Pity the poor brummie getting lost in London and driving into a crash barrier in order to avoid the congestion charge .
And pity the elderly politician who can’t remember laying a wreath on the graves of terrorists .
The BBC show its’ bias on both events.
Apologies for banging on about it, but we are now in day 2 of Aretha reporting. Its a matter of opinion whether she was the ‘greatest’ singer or not, but lionising her into sainthood as the news channels are proclaiming is bordering on the pathetic. As said before on here, despite her popularity, I can only name about 3 of her hits – but can name considerably more of the Supremes !!!
It was the same on the passing of Bowie, Prince and George Michael. Clearly more evidence that the (child) news editors are lacking in proportionate reporting.
Back in the days before social media, we still lost musical icons – who could really sing, I’m thinking Sinatra in 1998 and, in my opinion a black singer who really was the top of the tree – Ella Fitzgerald in 1996. Of course their deaths warranted mentions in the news and a 2 page spread in newspapers, but that was it.
As a Rock fan I can’t help but feel that the passings Of Lemmy and AC/DCs Malcolm Young weren’t covered in any such depth, also Status Quo’s Rick Parfitt who died so close to the time that George Michael did that he was almost overlooked.
By all means accuse me of having a chip on my shoulder but in terms of raw numbers sold either worldwide or in the UK I feel that AC/DC outsold Aretha, of course I could be wrong but Wikipedia shows AC/DC at 200 million worldwide sales, I scrolled down and couldn’t find Aretha Franklin.
Next is level of engagement, bands like AC/DC, Status Quo and Motörhead connect with fans at a deep level. Their fan bases mightn’t be high profile but they’re huge and devoutly follow them, they won’t own a Best Of album but know the actual albums inside and out, Lots of people might own a Best Of Aretha and sing Respect at the karaoke but ask them to name anything else outside of her duet with George Michael and they’ll struggle.
And finally, isn’t it the BRITISH Broadcasting Company?
I would like report the death of my pet mouse “Mr Cheese” After a short illness he passed away peacefully – After being caught in a trap. We will never see his like again. All members of this blogg are invited to sign the the roll of condolence or signal your thoughts and prayers at #cheesegone , please feel free to light a candle I myself will be holding a 24 hr vigil
Sorry I cant continue as i am too upset.
Further to my previous post it has been pointed out to me that the death of Mr Cheese could well have been because he was struggling with gender issues and the fact that I called him Mr may well have put him into a deep depression if “Mr” was not his preferred gender pronoun.
In addition I am considering legal action against the shop that sold him to me (Petes Mouse and Snake Food Emporium) because they did not tell me that leaving a loaded mouse trap in his cage could well cause injury (especially if he was depressed)
Pray4Cheesy# is trending here at my keyboard.
Cheesecloth blouse this weekend, I` for one will never forget him.
But where was Lambeth Social Services or those angels as the Veterinary Emergency Health Services?
And do you want to take out a claim? Not for your own bank balance, but because mice worldwide will benefit.
Was he town or country, field or urban?
Now I`ll never know…sniff!
PS-have you got your tribute taped for “Last Word” later on at 4pm?
Surely he wrote poetry for the Sandinistas Womens and Coffee grounders collective who shacked up with a CND lecturer, somewhere at Dunstable College?
Something vital like that?
Holly stop sneering – Mr Cheese (or should that be Ms) completed his/her masters in Rodent gender studies at LSE and in fact was about to be appointed as a ” UN special rapporteur ” in Mouse discrimination in the UK.
as I said he is a great loss to us all and I do sometimes wonder whether his untimely death was the result of a right wing conspiracy.
Maybe a state funeral, certainly feel we should be raising money for that.
Who fancies joining me for my duet of “There`s a Ghost In My Mouse”?
May Mouse Jesus welcome him.
PS-if you were truly a BBC Lefty Oaknash-you would NOT have answered the question by JIC?
The answer of course was “I didn`t even look at his colour, so don`t know what race of mouse he was”
Was Mr Cheese a white mouse?
I’m sure he was the wisest, bravest and most intelligent mouse in England.
If he was a white mouse.
No John – He was a “Asian” brown mouse of the genus Mus musculus – No white privilege there – he did it all the hard way!
Nothing was given to him on a plate except the bit of cheese on the mousetrap.
Worth checking out attandeances and record sales of, for example, Iron Maiden (who is buying and supporting all these records and concerts ?) yet all we hear about is rap and any other black music (Drill ffs) especially if one gets in to Glasotnbury,
“Despite little radio or television support, Iron Maiden are considered one of the most successful heavy metal bands in history, with The Sunday Times reporting in 2017 that the band have sold over 100 million copies of their albums worldwide.”
Metallica has sold more than 125 million albums worldwide, with over 63 million records in the United States alone (54,365,000 albums since 1991 when SoundScan started tracking actual sales figure).
Followers too white, too working class ?
Let’s hear it for Lemmy and Motorhead as well. I still play ’em.
Winne Mandela? Aretha Franklin?
Let`s hope St Peter doesn`t say something racist and fails to see that they don`t all look the same.
Diversity and Equality Reeducation Centres maybe to replace purgatory?
Holly, shouldn’t be a problem with those two. Aretha was a real looker in her day. In old age, after all her troubles (yes, many self-inflicted) and struggles, she still had some glimmers of the old beauty there.
There are all sorts of reasons why I’d run the other way if I saw Winnie M. approaching.
” Its a matter of opinion whether she was the ‘greatest’ singer or not….” I’d go for Maria Callas personally.
Bris – I’m in a complete meena black out until the screeching stops ….
Personally, as far as black singers go, I prefer to listen to “Goodnight Irene ” sung by Leadbelly. However, give me a William Boyce (English) or J.S. Bach (German) concerto any day and I am transported to a better place.
RE classical composers, Wagner Wacist apparently, just waiting for the BBC to give that one a go, but he concerned himself with Jewish influence in Germany, and racism against jews is allowed in the UK maybe because jews are too white, so I am surprised that Bury Park Road, Luton, and Palestinians are not playing the Ring Cycle endlessly
Its not BBC related, and presumably it won’t be mentioned on the BBC, but thought people might be interested to see Trump’s soaring approval ratings!
Evan could ask his lady guests of BBC pwn back.
Not BBC but a comment copied from Guido.
” Tories struggling just a tad to get their Brexit betrayal across.
In a council by-election in Port Talbot tonight the Tory candidate polled just FOUR votes.
Jones (Ind): 268
Plaid Cymru: 73
Labour: 60
Joshua (Ind): 45
Paul (Ind): 14
Conservative: 4″
TraitorMay not doing too well. Boris needs to actually call her a traitor in his bid for leadership speech and promise that no stone will be left unturned to prosecute all involved in the BINO imbroglio to beyond the full extent of the law.
I suppose a kinnock will make allegations of conservative voting fraud or overspending …
Interesting result.
A ward in Port Talbot that gets 60 Liebor votes?
Holy moses, thats a seismic event.
Plaid Cymru are not that far behind on 73? And still the idiots who run Plaid havent a clue whats wrong…FFS.
Plaid should be hoovering up sackfuls of votes from disaffected labour, but have they shit! They are clueless. They may manage a change if they can dump that plank Wood, but I aint so sure their policies will change.
They appear to want the language to succeed ( Cymraeg of course) but wood ( yes wood) happily import thousands of poxy third world savages, who at the end of the day would eliminate welsh and english and go with whatever somalis, eritreans, faux syrian children, speak.
To quote Wood, ” wales has always been a welcoming nation” thats code for we want to import the third world. She truly IS a plank.
With…..errrr…….all of two top 10 UK singles and one top 10 UK album in her sixties ‘heyday’, I am slightly tempted to suggest that Aretha Franklin’s legacy is being ever so slightly exaggerated by the BBC. But try as I might, I just cannot think why.
I wonder if the demise of any of her equally successful contempories in bands such as The Tremeloes, the New Vaudeville Band, the Casuals, or Marmalade will gain equivalent coverage? Somehow I suspect not.
S – My solution to the apotheosis of the undeserving and untalented, by the biased and ignorant, is to play some superior Western Classical music.
Beethoven, Schubert or whatever you like. Played by really gifted musicians who conform to the intentions of the composer.
One o’clock news and Aretha remains not simply deceased but also a major item of news. How many times, do you think Obama practised that tear wipe, getting the camera angle just right in the mirror?
So the BBC are telling me that she`s still dead?
Barak surely could raise her back to life, if he was asked.
Have the BBC asked yet, or has Trump prevented it?
Hardly bothered the culture really did she?
To say that she raised the ghettos to action with ” A Change is Gonna Come”…or empowered women with “Respect” is the usual lefty liberal crock of fantasies.
Same Cooke and Otis Redding respectively-but they`re only blokes, very dead and not really of much use to Jesse Jackson or Oprah are they?
Beltane & Holly, if there is going to be a resurrection for Aretha now, then Saturday is the day is it not? They have to keep it going into a third day ….
I’ve been whistling and humming ‘Say a little prayer’ this morning. I think we should all say a little prayer – for Brexit.
A full, fair and final Brexit on 29 March 2019.
What is wrong with the UK? Why do the BBC hate the people of the UK so much?
Why do I ask?
Well, we currently have 1.36 million people unemployed in the UK. Our Universities and colleges churn out new graduates by the thousand who then often have difficulty finding a job. A fresh batch have just graduated two months ago.
Yet for the second day in a row, I am hearing an Australasian accent working for the BBC on Radio 4.
Why is the BBC so obviously NOT the British Broadcasting Corporation?
Annu, G’day.
Listen sport, I think you missed out the letter A in your beautifully brief post. A for Australia, mate. Don’t you forget it. And A for Australasia as well, just to include our chums up in the islands and across the Tasman and all that. So don’t forget that ‘A’ or it could be a cause for a ruckus d’ya’hear. Yer stands a chance of getting ‘A’ levvelllled, know what I mean, 😉 after yesterday and all that school stuff?
Just when you thought the BBC could not dumb down any more, they bring us……..
Barry Chuckle’s funeral- Live Updates!!!!!!!!!
I must be making that up. musn’t I?
On the other hand……
One for the ‘you can’t make it up’ file.
Rather less amusingly, the service in question is being held in Rotherham.
Readers may remember that the BBC have been noticeably more reticent to give full coverage to certain other news stories from that town.
And as the coffin is lowered… to you, to me, to you…
Sorry. I just couldn’t resist.
I am led to believe similar problems at Bob Marley’s funeral, the coffin kept jammin’, I’ll get my coat
No, don’t.
Lobbie, you’ve got competition! Get well & get back quick!
Ooh, was all lined up to say that AISI!
And then I saw your note below.
Was it missplaced curiosity, or perhaps pure devilment, anyway I tuned into BBC Radio 4 at one o’clock.
Instead of the traditional sonorious tones we have his bright young chap Matthew Price who cracks what can only be described as a quip.
“We’ve got used to the Foreign Secretary making gaffs, the last one that is”
Boom boom and ha de ha ha.
It may be BBC office culture to bash Boris but I can’t help but recall that the BBC is supposed to be balanced and serious in its political reporting.
One looks forward to a BBC newsreader kicking off the headlines by making a gag about that Mr Corbyn dropping the odd clanger but somehow one tends to think the wait for that sort of joke will be rather prolonged.
Al Beeb reports more London stabbings, but not on their front page any more because its becoming a daily occurrence. What is the mayor of London doing about this, or more importantly, what is the Home Secretary doing?
Consider the cost to NHS in treating all these casualties?
I checked on AOL News (Huffington Post basically) and it was story 21 out of 32. Just behind earth-shattering stories on how to exercise in a spa and how one of the Williams sisters (Serena or Venus – I couldn’t care less which one) may have lost a tennis match recently because she received some bad news….apparently.
Anyway I just checked again and Huff Post now has only 31 news stories. And guess which one has been completely removed. Blanked. Deleted. Blotted out. Exorcised. It didn’t happen.
Go on, have a guess.
The conservative government Prisons Miinister – one Rory Stewart – who was ultimately responsible for the care of TR during is stay in Muslim Prisons — has said that if the performance of 10 keys Prisons do not improve in 12 months time then he will resign from the job… which suggests his staff have found a good way of fiddling the figures or that he is due for promotion in the next reshuffle .
Anyway al beeb fell for it in the absence of real news – apart from the now forgetting Islamic terrorist attack of a couple to days ago.
He never bothered to reply to my letter…
TOADY Watch #5 – Beano BBC
Yes, I know the sun is over the yardarm or something like that, but I have to post this or I’ll forget. And I can do it now because this morning’s vaping controversy and pollution scare on TOADY has erupted into TWatO, I guess as a diversionary tactic for Aretha Franklin.
Did you know she has died? And while I’m about it, did you know that Serena Williams has had a baby? Anyway, back to the smoke.
There has been a bit of an eruption! The whole of Birmingham is smog-bound and thousands upon thousands are dying.
What do the BBC and some scientists in the UK want to do? They want the coughing Brummies to start vaping, even though some American scientists claim that it is not safe. On TOADY, it made me laugh that these two items were side by side, or almost so, in the Running Schedule.
The BBC TOADY Team. Not thinking. Not joining the dots.
But a jolly good laugh. Is that why they call this the Silly Season?
I love the smoking debate . Does anyone think it is healthy to inhale any form of smoke into ones lungs? Drugs , bakky , anything ?
I find it funny because at the other end of the scale al beeb churns on about air quality and why every one who can’t drive should drive a Prius – the modern answer to the Volvo tank drivers of the 1980s .
Don’t get me wrong – if people want to kill themselves smoking good for them – as long as I don’t suffer the secondary or economic effect …
but I’m against legalising cannabis because it will make even more people screwed up than there already are . ….
8pm R4 Any Questions
What’s the Brexiteer/Remainer panel count ?
– The Spectator magazine political correspondent Katy Balls,
– the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government James Brokenshire MP ,
– the Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb who is Chairman of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee
– Shadow Rail Minister Rachael Maskell MP.
.. Shaun Ley presents
– from LONDON again .. the Radio Theatre at Broadcasting House
Of course they will be having a close look at all th Shisha / Hoohka bars springing up ?
The average shisha-smoking session lasts an hour and research has shown that in this time you can inhale the same amount of smoke as from more than 100 cigarettes. Some people mistakenly think that shisha smoking is not addictive because the water used in the pipe can absorb nicotine.
Looks like The beeb in trouble in Ireland over crass unacceptable comments!
I may be quoting out of context here, but below is a link to BBC guidelines to its staff which have been drafted to ensure that the Public’s perception of BBC impartiality is not threatened by public statements of its employees:
On the basis of which I beg to disagree with the BBC Northern Ireland spokeperson who asserts that this is nothing to do with the BBC.
Talking about the questions hardly anyone is asking: When will an Asian footballer play for England?
—”England’s World Cup squad was praised as symbol of English diversity, but in 146 years no footballer of Asian origin has won a senior England cap, and British-Asians are under-represented in professional football.”
Keep going BBC, there’s still a couple of people left in the UK who don’t yet realise what shameless racist bastards they are
Wimmins football in burkas coming to an empty stadium near you soon no doubt: “on me ‘ead, insh’allah “
They would need some new chants if anyone did turn up on the terraces of course:
“Who ate all the hummus (you fat bastard)”
“The Imam is a w@nker”
“I’m forever blowing roadsides”
“We’re all on our way to Wembley… and Hounslow… Southall… Neasden…”
NB: 1000 lashes for pundits who talk about penetration in the box
“Ooh Ahh Osama I said Ooh Ahh etc”
“You’re not praying anymore”
and of course “We’re not going home”
Wouldn’t the game keep stopping every few minutes so they could all kneel down and pray to some non-existent deity?
I think this is the third day’s appearance on the Newsbeat home page: Lena Dunham marks nine months since hysterectomy
—”Lena Dunham marked nine months since having a full hysterectomy by sharing three nude selfies on her Instagram.”
Keep going BBC, there’s still a couple of 8-year olds left in the UK who don’t yet know what a hysterectomy or a nude selfie is.
They do in Rotheram, Oxford, Luton etc.
Can’t argue with that Annunaki.
Barry Chuckle funeral: As it happened
Nice to know the BBC can do live minute by minute updates from Rotherham for Barry Chuckle’s funeral but when it comes to reporting on Muslim rape gangs from the same town we get bloody nothing from the BBC.
Tabs – probably because the BBC considers us prolls are obviously far more concerned about the “Chuckle brothers” than we are about the violation of our own kids.
It must have been nice for the rape victims to know that it is unlikely that they would not have been enriched so thoroughly if they had not have had so much “white privilege”
Another fff-far-right terrorist convicted
Abdurahman Kaabar (LEFT) gave money to his younger brother Mohammed (RIGHT) who was fighting against the government in Syria.
So how do you illustrate the story BBC ?
Ah a photo of the court building
Not a MAN but “a dental student”
(helpful Google asks me “Did you mean: islamophobic ?” )
Yep they are all students even the stabbers and stabbees in London apparently, even if the alleged school / college says they are not
Changing the subject completely. I just tuned to see what Radio 4 was offering its listeners and caught a bit of “Gardners question time” and was quite baffled . Why on earth would the BBC think that people interested in the experts answering their questions on gardening would be remotely interested in what fancy dress they would wear on a float in a country fair! Just crazy if they want to keep an audiance for this programme . Perhaps they want to scrap it and need to show falling figures to do that!
The last question is quite often a ‘joke’ question, like “What is the panel’s favourite weed ?” or “What was the worst tool you ever bought?”.
It is part of a broadcasting tradition, like the news ending with, “..and finally..” (cue skateboarding duck).
I’m changing my name to Mr cannot -be -named – for -legal reasons- smith
funded by?…
Thursday’s Yorkshire Post : pg 12 yet another of the weekly half page Smart Meter newsvertorials.
Friday’s Yorkshire Post :pg 15 One third of a page to boss of the campaign Robert Cheesewright “Smart Meters are a first step to a Greener County”
A PR not news piece.
Oh on the same page an article by Bridget Fox:
Now is the time to get us on road to low-carbon future
Since we have a very diverse media in this country, she also tweet about similar but different piece in the Guardian today by Gary Fuller
Pollutionwatch: roads account for a lot of pollution so why do we need more?
More PR not news ?
Pollutionwatch: roads account for a lot of pollution so why do we need more?
erm more cars because of more people because of ….
Guardian Article 2018-08-17. Why is the far right dominated by men?
Why did George Orwell create “the two minutes hate” in 1984?
Answer, at least my answer, because it accurately reflected an intolerance that has existed since the birth of the far left.
Communism was founded on envy and its founder (Marx) stoked the small puffs of smoke generated by envy in his bible. Subsequent fanning of almost limitless quantities of combustible material blazed into the flames of the worst, longest and most single minded demonstration of hate in the twentieth century.
Created by, amongst others.
Pol Pot – Male.
Stalin – Male.
Lenin – Male.
Tito – Male.
Ho Chi Min – Male.
Mao Tse Tung – Male.
Enver Hoxha – Male.
The world is still waiting for an apology for the disgusting results of this murderous hate.
But after the failure of the USSR and its puppet states what was the reaction? Certainly not apologetic.
On the contrary the Communists hate became even more intense. Naturally the failure of their religion was not due to its own internal faults or their genocidal behaviour, so the failure was attributed to anyone and everyone who had not suported Communism.
So here we are thirty years later. With commendable zeal, effort, dissembling and plotting, and no sense of guilt or history, we have extreme left wing governments in most of the West, of which the EU is the most powerful example.
Naturally these Communists claim not to be Communist, but they would say that wouldn’t they? They are not believed.
This second Communist attempt to destroy the West has provoked a retaliation by old fashoined patriots alarmed at the prospect of destruction of long existent states. States maintained by repeated outpourings of European blood on European soil. Mostly male blood.
If our destruction is to be avoided more blood might need to be shed. Which will mostly be male blood.
I have no hopes whatsoever that the Guardian haters are capable of instrospection. They will continue to believe and claim that the fault lies elsewhere.
I have very little hope that war in Europe can be averted.
I do believe that in the future some dispassionate historian will gather the materials of recent events together and produce a permanent memorial to the innumerable dead in the form of a truthful narrative which places the blame, permanently, where it belongs. With those of “the end justifies the means” philosophy found at the Guardian and elsewhere.
Marine La Pen
Jayda Fransen
Katie Hopkins
Pamela Geller
Lauren Southern
Beatrix von Storch
Kellyanne Conway
Anne Marie Waters
… are all victims of being smear labelled with the boo-word label : “far right”
BTW how may Labour/Liberal party leaders have been women ?
Merkel is an exception isn’t she ?
And Canada is so fair and diverse, their leader is the son on an Ex-PM
The Tories have had two female Prime Ministers, so why are the anti-Semitic far left dominated by Men. Let us analyse the thoughts of two anti-Semitic leaders of men.
Who said this, was it Jeremy Corbyn or Adolph Hitler?
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system” “I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit” “that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism”
WRONG, it was said by Adolph Hitler, although as with anti-Semitism, Jeremy Corbyn would totally agree with him on all those points, as would most Guardian readers.
As Stew points out above, there are plenty fearless and independent women fighting with us.
Islam is much more a threat to them , as are the lefty thugs who the likes of Corbyn will release on women who fail to match up to their Madame Mao templates.
But-for the Guardian shit who wrote about why there aren`t “more women” opposing the Left?
Maybe how she and her Guardian mates treated Sarah Palin might be just ONE reason I would think of.
Truly evil lefty bastards. They even laughed and danced at the death of the only female leader we“ve ever had.
May is no leader, just a handmaid for Brussels, like our Guardian bint above.
So Channel 4 since almost all your shows are prsented by metro-liberals ..you’ll pick a righty for your new travelogue won’t you ?
..Nah, just ram another weird liberal down our throats.
\\ In Grayson Perry: Rites of Passage (next Thursday, C4, 10pm), the celebrity potter and Turner Prize winner embarks on a colourful, four-part travelogue to address this question, beginning at the end, so to speak, with “Death”.//
A good day today, Larry Grayson put it slightly differently as I recall
Bit quiet here.. Are you lot in the pub ? ..without me
Of courshe not, hic..
The Westminster car attack
..will they try to pin it on the far right ?
A Times letter writer channeled Vicki Pollard
\\ Yeh but, yeh, he was a Muslim
..but “I wonder how many of those police officers who attended the above-mentioned incident were, just weeks ago, being taunted with derogatory chants by so-called patriots who were protesting against the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson”//
… i’ve watched hours of live streaming of Tommy marches and not noted mass taunting of police being a characteristic
Those coppers ran toward that car with that creature in it . It could have gone bang , he could have opened fire . They might have shot him on full cctv and got the full state prosecution coming at them .
So I say hats off to them for their bravery – which is too easy to take for granted . But not by the likes of us – or I would think – TR.
I’ve been waiting for another ‘ journo’ to go find TR and his family on their holiday but I’m guessing that they might be a bit shy knowing their faces will be on YouTube .
All those politicians – paid representatives – what 1400 of them – all on their holidays but no journos have gone after them eh ?
I can’t imagine that any of the low-life scum who were cheering the assault of two police officers by habitual scroats as detailed in the link below would class themselves as patriots, and neither would I.
I decided to attend a TR march this summer for freedom of speech, there were thousands, women, children, pensioners and the only trouble was when some so called anti fascists tried to attack in Piccadilly, and not a mention of the march in the maistream media except, I think, the Metro about a far right march.
Former Yazidi slave girl flees Germany after being confronted by her ISIS captor-turned refugee – RT
Ashwaq says many Yazidi women have seen their Islamic State abusers on the street in Germany
This is a tragic story, the worst part of which is that it is an inevitable consequence of the unencumbered and unchecked mass-immigration poolicy imposed upon us by our superior liberal elite.
What is also disturbingly strikingly familiar about this story is the inertia of the police and their inability to locate the said individual. An undocumented doctor, perhaps.
Sadly, this awful kind of event is destined to be repeated many more times over.
I watched this story on the BBC One 10 p.m. news. The reporter cast doubt on her story, “How can you be sure he was your captor?”. Well, assuming she isn’t making the story up, I would think that the way that he spoke to her would make that pretty certain.
I must have missed the bit in the story where the BBC expressed concern that some of Merkel’s Millions might be ISIS fighters with ‘freedom of movement’ within the EU.
BBC – Manchester mosque denies ‘military jihad’ support
Al BBC also provides a helpful guide to what “jihad” means
the Wahab mosque trots out, out of context, and denial too.
Can you recall any Islamic school, community centre, or mosque etc, ever admitting to any thing labelled against them?
“Jihad” … hmmm … explanation?
interesting that jihad means “struggle” – reminds me of that other guy who wrote a book about his “struggle”, just before WWII
That book must be selling well, as it seems to “appear” in many so called “right wing” “far right” etc. arrested peoples’ possessions, even the semi literate ones, funny that..
From a critique on Mein Kampf :
When Hitler and Mussolini attack the “western democracies” they insinuate that their “democracy” is not genuine. (Hmm whos asking for a new Brexit vote on their news website and questioning the election of Trump ?) National Socialism envisages abolishing the difference in wealth, education, intellect, taste, philosophy, and habits by a leveling process which necessitates in turn a total control over the child and the adolescent (Hmm whos promoting equality and diversity and minority representation on their news website) . Every personal attitude will be branded—after communist pattern—as “bourgeois,” and this in spite of the fact that the bourgeois is the representative of the most herdist class in the world, and that National Socialism is a basically bourgeois movement (have a chat about that over your lattes in Islington etc,) .
Reminds me a little of the BBC really, if you substitute branding “far right” instead of “bourgeois”
That won’t be a struggle of conscience, then
South Africa : Author launches bookabout how profile aparteid era paedopholes
..then is shot dead next day.
BBC say “South Africa gripped by mysterious death of former police officer Mark Minnie, a week after he revealed horrific details about an alleged paedophile ring in once-feared white-minority government that portrayed itself as being made up of devout Christian”
Jill Dando was shot and still unsolved..
There’s plenty of conspiracy ( not all of it far fetched) on youtube by Richard D Hall, for those who want more detail.
With not a lot of news apart from Turkey self destructing ( frigates on standby for the brits on hols ) , the occasional alleged terrorist attack in londonistan and a screechy singer dying ( sorry up)?-
Oh yeah and killing number 90 in the capital
I can’t see al beeb avoiding the 3 year old girl needing emergency surgery after FGM by people ‘of an African Heritage’ ( vibrant ) . Throw in some indecent pictures involving animals ( allegedly and no joke ) and we got number 1 in the news right ?
As a matter of interest, do you complain to BBC ? we know it is generally pissing in the wind on an individual basis, but enough complaints will make a diiference sooner or later, it is a matter of quantity and, obviously, quality
My motivation is two fold. one having to work in Luton for a while and see the awful state of the community and schools with the islamic infiltration and attitude which I had personal exprience of, as has TR, secondly my struggle with my Hong Kong wife who loves this country, our culture, countryside and history, never asked for a penny from it, lived here 7 years and, this year, three years into and thousands of pounds spent along the 5 year immigration route has taken “the wrong” english exam (wrong examining board, no difference in quality) and has been put back to the start of a 10 year route. Compare and contrast to the scum we have to take into this country who loath us and our culture.
No I would never contemplate complaining to Al beeb . I’d rather just write it here and if it’s ‘ pissing in the wind ‘ then I’m content with that .
I do notice , though , that my life long attachment to al beeb is diminishing – I grew up with “ Today” before it became “ toady” and remember when John Humphreys was a good journalist . Such a long time ago .
This place is war on one front . The other brother sites are with us too , add Netflix and falling figures to the mix and stuff will change for the better . Know it.,
I would respectfully urge to consider complaining, and everyone who feels angry and frustrated and whos views are not represented by the BBC, TR is struggling because of many armchair supporters which is now changing, what will it take, 5 minutes of your life to complain, the more that do the more you can ensure that your concerns are at least considered, this is why Burka stories stay in the headlines, these people all know who to complain to and never hesitate, they are sending abusive emails to OFSTED inspectors for example so thir special schools can continue with their disgusting practices, they are all acitivists and fighting fire with fire is the only way.
I do understand it is easier to vent frustrations here rather than raising our heads above the parapet but it is your right to complain about a service you pay for that is not providing a proper service, for example what any right minded person would consider news and not news of national importance. you would not hesitate if it was your commuting train, or broadband or gas company, this is no different.
Technical issue – I don’t and will not pay for the BBC . My morality my choice . It’s not about heads above the parapet- I’ll fight the battle the way I choose .good luck with the complaints .
As an aside – by accident – I heard a tiny bit of ‘feedback’ with a couple of people moaning about the exit of Edward ‘look at me” Mair not being commemorated . Lord God.
Fair enough, as I said, I respect your choice, but I work in a sector that means I know the power of complaints in numbers, it is a clear way forward, those we are concerned about most certainly recognise this and we wonder why their agenda is so prominent on the BBC ? hmm doesnt take a Sherlock to work that one out, they are also very prominent in local government at the moment, in mostly minor positions but entrenched, and increasing .. a slow but certain bleak future for many of us
As a 78 year old white, male, heterosexual fart I am no longer required (thankfully) to contribute to the BBC brain twisting fee and (almost) never watch TV because it tends to nauseate me. I feel that the whole thing is just one great big social engineering project on a par with a street market salesman who entertains his audience while his accomplices pick their pockets, the difference being that TV picks their brains. They still come back for more. Beam me up Lord.
so what are you doing on here
Wasting time?
For maximum damage to the BBC. Instead of allowing Crapita to filter out complaints. You and a quarter of a million other people should write their complaints directly to the top of the BBC complains chain. For some idiotic reason, the Editorial Complaints Unit (ECU) has recently changed its name to the Executive Complains Unit (ECU).
Fraser Steel
Head of Executive Complaints
Executive Complaints Unit
BBC Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Thanks for the address, RP.
I’ll make use of it and so should others.
Thanks from me also, I am aware of Capita and their complete and utter incompetence despite charging local government millions to handle their services, they charge Barnet many millions to handle IT I was meant to be there for a couple of months on a project and they could not get a desk phone or a mobile phone or a lap top sorted for 6 weeks I sat at a desk doing nothing, so in the end walked out abolute disgrace and a national scandal as it affect many taxpayers, but they still get paid and of course their contract with the BBC means they will be happily ignored….
vote UKIP the only party that wants to defund the beano broadcasting corporation
Get your missus to enrol in some “Loath England” evening classes. Oh, by the way, strongly advise her to identify as a female black homosexual transvestite. Got that? Female – Black – Homosexual -Transvestite. I believe it’s against EU law to discriminate against these kind of victims so nobody can say “piss off loony” without the threat of doing porridge. If all of that should fail , tell her to “sort of” convert to Islam. Job done. 100% pass in all things.
She often comes home upset about the treatment she gets fom some in this country, the casual “racism” as we deem it now, , but rarely complains, I receive the same in China, the proper and correct name of this behaviour is tribalism, NOT racism, (thats genocide where one considers the victims to be less than human) it would serve the BBC w@nkers well to look at the millions of chinese in this country that just get on with life, spend millions in this country (Bicester village, Harrods and private education and UK Universities) and do not thrust their religion and culture upon us, but, we swamp to them on chinese new year in London in our thousands to celebrate together, no stabbings, rioting or muggings, maybe they are not black enough. I will advise her to get a tan.
Nothing about today’s London stabbings score on Al Beeb’s front page, although there is a ‘minor’ headline about a pair charged with the FGM of a girl.
The benefits of multiculturalism and diversity.
If its news you want, go elsewhere.
Oh my. I feel SO unriched.
how come they feel so inclined to cut their fannys off , but cant be arsed to shave their legs
Local ITV
newsdisinformation#1 Prog begins with extensive coverage of Rotherham funeral of Barry Chuckle
.. when normally some kind of magic forcefield keeps the media from reporting anything in Rotherham and they end up in Calais instead.
Item #2 : Moves to tightenup prison management, suddenly became a piece about warning kids to stay out of prison with friendly ex-con Hanif Mohammed demonstrating a courtroom
..extensive footage
“Hanif Mohammed is a reformed prisoner once sentenced for 10 years for killing a man”
Hat’s off to Hanif, prisoners should have a second chance after prison time
… but are we doing right by Hanif’s victim ?
The crime :
By 13 November 2014 the BBC are profiling him in
next article is 2013 (yes less than 6 years after his offence in January 2008)
oh he’s helping people reform
The report says “Hanif Mohammed, aged 30, who served 10 years in jail for killing a man”
(wrong he served less than 6 of a 10 year sentence)
Sorry for sounding like Margot from the “Good Life” but – why do these people choose to stay here? Surely they would be much happier and their enriching qualities would be so much more appreciated in say, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Iran etc.etc. Why is OUR country so attractive to them? My own opinion on that is because we have the finest country in the world in which to live. I wonder who is responsible for that? The only problem being that we are so fucking naive – bordering on stupidity.
“Your religion demonised through the media” ? Hanif ? , lets have some examples from British media please (you are British, no doubt apart from your intolerance of British teenagers who argue with you, they end up with a knife in their chest, a good example of demonisation if ever I heard one ) for example the BBC ? or international Sky News ? ANY national newspapers ? OK what about the the local press ? please provide one example from them ? or do you just wish to consider yourself a victim for no other reason than to perpetuate your personal hate ?
OK you are not interested in how Twitter work and censors
but Evan’s original tweet has 824 replies
but click the button to see them, just shows me 20.
If Jayda wasn’t subject to a media blackout due to her release conditions, then she’d issue a statement apologising for for being pictured with the disreputable metro-liberal-bubbleworld Davis
Now that’s what I call Music 100. ..
Thank you Sir. Total agreement on that then.
I would like to repeat something I answered to earlier, muslims talking about jihad ony meaning struggle and someone else in the recent past talking about their struggle and writing a book about it:
From a critique on Mein Kampf,
When Hitler and Mussolini attack the “western democracies” they insinuate that their “democracy” is not genuine. (Hmm whos asking for a new Brexit vote on their news website and questioning the election of Trump ?) National Socialism envisages abolishing the difference in wealth, education, intellect, taste, philosophy, and habits by a leveling process which necessitates in turn a total control over the child and the adolescent (Hmm whos promoting endless messages about the prevalence of racism, promoting equality and diversity and minority representation over and above the statistical population on their news website) . Every personal attitude will be branded—after communist pattern—as “bourgeois,” and this in spite of the fact that the bourgeois is the representative of the most herdist class in the world, and that National Socialism is a basically bourgeois movement (have a chat about that over your lattes in Islington etc,) .
Reminds me a little of the BBC really, if you substitute branding “far right” instead of “bourgeois”
it cuts to the chase about many frustrations about the apparent social engineering of our favourite broadcaster through their VERY selective news and what they consider to be important “in case you misssed it” etc and how they portray this country and its ethnic make up and the aparent rights of any immigrants and, black peoples especially, absolute rights to everything in society including further education and employment opportunities on the basis of their racial background and colour alone.
I would posit: Who are the far right nazis in this day and age, by the very words alone of the one who literally wrote the book about it ?
Oh Fk me Gardeners World is in Bradford – they are all gardening with tea towels on their head – BBC just fk off please . Tell you what Monty you useless twat why don’t we build a mosque next to your lovely country house – let’s see how that works out you absolute tool
Oh, for the days of Percy Thrower and Geoff Hamilton. However, I think I can kick my bucket in the knowledge that I have lived through the best days that my country can offer. Still, there’s always the chance that I might just be a miserable bastard and Mr Hope could hold the key to the future.
lol same mate
Not mentioned by BBC. Not even on their Manchester Regional section where such stories are usually buried.
But Headline on Sky:
“”Woman, 93, injured in ‘cowardly attack’ at bus stop””
Muggers are both black men in hoodies.
Had they been white men, the BBC would have been all over this.
93 ffs what kind of cowardly tw*ts are these pathetic pieces of sh*t
Have a look at their countries they seem to be fond of rock and dust gardens with the occasional halal chicken takeaway, go to any rural area in the UK and see none of them at all
Let’s hope it stays that way. Or I just might get re-educated.
After working in London for a week or two and rarely hearing the English language spoken it is a relief to travel east they dont like the countryside, maybe too many english around
A thought for a teacher called Kevin Regester. The poor sod didn’t know he was living under Sharia and has to accept the thought control of the state.
Under an alias, he used social media to output unpleasant thoughts about the children he was teaching. He was so unimpressed with the kids, referring to them as c**nts.
He also posted a picture of “people who appeared to be muslims”, holding placards onto which has been airbrushed words such as “fuck it, I want a ham sandwich” and “I love pork pies”.
He has been banned from teaching for life.
How the hell did we get into this state?
What does the G in GB stand for?
It brings a tear to the eye. I wonder if the bBBC would rebroadcast this now?
BBC broadcast this? Where are all the black people and Muslims? And there’s hardly any women.
I am surprised the BBC haven’t got the squealing on twitter going to correct these errors.
Sack. Of rats.
First Lord Sheih ;aid into Boris for critising the burqa
No the Time ran : \\ A Muslim Tory peer has said he is the victim of a “politically motivated” attack from his own colleagues after senior MPs called for him to be expelled from the party for attending the same conference on Palestinian rights as Jeremy Corbyn. //
Yep he actually went to same conference as Corbyn
Hey some on might go to gather evidence on terrorists
..but it doesn’t look good,
Re Tommy.
James King is a stringer for the Mail isn`t he?
Their website has , for some time now, banished its columnists from their links.
As if they`re ashamed of them, far preferring you to look at Ariane Grande “rocking” some hotpants or such.
Basically, they`ve given up on Trump and Brexit and are merely following the teen clickbait, albeit smarming up to their older readers with their continued dead tree printings.
In short, the likes of James aren`t fit to carry Anne Leslies colostomy bag.
Not seen Littlejohn in recent history, Mel has long gone too.
Bet those Branson attacks and getting clobbered by the BBC have tamed them.
After hounding Tommy, they`re dead anyway.
Nowt on Al Beeb about the London stabbings.
Al Beeb insults our intelligence.
The only London report is that the Met Police are now known as the “OXO Police”.
Why ? Because they have become the laughing stock.
Who is in charge of our London Police?
I think you’ll find the answer in the link below:
What goes through Sad Dick’s mind? Answers on a small postcard please to W1A
Breaking news .
Nigel Farage is back to get us Brexit means Brexit.
Not on Al Beeb yet .
The only answer they will have is to lampoon him like kids in the play ground.
Breaking news Nicola Sturgeon is back to get them Joxit means joxit
That’ll hurt us, maybe a tarriff on black pudding and bagpipe CDs
From what I read TV advertising is on its arse. So what do they do they go all leftie PC. BME in every advert. So great, the market they are aiming at is an inclusive society that sees BME as equals with regards to buying power. So no need to look at demographics as long as you satisfy the PC one world view people will be flooding through your doors. I’m expecting long queues at DFS and Currys as leftie PC and BME flock to the stores….