Yesterday saw a clear admission by the BBC of its political agenda – it took down a cartoon from Youtube aimed at children extolling Multiculturalism. How much did it cost ? Who authorised it? Where did the idea come from ?
The BBC claims to be transparent and responsible- but that is clearly a lie .who is to hold it to account ?
we need to remember rare admissions by the BBC of what they are doing to Britain so that when there is a reckoning we can provide the evidence of their bias
Not by Dianne’s count! And nor is Holly number two!! The logic behind this is all prizewinners need to be Black and vote Labour and appointed by Dianne.
Number two now Al Shub!
Silver medal.
Bronze lol
Great respect to Al and Holly.
And well done to you Captain Panick, without you none of this might have been possible.
Al might be Bannister, but I`m Chataway and Brasher.
Both in nature and -well, which ever one came second anyway.
And Captain.
By way of my training-this was a good bottle fo Wetherspoons Rose shared with the girls at `spoons last night. And most of a salad with a side order of kebab too.
Recommended-and will now do the same next week, lets hope Fedup2 is inclined to repeat his wonderful timing as `spoons throws us out
Shout out to Sarah behind the bar at the Ritz in Lincoln…we did it babes!
If we can lose the last glass and be home by 11.30 next Friday-well, dare I dream of podiuming, medalling or whatever they do these days?
AND-will I be eligible for Olympic Funding here? Team Lincolnshire!,,,until my holiday anyway.
Holly, as we say here in France. Mercy Buckets. Bon Jovi. Adam Ants. Old Goat.
James Purnell, former member of the anti-Semitic Labour Party, was appointed as Director of the BBC’s Political Correct Education Agenda, responsible for child propaganda cartoons on Youtube extolling Multiculturalism. I presume Lord Hall has given an unlimited budget for Purnell’s political ideas.
Cartoon on Zimbabwe. Say what you will about Mugabe getting rid of “the white man” at least it means the public there don’t have Owen Jones and the like showing up on TV to demand a second election.
Not reported by the BBC:-
92% of whites eliminated from Zimbabwe.
White genocide continuing in South Africa, not surprising since this is SA Government policy.
Newsnight heads to what used to be its safe place.
However, comments….
Aaaah! Poor wickle boy. Is that nasty Mr Trump saying nasty things about you that you need security for your bruised egos? Trump isn’t going against tbe press in the next ballot; the press are already going against him. If the “gentlemen” of the press don’t like the President calling them out then stop lying about him and encouraging and supporting violence against his supporters.
“you need security for your bruised egos”
Quite so, that’s all it is, he people aren’t taking the msm pronouncements as gospel anymore. Good!!
“you need security for your bruised egos”
Quite so, that’s all it is, he people aren’t taking the msm pronouncements as gospel anymore. Good!!
There are two meanings you could take from Stelter’s words: His meaning is that the President’s words are giving ‘journalists’ concerns for their safety, which is rubbish as the scorn directed at people like Acosta at rallies is done with humor by the attendees, not with anger. There is also a second meaning, unintentional to him I’m sure, in that there are genuine concerns now about national security (Brennan, Clapper and co still having security clearances) that were normal practice in the Obama administration. I know which meaning concerns me more…
“We’re not on the ballot”
This is exactly the point which the left-leaning media tend to forget, both in the US and in the UK. Could it be that were they to examine their own houses they might find it was their tendency to assume the role of unofficial opposition to the right that was causing friction and it was they who were transgressing the previous accepted norms?
An open goal thanks.
Do I win a prize?
Will have to get a T-Shirt with this on.
So we`ll recognise each other this summer along the beaches and piers of the UK! We`ll need it for when we`re forced off-grid.
Guest Who- very few of us get a catchphrase.
We`ll be your pantomine crowd…all my friends know it now, and I always tell them of the comedy great who fist came up with it.
Too kind (blushes).
Not sure it was an original, but if it serves I am happy to be associated with it.
In a febrile world of debate I have found understatement to be actually one of the more potent tools.
Those one hopes will ‘get it’ do. Those one could care less about either don’t or can’t easily counter. A win x 3.
Not O.K. for MSM jounalists to be targeted but it was O.K. for the BBC to make older people feel unsafe by stirring up resentment after the Brexit vote when they repeatedly blamed old codgers for ruining da youf’s future.
At least Lara has avoided saying her views are her own.
Can she-does she talk out of it then?
Any other orifices that she makes hot air and noises from is never put up by her like is it?
I just hope she doesn’t use it for playing ping pong!
I have to say, I’m not even remotely interested in her vagina, and if I, a heterosexual male (albeit in the tail end of my reproductive years) am totally uninterested, who might be? Other women? None I know! Nothing would make any of the women I know run away faster than a woman talking about her vagina.
Being all biological about it, vaginas are wonderful things, source of sexual stimulation (hopefully for all involved), conduit of childbirth…. but, beyond that… there really isn’t that much to say about them, is there?
There isn’t even that much of them on the outside (even less if you come from a culture that practices FGM), unlike the penis and scrotum, which are almost entirely external, the vagina is far more discreet, and thus has historically attracted far less attention. They haven’t been ‘ignored’ due to some evil plot of the Patriarchy, look at how much men have said and written about breasts over the millennia, no, vaginas have been ‘overlooked’ because, quite frankly there really isn’t that much you can say about them.
Sorry if any of this is grossing anyone out, I’m quite sure there shouldn’t be any part of the human body which can’t be talked about – especially when dealing with: medical matters/teenage worries/sexual health/barbaric cultural practices etc…. but, quite honestly, who the hell wants to read about this woman’s vagina?!!!
‘The radicalisation of Saafa Boular.’
Her only religious instruction was what she found online! Of course! She did not discuss it with anyone in her close-knit community who might tell her how wrong she was? She was so extreme as to plot this terror yet did not mention this burning rage to a single member of her mosque etc? She must have been itching to tell someone about it. Surely the words of actual leaders in her community would trump the rantings of some random individuals online?
She did actually tell a diverse social worker who decided it best to keep quiet, diversity being somewhat less than celebratory in this instance. They kept very quiet in Rotherham as well.
When I see young girls online they seem to always be looking at fluff on social media etc. Weird how in ROP communities they spend their online time reading religious texts, researching to such an extent that they are prepared to die for their new found beliefs. I would hazard a guess that ‘online radicalisation’ played no part at all and it was in fact fellow British ROPers who inspired her.
Nothing to see here! Go back to bed, Britain; your national broadcaster is in control. If we just cleanse that pesky internet we will be fine.
Wonder if I could sell “radicalisation kits”-and the necessary antidotes that are “anti-radicalisation kits”?
The pump has already been primed if you are a 3 or 4 year old child being brought up in a devout muslim household. If your parents, brothers, sisters are all praying 5 times a day, performing all the customs and rituals required, santifying the koran as a book, and inshallahing and mashallahing all day long, then you are being exposed to a level of religiosity that has not been common in the west for centuries. If the koran, and so Allah, says kill the kuffar it is not surprising that those desparate to please their deity see it as a religious duty and that the natural disinclination to kill is in this case a weakness that has to be overcome. Abraham to please god was about to sacrifice his own son Isaac when god relented at the last momemt. Western media types don’t understand the power “old time” religions can have over their voteries. On LBC last night, the presenter?dismissed Batten of UKIP’s claim that Mohammed was a paedophile as “absolute bonkers stuff”. He does not seem to realise that Mohammed is the perfect muslim and copying him,, as Blair would say, is definitively “the right thing to do” for muslims.
I suspect she, and her radicalisers, were radicalised by a certain radical book.
Yes, we are always being told about the evils of “hate speech” and incitement.
Somehow religious incitement to murder non-believers is not even illegal let alone “hate speech”.
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people are willing to risk life and limb to come and live among a nation of racist haters. Surely they and we would all be much happier if they remained with their own kind.
Yes, have just switched on LBC and there is a whineathon about people of hue having to work twice as hard and be twice as good as whitey to get on. Actually, learning to speak english would help a great deal.
These people must be really slow learners or masochists if they haven’t caught on yet that Britain is a xenophobic hellhole where people of colour are oppressed and marginalised.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I resent that.
My father came out of WW2 with no advantages whatsoever, the war having brought his full-time education to an early conclusion. Nevertheless, he got a clerical job at the town hall and spent his evenings studying to become a surveyor. I came along in 1950 and we spent the next few years living in very basic rented accommodation. It would not be acceptable today. He progressed, did OK, and never complained. He never got anything for nothing.
This is probably true of many people from 1945 onwards, but the implication that we enjoyed some sort of “white privilege” makes me very angry indeed. I hope nobody ever dares to say it to my face.
Well said Anne. A different generation entirely. Most of Britain were in the same boat in that era, living from hand to mouth and just getting on with it.
Maybe the whingers should be told in no uncertain terms ” There’s a ship leaving tomorrow for Paradise. Be on it!
In the case of the Oxford gang rapists they telephoned their wifes while fucking a 12 year old white girl and gave her as a present to their teenage sons and took her out of school in their taxis in the middle of the day, no one said anything isbn 978 1 78606 513 1 “Please let me go” Caitlin Spencer
One review : This book should be read by every English parent, grandparent, guardian, or simply anyone who wishes to protect their child or nations children from rape Jihad in the UK.
The rapes still continue, even now in 2017 men of “Asian” (we all know what that’s code for) are still being convicted today in October 2017.
Please, if you are the parent or guardian of a child in todays Multicultural Britain I beg you to read this book, and if not for that reason, then buy the book to support Caitlin Spencer financially.
Knowledge is power and to be forewarned is to be for forearme
Wouldn’t it be just fabulous if Donald Trump invited our Tommy Robinson to meet with him in the White House.
stay tuned
That would be a massive mistake, it would fuel the assertions of the left wing media that Trump is racist, a stance which they will always pursue regardless of the actual facts.
Comments suggest the bbc have tried, and failed to whip up a storm in a sandbox.
A woman has become the first person in Denmark to be charged with wearing a face veil in public, after a ban came into effect on Wednesday.
Local media report a 28-year-old woman was fined after getting into a scuffle with a woman trying to remove her veil.
Police say they were called and when they reviewed CCTV, informed the woman she would be charged if she refused to take her niqab off.
The new law has provoked protests and criticism from human rights groups. well they would wouldnt they, no comment on obeying the laws and intergration of the country they immigrate to
Try wondering around Saudi Arabia in a bikini…
Other countries are available.
Yep, that just about sums up the attitude of “human rights groups” and our never to be trusted MSM.
Truculent Muzzie woman not permitted to wear a veil, they’re all over it. Expect mass squealing from the Indie, Guardian, Sky and our beloved BBC. “This is Islamophobia.”
On the other hand…
Innocent patriot imprisoned on a trumped up charge, kept in solitary confinement, sweating in a tiny cell for 23 and a half hours a day, abused, mistreated, his food pissed on and half starved…
“He deserves it!”
That’s a manifestation of TDS. Not Trump Derangement Syndrome, but Tommy Derangement Syndrome. There’s an epidemic of it in the usual places but the best example I heard was Nick Ferrari on LBC while interviewing Gerard Batten MEP and leader of UKIP. When it comes to Tommy Robinson, Mr Ferrari is a bigoted ignoramus.
I think Madgit on LBC would trump Fatso’s puerile wafflings.
Much to my enjoyment, the first caller asked Madgit why Madgit was never referred to as “Madgit Nawaaz, former member of extreme islamic organisation” while TR was always referred to as “Tommy Robinson former founder of extreme right wing EDL”.
As usual, Madgit never gives a straight answer to an embarrasing question. He blusters and says that this was all dealt with in his book “radical” (neat product placement) and then says, as usual, that this is “his programme and he determines what the topic is”. Although I thought these tete a tetes where supposed to be “conversations” rather than “interrogations”. The organisation in which he was a star recruiter was Hizb ut Tahrir and he also spent some time in an Egyptian jail. Pot kettle black?
Even more fascinating was Madgit’s attempt to smear TR.
Some woman Lucy Brown , supposedly TR’s assistant or aid or “member of the inner circle” or something had fallen out with TR for reasons she could not clarify. “Freedom of speech” or something. Anyway the basic thrust of this “orgy of sour grapes” was that TR was using his wicked, rightwing popularisn to enrich himself in some unspecified way. Talk of rich donors and the working class being exploited.
Anyone know the real story?
Usual Madgit dross.
When the Moslm Bro suggested introducing the veil in Egypt in 1958 everyone laughed.
Link back to Page 3 of the Midweek thread
Where Maxicony has turned up to scatter his dirt.
I wasn’t planning to post this morning, or even today, (places to go, people to see, jobs to do, etc., etc.) but then I remembered something truly groundbreaking that I heard on the BBC. It was, effectively, part of the TOADY Programme, too.
The weather forecaster in, I think, the pre-8am forecast stated that despite the advent of Global Warming and Climate Change we have not seen the high temperature record for a country in Europe (he did not define ‘Europe’ but never mind) broken for four decades.
Think the forecaster was Philip Green (is that right?) and presumably is no longer at the Met Office? Did some of the Beeb-oriented Met Office people transfer to the new ‘supplier’ Meteo? Or do the BBC use a mix of their own and Met Office people for weather-casting while only using this MeteoGroup for the web-site? I must look into that.
No doubt Paul Homewood will tackle the weatherman’s statement for veracity. If correct, it was a remarkable thing to say on the BBC.
Bit like some of the comments in the past from one or two Panel members on Gardener’s Question Time about Global Warming. Those and the weatherman’s today must lead to a little wincing in some offices at BH. The Horrorbin will not be too pleased, either.
No doubt an edict will be delivered from on high: “Stay with the programme!”
Despite the current anomaly in temperature, Portugal has had a relatively cool summer, this year, thus far.
Indeed, OG. That’s the problem with ‘The Programme’. The BBC, anxious to promote AGW/CC, have to find something – anything – upon which to peg the doom laden scenario. Sudden heatwaves with a spike in temperature are ideal.
If instead, they merely reported and questioned, they might be on safer ground.
The drought in the south-east of England started way back in April. They have not mentioned that apart from an occasional whinge by The Humph about the colour of his lawn. We had another drought and an excellent summer in the south-east last year. Not as hot, but it didn’t get much coverage. Probably because not many other parts of the UK did anything like as well.
Hungover, happily slept through the Toady show, what else is there to do?
Was it global warming day again?
I though it being Waitrose Day, they`d have been banging on about plastics not getting filtered fot the Chinese mines properly.
Did Helen Boaden get a lobster pink bingo wing in Umbria last week then?
THAT`S when global warming tends to make “the news” on a Saturday snooze.
As for melting plastics in the heat?…yogurt lids falling off as you cycle to Maida Vale for example?
Well THAT will combine these two “stories” for next time.
Can I be a Today editor now?
In the case of true golbal warming anyone with an education would know that the North Atlantic drift (the gulf stream) which warms the UK, will fail due to dilution due to melting polar caps, and our climate will then cool in the UK as we are in a similar latitude to Canada
Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment raises serious questions. Here is Paul Weston.
He points to the Moslem Home Secretary, Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) who needs to answer questions.
We need to question further. Why was Javid appointed as Home Sect? Will anyone in the House of Commons ask embarrassing questions. Guilt is with Treezer as well as Javid.
The media is a disgrace, from left to right, including Melanie Phillips ( spouse of a Mr Rozenberg)
Weston claims Javid swore his oath on the Koran
Since he is not a practicing Muslim this sounds surprising
I see no MSM report that says that
Here is a detailed page of video which claims to be proof
Stew, I think the Home Sec has said he is a practising Muslim. His children are being brought up as such.
He is entitled to choose what he swears upon when entering Parliament, in a similar way to a Juror being sworn into Court for a trial.
To me the video looked as if he was swearing on the Koran.
In 2017 he was awarded the prize for Muslim politician of the year. As a non practicing muslim he should have politely declined.
There is a doctrine in Islam known as Taqqia which allows followers to lie about their religion.
His persecution of TR fits with the policies of Islamic dictators rather than UK law.
His appointment by Treezer is a good indication of his Moslem politics.
Now for my prediction. Leader of the Tory party who can rob Labour of a large chunk of the moslem voters.
Will the price they pay in the loss of other voters be worth paying?
He has said ‘No religion is practiced in my house except my wife’s Christianity” AFAIK
In print, Stew? You could be right then. Still doesn’t mean much to use the Koran for a Parliamentary Oath.
On the Beeb, I recall him saying he is a Muslim. He was ‘profiled’ shortly after appointment by BBC R4. Not long after, he revealed on air that his brother, a policeman, had suffered discrimination. Think the brother is a practising Muslim and the new HSec very much identified with him at the time.
The heat of Windrush 2018 was still being felt.
Certainly Wiki has him as a nominal Muslim (ie. non-practising) but it also has this “At the age of fourteen, he borrowed £500 from a bank to invest in shares and became a regular reader of the Financial Times.[6 – source is BBC!] If I recall correctly that is either impossible or illegal or both and may say more about the BBC and Wiki than Javid.
Stew .. I don’t have a link but I have seen a video of Javid being sworn in at sum point, probably after the GE, where the fella wearing the wig doing the swearing in, asks Javid what he wants to swear the oath on and he said, very quietly, the Koran. The whig then said “would you like to pick it up yourself?” .. …
Yes see the link I posted after Paul Weston’s video
Stew … this is the video link … Gavin Williamson ends his swearing in and just as Javid gets up they cut to another camera but you can hear the woman asking him what he wants to swear on and he says the Koran. This is said very quietly. She then asks him if he will pick it up and it shows him picking up the Koran.
This can be seen at 14.17 minutes into the video.
Everything is orchestrated if you are prepared to lose the scales.
@oldcrone Yes there are videos in the page that I posted the link to August 4, 2018 at 10:21 am
above your post and 2 hours before
That shot is in the page I posted at 10:21am
27s video
Also here is a direct link to that point in the your video where he whispers “Koran please”
We need, for a moment, to disregard the identity of the Home Secretary, for -no matter who he or she is- they need ultimately to be held to account for this alleged series of breaches of procedure and infringements. If Mr Weston is right, heads need to roll. If necessary, Mr Javid needs to resign. The ‘chain of command’ will lead all the way up to him.
Prisoners have Human Rights and the State has a duty of Care. An investigation by parliament into the alleged events, is urgently necessary. Abuse of prisoners, possibly by top holders of positions in the prisons authority, is quite unacceptable.
As far as I know courts and prisons come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice.
The Home Office deals with the police.
Of course the various ‘agencies’ and ‘bodies’ are forever being moved around and re-named (and the staff changing) so as to obfuscate.
I have seen, on another forum, that G4S does not provide a service for Onley but that it is directly under the Ministry of Justice. Perhaps that is why he was moved there ?
theisland, you are right but HS is the senior ‘Minister’, it all falls under his/her umbrella.
However, there has been a tendency in recent years of Home Secretarys to try to be less directly involved (and ‘some’ might say accountable) in the Policing and Prisons aspect.
Didn’t help Amber Rudd, though.*
Think the A-G is a servant ‘to’ Government (responsible for the legal bits plus advice plus sentences) while the HS is ‘of’ Government, one of the ‘Big Four’; First Secretary, Chancellor and Foreign Secretary being the others.
*Am I allowed to ask, as fifteen days are not yet passed, has Fran Unsworth resigned?
Could be a big compensation claim. TR better get in quick to file it in the EU.
G.W.F., thanks for putting that up. I think the Home Secretary is not the only person with questions to answer at this stage. Primarily it should be the Government’s Law Officer, the Attorney General.
The Rt. Hon Geoffrey Cox QC, MP is the man to go to for questions of procedure, Human Rights, the sentencing, the Contempt rulings and punishment and the conduct of Judge Marson.
The Home Secretary’s involvement would be rather more secondary, around the behaviour of the Police at arrest (was it ‘wrongful’?) and in the Prison Service.
Perhaps we are seeing a glimpse of something wider than the roles of the Home Sect or Mini Justice, but rather a united front involving the Cabinet, media, judiciary and if I may add, the Jewish Board of Deputies (sadly) who are all committed to some deal with Islam.
Separation of powers — my arse.
Don’t know, GWF, but it was a most peculiar case. There is a book in it. Maybe two.
Anyone on here know anything about the Secret Barrister?
I skim-read something he/she had put up about the case and it rang a warning bell. The only, very quick, check I had time for suggested he/she was not totally on the legal ball.
What is Cox’s record as an upright and honest person? His character is unpleasant, but that may not be important.
Thank you GWF.
A devastating listen, will learn these questions by heart and get friends to ask them too.
Thank you again , and thanks Mr Weston.
An Ezra Levant kind of performance, we`ll never see Paul on MSM, so great to see him at this blessed site.
Paul Weston – truly excellent. There is somebody else who makes videos commenting on these trial, very calm and analytical. Fellow with glasses. Does anybody know his name or where to find him? The only clue I have is the word “Politico” somewhere on the screen.
This week’s RAJAR ratings figures showing a huge drop in audience figures for Radio 4, and the Today programme in particular, are worth serious analysis. Even the Beeb has been forced to issue a statement saying nothing remarkable, actually an increase in listening for Radio 6 by those aged 18 and 25, so move on.
I don’t think in the case of Today it is just the new editor’s fault, rather the rapid acceleration of a new cultural understanding in the UK. People can no longer take a relentless diet of guilt-tripping diversity. The BBC World Service used to be about Britain telling the rest of the world of our life and culture. Then it flipped and rolled over entirely and we became the subjects. Now the World Service has been joined by Radio 4, and we are patronised by ceaseless in your face multi-culturalism. (And dull too.) We have to be re-educated to start relishing the new non or anti-British reality, much of it invented by the BBC and the metropolitan elite.
Those plummeting audience figures are not an aberration but an accelerating trend, as the slump in BBC TV audiences also indicates. They are however masked by the greater number of alternatives than radio. Look however at the pathetic figures for most widely plugged new Beeb programming. Any hint of being lectured and the audiences don’t hang around. Need more detail on individual BBC programme failure to oblige a licence fee review. No audiences: No compulsory charge (and no jailing of dissidents).
Last time I checked audience figures were misleading
It was something like a regular listener wasn’t someone who listened 4 days out of 5, but 30 minutes in a month.
Sure, Stew, the RAJAR numbers are a loose measure but they hopefully have measured in exactly the same way over the whole period that RAJAR has been doing it. If that constant is there, then irrespective of listening time measure, the TOADY Programme – previously the star in the R4 firmament – is falling on hard times over the past year.
The Church of England has massaged their statistics in a similar way, changing the definition of “regular churchgoer” to produce a favourable result.
Framer, “I don’t think in the case of Today it is just the new editor’s fault”
I’m going to disagree with you there. While there were obviously long-standing serious problems around TODAY with, for example, James Naughtie the evidence appears to be that the audience fall and the astonishing rota of new faces presenting, together with the content becoming openly political and hostile both to the Conservative Government and also to Brexit, coincides with Sarah Sands time as Editor in Chief.
Secondly, there has to be accountability at the top now, especially as the BBC has campaigned heavily for selective political resignations (often on somewhat spurious grounds), again since Sarah Sands became Editor in Chief.
I would like to know how much contact there has been between Sarah Sands and the current Editor of the Evening Standard.
I would agree with you that the problem extends across Radio 4 and I think Gwyneth Williams has been a total disaster in post as Controller. In the current climate it will be a brave male DG who has to call in two top female BBC people and tell them they have been and are doing a poor job and really do need to leave and try something else.
While I have no problem with Chief Executives not being prominent and remaining in the background, the only time we see Lord Hall is when he is out asking for more money for the BBC. He, too, needs to get a grip or he or the BBC, or both, may be done for.
James Naughtie was doing a Yentob musing about the opera or arts on his old show the other morning. Humphrys closed the piece with that respectful hushed tone that follows whenever a great man speaks.
Anyway Naughtie`s been watching plenty Mary Poppins, for he said that things were calam and placid in the run up to World War One.
Maybe for you Jim-but my history books say rather different, with gunboats on the Mersey, Riot Acts read in London and the Fenians pretty much doing what jihadists do today.
Good old Jim…Mr (Money) Banks in his pinstriped velveteen pyjamas. What are we paying him-how many “Yentobs” is he pocketing to be the Fat Tub of the Opera?
It`s a unit of currency.
Holly, am reluctant to post rumours but there have been ‘wonderings’ around the corridors of a certain building in central London about how someone so poor as an interviewer could stay in post on a flagship news programme requiring, well, interviews to be done on a regular, several times a programme, basis.
I think traditional Radio 4 listeners are fed up with being fed what SJWs think important. Book of the week seems frequently one set abroad, often in the Middle East, the play following the Archers will often been about white middle class men being nasty to women and a feisty woman fights back, gardeners’ question time has to have its quota about both climate change and how a plant disease can be treated without resorting to nasty chemicals (when in reality many of the organic treatments can be inefective), etc etc. the whole of Radio 4 is agenda driven (thanks James Parnell?) and people are increasingly fed up with it (not just the ones who visit this site) and they are voting with their feet – or at least the off button. Let the BBC continue with this because the time cannot be far off (even in the left wing world of Theresa May) where the BBC is seen as unimportant.
“BBC withdraws educational film about immigration that claimed Britain was ‘multicultural long before curry and carnival’ after bias complaints”. Educational for who? Children of course, “… aimed at GCSE pupils”. Migration Watch steps in to halt the fakery, thank goodness.
As most other currently controversial topics where the “Worlds Most Trusted” BBC, now blatantly lie with impunity, if someone/some organisation of weight steps in, they halt or modify their lies.
It is getting much worse even on the radio which is all I am prepared to expose myself to and even then in very short periods of time, mainly headlines.
Uhoh. The big guns are out…
We ought to get a petitiion going to send Lammy to Zimbabwe where he will no doubt be very happy.
What was his Mastermind score again?
And how many Grenfell victims did he claim to know?
Are we talking above or below the Abbott plumline of genius-and should we not be doing a scale of these very special Labour types?
The Magic Mittens Index, it deals with sub-zero and negative IQs.
“nationalist caveman”
Next time Lammy has ten years to spare he can buy five tons of paper and fill the years, and the tons of paper, with a list of the achievements of “cavemen”.
Or he could take a postage stamp and fill one corner of it with a list of the achievements of his people.
Good old Lamey, totally the wrong end of the stick, as usual, he’s really not that bright is he?
The white British indigenous population can only take being treated as a minority and pantomime villains for so long before kicking back
I do hope the, “kicking back” occurs soon and in my lifetime so, armed with walking sticks, I can willingly participate!
Well, it has been years, so far, so when is the action going to take place? Has anyone the faintest idea?
Standards appear to be slipping at The Times. In a report on ‘toxic bickering’ between heart surgeons at a top London hospital, patients lives are apparently being put at risk due to ‘tribal-like activity’.
Oh dear, what ever could they mean by that?
Maybe the mixing of surgical races?
WTF, are they insisting on halal hearts for transplant now ?
Hopefully left un-nibbled by a cousin the bbc felt whose story needs be told.
Does one carve his name into them, and the other one not?
Spike Lee has a new film coming out. How do I know that? It was advertised on the TOADY Programme on the BBC, who are not supposed to carry advertising.
It is called BlacKkKlansman (I believe that spelling is correct) and the story is of a couple of policemen who infiltrated a Colorado group of the KKK, the US so-called ‘white supremacist’ organisation.
As part of their advert, the TOADY Prog interviewed one of the policemen, who was of African origin. He rightly said of the KKK that ‘they were not the brightest light bulb in the socket’. As his tale unfolded, I laughed, because it appears that the Colorado Police Dept. is obviously ‘not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer’.
Their infiltration plan nearly came unstuck because of the difference in voice between the African-origin cop, talking on the ‘phone with David Duke, and the voice of the cop of Caucasian-origin who actually, physically, infiltrated the KKK group.
I wonder why the Colorado Police Dept. just didn’t get the ‘white’ Officer to do the infiltrating, leaving the other BAME Officer to carry on with other policing duties, whereupon there would have been no risk of the different voice identities leading to discovery.
Maybe I’m missing something there and need to see the film.
Not the sort of film I would go and see but if it turns out to be another All The President’s Men or Five Billboards then maybe I would enjoy it.
Unfortunately, I have a lingering suspicion that it may well turn out to be a Turkey from Albuquerque.
Is this paleface cultural appropriation?
Blacks pretending to be white, so it seems.
Corbyn will be happy to hear the KKK get a plug though, they rather like his views on Jews I understand.
They’re all piling on the bandwagon now, especially in areas that they know will cause public concern.
The unbiased, objective, Nuffield Trust on healthcare post Brexit –
In the Times today there is a beautiful example of a liberal sneering whilst keeping their head buried firmly in the sand. The columnist is Janice Taylor who pours her liberal bile all over Tommy Robinson and takes a swipe or to at those of us who believe that he talks a lot of sense and has been targetted by the authorities for telling us inconvenient truths.
What is it these with liberals? Why can’t they see that the facts against mass migration are overwhelming and that Muslims in particular pose a real threat.
The authorities remain determined to silence Tommy and those who voice similar views. But events keep on proving that Tommy’s worries and warnings were correct. Throwing Tommy in jail on trumped up charges without a proper trial has only made more people , both in the UK and abroad, aware of his views. The more the authorities try to suppress the truth about the incompatibility of Islam and the West the angry ordinary people become. We are living on a powder keg and the behaviour of the authorities is only going to increase the likelihood of a really bad ending.
Michael Morpurgo gave a 10 minute propaganda message about remaining in the ReichEU on Friday night.
As usual it was Project Fear – he claimed to speak for all of us – but his language betrayed his truth – he didn’t mention his EU. He wants us to “Think Again “ and stay in their ReichEU.
Such a talk it to be expected from an Al beeb than needs to put a banner on its website saying “ why it can be trusted “ .
But my point is this – if liars like Murpurgo are allowed free air time to try to convince us to change our mind on Brexit – where is the Right to Reply ? It
Should have followed his propaganda essay , but it didn’t .
As an aside he didn’t mention –
Free movement crushing public services
The cost
Fishing / agricultural policies
Pay undermined by cheap labour
Guest workers with no loyalty to UK
Towns overwhelmed by Guest workers
The bullying of Brussels dictatorship
The controlling hand of the Reich
I could go on but you know the rest .
PS – the talk next week is more of blithering Morpurgo – this time about peace . Perhaps he’d better shut up .
He sounds like he had been promised a peerage for bitching about Brexit
Any full grown minor public school boy who elects to dress in red from head to toe, like some low rent DJ, deserves our withering contempt. He certainly earned mine some time ago. What a prat.
Her Twitter thread on the topic
I expect she gets a kicking in the article’s comments
She certainly does get a kicking. Her article is unremitting liberal bile about Tommy and anyone who thinks that he has a point let alone supports him whole heartedly. Of the top twenty comments , some with over 350 likes, only one, ranked fifteenth, is not supportive of what Tommy has been saying over the past years.
The obvious answer is that this Janice Taylor person must support the mass rape of little white girls.
If she is so against Tommy then that is the only logical reason.
Am I missing something?
Maybe she is a typical airhead virtue signaller who has no idea what she’s on about, only that she thinks it makes her look good to other people who are not as good as she is.
Janice has the same kind of connative dissonance that all the libmob get from being in their own false bubbledworld and then it brushing up against reality.
So the piece is an angry rant that contradicts himself
“A cunning media operator” (his homecoming video)
..then in the next sentence she berates his Leeds street video as “… intimate, CONSPIRATORIAL and amateurish, which implies an authenticity lacked by dishonest professional journalists”
Ah her CONSPIRACY theory is that he is amateur shots are deliberate cunning
She barks about the right team including Milo and KT Hopkins “none has true popularist legs”
KTHopkins gets enough Twitter likes to put her in the top 3 female British journalists
Her next sentence says “24% would vote for an anti-Islam party”
..see what I mean ?
I made so many typos
\\ Janice has the same kind of cognitive dissonance, that all the libmob get from being in their own false bubbledworld and then it brushing up against reality.
Not only is the piece just mostly ad homs it’is an angry rant that contradicts itself.
eg “A cunning media operator” (his homecoming video)
..then in the next sentence she berates his Leeds street video as “… intimate, CONSPIRATORIAL and amateurish, which implies an authenticity lacked by dishonest professional journalists”
Ah her “CONSPIRACY theory” is that he is amateur shots are deliberate cunning
eg2 She barks about the right team including Milo and KT Hopkins “none has true popularist legs”
Then : Her next sentence says “24% would vote for an anti-Islam party”
BTW .. KTHopkins gets enough Twitter likes to put her in the top 3 female British journalists
..see what I mean ?
Update So the smear “Girlfriend beater has been removed”
Hundreds of tweets have put that point to her
Almost all politely, occasional ones have name called her this morning, but not really hatey.
Yet she has not responded(probably on legal advice) instead she has had a 6 tweet exchange with Owen Jones.
..Well that’s bad cos that shows she only engages with the lib bubbleworld.
The Censorship of intellectuals is the main problem with these ignorant low IQ liberals.
High IQ Mensa members and Scientists are only a small 2 percent minority, who have lost power to the left-wing middle class liberals. For instance the middle class people in Yorkshire with low intelligence seem to have disappeared down south after completing courses in Arts, Media, Humanities and Social History studies, etc, at University. Unemployable, they can only obtain University, Government and Media jobs. Therefore we have a generation of ignorant low IQ people in powererful positions who think this power proves that they are superior in intelligence to the rest of us, although I do admit that they do recognise that Black people seem more intelligent than white middle class liberals.
I don’t think people like Janice Taylor listen to or understand what is said by Tommy Robinson as regards mass immigration, Jacob Rees-Mogg as regards the governance of the EU, Gerhard Gerlich as regards the Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics. Ned Nikolov as regards the Greenhouse Effect being in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. The brother with the brains, Piers Corbyn, talking about the Solar Wind and the front, back and sides effect as regards the position of the Moon and its influence on the weather. Or the brilliant insight into Climate science as regards Donald Trumps deduction that man made climate change is a hoax.
All that above is censored by Liberals, because middle class Liberals are inferior people who have somehow found themselves in power.
Being ignorant, all they can do with that power is to us it to censor out knowledge, while at the same time, write and talk emotional bullshit about their fears for the future, in the left wing media and on the BBC.
Update on the Janice Turner story : It’s been materially edited, which is the first sign of admitting libel
Previously the article accused Robinson of being a girlfriend beater.
It’s all on the TR Facebook page
The only pro Janice comments assert that TR was late
and it was the Times that broke the grooming gang scandal in 2012
but another commenter says
\\ The Times is commended for having broken the news of the grooming scandal in September 2012.
See Jeremy Paxman interview Tommy Robinson on Newsnight on 2 Feb 2011 (19 months earlier!). Note how Paxman gives no credence to Tommy Robinson’s assertion that the pimping & raping of underage white girls happens at the hands of Muslim gangs (Paxman: are you saying there are no white gangs?).
Spot on response from TR:
“Are we going to pretend that Muslim groups are not out there targeting our youth and pimping them”.
And still we have idiotic articles like this one (with its supporters!) that continue to assert that TR is nothing but a thick racist thug who runs a sunbed shop (absolutely risible this last jibe, a reductio ad absurdum of the whole calumny!). //
I haven;t checked those dates I think the Times report was in Jan 2011 not 2012
In the Times this morning the weekly column by Rod Liddle is suggesting that the establishment should listen to TR because he may have a point and speaks for a lot of people .
Rod goes on to say that during his time as Today or PM editor at the BBC he was approached in the 99’s by a chap claiming that Muslim rape gangs were running riot but he didn’t think the chap was credible so did nothing. (Perhaps there was more of not wanting to rock the boat, or perhaps BBC standing orders forbade any probing into Islamic matters that might be problematic. But Rod is not admitting to any of that) . So we can be certain that all the MSM knew about the industrial scale rape in the 90’s but kept silent for fifteen or twenty years. If the MSM knew then the authorities knew to. So the whole stablishment knew about industrial scale rape by Muslims for maybe twenty years and did nothing. Worse than that they tried to suppress news of it and persecuted victims rather than the perpetrators. And these very same people expect us to trust them now! Clearly our leaders have failed us , all of them, time to get rid .
“And you join us in this incredible World Cup final where it’s the 80th minute and Russia and beating England 15 to nil
.. What’s this ? a surprise substitute is making his way to the pitch, patting a female fans bottom as he comes
… My word it’s Saint Brendan Cox of Hatey No Hopers United.
The referee is checking his boots
… Oh my word an incredible move by Cox
instead of taking the centre kick, Cox has now walked over to the Russian captain and shouted “Racists !”
Well, that’s it the crowd is roaring, and the World Cup is being brought onto the pitch to be presented to England, as the referee has stopped the game and declared them the winners”
..Shouting “racist !” that game winning move.
Yesterday (Friday) I think I was listening to PM with Eddy Mair when news broke of Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘apology’ to the Jewish population of this country. I am not sure really what his article was really supposed to be but he couldn’t really expect Jews to believe he would do his utmost to stop anti-Semitism in this country should he become Prime Minister – he cannot even stop it in his own party and as he is an anti-Semite, although he doesn’t understand the term, he has no will to stop it. But back to the PM programme – the excited report of his article, which I think was reported as ‘breaking news’ was cock-a-hoop as though this article was offering something new and would make everything all right. I wanted to know more, so stupidly switched on the BBC1 6pm news to learn it. It was obviously realised somewhere in the leftist BBC (there are still quite a few Jewish people in the news rooms of the BBC) that the article wasn’t what was first appeared. So the report on the 6pm news was taken as far down the running order as the editor dared take it and watered down to as little as possible. I learned nothing and it was obvious to even the BBC that this article (in the Guardian – where else?) was worthless. This morning on the Today programme the only Jew even the BBC could find to support Jeremy Corbyn sounded about 16 years of age.
It was so obvious that the BBC had been fed the line by the Labour Party that this article was an important one that they ‘broke’ the story as quickly as they could – didn’t take long to realise it was worthless.
Lefty libtard types have been getting away with shouting racist/ facsists etc for years and for years it unbelievably worked. Things just may be changing. They actually mention Tommy Robinson at the BBC now and with Corbyn obviously an anti semite and trying to bring a good man like Frank Field down the likes of Owen Jones have been shown up as the utter w@#*ers they are by shouting names at anyone who disagrees with them.
In the Guardian today.
Seraphima Kennedy (potted biography, but do not waste your time it’s exactly what you expect).
“Grenfell was a forseeable, entirely preventable tragedy. Here’s the proof.”
No proof offered, plenty of “It’s the fault of the Tory Government”. No “Local Government to blame” whatsoever.
Because your thesis is nonsense, events in the past are not preventable.
Seraphima, apart from your ignorance of logic, for someone who makes a living teaching “creative writing”, you have limited writing skill.
Here are two examples of highly skilled authors, writing about the impossibility of turning back the clock.
From The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (translated by Edward FitzGerald).
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
Richard III, Act IV.
“Look, what is done cannot be now amended:
Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes,
Which after hours give leisure to repent.”
Mark, learn and inwardly digest.
“If America leads a blessed life, then why did God put all of our oil under people who hate us?” Jon Stewart
The representatives of the world’s press gathered for “Dateline” seemed to take as read that Pres Trump would not complete his first term.
I follow US news fairly closely, admittedly with a pro-Trump bias, but I have not read anything to suggest that Trump’s enemies are anywhere near a “Gotcha”.
Am I missing something?
no. Trump is winning bigly and in total control. He can choose to declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant any time. The fact that he hasn’t shows they haven’t got a leg to stand on. Also the Manafort trial is going very badly for Mueller. Then we have the outstanding Cohen tapes that Giuliani wants out there as the expose the MSM once more as the lackeys of the deep state. If the Constitution allowed it Trump would be there till he drops.
Kingpin and Nisa,
I hope that you are right. I look at the massive forces ranged against the President and I am fearful. They will stop at nothing to get him legal or illegal and I certainly think that they would frame him if they could. If all else fails I wouldn’t put assassination past them. This isn’t politics , it is an existentialist war between the Globalist establishment and the people represented by Trump. The Globalists are allowing the left to do the fighting but they are the ones who are in charge and consist of both establishment Democrats and Republicans.
NISA, you ain’t missin’ nothin’, that’s for sure.
Since Shakespeare was quoted above, I’ll just add that the frantic worldwide media attack on Trump is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Douglas Murray telling it the way it is yet again. Our waster Prime Minister and Home Secretary should hang their heads in shame.
They have no shame.
Therefore their hanging must be arranged by others.
That is a long queue behind me!
17 410 740, 17 410 741, 17 410 742.
Isn’t one of the BBC’s objectives to educate?
Why then this tosh?
You do not wax a vagina in the same way that you would wax, say, a leg.
As it is labelled for “young adults BBC3” it is pandering to modern parlance where “vagina” is used for the whole of a woman’s genital area. Wouldn’t it be better to inform its readership of the proper anatomical terms?
The BBC, like the Daily Mail, are obsessed by vaginas, willies, periods, and anything else sexual to either titillate themselves or their audience, or for the sheer hell of indulging in effrontery.
Ah, but today the D/Mail has an excellent article by Sue Reid (no fake news with her), on the invasion of Spain by illegal African immigrants.
She states that “Josep Borell, the foreign minister – of the new left wing government, denied the country was experiencing ‘mass’ immigration and said Europe needed new blood to compensate for a low birth rate”.
Well, lets see how many rapes and assaults by the ‘new blood’ arrivals it will take before the Spaniards take to the streets.
Times front page : Sajid Javid has begun an investigation into his department’s handling of forced marriages after The Times revealed that abusers are being handed visas to travel to Britain.
a comment \\ ‘Redouble our efforts’, means what?.
More resource. more checks.
It is pays to be cautious on knee jerk reaction from politicians. //

Tim Booth on how Donald Trump ‘sneaked in’ to James’ new album
By Kev Geoghegan Music News Live reporter
Never heard of him or his band.
‘Singer Tim Booth wants to make it clear that his band James’ latest album, Living in Extraordinary Times, is not an album about Donald Trump.
Well, not entirely.
The opening track Hank makes no attempt to pretend it’s anything other than a full-on musical assault on the Trump administration.
To the beat of a room-shaking, militaristic drum section, Booth sings about “white fascists in the White House”, adding lines about the Black Lives Matter protests (“bend your knee and stand your ground”) and the rather stark declaration “this president’s a dangerous tool”.’
white fascists ?
of course the BBC don’t call him on it..
”The Bradford-born singer, who left the UK for his adopted homeland around the time Barack Obama began his presidency”
Around the time? – meaning he decided to move there when George Bush was still president..
White flight boy from Bradford ..
“We complained about the MPs’ expenses, which were minimal really. But over there nearly every politician is receiving millions from wealthy individuals and corporations to help them get elected.”
err, I didn’t think that’s the same thing.
“I know a nanny who hasn’t seen her kids in 10 years because she fled El Salvador. Her kids are there and she makes money and sends it home every week.”
There’s no war etc there just gangs, so Fled why?
but leaves the children behind…
No chance of the BBC asking
It appears that the sitting down, next to anyone and everyone and sharing and talking is over? Finished?
Just another washed up, over privileged and out of touch ‘celeb’, jumping on the bandwagon in the desperate hope of another fleeting second of fame.
All happily supported and encouraged by the BBC… so long as they’re spouting the ‘correct’ message.
Page 2 The BBC’s woman in jail in Iran
Sajid Javid will decide soon on this suggestion
\\ Grant diplomatic protection for Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe.
Show #UK will stand up for British citizens illegally taken captive by #Iran’s IRGC. //
BBC woman held illegally in Iran : libmob say move Heaven and Earth
TR the non-BBC an held illegally in Britain : libmob say “he’s guilty anyway, join us in casting stones at him”
Poor old Naz is off the BBCs rolling boil.
That`ll be because Boris isn`t on the hook for it any longer.
No scalp? no point as far as the BBC are concerned.
Former BBC isn`t she?
Maybe BBC hacks might reflect on how their employer treats their own when it suits them.
Unless they`re Jimmy Savile.
Benetton are back stirring with controversial adverts

Isn`t that one in the middle Lauren Harries? Sex change antique boy who says he was tupped by Russell Brand?
Not Chalkie White, but at least I`m trying.
That’s just Benetton doing anything provocative to catch the eye and sell more.
Reminds me of the Black and White Minstrel show with Lesley Crowther and Lenny Henry.
One lot evolved Black skin at the equator, the other lot evolved White skin in the cold northern latitudes. They met in the middle due to slavery, the white ones were the masters and the black ones were the slaves.
Due to evolution, the equatorial regions are the white mans grave, and the northern latitudes are the only safe place for blacks to live, because of the nice white areas and also because the horrible equatorial regions are to dangerous for Blacks to live in, due to lots of knifing and shooting to death of Black people by Black people.
But this is now happening to London. So because the horrible London region is now to dangerous for Blacks to live in, due to lots of knifing and shooting to death of Black people by Black people. Liberal policy dictates that they must now be moved to nice White areas, like were Lord Hall lives, so as to be safe.
I think it looks scary. Particularly the ‘person’ second from right – male/female ?????
God, I’m old enough to remember when male models were mature blokes who advertised cigarettes or were pictured on the covers of knitting patterns.
They’ve got a long way to go before they catch up to the SANEX adds! !
If it takes these kind of drastic measures to remain in the UK then – so be it, says this 9-pack of deviants!
Is this famine porn? Quite frankly, they all need a decent meal.
Meh, yet another photo of multi-hued neuter freaks, child like in their pathetic, starving forms, and bizarre lack of normal adult sexual characteristics, involved in some weird kind of kinky naked ‘group hug’?
You do have to wonder who exactly works for these advertising companies, other than titillating perverts, what’s the point?
When your work visa is up, you and your family have to leave the country
..You can always pull the
“My 9 year old son is a chess prodigy line”
Didn’t someone do similar 3 months ago ?
Back in 2015 Owen Jones demands that Guardian readers and progressives* must get the UK out of the EU.
Would Owen dare to publish this in the Guardian today? I’m not saying he is full of shit and a coward, just asking.
*a progressive is someone who wants to take us forward to 1974.
Oh dear! It appears they have the work experience interns in at the moment.
‘I discovered my aunt was murdered in a book’. (BBC web-site Home Page)
“What, you mean, like, …. literally?”
Times gives 2 pages over i a lecture by Ed Balls
…courtesy of BBC PR dept ? I guess
Stew, that’s interesting. Charlotte Edwardes in the Evening Standard did a puff piece on Ed Balls yesterday. This media thing plus the wrestling stuff makes me wonder if he is trying to get started on ‘doing a Trump’.
Either that, or he is hoping to get a part next to Jennifer Aniston in a ‘Friends’ revival.
Quite an achievement of the Today programme to lose 15% of its listeners with its rinse, spin and repeat endless recycles of 2016.
Why don`t we employ the BBC at our borders, with their interminable moaning about the NHS, globular warnings and why the plastic knife needs to be less sharp, with melty plastic to prevent diesel fuels casuing madness in surgeons.
To prevent knife stabs and lettoer opener abuse-let Harrabin weave his magic on that crop of bundly bollocks. Stream of conscience ramblings that Harrabin is allowed to label as science.
Did he even get a GCSE in it?…even an RSA one?
If the BBC were droning at the borders not only would nobody come into the country-but 15% of people we don`t want might well scoot off back home.
Worth a try.
Feeling hot and bothered? Here, cheer yourselves up with Tommy telling the beeb: why would I have anything to say to you, all you do is lie!
It has to be up there with Trump telling Sopel, ‘another beauty’.
(Posted earlier, but never ceases to amuse)
vlad, yes it’s a great moment. Tommy Robinson wouldn’t let the ‘media’ propagandists ask him a question and just kept drowning them out by declaring, “All you do is lie.”
At the end a woman asks something like, “Don’t you have anything to say?”
Tommy: “I’ve got plenty to say, but nothing to you – to the British public!”
Well, it seems to me that more of the British public will be listening to what Tommy has to say than what the BBC and the rest of the motley propagandists have to say.
The BBC prove his point in that very article. It begins by stating the he “admitted the charge”, while part of the appeal judgement was that the charge was never properly put to him.
All I can say is halleluyah to that short clip. If only somebody in the so-called Conservative Party would follow suit and just blank them for interviews. Issue a statement that they peddle traitorous fake news, and that the BBC will be abolished, summarily, on the first day of a new administration. Just imagine how many votes that candidate would get.
Cheers for that Vlad, brilliant clip and certainly a guilty pleasure as you say up there with Sopel and The Donald and I would also think it ranks up there with Jordan Petersons demolition of Cathy Newman.
If Cathy had been there maybe she could have helped the greasy BBC hack out a bit – Along the lines of “So what you are saying is that we are a collection of loathsome, lying traitors”!
Which is nice.
Thing is, bbc journalists do make choices. Major ones. What goes in, what stays out.
Love this GW!
“Journalists don`t choose what happens”…etc, etc….
But editors do, and the hacks get sent to report what their network seeks to promote for itself.
Makes you wonder what we`re paying them all for and at such cost if they`re such passive dupes of happenstance.
Seems to me that the likes of Rob choose Grenfell and not Bradford…Jo Cox and not Kriss Donald, Orgreave and not Aberfan, Leveson and not Cjiff Richard, and so on.
Tommy Robinson?…not as long as Lee Rigbys butcher needs some orthodontics, not that Amnesty give a stuff about what happens only a few miles away from their own offices. Those poor Rohingya eh?
“Passive dupes of happenstance” sounds about right. Because anything else would surely be, umm…. extremely dangerous to our democracy.
Ten things that are extremely dangerous for our Democracy.
(1) Continued membership of the European Union.
(2) Continued existence of the House of Lords into the 21st Century.
(3) Continued existence of the BBC.
(4) Common Purpose leadership training of Civil Servants to replace service to the public with service to the elite.
(5) A Canadian in the Bank of England who is trying to stop Britain gaining the same freedom that Canada has, by trying to spook the stock market into a crash, using “Project Fear“.
(6) A “Project Fear” of the unknown due to Remainer ignorance of the higher standard of living in territories similar to Britain but never having ever been a member of the European Union, due to the fact that they are not loonies, paying billions to trade, with a trade deficit with the EU.
(7) Opposition to Direct Democracy.
(8) Not respecting Referendum results.
(9) Attempts to set up a “Ministry of Truth” to ban all lies, by closing down the Internet, Phones, Pamphlets, Pamphleteers and paper manufacturers. And then possibly the teaching of children to read, write and talk to each other. Although they will still be able to watch the propaganda pictures on the BBC.
(10) Progressive left wing education which uses the censorship of knowledge to keep young people ignorant of all the nasty undemocratic things liberals do (see above).
This may be politically incorrect so far as the BBC is concerned.
BUT I wanted England to beat India today, unlike former
ENGLISH test cricketer Ebony Rainford -Brent . Who on BBC
Radio 5 live Sports Extra commentated that India have just enough
batting that I think it would be GREAT to see them change history
and win at Edgbaston for the first time!
That’s the plan for the great replacement. Every subject has a British passport but they need have no allegiance to the culture and values that bind us as a nation. I’m just coming to the end of the ‘Waterloo’ by Bernard Cornwell. When you read what boys as young as 12 were prepared to do for Britain and the selfless suffering they endured on foreign soil for their country it makes you weep to see where we are going. All that sacrifice for nothing.
Replying to Kingkp
‘Waterloo’ is a fine book, but I don’t believe the sacrifice was for nothing. It’s my love of military history that gives me a sense of belonging an yes pride in this country. If you read a book like ‘quartered safe out here by George McDonald Fraser about his experiences in Burma you realise what decent people went through and how they have been let down by this country. It makes me weep, but in god’s country (taffman is my neighbour!) we are fighting back. BTW Cheers to all on this web
site for making me know that I am not alone special shout out to the ladies as I am one of the sisters.
Diversity? 10,000 people gather in Bradford to mourn four boys who committed suicide by racing their car into a tree. But not a white face, or a woman, in sight.
He added there were questions that needed answering, but “that’s not for today”
Were they members of a jihadi rape gang?
And no-one to speak for the poor tree (the Sheffield save a tree mob didn’t travel as they have an easier opponent with the city council)
I cannot beat vlad below, although I suspect many of us will steal his superb comment.
Some trees are androecious, with only male flowers, it must have been one of these, evil, white, male, trees, which did a triffid impersonation and walked into the path of innocent citizens going about their lawful daily business in the middle of the night at 100mph.
I hope I am helping the BBC in its honest efforts into establishing the truth of events.
What were they doing, practising for Ram-a-van?
us against them syndrome so much for their Brihish passpots bruv
I spotted my mother was watching this repeat from Nov 2017
\\ Blitz: The Bombs That Changed Britain is a stirring account of quiet heroism and plucky British resilience //
ep1 East End London
A journo called Ritchie Calder spotted that hundreds of people sheltering in a school were a sitting duck for German bombers
..Sure enough hundreds died ..and many others were left with almost nothing as their homes got detroyed
– And these snooty people working in government hospitals didn’t want to help.
(Oh you mean a ‘Class War’ ..sounds very Labour)
– And then and Henry Willink MP – (Actually a Conservative MP) got on the case and said there must be a national welfare system
And he led the call for a National Health Service.
… Hangon : Hey is this true or this a PR narrative on behalf of the Labour Party ?
They assert that Britain had two founding seeds
: Windrush and the founding of the NHS, the Labour founded NHS
A Telegraph commenter says
Ritchie Calder became a socialist & internalist on the circuit and became a Lord in 1966
I saw that last night, (for the first time), and thought it a strange little programme that started out as a Who Do You Think You Are and then turned into a vehicle for the BBC’s Calder Family at which point it became very fanciful.
How did Ritchie Calder know that the rescue centre was going to be bombed? Unless he was a forward air controller for the Luftwaffe putting down target markers that was just a worry. That part was very BBC ‘journalist’ of today, the 20/20 hindsight, the Grenfell Tower ‘authorities should have known’ stuff. We got all the calls for humane actions and infinite resource stuff that we get today. Bombs and people might not respect local authority boundaries but the realities of resources, people and budgets, do, unless everything is moved up to national (international) government level.
Clearly ‘government’ wasn’t prepared, and why should they have been? They had expected far higher casualties and the use of gas, probably as a result of the experience of front-line conditions in the Great War. (Planning during the Cold War wasn’t much different, we will be exterminated, just record the damage as long as we are able). But ‘the community’ knew better! No it didn’t. It did what all homogeneous societies do, it improvised and did what it could. A direct hit on one of these functioning shelters would have been just as devastating as the hit on the school. So far so normal!
Then along came Henry Willink. What went wrong there? Did he get a part because the programme was made last year and the ‘Fifty Years of Labour’s NHS Great Celebration’ hadn’t been circulated among programme producers yet? Would he have been written out if the programme had been made in 2018 as he didn’t fit the narrative?
As with ‘Grenfell’, and it seems to be a ‘leftist’ trait, they are all for ‘the people’ yet ‘the authorities’ are people too, the ‘pen-pushers’ and ‘bean counters’ are an essential part of a functioning advanced society, not noticed when things work and reviled when things don’t, especially by the journalist and legal types that get to comment at leisure after the event.
As the nation approaches Brexit and freedom, Al Beeb, Carney and the remainers will go flat out into overdrive to give us Mega Project Fear. Just watch the media in the next month. They will be in a state of panic .
We won’t leave! The establishment will find a way of keeping us in or getting even the weak Chequers fudge even more watered down so that we may as well stay in. What the media will be tasked with by the establishment is to find a way of convincing us that the outcome is entirely democratic and that the will of the people has been done.If the polls look very promising they may even decide on a second referendum to put the democratic seal on things but after the shock of the first result I think that they will try to avoid this. Whatever they do the people will have been screwed by the establishment. The long term consequences of this anti democratic over turning of the will of the people may be very serious. The people will come to realise that their votes means nothing, are worthless and who knows what happens then?
Who are the ‘men’ arrested for the murder of the midwife Samantha Eastwood ?
\\ The ex-fiance is 34 and the men arrested are 28, 32 and 60.
The ex’s brother-in-law, who has had police outside his house for a week is 32 and lives in the part of the city where the arrest happened.//
60 would be father age compared to 32
Miss Eastwood’s former fiancé, John Peake 34
see the Sun