Start the Week Open Thread 30 July 2018

Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .

The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here

( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta

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608 Responses to Start the Week Open Thread 30 July 2018

  1. StewGreen says:

    BBC Dominic says Tommy should known all the rules , so throw him in the bin
    Yet 20 hours ago Dominic tweeted this
    That shows he has a lack of empathy


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Leave.EU is posting a series of pictures on Twitter demonstrating the closeness of journos and labour politicians …if any one could repost them here it would be good – Emily and Mandy. – Chris the gurumurphy and a selfie with comrade Corbyn .


  3. Mrs Kitty says:

    The ONLY good thing to have come of the whole ordeal that Tommy Robinson has suffered is that more people have had their eyes opened and have researched what he has said for themselves and realised he has been speaking the truth. More people have joined the dots and become aware that these rape gang trials are not local events but are nation wide, where will the judicial system find a panel of 12 who haven’t heard of at least one, hence the attempt to silence TR……..ok you can now call me Mrs Cynical or Mrs Paranoid.


  4. Fedup2 says:

    The full judgement for TR is here…

    Click to access yaxley-lennon-full-judgment.pdf

    It is 24 pages long and not a heavy read. I cannot see why there was a delay in producing the judgement
    Except to try and find a way to get the Leeds judge out of the crap. The learned judges couldn’t .


  5. StewGreen says:

    Screenshot from court PDF
    “quashed” is the word it uses


    • Fedup2 says:

      I notice that the LCJ ordered that any new hearing be heard before a different judge – ie – one who knows what he/she is doing and not prejudiced ( outwardly ) against TR.

      Just home foreign media keep watching the UKs political prisoner.


  6. StewGreen says:

    After 1pm Gerard Batten UKIP head will be on the radio


  7. Lucy Pevensey says:


  8. StewGreen says:

    Someone should tell Guido he forgot to open comments on his article


    • petebogtrott says:

      Guido has joined the mainstream MSM,gone are the days when he allowed free speech. If guido doen’t like people having a say on certain topics then people I hope will drift away big time. As for the original judge a spot of gardening leave might be justified.


    • Payne by name says:

      These kind of statements just reveal the blatant bias don’t they?

      Surely EVERYONE should be jumping all over a miscarriage of justice because surely we all have skin in the game if the courts get things wrong.


  9. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Something tells me Remoaners have an irrational fear of FREEDOM.


  10. StewGreen says:

    From the Leave.EU thread that shows Maitliss fondling Lord Mandleson.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Breitbart is reporting that the new Italian PM has appointed a new head of the State Broadcaster RAI – apparently this chap has campaigned on an ‘Italy first – anti illegal immigrant ‘ belief so should go down badly with Italian snowflakes …


  12. Doublethinker says:

    Tommy has been released on bail and his case may or may not be heard in court again. I think that everyone on this site agrees that his conviction was political expediency on behalf of the authorities. Perhaps they didnt expect the degree of protest which followed and this made them reconsider their approach. But lets not kid ourselves if they can find a way of silencing Tommy they will. He needs to be very careful not to give them any excuse and needs to be very concerned about his own safety and that of his family. Just in case anyone has doubts i am writing about Britain in the 21st century and not some totalitarian state.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I wonder if Trump had a hand in Tommy R’s release?

      ‘LONDON (Reuters) – Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, complained to the British ambassador in Washington D.C. about the treatment of an English right-wing activist who is in jail for disrupting a trial, according to three sources familiar with the discussion.

      Brownback raised the case of the activist known as Tommy Robinson in a June meeting with Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, according to a British official and two sources close to the organizers of a pro-Robinson demonstration planned for London on Saturday.’


  13. Up2snuff says:

    Think the BBC needs to drop its colour bar and become colour blind:

    I also think the BBC need to sack James Purnell. His time as Director of Digital has been a total disaster.

    At the same time they need to drastically improve their Test Match Special web-site.

    I have just been on-line trying to find out who is taking the field in the First Test. You would think a Home Page worthy of a web-site would have a quick clicky to reach that information. Not at the BBC. All you get is an archive. That’s great – cricket fans love the history of the game – but no good for the current Test. Henry Blofeld has retired, bless him, and is a distant and fond memory. So why is he occupying so much of the TMS Home Page?

    The BBC have a picture of a female hand holding a commentator’s microphone but no information at all on the Commentary & Summariser team for this Test. Absolutely useless, you truly are, BBC.

    Maybe if they could give up on being racists at the BBC they could then give listeners and web-site users a half-decent information service?


  14. Guest Who says:

    People the BBC clearly don’t favour (and want da kidz to not like too):


    Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been freed on bail.
    Judges said he should be retried on a contempt of court charge.

    People the BBC love lots:

    BBC News

    Meet Mamma Maria, the Greek mother who feeds refugees — and says threats won’t stop her.

    People the BBC would prefer no one knows about, but as it is kind of big news wheel out Dom to dick about elsewhere:


    • richard D says:

      It never ceases to amaze me (/sarc) that the BBC ‘never fails to plug in descriptions like ‘far-right activist’ and/or ‘former leader of the far right EDL’ when describing Tommy Robinson, but very rarely, if ever, labels people like Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell as ‘far-left-wing activists’ or ‘former devout members of the far-left Communist Party’.

      Just saying…..


  15. StewGreen says:

    Batten’s on R4, not live
    bur recorded so the BBC is in charge of framing and editing
    Sarah is trying to frame it as UKIP & TR are all the same.
    “you are clearly a big fan of his, but you won’t have in UKIP”
    ..dumb question , cos he already answered that by saying no one can join UKIP if they have been a member of certain orgs like the National Front.
    She is accusing him of exploiting the issue for votes.
    “Do you think TR should have a position in politics”
    .. end
    Here we go… Dr Hall (Dr Joe Mulhall ?) from Brendan Coxes Hatey no Hopers
    .. typical BBC to give his opponents the unhindered final say
    .. they moved onto next item Zimbabwe


    • Fedup2 says:

      Monty glue – the head girl – had a good old sneer at Mr Batten . She seems not to realise that prisons in Blighty are full of Islamic terrorises running the show .

      She interviews him as though he is an alien to Britain when the truth is that she and her beeboid smug type are the true aliens .


    • StewGreen says:

      Bit of Zim …Now onto Roma songs


    • StewGreen says:

      The haters were tweeting R4 even before the news began
      ‘How dare they run a story about this waycist
      .. how dare they use his Tommy Robinson name !”
      .. almost no one from the non-left bothered to criticise Sarah
      .. everyone knows the metro-libs have blown it

      The actual beginning of the news was OK, but then when Dominic came on ..the spinning started
      ..he happily miled the public by speaking of the trial taking 5 hours it took minutes.


  16. G says:

    I can imagine Merkels relief –
    Despite a spectacular unemployment rate – – The SOCIALIST Government in Spain, it appears, is happy to replace Merkel in taking all-comers.
    Practical Socialism in action! We watch with bated breath but, knowing the eventual outcome………..


  17. Alex says:

    Can anyone give me a reason why bbc one news interviewed a Say No To Racism lead activist in the report about Tommy Robinson’s contempt verdict being quashed? What has this leftwing activist got to do with today’s decision? Pure bbc bias.


    • Payne by name says:

      Exactly. And if the case goes to retrial surely this broadcast would constitute an attempt to prejudice that retrial.


  18. Dystopian says:

    What a snotty cow this interviewer is on Radio 4 right now.
    “But the reason he was in prison was nothing to do with politics was it!”
    Hope not hate guy reckons he TR is dangerous- absolutely.


    • johnnythefish says:

      If the BBC were truly impartial they might seek to challenge Hope Not Hate’s open borders, pro-Islam agenda.

      Fat chance as they are both singing from the same hymn sheet – sorry, pages of the Koran.


    • G says:

      “What a snotty cow this interviewer is on Radio 4 right now.” I didn’t listen but presume the, “….snotty cow…” is Lady Brooke aka, Sarah Montague.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Thank you for the heads up about Sarah moneteque :lady Brooke, married to a baron? Private education .private wealth . Friend of David Cameron.

        How can such a person have any idea about what ordinary life is like ?no wonder she sounds like she’s doing it for a hobby .and when the likes of her finishing flushing Blighty down the toilet she can go back to the Channel island from where she comes .


  19. Dystopian says:

    The interview is blatantly scripted with the interviewer asking one leading question after another.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Dyst, these days the BBC only ask leading questions.

      They have lost the art of interviewing. If I had been a Barrister, I would have been onto my feet through most of some segments (those with a contributor) of the TOADY Prog this morning and saying with one raised eyebrow in best Rumpole fashion “Leading, M’Lud?”

      Instead, I had the luxury of sitting down and muttering it between mouthfuls of sweetie-wheaties.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Monty chats with a friend in ‘ hope and hate ‘ and gives him a free pass at all things right and British . Clear easy bias .


  21. Dystopian says:

    You could hear the scorn in her tone as she interviewed Gerrard Batten. She made a mistake in mocking him with her suggested parallels between Tommy and Nelson Mandela.
    Glad that Gerard pointed out that Tommy wasn’t in the terrorism league!


    • Payne by name says:

      Oh good on Gerard with that one.

      I can’t imagine how quickly they would have shut him down if he started saying “yes, that’s right Tommy has not been involved in terrorism or had to terminate a landmine campaign that he instigated because it was killing too many innocent people’.


  22. StewGreen says:

    I spot Rupert Read of UEA tweeting @GreenRupertRead
    \\ BBC Radio wanted to have me on today to debate a climate-denier in the context of the drought/heatwave.
    I said NO.
    I told them it was a disgrace that they still give climate-deniers airtime at a time like this.
    I won’t be part of such charades any longer.
    Please RT if you agree.//

    If you can’t show up for fair debate then you don’t do your side much good

    he adds
    You can listen again to the whole thing on Radio Cambridgeshire, 9-10 a.m this morning.
    The way that the BBC journos framed it just wasn’t good enough.

    lib & #BBCScareStories


  23. Payne by name says:

    Well said Pug.

    I like how Dom uses the term ‘potentially prejudicial’. What like having a helicopter above the house and filming a bust to beam directly on to the 6 o’clock news even when the ‘suspect’ hasn’t been charged.

    Do you mean that kind of ‘potentially prejudicial’?


  24. flake says:

    Very bias BBC news TV TR report just now, surprise surprise


  25. AsISeeIt says:

    Jews now ready to rent their collars at the mere sight of Jeremy Corbyn. General public showing signs of fatigue after weeks of hard pounding over Brexit fear-mongering.

    No matter. Get a few friends to rustle up some so-called news items and the BBC will run and run with them all day.

    To wit:

    The Guardian puts on its front page a Tory county council cuts story.
    = BBC headlines the story

    Campaign charity coins a new lefty buzz word.
    = BBC headlines child ‘bed poverty’ impacts thousands

    Labour MPs come up with a new angle to attack benefits policy.
    = BBC headlines Universal Credit hands power to abusers,
    Welfare payments are turning the clock back to the 1950s

    BBC, the petri dish within which lefty culture grows and grows.


    • john in cheshire says:

      I’d like to see some real news that says these self-serving charities are suffering from donation poverty because they all need to be starved of funds.

      And it’s about time we were asked if we want to give foreigners £14 billion a year in what is loosely called aid, when that money would be better spent at home; on the roads for example, or better still to reduce our taxes so we can decide how our money is spent, rather than the corrupt swamp dweller infested state apparatus.


  26. Eddy Booth says:

    So if the a convintion is quashed. and a sentence already served, can the person claim compensation,?
    Would this time count against a new sentence?


  27. StewGreen says:

    List of MSM reporters who said their was obvious doubt with the process of the TR Leeds court case :


    Well they are not liberals are they, they are pseudo-liberal
    Proper would consider both sides, not go around putting boo-word labels like “Far right” and saying “I win cos you are on the wrong side”.


  28. Guest Who says:

    In which the Bbc’s once premier, once funny satirical show manages to confirm just how far up whose rectum they are.


  29. kingkp says:

    Channel 4 and the rest of the MSM keep well away from investigating people like William Browder who stiffed the Russian Government when he and his associates fraudulently claimed back 230 million dollars in tax through a bunch of shell companies. His associates were…..the HSBC bank.


  30. kingkp says:

    And the way the Telegraph et al report it is disgusting. They deliberately avoid, whenever possible, referring to the people who were being sentenced when Robinson was picked up and what they had been found guilty of. Nor of course the entire cover up which has gone on now for over 40 years. It’s quite unbelievable. Despicable isn’t strong enough of a word for it.


  31. Annunaki says:

    This is fake news through obfuscation because it was not about far right politics it was about crime , and downright racially aggravated crime comitted systematically over years and years comitted against children, only white british chilfren and society’s complete and utter failure to deal with it due to the very placards displayed today by left wing rapist sympathisers who sympathise only because of the race of the perpetrators, how sick is that ?


  32. StewGreen says:

    The Secret Barrister posted an inflammatory blog post on May25th
    describing a Free Tommy protest as a “Nazi themed march”
    and then removed it on the same day
    ..There is no edit note to admit this
    Disingenuousness is the hallmark of these pseudo-liberals, the libmob


    • kingkp says:

      I added a comment to one of his blog entries below today’s Tommy Robinson entry – no comments allowed on this one. Here it is

      I am glad you are not my lawyer. In all cases referencing Tommy Robinson, you have not once mentioned the principle of equality before the law and that all are subject to the same laws of justice. In essence this is a part of what he has been protesting against, as well of course the fact the government is knowingly tolerating the application of Sharia Law in certain enclaves throughout the country. Only a vanishingly small number of the thousands of jihadi rapists who have terrorised underage white girls over the last 40 years have been arrested and sentenced. Those that have , have received shockingly short sentences for crimes many people consider worthy of a death sentence.

      Still awaiting moderation


    • Annunaki says:

      I thought the Nazis were the antisemites, there are plenty of them around……labour party, Muslim ghettoes and antifa for example, funny how attacks on gays, transgenders and jews has increased proportionally with muslim immigration …


  33. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • Richard Pinder says:

      That photograph was taken in 1965. The little girl is called Helen Boaden. Helens mother was a housewife who finger wagged, shouted and then threw plates at Helen every time she lied.

      Her big lie when she became head of BBC News was to describe the bunch of scientifically unqualified environmental activists advising the BBC on Climate science as “the best scientific experts”.

      She was resigned, retired or forced out of the BBC in 2016. She now works in Ireland producing lies about the RTE Orchestra and lives with her husband in Scarborough, near where Jimmy Savile used to live.


  34. gaxvil says:

    The bbc news ‘editor’ is on his/her/it’s summer break – right?
    Parents guilty over daughter they tried to marry off to cousin and impregnate so he could get visa AND the ‘British’ citizen / bomber rescued by our navy.
    Someone’s in for a bollockin’ for letting these through !


  35. StewGreen says:

    So Channel5 Deputy news editor Amanda Nunn you have too cosy relationship with Brendan Coxes Hatey No Hopers ?


    • David R says:

      Stew: Please let me in on the secret of how to view the .jpg’s you (and others) list in posts without links.?


      • Lefty Wright says:

        David R
        The way I have found to view the .jpg’s is to hold the cursor on the .jpg and right click the mouse and select “view image” from the drop down menu. It works for me anyhow.


  36. Fedup2 says:

    Guardian has reported that English high court judge has ruled that ‘ sharia marriages’ fall under English law so if not married in English law terms then there can be no divorce .popcorn time .

    I’m sure al Beeb will put a few mo s and naz on to tell us how sharia should be equal to our law :such is multiculturalism.


  37. StewGreen says:

    Yvette Coops : Mrs Ed Balls
    say that government is negligent and they should let in more tube bombers from the child refugee camp in Calais


  38. Annunaki says:

    Amazing what they will do to get into a country they depise, probably running away from a monster dictator because that is the only way to control many of them, as we are increasingly finding, our legal, police and judicial process was not designed to keep this lot within the law, women are property and life is cheap and even cheaper if you are not a memebr of their tribe or death cult religion


  39. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    We all know the bbc is completely far left wing biased but have you noticed sky news going full blooded anti Brexit.
    That fine upstanding Englishman, Faisal Islam, (one of the Hampshire Islams perhaps) is gleefully going full throttle project fear 2.1

    I’ve not heard one positive news item concerning Brexit on sky news.
    Have they been bought and paid for?
    I expect it from the bbc, that’s what the bbc do but I would have thought sky might be a bit less obvious with their remainer bias.

    Oh how we need a right wing news channel to counter all the other news channels.
    I’d even settle for an impartial news channel.


    • Annunaki says:

      I assume this is the Hampshire Islams who can trace their ancestry back to those forefathers who proudly fought their way across the Channel tunnel hidden under a crate of fish fingers


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Who owns sky?


      • Annunaki says:

        Dunno but I wish he would stop sending me junk mail, must be costing him a fortune


  40. StewGreen says:

    8pm BBC R4 : Is English Nationalism Toxic?
    (FFS talk about stirring)
    Anne McElvoy returns with the series that asks figures from opposing sides of a political issue to listen to each other,

    Nick Cohen of Observer (+Statesman) vs Simon Heffer of Telegraph (+ Spectator)
    (opposing sides ? I say they are both metro-lib bubbleworld)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Allegedly mcelvoy was once of theright but having listened to her on the economist blogthink she is now fully smug , bubbled up ,and a you can guess what we re in for.

      Personally I’m gonna watch Love Ireland : I like the greenery


      • Synchronised says:

        Smug is spot on. Revisit her interview with Jordan Petersen and that will tell you all you need to know.


      • 7Clubs says:

        Anne Mclvoy is a very politically correct journalist who during the coalition govt said Ken Clarke should resign as a minister for stating there were different types of rape


  41. Up2snuff says:

    I hope Roger Harrabin is sitting down, if and when he reads this:


    • StewGreen says:

      Winter deaths or summer deaths
      Harra counts them both as a win
      Cos he can blame them on Climate Change.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Stew, unfortunately for the Horrorbin, ‘since records began’ for mortality go back quite a long way.


  42. StewGreen says:

    8:45pm R4, Samantha Kane has changed gender three times, from male to female and then back to male


    • Annunaki says:

      Who supplied the tackle for the last change back ?
      I read somewhere they trialled a baby elephant trunk for transplant, but it get stuffing buns up his arse ..I’ll get my coat


    • Lefty Wright says:

      I wonder if the relevant parts are nut and olive fitting (compression style) or the push-on type?
      It’s amazing what they can do these days.


  43. StewGreen says:

    Scary scary ITV 8pm


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Just wondering – what manner of person actually sits down to watch a show about the weather?

      I’m finding BBC weather forecasts go on too long these days. They are filled with exaggerations and pointless warnings and given half a chance they turn into some version of Roy Castle’s Record Breakers. Half of the suppoed impressive stats trotted out are irrelevant or I don’t believe or I guess are ‘wind assisted’ as they used to say. But to watch it all in replay? Really? It must be like being subjected to the neighbours’ holiday snaps.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The same sad buggers who send in pictures of the sky for your new dumbed down weather service – come back Bert Foord


  44. Annunaki says:

    Who supplied the tackle for the last change back ?
    I read somewhere they trialled a baby elephant trunk for transplant, but it get stuffing buns up his arse ..I’ll get my coat


  45. StewGreen says:

    10:30pm Channel 4
    The UN Peacekeeper Sex Abuse Scandal
    in CAR/Congo


  46. StewGreen says:

    Enrichment news


  47. StewGreen says:

    Times Leader : A hard-hitting report on sexual abuse by charity workers shows their employers were far too concerned about reputations, and not enough about victims.

    Not one charity, agency, ministry or high- paid executive emerges with credit from the international development committee’s report on sexual exploitation in the aid industry.


    • Annunaki says:

      Soon to be renamed the AIDs industry no doubt, hope they’re not donating blood


  48. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • Annunaki says:

      Maybe this is why the bbc are making such a fuss about what they define as fake news, opinion and facts that they do not wish others to see, a continuing attempt to police the internet and destroy a narrative at odds with theirs.
      Their narrative for example now uses “climate change” and “human induced climate change” interchangeably to get people conditioned to thinking they are the same thing and similar schoolboy errors confusing extreme weather events with climate…


      • Fedup2 says:

        Al guardian is doing a bit of baiting with a survey on what you might stockpile for brexit –

        I was thinking Hard Cheese ( British of course)

        Or The Remainers’ big book of Lies ….


      • Richard Pinder says:

        The BBC’s route to Fake news:

        (1) Project Fear: Carbon Dioxide induced Global Warming fears have been proven by predictions of the future made by Computer models?
        (2) Man-Made Climate Change was caused by Oil companies, Arabs, North Sea Gas and coal miners.
        (3) Scientists who no longer think that Carbon Dioxide influences temperatures in the Atmosphere are Global Warming deniers, Climate Change deniers, Climate deniers and enemies of science.
        (4) Global warming stories on the BBC peak in July.

        The Scientific route to Truth:

        (1) Carbon dioxide induced Global Warming: No proof obtained from an Atmospheric Chamber or Atmospheres of Mars, and then Venus. Some scientists prove the Black body Greenhouse effect is fake news. Then by using Venus and Mars etc, other scientists prove that the Grey body Greenhouse effect is a fact.
        (2) Solar Irradiance induced Global Warming: Too small an effect.
        (3) Earth Cloud Albedo induced Global Warming: Evidence found and mounting, but censored by main-stream media and liberal left-wing establishment.
        (4) Causational Climate Science Censorship on the BBC peaks in July.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I think that in future all those interviewed by the BBC should make a recording of the entire interview and wait for the BBC version to be aired and then release their own unedited version.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        That’s what Trump does to them. I watched many of his press conferences and speeches in full on his Youtube channel. That is why I knew that the MSM was full of crap about him. Their butchered edits and interjections should be filed under fiction.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Mr lavant gave the slimy Mair a bit what he deserves and seldom gets – and reminding listeners that al beeb is a shameful bias outfit losing public supporting as rapidly as you can say “ Islamic terrorist “

      …. see Rhodesia could be heading for its next civil war ….


    • Payne by name says:

      Doublethinker wrote the exact same thing I did but an hour earlier than me. Well said DT.


    • Guest Who says:

      At W1A, they are all bowing before the statue of George, chanting ‘it can all be sorted in post’.

      But the days of the bbc fooling anyone with its edits are long over.


    • Tabs says:

      They played the interview, or part of it, on Radio 4 about 6pm tonight. Ezra gave the interviewer a very hard time indeed. BBC kept going back to Tommy’s original conviction and Ezra kept correcting them saying that is not the point of todays discussion. He also gave them a hard time about the BBC’s lack of knowledge on law.

      Credit to the BBC they did keep in Ezra’s comment when he said something like “….cause of the BBC lies no middle class person trusts you anymore”

      The BBC truly had their arse handed back to them on a silver plate with that interview. Worth a listen on catch-up.


    • G.W.F. says:

      More of the Tommy Robinson story unfolds. Need to ask how far up is the authorisation of his persecution


  49. Deltic says:

    Why do we need a second referendum? To use a football analogy if Manchester City beat Manchester United 1-0 then City take all three points. United may say the result was very close but they lost so why do all the losers in the remain camp continue with their anti brexit rhetoric calling for a so called peoples vote.
    The BBC ably assisted by Sky News seem to have gone into anti brexit overdrive in the last few days. Gone are the days when if they interviewed a remain supporter a brexiteer would be given a right of reply. Now its stop brexit at any cost and its very rare that you see anyone arguing in support of the peoples decision to leave. Allegedly according to Sky News this morning Local Government is in crisis over brexit. One issue cited was that Meals on wheels will not be delivered in Kent because of the M20 being used as a lorry park. What happens currently when our French friends decide to go on one of their regular strikes and lorries are held up? I haven’t heard that any British OAP’s have died of starvation as a result of their actions.
    We are constantly being told by the media that we must not have a hard border with the Irish Republic for fear of rekindling the “troubles”but avid viewers of the TV series Stop, Search, Seize will know that the Republic frequently stop vehicles coming over the border from Northern Ireland to check for excise irregularities and red diesel in non agricultural vehicles so why is there a problem stopping a few more lorries for customs checks? It might be a little inconvenient for cross border users but if we travel to mainland Europe we still have to go through Passport Control as EU Citizens before we can leave the UK by train, plane or boat.
    I am quickly coming to the view that the Westminster Elite (with a few notable exceptions) ably assisted by the BBC, Sky and much of the press are drip feeding the public with so much anti brexit propaganda that they hope they can stop or at least put on hold our departure from the EU. I just hope that the great British public will see through the latest version of Project Fear and insist on a real Brexit. Nigel please come back!


    • richard D says:


      “We are constantly being told by the media that we must not have a hard border with the Irish Republic for fear of rekindling the “troubles”……

      Lovely people, such as the Taoiseac of Eire threaten us with terrorism, but the BBC never seeks to ask the question….”Why on earth would anyone but a real terrorist threaten murder and mayhem just because a border check is re-introduced – did the Southern Irish never really believe in anything but the bomb and the bullet as far as the UK is concerned ?”

      I guess it’s because the answer is they didn’t.


      • Annunaki says:

        and of course, they have a history of tolerance do they not, anyone wonder why we have a surfeit of irish “travellers” here ? they were essentially chucked out, thanks Ireland..

        The 1995 Report of the Task Force on the Travelling Community, and the 1998 Housing Act that would spring from it, would prove to be the most devastating blow to Traveller culture in the history of the State. Despite the positive intentions of this report and its apparent support for the Traveller way of life, it evokes a promotion of a ‘weak multiculturalism’, allowing the assimilation of Travellers through housing to continue.

        The Housing Act would ban Travellers from residing anywhere outside of ‘designated zones.’ This Act is entirely aimed at tackling the artificially generated problem of Irish Travellers, and has essentially made nomadism in Ireland illegal, a move that was met with support from the wider community in Ireland at the time, and to this day has not sparked any outrage from wider society. Anti-Traveller prejudice has been described by Martin Collins, co-director of the Pavee Point Travellers’ Centre in 2013 as ‘pervasive and deep-rooted.’

        Anti-Traveller sentiment is widespread in Ireland of today. In recent years reports of Irish Travellers being refused services, or being attacked or harassed have become commonplace.

        They hve all decided they get an easier time here thus we deal with those that Ireland do not want


  50. Doublethinker says:

    Just a note to keep everyone up to date with the devious behaviour of the editorial staff at the Times. The TR story was reported at midday and received plenty of comments most of them supportive of Tommy and scathing of the initial trial and it highly political overtones. . As often happens this story was replaced later in the day by a new updated version. Usually the old story is still available on the Times website. But unusually not today. I suspect that the editors didn’t want the world , a hell of a lot of people around the globe read the Times, to see how much support TR has amongst the Times readership even though it’s behind the paywall.