High Summer . The bubble is away or writing columns about failed air travel. But the BBC carries on showing its bias . Perhaps it gets a bit easier for us because the interns are in charge ….
Start the Week Open Thread 6 August 2018
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According to Al Beeb, Carney says that Brexit is ‘undesirable’. Didn’t he admit he was wrong before?
Is he a ‘man of straw’ ? Is that why he was chosen as the Governor of the Bank of England? ………………….
Remind me, who chose him?
Dear Mr Taffman
Thank you for your enquiry. We are pleased to advise you that Mr Carney is a man of impeccable globalist credentials and we chose him for this reason. He worked at Goldman Sachs for 13 years, is a member of the Group of Thirty, is on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum and has attended Bilderberg Group meetings. He was appointed by George Osborne on our
ordersadvice; we were particularly keen that a foreigner is in charge of the Bank of England, as this undermines national sovereignty and authority. Incidentally, he is often described as a Canadian but I would like to assure you that he holds Irish and British passports as well, making him a true man of the World without any national commitments. I hope this information has proven helpful.Yours globally etc.
Goldman’s tentacles stretch far & wide in US Government circles and they do quite a lot of work for the UK Government.
Their tentacles also stretch elsewhere via past political adiministrations.
Speaking of which, The Ed Balls/Yvette Cooper show (bandwaggon?) is rolling on, courtesy of BBC R4 including the TOADY Programme this morning.
Dear Responder,
Thank you for your for you swift and succinct reply.
It would appear that those in power have put ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’ to look after ‘the old lady of Threadneedle street’? Do the cads mean to wreck our country and economy on the alter of the EU? What now for the term ‘as safe as the Bank of England’?
From a citizen who has been mugged for so long by Al Beeb.
What you say about Carney would explain his hatred for our Country and People. Really, the last thing we want in the BoE is a foreigner, an outsider with no idea of our customs or the Common Law.
We`re punching way above our weight here Deborah!
I dedicated my silver medal in the last thread to Danielle Dax.
Let`s hope your pay cheque from the boys matches what I know they get for writing here.
Might have to tell Carrie Gracie.
Wow-if I can get this right there`ll be three women in the top ten at the start of this blog. I`m behind Mrs Kitty, no queue jumpers.
Isn`t this one for Womans Hour-even those of us who hate the BBC are abseiling into powerful postions and breaking down the glass disco biscuits…well, we`ll get a female editor to make sense of this twaddle of mine.
Sarah Sands should be free soon, if Today continues to tank top.
This coming week the Remainers will get desperate they will try to undermine democracy by their treasonable call for another referendum, as the EU did with the other dissenters in Europe who were forced to change their minds.
You will get lots of so called “leavers” who were not really leavers at all, telling us they have changed their ‘minds’.
That’s why our Appeaser has delayed Brexit by …………over two years.
Anyone raised this article about Salvini yet?:
Written by James Reynolds (apparently his father was also a Beeboid?, strange that). It just reads like a cobbled together collection of every smear and jibe about the man Reynolds could collect from his vantage point in Rome.
Interviewees: Salvini’s embittered ex-wife, and the author of a book promising to reveal (nefarious) secrets about the man. Hmm… balanced then.
Lots of (malicious) rumours and a few quotes (taken out of context?), which mostly sound like Italian humour to me (their humour is generally ribald and crude, but not really cruel).
What do I think about the man after reading this impartial (sic) article from the BBC? Honestly, I still don’t know what to make of him, but such transparently blatant propaganda from the BBC is laughable.
Big Brother,
I tried reading it earlier on and got through about half of it before I just couldn’t take any more of James Reynolds’ smug piece of self-indulgent Scheiss. He probably thinks he is so clever but the article really is an undisguised and unadulterated piece of gutter journalism without even the remotest semblance of a veneer of objectivity.
Using the parlance of Cockney rhyming slang, the man is a Berk and one of the highest order at that.
In 2001, James Reynolds was sent to Jerusalem to work as a BBC Middle East Correspondent. Then following persistent complaints of anti-Semitism from the public and Israel. In 2004, Malcolm Balen was commissioned to write the Balen Report. The contents of the Balen Report remain secret because of the BBC’s legal obligation to be seen to be impartial, and therefore Mr Sugar could have sued the BBC if the contents had been revealed. But then in response to the contents of the Balen Report, James Reynolds was transferred to China in 2006.
Dawn Sturgess had two sons with a man named Andrew Hope. Andrew Hope has worked for the UK based multinational military and cyber-tech spy firm, Qinetiq, since its creation in 2001. Starting as Avionics Instillation Manager, he worked his way up to the rank of Senior Systems Engineer. QinetiQ was formed in 2001 after the government privatized one half of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). The other half of DERA was renamed the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) Porton Down. QinetiQ is a private defence research arm of the government based northwest of Porton Down, at Boscombe Down Airfield. Ex-director of the CIA, George Tenet, was Non-Executive Director of Qinetiq Group from 2006 to 2008. Former US Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Stephen Cambone has worked for QinetiQ since 2007.
Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties, recalls envoy http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-45079682
Popcorn time
Richard, Fascinating speculation!
“Maybe I’ve dug to far and connected dots where there are no connections. Whatever the reason for this recent poisoning, we can be sure whatever the MSM tell us cannot be trusted.”
Corbyn ‘apologises’ over antisemitism again according to the BBC. Are they worried about that up coming Tory leadership challenge or something?
smoogie, the BBC are keen to get rid of Corbyn & McDonnell because top Income Tax rates will rocket under a Labour Government and McDonnell may not look with favour on Beeboids’ favourite tax avoidance vehicle, the Personal Service Company.
Could there be any possible connection between this from Ed Balls: “He also described Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership project as a “leftist utopian fantasy, devoid of connection to the reality of people’s lives”.” and the BBC’s current frequent running of a ‘Mr and Mrs Programme’ on a radio near me?
What a cosy confederation the BBC , Labour and university dons are . Jeremy Corbyn even looks like a lecturer .
Whilst professing social justice , they’re not averse to troughing it , rightfully in their eyes because they are for the greater good .
With the help of luvvies , Richard Branson types , senior civil servants and others , they were near to a post democratic age , when Common Purpose and Bilderburgers would rule us wisely and steer us into the sunlit uplands of a world of no prejudice .
Then Brexit and Trump happened .
I heard about five minutes of ‘Just A Girl’ on the radio last week. Forget the content, the script was so poor it sounded as if it was written by someone at primary school. Speech didn’t flow, just as though it were people speaking only reading from a q &a sheet put out for people thinking of transitioning. ‘How will people react?’, ‘What will it do to my body’, etc etc.
Not sure the House journal to the £150 per annum ‘free’ entertainer, educator and informer of the nation has given as much thought to this headline as it might.
The lunacy of this is that countries always spy on each other, so the media acting with a ‘it’s dreadful that the Russians are spying on us’ is just so infantile. The Russians will ALWAYS be spying on the US, just as the US will ALWAY be spying on the Russians. Likewise China, UK, Israel etc will be doing the same. That’s not going to change and these children in the media and politics need to grasp this fundamental point.
On from this, the notion that Trump (an Alpha patriot) would be working for Putin is just ridiculous and it’s only when you take a moment to step back from the coal face of political fighting, that you can see just how batshit crazy this idea is. How in the hell the democrats and the media have made this a thing is just insane.
What possible motivation would Putin have to want Trump in power. He already knew he could control Hillary by bunging her cash as he did with the Uranium One fiasco but Trump, seriously.
Why would he be pulling the strings to make the US economy bigger and stronger, why would he be wanting tougher sanctions than he ever received from Obama, why would he want someone ready and willing to drop bombs on his people, why would he want someone who has literally shaken up the entire world and is re-asserting the US as a kick-ass, take no shit world powerhouse?
Mr Gorka slicing and dicing a gibbering talking head on this was poetry, if painful watch.
If you like Gorka, there was a great skit of him on the Greg Gutfeld show. Go to 0.48 and enjoy.
Lol Gorka’s brilliant.
Payne, good post.
Remind me, who was tapping German Chancellor, Angela Merkel’s mobile phone and who was in the White House at the time?
Oh that’s a great point. I’d forgotten about that one.
So he’s secretly tapping the phone of seemingly the most powerful leader in Europe and also telling the Russian foreign minister that you’d have ‘more flexibility’ once you’d got the election out of the way (why would you have more flexibility Obama – you mean flexibility to do things that wouldn’t be popular with the electorate if they found out). And then just as he leaves (couldn’t do it during his 8 year term) decides to boot out a clutch of Russian diplomats just to nicely poison the well of good relations as he bolts for the door.
But of course, what am I saying, his administration was a model of transparent honesty and integrity.
Toady watch
Nick Robinson has issues. He launches a discussion on a clean brexit but cannot listen to a reasoned argument as Sir Bernard Jenkins tried today .
Thank God fewer people are listening to Toady because of fruit loops like Comrade Robinson .
If only there was a reasonable broadcaster who took their time the public would get the information instead of fear .
The beeb salivating over Trump ‘admission’ that his son met a Russian.
“This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere.
“I did not know about it!”
It’s a miracle Trump can operate at all given the colossal, unceasing attacks he’s been subjected to from Day One with the deep state and the media picking over every scrap to find some misdeed, like vultures.
And yet through all this Mueller and his team have still not spoken to the individual that Trump Jnr actually met.
R4..bigging up no deal Project Fear – stock up if no deal…
Then get Sir Bernard Jenkins in and try to stitch him up – so he makes the point they didn’t tell him he was on with another guest – puts them on back foot…good stuff. Then R4 say here’s the difficulty for listeners – Bernard says -” I think it’s the BBC actually” – excellent
Then Alison McGovern..a Labour Remainer… the fact is we have to focus on what the people of UK..jobs security etc” No mention of Brexit that was voted for.
I despair – this MP studied philosophy at UCL and worked as a researcher in HoC then in communications at Network Rail..and at a couple of charities…solid background
I suppose she was the only labour lightweight with the duty job of spouting unchallenged waffle on al beeb.
Some might say…. that broadcasters let people down discussing brexit before the vote. Yet they haven’t covered themselves in glory since b cause of the bias – which has caused more discontent on both side than it should have .
I suppose if full brexit plus 1 happens albeeb will be busily scouring Blighty for bad news to launch the ‘ rejoin the ReichEU campaign “.
Which is the more economically sensibly/likely – (a) we will not be able to buy lettuce from producers in southern Spain and will have to buy them from another source – or- (b) the lettuce producers of southern Spain will not want or are not allowed to sell us their produce and as a consequence it will rot and cause their businesses to fail.
So according to the BBC there will be no common sense involved in the resolution.
Spot on – the flipside of the coin never examined by the BBC.
JA, when I was a lad, too frequent job switches were looked upon with disfavour by potential future employers. The business culture has changed in the last couple of decades, true, but five jobs in sixteen years?
Borders, Territorial waters, Defence.
“Last year, the former head of the Borders Unit at the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) warned that “successive governments have dismantled the layered mosaic of border security” which once protected Britain’s coast.
The Home Affairs Select Committee has also said that the Border Force has a “worryingly low” number of ships to patrol 7,000 miles of shoreline. At one point in 2017, there were just three boats available to guard UK shores.
Former Head of the Royal Navy, Lord West of Spithead, claimed that outside of major ports, the UK was “highly vulnerable”.
For “successive governments” read “civil servants” or “special advisors”.
Did someone mention UK Border Force? I like photographs that hit you full in the face with their impact, how’s this for irony?
The older lady looks as if she is being poked with a stick…
Funny thing is you are not allowed to take photographs in this area so either this is a set up or border security isn’t very secure 🙂
Anyone tried to book an appointment with their GP recently?
Ever more Byzantine procedures, a mad scramble on the phone at 8am sharp, endless waiting and recorded messages, to finally be told the doctor will call back at some unstated time, to make an appointment weeks down the line.
Simple logic and arithmetic would suggest that the hundreds of thousands, the millions, of new arrivals to our shores must be having an impact on all services, including medical.
Thankfully the beeb is there to explain that mass uncontrolled immigration is nothing but a benefit to the economy, that furthermore all third worlders are doctors and therefore an asset to the NHS, and that the real problem is evil Tory underfunding.
Thank goodness for the beeb to put us right, eh?
“Ever more Byzantine procedures”
That strikes a chord.
My sister in law was diagnosed at the beginning of the year with skin cancer. In her case it is a basal cell carcinoma which, unlike a melanoma, is relatively common and rarely dangerous.
She is still waiting for treatment, which is irritating but not life threatening. However, in order to get to this present state of non-treatment she has seen no fewer than four doctors, and when she finally gets treated (promised this month) she will have seen a total of five doctors, unless the Byzantine NHS finds a way of inserting yet another time and money wasting stage into the process. She has also accumulated a pile of paperwork, much of it duplicated. Why, in 2018, does one NHS doctor have to “write” to another?
The NHS couldn’t organise a rice pudding, as they say around here.
One of my dogs was off her food so we took her to the vets who did tests, was not satisfied so she was referred to a specialist two days later who identified a tumour next to her brain. Recommended treatment was radio therapy which started one week later.
Can vets treat people? Can I have the name and address?
Strictly speaking no. Which is unfortunate as there are many illnesses affecting humans they could treat and do better. Just an example, my hand was bitten by a dog so I cleaned it up and put a bandage on. Several days later the pain had me off to the doctors who said it was healing up ok. I almost lost the hand and required weeks of therapy. My vet told me that I would not have had this trouble if I had recieved antibiotics. But the doctor would never do that because we are all becoming addicted to them, aren’t we and resistance to them is on the increase. My vet said he always gives them to dogs who have injuries from bites.
In the case of my dog, who weighs 70 k, the size of the machine for radio therapy was big enough for a human and as accurate, hitting the tumour from four directions and avoiding brain tissue
I’ve never quite got the premise that we are becoming resistant to antibiotics. If someone is on them constantly, then yes I could see that the body would start to ‘get used to them’ and so become resistant; but what about like me, who has probably had them around half a dozen times in as many decades ? surely my immune system hasn’t deteriorated so badly that it couldn’t take them ?
OR are pharmaceutical companies manufacturing a weaker formulae so they can charge more for high quantities needed ?
I think you need to look at it from the point of view of the bacteria rather than the people they infect. (If BBC employees can have points of view, I’m sure that bacteria can!)
It’s natural selection at work. Bacteria genes mutate on a random basis and produce numerous strains with varying resistance to antibiotics. By chance, some of the stronger mutations protect the cells from antibiotics whereas the weaker, or un-mutated bacteria, are killed by the over-prescribed antibiotics. This leaves the stronger, resistant bacteria with less competition.
The MSM tend to get it wrong. Hard to believe, isn’t it? They imply that antibiotics cause the bacteria to mutate. This is like saying that if you cut off the tails of 1000 generations of mice, it will eventually result in mice being born without tails. It won’t.
I think you’ll find that when city hospitals have the wrong ethnicity mix of staff on duty all they can offer is a veterinary service. Moan when it hurts and they’ll guess from there on in.
You have to pay at the vets.
They all know – as we do but are too scared to raise the issue afraid of being called a racist or worse have P Mandelson call you a nationalist foreigner hater…
The BBC need it to keep employing more people of the right ethnicity
Just returned from a visit to mine – no appointment necessary, sat in the waiting room (empty) for a few minutes, then he came and invited me into his surgery, had the normal “control” (once-over check up), wrote me new prescriptions for medication, and nurse home visits (for another ten monthly blood tests), and within ten minutes of arriving, was on my way to the pharmacy.
Mind you, this is France…
OG, you will of course have paid the doctor for this service, either in cash or Cheque. Just for comparison with the overwhelmed NHS, how much was it, and how much did CPAM pay back? Which service do you think is better?
A consultation costs 25 Euros. Around 24 Euros of that is reimbursed, almost immediately by credit transfer. The drugs, etc., are funded by the state (eventually by the Former UK) via my “Carte Vitale”. Additional and Hospital stuff is covered by my private Mutuelle Insurance (about 1K Euros a year, for an all-singing, all dancing one), but as I have a heart condition, all related medical care is paid for by the state. The mutuelle is a belt-and-braces thing…
Which is the better system? Good question. The French one seems clumsy, and you have to remember to take cash when you visit the doctor. However, you don’t get a waiting room full of malingerers and others, who are benefiting from free treatment.
OG, many thanks for the comprehensive answer. I think, like you,that I will remain here in France.
Mind you, this is France…
AND Britain up till as recently as 15 years ago !
An article in The Times today states 1100 BBC staff have grievances over ‘equal pay.’ It’s great to see them hoist by their own petard over this. As Peterson says, to guarantee equal pay requires a vast bureaucracy and endless wrangling over what constitutes equal work. Top trougher Carrie Gracie set a precedent by spuriously claiming she was hard done by and set in action a feminist heist of the BBC.
The BBC find it hard enough, but imagine how devestating such claims can be for smaller organisations? It is all a house built on sand: men and women want and are interested in different things thus disparities in pay and other areas are just and inevitable. Alas SJWs epitomised by the BBC have shrieked for so long that men and women are the same that opportunists and parasite lawyers will cheat their way to billions exploiting this ‘equal pay’ bullsh*t.
Carrie Gracie donated her ‘undisclosed sum’ to charity! Yeah, right – very convenient the sum was undisclosed. And it is a probably a trougher mate earning a similarly vast sum who runs the charity.
Carrie Gracie….who was she? Oh yes some no mark China editor that nobody had heard of until she resigned!! Ha ha resigned, since when has been taking another over paid position been called resigning..only at the BBC.
You will probably find (and I am not a lawyer or tax accountant) that if she gave a large sum to charity it saved her tax on even more..me cynical about BBC?
“…it is a probably a trougher mate earning a similarly vast sum who runs the charity.” Either that or one that acts as a ferry service from N Africa to Europe.
The feminists are silent about millions of rapes against working class girls. But when it comes to affluent middle class women wanting even more money they kick up one hell of a fuss.
To be fair, bbc anything factual is likely to be fiction.
Just as bbc entertainment is anything but.
Thanks. Good article.
“Now BBC History serves to distribute work within the BBC’s cabal of presenters and journalists, to elevate junior historians as long as they act as talking-heads for the liberal consensus, to starve rigorous historians of publicity, to pay off BBC insiders or loyalists with book spin-offs, to sully traditional fields with social justice, to rewrite history so that all problems can be blamed on conservatives, to use history as a platform for left-wing agendas.”
Exactly so.
So this ‘rural crime wave’ where big vehicles are stolen to smash open cash points etc . . . I wonder who might be behind this recent enrichment? It sounds like the sort of crime common in certain Eastern European countries. Apologies for such a ‘xenophobic’ observation.
The countryside used to be a safe space free from such multicultural delights but it has fallen now.
Or a certain group of people who like to ‘Travel’ from place to place. Or a certain ‘community’ who go in for sheep rustling in northern areas to obtain meat for back street butchers.
The Guardian are collectively besides themselves with outrage, and invite the few people left reading it to join them in their frenzy.
A despicable cove called Blair Cottrell was interviewed by Sky. The headline makes it appear that the UK’s Sky was doing the interview, cannot think why the Guardian would wish to mislead its readers. It was the Auzzie version of Sky.
Now Cottrell is a right winger nutter with a fondness for Hitler and the Nazis, so there could be a debate about whether he should be heard.
Now in the UK we have a gentleman by the name of John McDonnell, Labour’s shadow chancellor of the exchequer. His hero is Stalin. Yes, that Stalin. He worships a man whose insane left-wing ideology murdered tens of millions of people. When Stalin wasn’t starving people to death through his absurd command economic policies, he deliberately starved to death millions of people as a sort of punishment. Ukrainians had to eat their own dead children to survive.
By the way, Corbyn and McDonald promise to bring the same Soviet ‘command economy’ to a country near you. But apparently no one on the BBC or Channel4 wish to discuss this.
Now, if right winger extremists ought to be banned, where does the BBC/Guardian stand on left wing extremists?
Ah, the mists clear.
Sky just reported an increased rise in membership of UKIP. Sign of a resurgence ?
I was in touch with ‘None of the Above Party’ a few years ago…I had hoped for them to gain traction. I think it should be an option on the ballot paper 🙂
Well I’ve joined and I’ve never been a member of a political party before.
When the bbc break out the ‘quotes’, especially when seeking to prop up an ongoing narrative, it is probably worth checking further.
Blair Cottrell…forgive me my ignorance but, I’ve never heard of him. Should he not be described as far-far-far-far-right?
I’m confused because far-right usually indicates normal/sensible people to me 🙂
I had never heard of him either. Seems of minor importance, a long way away. Quite why the ‘news’ in Britain is so excited about him is interesting, but they needed to go that far suggests they are committed above and beyond if only when it suits.
Without any shadow of doubt, World events are conspiring to shape the coming conflict. Democracy as any Brit would understand, is rapidly vanishing. Policing of the criminal law was first to go. Trite to give examples we all know. But the people are left only with the slow but democratic process which, aka Brexit, can and are being currently modified by the State contrary to the wishes of the voter simply to suit their purposes (or NWO). So what’s left? A very slow, now very questionable “democratic” process to deal with events travelling at lightning speed or,………………
I regret not being able to find it again on YouTube but there is a video which includes contributions from retired very senior military people who express their views. Hopefully they remain well connected and influential within current military circles. I have often thought that when the SHTF, most of these people will stand firm with the public. All except one or two perhaps…………..
https://5pillarsuk.com/2018/01/13/british-army-recruitment-video-targets-muslim/ And we know where their allegiance lies.
“most of these people will stand firm with the public”
I wish one or more would have discreet word with HM.
Does HM really know what her government are up to?
Not that she would or could DO anything, but …
“most of these people will stand firm with the public”
That’s why Common Purpose has been extended to the military.
You mean this ‘Common Purpose’? http://www.eutruth.org.uk/cp.pdf
I have the impression that the previously ubiquitous Soubry, Grieve, Clarke, Morgan etc. have disappeared from the TV screen since the fantastic Chequers Agreement/Surrender. Do I then take it then that they approve? If so, should I be concerned?
Could someone please explain to me where exactly we are with Brexit? I seemed to have lost track of it all about two years ago 🙁
Well on the one side we have “Real Brexit” plans devised by David Davis, Boris Johnson, Bill Cash, Jacob Rees-Mogg, John Redwood, Nigel Farage, Gerald Batten and even Lord Owen.
But Theresa May put them all in the bin and got Olly Robbins to devise a “Fake Brexit” plan with the help of Philip Hammond, Dominic Grieve, Mark Carney, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Michel Barnier, Emmanuel Macron and even Angela Merkel.
Olly Robbins and Michel Barnier devised their Fake Brexit plans in secret, so all these disagreements with the EU, and all these meetings between the remain traitors and foreigners, are all PR stunts to make Theresa May look as though she is still fighting for Brexit.
Also, the simple but expensive reason why Theresa May wants to pay the EU £39 Billion pounds is because Mark Carney wanted to put meat on his statement that “Brexit costs you £900”.
After the referendum I fully expected to see a Brexit Government in place devoted to meeting the wishes and desires of the 52%. I don’t care about the 48%…they lost! In trying to please/placate 100% of the people they’ll end up pleasing nobody.
They had a chance to please 52% of the people and should have done that 🙁
If we end up with BRINO there will be problems ahead…the 52% will not be happy.
Here’s an article written by an African that all BBC journalists should read and before they write their next racism story:
Nice post . Article written by somebody who thinks. Try saying something like that here..and the Left would be up in arms- I like his sign off sentence
“The wages of racism and tribalism is misinformed blame, hate and mistrust of perceived outsiders that is exploited by leaders who use the blame, hate and mistrust as a subterfuge from their own failure to secure development”.. just change the word Tribalism for the Lefty liberal and leaders for BBC – it still works
I saw this on Tucker and it’s pretty shocking. A govt building under siege from a mass of protestors and when they call for help from the Portland Police, who have the jurisdiction to cover civil disobedience, they say they aren’t going to come and resolve the situation.
That is disgusting, just completely out of order.
‘Shocking’, ‘disgusting’..
Sorry, Payne, but you are being a master of understatement there!
It is nothing less than authorised anarchy – by an elected US official at that – and therefore absolutely effing terrifying.
The self-righteous Left now believe they are above the law and free to act accordingly, in the knowledge they stand a good chance of never being prosecuted (or they’d riot even more).
I hear what you are saying. Clearly I need to reach for some greater descriptors to express my outrage.
There are mugshots of the Antifa criminals released by the Police. They all need a job, to get laid and a firm telling off/beating from a stern father figure.
We should start some ‘lefty conversion therapy’ whereby Thomas Sowel visits stricken SJWs and explains in his deep, calming and authoritive voice how wrong they are.
Late with me TOADY Watch – sorreeeee!
I switched on at 6am and off after the 6.40am Newspaper & Web-site Review. 40 minutes of nothing much, really. Small talk. Sarah Sands IS responsible for it.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Just asking because the TOADY Programme is failing to do so.
Up – I’m glad you missed out on …effing Robinson being an interrupter and not a journalist again – as well as unnecessary rudeness to Sir Bernard Jenkin desperately trying to explain the effects of Full Brexit – but as usual sounding exasperated knowing he was getting the full al beeb treatment .
I suppose he suffers it out of a duty to try to explain to listeners – voters – taxpayers what he thinks and try to state a few facts …
Just waiting for the pretentious berk turning his headphones the full 180 and talking to himself.
Apologies if this was already posted.
Socialist bookshop in London ‘attacked by mask-wearing fascists’
This fake news is doing the rounds on the leftie liberal Marxist Jew Hating Tweeters (and BBC). Notice the BBC’s use of quotes in the headline. We all know the BBC tactic of using quotes to get their agenda across without any facts.
Here is actual video of the “attack” by “mask wearing facists”
Notice that they all have caps on apart from one with Trump mask. Also note no attack took place apart from one anti-Tommy Robinson placard was ripped up.
Whilst the protesters could have been less potty mouthed they are no worse to Momentum protests.
What is alarming is the utter crap that bookshop stocks. Right up the BBC’s street with Islam loving anti white themes. Looking at the bookshop’s own website they even have a book for kids called “A is for Activist” described as It is an ABC board book written and illustrated for the next generation of progressives: families who want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights and everything else that activists believe in and fight for.
Ironic that they don’t like activists in their own shop though.
\\ “The campaign group Stand Up To Racism … said some of the attackers carried placards reading ‘British Bolshevik Cult’//

Nope, Photos show anti-BBC : Bolshevik Brainwashing cult.
..and anti-Facebook
Isn’t that guy in a rasta hat with them ?
Agree it’s certainly not an attack, just a disruption similar to when activists protest in McDonald’s or outside banks etc.
– Nor are they wearing masks ..that’s one guy
– Nor are they fascists ..they describe as Trump supporters.
Could be false flag for all I know
Times uses the word “raid” and says books were ripped up .. I didn’t see that in the video.
I wonder if all the delusional douche bags who were claiming that Tommy got what he deserved for breaking the law will be expressing exactly the same sentiment for those burka wearers in Denmark being arrested for breaking the law.
I wonder if their dismissive ‘he knew the law and he broke it’ will be applied with similar contempt in those cases…
For balance. About the first laugh they have inspired in years.
Well, he’s not laughing now.
We don’t believe you, Ian Hislop. You’re a liar. Play it f***ing loud Katie.
Brilliant – I’ve been neutral on this lady but I think I’m a fan . As for Hislop – beeboid cockroach – as it were .
Hislop looked more worried than a sheep in Wales .
KTHopkins has 858,000 Twitter followers
When A liberal said sexism means women have few followers on Twitter I said look at KT
The lib replied , she doesn’t count cos “she’s not a journalist”
The convulsions around that word do stretch.
Ask what constitutes a journalist and they will move to ‘real jounalist’.
Get into ‘real’ and they start to sweat as, beyond qualifications (essentially irrelevant) the basic premises, such as objective ‘who, when, where, what why’ etc rather collapse when citing almost all output of the world’s most trusted broadcaster staff.
I have learned.
I find that amateur Journalists are superior to professional Journalists because amateur journalists are not subject to censorship due to factors such as Political correctness, D-notices, Court Injunctions, Superinjunctions and the sack. Amateur Journalist have the advantage of not being able to be sacked by anyone, not even the BBC. The number of amateur journalists are growing. I have found them in the scientific community, Astronomy, Mensa, as well as Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins etc, here on Biasedbbc.
Stew – 858,001 now
She is very brave and it’s good to see people swimming against the tide of effluent represented by Hislop.
“It’s because of people like you that there are people like me.
You guys, the liberal elite in London, are responsible for me.
You are Dr Frankenstein and I am your monster.”
Tell ’em Katie.
Thats the problem with amateur mad scientists as well they claim qualifications they don’t have such as “Doctor” LOL
Someone really has grasped the USP of Twitter.
Still, ‘views his own’ and all that.
Surreal thread full of angry Remainers who pretend that they think the BBC is biased IN FAVOUR of BRexit
And, guess what….
What gets drawn to the black hole that is the VD show never ceases to impress.
Sky News really on a roll today. Think the Chimps have taken over the twitter feed. Mixed in with Project Fear Mark 1255, this little beauty arose …. those feminists telling other women what they can and cant do and can and cant say AGAIN …….
Why is it the most gobby feminists dictating to other woman how to bring up kids, don’t have kids themselves?
And the feminists were wanting all the beautiful F1 grid girls and the extremely tasty darts walk on girls banned, are all butt UGLY. Funny that.
Or, in the immortal words of Milo, “Feminism is cancer”.
It’s in the last minute if you’re in a hurry.
PS. Whatever happened to Milo? Did the liberal-lefty Establishment finally crush him and silence him?
I see the BBC are showing someone trying to knock people off their bikes in London and also driving like a complete tosser. The film clearly shows the occupant. Now knock me down with a feather he is white!! Now I wonder if the footage had shown a person of colour or an EU immigrant it would have got the same level of cover. If the BBC what to post videos of reckless and dangerous driving may I suggest they spend a few hours in Bradford or Halifax after 11pm and call it “Now that’s what I call reckless”.
And while I’m on a roll I’m going to complain to my MP that only one area of Halifax gets a nightly display from the West Yorkshire police helicopter we never get such a display, lights shinning, tight turns showing off the EC135 to all its ability’s, we can only watch from afar this nightly show of colour and airmanship. Favouritism again for one particular group of society…just not fair.
I was going to say this is a new thing, but of course before it was a part and parcel thing until the wrong folk started doing it.
First they were Waitrose truck drivers…
Just saw a clip of an attempted carjacking in South Africa that could have gone better for the perp. Ouch. No info on driver type as yet.
Wasn’t a Bimmer I don’t believe.
I see the BBC are showing someone trying to knock people off their bikes in London and also driving like a complete tosser. The film clearly shows the occupant. Now knock me down with a feather he is white!! Now I wonder if the footage had shown a person of colour or an EU immigrant it would have got the same level of cover. If the BBC what to post videos of reckless and dangerous driving may I suggest they spend a few hours in Bradford or Halifax after 11pm and call it “Now that’s what I call reckless”.
And while I’m on a roll I’m going to complain to my MP that only one area of Halifax gets a nightly display from the West Yorkshire police helicopter we never get such a display, lights shinning, tight turns showing off the EC135 to all its ability’s, we can only watch from afar this nightly show of colour and airmanship. Favouritism again for one particular group of society…just not fair.
That wouldn’t happen in my part of Londonistan the socialist council have turned the place into Holland which means the traffic doesn’t move at all – no chance of taking out a smug cyclist at all .
[ for a clue it’s the one which prosecuted a bloke for having empty crisp bags in his van as industrial waste without a licence ]
Muslim area of Cape Town, hilariously, is getting diversified
and the BBCs reaction?
is there talk of the residents – intolerance – irrational fear – xenophobia – racism – inward looking – narrow minded – little cape-towners ?
No they just makes excuses for the residents and call it gentrification,
Cape Town anger over slave quarter gentrification
The character of a historic quarter in South Africa’s city of Cape Town is under threat by gentrification, long-time residents tell the BBC’s Mohammed Allie.
Many of the families in the neighbourhood have been living there for generations, but despite its prime location, which offers sweeping views of Table Mountain above and the harbour area below, Bo-Kaap has never been a rich area.
But things began to change after the apartheid-era Group Areas Act, which restricted areas to a particular racial group, was abolished in 1991. The Bo-Kaap property market then opened up to rich foreigners, as well as to well-heeled South Africans from other communities.
“There’s no problem with outsiders moving into our area as long as they respect the culture, this is obviously a largely Muslim area.
Not the BBC but very relevant to matters frequently raised here.
Street sellers, yeah. Comments are a little more clued-up than the headline writer. They don’t look particularly Spanish to me, but perhaps that’s just global warming.
Only a matter of time before it is commonplace over here. No doubt the police force, intent upon seeking out and punishing white hate crime, would have little time to devote.
Mmm, diversity: so enriching.
Coming to a town near you soon.
What’s that? It already has? Oh.
LBC, BBC what’s the difference?
Iain Stale, currently on LBC, is working himself up into a hizzy fit about Boris’ “letterbox” remark. Is it islamophobic? Is Boris in cahoots with that monster Bannon? Oooooh I could scratch their eyes out!
Clearly, Stale has not noticed that the Big Beard and the Burka are the uniforms of Isis and other muslim mass murderers and rapists.
I’m sure he would be swooning limply if lots of neo-Hitlerites were strutting around in SS uniforms singing the Horst Wessel Lied, he can’t or won’t see the intended provocation of the Big Beard and the Burka and the massive mosque.
Someone needs to speech up for the Letterboxes – what did they do to be compared to a medieval Arab dress code .
At least with the Westminster bubble on holiday the snowflakes won’t be queueing up to call for resignation , inquiry , referral to some lefty biased independent quango full of hard core beeboids .
Just wait till numbers give them the whip hand over here.
Whip hand, liteally, alongside beheadings and public stonings
Apparently the American was guilty of going to the aid of a woman pushing a pram who has being harassed by the thugs. He will soon learn to look the other way like everyone else does in europe.
Oddly, the BBC arent showing this clip.
A BBC programme last night about the ITV show “Spitting Image”. The lefty creators displayed in the 1980s the same smug superiority with which they now scorn leave voters. Another similarity was the British lefty contempt for US (Republican) presidents. Reagan didn’t have a brain & was thought capable of starting a nuclear war by accident. Sound familiar?
Red star capped Roger Law says he no longer throws his dinner at the TV. Age/maturity or are broadcasts now more in tune with his political outlook?
Did the programme mention the contempt that Spitting Image showed for its viewers?
Norris McWhirter caught them using a subliminal image to attack him. They put his face on the body of a naked woman, but showed it for such a short time that no one would have been consciously aware of having seen it. The perfect way to manipulate your audience.
It might have been an ITV programme, but the BBC took the lesson to heart – don’t inform, manipulate.
And what about their nasty little and unfunny song about South Africans?
Coming to think of it, Monty Python had stuff about Chinese and “the darkies” on their Drury Lane LP.
Never mentioned though, imagine if that had been Jim Davison?
Oxbridge Lefties are allowed to retire unmolested-unlike the kids near Savile and his acolytes at the Beeb.
The contempt does indeed go a long way back. At the time it just seemed harmless fun …. like Blue Mink’s Melting Pot.
I remember this load of unfunny lefties mocking Reagans “Let Poland Be Poland” telethon.
Once Solidarity had been crushed, Reagan and Co did a concert to raise awareness.
But the BBC Lefties preferred to laugh at Reagan, and not bother about Polish trade unionists being toosed into Soviet proxy prisons.
Wouldn`t do to upset Jack Jones or Mick McGahey would it now?
Boy, they`ve been such slimy hypocrites at the BBC since 1980.
BBC so called science…
Warmer weather could last until October, Met Office says
Scroll down for a 2m37s video made by the BBC’s “Science editor”. At 0m58s she says “way back before we were even though of, there was another heatwave. If you spent any time visiting the grandparents in the last few weeks, you’ve probably endured a comparison to the famous summer of ’76.”
How long ago does this so called “science editor” think 1976 was that only grandparents can remember it?
The fact she says “way back before we were even though of” gives you an insight to the people who now work at the BBC – kids with no experience of anything all working in the BBC echo chamber.
8pm Monday a #ProjectClimateFear prog on Channel 4 : Heatwave Britain
..last week a similar one aired on ITV
Currently ranked second on the home page:
The parents of a teenager who fell to his death in Magaluf have said they were “devastated” by the lack of support offered by UK authorities.
A tragic incident for sure, but he’s the third brit to fall to their death at the complex since April. So who’s the BBC eager to tell us the parents are angry with? The tour operator? The Majorcan authorities? The owner of Eden Roc? Spain’s building regulations? Nope, it’s the lack of UK follow up help — which left them without a support officer or liaison officer (services that do not apply in the event of an overseas death).
“The couple told the Victoria Derbyshire programme the family were left to book their own flights, which was ‘difficult because it’s summer holidays’ “.
See what’s happened to the country since the referendum? (It’s probably Trump’s fault too.)
Only get worse with Brexit, especially if we “crash out” (to use BBC’s favoured terminology)
Good old nanny state .
Any Insurance? Or was it, “Nothing ever happens them we go abroad so let’s not bother, eh?”
So Info Wars has been purged. It’s incredible that those two rogue eccentrics have for a long time been far more credible than the MSM, hence this draconian measure.
“But they upset people with Sandy Hook!”
Of course the countless outrages of the MSM could never be used as justification to shut them down.
Alas a Rubicon has been crossed and the genie will not go back in the bottle; there is no going back after taking the red pill.
SJW TV today
(BTW do BBC programme idea sheets have a box marked “political purpose” next to the prog title ?)
☑ Inverted Racism ☑ MoreThanEqual
9pm BBC1
☑ Sneering at non-libs
10pm BBC2 QI
A panel of merro-libs led by Sandi Toksvig : Alan Davies, Cariad Lloyd, Romesh Ranganathan and Phill Jupitus
8pm ITV
☑ Inverted Racism ☑ MoreThanEqual ☑ BigUpImmigration
a couple who have moved to Britain to start a new Indian pickle business
10:45pm ITV
“A daughter given up against a backdrop of racism”
10pm C4 Sasha Baron Cohen having a go at American non-libs
9pm Tower Block Kids
Documentary following children growing up in high-rise flats, who explain what it is like for youngsters living in tower block communities.
(surprisingly the names all seem conventionally British)
And on Radio4
10:45am R4 airs the second of it’s series of Maya Angelou’s autobiographies (African American poetess)
11am Lefty church rebel Giles Fraser preaches at us on global altruism
How when an African prince has 15 children and you have none, it is your duty to supply their anti-malaria drugs
2:15 Play : trauma in the unfair America healthcare sales system
The principal characters are black
3:30pm Story of Ethiopian immigrant chef
8pm doco about Polish exiled to siberia who moved to the UK
8:30pm Norway’s troubled child protection system : scandal of paedophile involved in decisions
Radio 4 dumbs down again with Economics With Subtitles. A pair of ‘ethnics’, a ‘smart’ woman and an ‘idiot’ man attempt to tell us about GDP.
Almost immediately they deviate to a story about an anti-drug operation, lots of hilarity about the word ‘rummage’, a word that used to be in common use in the UK of my youth and certainly as a nine-year-old I knew that that was what HM Customs called their ship-inspection crews.
Apparently this matters because the, presumably, insignificant illegal drugs business has to be figured into GDP so that the EU can tax us more. Fortunately we had a contribution by someone from the ONS who, with great professionalism, refused to be baited into the BBC UKIP/Brexit trap. I thought he was starting to make sense, GDP was effectively the ‘profit’ after costs had been deducted. However they lost me when GNP was brought into the picture as Ireland has an enlarged GDP as it shelters Global companies who re-patriate their profits to their real owners. (Isn’t that a cost that should have been deducted from GDP anyway?).
Now that they have confused us over GDP another wally jumps in to tell us that the Japanese economy has been static for donkey’s but ‘everything’ is better there, where ‘bullet trains’ on purpose-built tracks with no waystations run on time to the micro-second as opposed to the sub-standard (Japanese-built!) trains running on 150 year-old crowded infrastructure in the UK that don’t. I was just waiting for him to claim that Japan was a socialist utopia but he didn’t quite get that far. Probably he realised that Japan isn’t in the EU and doesn’t do mass-immigration so isn’t really a good exemplar for the BBC-pushed agenda.
I didn’t see any sub-titles, perhaps that is where I went wrong?
In science, if you cannot compare say a (1) Britain in the EU. With a (2) Britain that has never been in the EU. Scientists therefore look for proxy evidence.
An English speaking island nation with a predominately white British population, with the Queen as head of state, the Queen on the coins and a Union Jack in the flag. But NEVER having ever been a member of the European Union even though they sing in the Eurovision Song Contest.
This proxy exists, its called Australia, it has a points based Immigration control system. And because it does not pay billions of pounds in fees, to trade with a trade deficit, with only 13 percent of its economy with the European Union. It has a gross domestic product (at purchasing power parity) per capita, that is 11 percent higher than Britain.
Therefore you have to be either a loony or a moron to support our continued membership of the European Union.
Fear about the unknown future of the economy is all these morons have, they have nothing positive to say about the undemocratic governance of the EU. All they have is this primitive low IQ emotion of “fear of the future, without Britain’s white European mummy”
Everybody already knows GDP is only a rough measure
If you pay your neighbours to look after your kids, and she pays you look after hers, the GDP seems to have grown a lot
.. but really life has not changed.
In the Daily Telegraph today Boris says he is against banning the burka like the Danes have done. He qualifies this somewhat by saying that in a business discussion or consultation then it would be polite if the Muslim woman did uncover her face. But he thinks it’s against true libertarian values to force someone to stop doing something when they are not doing any harm.
Boris is reasonably sound on Brexit but on this issue he is just another silly liberal with their head buried in the sand.The Danes banned it to assert , in a small way, their own culture and values over those of Islam . The fact that no leading politician in the UK da reds to speak out against Islam means we are defenceless against the ever quickening pace of Islamification. As to libertarian values, who is there to protect the most important libertarian value of all , free speech? Clearly when it comes to Islam Boris is happy to go with the tide of the last fifty years and allow our values and culture to be gradually conquered by Islam without any resistance at all.
Heck ! Let’s have a referendum on the burka. Hmm ……. they promised us a red button next to the TV years ago so the people could vote on all sorts of stuff.
But hey, that smacks of democracy and that will never do.
Would he feel happy sitting next to someone in a nazi uniform or KKK robes? They would be ‘putting out a message’ just as any woman that is wearing Islamic dress is and that message is that she is part of a supremacist cult that is at war with the ‘unbeliever’, a war that will not end until all ‘unbelievers’ have ‘reverted’ or been killed.
Meanwhile in the USA some think it is ‘unacceptable’ to wear baseball caps bearing the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’. We would want to upset the Marxist/Muslim supremacists would we?
And Boris was the one begging Trump not to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris agreement. Face it – he’s just another well heeled celeb insulated from the real world. And we have far too many of those sort. Why because of their money or media status we are supposed to give a monkey’s about what such people think is beyond me.
Yes, wearing the burka is simply a provocation and a marking of already conquered territory.
I am listening to LBC and two non-arabic muslims have been on to explain exactly the point you are making. They appreciate the threat they pose to Britain because they are aware of the damage they have caused in other parts of the world. The burka wearers and the Big Beards are strutting around in the uniform of ISIS. Muslim woman making this point is called “intolerant and hateful” by Adams and Big Beard apologist. Words fail me!
The LBC fool Darrem Adams just does not have the brain power to understand the situation. “Terrorists wear a lot of things, underpants for example, does wearing underpants make you a terrorist” he asks. The stupidity of these people is monumental, exasperating and highly dangerous.
That`ll teach him to suck up to Islam then DT!
For Neil Nunes on the 5pm news says that the MCB are STILL unhappy with his comparing niqab-wearing Muslims to letter boxes or bank robbers.
So, even when he`s licking their left hands, their BBC chums are trying to muzzle him with their red right one.
That`ll learn him.
As for those two murderers from IS?…well, the MCB were neither asked or given their comments about THEIR story to the BBC wallahs like Niel or Eddie.
Bias or what?..if you`re asking about Boris, why not ask something about our two moptop Beatles who`ve been stranded after their gig in Syria?
You know the only real change since the World went nuts is people having mobile phones clamped to their heads.
They might have assured at the outset us they’re safe but who knows what the long term effects are?
Mobile phones must be microwaving the brains of young people, therefore making their brain cells go “Pop” at a much increased rate than in the natural environment.
The long term effects planned by the establishment are to reduce IQ to the levels needed for people to march in support of posh elitist undemocratic members of the establishment, such as eurocrats and members of the House of Lords.
With Remain supporters, it has worked.
The Director of Primary Care at NHS England, Dr Arvind Madan, posted inflammatory comments on a GP’s forum under the fake profile ‘Devil’s Advocate’
In one he said: “We can get 6 figure salaries for working 4 days a week, 45 weeks a year.
Run that past the general public and see how much sympathy you get.”
He’s been forced to resign
Hmm he wrote an article then commented under it using a pseudonym.
He used the same pseudonym to praise his own work..well that is a weird & sleazy.
But I can’t see anything illegal with the first thing ..high profile people do use pseudonyms
and I spot activist using sock puppet accounts to comment under their friends articles, you always suspect 3 different profiles are the same person trying to build a fake consensus, but I’d just debunk each one, one by one.
Times : Jordan Peterson and daughter appear in an article praising the all-meat-anti-depression diet