Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
Farewell to our last July in the ReichEU .
The Albeeb and other main stream media is in full biased flow over brexit and other issues . Please report them here
( can some one do the link to the previous thread please ) ta
State censorship continues, Luton Today local news website has long since removed its comments section unlike all the other Johnson press websites, for what reason ? go figure..a look at the archives would reveal continual demands from a certain minority religion for their own schools due to “brit immorality” and attacks upon OFSTED, criticism of this country and its foreign policies every time there is a terrorist attack in this country and we wonder where the rot in this country comes from ? look at the “education” certain elements of our society are receiving as we speak, learning to hate this country, its laws, religions, traditions, democracy, institutions and “morality”
Gotta love Karma.
Meanwhile in sports…
Not sure how the BBC will handle this. Women need to be paid more as danger money?
No. just the poor referees a couple of days every month…
make balls softer
No way to link to the FB page (wonder why some can and some don’t, especially the BBC ones):
Politicalite created a poll.
July 30 at 12:21 PM ·
POLL: Do you trust the BBC? (Results to be used in an upcoming article) Please vote and share.
97% voted ‘No’.
If Sky reports this they will likely claim that 488 votes is not a big enough sample.
The BBC will say ‘opinions were split’. Allegedly.
facebook started in 2004, this forum uses technology from 1976,,,
The facility, or lack of, is at FB’s end, whether a link is provided. Or not. If it is, I use it. If not, I copy and paste the text.
I trust the BBC fully.
I trust them to lie on virtually everything. I trust them to make every programme of every type an exercise in left-wing propaganda. I trust them to give left-wing interviewees easy questions, not picking up on their lies, and to harangue Conservative ones from start to finish. I trust the BBC to hold Israel to a far higher standard than any other country in the world, and for their staff to make anti-semitic comments to Jewish victims. I trust them to always excuse Islamist terrorists. I trust them always to promote Muslims if there’s any possibility of a positive story.
I trust the BBC to try to put old ladies in prison who haven’t paid their television poll tax. I trust the BBC to always lead with left-wing papers on newspaper review programmes. I trust the BBC to always give the Guardian viewpoint. I trust the BBC to tell lies about historic episodes such as the Crusades. I trust the BBC to always attack the Royal Family. I trust the BBC to always attack people of the Christian faith. I trust them to replace comedy with left-wing political shouting.
I could go on…
It’s great Tommy Robinson is free.
I wonder what part the civil unrest, demonstrations etc played in making it happen? The ROP have shown that threatening to riot actually gets you what you want. Is that where we are now: a return to barbarism? What sort of moron threatens violence unless you give him what he wants?
Though the tenets of multiculturalism were never made clear, I assume the idea was that we would have the best of all cultures and live in a honeyed, rainbow harmony. What if in fact it accentuates the worst of competing cultures? What use is British reticence and fairness if another group has contempt for such weakness and exploits it in order to rape your children and get special treatment? British tolerance combined with ROP aggression allowed Rotherham to happen.
A frightening precedent has been set. The promised multicultural utopia is starting to look more like hell every day.
Never forget the violent thugs who never get arrested.
Joy of Joys! Ezra Lavant interviewed on the BBC R4 News prog. 1700/1800. He gave the dishonest BBC what for! The Fake News programme insisted that TR was interferring with an ongoing case and could have affected the opinion of the jury. Correct me if I am wrong but the facts, and the BBC don’t like facts, are that the guilty parties were attending court to hear their sentences. The decision that they were guilty had already been made.
Dishonest BBC.
Gosh, wasn’t that a treat to listen to? More, more!
RE Beeb Brother Honeyed rainbow culture in action (apologies for the repeat posting but it happens every f@cking year in Luton but this time caught on camera) 4 people stabbed during this…
Diversity in action, yet again. Mmm, I feel so f***ing enriched.
And talking of enrichment, here’s a charming pair of machete wielders oop North.
(Where do you even BUY a machete? My local Waitrose don’t stock them, but then I obviously move in the wrong, hideously white and middle class circles that the beeb despises.)
I have been to China a few times and they suppress any dissent from Tibet thus youtube and others are hard to find, we have youtube but when, on this site I refer to a muslim police officer in a documentary unable to chase a teenage suspect cause he was “fasting” and referred to the youtube clip it very quickly disappeared, funny that….but this is still available which is just as insidious: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/fitness_of_muslim_officers_durin
Dear Bedfordshire Police,
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Yours faithfully,
E. Sewell
Independent Police Support Group
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
It was probably a moslem that dealt with the request.
The One Show opens with them excitedly saying
“Our guest tonight has met Michelle Obama”
BBCLondon = BBCBeyondParody
Denmark has rightfully banned the divisive and backwards medieval burqua. But, guess who was out there giving a platform to those arrogant Muslims who are flouting the laws? Yes, it was the ‘impartial’ BBC whose biased, pro-Islam report seemingly sided with those Muslim women who are saying they have no intention of obeying this law; of course, there was no question by the bbc reporter asking why they are refusing to obey the law. We should ban this opressive dress in this country immediately, but our spineless politicians are just too gutless.
Also, compare the reactions of the Leftists towards antisemitism with so-called Islamaphobia; the left scum are making every excuse for Corbyn and even blaming Jews for making it all up. Swap antisemitism with Islamaphobia and it would be handbags at dawn, with inquiries sackings, imprisonment, hatecrime arrests ad infinitum. What a country we now live in.
Fair enough.
It`s only right that Muslims refuse to obey our shit laws, deciding which ones are worth the bother, which ones aren`t.
We`ll be doing just the same when Brexit kicks in next March 29th-is there ANYBODY who`ll feel in any way obliged to obey foreign laws, as doled out by an army of occupation?
Not me-nor anybody else who still wants the grandkids to visit and respect us.
step one. Repeal the Hate Crime laws. No progress can be made without this essential first step.
Is there nothing on their immigration applications about obeying our laws ? time to stop just handing out UK nationality to tribalist racist immigrants and have a 10 year at least probation period ANY transgression and back to where you came from and if this is not diplomatically possible then time to seriously review who we are letting into this country, and more intensive examination on their political views RE views on womens rights, homosexuals, education, tolerance of others, tolerance of Christian and other religions a constitution that they are forced to sign you want to dress like that then sorry it is not allowed in the UK and we do not allow you to protest against the country that has had the grace to accept you as we do not allow crash helmets in banks or hoodies in supermarkets and this trumps your needs or wants, pity you did not discuss this when we rescued you and your children from all your nasty murdering fellow arabs and gave you a safe place to live
Unfortunately they let the third world in years ago .
I remember when the Ugandan Asians turned up and we were promised ‘ no more’ ‘ exceptional case ‘ ‘humanitarian this that and the other ‘ just lies
One of which was the ghastly Alibaba-Brown. Big mistake.
How shall we ever reduce the number of those who are already here? Is there even any interest in doing this?
Back in 1958 Nasser in Egypt thought the burka/ scarf was an hilarious suggestion and he spoke of it as a stand up comedian would lampoon a ridiculous idea.
They do it because they can shove thier arrogance into our face, it is not a religious thing it is a tribal thing and muslims in the 50s and 60s never even considered it, it is a complete and utter passive aggressive act upon Europe, they want their own schools, they want their own Kommunies, they want their own laws they hate homosexuals and jews despite our laws of tolerance they still exercise this hate and intolerance, its a f@cking invasion and anyone that challenges it is “right wing” just an example below:
Gay sauna orgy houses in early 1980’s San Fransisco was the production studio for the delightful venereal disease called AIDS which went on to kill millions worldwide.
I hate Muslims, but maybe they called this one right
Well if you persist in anal sex with men (and unprotected sex with women also) you run the risk. but I do observe that your understanding of epidemiology is sadly lacking and more a product of your own predjudices… or maybe disturbing nightime dreams of rockets and other things……..
I overstand the history of the gay disease AIDS.
A brief lesson for uneducated.
homosexual African butchers coming into contact with ‘bush meat’ monkeys hiv infected blood via small cuts etc.
visiting bent airline cabin crew, contracted this weak strain, then brought it back to airline hub and batty man central, San Fransisco.
Gains virulence:
Homo anything goes bath house orgies, now provided the perfect place for virus mutation; sauna level heat, rampant drug use , weakened immune systems, ruptured bloody backsides and excrement…
The gay community takes no responsibility as millions die, many from gays blood donors.
The PC west backs them up and continues to clap and cheer there every mince. Who knows what nasty pathogen the gays are concocting now..
And now Theresa humiliates herself and the whole nation by willingly wearing a headscarf.
In case you missed it, here’s TR telling a beeboid ‘reporter’ to get f***ed.
But in politer language as he’s more of a gentleman than me.
“Why would I have anything to do with you, all you do is lie.”
You tell ’em Tommy.
PS. I can’t remember the so-called reporter’s name, they all look the same to me. And they all think the same too.
Thanks vlad
Here’s to TR tonight who has a certain amount of “ freedom” . I’m sure the State will be all over him and anyone professing any support to him . And good evening to the kids monitoring our comments …
Amen to that FE2
If anyone deserves some peace and quiet it is Tommy and his family and not the “peace” the Home Office planned for him by putting him into Onley.
As for the kids monitoring us – If you carry on the way you are hopefully one day this chaos will touch you or childrens lives as well as our kids.
And guess what there will be no-one there to help you either because you were the ones who allowed this to happen.
So goodnight – but dont sleep too well, because you dont deserve it.
Thats why I fight, I remember a better country where we were not subject to an 8% minority and their wants and needs and will do my best to ensure they do not get what they want,:
goha brihish passporh bruv um brihish innit
Thing is Annunaki it is going to be a long war but one which for the sake of our kids, culture and freedom we cannot afford to lose.
Most of the MSM and google have all committed themselves to the death wish but unfortunately they also need to drag us down with them.
Interestingly when I typed in Tommy Robinson protest into google at least the first 4 or 5 results highlighted reports by the Independent.
If ever there was a prize for a poorly named newspaper title then the “Independent” wins it (maybe they forgot the words “Not” in the title). I must say I never realised the Independent liked Tommy so much to have published all these reports on him!
Yes, quite when auty beeb turned into a smug self satisfied know it all nephew I cant quite pin down
Bravo Tommy. It’s so difficult to comprehend that the people who are telling the truth are the ones that BBC try to destroy. Not just the BBC but the entire MSM sick bag and the majority of our slippery slime politicians. Surely this must not only be a BBC agenda but a deep state destruction processes. Ugly, unbelievable and heartbreaking. Thank god for a few drinks.
Don’t worry too much. Although it may not be apparent to you yet, there is a certain gentleman in the US who has plans for our current government. He despises them as much as he despises the liberal MSM and the previous Obama administration. And he’s a man who doesn’t forgive an injury lightly and our Government has been meddling in things it should have kept well away from.
Heard PM earlier.
Well only the first half hour or so, who the hell listens to the BBC for news anymore?
Sure enough, all I heard was a ten minute rant about why Robinson is not really a journalist.
Unlike the Beeboid peddling selected slime and slurry-who has some “Idiots Code to Hackery” as doled out to him at the BBC.
No-Tommy is in the best tradition of British journalism, so unlike the BBC paid outliars for the Left.
PM were NOT happy that Tommy is out.
Funny that they refer to him as “ex-EDL”.
Bit like BBC hacks being “ex-jouros”I guess.
Tommy was also in the Quillim Foundation as I recall, but they`ll never tell us that. Thankfully, we know.
Time for a Midweek thread?
Lucy – ok – I wanted to let it run due to the importance of the TR outcome ..,.
Back now to sport, already mentioned earlier in this thread, they just can’t help themselves, I know it is the silly season but why do we have to pay for this BS?
The comments must be read, not going too well for the Big Brother Corporation..
The England basketball team

They have some white players
..but when you check only one white player is not dual nationality, the rest were born in Canada, Australia etc.
Libmob rules
#1 “Far right” is the new term for “Mr”
#2 Keep stressing how super-important that someone who always uses their stage name, must be referred to by their long real name
Then someone answers the libmob
\\ Have you deleted your tweets complaining that in all the recent news coverage of Harry Webb’s court case everyone
(including the BBC) kept calling him “Cliff Richard”? //
libmob rule #3
Shout that people who have loads of experience, put themselves in danger to get stories that really help the nation and get millions of views “are not real journalists”
…while simultaneously asserting that the biggest legal brain in the country is a blogger ..who definitely doesn’t seem like an actual proper barrister.
Did you spot the libmob on Twitter doing that ?
libmob rule #4
Always refer to people with something negative from the past, rather than who they are today.
Until now I despised David Owen, not least because I felt he left the labour party in the lurch when setting up the social democrats. But his recent interviews make me wonder if he was right when he thought he should be prime minister.
here are some of the points he made:
1. In a blunt message, the veteran former Labour foreign secretary said MPs and peers were creating a ‘very dangerous’ situation by trying to ‘thwart Brexit’.
2. many leading figures in Parliament viewed EU membership as a ‘religion’.
3. ‘Within our own Parliament, people are determined to block the whole process. They lie through their teeth, saying it’s this problem or that, but really they just don’t want to leave.
4. ‘I think they were gripped by a religion and they can’t stop believing in it. And they have really managed to convince themselves that they are entitled in a strange way to thwart Brexit.
5. Lord Owen, 80, suggested Parliament was playing with fire by watering down Brexit. ‘I believe it’s very dangerous,’ he said. ‘It won’t even be a slow fuse. They [Leave voters] will know that this is just Brexit in name only. [Former Ukip leader Nigel] Farage will pounce. The mood in the Brexit cities and towns will start getting ugly.
6. ‘These people don’t believe a word their politicians say. There’s an elite and they’re just not listening.
7. it was not surprising Brussels was making it difficult to leave, saying the European Commission would ‘never willingly let us out’.
8. Lord Owen said Mrs May had been ‘given an extremely difficult hand’ and had shown ‘courage and persistence’.
9. But the Brexit negotiations needed to be led by a Leave supporter to be successful.
10. ‘It is a great shame we didn’t have a Leaver as PM,’ he said.
11. ‘The public has been outmanoeuvred. It is so obvious what is going on. What is going to come out of her bespoke negotiations is bad.’
Agree with him 100%.
He is , of course , right . I’ve written to my ( leaver ) MP telling him the consequences of not completing a full British Brexit . Apart from writing here what more is there that can be done?
Barricades and a guillotine next
Not paying your taxes. I will simply refuse paying Corporation tax next February. We just need to get enough companies/people to go along with it and the government will be brought to its knees. No taxation without representation.
I wonder if they will turn it into a national poll result?
“BBC accused of ‘breaching code’ by putting Assange critic in charge of special on WikiLeaks founder”
New Thread Now .
I take it we’ve all just watched the Newsnight bit about TR’s release. Started with shocking sound quality, (sacked the sound man to pay Sir Cliff) misread an on screen statement and still refers to rapists as asian. Only mentions the M word when there’s a victim narrative. The BBC’s scared, we know it, they know it. Easily sorted, report the truth, report stories that you think aren’t popular, report stories that will make the majority angry, respect people who’s opinons are different from yours, represent people who know that multicultualism doesn’t work, stop calling us racist, stop calling us far right. We are the majority reguardless of our political views. Report the truth. Until you realise that you’ll sow the seeds of your own demise.
“Started with shocking sound quality,”
That old trick was used whenever Nigel Farage was interviewed during the Brexit campaign .
I think that with all of these Chicken Little style predictions, that if it finally comes to pass, the Eurofascists will make sure that the problems they “predicted” will happen.
If we leave the Customs Union the Trade Unionist customs officers will do something like a work-to-rule so as to block the ferry ports etc. They will then say “We warned you this would happen under Brexit”.
This will happen in all areas that they “warn” us about. No dirty trick will be too low for them as they hate this country and the majority of its citizens so much, they don’t care who they hurt.
And when/if we at last get out, this will be dwarfed by a new free port round the Tees. Oh, that these idiots would just get on with it!
My odd experience on re-tuning to Radio 4
Ever one to go against the crowd, despite the plummeting listening figures, on a whim I tune into Radio 4 for The World At One. Ah, those familiar one o’clock pips of yore. It’s all a bit more female than it was in the good old days. Now we have the plummy attitude of Sarah Montague and hushed incredulous tones of Corrie Corfield. The voice of Radio 4 still raises a smile when it has to contend with such new-fangled concepts as “Drill Rap”. You can’t help imagining those BBC presenters up on the bench in horsehair wig and full judge’s regalia turning up their noses and feigning incomprehension at some particularly disreputable slang. “Drill Rap?” (An urban sub-genre of hip hop defined by dark, grim, violent, nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats, M’lud).
And so to the sad case in Wales of the poor child apparently killed by the violent physical abuse of an adoptive father. The usual familiar tale of failed social services systems. Gradually the story unfolds in the same all too familiar way. The regulation public sector apologies and resolve to examine their own navels once again. The something must be done moment. That is, apart from anything to support the conservative idea of the regular mother-father two-parent family. Given the public sector never likes to miss an opportunity one waits for someone to mention funding. But what is this sudden new discordant note dropped into the familiar old tune?
“The social workers “liked” this couple”. Really? We were under the impression adoption was really really hard – strictly by the book, rule laden, loads of questions, vetting and form-filling and waiting etc? In their regulation template interview what are the BBC and the authorities dancing around here? Was there some inside job adoption? Why did this ultimately fatal adoption go ahead? Just as one thinks one will have to buy one of tomorrow’s tabloids to get the inside track at last our BBC presenter blows the gaff: “What” she asks the social work spokesperson “do you think it was about them [the adoptive couple]… they were a gay couple, middle class, professional couple…?” Take your pick but I think, luv, you just answered your own question. And you and your ilk may just have created the cultural climate for this sad case to have happened.