Late last night, BBC Paper Reviews : On hearing of the potential return of Nigel Farage to the fray, one Susie Boniface said something like “Oh no, you can’t get rid of him, he just won’t go round the U-bend.”
Sadly this is the level that younger journalists AND presenters have sunk to when discussing anyone of note. I often wonder if these people were dragged up without manners rather than nurtured with good behaviour.
Nasty comments, personal and otherwise would have been an anathema to the old school of tv reporters. Bernard Levin and Robin Day would sock it to the politicians of the day when they were a presence on the box, but it was always with good grace and a healthy respect. The current lot* of oiks may have a degree in Egyptian to warrant their place on tv, but a degree doth not a man make !
(NB please note that I have used the UK term of ‘lot’, rather than the new Americanism of a ‘bunch’ which seems to be ever present in our language now)
Thursday : BBC Leed’s Liz Green tweeted she had Katie Hopkins on about Bradford No Go Zones
She didn’t actually tweet the actual audio but rather BBC Leeds Live feed
Here’s a direct link to the audio at 9m35s, about 6min item
then 1st caller supports KT
All the Beeboids followers tweeted ‘how horrid, this person should be banned from the radio’
Sadly, am doing a bit of history preparation for next term.
Reading on how the French Revolution was intimately linked to what happened in Russia not much more than a century afterwards.
Same things pertain today.
Basically, the Anarchists who did the Socialists dirty work under the Internationale of the 19th C, had a “third section” that were neither Marxist or Bakhunin, Babeuf of Proudhon.
Just nasty opportunist nihilsts-vultures who eat the carrion as the wars rage at their prompting.
The BBC and the EU are the pastel Internationale, between Islam and Corbyn today are the Occupy, Antifa chancers.
Same goal, same tactics.
And we allow the BBC to spout crap via the railway tannoys-and even THEY didn`t charge the serfs to have to listen to it.
We never learn much about the 19th C rebellions across Europe, because we had none, just our Industrial stuff, that was not typical.
But Europe, the EU, The Soviet and the Anarchists as terrorists, Pankhurts too, IRA?…all been done.
Doesn’t Liz Green come across as absolutely delightful, asking those hard hitting questions in perfect 4k ultra HD clarity? While poor old Katie seems to be communicating by banging rocks together in a cave.
I’ve just listened to the full interview, how patronising is Liz Green?
I was brought up in Wigan and moved to Burnley a few years ago because of work. In Wigan there are no Mosques, and no ‘no go areas’.
In Burnley there are plenty of Mosques and plenty of ‘no go areas’. Stoneyholme, Daneshouse and parts of Nelson.
I challenge any of these BBC fuckwits to walk these areas whilst holding hands, having a beer, displaying the cross of David whilst waving a rainbow flag with your 13yr old daughter.
Funny how you only get edited highlights of Katie, doubtless with her phone line distorted, so you can`t hear a clear sentence.
The BBC poppet was far from happy, it`s the BBCs job to filter what goes on in their back yards-and whatever happens in Bradford, Leeds or Dewsbury STAYS there.
Usual BBC truffle hunts, well done Katie.
It`s all getting very sinister though isn`t it? That is not any kind of BBC I`d have recognised from when local radio started.
At Minute 35:00 caller Andy “My wife is sexually harassed by Asian men every single day in Bradford, we’ve got the crime numbers and everything, but the police do nothing.
Next caller min 39:00 “Yeh exactly the same in Dewsbury…with my 14 year old daughter”
Taxi driver who’s about 70 asked ME for my daughter’s phone number !
..there is a children’s park in Dewsbury from 5pm every day you can’t go cos the Asian men have their cars lined up thye are grooming and abusing 13-14 year old girls”
“People don’t like to say it’s only Asian men”
“It’s not like that in Liverpool or here in Huddersfield”
The proliferation of black man/white women relationships in TV dramas and adverts, apart from being totally unrealistic and annoying to the indigenous viewer, they are also very dangerous for our women folk.
To a newly arrived low IQ individual sitting in his tax payer funded flat, watching his tax payer funded TV (using his payer funded BBC TV licence) on tax payer funded electricity they are essentially saying to a demographic who already have little respect for women that white women are ‘up for it’
Well, the adverts are going even further now. They began with concentrating on younger couples in mixed relationships, but now we are seeing more and more images of middle aged and older couples – which couldn’t be further from the truth ! Holidays are particularly prone, showing older ladies with non-white gents relaxing in deck chairs. As if !
These young idiots in advertising need to do their homework in history. Up until the last 20 years or so, it was a rarity ( even now, outside inner cities) for mixed race couple to be seen out and about. Only ‘certain’ type of white girls went with black men, and ‘decent’ girls would never have entertained the idea, so to see a middle aged/elderly mixed race couple are even more rare because they are the generation who grew up when it wouldn’t have been acceptable.
“so to see a middle aged/elderly mixed race couple are even more rare because they are the generation who grew up when it wouldn’t have been acceptable.”
Brissels, I hesitate to contradict – but there have been a number of news stories about white, middle-aged, Guardian-reading, female social workers going over to Calais to pick out a young, black stud from those on offer. Of course such women wouldn’t fall into your definition of “decent girls”.
I spend a lot of time in France and observe white middleclass guardian reading women bringing goodies from the UK and distributing them among the young men who wait in the trees near the port of Quisterham. I wonder what else goes on.
Many years ago I recall at yoonie the easiest way for an anti colonial student union freedom fighter to get laid was to utter the magic words ‘set my people free’. Middleclass white girls filled with guilt would ease his pain.
Ha ! ha! …..white, middle-aged, Guardian-reading, female social workers going over to Calais to pick out a young, black stud from those on offer. Of course such women wouldn’t fall into your definition of “decent girls”.
I would have thought that they would have more interested in the female of the species to be honest !
My youngest boy is in a mixed race marriage and nobody here ever comments on it.
What might be coming is many more especially from the men’s side.
In Taiwan and Singapore particularly the former the English men seem to find the local girls much more to their taste than English ones..
I am not surprised in the least and leave you to work out why.
Apparently the local men have the same opinion of English girl. For the same reasons!
With reference to Mark Rowley and the ‘threat of the far right’ – Have a look at the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR) which apparently has adopted the European Framework for the National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance. A certain Blair is involved.
Regarding Media: “The Government shall ensure that public broadcasting (TV and radio) stations will devote a prescribed percentage of their programmes to promoting a climate of tolerance”.
Apparently ridiculing feminism is to soon become a criminal offense and the draft law has provisions for youngsters that hold the wrong views – “Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph * will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme designed to instil in them a culture of tolerance”.
The ECTR is referenced in Wikipedia, as is the Framework bit, (for what it’s worth) and features in the excellent book ‘Travels in Cultural Nihilism’ by Stephen Pax Leonard.
PS It seems that the bbc have been zealously toeing the line with ref to the media paragraph above.
It seems that the government is getting really worried about us oldies on the “far right”. Monday’s edition of Panorama will be about how we’re using our time machines to import weapons from the 19th century.
Investigative Journalist Jenny Moore was found dead on Monday, after reporting Bill Clinton to the FBI about allegations by a 26-year-old man that as a young boy he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites.
Just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the allegations against Clinton.
FBI sources report no case has been opened on the evidence supplied by Moore. Homeland Security never contacted Moore to follow up after she shared details with the agency.
According to interviews, the victim claimed he was sexually assaulted by Clinton on a yacht in New England and knows the identities of several other child victims who were subjected to identical abuses.
Also its reported that a DEA agent, and a ATF agent are accused of murdering Seth Rich. Seth Rich was said by Wikileaks to have been the person who leaked the DNC emails. A report by a group of former NSA agents provided proof that it was a leak from inside the DNC, not a hack from outside.
Also, Victor Thorn, who wrote four anti-Clinton books including “Hillary (and Bill): The Murder Volume“, was said to have killed himself with a gun on his 54th birthday, while on top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home. Thorn made several appearances on “The Russell Scott Show” and told the host, “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.” The next day, Shawn Lucas, the lead attorney who served the DNC with a lawsuit alleging fraud in the presidential race, died as a result of a combination of drugs, including kratom, cyclobenzaprine, mitragynine and the fentanyl reported in Salisbury.
As for possible “Fake News”. You could double check by investigating Youtube. It says that Jenny Moore was the Youtube Journalist “TaskForce” a former cop with the Tracy, California Police Department who had been investigating Child Trafficking rings in the Washington DC area and elsewhere. She had a Master’s degree in Psychology. She started about a year ago, helping with “George Webb” Youtube Videos. In the past few months, she produced her own Youtube videos for “Task Force”, where she documented her experiences of working with victims of Sexual Abuse or witnesses to sexual abuse within the military.
So how come searching Google for “Jenny Moore” +police videos from older than 1 year brings up nothing.
Seems like “Jenny Moore” videos are an almost new thing.
@RP Simply show us some older “Jenny Moore” videos
Former BBC journalist Gavin Esler told the crowd at a The People's Vote rally: “Truth decay is a rottenness which is undermining our democracy. It has many sources, but one stands out – the Brexit bunch."
Former BBC journalist Gavin Esler told the crowd at a The People’s Vote rally: “Truth decay is a rottenness which is undermining our democracy.
It has many sources, but one stands out – the BrexitBunchC.“
The year 410. A letter to Mr Honorius in Rome from Remain supporters “We don’t want to leave Europe without a deal, please help”
Reply from Europe: “sorry but we cant help at the moment as Europe is falling apart due to invaders at the gates, you could put that Brexit supporter up North, Mr Old King Cole in charge if you like, but then I will let you send the 39 billion Solidus you promised, Thanks, Mr Honorius”
The New European is NOT the kind of place where anybody “changes their mind”.
These are sarcophagus minds, not an original thought among them.
I do think that we let Blair get all his minions housetrained into this liberal compliance. They seem to think themselves educated enough to sneer at the lower orders who didn`t go to yoony like what they did.
They`ve all grown into self-righteous prigs who snEer at us, Katie or Gerard, but will be the Islam dodo bird , silently going to the abbatoir as their betters peer down on them with cow eyes, and the promise of an apology sometime in 2525.
All they`ve done is Liberal Studies, no wonder they`re thick and fucked up.
Who voted for Gavin Esler?
The dozens of Remainiac tweets saying the BBC is anti-Remain and Pro-Tory
then you get to Evening Standard who list all the Beeboids that support the People’s Vote (Luvvies’ Vote) (Soros’s Vote)
– Gary Lineker “Gary is not involved in any news or political output for the BBC… His personal political views do not affect the BBC’s impartiality.”
– Tracey Ullman, “I rarely speak out myself on political issues,” (You live in LA !)
– Armando Iannucci
– Steve Coogan
– Gabby Logan
– and Dragons’ Den’s Duncan Bannatyne and Deborah Meaden
– David Mitchell, John Oliver, Sir Patrick Stewart and Matt Forde
People’s Vote = Luvvies’ Vote= Soros’s Vote
Gabby Logan has joined the campaign for a so-called 'People's Vote', alongside her BBC colleague, Gary Lineker. Does anyone seriously think the BBC would allow prominent presenters to openly campaign for a full, complete, hard #Brexit?:
– Why Crazy Rich Asians could never please all
– Stepmums and birth mums: How to get along
– Why August is good for the soul
– Fighting sexism in comic book covers
– The immigrants who built Australia’s ‘fairytale’ castles
– When will an Asian footballer play for England?
– How to get rewards for your rubbish
– ‘Why sleep when we can do drag?
Most Read
1 Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas confirm they are engaged (Who ??)
2 Sixteen nurses get pregnant at Arizona hospital ICU
3 Vladimir Putin attends Austrian foreign minister’s wedding
4 HMS Queen Elizabeth: Fighter jets to land on new aircraft carrier
5 Woman punched man who grabbed her genitals in nightclub
6 Celebrity Big Brother responds to Stormy Daniels no-show
7 Kofi Annan, former UN chief, dies at 80
8 Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over no handshake
9 Southport woman ‘breaks the law’ by parking on her drive
10 Ancient Egypt: Cheese discovered in 3,200-year-old tomb
Oh yeh it’s BBC online News site !
so easy to get it confused with the Daily Sport
I have an uncomfortable feeling that the BBC may be overlooking some relevant general history, architectural history and some economics and politics in that article. 100% accurate, BBC? Nope, not even close.
* You’ll have to read it to find out what happened to Scotland.
** And as for Northern Ireland, well they don’t count, unless they are disrupting Brexit for the BBC, whereupon a Journo or Presenter will be over there tout suite.
Coming up on @BBCr4today the first UK media interview with @omarosa – the author of the book Donald Trump wants to block – written by the woman who was one of the President's greatest cheerleaders but who now calls him a racist, a bigot, a misogynist who's in mental decline
OK not BBC bias, but feelings about Tommy Robinson are strong and I think this proposed demo outside the court could be very significant. Obviously, the state’s street thugs from Antifa, Class War, anarchists and Trots will be there, but if this turns out to be a serious affair you can bet that the Government will act and try to put into practice its desire to smash the far far far far right. Watch this increasingly dangerous space.
No need to mention where the BBC will stand.
I see the BBC is covering at last the deteriorating security situation in the killing fields of London.
i suppose at last it is dawning on them that what looks as if it is in a confined area is going to spread until their own streets are affected.
This is inevitable now.
It has been clear for a while that we in the shires are not visiting London as we did in previous years.
I have never taken my grandsons there . I have been forbidden to do so by their parents and every incident makes this prohibition more certain.
The police have failed. The government has failed. It is their prime duty to safeguard the lives of the citizens. To do whatever it takes.
There should be no further excuses and no question of leniency .
If they feel unable to do this then they will have to go .
There is only a limited time left now before a sort of panic sets in and the parents of young people in London get out any way they can.
We are seeing a great city implode in front of our eyes .
Let’s face it – London has always had its dangerous bits but now that doesn’t apply . Serious violence ( killings ) can happen at the drop of a black 14 years old boys hat .
Race plays a part – just look at the nature of the victims and the killers .. I see it in a similar way to paedophile paki/stani Islamic rape Gangs. The State has been afraid to control them for fear of “ offence “ or “ racism “ which will blight promotion prospects – teachers , social workers , coppers – all failing to impose control – and now the result . Al beeb , of course , has aided and abetted
This liberal poison .
As for kids in London ? No – I would nt take them into town unless you want plenty of vibrancy , rough sleepers , beggars , intimidating yobs and the majority yapping with a language you don’t recognise . Last time I wrote this here some one wrote back saying I was too pessimistic -.ibthink that was about 50 dead ago …
Funny how al beeb doesn’t engage with this seriously but is happy to spend its effort dissing the President of America .
PS – I left out the role and responsibilities of parents in all this because the State gave up blaming family units for the conduct of its young decades ago …
Be interesting to know how many of those doing the murdering and assaulting have only one ineffectual parent at home. A scenario in the black community that’s been prevalent ever since I can remember. I hate generalising, but for the main part, black fathers have never stuck around and were/are more likely to spread their seed around – ‘ willy nilly’ for want of a better description.
On Saturday 25th August, I will be returning to London, Wembley, for the first time in 10 years. I will be surrounded, in no particular order by my French and Catalan colleagues, a vast swath of those from Northern England, and as we travel along Empire Way, a few of the finest from the Met and BTP. As the policing plan has not really changed in 30 years, I expect to see more of our constabulary on the return journey. I look forward to reporting my experience the next day.
Found a short video on the BBC website today about spider facts and myths. It’s only 2 mins long but they couldn’t let it lie could they – when it came to spider myths they use the term ‘fake news’ and superimposed Trump’s face on a spider. FFS they can’t even do something as harmless as this without having a dig. It’s pathetic… it really is.
In my day Blue Peter was never childish. It was aimed at children but at the appropriate level. This however is rank bias and not even funny. Oddly, if it had been Clinton’s or Corbyn’s head it would have been vaguely amusing due to the surpise factor – i.e. an attack on Trump from the BBC is just a yawn.
I see the BBC et al are harping on about a ‘people’s vote’. What exactly was the EU referendum? A ‘non-people’s’ vote?? Democracy, as long as the vote goes your way. Jeez….
Huge boost for the @peoplesvote_uk – putting his money where his mouth is because he knows the Brexit path being pursued is disastrous for business, for people, for communities. This is a fight that can be won
Twitter thread is full of Remainer-bots complaining
\\ “Brexit vote campaign” the BBC never give it the true name the PeoplesVote //
Yes it’s true name is the #SorosPeoplesVote
Is multi-millionaire Julian Dunkerton making the best use of his spare £1m ?
It’s gone to #SorosPeoplesVote to stop the implementation of the ORIGINAL legitimate people’s vote
.. Couldn’t it be being used right now in a charity instead ?
Would that be one of the chariies receiving 85% of its funding (the industry standard) from the government, led by a political crony CEO, earning a salary in excess of the Prime Minister’s?
It’s not about the money, is it ?
It’s about the Free PR
The #SorosPeoplesVote already has bundles of money from millionaire funders like Soros & Gina Miller etc etc. why should £1m more justify so much extra special coverage ?
\\ In UK law, a disclaimer does not absolve a person or organisation from their responsibility.
They can still be prosecuted. An unreasonable or inappropriate disclaimer will not act as a valid defence in a court of law. //
Disclaimers – Critical Thinking Association
Sorry Guest – I dont want to be urinate on your soft fruits but I would like to announce the death of my pet wood louse – Wilbur. He was a great star and had huge compassion and a huge heart. He was also a focus for equal treatment for all terrestrial isopod crustacean, s and will be greatly missed.
I hope all of your thoughts and prayers will be with me tonight
Thank you all of you for your support. Please light a candle or send a tweet to #crabsgone
They tell me “we don’t use canned”, no it’s curated laughter the audience are encouraged by placards and studio manager etc.
then the edit takes care of the rest
ie use the laughter from a line fluff in the first take, with a joke told in the second take.
I’ve been in BBC audiences.
Now that Nigel Farage has come back on to the stage the Remainers have now become ‘Desperadoes’. They have had the fear of god put up them. We will now have fake opinion polls based on ‘models’. Models?
On top of all that, we now have Al Beeb promoting the news that Julian Dunkerton? Yes, who he? …
\\said he believes his brand, which he left earlier this year, “would never have become the global success that it did” if Brexit had happened 20 years earlier.
His donation, the largest received by the People’s Vote, will go towards funding opinion polls.//
Fake opinion polls!
Lesson at the end of the day?
Get out of the EU and get rid of Al Beeb. Democracy is at stake.
Farage, Rees-Mogg, ‘Boris’, Ian Davis, Ian Duncan Smith and John Redwood are the men for the job.
No one has been banned . I wouldn’t do it without higher authority and I would say so here . I’m trying to see if the maxi has had a Damascene conversion to the true anti al been campaign but fear max may now be some one else .
As far as I am concerned those of alternative view are ok if willing to engage as oppose to childish cut and pasting based on the loose language of sincere posters ..
Taffman We were told that Maxi had not been banned after people like thee and me spoke up for him and his right to post here. I’m tending to think he is an ungrateful twerp because he has has been very slack ever since. I was considering asking fed up if I could apply for the position of Troll. I might be able to do a better job. However, on second thoughts being latitudenally challenged I might not be the best positioned person. Anyway he could be off sick so let’s not be too hasty. Give the blighter another chance as me old dad would say.
Have you got a nose that can scent racism a mile off? Can you counter far-right arguments in a micro-second?
We need a talented agent to disrupt anti-BBC blogs that claim we are biased. You’ll cope with Islamophobia using clever ripostes like, ‘Ah, but what about the crusades?’ You’ll repel accusations about Britain’s ethnic no-go areas with, ‘Ah, but what about the British ghettoes in Torremolinos where they never learn Spanish?’ (Deflection works wonders.)
It’s easy to discredit their arguments. Just pick them up on being a few hundred out in their statistics on illegal immigration – they’ll look like complete fools.
Don’t be afraid to deter their by calling them what they are: nazis, xenophobes, knuckle-dragging Little Englanders etc. (A comprehensive list of insults will be supplied.)
Bonus payments will be offered for discovering participants’ names and addresses. The police will be around to charge them with hate-crimes within hours.
A media studies degree will be preferred, and some shift-work will be required. You must demonstrate commitment to diversity.
The post is open to men, women and the undecided (who will get preference, as you will confuse the fascist bastards.)
Hurrrrray… the headline news on the BBC features only white children and a white adult hand looks like they got the message. Oh hang on its a story about kids being harmed by smoke it must mean it’s only white parents that smoke and only white kids that are affected….I harrayed too soon.
I would be interested in hearing what anyone envisages “BBC land” to comprise ? i.e. what they w@nk into their lattes about, the ideal fantasy UK in their twisted minds ?
Obviously every white woman married to a black man, what do they envisage for the 85% white population ? some kind of final solution ? just menial jobs if any, as only blacks to go to Oxford and Camridge ? no crime comitted by black people ? so all crime by whites etc. any other ideas welcome as I sruggle to see how they will bring this about, or is it to remain a fantasy, realised on on their website only
The internet is blatantly being cleansed ahead of the November elections. This is colossal and actual ‘election meddling’ which the BBC care so deeply about. Where is the outrage?
The liberal elite have been rumbled big time. They are desperately trying to put the genie back in the bottle but no amount of deception can trump reality. They think they can call an attack on our country a ‘car crash’ and get away with it? We do not want to live with people who hate us and want to do terrible things to us. Is that really so much to ask? The ‘populist’ movement sweeping the nation will accelerate. Thank God our democratic process is sacrosanct. A huge problem for the MSM is how uncool they are. I will never let these lying, sneering w**kers tell me what to think.
Guest – did anyone listen to this series? I heard 3 of them and at the end I still didn’t have any more of an idea afterwards than I did before. The presenter (Timandra Harkness) seemed more interested in talking and telling the audience about herself – and the humorous quips were far from that . I listened because I thought it might actually be interesting.
I have come to the conclusion R4 now either sees its audience as dumb f..ks and can’t cope with intelligent programmes..or the producers and presenters are themselves dumf..ks who don’t know much..
No! He came on when he was the leader of a party with substantial electoral representation (no longer true) so unless you want to no-platform elected Reps – a dangerous slippery slope – your point falls.We try hard to get on black Labour and Tory MPs, so far successfully
The slow but intensifying Worldwide conspiracy to throttle any and all reference to islam appears rampant in the US as well. Indeed, it appears they’re going for the books now. We all know where that leads…….
Just imagine when islam takes the (local or central) Governmental ’tiller’ in the UK, what delights will be dictated to your children/grandchildren. The Emir of Londonistan’s banning of scantily clad women in advertising is a modest step along the increasingly difficult path islam has planned. Eventually Saudi Arabia wont’ have a patch on the UK.
Not for me though, I’m too old to really worry.
‘Jeremy Corbyn enjoyed a string of foreign visits without declaring them officially in Parliament prompting claims that he could have breached rules and be suspended as an MP.’
Someone wants to be PM but could actually be suspended? Or are the BBC planning their next Boris smear as they know who really is the real ‘Prime Minister in waiting’ and it is not going to be that dodgy bloke with the beard…
Still on the subject neverthteless: Most thinking people in WesternEurope would probably agree that massive Third World immigration into our countries has not been greatly beneficial and this has taken place without the indigenous citizens being asked whether they would like to fill their countries with hords of such people and without them having given their consent to it. Of course and sadly this has been done deliberately against the wishes of the indigenous people of Europe and in spite of our pleas and demands to stop this insane policy. If as it is being shown nearly everyday that they, most immigrants and in particular those who follow the teachings of Islam appear unable to to adapt to life here and they can’t, then they should not be here. It is nogood saying that those such people that, wish to settle among us should behave themselves, learn our language and abide by our laws, however the Muslim does not want or intend or to adopt to our way of life their ideology forbids it, they put Islam first as it instructs the Quran. Lets ask ourselves as to why would one of the world’s most densely crowded islands, with a naturally growing population and growing work force not suffering from a demograhic time bomb however with desperately over-stretched public services, suffering from road congestion and over crowded public transport, housing crisis , unemplyment still high, why would such a country need immigration at such levels as we have had and which quadruples the rate of population growth-seriously immigration as is must be unsustainable and both detrimental to the interests of many people in Britain and against the wishes of the majority of the people in this nation. BUT still the BBC utters its support often surreptitiously.
Because we know that UN Agenda 21 is driving the mass movement of peoples around, in order to reduce the likelihood of insurrection, dilute the level of intellect, overtake the indigenous populations, thus making overall control simpler. Part and parcel of global governance.
Correct, but a by-product of this will be the dissapearance of commercial / academic drive and inovation. Science, in all its forms, will inevitably slide as the dillution continues until, hey presto! generations to come will be living in the backward, filthy, “shitholes” elsewhere as President Trump descibes them. Parts of Londonistan are already resembling cities under islamic control.
They are not allowed to: write plays/novels; listen to/perform music; gamble; drink or take drugs; et cetera. As Churchill said it has the most paralysing effect on the soul. They could never produce a Mozart or Shakespeare. Yet due to their bullying and cowardly politicans this toxic greed is placed on a pedestal and is above criticism.
A muted BBC ‘news’ is on in the pub I am in and two women have been talking about writing a novel for about ten minutes. It’s interesting, empowering etc but not news. ‘Woman writes novel.’ So what?
This is why Trump calls them fake: their inability to report on stuff that matters. How many murdered in London this year? Yet they report on an upper middle class woman discussing her career for about twenty minutes.
She is still on! Yeah, plots for novels are really important stuff. At least she is not a black/ethic women then we would be subjected to nonsense about her ‘experience’ and how we are all horrible racists – so horrible that everyone wants to come and live in our country.
Sorry for rambling. I love this site – a real safe space free from the PC insanity. I am so sick of having to bite my tongue all the time in case I ‘offend’ someone. Well dishonesty is the most profoundly offensive thing to me and I see it everywhere. Thank God for Trump. How did it get to the state where there is only one leader who is not lying and sneering at us? You must watch his rallies. He always talks of ‘we’ and ‘us’ rather than our politicians who see themselves as responsible parents versus us/we the children.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live having a totally pointless discussion about should gay acting parts only be played by gay actors. Some very butch lesbian on the sofa arguing for it then the argument got totally lost asking “could a woman play James Bond?” – no ffs.
It seems in BBC land a white actor should not act any white man role but a LGBT/black/woman should be able to act in any role they like. i.e. a black lesbian woman should be able to play Hitler in a film.
Key to Bond’s allure is his womanising. It would not work if a female Bond were a massive slut.
“You’re walking funnily Bond.”
“Sorry – was up all night getting pounded by Hardon Galore.”
“You’re fired. That’s disgusting.”
Being gay is like preferring carrots to peas – an incidental matter of taste which does not define you. We are individuals. The idea that just because you are black, gay or whatever you become part of a ‘community’ and are incapable of independent thought is appalling.
The ability to act has nothing to do with who you like to have sex with. The SJWs love creating issues where there are none so they get to look compassionate without doing anything. God look at Shakespeare – he was anyone and everyone because he was so brilliant. They say he used to play the ghost of Hamlet’s father. Hamlet’s father was not homosexual whereas Shakespeare clearly was but you can imagine how utterly fantastic he was in the role.
“Of crown, of queen, of state at once dispatched.”
And of course the BBC would unperson Shakespeare were he writing now for his ‘jingoistic’ and ‘offensive’ ideas.
Eon Productions (makers of JB) may issue politically correct statements about who takes the starring role in the next film, but studios and distributors are all about profit, and do they really want to take a chance of the next in the franchise ‘bombing’ at the box office purely to look ‘in keeping with the times’ ? They have to think ahead. If Elba is contracted, then he’s down to play JB for the next possibly 3 films, an expensive exercise if he does ‘bomb’ on the first outing. I don’t think they’ll take the risk. Too much money is at stake, and Elba’s reputation (what reputation I hear you ask) could hit the skids.
I’ve beeb to the theatre enough times this year seeing women playing me – but strangely not visa versa – and black actors playing white roles . If one is unaware of say – a Shakespeare Play and you see this you give up at half time because the thing doesn’t make sense.
Talking about casting a black actor as Bond is a ‘testing of the waters ‘ and the Bond industry has always been good at building up interest in the brand – it’s the business of ‘show’ as always …. mr Elba will never be better than in The Wire. The number of killings of black kids in that show reminds me of Londonistan …
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live came on after match of the day and they immediately jumped to side with some “swedish” woman who got compensation, because she didnt get a job, because she refused a handshake
On Censorship : Donald J. Trump’s 3 tweets this morning
Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.
Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen.
They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….
…..Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police.
If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC,
& yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed.
I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..
….Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!
How OrwellTube works :this article explains
Left : Your work is generally promoted
Righties : Your work is generally NOT promoted
.. It is demonitised
.. It is RESTRICTED so not available to under 18’s or public wifi like libraries
.. It is HIDDEN from searches, by creating fake accounts in your name, which then show up higher in searches than your own
“These accounts are just automatically generated” say OrwellTube
… You maybe banned off Youtube
… Or instead your Youtube channel is no longer your own as Stossel said “Google is adding its own opinion to my Youtube video!”
by putting a banner along the bottom.
(This is beng piloted for US viewers only)
The Stossel video which says that the maths of the Paris CO2 reduction agreement
@YouTube has added a disclaimer to my global warming video, saying: “evidence show[s] that the climate system is warming.”
I say that in my video, too. But does YouTube really need to inject its opinion? Is there no room for nuance?
An answer to libmob who say “You see Twiiter/Google/Facebook/Facebook are private companies ..they are allowed to refuse to serve certain ideologies they don’t agree with”
..Really Islam is an ideology is it OK to refuse to cover them ?
Will religious videos be interrupted by a disclaimer banner saying “there probably isn’t a god”
Not for us , but in a America Youtube have been playing around with warning labels (maybe just a test)
Russia Today is marked paid for by Russian govt
BBC is marked as a public service
HAHAH! YouTube's blatant bias is pretty entertaining: This is how propaganda works. It's subtle. YouTube's "disclaimer" for @RT_America was there many months before the @BBCNews one, and now that there's one for BBC they call it 'public' news not 'government' funded like for RT
— Workplace Democracy: All The Cool Kids R Doing It (@earthlingHumans) August 12, 2018
What a weird publication the Sunday Times has become. The front page headline today reads: ‘Racists flock to Boris on Facebook’
The article is accompanied by a(nother) photograph obviously intended to make Johnson look ridiculous. To sum up, apparently there are some nasty ‘Islamophobes’ ‘ranting’ on Boris’s facebook pages and the Sunday Times believes this to be the most important item of world news to bring to its readers today. I’m afraid it’s that old, lazy and discredited conflation of racism and ‘Islamphobia’ yet again. It seems to me that today’s front page will taint the reputation of the newspaper rather more than it will the reputation of Johnson.
At least, although tucked away on the inside back page, succinctly phrased as usual, the headline of Jeremy Clarkson’s column reads: ‘Argue with today’s youth and they’ll call you a racist and start blubbing’
Never a truer word from Jeremy and high time the ‘youf’ reporters at the Sunday Times stopped blubbing at their facebook posts, went out into the real world and did some … what shall we call it … reporting?
‘An investigation into online abuse has revealed that Boris Johnson’s Facebook page is host to hundreds of ISLAMOPHOBIC messages, a newspaper has claimed.’
‘A source close to Mr Johnson said: ‘Mr Johnson totally condemns the hateful views posted by a small minority on these Facebook pages, brought to light by The Sunday Times.’
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
“I (Sadiq Khan) believe in a man’s right to marry a child at 6. Consummate that marriage with sex when the child is 9 whilst my other adult wives can wait outside the tent listening. If you hate this statement you are Islamophobic.”
“I (David Lammy) checked my expenses on and someone has hacked them and bought a £650 bike, I will expense this loss and claim it back on expenses from the white people who oppress me.”
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
BBC, will you please stop it,
Final score has two women commenting on todays football.
You are not breaking barriers. It’s awful.
It’s like watching a knitting circle.
Please stop. Pretty please?
Late last night, BBC Paper Reviews : On hearing of the potential return of Nigel Farage to the fray, one Susie Boniface said something like “Oh no, you can’t get rid of him, he just won’t go round the U-bend.”
Classy huh? 🙁
Smug b….
Sadly this is the level that younger journalists AND presenters have sunk to when discussing anyone of note. I often wonder if these people were dragged up without manners rather than nurtured with good behaviour.
Nasty comments, personal and otherwise would have been an anathema to the old school of tv reporters. Bernard Levin and Robin Day would sock it to the politicians of the day when they were a presence on the box, but it was always with good grace and a healthy respect. The current lot* of oiks may have a degree in Egyptian to warrant their place on tv, but a degree doth not a man make !
(NB please note that I have used the UK term of ‘lot’, rather than the new Americanism of a ‘bunch’ which seems to be ever present in our language now)
Here’s the video
Minute 5:10 “He is the politician who will not go around the U-bend and stay there”
Look at the other panelist’s face
Even the Beeboid defends Farage
Maybe Susie is prone to dumping ‘logs’ that will not flush.
Thursday : BBC Leed’s Liz Green tweeted she had Katie Hopkins on about Bradford No Go Zones
She didn’t actually tweet the actual audio but rather BBC Leeds Live feed
Here’s a direct link to the audio at 9m35s, about 6min item
then 1st caller supports KT
All the Beeboids followers tweeted ‘how horrid, this person should be banned from the radio’
Sadly, am doing a bit of history preparation for next term.
Reading on how the French Revolution was intimately linked to what happened in Russia not much more than a century afterwards.
Same things pertain today.
Basically, the Anarchists who did the Socialists dirty work under the Internationale of the 19th C, had a “third section” that were neither Marxist or Bakhunin, Babeuf of Proudhon.
Just nasty opportunist nihilsts-vultures who eat the carrion as the wars rage at their prompting.
The BBC and the EU are the pastel Internationale, between Islam and Corbyn today are the Occupy, Antifa chancers.
Same goal, same tactics.
And we allow the BBC to spout crap via the railway tannoys-and even THEY didn`t charge the serfs to have to listen to it.
We never learn much about the 19th C rebellions across Europe, because we had none, just our Industrial stuff, that was not typical.
But Europe, the EU, The Soviet and the Anarchists as terrorists, Pankhurts too, IRA?…all been done.
Interesting to note they were called revolutions, ours was called a peasants revolt, maybe because it was unsuccessful..
Doesn’t Liz Green come across as absolutely delightful, asking those hard hitting questions in perfect 4k ultra HD clarity? While poor old Katie seems to be communicating by banging rocks together in a cave.
I’ve just listened to the full interview, how patronising is Liz Green?
I was brought up in Wigan and moved to Burnley a few years ago because of work. In Wigan there are no Mosques, and no ‘no go areas’.
In Burnley there are plenty of Mosques and plenty of ‘no go areas’. Stoneyholme, Daneshouse and parts of Nelson.
I challenge any of these BBC fuckwits to walk these areas whilst holding hands, having a beer, displaying the cross of David whilst waving a rainbow flag with your 13yr old daughter.
Then you’ll know true hatred.
Sorry, it should be ‘star of david’ not ‘cross of david’.
But I’m sure our Jewish friends won’t be asking for me to resign.
tap, strictly speaking, ‘cross of David’ is also quite correct. 😉
Tapwater, I grew up in that area, now an exile down south. Just interested in why Wigan has been spared.
Not sure, theres a few towns in that area that haven’t been enriched. Wigan, Warrington, Widnes and St Helens.
Funny how you only get edited highlights of Katie, doubtless with her phone line distorted, so you can`t hear a clear sentence.
The BBC poppet was far from happy, it`s the BBCs job to filter what goes on in their back yards-and whatever happens in Bradford, Leeds or Dewsbury STAYS there.
Usual BBC truffle hunts, well done Katie.
It`s all getting very sinister though isn`t it? That is not any kind of BBC I`d have recognised from when local radio started.
Given the vast amount the BBC has to spend you might think they could invest a little in improvements to sound quality.
The cryptic Gringes now control parts of Bradford? Well horlicks to them and all their supporters and viva Katie.
At Minute 35:00 caller Andy “My wife is sexually harassed by Asian men every single day in Bradford, we’ve got the crime numbers and everything, but the police do nothing.
Next caller min 39:00 “Yeh exactly the same in Dewsbury…with my 14 year old daughter”
Taxi driver who’s about 70 asked ME for my daughter’s phone number !
..there is a children’s park in Dewsbury from 5pm every day you can’t go cos the Asian men have their cars lined up thye are grooming and abusing 13-14 year old girls”
“People don’t like to say it’s only Asian men”
“It’s not like that in Liverpool or here in Huddersfield”
Most callers supported KTHopkins view
Then after 57min those callers were dropped and topic changed for rest of the 3 hour show.
The proliferation of black man/white women relationships in TV dramas and adverts, apart from being totally unrealistic and annoying to the indigenous viewer, they are also very dangerous for our women folk.
To a newly arrived low IQ individual sitting in his tax payer funded flat, watching his tax payer funded TV (using his payer funded BBC TV licence) on tax payer funded electricity they are essentially saying to a demographic who already have little respect for women that white women are ‘up for it’
Well, the adverts are going even further now. They began with concentrating on younger couples in mixed relationships, but now we are seeing more and more images of middle aged and older couples – which couldn’t be further from the truth ! Holidays are particularly prone, showing older ladies with non-white gents relaxing in deck chairs. As if !
These young idiots in advertising need to do their homework in history. Up until the last 20 years or so, it was a rarity ( even now, outside inner cities) for mixed race couple to be seen out and about. Only ‘certain’ type of white girls went with black men, and ‘decent’ girls would never have entertained the idea, so to see a middle aged/elderly mixed race couple are even more rare because they are the generation who grew up when it wouldn’t have been acceptable.
“so to see a middle aged/elderly mixed race couple are even more rare because they are the generation who grew up when it wouldn’t have been acceptable.”
Brissels, I hesitate to contradict – but there have been a number of news stories about white, middle-aged, Guardian-reading, female social workers going over to Calais to pick out a young, black stud from those on offer. Of course such women wouldn’t fall into your definition of “decent girls”.
Brissles, RJ
I spend a lot of time in France and observe white middleclass guardian reading women bringing goodies from the UK and distributing them among the young men who wait in the trees near the port of Quisterham. I wonder what else goes on.
Many years ago I recall at yoonie the easiest way for an anti colonial student union freedom fighter to get laid was to utter the magic words ‘set my people free’. Middleclass white girls filled with guilt would ease his pain.
Ha ! ha! …..white, middle-aged, Guardian-reading, female social workers going over to Calais to pick out a young, black stud from those on offer. Of course such women wouldn’t fall into your definition of “decent girls”.
I would have thought that they would have more interested in the female of the species to be honest !
My youngest boy is in a mixed race marriage and nobody here ever comments on it.
What might be coming is many more especially from the men’s side.
In Taiwan and Singapore particularly the former the English men seem to find the local girls much more to their taste than English ones..
I am not surprised in the least and leave you to work out why.
Apparently the local men have the same opinion of English girl. For the same reasons!
Why do u never see as many black woman with white men? Those couples do exist but much less.
Also why do white men tend to get with oriental/ East Asian woman (Such as Japanese or Thai) rather than white woman with East Asian men?
I have always wondered that
S. You must have missed the Specsavers advert in which the old shepherd shears his border collie by mistake.
With reference to Mark Rowley and the ‘threat of the far right’ – Have a look at the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR) which apparently has adopted the European Framework for the National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance. A certain Blair is involved.
Regarding Media: “The Government shall ensure that public broadcasting (TV and radio) stations will devote a prescribed percentage of their programmes to promoting a climate of tolerance”.
Apparently ridiculing feminism is to soon become a criminal offense and the draft law has provisions for youngsters that hold the wrong views – “Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph * will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme designed to instil in them a culture of tolerance”.
The ECTR is referenced in Wikipedia, as is the Framework bit, (for what it’s worth) and features in the excellent book ‘Travels in Cultural Nihilism’ by Stephen Pax Leonard.
PS It seems that the bbc have been zealously toeing the line with ref to the media paragraph above.
Surely George Orwell is entitled to royalties – or at least a mention in the credits?
It seems that the government is getting really worried about us oldies on the “far right”. Monday’s edition of Panorama will be about how we’re using our time machines to import weapons from the 19th century.
Investigative Journalist Jenny Moore was found dead on Monday, after reporting Bill Clinton to the FBI about allegations by a 26-year-old man that as a young boy he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites.
Just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the allegations against Clinton.
FBI sources report no case has been opened on the evidence supplied by Moore. Homeland Security never contacted Moore to follow up after she shared details with the agency.
According to interviews, the victim claimed he was sexually assaulted by Clinton on a yacht in New England and knows the identities of several other child victims who were subjected to identical abuses.
Also its reported that a DEA agent, and a ATF agent are accused of murdering Seth Rich. Seth Rich was said by Wikileaks to have been the person who leaked the DNC emails. A report by a group of former NSA agents provided proof that it was a leak from inside the DNC, not a hack from outside.
Also, Victor Thorn, who wrote four anti-Clinton books including “Hillary (and Bill): The Murder Volume“, was said to have killed himself with a gun on his 54th birthday, while on top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home. Thorn made several appearances on “The Russell Scott Show” and told the host, “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.” The next day, Shawn Lucas, the lead attorney who served the DNC with a lawsuit alleging fraud in the presidential race, died as a result of a combination of drugs, including kratom, cyclobenzaprine, mitragynine and the fentanyl reported in Salisbury.
An extraordinary story wothout proper evidence sounds like FakeNews
Searching Twitter : ” Jenny Moore” clinton until:2018-08-11
OR “Jenny Moore” journalist until:2018-08-11
before Aug 12th brings up nothing
As for possible “Fake News”. You could double check by investigating Youtube. It says that Jenny Moore was the Youtube Journalist “TaskForce” a former cop with the Tracy, California Police Department who had been investigating Child Trafficking rings in the Washington DC area and elsewhere. She had a Master’s degree in Psychology. She started about a year ago, helping with “George Webb” Youtube Videos. In the past few months, she produced her own Youtube videos for “Task Force”, where she documented her experiences of working with victims of Sexual Abuse or witnesses to sexual abuse within the military.
So how come searching Google for “Jenny Moore” +police videos from older than 1 year brings up nothing.
Seems like “Jenny Moore” videos are an almost new thing.
@RP Simply show us some older “Jenny Moore” videos
BBC Online News:
Brexit: Nigel Farage to go ‘on the road’ with Leave group
The first 15 lines relate to Farage.
The next 25 lines relate to Lord Kerslake and his logic for a second referendum.
This is what the BBC do. They hi-jack a feature that they don’t support by flooding it with their own narrative.
Our Brexit Bashing Corporation (JRM)
Dover Sentry,
So true. So often we see the BBC striving to indoctrinate people in BBC-think rather than reporting the news.
BBC Radio 4
First it was water bottles, coffee cups and straws. Now crisp packets are in the firing line.
Gary’s contract up?
#CCBGB itv better watch out; they are not uniquely funded.
Still, one may wonder if Emily is hitting the ‘RT’ button already, impartially of course.
Better fix that typo
The year 410. A letter to Mr Honorius in Rome from Remain supporters “We don’t want to leave Europe without a deal, please help”
Reply from Europe: “sorry but we cant help at the moment as Europe is falling apart due to invaders at the gates, you could put that Brexit supporter up North, Mr Old King Cole in charge if you like, but then I will let you send the 39 billion Solidus you promised, Thanks, Mr Honorius”
Only 7 days Emily retweeted Gavin Esler’s New Eurpoean story
Just revisited and noted this:
The New European is NOT the kind of place where anybody “changes their mind”.
These are sarcophagus minds, not an original thought among them.
I do think that we let Blair get all his minions housetrained into this liberal compliance. They seem to think themselves educated enough to sneer at the lower orders who didn`t go to yoony like what they did.
They`ve all grown into self-righteous prigs who snEer at us, Katie or Gerard, but will be the Islam dodo bird , silently going to the abbatoir as their betters peer down on them with cow eyes, and the promise of an apology sometime in 2525.
All they`ve done is Liberal Studies, no wonder they`re thick and fucked up.
Who voted for Gavin Esler?
You can take the man out of the BBC…
You can take Gavin out of the BBC…
but you can’t take Beboid think out of him
The dozens of Remainiac tweets saying the BBC is anti-Remain and Pro-Tory
then you get to Evening Standard who list all the Beeboids that support the People’s Vote (Luvvies’ Vote) (Soros’s Vote)
– Gary Lineker “Gary is not involved in any news or political output for the BBC… His personal political views do not affect the BBC’s impartiality.”
– Tracey Ullman, “I rarely speak out myself on political issues,” (You live in LA !)
– Armando Iannucci
– Steve Coogan
– Gabby Logan
– and Dragons’ Den’s Duncan Bannatyne and Deborah Meaden
– David Mitchell, John Oliver, Sir Patrick Stewart and Matt Forde
People’s Vote = Luvvies’ Vote= Soros’s Vote
Gabby Logan : The Peoples-Tax-Avoider
There’s that bloody ‘bunch’ word again !!! We’re British – the word is ‘LOT’ ffs !
Today’s Daily Sport headlines
Oh yeh it’s BBC online News site !
so easy to get it confused with the Daily Sport
Do we in England and Wales* UK have more rooms per head than ever before?
I have an uncomfortable feeling that the BBC may be overlooking some relevant general history, architectural history and some economics and politics in that article. 100% accurate, BBC? Nope, not even close.
* You’ll have to read it to find out what happened to Scotland.
** And as for Northern Ireland, well they don’t count, unless they are disrupting Brexit for the BBC, whereupon a Journo or Presenter will be over there tout suite.
Colour me shocked.
Nick is aware her wildly fluctuating claims are now universally mocked over the pond?
Amol has half figured it out
“Have American newspapers given Donald Trump a gift?”
OK not BBC bias, but feelings about Tommy Robinson are strong and I think this proposed demo outside the court could be very significant. Obviously, the state’s street thugs from Antifa, Class War, anarchists and Trots will be there, but if this turns out to be a serious affair you can bet that the Government will act and try to put into practice its desire to smash the far far far far right. Watch this increasingly dangerous space.
No need to mention where the BBC will stand.
I see the BBC is covering at last the deteriorating security situation in the killing fields of London.
i suppose at last it is dawning on them that what looks as if it is in a confined area is going to spread until their own streets are affected.
This is inevitable now.
It has been clear for a while that we in the shires are not visiting London as we did in previous years.
I have never taken my grandsons there . I have been forbidden to do so by their parents and every incident makes this prohibition more certain.
The police have failed. The government has failed. It is their prime duty to safeguard the lives of the citizens. To do whatever it takes.
There should be no further excuses and no question of leniency .
If they feel unable to do this then they will have to go .
There is only a limited time left now before a sort of panic sets in and the parents of young people in London get out any way they can.
We are seeing a great city implode in front of our eyes .
Let’s face it – London has always had its dangerous bits but now that doesn’t apply . Serious violence ( killings ) can happen at the drop of a black 14 years old boys hat .
Race plays a part – just look at the nature of the victims and the killers .. I see it in a similar way to paedophile paki/stani Islamic rape Gangs. The State has been afraid to control them for fear of “ offence “ or “ racism “ which will blight promotion prospects – teachers , social workers , coppers – all failing to impose control – and now the result . Al beeb , of course , has aided and abetted
This liberal poison .
As for kids in London ? No – I would nt take them into town unless you want plenty of vibrancy , rough sleepers , beggars , intimidating yobs and the majority yapping with a language you don’t recognise . Last time I wrote this here some one wrote back saying I was too pessimistic -.ibthink that was about 50 dead ago …
Funny how al beeb doesn’t engage with this seriously but is happy to spend its effort dissing the President of America .
PS – I left out the role and responsibilities of parents in all this because the State gave up blaming family units for the conduct of its young decades ago …
Be interesting to know how many of those doing the murdering and assaulting have only one ineffectual parent at home. A scenario in the black community that’s been prevalent ever since I can remember. I hate generalising, but for the main part, black fathers have never stuck around and were/are more likely to spread their seed around – ‘ willy nilly’ for want of a better description.
“……black fathers have never stuck around and were/are more likely to spread their seed around – “. This is why: (and that’s just South Africa – the most ‘developed’ country in Africa)
On Saturday 25th August, I will be returning to London, Wembley, for the first time in 10 years. I will be surrounded, in no particular order by my French and Catalan colleagues, a vast swath of those from Northern England, and as we travel along Empire Way, a few of the finest from the Met and BTP. As the policing plan has not really changed in 30 years, I expect to see more of our constabulary on the return journey. I look forward to reporting my experience the next day.
Dave S
Mrs May, The Mayor of London, The Home Secretary and Ms Dick all remind me of the old adage ……….
Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
Sunday 9pm BBC2 the FakeNews Rally show , says Noel Edmonds
Found a short video on the BBC website today about spider facts and myths. It’s only 2 mins long but they couldn’t let it lie could they – when it came to spider myths they use the term ‘fake news’ and superimposed Trump’s face on a spider. FFS they can’t even do something as harmless as this without having a dig. It’s pathetic… it really is.
Screenshot of BBCWales Facebook page

I tweeted 4 different screenshots from BBCWales Facebook, BBCwebnews and Twitter screenshots as well
Its childish, even by Blue Peter standards .
In my day Blue Peter was never childish. It was aimed at children but at the appropriate level. This however is rank bias and not even funny. Oddly, if it had been Clinton’s or Corbyn’s head it would have been vaguely amusing due to the surpise factor – i.e. an attack on Trump from the BBC is just a yawn.
I see the BBC et al are harping on about a ‘people’s vote’. What exactly was the EU referendum? A ‘non-people’s’ vote?? Democracy, as long as the vote goes your way. Jeez….
Interesting what £1M can buy.
Never heard of him, nor his products. Shame because I can’t boycott something I don’t use.
No mention in the whole article from the BBC that this is using power and money to try and usurp the democratic and legitimate rights of the people.
If a multi-millionaire declared they were donating a million pounds to try and prevent a second vote, they’d be all over it like a rash.
Twitter thread is full of Remainer-bots complaining
\\ “Brexit vote campaign” the BBC never give it the true name the PeoplesVote //
Yes it’s true name is the #SorosPeoplesVote
Is multi-millionaire Julian Dunkerton making the best use of his spare £1m ?
It’s gone to #SorosPeoplesVote to stop the implementation of the ORIGINAL legitimate people’s vote
.. Couldn’t it be being used right now in a charity instead ?
Would that be one of the chariies receiving 85% of its funding (the industry standard) from the government, led by a political crony CEO, earning a salary in excess of the Prime Minister’s?
It’s not about the money, is it ?
It’s about the Free PR
The #SorosPeoplesVote already has bundles of money from millionaire funders like Soros & Gina Miller etc etc. why should £1m more justify so much extra special coverage ?
“Retweets are not endorsements”.
Worth a follow.
Tick, tock.
\\ In UK law, a disclaimer does not absolve a person or organisation from their responsibility.
They can still be prosecuted. An unreasonable or inappropriate disclaimer will not act as a valid defence in a court of law. //
Disclaimers – Critical Thinking Association
Bbc staff, and bbc bosses seem to be adopting a Black Maria
Policy at present, especially on social media.
Did the BBC tell you that far from being a Russia puppet the US gov has put sanctions in place against the Russian goverment on 6th Aug, cos of the Salisbury attack ?
BBC… er… ‘news’.
If the first, highest rated comments are any guide, the bbc’s renowned reporting analysis is at odds with the public at large.
Not sure they are getting away with much any more.
Sorry Guest – I dont want to be urinate on your soft fruits but I would like to announce the death of my pet wood louse – Wilbur. He was a great star and had huge compassion and a huge heart. He was also a focus for equal treatment for all terrestrial isopod crustacean, s and will be greatly missed.
I hope all of your thoughts and prayers will be with me tonight
Thank you all of you for your support. Please light a candle or send a tweet to #crabsgone
Thank you everyone
bollocks where did I leave my scotch!
Two hours; two comments.
And as reviews go, well, they could…..
Guest Who
Fake Comedy and canned laughter.
You telly tax payers are duped into for paying it.
They tell me “we don’t use canned”, no it’s curated laughter the audience are encouraged by placards and studio manager etc.
then the edit takes care of the rest
ie use the laughter from a line fluff in the first take, with a joke told in the second take.
I’ve been in BBC audiences.
Now that Nigel Farage has come back on to the stage the Remainers have now become ‘Desperadoes’. They have had the fear of god put up them. We will now have fake opinion polls based on ‘models’. Models?
On top of all that, we now have Al Beeb promoting the news that Julian Dunkerton? Yes, who he? …
\\said he believes his brand, which he left earlier this year, “would never have become the global success that it did” if Brexit had happened 20 years earlier.
His donation, the largest received by the People’s Vote, will go towards funding opinion polls.//
Fake opinion polls!
Lesson at the end of the day?
Get out of the EU and get rid of Al Beeb. Democracy is at stake.
Farage, Rees-Mogg, ‘Boris’, Ian Davis, Ian Duncan Smith and John Redwood are the men for the job.
Anyone, has my mate maxincony been banned from this site ?
No one has been banned . I wouldn’t do it without higher authority and I would say so here . I’m trying to see if the maxi has had a Damascene conversion to the true anti al been campaign but fear max may now be some one else .
As far as I am concerned those of alternative view are ok if willing to engage as oppose to childish cut and pasting based on the loose language of sincere posters ..
Do you mean a conversion as depicted here?
Ha ha I’d ask an authority but I don’t think I’d go as high as the Boss. +
Taffman We were told that Maxi had not been banned after people like thee and me spoke up for him and his right to post here. I’m tending to think he is an ungrateful twerp because he has has been very slack ever since. I was considering asking fed up if I could apply for the position of Troll. I might be able to do a better job. However, on second thoughts being latitudenally challenged I might not be the best positioned person. Anyway he could be off sick so let’s not be too hasty. Give the blighter another chance as me old dad would say.
Yasser, I wonder how the BBC recruit their trolls – perhaps adverts like this appear in the Guardian?
Have you got a nose that can scent racism a mile off? Can you counter far-right arguments in a micro-second?
We need a talented agent to disrupt anti-BBC blogs that claim we are biased. You’ll cope with Islamophobia using clever ripostes like, ‘Ah, but what about the crusades?’ You’ll repel accusations about Britain’s ethnic no-go areas with, ‘Ah, but what about the British ghettoes in Torremolinos where they never learn Spanish?’ (Deflection works wonders.)
It’s easy to discredit their arguments. Just pick them up on being a few hundred out in their statistics on illegal immigration – they’ll look like complete fools.
Don’t be afraid to deter their by calling them what they are: nazis, xenophobes, knuckle-dragging Little Englanders etc. (A comprehensive list of insults will be supplied.)
Bonus payments will be offered for discovering participants’ names and addresses. The police will be around to charge them with hate-crimes within hours.
A media studies degree will be preferred, and some shift-work will be required. You must demonstrate commitment to diversity.
The post is open to men, women and the undecided (who will get preference, as you will confuse the fascist bastards.)
Apply Davina Plonkington-Smythe (Mr)
And if you refuse to shake hands at the interview because of your religion then even better……
Maybe maxi is looking for a positive bbc item about Brexit and it’s taking up all of his time.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I think Al Beeb have told him to wind his neck in as his posts here were counterproductive.
Well, that’s a coincidence. I have a tape of Nick Robinson using the “n” word. Has he denied it yet?
See, we can all play that game.
Shock, horror.N Robinson using the forbidden N word to describe that part of London nearest to Scotland? You mean “N O R T H”?
Hurrrrray… the headline news on the BBC features only white children and a white adult hand looks like they got the message. Oh hang on its a story about kids being harmed by smoke it must mean it’s only white parents that smoke and only white kids that are affected….I harrayed too soon.
I would be interested in hearing what anyone envisages “BBC land” to comprise ? i.e. what they w@nk into their lattes about, the ideal fantasy UK in their twisted minds ?
Obviously every white woman married to a black man, what do they envisage for the 85% white population ? some kind of final solution ? just menial jobs if any, as only blacks to go to Oxford and Camridge ? no crime comitted by black people ? so all crime by whites etc. any other ideas welcome as I sruggle to see how they will bring this about, or is it to remain a fantasy, realised on on their website only
Clearly the bbc’s Ideal is a land ruled by wise leaders in the mould of Di, or Dawn…
It’s scary enough that people feel they can tweet this and not be ridiculed. What’s terrifying is that they can also be elected as an MP.
We are entering the Age of Unreason.
The internet is blatantly being cleansed ahead of the November elections. This is colossal and actual ‘election meddling’ which the BBC care so deeply about. Where is the outrage?
The liberal elite have been rumbled big time. They are desperately trying to put the genie back in the bottle but no amount of deception can trump reality. They think they can call an attack on our country a ‘car crash’ and get away with it? We do not want to live with people who hate us and want to do terrible things to us. Is that really so much to ask? The ‘populist’ movement sweeping the nation will accelerate. Thank God our democratic process is sacrosanct. A huge problem for the MSM is how uncool they are. I will never let these lying, sneering w**kers tell me what to think.
“our democratic process is sacrosanct”
“This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide.”
Guest – did anyone listen to this series? I heard 3 of them and at the end I still didn’t have any more of an idea afterwards than I did before. The presenter (Timandra Harkness) seemed more interested in talking and telling the audience about herself – and the humorous quips were far from that . I listened because I thought it might actually be interesting.
I have come to the conclusion R4 now either sees its audience as dumb f..ks and can’t cope with intelligent programmes..or the producers and presenters are themselves dumf..ks who don’t know much..
If you look at their summary you will see the BBC fails at most of these every day
Isn’t that graphic a bit Orwellian ?
In Beebworld, this seems like a winning argument.
It really isn’t. It’s mob-driven, PC, SJW, faux ‘balance’ knee-jerk appeasement.
Think about it, it’s not possibly true that Farage has been on BBC more than Diane Abbott never mind if you add in all the other black MPs
Questions, questions….
SUPERDRY yet another company off my shopping list
Interesting exchange.
Where Crick is involved, he seldom looks like he has had one, and most require one after meeting him.
That said, has he ever been caught trying to rearrange a subordinate’s undies in public?
Save Water ?
Cut down on the number of people coming in to the country.
The slow but intensifying Worldwide conspiracy to throttle any and all reference to islam appears rampant in the US as well. Indeed, it appears they’re going for the books now. We all know where that leads…….
Just imagine when islam takes the (local or central) Governmental ’tiller’ in the UK, what delights will be dictated to your children/grandchildren. The Emir of Londonistan’s banning of scantily clad women in advertising is a modest step along the increasingly difficult path islam has planned. Eventually Saudi Arabia wont’ have a patch on the UK.
Not for me though, I’m too old to really worry.
Completely agree.
Since bought the book. Looking forward to a good, honest read. Anyone else read it?
I’ve signed. Abolish the BBC’s Charter. Every little helps
Just stop paying the Telly Tax, it will be far more effective.
I stopped over a year ago
Nothing from the BBC on this yet?
‘Jeremy Corbyn enjoyed a string of foreign visits without declaring them officially in Parliament prompting claims that he could have breached rules and be suspended as an MP.’
Someone wants to be PM but could actually be suspended? Or are the BBC planning their next Boris smear as they know who really is the real ‘Prime Minister in waiting’ and it is not going to be that dodgy bloke with the beard…
Still on the subject neverthteless: Most thinking people in WesternEurope would probably agree that massive Third World immigration into our countries has not been greatly beneficial and this has taken place without the indigenous citizens being asked whether they would like to fill their countries with hords of such people and without them having given their consent to it. Of course and sadly this has been done deliberately against the wishes of the indigenous people of Europe and in spite of our pleas and demands to stop this insane policy. If as it is being shown nearly everyday that they, most immigrants and in particular those who follow the teachings of Islam appear unable to to adapt to life here and they can’t, then they should not be here. It is nogood saying that those such people that, wish to settle among us should behave themselves, learn our language and abide by our laws, however the Muslim does not want or intend or to adopt to our way of life their ideology forbids it, they put Islam first as it instructs the Quran. Lets ask ourselves as to why would one of the world’s most densely crowded islands, with a naturally growing population and growing work force not suffering from a demograhic time bomb however with desperately over-stretched public services, suffering from road congestion and over crowded public transport, housing crisis , unemplyment still high, why would such a country need immigration at such levels as we have had and which quadruples the rate of population growth-seriously immigration as is must be unsustainable and both detrimental to the interests of many people in Britain and against the wishes of the majority of the people in this nation. BUT still the BBC utters its support often surreptitiously.
Because we know that UN Agenda 21 is driving the mass movement of peoples around, in order to reduce the likelihood of insurrection, dilute the level of intellect, overtake the indigenous populations, thus making overall control simpler. Part and parcel of global governance.
Correct, but a by-product of this will be the dissapearance of commercial / academic drive and inovation. Science, in all its forms, will inevitably slide as the dillution continues until, hey presto! generations to come will be living in the backward, filthy, “shitholes” elsewhere as President Trump descibes them. Parts of Londonistan are already resembling cities under islamic control.
Promote Islam … promote 7th Century thought.
Promote Islam … promote slavery just like its founding Prophet.
Promote Islam … promote child brides at 6 and sex with children at 9 like its founding Prophet.
Promote Islam … promote war monger like its founding Prophet.
Promote Islam … promote the destruction of free speech like drawing a picture of its founding Prophet.
Promote Islam … promote your own destruction of everything you loved.
They are not allowed to: write plays/novels; listen to/perform music; gamble; drink or take drugs; et cetera. As Churchill said it has the most paralysing effect on the soul. They could never produce a Mozart or Shakespeare. Yet due to their bullying and cowardly politicans this toxic greed is placed on a pedestal and is above criticism.
A muted BBC ‘news’ is on in the pub I am in and two women have been talking about writing a novel for about ten minutes. It’s interesting, empowering etc but not news. ‘Woman writes novel.’ So what?
This is why Trump calls them fake: their inability to report on stuff that matters. How many murdered in London this year? Yet they report on an upper middle class woman discussing her career for about twenty minutes.
She is still on! Yeah, plots for novels are really important stuff. At least she is not a black/ethic women then we would be subjected to nonsense about her ‘experience’ and how we are all horrible racists – so horrible that everyone wants to come and live in our country.
Sorry for rambling. I love this site – a real safe space free from the PC insanity. I am so sick of having to bite my tongue all the time in case I ‘offend’ someone. Well dishonesty is the most profoundly offensive thing to me and I see it everywhere. Thank God for Trump. How did it get to the state where there is only one leader who is not lying and sneering at us? You must watch his rallies. He always talks of ‘we’ and ‘us’ rather than our politicians who see themselves as responsible parents versus us/we the children.
“……so horrible that everyone wants to come and live in our country.”, and, ‘….reform us…’?
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live having a totally pointless discussion about should gay acting parts only be played by gay actors. Some very butch lesbian on the sofa arguing for it then the argument got totally lost asking “could a woman play James Bond?” – no ffs.
It seems in BBC land a white actor should not act any white man role but a LGBT/black/woman should be able to act in any role they like. i.e. a black lesbian woman should be able to play Hitler in a film.
Owen Speaks …

Owen – some people think throwing gays off buildings is great too. But I dont want a demonstration of that either.
Well, gay sex is legal in Iceland, just dont try it in Farmfoods or tesco
Get yer coat dys …
Key to Bond’s allure is his womanising. It would not work if a female Bond were a massive slut.
“You’re walking funnily Bond.”
“Sorry – was up all night getting pounded by Hardon Galore.”
“You’re fired. That’s disgusting.”
Being gay is like preferring carrots to peas – an incidental matter of taste which does not define you. We are individuals. The idea that just because you are black, gay or whatever you become part of a ‘community’ and are incapable of independent thought is appalling.
The ability to act has nothing to do with who you like to have sex with. The SJWs love creating issues where there are none so they get to look compassionate without doing anything. God look at Shakespeare – he was anyone and everyone because he was so brilliant. They say he used to play the ghost of Hamlet’s father. Hamlet’s father was not homosexual whereas Shakespeare clearly was but you can imagine how utterly fantastic he was in the role.
“Of crown, of queen, of state at once dispatched.”
And of course the BBC would unperson Shakespeare were he writing now for his ‘jingoistic’ and ‘offensive’ ideas.
Idris Elba cannot play Bond
Eon Productions (makers of JB) may issue politically correct statements about who takes the starring role in the next film, but studios and distributors are all about profit, and do they really want to take a chance of the next in the franchise ‘bombing’ at the box office purely to look ‘in keeping with the times’ ? They have to think ahead. If Elba is contracted, then he’s down to play JB for the next possibly 3 films, an expensive exercise if he does ‘bomb’ on the first outing. I don’t think they’ll take the risk. Too much money is at stake, and Elba’s reputation (what reputation I hear you ask) could hit the skids.
I’ve beeb to the theatre enough times this year seeing women playing me – but strangely not visa versa – and black actors playing white roles . If one is unaware of say – a Shakespeare Play and you see this you give up at half time because the thing doesn’t make sense.
Talking about casting a black actor as Bond is a ‘testing of the waters ‘ and the Bond industry has always been good at building up interest in the brand – it’s the business of ‘show’ as always …. mr Elba will never be better than in The Wire. The number of killings of black kids in that show reminds me of Londonistan …
Next thing you know they’ll want Dr Who to be played by a woman.
No they will want the Tardis played by a letter box.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live came on after match of the day and they immediately jumped to side with some “swedish” woman who got compensation, because she didnt get a job, because she refused a handshake
On Censorship : Donald J. Trump’s 3 tweets this morning
Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.
Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen.
They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others…….
…..Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police.
If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC,
& yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed.
I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..
….Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made.
Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!
The only disappointment is that he didn’t specifically mention the BBC.
All MSM with \\Trump CLAIMS/ALLEGES social media ‘discriminating’ against right-wing voices//
Well Trump in his rambunctious way says they are “totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices”
I would say he means “Of the voices that are censored by the social media companies, pretty much all are to the Right and none to the Left”
How OrwellTube works :this article explains

Left : Your work is generally promoted
Righties : Your work is generally NOT promoted
.. It is demonitised
.. It is RESTRICTED so not available to under 18’s or public wifi like libraries
.. It is HIDDEN from searches, by creating fake accounts in your name, which then show up higher in searches than your own
“These accounts are just automatically generated” say OrwellTube
… You maybe banned off Youtube
… Or instead your Youtube channel is no longer your own as Stossel said “Google is adding its own opinion to my Youtube video!”
by putting a banner along the bottom.
(This is beng piloted for US viewers only)
The Stossel video which says that the maths of the Paris CO2 reduction agreement
@YouTube has added a disclaimer to my global warming video, saying: “evidence show[s] that the climate system is warming.”
I say that in my video, too. But does YouTube really need to inject its opinion? Is there no room for nuance?
An answer to libmob who say “You see Twiiter/Google/Facebook/Facebook are private companies ..they are allowed to refuse to serve certain ideologies they don’t agree with”
..Really Islam is an ideology is it OK to refuse to cover them ?
Will religious videos be interrupted by a disclaimer banner saying “there probably isn’t a god”
Not for us , but in a America Youtube have been playing around with warning labels (maybe just a test)
Russia Today is marked paid for by Russian govt
BBC is marked as a public service
Man seen attacking Burka clad woman in an Islamophobic attack ….
… MP Boris Johnson arrested quicker than Tommy Robinson to ease British Islamic tensions …
… later it was determined that the Burka clad woman was a postbox.
Sorry, not the BBC but a Boris follow on.
What a weird publication the Sunday Times has become. The front page headline today reads: ‘Racists flock to Boris on Facebook’
The article is accompanied by a(nother) photograph obviously intended to make Johnson look ridiculous. To sum up, apparently there are some nasty ‘Islamophobes’ ‘ranting’ on Boris’s facebook pages and the Sunday Times believes this to be the most important item of world news to bring to its readers today. I’m afraid it’s that old, lazy and discredited conflation of racism and ‘Islamphobia’ yet again. It seems to me that today’s front page will taint the reputation of the newspaper rather more than it will the reputation of Johnson.
At least, although tucked away on the inside back page, succinctly phrased as usual, the headline of Jeremy Clarkson’s column reads: ‘Argue with today’s youth and they’ll call you a racist and start blubbing’
Never a truer word from Jeremy and high time the ‘youf’ reporters at the Sunday Times stopped blubbing at their facebook posts, went out into the real world and did some … what shall we call it … reporting?
were they calling out blacks or american indians or chinese or japanese and therefore racist
or was it a religion ?
‘An investigation into online abuse has revealed that Boris Johnson’s Facebook page is host to hundreds of ISLAMOPHOBIC messages, a newspaper has claimed.’
‘A source close to Mr Johnson said: ‘Mr Johnson totally condemns the hateful views posted by a small minority on these Facebook pages, brought to light by The Sunday Times.’
Read more:
Twitter: | Facebook:
Worth a repeat …
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
this weirdness of worrying about the environment and insisting on mass migration especially to little old britain frankly bemuses me.
“I (Sadiq Khan) believe in a man’s right to marry a child at 6. Consummate that marriage with sex when the child is 9 whilst my other adult wives can wait outside the tent listening. If you hate this statement you are Islamophobic.”
The word Islamophobia saves me from having to defend my ridiculous believes in the modern world. Read more about a new word called ‘Khanophobia’ …
Emir Khan: 10/10 for spelling!
Is this Merkel’s speaking to her Russian ‘handler’? That is what some media outlets claimed in the US when Trump met with Russian.
“I (David Lammy) checked my expenses on and someone has hacked them and bought a £650 bike, I will expense this loss and claim it back on expenses from the white people who oppress me.”
Brilliant Marky