What is the matter with these witch-hunting liberals? Even if someone IS racist, how is it an offence that deserves prison? What a person thinks isn’t a crime punishable by law. Yet.
What I get fed up about is the fact that apparently according to the likes of BBC, only white people can be racist and hate crimes do not apply to the indigenous white population
Its not even about race its about culture, but that argument is winnable and valid so they use a race argument instead. its not easy to argue against someone screaming “racist” at you
* Leeds 25 May 2018, was the most important day in modern Liberal/Leftyism
It was the day for lib/lefties to PROVE their HONOUR *
.. instead AFAIK know ALL of their public figures spotted a mob casting stones at a man.. and chose to join them hurling stones.
.. Especially when then saw one of the first guys said
“It’s a secret, but I’m actually a barrister”
… #SECRETemBARRassment more like.
As in the Emperor’s New Clothes fable
a passing small boy could have spotted that the Leeds Suit was not a thing of beauty its maker and all the courtesans said it was
..none of them chose to pause and consider the suit as he did.
.. The only public none partisan that did this was Tucker Carlson
an maybe a US congressman.
To their shame a few not formerly in the libmob joined those hurling stones : like Guido, like Nick Ferrari, like Piers Morgan
whilst others like Farage and Delingpole and Maajid Naawaz failed to call out that stone hurling mob.
Julia Hartley Brewer as well ?
(I actually would forgive them, as they have millions of credit in the bank of honour )
Libs/leftists can have honour
..some have in past proved honour by speaking against the mob on climate, and very belatedly calling out grooming gangs
But on May 25th they all failed the honour test
..They did not behave like Samaritans they instead chose to join the mob hurling stones.
I don’t know about your source Max
but what i do know is that Tommy protests are characterisied by being mixed, open to all and peaceful people, who rush to STOP violence if one or two wronguns got wound up and step out of line.
Whereas Brendan Coxes Hatey no Hopers and Antifa turn up to try to hijack these demos. They are characterised by having a large component of aggressive people many of whom come equipped with black face masks and smoke bombs
..and they are not averse to sending undercover provocateurs into the Tommy crowd to try to start up violence .
As consequence much of those arrested do turn out to be Antifa, although NUJ deliberately choose to misrepresent by saying stuff like “6 arrested at Tommy March” even when all 6 were Antifa (like at Brighton).
There are hours of livestreaming video footage on Youtube .
Lucy – I think someone like Amber might disagree with you. But you know that, which is why you added ‘yet’ at the end.
When I was young, it was pretty clear what ‘racism’ meant. That has changed now: the ‘Left’ have found the phrase to be a handy tool to assert their power by evoking guilt. The only thing that hasn’t apparently changed is, that only whites can be guilty of it. (See ‘hate crime’)
There is a lot of confusion here. I remember a handy guide from my youth:
a.aggressive behavior: I have rights, you do not;
b. assertive behavior: We both have rights;
c. non-assertive behavior: You have rights, I have none.
A racist is not any color. A racist displays aggressive (NOT assertive) behavior towards someone of another color without good reason. And some whites (in the main)will call other whites racist, precisely because they think it shows they’re ‘liberal’ (a label, the meaning of which has also changed a lot)
Most of your ‘witch hunting liberals’ display aggressive behavior, and most of their ‘victims’ are cowed into non-assertive behavior.
Could that be what riles you?
And yes, if this does not change, the non-assertives will end up in prison for thinking wrong thoughts.
“Local Council has just posted an invitation to its Rainbow Cafe launch party
….. it’s the unfairness in council priorities and spending I am objecting to.”
And what is the “Rainbow Cafe”?
A drop in centre for LGBT+ people to access support and advice, in a local venue;
for three hours,
once a month.
Tuck your shirt in Stew, your prejudice is showing.
Nope, it is not limited to one location or 3 hours
but rather will ALSO pop up each month at events and or other council locations.”
Nothing wrong with anyone choosing to run a Rainbow Cafe if they want , but the #moreThanEqual bit is about that group getting everyone else to fund events which are aimed purely at themselves.
A decent list of those orgisation that George Soros, “supports”. http://silentcircle.co.uk/list-george-soros-funding-nearly-200-organizations-attack-america/
You don’t have to go down the list very far to realise that Soros detests the USA and everything about it. He is a subversive who wants to destroy Western society. All in all, a pretty sick (but very rich) treasonous individual.
Soros has recently announced that he is putting $18 billion into Europe to arrest and halt the popular culture that’s growing.
The BBC 4MB code of conduct on their site is a right riveting read . The best chuckle i got out of it was this :
“Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of due accuracy and impartiality and strive to avoid knowingly and materially misleading our audiences.”
Forgive me if you’ve seen it before that it was a new one to me. As you see the code of conduct you also see a picture of Jimmy Saville in your head because I’m sure that was why the arse covering piece of tosh was written .
Jonny Dymond is the Friday Guy for TWatO so that the Montacutie can have a long weekend, somewhere.
Today he covered President Trump’s appearance at a political event in Pennsylvania last night and, specifically, in relation to Trump’s attacks on the Press and the MainStream Media and Dymond lied. He implied or even claimed outright that Donald Trump, alone, was the one candidate who attacked ‘the Press’ throughout the 2016 US Presidential Campaign.
Snuffy’s memory is developing all sorts of deficiencies but one thing I do remember from 2015 & 2016 US Presidential race is attacks on the US from a MSM ‘insider’. But it wasn’t Trump who was the MSM ‘insider’.
It wasn’t Trump because it was John Kasich. Had Jonny Dymond been a BBC journalist and presenter worth a tenth of his salary, he should have checked his script beforehand. Had he done so, as I have spent an unpaid hour doing, he would have found the ‘truth’ that he was presenting on the 100% accurate BBC was not just a lie but an outright and overwhelming calumny.
I have posted before that I do not like Trump. He’s not my sort of person, politician or … I was about to add more alliteration … performer. But wait.
Just a little research using an ancient laptop (no up-to-date iPads and Macbooks here, Jonny, unlike the BBC) and no assistant (unlike the BBC) the internet provided me with lots of information on Republican candidates and their relationship to the Press and MSM.
Just take three which, btw, I cannot vouch for, they just came up in a quick Google search:
So Jonny Dymond and the BBC, not only is it not just Trump and Kasich, as media insiders, who criticised and went after the media and their ‘misreporting’ and ‘biases’ in the 2016 White House race but it was several more of the Republican candidates and – oh hoho, what do I see – but a Democrat, also going after the MSM, too! Yes, Trump has continued to attack the MSM as President and it would appear from Jonny Dymond and the BBC that he is absolutely correct to do so.
On the basis of this latest attack on President Trump, it would appear the BBC are so slimy they are a metre submerged in the mud at the bottom of the swamp.
I’m developing a bit of a liking, some admiration for President Trump …..
… as a performer.
Also as a potential peacemaker.
And as someone who appears to ‘Speak Truth to Power’.
Couple of typos in there from me, proof reading not so hot despite the weather.
Line 3 should have a comma after Media and the ‘and’ before Dymond is superfluous.
Line 7 should have Press after US.
Am duly and suitably guilt-ridden after having a go at the BBC for similar errors.
Yup, Dymond is clearly worried about the lack of drugs and stuff after Brexit.
And his EU monkey at Cambridge Poly seemed also upset about losing her grants-she`s an EU course jocky, and her alarm at a “no deal” Brexit was something to behold.
So basically, two fat salaried, unproductive and parasitic blowhards who vote Remain get to tell us all that we`ll go into the abyss next April.
So, let me give them a few other “shortages” they might wish to flag up between now and the Glorious 29th.
What will happen to our supply of
a) squegee merchants on the Marylebone Rd
b) our horsemeat patties
c) our antifreeze Reisling
d) our Father Christmas and travel ban if he`s not allowed to fly over Irish airspace( just a few kites there anyway)
e) our white heather Roma supplies
f) Our Big Issue Publishing and distribution chain.
And what plans do the Government have for the inevitable run on the food banks of Saffron Waldon and Kidderminster, once we leave?
Come on Beeb-you`re not anywhere NEAR worried enough!
Total worriwarts…Chicken Lickin duds all of `em!
Climate scam
We struggle to stay in the real world whilst others world is Lalaland
\\ Dept for BEIS @beisgovuk
???? to @churchofengland, with more than 5,500 of its churches and cathedrals now using #renewables to help tackle climate change //
The church should not be playing campaigning POLITICS with the money our ancestors gave to it.
Charities are undemocratic and so prone to hijacking by ENTRYISM.
It’s amazing how the BBC is happy to allow a lie (that the President was late for Her Majesty) to go unchallenged when it is against Donald Trump. Only when he calls them out on it do they decide to do a “reality check”, to try and show he wasn’t early.
As an aside, I usually read this site these days from my phone or iPad, where links to Twitter show up as the Tweet itself. Making a rare foray on to my laptop (Firefox browser), I note that much of the Tweet is not reproduced, such as the link to an article or the Tweet it is responding to. Which removes a lot of the context of the comment.
Does anyone know why, and if there is any way round this?
Dunno, all I can say is that I find Twitter totally unusable. Dunno about Firefox but my IE 11 browser on my laptop generally cannot play Twitter videos posted here. The Chrome browser is better for them
Roland Deschain … Go to OPTIONS and access the section titled `Privacy and Security` … scroll down until you see the settings for Cookies and Site Data … You should set it to `Accept cookies and site data from websites` and `Keep Until Firefox is Closed` and then also set `accept third party cookies and site data` to ALWAYS…
As long as you set Firefox to CUSTOM SETTINGS FOR HISTORY and then set it to CLEAR HISTORY WHEN FIREFOX CLOSES it will not compromise your browser, just remember to check all the boxes in the CLEAR HISTORY SETTINGS in the same section and it will automatically clear out your browser cache when you close your browser…
Great work on posting this. Trump probably knew that if he had said he was on time, they wouldn’t have checked but because of their desperation to prove him wrong he had to say he was early so that they would expose their own lie.
It’s amazing how much pointless crap they got out of him even meeting the Queen. He should have bowed, Melania should have courtesed (sp), he shouldn’t have walked in front, he was late. It’s like the ramblings of some bitter old hag confined to an armchair.
Notable front page on the Times : Second day of the stories on Pakistani grooms who rape their British suitors so they can get visas
(bride mental age of 7 etc.)
..And a story on how KKK Head David Duke welcomed Corbyn’s victory “despite the zionist/Jewish powers”
Small local issue so BBC probably won’t do a big story about it
\\ Row going on in York UK, blue plaque with rainbow edging unveiled honouring ”first modern lesbian” dedicated to 19th century diarist Anne Lister but has the words ”gender non-conforming” on it instead, on-line petition started to change wording? //
Funny thing this Russian business of influencing elections. With all the sound and fury in the past 2 years over the alleged Russian influence on the US elections I have not heard one reasoned and educated comment on who the Russians were allegedly backing.
There was a tidal wave of innuendo aimed at making people believe that Trump was the supposed beneficiary of the interference, but not a shred of evidence.
Surely it would have been in Russian interests to back that witch Hilary Clinton – who could be relied on 100% to make shady deals like shifting large chunks of US uranium Russia’s way?
There was a tiny spark of light in the darkness of the UK judicial system when Tommy Robinson’s sentence for ‘contempt of court’ was overturned. One hopes that the ‘court case’ of the ‘judge’ who sentenced him in May has helped set a legal precedent and that ‘justified contempt of court’ will now be considered a valid defence .
I admit I just made that up but it really does feel good.
Who in their right mind would not be justified in feeling contempt not only for the judiciary but the entire rotten UK establishment?
Julie Bindel asks how it is possible that ‘snowflakes’ are preventing her from speaking at universities.
Bindel is a model Guardian columnist, a left wing militant feminist, who doesn’t quite agree with the other screechy feminists. Well, I wonder if she should look at The Guardian and note no one is allowed to write anything that might upset the certainties of the soft left. How she herself has shrieked and protested with her fingers in her ears if anyone dared to suggest she just might be, you know, not 100% right in everything she declaimed.
We are seeing the left revolution eat itself yet again. As Trotsky might advise Julie Bindel, ‘watch out for the ice pick, darling, you never see it coming’.
Never heard of her but the article is quite telling. Basically she is annoyed because she is being treated like she treats anyone who doesn’t agree with her..yep its a funny old world. At one point she implies she should be allowed but the right still shouldn’t…she is not in favour of total free speech – sorry what other kind is there?
The BBC’s use of omission as regards Hamas rocket attacks is well known. Some rocket attacks came from the top of Schools, using children as Human Shields, even though the children may have been the children of the PLO opposition. Instead the BBC depicts Israel as the initiator of the attacks rather than responding to and defending itself against rocket attacks.
The BBC spent a quarter of a million pounds on resisting a freedom of information request for the names of environmental activists described by the BBC as “the best scientific experts”. The BBC failed.
The BBC also spent thousands of pounds of licence payers money trying to block the release of the Balen Report. The BBC succeeded. So in this case we can only guess what the contents of the Balen Report state.
The contents of the Balen Report probably state.
(1) The BBC is an anti-Semitic organisation.
(2) The BBC has 28 anti-Semitic left-wing and Islamic advisers who the BBC told me were “the best Middle-East experts“.
(3) The BBC is inciting the population of Britain to hate Jews and Israel.
(4) Because the BBC has a left-wing Liberal bias, it therefore reflects the anti-Semitic opinions of people within the Labour Party.
Richard Pinder
I always thought that the “Extreme Right” had the monopoly on anti semitism. What the ‘kin ‘ell is going on today? Is the Bum Boy Corp. actually a right wing organization in disguise. Can somebody please explain? I’m confused.com
Simple: The anti-Semitic National Socialists or Nazis regarded themselves as left-wing, but the BBC and the Labour Party brainwashed us into thinking that they were right-wing. But then the brainwashing fails because right-wing people would never call themselves Socialists. So like the Nazis, the Labour Party and the BBC are full of Socialists who hate Jews.
“… if we can make a difference we will” – possible crowdfunding and legal assistance.
Also lots of digs at the BBC from 25 mins onwards – he did about three interviews with them – “they were awful” … “I’ve never seen the media that bad”.
And from 44 mins – The British Sandwich Association.
Many apologies for going totally ‘off piste’ re the serious issues of the day, and I can only put it down to the heat, but ……
In my 30 + deg heat driven stupor, moving around is not an option, and being thoroughly sick of listening to the loop of the news channels, I was channel hopping – finally landing on some obscure film on something called Movies 24. Up popped a familiar face – Meghan Markle. Dear Lord, Meryl Streep she aint and never would be. I never, nay, wanted to, watch Suits but apart from the ‘smile’, there were lots of ‘sighing’ and flicking of hair. Ten minutes was ample. My conclusion ? if the marriage goes belly up, she may have trouble going back to the day job.
‘While we believe the film did convey the broad elements of the immigration debate, we accept further efforts could have been made to involve contributors with a more diverse range of opinions, so we removed the video.’
Film contained claims that debate had fuelled ‘huge rise’ in far-Right support
It was pulled from circulation after complaints that it broke impartiality rules
It’s a blow to BBC’s efforts to deflect attacks on its reporting on immigration
It appears that some complaints are considered more valuable than others having had my complaints about the same issue fobbed off with generalised platitudes
So BBC lied again, I am wondering if President Trump has grounds for libel and or slander against the BBC over the last year or so ? That would be an even better event than the Cliff debacle, and I am sure he can afford bigger and better lawyers than those the BBC use to bully anyone who dares complain against them
Would make for a good long hot summer, maybe a jumbotron in the park for the Bank Holiday weekend?
Come on Donald-now`ll be a good time to finish off the BBC!
That`ll be roughly 15% of their “listeners” withing a year.
If we draw a graph, and we assume its exponential, that means we`ll reach the Newsnight baseline of one tranny and his cockapoo still awake by…well before Heseltines State Funeral anyway.
Interesting use of the word ‘lost’. Also used by Theresa May when refering to the Manchester bombing, when we ‘lost’ 23 of our people. And perhaps the BBC funding should be reduced accordingly to reflect the smaller audience (ideally to zero).
It`s at that fourth line of theirs, that I knew we were being subjected to BBC fake news(is there any other option these days?).
It was that bit “The BBC understands” that confirmed that it was and would forever be lies from start to finish. The BBC understands that Jimmy Savile was not a paedo, but that Cliff Richard is-in their Peoples Court anyway. No-the BBC will understand nothing until a few of them are hanging from a mast and by their tongues.
Doesn`t Donald Trump get stick when the KKK are bundled in with those deplorables of Hillarys ravings?
Yet when Corbyn is praised by them, well-can`t see anybody at the BBC ever mentioning this to the Jew baiting lefties that they suck and sup with.
Convenient eh?…how come anti-Semitism doesn`t get you kicked off your Islington allotment then? It would round here.
Your mention of the KKK reminded me of when I was a 16yr old lad (mid 1950s), I was working on a building site. The concrete paths to each bungalow were being laid by a one man band – company?
After laying each path “the company” would leave a sign reading – KEYPOFF! At the bottom of the sign was the letters KKK.
When I asked the Company Chairman- while he was sweating his bollocks off mixing concrete – “what did the KKK stand for”? he , without hesitation, informed me that KKK stood for Kelly’s Konkrete Kompany. He had a distinct Irish accent. Thank you Mr Kelly, wherever you are. Memories are made of this.
The radicalisation of Safaa Boular: A teenager’s journey to terror
Another victim it seems ? the BBC machine works to deflect blame again, even after a life sentence handed down Tommy Robinson is never a victim ..only a perpetrator
BBC report : April 2017 – five bangs rang out as heavily armed police fired CS gas into a suburban home. As the officers broke into the property in north-west London, a 21-year-old woman was shot.
Screaming in pain and in anger, Rizlaine Boular was dragged to the street to receive first aid.
“Don’t touch me, my body, don’t touch my dress,” witnesses heard her shout, as she wrestled feebly with the officers
Feebly ffs another muslim potential murderer arrested and already we are invited to feel sorry ?
BBC report : More than 50 miles away, Rizlaine’s mother, Mina Dich was arrested outside the Medway Secure Training Centre – a youth prison. There, her daughter Safaa was already awaiting trial, having just turned 17.
Just turned 17 hmm lots of 13 year old girls in this country traumatised who receive no such weasle words of comfort….
BBC report : In court She stood there in a smart black mini-skirt, top and cardigan, with highlights in her hair. She was polite but firm – softly spoken, but clear
far right Tommy robinson who has never plotted to kill anyone was arrested and imprisoned within 5 hours no such description of his appearance….
You’re not going to believe this but there’s a story that ticks both the immigrant and bent boxes, but the BBC aren’t covering it.
Remember the delightful homo Shrien Dewani, (family got rich stuffing old people into their care homes) he ,allegedly, killed his bride, and bought himself a not guilty verdict somehow.
”While sightseeing in Gugulethu, in Cape Town, two armed men hijacked the vehicle the newlyweds were in. The driver was thrown from the vehicle, and Shrien Dewani soon followed him.
The next day, Anni Dewani was found dead in the boot of the car – a single gunshot wound to her head.
It could’ve just been a random act of violent crime, so often experienced in South Africa. But once the investigation got underway, the story became a lot more twisted.
According to the taxi driver, and one of the men involved in the hijacking – it was all a setup, a ruse made to look like a random criminal act, when in fact Shrien Dewani had arranged for his wife to be killed.
Shrien Dewani implicated in her murder
After a convoluted legal battle which moved from South Africa to the United Kingdom and ended in 2014, Shrien Dewani was eventually acquitted of orchestrating the murder of his wife.
Still, innocent in court does not relate to innocence in the eyes of the public. Many people believe that Shrien Dewani was in some way involved in his wife’s murder and that he managed to flout justice.
Newfound love
It’s eight years later, and Dewani is back in the spotlight – this time for his new romantic interest.
It would appear the former murder-accused millionaire has found love again, after being spotted in public with his new boyfriend, Gledison Lopez Martins.”
It must be after a passport for it’s new ‘boyfriend’, next year – so better make it public now to have it on record..
Only the BBC would preview their interview with the head of the Armed Forces, as being noteworthy for his not wanting soldiers to be subject to litigious and wicked complaints like those farmed by Phil Shiner, those faced by Alexander Blackman.
Martha Kearney somehow though this to be a matter foe debate, something that might get us all arguing out here,
Which says all you need to know about what the BBC thinks is a matter for controversy, for discussion. That Nick Carter sounded like a Common Purpose social worker, as opposed to military leader worried me. The BBC probably think that he`ll be just what Corbyn will be wanting come the glorious day.
Historical note, not about the BBC.
About the Pearl Harbour Attack.
The FDR US Government, lefty traitors to a man, had a problem: their beloved USSR seemed to be crumbling when attacked by Germany. Further US problem, if the Japanese also attacked the USSR, the USSR would definitely collapse.
The USA put a total oil embargo on Japan, this would have stopped Japanese industry.
The proud Japanese chose to attack the mighty USA despite being greatly outnumbered, outgunned and already involved in other wars.
Japan chose to make a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, FDR and co were delighted as this gave them an excuse to enter the war, a war that FDR had assured the USA that their sons would not be sent to fight in. The reason FDR could be delighted was that the US was reading Japanese cryptograms.
FDR kept secret this knowledge of the attack and c3000 US citizens were killed. FDR pretended this was a surprise, and made his “day of infamy” speech.
A FDR placeman was sent to “investigate” the attack and reported that the fault lay with the Army and Naval Commanders, said officers were hung out to dry.
Still rumours about US foreknowledge abounded and there were nine more subsequent inquiries into the attack.
I am sure many BBBC readers know the story, please point out any errors above.
Now the reason I am relating this nearly eighty year old story is that a great deal of time, money, work and lying was performed to prevent the truth about the Pearl Harbour Attack becoming known to the people.
One oft performed, and successful, tactic, since most witnesses were in the US military, was to “transfer” potential witnesses. The investigator would travel half way round the earth to discover that the witness had been moved to another US base, rinse and repeat as necessary.
This was brought back to me when listening to Tommy Robinson today. Exactly the same tactics were used to make it as difficult as possible for him to receive legal advice.
The proud japanese, dont start me on that, my wife family came from Nanking, I can show you photos if required of japanese burying people alive, having beheading competitions and group rape sessions with women hogtied in seats at waist hight for convenience, yep they are a proud race
The Japanese still refuse to acknowledge the Rape of Nanking… The few witnesses who attempted to stop it were ignored for many years after the end of the second world war ended, largely due to members of the Japanese royal family being the commanding officers under whose direct orders Nanking was `made an example of`… John Rabe was even held and questined by both Russian and Americans for possible War Crimes and was left destitute uuntil the people of Nanking found out and sent him what little they had and even offered him a new home in the city… Also there was an American lady whowas once the headmistrerss of a Girls School there who committed suicide soon after returning to the USA after finding nobody wanted to hear what she had seen, same with a Doctor who was there too… The Japanese have no honor there is nothing honorable about murder of innocernts…..
it was equivalent to the holocaust in viciousness and inhumanity, the scant regard for the life or dignity of the victims, the only difference is, I am pretty sure most people are completely unaware of this yet we never fail to be reminded of the former, for what reason I struggle to understand
It is difficult to not appear racist when I make a comment on the violent propensities of those we welcome into our country, maybe it is worth elevating the debate into a more philosophical nature, there are a few outstanding crimes in this country that caused GENIUNE horrror and now it seems day to day for example:
A man who threw a seven-month-old baby and its mother out of a window has been jailed for life.
Sean Ziemelis also gouged the boy’s eyes and strangled him after using cannabis, Luton Crown Court heard.
The baby suffered superficial injuries after he was caught by a crowd which gathered underneath the window of the first floor flat in Luton on 1 August 2017.
Ziemelis, 31, of Reginald Street, Luton, admitted attempted murder.
He also pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and common assault.
Prosecutor James Lofthouse said Ziemelis had taken cannabis the previous night.
‘Dangled from window’
At 02:00 BST on 1 August, the child’s mother found Ziemelis with his thumbs in the baby’s eyes. She screamed for help and he started to strangle the boy, the court heard.
The 31-year-old then produced a knife and was hit with a piece of wood by the baby’s grandmother before throwing her across the room. The baby’s mother was punched until she fell in and out of consciousness.
Islamophobia ? funny we have antisemitism rather than racism now islamophobia rather than women as property, death to homosexuals and christians, funny old world
The dregs of africa and asia with all their corrupt, violent, sexist, raspist, homophobic habits to enrich us, and now special schools apart from british people (how does that work then ) thank you tony blair you should be incarcerated in Bury Park road luton for a couple of years as penance (mAybe your daughters will get enriched tied to a bed with a bunch of …waiting to use them) but no you will sit in your smug mayfair apartment and look upon your magnificent achievements, rot in hell you bastard
Dodgy BBC math or dodgy BBC English (some grammar for a change)? You decide.
First Specsavers Test, Edgbaston (day three of five)
England 287 (Root 80, Ashwin 4-62) & 180 (Curran 63, Ishant 5-51)
India 274 (Kohli 149, Curran 4-74) & 110-5 (Kohli 43*)
India need 194 to win
This from the 100% perfect and 100% accurate and very wealthy and very myopic BBC.
They need to get to Specsavers. That ‘advertising’ is just for them.
I know several folk who have found that true of Specsavers. Haven’t used their services myself but when my optician retires I may need to. Am sure my roofpreading has slipped recently and my trypewriting keeps miixng things up.
RJ, you gave me a chuckle. Well, India needed 194 at the start of their Second Innings, and at close on Day 3 they were still 84 runs short of their target but they did not get them on Day4. 🙂
Bearders may well be smiling, while turning the pages of St Peter’s records up there, checking on career averages and so on.
There we go, even in the 1970s it was allowed for people to express their opinions but, as can be seen quite clearly from Basil;s face it was even then challenged, nowadays a police car and arrest…..unless of course one of your workforce was physically assaulted 3 months ago …hmm still waiting for a response to that yet our muslim population is allowed to express their disgust about homosexuals and jews and the rest of their intolerances quite openly
“…yet our muslim population is allowed to express their disgust about homosexuals and jews and the rest of their intolerances quite openly”
Our christian population express their disgust quite openly;
“Fundamentalist clerics furious as gay sauna, The Cage, opens in Derry
‘I know from 15 years in ministry with the Bethnal Baptist Church and 20 as a Christian that the kind of debauched behaviour that goes on in these so-called sling rooms is detrimental to everyone who follows this kind of lifestyle… Make no mistake, we will oppose this sordid, sinful carbuncle on the face of Derry in every way we can.’ “
Word is that you have been part of a cut back programme from the Cover up for Jimmy Saville Broadcasting Company. Good to see you back. Got some bias to report on your pals?
The idiot on newsnight signs off talking to Brian Stelter from CNN with the words….”Good luck with the mid-terms”. The level of disinformation,deceit and just downright lying is breathtaking in its scope. Everything Stelter said was a lie. Everything the BBC interviewer asked was a leading question, designed to evince the same anti-Trump message they pump out 24/7 365 days of the year…and they wonder why people despise them.
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diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
What is the matter with these witch-hunting liberals? Even if someone IS racist, how is it an offence that deserves prison? What a person thinks isn’t a crime punishable by law. Yet.
We have less freedom of speech than we had 30 years ago.
What I get fed up about is the fact that apparently according to the likes of BBC, only white people can be racist and hate crimes do not apply to the indigenous white population
Its not even about race its about culture, but that argument is winnable and valid so they use a race argument instead. its not easy to argue against someone screaming “racist” at you
That’s true Flake
I have never been called a ‘culturist’ there is time though 🙂
* Leeds 25 May 2018, was the most important day in modern Liberal/Leftyism
It was the day for lib/lefties to PROVE their HONOUR *
.. instead AFAIK know ALL of their public figures spotted a mob casting stones at a man.. and chose to join them hurling stones.
.. Especially when then saw one of the first guys said
“It’s a secret, but I’m actually a barrister”
… #SECRETemBARRassment more like.
As in the Emperor’s New Clothes fable
a passing small boy could have spotted that the Leeds Suit was not a thing of beauty its maker and all the courtesans said it was
..none of them chose to pause and consider the suit as he did.
.. The only public none partisan that did this was Tucker Carlson
an maybe a US congressman.
To their shame a few not formerly in the libmob joined those hurling stones : like Guido, like Nick Ferrari, like Piers Morgan
whilst others like Farage and Delingpole and Maajid Naawaz failed to call out that stone hurling mob.
Julia Hartley Brewer as well ?
(I actually would forgive them, as they have millions of credit in the bank of honour )
Libs/leftists can have honour
..some have in past proved honour by speaking against the mob on climate, and very belatedly calling out grooming gangs
But on May 25th they all failed the honour test
..They did not behave like Samaritans they instead chose to join the mob hurling stones.
That is not fair to Delingpole. Read and listen to him on Breitbart.
“ instead AFAIK know ALL of their public figures spotted a mob casting stones at a man.. and chose to join them hurling stones.”
“hurling stones…”
“Police release pics of people wanted after violence at Free Tommy Robinson London protest”

I don’t know about your source Max
but what i do know is that Tommy protests are characterisied by being mixed, open to all and peaceful people, who rush to STOP violence if one or two wronguns got wound up and step out of line.
Whereas Brendan Coxes Hatey no Hopers and Antifa turn up to try to hijack these demos. They are characterised by having a large component of aggressive people many of whom come equipped with black face masks and smoke bombs
..and they are not averse to sending undercover provocateurs into the Tommy crowd to try to start up violence .
As consequence much of those arrested do turn out to be Antifa, although NUJ deliberately choose to misrepresent by saying stuff like “6 arrested at Tommy March” even when all 6 were Antifa (like at Brighton).
There are hours of livestreaming video footage on Youtube .
Lucy – I think someone like Amber might disagree with you. But you know that, which is why you added ‘yet’ at the end.
When I was young, it was pretty clear what ‘racism’ meant. That has changed now: the ‘Left’ have found the phrase to be a handy tool to assert their power by evoking guilt. The only thing that hasn’t apparently changed is, that only whites can be guilty of it. (See ‘hate crime’)
There is a lot of confusion here. I remember a handy guide from my youth:
a.aggressive behavior: I have rights, you do not;
b. assertive behavior: We both have rights;
c. non-assertive behavior: You have rights, I have none.
A racist is not any color. A racist displays aggressive (NOT assertive) behavior towards someone of another color without good reason. And some whites (in the main)will call other whites racist, precisely because they think it shows they’re ‘liberal’ (a label, the meaning of which has also changed a lot)
Most of your ‘witch hunting liberals’ display aggressive behavior, and most of their ‘victims’ are cowed into non-assertive behavior.
Could that be what riles you?
And yes, if this does not change, the non-assertives will end up in prison for thinking wrong thoughts.
But the BBC always tell the truth, it says so on their web site, with no comments allowed of course.
Local Council has just posted an invitation to its Rainbow Cafe launch party
A sort of house warming. Bring your own matches.
Alright, don’t make jokes about setting things alight.
.. it’s the unfairness in council priorities and spending I am objecting to.
Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match
Find me a find, catch me a catch
I’m sure that’s what Old Goat meant.
Old Goat
Swan Vestas of course. The other ones don’t ignite in your pocket. -So they say.
“Local Council has just posted an invitation to its Rainbow Cafe launch party
….. it’s the unfairness in council priorities and spending I am objecting to.”
And what is the “Rainbow Cafe”?
A drop in centre for LGBT+ people to access support and advice, in a local venue;
for three hours,
once a month.
Tuck your shirt in Stew, your prejudice is showing.
Given that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?
I`m giving Maxi a “like here”-and hope others here will extend the flypaper too.
Nope, it is not limited to one location or 3 hours
but rather will ALSO pop up each month at events and or other council locations.”
Nothing wrong with anyone choosing to run a Rainbow Cafe if they want , but the #moreThanEqual bit is about that group getting everyone else to fund events which are aimed purely at themselves.
A decent list of those orgisation that George Soros, “supports”. http://silentcircle.co.uk/list-george-soros-funding-nearly-200-organizations-attack-america/
You don’t have to go down the list very far to realise that Soros detests the USA and everything about it. He is a subversive who wants to destroy Western society. All in all, a pretty sick (but very rich) treasonous individual.
Soros has recently announced that he is putting $18 billion into Europe to arrest and halt the popular culture that’s growing.
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared, “is the United States.”
Lucy, good spot. I assume that George Soros is going to surrender his US Citizenship and his US Passport if he has one.
Surely he meant to say ” The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is MEEE!
The BBC 4MB code of conduct on their site is a right riveting read . The best chuckle i got out of it was this :
“Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of due accuracy and impartiality and strive to avoid knowingly and materially misleading our audiences.”
Forgive me if you’ve seen it before that it was a new one to me. As you see the code of conduct you also see a picture of Jimmy Saville in your head because I’m sure that was why the arse covering piece of tosh was written .
Take it easy Fed, enjoy your holiday.
By the the way, how about some duty free?
I’ll have 200 ciggies, a bottle of single malt and one of those engineers, artists, musicians or doctors to enrich my spare room.
It’s wheelchair friendly and has five different toilets.
Very kind Tap- I dont smoke but am thinking about Duty free montechristo s… …
If I run into TR I’ll pass on Respects … but no Tin of tuna and a piece of fruit…
I get my montechristos from a man in Islington. Don’t know his name but he stinks of cabbage and has a minoret on top of his shed.
Always guarded by some grotesque black obomination that can’t count.
Fed, shame Jonny Dymond does not appear to have read it, let alone memorised the passage that you quote.
Jonny Dymond is the Friday Guy for TWatO so that the Montacutie can have a long weekend, somewhere.
Today he covered President Trump’s appearance at a political event in Pennsylvania last night and, specifically, in relation to Trump’s attacks on the Press and the MainStream Media and Dymond lied. He implied or even claimed outright that Donald Trump, alone, was the one candidate who attacked ‘the Press’ throughout the 2016 US Presidential Campaign.
Snuffy’s memory is developing all sorts of deficiencies but one thing I do remember from 2015 & 2016 US Presidential race is attacks on the US from a MSM ‘insider’. But it wasn’t Trump who was the MSM ‘insider’.
It wasn’t Trump because it was John Kasich. Had Jonny Dymond been a BBC journalist and presenter worth a tenth of his salary, he should have checked his script beforehand. Had he done so, as I have spent an unpaid hour doing, he would have found the ‘truth’ that he was presenting on the 100% accurate BBC was not just a lie but an outright and overwhelming calumny.
I have posted before that I do not like Trump. He’s not my sort of person, politician or … I was about to add more alliteration … performer. But wait.
Just a little research using an ancient laptop (no up-to-date iPads and Macbooks here, Jonny, unlike the BBC) and no assistant (unlike the BBC) the internet provided me with lots of information on Republican candidates and their relationship to the Press and MSM.
Just take three which, btw, I cannot vouch for, they just came up in a quick Google search:
So Jonny Dymond and the BBC, not only is it not just Trump and Kasich, as media insiders, who criticised and went after the media and their ‘misreporting’ and ‘biases’ in the 2016 White House race but it was several more of the Republican candidates and – oh hoho, what do I see – but a Democrat, also going after the MSM, too! Yes, Trump has continued to attack the MSM as President and it would appear from Jonny Dymond and the BBC that he is absolutely correct to do so.
On the basis of this latest attack on President Trump, it would appear the BBC are so slimy they are a metre submerged in the mud at the bottom of the swamp.
I’m developing a bit of a liking, some admiration for President Trump …..
… as a performer.
Also as a potential peacemaker.
And as someone who appears to ‘Speak Truth to Power’.
Anyone who did what Mr Trump did to Hilary and the MSM will always get the benefit from me.
Couple of typos in there from me, proof reading not so hot despite the weather.
Line 3 should have a comma after Media and the ‘and’ before Dymond is superfluous.
Line 7 should have Press after US.
Am duly and suitably guilt-ridden after having a go at the BBC for similar errors.
Thanks up – I’m surprised that an outfit as respectable at AP would employ biased dross like mr J Lemire
Yup, Dymond is clearly worried about the lack of drugs and stuff after Brexit.
And his EU monkey at Cambridge Poly seemed also upset about losing her grants-she`s an EU course jocky, and her alarm at a “no deal” Brexit was something to behold.
So basically, two fat salaried, unproductive and parasitic blowhards who vote Remain get to tell us all that we`ll go into the abyss next April.
So, let me give them a few other “shortages” they might wish to flag up between now and the Glorious 29th.
What will happen to our supply of
a) squegee merchants on the Marylebone Rd
b) our horsemeat patties
c) our antifreeze Reisling
d) our Father Christmas and travel ban if he`s not allowed to fly over Irish airspace( just a few kites there anyway)
e) our white heather Roma supplies
f) Our Big Issue Publishing and distribution chain.
And what plans do the Government have for the inevitable run on the food banks of Saffron Waldon and Kidderminster, once we leave?
Come on Beeb-you`re not anywhere NEAR worried enough!
Total worriwarts…Chicken Lickin duds all of `em!
Brilliant, Alicia, that is brilliant.
Climate scam
We struggle to stay in the real world whilst others world is Lalaland
\\ Dept for BEIS @beisgovuk
???? to @churchofengland, with more than 5,500 of its churches and cathedrals now using #renewables to help tackle climate change //
PR is over all media
The church should not be playing campaigning POLITICS with the money our ancestors gave to it.
Charities are undemocratic and so prone to hijacking by ENTRYISM.
Tweet about Bradford
It’s amazing how the BBC is happy to allow a lie (that the President was late for Her Majesty) to go unchallenged when it is against Donald Trump. Only when he calls them out on it do they decide to do a “reality check”, to try and show he wasn’t early.
As an aside, I usually read this site these days from my phone or iPad, where links to Twitter show up as the Tweet itself. Making a rare foray on to my laptop (Firefox browser), I note that much of the Tweet is not reproduced, such as the link to an article or the Tweet it is responding to. Which removes a lot of the context of the comment.
Does anyone know why, and if there is any way round this?
Roland Deschain,
Dunno, all I can say is that I find Twitter totally unusable. Dunno about Firefox but my IE 11 browser on my laptop generally cannot play Twitter videos posted here. The Chrome browser is better for them
Roland Deschain … Go to OPTIONS and access the section titled `Privacy and Security` … scroll down until you see the settings for Cookies and Site Data … You should set it to `Accept cookies and site data from websites` and `Keep Until Firefox is Closed` and then also set `accept third party cookies and site data` to ALWAYS…
As long as you set Firefox to CUSTOM SETTINGS FOR HISTORY and then set it to CLEAR HISTORY WHEN FIREFOX CLOSES it will not compromise your browser, just remember to check all the boxes in the CLEAR HISTORY SETTINGS in the same section and it will automatically clear out your browser cache when you close your browser…
Great work on posting this. Trump probably knew that if he had said he was on time, they wouldn’t have checked but because of their desperation to prove him wrong he had to say he was early so that they would expose their own lie.
It’s amazing how much pointless crap they got out of him even meeting the Queen. He should have bowed, Melania should have courtesed (sp), he shouldn’t have walked in front, he was late. It’s like the ramblings of some bitter old hag confined to an armchair.
Notable front page on the Times : Second day of the stories on Pakistani grooms who rape their British suitors so they can get visas
(bride mental age of 7 etc.)
..And a story on how KKK Head David Duke welcomed Corbyn’s victory “despite the zionist/Jewish powers”
Exploiting disabled people by grooming them for criminal purposes in called “MATE-crime”, instead of hate-crime
Small local issue so BBC probably won’t do a big story about it
\\ Row going on in York UK, blue plaque with rainbow edging unveiled honouring ”first modern lesbian” dedicated to 19th century diarist Anne Lister but has the words ”gender non-conforming” on it instead, on-line petition started to change wording? //
Wrongspeak : Tory councillor expelled
\\ Stephen Ardley allegedly posted a comment on Facebook two years ago
saying: “I think it’s unbelievable that a Muslim was actually elected the mayor of this great Christian country.” //
There is an name-and-shame Tories as Islamaphobes campaign by Labour activists in revenge for attention on Corbyn
Funny thing this Russian business of influencing elections. With all the sound and fury in the past 2 years over the alleged Russian influence on the US elections I have not heard one reasoned and educated comment on who the Russians were allegedly backing.
There was a tidal wave of innuendo aimed at making people believe that Trump was the supposed beneficiary of the interference, but not a shred of evidence.
Surely it would have been in Russian interests to back that witch Hilary Clinton – who could be relied on 100% to make shady deals like shifting large chunks of US uranium Russia’s way?
I rest my case – what there is of it.
There was a tiny spark of light in the darkness of the UK judicial system when Tommy Robinson’s sentence for ‘contempt of court’ was overturned. One hopes that the ‘court case’ of the ‘judge’ who sentenced him in May has helped set a legal precedent and that ‘justified contempt of court’ will now be considered a valid defence .
I admit I just made that up but it really does feel good.
Who in their right mind would not be justified in feeling contempt not only for the judiciary but the entire rotten UK establishment?
Julie Bindel asks how it is possible that ‘snowflakes’ are preventing her from speaking at universities.
Bindel is a model Guardian columnist, a left wing militant feminist, who doesn’t quite agree with the other screechy feminists. Well, I wonder if she should look at The Guardian and note no one is allowed to write anything that might upset the certainties of the soft left. How she herself has shrieked and protested with her fingers in her ears if anyone dared to suggest she just might be, you know, not 100% right in everything she declaimed.
We are seeing the left revolution eat itself yet again. As Trotsky might advise Julie Bindel, ‘watch out for the ice pick, darling, you never see it coming’.
Never heard of her but the article is quite telling. Basically she is annoyed because she is being treated like she treats anyone who doesn’t agree with her..yep its a funny old world. At one point she implies she should be allowed but the right still shouldn’t…she is not in favour of total free speech – sorry what other kind is there?
Is the BBC an anti-Semitic Organisation?
The BBC’s use of omission as regards Hamas rocket attacks is well known. Some rocket attacks came from the top of Schools, using children as Human Shields, even though the children may have been the children of the PLO opposition. Instead the BBC depicts Israel as the initiator of the attacks rather than responding to and defending itself against rocket attacks.
The BBC spent a quarter of a million pounds on resisting a freedom of information request for the names of environmental activists described by the BBC as “the best scientific experts”. The BBC failed.
The BBC also spent thousands of pounds of licence payers money trying to block the release of the Balen Report. The BBC succeeded. So in this case we can only guess what the contents of the Balen Report state.
The contents of the Balen Report probably state.
(1) The BBC is an anti-Semitic organisation.
(2) The BBC has 28 anti-Semitic left-wing and Islamic advisers who the BBC told me were “the best Middle-East experts“.
(3) The BBC is inciting the population of Britain to hate Jews and Israel.
(4) Because the BBC has a left-wing Liberal bias, it therefore reflects the anti-Semitic opinions of people within the Labour Party.
Richard Pinder
I always thought that the “Extreme Right” had the monopoly on anti semitism. What the ‘kin ‘ell is going on today? Is the Bum Boy Corp. actually a right wing organization in disguise. Can somebody please explain? I’m confused.com
Simple: The anti-Semitic National Socialists or Nazis regarded themselves as left-wing, but the BBC and the Labour Party brainwashed us into thinking that they were right-wing. But then the brainwashing fails because right-wing people would never call themselves Socialists. So like the Nazis, the Labour Party and the BBC are full of Socialists who hate Jews.
Will we be told by the BBC when she reverts to being a Muslim once in prison?
Of course not.
In other news….
‘This is not journalism.’
Or, frankly, news to anyone outside of a very small bubble.
The BBC have never done the following:
1. Produced a positive programme about Brexit.
2. Produced a positive programme about Israel.
If I’m wrong, I ask the BBC to enlighten us.
Bet this bus would be allowed to double park anywhere though.
A double-decker bus for all of the UK’s gay professional footballers is heading to Brighton Pride this weekend.
The only problem? It’s empty….
And I bet Safaa Boular would look all mystified if asked to define ‘taqqiya’ – perhaps something like: ‘Sorry? Could you spell that for me?’
More information from Ezra Levant
“… if we can make a difference we will” – possible crowdfunding and legal assistance.
Also lots of digs at the BBC from 25 mins onwards – he did about three interviews with them – “they were awful” … “I’ve never seen the media that bad”.
And from 44 mins – The British Sandwich Association.
Interesting to hear the Canadian viewpoint.
Desperation sets in.
When in doubt, commission another poll.
I was however unaware ‘Trump’ was a news medium.
Bet the rest are thrilled where Fox comes.
Didn’t know Sopel was doing Brand Keys polls as a part-time job.
Many apologies for going totally ‘off piste’ re the serious issues of the day, and I can only put it down to the heat, but ……
In my 30 + deg heat driven stupor, moving around is not an option, and being thoroughly sick of listening to the loop of the news channels, I was channel hopping – finally landing on some obscure film on something called Movies 24. Up popped a familiar face – Meghan Markle. Dear Lord, Meryl Streep she aint and never would be. I never, nay, wanted to, watch Suits but apart from the ‘smile’, there were lots of ‘sighing’ and flicking of hair. Ten minutes was ample. My conclusion ? if the marriage goes belly up, she may have trouble going back to the day job.
BBC withdraws educational film about immigration that claimed Britain was ‘multicultural long before curry and carnival’ after bias complaints
‘While we believe the film did convey the broad elements of the immigration debate, we accept further efforts could have been made to involve contributors with a more diverse range of opinions, so we removed the video.’
Film contained claims that debate had fuelled ‘huge rise’ in far-Right support
It was pulled from circulation after complaints that it broke impartiality rules
It’s a blow to BBC’s efforts to deflect attacks on its reporting on immigration
It appears that some complaints are considered more valuable than others having had my complaints about the same issue fobbed off with generalised platitudes
So BBC lied again, I am wondering if President Trump has grounds for libel and or slander against the BBC over the last year or so ? That would be an even better event than the Cliff debacle, and I am sure he can afford bigger and better lawyers than those the BBC use to bully anyone who dares complain against them
Would make for a good long hot summer, maybe a jumbotron in the park for the Bank Holiday weekend?
Come on Donald-now`ll be a good time to finish off the BBC!
Globe theatre would be good where one of the BBC editors had to stand up in front of him face to face would be interesting,
What’s your point ?
Newssniffer shows the edits
That`ll be roughly 15% of their “listeners” withing a year.
If we draw a graph, and we assume its exponential, that means we`ll reach the Newsnight baseline of one tranny and his cockapoo still awake by…well before Heseltines State Funeral anyway.
only works if x is positive and I find little to be positive about
Thanks GW.
“we’ve lost 800K listeners”
Interesting use of the word ‘lost’. Also used by Theresa May when refering to the Manchester bombing, when we ‘lost’ 23 of our people. And perhaps the BBC funding should be reduced accordingly to reflect the smaller audience (ideally to zero).
It`s at that fourth line of theirs, that I knew we were being subjected to BBC fake news(is there any other option these days?).
It was that bit “The BBC understands” that confirmed that it was and would forever be lies from start to finish. The BBC understands that Jimmy Savile was not a paedo, but that Cliff Richard is-in their Peoples Court anyway. No-the BBC will understand nothing until a few of them are hanging from a mast and by their tongues.
Doesn`t Donald Trump get stick when the KKK are bundled in with those deplorables of Hillarys ravings?
Yet when Corbyn is praised by them, well-can`t see anybody at the BBC ever mentioning this to the Jew baiting lefties that they suck and sup with.
Convenient eh?…how come anti-Semitism doesn`t get you kicked off your Islington allotment then? It would round here.
Your mention of the KKK reminded me of when I was a 16yr old lad (mid 1950s), I was working on a building site. The concrete paths to each bungalow were being laid by a one man band – company?
After laying each path “the company” would leave a sign reading – KEYPOFF! At the bottom of the sign was the letters KKK.
When I asked the Company Chairman- while he was sweating his bollocks off mixing concrete – “what did the KKK stand for”? he , without hesitation, informed me that KKK stood for Kelly’s Konkrete Kompany. He had a distinct Irish accent. Thank you Mr Kelly, wherever you are. Memories are made of this.
The radicalisation of Safaa Boular: A teenager’s journey to terror
Another victim it seems ? the BBC machine works to deflect blame again, even after a life sentence handed down Tommy Robinson is never a victim ..only a perpetrator
BBC report : April 2017 – five bangs rang out as heavily armed police fired CS gas into a suburban home. As the officers broke into the property in north-west London, a 21-year-old woman was shot.
Screaming in pain and in anger, Rizlaine Boular was dragged to the street to receive first aid.
“Don’t touch me, my body, don’t touch my dress,” witnesses heard her shout, as she wrestled feebly with the officers
Feebly ffs another muslim potential murderer arrested and already we are invited to feel sorry ?
BBC report : More than 50 miles away, Rizlaine’s mother, Mina Dich was arrested outside the Medway Secure Training Centre – a youth prison. There, her daughter Safaa was already awaiting trial, having just turned 17.
Just turned 17 hmm lots of 13 year old girls in this country traumatised who receive no such weasle words of comfort….
BBC report : In court She stood there in a smart black mini-skirt, top and cardigan, with highlights in her hair. She was polite but firm – softly spoken, but clear
far right Tommy robinson who has never plotted to kill anyone was arrested and imprisoned within 5 hours no such description of his appearance….
Safaa’s life worsened at 14. She was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes, requiring a lifetime of insulin injections.
Oh for fucks sake now its diabetes that caused it …
Don’t envy the body cavity team when l’Aboot sets off the x-ray machine.
BBC report : When Safaa Boular, now 18, eventually took to the witness box in her defence, she was every inch the professionally minded student.
Brilliant can we martyr her anymore ?
Compare and contrast Tommy Robinson far right ex football hooligan no consideration or sympathy for ANYTHING
“four legs good two legs bad”
BBC : “black good, white women OK if they are with black man, white men bad”
You’re not going to believe this but there’s a story that ticks both the immigrant and bent boxes, but the BBC aren’t covering it.
Remember the delightful homo Shrien Dewani, (family got rich stuffing old people into their care homes) he ,allegedly, killed his bride, and bought himself a not guilty verdict somehow.

Newlywed ends up dead
”While sightseeing in Gugulethu, in Cape Town, two armed men hijacked the vehicle the newlyweds were in. The driver was thrown from the vehicle, and Shrien Dewani soon followed him.
The next day, Anni Dewani was found dead in the boot of the car – a single gunshot wound to her head.
It could’ve just been a random act of violent crime, so often experienced in South Africa. But once the investigation got underway, the story became a lot more twisted.
According to the taxi driver, and one of the men involved in the hijacking – it was all a setup, a ruse made to look like a random criminal act, when in fact Shrien Dewani had arranged for his wife to be killed.
Shrien Dewani implicated in her murder
After a convoluted legal battle which moved from South Africa to the United Kingdom and ended in 2014, Shrien Dewani was eventually acquitted of orchestrating the murder of his wife.
Still, innocent in court does not relate to innocence in the eyes of the public. Many people believe that Shrien Dewani was in some way involved in his wife’s murder and that he managed to flout justice.
Newfound love
It’s eight years later, and Dewani is back in the spotlight – this time for his new romantic interest.
It would appear the former murder-accused millionaire has found love again, after being spotted in public with his new boyfriend, Gledison Lopez Martins.”
It must be after a passport for it’s new ‘boyfriend’, next year – so better make it public now to have it on record..
Advice to new boyfriend: don’t go to SA for your honeymoon.
Only the BBC would preview their interview with the head of the Armed Forces, as being noteworthy for his not wanting soldiers to be subject to litigious and wicked complaints like those farmed by Phil Shiner, those faced by Alexander Blackman.
Martha Kearney somehow though this to be a matter foe debate, something that might get us all arguing out here,
Which says all you need to know about what the BBC thinks is a matter for controversy, for discussion. That Nick Carter sounded like a Common Purpose social worker, as opposed to military leader worried me. The BBC probably think that he`ll be just what Corbyn will be wanting come the glorious day.
Historical note, not about the BBC.
About the Pearl Harbour Attack.
The FDR US Government, lefty traitors to a man, had a problem: their beloved USSR seemed to be crumbling when attacked by Germany. Further US problem, if the Japanese also attacked the USSR, the USSR would definitely collapse.
The USA put a total oil embargo on Japan, this would have stopped Japanese industry.
The proud Japanese chose to attack the mighty USA despite being greatly outnumbered, outgunned and already involved in other wars.
Japan chose to make a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, FDR and co were delighted as this gave them an excuse to enter the war, a war that FDR had assured the USA that their sons would not be sent to fight in. The reason FDR could be delighted was that the US was reading Japanese cryptograms.
FDR kept secret this knowledge of the attack and c3000 US citizens were killed. FDR pretended this was a surprise, and made his “day of infamy” speech.
A FDR placeman was sent to “investigate” the attack and reported that the fault lay with the Army and Naval Commanders, said officers were hung out to dry.
Still rumours about US foreknowledge abounded and there were nine more subsequent inquiries into the attack.
I am sure many BBBC readers know the story, please point out any errors above.
Now the reason I am relating this nearly eighty year old story is that a great deal of time, money, work and lying was performed to prevent the truth about the Pearl Harbour Attack becoming known to the people.
One oft performed, and successful, tactic, since most witnesses were in the US military, was to “transfer” potential witnesses. The investigator would travel half way round the earth to discover that the witness had been moved to another US base, rinse and repeat as necessary.
This was brought back to me when listening to Tommy Robinson today. Exactly the same tactics were used to make it as difficult as possible for him to receive legal advice.
The proud japanese, dont start me on that, my wife family came from Nanking, I can show you photos if required of japanese burying people alive, having beheading competitions and group rape sessions with women hogtied in seats at waist hight for convenience, yep they are a proud race
The Japanese got off lightly in the end. Very few of thousands were prosecuted for war crimes.
Russia was the new enemy in 1945 and the Americans needed Japanese bases.
Always something wrong with the japanese, even now
The Japanese still refuse to acknowledge the Rape of Nanking… The few witnesses who attempted to stop it were ignored for many years after the end of the second world war ended, largely due to members of the Japanese royal family being the commanding officers under whose direct orders Nanking was `made an example of`… John Rabe was even held and questined by both Russian and Americans for possible War Crimes and was left destitute uuntil the people of Nanking found out and sent him what little they had and even offered him a new home in the city… Also there was an American lady whowas once the headmistrerss of a Girls School there who committed suicide soon after returning to the USA after finding nobody wanted to hear what she had seen, same with a Doctor who was there too… The Japanese have no honor there is nothing honorable about murder of innocernts…..
it was equivalent to the holocaust in viciousness and inhumanity, the scant regard for the life or dignity of the victims, the only difference is, I am pretty sure most people are completely unaware of this yet we never fail to be reminded of the former, for what reason I struggle to understand
Estimated death toll between 350,000 – 550,000 … in eight days… did they ever fully investigate the mysterious demise of Iris Chang???
I strongly suspect if the victims were any other race we would never hear the end of it with memorial days
It is difficult to not appear racist when I make a comment on the violent propensities of those we welcome into our country, maybe it is worth elevating the debate into a more philosophical nature, there are a few outstanding crimes in this country that caused GENIUNE horrror and now it seems day to day for example:
A man who threw a seven-month-old baby and its mother out of a window has been jailed for life.
Sean Ziemelis also gouged the boy’s eyes and strangled him after using cannabis, Luton Crown Court heard.
The baby suffered superficial injuries after he was caught by a crowd which gathered underneath the window of the first floor flat in Luton on 1 August 2017.
Ziemelis, 31, of Reginald Street, Luton, admitted attempted murder.
He also pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and common assault.
Prosecutor James Lofthouse said Ziemelis had taken cannabis the previous night.
‘Dangled from window’
At 02:00 BST on 1 August, the child’s mother found Ziemelis with his thumbs in the baby’s eyes. She screamed for help and he started to strangle the boy, the court heard.
The 31-year-old then produced a knife and was hit with a piece of wood by the baby’s grandmother before throwing her across the room. The baby’s mother was punched until she fell in and out of consciousness.
I leave it to the rest of you to comment
A good excuse to use cannabis then? I can get away with murder!!
Beam me up.
The crime of ‘Islamophobia’.
Does this crime exist in any other western country?
This is relevant to Tommy Robinson for the future.
Islamophobia ? funny we have antisemitism rather than racism now islamophobia rather than women as property, death to homosexuals and christians, funny old world
Compare and contrast as our teachers used to say :
And they all say Enoch Powell was wrong ? how much evidence do they need ? 4 people stabbed lots of blood, also lots of blood in London every week
“Rivers of Blood” anyone?
Tommy Robinson was brought up in Luton. He knows what he’s talking about.
I rest my case, M’Lud…
Dover Sentry
Not good enough.
Yours ever , Jean Claude Drunkard.
Yeah. Funnily enough. That rings a bell. Ding! Dong!
The dregs of africa and asia with all their corrupt, violent, sexist, raspist, homophobic habits to enrich us, and now special schools apart from british people (how does that work then ) thank you tony blair you should be incarcerated in Bury Park road luton for a couple of years as penance (mAybe your daughters will get enriched tied to a bed with a bunch of …waiting to use them) but no you will sit in your smug mayfair apartment and look upon your magnificent achievements, rot in hell you bastard
You may well think that. I couldn’t possibly comment.
5 likes says it all
Dodgy BBC math or dodgy BBC English (some grammar for a change)? You decide.
First Specsavers Test, Edgbaston (day three of five)
England 287 (Root 80, Ashwin 4-62) & 180 (Curran 63, Ishant 5-51)
India 274 (Kohli 149, Curran 4-74) & 110-5 (Kohli 43*)
India need 194 to win
This from the 100% perfect and 100% accurate and very wealthy and very myopic BBC.
They need to get to Specsavers. That ‘advertising’ is just for them.
I sometimes visit Specsavers and find them quite helpful.
I know several folk who have found that true of Specsavers. Haven’t used their services myself but when my optician retires I may need to. Am sure my roofpreading has slipped recently and my trypewriting keeps miixng things up.
Have the BBC hired the Abbopotamus for Test Match Special?
Bring back Bill Frindall.
RJ, you gave me a chuckle. Well, India needed 194 at the start of their Second Innings, and at close on Day 3 they were still 84 runs short of their target but they did not get them on Day4. 🙂
Bearders may well be smiling, while turning the pages of St Peter’s records up there, checking on career averages and so on.
An answer to your dilemma:
There we go, even in the 1970s it was allowed for people to express their opinions but, as can be seen quite clearly from Basil;s face it was even then challenged, nowadays a police car and arrest…..unless of course one of your workforce was physically assaulted 3 months ago …hmm still waiting for a response to that yet our muslim population is allowed to express their disgust about homosexuals and jews and the rest of their intolerances quite openly
“…yet our muslim population is allowed to express their disgust about homosexuals and jews and the rest of their intolerances quite openly”
Our christian population express their disgust quite openly;
“Fundamentalist clerics furious as gay sauna, The Cage, opens in Derry
‘I know from 15 years in ministry with the Bethnal Baptist Church and 20 as a Christian that the kind of debauched behaviour that goes on in these so-called sling rooms is detrimental to everyone who follows this kind of lifestyle… Make no mistake, we will oppose this sordid, sinful carbuncle on the face of Derry in every way we can.’ “
Word is that you have been part of a cut back programme from the Cover up for Jimmy Saville Broadcasting Company. Good to see you back. Got some bias to report on your pals?
People talk about 2018 Britain
Maxi links to a story from 2011 in Northern Ireland
All is however now fabulous there.
The idiot on newsnight signs off talking to Brian Stelter from CNN with the words….”Good luck with the mid-terms”. The level of disinformation,deceit and just downright lying is breathtaking in its scope. Everything Stelter said was a lie. Everything the BBC interviewer asked was a leading question, designed to evince the same anti-Trump message they pump out 24/7 365 days of the year…and they wonder why people despise them.
I agree that this I,s great evidence of bias …but al Beeb will claim An unbiased badge by taking the poison down