Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
How can I put this….? Beyond the poll, comments could…
The comments on Twitter with this poll are rather fruity – there are plenty of people who have a very negative view of al beeb and they are not just on this site methinks !
I wouldn’t like the bbc to be funded at all. Close it down.
The Lords, that unelected chamber pot that dicks about with the lives of normal folk, seems to be ram-packed with BBC types.
This may not impress the general public.
Close down the Lords. An elected Senate with a maximum of 100 members will do the trick, and better.
Is showing concern for migrants/refugees a statutory obligation of news progs ?
6:40pm ITV news a Hero Syrian legless refugee child
6:50pm BBC1 Look North : The refuge family with 6 children who have done an art installation about their hardshio in Sudan and Libya, before they were given homes in Hull
Funnily enough I don’t recall Look North covering another story two weeks ago about another Sudanese refugee in Hull
\\ Your search – site:bbc.co.uk “Alanar Ahmed” – did not match any documents. //
Tried to support Jeff’s comments at 9.35, but it sticks at 49. Ditto some other comments. Is it just me or is there a problem with clicking on the ‘likes’ on this site?
I don’t see a problem – I just stuck a ‘like ‘ on your comment and it worked …..
Thank you Fedup! I shall keep trying.
fnw, try refreshing your browser immediately after ‘liking’ a post.
Thanks, snuff!
Back to my favourite subject. Polar bears.
We all remember the pictures and videos posted by the National Geographic of the emaciated starving polar bear that Attenborough and the BBC fell for hook line and sinker. They told us this was was the cause of global warming.
At the time we all had our suspicions that there was something not quite right, but however, it was viewed by some 2.5 billion people and no doubt believed by many millions.
Now it seems that our suspicions were correct.
FAKE NEWS: ‘Nat Geo’ Photographer Admits Viral Photo Of Polar Bear ‘Dying From Climate Change’ Is False
The problem is that I if you chuck enough mud, some of it will stick.
I wonder if the BBC will rectify this by reporting the truth..
The problem is that I if you chuck enough mud, some of it will stick.
I wonder if the BBC will rectify this by reporting the truth..
There are daily examples of BBC mud-slinging which they never, ever retract – report and swiftly move on being the modus operandi when they see their world view being challenged. Job done. One of the worst, most recent examples is the Remain Establishment’s determination to ‘get’ Aaron Banks through smears and unsubstantiated allegations – every instance of which is reported faithfully by the BBC, often as headline news.
Mud sticks, and taking account of the BBC’s 70% share of news coverage, that’s a hell of a lot of mud.
Now why run a story about a man who pees on a small fire and puts it out? The state broadcaster thinks it is important and includes a picture of the man, his partner and child.
For goodness sake surely it is not an attempt to promote mixed race families. The BBC never stops.
Unbelievable, pervy story day. A bit like this
Vagina rejuvenating therapies ‘pose serious risk’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45017445
Promoting and offending we beige civilians as they do has long been an aim of the Left.
Gramsci made a point of it. To mock straight and conventional people with lefty perversions, deviancies and other sick taboos of theirs has always been their plan.
Hpv for boys? Gender queer vaccines and anal sex in class at the age of 7?
The angrier we get, the happier they are. They`re so outre.
Our fault-they should have been put in danger of harm way back. But now they`re indulged enough to hurt us, and we need to be ready to fight back.
Deport every single one of them NOW! We ain’t got room for freeloaders!
They’re not going anywhere
Deep relaxation in Beebworld.
The tone of this headline seems ‘deeply relaxed’ too for what seems something if applied elsewhere to bbc favoured groups, would see the entire staff in the forecourt covered in gaffa tape.
This doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that Obama was talking about when blowing sunshine up the South African state a few weeks back.
Just taking people’s land because you want it – nice.
May the shaytan bless her and anyone who goes down on her.
Here’s an interesting snippet from my paper today…….
“The 2015 Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain, 33, says on ITV’s Loose Women; ‘I work in an industry that is heavily dominated by male, middle-class, middle-aged men, and there’s no space for a 5′ brown girl who wears a headscarf’. Really? No other Bake Off winner has enjoyed greater exposure “……..
Oooooo, first time I’ve seen in print what the rest of us are thinking. I loved where she says “I work in an industry…….”, makes her sound like a seasoned veteran instead of a reality show winner from 3 years ago. Didn’t take long for her to consider herself a ‘celebrity’. Don’t worry love, you’re bubble will soon burst.
I bet she is absolutely coining it for doing something she loves – yet still plays the victim!
One hardly knows where to start responding to such drivel, but here goes anyway:
1. Nadiya sweetie, you are only famous precisely because you are a) brown, b) a girl, and c) wear a headscarf. Otherwise you’d be just another average cook.
2. You have clearly been well groomed and indoctrinated by your former puppet-masters at the beeb to play the poor-me victim, and now egged on by the ghastly harpies at Very Lose Wimmin.
3. Be grateful for your 15 minutes of fame, and may it soon be over.
Why can’t she just enjoy her success ? Ah no, typical Muslim who has to whinge and play the victim the whole time.
‘Facebook bans pages aimed at US election interference.’
Is not the whole point of democracy that people ‘interfere’? As long as the ballot itself is sacred then of course anyone and everyone is free to persuade/interfere with voters.
As well as the entire MSM all behind Shillary, think how many dirty tricks the anaccountable, shady and immensely powerful internet masters played to help her. The ‘Russia’ narrative is farcical on its own, yet against the backdrop of everything else being rigged against Trump it really is pathetic.
Alas for all their power and tricks we have something stronger: the truth.
Is a party manifesto and party public speeches not full of “fake new” ? economical with facts and figures for instance, Cameron’s, as an example, were, an easily checked matter of record and all over the internet yet this attracts little or no attention within this debate
I was pondering something I read today: that the entire #me too business had been started up to disguise the real attacks on women, such as the mass attack in Cologne recently. The same commentator spoke of a new #me two campaign, encouraging migrants to outline ‘racism’ incidents against them; this campaign, he said, was a cover for IS, Islamicist, and ‘immigrant’ attacks on indigenous populations – which were often disguised, downplayed or omitted by the MSM. I stay away from ‘social media’ by and large, so I’m probably a little uneducated. Perhaps this is all ‘old hat’.
Anyone here, please feel free to educate me. (I should mention that this was not in a UK-based paper).
FNW – I reckon that originally it was just a convenient piece of feminist bloke bashing with all the glitz of Hollywood.. However it certainly came at an opportune time for the sistas who for PC reasons had not really uttered a peep about all the “enriching” going on in Europe but finally found something less toxic that they felt the could focus all their infantile tantrums and bile onto.
Of course never able to miss a good opportunity the BBC led the MSM pack in generating enough noise to drown out the desperate cries of those who had been enriched. Why talk about rape and murder in Telford when you can talk about the abuse of a handful of spoilt thesps who put themselves in harms way in the first place.
I suppose its an ill wind and all that.
I cannot tell you how much I hate the BBC.
Oaknash: “I cannot tell you how much I hate the BBC.” – #me too
I thought the #metoo movement was the revenge of the ugly women: those not pretty enough to have been propositioned by Harvey Weinstein. They couldn’t get work as actresses so they became journalists and bided their time until they could extract retribution for being ignored.
no need to worry about terrorists in manchester we now have 200 of these on gaurd
Are 13 year old white girls allowed their me too tag or, does it not apply to those who are sytematically regularly gang raped and only to those who had their leg touched by a white male ?
Annunaki – not if they are working class kids and if you talk about it too much you might end up sharing a cell with Tommy Robinson.
Yes, by addressing the elephant in the room, or should that be asian elephant
Did MI5 miss chance to catch Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-45021513
Don’t bother reading this cos you know what their conclusion will be.
If they did miss their chance it was because they were too busy watching the other 2,999 terrorists we’ve imported. Not to mention their 30,000 friends who provide the social cover for them to hide behind.
You know how the BBC love Anniversaries? ‘One year after ….’, ‘Five years ago today’, ‘Ten years ago today’, and ‘On this day, twenty-five years ago …. ‘. That sort of thing.
The BBC appear to have overlooked several from 1968. I think my memory is becoming defective. For some reason I had in mind that the Grosvenor Square demonstration and riot was in early August 1968. It wasn’t. It was in mid-March. I don’t recall any mention on Radio 4. They covered the Enoch Powell speech in April but not the earlier anti-Viet Nam War demo unless I missed it.
If they did not cover it, I wonder why? Because the BBC have become very pro-war? As long as it is against a ‘target’ of which they approve?
I don’t recall anything other than the briefest of mentions of the Paris protests and uprisings. Why? Because they were against an authoritarian de Gaulle regime? Not unlike the EU? No mention of the Art School Occupations in London in May and July 1968. I wonder what they will do for the Prague Spring in August and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
July 2018 ends at midnight tonight.
We need to put our own up on this site Up2.
I know that the tanks rolled into Prague on Aug 22nd 1968, Jan Palach immolated himself in Prague on 16th July 1969.
I also know that Ted Kennedy let Mary Jo Kopechne drown in his car on the 18th July 1969…and the moon landing a few days later was probably very convenient for him at that time.
Thats 3/365-between us we could create a REAL set of anniversaries to anger the lefties. Kriss Donald, Jacqui Smith banning Geert Wilders etc?
They only get away with it, because we ourselves don`t put the work in like they do. These are 24/7 serial loafers, our problem is that we`ve got lives and people we love and who love us too.
They don`t.
The problem is they work on creeping into our lives bit by bit and we cannot pin a precise day, for example when aunty beeb became a smug, sneering, know better than you nephew, they use their twitters to create a few supporters with nothing to do all day but tweet then claim a “twitter storm” i.e. a storm in a teacup, if that, which they then parade as public opinion, which it most certainly is not, its like the recalcitrant child pushing boundaries bit by bit to see how far they can get away with something until it is too late he is a lost cause like the nephew…
You can catch them out on FakeNews/FalseFacts.
Have just been looking at Paul Homewood’s Blog ‘notalotofpeopleknowthat’ and the claim made Roger Harrabin about 7,000 heatwave related deaths every year.
I knew that was wrong because of monthly mortality statistics. Most BBC viewers and listeners & web-site users may not be aware those stats exist.
If the come here or to Paul’s excellent site, they do now.
Left hand… meet even lefter hand…
France shocked by video of woman being slapped by harasser

BBC in depth analysis somehow manages to miss two points-
was the attacker a fuzzie ?
were all the males gay or just chemically castrated ?
one manages to grab a chair, minces forward but then losses his bottle..
Whilst I agree that it is out of order that this woman got attacked, I do have to say that this is what equality looks like and what the Left and Liberal intelligentsia have been striving for.
To be honest, I’m surprised that the BBC had this on their website and described it as ‘shocking’. Why is it shocking, are they putting women on a pedestal, are they saying that women should be treated differently and hence them being attacked is more uncomfortable than seeing a man attacked? Would they have shown the incident if it was a guy hitting another guy?
I must confess that unless I had seen the whole incident, I’m not sure if I would have got involved. What confidence would I have in this society that if I confronted the guy and a scuffle had taken place that either the law, society or even the victim would have defended or protected me? Marie could have accused me of being patriarchial and that she didn’t need defending and the state could have thrown the book at me.
It’s a shitty selfish attitude but this is what happens when the left keeps chipping away at society. If we don’t call them out and highlight this public inactivity as an example of the dangerous agenda that they have, how can we prove to them that their bullshit has repurcussions.
Yes! I tried to post the same stuff but didn’t happen. You can smell a rat straight away in their reporting because there is no mention of far-right-extremist-Nazis, which means it’s about the left but going unsaid. Interesting about the Russian angle. Very played down and so obvious.
Is it just me or does this sound like a Python sketch?
Question answered.
Anyone guessing the outcome?
I’ll wager offered probation soon but with super restrictive gagging order/ conditions etc
Tommy declines, stays inside.
It took the original judge minutes to sentence and convict and we were told this was because it was a straightforward legal matter. So how has it taken so long to come to a decision?
It smacks of finding legal reasons to justify an originally flawed decision.
The more and more slowly the likes of the bbc do not connect dots, the more and more quickly folk will without them.
Re: sentencing of taxi driver attacker.Our prisons must be filling up fast with these people. Wish they would let them just fight amongst themselves and kill each other. All who can be deported, upon completion of sentences, should be: no right of appeal.
The BBC is loving the story about Facebook shutting down fake accounts. Sounds like PR garbage. Facebook have recently been running adverts on television about how it is ‘changing’ and getting rid of ‘fake news.’ They say they just want to ‘connect’ people and bring joy to the world but how you square that with their owner being so unfathomably rich without supposedly actually selling anything and all their creepy patents to manipulate us in ultra creepy ways is beyond me.
Losing 20% of its market value the other day is obviously a huge concern. Lo and behold days later they are purging loads of ‘fake’ sites! What a lovely coincidence for worried share holders. And of course their lackeys in the MSM swallow it whole and exhibit zero journalistic rigour as it fits their narrative. Story first, facts later if at all.
The BBC want to be judge and jury of what is fake news? What happens if they get their way? Nobody can believe them again now anyway – you cannot just demand people trust you. It is like when you cheat on a girl and she finds out. Sure you can be together but it can never be the same; something ineffably wonderful is broken and can never be the same again. Like putting a smashed vase back together.
And it is not even like they have vowed to change their ways. I guess deception and narrow narratives are the heart of what they do and you cannot expect a leopard to change its spots. The Ministry of Truth was always more about telling people what to think and keeping them under control than giving an accurate representation of reality.
What motivation would they have to change anyway? Their income is guaranteed. The news is take it or leave it. If Facebook incomes are down they have a real motivation to change the product. The very least you need to change bad ways is remorse and a desire to change yet they have neither.
You only have to look at the scathing comments by BBC posts on social media to see how hated they are. We have no choice about paying them though. In fact with liberal group think it probably serves them well to go along with whatever nonsense other liberal outlets are peddling so they get more work across an industry which is all infected with the same virus.
“We have no choice about paying them though.” You do have a choice. I ditched them last September and feel no loss whatsoever. YouTube is a far better subsititute.
Old habits die hard.
“We’re going to start with the Guardian”
It’s the BBC TV news press review, of course.
And the report from the BBC’s sister organ which caught the attention of their news editors? Basically an attack piece on Tory Cuts at a Conservative run county council. Local news at best – even if the substance happens to be true.
Maybe it’s the Eric Morley approach, based on ABC ratings?
So far, three Lords a’leaping?
They really know how to speak for the nation.
Has Fran Unsworth responded in the correct fashion by resigning?
Jus’ askin’ …..
This is the type of issue that the far-left bbc should be reporting and investigating. There is a longstanding plan to move power consumption from demand management to supply management and this article shows the state, via the power companies, is determined to implement it:
So far I’ve held out, despite almost weekly exhortations from my supplier. But I fear the next step will be discounts for those with smart meters – or rather a supplement for those without, making continued resistance difficult.
Smart meters WILL eventually become compulsory. We should have learned from the cast Iron Dave Brexit fiasco, that government promises are worthless, even to the point of anticipating the opposite to what they aver will occur.
In France, it’s the same – they are leaning on us to have smart meters installed, with veiled threats, and it’s only a matter of time before the bloody things are forced upon us. Meanwhile, the nuclear generation of electricity is being wound down, and being replaced by windfarms anywhere where they can get away with installing one. They flatly refuse to frack.
So, when the dearth of wind in the Former UK risks your loss of an electricity supply, relying on the French Interconnector may not necessarily save the day, particularly as the Germans have first dibs (because they are frightened of nuclear generation). Meanwhile their own “Energiewiende” is collapsing around their ears.
Little wonder that governments want complete control of what power is available to whom, and when.
Smart meters-
I’ve been putting them off for about 2 months. So far the nagging phone calls haven’t stopped. They are gradually becoming more aggressive. One morning I unplugged the phone just so I didn’t have to bother arguing with them. Fortunately they don’t have my mobile no.
I agreed to one being fitted 18 months or so ago. It now resides in the junk box in the garage. If you change suppliers, the Smart Meter will not move to the new supplier because, apparently, the system decided to get the meters out there before any, ‘joined-up’ thinking applied to one record being capable of transfer. All in all, a giant cock up.
When they call next, ask them the question: ‘will the meter be usable when I change suppliers?’
Why I refuse to have one. About as non-eco as it gets.
Indeed. I think that is the route to go with the Power Cos that try to push them. Point out the CO2 involved in manufacture (are they made in the UK?), CO2 of transport and installation, the fact that three items (of plastic) are involved together with a smart phone are required, which will require extra power for the extra usage and then ask if they meet the Government requirement to be sustainable, passed into law, IIRC, by the Blair administration.
Which they do not.
You could also then offer to read your gas and electricity meter for your provider.
I urge people also to look at the significant health risk of Smart Meters — transmitting EM radiation in the form of pulses of microwave radiation to a base station up to thousands of times a day or more. Unlike mobile or wifi, you are not able to switch off a Smart Meter in your own home and will be subject to its effects if your neighbour has one installed on an adjoining wall.
*Say no and tell everyone you know not to get one!!*
—”‘Smart’ Meters can expose the body to between 160 and 800 times as much microwave radiation as a mobile phone. This can be 600 times the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety standard which in itself is extremely lax. […] Public ‘Health’ England has stated that no testing of UK ‘Smart’ Meters has been carried out and will only be done, incredibly, “as the technology is rolled out”.
TM, am learning all the time about these devices. Apparently, the sender unit brings electricity into closer contact with gas. I await the first explosion appearing on the pages of our newspapers.
I think the present counters on meters are purely mechanical.
Up2 — it’s already happening I’m afraid. Despite the utility companies pressure, you are NOT obliged to have one at all so refuse them all.
Ontario smart meter explodes next to gas line
“Veronica Onyskiw woke up to the sound of her dog growling and a loud noise like a revving engine […] — her hydro smart meter had become a “ball of fire.” “The meter is about three feet from the main gas line into the house,” she said outside her home Wednesday. “If that wall had gone and then the car parked right beside it would’ve been very, very bad.”
I’m now convinced that Breakfast TV presenters are chosen to annoy anyone over 15 years of age or is a lefty/ snowflake. Like watching a dumbed down Blue Peter these days. Especially that ridiculous Muchetty woman!
Quite Panda, this mornings sofa female was Louise Munchkin, who staged another car crash interview with the sister of a woman who died as a result of an acid attack.
It was painful to watch as munchkin asked one inane question after another, I was praying it would end soon.
On a different note, I wondered why the focus on this victim and her family? Yes of course , all white.
Admittedly the victim was not the intended target, but the resulting infections and scepticaemia killed her in hospital.
The perp got life, funny I didnt see much discussion about his culture? Or identity.
Dysgwr- I wrote about the same thing yesterday. It may of been
me that coined the phrase ” the Munchkin lady.” Quite a few
years ago when Peter Allen and Louise Minchin presented the
Five Live drive programme on BBC Radio, there was a blizzard
in North London. My wife was caught it in it and had to abandon
her car in Totteridge Lane N20.
Allen and Minchin were making fun of the situation and inferring
that a few snow flakes in the UK got people into a panic. I
sent an E Mail to the programme facetiously telling Peter Allen
that he wasn’t DAVE Allen and that all that his Munchkin sidekick
was capable of telling us, was to follow ” The Yellow Brick Road.”
I forgot to mention that is was read out on the programme and
Louise sounded that she was rather offended by my comment. She
doesn’t seem to have improved over the last fifteen years.
I gave up watching breakfast television years before I fled to France, and haven’t watched it since, not only was it Blue Peter, but it was also puerile shit, even then.
Since moving here, BBC radio has also been heaved into the rubbish bin – I ceased entertaining Today on my radio, in 2007.
In fact apart from a very few selected programmes, we rarely watch telly at all, because we’re fed up to the back teeth with being treated like children, and patronised. The few programmes we do watch tend not to be from the BBC, and we have to turn down or talk over the advertisements, which are just as vomit inducing as the programmes in between, in terms of utter naffness, and the implied suggestion that ALL families and relationships are either coloured, or of mixed race, now – which quite frankly, I don’t believe.
Hold… the entire corporation output!!
That said, #CCBGB
That’s insidious BBC reporting. Deliberately trying to hurt business. In this case Alaska airlines. I have some cousins in Alaska and I can tell you it’s not a very popular place for gays to ooze camp behaviour. Just because it’s normal for BBC studios doesn’t make it the norm everywhere.
Okay GuestWho, before making my point I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
To read the Alaska Airlines story I had to log on to Facebook and enter the BBC News Facebook page. At the top of the page there’s a selection of photos, one was of a wildfire, I nearly ran out of phone data as I scrolled along the rest looking for a white face or recognisably British scene after that. This is your fault. Or perhaps not, maybe it’s the fault of the BBC for prioritising everything but Britishness on their photo feed.
Anyway, on to my point. Lots of comments about homophobia on the comments section but as far as I saw no one had made this point. In terms of the percentage of gay people in role, cabin crew must rank as having one of the highest numbers. Yes there are heterosexual crew (one of the most heterosexual men I know enjoyed his time as air crew many years ago), but the point is that even if none of the crew that day were gay, they must surely be interacting with other gay crew members on a daily basis. If there’s any legs in my theory then surely homophobia can be ruled out.
Whatever, typical BBC, I’ve been separated from my family on several occasions, and because I committed the cardinal sin of not checking in online I was once perilously close to being bumped OFF a flight completely when travelling on business several years ago. It happens, but the BBC only cares because a) they’re obsessed with sexuality, and b) the story came from a social media post which is the new ‘lazy journalism’.
Bone picking date duly booked.
I read these so you don’t have to, but share in case you do.
I might add that when I say ‘comments could be going better’, I might be erring on understatement at times.
Daily anti bretix propaganda
French Phara company stockpiling meds for post brexit .
( I gotta better one – foreign prem footy players all got to go home on 1st April 2019 if full British brexit ).
Of course this must be true…..because the best scientific brains and most up to date pharmaceutical, no not just pharmaceutical ALL, manufacturing plants are found in France, Germany and er some other places. There’s none of that sort of thing in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, Australia, Japan, Russia, China……..
And as we all know, the soundest economic sense for every big company is to not sell their products to their biggest customers, you know like BMW, Audi and Mercedes won’t.
Slightly related, I made the mistake of watching the 10.00 news on BBC1 last night. In fairness they went quite well on the story of the acid attacker who was jailed yesterday so well done them. Unfortunately they did one of those “later in the show” pieces were they were going to “ask the question” (which later becomes “people have asked the question” which becomes “this is a fact”) ‘Postcard Britain. Will people still want t come after Brexit’. My long suffered growing wife had to endure some colourful language in the middle of “of course they ******* will” as I scrambled for the off button. I mean honestly, how will all those Japanese and American tourists, not to mention Australian bar workers, deal with the paperwork when nothing actually changes?
The bbc has been reporting on the Zimbabwean election (not that most of their reports were quality – really the opposite) and giving that story quite a high profile. The Mnangagwa crocodile has become an appealing image to various MSM outlets. Makes a ‘good’ story.
It ignores the much, much larger elephant next door in a much, much larger economy. Ramaphosa has decided to go ahead and amend the South African Constitution to allow for EWC (Expropriation without Compensation) -in short, a property grab.
South African news outlets are already publishing steps for landowners to take if their property is being invaded. Not that these will amount to much if a horde of people arrive to claim your property (even if it’s been in your family for hundreds of years, eg agriculture, or you’ve worked all your life to pay off the mortgage eg private home) and threaten to cut your throat if you don’t get out.
The choice of the ANC to go down the Zimbabwean route and proceed with the destruction of the SA economy has passed without reference on the beeb, always big buddies of the ANC over the years, or other MSM outlets.
Much safer to focus on the comparatively insignificant Zimbabwe, where the destruction of the economy began with land grabs, such property going from farmers to ZANU-PF bigwigs and Mugabe buddies, who promptly let them go to rack and ruin.
Final lessons:
a. The numbers have it; morals don’t come into it. If and when they decide to assert themselves, you’re sunk if you’re in a minority. (Special warning to those in the process of becoming a minority where once they were a majority);
b. In such a scenario, laws aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Might is right;
c. Watch your leaders carefully. Some of them will -as individuals- sell out populations who elected them without batting an eyelid. In SA, there could be a debate about the role of De Klerk (he of the Nobel Peace Prize, Roelf Meyer and other virtue signallers supreme who needlessly handed over power to the ANC overnight, cue much cheering from the beeb, et al).
I thought while watching heroically Irish Fergal Keane a couple of days ago that, despite the honeyed sincerity of the great man’s delivery, his warm appreciation of democracy at work in deepest Africa might just be a little bit hopeful, even premature.
Last night’s performance featured raised eyebrows and a pained expression, though direct criticism remains a step too far. Maybe, when the lads get the old pangas out and the dances morph into riots, he’ll tell us with a tear in his eye where it all went wrong. Can’t wait.
I am according more heft and admiration to the actual reporting of often young, blonde women not the balcony of a hotel where bbc hacks congregate.
SA will continue to slip into their neihbours ways and, hey presto! they will go through the same democratic ‘transformation’ in 30/40 years time when the folly of their actions becomes obvious. But, ‘obvious’ to black Africans is not the same as, ‘obvious’ will be to a European. Step from one disaster to another: that is the nature of the continents. Anyone pouring so-called, “Aid” into it is simply throwing money into a, ‘Black Hole’. Appropriately.
Meanwhile the desperately evil monster, Vladimir Putin offers the beleaguered South African farmers asylum
I wonder if the BBC has reported on this yet. Another example of how this awful despot is trying to take over the world.
We only take brown ‘refugees’
Not if they’re Christian.
9:30am both LBC & Talk Radio lead with : “Corbyn apologises for hosting 2010 event whose speaker compared Israel to Nazis”
..funny that both BBC local stations at 9am didn’t mention it
So what do you think LEFTY universe ?
\\’Eight years ago Corbyn attended a meeting where an Aushwitz survivor compared the Israeli actions in Gaza to the Nazis’ is the top headline on #r4today.
Meanwhile in August 2018, Gove, Rees-Mogg and Johnson have cosy chat with racist Bannon – not headline news//
Hyper-Whataboutery in their Twitter thread
Threats to the German Constitution by islamic Salafists (would you believe!?).
Link to the actual Report in German. Easily translated into English.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
Europe/UK? Sit back, grab the popcorn and watch on.
I’ve just seen a headline in the Metro newspaper, I only did a quick scan of it but it read along the lines of Mr Corbyn being sorry for the hurt his comments have caused. Which to me is entirely different from apologising for WHAT he said.
Sorry not the Beeb, but Sky is now just as bad. Negativity via local council problems yesterday, and today its Uk workers in Europe now whingeing about their forthcoming ‘status’ and their ‘rights’. One even said he wouldn’t be able to buy a property in the UK – well sunshine stay where you are then !!! Christ, no wonder I prefer the company of my dog to human beings. The interviewers clearly steering the questioning and conversation towards confirmation of negativity.
Tommy Robinson released on bail. 10.33 am
Libmob media will be busy trying put spin on it and build narrative
eg “it was just a technicality” etc.
More evidence that the “Secret barrister” isn’t really a proper barrister ?
Ezra live tweets are simple

– The judge says he dismisses the appeal against the Canterbury contempt.
– But he allows the appeal against the Leeds case.
– : But he releases Tommy!
– He says Tommy will be released on bail on condition that he attends a re-hearing of his contempt charge in Leeds.
– Then a mistweet he deleted (another case was dismissed)
– The court is adjourned. That’s it. We’re done. Tommy’s free! #FreeTommy
– His lawyers only statement will be
UPDATE there is a PDF from the court explaining their decision
Note the SkyNews headline has different tone to the BBC
Big and bold it says
“Tommy Robinson wins appeal over contempt sentence”
”technical flaws by the judge”

why not name the clown?
Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been bailed after winning an appeal against a finding of contempt of court.
Robinson, 35, admitted the charge and received a 13-month jail term in May after he filmed outside Leeds Crown Court during a trial.
At the Court of Appeal, Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett ruled there had been technical flaws by the judge who jailed him.
He will attend the Old Bailey for the Leeds allegation to be reheard.
That’s really great news. I’m amazed that this court could admit that the previous court made an error because all I ever saw from liberals and spineless conservatives was people saying ‘he broke the law, the judge was right, case closed’.
It’s almost like, I dunno, the courts can screw up and hence their decisions need to be questioned (like they are in every single other goddam case). Though I guess they shouldn’t be questioned in Tommy’s case.
P-b-n, Judges do make mistakes although they are very careful and try not to, for the simple reason – so I was taught – that they hate being ‘overturned’.
Judge Marson must have been squirming a bit listening to that Court of Appeal decision.
It is a most peculiar case.
Have any Barristers or academics in the legal field put up any comments anywhere on-line? I am not confident that the BBC have got this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-45029755 , by Dominic Casciani,100% correct.
Like doctors then who really don’t like contradicting another doctor.
The Mail also calls him far right. At least this event is actually being mentioned in the press; previously there has been very little reporting on him. We shall have to wait for online independent videos to find out more. Where should we be without them?
Beat me to it great news
Now see the al beeb spin
Will they even bother reporting it?
Phew, Aunty dodged a bullet there.
Maybe if they offered him a daily slot?
Tommy Robinson released on bail – retrial.
Oh, I see it has already been posted. Good news, though.
Al beeb news is doing a ‘ non coverage ‘ by putting the amateur summer reporter on the pavement opposite the High Court – I guess the TR supporters are wise enough not to have al beeb anywhere near them .
Obviously the fact that TR was filming Pakistan white girl paedophile rapists didn’t figure in the report but his association with the EDP did. There’s a thing . As for sky news – no live coverage – just the ticker tape . RT anyone ?
The fact that he was filming these people outside court as they arrived is mentioned but no one seems bothered that they had not been remanded. There were at least 3 trials of muslim paedophile gangs at Cantebury and I remember it being reported that a member of one gang had fled to Italy and had to be extradicted. Whether the returned rapist was remanded I have not been able to determine. If the powers that be were so concerned about defendents being filmed outside court, they could all have been remanded, surely there was always a high flight risk to Afghanistan or Pakistan.
It’s surprising that the pictures on the Beeb seem to show protestors outside the court with banners and placards and stuff.
Surely that would constitute them trying to influence or sway the judges prior to the release of this statement.
Oh of course, sorry, my bad. It’s totally fine to protest outside a court about a legal technicality but not about the rape and grooming of young girls.
OMG serious doubts that the Big-BBC-Stockpile-of-Fear will be big enough !
9am both local BBC station’s news ran these stories
#1 Livestock farms could face “the toughest winter in living memory” “after the driest Spring/Summer for 42 years” food stocks are looking, so local farmers are down in London at a drought summit
#2 A French Insulin company Sanofi has said it is stockpiling insulin now for 14 weeks not just 4 in preparation for a no-deal Brexit
.. and is worried about the samples it sends from its UK drugs plants to France for quality control.
#3 Unions are saying we need special laws specifying which is the top temperature UK workers can work at.
#1 The context is thatwe’ve just had a lot of rain in the last 5 days.. the dams are not at zero or rapidly falling anymore
#2 The whole insulin thing is same a child’s wardobe bogeyman
Wednesday at customs “Hi Pascal what’s in the lorry ? ah insulin again, off you go”
Thursday at customs “Hi Pascal what’s in the lorry ? ah insulin again, well we’ve had Brexit so off you go and wait in that 3 day line,
….with your insulin that has a 3 year expiry date”
#3 FFS people on the continent work at higher summer temps than we do
..but even at the steelworks it’s 40C near the furnace any time of year
..bosses already make sensible decisions..no one is really suffering.
I was thinking the remainers are hoarding anti brexit propaganda lies and there are fears that the may have run out of them
I think they have overegged project fear 2 in the same way they over did Project Fear 1 during the Campaign .
‘Get Boris’ will be a goal the bbc will continue to strive for.
Interesting, the second and third choices: Sajid ahead of Jacob. What does that tell us about the party membership who voted?
Did Demonic and all predict that the whole trial would get thrown out ?
…no not by a mile
Planet Orwell
Ezra adds :
\\ I note a very large police presence today, in addition to the surveillance vehicle outside. Here is the police boss implying that Tommy’s supporters are violent.
Never seen this kind of political rhetoric by her against Antifa, or Islamists:
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-robinson-jailed-free-appeal-date-judgement-court-contempt-far-right-a8471406.html … #FreeTommy //
Ezra next tweets then give clear evidence of mild torture practiced on TR by autorities
Bloody getting frightening isn’t it ?
And Corbyn s favourite tune on desert island dicks was “ spring time for Hitler”. Maybe people might wake up to what a monster the Marxist is .
Sky really throwing out anti brexit stuff
Now it’s local councils internal reports on the impact of brexit/ good to see they have the time and money to waste on clairvoyance
Faisal remainer Islamic was over the moon with such nonsense .
So TR COULD face a retrial
..but surely that will have risk of being unfair
.. cos there has been truly massive prejudicial reporting ?
(TR’s barristersl letter says that a retrial decision is in the hands of the attorney general)
Thanks to God that he’s out of prison.
Our judicial system is filled with swamp dwellers and it needs to be drained, starting with the judge who jailed Tommy Robinson in May of this year.
is he already out ?
or still sat in his cell behind some red tape?
Excellent point. Maybe the defending QC could cite the anti Tommy BBC reporting as evidence that a retrial would be prejudiced.
The far-left bbc aren’t the only ones who have chanted the state’s mantra ” he broke the law”. There hasn’t been one iota of sympathy for either No.1 political prisoner, Tommy Robinson or his family. And Nick Ferrari and Iain Dale have been in the vanguard of the traducing of Tommy Robinson. They’re just low level entertainers and mouthpieces for the state.
Not only the far left, but the social conservatives of the right. Melanie Phillips was no supporter of free Yaxley Lennon as his opponents love to name him
This whole business has flushed out some unpleasant snobbery among people who might have been expected, on political grounds, to show some sympathy for TR.
Agree with John in Cheshire, G.W.F. and Banania here. I’ve seen some people that have disappointed me in distancing themselves from Tommy like Sargon of Akkad and Paul Joseph Watson and others who have impressed me on talking him up such as Tucker Carlson and Louder with Crowder.
I remember seeing Stephen Crowder being a little displeased when he was talking to Sargon on his show, how it was obvious that Sargon was throwing TR under the bus. I don’t think he’ll be on Crowder again.
Even Ben Shapiro had the balls to admit that his initial thoughts on Tommy were wrong and that he seemed an okay guy.
I hope somebody points out to Tommy those that deserted him in his hour of need and those that didn’t, such as Ezra, Raheem and Gerard Batten.
The BBC reports on Xeneral Webster’s sentencing for murdering a woman with an acid attack. In an earlier report the BBC listed ways in which Webster had been a victim of violence himself.
Oddly the BBC doesn’t report how Webster reacted to the Judge’s words. According to The Times, Webster was “shouting abuse and threats through the glass before being dragged to the cells.” This included “Fuck you” to people in the court. Not exactly a contrite gentlemen coming to terms with his remorse for murdering a woman.
Also, the BBC doesn’t appear interested in that Webster pleaded guilty to another act of threatening murder. He was also the proud owner of an illegal samurai sword.
Still that leaves the BBC plenty of room on its news web site to report : on the all women army who fought the colonists – yes I know, you couldn’t make it up!
Maybe be some one inside will give him a taste of his own medicine – as it were
He will be out soon – released early for good behaviour.
It’s funny how the BBC spins things isn’t it. The king selected his army of women for their strength and beauty, a sort of Harvey Weinstein or Charlie’s Angels, using his position and power in a patriarchal way to get what he wanted. But because dey is black and women they become heroines.
Free speech all depends on who is doing it…. Left wing is always correct, Right wing is always wrong usually before they even open their mouths.
Also depends on whether the person is in the current BBC hated group. Tommy R is in it for obvious reasons and Sir Cliff also is as he is not openly gay – which is a crime in BBC Land.