Radio NZ this morning had actually had in interview with Nigel Farage, who is going to have a tour here in September. The interviewer was a noted attack doberman called Kim Hill somewhat in the style of Cathy Newman but a bit brighter. She is capable of asking very good questions but seldom listens to the answers. The interview was going well until she decided to bring the Alt right into it and wouldn’t let him answer and displayed full on Trump Derangement Syndrome and asked Nigel if he was ashamed of what he had done. Unfortunately the interview came to an end there I’m not sure why. It could have been that the allocated time was up or perhaps someone at Nigel’s end pulled the plug realizing they had got another loony left Kiwi foaming at the mouth about to indulge ill informed politically correct hostilities.
A later guest from the Southern Poverty Law Centre in the US was given a soft ride to rail against the Alt right which according to what I could make out includes everyone to the right of Lenin.
The NZ media has just had a great success, in their eyes, with the deplatforming of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Across the country they were united in hostility towards them but in doing so revealed their complete ignorance of international issues, bad manners, their total incompetence in handling any discussion on an an in-depth issue, and more seriously their far left bias and refusal to think for themselves instead relying on memes from the BBC and Guardian. The worst offender is the National Radio but with only one exception I can think of all other media outlets are singing from the same song sheet.
So to those who may be thinking of emigrating, forget it. You will be better off staying in the UK and fighting it.
Supporting Ukip would be a lot cheaper. And more effective.
I hope mr farage apologises to the people of NZ and Australia for the way Britain treated them when we were conned into joining the Common Market .
Fed Up. I think it would be good if he acknowledged it was a mistake added that there were a lot of Brits who said so at the time. But to apologise definitely NOT! For one thing it is too Blairish. And more importantly they wont respect him if he does.
When dealing with the lot down under in Oz and NZ being reasonable and expecting to get a reasonable response is naive indeed when it comes to politics, sport or anything for that matter.
Sick up for yourself and give as good as you get. That’s my advice, and never apologise for being British.
Much as I like Aussies and Kiwis I have to say that you need to be a bit of an Ian Botham now and again (even if it goes against the grain.)
The British State left them high and dry . No transition period . Nothing . They deserved better . We have more in common with them than mainland Europe .
They are lucky to have border control -an ocean.
KIm is very sneery right from the start
sneering that he never won a seat, but not saying that he did win the European parliament for UKIP.
I guess she is playing to her CathyNewman type audience
On Twitter there was only hate towards him from her listeners, no sympathy.
At minute 15 she starts sneering “you have a friendship with the ALT RIGHT Steve Bannon …white nationalist”
Farage says “Steve Bannon …white nationalist”..I think the tape get cut then
Then she starts sneering Trump.
Her last words were “Time was up at that point.WE WERE TOLD”
.. so yes rather than put up with the Ctrl-left Kim Hill, Farage cut out.
It was not a GOOD FAITH interview, aimed at eliciting info that would inform her viewers.
No rather she as an SJW wanted to signal her goodness and push her conspiracy theory that is such a thing called the “far right” who are taking over politics.
So she assembled a series of gotcha questions
of the “When did you stop beating your wife?”
“Don’t you feel ashamed to be a racist ?”
But of course this is the fallacy of the loaded question.
Lots of similar metro-libs try these gotchas on Farage by calling his LBC show, she is no different.
But on LBC, Farage controls the microphone, so is able to say ‘let me answer that question before you rush on to the next one”
And he easily able to deal with their points.
The RNZ slot is usually an hour, listeners say they got 30 mins , and the recording is 18 mins.
Her other motive was to set the frame for her next guest to plug his new book about the “Alt Right”
Stew, you may not believe me but this is mild to what she can be like.
In fact NZ interviewers as a species tend to be very inquisitorial and rude with it if they don’t like the views of the interviewee. Many many times I’ve heard top politicians being bullied by these self appointed public prosecutors. Nobody stands up to them. Overseas visitors have been astonished at what they get away with.
Across the Tasman the Australians have at least have some people who will stand up to the PC media and enforcers. If you want a good example find the ongoing war of words between Senator Leyonhjelm and Senator Hanson-Young. (Not to be confused with Pauline Hanson.)
Senator H-Y is the Greens leader who was blaming all men for everything as Greens do and Leyonhjelm snapped and said something along the lines of. “Senator when are you going to stop shagging men?” Not the language I would use but the uproar that followed and continues is because, out of line though it may be, he refuses to back down. So there is a liberal squawkfest over the whole thing. Like myself despite disliking his phrase, a lot of people feel ‘they couldn’t have been aimed at a nicer person’ if you get my drift.
Anyway Stew thanks for your comments and you may find the Aussie debate amusing should you google it.
Another thing to keep in mind is, New Zealand broadcasting is state directed self regulated and censored so listeners only know as much as the broadcast companies and state allow plus all internet throughput is filtered for ‘unacceptable’ content.
Newhamistan was the first Borough in Blighty to be officially ethnic minority majority . Often the only time you saw white English people there was going to Upton Park.
You’re right – you sometimes hear English – but normally it’s out of towners here for the theatre or attractions . They often look shocked on the tube because of the vibrancy .
Wife (from Hong Kong) said it is like Morocco when I took her on a trip around Luton and Neasden as part of my work, she was genuinely shocked and stunned, and utterly fails to understand how we can tolerate this cultural invasion to such an extent that the shops, places of worship, infrastructure and language and dress are not of the country she expected to see.
Then we went to Chinatown for lunch LOL.
I would not be surprised in the least if the charity appeals for efnick abused and starving children and women we see every day on TV were filmed in Neasden, Brent etc., female genital mutilation, forced underage marriage, tribal warfare and worse FFS is taking place on these very streets every single day for example, this is our proud English capital :
It is worth keeping an eye on the BBC TV viewing figures from BARB, available on a weekly basis (link below) to spot the precipitate decline in just one year. The Beeb seems increasingly to be broadcasting to its core metropolitan audience who are then served up a diet of ever more uninteresting World Service type programmes celebrating diversity and ramming home multi-culturalism. The plummet seems unstoppable and as we know is happening on radio too.
The incessant lecturing, with patronising even hectoring tones is ever more unbearable as the BBC guilt trips its smaller and smaller audience.
The BARB figures for the top BBC 1 programme in a week in June and August show declines from 7.06m. and 6.29m. in 2017 to 5.96m. and 5.43m. in 2018. That is pretty well a million down in a year or nearly 15%.
Interestingly C4 News is currently the 21st most popular programme on that channel with 0.84m. viewers in a population of 65m. Jon Snow is not as popular as he thinks.
Something big is happening out there but we won’t be told.
The problem is that the BBC ‘free’ website is destroying newspapers while it parasites off them, so their monopoly on news and views strengthens.
You have to keep checking to know if the people are really in rebellion:
You make my favourite point – that Albeeb is failing as it continues to out snowflake itself . Please God , let the downward trend continue until it is too to be saved .
Those BARB figures make really interesting reading. Take out Eastenders and you realise that the BBC is really not reaching people. The best news figure was just over 4 million out of a population of say 70 or 80 million (depending on who is counting) and even with Eastenders at just over 5 million – makes justification for a licence fee rather difficult to justify if they are not reaching 90% of the population.
These poor souls seem to think that they`re creative artists, who-thankfully-left the grey drab world that we live in-and now are real stars and going round the world in fragrant greatness.
Reminds me of Cherie Blair sneering at shop assistants-she too might have ended up as bad as that if not for being great and clever as she is.
Utterly deluded weirdos, we do real jobs-and don`t mime karaoke in Lily Savages old frocks.
They`re many things-but “talented” “creative” “stars”?
Not a bit of it, any builder could mime to Cher on top of a police car, thinking they`re “worth it”.
Trust the BBC to indulge them.
Tut!! How undemocratic of you! Day by day in every way we are learning “new facts” about the Brexit embroglio. We have ALL learnt more after the referendum, blah, blah and must now honour our democracy with a “Peoples Vote”.
One thing I have most certainly learnt post-referendum is that remainers are even bigger supercilious cunni than I could ever have imagined pre-referendum.
Framer, it is hardly surprising, gone are the days of Fawlty Towers etc., with regards to radio there is now 4 extra which has Around the Horn, Hancock, Navy Lark and many others from 50 years ago and more, and NO news, this is more telling than anything else as to the complete lack of interest from their primary audience (the British population, 85% indigenous who pay for the service) ) in the “multicultural” dross they attempt to peddle to us now and their clumsy, gauche attempts at social engineering via slanted and selective “news” and interviews
I think you are talking about the ‘old days’ of Radio 7. The re-branded Radio 4 Extra is 90% what it says on the box – an ‘extra’ chance to feed us its current contrived dramas and ‘cutting edge’ left-wing ‘humour’.
For example, if you were a visitor to this country, it would appear, at one point, that there were no white males (white British ethnicity is 85% of the population) undertaking A levels if you were to take their news website as a guide, (although, after a few comments, they have changed this since to include a token white male: whos ethnicity comprises 85% of the British population if you missed that the first time BBC..)
The Londonistan police commissioner did one of those ‘ crime is under control’ speeches recently . 2 stabbed to death last night bringing the numbers killed to 92 ( I’m losing count) the average for a year is about 110. I’m guessing 130 this year and maybe more next year as population density increases .
One of those murders last night is a real nuisance because it’s not far away and the bloody streets will be taped off again cause traffic chaos . Again and again .londonistan getting safer ? Yeah right. Al beeb reporting it and the local florists doing a good trade .
[ second paragraph put in for those suffering from false compassion fetishism – our thoughts are with..]
And all of a sudden the BBC have lost the keys to their warehouse full of pictures of black men when this news arises, a similar failure occurs with rape gangs and moped thugs, funny that, always manage to find them with A level stories and doctor stories and white womens husbands
Couldn’t be bothered but caught the arse end of comrade mad Robinson interviewing the woman who used to work for President Trump who seems to have spent most of her time tape recording conversations in The White House .- not knowing the Term “duty” or “loyalty”
She is selling her book and of course herself . The opposition must have infiltrated quite a few of the Presidents’ enemies into his staff and this swamp dweller was just another .
Nice that al beeb gave this foreigner air time to sell her book
Ok now that Nigel Farage is joining the Leave means Leave campaign can we expect Blair, Mandy, Soubry, Umuna ( he’s the new Obama don’t you know) and the good old impartial Beeb to be on the Leave means Stay battlebus?
That tweet is not coming up automatically here in Wndows
No. Brexit was born of disenfranchised people feeling frustrated and helpless and careless sociopaths taking advantage of the mood. The latter will do very well out of it at the expense of the former… and it makes my blood boil.— Deborah Meaden (@DeborahMeaden) August 15, 2018
Will the EuroReich ever think of what we`re seeing daily in Sweden, France, Germany-and now in Italy?
And what of Spain and Greece, that fey cabbage patch that Ireland now is, under Troika diktat?
Best to walk out of the EU before we`re made to stampede out as the bridges topple onto us within the next few years.
So why are the leftiskum at the BBC ever doing any programmes about this?
They failed to see the Berlin Wall-maybe they rather hoped NOT to see it, same goes for Brexit.
But we will. And the BBC will need flogging off to -well, whoever`s mug enough to seek liberal propaganda. Belarus?
“Will the EuroReich ever think of what we`re seeing daily in Sweden, France, Germany-and now in Italy?” But only seeing on those alternative but honest alternative sources to the BBC & MSM…………
Tucker is president material.
Ironic that whilst conservative posts are removed, and Climate-Skeptic videos have warning put on
.. The National Geographic video of a “polar bear getting old, and dying naturally from cancer etc” is given a headline “This is what climate change looks like”
and then after a year is subtly edited to say “This is what climate change COULD look like”
LBC/BBC this morning were actually using the Genoa bridge tragedy to attack populism. Ignoring decades of centrist/ liberal misgovernment, mafia corruption, poverty caused bg EU economic policy and the interregnum of the EU tecnocrats, they suggest that the recently elected five star/lega nord have somehow not done enough to avert the disaster. As if anyone, except a mythical hero, could clean the Augean stables that are Italy of 50 or 60 years worth of excrement in a couple of months.
Wonderful ten minute tribute to Aretha Franklin by Tony Blackburn, Radio 2 6.45 am.
He let the music do the talking, made no grandstanding about her “significance”-he just knew she mattered, had a great voice and Tony was an informed fan, that was all that was required by me.
Magnificent, Tony is grand.
Strange isn`t it? Used to get my news and dignified analyses from Radio 4, my inane chatter and idiocy from Radio 2. They seem to have swapped over.
When will the liberal idiots realise that the more they drag the corpses behind them on their bandwagons for Clinton and Juncker? The more we hate them, and the poor artistes need to get writing clauses that get the BBC sued if they use the dead for cheap virtuous ignoramuses like Today or Mardell, Anderson or Maitlis.
Work next-say a little prayer-thank you Tony B!
Comments earlier about TR tieing the Daily Mail stooge in knots – which he did, got me thinking. Isn’t TR our man to give Far Left James O’Brian a taste of his own medicine at last . Come on LBC you need to up his listener quota. He only gets afew sycophantic calls from his “mates” each day on his “tirade”. Bring it on …… perhaps a petition for it ? is running a petition which is designed to promote the idea of the public having a last vote on the final Brexit deal. Apparently > than 600,000 have signed already. The petition is promoted by Christian Broughton Editor of the Independent. So, what’s his/the Independent’s position? I cannot determine that despite searches on the net. My immediate reaction to this petiion? – signing in support of a vote on the eventual agreement is a big risk. It has become clear the Remoaners are desperate and will attempt any deception to keep us in the EU. Is this but one to engineer a vote on what concocted question(s)? Could be and may well be: another opportunity for the Government/Remoaners to seek the views of the public on remaining fixed in the EU as the option to a bad (for the UK) deal?
I conclude the best option for me is to not sign.
Assuming that the government negotiates a deal with the EU and that they then ‘ratify’ it by getting a vote in parliament and/or a referendum, what happens if the deal is rejected?
The two-year Article 50 period will have expired and we will be out of the EU with no deal, which isn’t what the ‘remainer’ MPs want. The best they can hope for is that Robbins gets his EU Mk 2 ‘deal’, i.e. in the EU but with no vote, and our idle MPs approve it (and the ‘people’ are scared into voting for it, if there was a referendum), as they know that from then on that only a dozen of them will need to turn up to ‘unlock’ more EU rules for our ‘common rule book’.
RE self harming, they have been doing that for years through importing immigrants that hate them and their indigenous population, a rather strange form of masochism that seems to infect a sector of our society, normally those who do not have to live near them..
Sorry I am late to the party.
BBC – “Death of a model”.
I click on this, I expect to discover some coked-up bint with the same IQ as her bra size has fallen two floors off her stiletto heels and ruined a perfectly good catwalk by allowing both her brain cells to escape from her skull.
I am wrong, it’s all about a well known board game, Cluedo, or more accurately Clueless.
In this version of Clueless, Colonel BlackThug, equipped with the lead piping, in the London conservatory, is murdered by Professor BlackThug, with the solid silver cheese knife, in the dining room .
Wonder when board game manufacturers are going to respond to market forces, I would be interested to see the new ethnic Cluedo, which will probably only comprise a nightclub and the gutter outside, and of course Monopoly, complete with pewter mopeds roving around London with a pair of bolt cutters and Kumminihi chests
Her name is Natalie Haynes, and she features regularly on the BBC. History buff? Her jobs include being paid by the taxpayer through the BBC and, erm, that’s about it really.
So, who gives a shit what she thinks?
No doubt she won’t be working for the BBC, the Guardian or the Labour Party as they have all made the same jokes as Boris.
You raise a very interesting question. It is difficult to discern from reports in @nytimes or @Reuters who exactly was behind the torching of 100 vehicles in Sweden.
Yes, I challenged via twitter the rough and unfair way TR was treated.
Part Of @afneil’s defence was that he would treat an islamist in the same way.
Do you know, I’m still waiting to see that interview? How strange.
Talk is cheap eh?
Gavin of course is now free to bring his politics into the studio, or get ‘liked’, ‘retweeted’ or complimented, impartially of course, by Emily, John….
How long before ‘views my own’ Emily RTs ‘impartial’ Gav?
You are one of those who are taking away the right of British students freely to move and study and work in Germany. Your “shock” at the consequences is frankly ridiculous though typical – sadly – of the incompetent Brexit Bunch.
One elected, a real immigrant who has contributed greatly to public life.
The other a philandering nomark who seamlessly moved from lying for the BBC to a sinecure as Chancellor at a cosy university nearby.
How did he manage that then?
But of course, we all know which one is required by the BBC to speak for us all.
The assorted Guardian reading middleclass idle leftie Islamophiles and remainers are planning to upset the Tory Conference. Not that I give a shit, but as these people are never prosecuted it is worth noting that they are planning disruption.
From their FB site
Class War
August 16 at 3:36 PM ·
SCUM: A layer that “May” “Remain” on top of a Political Party, as an impurity that gums up Brexit, turning “Brexit means Brexit” into Brexit means Remain“.
The solution: Send 48 letters asking for the Scum to be removed from the top layer of the Party.
It’s coming. First: one of the political parties that is a potential future government is filled with anti-semites at the top, and now their allies plan to close down their main opponents by force like a bunch of brownshirts.
Let me guess? A few thugs with ‘death to Tories’ banners, students with ‘Corbyn 4PM T-shirts and a few distant chants of ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn?’
I bet there is a punch up between the Labour Brexiters and Remainers while the BBC report would be ‘Tommy Robinson fans turned up to attack the peaceful protest against austerity and Boris Johnson has upset everyone again,’
Hmm, scum, their level of political debate knows no bounds, will they have the courage or simple honesty / dignity that comes from knowing you are in the right to show their faces ? or will they have scarves wrapped around their weasel visages, A la Wind in the Willows, what about a campaign to catch a coward thug and unmask them, no wonder they are a fan of burkas
Need to tell the chinless Tories that we`ll secure them, as long as we get a no-deal Brexit as promised.
Until then, let the Left cut their balls off, if they can find them.
WE`LL deal with the Left ourselves, they`ll be easier to squelch than the Muslims that will follow if we don`t get a bit more “proactive” as they`d say.
Just flicking through the TV channels, waiting for the test match to start. And naturally on at least 5 channels at any given time you can see various adverts asking me to give £2 per month so that little Fukmellah doesn’t have to walk miles each day to get clean water.
Surely if there is just 1 single little British girl in a similar position – homeless or perhaps orphaned, then we should be devoting our time and resources to her, rather than to some bunch of backwards disease-ridden people whose greatest contribution to Europe would appear to be Ebola, Malaria and keeping Benefits Officers in a job?
In fact why don’t these people just move their tent closer to where the clean water is? It isn’t rocket science. And talking of science these are the same people who for decades have eschewed things such as technology, contraception, progress, medicine etc etc.
By donating money to such appeals merely perpetuates the problem and a cycle of poverty ensues… They always seem to have money to buy bullets and bombs don`t they?? Also how come right in the middle of all the poverty there always seems to be a big massive mosque complete with mineret about fifty metres tall??? And don`t get me started on the mothers of the starving kids who always seem to be well fed!!!
All they need is a lap top and they suddenly inherit a fortune but they can’t get it out of the country, maybe you can help ? just need your bank details, and you could be rich also, I am quite surprised how many rich princes and ex government ministers with access to large bank accounts there are in Nigeria, why the f@ck do they need water ? they could live on champagne according to the endless emails we get from them.
These charity adverts must be some kind of scam.
Here we go…..let’s start off as we mean to go on. This is from front page of BBC news. Again you have to make sure your not holding anything that could lead to self harm and ONLY read it if you’ve had your meds….
England’s World Cup squad was praised as symbol of English diversity, but in 146 years no footballer of Asian origin has won a senior England cap, and British-Asians are under-represented in professional football. So when will we see a British-Asian footballer turn out for England?
Told you. Now just go for a quiet walk or go and lie on the bed.
And how have they been similarly represented on BBC Trusts, even when we had an Empire?
How dare the BBC choose to put football in the dock, where they need to be themselves.
About time they were told this, why the heck do we let them get away with their noisy shows of calling for equality whilst paying neckless no-mark blokes more than they pay their airhead, harpie poppets?
Get them gone.
To be fair, some of the lads seem to be world class on par with certain footballers when it comes to multiples with young ladies in the bedroom. If only under18s.
They are also asking ‘where are all the black english cricketers?’
Why aren’t the bBBC asking ‘why were there no white British female athletes in the 4x100m womens relay team that won gold last weekend?’
The answer is; they are not good enough…it’s as simple as that, and the same applies to the footballers and cricketers too.
Why is the bBBC so racist?
So if they start to put Asians in pro-rata then we will need to see the quota of white players increase as they are “unrepresented” pro rata to the whole nation.
In cricket we certainly have had a few spinners of Asian origin recently, although none of Chinese, Japanese or Korean origin.
Kofi Annan corrupt father (of the, even more corrupt, Kojo Annan).
Once head of the world’s leading money laundering gravy train.
After the EU we should leave the UN, more money to spend on British people.
BREAKING: Trump Administration is seeking to bypass Congress to cut $3 billion in foreign aid, most of the cuts would be directed towards the UN – Politico
Imagine Shelaghs book and Victorias will be equally absorbing to Mishal.
When I want a gossip at work, I go to the water cooler in reception-natter over the dishwasher or by the laundry room. I leave a post it note if I have something to say.
Oh, if only I could get an advance and write shit that no-one will read -but house radio would be forced to read it out on the hour.
It`ll be Book of the Week, you can count in it.
What the feck! I would personally pay £750 to have one installed. I suppose most councils have a one legged lesbian drop-in centre that they would rather spend the money on. We will remember them.
Z – Already happened.
The National Lottery refused an application for funding from St Dunstan’s, a charity established in 1915 to help Armed Service Personnel blinded in the service of their country.
The same day that this decision was made public a National Lottery grant was made for a drop-in cafe for male homosexuals.
Listened to about 5 minutes of the Today programme this Saturday morning. Usual topic – Brexit.
Guest to be interviewed was Lord Kerslake. I had to google to find out that he used to be head of the civil service. I can now understand why we are having so much trouble with Brexit. He was being asked what happens if there is no agreement. Usual prophet of doom but Bob Kerslake (now Lord but reminder used to be Head of the Civil Service) considered that we would now need to extend the period of transition but that would allow time for the British people to change their minds and negotiations could take place to allow the UK to remain in Europe). I may have not written that word for word – but it was certainly what he said. Well he obviously nailed his colours to the mast a bit too quickly because it was obvious what agenda he was pushing and the interview was quickly terminated. However the young man (well he sounded young) who has founded an organisation promoting leave meaning leave, actually did rather well. Obviously the item didn’t go as well as the BBC hoped.
Just what does he think the left such as Antifa have been doing for years? With the tacit approval of the police.
If there’s a problem of aggressive intolerance on the right, it’s a backlash against the inaction of the police to the aggression the left have exhibited for years. And he knows it.
Hey Treezer are you happy with lefty Class War publishing a picture of Rees Mogg with his entire family followed by comments about the killing of the Romanovs which those mad arses applauded.
At least the far left regard Rees Mogg as the most hated member of the House of Lords. Therefore if the far left spiral into such wild hatred as to turn to killing every ermine cloaked Lord in the land. Rees Mogg would say “I will not say thank you, because that’s rather harsh of them. I only wanted to abolish the House”
There seems to be a concerted effort to talk up the threat of “rightwing terrorism”. A crude attempt to suggest that because there are “faults on both sides”, Big Beard terrorism is not so serious.
However if there are 3 million muslims and 20, 000 Big Beards in spe being monitored by spyplod, then if you assume the 17.4 million who nefariously voted Brexit are likely candidates for rightwing populists, white supremacists, neonazis, fascists, hilterite nationalists, etc., the there would be pro rata around 100,000 potential rightwing terrorsts in spe. Clearly, there is a overproportional threat from the “muslim community”. If rightwing terrorism is as virulent as claimed, you would expect by now around 500 deaths from organised right wing terrorist attacks not 2 from “self radicalizers”.
I don’t know how stupid they think we are – pretty darned stupid I guess but we’re not living in Matrix land and a simple bit observation will inform even the most utterly brainless person of how things are.
Another one looking for a peerage . I wonder if he thinks that the Right have no place in politics – or in life at all – another one with plans for me be sent East .
I would have thought he’d have favoured the so called ‘far right’ because they tend to be white and speak English so make for more convenient and easier targets to hit that those from the Religion of Peace who enjoy driving at people .
And I am not making light of mass murder by the Reich .
This bloke is up to his neck in getting Tommy Robinson jailed.
If he`s not some Common Purpose lynchpin, I`ll be surprised.
Noted that he`s getting Univeristy doctorates, left right and centre-and, with, of course being about as much use to fighting crime as Jill Dandos College.
Grand world this one where the likes of Rowley get no scrutiny.
Looks like Gordon Jackson with a large chunk of Mr Barraclough with a touch of Mr Grainger too.
Which of these three would YOU rely on to deal with Somali acid attacks?
I would have thought BBC has been one of the biggest pluggers of the wood stove dream, in its shows like CountryFile and its morning property-porn shows.
Not on the BBC, ever.
Report from South Africa, extensive scientific studies have shown that people burn in a more eco-friendly manner when Goodyear tyres are used.
On Ezra’s weekend video he’s talking about a spate of rapes by Muslim taxi drivers in Halifax , Canada.
“A few years ago when they started, the media mention ethnicity in their reports , A Middle eastern man etc
.. now all they say is , ‘A man with an accent'”
Another Muslim migrant taxi driver in Halifax on trial for sexually assaulting a passenger. Says it was her that did it — she wanted to hug him “to keep warm”.
Daily Mail stalked Tommy’s family whilst he was on holiday in Spain
thus endangering the safety of his children from mad Antifa attacks
TR: “So you’ve labelled me a racist, do you wanna give me any evidence of that ?”
..The reporter sudden;y stops the the conversation with “I don’t want to say anything more ”
@DailyMailUK what exactly was the purpose of stalking #TommyRobinson while he was on a family holiday? Thanks Tommy for confronting this Daily Mail 'jouurnalist' & exposing his unethical reporting. More people need to challenge MSM hit piece tactics.
Later the journo does talk, respect to that journalist who does seem to be coming around … we know that many have to lie, cos they are caught up within the system
– Lisa Andy posted \\ Burt Most of the comments on this Daily Mail article were in favour of Tommy.
I read them aloud to my Husband.
Now I cannot find them in the Mail article, they have gone, all comments have been deleted from the article, and commenting is turned off. Has anyone else found the same thing? //
TR says \\ Facebook are removing this video from people’s time lines. Share it everywhere .
The mail are doing the governments work by harassing my family & now social media are trying to prevent people from seeing me ask him simple questions//
\\ Ok so this has happened this morning , the daily mail have had journalists photographing my family on our holiday. I have a full 40 min vid of this awkward conversation .
Obviously I am very concerned that they have photos of my wife & children.//
He asked people to complain to the Mail
Yeah – al beebs got another grief job – UN politician dies . Ghanaian apparently so he ll get the full Aretha treatment .
Second subject is rain in India
Water boarding at Sandhurst ( not good apparently )
90 years olds being mugged and burgled has n Manchester
And the best. Austrian PM a invites Oresidebt Outin to her wedding this afternoon ( did I hear that right ) and the ReichEU ain’t happy . Good to end on good news ….
And bbc WS ‘World News’ – Coffee Annan dead – how could they tell?
Women pregnant in somewhere USA – really ?
And a programme on the PRO TRUMP conspiracy – yes, really.
Hilarious Hard Talk – Steven Sackur trying to argue with a, reformist, anti burka etc., UK Muslim and accusing him of being Right Wing and confrontational. Worth a listen – very surreal !
He comments below
“I’m not sure what the idiot journalist’s name is. Some have said it is James King, so people have Googled that name, along with “journalist” and discovered contact details of a James King journo in the USA who is now getting all kinds of flak….. normally, this mistaken identity wouldn’t be funny, but the USA James King appears to be a Far-Left Lefty who supports Antifa, so the abuse he is getting may be directed at the wrong man but he deserves it anyway! If anyone does know the name of THIS Daily Mail Half-Wit, please let me know! Also, link to the Mail article I talked about in the video is here”:
Two wrongs don’t make a right,
and kneejerk revenge is not justice I am a bit worried about some nutcase thinking it’s to stalk the journo’s family
They’ll already be people with in the media industry who are red-pilled, but are unable to speak up.
Is that the original Mail article ?
Weston says that it was published
..then after the comment backlash the comments were removed and then the article
This article has an update note at the top saying it was revised after 19 hours
(That is better than the BBC who either put edit notes at the bottom, or don’t bother and just stealth edit)
I hope the TR team know to ALWAYS save articles before they get edited.
Google is not storing cached copies of the page, neither is Bing
Cached copies should exist on ISP servers all over, cos that is how the internet works
(pages are fast, cos the copy is sent to you from the nearest server cache rather than the source) Page archived 4 times
Almost all news stories about TR might as well be paid adverts, compiled in Brandan Cox’s Hatey-No-Hoper offices.
Times DieselsRpaedos team are back with a short article
Headline : Three in four diesels exceed pollution limits
Hangon the text says “Tests run since the start of last year found ”
that’s 20 months old, why report now ?
The actual Which? page has a far less alarmist take
\\ With headlines about polluting diesel cars, diesel manufacturers cheating emission tests and cities around the world promising to ban diesels entirely, it’s no wonder that potential buyers are steering clear. But while most diesel cars are dirty compared with other fuel types, we’ve uncovered some surprising exceptions that produce less NOx than the average petrol car in our tests. No, really.//
A guy from Ghana came to Britain got a job as a trader, broke the limits and lost £1.8bn .. got jailed, actually appealed being deported.
A former UBS trader who was jailed for the biggest unauthorised trading loss in British history is on the verge of being deported to Ghana, it is understood
One of the people I used to work with was from Zimbabwe, had been at UBS and knew him personally. Said he was actually a decent bloke who invited him and his parents over for dinner when they met. The guy was given access to power he should never have had and was incredibly dumb but to an extent was being scapegoated for structural/management problems at the bank
Radio 2 1pm news we hear of two attacks against 90 year olds in Manchester.
The first a 93 year old was attacked and mugged by two ‘men’ in Oldham receiving wounds to her head, hands and knees. The second, a burglary on a 95 year old in Manchester, by ‘teenagers’.
Again the BBC are being fucking disingenuous, no descriptions of the perpetrators, yet a quick Google reveals a picture of the ‘men’ the police are looking for in the first attack.
Of course to the causal unwoke listener (which most BBC consumers are) the term ‘men’ conjures up a picture of couple of pasty Mancunians.
Why does the BBC even bother reporting on half a story? The real story that we all need to know is that we Brits are being fucked over by an invasion of low IQ savages.
The BBC naturally bends over backwards to prevent any convictions, together with another national treasure, the so-called police force.
Whilst hiring expensive helicopters to victimise white people, and hiring even more expensive barristers to justify their victimisation.
Meanwhile these aged people lose confidence. Many die soon after these events, not of visible injuries, but of delayed shock. Many others never leave home again, their already diminished possibilities of enjoyment, are reduced to four walls. Naturally most will have worked hard and contributed to the economy.
In total contrast to the enrichers.
Perhaps not so British but overwhelmingly European DNA. And 0.03% North African, who’d a thunk it, eh? I wonder if there’s any connection to the BBC’s black Friar Tuck?
Ed West’s book The Diversity Illusion quoted in the link is indeed ‘superb’.
‘At the end of the Second World War over 70 per cent of British DNA dated back more than 6,000 years on these islands and between them the Celts, Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans made less of a genetic impact than post war immigration has. Genetically the generation born the year Britain hosted the 1948 Olympics may have been closer to the Britain of 4000 BC, before work on Stonehenge was begun, than the generation born during the 2012 Games; the DNA of the British people has been changed more in one lifetime than the previous 6,000 years’.
If I recall the science correctly, you can be descended for centuries through a pure Norman or Anglo-Saxon or Celtic or Gaelic line and your DNA will still stand a chance of including some Chinese or African or Middle-Eastern elements.
The BIG question that DNA scientists have to face, but I guess many run away from, is ‘Could the Adam and Eve Creation account in the Judao-Christian Bible [ I’m so tempted here to add – literally 😉 ] be true?
Oh dear, there’ll be black armbands en mass at the BBC today. Kofi Annan has died after a short illness.
Look, it’s sad news, so I shouldn’t make light of it. He seemed a decent chap and he never did me (or anyone else as far as I know) any harm. But you know what the bloody Beeb are like. Someone black, high profile and dead, they’re going to be laying it on with a bleedin’ cement mixer.
I used to quite like Aretha Franklin, I may even have a couple of her old 45’s up in the loft. But two solid days of mock mourning, interviewing has beens, never beens and worst of all, that hideous race hustler, David Lammy, I’d just about had enough of it. And now this!
I’ll be out all day and the only BBC TV I want to see this evening is Dad’s Army. A series from he good old days when the BBC made comedies you could watch with your grandmother and your granddaughter and laugh from beginning to end.
What’s the betting it gets cancelled and there’s some special tribute to the great man.
They’ll interview Blair and Kinnock, they’re bound to wedge Obama in somewhere and they’ll dig up some interview where Kofi made disparaging remarks about President Trump.
Pub tonight…
Kofi Annan had a dodgy fraudulent son as I recall.
Jesse Jackson, the Mandelas ?
Who could have guessed.
Mind you, the Kinnocks are pretty good at the grifting blackface, so it turns out.
Only one colour matters to both this lot of crooks-green.
Don King said that-and he`d know.
I’ve avoided al beeb even more because a singer died , now an ex swamp dwelling politician has died and al beeb will spend another day blubbing. I hope they don’t cancel dads army – which is still one of BBC 2 s biggest watches.
Different subject – if you want to see real American lefty propaganda try PBS America – a two parter on Democrats crying over President Trump winning allegedly with the complicity of President Putin .
It’s a given thatPresident Trump is bad for America – but look at the economy and employment levels – as well as screwing the Turks which is only a good thing . Drain the snowflakes in that swamp then do ours.
Thanks Lucy – I wondered about the funding . The idea of the State funding broadcasting isn’t my right wing cup of tea . Or am I classified as ‘ far ‘ right ? As in someone who is not a snowflake .
Londonistan going for the record – three separate stabbing killings within 24 hours …. getting hard to keep up now – I make it 93. I’m interested in the numbers because I was fiddling around a PhD on the subject but luckily for my sanity I never got going …..
I can t see al beeb local news doing much as the adult beeboids are all on their holidays …
And following from above Breitbart is reporting of the stabbing and murder of a German GP in his surgery by a Somali migrant who came into the Reich in 2015 courtesy of Merkel .
I mention this event here because we would never found out from the British MSM. If they allowed a million third worlders in i wonder how many Germans have become victims of crime because of Merkel ?
There’s a lot the British MSM don’t publish about Germany especially when it comes to crimes committed by Immigrants.
In the book Easy Meat by Peter Mcgloughlin he comments on the fact that the phenomena of grooming gangs can also be observed in Holland. He doesn’t mention any other European country. The other day a did a brief search, related to something else and came up with this gem
Now this bit below caught my eye
Wie flogen die Taten auf?
Eine 16-Jährige erstattete am 29. Dezember Anzeige bei der Polizei in Gelsenkirchen. Sie gab an, dass sie am Tag zuvor vergewaltigt wurde. Zunächst war sie mit einem ihr bekannten 18-Jährigen unterwegs. Dieser habe sie überredet mit weiteren jungen Männern im Auto durch die Gegend zu fahren. Schließlich sei es zu sexuellen Handlungen in einem Wald im Essener Süden gekommen. Am 17. Januar erstattete ein 16 Jahre altes Mädchen Anzeige in Essen. Auch sie war zu den jungen Männern ins Auto gestiegen und dann auf einem Feld in Essen-Werden vergewaltigt worden. Aufgrund der ähnlichen Vorgehensweise verknüpften die Beamten beide Taten. Noch am Abend wurde ein erster Verdächtiger verhaftet. Weiteren Verdächtigen sei man durch die Auswertung von Handy-Chats auf die Spur gekommen.
Just chuck the above in to Google Translate.
This is clear evidence of what we would call grooming gang behaviour. It’s quite clear it’s prevalent in Germany too and I dare say across Europe where there are significant groups of people of the religion of peace.
up2 – A good many. YT has a number of videos of protests against Merkel, eg by ‘StudioKDresden’ and ‘Deutscher Widerstand’, when she visited Dresden on Thursday. Near the end of the first-mentioned video we see the massive police protection she required, speeding off surrounded by plainclothesmen in a column of ten or so similar looking black Audis.
Not even Comrade Kim requires as much protection as Comrade Merkel.
A must watch.
The arrogance of this BBC lightweight shows how much we`ve let them go rogue,
Sackur knows nothing, but seems to think he does.
Despicable-listen to Sackurs presumptions, invoicing of Boris and his r sheer slimy smears and interruptions?
Cathy Newman kind of moron.
Yes a must watch. Sackur tried every psy-op trick in the book, you could make a list he left nothing out. But integrity and honesty always wins. Sackur and Newman must have trained at the same school. to give Sackur his due, Tag Hargey had a good say and it was very interesting
Thanks for posting that. Taj Hargey’s face looks familiar. Probably saw him on the news back in the bad old South Africa. Very impressive, likeable guy and with guts of steel to challenge the Islamists.
Sackur, of course, is like a broken record repeating the tired old misconceptions and biases of the intolerant left. He is one of the most irritating BBC propagandists to watch. He’s up there with Lyse Doucet.
Times gives over a page to ageist guy with his line
“yeh, but yeh, but OLD people voted for Brexit”
Comments are running about 4 or 5 to one against him
Another “we deleted a conservative profile by accident”
BREAKING: We're being heavily censored on @Facebook.
Our last 9 posts are reaching 0 of our 3 million followers. At least two videos were deleted last night for “hate speech” including our recent video with @conservmillen.
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
I am first
Well done, I overslept
Radio NZ this morning had actually had in interview with Nigel Farage, who is going to have a tour here in September. The interviewer was a noted attack doberman called Kim Hill somewhat in the style of Cathy Newman but a bit brighter. She is capable of asking very good questions but seldom listens to the answers. The interview was going well until she decided to bring the Alt right into it and wouldn’t let him answer and displayed full on Trump Derangement Syndrome and asked Nigel if he was ashamed of what he had done. Unfortunately the interview came to an end there I’m not sure why. It could have been that the allocated time was up or perhaps someone at Nigel’s end pulled the plug realizing they had got another loony left Kiwi foaming at the mouth about to indulge ill informed politically correct hostilities.
A later guest from the Southern Poverty Law Centre in the US was given a soft ride to rail against the Alt right which according to what I could make out includes everyone to the right of Lenin.
The NZ media has just had a great success, in their eyes, with the deplatforming of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Across the country they were united in hostility towards them but in doing so revealed their complete ignorance of international issues, bad manners, their total incompetence in handling any discussion on an an in-depth issue, and more seriously their far left bias and refusal to think for themselves instead relying on memes from the BBC and Guardian. The worst offender is the National Radio but with only one exception I can think of all other media outlets are singing from the same song sheet.
So to those who may be thinking of emigrating, forget it. You will be better off staying in the UK and fighting it.
Supporting Ukip would be a lot cheaper. And more effective.
I hope mr farage apologises to the people of NZ and Australia for the way Britain treated them when we were conned into joining the Common Market .
I do recall Blair considering apologising for black slavery, but he was advised they would have to apologise for rap music first
Fed Up. I think it would be good if he acknowledged it was a mistake added that there were a lot of Brits who said so at the time. But to apologise definitely NOT! For one thing it is too Blairish. And more importantly they wont respect him if he does.
When dealing with the lot down under in Oz and NZ being reasonable and expecting to get a reasonable response is naive indeed when it comes to politics, sport or anything for that matter.
Sick up for yourself and give as good as you get. That’s my advice, and never apologise for being British.
Much as I like Aussies and Kiwis I have to say that you need to be a bit of an Ian Botham now and again (even if it goes against the grain.)
The British State left them high and dry . No transition period . Nothing . They deserved better . We have more in common with them than mainland Europe .
They are lucky to have border control -an ocean.
KIm is very sneery right from the start
sneering that he never won a seat, but not saying that he did win the European parliament for UKIP.
I guess she is playing to her CathyNewman type audience
On Twitter there was only hate towards him from her listeners, no sympathy.
At minute 15 she starts sneering “you have a friendship with the ALT RIGHT Steve Bannon …white nationalist”
Farage says “Steve Bannon …white nationalist”..I think the tape get cut then
Then she starts sneering Trump.
Her last words were “Time was up at that point.WE WERE TOLD”
.. so yes rather than put up with the Ctrl-left Kim Hill, Farage cut out.
It was not a GOOD FAITH interview, aimed at eliciting info that would inform her viewers.
No rather she as an SJW wanted to signal her goodness and push her conspiracy theory that is such a thing called the “far right” who are taking over politics.
So she assembled a series of gotcha questions
of the “When did you stop beating your wife?”
“Don’t you feel ashamed to be a racist ?”
But of course this is the fallacy of the loaded question.
Lots of similar metro-libs try these gotchas on Farage by calling his LBC show, she is no different.
But on LBC, Farage controls the microphone, so is able to say ‘let me answer that question before you rush on to the next one”
And he easily able to deal with their points.
The RNZ slot is usually an hour, listeners say they got 30 mins , and the recording is 18 mins.
Her other motive was to set the frame for her next guest to plug his new book about the “Alt Right”
Stew, you may not believe me but this is mild to what she can be like.
In fact NZ interviewers as a species tend to be very inquisitorial and rude with it if they don’t like the views of the interviewee. Many many times I’ve heard top politicians being bullied by these self appointed public prosecutors. Nobody stands up to them. Overseas visitors have been astonished at what they get away with.
Across the Tasman the Australians have at least have some people who will stand up to the PC media and enforcers. If you want a good example find the ongoing war of words between Senator Leyonhjelm and Senator Hanson-Young. (Not to be confused with Pauline Hanson.)
Senator H-Y is the Greens leader who was blaming all men for everything as Greens do and Leyonhjelm snapped and said something along the lines of. “Senator when are you going to stop shagging men?” Not the language I would use but the uproar that followed and continues is because, out of line though it may be, he refuses to back down. So there is a liberal squawkfest over the whole thing. Like myself despite disliking his phrase, a lot of people feel ‘they couldn’t have been aimed at a nicer person’ if you get my drift.
Anyway Stew thanks for your comments and you may find the Aussie debate amusing should you google it.
Another thing to keep in mind is, New Zealand broadcasting is state directed self regulated and censored so listeners only know as much as the broadcast companies and state allow plus all internet throughput is filtered for ‘unacceptable’ content.
I’m somewhat surprised to see this video in the main news section of the Beeb’s website:
Doesn’t exactly show their beloved ‘effniks’ in a good light – but then, this is Newham, a third-world enclave inside our capital city.
The effniks have been anti police for decades mostly it seems because they dont think the law applies to them
and the police have also lost the faith of the “far right” tommy fans anti-terror demonstrators and anti gang raping pedo’s groups
whilst they openly protect groups like antifa who open think they should be disbanded and destroyed
at what point do you think it might strike them, that pretty much nobody will have their backs when its needed
Newhamistan was the first Borough in Blighty to be officially ethnic minority majority . Often the only time you saw white English people there was going to Upton Park.
You wouldn’t if they had been Asians.
My clear impression is that our capital city comprises a third world enclave in its entirety with regards to the permanent residents
You’re right – you sometimes hear English – but normally it’s out of towners here for the theatre or attractions . They often look shocked on the tube because of the vibrancy .
Wife (from Hong Kong) said it is like Morocco when I took her on a trip around Luton and Neasden as part of my work, she was genuinely shocked and stunned, and utterly fails to understand how we can tolerate this cultural invasion to such an extent that the shops, places of worship, infrastructure and language and dress are not of the country she expected to see.
Then we went to Chinatown for lunch LOL.
I would not be surprised in the least if the charity appeals for efnick abused and starving children and women we see every day on TV were filmed in Neasden, Brent etc., female genital mutilation, forced underage marriage, tribal warfare and worse FFS is taking place on these very streets every single day for example, this is our proud English capital :
It is worth keeping an eye on the BBC TV viewing figures from BARB, available on a weekly basis (link below) to spot the precipitate decline in just one year. The Beeb seems increasingly to be broadcasting to its core metropolitan audience who are then served up a diet of ever more uninteresting World Service type programmes celebrating diversity and ramming home multi-culturalism. The plummet seems unstoppable and as we know is happening on radio too.
The incessant lecturing, with patronising even hectoring tones is ever more unbearable as the BBC guilt trips its smaller and smaller audience.
The BARB figures for the top BBC 1 programme in a week in June and August show declines from 7.06m. and 6.29m. in 2017 to 5.96m. and 5.43m. in 2018. That is pretty well a million down in a year or nearly 15%.
Interestingly C4 News is currently the 21st most popular programme on that channel with 0.84m. viewers in a population of 65m. Jon Snow is not as popular as he thinks.
Something big is happening out there but we won’t be told.
The problem is that the BBC ‘free’ website is destroying newspapers while it parasites off them, so their monopoly on news and views strengthens.
You have to keep checking to know if the people are really in rebellion:
You make my favourite point – that Albeeb is failing as it continues to out snowflake itself . Please God , let the downward trend continue until it is too to be saved .
Those BARB figures make really interesting reading. Take out Eastenders and you realise that the BBC is really not reaching people. The best news figure was just over 4 million out of a population of say 70 or 80 million (depending on who is counting) and even with Eastenders at just over 5 million – makes justification for a licence fee rather difficult to justify if they are not reaching 90% of the population.
Can’t think why.
These poor souls seem to think that they`re creative artists, who-thankfully-left the grey drab world that we live in-and now are real stars and going round the world in fragrant greatness.
Reminds me of Cherie Blair sneering at shop assistants-she too might have ended up as bad as that if not for being great and clever as she is.
Utterly deluded weirdos, we do real jobs-and don`t mime karaoke in Lily Savages old frocks.
They`re many things-but “talented” “creative” “stars”?
Not a bit of it, any builder could mime to Cher on top of a police car, thinking they`re “worth it”.
Trust the BBC to indulge them.
Leave means Leave are planning a new campaign, which Nigel F is supporting.
So expect renewed mud-slinging and sneering from the usual suspects.
New battle.
We must NOT give the impression we are countenancing another referendum. We have won the battle already.
Tut!! How undemocratic of you! Day by day in every way we are learning “new facts” about the Brexit embroglio. We have ALL learnt more after the referendum, blah, blah and must now honour our democracy with a “Peoples Vote”.
One thing I have most certainly learnt post-referendum is that remainers are even bigger supercilious cunni than I could ever have imagined pre-referendum.
Who on earth would let THIS lot run a vote?
WE saw last years how Labour,Islam and the EU would do to any “vote”.
No-we`re going.
Framer, it is hardly surprising, gone are the days of Fawlty Towers etc., with regards to radio there is now 4 extra which has Around the Horn, Hancock, Navy Lark and many others from 50 years ago and more, and NO news, this is more telling than anything else as to the complete lack of interest from their primary audience (the British population, 85% indigenous who pay for the service) ) in the “multicultural” dross they attempt to peddle to us now and their clumsy, gauche attempts at social engineering via slanted and selective “news” and interviews
I think you are talking about the ‘old days’ of Radio 7. The re-branded Radio 4 Extra is 90% what it says on the box – an ‘extra’ chance to feed us its current contrived dramas and ‘cutting edge’ left-wing ‘humour’.
Jim – it s become far more vibrant and the so called contemporary comedy stuff was an embarrassment of beeboids giving friends and relatives jobs .
For example, if you were a visitor to this country, it would appear, at one point, that there were no white males (white British ethnicity is 85% of the population) undertaking A levels if you were to take their news website as a guide, (although, after a few comments, they have changed this since to include a token white male: whos ethnicity comprises 85% of the British population if you missed that the first time BBC..)
The Londonistan police commissioner did one of those ‘ crime is under control’ speeches recently . 2 stabbed to death last night bringing the numbers killed to 92 ( I’m losing count) the average for a year is about 110. I’m guessing 130 this year and maybe more next year as population density increases .
One of those murders last night is a real nuisance because it’s not far away and the bloody streets will be taped off again cause traffic chaos . Again and again .londonistan getting safer ? Yeah right. Al beeb reporting it and the local florists doing a good trade .
[ second paragraph put in for those suffering from false compassion fetishism – our thoughts are with..]
And all of a sudden the BBC have lost the keys to their warehouse full of pictures of black men when this news arises, a similar failure occurs with rape gangs and moped thugs, funny that, always manage to find them with A level stories and doctor stories and white womens husbands
“Britain’s Got Talent singer Simonne Kerr is stabbed to death”
this was in Battersea SOUTH LONDON Aug 17
(no comments allowed)
The youth stab fight yesterday was in Camberwell SOUTH LONDON’s a place where you expect stabbings
Toady watch
Couldn’t be bothered but caught the arse end of comrade mad Robinson interviewing the woman who used to work for President Trump who seems to have spent most of her time tape recording conversations in The White House .- not knowing the Term “duty” or “loyalty”
She is selling her book and of course herself . The opposition must have infiltrated quite a few of the Presidents’ enemies into his staff and this swamp dweller was just another .
Nice that al beeb gave this foreigner air time to sell her book
Ok now that Nigel Farage is joining the Leave means Leave campaign can we expect Blair, Mandy, Soubry, Umuna ( he’s the new Obama don’t you know) and the good old impartial Beeb to be on the Leave means Stay battlebus?
Ask a Beeboid what they think
Deborah Meaden
That tweet is not coming up automatically here in Wndows
She really is thick. Lucky she’s a looker.
Guest, at first glance I thought you had posted ‘lucky she’s a hooker’. Nearly laughed beer through my nostrils.
If that’s a looker, I’m glad I wear glasses.
Methinks GW needs specsavers?
Aw, c’mon guys… who could resist such charms?
Yep – the tanned bubble will be back next week foaming about the hopeful ‘no deal ‘ we are thankfully creeping toward .
If I remember from figures yesterday the deficit between imports exports with the ReichEU is 92 billion euros … source Eurostat.
So the ReichEU will be self harming .
Will the EuroReich ever think of what we`re seeing daily in Sweden, France, Germany-and now in Italy?
And what of Spain and Greece, that fey cabbage patch that Ireland now is, under Troika diktat?
Best to walk out of the EU before we`re made to stampede out as the bridges topple onto us within the next few years.
So why are the leftiskum at the BBC ever doing any programmes about this?
They failed to see the Berlin Wall-maybe they rather hoped NOT to see it, same goes for Brexit.
But we will. And the BBC will need flogging off to -well, whoever`s mug enough to seek liberal propaganda. Belarus?
“Will the EuroReich ever think of what we`re seeing daily in Sweden, France, Germany-and now in Italy?” But only seeing on those alternative but honest alternative sources to the BBC & MSM…………
Whilst available.
Tucker is president material.
Ironic that whilst conservative posts are removed, and Climate-Skeptic videos have warning put on
.. The National Geographic video of a “polar bear getting old, and dying naturally from cancer etc” is given a headline “This is what climate change looks like”
and then after a year is subtly edited to say “This is what climate change COULD look like”
They do exist.
For now.
Meanwhile, the MSM in action..
LBC/BBC this morning were actually using the Genoa bridge tragedy to attack populism. Ignoring decades of centrist/ liberal misgovernment, mafia corruption, poverty caused bg EU economic policy and the interregnum of the EU tecnocrats, they suggest that the recently elected five star/lega nord have somehow not done enough to avert the disaster. As if anyone, except a mythical hero, could clean the Augean stables that are Italy of 50 or 60 years worth of excrement in a couple of months.
Wonderful ten minute tribute to Aretha Franklin by Tony Blackburn, Radio 2 6.45 am.
He let the music do the talking, made no grandstanding about her “significance”-he just knew she mattered, had a great voice and Tony was an informed fan, that was all that was required by me.
Magnificent, Tony is grand.
Strange isn`t it? Used to get my news and dignified analyses from Radio 4, my inane chatter and idiocy from Radio 2. They seem to have swapped over.
When will the liberal idiots realise that the more they drag the corpses behind them on their bandwagons for Clinton and Juncker? The more we hate them, and the poor artistes need to get writing clauses that get the BBC sued if they use the dead for cheap virtuous ignoramuses like Today or Mardell, Anderson or Maitlis.
Work next-say a little prayer-thank you Tony B!
Do not recall his tribute to Lemmy, must have been his day off..
Nothing will change with that station while that ignoramus airhead Wright is on.
Comments earlier about TR tieing the Daily Mail stooge in knots – which he did, got me thinking. Isn’t TR our man to give Far Left James O’Brian a taste of his own medicine at last . Come on LBC you need to up his listener quota. He only gets afew sycophantic calls from his “mates” each day on his “tirade”. Bring it on …… perhaps a petition for it ? is running a petition which is designed to promote the idea of the public having a last vote on the final Brexit deal. Apparently > than 600,000 have signed already. The petition is promoted by Christian Broughton Editor of the Independent. So, what’s his/the Independent’s position? I cannot determine that despite searches on the net. My immediate reaction to this petiion? – signing in support of a vote on the eventual agreement is a big risk. It has become clear the Remoaners are desperate and will attempt any deception to keep us in the EU. Is this but one to engineer a vote on what concocted question(s)? Could be and may well be: another opportunity for the Government/Remoaners to seek the views of the public on remaining fixed in the EU as the option to a bad (for the UK) deal?
I conclude the best option for me is to not sign.
What’s the betting the signature numbers on this petition are not limited by a concocted ‘barrier’ (as the Free Tommy one was at 630K or thereabouts)?
Assuming that the government negotiates a deal with the EU and that they then ‘ratify’ it by getting a vote in parliament and/or a referendum, what happens if the deal is rejected?
The two-year Article 50 period will have expired and we will be out of the EU with no deal, which isn’t what the ‘remainer’ MPs want. The best they can hope for is that Robbins gets his EU Mk 2 ‘deal’, i.e. in the EU but with no vote, and our idle MPs approve it (and the ‘people’ are scared into voting for it, if there was a referendum), as they know that from then on that only a dozen of them will need to turn up to ‘unlock’ more EU rules for our ‘common rule book’.
RE self harming, they have been doing that for years through importing immigrants that hate them and their indigenous population, a rather strange form of masochism that seems to infect a sector of our society, normally those who do not have to live near them..
Sorry I am late to the party.
BBC – “Death of a model”.
I click on this, I expect to discover some coked-up bint with the same IQ as her bra size has fallen two floors off her stiletto heels and ruined a perfectly good catwalk by allowing both her brain cells to escape from her skull.
I am wrong, it’s all about a well known board game, Cluedo, or more accurately Clueless.
In this version of Clueless, Colonel BlackThug, equipped with the lead piping, in the London conservatory, is murdered by Professor BlackThug, with the solid silver cheese knife, in the dining room .
So it wasn’t the butler then, on the back of a moped in Neasden
We can safely assume it won’t have been in the Library.
Wonder when board game manufacturers are going to respond to market forces, I would be interested to see the new ethnic Cluedo, which will probably only comprise a nightclub and the gutter outside, and of course Monopoly, complete with pewter mopeds roving around London with a pair of bolt cutters and Kumminihi chests
Every other Chance card will say “Get out of jail free”.
When using the word ‘noted’, likely best to check if anyone is actually aware of them.
Still Carrie Gracie best watch out.
Her name is Natalie Haynes, and she features regularly on the BBC. History buff? Her jobs include being paid by the taxpayer through the BBC and, erm, that’s about it really.
So, who gives a shit what she thinks?
No doubt she won’t be working for the BBC, the Guardian or the Labour Party as they have all made the same jokes as Boris.
Comments are fun.
Norwegians, of course.
F@cking Vikings again, at least they’ve forgotten about East Anglia and Lindisfarne this time
Someone tell Brillo it is that Stephen Yaxley Lennon you ranted at when you conducted that biased interview with him. .
Yes, I challenged via twitter the rough and unfair way TR was treated.
Part Of @afneil’s defence was that he would treat an islamist in the same way.
Do you know, I’m still waiting to see that interview? How strange.
Talk is cheap eh?
The biter bit? Precedent is a bitch.
ITTB commenters once compiled a long list of BBC under the counter Editorial Guidelines. No.7:
Gavin of course is now free to bring his politics into the studio, or get ‘liked’, ‘retweeted’ or complimented, impartially of course, by Emily, John….
How long before ‘views my own’ Emily RTs ‘impartial’ Gav?
One elected, a real immigrant who has contributed greatly to public life.
The other a philandering nomark who seamlessly moved from lying for the BBC to a sinecure as Chancellor at a cosy university nearby.
How did he manage that then?
But of course, we all know which one is required by the BBC to speak for us all.
The assorted Guardian reading middleclass idle leftie Islamophiles and remainers are planning to upset the Tory Conference. Not that I give a shit, but as these people are never prosecuted it is worth noting that they are planning disruption.
From their FB site
Class War
August 16 at 3:36 PM ·
SCUM: A layer that “May” “Remain” on top of a Political Party, as an impurity that gums up Brexit, turning “Brexit means Brexit” into Brexit means Remain“.
The solution: Send 48 letters asking for the Scum to be removed from the top layer of the Party.
It’s coming. First: one of the political parties that is a potential future government is filled with anti-semites at the top, and now their allies plan to close down their main opponents by force like a bunch of brownshirts.
This is a worrying time.
Let me guess? A few thugs with ‘death to Tories’ banners, students with ‘Corbyn 4PM T-shirts and a few distant chants of ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn?’
I bet there is a punch up between the Labour Brexiters and Remainers while the BBC report would be ‘Tommy Robinson fans turned up to attack the peaceful protest against austerity and Boris Johnson has upset everyone again,’
Hmm, scum, their level of political debate knows no bounds, will they have the courage or simple honesty / dignity that comes from knowing you are in the right to show their faces ? or will they have scarves wrapped around their weasel visages, A la Wind in the Willows, what about a campaign to catch a coward thug and unmask them, no wonder they are a fan of burkas
Need to tell the chinless Tories that we`ll secure them, as long as we get a no-deal Brexit as promised.
Until then, let the Left cut their balls off, if they can find them.
WE`LL deal with the Left ourselves, they`ll be easier to squelch than the Muslims that will follow if we don`t get a bit more “proactive” as they`d say.
Just flicking through the TV channels, waiting for the test match to start. And naturally on at least 5 channels at any given time you can see various adverts asking me to give £2 per month so that little Fukmellah doesn’t have to walk miles each day to get clean water.
Surely if there is just 1 single little British girl in a similar position – homeless or perhaps orphaned, then we should be devoting our time and resources to her, rather than to some bunch of backwards disease-ridden people whose greatest contribution to Europe would appear to be Ebola, Malaria and keeping Benefits Officers in a job?
In fact why don’t these people just move their tent closer to where the clean water is? It isn’t rocket science. And talking of science these are the same people who for decades have eschewed things such as technology, contraception, progress, medicine etc etc.
My wallet stays firmly in my pocket.
By donating money to such appeals merely perpetuates the problem and a cycle of poverty ensues… They always seem to have money to buy bullets and bombs don`t they?? Also how come right in the middle of all the poverty there always seems to be a big massive mosque complete with mineret about fifty metres tall??? And don`t get me started on the mothers of the starving kids who always seem to be well fed!!!
Age-old problem. You can’t win an oil war over there.
All they need is a lap top and they suddenly inherit a fortune but they can’t get it out of the country, maybe you can help ? just need your bank details, and you could be rich also, I am quite surprised how many rich princes and ex government ministers with access to large bank accounts there are in Nigeria, why the f@ck do they need water ? they could live on champagne according to the endless emails we get from them.
These charity adverts must be some kind of scam.
Here we go…..let’s start off as we mean to go on. This is from front page of BBC news. Again you have to make sure your not holding anything that could lead to self harm and ONLY read it if you’ve had your meds….
England’s World Cup squad was praised as symbol of English diversity, but in 146 years no footballer of Asian origin has won a senior England cap, and British-Asians are under-represented in professional football. So when will we see a British-Asian footballer turn out for England?
Told you. Now just go for a quiet walk or go and lie on the bed.
And how have they been similarly represented on BBC Trusts, even when we had an Empire?
How dare the BBC choose to put football in the dock, where they need to be themselves.
About time they were told this, why the heck do we let them get away with their noisy shows of calling for equality whilst paying neckless no-mark blokes more than they pay their airhead, harpie poppets?
Get them gone.
Are there any British-Asians currently playing at a level where they could be *considered* for an England call-up?
Or shall we just pick someone from Bradford City 3rd XI and fast-track them, to keep the bBBC happy?
To be fair, some of the lads seem to be world class on par with certain footballers when it comes to multiples with young ladies in the bedroom. If only under18s.
They are also asking ‘where are all the black english cricketers?’
Why aren’t the bBBC asking ‘why were there no white British female athletes in the 4x100m womens relay team that won gold last weekend?’
The answer is; they are not good enough…it’s as simple as that, and the same applies to the footballers and cricketers too.
Why is the bBBC so racist?
Why are members of the England Womens Rugby team mosty ugly lesbians??
Why does the BBC support the segregation of Men and Women in Sport?
Politically Correct Answer: Because there would hardly be any Men at the top of sport, as Women are physically superior to Men.
So if they start to put Asians in pro-rata then we will need to see the quota of white players increase as they are “unrepresented” pro rata to the whole nation.
In cricket we certainly have had a few spinners of Asian origin recently, although none of Chinese, Japanese or Korean origin.
Government “Yeh sure we can house 5,000 asylum seekers in Yorkshire”
Yorkshire Councils ..”The plan is stufffed”
Wonder how many Beeboids will now comment on Amol’s feed?
Did Kofi ever sing? If so… stand by…
respect to our aged commenters here who are 80+
But “80 year old person dies” not a big news story
IMHO If you respect people you give them attention DURING their life, not have big jamboree when they are dead.
Kofi Annan corrupt father (of the, even more corrupt, Kojo Annan).
Once head of the world’s leading money laundering gravy train.
After the EU we should leave the UN, more money to spend on British people.
BREAKING: Trump Administration is seeking to bypass Congress to cut $3 billion in foreign aid, most of the cuts would be directed towards the UN – Politico
NISA. Beauty, thank you Donald.
Imagine Shelaghs book and Victorias will be equally absorbing to Mishal.
When I want a gossip at work, I go to the water cooler in reception-natter over the dishwasher or by the laundry room. I leave a post it note if I have something to say.
Oh, if only I could get an advance and write shit that no-one will read -but house radio would be forced to read it out on the hour.
It`ll be Book of the Week, you can count in it.
“over 300 British councils that have refused to install the First World War ‘Tommies’ silhouettes memorial due to the £750 cost.”

More targets for Muslims with their badly-driven cars to aim at.
Having said that, these silhouettes should be everywhere, regardless of cost.
My Grandad fought in WW2. His Dad fought in WW1. I’m more than ready for WW3 .
We remember them as Tommies, not mohamads, get that BBC
What the feck! I would personally pay £750 to have one installed. I suppose most councils have a one legged lesbian drop-in centre that they would rather spend the money on. We will remember them.
Z – Already happened.
The National Lottery refused an application for funding from St Dunstan’s, a charity established in 1915 to help Armed Service Personnel blinded in the service of their country.
The same day that this decision was made public a National Lottery grant was made for a drop-in cafe for male homosexuals.
Google is your friend, allegedly.
I wonder if the BBC will get the right date for the end of WW1?
Thank you Stewgreen. Was not aware until then. Found the website, and will purchase.
Listened to about 5 minutes of the Today programme this Saturday morning. Usual topic – Brexit.
Guest to be interviewed was Lord Kerslake. I had to google to find out that he used to be head of the civil service. I can now understand why we are having so much trouble with Brexit. He was being asked what happens if there is no agreement. Usual prophet of doom but Bob Kerslake (now Lord but reminder used to be Head of the Civil Service) considered that we would now need to extend the period of transition but that would allow time for the British people to change their minds and negotiations could take place to allow the UK to remain in Europe). I may have not written that word for word – but it was certainly what he said. Well he obviously nailed his colours to the mast a bit too quickly because it was obvious what agenda he was pushing and the interview was quickly terminated. However the young man (well he sounded young) who has founded an organisation promoting leave meaning leave, actually did rather well. Obviously the item didn’t go as well as the BBC hoped.
If this dunderheid really believes that, it’s small wonder this country is spiralling down the plug hole at an increasing rate of knots.
Just what does he think the left such as Antifa have been doing for years? With the tacit approval of the police.
If there’s a problem of aggressive intolerance on the right, it’s a backlash against the inaction of the police to the aggression the left have exhibited for years. And he knows it.
No equivalence between fascist and anti fascist views. Says Treezer.
Hey Treezer are you happy with lefty Class War publishing a picture of Rees Mogg with his entire family followed by comments about the killing of the Romanovs which those mad arses applauded.
At least the far left regard Rees Mogg as the most hated member of the House of Lords. Therefore if the far left spiral into such wild hatred as to turn to killing every ermine cloaked Lord in the land. Rees Mogg would say “I will not say thank you, because that’s rather harsh of them. I only wanted to abolish the House”
Lying lefty, Common Purpose, not fit for purpose, troll, compares non-existent apples, to real lethal oranges.
Convincing nobody.
There seems to be a concerted effort to talk up the threat of “rightwing terrorism”. A crude attempt to suggest that because there are “faults on both sides”, Big Beard terrorism is not so serious.
However if there are 3 million muslims and 20, 000 Big Beards in spe being monitored by spyplod, then if you assume the 17.4 million who nefariously voted Brexit are likely candidates for rightwing populists, white supremacists, neonazis, fascists, hilterite nationalists, etc., the there would be pro rata around 100,000 potential rightwing terrorsts in spe. Clearly, there is a overproportional threat from the “muslim community”. If rightwing terrorism is as virulent as claimed, you would expect by now around 500 deaths from organised right wing terrorist attacks not 2 from “self radicalizers”.
I don’t know how stupid they think we are – pretty darned stupid I guess but we’re not living in Matrix land and a simple bit observation will inform even the most utterly brainless person of how things are.
I am hearing it when I go into schools; ‘the greatest problem (threat?) is infiltration into the schools of the ‘Far Right’. No evidence provided.
Groper seems keen to push it.
Guess his show slant is decided.
Another one looking for a peerage . I wonder if he thinks that the Right have no place in politics – or in life at all – another one with plans for me be sent East .
I would have thought he’d have favoured the so called ‘far right’ because they tend to be white and speak English so make for more convenient and easier targets to hit that those from the Religion of Peace who enjoy driving at people .
And I am not making light of mass murder by the Reich .
This bloke is up to his neck in getting Tommy Robinson jailed.
If he`s not some Common Purpose lynchpin, I`ll be surprised.
Noted that he`s getting Univeristy doctorates, left right and centre-and, with, of course being about as much use to fighting crime as Jill Dandos College.
Grand world this one where the likes of Rowley get no scrutiny.
Looks like Gordon Jackson with a large chunk of Mr Barraclough with a touch of Mr Grainger too.
Which of these three would YOU rely on to deal with Somali acid attacks?
BBC Ministers bid to cut most polluting wood and coal burned at home
I would have thought BBC has been one of the biggest pluggers of the wood stove dream, in its shows like CountryFile and its morning property-porn shows.
Not on the BBC, ever.
Report from South Africa, extensive scientific studies have shown that people burn in a more eco-friendly manner when Goodyear tyres are used.
‘Bring your own tyre’ parties will be sadly missed now Saint Nelson has expired
Would you tread carefully now please
On Ezra’s weekend video he’s talking about a spate of rapes by Muslim taxi drivers in Halifax , Canada.
“A few years ago when they started, the media mention ethnicity in their reports , A Middle eastern man etc
.. now all they say is , ‘A man with an accent'”
Times : Tunisia become the first Arab country that recognize the equality in INHERITANCE between men and women come our media haven’t informed us that most countries use KORANIC law that men and women are NOT equal in inheritance ?
“An equal inheritance law is considered by many as ‘anti-islamic’ not compatible with the Koran”
(The Times is pre-moderating comments now)
My Times comment using the words above still has a “pending” note next to it
So I guess the Times have banned it.
Daily Mail stalked Tommy’s family whilst he was on holiday in Spain
thus endangering the safety of his children from mad Antifa attacks
TR: “So you’ve labelled me a racist, do you wanna give me any evidence of that ?”
..The reporter sudden;y stops the the conversation with “I don’t want to say anything more ”
Later the journo does talk, respect to that journalist who does seem to be coming around … we know that many have to lie, cos they are caught up within the system
– Lisa Andy posted \\ Burt Most of the comments on this Daily Mail article were in favour of Tommy.
I read them aloud to my Husband.
Now I cannot find them in the Mail article, they have gone, all comments have been deleted from the article, and commenting is turned off. Has anyone else found the same thing? //
TR says \\ Facebook are removing this video from people’s time lines. Share it everywhere .
The mail are doing the governments work by harassing my family & now social media are trying to prevent people from seeing me ask him simple questions//
\\ Ok so this has happened this morning , the daily mail have had journalists photographing my family on our holiday. I have a full 40 min vid of this awkward conversation .
Obviously I am very concerned that they have photos of my wife & children.//
He asked people to complain to the Mail
Yeah – al beebs got another grief job – UN politician dies . Ghanaian apparently so he ll get the full Aretha treatment .
Second subject is rain in India
Water boarding at Sandhurst ( not good apparently )
90 years olds being mugged and burgled has n Manchester
And the best. Austrian PM a invites Oresidebt Outin to her wedding this afternoon ( did I hear that right ) and the ReichEU ain’t happy . Good to end on good news ….
And bbc WS ‘World News’ – Coffee Annan dead – how could they tell?
Women pregnant in somewhere USA – really ?
And a programme on the PRO TRUMP conspiracy – yes, really.
Hilarious Hard Talk – Steven Sackur trying to argue with a, reformist, anti burka etc., UK Muslim and accusing him of being Right Wing and confrontational. Worth a listen – very surreal !
If in doubt something will stay up. Download the YT video so there is a record outside of Google’s influence.
Re the Daily Mail stalker
There are now some doubts that the offending ‘journalist’ is James King.
So perhaps someone else associated with the Mail?
Paul Weston has made a video
He comments below
“I’m not sure what the idiot journalist’s name is. Some have said it is James King, so people have Googled that name, along with “journalist” and discovered contact details of a James King journo in the USA who is now getting all kinds of flak….. normally, this mistaken identity wouldn’t be funny, but the USA James King appears to be a Far-Left Lefty who supports Antifa, so the abuse he is getting may be directed at the wrong man but he deserves it anyway! If anyone does know the name of THIS Daily Mail Half-Wit, please let me know! Also, link to the Mail article I talked about in the video is here”:
James King was sued by the Mail in 2015, which is interesting reading even if it’s not the same person
I guess more detective work is required because a lot of people want to know.
Sorry everyone – nothing directly to do with the bBBC (yet).
Two wrongs don’t make a right,
and kneejerk revenge is not justice I am a bit worried about some nutcase thinking it’s to stalk the journo’s family
They’ll already be people with in the media industry who are red-pilled, but are unable to speak up.
Is that the original Mail article ?
Weston says that it was published
..then after the comment backlash the comments were removed and then the article
This article has an update note at the top saying it was revised after 19 hours
(That is better than the BBC who either put edit notes at the bottom, or don’t bother and just stealth edit)
I hope the TR team know to ALWAYS save articles before they get edited.
Google is not storing cached copies of the page, neither is Bing
Cached copies should exist on ISP servers all over, cos that is how the internet works
(pages are fast, cos the copy is sent to you from the nearest server cache rather than the source)
Page archived 4 times
Almost all news stories about TR might as well be paid adverts, compiled in Brandan Cox’s Hatey-No-Hoper offices.
Ah is also been tricky
It has visited the page 4 times, but only took a copy AFTER theAug 17th edit
Times DieselsRpaedos team are back with a short article
Headline : Three in four diesels exceed pollution limits
Hangon the text says “Tests run since the start of last year found ”
that’s 20 months old, why report now ?
The actual Which? page has a far less alarmist take
\\ With headlines about polluting diesel cars, diesel manufacturers cheating emission tests and cities around the world promising to ban diesels entirely, it’s no wonder that potential buyers are steering clear. But while most diesel cars are dirty compared with other fuel types, we’ve uncovered some surprising exceptions that produce less NOx than the average petrol car in our tests. No, really.//
A guy from Ghana came to Britain got a job as a trader, broke the limits and lost £1.8bn .. got jailed, actually appealed being deported.
One of the people I used to work with was from Zimbabwe, had been at UBS and knew him personally. Said he was actually a decent bloke who invited him and his parents over for dinner when they met. The guy was given access to power he should never have had and was incredibly dumb but to an extent was being scapegoated for structural/management problems at the bank
News from across the pond while we await for real news (either party leader being gone, owing to crapness)
Radio 2 1pm news we hear of two attacks against 90 year olds in Manchester.
The first a 93 year old was attacked and mugged by two ‘men’ in Oldham receiving wounds to her head, hands and knees. The second, a burglary on a 95 year old in Manchester, by ‘teenagers’.
Again the BBC are being fucking disingenuous, no descriptions of the perpetrators, yet a quick Google reveals a picture of the ‘men’ the police are looking for in the first attack.
Of course to the causal unwoke listener (which most BBC consumers are) the term ‘men’ conjures up a picture of couple of pasty Mancunians.
Why does the BBC even bother reporting on half a story? The real story that we all need to know is that we Brits are being fucked over by an invasion of low IQ savages.
Well ain’t they f@ckin vibrant
The BBC naturally bends over backwards to prevent any convictions, together with another national treasure, the so-called police force.
Whilst hiring expensive helicopters to victimise white people, and hiring even more expensive barristers to justify their victimisation.
Meanwhile these aged people lose confidence. Many die soon after these events, not of visible injuries, but of delayed shock. Many others never leave home again, their already diminished possibilities of enjoyment, are reduced to four walls. Naturally most will have worked hard and contributed to the economy.
In total contrast to the enrichers.
This thread filled up quick!
Always been suspicious of after their Brexit bias ad. Then there’s this:
Perhaps not so British but overwhelmingly European DNA. And 0.03% North African, who’d a thunk it, eh? I wonder if there’s any connection to the BBC’s black Friar Tuck?
interesting thing I never saw before:
Ed West’s book The Diversity Illusion quoted in the link is indeed ‘superb’.
‘At the end of the Second World War over 70 per cent of British DNA dated back more than 6,000 years on these islands and between them the Celts, Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans made less of a genetic impact than post war immigration has. Genetically the generation born the year Britain hosted the 1948 Olympics may have been closer to the Britain of 4000 BC, before work on Stonehenge was begun, than the generation born during the 2012 Games; the DNA of the British people has been changed more in one lifetime than the previous 6,000 years’.
If I recall the science correctly, you can be descended for centuries through a pure Norman or Anglo-Saxon or Celtic or Gaelic line and your DNA will still stand a chance of including some Chinese or African or Middle-Eastern elements.
The BIG question that DNA scientists have to face, but I guess many run away from, is ‘Could the Adam and Eve Creation account in the Judao-Christian Bible [ I’m so tempted here to add – literally 😉 ] be true?
Oh dear, there’ll be black armbands en mass at the BBC today. Kofi Annan has died after a short illness.
Look, it’s sad news, so I shouldn’t make light of it. He seemed a decent chap and he never did me (or anyone else as far as I know) any harm. But you know what the bloody Beeb are like. Someone black, high profile and dead, they’re going to be laying it on with a bleedin’ cement mixer.
I used to quite like Aretha Franklin, I may even have a couple of her old 45’s up in the loft. But two solid days of mock mourning, interviewing has beens, never beens and worst of all, that hideous race hustler, David Lammy, I’d just about had enough of it. And now this!
I’ll be out all day and the only BBC TV I want to see this evening is Dad’s Army. A series from he good old days when the BBC made comedies you could watch with your grandmother and your granddaughter and laugh from beginning to end.
What’s the betting it gets cancelled and there’s some special tribute to the great man.
They’ll interview Blair and Kinnock, they’re bound to wedge Obama in somewhere and they’ll dig up some interview where Kofi made disparaging remarks about President Trump.
Pub tonight…
Kofi Annan had a dodgy fraudulent son as I recall.
Jesse Jackson, the Mandelas ?
Who could have guessed.
Mind you, the Kinnocks are pretty good at the grifting blackface, so it turns out.
Only one colour matters to both this lot of crooks-green.
Don King said that-and he`d know.
I’ve avoided al beeb even more because a singer died , now an ex swamp dwelling politician has died and al beeb will spend another day blubbing. I hope they don’t cancel dads army – which is still one of BBC 2 s biggest watches.
Different subject – if you want to see real American lefty propaganda try PBS America – a two parter on Democrats crying over President Trump winning allegedly with the complicity of President Putin .
It’s a given thatPresident Trump is bad for America – but look at the economy and employment levels – as well as screwing the Turks which is only a good thing . Drain the snowflakes in that swamp then do ours.
At least American PBS isn’t force-funded. People pay by voluntary donations only.
Thanks Lucy – I wondered about the funding . The idea of the State funding broadcasting isn’t my right wing cup of tea . Or am I classified as ‘ far ‘ right ? As in someone who is not a snowflake .
Londonistan going for the record – three separate stabbing killings within 24 hours …. getting hard to keep up now – I make it 93. I’m interested in the numbers because I was fiddling around a PhD on the subject but luckily for my sanity I never got going …..
I can t see al beeb local news doing much as the adult beeboids are all on their holidays …
And following from above Breitbart is reporting of the stabbing and murder of a German GP in his surgery by a Somali migrant who came into the Reich in 2015 courtesy of Merkel .
I mention this event here because we would never found out from the British MSM. If they allowed a million third worlders in i wonder how many Germans have become victims of crime because of Merkel ?
There’s a lot the British MSM don’t publish about Germany especially when it comes to crimes committed by Immigrants.
In the book Easy Meat by Peter Mcgloughlin he comments on the fact that the phenomena of grooming gangs can also be observed in Holland. He doesn’t mention any other European country. The other day a did a brief search, related to something else and came up with this gem
Now this bit below caught my eye
Wie flogen die Taten auf?
Eine 16-Jährige erstattete am 29. Dezember Anzeige bei der Polizei in Gelsenkirchen. Sie gab an, dass sie am Tag zuvor vergewaltigt wurde. Zunächst war sie mit einem ihr bekannten 18-Jährigen unterwegs. Dieser habe sie überredet mit weiteren jungen Männern im Auto durch die Gegend zu fahren. Schließlich sei es zu sexuellen Handlungen in einem Wald im Essener Süden gekommen. Am 17. Januar erstattete ein 16 Jahre altes Mädchen Anzeige in Essen. Auch sie war zu den jungen Männern ins Auto gestiegen und dann auf einem Feld in Essen-Werden vergewaltigt worden. Aufgrund der ähnlichen Vorgehensweise verknüpften die Beamten beide Taten. Noch am Abend wurde ein erster Verdächtiger verhaftet. Weiteren Verdächtigen sei man durch die Auswertung von Handy-Chats auf die Spur gekommen.
Just chuck the above in to Google Translate.
This is clear evidence of what we would call grooming gang behaviour. It’s quite clear it’s prevalent in Germany too and I dare say across Europe where there are significant groups of people of the religion of peace.
up2 – A good many. YT has a number of videos of protests against Merkel, eg by ‘StudioKDresden’ and ‘Deutscher Widerstand’, when she visited Dresden on Thursday. Near the end of the first-mentioned video we see the massive police protection she required, speeding off surrounded by plainclothesmen in a column of ten or so similar looking black Audis.
Not even Comrade Kim requires as much protection as Comrade Merkel.
British MSM would have reported it as a German citizen originally from another country.
There are plenty at the BBC with a btec in “media studies” to deal with it don’t worry
A must watch.
The arrogance of this BBC lightweight shows how much we`ve let them go rogue,
Sackur knows nothing, but seems to think he does.
Despicable-listen to Sackurs presumptions, invoicing of Boris and his r sheer slimy smears and interruptions?
Cathy Newman kind of moron.
Yes a must watch. Sackur tried every psy-op trick in the book, you could make a list he left nothing out. But integrity and honesty always wins. Sackur and Newman must have trained at the same school. to give Sackur his due, Tag Hargey had a good say and it was very interesting
Alicia Sinclair,
Thanks for posting that. Taj Hargey’s face looks familiar. Probably saw him on the news back in the bad old South Africa. Very impressive, likeable guy and with guts of steel to challenge the Islamists.
Sackur, of course, is like a broken record repeating the tired old misconceptions and biases of the intolerant left. He is one of the most irritating BBC propagandists to watch. He’s up there with Lyse Doucet.
David Keighley reposts ” Move along, there’s nothing to see – BBC’s whitewash of the Brendan Cox affair ” February 20, 2018
Times gives over a page to ageist guy with his line
“yeh, but yeh, but OLD people voted for Brexit”
Comments are running about 4 or 5 to one against him
Trans children : An academic has risked her career by highlighting troubling parallels with false memory syndrome of the 1990s
Janice Turner returns to bash trans PR, after bashing Tommy supporters last week
Another “we deleted a conservative profile by accident”