Pity the poor brummie getting lost in London and driving into a crash barrier in order to avoid the congestion charge .
And pity the elderly politician who can’t remember laying a wreath on the graves of terrorists .
The BBC show its’ bias on both events.
News: So-called “Groomers”
Banaras Hussain aged 37, of Shipley, is charged with one count of rape of a female over 16.
Banaris Hussain, aged 35, of Huddersfield, is charged with one count of rape of a girl aged 13 – 15.
Mohammed Suhail Arif, aged 30, of Huddersfield, is charged with rape of girl aged 13-15.
Iftikar Ali ,aged 37, of Huddersfield, is charged with attempted rape of girl aged 13-15 and three counts of rape of a girl aged 13-15.
Mohammed Sajjad, aged 31, of Huddersfield, is charged with four counts of rape of a female age 13-15, one rape of a girl under 13 and facilitating the commission of a child sex offence.
Fehreen Rafiq, aged 38, of Huddersfield, she is charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of a child sex offence.
Umar Zaman, aged 30, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15.
Basharat Hussain, aged 31, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15.
Amin Ali Choli, aged 36, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of rape of a female over 16-years-old.
Shaqeel Hussain, aged 35, of Dewsbury, is charged with rape of a female aged 13-15 and two counts of trafficking.
Mubasher Hussain, aged 35, of Huddersfield, is charged with rape of a female aged 13-15 and sexual assault.
Abdul Majid, aged 34, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of rape of female aged 13-15.
Mohammed Dogar, aged 35, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of child sex offence.
Usman Ali, aged 32, of Huddersfield, is charged with two counts of rape of a female aged 13-15.
Mohammed Waqas Anwar, aged 29, of Huddersfield, is charged with five counts of rape of a female aged 13-15.
Gul Riaz, aged 42, of Huddersfield, is charged with rape of a female aged 13-15
BBC has reported this under regional news Leeds & West Yorkshire
As a licence fee payer I think it should be a national headline for several weeks.
and just a short ride down the M62 a few more are arrested oddly cant find this one on the bbc
Nor the story about mr Rotash Singh and his alleged touching up os a girl on the 142 bus…. very vibrant area .
Pakistani lawyers will make a killing with this lot.
One More
Eric Ollerenshaw, aged 47 of Batley is charged with looking funny at a woman in a burqa.
NOW the BBC will report it, once we tell them that.,
Still no John Smith, Mark Jones or Peter Brown?
Come on BBC, just present it as it is and stop pretending that it is something else!
You rotten swine! I was going to write that.
Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed
“Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.”
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Lucy – Tragic for it to happen – tragic for people to be that dumb. Wonder what happened to the bikes -? drone strike due ?
I’m laffin loud.
Darwinian evolution in action.
Actually, could we not sponsor that Hatey No Hoper guy… whatisname again?… to do one of those cycle rides through the ‘vibrant’ Middle East? I’d gladly contribute.
Yep, that`s one up to the gene pool.
A mixed vegan/vegetarian civil partnership could never have worked anyway.
Surprised that the girl has an Irish name-didn`t they used to be sensible once?
Only a liberal would even think on how to number them as -well “martyr” or “unfortunate”. That will occupy their poor parents and relatives until they bring back Rachel Corrie.
Funny on more levels that it`s tragic, but the poor families have lost two kids for nothing, Despite myself,will pray for them all.
Idealistic young couple ? More like a couple of idiotic snowflakes. The scary thing is though that this lunacy possesses millions and millions of young people right across the West. Usually people grow up and mature and realise that not everything in the garden is rosy , that life can be a struggle and that it can be unfair and then buckle down and get on with it. But sooner or later these naive , gullible young fools , who just don’t seem to mature , are going to be the generation in charge , look at Trudeau he seems just as big an idiot! God help everyone when that happens.
Makes for an interesting read, particularly the longer version on the NYT.
It’s a shame to see these two idealistic individuals have this happen to them but you do have to question their naivety. You can’t help but think that someone advising them of the dangers would have been treated with arrogant contempt for being such a xenophobic cynic but their high minded attitude has got them killed.
The world is dangerous. Yes there might be nice people out there but was the chance to meet nice people who dried your clothes once or offered you a lift or gave you some flowers really worth losing your life for?
Was the chance to prove that people in the main are apathetic to your existence and would offer another human a cursory tokenistic gesture, one that was worth putting your life and that of your partner’s life on the line for.
The ‘stans’ are fascinating places for their wild roaming rawness but you really have to question the mindset and sanity of anyone assuming that it would be safe to visit them on a bike rather than in a black hawk helicopter with Apache support.
Reactions have varied.
So long as no poor sod in the military was put in danger at any stage maybe best filed under ‘sad, but moving on’.
This proves to me that no child should enter a school or university without first being fully conversant with the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Mr Andersen was way ahead of his time. It’s not the young people’s fault that they have been hoodwinked. The crooked weavers will one day have to pay the price of deceit.
Right on, Don.
This is a very unusual real news item for the BBC. .
BBC admits Israel is creating UK jobs. (TY WIN) What a contrast to the BBC’s normal biased anti-Israel reporting. BBC World’s “Talking Business” program included this feature by Jonathan Josephs. It highlights the UK-Israel Tech Hub as the ideal model to expand UK hi-tech business and create jobs post Brexit.
From http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com
Hate to say this Lynette, but if the BDS, Momentum crowd get wind of this; there will be the inevitable trouble I fear. Especially if it`s as near to them as East London. And forgive me again, but I`d not put it past someone higher up in the BBC to be putting out the sharkbait for a few weeks hence.
THAT`S how bad they are-even a seemingly good story like this could easily turn to semtex when Islam meets Labour under the “liberal and neutral” auspices of the BBC. Hope to be worng, nothing would please me more.
Mark Lardhell had some Boston Globe bloke on telling us why 350 news outlets in America all said the same thing about Trump and his fake news charges against them.
Both of them seemed to think they were Bernstein and Woodward-they`ree that deranged!
350 hacks all writing the same crap in lockstep as told to by the Boston Globe…so Trump is right about the fake news monoculture over there, and they`ve proved him right again.
He`s a lucky man to have such dopes as his opponents.
Try telling the truth eh Boston Globalists-THAT might have us trusting you again in another ten years or so
T he BBC asking about fake news…as if they`d never have known of it.
Laughable, and pitiable at one and the same time.
Aah but, yes but, not only that Alicia, some squeaky American female had to be brought on to TWatO – see my piece about TWatO in general on the previous page – to tell me something or other. She squeaked quite a lot and despite her squeak not being as high-pitched as some American females on BBC R4, I cannot remember a thing she said or what it was all about.
Those two contributors from the Cousins opened the door for TWatO to send birthday wishes for the 60th of American squawker in Chief, M/s Ciccone.
Am I bovvered?
Why have a White House Press Corp?Maybe the President is waiting for the Press to walk out . Then he can close the door on them and not let them back .
And in truth they know that and so make war on their President by conspiracy from a distance- each night praying for either his death of an economic meltdown . Sick shits .
Clear co-ordination between BBC and C4 as they also had the Boston Globe represented on Matt Frei’s takedown of the President.
Aretha dead. Much wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth to come…
They already have memorial programmes prepared for numerous celebrities. I would like to see the Lineker programme, tomorrow.
Chris Mason had been preparing for this all night. He hijacked the R4 news at 5 and turned it into a AF tribute program, filled with a stream of ear-splitting ‘music’ to match. I don’t mind tribute programmes, but that is not the place for them. Yeah, I know: civil rights, feminism, blah blah.
Can’t they find something on Ceebeebies, or whatever it’s called, for Mason to do?
Stop all the clocks – foreign singer dies .
Are we allowed to imagine George Michaal hanging around heavens loos up there, as Aretha serenades him with “I knew you were waiting for me”?
TBH, just hate the media suckups when some minor warbler croaks.
Aretha did very little, but be black and have a decent voice, preferred Cilla myself. But being black will get Aretha lauded.
Oh Lord, bloody Stevie Wonder singing at ANOTHER bloody funeral then?
George Michael will be recruited by the German football team as they have heard he can lob Seaman from 10 yards away…I’ll get my coat
I suspect the bBBC will omit the fact that she gave birth to two children by the time she was 14. This was due to the fact that she was a known sex-addict who even before her teenage years wasn’t bothering with contraceptives.
Been in London with Mrs Tabs last couple of days and went to The Proms.
Every single ticket holding person we saw was white and everyone in the orchestra was white. A sprinkling of a few blacks in the choir but that was it. No Muslims whatsoever but loads walking around in Hyde Park nearby.
How does that fit in with the BBC’s diversity and multi-culture goals? Surely they shouldn’t be wasting tax payers money on white only events?!?
Their coverage of the Proms is one of the few things the BBC still does well. But you raise a good point, Tabs. The BBC could ask questions about a lack of diversity in classical music in both the performers and the audience. Why are they not doing so? They do it in almost every other field. Could it be that asking such questions might bring forth some embarrassing answers that don’t fit the progressive narrative? With no black orchestra members, it would surely be easy to prove that the London Symphony Orchestra was practising “institutional racism” for instance. But first the progressives would have to find some black musician of the required standard who had been rejected in favour of some inferior white player. But I bet that has never happened. And why is it a predominantly white audience at the Proms? Could it be that white Europeans have a distinct culture that we love, that connects us to our forebears and gives us a sense of our identity? Might that be why whites go to classical concerts and blacks don’t? Good heavens, might race be real after all and not a social construct?
….Could it be that white Europeans have a distinct culture that we love, that connects us to our forebears and gives us a sense of our identity? Might that be why whites go to classical concerts and blacks don’t? …..
Classical music as we all know was created by white musicians – Bach/Mozart/Brahms/Beethoven/Chopin etc etc at a time when few black people were seen in Europe, and as a genre it doesn’t tap into the black psyche because of the lack of ‘beat’.
I recently watched the Viennese Philharmonic play an outside concert in the grounds of the Viennese Palace on BBC4, and again no black faces in the huge audience or in the orchestra.
Am getting sick to the back teeth of having this article thrust at me by the BBC:
Kelechi Okafor: ‘I’m not hiding my white boyfriend’
So, the girl prefers Polish sausage to Black Pudding, and? What is this Heat: Black Special?! Who cares, just get on with it, everyone else does, why do you have to involve the rest of the world, we really don’t care?
Misogynoir? Really? Give it a break, PLEASE!
At least she and Mr Polish Man are unlikely to be cousins, and any offspring they might produce won’t be inbred freaks I guess, but honestly, this is not news… I asked for NEWS, not this kind of drivel!
Nationwide ad agency casting is desperately trying to get in touch with them. Allegedly.
Aretha Frankin has died. An American black singer. A good soul singer.
I know this because it is headline news on the BBC 6 pm news. Sophie Raworth is intoning as if HM The Queen has died.
It’s also the first news on the BBC webshite complete with a special ‘live’ additional feature.
Just wondering if the BBC would have been so enamoured if she had been white.
They are playing her version of ‘You make me feel….’ written by…errr… white person Carole King who sang it on her ownTapestry album.
Must go now and get out my hankies.
PS Try naming five of her top 10 hits, you know, since she was so famous………
Sluff- you don’t have to wonder; you know the answer…
Just wondering if the BBC would have been so enamoured if she had been white.
I’m guessing that’s what is called a rhetorical question. In the coming days on Your BBC:
How Aretha overcame Racism to rise to the top.
How Aretha empowered women everywhere.
How Aretha did for Black music what Mandela did for politics.
Does a Trump Presidency mean we will never see another Aretha?
Why Aretha would have wanted a second Brexit vote.
She couldn’t sing for toffee, just wail uncontrollablyUrethal infections – should the NHS do more?
Nadia to bake special Aretha cake for BBC and Channel 4.
(That’s enough Aretha articles – Editor).
Maybe it is a generational thing but I think she was one of the best female singers of the late 1960s.
Jim, she had a hard edge to her voice when she was young and just listening to that which you put up here, you could hear a split at the edge of higher notes.
It would be fair to say production styles and preferences were different then and now and are constantly changing anyway as popular music refreshes itself. The style of the time was ‘boy group’ / ‘girl group’ so the heavy levels of female backing was a stand out on that track.
Mellowing is good. Hold that thought.
Sluff ?Yes the BBc go completely overboard over the passing of Aretha Franklin. And no I can’t name one of her hits.
RESTECP as Ali G would say..
Where were YOU when you first heard Uretha Franklands iconic hit ” I will survive”?
Women everywhere will all now honour the death of The Great Lady with an hours silence.
Urethra, I believe their will be opportunities for plagiarism of your wit in the near future.
Unless it’s cultural appropriation and racism and hate speech and fascism and sexism and misogyny and hueism and posthistoricalismism.
What the heck? How did this slip through, onto headline news??
Manchester mosque sermon ‘called for armed jihad’, say scholars
Theresa, can we have a statement please, an apology to all those who ‘looked strangely and accusingly at Muslims’, and details of what further steps will be taken to investigate/act on this information?
Or have the Russians hacked Al Beeb
ever helpful bbc on that page
What does jihad mean?
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media… blah… blah… or a war for the faith against unbelievers.
yes finally, we already know what it means but thx bbc
Always the victims – two mosques in Birmingham feared they were coming under attack from ‘someone with a gun’ – turns out it was ball-bearings from a catapult! Armed police were deployed to pick up bits of glass from the smashed windows and to reassure worshipper s and local residents.
One comment from a local campaign group – “happily the communities targeted showed admirable restraint and dignity, but that does not take away from the nastiness of the hate crime committed.”
It was just a bloody catapult!!!
“happily the communities targeted showed admirable restraint and dignity, but that does not take away from the nastiness of the hate crime committed.”
Not as much as the admirable restraint shown by the people of Great Britain following the horrific bombings and terrorists attacks committed by the Islamists in this country.
“Hate crime” pales into insignificance.
I really like and have huge respect for Tucker. A genuine and very reasonable guy who cares for his country, in my opinion. In this little clip he sums up perfectly the aggressive, far-Left extremism that is destroying and spreading like a plague across the Western world. This Antifa fascism is being coordinated from high up and by those in positions of power. The exact same is happening in America, Britain and all over western Europe. Unless there is a response by the Right, then the only way to stop Antifa is via an utterly ruthless military and police response.
Tucker is great to watch. I catch up on his shows every night (well because of the delay it means I’m catching up Tuesday – Friday) and love his delivery and his exchanges with some of his contributors such as Mark Steyn, Tammy Bruce, Dan Bongino. He’s interviewed Nigel and Tommy.
It was his show that broke the news about Brennan and Clapper still having top secret security clearance even though they no longer work for the state and are on TV slagging off the administration.
Re-tweeted by Ezra Levant
It was only a matter of time before the MSM carried on with the harassment of TR. fortunately the disconnect between the MSM and what people think is right and fair is getting wider by the day .
I don’t buy newspapers , never will – they are businesses pretending to be on some false moral high ground -.failing to report on organised rape gangs for years , tayloring their message echoing their readers – such as the awful guardian .
Let’s hope this James King and those who sent him get what they deserve ( I don’t mean the al beeb intrusion award ) .
Not quite sure what this cut price Crick and whoever sent him (I note some claims he’s ex-Mail) were hoping to achieve, but it seems like the end result has been the exact reverse.
Swapping a cheap suit and sweaty comb over for a tshirt and hipster beard doesn’t really help the cause of ‘journalism’ much.
TR was dismissed as one for following up on dubious racist abuse at best poorly dealt with by the politico-media establishment.
Yet this sweetheart doorsteps a family to virtue signal?
And what of the impact on TR’s forthcoming ‘review’ by such public media intrusion?
Island – best thing I have seen on U tube for a long long time – I would recommend everyone to watch this NOW!
Grab a very small bag of pop corn and enjoy this is just 5 minutes of pure pleasure!
I particularly enjoyed the way Tommy reduced this smug bastard to a burbling heap of nothing when he realised that Tommy could now identify him and potentially give him the same treatment that he and his paper have been more than happy to dish out to Tommy and his family.
Unfortunately it is unlikely that this will happen – though I expect he will be straight on the line crying to the Daily Mail and will now probably get the police protection the state affords to traitors which it is somehow unable to give to patriots like Tommy who put themselves at risk to expose these sort of terrible injustices.
Thanks for posting.
Tommy Robinson rang rings around King. And without any warning that King would be there.
Tommy is not allowed sanctuary anywhere. As Tommy said, how would King felt if he was confronted on holiday?
Well done Mr. Robinson!
I am very concerned about the sinister direction the DM is taking.
Perhaps this journalist had prejudiced Mr Robinson’s upcoming appeal?
Yes, let’s call it that. There went Mr. Jordan. Fair do’s as Tone and Fran were on school hols.
Market rate ‘talents’ (BBC quotes) all.
Dozed off in front of the telly (again) and woke up at some unearthly hour in time to catch a few minutes of Hardtalk.
Stephen Sucker was berating a muslim scholar (Taj Hargey) who had the audacity to suggest that islam should adopt more spiritual values and move away from the hadith, Mo (piss be upon him), the burqa, and all that enriching stuff and thereby better integrate into Western society.
It was obvious Stevie wasn’t going to Suck-up to this kind of muzz.
Can’t be having that watered-down Religion of Peace now can we.
Stephen Suckup is just Jon Snow in an Art Garfunkel wig.
And poor Taj, being a Muslim and an Oxford scholar clearly is no Stephen Sackur.
Gavin Esler, Stephen Sackur?
Was it not a golden age?
Apologies if anyone has posted this already, I only saw it on telly the other night – the “Match of the Day returns” trailer which I presume first went out last week.
Lineker, Shearer and Wright play themselves as childish pests, while an actress playing the office manager looks on them like a stressed primary school teacher.
When I saw it my only thought was – are they collaborating in their own downfall?
What a shower of shit.
I detest sport, so am never subjected to any of ’em. Don’t watch the BBC, anyway, and very little television, at all. I feel a better goat for it.
Things don’t look good in France for Macron – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/12850/emmanuel-macron-rise-fall
Just 20 miles or so across the channel and unless one seeks proper news from other sources, it would be impossible to know what’s going on in France if one relied upon the BBC. Meanwhile, as other contributors here have identified often, the BBC resort to reporting numerous unimportant issues. Right now at 1923 they want us to know that a muslim in Sweden who refused to shake a hand at a job interview, “wins case”. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45207086 Amazing. With a de facto civil war taking place in Sweden right now with rioting and setting cars alight a daily occurrence, the BBC see fit to spend the licence fee by making light of non-events in Sweden. The whole nonsense that the BBC has become needs closing and, as the Government do with badly managed hospitals or schools, put another management team in to sort it out.
Al beeb won’t be reporting the stabbings in sarf londonistan today as the death of an American singer is more important ….
My 1st post. I’m a long-time lurker who has become more and more frustrated and disillusioned with the bBBC. In fact I have barely watched any of their programmes or channels for a long while now, except for the odd “The Sky at Night” or occasional interesting documentary on bBBC4.
But this morning I was in a position where I had little choice but to watch some of the breakfast show. I was waiting at Evans Halshaw for my car to be ready and the show was on their big TV screen. So I watched for 10 minutes or so. And pretty much straight away they launched into their usual BAME love-in with an article on why it was so difficult for blacks to get places at Oxbridge Uni’s. They spoke to some “singer” (I use that word very loosley) called “Stormzy”.
Mr Stormzy, whilst speaking to the BBC, came across as semi-literate, and with absolutely nothing meaningful or intelligent to say. His accent is that really REALLY annoying one that many of his kind have with the various “And I’m like….”, “It was like….”, “innit”. And of course this kind of answers the BBC’s question as to why blacks can’t get into Universities…….
I also took a look at some of the lyrics from his attempts to sing. And of course the “N” word is much in evidence in many of his songs. This is of course the same “N” word that blacks find repulsive and racist and whitey’s get into trouble for using. The BBC of course didn’t ask him about this, nor did they at any point question or challenge any of the unintelligible drivel coming from him.
That’s a top quality first post Non Snowflake.
And a timely reminder for me to book a courtesy car next time I have to visit a major dealer for car servicing
Non Snowflake
Croeso !
Welcome from the West.
Welcome Non,
I think many here have limited exposure to the Al beeb output for the kind of reasons you describe and some pop up every so often saying “why bother commenting “ or it’s an “echo chamber” . They then sculk off to their thoughts .
Well I write here because there isn’t much an ordinary punter can do to their so called B B C apart from bearing witness to its brainwashing
It is useful to post here because you can bet that our MP’s and Al Beeb visit this site along with some of the “government” departments of the USA.
I only hears this Stormzy on the radio ( wasn’t that name of the lady accusing President Trump of a liaison ? ) . Methinks he a gooda person but nevva know apartheid means racial discrimini and bad bad .
Here’s something interesting.
Please watch the video.
The journalist’s are called Ed Thomas and Noel Titheradge.
Maybe there’s hope?
Forgot to add that TR exposed this mosque before the world class BBC.
The article was sneaked in underneath the death of Aretha Franklin, so it won’t be noticed by many, and it’ll be gone by midnight. Probably.
As for the video itself, there’s nothing really surprising there. It is almost certain that this kind of hate-speech is common-place. Unfortunately if similar sentiments were spoken by genuine white British people against Islam then they’d end up in prison. Probably.
It’s a strange world.
Don’t agree with the BBC and you could go to jail.
Agree with TR and you could go to jail.
Don’t agree with the BBC?
Hit them where it hurts the most .
Stop paying the Telly Tax.
But what about those vans with advanced alien technology that can detect TV rays?
I remember being a kid in the early eighties when a shitty van with a Doctor Who prop on top drove around the estate, we had to turn the telly off and hide behind the couch.
Happy days.
As kids, when they stopped we used to let their tyres down and ‘do a runner’ .
They don’t have them any more.
😀 !
Have you heard, an elderly, massively overweight, chain smoking, cancer suffering soul singer died earlier today?
I’d be surprised if you haven’t, the BBC have been all over it.
You know, this has received more coverage by our state broadcaster than Tuesday’s terrorist attack. BTW the terrorist attack that the Beeb still continue to call “a crash.”
Our ungrateful Sudanese “refugee” might be guilty of little more than dangerous driving according to aunty.
I noticed on Tuesday how blatantly reluctent they were to report the story. Sky were outside Parliament and giving it the coverage I thought it deserved. The Beeb tried to sneak it in between the Italian bridge disaster and some bollocks about global warming.
Now the “Westminster crash” has all but disappeared.
They’ve smothered it, buried it and forgotten about it hoping that we’ll do the same.
It’s absolutely shameful!
Just an excuse to get out the Black Democrats class of 68 to remind us that Black Lives Matter.
Never heard so many doolally ex “civil rights spokesmen”
Had they all been in Memphis. Dr King wouldn`t have been able to get onto the balcony to be shot.
Bit like all of us who weren`t at the Sex Pistols concert in Manchester 1976 who misspoke, but could get a snog out of it.
Chris Mason on PM kept returning to it with yet ANOTHER person who was either senile in Tallahassee , or was going to play her non-stop at Notting Hills Carnival very soon.
Whey won`t the BBC ever honour the dead with an hours silence at peak time?
Her hubby was good on the Schweppes adverts, mind.
How come Prince and Michael Jackson never made it to 60, but bloody Lenny Henry and Madonna did? What WAS God playing at there?
Hope the BBC will do this in their Sunday show.
To hear Mardell slathering on a tribute to this brawny weird talentless harpie was funny though.
Madonna only did what Christine Keeler did before becoming an “artiste”. But Keeler could only have sang better though.
Hoping that all those who had a tumble in Madonnas bed to help her along will be asked what THEY think of her 60 years-probably need a four part series though.
Thanks Alicia, someone writing sense.
I put Madonna in the same category as Bowie and Prince – all marketing and no substance, and their singing ? who can understand a word ? a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes – a few ‘right on’ critics say the music is great, so the rest follow like sheep. Bit like the Spice Girls really. 🙂
Tad harsh on David Bowie. I love Bowie stuff.
“Station To Station”? What a song, what an LP.
And his Blackstar stuff at the end was truly wonderful.
Nearly as good as Leonard Cohens last few songs!
And to be fair to both blokes, they didn`t take it seriously.
Bowies version of Wild is the Wind, can listen to that over and over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbpMpRq6DV4
Well, like only knowing 3 Aretha hits, even less Bowie hits come to mind – not exactly dancing round yer handbag stuff, but ok when smoking a spliff !
Not to push the point but a gentle reminder maybe Bowie:
UK Number 1s
UK Top 10s
UK Top 40s
UK Top 75s
Weeks at Number 1
Weeks in Top 10
Weeks in Top 40
Weeks in Top 75
The prejudice against white males strikes again on the BBC website. Apparently white males don’t take A-levels and it’s all about those BAMEs.
This is par for the course on the website. The articles sections of the site’s front page are dominated by female and minority group interests. Regularly checking out the “Must See”, “Full Story” and “Long Reads” sections clearly reveals the bias and don’t get me started on “Newsbeat”. I’ve complained a number of times and here are some of the answers I’ve received –
“One of the BBC’s aims is to reflect the world as it is, which includes all aspects of human life and all the groups and cultures that make up society. We are committed to reflecting modern society and reporting distinctive content that appeals to all audiences throughout the year on all our services. The BBC is committed to championing and driving diversity throughout our platforms; including the BBC News website, while making sure to represent and reflect the whole of the UK – all nations, all regions; all classes, races and ages; all genders and sexualities.”
“Women could equally be said to be unremarkable given that half of the global population are women.”
“A lot of our coverage reflects the world around us. Many of the issues here are topical and will be interesting to the other readers.
You might also find it interesting to know that in our last online creative review we said:
The BBC should seek to serve all audiences. Yet BBC Online skews towards men – at least ten percentage points more than women in all age groups. For some younger female audiences, we seem to be less relevant.
If the BBC is to remain universal, it must change its tone, its range and its offer. BBC Three is already showing the way. In areas such as news and sport, we can make much more use of social media to reach people who may not come to the BBC directly. The BBC’s news agenda needs to be closer to the interests of all its audiences, increasing coverage of arts and entertainment, technology and life. And across the BBC’s online services, we can appeal to a much broader range of people by enabling a far wider offer. BBC Online can be a platform. We already generate 18 million click-throughs to others in the digital economy every month. We want to do much more.”
So summarising –
The BBC strives to represent the world as it is but with the exception of straight white men.
The BBC champions diversity to an extent that openly discriminates against straight white men.
Half the population are women but strangely half the population are not men.
Because more men than women read the website, the BBC is determined to drive away the male audience by reporting less news and loading the site with female centric and showbiz articles.
The extreme anti straight white male BBC Three is the template they want to adopt for BBC Online as a whole.
LR, they did have a mere white male on their Home Page earlier today, ‘Teenagers brace themselves for A-level results today’, along with a rather attractive Isabella Rossillini look-alike, but that photo has now disappeared.
Agree, the news front page this morning seemed like it came from BBC Africa
Is there anyone out there that can post up some evidence of Al Beeb Right Wing Bias ?
How many decades should we go back…?
According to Al Beeb ……………….
\\Brexit could be “hugely damaging” to English football, claim two chairmen.”//
More Brexit Fear!
Does this mean that English Clubs will have to employ more ‘home grown’ players?
In the long term would it improve England’s World Cup chances?
It may indeed, taffman. All four home nations qualifying – I hope! – in future due to an intensifying of competition between them.
People who know what is best for everyone else, don’t you just love them. One of the Chairmen quoted has just steered his ship into the waters of the Championship from those of the Premier League. A man whose judgement is clearly to be trusted and taken notice of then. One would think he would prioritise the restoration of his club’s fortunes over the public espousing of the tired old “Brexit”- denigrating drivel that we are all fed up with. The funny thing is, the BBC never tires of promoting this sort of nonsense although it is very wise in not exposing itself to public ridicule by opening up an HYS.
Al Beeb are very selective on the topics that they open their HYS on.
They have taken such a hammering in the past.
Yep, that they were chairpeople(can`t say chairman can we?) from Stoke and Burnley.
How Brexit…yet how enlightened our Premier league Chairmen.
As if they are nominated and voted for.
Let`s hope Brexit will still let loads of sex grooming gangs from Belarus in , so they can kiss the badge whenever they score.
But being Burnley and Stoke, it won`t happen often.
I smell Alastair Campbell here, what other off-their faces lowlife would get THAT into the news?
This video from Tommy Robinson, while on holiday with his family after two months in solitary confinement by the bastard state. It shows the daily mail and its ersatz reporters for the disgusting lying slime that they really are. Mr King, the agent provocateur in this confrontation and shill for the daily mail, would no doubt have been grinning like a Cheshire cat if things had gone according to his plan. As it turns out Tommy Robinson is better at the game than these imbeciles. Watch and enjoy:
I have never seen much of Robinson before , but he pulled that ‘so called’ journalist down brick by brick .
Well done Tommy.
Will Al Beeb broadcast that interview with the same alacrity as they covered the raid on Cliff’s house ?
Brilliant post John.
Education, education, education.
Never go into battle with damp powder.
And they call us uneducated?
Looking forward to seeing James “Scoop” King reporting on the Alcester and Redditch Cheese and Flowers stall at our next Church Bazaar on September 2nd after the 10.30 service.
As for the Mail-it will never enter this house again, even my incontinent dog will deserve better.
More stabbings in Londonistan today.
Nowt on Al Beeb’s front page headlines yet ?
Is Al Beeb becoming a censor of its news now, or do they wait to see if other broadcasters run with the story first?
The dear old BBC are a complete hoot. Their geography problem has struck again, New Zealand is now in Asia.
No A-Level pass for the BBC.
No, the BBC has not lost it at all.
Got that seedy John Peel vibe about him.
Keep him away from Texan underage girls eh?
I am very sorry that Aretha Franklin has died but did we really need the first 10 minutes of the 6pm news on BBC1 about her, then 5 minutes about young people passing their A levels? Then a sportsman who had a drink. No room for Jeremy Corbyn laying wreaths?
What about the bridge collapse in Italy, the riots in Sweden, the drought in Sydney, Australia?
For pity’s sake, how long is the News at Ten going to spend on Aretha?
Edit: finally on to less important matters at 10:12. I wonder how long they’d have spent had she sung at Donald Trump’s inauguration rather than Barack Obama’s?
Oh. Back to Aretha at the end of the bulletin. Must be a slow news day.
Our broadcast media usually hyper-ventilate over every Trump tweet, but today his tweet marking the death of Aretha is ignored instead we’re told of tweets by both Clintons & both Obamas. Funny that!
Had this actually happened, it would have been tragic.
Yes, tragic.
No doubt there a quite a few working for the BBC who are used to getting stoned ……
Certainly the detestable Sweeney on Newsnight (see above). Taking TDS to a new level
Now, these are the people that we really need to import, they’ll really give the BBC ‘stick’ and a lot more.
Envy of the world.
Be proud, W1A.
Al Beeb tells us that……….. \\Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said a no-deal Brexit “would be a mistake we would regret for generations”, after a working tour of northern Europe.//
The only generations that would regret would be the European generations, because they sell far more to us than we sell to them.
More Project Fear!
Because in reality, it is the EU that is in fear, for it will collapse.
Eire will be the next to crash out as they sell so much to us.
All because Al Beeb aspires to be the EBC, The European Broadcasting Corporation as a reward for its anti-Brexit work.
Well he`d know!
How many weeks has this Reamining puffball been in post then?
I’m something of an Aretha Franklin fan myself, but I think the BBC’s coverage of her death is a bit over the top.
Yes !
I have to disagree – there should be a minutes’ silence at football matches , and 11 o clock today , flags at half mast , state funeral. Message from the queen . Al beeb to set up a dedicated radio station, a statue in parliament square and an airport named after a screechy American singer .
I forgot eyedross Elba Corsica can play her in the film .
Toady is covering over subjects apart from the death of the singer which I think is disrespectful – but not covering the battle of Camberwell which left 4 black boys stabbed and 5 black boys arrested – perhaps they were celebrating their A level results of the anniversary of their NHS by granting it their patronage.
Fed “an airport named after a screechy American singer”
Another singer gone?
Who is it this time?
If you are refering back to Aretha Franklin, she was anything but screechy. She was good. Seriously good.
The whole TOADTT Prog this morning is over the TOTTTTP.
I think, during the night, I have fallen into an alternative universe. Hold your breath and I may come up with a TOADY Watch.
just had a look at the BBC front page are we living in bloody Africa now ???? black this black that WTF is going on ??
and of course “clerical abuse” in USA apart from white children getting raped left right and centre by members odf a certain religion never mentioned
The move away from Toady and the MSM in general will only accelerate. It is force of habit above all which makes you switch on radio 4 or whatever, and as Ambrose Bierce said a habit is a shackle for the free. It is so hard to break habits.
Why should I be patronised and annoyed when instead I could listen to Jordan Peterson talk about Genesis for two hours? It is like Facebook versus My Space. The new media will overwhelm the old because it is so much better. The older generation who are not tech savvy will still watch/listen but the escape from the moribund MSM will become unstoppable. What a glorious thought that my children will be free from the alt left poison of the MSM, that people will make their own minds up rather than be told what to think.
Peter Gabriel or Phil Collins: who was better?
Roland, have they both died? If they have then the grim reaper is cutting a swathe like never before.
Chalk & cheese. Collins could be screechy but I think had more hits than Gabriel. Gabriel’s influence on other musicians and as a producer would, IIRC, be far greater than that of Collins.
You choose.
Don’t start me on the way the MSM and the BBC (especially bbc4 which I still do my best to enjoy) have rewritten history.
Have a look on Wikipaedia individually for the years between 1976 and 1980 for top album sales, top single sales, total numbers sold etc etc. With the honourable exception of a couple of Pistols tracks (& let’s be honest here, their album was quite simply an excellent ROCK album, there was nothing much Punk about it) you’ll find Punk Rock noticeable by its absence. Lots of Prog, Heavy Rock, Disco, Novelty hits to be found but like a lot of musical artists, once they die they become better than they ever actually were in life.
Woolwich, the three dominant bands of the 1970s & 1980s must surely have been Queen, Dire Straits and The Police.
Until the new kids got going c.1986 …
Sorry Led Zeppelin for the seventies
With you there Annu.
Maybe we need a Brexit Poll of our own here to split us and so we`ll not talk to each other.
Worst band ever?
Orchestral Manoevres in the Dark!
Technically I think they crawled from the late 70s, maybe we need a trusted and impartial judge.
Worst will have to go a long way to beat the likes of X Ray Spex (“Identity is a Necessity”) and other such existential ponderings that would put Sartre to shame and of course the Fall…
I like OMD! [ just to be awkward! 🙂 ]
Annu, yes, sorry forgot about them, although strictly they were a 60’s band, starting then and running over. Deep Purple, too. Plus Cream of course.
Would Bolan and Bowie qualify? Both, I think had limited UK No.1s, ie. 1 and none respectively IIRC? Both would have been Glam Rock on one side of Queen along with LZeppelin while the straight rockers would have been Cream, Purple & Police & Straits on the other side.
Oh god, I`m in floods again.
Poor Oakie below.
I`m crying a river for more than just me now.
Neither – The BBC just told me that Billy Bragg beats them both hands down.
to, LOL x 3
Old punks don’t like Genesis.
Tr, Oi Vey! Theologians have trouble with Genesis.
Collins if you want entertaining, Gabriel if you want a lecture.
Sound the same anyway?
Bbc on Facebook just now.
“In the last week, the pound has been on its longest losing streak against the dollar since the financial crisis. Is it to do with Brexit?”
#CCBGB Maybe they should stop using Emily M’s son for their polls and hire Momentum’s twitter team?
“Losing streak”..economy?
Mick Jagger didn`t finish his course at the LSE, thankfully the BBC have picked up all his economic theories from his mid 60s oeuvre.
Beano Bullshit Comic…our BBC.
TOADY Watch #1 Beano BBC
I switched on at around 6.30am. Within minutes I was chuckling, after a whole hour I was laughing constantly. Beano Broadcasting. That was down to content and Les Editors du Jour.
Gravel voiced (40-a-day habit?) Sarah Smith does not help in taking the TOADY Prog and the BBC seriously, especially when her political background is taken into account.
When you are doing radio – as a ‘business’ – the voice qualities of your presenters are really important. They are the listener’s second gateway to your station and if they are off-putting in anyway then you risk losing listeners.
An example.
Jill McGivering has a very interesting voice. It has a little catch in it, that used to add an extra dimension to her radio reporting. It is soft, not at all high which is generally stated to be a ‘turn-off’. I found myself listening to her extra carefully, not just to what she was saying but also to catch ‘the catch’.
In contrast, Caroline Wyatt at one point had a bad habit of swallowing a word or two, especially at the end of a sentence. It made her hard to listen to. As her voice was quite deep, breathy, chesty and slightly gravelly (but not a severe as Smith), I assumed that it could be due to a past smoking habit. Ironically, the problem improved considerably in recent years, and again I made the reasonable assumption she had given up and was benefiting, along with us, from that. Then came the sad news of her MS diagnosis. That may have been a factor in her voice and speech. My good wishes, and no doubt from all B-BBC contributors & readers, to Caroline Wyatt for the future.
Choose your presenters with care, Sarah Sands. Her Labour political past apart, I feel Sarah Smith is not a suitable presenter for the flagship R4 programme. The voice is key.
Views entirely my own. 😉
I love Caroline Wyatt-her voice is deeper than any other transitioning laydee that I know.
Ignore Katty at your peril, Anthony. Her tireless work surely deserves mention.
She’s baaaaaaaack….
You have to laugh at the Beeb celebrating these two individuals.
One willingly slept with someone and then demanded money afterwards to stop them from telling people.
She’s a blackmailer.
The other took recording equipment into the Whitehouse and taped them without their knowledge – wiretapping effectively. A definite crime and one that should horrify the virtue signalling liberals at the Beeb – but seemingly not.
Funny as well that they are ignoring the fact that , against advice, Trump still employed Omarosa even though she’s black. That doesn’t fit with the racist, white supremacist narrative does it?
Okay so the queen of soul is dead. Having grown up in the 60’s and 70’s I think I am knowledgeable about music from this period.
Personally, I couldn’t stand any of that Motown crap, (although she never recorded on that label) but my sister could and our household was a constant battle between Motown and rock.
And I can tell you that despite The BBC insisting that she was at the forefront of the civil rights movement, I don’t think my sister, or any other Motown fan in the country were aware or gave a shit about that.
Once again the BBC exaggerating to meet their political agenda..
Clearly you guys were not glued to Ch4 back in the day.
Err. Channel 4 didn’t broadcast until 1982.
And Martin Luther happened to be a family friend.
As I posted, (at the time ) nobody in this country gave a shit.. it was all about the music….
Err… it is possible my tongue was in my cheek.
Especially as Ch4 has her achievements more at the Baader Meinhof end of the celebrity homage.
“And Martin Luther happened to be a family friend.”
I’m not sure this is correct. I understand she was only in her seventies.
TOADY Watch #2 – Beano BBC
Davylars makes a good point at the end of his post. In my view Aretha Franklin is a significant singer whose death should be noted on the BBC. However, they do appear to be really overdoing it. Compare and contrast with some (relative) no-mark grunge musician (American) and (limited interest) jazz musician (American) that the BBC insisted on telling me about on R4 & the web-site a couple of years back.
I can’t remember that lady American singer found dead in her bath a couple of years ago – Whitney something – but since approved false public grief has now reached its height with Grenfell I suppose any news like this is going to be a competition for being most upset .
Fed, the language used today and the excess from some contributors I found hilarious.
Just wait until Kate Bush dies!
Having read a few posts and listened to the Beeb, I also found myself wondering this morning what the BBC R4 & w-s coverage will be like when Bryan Adams dies.
The passing of a noted performer is of course newsworthy, but news media have turned taxes and death into a farce because it is cheap filler. Z list celebs and facile vox pops and tears for a person whose last years of actual life few even considered.
The lovely Kate Bush has blotted her BBC copybook when she said she admired Maggie. Let’s hope it’s years from now before it happens, but the Beeb have long memories – when it suits them.
Is “The Man with the Child In His Eyes” the greatest song ever written -certainly from a 17 year old?
Still makes me cry-if you`ve got THAT talent, you WILL think for yourself.
My preference:
‘Wuthering Heights’, her mind-boggling debut single, was written when she was just 18 (the teenage Kate Bush had written over 100 songs when she was discovered by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, who recommended her to EMI), Kate got the idea for ‘Wuthering Heights’ when she caught the last 10 minutes of a BBC adaptation on television before she’d even reached her teens. The mini-series inspired her to read the book in order to get the atmosphere right. She has famously called upon literary classics throughout her career, including the conclusion of James Joyce’s Ulysses for ‘The Sensual World’.. EMI’s Bob Mercer actually wanted to release ‘James and the Cold Gun’ first, but Kate fought tooth and nail to ensure ‘Wuthering Heights’ was released as her debut. Kate once said, “I’m the shyest megalomaniac you’re ever likely to meet.
She’s still a Beeb fave tho’, RR, ‘cos’ in Beebland a Bronte will run an Austen close any day and it is literally literature that shows how educated Beeboids are.
Another bbc alumnus presuming to speak for the nation. Where do they find them?
Maybe she and Gavin Esler should get a room?
Guest, I think you should get a medal, an award, for your dedication and time commitment in searching Twitter for us every day.
Very brave.
I sift a few minutes every hour and diamonds just seem to sparkle in the silt.
Free, and invariably funny, especially from media accounts. Impartially, of course (views their own).
A shame not to share… and see preserved where even a deletion cannot reach.
Diamond geezer and diamonds shared. What can one say?
Ahh, words of wisdom from someone who bought a caravan park off her folks and has admitted to having never cooked a meal.
The people of the country weren’t disenfranchised Deborah, we all got a vote. The thing is we voted one way but have had to endure a litany of self appointed, pretentious elites like yourself explaining to us the error of us exercising that right to vote how we saw fit.
Why don’t you step off the soapbox of telling the majority of the country how they were wrong and get behind the concept of democracy in carrying out what the people demanded.
sorry if someone has already posted remember
dimbleby defending and deflecting for didsbury mosque when faced with evidence after the manchester bombing and how they mocked TR for broadcasting from outside the mosque
try now
The sun
OT as not BBC, but interesting exchange on a variety of levels.
Sky rather neatly dealing with one area of ‘what we want’ there.
Interesting. But was this from Sky News Nigeria?
TOADY Watch #3 – Beano BBC
Just had a good laugh at Frank Gardner’s opening line talking about the vehicle attack on Parliament on Tuesday.
Now we are onto carbohydrates – again. The BBC are in serious trouble with their lack of intelligence and knowledge, their poor science understanding and their ’causes’ and fads that they take up with over-enthusiasm, eg. ‘Sugar Is Evil’ and ‘Sugar Makes You Fat’.
The Message. TOADY has to have A Message. Unfortunately, Sarah Smith has a Dr (PhD) who knows his science and refuses to provide her with A Message.
The Message I get from today’s TOADY is – “Listen to us and have a good laugh, or cry, but do not take us seriously at all.”
Thanks, Beano BBC.
Into the trash can until tomorrow’s offering arrives in my ears.
“Sir Patrick Stewart breaks with Labour after 73 years over Jeremy Corbyn”
The Daily Mirror has a piece reporting that a fully paid up member of the luvvie brigade, Patrick Stewart, has become a little bit tired of Jeremy Corbyn.
Actually, the article is nothing but an anti-Brexit piece but in it he states that he has been a labour party supporter since he was 5 years old…………really? Who becomes involved in politics at the age of 5 yrs?
Likely the same kind of person who spawns an anti-Brexit pollster at aged 10.
Guest, don’t make us guess. Who could that be?
Not the Wicked Witch of the West One, eh?
Let’s just say she has few friends outside the Brexit bubble.
By which I mean the Mandy end.
Well that leftie Marxist bookshop that got “attacked” stocks kids books. One of which is ‘A is for Activist, for the next generation of progressives: families who want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights and everything else that activists believe in and fight for.’
So yes, some kids
getare forced into Politics a bit too young.https://bookmarksbookshop.co.uk/view/34114/A+is+for+Activist+%255BBoard+book%255D
Tabs, like Aretha?
The Paedo Info Exchange were quite active in the 60s/70s round London and luvvielands up and down the country.
Imagine Wakefield Drama School got a good leafleting from assorted lefties, under the wise counsel of Harriet, Patricia, Jack and the rest.
Not sure where Kaufman or Vaz, Driberg and Boothby were at this time, we need never know.
Yes Holly ‘
PIE was defended by one Hattie Harmon when she was the legal advisor for the NCCL in her lawyer days . Al beeb has forgotten that as has the rest of the bubble. Perhaps her suppprt of paedophiles has carried forward to the paki/Pakistani gangs enjoying themselves so much which the PC British State looks the other way.
Far right. far right, expressing views critical of Islam. Tommy Robinson confronts a hippy type from the Daily Mail who shares mainstream journalistic values
Amazing from the reporter and typifies the depth of journalistic research. He calls a person far right for criticising something he has not read or researched and defames a person based on a fake photo he did not fact check. He wants people banned from entering this country based upon here say and gets fluffed when confronted with questions than challenge his beliefs.
Crikey, the phrase “men against boys” springs to mind. Tommy absolutely tied the bloke in knots without losing his cool.
In a better world I’d like to think the journalist goes away and follows up some of the tips that Tommy gave him such as investigating the judge. But that won’t happen.
Tommy seems to get everyone tied up in knots quite easily. He just asks them to explain their own viewpoint, in their own words, and they fall to pieces.
Reminds me of a conversation I had last week. Subject was Islam and I explained I have read some of the Quran myself (about 20%) and I was explaining the violent verses throughout it. The other person said “Islam is a very very peaceful religion”. I asked if he knows anything about Islam and he said “no, nothing”. He just quoted ‘the religion of peace’ lie so his own argument fell apart right there and then with no help from anyone else.
It’s good that Tommy asked this chump about Lauren Southern. Maybe he could have said ‘do you think it’s right for her to be banned from the UK for claiming that Allah is Gay’?
Use that one on SJW’s and they are cornered. They’ll try to concede that you shouldn’t offend Allah but then when you say ‘is being gay wrong then’, they dare not come across as anti-gay.
Stuck between Islamaphobia and Homophobia – what a beautiful snowflake quandary.
Brilliant well done TR, keep it going, and I saw the kind of crap the Mail produced, headlined “Far right thug Tommy Robinson “
TOADY Watch #4 – Beano BBC
The end of WW1 was mentioned this morning. A very good example of a lack of knowledge among people that you would expect to know stuff. Good educations, university degrees, work as journalists and exposed to life-long broadcast information and knowledge. But no. Male. Female. Made no difference.
A question for B-BBC readers and contributors: when did the First World War end?
Come on! Show up the Beano BBC and the TOADY Prog.
What war? Innit like
Fed, that war mate? Dat woz in Camwell, innit, like las’ nye or sumfink. Man that gon down baaddd!
A story in the press today that Chris Evans is worth £55 million.
What on earth are the BBC doing paying him £2 million/year for playing a few records and what on earth is the leftwing grabber doing taking the money in the first place?
Snouts in the trough doesn’t come close.
third, £55m? Not bad for a PART-TIME secondhand car dealer.
Do you ever notice there is no ‘ right ‘ any more – there is only ‘far right’ and ‘populist ‘ .
There was one of those third rate ‘ point of view’ replacements for “letter from America “ a couple of weeks ago where a beeboid explained to remainers that their wish to remain in a nice snowflake ReichEU was misguided because so many countries are becoming “ far fight” . He only used this term – again and again .
The language is important because is can expose the true mind set .
So from me there is no “ left” and more -.it is “ hard “ or “ far” – which to the likes of Corbyn and McDonnell will be badges of honour.