Pity the poor brummie getting lost in London and driving into a crash barrier in order to avoid the congestion charge .
And pity the elderly politician who can’t remember laying a wreath on the graves of terrorists .
The BBC show its’ bias on both events.
A very long time since I’ve posted but yet again the Bloody Biased corp has raised my bloody pressure.. Found the following on their regional news page….Thirty men and one woman have been charged with offences linked to child sexual exploitation in Huddersfield….. All “Asian? Pakistani they mean if they are!! No real mention of ethnicity, wouldn’t want to create AN other PHOBIA… Disgusting as ever scores of underage kids raped and groomed and it is not a national lead story.. My heart weeps..
It’s ironic that in al beebs attempt to speed up the acceptance of Islam into the country formerly known as Blighty – by doing dumb non reporting and exclusion of facts -it ( thankfully) damages its cause and sets it back even further than the evil Muslims who drive vans into people Or mass murder children .
BBC say “from Huddersfield“: So could look like the young Yorkshire folk who appear on Last of the Summer Wine.
BBC now say all “Asian” but nothing to do with Islam. So therefore must be Hindus or Sikhs?
Proof that its not just Jews and Christians who are the victims of the BBC’s anti-Semitism and anti-Christian policies. Its the Labour Party, BBC and Islam versus the rest of us.
It is very wrong of the BBC to use the term ‘asian’ . That refers to a very large number of nationalities and other ethnic groupings.
I am sure our Chinese and Japanese residents find it very upsetting.
Funny how this story has been ‘relegated’ to the ‘regional’ news page so soon. No pictures on the front page just text. But in all, thirty one people have been charged (no small number), mostly for the rape of girls between the ages of 13-15. No small number by any means. But obviously the BBC wishes to hide this from it’s readers in the pursuit of racial harmony. Didn’t bother to watch the BBC or ITV news on the box, but has it been mentioned at all?
Funny how this story has been ‘relegated’ to the ‘regional’ news page so soon. No pictures on the front page just text. But in all, thirty one people have been charged (no small number), mostly for the rape of girls between the ages of 13-15. No small number by any means. But obviously the BBC wishes to hide this from it’s readers in the pursuit of racial harmony. Didn’t bother to watch the BBC or ITV news on the box, but has it been mentioned at all?
This was happening in the Netherlands years before it all started happening here, almost exclusively African Muslim perpetrators against underaged white Dutch girls. In this country, it is almost exclusively Muslims of Pakistani origin perpetrating crimes against underaged white English girls. The depiction of the perps as Asian should actually read Muslim if an accurate portrayal were to be made.
So, Lord Hall has said that the BBC won’t appeal the Sir Cliff Richard breach of privacy, but still maintains that the BBC’s actions in naming the singer before he was arrested, charged or questioned were correct. Clearly, he and the rest of the shower who run the Corporation think they are above the law, and cannot accept they are ever wrong. Such is the strength of the corporate arrogance that Hall has written to the Attorney General demanding that the law of the land should be changed to allow them to do what the hell they want in future. The High Court ruled they were wrong, but to the BBC, that can’t be right. Already, the AG’s office has rejected the letter, but for the BBC high command, that’s not the end of the matter. The BBC will continue to pull government strings to get what it wants and will take no hostages in the process.
This whole saga has exposed how bankrupt of morals the BBC is – it will stop at nothing in its pursuit of targets such as Sir Cliff who it deems do not fit with its diversity and progressive mindset. This has done massive damage to the Corporation’s reputation in the eyes of most of the public, but Hall and co don’t give a monkey’s because their mission in their eyes is sacred.
Hall must harbour dreams of being first the head of the EU Broadcasting Corporation as reward for keeping Blighty in the ReichEU. The EUBC being the next phase of their ever closer union of course .
I noticed that Lord Hall’s letter to the Attorney General was signed ‘Tony’ – so on first name terms. Still even if I have to write to a friend on a formal matter (it does happen occasionally I will sign it with both my first name and surname. Not difficult, is it?
I am sure we got a different copy of the letter at 10 pm news on BBC1, now signed Tony Hall. I am sure at 6 it was just signed ‘Tony’. Was someone reading this site? And why was the words ‘yours sincerely ‘ highlighted, without comment from the newsreader? I love calling them newsreaders, rather than journalists because I know it annoys them. But with all those other people we can see working behind them in the studio, they cannot be doing much more than reading.
The BBC has fatally underestimated the affection many have for Cliff.
A period of total silence from it would be politic.
Yes – considering Sir Cliff was the Saturday Show for many year when al beeb was the BBC .
I hope Sir Cliff finds the energy to tell his story and what effect al beebs illegal activity has had on him .
Years of al beeb ignoring their favourite – Jimmy Saville – and his bestial crimes – yet putting a blinking helicopter over another celebrity’s home with the blessing of a corrupt police team .
And also Fran Unsworth resigning for making a bad work decision that has cost Licence Fee-payers millions of pounds. I doubt very much that she and the BBC Directors will stump up the money this has all cost from their own bank accounts and assets.
I don’t understand how the Beboids who named Sir Cliff Richard and could have prejudiced a trial, much more than Tommy Robinson who reported on people who had already been found guilty, are not languishing in solitary confinement in prison. Is this equal justice for all?
BBC 1 6pm news
They ran the Huddersfield child abuse story again. This time they added a sentence that most of those arrested are from a British Pakistani origin. But still no names.
What a juxtaposition! In an earlier item they announced that the BBC would not appeal against the Cliff Richard ruling. You’ll remember he, a Christian, was named but not charged. Pakistanis, shall we hazard a guess at Muslims, are charged but not named. Spot the difference?
The BBC. Love Muslims. Hate Christians.
I follow Peter Mcgloughlin on Gab. This is what he posted about a week back
“Last week I got to meet a very rich man, well-connected in Parliament. He told me that a member of his family told him 15 years ago that in their area the single biggest problem that police force faced was Muslim grooming gangs. This was a police force that has never yet been mentioned as having the grooming problem in their area.
The police and politicians have been complicit in this rape epidemic for decades.”
You should read ‘Easy Meat’ if you want to understand the scale of this problem. It is of course the number one National Security Issue our country faces because of the complicity of the police, the judiciary, the civil service and the politicians in covering it up. Ask yourself why we have not heard of one single case from Manchester, Birmingham or London. It should send a chill down your spine. It is quite extraordinary that millions of people are not out on the streets right now demanding something be done about it. Pronto.
I can also recommend the reading of Easy Meat as a way of gaining an in-depth understanding of what has been happening.
Radio 4 news said that they were thought to be of of “British Asian extraction”-but she quickly hopped the brook, by saying that their court case is not until next month.
So that`ll give them a month to develop their plan to save Islam in some kind of police, Guardian, MCB kinda halal compliant way.
Saw their names-“though to be” are they Beeb?
Look awful ITMO to me, but when would I know?
Apologies if someone has already posted this, or the far-left bbc ( protector of Jimmy Savile for half a century) has actually reported something of use for a change. This is a report from Breitbart that gives the names of the animals from Huddersfield. I was expecting to see such names as Brown, or Green or Smith or even Johnson. But no, I think it’s safe to say that the mohamad coefficient is 100%:
Woo-hoo. Settle down at the back, Auntie is going to ‘explain’.
So, in the space of a couple of days, we’ve had a real taste of the benefits of Muslim immigration.
Yesterday, a Sudanese refugee (yes!) allowed to come to Britain and stay here by Theresa bloody May, drove his Ford Fiesta into a group of cyclists and narrowly missed a couple of diving policemen. And on Radio 4 (believe it or not) they’re still referring this attempt at mass murder as “a crash.”.
Thank God no one was mortally wounded otherwise Westminster would be awash with mounds of rotting vegetation, candles, teddy bears and hearts and some limp, liberal pop group would be wailing “Don’t look back in anger…”
Already I’ve been puking listening to the hollow drivel blithely presented to us by our hopeless PM. “This will bring us together as it did…” And I’ve no doubt, if this ghastly creature continues in office we’ll be hearing these stale cliches the next time…and the time after.
And today we’ve heard about the trial of the Huddersfield rape gangs, nearly all of them Pakistani Muslims.
Mass rapes of underage white girls. Sickening isn’t the word.
Do you think the much admired Muslim Council of Britain might take this opportunity to offer the rest of us an apology. Probably not…
I think I’m going to have to book myself into one of these cultural awareness courses, I’m beginning to feel ever so slightly Islamophobic.
I’ll see you there…
There is a long waiting list.
I’ve been playing the game of ‘hide and seek the news” on the BBC website.
It’s great fun. You just choose what you think is the most important piece of breaking news – in this case I thought about the gang charged with child rape and trafficking offences in Huddersfield.
You then hunt it down on the BBC site. Simples.
You look at the home page. Nothing to be seen there.
You check out the England page. Nothing there either.
You click on regions, and zoom in on Leeds and West Yorkshire (I’m not daft) and there it is!!!
Found you, you cheeky little bashful article.
This was around 7pm, so perhaps the BBC felt it was old news by then. It did break only today, after all!
To be fair, they had carried it more prominently, though not as a lead, earlier in the day, including names of some of the accused, but something bigger must have broken since then to push it off…I see a horse broke loose at a show in Wales, That must be it.
And maybe, just maybe, they are saving it, along with all those other greatest gangsta hits from Rotherham, Rochdale and the like, for a special in-depth programme as part of the much vaunted Great British Asian Summer series.
You know, that lovely new BBC idea celebrating Asian culture in our blessed land.
I’m sure they’ll have taken such a trivial story as – —-alleged the organised sexual abuse of young white girls by third world Pakistani Muslims –
Down to make way for a Pakistani baking halal recipes for the next highly advertised Muslim festival of raping the kaffir
The bbc do like their bans.
That is incredible
+ I wonder what the bib “NO” in Roland’s Twitter profile pic signifies ?
FFS he tweets a lot of anti-Trump stuff And Guardian stuff
A Comment under his Tweet
\\ Got your priorities right then //
(worrying about protecting Muslims on Twitter over protecting the world from Muslim abusers/abuses)
Here he is
and his timeline is rammed with anti trump stuff
So he is the one filling the BBC front page with anti Bojo links?
I see Victoria on her morning show tried her best with a Jewish couple explaining why they were leaving for Israel .
Backtracking when she accused the woman of belonging to a Zionist group and dismissing that it was only in 1660 that the Jews were allowed back here as a long time ago and not relevant.
The Beeboids really cannot grasp that Israel is safe now compared with most of Europe.
That to know that you are defended by the young men and women of the IDF is far better than relying on our useless laws ,police and politicians now.
They just do not understand or if they do prefer not to.
Dave S, I saw about 8 seconds of that interview before switching off.
VD said that Hate Crimes against Jews in the UK had dropped 8% compared to last year. As if this made Labour’s anti-semitism ok?
The response from the interviewee was that this was irrelevant. Quite right!
My guess is that the decline in anti-semitic hate crimes is a direct consequence of the number of people who have emigrated to Israel fleeing persecution.
An interesting development in the Sudanese so called refugee.
You are a refugee if you have a ‘well founded fear of persecution’ for a number of reasons.
If you are granted refugee status your passport will state that you can visit any country save the one you claimed you were in fear of persecution from.
Attempting therefore to travel back to a country you claimed you were forced to leave, proves you have lied and that you are not in a well founded fear of persecution at all, and can therefore safely be returned whence you came.
Great point.
It’s almost like the moron who seemingly bundled his entire family onto a rubber dinghy, let them all drown apart from the one child who was repositioned and photographed dead on the beach and then amazingly he took the child back to the very supposedly war torn place that he’d apparently been forced to flee from.
Have to leave a place because it’s so dangerous but then go back there to bury your dead child even though the place doesn’t look like it has any basic amenities let along a functioning burial service.
Thought I’d forgo all the crap on the new channels and watch a gentle and inoffensive programme, where thoroughly nice people who are also extremely talented, indulge, in some R & R – repair and restore, other peoples cherished belongings. The Repair Shop on BBC2. So who comes along and ruins it with his constant ‘Wow’s’ , ‘cool’ and ‘how yer ge”in on ‘ere then’, – the token non-white Jay Blades. He adds nothing to the programme, there is a pleasing narrator, and very adept skills people who are more than able to carry the programme. The man is an oik, he can barely articulate – clearly unaware that there is a T in the alphabet, and the questions are puerile. “Is tha’ wood ?” was one of his gems earlier this week, to one of the repairers. Utterly cringeworthy.
I’ve written to complain to the BBC, more to get it off my chesticles rather than knowing they will do anything. Blades is out of his depth, he should stick to painting one chair leg although clearly he wasn’t making money doing that. The BBC excel in the art of ruining programmes with adding a BAME and killing a show dead. I’ll have a little bet that this Blades chap will be a contestant on Strictly along with all the other unknowns.
I don’t know about Strictly, but apparently he’s been picked for Celebrity Masterchef, you’ll be delighted to know.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see a roast chicken with one leg painted pink!
Oh Christ, all this social entrepreneuring, but he can still get on the books of a management firm to boost his ‘profile’. Male version of Anita Rani methinks. Pushed front and centre, and cue dozens of photoshoots for the weekend supplements. So f…..g predictable.
we are going to be seeing more of this social entrepeneur. One second hes a nobody then they ram him down our throats.
I’m surprised with all his current tv work he has time to be a social entrepreneur helping his communaeeee. Next thing, he’ll be getting his teef fixed.
Funny how Sarah Moore (who has more talent in her little finger than he is ever likely to have) hasn’t been ‘pushed’ in the same way !!!! BBC biased in more ways than the obvious.
Not on BBC News but on Sky News:
“”Dick: Parliament could be pedestrianised in wake of Westminster terror crash””
So, we have London Bridges covered in concrete blocks.
We have extra armed police.
Parliament Square, the home of Democracy, is to be pedestrianised.
Those Quakers. Those damn Quakers.
Thank goodness we have the ‘Religion of Peace’.
There is a problem – if they pedestrianise the area around the parliamentary estate the peers and MPs won’t be able to drive their taxpayer funded cars into their free car parks .
I have an image of those chairs that are carried by four strong men carry each of the @ 1500 representatives into the Houses of Parliament .
More seriously all that will happen will be cycle borne suicide attacks .
Terrorists will always find a way. We are a democracy and value our freedom.
As the IRA said: ‘You have to be lucky all the time, we only have to be lucky once’.
You are right about the bicycles.
You are right about always finding a way.
Here is some old footage captured from an actual plot in Singapore. I am sure a similar casing is happening right now in London looking for weaknesses.
If Labour got in then maybe they should move it somewhere else? I mean why should London be the capital when they could ‘rejuvenate’ a deprived part of the country in the North East instead? You know, Labour diversifying everything an all
Radio 2’s Folk Show tonight had an African Band playing. We were told that they had to move because “fundamentalists” in their region had banned music. Those damn Methodists I expect.
Methodistaphobia? I curse you in the name of the BBC!
So finally watching the BBC news at 10. First story is about the attempted murders at Parliament. Second is an overly long report about the BBC moaning about the ‘ability of journalists to report on police investigations’. Fran Unsworth is then shown warning of a ‘serious threat to British journalism’. Press freedom?? Whinge, whinge, whinge. The third is about police in Yorkshire charging 31 people of rape etc. 31? No small number! Why isn’t this reported above the parliament attack and the Cliff Richard case???
Well, they might need to rethink their priorities if the comments to this are any guide…
I thought this comment was rather telling
“Philip Forde What the BBC did to Cliff Richard is what I’d expect of the Sun, ITV or FOX News. It was little more than cheap sensationalism.
And because of that, the BBC deserved the good drubbing in court it got!”
But the Sun, ITV or FOX News DIDN’T do it, did they? It was the bloody BBC!
The BBC have decided not to appeal the Sir Cliff Richard privacy case – what does this mean for journalism more widely?
It means that fake news (Cliff Richard Guilty) has been given a blow, but censorship of real news (Islam Guilty) continues.
“BBC moaning about the ‘ability of journalists to report on police investigations’.”
Amazing how they condemned Tommy Robinson for less. A lot less.
Reading the ‘Yorkshire’ story again. looks like all of the pictures of the accused have now been removed. I wonder why?
No John Smith, Mark Jones or Peter Brown on that list then?
Yet more scum. I would love to have the electric chair as a method of punishment in this country.
It is sick that some of those guys are the same age as me. Now I know we get ‘white’ sickos as well and we hate them none the less but one thing that I notice with these ‘gangs’ is that they never include the white pedo rings. Why is that? Is it because the white pedo rings usually operate in secret while these ‘other guys’ have something a but more cultured behind them?
Is anyone at the BBC going to ask these questions?
10pm news spoke about ‘a car crashing into a barrier’ as though nobody was driving it, and as though the cyclists just got in the way.
In Breitbart but probably not the Beeb
\\ Hollywood-backed Democratic candidates didn’t fare as well as politically engaged celebrities had hoped in Tuesday’s elections, which sparked Russian meddling conspiracy theorizing and celebs bashing Green Party voters in Ohio.//
Delingpole : Upcoming movie … exposes the Climate Consensus for what it is – a shameful tax-munching scam.
Presented by James Delingpole. Produced by Martin Durkin.
Good, I will add it to my DVD collection:
(1) The Great Global Warming Swindle (DVD from http://www.wagtv.com/shop)
(2) Global warming or Global Governance (DVD from eBay)
(3) The Fight of our Lives (DVD from http://www.thefightofourlives.com)
(4) The Cloud Mystery (DVD from http://www.thecloudmystery.com)
Next DVD for my collection:
(5) The Climate Game (DVD from http://www.wagtv.com/shop)
Evan Davis interviewing lefty playwright Ian McEwan on Newsnight and giving his latest film a plug ( starring luvvie Queen Emma Thompson – who else ! ). Then a non sequitur chat about the burkha, which McE doesn’t like, but which hardly anyone wears he thinks ( in his neck of the woods, obviously not the East End of London or many other enriched enclaves). Next – and you knew this was coming didn’t you- Brexit ! McE was agin it, was that a surprise or what ?
I feel Evan Davis might have been more comfortable sitting on McEwan’s knee running his fingers through his hair such was the intensity of the interview.
Some good news for the BBC for a change: it would be literally impossible for their news coverage to be as awful as Tom Bradby’s performance on News At Ten the other day when he was presenting the first item about the Italian bridge collapse. It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen on a British news programme. Crass and patronising in the extreme. A pity that ITN has descended to this level compared to what News At Ten used to be like a few years ago when it was presented by the excellent Trevor McDonald.
Must be Photoshop innit
You know like how the BBC photo shopped the Lenin hat on Corbyn a few months ago that got the left into a frenzy!
Italy bridge collapse: ‘We just ran for our lives’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-45202127
What are the chances eh? Agenda, anyone?….
I hate how they think it is ok to just read a few tweets from lefties about Trump to form a story. They do not even bother to try and be balanced. John Kerry thinks Trump firing Brennan is awful, well it’s like asking a Liverpool supporter what they think of Manchester United. It is so lazy and rancidly biased.
As for Trump calling them ‘the enemy of the people’ and so many agreeing, perhaps that is because they mostly are. They always shoot the messenger. If he kept saying the sun does not rise in the morning nobody would agree because it clearly does not. It hurts them because it is true. Why not consider why people think that and perhaps adjust their behaviour rather than play the victim?
They have made it impossible to criticise a dark ideology and now forever more we will have armed police by buildings, no free speech and barriers; plus the terrible, gnawing fear that this could get much worse and nobody has any plans to deal with it beyond pretending it is not a problem.
The royal mile at my beloved Edinburgh now has barriers – a chilling daily reminder that fellow citizens we have given everything want to murder us.
As for ‘hate speech’ at least hatred can spring from love or wisdom. How I hate their smug, sneering at us all – the people who pay their fat wages. They talked down their noses at anyone who even suggested there might be a problem. Well our hatred was justified and their condescending, smug certainty that they were not only right but morally superior turned out to be a house built on sand.
When President Trump wins a second term by a huge majority, how are they going to spin it?
“Trump hoodwinks the American people again”
“Trump wins but only with the help of the Kremlin”
“Trump wins but only because he was rude and abusive on Twitter”
“Trump locks up the opposition…”
Boris Johnson helped Trump win the election
Trump helped Johnson win the election
Trump and Johnson win elections
The special relationship continues
The BBC hates it
Operation smear the guys with the funny hair cuts
Smear the political right
Get Corbyn in power!
The BBC never stop it do they?
Donald Trump is no longer young so the responsibility and workload must be daunting.
I think DT should have a female running for vice-president.
Young looking and pretty.
Highly intelligent, with a mind as sharp as a razor.
Science degree, PHD if possible.
Statistical expertise desirable to crush the lefts pseudo-arguments underfoot.
Take no prisoners attitude.
There must be someone with these qualifications.
The intention would be that the vice-president would take more of the load whilst simultaneously learning the #1 job.
The selected lady would then stand for the presidency after DT completes a second term.
I want to see the expression on Hitleries face if a female Republican becomes president.
What do you think?
“Young, pretty, intelligent woman, with a science degree, preferably a Ph.d and also right of centre views?”
Just like our own little beauty, Diane Abbott.
Early morning quiz.
Just looking for train fares and what pops up but a BBC headline saying that rail fares will rise. Fair enough (pun) I hear you saying but what picture accompanys the report?
Is it ?
a) a hard working white male commuter?
b) a hard working female white commuter?
c) an obviously black afro carrabian lady with twin daughters being led onto a train?
c) and a single ‘mum’ on benefits.
Things taking a bit of a turn for the BBC staff’s favourite ex-BBC staff turned one degree of separation proxy quotee.
Maybe Emily’s son should run a poll?
Speaking of ex-bbc proxies…
The collection of white males the bbc assembled in name of ‘sweet reason’ is hilarious.
Fey, Nay and Gay.
I’ll just add this here; in complement, like.
Trouble in paradise.
TOADY Watch #1 Somebody must be to blame
Up late, so I confess that I have missed the first 1hr 9mins of TOADY. 🙂 I woke up happy after a blissful extra hour and I’m still happy. 🙂
Poor Mishal is mad. Angry. Cross. Bitter. Justin, too. Somebody must be to blame for schools, for Universities, for A-levels, for immigrants, for roads, for bridges, for rugby players, for Government, for money, for not enough students, for nappies … and on it goes … someone must be to blame for all this and more.
Who do I blame?
The BBC.
Simples. Lay it all the feet of ‘the Government’, a.k.a. the BBC.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
The headline of their daily email shows us the one thing we need to know today. Well, three. Not counting the other stuff.
“A-level results day | ‘We ran for our lives’ when Italy bridge collapsed | Mass overdose in US park”
Fran Unsworth will never resign, no matter how useless she is and no matter how many lives she wrecks with her incompetence and bias.
Why would anyone at the BBC give up £340,000/annum salary plus generous perks when they can hang on to the bitter end and receive two years salary and a guarantee of a place on the board of OFCOM when they retire?
third – All of us need to write to the Corporation demanding her resignation, as it is WE license fee payers who pay her salary.
Incompetence and poor judgement. Failure at that key executive function, decision-making.
Does anyone know who her ‘managers up the line’ are, cos they all need to receive the same letter?
We could mention -in passing- that the salary is outrageous to begin with. (I’ve had some high-powered jobs in which I considered myself well-paid, but nothing to even remotely touch that stratospheric level.
Having long ago cancelled my subscription to Biased and Bigoted Crap on the TV (there’s only so many ‘Strictly Baking on Ice’ programmes a straight, white man can watch before giving up the will to live), I’ve been reduced to trying to get my daily news fix from the Beeb web site, which is (apparently) sort of ‘news’ themed(?)
But, the ‘news’ webs(h)ite seems to have been bought out by ‘Take a Break: London edition’ and I’m now just as fed up with all the ‘Yo Mamma is sooo fat ‘cos she ate all Aunty Anita’ cookie dough’ articles which seem to have replaced any kind of… well, you know NEWS.
My point is, can anyone recommend a website which offers genuine, daily news, you know things like: what’s been blown up, riots in Sweden, the weather… but without all that opinion, gossip, PC and Disabled, Black, Trans crap? I just want the news, in black and white, quite capable of deriving my own biased opinions. In terms of entertainment, that can be got elsewhere, and is vastly superior, but it’s daily news (especially UK news) which seems to be lacking in any form?
I’ve tried most of the tabloid sites and they’re all biased in their own ways, and bloated with crap articles about ‘Love Ireland’ and ‘Drunk Love Cheat Ant’ as well which you have to wade through to get to the important stuff. I’ve also tried some of those ‘far right’ (and ‘far left’ for balance) websites, but they’re full of crap as well, and I really don’t want to read any more Trump/Commie/Muzzie/Fascist/Illuminati/Lizard/Martian/Jewish (delete as appropriate) conspiracy theories.
I’ve tried RT and it’s pretty good, but limited on UK stories (understandably), ditto Al Jazeera, I’ve even taken to reading Reuters, but that’s a little too sparse really.
Any recommendations?
Breitbart is a good site to visit.
It’s views are similar to most of us on here.
Breitbart London.
You can comment on everything as well.
Extremely good topical articles are regularly found in Conservative Woman, and comments are usually high quality. Subscription free.
Fox News Online – go to the ‘News Clips’ section. Usually a Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham one to restore sanity.
all of the sites mentioned
plus westmonster
and I follow a few youtubers
as yet ive not found a single place that pulls all the important stuff together
Thanks all for suggestions.
Breitbart is fun, but a bit limited, so dip in and out of it… other half (missus) has heard it’s ‘alt right’ and ‘far right’ so bit worried about me reading anything on it – so I do when she’s out, missus goes out and other men look at porn, and I look at Breitbart, not sure what that says about me, but there you go. Missus Big Brother is concerned I’m getting more ‘right wing’ as I get older (don’t we all)… but, then you should hear her comments re. the BBC… say no more.
Do drop in to Conservative Woman too, and interesting range of articles, might spend some more time there actually.
Haven’t tried Fox News online, or Westmonster – on my ‘to do’ list now.
Yes, would be amazing if there was a decent British News website pulling together all the important (and funny?) news items most of us want to read, without the celebrity gossip, and PC crap you get in other places (PC crap is mostly the BBC actually, come to think of it).
I don’t even own a TV. Not had one in years. I used to like the kids stuff when I was younger but they seem to have cut the old favourites and no idea what they replaced it with on the now not so new ‘CBBC channel’
Eastenders was good back in the day but I heard rumours that even they went ‘left wing’ yet that was true as far back as the first episode from 1985 which I found on Youtube once where someone was talking to someone in the local market about unity spirit to which the reply was ‘unity spirit went out when the Tories came in’
Was that the earliest source that the BBC was biased towards the left even then? Anyone else found any earlier sources?
Indeed as I said before I never really liked the BBC for a while, their present style made me feel uneasy. It was embarrassing sometimes, I don’t know why but I just couldn’t agree with them.
Growing up I always had ‘right of centre’ views and looking back it was the BBC that was telling to suppress such views. The more they pushed me then the more I boycotted them. Now I have no TV. Don’t need one anyway!
When my son was younger (like 4 or 5) we used to watch a bit of CBBC together, but that was nearly a decade ago now, and even that started to get all PC weirdy and strange.
There was this new series called ‘In the Night Garden’ voiced by Steven Fry (who I detest, not because he’s gay, but because he’s so fucking up himself all the time and thinks he’s such a genius… which he’s not), anyway, it was the biggest heap of overhyped, PC shite you could imagine. The funniest bit were these little brown people who lived in a semi and had something like 30 little brown children, none of whom could speak English and all of whom seemed to be living on benefits (you could live like royalty on the benefits for 30 kids hey?)… it made me laugh (bitterly) anyway.
The best stuff were the ‘old’ classics like Pingu, but then I realised the Pingu cartoons were foreign made and ‘old fashioned’, with a Mum (who stayed at home) and a Dad (who went to work and actually was Pingu’s biological father), and that world was quickly passing, and it made me really sad. The BBC obviously agreed, because they scrapped Pingu to make way for some British made cartoon about trains and railway engineers, where everyone was multiracial and spoke with a foreign accent, and the girl engineers fixed everything, because the stupid boy engineers spent all their time crying about spilt milk and bad hair days, and I’m sure someone’s ‘parents’ turned up and they were lesbians with pierced lips and green hair… or maybe I just imagined that bit?
“Meanwhile, here is the BBC Obviously Inaccurate News, wot they were given (h/t Ernie Wise)’.
TOADY Watch #2 How to be insensitive and obnoxious
Talk about Rossini and opera with the egregious (modn) James Naughtie. Two days after the bridge tragedy in Italy? Come on, BBC! Is that really appropriate?
Oh, I forgot.
BBC employees have to find something to do with their vast incomes passed through their Personal Service Cos. – ref. Guest Who’s excellent ‘spot’ in his 7.50am post. Covent Garden Opera tickets? Culture? Being seen being cultured? Excellent.
My radio doesn’t have an “off” but now – it’s naughtie / al beeb button ….
When you think about it, liars are the root of all our problems.
TOADY Watch #3 Popcorn time!
Lord Sheikh caught metaphorically ‘with his fingers in the till’. What is good for the Johnson Goose is not good enough for the Sheikh Gander. Who says? Lord Sheikh, that’s who. “It’s politically motivated!” just like his personal attack on Boris Berk-ah!-Johnson last week.
If you missed it catch it on Radio iPlayer after the 8.30am Sport & News Bulletin.
Mishal is tough to start with but takes her foot off the accelerator and gives the dodgy Sheikh a free ride at the end.
“In a hurry? Here’s what you need to know this morning”
This helpful time saving daily summary of BBC bias will be familiar to most users of this website.
Today accompanied by a photograph of four black females studying their A Level results. Almost certainly a contrived photograph because the models, sorry students, appear to be perplexed. How hard can it be to read
I mention this, not because another example of bias from the BBC is novel, but because yesterday I was reading comments on two other sites in the USA and one site in Australia. These three sites contained many comments, presumably from males, complaining that this anti-white, pro-female bias is ubiquitous where they live.
So the situation is worse than I believed.
“These three sites contained many comments, presumably from males, complaining that this anti-white, pro-female bias is ubiquitous where they live.” Thats the benefit of easy communication these days. The UN, Soros and the NWO can issue their Worldwide instructions for social engineering and know it will be acted on almost immediately.
I can’t believe that I’m actually wishing for a return to the days when the photo was usually of attractive blonde twin girls jumping in the air while waving their four A* grades into everyone’s noses.
And we know it’s all lies anyway, at my son’s A level results day a few years ago (which was far from the happy scene that every news outlet will have us believe, it genuinely came as an unpleasant shock to me to see many young people in tears as they realised their dreams had been shattered because they had got one or two Bs and Cs instead of As and Bs) his friends who were pulled to one side to open their results for the waiting newspaper cameras were only the ones who the teachers knew (because they get a master list) had performed brilliantly. So just in case you didn’t suspect, when you see a photogenic &/or BAME 17 year old on tonight’s news opening an envelope they WILL have sat 4 exams as opposed to the more usual 3, and they WILL have achieved A* in all of them. Sorry if I ruin your suspense.
Just opened my results.
Examination Authority – Woolwich.
“Poetic licence and Irony”……Z
Don’t worry , that’s the new scale where Z is highest and A is lowest. We’re all winners now 🙂
W – Have a Z yourself.
I have never understood why school exam results are on the news.
Is it because we are a Socialist country? I really don’t give a flying _ _ _ _ what kids exam results are. Unless they are my kids. Then I would know without it being on the damn news. School isn’t news.
There has always been a tampering of figures in exam results. I should know, because it affected me back in 1959 when I took the 11+. According to the bit of paper I gave Mum and Dad, I had failed.
However, my lovely Dad was discussing this with a teacher friend, who was amazed that I had failed. So he took it upon himself to search for my exam paper at the Education HQ in the county town. AND, yep I had passed, but by then it was too late to challenge it. Clearly there were only so many places available so those children of business people were pushed forward – whereas I, a miner’s daughter was not.
Those students today would have had reason to cry if they’d had my scenario, but I got on with life because you have to. BUT because some pencil pusher decided I was a FAIL, I wonder if he realised how he/she was affecting a young person’s future life.
Now THAT would make a good news story.
The BBC really shoot themselves in the foot when they do things like this.
The idea is to paint the image of deep oppression in the present day under ‘Tory austerity’ where ‘ethnic minorities’ are being excluded?
How about the BBC just come out and admit that the black community are mostly doing very well under the Tories and that there are equal opportunities for all?
I myself think that it is great to see anyone who has done well to get such grades but credit should also be paid for those who helped them get there as well. Are these so called underfunded schools really that underfunded? Are things really as bad as the BBC say it is?
There is always more to the story when it comes to the BBC but omission of facts that don’t want to be shown is the BBC’s now obvious tactic when trying to push some kind of agenda onto us.
Of course I am sure that many white youngsters have done well in their A levels as well but again, the BBC don’t want us to hear about that because you know, white working class are disadvantaged as well under the Tories…
Lucky Getty Images was able to supply just the right image in complement.
Wonder if Nadiya is whipping up that recipe for the staff party, but they just don’t know it yet?
GW, or not in this instance:
Top left pic looks more like a Uni graduate or post-grad result thing to me.
I listened to the 1800Hrs news on R4 yesterday. I detected the overt outbreak of honesty. Could this signal a change of attitude for the biased, lying BBC in view of the numbers of listeners dropping significantly? More than likely a one-off aberration: leopards and spots and all that……….
Truthful reporting and nationalities of the current group of child groomers; detailed background of the ‘lone-wolf’ car ramming in Westminster. With the latter, no mention of the elephant in the room: the RoP – yet – will they, will they, will they………….
Not TOADY Watch – BBC Complete and Utter Shameful Ignorance Watch.
BBC Trail: “Could the Electric Car have been invented by the Victorians.”
Er, I think you will find it was. It really only became available in numbers, IIRC, in the Edwardian era and in the USA (in New York) but, yes, the Victorians (or their equivalents like Rudolf Diesel) experimented with all sorts of power sources for locomotive vehicles.
December 18 1898, Achères France, Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat, Electric, 39.24 MPH 63.15 KPH.
Wikipedia. First recognised World Land Speed record.
Bien! Merci, LCS.
Wedged in the back of ze leetle grey cellz (lots of reading of the green, stripey one when I was in my late teens) but I was too enraged by the BBC’s breathtaking £3.6bn (and declining)-funded ignorance to remember or quickly search for it.
Driving the search for alternatives to the horse were hot summers and all the horse excrement piling up in London. Yes, in Victorian times they had BBC-style ‘global warming’, too! Mind you, did no harm to the Victorian rose growers efforts, which were no doubt welcomed as an antidote to the poo pongs.
I wonder what the piles of poo emerging from a building in London’s W1 area, at the end of the second Elizabethan era, will lead to?
I’l est rien.
We have greater stinkers in Parliament today than the Victorians did.
A new Joseph Bazalgette is required to ensure the bipedal excrement is washed away by the Thames.
LCS, magnifique!
U2s – I cannot produce a reference but many years ago I read a book which contained the memoirs of a man who, in c 18 or c19, had been an MP for decades in a Rotten Borough or similar constituency.
This book contained the following statement.
“During my X years as a Member of Parliament I heard many speeches which changed my opinion.
But I never heard one speech which changed my vote.”
Second attempt.
I’l est rien.
We have greater stinkers in Parliament today than the Victorians did.
A new Joseph Bazalgette is required to ensure the bipedal excrement is washed away by the Thames.
Then there would be no more “ordure, ordure.”
D’accord, LCS. We also have some serious stinkers at the BBC, I fear.
Is it a special day today?
My reason for asking is that the Beeb on Radio4 appear to be in an ordurious mood.
Is it Broadcasting Misanthropes Day? Or Critics Repeat of Exceptional & Excremental Perfidiousness Day?
The BBC appear to be doing their best to drive away my happy mood, with their pernicious sneering grenades and fault seeking missiles, TWatO being the latest culprit along with the web-site and TOADY. Mark Mardell was superb as Sneer-Leader on TWatO, if you like that sort of thing, even throwing some cack at A-Levels.
Think if I was Mark, it might be better to offer your cakes from the canteen to the students and their teachers – so they can celebrate – and thereby keep your personal calorie count down. Put the cack where it ought to be, heading down one of Mr Bazalgette’s wonderful pipes to a Treatment Station.
Re electric cars.
Soon the BBC “so called” Journalists and researchers will astound us when they find out the Edwardians had electric cars , delivery trucks and vans delivering the mail. Home delivery with milk floats later on. Oh the crushing defeat in realizing Amazon is not original.
Yes, they had electric cars thanks to the muslim engineers and scientists who harnessed the power of electricity during the great age of Islam. Then electric cars filled the roads connecting the many cities in Africa before the British came and enslaved everyone and turned the place into a jungle.
Soon to replace the ‘Why you can trust the BBC’ sign off?
Yes, some BBC Trump haters are biased, pompous or slimy but Paul Wood has Trump Derangement Syndrome at the swivel eyed level.
He fully supports the views put forward by another sufferer in this review
TOADY Watch #4 Ready, Steady, Cook like an Egyptian, Cry like a Policeperson
Recipes galore, how to mummify, how to cryify!
What surprises me is that a premier news organisation, much loved and well-respected – so they tell me – with tremendous resources can have a journalist write “Police have been granted more time to interview a man suspected of driving a car into a barrier at the Houses of Parliament.”.
That headline, delivered in the News at 6am (I assume) 7am and 8am and in half-hourly bulletins would have been seen, again I assume, by an (sub-)Editor and a Programme Editor as well as, probably, the News Editor and none of them spotted what was completely wrong with it.
Oh well, it gives the nation a good laugh or the chance for a colossal moan, as I have done here. 🙂
Thank you BBC. Thanks for nothing!
The bloke today was described on the 8am news as a British man, born in the Sudan.
How many different combinations of words have been used to describe him already-and how many more contortions and morphs will we be due before the BBC settle for
“Muslim Immigrant terrorist”?
Did he not pay his poll tax in Ladywood?
“A community resident and community charge paying person, not liable for benefits,yet due a rebate was charged today….
Man, truly mad…to quote our Greatest Ever Brummie.
Fascinating piece regarding Corbyn and what is likely to transpire if he was ever to be elected PM…worth a read
Thanks – read it but I don’t think a Corbyn Government would be like that -.firstly it would be mcdonnell .
The pound would die
Oil prices and inflation thru the roof
Taxes rising . Unemployment rising
Investors from overseas running
They’d have so many economic issues that foreign policy would have to wait . He would not attack the monarch – too divisive .
At best they’d take the rail ways back into public control . After that they’d be gone . Big majority or not .
Spot on..!!
From the linked article.
“The civil service could be supplanted by ‘people’s commissars’.”
I believe that ship sailed long ago.
Worth a watch folks..brilliant
What a star!
Who is this guy?
Mishal on the Today programme this morning asking who is to ‘blame’ for the Genoa bridge collapsing. I thought she was supposed to be bright. Hasn’t she a Cambridge degree? Does she really see the world in such a simple way that within 24 hours, the Italian government can decide who is responsible? And responsibility is not the same as blame. What does Mishal get paid by the BBC? Whatever it is, she is not worth it.
For no particular good reason I poke my nose close to the buzzsaw which is BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour.
‘Is it frivolous to be interested in fashion?’
So what’s the point of this discussion, which, by the way as if we need to remind ourselves, is funded by the Licence Payer?
Well, there’s much reference to the ‘Patriarchy’ and something they call ‘Female Agency’. It’s all done in a very earnest straight-laced fashion (excuse the two puns there) whilst it sounds a tad wimmin’s studies junior common room parlance.
One of the reasons I believe the BBC ought to have its wings clipped is that it provides a subsidised engine house for Leftward cultural thought. This is a resource denied to conservatism.
Woman’s Hour and indeed much of BBC output provides Lefty identity politics with their talking points. This morning for instance I learn bra manufacturer Playtex made Nasa spacesuits ergo: ‘Playtex sent a man to the moon’. Go sisters!
More importantly the discussion about whether fashion is frivolous – the conclusion being 100% no it’s not – provides an opportunity and forum for the Feminists to get their ducks in a row, to thrash out their agruments and present a united anti-bloke front. Thank you BBC.
If you look. At the radio 4 / 4x programme out put the non white male programmes of interest are diminishing by the month . I guess the programmers are 30 something female meeja graduates . In summary -there’s plenty of poor quality output just made for box ticking
how would all the lesbo’s know to make a pass at each other if they didnt have dungerees and doc martins
AISI, brilliant opening line. Love it! 5*
Typical fake news from the BBC. They report on how 300 media outlets are coming together to fight Trump’s Dirty War
Amazing that they have the hubris to reference the UN saying that Trumps rhetoric raises the risk of violence against journalists and then show Jim Acosta getting heckled at a Trump rally yet completely and utterly ignore how Antifa (the black shirted fascists masquerading as anti facists) physically attacked the NBC/ABC journalist when they were reporting on the huge Antifa mob that attacked Washington and Charlottsville.
Al beeb is so out of touch that it actually thinks that the UN still has a positive reputation as opposed to being infected with far left snowflakes wandering into countries and telling them what they are doing wrong . Can we stop paying for that too ?
I heard sopel wittering on about president trump taking security clearance away from employees and some other ex staffer betraying confidences in order to sell her book . He sounded a bit chipper for a change . All the good stuff the president has been doing has been depressing the poor beeboid .
Payne by name:
Here’s the link to Diamond and Silk demolishing Even Davis on Newsnight.
Sneering bastard with no respect for black women who do not fit the leftie standard. Look at the sneer when he speaks.
literally see his cognitive dissonance etched in that grimacing face. what a pos interview that was. blatant “gotcha” lame stream media tactics falling flat, so love it when these idiots get owned. nice find.
one of the best is the TR clip were the “host” reads from a bible pretending its a koran to trick TR into a rant, which doesn’t happen so sweet
Some beeboid editor will be getting retraining because of that car crash interview . Poor Evan – couldn’t be nasty to these ladies because they are black – so – as it were- he has to eat it .
Shows how different America is to our Rotting one . Poor Evan is so deluded he cannot understand how black women could support President Trump and the reality that the bubble looks in on its own inflated dramas and voters look to reality such as lower taxes and more jobs .
Many Mensa members and Climate scientist also think Donald Trump never says anything stupid. The statement that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is “A Hoax” is a simple concise statement synonymous with a very highly intelligent person trying to explain something as simply as possible to someone with very low intelligence, such as a BBC Journalist.
That’s great, I’ll get that in my watchlist to watch later tonight. Thanks again.
Thanks to a Mr Ambler on Paul Homewood’s excellent NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT Blog site, I declare (may be something to do with my good mood) that I am no longer a Denier or a Sceptic.
I am a Rejecter.
And proud of it.
I have given the theories of Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change the Timandra Harkness Treatment. 🙂
That erudite poet Stormzy is teaming up with Cambridge University to promote black kids studying there. The Beeb article is accompanied by a group of black students which looks like something from apartheid South Africa.
What inspiration he has provided with his dulcet ‘Gang Signs and Prayer’ where he raps of stamping on rivals’ faces. He should mind Shelley’s words that poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. Criminality and violence should be condemned not celebrated; the lifestyle he basks in has left scores of young black men dead.
Be nice if he could invest a few bob on himself in learning to articulate and speak properly.
Can anyone spot a cliche the article doesn’t mention?
Every one of them look surprised to have got a pass. No self awareness that if no one has failed, despite employers finding that half of them turn out to be illiterate, then the examiners have fooled the girls. I bet the boys must be aware of this, so are miserable, despite like me, being very good at maths and physics.
Is it an advert for
Durex – she’s not knocked up after all
Maybe she`s pleased that it IS the hoped for confirmation of her pregnancy, maybe by a childrens home in Yorkshire?
Probably the only test that most of them will pass in their lives after thirteen years of compulsory schooling.
Sorry-schools looming, bit bitter!
Sorry but a load of BBC pervs and Times creeps loitering around sixth form colleges today is not my idea of a good thing.
This annual beanfest for troubled older men (and increasingly boilers as well) bothers me.
It`s not news, its an excuse to trash Tories no matter who`s actually in power.
Labour brought in tuition fees, all the VCs are near-millionaires now thanks to Labour-and they all vote for them too.
But never mentioned as a cause for scandalous rip off library cards for gender studies psychometrics and Blackpool University or wherever.
Mardell found some good news migrant who`s going to Oxford-expect HIM on the BBC once he`s had his sex change and conversion to Islam. Mardell told him to have fun, I did NOT like the tone in which he said that.
Tiffiny virtuously confirms the good news, her gap year is saved. Her visa application for North Sudan has been granted. She will assist the impoverished locals and help establish clean sources of water, fulfilling a lifelong held dream.
“So the sperm donor we picked is Catholic… if we have a baby it’s going to be the Messiah for sure”
“We’ve been doing a lot of marching… I’ve been very proud of my signs… We went to a gay march not long ago and my sign said ‘Jihad me at hello’”
Corbin is truly a discusting piece of filth
Yeah but if he became PM there will be no poverty and we all get free housing and benefits innit!
Looks to me like Bojo as PM will managed to pinch more than a few votes off Labour in the next election.
If Labour lose Momentum then well, they lose for good!
I’m sure they’ll just shrug it off and offer ‘It woz the Russian bots what done it” or something equally deluded as an excuse.
Sweden Muslim woman who refused handshake at job interview wins case: