Pity the poor brummie getting lost in London and driving into a crash barrier in order to avoid the congestion charge .
And pity the elderly politician who can’t remember laying a wreath on the graves of terrorists .
The BBC show its’ bias on both events.
Being keen to try something which these days tends to be the preserve of the few, I tune into BBC Radio 4.
The rickety all-girls tandem team rattles along the seemingly never-ending lonely left-liberal path to their gilded utopian nowhere.
A quick chat with a Latvian minister elicits a typical hopeful, yet wasteful, exchange:
“There are 100,000 Latvians in the UK. They will need to register post-Brexit. Are you happy with the default position that they are assumed they can stay?”
Jeremy cuddling up to terrorists and people driving into cyclists/ crash barriers elicits the same responce on the BBC every time it happens: ie put fingers in their ears and sing la la la de la no it’s not happening no it can’t be!
TOADY Watch #1 – I listen so you do not have to.
It’s Ladies Day on TOADY with the M&Ms presenting. Ladies expertise was brought on – in bucket loads – especially during the 6.00 – 6.30am segment and just afterwards. I started listening in the middle, 6.18 approx..
I’m all in favour of women. I do not hate them. Let’s get that established up front.
The women ‘experts’ who were brought on to comment, on economics and business, without exception were poor. Actually worse, somewhere in the range from very poor to just plain wrong. Sorry ladies. If you want a level playing field with mere males you will have to improve your knowledge and skills.
VJ Day
Congratulations for even listening a bit to those dismal amateurs . At least Lady Brooke – the head girl who left – had her pushy style but those two are just an insult to the listener mere gender Tick boxes
Fed, in a way it was interesting although I do slightly and increasingly feel it is like banging one’s head against a wall.
Think I may have a TW#2 coming on before I do switch off.
Thank goodness I do not have to endure Libby Purves on Midweek. Not that she would have been on during the summer break.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Sorry up2.
In the Ben Stokes stuff on the radio, they played a bit of some woman commentating on the cricket with his doing things. As if cricket wasn`t boring and pointless enough-this lacrosse refugee on squillions tried her damndest to feign enthusiams, knowledge and experience-but was like Pauline Calf, utterly tired, flat and -well, a bag o shite.
Why do you blokes let them get way with taking your balls away when it comes to this-we all KNOW that womens sport is for dykes, B.O types with irregular flow(if any)-or for little sisters who beg daddys interest because mums not worth copying.
Women are tops on long distance swimming and the bar in gymnastics-but football and cricket are a waste of time, like women binmen or scaffolders.
Telling truth is rebellion is it not?
Holly, no need to apologise. ‘Tis you that I have offended against, pushing you further down the Thread when you were basking in seventh place.
That’s out of the points, or used to be, is it still the case?
I’ve sort of given up on F1. With Alonso taking his eyebrows off to IndyCar racing, maybe you can get a point or three to go on the mantlepiece.
You are totally correct. The female BBC sports commentators, so far, have failed to impress favourably. There is no reason why they cannot be good at the job. Will they one day produce a Longhurst, a Maskell, a Motson, a Baxter, a Lowe, an Alliss or Brown, a Walker? How long will it take before that happens?
Actually, mentioning Dan Maskell and thinking of tennis has reminded me of two good women commentators, both American, both former players. Evert & Shriver. Three good women commentators: Evert, Shriver and Austin. Aha! You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition. I have three women commentators ….
I bet all those cyclists and pedestrians lying around in the Westminster road, just about 25 hours ago, injured and scared shitless, are overjoyed to know that the incident is now described on the BBC text pages as an ‘attack’.
Those quotes give the terrorist’s attempted murder just that air of uncertainty required to allow explanations like mental issues, sexual identity problems, rowing with the wives and so on. Similar to someone perhaps who ‘Might have been there, with a hand on a wreath, but not involved in laying it’. That sort of thing.
More like an accident that happened whilst a British man was flicking through his UKIP leaflet hoping to find Tommy Robinsons contact details.
By the way, the BBC said he was
a)born overseas
b) had come from abroad.
Abroad-overseeas-come on Beeb-which is it?
It REALLY matters down here, we need a ruling from out betters.
He was a Graduate electrical engineer from Sudan – Wow.
Cant speak English – Wow Wow
Living on Benefits- What else.
Given British citizenship in a few years in Teresa’s tenure, obviously on the strength of his qualifications and ability- Bloody incredible. Cant speak English and has Elec Eng qualifications.
I’m sure the BBC is busy inventing a narrative to balance out the Islamic bomber.
I don’t understand why he was on benefits. I though all I ever hear about is the need to import skilled immigrants who can generate revenue for our economy.
It’s alright being educated to the level of an electrical engineer but if you ain’t gonna learn the language, you won’t be able to get a job and hence you’ll go on the benefits and contribute fuck all to our economy.
How can you even become a citizen if you can’t speak the language!!
Er…ask some of the chancers just across the channel if they have skills, quite a number say ‘elec.engineer’…..i bet half a boatload of Africans landing in Spain will say the same….they are told to say this to give them a chance of staying should they get here…told by the people smugglers…simple, O’Level Physics questions will soon find them out…and probably fox the BBC staff too….V=I over R…series and parallel circuits, explain….that sort of thing…
Yes but it seems he is a really nice bloke !!!!!!
Perhaps they lured old man Corbin there by telling him that he was at the Cenotaph as he seems to have difficulty remembering whether or not he laid that wreath. They should have left him cranking out his home made flyers in his garage. That would have been kindest. He increasingly looks like my old music teacher did when I played him Hendrix’s Purple Haze.
Swelter, LOL X3 for that last line.
Is there any campaign yet to get anti-Semites off and out of their allotments?
The BBC visited some today, they like a campaign don`t they?
If not, why ever not?
We want more Jerusalem Artichokes and Sharon fruit, before Brexit I`d have thought.
Head girl, albeit as a rather limp seventh.
Apologies, Holly. Have just realised that I may have depressed you.
Womans Hour next week-should get the full twenty minutes pinging Jenniis current gastric band whilst bitching on to no effect, no listeners either.
You`ll probably have to defend your policy on You and Yours as well as PM-maybe we girls can be fast tracked with affirmative action-and lots of money and modelling jobs to gripe about sexist cybersites.
Where is my pink fluffy keyboard with space for my nails?
What?!!!!!!! You are sentencing me to ping JM’s gastric band for twenty minutes. NOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo! How bass* can you get?
Pass the Novichok, please.
(* Not for you Holly but any others who think I cannot spell & use ‘base’ correctly. A feeble attempt at a pun. My excuse? I caught thirty seconds of Paddy O’Connell before I could reach the OFF switch.)
Oh dear, for those who haven’t already realised, Mishal was not having a good day on Today this morning.
She raised the spectre of Boris with Chris Graying on the ‘now we have dealt with whatever we brought you onto the programme for, we now have the question to catch you out’ slot. Mr Grayling pointed out that a far bigger issue than Boris and his letterboxes was Mr Corbyn attending a ceremony to glorify terrorists. Mishal snapped at him that he was there to answer questions on Boris. Mishal said for the record that Mr Grayling’s explanation of the event were not those of the Labour Party. On and on she went – in the end Mr Grayling managed to get the topic back to the Leader of the Opposition and pointed out that Jeremy Corbyn’s version of events had kept changing but that there were photos of Mr Corbyn holding a wreath…he was about to say more but Mishal cut him off mid sentence.
Not one of Mishal’s finest hours. She always sounds like a spoilt little girl who can’t have her way when and interview is not going her way and sounds petulant. Wonder why John Humphries gets paid more money?
Good post, Deborah. You have pre-empted TOADY Watch #2 but have done a lot of the heavy lifting for which I thank you.
At other times on TOADY, Mishal was obviously silent when she should have been much more questioning. Martha was the same.
For the uninitiated, the Presenters have earpieces into which the Day Editors and also Engineers, Producers and Production Assistants can witter, if necessary, about things like if they have forgotten something in the running order, made a mess of a time-check, a change to the running order, a guest not yet arrived or not attending at all or having to contribute by ‘phone instead. Now, in the computer age, they also have a computer screen with the need to scrolling away and click here and there. They also need to keep half an eye on the clock and on their fellow presenter.
The distractions, both actual and possible, are massive. Yesterday must have been tricky with one or two breaking news situations. Not an easy task but both are very experienced presenters. Marks for TOADY today? Four, I think would be fair. Out of ten.
I didn’t hear that but not surprised.
When our Mishal got the job on Today I read somewhere that she was thrilled that she could use this to raise awareness of what a wonderful religion is islam. She is obviously not capable of keeping that bias hidden when conducting any interview where there is a risk that islam might be cast in a bad light. She also seems to have a puzzling soft spot for Jeremy Corbyn, remember when she shouted stop! to Boris Johnson when he was about to make a comment about him.
I suppose I should keep a diary so I can pinpoint the events but life is short. One consequence of all that’s wrong with our public life, politics, islam etc, is that those of us who fret and worry are being sucked into wasting our time.
She’s a moslem…that’s why…..
Dead right Deborah.
Before this, I`d heard the news say ther were “two problems with the railways”.
These were (apparently) “the rail companies” and “the government”. As for the UNIONS…not a peep.
Helpless victims of -well, pick your take.
That the BBC won`t see the unions of having some questions to answer here shows how dim they`ve now all become.
Photo and name revealed of the ‘attacker’ at Westminster yesterday. No surprises, but clearly overdid the lip filler.
Yesterday Ben Stokes was found innocent by a jury. Now I don’t follow cricket and listening less and less carefully to the BBC I had seen plenty but taken in less of the constant reporting on the BBC news of the case. Rather like Cliff Richard he was obviously guilty because the BBC kept telling me so. (Mr D did say that there were reports that Mr Stokes had drunk rather more than any international sportsman should have drunk…indeed rather more than anyone should have drunk). But as the BBC kept feeding the information during the case, I could hear their surprise (shock?) of the verdict. Serious question rather than rhetorical, ‘why had the BBC assumed he was guilty’. Because I hadn’t listened properly to their reporting I can only assume that it was because he was white and cricket is a middle class game. Can anyone explain any other reason?
Utterly baffled. After listening to the Beeb reports, i presumed he’d be jailed for 2 years for a violent homophobic attack. As the saying goes it seemed like he was as guilty as a puppy next to a pile of poo.
But hes found not guility. I watch some clip and see the 2 gay people saying justice has been done, the cricketer was standing up for gay rights and is a hero? Lost now as to where all this homophobic stuff came from, when the very people who were supposedly the victims are praising the cricketer from the rooftops.
Or is it just the CPS and the Beeb looking for examples of homophobic hate crimes, when there actually wasn’t one.
Im completely baffled either way.
Eight..I too am baffled. Three people in court three people acquitted. Given BBC coverage I was certain somebody had done something illegal.. And now the two gay blokes who didn’t give evidence are thanking him…
What a waste of public money and media attention
But…BBC…egg on face…wonderful.
I really enjoyed the repetition in every news bulletin as the trial progressed, that ” the trail was told he could have killed someone”
Yeah, I laughed my bollcks off when the verdict came in.
The twunts at the beeb wanted him jailed, for being a whitey privileged male. Hard luck you twunts.
The BBC seem to have remarkably selective memories when it comes to Unions and the railways.
The 70’s seem to have disappeared into a black hole. Rail strikes both formal and wildcat were all the rage. The carriages were dirty grey floors and dirty brown windows with a special sticky nicotine variety for the smokers. Maybe a museum has a few unrestored ones we can take the BBC “so called journalists” to remind them of what they are wishing for.
What I can’t get my head round is how the media can report and make comments about the accused whilst a trial is being held yet Tommy Robinson was imprisoned for doing the very same thing. I know he was accused of being in contempt of a previous order but the reality was he said nothing that hadn’t already been said by the BBC and Guardian and was not asked to stop by the police outside the court who he was freely talking to and receiving agreement to each of his actions. It wasn’t even a trial, the accused were there to be sentenced so nothing he could say would have had affected the outcome. As for a blanket ban on reporting, thank god for Tommy and people like him. Left to the establishment we wouldn’t know anything about the disgraceful cover up of the the mass exploitation of thousands of white British children.
Judges appear to impose reporting resistrictions far more now than the past ( I might do some research ) and for me it goes against the principle of justice being seen to be done .
Restrictions are supposed to get the defendant a fair trial and not encourage jurors to be prejudiced . Which to me adds to the weakness of the frightening jury system system when decisions can be made just because the defence lawyer had a nice voice .
How can TR get a fair re trial ? Due to the savage MSM State Treatment of him . It’s in early September and has all the promise of another State Show Trial with an ambitious lefty bob white judge just dying to give TR more time in a Muslim run prison to kill him .
And albeeb , of course , will facilitate this with their anti British group think .
In my view “reporting restrictiions” is more to do with avoiding inciting the general public to act against the Government and their court/police system none of which, it can be said, is in the public’s domain of support any longer.
Please do not forget…Nick Griffin, hate figure supreme, flagged this up well over twenty years ago…and went to prison for his pains…..pursued in a vicious manner by the BBC, Guardian and others….shame on them..he should have sued them all.
It is interesting that many have forgotten the state of railways before nationalisiation. Worse, tens of mullions of voters will be too young to even be aware of how dreadful British Rail was.
And I am not a fan of these money grabbing, incompetent privatised rail companies.
The 70’s was 40 years ago – and long before the junior journos were born, so to them its as relevant as the poverty stricken 1920’s was to us in the 1960’s when we danced around our handbags to Rod Stewart. It was ever thus.
TOADY Watch #3
Did I catch the names of the Day Editors this morning and they were new? Is that right?
There appears to be an upheaval going on in Team TOADY. Could it possibly be connected to Sarah Sands?
I wonder …..
I hope someone is recording Victoria Principle this morning, she’s just been put in her place during an interview of two Jewish people who she virtually accused of being Alt-right for voicing a complaint of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party.
Silly me, Victoria Derbyshire not Principle.
Anyone on here look at the Market Data on the BBC web-site under the Business tab?
You will regularly see FakeNews or FalseFacts if you do. Check out some of the math on the day’s rise or fall.
The BBC: 100% accurate. Not.
We’re the Campaign To Abolish The BBC. Our goal is, quite simply, the abolition of the BBC.
If you agree with this goal, there are a number of ways you can help:
1. Please sign the latest anti-BBC petition over at the UK Parliament Petitions website: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/226446
2. Please visit our website: http://campaigntoabolishthebbc.blogspot.com/
3. Get in touch at campaigntoabolishthebbc@gmail.com, with messages of support, ideas, and suggestions.
Even if you do not want to see abolition of the BBC, you should still support the petition as it puts pressure on for reform.
You got my vote!
Dear Campaign
It’s great to see more fronts opening against al beeb – if they combine with rapidly reducing consumption that will drive towards change one day . It will be a long war but the enemy within must be defeated in order to have some recognition that we are still living in Blighty .
I hope you are genuine and not some al beeb / licensing device .
Or if you have got the balls, just cut off their oxygen.
Stop paying the licence fee!
The more the merrier.
Why “or”. Why not both? Why not stop paying the TV licence AND campaign for abolition of the BBC?
Campaign To Abolish The BBC
Look at the signatures on here…………………
But Go for it!
I am sure you would have the full support of the posters on this excellent website.
PM on Westminster terror attack : ‘The twisted aim of the extremists is to use violence and terror to divide us. They will never succeed.’
Road past Parliament may be closed off for good…
Irony? 🙁
And since when was it the job of the police to decide if a road should be closed to traffic? I’m sure I heard on LBC this morning that the ridiculous commissioner of the Metropolitan police will be involved in that decision.
And why close the road, the guy didn’t manage to get the car or himself into the grounds of the HoP, so everything did it’s job didn’t it?
Our Jeremy makes the Moslem Bro hand sign. Bad for Labour’s reputation, but at least half a million votes from the perfect people secured
“I have got that many wives and voted that many times in the last General election. My pal Jeremy will get that many votes from the Jewish community next time.”
Hi folks, anyone else having difficulties with their posts disappearing or not posting? Either that or someone has reported me lol Anyway, please check out the horribly smug Victoria Derbyshire’s aggressive harrassment of a Jewish lady this morning. Utterly despicable treatment. She made her politics and support for Jeremy Corbyn plain for all to see. I have just made a complaint. It was disgusting. She was basically vehemently defending Corbyn and being hostile to the two guests who are leaving the uk due to antisemitism. She actually acused one guest of being a Zionist. Unreal. If they were Muslims they would have been given the utmost respect.
I watched that Alex, and thought exactly the same. Because the Jewish lady was lambasting Corbyn relentlessly , it is the job of presenters to offer ‘the other side’ if you like, of the argument. However VD came across as the President of Corbyn’s fan club, and at one point I thought the lady was going to burst into tears at the way she was spoken to. The Jewish lawyer beside her didn’t fare much better either. I don’t doubt they left the studio feeling hard done by, and rightly so.
Like you say, when Muslim ‘victims’ are on, they are given the courtesy of being spoken to in hushed tones particularly by VD.
Totally agree there, Brissles ????
BBC types don’t like decapitation. They really dont.
Not me Alex – and I have only ever removed one post and would always say I’ve don’t it and give a reason .
I watched VD’s disgraceful treatment of her two Jewish guests, she wasn’t playing devils advocate, her obvious bias supporting and defending Corbyn and the Labour came through unabashed. I’m glad the Jewish lady wasn’t afraid to snap back at Derbyshire and that the guy put her in her place saying he was a long time Labour supporter and not the alt-right extremist she was inferring. I don’t watch or listen to the BBC much these days, their bias and social engineering propaganda just annoys me so much. Either the BBC should be totally dismantled or someone needs to go in and sort them out root and branch, cutting out the rot that has been allowed to fester and contaminate everything they broadcast.
Just a reminder of what Mr Corbyn’s mates have been up to over the past couple of months worldwide and since 11, September 2001:
I see that the Boris Bashing Corporation have a new smear building up: The lack of public toilets…
How many have closed since 2010? The year those horrible old Tories got in? You see where this is going?
How about how many got badly refurbished with ‘unisex provision’ during Labour’s overspending era and how many actually closed down while Blair was in power?
Labour’s overspending cost this country and now we have no toilets left. Cheers, Labour!
Yes, well, you can understand the BBC’s interest in maintaining a steady supply of available public toilets.
Roland Deschain
Shurely you meant to write “cottages”?
More diversity in Yorkshire: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-45193514
30 Men (and 1 woman). Can’t see what might link them.
We still don’t realise but this is war. Only in war does the enemy engage in mass rape of who they consider defeated. It is fair booty of war to the victor.
And by the same token, they, their families, and their imams should all be deported.
Incorrect. I’ve realised this for a long time. Many others have too. The problem is the depth of the institutionalised corruption in the UK. Most Brits think they live in a fair and free society and frequently mock Russia and Putin as if they were peasants living in a feudal monarchy. Do you think you would be locked up in Russia for denigrating Islam? Do you think you would be locked up for preaching Homosexuality is a sin in Russia? Do you think you would be locked up for preaching against same sex marriage and that transgenderism is a sickness in Russia?hmmmmmm. Who’s laughing at the Russians now?
Buried deep in the regional news sections. If the ethnicities had been reversed in this it would have remained on the front page for days.
Its just the tip of the iceberg?
Thought I’d have a look to see how the BBC was reporting on yet more evidence of Jeremy Corbyn’s love affair with Palestinian terrorists who murder Jews. So I Googled:
Widow Spitzer slams Corbyn wreath terrorists Munich
– and got 9 results on the first page, most from UK publications, but none from the BBC. So I added the most trusted broadcaster to the search and got 2 results, both skating really lightly over Corbyn’s aforementioned love affair:
So I was surprised to find Evan Davis, of all people, putting probing questions to a Corbyn groupie named Chris Williamson on Newsnight, and not accepting the evasive answers:
Ankie Spitzer and Ilana Romano, widows of Andre Spitzer and Yosef Romano, who were murdered by Corbyn’s friends in that barbaric attack at the 1972 Munich Olympics, have slammed Corbyn for his actions and called on him to apologise:
If he had a decent bone in his body, he would.
Isn’t it interesting how relatively apologetic Evan is when having to LABOUR his questions.
And remember that for the Left the contextual ‘truth’ is always inconsequential compared to the directional narrative destination.
Not sure about that. He was also apologetic when interviewing Diamond and Silk. I think he was awed by them. No time for a link. Gotta run.
Wowser! The Beeb interviewing Diamond & Silk, they’re awesome – I bet they tore him a new one!
There’s no way he will apologise. To him there is nothing, and there has never been anything, wrong with commemorating men of evil and murderers as long as they killed the right people, e.g. Jews, conservatives, Christians, Hindus, Britons etc.
You can see him roll his eyes and deep sigh when again asked the same question that he refuses to answer truthfully. His mate calls him a man of peace! Celebrating the PLO let alone Black September is not a peaceful act. These are violent, racist, apartheid organisations who want to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Israel as they have already done in most of the rest of the Islamic world.
Will someone tell him that murder is not peace.
Yes, Corbyn is a dumb, rigid ideologue who sees himself as on a noble crusade. While defending the wreath-laying he said terrorism has to be fought wherever it happens. Two things to note right there:
*He obviously regards the Israelis themselves as terrorists for taking the fight to PLO terrorists and taking them out wherever and whenever possible.
*His pious statement is obviously a hypocritical lie because he would never, in his wildest nightmares, go to an Israeli memorial for Jews slaughtered by Arabs.
I really really wonder what the hell is going on inside the heads of the idiots at the BBC . 32 people charged with child rape sexploitation and trafficking in Yorkshire . Is it headlines on the BBC NO ! Is it headlines on the UK page NO ! Is it headlines on the England page NO ! Is it headlines on the Yorkshire Leeds page YES!
So the BBC are telling me that 32 people charged with child rape over a number of years is not headline news ?? What the hell are these people thinking about ? Im that angry that im writing to my MP about this issue surely we cannot continue to try and disguise the religion and ethnicity of these people whilst they rape and abuse our children. as its been said many times before imagine if it was English Christians abusing Muslim girls there would be uproar. I demand that those at the BBC are taken to task and asked to justify why this matter is not headline news !!! IM FUCKING FUMING
That’s the tip of the tip of the iceberg. This is the UK’s number one national security problem and everyone is silent about it. Tick tock.
Many column inches about Idris Elba in the running for being the next James Bond, and for which he is apparently glorifying in the assumption. Funny how, he categorically stated over a year ago that he was not interested in the role, and that he would be too old anyway by the time filming started. Not a fan of the man or his acting, he comes across as ‘too up himself’, so I hope common sense prevails, and that Ian Fleming’s description of his character – that he was a Scottish (naval?) commander is adhered to.
Mr Elba has already portrayed my namesake in The Dark Tower. A character described in the original books as very much white.
The movie was, and remains an abomination, though that was less Mr Elba’s fault than the scriptwriters who thought they could shoehorn seven books into one short film.
Roland ,
Perhaps the company producing bond films needs a loser for tax purposes – casting a black man as a white spy won’t drag too many people into the cinema – in my opinion ….
Idris isn’t that great an actor in my mind but if the current makers, who IMHO, have cranked out complete and utter crap since Casino Royale want to give it to him, then I’m fine with it.
As long as they’ll fund and produce Jack Whitehall playing the tough and grizzled American Shaft.
Elba isn’t a bad actor but I haven’t seen him in much since his first few seasons of The Wire. I refuse to watch British police procedural dramas like Luther, and couldn’t get through that film where he was an African warlord. In the Thor Avenger films (which are frankly silly comedies) he just waves a big sword around.
As for Bond it’s had its day long ago, and I won’t watch another after recent outings by spud-faced Daniel Craig. I think it could be salvaged as a re-booted period-piece series, set in the late 1950’s, when the job was about fighting and killing Russian spies. While properly smoking 60 fags a day and consuming enough vodka to kill a horse.
Well the only ‘acting’ I’ve seen him doing is for the Sky infomercial – about his level.
I did watch Luther and found that it was a big yawn. I’m going against other opinions on here about Craig, I think he has been a good James Bond although some of the recent scripts have been breathtakingly poor.
As for Elba, I agree with Brissles that he often appears too “up himself”, although it could again be poor scripts.
I agree with you about Daniel Craig. Having never read the books I’ve taken him at face value and enjoyed that the camp ridiculousness of the Roger Moore and, I believe but I’ve never watched any of them, Pearce Brosnan days have been replaced with a tougher and more believeable Bond. Combined with the fact that my son reached an appropriate age to watch Bond when Casino Royale was released and it’s the only film series we’ve looked forward to watching together then Daniel Craig gets a thumbs up from me. In fact the last time I went to the cinema was to watch Skyfall, and that was about the first visit I’d made in 5 years. Which unfortunately means that if they cast a BAME/female/transgender/non binary Bond in the next film I don’t have a protest vote to cast because I don’t spend money at the box office to start with.
Moving off topic, the 2 films that Timothy Dalton made, especially Licence To Kill the second one, are favourites of mine. If political studio wranglings hadn’t gotten in the way we could have been treated to a more believable brutal set of Bond films over 20 years earlier than we got them.
This morning on R5 Daniel Sandford peddled the predictable line about having no clue as to Salih Khater’s motivation, but was keen to mention a life that had “gone badly wrong”. Few if any details have emerged about Khater, but I think I know where this will end up. Then a discussion about security barriers which went the tiresome route of ‘more investment needed’ to build more of the things. And further drivel that this type of incident shouldn’t disrupt our daily lives… but we do need to be mindful of these threats.
You’d get more insightful socio-political analysis from a nursery school at playtime. But by sheer coincidence, on the homepage now we have two pieces straight from the BBC’s PR department:
1. An utterly transparent marketing piece about 38,000 Muslims landing on a Hampshire farm for an Islamic hoedown. Shakeeba “wants to be a primary school teacher”… Tanweer “has been serving water to guests here since he was six”…. “There’s no sign of oppression… It’s a matter of people having the wrong opinion and being too narrow-minded, generalising all Muslims…”
2. Why this prison chapel’s weekly makeover is so important. “Each week, Muslim chaplain Ishfaq Mohammed transforms HMP Edinburgh’s Christian chapel into a musalla for Friday prayers. Ah but of course he does. Hold on BBC — doesn’t ‘makeover’ usually signify an improvement, an upgrade?
Extraordinary timing once again at the Beloved ﻅﻅﺡ (Propaganda Be Upon It).
We are constantly being told, and by inference to feel envy, of how muslim family lifestyle is bonded and heartwarming, a firm and trustworthy atmosphere of inter-dependence and loyalty, almost a reflection of Victorian Values you might think.
And yet – and sadly this is typical – Salih Khater’s brother Abdullah assures us that his sibling was not just white as driven snow (please pardon the allusion) he and the rest of this tight knit and highly respectable family group had no inkling, not a hint of concern, that a brother and son was a fanatic with the avowed intention of taking out as many kaffir as a Ford Fiesta could cope with. Odd, that. Perhaps Jeremy knows the answer.
Terminal Moraine, I’m sure his motivation may be that he recently took a trip to Norway. These Norwegians…tsk.
R4 WATO will be reporting from aboard the Gibraltar registered immigrant taxi ship : The Aquarius
It’s a total surprise to see the Guardian are on board as well
“The Aquarius will dock in Malta: From there 60 migrants are transferred to Spain”
I suppose if I were to say it’s about time that thing was sunk maxi or some other lefty monitor of this site would cut and paste me . So I won’t
I d use the Corbyn defence of :
1 I didn’t do it
2 I only did a bit of it
3 others were doing it so I did too
4 oops there’s a picture
5 I only support terrorists for peace .
Any sensible European government should state that if those ships dock at any port we’ll take the people off and send them straight back where they came from.
Furthermore we’ll imprison the crews, ban the charities running the boats, seize the boats and then sink them without compensation.
Huddersfield 30 MEN charged with CSE
“Victims were Girls aged 12-18, offences happened 2005-2012
The defendents are mostly from Hudddersfield” (yeh ..definitely not Pakistan)
“a further 12 men have been charged in connection”
Note the preview pic the BBC news story uses
Stew judging by the oppression TR has suffered they’ll probably put him in preventive detention on his return to Blighty from his holidays on the strength of alleged child rape by various third world imports who can or can’t be named for legal / illegals reasons .
I’m actually surprised al beeb reported it at all and it will be gone in a couple of hours because something happened on “ luv Ireland “
Someone on this site once added up all those Muslims who had been charged with industrial scale rape and it ran to well over two hundred. They were all guilty of serial rape , ie raping several young girls under the age of consent many times each. If we suppose that each rapist raped ten little girls twenty times each and that there were 200 hundred rapist that would mean that there were forty thousand rapes , and it is very likely that this is a very conservative estimate and only covers the cases that are made public. The real figure could be many times that forty thousand.
Yet the BBC and the rest of our cowardly media never present these figures. Instead they claim that white men committ more rapes than Muslims. They do this based on the number of people convicted of rape , be it a single offence or multiple offences, not on the actual number of rapes that took place.
The BBC tries to bury the truth of this scandal and to lie about it and to ridicule and persecute those who try to have it openly discussed . The BBC is a real and present danger to our country.
For many years people have been predicting the ‘Trojan Horse’ scenario, while others laughed at them. They are not laughing now. Who was the Home Secretary that let them all in? Who was the Home Secretary that left our borders in the state they are in now?
31 perps – what’s that then another three stage trial that will need a media restriction on it so that by the time the final case is heard and sentences passed, the media can sweep it under the carpet?
I thought things like Cliff Richard and Rolf Harris and others HAD to be made hugely public to encourage others to come forward. So that they could see that these monsters were being prosecuted and they could tell their stories.
Given the intimidation that must have gone on in these towns and cities, you can imagine that the local authorities running a flag up to encourage others to come out of the woodwork might be a good thing but I guess not when it comes to Muslim grooming gangs.
I see the bBBC are already blaming the Genoa bridge collape on ‘austerity’.
No prizes for guessing the subtext to wit analogy with the UK.
Funny how institutions presented with money on a plate always complain when governments vaguely try to live within their means.
I realise it’s a bit radical, but instead of unsubstantiated shit-stirring allegations how about waiting for the results of an independent civil engineering investigation first?
There were probably too many bodies in the bridge supports.
The video I watched appeared to show a flash, like that of an explosion, attributed to lightning. It certainly wasn’t lightning. I’m surprised that very little has been made of this.
I wonder if there was one of those ‘ paid for by the EU’ signs on the failed bridge ( yes I’m aware it was built in 1965 But they do like their accursed signs ).
I’m getting ready to see those EU badges and flags disappear at the end of next March …..
I also see the bad driver in Westminster was a refugee via Libya, born in the Sudan, who came to enrich us in the UK in 2011.
Personally, these diverse driving habits are lost on me, but then I’m just a reactionary right wing anglo saxon white person, whose opinions are institutionally ignored.
Why was he given British citizenship? In fact, why was allowed to come here at all? No war in Darfur anyway so go back home.
The shitheads are at it again.
On BBC1 1 pm news, they report on the 30 people arrested in Huddersfield on child abuse and rape charges.
The BBC report that the people are all local, except one, They are all male, except one. They are typically aged around mid 30s. They also report that 19 of them have been named by the police.
What they do not report, of course, are the names of those 19.
What do you think their names might be? Go on, have a guess. Smith? Jones? Arkwright? Sykes? Of course not.
Try Hussein et al.
Luckily, the Huddersfield Examiner is rather less reluctant
The BBC. In denial as ever. A deplorable cesspit of so-called ‘news’.
On my reckoning just under 25 % of those names are called Mohammed . I think it’s just accepting that the culture of these chaps is to rape white 22 year old girls and share them with the rest of the Tribe – allegedly.
It was meant to say ‘rape white 12 year old girls’ the thought was so repulsive that my typing finger failed.
How about a prize for the first person to spot a claim that Boris’s remarks on the Burka radicalised the Parliament crash driver.
The prize may go to
Good god. Have any of you had the misfortune of watching C4’s utterly dreadful ‘comedy’ show, The Last Leg? It is the most talentless, unfunny, PC, Leftie, wet, puerile, pro-Islam garbage I have ever seen. It is truly awful leftie establishment shite. Bloody hell.
Here you go. Have a look at this utterly pathetic spineless drivel. Comedy is dead.
30 seconds was enough
Comedy has been ‘dead’ for the past 30 odd years, when ‘performers’ stopped telling jokes and relied on ‘life observations’ to earn their crusts – yet somehow they manage to fill theatres. Real comedians stood on a dias in the corner of northern working mens clubs.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
That’s dire, not even mildly witty. The worst thing about it is the audience, mostly youngish and ‘unenriched’ laughing and clapping away as if they meant it.
I need to wash my brain.
TWATO today was disgusting in its left wing bias, kicking off with the pro mass migration invasion facilitation ship where Mair consistently pressed the French interviewee to say that Britain should be taking unlimited numbers of invaders, and you know something is badly wrong when a pro mass migration spokesperson is less left than Mair !
It became an embarrassment the number of time Mair asked and was given a negative response which he didn’t want to accept.
Then there was a piece on Labour supporting paper & member of Mirror group Newspapers the Manchester evening Fascist, about homeless people and how the evil Tories weren’t keeping track of the number of the homeless who died on the streets and the causes.
The whole program was unmitigated far leftist bias, yet there is no point in complaining because they simply deny everything.
Thoughtful, do you mean Mardell, not Mair? Think we have seen the last of Eddie Mair. If Mark Mardell were to follow him out the door I think the BBC would be a fractionally better place.
I also noticed that Mardell asked very firmly, not just once but twice “Do you think the UK should take more of these people?”
I think some desperation might be creeping in at the BBC. Am sure the ‘suits’ in Accounts are aware of the fall in Licence Fees, a decline which is no doubt gathering pace. The way to keep Mardell in the style to which he has become accustomed (as well as all other Beeboids) is to build more houses and apartments, fill them with people and charge for broadcast TV watching.
The Beeboids cannot see past that simple sum, they do not see the need also for worthwhile jobs, but come the next recession, they will be the ones beefing that Income Tax & NI have been increased to keep the 4m unemployed alive or that ‘other services have been cut’ in order to fund a vast Benefits bill.
Thing that amazed me about the M.E.N. journalist was that she immediately thought and said, having found that something is not being done “Government must do something.” She could have said “I’m a journalist, I’ll research this further.”
MI5 do not have their eye on the ball
Domestic extremism
Domestic extremism mainly refers to individuals or groups that carry out criminal acts in pursuit of a larger agenda, such as “right-wing extremists”
The latest chap was a British (domestic) citizen with alternate origins
“MI5 do not have their eye on the ball”. Then, almost certainly cross-eyed. I thought the medical profession dealt with that matter in early childhood. In adults, it results in double-vision. Just about sums up MI5’s opinion.
I notice the media chatter is concerned with tightening security around Westminster to protect MPs.
How about tightening border controls to protect the rest of us?
haha yes, I have a safe in the house but leave the fucking front door wide open
EuroNews … 14aug2018 … Manchester England (picture of police outside house#1, women in English style Niqab walking down street#2) rose 16 places to take the 35th spot, the English capital London was languishing at 48th place (picture of policeman outside house#3). … the worst place to live in is Damascus, Syria. (three women in Burkas#4)”
Bring up your baby as a Vegan, FFS, why does it have to be a mother from the cultural enrichment brigade, it’s relentless
Like others on here I get news from elsewhere.
The important issue of our defence never gets any proper coverage by our media.
A paper recently published by the Bruges Group shows that security and defence think tanks in the UK are heavily funded by the EU. So they naturally believe, say and do what their masters want. Hence unscrutinised MOD and FO civil service sign-ups to the EU Defence Union.
This includes the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
“Of RUSI’s £6.6 million budget for the financial year to 2017 the European Commission is cited as having provided upwards of £1 million of this. Strikingly, and alarmingly, this puts it two funding categories higher than the next biggest donors, who are at best providing half and perhaps less than a fifth of this sum …”
I have just received a second response to my complaint from the BBC denials department concerning the issue of the calling Tommy Robinson a ‘far right activist’.
In the complaint I asked them for some justification of using this description and for their definition- given the fact they have previously told me that they do not have one.
The response is basically that they are unable to tell me why they used the term ‘far right’ and that they will not communicate with me further, and give me the option to escalate the case to the Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) which it appears has to be done in writing.
If you are going to call someone names, then it appears to me at least reasonable that you first understand what the words mean before you use them. The fact that the BBC doesn’t spear to have even the first clue indicates to me that my suspicions are fully justified that they are using ‘far right’ simply as a pejorative for people whose politics they disagree with.
Well done Thoughtful. You must have an unquenchable tenacity to persist in complying to the BBC. I have tried complaining three times and was stonewalled and eventually ignored. Unlike you I gave up.
Know your enemy: I think the “BBC denials department” is called “Capita” and the “Executive Complaints Unit (ECU)“ is called the “Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU)”.
Write to the head of the ECU, Fraser Steel, telling him that you know that he is Chair of the board of UK Immigration Services Ltd, see the investigation below:
On the investigation into the Governance of Complaints handling and Editorial failings at the BBC. An Investigation into the BBC’s complaints process by a member of the group, that seems to reveal information not uncovered by professional journalists. Some of the findings of this investigation are revealed below.
BBC complaints are sent to a Capita office in Darlington that also does the TV licensing job for the BBC. The complaints are then forwarded to a 400 strong Capita office in Belfast that deals with complaints under an audience services contract with the BBC. In 2014/15 the Capita office received 259,886 complaints, a Massive 35 percent increase in complaints about the BBC, in one year. Letters from “BBC Complaints” are mostly from Capita employees, some of these Capita employees are former BBC staff, but most are Capita employees who have never been employed by the BBC. Senior staff in the Belfast office are: Head of Communications and Complaints: Keith Jones, Complaints Manager: Lee Rogers, Senior Complaints Advisers: Paul Moseley and Sarah Greatrex, and Complaints Advisers: David Larner and Sean Moss.
The Capita office also does the moderation services operation for the BBC, and is the largest online comment censorship setup in the UK. Only comments that the company are unable to classify in accordance with the published guidelines and house rules are passed on to the BBC’s Online Moderation Services team based in Salford, for a decision of whether or not to implement censorship. Moderation services team leader Paul Wakely also try’s to steer the blog discussions by posting new developments within the threads, or reminding people of the original topic. And finally, the BBC’s Nick Reynolds closes down the Internet Blog comments.
Eventually 583 of the complaints made in 2014/2015 were sent on to the 30 strong BBC Editorial Complaints Unit in London. The head of the Unit, Fraser Steel is also a Non-executive Director and Chair of the board of UK Immigration Services Ltd a small firm of licensed immigration practitioners. So this implies that the BBC needed an expert to combat a barrage of complaints about its pro-mass immigration bias. While Colin Tregear, the Units Complaints Director was once the Project Director at the BBC Weather Centre. So this implies that the BBC needed an expert to combat a barrage of complaints about its censorship policy for climate science. Other senior Editorial Complaints Unit staff include Complaints Director, Richard Hutt and Complaints Manager, Alison Wilson.
Richard thank you for the detail . This has got to be one of the most important posts on this site for a long long time.
I want to ask what your source might be . The detail is impressive but the idea of outsourcing complaints seems to be not right for a tax/ State funded parasite like al beeb
The email was sent to Mensa members by an unofficial offshoot of a special interest group during the BBC Charter renewal. I also remember something about an angry retired MI5 officer who was once embedded within the BBC audience services team in Belfast.
Good for you Thoughtful
I hope you escalate it to the Executive Complaints Jobsworths .
So al beeb isn’t appealing against the Sir Cliff Richards ruling . Despite a further waste of public tax money it would be good it an appeal judgement would screw the box down on the biased al beeb some more .
Perhaps the Unsworth beeboid will get fired now – but presumably she’ll be promoted ….
Can’t be just me thinking – if Italy hadn’t been lumbered with the expense of all those migrants they might possibly have fixed that bridge ?
Can’t be just me thinking – if Italy hadn’t been lumbered with the expense of all those migrants they might possibly have fixed that bridge ?
BBC News
There won’t be any tweets from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a while.
OMG, as Katty will now need to say about something else.
That’s quite a catty comment. From her, that is.
It must be an awful burden having to wake up each day and think of something nasty and vindictive to say about those people whose views aren’t the same as your own.
She’s probably too stupid to realise that if the likes of Mr Zuckerberg can censor Alex Jones, censoring a nonentity like our katty will take no effort at all. And eventually that’s what will happen; and no one will give a damn.
To be fair, that was not by her, but something deemed ‘news’ by the BBC on Facebook. They do seem selective on US media, mind. CNN’s latest howler… not so much.
“First they came for Jon, and I could care less,
Then they came for Anthony and still it merited no second thought,
And then they came for Katty and, well, no real difference to the BBC US operation by then, so ‘meh'”.
Interesting contrast of readers comments in the Times and the Guardian today on the story about a deal being reached to take migrants from one of the taxi ships and sharing them out between Spain, Portugal, France, Germany , Luxembourg. In the Times 95% of comments are against the deal for all the usual sensible reasons. In the Guardian perhaps 70% of the comments are broadly welcoming of the deal for all the usual silly shortsighted reasons. These leftists in the Guardian must be really dim not to see the danger signs flashing red as more and more Muslims enter Europe. There doesn’t seem to be any report of this deal on the BBC.
Also there are reports of the lastest Mudlim rape gang trial in both the Times and the BBC but neither allow comments.
That’s the trouble DT, isn’t it? ‘These leftists’ don’t recognise the flashing reds because they sincerely welcome the diversity. They honestly believe it will improve their lives. Sad, really, to think that the very free-thinking liberalism they wallow in is precisely what will shorten their days. Hanged, or stoned, or thrown from broadcasting house, or buried alive, burned, drowned, castrated, disemboweled….the Islamic-games list is endless.
‘Fat burning 15 minute workout you can do at home’ – photo of young lady who definitely does not need to burn fat – right next to ‘Nadiya’s Apple Rocky Road is perfect party food for all ages’ – photo of eleven chunks of same with one cup of tea or coffee.
“Are you going to eat ALL those?”
The laugh a minute BBC w-s Home Page.
Only four food items and one drink item on the w-s HP today. Yesterday it was eight items with the same drink item. Obesity crisis? What obesity crisis?
A little update from the BBC about the latest vehicle of peace accident.
Who is Salih Khater?
How wrong I was, here are some quotes;
Israr Rafiq says;
“There were ambulances behind him and he would have just been trying to get out of the way”
A man who does not what to be named says;
“Would there have been this reaction if it was an old white man”
Mohammed Hussein says;
“He always pays his rent on time”
As you can see it’s all a terrible misunderstanding.
I just wish they would have put a name to the article, just so they know who send the award to.
Muslims always see themselves as the victims and the BBC always seems to back them up to the hilt.
This comment is also worthy of close scrutiny
Chairman of the Central Mosque in Birmingham, Nassar Mahmood, said he was “surprised and shocked and saddened” after hearing about what happened in Westminster.
He told the media he “understands that the gentleman had papers with him to renew his visa and had no intention to do any harm”.
But, he added, Mr Khater was not believed to have worshipped at the mosque, which is close to the Highgate flat.
Mr Mahmood added: “We’re dealing with unprecedented levels of Islamaphobia at the moment so please don’t apportion any blame ahead of a police investigation.
“As far as we know he was a very good person and a keen footballer playing regularly in the community.”
The “community” in complete denial. Enough is enough someone once said, how about regulating regulating Mosques like Mr Mahmood’s for a starter.
I dont know why Mr Mahmood is so “shocked” there is a book he might like to read called “The Koran” where Islams attitude to jihad and its treatment of us Kaffirs is quite clearly explained.
Obviously poor Mr Poor Mr Khater got a bit confused on his way to the post office. I often do, and generally only realise that I am lost after I have knocked over half a dozen cyclists and pedestrians.
Spouse the Muslim Council of ( great ) Britain has written a stiff letter about dangerous barriers harming innocent Muslims . They certainly are quick with moans about English politicians exercising the right to free speech
The BBC. First with the trivia you don’t need to hear. Those of us who follow the BBC News Twitter feed actually get that sort of bilge masquerading as news.
I assume no breast feeding then as it’s from an animal?
As for the lovely chap who drove into HoP.. he says hello to everyone, helps old ladies across he road, is well respected…funny why didn’t he cooperate with the police then?
All a misunderstanding… yes he misunderstood the physics of hitting something immovable
A BBC wallah told us that he may well have been looking for the Sudanese Embassy to renew his visa.
Basically, if we weren`t so picky about silly documents, this kerfuffle might not have happened.
Naughty Brexit.
Bad Boris.