This right here, is EVERYTHING that is wrong with our country today. Shall we stop and search then lady ??? Oh no, that would be racist now wouldn’t it !!! You simply CANNOT reason with vermin like this, blame blame blame, its all they know …like a reply said …egged on by the odious, poison spouting Lammy !!
A resident in south London vents her frustration at gang violence, after rapper Incognito was killed on a street in Camberwell – the second member of drill music band Moscow17 killed in three months.
Thursdays Londonistan evening standard – edited of course by a failed politician – extreme remainer viscount Osborne – predicts that the outgoing PMs panic meeting with the president of the cheese eaters tomorrow will be a failure – the source apparently is an ex ambassador and chief bottle washer for Soros .
Could be a clever propaganda thing but as the current foreign secretary says – you know – the one who doesn’t know who he is married too – every day that passes brings us closer to a full on brexit ( he says hard but I’m with JRM saying there’s no such thing ) .
Cheers to the full brexit – worth any amount of chaos to be free of Brussels.
I just know that we`re leaving the EU next year.
Whether we choose to still carry round the sacks of rocks that Europe has saddled the nation with is up to each one of us.
The liberal elite will, of course get their servants and shills to do it for them-and continue to get paid by Brussels and Soros to make us carry their burdens, even though we voted specifically not to need to do so.
No more debate needed. If anybody still sticks to EU rules and agendas after 29th March, then I hope they`ll not moan about doing it.
As we used to say “it`s a free country”…about time, we began to remember what that used to feel like, and ensure we live in one once more.
The BBC being binned and a few show trials will impress the Turks.
Trump scares the elite-why don`t WE scare them?
There is an investigation into forced marriages in The Times today: rape; threats of and actual murders; unimaginable suffering for women.
No sign of it on the BBC website of course. Rape or torture is just as bad regardless of the skin colour of the perpetrator. Alas the SJW mind malfunctions when a designated oppressed group turns oppressor.
You know who is in charge by whom you are not allowed to criticise. It exposes how their warnings of the ‘Far Right’ are total horse sh*t because were the threat so real these uber cowards would be too afraid to criticise them. Chumps like Owen Jones say we must crush the rising Far Right – I bet he would not say things like that were he living in Germany back in 1936.
Owen Jones would have been thoroughly behind a Government dealing firmly with the bankers in Germany in 1936, er, I mean 2006. 2006. Yes, 2006 and in London, heading off a crisis that would lead to awful austerity. Owen Jones would go for that.
“It was thought that this gun would end all wars” – about Maxim machine gun
I’m plugging this because 99% of the BBC is agenda but this prog isn’t which is really odd but there it is.
Interesting bit about The British Empire, only able to hold onto far away lands because it could supress the much larger native populations with superior weaponry.
So it turns out that the native populations were not happy to be invaded by a foreign people, with their strange language and customs, taking over and dictating the way things should be, funny that. So the natives were clearly a bunch of racist far right extremist Nazis.
I have to disagree with the bit about The British Empire only able to hold far away lands was it could suppress much larger native populations with superior weaponry is either leftish tosh or naivety.
Of course it would help in some cases but only for temporary situations.
The British Empire was held together primarily because it brought a form of rule that was largely acceptable, to the populations at the time. It rarely required suppression. It brought law and order, trade prosperity and security from foreign attack. There were huge advantages in belonging to the British Empire and the local elites of the far away places knew that.
The Brits in India could have been thrown out at any time if a significant percentage of Indians didn’t really want them. Consider this, the US could not hold South Vietnam despite massive superiority in firepower.
I wish the British Empire was taught properly in schools across Britain. It is not something to be ashamed of but celebrated.
There’s a revealing moment in Attenborough’s anti-British film, Gandhi. He arrives to attend a meeting of several thousand supporters and two British officers arrive and tell him to move on, as ‘his sort are not wanted here’. He grins and replies ‘I think they want me here’. Attenbrough is trying to make the British look ridiculous and arrogant, thinking they can control the hordes with two men. But he actually achieves the opposite, for the depiction is quite accurate: usually it would only require the presence of two men to disperse a hostile crowd. It is a testament to the effectiveness and acceptance of benign British rule, which had little need to resport to force.
It is worth noting that (except for the build-up of forces in 1944-45 for the Burmese and planned Japanese campaigns), the European population never exceeded 150,000 in the entire Indian sub-continent. That’s less than the number of Indians presently living in just two suburbs of West London today.
Eddie Mair
Goading an experienced Customs woman (Lucy Morton?)- trying to get her to say that a new line for UK citizens post Brexit will add delays problems..but she is having none of it…a really straightforward and sensible woman. R4 not used to that…Basically she said it wont provide any issues…despite Brexit 🙂
So another black gangster is dead, killed by another black gangster. The murdered man had himself been cleared of murder in January when yet another black gangster had been murdered. Seems some people didn’t agree with the verdict…
The really tragic aspect of all this is I’m familiar with all these streets. As a lad they were my playground. Yes, there’d be turf punch ups, but the sort of third world mayhem we’re seeing now would have been unimaginable.
This has been a political own goal, inflicted upon us by numerous governments who allowed these people in.
Still celebrating Windrush?
From even the grimmest of stories there are occasional smidgens of humour. Sky News, in best pc fashion, have spent weeks interviewing gang members. They are all, without exception, as thick as tree trunks, but…
One such interview the other morning had me rolling on the floor, when, to protect their identities, the hoodlums all donned chimpanzee masks. Yep! To begin with they were barely intelligible, but mumbling through their rubber monkey masks they sounded like Bill and Ben.
Anyway, fear not Cressida Dick is on the case and has said, “These killings really must stop.” These armed gang members must be cacking themselves. It’s like sending the local scout mistress out to tackle Al Capone.
Can’t wait to hear Sadiq’s words of wisdom…
Just to add to that – Hattie Harperson has been the MP for the area since around 1982 – she was in the ITV local news having a chat with an itv beeboid – as it were . Stop and search wasn’t talked about instead Hattie wants more cctv , trees cut back and more coppers – but presumably not actually doing anything .
If there’s anything positive to come out of this at least a ‘decent’ person wasn’t on the receiving end . At least if they provided yoot clubs the criminals would be able to originate their crime in comfort .
Saw the same mumblethon on ITV with Hattie. She also wanted more controls on the Internet. Seems all politicos think this is the cure to all their problems. Problems such as the truth getting out and loosing their grip on power.
To sort out the gangs the Flying Squad of old needs to be reinstated. My father worked in the hotel trade and supervised banquets where they held parties. He told me you only had to mention a problem and they would “sort it” for free.
The PM correspondent was alos pretty sanguine, about reining in the internet.
This was in the context of Google having their tummies tickled by the Chinese in some attempt to set up over there.
Our Beeboid thinks that this is now OK. Realpolitick.
Basically, the Germans have banned hate speech online-so why won`t we?
China being the way to go, Google surely could use all that big data from China, pretty much the way that they do with us.
Let`s be realistic, she said. Eddie Mair sees no problem either.
The BBC think that it will end “fake news”-stuff the BBC won`t be telling us…and will reduce “hate speech”-stuff critical of the BBC and Corbyn I`m thinking.
Well, I`m sure that there`ll be plenty of Tories who`ll want the same, so it`ll be a “cross-party” thing, not political at all.
Quicksand before the coming Muslim sandstorms, let`s make our sandcastles and be quiet shall we?
Six o’clock news story on people be being addicted to smart phones. The reporter spoke to a “typical” British family; black father, white mother and their two mixed race children.
No wonder people are switching off BBC News in droves, it’s FAKE NEWS!
Why was Iain Dale also obsessing about phone addiction tonight on LBC? I know in the USA there is a syndicated process of distributing the following day’s news headlines to every TV station. Does this also happen here? Of course it does!
Not the bbc, but they seem to share the same unique views their own attitude and PR policy:
If somebody had said that about ANY OTHER group, they'd be fired and blacklisted from all "respectable" publications without a second thought.
“We have corrected an earlier version of this clip which mistakenly featured a picture of an extreme far right European group which we accept was inappropriate and for which we apologise.”
Does Google deliberately spin TR & Raheen stories this way ? Or is it a product of the way the metro-libestablishment media work ?
Guest Who I wonder if there is a screenshot of the smear image R4Today used against Raheem ?
Here is the apology thread
… Full of the normal libmob acting in a fascist way
Interesting, and creative, but 0% credible.
From The Gray Lady, the deniers of Stalinist mass murder.
Who have still learnt nothing.
Apologising, does not make it right.
Fake apologies, which this is, makes it worse.
Or better, since it confirms their anti-white bias.
Go Donald 2020.
One marina Dudley Williams daughter of a knight of the shires and grand daughter of a Baron – otherwise known as the Guardian columnist Marina Hyde –
Has penned a predictably vitriolic attack on those who supported Tommy Robinson during his recent political repression by the British State .
Her words are so bitter that I suspect she might have a stockpile of ‘ one stop’ the acid of choice for attacks by vibrant types and others .
There is fear in her column – fear that the dissent many of us are feeling – is crystallising into a coherent movement to counter what European nations – particularly Blighty – has been suffering whilst importing the Third World and all its primitive religions and er ‘ customs’
I’m sure marina picked up her liberal infection whilst at oxbridge – having come from a well to do Tory dynasty . All things decline at some stage I suppose .
The reason included the Guardianista s heritage in my post was because since her type are so eager to describe TR by his other name it is only fair thattt she should receive the same courtesy .
Thought I’d dip into C4 hard left news whilst waiting for a plane . The new Italian anti illegal immigrate government was put under the spotliight chief C4 extreme lefty Patrick O sonethingorother. Big mistake . Why allow snowflakes anywhere near ? All they want to do is undermine and sneer . Just treat MSM like president Trump does – call them an ‘ enemy ‘ when they are .
She typifies her class; ie. she doesn’t have any. But I’m sure my views won’t bother her because I doubt she’s ever actually had a conversation with normal people.
Tommy Robinson’s latest video with his family after release.
Over 250,000 views since posted yesterday on youtube !!
This is only the beginning…
“”Thank you everyone who has supported me, stood by me and believed in me. Today I came home to my children for the first time in two and a half months and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.””
Is a short video about intersectionality, the power driver behind identity politics. It is aimed at young students, maybe teens and younger. Its about 3 minutes long, but the number of unchallenged assumptions it throws up are astonishing in such a short time.
It is telling that comments are turned off!
This is behind a lot of how the BBC/Guardian view the world.
They may be right in their views and assumption, but if they are wrong then the the level of indoctrination is morally dangerous.
Many years ago I heard an interview with Joan Armatrading. She was asked if she had every suffered from racial discrimination in her musical career. She said, “No. But I have met people that don’t like me.” I thought that was a very sensible view.
This video tells us that ‘intersectionality’ was invented because a black woman thought she should have bonus victim points because of her race and sex. We are told that we have to look through the ‘lens of intersectionality’ but surely the picture looks different depending on who is holding the lens?
The blonde white girl that expects to go to college aparently doesn’t worry about intersectionality, but what if she is being looked at by Fatima, or, even worse, Fatima’s brother? The Southern Poverty Law Center might think that she is a rich, privileged white ‘cis-gendered’ female, Fatima’s brother might think she is ‘easy meat’, a slag, sub-human and not fit to live.
I think Joan got it right. Some people won’t like you, live with it.
I saw the same man on last week, possibly on local London news on an item about either how people working at home or disabled people were coping with the heat (with the implication that government should help with air conditioning costs. The man is a composer, so presumably soon the BBC are going to promote his music.
This may be of interest to some here. If things move in the sinister direction of more and more censorship we may need to find other platforms for reliable news sources.
“The left is intent on shutting down the right — on Google, Twitter, Facebook, and in the mainstream media. So we need to continue disruption via alternative means. ”
… and who made the decision to move him from Hull Prison to a high Muslim inmate prison in Onley so that he would have to be in solitary confinement for his own safety and only be able to eat things from tins in case the other inmates poisoned him?
These people should be named and shamed! I am ashamed of the so called justice system in this country if it can be used to punish certain people in this way, purely because they are someone who the establishment fear and dislike, and it must have come from the top. They knew that this treatment, for a minor offence, would come out after Tommy was released and they just don’t care. Suck it up people, suck it up!
I know!
It’s disturbing that this could happen in England isn’t it? But NOT to the gang-rapists! To a man banged up on a minor charge. Someone needs to answer for this. Is this the treatment we are all to expect from our government when we resist Islam?
The excellent Douglas Murray on the Establishment’s unwillingness to deal with primary problems, attacking secondary so-called problems instead, such as TR.
TR will be on Tucker Carlson show at 1am
(I guess you search Fox on Youtube and filter on LIVE ..I see the Trump rally is now on)
“My children were present when TV crews turned up to harass my mother”
“The media are playing not only with my life, but also my childrens
..I will not speak with dishonest UK media
.. I will speak on an open platform of the Tucker Carlson show”
..”4 radio shows today chose to focus on I had said 7 years ago \\Muslim rape gangs// they weren’t concerned with my plight, nor the real victims of the gangs ”
… “Nigel Farage didn’t investigate this case at all, ..seems to have become part of the establishment and chooses to condemn me, rather than speak up for injustice.”
Stew quotes “Nigel Farage didn’t investigate this case at all, ..seems to have become part of the establishment and chooses to condemn me, rather than speak up for injustice.”
I have to agree about Farage .. he’s losing his edge. He’s mixing with the wrong people these days. Gerard Batten is doing a much better job at UKIP than Nigel would do if he ever attempted to come back, which he won’t cos the pay’s not good enough.
Fair play to Farage, he did his bit, but he’s become just another media performer I’m afraid.
Everyone has their time and I agree Nigel did a lot and suffered for it. He has softened but would still be a useful person – I just don’t think he sees Islam as the only problem – he wanted Brexit…and hopefully we will get it. Maybe once we need to work with US he will be helpful…Sorry nothing to do with BBC
Farage has still got some bite to him but I think TR was too toxic for him to handle. Does this disappoint me – maybe a little but I can see the ease that he would be dismissed from TV and Media if he was seen to be openly supporting TR.
So is it better to keep a fighter in the ring who will still call out the media on issues of Brexit and Trump or have got him to push in all of his chips behind TR and take himself out of the fight. I think the former.
Seems extraordinary few, if any, in media can join dots between varying tales of crime and punishment.
The bbc seems to have got off very lightly, bar funds they can uniquely divert from LFPs, whilst lining up howlers upset about the LCJ tearing some establishment stooge judge a new one on actual failures in fact and justice.
Meanwhile the press crèche at the White House are again throwing their toys out the pram because the nasty lady won’t give them a money quote about the nasty man’s nasty words…. but seem entirely ok with their colleagues at the NYT having a lady on their editorial board who has actually committed to print racist, violent calls to action, under the benign gaze of the ex-Director General of… the BBC.
We know none of the perpetrators will be prosecuted under the present system where the ‘establishment’ collude, protect and cover up for each other. As an absolute minimum the Governor of HMP Onley Matthew Tilt should face criminal charges (small steps and work up).
Someone needs to start bringing private prosecutions with crowd funding. I’m not sure whether this has to be TR, or a group of people could do so on his behalf.
Perhaps Rebel Media/Ezra will continue to act as a conduit for fundraising?
Thank you for posting tucker Carlson. I think we should appreciate it whilst we still have access to it. Some day soon a Home Secretary is going to get powers to designate people and website he/she doesn’t like using false excuses like ‘community cohesion’ it could be new Tory or Labour – there is no difference .
I think the State has done a really good job of breaking TR – putting his cell opposite the prison mosque – nice touch . The prison service can be very imaginative – probably a Muslim governor . But on the upside I thought they might drive TR to ‘suicide ‘ but I suppose knew no one would believe that the British State didn’t kill him.
Five Live had a young man on complaining about the poor political response to all the stabbings. The complete lack of outrage from the BBC is shameful. He says it is Khan’s fault for nor giving them stuff to do – they are so bored they have to go out stabbing!
What an utterly ridiculous argument. I was bored yesterday so I read a book. And according to Lammy aren’t they all studying like mad, desperate to get into Oxbridge? The argument is even more ridiculous now we have smart phones and you can play games, watch goals on YouTube and a million other things.
The only solution is to stop this nonsense of saying all cultures are equal, or minority cultures are in fact superior to ours even when they cause such misery. It is not ok to aspire to become a criminal, stab rivals to death (I prefer a discussion) or murder your daughter if she refuses to marry her cousin. These backward cultural practices cause infinitely more harm than this phantom ‘hate crime’ they bang on about. The ‘equalities’ industry should look at stamping out bad cultural practices rather than ‘structural racism’ as you are not going to study PPE at Oxford if you have been stabbed to death.
As race and culture have been conflated it is the worst thought crime to even suggest some values are better than others. So the mayhem will continue cheerleaded by our fifth column BBC, who probably think I should be arrested for ‘hate crime’ for merely writing this post.
Brilliant post, really brings out the distinction between real crime and imagined crime.
Reminds me of the old Al Beeb ‘discussion’ boards where debate was permitted unless you didn’t toe the Leftist line. Under Blair/Brown’s misrule when the old British Crime Survey was regularly showing a drop in crime whilst police recorded crime was rising and there was an increase in the numbers of BME prisoners the Leftoids would be telling us how it was all down to the system being racist.
Nothing changes with Al Beeb and Leftoids.
How can you not be allowed to hate? Love and hatred are often two sides of the same coin. Hatred is an emotion that the state should not police. Hate crime is thought crime.
I read in The Times yesterday about girls from Bradford getting raped in Pakistan as the man can gain citizenship more easily if there is a child; he then comes over and beats and bullies the poor woman. My friend at university narrowly avoided such a fate – God, the thought of anyone yet alone someone you love going through that. How could you not hate that with every fibre of your being?
It is minorities who will suffer through this enforced silence, not hideous straight white men like me.
It is minorities who will suffer through this enforced silence, not hideous straight white men like me.
Young white girls in Rotherham, Bradford, Luton, Oxford, Manchester, Dewsbury, Halifax etc seem to have suffered. Minorities might bear the brunt of the enforced silence: tomorrow, it will be the wider population.
Well Ed
If ever evidence was needed of clear bias by the State Broadcaster that 1 minute video stands alone
All ‘cultures ‘ are welcome . But some cultures are more welcome than others . Blighty as a doormat writ large .
And any one paying the licence tax is paying for that .
Have you ever found yourself experiencing uncontrolled laughter and pathological hatred at the same time? I did at around 7.20am this morning with Toady on Radio 4 this morning. Jim Naughtie (the chap who retired but is everywhere on Radio 4) was droning on about a classical music award when he suddenly started spouting about a piece of music by Dvorak that was chosen by “asylum seekers” because he wrote the piece when he was in the US when he was feeling homesick.
I suddenly had this image in my mind of a man dressed in Victorian clothes (with more than a passing resemblance to Disraeli) in the back of an Eddie Stobbart refrigerated lorry, defecating on all the fresh produce as it arrived in Dover from Calais before later on smashing open the doors of the truck and running down the M20 with the tails of his morning dress tailcoat flapping in the breeze as he ran towards some unknown DSS office to claim benefits, free housing and health care that he is entitled to from the infidels.
A sort of TOADY Watch from me but in general terms rather than specifics. It comes in the light of the news yesterday that the TOADY Programme has … ummmh … mislaid the best part of a million listeners in the past year.
When you are THE leading Radio 4 Programme, a major news programme (not just in the UK but worldwide) and then losing close to a fifth (20%) of your audience means you are doing something seriously wrong. You have offended someone. Seriously. Offended.
Especially so, when we are told by the BBC “we are all getting older, the population is ageing, we are living longer than ever before”. The natural listener constituency for BBC Radio 4 in general, and the TODAY Programme in particular, should be increasing.
The old joke goes that the stages of ageing are starting to listen to R4 and TODAY at 40, starting to shout at the radio at 50 years of age, and at 65, writing to the Network Controller and the Director General to complain.
Back to today’s TODAY. I switched on at 6.30am in a distinctly sleepy state. For a whole hour, all I heard was ill-informed fear-spreading, padding, waffle and pwaffle. No real content or weight of news, knowledge, information and education.
For example, the latest bio-scare: the army worm caterpillar. John Humphrys interviewed a biologist about this latest scare – heading our way – and completely failed to ask how this AFRICAN caterpillar would reach Europe and the UK. No question. Fly – via its moth? Walk? Infiltrate and use human transport? Or infiltrate food supplies and, via its transportation, reach Europe?
No desire at all at the BBC and in the TOADY Programme to inform and educate. Plenty of entertainment. James Naughtie, overpaid windbag, has been to a concert.
Same with another headline item: sepsis. The cynic might suggest that the growth of death in the UK from sepsis is because our newest Junior Doctors cannot spell scepticaemia. The cynical statistician might ask how an increase, by a third, of deaths from sepsis can be reconciled with “we are all getting older, the population is ageing, we are living longer than ever before”.
Needless to say, no questions asked on TODAY.
Meanwhile, The Humph is using Mark Carney for some Brexit bashing. Carney is obliging.
Jon Hump is a real Pr.t
He pushed Carney to say Brexit no deal could be a disaster..Whilst Carney didn’t agree was allowed to say that he saved the UK economy (despite Brexit) – funny I seem to remember Carney being a doom monger despite his actions…now he saved us..
Hump then, ‘Should the next Governor be a female…wtf, why exactly?’ and having already been told numerous times by Carney that the banking system was secure – in his hand over said ‘planning for financial armagedon’..all designed to push that Brexit was a bad decision..
Has the BBC ever said anything positive about Brexit…
Carney may have been obliging by picking up anti-Brexit cues from Humhrys, but at least he did not fall for the constant extreme language H was trying to put into his mouth (eg Armageddon etc).
H has absolutely no shame. He is a disgrace.
Mishal was far more subtle in coaxing the anti-Trump message from the lips of a Calif university professor. She knew she could rely on him to provide the extreme language: Trump is stirring violence against the media and is telling lies.
Well, the media tell lies aplenty, in fact MSM is one big lie most of the time, and in various countries its poorly thought through pro-‘migrant’ excesses have led to much violence and many deaths.
If the professor was right, well – he should go home and do some hard thinking about why the MSM are despised to the point of hatred.
Shows Humph to be a racist because he should have asked if the next governor shukd be a “black woman” with unique numeracy skills …… can’t think of one / four ….
I have given up listening to any BBC TV and very rarely listen to the radio now. I still look at the BBC News website to find bias to post here.
I think the last straw for me was a few days ago on Radio 4 someone being interviewed saying “blah blah Brexit no deal blah… a 7 minute custom delay at Dover for food coming to the UK results in a 14 hour delay by the time it gets to the shops”.
Utter rubbish and the comment was unchallenged. That 14 hour delay is the time it takes to get from Dover to whatever shop. Adding 7 minutes on would result in a overall delay of 14h 7m.
Buy why let facts get in the way of an agenda? The desperation of the BBC is so embarrassing these days.
Toady at about 8.35 this morning speaking with a UN ‘rapporteur’ (another beauty) on journalism who claims journalists are coming under increasing levels of threats and violences. It would help I reckon if they started reporting the news impartially rather than censoring the views that don’t accord with their own.
The really funny bit was when this part said that journalists had stepped up to the plate in the last couple of years …’in the light of a President who LIES ALL THE TIME.
Journos do need to be contained if they just spread their own political views through lies and omissions as well as shaping the world how they want it .
The UN is a spent organisation anyway – I don’t know the numbers but I’m sure fools like America and Britain fund it . That should stop
Brexit Central
“The EU’s record shows how it has turned hypocrisy into an art form”
Austin Mitchell, former Labour MP, not a totally reliable source.
Nothing original, a useful summary of EU corruption.
I feel it is helpful to publicise all Labour criticism of the EUSSR.
On Toady this morning there was a bit about starving children in Britain . Apparently 1.3 million are entitled to food at school during term. I won’t call it “free school meals “ because some one has to pay for it .
Anyway the story al beeb ran was that because these kids are not at school in the summer they are starving without the school meals . So they / their “ parent” is at the food bank making a withdrawal to feed them.
There was no question regarding the qualities a parent to look after the child they had produced . No question about whether it is right for taxpayers to feed kids . It was taken as read as being an entitle ment.
I know I sound harsh – and perhaps am not qualified as l don’t have kids – but to not even discuss the state of affairs where so called parents cannot feed their kids is unfair to the public and those who pays their taxes .
When they preach about food banks I always think of the tv tax. You could feed a family for months on £150. All their carping on about the ‘bedroom tax’ but that affected few compared to the universal parasite which is the tv tax, buying second homes and champagne for twats to sneer at and patronise us.
Fedup – If there really are starving chidren (assuming they/ their parents haven’t spent all their money on the latest smartphones, trainers, tattoos and other stuff that comes to mind -were one to be cynical), I don’t mind my taxes going to help feed them.
However, I am skeptical, knowing the TV affection for showing us malnourished children whose eyes are tear-filled etc etc. This sort of thing seems to make for a good story (the media think); it tugs at the heartstrings, tries to make one feel a little guilty, and simultaneously takes a swipe at government. (Since- as you rightly say, we are not expected to wonder about the parents or broader social family issues). Good for the opposition though, by implication.
That little story serves many purposes, not immediately obvious. Not least, another big virtue signal for the beeb, whether there is any truth in it or not.
The four young men who died when their car crashed in Bradford have been named as Murthza Chaundry aged 22, Zeeshan “Ziggy” Khalid, aged 20, Arbaz Hussain, aged 21, and someone called Tayyub.
So far we know they were being pursued by police at 5am in the morning. They were driving at over 100mph through a residential area.
Not surprisingly we have reported that several men by the name of Mohammed have described the victims as “lovely”, “quiet”, “polite”, “college kids”.
Victims of our racist, far-right society no doubt.
Wow – al beeb will go full “grenfell’ as This one . Bet some local labour dodgy MP is being dragged back from their ‘fact finding ‘ holiday ….. and huw Edwards and a lot of flowers and candles
Why were to police chasing them ? We want justice … ( compensation would be good too )
The questions to be asked are: Who gave the BBC the job of indoctrination? Do they decide for themselves which Goebells handbook to follow? Who commissions and pays for such videos? At what point did a renowned and impartial news service become a government authorised propaganda outlet? And how ironic can it be that such an entrenched Trotskyist organisation slavishly apes the techniques of Nazism.
There used to be a Central Office of Information (COI) responsible for all the safety and info films/videos, but perhaps that has been conveniently retired. Surely before the era of savage cuts?
Jutland, 2018. On the bridge of HMS W1A, Admiral Lord Hall turns in dismay to his Captains…
“There’s something wrong with our bloody judges these days”.
Surgeon who quit amid 'witch hunt' branding him racist after he raised concerns about Asian colleagues wins £102,000 for unfair dismissal
So that’s the reason why some people, puzzlingly, think the BBC is biased to the Right. They think that so-called righties shouldn’t ever appear on the BBC, not even for the purpose of being shown up as horrible righties by the interviewer, in case, what, it backfires?
Being away from Blighty I took a few odds and sods off the bbc site.
One John o Farrell – lefty beeboid ‘humourist’ journo was given 2 hours – that’s 2 hours- to spout labour lefty poison without challenge and without balance .
O Farrell gets the occasional guess appearance on the now embarrassing and discredited – have I got knews for you – which says it all really . Appalling balance but good to be reminded of the last 20 years of socialist poison .
From KipperCentral, July 31 so apologies if this has been reported.
Lord Peter Mandelson, a former European Commissioner for trade, AKA Mandy of the arse antics.
Spouting more nonsense, hatred and lies, simultaneously. “I’m A Patriot, Unlike Brexiteers Who “Hate Foreigners”” claims this long since discredited traitor.
Remember Clegg, also an EU trougher, also discredited, who claimed to be a patriot?
The problem is Mandy, I am calling you Mandy because I read that you find it offensive, that there seem to be two types of Patriot.
Patriot type A, readers of this website, genuine patriots, who actually do love their country and wish it to remain free and prosperous.
Patriot type B, lying lefty internationalists, who claim to be patriotic whenever convenient. Who take very large bribes, AKA salaries, expenses and pensions, to sell the UK (or any other European country) to the EUSSR. The EUSSR whose stated aim is to destroy those states, using “Whatever it takes” methods.
What I suggest you do Mandy, is get some phone numbers from Vaz, buy KY jelly in bulk and shut up until the real patriots have released the UK from servitude and oblivion.
Whenever I hear about TR being put in prison for mortgage fraud I always think about Mandy…who forgot that somebody he was investigating in the public arena had loaned him £300k for his mortgage..because it’s easy to do…as we know..
To be honest I would love to be in the room when he accuses all Brexiteers of hating foreigners…but we all know that facts are not friends of the Lefty Liberals
Mandy mentioned, LCS? Is that because tariffs are in the air, so to speak? Bit of a Thunderclap there. 😉
If you need an anti-EU argument against Remoaners and friends who are Remainers, you could point out to them that Peter Mandelson spent most of his time as EU Trade Commissioner making sure that we all pay more for goods coming in to our country (and all EU member States) from China.
PR not news, a good scare story to set the agenda for govt air pollution consultation
: As soon as you switch on the radio, you get twisted worldviews spat in your face.
6:15am BBC radio Lincolnshire (direct to audio)
“You live close to a busy road with lots of traffic, is this a worry to you ?….”
Emily Yuni “….. they looked at 4,000 people in the UK and found a clear LINK between an exposure to higher pollution levels and higher right/left ventricles
(Bias #1 “Link” ? ..she means “correlation”)
Emily :”THE PROBLEM is the study cannot prove a CAUSAL link between air pollution
.. nor whether these people will definitely go on to get hear disease, cos they didn’t include all the other factors …”
(Bias number #2 : why use the words “THE PROBLEM is “?
that makes it sound like you are desperate to pin ventricle abnormalities on Air Pollution )
Presenter “People will be worried… ”
Emily “Yeh this is the problem the British Heart Foundation which co-funded the study has said this is a wake up call and the government has to ACT QUICKLY,…. cos people cannot be expected to move house to find better air quality
(#Bias #3 There should be a logical fallacy like Appeal to Haste)
Emily : “.. all the people they used in the study were not exposed to levels ABOVE UK guidelines”
(Bias #4 How can she know that ? They might do activities taking them well over guidelines: eg a combine harvester driver, glassblower, heavy dope smoke etc.)
Emily “This suggests that THE SUPPOSED SAFE LIMITS are NOT necessarily that safe”
(Bias #5 As to the levels where they live : you are talking about air pollution levels TODAY
..doh your ventricle doesn’t get enlarged cos of what happened TODAY, it will have happened over the last 10, 20, 30, 40 years so in an era of super falling air pollution, it’s past air levels which are more important not today’s )
Emily :”The reaction from DEFRA ..the gov has put in place a £3.5bn plan to reduce harmful emissions ..Britain will be the first”
(Government fallacy there : The fallacy of rushing to be first pioneer, means many mistakes and costs)
Emily “If you are interested in having a say the govt consultation closes on the 14th of August there is still time to tell the gov what your think”
Her end take gives the motivation ? Activists want a hard gov approach, so they are getting a scare story before the deadline, and pushing you to put pressure on the gov
“The research comes from the British Heart Foundation”
BBC Headline “Even low air pollution may damage heart”
It has open comments, until they turn they turn them off
Another thing on this PR scare not news story
that attempts to set the AGENDA for the closing govt consultation.
Context : UK road pollution levels by official measures have over the last 40 years massively reduced ..and there is every sign that will continue WITHOUT any drastic new government measures.
From the comments
Posted by Lord Muck on
3 hours ago
As soon as you read the words ‘a recent study’ you know there’s some political motivated group behind it. Who funded the study I wonder that’s more interesting, and who’s backing it up, but as long as it meets BBC political agenda they report it no questions asked.
Top comment
\\ The pic of the car belching smoke isn’t belching diesel.
It clearly has a horribly worn engine and is burning its own lubricating oil.
That could happen with petrol or diesel engines.
A car in that state is an MOT fail too so actually illegal.
That pic is up there with using the steam (water) from power stations to illustrate pollution.. //
…..Another one
\\ more agenda driven rubbish by the bbc, perhaps the agendists would like to ban pollen, sand storms,ect.
perhaps you could show the air particulate readings for the vast amount of the country,instead of choice picking hot spots, more copy and paste biased reporting. hysterical article hysterical comments//
Was good to catch up on all of the Tommy videos last night and see Ezra talking through the verdict and treatment that Tommy had to endure.
It’s all shocking and outrageous but the Beeb and the left really don’t care. Even when revealing that the ‘act’ he committed wasn’t criminal, they will still think he deserves exactly what he got.
He’s kept his pride and the likes of Ezra, Raheem and Gerard deserve credit for sticking by him and being prepared to defend him against the tidal wave of negativity and the go to ‘he got what he deserve’ responses.
I also saw the interview on Tucker, and again I think it’s good that he’s granted interviews to both Rebel Media and Tucker considering how they were prepared to trumpet his cause.
It’s amazing to think that he’s been shown on prime time Fox news and what American people watching must be thinking about how this country is descending into this hellhole that slings people in jail for pointing out inconvenient truths.
Payne – Even some German media celebrated yesterday. The magazine ‘’ led with an article headed ‘Hurrah, Tommy is free!’ written by its editor, Juergen Elsaesser, who has extended an invitation to him to speak at a conference on border security in September.
‘Die freie Welt’ carried something along similar lines: Sina Lorenz wrote, under the header ‘We’re seeing History, #FreeTommy’ where she describes his arrest and incarceration and then tells us ‘No, it’s not in Turkey, but in Britain!’ that this took place.
Today’s copy carries an interesting article about a meeting between Trump and Italian PM, Guiseppi Conte, in Washington and a ‘new US-Italian alliance’ which ‘leaves Merkel out in the cold’. Can’t see Sopel treating us to that one.
Oh dear, beeb TV1 lunchtime news is giving us a ‘reality check’ on impact of Brexit on the food industry. Are you stockpiling food, dear biasedbbc viewer? Project Fear in overdrive.
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Allegedly a concern of Byzantine priests as the Ottoman hordes prepared to attack Constantinople and slaughter them, and illustrative of a tendency for escapism within trivia rather than deal with more pressing issues in the real world. Something the BBC excels in; consider this article, for instance. A plaque to the first modern lesbian (as opposed to old fashioned or more traditional ones?) has been put up in York. Apparently Anne Lister is famous for her diaries and for ‘marrying’ (sic) another woman in the 19th Century. But the snowflakes aren’t happy, as the plaque reads “gender non-conforming” (no, me neither) rather than “lesbian”. An unchallenged quote from a member of York’s LGBTQWERTY forum is given: “She was one of the early lesbians, it was the same era when it was not ok to be gay, you covered up your sexual preferences because they were considered sinful and criminal”. Well, possibly sinful, although clearly not sinful enough to stop York’s Holy Trinity Church giving her a blessing to ‘marry’ another woman. But not criminal – lesbianism has never been criminal in English law and is not referenced in any legislation at all from that century or earlier.
Reading to the end of the article (yawn…) we get to the real purpose: “A new BBC TV drama called Gentleman Jack, based on Lister’s diaries, is in production and is due to be screened on BBC One in 2019.” Ah, all is clear. It is not a news item, it is an advertisement.
“She was one of the early lesbians, it was the same era when it was not ok to be gay, you covered up your sexual preferences because they were considered sinful and criminal”.
I do wish there was someone at the BBC who knows even a little history.
Anne Lister was inspired to act as she did after visiting Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby. These two ladies had fled from Ireland and set up home together in Wales. Far from being considered “sinful and criminal” they were visited by people even BBC journalists might have heard of: William Wordsworth, Percey Shelly, Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, the Duke of Wellington, Josiah Wedgwood, Caroline Lamb, and of course Anne Lister. The King (George III) granted them a pension.
I don’t expect anyone at the BBC to have read Elizabeth Mavor’s book “The Ladies of Llangollen”, but they do have an entry on the BBC’s standard source, Wikipedia.
"In a three hour show it is easy to listen only to part of the programme, hear one view, and take that as unchallenged…" Sarah Sands on editing Today
One might be tempted to ask about the ‘Sure it was top news all week, but there was a paragraph in a post on CBBC Rutland fir an hour’ approach to editorial integrity, but that might result in being blocked.
What’s on the AGENDA for R4 1pm FakeNews show ?
“We talk Trump ..with the focus of his fury”
..they then played a clip of Trump saying “FakeNews media”
Some CNN type was interviewed by Jonnie dymond -the beeboid who tried to take cannabis into an aircraft a few years ago. The CNN type tried the moral high ground when talking about the msm treatment of President Trump – and ended by looking forward to the time when journos can treat all presidents the same .
I immediately had visions of the sycophancy with with which they treated the Black Muslim one compared to the hatred thrown at the current President .
When you know a beeboid is so thick as to be caught trying to take controlled drugs on to an aircraft it does colour ones judgement …
Kept his job of course . I’m not a druggie -.but I’d have lost my job without question for doing that .
Another part of that show had some remainer fruit loop saying without an orderly brexit the planes won’t fly because the British safety certificates will be invalid .
Well I’m sure that works both ways and no country is going to put up with its aircraft fleet being grounded . Just more stupid Project Fear propaganda .
I learnt along time ago that when the state wants to do something it can do it . – including silencing the views of those of which it doesn’t approve.
“I learnt along time ago that when the state wants to do something it can do it .”
Also, once it embarks on a course of action nothing, but nothing, will disuade it to halt or change course unless to not do so can be easily linked to one or a handful of individuals i.e. exposure.
Fed, not ‘CNN type’ but Jonathan Lemire (what an appropriate surname?! God has a great sense of humour.) of Associated Press.
Dymond really got my goat with his vile attack on President Trump this lunchtime. I hope that he has to inspect the colour, warp and weft of the DG’s carpet on Monday morning at close quarters.
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This right here, is EVERYTHING that is wrong with our country today. Shall we stop and search then lady ??? Oh no, that would be racist now wouldn’t it !!! You simply CANNOT reason with vermin like this, blame blame blame, its all they know …like a reply said …egged on by the odious, poison spouting Lammy !!
I know people who grew up in Camberwell, Southeast London.
50-60 years ago they didn’t even lock their front doors. Everyone knew each other.
Clearly its the 2nd / 3rd Windrush generation then innit.
Dates to pre July 1952 by the first gen London Trams
Easy solution Mrs.
Thursdays Londonistan evening standard – edited of course by a failed politician – extreme remainer viscount Osborne – predicts that the outgoing PMs panic meeting with the president of the cheese eaters tomorrow will be a failure – the source apparently is an ex ambassador and chief bottle washer for Soros .
Could be a clever propaganda thing but as the current foreign secretary says – you know – the one who doesn’t know who he is married too – every day that passes brings us closer to a full on brexit ( he says hard but I’m with JRM saying there’s no such thing ) .
Cheers to the full brexit – worth any amount of chaos to be free of Brussels.
I just know that we`re leaving the EU next year.
Whether we choose to still carry round the sacks of rocks that Europe has saddled the nation with is up to each one of us.
The liberal elite will, of course get their servants and shills to do it for them-and continue to get paid by Brussels and Soros to make us carry their burdens, even though we voted specifically not to need to do so.
No more debate needed. If anybody still sticks to EU rules and agendas after 29th March, then I hope they`ll not moan about doing it.
As we used to say “it`s a free country”…about time, we began to remember what that used to feel like, and ensure we live in one once more.
The BBC being binned and a few show trials will impress the Turks.
Trump scares the elite-why don`t WE scare them?
There is an investigation into forced marriages in The Times today: rape; threats of and actual murders; unimaginable suffering for women.
No sign of it on the BBC website of course. Rape or torture is just as bad regardless of the skin colour of the perpetrator. Alas the SJW mind malfunctions when a designated oppressed group turns oppressor.
You know who is in charge by whom you are not allowed to criticise. It exposes how their warnings of the ‘Far Right’ are total horse sh*t because were the threat so real these uber cowards would be too afraid to criticise them. Chumps like Owen Jones say we must crush the rising Far Right – I bet he would not say things like that were he living in Germany back in 1936.
Crush the rising Far Right – the language of tolerance, inclusivity and diversity!
Owen Jones would have been thoroughly behind a Government dealing firmly with the bankers in Germany in 1936, er, I mean 2006. 2006. Yes, 2006 and in London, heading off a crisis that would lead to awful austerity. Owen Jones would go for that.
Why didn’t he see it coming and do just that?
Last episode of Sword, Musket & Machine Gun: Britain’s Armed History
“It was thought that this gun would end all wars” – about Maxim machine gun
I’m plugging this because 99% of the BBC is agenda but this prog isn’t which is really odd but there it is.
Interesting bit about The British Empire, only able to hold onto far away lands because it could supress the much larger native populations with superior weaponry.
So it turns out that the native populations were not happy to be invaded by a foreign people, with their strange language and customs, taking over and dictating the way things should be, funny that. So the natives were clearly a bunch of racist far right extremist Nazis.
First shown: Jan 2017
well didn’t know that
I have to disagree with the bit about The British Empire only able to hold far away lands was it could suppress much larger native populations with superior weaponry is either leftish tosh or naivety.
Of course it would help in some cases but only for temporary situations.
The British Empire was held together primarily because it brought a form of rule that was largely acceptable, to the populations at the time. It rarely required suppression. It brought law and order, trade prosperity and security from foreign attack. There were huge advantages in belonging to the British Empire and the local elites of the far away places knew that.
The Brits in India could have been thrown out at any time if a significant percentage of Indians didn’t really want them. Consider this, the US could not hold South Vietnam despite massive superiority in firepower.
I wish the British Empire was taught properly in schools across Britain. It is not something to be ashamed of but celebrated.
There’s a revealing moment in Attenborough’s anti-British film, Gandhi. He arrives to attend a meeting of several thousand supporters and two British officers arrive and tell him to move on, as ‘his sort are not wanted here’. He grins and replies ‘I think they want me here’. Attenbrough is trying to make the British look ridiculous and arrogant, thinking they can control the hordes with two men. But he actually achieves the opposite, for the depiction is quite accurate: usually it would only require the presence of two men to disperse a hostile crowd. It is a testament to the effectiveness and acceptance of benign British rule, which had little need to resport to force.
It is worth noting that (except for the build-up of forces in 1944-45 for the Burmese and planned Japanese campaigns), the European population never exceeded 150,000 in the entire Indian sub-continent. That’s less than the number of Indians presently living in just two suburbs of West London today.
Thankfully Attenborough is dead
Eddie Mair
Goading an experienced Customs woman (Lucy Morton?)- trying to get her to say that a new line for UK citizens post Brexit will add delays problems..but she is having none of it…a really straightforward and sensible woman. R4 not used to that…Basically she said it wont provide any issues…despite Brexit 🙂
Eddie seems to be going out with a whimper.
The leaving party will be a hoot.
So another black gangster is dead, killed by another black gangster. The murdered man had himself been cleared of murder in January when yet another black gangster had been murdered. Seems some people didn’t agree with the verdict…
The really tragic aspect of all this is I’m familiar with all these streets. As a lad they were my playground. Yes, there’d be turf punch ups, but the sort of third world mayhem we’re seeing now would have been unimaginable.
This has been a political own goal, inflicted upon us by numerous governments who allowed these people in.
Still celebrating Windrush?
From even the grimmest of stories there are occasional smidgens of humour. Sky News, in best pc fashion, have spent weeks interviewing gang members. They are all, without exception, as thick as tree trunks, but…
One such interview the other morning had me rolling on the floor, when, to protect their identities, the hoodlums all donned chimpanzee masks. Yep! To begin with they were barely intelligible, but mumbling through their rubber monkey masks they sounded like Bill and Ben.
Anyway, fear not Cressida Dick is on the case and has said, “These killings really must stop.” These armed gang members must be cacking themselves. It’s like sending the local scout mistress out to tackle Al Capone.
Can’t wait to hear Sadiq’s words of wisdom…
Just to add to that – Hattie Harperson has been the MP for the area since around 1982 – she was in the ITV local news having a chat with an itv beeboid – as it were . Stop and search wasn’t talked about instead Hattie wants more cctv , trees cut back and more coppers – but presumably not actually doing anything .
If there’s anything positive to come out of this at least a ‘decent’ person wasn’t on the receiving end . At least if they provided yoot clubs the criminals would be able to originate their crime in comfort .
Saw the same mumblethon on ITV with Hattie. She also wanted more controls on the Internet. Seems all politicos think this is the cure to all their problems. Problems such as the truth getting out and loosing their grip on power.
To sort out the gangs the Flying Squad of old needs to be reinstated. My father worked in the hotel trade and supervised banquets where they held parties. He told me you only had to mention a problem and they would “sort it” for free.
The PM correspondent was alos pretty sanguine, about reining in the internet.
This was in the context of Google having their tummies tickled by the Chinese in some attempt to set up over there.
Our Beeboid thinks that this is now OK. Realpolitick.
Basically, the Germans have banned hate speech online-so why won`t we?
China being the way to go, Google surely could use all that big data from China, pretty much the way that they do with us.
Let`s be realistic, she said. Eddie Mair sees no problem either.
The BBC think that it will end “fake news”-stuff the BBC won`t be telling us…and will reduce “hate speech”-stuff critical of the BBC and Corbyn I`m thinking.
Well, I`m sure that there`ll be plenty of Tories who`ll want the same, so it`ll be a “cross-party” thing, not political at all.
Quicksand before the coming Muslim sandstorms, let`s make our sandcastles and be quiet shall we?
GB123 – to ‘sort it out’ needs mass deportations. No other way.
My wife and I had to laugh because if they took their masks off they would still look pretty much the same !
Breaking late news:
Has Prince Charles been bashing the Bishop?
That’s an Aussie play on words for the uninitiated.
Six o’clock news story on people be being addicted to smart phones. The reporter spoke to a “typical” British family; black father, white mother and their two mixed race children.
No wonder people are switching off BBC News in droves, it’s FAKE NEWS!
yeah, just an opportunity to show an “ideal” family and have a black guy on, no actual news
Why was Iain Dale also obsessing about phone addiction tonight on LBC? I know in the USA there is a syndicated process of distributing the following day’s news headlines to every TV station. Does this also happen here? Of course it does!
Not the bbc, but they seem to share the same unique views their own attitude and PR policy:
Speaking of mistakes and the Bbc…
Today on FB:
“We have corrected an earlier version of this clip which mistakenly featured a picture of an extreme far right European group which we accept was inappropriate and for which we apologise.”
Happens allllllllllll the time. Tee hee.
Guest Who I wonder if there is a screenshot of the smear image R4Today used against Raheem ?
Here is the apology thread
… Full of the normal libmob acting in a fascist way
Has to be, and with luck it will be located and shared as the bbc scrabble to ‘move on’.
It will have been no mistake. They know it and we know it. They don’t care because they don’t have to. We care because we dare not stop.
‘Immitating the rhetoric of her harassers’
Now there’s an interesting line of defence.
Interesting, and creative, but 0% credible.
From The Gray Lady, the deniers of Stalinist mass murder.
Who have still learnt nothing.
Apologising, does not make it right.
Fake apologies, which this is, makes it worse.
Or better, since it confirms their anti-white bias.
Go Donald 2020.
One marina Dudley Williams daughter of a knight of the shires and grand daughter of a Baron – otherwise known as the Guardian columnist Marina Hyde –
Has penned a predictably vitriolic attack on those who supported Tommy Robinson during his recent political repression by the British State .
Her words are so bitter that I suspect she might have a stockpile of ‘ one stop’ the acid of choice for attacks by vibrant types and others .
There is fear in her column – fear that the dissent many of us are feeling – is crystallising into a coherent movement to counter what European nations – particularly Blighty – has been suffering whilst importing the Third World and all its primitive religions and er ‘ customs’
I’m sure marina picked up her liberal infection whilst at oxbridge – having come from a well to do Tory dynasty . All things decline at some stage I suppose .
The reason included the Guardianista s heritage in my post was because since her type are so eager to describe TR by his other name it is only fair thattt she should receive the same courtesy .
Next one
Thought I’d dip into C4 hard left news whilst waiting for a plane . The new Italian anti illegal immigrate government was put under the spotliight chief C4 extreme lefty Patrick O sonethingorother. Big mistake . Why allow snowflakes anywhere near ? All they want to do is undermine and sneer . Just treat MSM like president Trump does – call them an ‘ enemy ‘ when they are .
She typifies her class; ie. she doesn’t have any. But I’m sure my views won’t bother her because I doubt she’s ever actually had a conversation with normal people.
It was an incredibly nasty article. Deranged, in fact.
Breaking news …..Terrorist ‘Man’ arrested in London – Nowt on Al Beeb yet ?
Perhaps the will get the ‘heads up’ form this post?
Terrorist ‘Man’ arrested in London
Its on Sky ? Still can’t see it on Al Beeb ?
Tommy Robinson’s latest video with his family after release.
Over 250,000 views since posted yesterday on youtube !!
This is only the beginning…
“”Thank you everyone who has supported me, stood by me and believed in me. Today I came home to my children for the first time in two and a half months and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.””
That Tommy , kids video has 2.9 million views on Facebook
Ezra Levant interviews Tommy Robinson about his ordeal.
Is a short video about intersectionality, the power driver behind identity politics. It is aimed at young students, maybe teens and younger. Its about 3 minutes long, but the number of unchallenged assumptions it throws up are astonishing in such a short time.
It is telling that comments are turned off!
This is behind a lot of how the BBC/Guardian view the world.
They may be right in their views and assumption, but if they are wrong then the the level of indoctrination is morally dangerous.
Many years ago I heard an interview with Joan Armatrading. She was asked if she had every suffered from racial discrimination in her musical career. She said, “No. But I have met people that don’t like me.” I thought that was a very sensible view.
This video tells us that ‘intersectionality’ was invented because a black woman thought she should have bonus victim points because of her race and sex. We are told that we have to look through the ‘lens of intersectionality’ but surely the picture looks different depending on who is holding the lens?
The blonde white girl that expects to go to college aparently doesn’t worry about intersectionality, but what if she is being looked at by Fatima, or, even worse, Fatima’s brother? The Southern Poverty Law Center might think that she is a rich, privileged white ‘cis-gendered’ female, Fatima’s brother might think she is ‘easy meat’, a slag, sub-human and not fit to live.
I think Joan got it right. Some people won’t like you, live with it.
Jim, good post. Joan ‘Armaplating’ (as the nickname goes) is an absolute gem. Wonderful voice and has already left us some classical tunes/songs.
Great words JimS
bBBC “News” at Ten. “Let’s look at how a typical family use their smartphones.”
“Typical” = black man, white woman and two half-caste kids.
I saw the same man on last week, possibly on local London news on an item about either how people working at home or disabled people were coping with the heat (with the implication that government should help with air conditioning costs. The man is a composer, so presumably soon the BBC are going to promote his music.
This may be of interest to some here. If things move in the sinister direction of more and more censorship we may need to find other platforms for reliable news sources.
“The left is intent on shutting down the right — on Google, Twitter, Facebook, and in the mainstream media. So we need to continue disruption via alternative means. ”
Two questions.
Who is responsible for the appalling treatment of Tommy Robinson in prison?
And who is going to pursue the issue?
I doubt that the usual weepers and wailers will find time to do this.
… and who made the decision to move him from Hull Prison to a high Muslim inmate prison in Onley so that he would have to be in solitary confinement for his own safety and only be able to eat things from tins in case the other inmates poisoned him?
These people should be named and shamed! I am ashamed of the so called justice system in this country if it can be used to punish certain people in this way, purely because they are someone who the establishment fear and dislike, and it must have come from the top. They knew that this treatment, for a minor offence, would come out after Tommy was released and they just don’t care. Suck it up people, suck it up!
I know!
It’s disturbing that this could happen in England isn’t it? But NOT to the gang-rapists! To a man banged up on a minor charge. Someone needs to answer for this. Is this the treatment we are all to expect from our government when we resist Islam?
The excellent Douglas Murray on the Establishment’s unwillingness to deal with primary problems, attacking secondary so-called problems instead, such as TR.
An excellent video.
TR will be on Tucker Carlson show at 1am
(I guess you search Fox on Youtube and filter on LIVE ..I see the Trump rally is now on)
“My children were present when TV crews turned up to harass my mother”
“The media are playing not only with my life, but also my childrens
..I will not speak with dishonest UK media
.. I will speak on an open platform of the Tucker Carlson show”
..”4 radio shows today chose to focus on I had said 7 years ago \\Muslim rape gangs// they weren’t concerned with my plight, nor the real victims of the gangs ”
… “Nigel Farage didn’t investigate this case at all, ..seems to have become part of the establishment and chooses to condemn me, rather than speak up for injustice.”
Stew quotes “Nigel Farage didn’t investigate this case at all, ..seems to have become part of the establishment and chooses to condemn me, rather than speak up for injustice.”
I have to agree about Farage .. he’s losing his edge. He’s mixing with the wrong people these days. Gerard Batten is doing a much better job at UKIP than Nigel would do if he ever attempted to come back, which he won’t cos the pay’s not good enough.
Fair play to Farage, he did his bit, but he’s become just another media performer I’m afraid.
Everyone has their time and I agree Nigel did a lot and suffered for it. He has softened but would still be a useful person – I just don’t think he sees Islam as the only problem – he wanted Brexit…and hopefully we will get it. Maybe once we need to work with US he will be helpful…Sorry nothing to do with BBC
Farage has still got some bite to him but I think TR was too toxic for him to handle. Does this disappoint me – maybe a little but I can see the ease that he would be dismissed from TV and Media if he was seen to be openly supporting TR.
So is it better to keep a fighter in the ring who will still call out the media on issues of Brexit and Trump or have got him to push in all of his chips behind TR and take himself out of the fight. I think the former.
An interesting piece from David Keighley on Conservative Woman website about the BBC and it’s treatment of Cliff Richard,
Seems extraordinary few, if any, in media can join dots between varying tales of crime and punishment.
The bbc seems to have got off very lightly, bar funds they can uniquely divert from LFPs, whilst lining up howlers upset about the LCJ tearing some establishment stooge judge a new one on actual failures in fact and justice.
Meanwhile the press crèche at the White House are again throwing their toys out the pram because the nasty lady won’t give them a money quote about the nasty man’s nasty words…. but seem entirely ok with their colleagues at the NYT having a lady on their editorial board who has actually committed to print racist, violent calls to action, under the benign gaze of the ex-Director General of… the BBC.
The TR Facebook has an incredible interview led by Gameshow against Ezra Levant is that really the version the BBc aired ?
Tucker live on Youtube I think
There’s a lot going on in US politics
on at 1:30am according to Twitter
another stream
It’s on
another link to tucker interview.
10 mins 55
Tommy telling us he never pleaded guilty,
Thanks for posting this.
The fight goes on. Thank God for the internet.
We know none of the perpetrators will be prosecuted under the present system where the ‘establishment’ collude, protect and cover up for each other. As an absolute minimum the Governor of HMP Onley Matthew Tilt should face criminal charges (small steps and work up).
Someone needs to start bringing private prosecutions with crowd funding. I’m not sure whether this has to be TR, or a group of people could do so on his behalf.
Perhaps Rebel Media/Ezra will continue to act as a conduit for fundraising?
Thank you for posting tucker Carlson. I think we should appreciate it whilst we still have access to it. Some day soon a Home Secretary is going to get powers to designate people and website he/she doesn’t like using false excuses like ‘community cohesion’ it could be new Tory or Labour – there is no difference .
I think the State has done a really good job of breaking TR – putting his cell opposite the prison mosque – nice touch . The prison service can be very imaginative – probably a Muslim governor . But on the upside I thought they might drive TR to ‘suicide ‘ but I suppose knew no one would believe that the British State didn’t kill him.
While US shows proper news, we get this:
Derby grandfather grows giant cucumber
r u f’kn kidin?
Five Live had a young man on complaining about the poor political response to all the stabbings. The complete lack of outrage from the BBC is shameful. He says it is Khan’s fault for nor giving them stuff to do – they are so bored they have to go out stabbing!
What an utterly ridiculous argument. I was bored yesterday so I read a book. And according to Lammy aren’t they all studying like mad, desperate to get into Oxbridge? The argument is even more ridiculous now we have smart phones and you can play games, watch goals on YouTube and a million other things.
The only solution is to stop this nonsense of saying all cultures are equal, or minority cultures are in fact superior to ours even when they cause such misery. It is not ok to aspire to become a criminal, stab rivals to death (I prefer a discussion) or murder your daughter if she refuses to marry her cousin. These backward cultural practices cause infinitely more harm than this phantom ‘hate crime’ they bang on about. The ‘equalities’ industry should look at stamping out bad cultural practices rather than ‘structural racism’ as you are not going to study PPE at Oxford if you have been stabbed to death.
As race and culture have been conflated it is the worst thought crime to even suggest some values are better than others. So the mayhem will continue cheerleaded by our fifth column BBC, who probably think I should be arrested for ‘hate crime’ for merely writing this post.
Brilliant post, really brings out the distinction between real crime and imagined crime.
Reminds me of the old Al Beeb ‘discussion’ boards where debate was permitted unless you didn’t toe the Leftist line. Under Blair/Brown’s misrule when the old British Crime Survey was regularly showing a drop in crime whilst police recorded crime was rising and there was an increase in the numbers of BME prisoners the Leftoids would be telling us how it was all down to the system being racist.
Nothing changes with Al Beeb and Leftoids.
How can you not be allowed to hate? Love and hatred are often two sides of the same coin. Hatred is an emotion that the state should not police. Hate crime is thought crime.
I read in The Times yesterday about girls from Bradford getting raped in Pakistan as the man can gain citizenship more easily if there is a child; he then comes over and beats and bullies the poor woman. My friend at university narrowly avoided such a fate – God, the thought of anyone yet alone someone you love going through that. How could you not hate that with every fibre of your being?
It is minorities who will suffer through this enforced silence, not hideous straight white men like me.
It is minorities who will suffer through this enforced silence, not hideous straight white men like me.
Young white girls in Rotherham, Bradford, Luton, Oxford, Manchester, Dewsbury, Halifax etc seem to have suffered. Minorities might bear the brunt of the enforced silence: tomorrow, it will be the wider population.
Get yer coat, son – you’re nicked…
BBC bias in all its glory. The Mail today reports on the corporation’s “educational” video about multiculturalism that has had to be pulled because of its blatant non-impartiality. Gives the game away, clearly….
The bbc knows what true British values are though.
I guess she learned her English from the ‘award winning’ The ThickOf It? She certainly has her ‘effing’ down to BBC levels.
Well Ed
If ever evidence was needed of clear bias by the State Broadcaster that 1 minute video stands alone
All ‘cultures ‘ are welcome . But some cultures are more welcome than others . Blighty as a doormat writ large .
And any one paying the licence tax is paying for that .
BBC bias in all its glory. The Mail today reports on the corporation’s “educational” video about multiculturalism that has had to be pulled because of its blatant non-impartiality. Gives the game away, clearly….
Have you ever found yourself experiencing uncontrolled laughter and pathological hatred at the same time? I did at around 7.20am this morning with Toady on Radio 4 this morning. Jim Naughtie (the chap who retired but is everywhere on Radio 4) was droning on about a classical music award when he suddenly started spouting about a piece of music by Dvorak that was chosen by “asylum seekers” because he wrote the piece when he was in the US when he was feeling homesick.
I suddenly had this image in my mind of a man dressed in Victorian clothes (with more than a passing resemblance to Disraeli) in the back of an Eddie Stobbart refrigerated lorry, defecating on all the fresh produce as it arrived in Dover from Calais before later on smashing open the doors of the truck and running down the M20 with the tails of his morning dress tailcoat flapping in the breeze as he ran towards some unknown DSS office to claim benefits, free housing and health care that he is entitled to from the infidels.
Really spoilt my breakfast.
Cassie, good piece!
What the nauseating Naughtie failed to mention was that Antonin Dvorak, composer of ‘From the New World’, chose to migrate.
Ha! Wonderful image made me laugh out loud.
A sort of TOADY Watch from me but in general terms rather than specifics. It comes in the light of the news yesterday that the TOADY Programme has … ummmh … mislaid the best part of a million listeners in the past year.
When you are THE leading Radio 4 Programme, a major news programme (not just in the UK but worldwide) and then losing close to a fifth (20%) of your audience means you are doing something seriously wrong. You have offended someone. Seriously. Offended.
Especially so, when we are told by the BBC “we are all getting older, the population is ageing, we are living longer than ever before”. The natural listener constituency for BBC Radio 4 in general, and the TODAY Programme in particular, should be increasing.
The old joke goes that the stages of ageing are starting to listen to R4 and TODAY at 40, starting to shout at the radio at 50 years of age, and at 65, writing to the Network Controller and the Director General to complain.
Back to today’s TODAY. I switched on at 6.30am in a distinctly sleepy state. For a whole hour, all I heard was ill-informed fear-spreading, padding, waffle and pwaffle. No real content or weight of news, knowledge, information and education.
For example, the latest bio-scare: the army worm caterpillar. John Humphrys interviewed a biologist about this latest scare – heading our way – and completely failed to ask how this AFRICAN caterpillar would reach Europe and the UK. No question. Fly – via its moth? Walk? Infiltrate and use human transport? Or infiltrate food supplies and, via its transportation, reach Europe?
No desire at all at the BBC and in the TOADY Programme to inform and educate. Plenty of entertainment. James Naughtie, overpaid windbag, has been to a concert.
Same with another headline item: sepsis. The cynic might suggest that the growth of death in the UK from sepsis is because our newest Junior Doctors cannot spell scepticaemia. The cynical statistician might ask how an increase, by a third, of deaths from sepsis can be reconciled with “we are all getting older, the population is ageing, we are living longer than ever before”.
Needless to say, no questions asked on TODAY.
Meanwhile, The Humph is using Mark Carney for some Brexit bashing. Carney is obliging.
Jon Hump is a real Pr.t
He pushed Carney to say Brexit no deal could be a disaster..Whilst Carney didn’t agree was allowed to say that he saved the UK economy (despite Brexit) – funny I seem to remember Carney being a doom monger despite his actions…now he saved us..
Hump then, ‘Should the next Governor be a female…wtf, why exactly?’ and having already been told numerous times by Carney that the banking system was secure – in his hand over said ‘planning for financial armagedon’..all designed to push that Brexit was a bad decision..
Has the BBC ever said anything positive about Brexit…
Carney may have been obliging by picking up anti-Brexit cues from Humhrys, but at least he did not fall for the constant extreme language H was trying to put into his mouth (eg Armageddon etc).
H has absolutely no shame. He is a disgrace.
Mishal was far more subtle in coaxing the anti-Trump message from the lips of a Calif university professor. She knew she could rely on him to provide the extreme language: Trump is stirring violence against the media and is telling lies.
Well, the media tell lies aplenty, in fact MSM is one big lie most of the time, and in various countries its poorly thought through pro-‘migrant’ excesses have led to much violence and many deaths.
If the professor was right, well – he should go home and do some hard thinking about why the MSM are despised to the point of hatred.
Shows Humph to be a racist because he should have asked if the next governor shukd be a “black woman” with unique numeracy skills …… can’t think of one / four ….
Diane Abbot ?
Black and great with numbers…. err! well, she’s black anyway.
I have given up listening to any BBC TV and very rarely listen to the radio now. I still look at the BBC News website to find bias to post here.
I think the last straw for me was a few days ago on Radio 4 someone being interviewed saying “blah blah Brexit no deal blah… a 7 minute custom delay at Dover for food coming to the UK results in a 14 hour delay by the time it gets to the shops”.
Utter rubbish and the comment was unchallenged. That 14 hour delay is the time it takes to get from Dover to whatever shop. Adding 7 minutes on would result in a overall delay of 14h 7m.
Buy why let facts get in the way of an agenda? The desperation of the BBC is so embarrassing these days.
The bbc can admire loyalty, when it suits.
This is their full-on stinking filthy lefty bias in glorious technicolour.
Her comments are quite appalling. This is not just a wilfully misconstrued joke or two. We are talking hardcore racial hatred.
Toady at about 8.35 this morning speaking with a UN ‘rapporteur’ (another beauty) on journalism who claims journalists are coming under increasing levels of threats and violences. It would help I reckon if they started reporting the news impartially rather than censoring the views that don’t accord with their own.
The really funny bit was when this part said that journalists had stepped up to the plate in the last couple of years …’in the light of a President who LIES ALL THE TIME.
How about that for reporting balance!
Journos do need to be contained if they just spread their own political views through lies and omissions as well as shaping the world how they want it .
The UN is a spent organisation anyway – I don’t know the numbers but I’m sure fools like America and Britain fund it . That should stop
Brexit Central
“The EU’s record shows how it has turned hypocrisy into an art form”
Austin Mitchell, former Labour MP, not a totally reliable source.
Nothing original, a useful summary of EU corruption.
I feel it is helpful to publicise all Labour criticism of the EUSSR.
Give us a link mate
It’s a short but good article
\\ Hypocrisy on a small scale is inevitable in politics.
It’s taken the European Union to turn it into an art form,//
On Toady this morning there was a bit about starving children in Britain . Apparently 1.3 million are entitled to food at school during term. I won’t call it “free school meals “ because some one has to pay for it .
Anyway the story al beeb ran was that because these kids are not at school in the summer they are starving without the school meals . So they / their “ parent” is at the food bank making a withdrawal to feed them.
There was no question regarding the qualities a parent to look after the child they had produced . No question about whether it is right for taxpayers to feed kids . It was taken as read as being an entitle ment.
I know I sound harsh – and perhaps am not qualified as l don’t have kids – but to not even discuss the state of affairs where so called parents cannot feed their kids is unfair to the public and those who pays their taxes .
When they preach about food banks I always think of the tv tax. You could feed a family for months on £150. All their carping on about the ‘bedroom tax’ but that affected few compared to the universal parasite which is the tv tax, buying second homes and champagne for twats to sneer at and patronise us.
Does this child from Calais also need free food?

He actually got deported !
The libmob was publicisng the free summer breakfasts in the last few weeks
Fedup – If there really are starving chidren (assuming they/ their parents haven’t spent all their money on the latest smartphones, trainers, tattoos and other stuff that comes to mind -were one to be cynical), I don’t mind my taxes going to help feed them.
However, I am skeptical, knowing the TV affection for showing us malnourished children whose eyes are tear-filled etc etc. This sort of thing seems to make for a good story (the media think); it tugs at the heartstrings, tries to make one feel a little guilty, and simultaneously takes a swipe at government. (Since- as you rightly say, we are not expected to wonder about the parents or broader social family issues). Good for the opposition though, by implication.
That little story serves many purposes, not immediately obvious. Not least, another big virtue signal for the beeb, whether there is any truth in it or not.
Don’t mention the obesity crisis.
Eating at home should be cheaper than eating at school where the costs of facilities, staff and commercial waste disposal all have to be paid for.
Wonder what happened to him. Am surprised our pc media hasn’t “followed him up” and found him working as a heart surgeon in a top London hospital.
I believe the child migrant went on to complete his education in the UK. I realise it’s difficult but can you pick him out from his class photograph…
If that was a picture of a UK classroom you could bet it would be under a headline such as “UK Children Have The Worst Reading Skills In The EU”.
The (unlikely) headline “UK Students Excel In STEM Subjects” would get the mandatory three girls in hijabs.
The four young men who died when their car crashed in Bradford have been named as Murthza Chaundry aged 22, Zeeshan “Ziggy” Khalid, aged 20, Arbaz Hussain, aged 21, and someone called Tayyub.
So far we know they were being pursued by police at 5am in the morning. They were driving at over 100mph through a residential area.
Not surprisingly we have reported that several men by the name of Mohammed have described the victims as “lovely”, “quiet”, “polite”, “college kids”.
Victims of our racist, far-right society no doubt.
I’d describe them as “dead”…
Wow – al beeb will go full “grenfell’ as This one . Bet some local labour dodgy MP is being dragged back from their ‘fact finding ‘ holiday ….. and huw Edwards and a lot of flowers and candles
Why were to police chasing them ? We want justice … ( compensation would be good too )
Droll… but funny none the less !
The minute I saw the report was vague, saw the road was clearly a 30mph zone, police chase, 5am, it was obvious it was drugs/gangs.
The vile bbc caught red handed brainwashing youngsters with their biased puerile leftie shite… they are a disgrace!
The questions to be asked are: Who gave the BBC the job of indoctrination? Do they decide for themselves which Goebells handbook to follow? Who commissions and pays for such videos? At what point did a renowned and impartial news service become a government authorised propaganda outlet? And how ironic can it be that such an entrenched Trotskyist organisation slavishly apes the techniques of Nazism.
There used to be a Central Office of Information (COI) responsible for all the safety and info films/videos, but perhaps that has been conveniently retired. Surely before the era of savage cuts?
“………..who…..pays for such videos?”
Sadly Beltane it is me. I like to watch live sport from Sky and, as a consequence I am forced to fund garbage such as this.
Jutland, 2018. On the bridge of HMS W1A, Admiral Lord Hall turns in dismay to his Captains…
“There’s something wrong with our bloody judges these days”.
When it comes to the BBC I would prefer Admiral Lord Hall to be captain of RMS Titanic.
So that’s the reason why some people, puzzlingly, think the BBC is biased to the Right. They think that so-called righties shouldn’t ever appear on the BBC, not even for the purpose of being shown up as horrible righties by the interviewer, in case, what, it backfires?
Envy of the world. FACT.
GW, 100% accurate, according to Ritula Shah.
What’s that ‘they’ say?
Aaah! Bless!
Being away from Blighty I took a few odds and sods off the bbc site.
One John o Farrell – lefty beeboid ‘humourist’ journo was given 2 hours – that’s 2 hours- to spout labour lefty poison without challenge and without balance .
O Farrell gets the occasional guess appearance on the now embarrassing and discredited – have I got knews for you – which says it all really . Appalling balance but good to be reminded of the last 20 years of socialist poison .
From KipperCentral, July 31 so apologies if this has been reported.
Lord Peter Mandelson, a former European Commissioner for trade, AKA Mandy of the arse antics.
Spouting more nonsense, hatred and lies, simultaneously. “I’m A Patriot, Unlike Brexiteers Who “Hate Foreigners”” claims this long since discredited traitor.
Remember Clegg, also an EU trougher, also discredited, who claimed to be a patriot?
The problem is Mandy, I am calling you Mandy because I read that you find it offensive, that there seem to be two types of Patriot.
Patriot type A, readers of this website, genuine patriots, who actually do love their country and wish it to remain free and prosperous.
Patriot type B, lying lefty internationalists, who claim to be patriotic whenever convenient. Who take very large bribes, AKA salaries, expenses and pensions, to sell the UK (or any other European country) to the EUSSR. The EUSSR whose stated aim is to destroy those states, using “Whatever it takes” methods.
What I suggest you do Mandy, is get some phone numbers from Vaz, buy KY jelly in bulk and shut up until the real patriots have released the UK from servitude and oblivion.
It always reminds me of that 10cc song, I’m Mandy, Fly Me. I suppose we’d have to ask his Brazilian boyfriend about that.
I don’t suppose anyone bothered to ask Mr Mandy if it is true that his EU pension depends on him continuing to lie for them?
Whenever I hear about TR being put in prison for mortgage fraud I always think about Mandy…who forgot that somebody he was investigating in the public arena had loaned him £300k for his mortgage..because it’s easy to do…as we know..
To be honest I would love to be in the room when he accuses all Brexiteers of hating foreigners…but we all know that facts are not friends of the Lefty Liberals
I don’t question Mandy’s patriotism; just which country he’s working for.
Mandy mentioned, LCS? Is that because tariffs are in the air, so to speak? Bit of a Thunderclap there. 😉
If you need an anti-EU argument against Remoaners and friends who are Remainers, you could point out to them that Peter Mandelson spent most of his time as EU Trade Commissioner making sure that we all pay more for goods coming in to our country (and all EU member States) from China.
The EU is a protectionist club.
It’s time long overdue to leave.
PR not news, a good scare story to set the agenda for govt air pollution consultation
: As soon as you switch on the radio, you get twisted worldviews spat in your face.
6:15am BBC radio Lincolnshire (direct to audio)
“You live close to a busy road with lots of traffic, is this a worry to you ?….”
Emily Yuni “….. they looked at 4,000 people in the UK and found a clear LINK between an exposure to higher pollution levels and higher right/left ventricles
(Bias #1 “Link” ? ..she means “correlation”)
Emily :”THE PROBLEM is the study cannot prove a CAUSAL link between air pollution
.. nor whether these people will definitely go on to get hear disease, cos they didn’t include all the other factors …”
(Bias number #2 : why use the words “THE PROBLEM is “?
that makes it sound like you are desperate to pin ventricle abnormalities on Air Pollution )
Presenter “People will be worried… ”
Emily “Yeh this is the problem the British Heart Foundation which co-funded the study has said this is a wake up call and the government has to ACT QUICKLY,…. cos people cannot be expected to move house to find better air quality
(#Bias #3 There should be a logical fallacy like Appeal to Haste)
Emily : “.. all the people they used in the study were not exposed to levels ABOVE UK guidelines”
(Bias #4 How can she know that ? They might do activities taking them well over guidelines: eg a combine harvester driver, glassblower, heavy dope smoke etc.)
Emily “This suggests that THE SUPPOSED SAFE LIMITS are NOT necessarily that safe”
(Bias #5 As to the levels where they live : you are talking about air pollution levels TODAY
..doh your ventricle doesn’t get enlarged cos of what happened TODAY, it will have happened over the last 10, 20, 30, 40 years so in an era of super falling air pollution, it’s past air levels which are more important not today’s )
Emily :”The reaction from DEFRA ..the gov has put in place a £3.5bn plan to reduce harmful emissions ..Britain will be the first”
(Government fallacy there : The fallacy of rushing to be first pioneer, means many mistakes and costs)
Emily “If you are interested in having a say the govt consultation closes on the 14th of August there is still time to tell the gov what your think”
Her end take gives the motivation ? Activists want a hard gov approach, so they are getting a scare story before the deadline, and pushing you to put pressure on the gov
The government consultation with Aug 14 deadline
“The research comes from the British Heart Foundation”
BBC Headline “Even low air pollution may damage heart”
It has open comments, until they turn they turn them off
There is a BBC London Facebook post as well.
It sounds like they are just laying the ideological groundwork to insist all invaders have a right to be housed in the pleasant countryside.
Another thing on this PR scare not news story
that attempts to set the AGENDA for the closing govt consultation.
Context : UK road pollution levels by official measures have over the last 40 years massively reduced ..and there is every sign that will continue WITHOUT any drastic new government measures.
From the comments
Top comment
\\ The pic of the car belching smoke isn’t belching diesel.
It clearly has a horribly worn engine and is burning its own lubricating oil.
That could happen with petrol or diesel engines.
A car in that state is an MOT fail too so actually illegal.
That pic is up there with using the steam (water) from power stations to illustrate pollution.. //
…..Another one
\\ more agenda driven rubbish by the bbc, perhaps the agendists would like to ban pollen, sand storms,ect.
perhaps you could show the air particulate readings for the vast amount of the country,instead of choice picking hot spots, more copy and paste biased reporting. hysterical article hysterical comments//
Was good to catch up on all of the Tommy videos last night and see Ezra talking through the verdict and treatment that Tommy had to endure.
It’s all shocking and outrageous but the Beeb and the left really don’t care. Even when revealing that the ‘act’ he committed wasn’t criminal, they will still think he deserves exactly what he got.
He’s kept his pride and the likes of Ezra, Raheem and Gerard deserve credit for sticking by him and being prepared to defend him against the tidal wave of negativity and the go to ‘he got what he deserve’ responses.
I also saw the interview on Tucker, and again I think it’s good that he’s granted interviews to both Rebel Media and Tucker considering how they were prepared to trumpet his cause.
It’s amazing to think that he’s been shown on prime time Fox news and what American people watching must be thinking about how this country is descending into this hellhole that slings people in jail for pointing out inconvenient truths.
Tabs & Cassandra,

Following on from your child migrant theme this morning
Payne – Even some German media celebrated yesterday. The magazine ‘’ led with an article headed ‘Hurrah, Tommy is free!’ written by its editor, Juergen Elsaesser, who has extended an invitation to him to speak at a conference on border security in September.
‘Die freie Welt’ carried something along similar lines: Sina Lorenz wrote, under the header ‘We’re seeing History, #FreeTommy’ where she describes his arrest and incarceration and then tells us ‘No, it’s not in Turkey, but in Britain!’ that this took place.
Today’s copy carries an interesting article about a meeting between Trump and Italian PM, Guiseppi Conte, in Washington and a ‘new US-Italian alliance’ which ‘leaves Merkel out in the cold’. Can’t see Sopel treating us to that one.
That’s good to hear about other publications around Europe are giving it attention.
BBC Y&Y : men fined for massively overcharging pensioners for very poor house repair work
Where : “all over the country”… How could that be ?
…”Those convicted today lived on a travellers site”
Oh dear, beeb TV1 lunchtime news is giving us a ‘reality check’ on impact of Brexit on the food industry. Are you stockpiling food, dear biasedbbc viewer? Project Fear in overdrive.
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Allegedly a concern of Byzantine priests as the Ottoman hordes prepared to attack Constantinople and slaughter them, and illustrative of a tendency for escapism within trivia rather than deal with more pressing issues in the real world. Something the BBC excels in; consider this article, for instance. A plaque to the first modern lesbian (as opposed to old fashioned or more traditional ones?) has been put up in York. Apparently Anne Lister is famous for her diaries and for ‘marrying’ (sic) another woman in the 19th Century. But the snowflakes aren’t happy, as the plaque reads “gender non-conforming” (no, me neither) rather than “lesbian”. An unchallenged quote from a member of York’s LGBTQWERTY forum is given: “She was one of the early lesbians, it was the same era when it was not ok to be gay, you covered up your sexual preferences because they were considered sinful and criminal”. Well, possibly sinful, although clearly not sinful enough to stop York’s Holy Trinity Church giving her a blessing to ‘marry’ another woman. But not criminal – lesbianism has never been criminal in English law and is not referenced in any legislation at all from that century or earlier.
Reading to the end of the article (yawn…) we get to the real purpose: “A new BBC TV drama called Gentleman Jack, based on Lister’s diaries, is in production and is due to be screened on BBC One in 2019.” Ah, all is clear. It is not a news item, it is an advertisement.
“She was one of the early lesbians, it was the same era when it was not ok to be gay, you covered up your sexual preferences because they were considered sinful and criminal”.
I do wish there was someone at the BBC who knows even a little history.
Anne Lister was inspired to act as she did after visiting Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby. These two ladies had fled from Ireland and set up home together in Wales. Far from being considered “sinful and criminal” they were visited by people even BBC journalists might have heard of: William Wordsworth, Percey Shelly, Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, the Duke of Wellington, Josiah Wedgwood, Caroline Lamb, and of course Anne Lister. The King (George III) granted them a pension.
I don’t expect anyone at the BBC to have read Elizabeth Mavor’s book “The Ladies of Llangollen”, but they do have an entry on the BBC’s standard source, Wikipedia.
This is quite special, even for the bbc.
Fascinating twitter bio.
One might be tempted to ask about the ‘Sure it was top news all week, but there was a paragraph in a post on CBBC Rutland fir an hour’ approach to editorial integrity, but that might result in being blocked.
This isn’t the far-left bbc, rather it’s their brother in leftist arms in the USA, CNN.
Apparently, CNN sucks and it’s hard to disagree:
If this catches on over here, it will be heartwarming to watch the far-left bbc propagandists getting the same treatment.
What’s on the AGENDA for R4 1pm FakeNews show ?
“We talk Trump ..with the focus of his fury”
..they then played a clip of Trump saying “FakeNews media”
Some CNN type was interviewed by Jonnie dymond -the beeboid who tried to take cannabis into an aircraft a few years ago. The CNN type tried the moral high ground when talking about the msm treatment of President Trump – and ended by looking forward to the time when journos can treat all presidents the same .
I immediately had visions of the sycophancy with with which they treated the Black Muslim one compared to the hatred thrown at the current President .
When you know a beeboid is so thick as to be caught trying to take controlled drugs on to an aircraft it does colour ones judgement …
Kept his job of course . I’m not a druggie -.but I’d have lost my job without question for doing that .
Another part of that show had some remainer fruit loop saying without an orderly brexit the planes won’t fly because the British safety certificates will be invalid .
Well I’m sure that works both ways and no country is going to put up with its aircraft fleet being grounded . Just more stupid Project Fear propaganda .
I learnt along time ago that when the state wants to do something it can do it . – including silencing the views of those of which it doesn’t approve.
“I learnt along time ago that when the state wants to do something it can do it .”
Also, once it embarks on a course of action nothing, but nothing, will disuade it to halt or change course unless to not do so can be easily linked to one or a handful of individuals i.e. exposure.
Fed, not ‘CNN type’ but Jonathan Lemire (what an appropriate surname?! God has a great sense of humour.) of Associated Press.
Dymond really got my goat with his vile attack on President Trump this lunchtime. I hope that he has to inspect the colour, warp and weft of the DG’s carpet on Monday morning at close quarters.