during the interview on the segment about the programs diversity
did have to chuckle just imagining all the male contestants being 20 stone tattooed Maori’s
K, now there’s a word you don’t hear every day any more. ‘Bint’ not specific or pacific.
Pure ‘Biggles’.
They ram it down our throats how important it is to have diverse leaders whom non-white groups can ‘trust.’ (God knows why minorities are supposed to think this way.) Obama does nothing and race relations get worse; Khan is beyond useless; the Police is more diverse than ever yet crime is sky rocketing.
Do they consider the evidence and think maybe their whole argument is complete bollocks, and obviously the content of your character is what matters?
Of course not. If anything they become even more zealous. It really is akin to a religion the SJW disease. They have blind faith in a false idol.
Toady watch
At the fag end of the show Humph had a 5 minute mini debate about lobbying – focusing of The IEA which Greenpeace infiltrated as reported yesterday .
What was not explained was “why did Greenpeace infiltrate the IEA?” Who commissioned it? How does that equate with Greenpeace status? “
Let’s face it – remainers are a huge state enterprise funded by both the ReichEU and HMG – against depleted Brexit resources – I include Aaron Banks in this.
But there is no discussion on this – the counter brexit propaganda run by Albeeb never stops .
I was trying to think how al beeb will be if we do leave the ReichEU . Will immediately flip to rejoining campaigning ? Will it spend its time telling us how Blighty is failing ? As it is now with high employment and low interest and inflation rates ? Despite brexit ?
We all know how the BBC will go…everything negative that happens will be due to Brexit and occasionally something good will be despite Brexit and anything really good will be due to global changes from which we have benefited
Toady was followed by Lord Hennessy interviewing Lord Paddy Pants Down . If you want to have your blood pressure raised have a listen
Lord Ashdown – a son of the Raj – goes into politics as a liberal for a hobby . I suppose his constituents like him but thank God he never got power and is now parked in the peers expenses club .
interesting that al beeb chose Ashdown to interview but I suppose he has something to sell – himself or a book.
Thank you. Well argued
“Refugees”? New point of arrival: Cadiz, Spain. Getting closer……
That’s shocking isn’t it but show it to snowflakes and they’ll just respond ‘these are people, simply fleeing oppression’.
Yeah but what if this invading horde got out some AK’s and started shooting shit up or if the bags they threw off the boat were full of explosives to be used in a future terrorist attack.
Is it still a game, is it still just poor people looking for a better life or is this rather a blatant act of illegality that shouldn’t be swept aside with a cursory ‘they are people for gods sake, just give them a chance, and a bed, and some money and access to young western girls…’
Maybe it’s a new marketing gimmick for selling fake Rolex’s and handbags ….
Looks like they need a better mine field …( where’s. Maxi?).
I didn’t see that in the Thomas. cook brochure . And reminded me. of the. 30 or more murdered on a. Beach in Tunisia not so long ago…
It’s very difficult to make out, but if you listen carefully you can just make out the words of one of the invaders in English. He says: “There is an Apple store on Calle San Francisco, not far from the ferry terminal. They might have the new iPhones there and I am due for an upgrade”.
Good hearing. I thought I heard them saying “where is the cab rank to get us to England to meet Gary Linekar, JK Rowling and Lilly Allen who have offered to put us for the night, week, year…”
There’s an interesting rumour doing the rounds on Twitter and it’s also been mentioned on Sky News.
It seems that Salman Abedi, that charming lad responsible for the mass carnage in Manchester last year, had been rescued by the Royal Navy some three years earlier from Tripoli.
Isn’t it comforting to know that our generous government are always so willing to help the those in danger from the third world at the expense of their own citizens? I mean it’s not as though they hadn’t been warned, is it? ISIS have told us constantly that they are smuggling their terrorists into Europe with the refugees. Nigel warned us. Nick Griffin warned us. Did our benevolent government listen? Hmmm…
Now remind me, who would the Home Secretary have been back then? Oh yes, Theresa bloody Maybe.
The most inadequate Home Secretary in living memory and now on course to become the most pathetic PM since Neville Chamberlain.
Oh, I’ve just checked to see what our state broadcaster has to say about this outrage…
Well, there’s plenty about the really important stories like “Love Island.” There’s a tragic piece about a six year old Muslim girl hit by a car on her way to the mosque. There’s a piece about British Gas losing customers. And there’s a really interesting story about Durex recalling batches of condoms because they’re not passing the shelf life test. Crikey, I think I’ve still got a packet of three bought from a vending machine in 1979! Oh dear…
However, terrorists brought to our shores…
The BBC News website has the newspaper headline roundup which includes the Manchester bomber being rescued on the Daily Mail front page screen shot.
I’ve put in complaints to the BBC in the past when they don’t cover certain news and their excuse is “it was covered in ‘The Papers’ “. It’s the bare minimum they have do to tick a box and pat themselves on their own backs.
If the BBC was a impartial broadcaster they would cover this news with their own article and then follow it up with a ‘Reality Check – Are migrants really a benefit to the UK or are they just killing us?’.
Was he picked up by HMS Manchester ( if there is one ?)
I believe the ship was called the HMS Jo Cox.
May the shaytan bless her and anyone who goes down on her.
Not only that, he was apparently under surveillance by our secret services and people from the college he was attending were so concerned at his behaviour that they reported him to the police.
The result, nothing was done to do him and there are 22 dead innocent Englishmen women and children. Surely the state must bear some responsibility in all of this; bringing him and his family here in the first place, ignoring complaints to the police about him, and the failure of the security services to do their job and deport him and his family as soon as they knew he was a danger to us, their paymasters, the indigenous peoples of our country.
It’s almost as though HMG had granted him a James Bond-style licence to kill…
I often write about the lack of male news presenters on the BBC.
After just watching the Mundhir Abdallah from Copenhagen in
my opinion he would make a very good addition for the
Londonistan Programme on the BBC.
I liked Paddy Ashdown but on R4 today Reflections he showed his deep rooted bigotry towards Brexiteers…
After Brexit he describes that he saw/sees the UK as not as international, not as polite, proto- isolationist, and not as respectful and tolerant to others..All due to Brexit
He did give Brexiteers a pat on the back – he was sure many of us did it for the right reason….then added that others didn’t. He didn’t once suggest any positive that could come…
All of his views and comments presume that the Remainers are the good guys…who know best
To finish off he slagged Populism.. .damn those ‘ordinary folk’ voting with their feet…
My views of him have changed..he is a narrow minded Liberal
James – my view of him hasn’t changed. .He said he didn’t recognise his country any more . I’d say to him and those fools like him – come to my bit of Londonistan and see if you recognise that country. . He went on about intolerance- thank God some of us are objecting to what Ashdown and his type have done to Blighty .
Agreed FedUp 🙂
HE doesn’t recognize this country? What a nerve!
JA, I, too, used to like Ashdown when he was trying to sort out the Balkans mess that was caused by …. ummhh ….. er, politicians not listening to people with warnings about the future. (The UK Gov. was warned about Yugoslavia and Kosovo, etc, in the mid-1980s.)
Banania, as Ashdown has served in the military, I have a notion that in the back of my mind that that means you belong to ‘HM’ ever after, even after retirement. Is that right? Should Paddy Ashdown now be facing a firing squad or some such? A former Colonel that I worked with long ago, would have turned purple on reading your post and spluttered “Mutiny! Scoundrel! Mutiny. Put that man Ashdown on a charge. Demote him to Private. Latrine duty is too good for him!”
A car has murdered again? With a mind of it’s own?
I have a better, more accurate headline suggestion.
MUSLIMS Use Vehicle to Kill People Yet Again.
I Suppose when Islamic terrorists with. Mental issues attack a. Cycle race in. Blighty al Beeb will be looking other way.
I just watched, well not really watched ,but had it on in the
background whilst eating my muesli ,the breakfast programme
on the BBC. Dan Walker was on with one of the two Munchkin
women. They had just interviewed the far from loquacious
Geraint Thomas. But why should this numero uno cyclist want
to be that talkative when being asked the most inane question’s
imaginable. He looked like he wanted to jump on his bike and
ride out of the studio.
Later in the programme Sally Nugent one of the now plethora
of women sports reporters on the BBC , and possibly the
most likely to take over from Gary Lineker as presenter of
Match of the Day when Big Brother from the Diversity department
decides that the time is right, said of Dan Walker that he reminds
her of her “little brother” meaning his absolute childish manner.
To be honest with men like Walker on the sofa , maybe it is time
that the BBC became 100% the women’s channel and not the 75%
it is now.
I’m open to ‘all wimmin’ presenters but they do need to be decent totti and not some of those ‘female’ beeboids who Frighten the budgie . There is a big northern lass who I find frightening first thing – especially if I’ve lost me glasses again.
Maybe they could get some of those girlies the mail on line always put on ‘flaunting their abs ‘ or ‘pert’ this or that to nice up the morning al beeb propaganda?
I would bet you Jason ‘mo’ is up for the. Walkers crisps job. .
I don’t know if anyone has seen the video that Faith Goldy has released about the Toronto shooter but it’s pretty impressive.
Obviously, many on here have commented on the reluctance of the media to look into this ‘incident’ and when they have been forced to, quickly dismiss it as an act of mental health, like I guess the work rage incident when Fort Hood got shot up or when the guy decapitated a grandmother in her back garden whilst shouting Allah Akbar and was diagnosed as being schizo.
Anyway, the family of the Toronto shooter quickly got out a letter written by a known Muslim PR apologist citing the shooters mental health to put a band aid over any thoughts of wrongdoing.
Interesting then that Faith discovers that this guys older brother is currently in a coma after a drugs overdose but when his house was raided had 33 guns in the basement along with 42 KGs of a dangerous drug.
Amazing that one brother would be up to his neck in drugs, weapons and illegality and then another would go on a murderous rampage but lets not draw any conclusions, lets put it all down to mental health and sweep it back under the carpet. Hell, it was only a 10 year old girl and 18 year old woman that were killed, nothing really to worry about.
I look forward to seeing the crack BBC/Guardian investigative team looking into this and reporting their findings.
No point. The entire investigative arm of the BBC in North America is researching an incident when Donald Trump ordered a Coca-Cola and the possible impeachment ramifications.
I spend considerable time on YouTube as a substitute for watching any TV channels via my TV licence which expired last September. On YouTube you see what you see and believe it or believe it not objectively. Earlier, I searched on, “Revolution” and some remarkable videos came up. I watched a couple in relation to Saint Obama’s time. Seems he clocked that every time he dreamed up a policy and applied same, the sale of guns to private citizens went up significantly. He feared civil unrest particularly from those service people returning from various wars. He ordered the distribution of well over a billion rounds of hollow point ammunition to the State Police alongwith thousands of bayonets (would you believe). Additionally he supplied them with many mine/bomb proof assault vehicles. Seems his fear was more of an obsession. But hey, the point being, all this was going on during the famous handshake in the gardens of the White House between BBC’s fart Sopel and Saint Obama. Why was it not reported by our, “Most Trusted…..”?
It appears the US is in a bit of a state far more than I realised.
Hey just watch a few of those election night extracts of snow flake journos with straight face swearing To God that donny Trump Will Never be President – and then the ones where the final results come in . Priceless . OMG OMG
Those videos never get tiring, especially the ones set to the music of In the hall of the mountain king. Just perfect music.
Well I managed two episodes of BBC4’s Mark Kermode’s Secrets Of Cinema before having to turn off and delete the series link on my Sky planner. Actually that’s not strictly true, I only managed one episode and about twenty minutes of the second.
The set up of the show is that film critic and BBC regular Mark Kermode explores a genre of film each week, he starts by outlining the formula that films within that genre follow and over the course of the next hour he points out the similarities, where the elements came from, the reasons why they work, where films break the formula etc etc. A recipe for an educational, informative and possibly trivia collecting hour of relaxation. Predictably that didn’t happen.
The first programme was about Romantic Comedies. Part way in he said something along the lines of – Think of Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in Sleepless In Seattle and You’ve Got Mail, Xxxxxxx and Yyyyyyy in Zzzzzz, and Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. All of these couples are perfectly cast, you can’t imagine anyone else taking that role-. FYI Xxxxxx and Yyyyyyy were the names of, I presume, a Bollywood actor and actress and Zzzzz is the film that I’d never heard of and can’t spell. I’m genuinely not being rude or dismissive of that film, but whether or not you like any of the other films in that list they’re undeniably well known and seared into the International psyche. Including the “Bollywood” film in that list was pure virtue signalling and jarred what would otherwise have been an excellent point. Then he called Katherine Hepburn an actor (virtue signal, jarring) before predictably unveiling some lesbian and homosexual rom coms including his favourite about two gay teenagers. Call me old fashioned but watching a teenaged white man going into kiss a teenaged black man (come on, you didn’t expect them to be the same colour did you?) while sat on a Ferris wheel doesn’t strike me as being the family entertainment that he claimed it to be. He then unctiously preened over how Rom Coms featuring heterosexual couples may no longer be the norm. Now not only does this completely contradict the representation of heterosexual to homosexual couples within society, it also displays a misuse (or fake use?) of language. 51% or more of the Rom Coms released would need to be exclusively about homosexuals and lesbians before heterosexual stories would no longer be the norm. And do I need to mention that every film that YOU haven’t heard of and wouldn’t pay to see always seemed to be far better than the well known ones that you would sit down and enjoy with your other half? You know, the ones that earned millions at the box office and are either a genuine or guilty pleasure in the hearts of tens if not hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
So onto the twenty minutes I managed in episode two, the Heist movie. It took 10 minutes but sure enough he lamented the lack of strong female characters in this genre, never mind that gangs do ‘tend’ towards being a male thing. But when have well founded stereotypes ever gotten in the way of the BBC virtue signalling? So after criticising a film noir in which Marilyn Monroe played a far too young and attractive mistress to the films’ Mister Big (missing the whole point that mistresses in film are meant to be too young and too attractive) he moved on to a film called Bound which featured a female gang, saying that what also made it interesting is that it was written and directed by,wait for it,……… “two Trans women”. You could not make it up. Me being me I asked the question, why does that make it interesting? I couldn’t care less about the personal circumstances of a writer or director, a good or bad film is good or bad irrespective of who they are. Then he moved to another film I’d never hear of , this one featuring single African American women as the protagonists. At which point he smarmed words to the effect of, these women don’t need a mastermind, they’re working together, they can do it on their own (the subtext being that they don’t need a person in charge unlike the original and remake Ocean’s 11, The League Of Gentleman and every other hideously white male gang he’d discussed up to this point). A slight saving grace followed as he (dared to) criticise the recent all female Ocean’s remake, Ocean’s 8, because the all female heist movie had already been done better, in his opinion, twenty years earlier.
So we’re nearing twenty minutes and he said that as we all know the biggest criminals are bankers. This was his introduction to show us how many of the elements of the Heist genre were used in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Maybe I’m being oversensitised to the BBC but no, we don’t all know that bankers are the biggest criminals. Sure there’s dodgy ones in there but the same is true of all walks of life. It was at this point that I hit the yellow button and banished the series from by hard drive.
What could and should have been an interesting and informative look at classic and modern cinema that explored the common threads within genres and the success or otherwise of following them or deviating from them turned into something else. Like lots of BBC output they simply HAD to make it about something else, preaching as usual about gender, race and sexuality, things that most of us don’t really care about until they’re rammed down our throats and paraded as being somehow more valid than our own lifestyles and sexuality. I’m happy to overlook a lot of the virtue signalling on BBC4 because there’s some good stuff on there (usually commissioned by the BBC as opposed to made by them) but if the BBC are able to study the viewing habits from satellite box data and see me and others turning off until the channel goes the way of BBC3 I won’t mourn it’s passing.
Woolwich – Barry Norman would be spinning in his viewing room. I had the first episode on the iPad but now I can happily delete thanks to you.
I’m guessing there isn’t a ‘terrorist ‘ genre – if there was I suppose it would just be white chaps with oirish accents and no lone wolves with Norwegian mental issues…
Fedup2, the first episode was actually a lot worse than I made it sound, you will do well to delete. I was joking with a friend that if he did an Action genre he’d smugly just take the p*** for the hour and take the side of whoever it was that Arnie/Sylvester/Bruce/Van Damme/Norris/Seagal etc attacked, blaming their upbringing, colonialism, racism or Brexit for their decision to kidnap daughters/torture US soldiers/invade skyscrapers/oh you get my point.
Spot on Woolwich, that is exactly how it is. I wanted to watch Mark Kermode’s Secrets Of Cinema but knew it would be just as you said. But currently I have been watching this:
Its clean up to now but keeping my fingers crossed for the final episode. Literally everything else on the BBC, and other media, spews an agenda and we all know it, must be 99% of its output that is soiled
I had the series stored up, but now shan’t bother. Thanks for the warning.
He’s a smug sanctimonious beeboid, what do you expect?
Thanks for your analysis.
I wonder if Kermode did one about action and/or assassins he could make a comment on the stupidity and unbelievability of a small woman managing to punch out a 6’4 Eastern European and not even break a nail.
He can then move on to Horror films and gush about Get Out where black people are terrorised by evil whites.
If you want horror, how about the veil of secrecy that is slowly descending over the planet to hide the civil rights horrors happening in places like China, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan etc.
All carried out under the ‘watchful eye’ of a liberal media that wants to bury worldwide atrocities and focus solely on a President and a Referendum that they can’t stand.
The quality of his programme is summed up by what his name is phonetically associated with.
Being a film buff (more the golden era), I too watched the first episode which was more bluff than buff. He could have condensed everything he said into 20 minutes, and only focused on a very few romcoms. The concept was a good one, but the implementation was plodding through syrup. A visit to the dentist held more allure than sitting through Kermode’s next two offerings.
A lot of fires breaking out these days.
ISIS Has a New Weapon: Fire
They don’t even have to kill themselves do they. No need for a suicide firestarter, just some matches and some firelighters.
Still, if it takes off we can rely on Khan to ban matches, lighters and candles.
Tonight’s BBC offering
Director Hannah Livingston spends six months tracking two of America’s most radical Christian hate groups – a notorious pastor from Arizona and a network of preachers taking an extremist message directly onto the street
Somehow overlooking Obama’s favorite iman Louis Farrakhan. But new kid on the block can better the BBC
Netflix will begin offering a film chronicling the life of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on August 1 despite the activist’s penchant for resorting to anti-semitic and anti-gay slurs.
And racist anti-white slurs: “White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2000
Serious face on Annita McVeigh on BBC New Channel as she delivers a couple of bits of bad headline news but with rather different treatment as scripted by BBC news editors.
On the aid sector sexual abuse scandal there’s a call to arms with an impassioned plea of something must be done campaign.
As for the Libyan refugee-hadi who murdered British children – not so much. No particular conclusions to be drawn. No endemic or systemic problems here at all, apparently.
Better than that ASI, they managed to ignore the subject altogether on Breakfast TV, somehow missing out the Mail’s cover in the newspaper review – and since that didn’t exist there was no point in making an item of it. ‘It’ being the fact that we brought the bastard Manchester bomber here via Navy frigate and, probably, RAF transport, from Libya when he was a tender 19 year old aspiring architectural doctor.
How did the BBC manage? Well, top item on the text page Newspaper review – a slot normally reserved for the Guardian – is the Mail’s headliner. So they can’t be accused of ignoring the subject after all. It’s easy when you know how.
It indeed gets better. Beeb-on-Beeb inhouse interview journo-to-journo drops the line “he was on a watch list but his case had been closed as no longer a person of interest” – apart from the fact that our security services cocked up yet again the female BBC journo in rather hushed tones seemed to treat this info as somehow excusing the importation of this chap. “He wasn’t radicalised at the time” So how come he was formerly a person of interest? Family connections? Ok then, given he wasn’t already radicalised let’s start to beware bringing in people who might get radicalised.
Good old al aunty beeb – encouraged hatred of bankers but gleefully reports banks moving out of londonistan because of brexit .
I enjoy reading the sob stories on albeeb about foreigners leaving Blighty because of brexit . That is part of being a guest worker .
Context is all – the number of people working in the financial sector in London is greater than the total population of Frankfurt.
Terrorism is a white man thing – it’s official!
Search for “terrorism” in the BBC website search box and filter for just ‘news’ and you get in the following order…
1. Photo of a white man and “Terror charges dropped against UK ex-soldier”
2. Photo of a white man and “Man found guilty under Terrorism Act in Edinburgh”
3. Photo of a Turkish man and “Turkey arrests former opposition MP on terrorism charges” (he is quite white!)
4. Photo of a building and “Iraq executes 12 for terrorism after IS captives found dead”
5. Photo of a building and “Bradford man appears in court over terrorism offences”
6. Photo of a statute and “Probe over donations to terror-linked group”
7. Photo of ambulances and “Prevent scheme: Report highlights Muslims’ ‘persecution’ fears”
8. Photo of Court building and “Bradford man charged with terrorism offences”
9. Photo of Court building and “Bradford man appears in court over terrorism offences”
10. Photo of a white man and “Ronan Kerr murder: Man charged with terrorism offences”
So any white man get his photo shown but any “Bradford man”, muslim, IS etc gets a photo of a building or other man made object.
Impartial my arse!
Not that I want to defend the Beeb but I guess some of the Bradford perps are just appearing in court rather than having been sentenced.
But then the Beeb blows their own impartiality by showing the image of the last one where someone was charged.
Their bias really is undeniable.
Seems John has not yet finished his tour of every BBC studio before leaving.
The Today Programme
“The corruption is far worse than people know,” John Cleese is fed up with the right-wing press and “corruption” in the UK and says he is moving to the Caribbean.
Meanwhile, in the spirit of getting it about right wing all the time, here is another BBC impartial effort over the channel…
BBC News
Preserving traditions or promoting hate – what’s driving Hungary’s new nationalism?
(via BBC World Service)
Next up… Balls about Texas?
They are like a friggin’ stuck record.
Wednesday will not be a popcorn day . As a reminder – it is the day when the Lord Chief Justice is due to deliver his judgement on R v TR .
I’m guessing if they can find a way to delay it the state will . Today – Tuesday – might be TRs final day in prison – so let’s hope that he is healthy and that foreign media are at the High Court tomorrow to witness a British political prisoner .
Is Cleese is fed up with right wing press going on about immigration?!?
So he moves to the Caribbean to escape the shit hole the UK has become. Oh the irony!
Devils Advocate
We had Fislam around our area yesterday, spent about an hour seeking out vote remain people, then had the cheek to do his piece on tv and say everyone he spoke to wants a second referendum.. talk about set it up… didn’t believe it until I saw it with own eyes… I’m not sure there are any MSM outlets with a shred of reputation left.
Not non-fake ones, no. Speaking of impartial British broadcasters…
Kamal Ahmed, already comfortable in suits, is to be the new editorial conscience of BBC News, as Editorial Director. This could be entertaining; as economics editor, he’s believed to have been frustrated during the Brexit referendum campaign from reporting on the sheer weight of economic evidence saying exit was a bad idea.
Kamal, 50, decided to describe himself as ‘mixed race’, rather than ‘black British’
Good man. Being that he is going to struggle on the Mandela lookalike front.
Guess his book will be suitably plugged by the BBC everywhere.
Second referendum comfort blanket for remainers . Luckily time is running out and if the Tories try a second referendum it’s goodbye to power for a long time –
As well as a lot of ex Tory MPs stuffed into the house of the unelected .
Clear sign al beeb is panicking . I think most punters would just say “ we voted once – why vote again ? Why are we still in it ? “
The entire politico-media estate is panicking.
Ordinarily I’d be fine with that as, in their panic, they are making outrageous errors that render them laughing stocks.
However, this leaves very few political ‘leaders’ to actually vote for, and the BBC remains no matter what.
I am getting fed up with this too.
Andrew Neil ( on Twitter ) reckons that anti brexit stories are running at an average of one every 12 hours .
Mr Soros is chucking the kitchen sink at it .
As an aside – it seems the out going PM is to meet with macron on Friday . However there is talk that Macron is facing a ‘ vote of confidence ‘ action soon . Pop corn again
I think Kamal Ahmed was frustrated because very quickly people realised, especially on his Blog, that he was quite useless as an Economics Editor.
Then when he went all Remainer, they disliked him even more and would tell him so. Poor old Kamal.
Bring back Steffie!
Talking about the BBC and what the BBC… does not talk about.
Market rates all round.
“Ex-BBC Editor in Denial Attack”
So as ye reap, ye shall sow…. enjoy, Paul.
Maybe I missed the comments on this – but did anyone have the misfortune to catch the BBC2 programme on infant school gender ‘stereotypes’ a few nights back after newsnight? I was only able to watch 2 minutes before turning off in disgust but this was the gist of it:
The presenter (who happened to be brown) set out to demonstrate to a class of infants and parents (who happened to be exclusively white) how awful and bigotted they all are to be encouraging the ‘stereotypical’ gender roles and views which lead to the development of healthy relationships, procreation and happy families. You couldn’t make it up.
Ben Shapiro picked up on it here:
The Norwegians produced a TV series in a similar vein.
It is worth watching just to see what happens when the ‘gender studies’ zealots are told that the behaviour of day-old babies can be predicted by their sex. ‘The evidence must be wrong, our idealogy says so’.
I think Dr Javid Abdelmoneim is a bit of a beeb posterboy(girl). A year ago he (she) was behind the programme “No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?” (same programme?). But don’t be concerned, the man (woman) himself (herself) said:
—“One, this is absolutely not about gender identity. Two, in no way could you imagine anyone ever trying to steer children in a way that’s harmful. We’re talking about the BBC. I’m a Doctor.”
Reassured yet?
Truly wicked, evil social engineering designed to make the white population fall. Such tactics were being mooted as far back as the 1960s and 1970s according to some. I can only hope that all decent families rebel against this. A local man tells me his teenager and group of school chums all ignore the PC nonsense at school, just pretending to go along with it and saying what they think the snowflake teachers want to hear. Away from the school they ridicule it and the gender-neutral loo is used for snogging etc. Parents with children who are being indoctrinated in this way must fight back, even if it means withdrawing the children from school and teaching them at home…where they might well learn more any way. Shame on the policy makers and educationalists who came up with all this crap, and shame on the snowflake teachers for forcing it on innocent children.
“The average age of a Radio 2 listener is 52, but the station says it “has an increased focus on reaching younger 35-44s and specifically less well-off women aged 35-44.””
What older 33 yo’s make of this garbage who knows?
Looks like R2 is trying to muscle in on the VD audience of sofabergs exhausted after pushing the grandkids around the park whilst getting through a pack of fags and a six-pack of Stella.
The MSM in general using this to divert attention. I have picked up on the narrative that the aid sector sex abuse scandal can be likened to problems with the Catholic Church but no mention of Muslim rape gangs.
International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt welcomed the report, saying: “Until the sector is fully prepared to address the power imbalance, cultures, and behaviours that allow sexual abuse, exploitation and harassment to happen, we will never stamp it out.”
Ok can we apply this to the ROPers then as well? No? Thought not.
OFCOM makes the Electoral Commission look like the epitome of impartial balance in oversight, so their brain farts are always fun:
It starts:
“The role of the BBC is to produce high quality and distinctive programmes and services which educate, inform and entertain.”
Comments are invited.
I was just watching part of a film “Man in in the Moon with Kenneth Moore on Talking Pictures TV. Two quotes from one of the scientists in charge could have come straight out of the BBC boardroom and are equally applicable to Ofcom.
1: “I love spending public money; so much more satisfying than spending one’s own.”
2: ” Terrible thing truth, particularly if the wrong people get hold of it. “
When Dick dissed Nick…
Awful when family squabble. And Nick looked so comfy chatting through his beard earlier.
I don’t want it to happen but if god forbid there was a second referendum, how do you think it would go?
Obviously we know how the second bite played out in Ireland but what do you think would happen here?
Is there enough spine in the British people to deliver an even bigger fuck off to the establishment or do you think the press would become so out of control hysterical that Remain would win it?
I must confess that I’m really not sure. I so wanted to be proud of the British people on the day of the referendum. I wanted to see whether we would have some courage and self belief and reject the endless negativity. From feeling like the battle was turning our way, after the Jo Cox murder the momentum was taken from the Leave sails and I genuinely thought we’d crash and burn.
I was working as a poll clerk on the day in Tunbridge Wells (you’d assume a Leave heartland) but over the course of the day I felt that it wasn’t going to go Leave’s way and after the count, T Wells was for Remain.
Hence it was such an amazing turn of events when I witnessed the counts coming in and Leave stretching out into the lead (albeit a small lead). Because of this, I have no idea what would happen in a second vote.
I’d pray that we’d do it but I’m not sure if I’d have the faith in our people to deliver another startling upset. Would the Leavers play on the same arguments and highlight how all of Remains doom laden prophecies didn’t come true or would they try to tap into some kind of national stubbornness and generate a wave of outrage that we were being asked again?
What are your thoughts?
I think they will fix it ,
they will have to, project fear 1 didnt work, project fear 2 would be laughed out of town
they may play the multi question card with only 1 remain and many brexit options
but I dont think they will take any chances this time, ballot stuffing postal votes, votes for eu citizens, double voting students, votes for 16 year olds the full monty I suspect
BBC oldie on ProjectFear2
\\ I think I’ve heard everything now about Brexit on @BBCNewsnight that we won’t be able to make sandwiches!
We fought and won 2 world wars losing several million men saving Europe from tyranny
– but we won’t be able to make bloody sandwiches. Dear me. //
Keith Massey @keith__massey
Cinematographer Ambassador and Fellow GTC (Guild of Television Camera Professionals) affiliated with IAWF (International Assoc Wildlife Filmmakers)
In a letter in today’s Yorkshire Post , Keith asks how the government allowed regional telly to be destroyed
Especially in Leeds
with the closing of the Yorkshire TV production studios
and the BBC bulldozing its Woodhouse Lane studios .
“How can talent work in London when house prices are so high ?”
The BBC seem to have a lot of SELF award nights and parties
50 years of Propaganda from the Biased Brainwashing Corporation, well yippee.
And self-congratulatory bashes at our expense, double yippee.
They dare not have a second referendum.
This would produce many Cox type “de-selections”.
So it will be “pretend” the May plan is Brexit.
In which case people like me will be most grateful if you can ensure “He died for his country.” appears on our gravestones.
Payne, how do I think it will go? The result could be a real shocker if the Electoral Commission insisted that if the one option Remainers want -) Seek to remain in or rejoin EU was in a second part of the Referendum with two pairs of choices.
Accept deal or Leave: vote [ ]
Seek to remain/rejoin or Leave: [ ]
At present, Remainers are hoping that it will be a straight two or three question Referendum with one choice being ‘accept the deal’ and the other ‘remain in or seek to rejoin EU’. Strictly, that cannot be done. That splits the previous Leave vote. It always has to be a binary choice to be fair.
I think a fair second Referendum might see the Leave vote nudge 60%, certainly be more than last time. The problem for Remainers is that people are getting tired of the EU without hearing any news about any positive aspect of it. Leave, on the other hand, might get a bit complacent. That would be a major danger.
Remain would also be hog-tied by all that they have tried to use so far to get Brexit overturned. They might not be allowed State money to put out a booklet. They would have to be even more scrupulous with their donations than the Leave campaigners. The slightest slip will see them destroyed by the media. They would not be able to use Soros’ money or wheel out Obama, Blair & Major with unsubstantiated scare stories.
I think what would be essential second time round would be a personal campaign by Leave, getting those who voted Leave last time to get the message out on a friends & neighbours basis and also to people on the street. Very much a word of mouth campaign for Leave.
If ‘they’ won’t accept the result of the ‘first’ referendum why should ‘we’ accept the result of the ‘second’?
Civil society only works when most people obey the rules freely, when people see the rules being broken they no longer feel the need to accept them.
A simple example: Cyclists don’t feel the need to stop at red traffic lights, drivers of 4x4s observe this and now they too don’t feel the need to stop either.
Not a fucking chance.
Everything flung at fixing a ‘change’
Like the USA / no second chance as they’ll never ever let it happen again
I agree that any second vote would be rigged. The establishment would have the ballot boxes switched and make damn sure they didn’t lose again.
This is why the MSM are pushing this agenda and trying to plant the seed in our heads. Can you imagine even having this debate if remain had won. Leave won fair and square and we shouldn’t let them bully us into giving up the prize.
Leave won on a tiny unfair budget against the government and the media, an incredible victory, and the remainers are so gobsmacked they have lost all reason it’s like PTSD for them, they need therapy
I think we may be getting a bit ahead of ourselves here and talking ourselves into a state of despondency. To my, admittedly limited knowledge, nobody with the power to make it happen has suggested that there is any chance of a second referendum. In fact some of them have denied that there is that possibility. We can wring our hands and moan but it will make not a scrap of difference. Mrs May has stated that Brexit means Brexit,so until it becomes blatantly obvious that it doesn’t I say let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.
I tend to agree, Lefty. Hopefully you had a read through the Star Wars scenario I sketched out a couple of Threads back. I’ve said it before, but if in five years time we discover Theresa May has switched sides to join Leave, I would not be at all surprised.
The next big bump will be before and then during the Party Conference season. Will Remainers among the Conservatives try to sabotage the PM and their Conference?
After that it’s final negotiation time and a Parliamentary vote here and the remaining EU member States also voting ‘over there’. 🙂
“despondency” Time to get those rose tinted spectacles off.
In World Wars One and Two the leaders were on our side.
Anybody believe the “leaders” are on our side now?
In World Wars One and Two we did not have millions of enemy soldiers on the ground in the UK, invited by our “leaders”.
Germany still exists despite losing both World wars, this will not be the case if Europe loses this war.
Seems to me our “finest hour” might have to be very soon, I hope we are ready for it.
LCS, we don’t really know. It appears from the Chequers Plan that the PM has royally stitched up Brexiteers and was caving in, at least in part, to Remainers and the EU.
As a kid, I ‘grew up’ on Bobby Charlton and his body swerve. Learned a lot from him. 😉
OK LastChance
I took your advice and removed my rose tinted specs. The world still looks the same. I still think it’s not over till it’s over. I hope I’m right.
Pupils unable to read is ‘a scandal’, says minister
”Education Secretary Damian Hinds says it is a “scandal” that some children still start school unable to speak in full sentences or read simple words.
Children who start Year 1 behind their peers rarely catch up – “the gap just widens”, he has said in a speech.
He has pledged to halve the number of pupils starting school behind in early talking and reading skills by 2028.”
A nice leisurely 10 year plan-
but what does one of these kids look like to the BBC
you’ve guest right:
I wonder what search terms they used to end up with that stock photo?
To be fair the article might be suggesting that it is a scandal that white kids cannot speak in full sentences or read simple words to their fellow classmates i.e. they cannot speak Arabic in a typical Londonistan school.
Or it could be like the near 2 year old child I recently saw at a family ‘do’ who’s vocabulary consisted of eeeh, ahhh, and uuuh. I asked my wife if the child should be speaking by that age and her terse answer was “yes, but there’s no communication between them (child and parents) because they (the parents) are always on Facebook”. Sure enough the parents lived up to expectations by spending a great deal of the event staring at the palms of their hands. And worryingly I consider them to be not thick, so goodness knows how the children of less bright social media addicts will turn out.
I don’t suppose the image was flipped? They wouldn’t want to suggest that ‘mummy’ might be married would they?
Wow! I didn’t spot that but I wouldn’t bet against you being right.
Would the Spanish have put up with this 30 years ago?
They are encouraging it now. The Premiere insists that “Europe needs new blood”, so quick – hustle them off to France or Germany…
Are there many in the Chinese Politburo members that have British born spouses
ie the reverse of Jeremy Hunt our Foreign Secretary ?
Isn’t it strange how many British MPs are so often foreign born or married to Russian / Chinese etc ?
#DividedLoyalties ?
Divided loyalties? Probably not. In time of conflict I think it’s pretty obvious which way their canons would point.
It’s not the 1 day a year that we are in conflict that is the problem
It’s 364 when we aren’t.
Grooming gang stuff could never happen now
cos West Yorkshire Police Management are well on top of Child Safeguarding issues ……….. NOT
OK it was only KNOWN on one night, and they have now sacked him
..but how the heck did an officer think it’s OK to send suggestive messages to a minor never mind someone in a children’s home ?
There should be a procedure whereby police messages are only sent from within the Police building and a communications record sent to a fellow officer, so that it guarantees such bad behaviour gets caught.
They include one which said ‘You like sex?’ and another which read ‘Please delete everything’.
LOL !!
Depends upon the originating nationality of the particular member of the stasi. If there was only a name given…………….
Well it is in Yorkshire and i suppose he was levtured about diversity and then about Islam and after all that he was just copying what he had been told was quite correct and proper behaviour for Yorkshiremen of Islamic faith.
Seriously when police senior officers turned a blind eye to industrial scale rape by Muslims for years then we started down a slippery slope .
“The Electoral Commission’s report is full of inconsistencies, contradictions and highly subjective conclusions and interpretations of fact that I doubt would stand up to proper scrutiny in a court of law.” I have one problem with this assertion, that is, as no doubt TR will agree, the courts along with the police can no longer be trusted. The so-called “Separation of Powers” has been suspended until this ruling elite get their wicked way. Whether it will ever come back to satisfy the illusion of “Democracy” I doubt very much.
Cliff Richard case
Michael Buerk’s article in the Radio Times, speaking out of both sides of his mouth
\\ the way the BBC almost blackmailed the South Yorkshire Police into co-operating doesn’t look great.
And neither does the schoolboy glee.”//
\\ Difficult to say it was not in the public interest or, as the law stood, that it was wrong to name a suspect before it could reasonably be expected he would be charged, however famous he might be. //
No MB it’s dead easy : the BBC would be £2m richer if they had NOT named him … It was the wrong thing to do
I think Cliff Richard would have been spared a lot of agony had he been born with a black hide.
Pity South Yorkshire police didn’t raid the homes of the Rotherham grooming gang ringleaders without their knowledge, tv cameras on hand and overhead helicopter. Wonder why they didn’t.
£2m less to spend on biased far-liberal propaganda. Excellent.
Michael Grade’s scathing criticism of @BBCNews over handing of Cliff Richard case and reaction to judgement.
83 comments ..all agree with him
\\ Have a look at their breakfast programme It’s on now.
Silly, childish, overpaid presenters, sitting on a sofa laughing and giggling along with each other. It’s pitiful
It should be on the children’s channel //
And I’m paying for it.//
Well said, Michael Grade. Shame on the BBC for covering up Saville and others and then going after Cliff Richard because he is a white Christian who likes to keep his private life private.
Thwaites brewery raid : 4 gypsy travellers are charged for trial in November, one of the family was remanded
Anthony wakes up, checks Twitter, and sums up the bbc approach to journalism.
Late lunch for me, out & about near the middle of the day. Caught some of TWatO and a voice I thought I recognised. As soon as it started spinning like a top against Brexit, without more or less any interruption from the Montacutie, it confirmed to me that it was new Labour Remainer, Yvette Cooper.
She is a pure Android. I heard all the right Blairite phrases, in the right order (Eric Morecambe, please note) and all at the right time. “We’ve got to have a debate on this.” Just like a real Stepford Wife. No wonder Ed likes to spend time in the USA.
Behind the Isis ‘Beatle’ Elsheikh is a story of breakdown and despair
—”This is not a glamorous story with a coherent thread, it is a story of political failure in Sudan and social failure in the UK, underscored by family breakdown. It is a story of poverty, urban drift and atomisation. And it is a story of how some preachers in London’s mosques stalk the city, picking up fatherless, disenchanted boys.”
Social failure… family breakdown… disenchantment. All familiar stuff from Ms Malik (who happens to be distantly related to Mr Elsheikh). It’s always interesting to compare/contrast how the BBC and the Guardian construct systemic, social problems as the driving forces of Jihad. And how these never seem to apply when looking at issues that galvanise populist sentiment or behaviour.
And ‘atomisation’ — the word appears to be on fairly heavy rotation at the Guardian these days (maybe ‘divisive’ has been worn out through overuse). Who can do a little inquiry into the real causes of atomisation? Not the BBC/Guardian, that’s for sure.
Anyone else smell a rat about this latest SKY poll?
Certainly been feasted on by the bBC.
Knowing what they are up to (as you stroke your chin) a picture emerges of the selection process for the poll being not dissimilar to that of the bBC’s question time audience selection process.
hopefully their obituary is presently forming
“Savile, Rotherham,Sir Cliff,Brexit and Fake News
s.trubble, have the BBC ‘feasted’ on getting Stephen Kinnock to resign as an MP for his remarks about Jo Cox?
Oh, while I’m here, has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
This subject has not been covered by the BBC but soon it will.
Has anyone come across this stuff purporting to be from Q Anon?
These messages are appearing frequently in the social media and occupying the attention of people I would describe as intelligent social conservatives, many are Trump supporters.
To me it sounds like garbage but too many people are engaged with it for it to be dismissed, and I suspect, sooner or later someone might run around with a shot gun following the esoteric warnings.
It seems that the Guardian is on to Q and describes it as a right wing conspiracy theory.
Whatever the Guardians says is acceptable to the BBC.
I always worry about stuff which has CAPITALS In it . SEEMS bit STRANGE.
BBC parliament
Is showing a series of lectures on brexit from either side of the argument . High comedy – Nick Clegg
The sacked MP rubbishes the vote to leave the ReichEU as causes by general anti political grudges coupled with the campaign led by Mr Farage and others .
His condescending attitude to voters exemplifies one of the reasons people voted ‘out’.
Clegg is typical of the rubbish of the political class – his type is one of the reasons , in my view , that are leaving the ReichEU.
A man bred on EUreich taxpayers cash – no wonder he is an ex MP
Clegg in Scotland is a blood sucking parasitical insect. Presumably now elsewhere in the uk this definition is accurate also.
Northumberland : Graham Harper a Labour flunky was set up in a Council owned house and consultant job guaranteed for 10 year, even though he was convicted of mortgage fraud in 2010
(The Arch controversy)
Amnesty International employed an accountant, for some reason they chose a Columbian
..He then spent £43K on their credit card
..He’s got 21 months, followed by deportation.
Amnesty International is supposed to be about keeping foreign people out of jail.
That’s an amusing story. Maybe Amnesty should have listened to this fellow’s advice before employing him.
A lesson here for all our bleeding heart liberals as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHIcVuqQgVo
Views you don’t hear on the BBC
The Times is pretty liberal, but there’s an article by rachel sylvester
“Jeremy Corbyn’s intolerance makes him unfit to lead
– The Labour leader’s approach to internal criticism is a warning to us all about what he’d be like if he got into power”
Many don’t like him because he wouldn’t overrturn brexit
Breaking : 19 year old Xeneral Webster jailed for 7 years for the manslaughter of Joanne Rand after splashing acid on her
He’s an adult yet no news media use an image of him in their tweets .
The CPS does
No remorse, just a mouth full of profanities to the judge and jury. Meanwhile the BBC in their reports, spearheads the campaign for ‘children’ who are excluded permanently from schools for violent and disruptive behaviour. Children like this POS.
I feel angry that evil sub humans like this are allowed to live after they have committed their crimes and I feel angry at the BBC forcing me to accept through their Marxist Cultural broadcasts that BAME individuals are nice and cute, while saying I am guilty for what is happening in society because I am white.
Well said, Cassandra. This attacker should receive a life sentence without parole ie die in prison. An innocent bystander loses her life because this animal was having a fight and throwing acid around. I shall be avoiding most UK big cities from now on, just too dangerous I feel.
Ms rand , apparently , was a nurse who had been visiting her daughters’ grave and was splashed whilst this animal was arguing with another .
Yet another reason for the death penalty . Bet he is out before he is 30.
Al beeb will kill this case by the 10 o’clock news .
Carole is good value.
Guess it will soon take a Lord to Lord memo to get her back on every day.
The bbc are beyond help.
The Italians may have the answer.
Five Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio said: “It’s the beginning of a cultural revolution for Rai.” The anti-establishment leader went on to say that Foa, along with other members of the new leadership of the network would “free Rai from parasites”.
Probably far too late for the bBBC though.
After draining the the swamp comes the ridding of parasites. 😉
I can’t wait to try this out on the BBC
Newsnight really is the gold standard of turd polishing.