Every so often the Far Left claims that the BBC has ‘Right Wing Bias’ but never follows up with clear evidence of that assertion .
But as a Twitter follower I notice more and more beeboids expressing politic views ( always anti brexit and always pro Left) but stating the views are not those of the BBC .
So if these employees of the BBC can use their position to influence others on Social Media – how does the BBC claim to be neutral ?
It’s time to make a new list of these people who use tax payers money to further personal views .
BBC – London 2018-08-19.
Two women critical after hammer attack.
Attacked by a stranger.
Name of Joe Xuereb, name released immediately, sounds really British, we will wait and see.
Probably mental illness.
I expect the women will moan, they need to understand that this is all part of living in a vibrant, multi-cultural city.
However BBC 06:30 Trauma care overhaul.
“If you find yourself a victim of a life-threatening incident – such as a road accident, shooting, stabbing or terror attack – your chances of surviving have risen by a fifth since 2012.”
So enrichers have improved the NHS slightly, but the change of being attacked has risen 1000%.
From memory, Xuereb is a Maltese surname. And hence the first name Joe and not Mohammed.
I thought it was Albanian ?
Could a, “Joe Xuereb” be a model of van?
It really is a blatant sign of how everyone is aware that it’s predominantly a particular group of people committing terror acts, that when one happens that isn’t by the usual suspects, they go overboard on pointing this out.
They are really are trying too hard, which shows where the real problem lies.
TOADY Watch #1 – Watch out for a hospital closure near you
When the Trauma Study statistics were released today, my immediate thought is that the Government wants to close more hospitals. Yes, despite all those queues for A&E treatment (forgotten by the BBC) and accusations against old people for blocking beds and wards and A&Es (also forgotten by the BBC) that started before last Christmas and persisted until well after the Skripals were hospitalised, I have an uncomfortable feeling that our Government wants to close more hospitals.
We are being conditioned for something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It has happened before, under Conservative, Labour and the recent Coalition governments, and I’m sure some current and future government will try to do it again.
Of course you are wondering what has this to do with the BBC?
They could and should have asked questions and remembered that, eventually, closures = queues.
Not the BBC TOADY Programme. TODAY = toadily incompetent.
We can still afford to send billions overseas, though…..
My problem with the far left people including the BBC is them treating Corbyn/ McDonnell etc as a serious alternative government. Corbyn hanging around with terrorists has nothing to do with ‘peace’ as he claims but like the creep at school that is no good at sport he likes to hang out with the hard/cool/ dangerous guys. With his silly Lenin hat he sees himself as a latter day Che Guavara but really in truth is a bit think and a bit of a w@nker.
I’m not sure if I’m missing it but al beeb seems to be avoiding a big political story about the launching of a new political party with the likes of chucka and soubry on one side and the Tory Party being infiltrated by Conservatives ( yes I do mean that ) which is upsetting the current red types sitting on the story benches .
Where is the coverage? To me both these events would be good . Anything which undermines the far left in Labour is good and the Tory part needs to become conservative again .
And of course they keep the shadow Home Secretary out of the headlines as far as they can, even though she was pipped to the post for proving Fermat’s Last Theorem.
Croeso ! 😀
TOADY Watch #2 – Talk like a Dalek
All is not well on the TOADY Programme. Not just the recently revealed fall in listeners. Not just the key personnel changes: ie. the Sarah/Martha swap. Not just the claims of female presenters for more money.
The increasing roster of stand-in presenters grows and today, Kamal Ahmed is co-presenting with Nick Robinson. You do need some extra cover during holiday periods but the numbers revolving through a TOADY studio chair is unprecedented in my memory. Anything to do with Sarah Sands?
Unfortunately Kamal does not have the ability to present radio programmes. Kamal does not have the ability to be Economics Editor but that is another issue. Like Jonny Dymond and one or two other BBC people who have sat in front of mics for whole programmes, Kamal’s halting, guttural, Dalek-like voice makes for an unhappy listener experience. He is OK when he’s reading to mic a pre-written report on some Economics subject. Not as a TOADY Presenter at this stage.
Could he be trained to do better? Yes, that should be possible. Could he grow into the job? Yes, that is possible, too. If Sarah Sands is trying out new presenters to replace the well-past-retirement-Humph or others, then that needs to be borne in mind for her ‘Jobs to do’ list.
Maybe he should be allowed to speak in his native language – Urdu or whatever
Oi! Fed, ‘es wun of us, mate. Lundunner innit. Born in Ealing.
Language is not the difficulty for the listener. It could be that in conversation, face-to-face, he converses quite normally. Kamal is very well spoken, his enunciation is good. Clarity is good. Timbre, tone and frequency are also good. Flow is the problem.
I cannot remember who I was listening to or in which news programme but some time over the weekend past, I heard a BBC journalist contributing from somewhere outside the studio and probably reading to mic a pre-written report. He managed to put punctuation in all the wrong places and where it was needed it was left out. It was awful to listen to.
I have northern heritage, but I leave the room when Steph McGovern appears.
Brissles, eeek! She does ‘grind’ a bit but it’s her gurning photo (in the red dress) that I cannot stand when I sign in to the Beeb w-s. Have to do it with my eyes half shut.
The Labour MP on the Any Questions panel last Friday, Rachael Maskell, was a northern lass and something in the way she droned on
and on
and on made me actually turn the radio off.
I have a mixed heritage too & really love a good Lancs, Mancs and Yorkshire accent but M/s Maskell was just too much.
Heayuh heayuh !
I still remember a recent C4 voiceover with a pretty serious speech impediment. Just waiting for the Beeb to do the same. I mean we’re all equal? 😉
Just think how well Peston has done to battle against his handicap.
Arabic actually as he is from Sudan.
You mixed up, the Westminster car attack guy was from Sudan
Does he know how to cook jerk rice ( whatever that is – and no, I don’t really want to know)?
Have you heard Beth Rigby?
She misses out the ‘g’ at the end of the word.
Instead of ending in ‘ing’ she ends with ‘in’, for example endin’ instead of ending.
Have a listen.
😉 Me too, EG when I’m doin’ a Jus’ William impression.
(Martin Jarvis, a proper actor. Come on BBC, it is time long overdue for another Just William Book of the Week.)
Seem to recall ‘Call me Dave’ was like that to. And Blair, when he got into his Estuary English thing but then forgot himself and slipped back into a public school way of speakin’ natchrally.
There are several Just William episodes on YouTube, with those from 1994 being the most enjoyable.
There are also a few audio episodes read by Martin Jarvis; he’s exceptionally good at it.
There are others read by Kenneth Williams, which I haven’t found to be pleasurable.
I have to leave the room when Beth Rigby comes on.
Unfuckin’ believable.
Who employs these thickos?
One of the worst is Shaheeza Falalal (sp) who I think works for the Guardian and is constantly on our screens.
Haha mean’t bit thick!
“Bit think” is betterer panda
Burble and squeak on the radio
Riddle me this: BBC political guy, the throaty Nick Robinson, and their economics bloke, the nasal Kamal Ahmed, go tandem on the Today show. Not the most comfortable auditory experience. But bugger the listener, eh!
Here’s the real conumdrum: The top BBC world headline is that Greece ’emerges from bailout programme’ obviously this is telling us that the EU is just great and everything is hunky-dory and tickety-boo down the Parthenon way (among the ruins that were Greek democracy).
Well, given that the Bubbles lied about their money numbers when they joined the Euro, they should be questioned closely about the veracity of their current economic situation…
– and yet when it comes time to interview the Greek ambassador it’s politics Robinson not financial Ahmed who is given the job of passing round the Ferrero Roche pyramids.
Of course with our BBC there’s always that Brexit question hanging in the air which inevitably comes up regular as clockwork right at the end of the interview. And you could have knocked me down with a feather – Greece would rather the UK stayed in. I bet they do.
AISI, if my memory serves me well, Mutti Merkel was quite keen at one point to get the net contributors among EU States to give Greece a handout. When some of these countries said no, the German purse went back into Mutti’s handbag in double quick time.
And how much of Greece have Germany and Goldman Sachs stolen over the past 10 years or so?
14 Greek airports confiscated, to start with. Yes, as a Lesvos resident, I can confirm that they are expanding them….. But, in our case, building a new terminal – for an airport that only requires an extension to the departure lounge (and THAT for the Summer months only!) And the service has got worse – drastically!!! https://www.rt.com/business/325977-greece-airports-privatisation-bailout/
BBC Breakfast – news papers.. bit about antique guns being imported..so an old white guy found guilty of conspiracy to import – and his face left up on screen for ages..however the faces of 3 others flicked up – my wife had to wind back and pause to actually see it – funny they were not white but had black beards and a darker skin….hmn wonder why?` We should be used to it by now 🙂
Well, if our urban street gangs are reduced to faffing about with flintlocks and powder-and-ball muskets for their ‘drive-bys’- maybe that’ll give our police time to nab them in the act – as soon as they’re back from attending the local Pride March.
Yesterday I caught the tale end of a Radio 4 programme presented by a Beeb favourite , David Aaronovitch about Deep State . I think it will be repeated on Thursday at 8pm .
I heard that Donald Trump is bad for some reason , no surprise to hear that on the BBC .
David Aaronovich is an article writer for the Times , once known as the Thunderer and more right than left . Now it’s an establishment paper , the establishment of today ; troughers in the public sector , do gooders , statists , one worlders , EU lovers , Gramscians , Common Purpose and Bilderburgers . Just like the BBC . No wonder they hate Trump , Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson .
Toady watch
Al beeb gets interested in prisons when things go wrong . Otherwise no interest and likes to run the “ how a country looks after its prisoners is a reflection of its civilisation” line when in fact it is the way it treats its elderly .
So today albeeb beats the government over the head over Birmingham Prison , so called cuts , and the head of the prison inspectorate who is so obviously after a gong – a knighthood or peerage judging by his comments ( I see this as a bad thing because of the corruption of the dishonours system ) .
Prisons should not be run by private companies, especially the likes of G4S. G4S run many proteins in the USA and make a lot of money from it. So, there’s an incentive for them to lobby for more produce and an increasing prison population.
That’s not how crime and punishment should work. I’m not in favour of state ownership per se but there are a few services that should be state controlled; the armed forces, police and the prison service. However the police and prison services should be answerable to the local electorate not the national government, with the exception of foreign criminality.
Remember to keep your religious beliefs to yourself and out of politics …. oh,wait ….
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Whose “Home” Office?
The World is our home … etc….
The left-wing MSM will stop at nothing in an attempt to smear Donald Trump.
The headline in the Independent is that the President would deport his wife if she divorced him.
When you read the story however, it is simply the opinion of a bitter black woman who was sacked from her job at the White House due to incompetence.
How desperate they have become, printing fake news without a shred of evidence to back it up.
One thing I will concede. It was clearly a grave error of judgement to hire her in the first place.
I agree that it was but surely highlights that it’s hard to label him a sexist racist if he hires a black woman that everyone is telling him that he shouldn’t.
It will be of two ways according to the MSM
If Trump and his wife get a divorce ;
If she stays in the U.S. It will be favouritism and Trump using his influence or bullying someone somewhere to allow her to stay .
If she leaves it will be vindictiveness and Trump using his influence or bullying someone somewhere to make her leave .
Incompetent bitter black woman, nothing original there. Millions
like that.
It’s the sacking I find difficult to believe, they are normally promoted on the Peter Principle.
QV recent case of incompetent “doctor” who is a proven danger to patients.
Speaking of Corbyn, I came to Victoria Derbyshire’s train wreck of an interview with Mark Lewis and Mandy Blumenthal a bit late, so apologies if she has already been lambasted here.
I see that isthebbcbiased and BBC Watch have already done superb jobs of Fisking Derbyshire so I don’t have much to add.
I’m just toying with the idea of communicating directly with the afore-mentioned alleged media professional (Victoria.derbyshire@bbc.co.uk) and educating her about the wave of anti-Semitism sweeping the UK, much of it from brain-damaged followers of that stupid, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic ‘leader’ of the Labour Party.
I got through half the interview but gave up because of the anger issues it caused me . I’m not Jewish but I wonder how the BBC can use one of their creatures to represent the Labour Party in an anti Semitism debate ?
It was so hostile . If Derbyshire had been talking about anti Islamic conduct she d have been the Queen of sympathy and blaming this and blaming that .
The two interviewees were brave to go near the BBC because they knew what they’d get from the beeboid .
I suppose the shabby Chabi white wash wasn’t mentioned – at least selling her soul for a peerage will always be there.
No, no Chabi whitewash mentioned, no anti-Semitic tweets by Labour MP Nazi Shah mentioned, nothing about the stalling by Corbyn for years over getting rid of anti-Semite Ken Livingstone, nothing about the vile anti-Semitic abuse suffered by Labour MP Ruth Smeeth from Momentum and other Labour groupies.
Actually, a good way to watch that interview without getting furious is to mute Derbyshire every time she opens her mouth.
As you indicated, she simply acted as a PR spokeswoman for Corbyn. There is no doubt now that the BBC is firmly in the grip of the unholy alliance between the far left and radical Isam.
TOADY Watch #3 – The finger writes and points …
. . . . . ……………………………………………………………………… at Civil Servants.
The prime interview slot at 8.10am is populated, as I write, by Roger Swindoll with Rory Stewart MP as Prisons Minister. Rory is currently being a real brick, a tough soldier, a real trooper, and taking the flak on behalf of his new Ministry and the Civil Servants therein. For those that do not know, there is a convention in government for Ministers that you always are loyal to and protect the Civil Servants in your charge, except in extreme examples of very serious wrongdoing.
Nick Robinson is not paying attention, as TOADY presenter, to what he was told by Roger Swindoll or, earlier, by Peter Clark.
Nick is only interested in 1) going after a Conservative Minister, 2) privatisation, 3) going after a Conservative Minister, 4) ‘cuts’, 5) going after a Conservative Minister, 6) going after G4S, and, 7) going after a Conservative Minister.
Rory is rattled and uncomfortable under withering fire from Nick and can only repeatedly use the word ‘So’. He deserves a commendation.
But only if he returns to barracks and gives the CSs in his Ministry a severe ‘dressing down’.
Yes I was thinking the same – he wasn’t interested in the positive action but looking to blame privatisation or the Government cuts.
It was, sadly just the normal BBC attack looking for the next headline..
News reporting and discussion has sunk and crawls along the bottom of the BBC ocean..
Wouldn’t the prisons be easier to run if there were fewer prisoners? That would mean having fewer criminals. I wonder how we might achieve that? Perhaps the same way we might have fewer homeless without building more houses?
If only the BBC could join the dots!
(Not related, but it is similar to how the BBC campaigns for higher food prices and against food poverty.)
Jim, or against obesity but in favour of tolerance (no fat-shaming) AND food pictures and recipes and cooking programmes.
Against plastic but in favour of consumerism (GDP) and food.
Against car, van and truck use but in favour of travel.
Against new roads but in favour of cycle and bus lanes but against traffic jams & pollution.
Against CO2 but in favour of more and more sports events and international travel and floodlight use.
Against unemployment and low wages but in favour of increasing population through immigration.
Maybe we should start a B-BBC List for all of these and more?
The BBC not thinking – so you have to.
On the BBC R4 Today programme this morning, prominence was given to the Loughborough University (LU) report on “poverty” in UK. I noted in particular that the Toady programme made no mention at all of what actual income was deemed to be unsatisfactory, merely mentioning comparisons, and that raised my suspicions. So I spent a few minutes looking into the LU Centre for Research in Social Policy, and in particular their minimum income website (minimumincome.org.uk).
There is revealed what they consider the minimum standard for decent living. Examples are (both after tax and benefits adjustments):
1) a couple with one 2-4 year-old child + two children at primary school – £78,863 2) a couple with no children – £43,547.
That’s poverty, folks!
Martin — starving kids versus an obesity crisis …
BBC may see these professionals but I also see them with “mental health problems”.
I beg your pardon…
I beg your pardon…
All these racists keep looking at me.
2 million people celebrate Hajj whose founder of Islam who married a 6 year old child (classed illegal in 2018) and consummated that marriage when she was aged 9 with sex (classed as rape in 2018) whilst the other empowered and feminist adult wives waited outside the tent to show that they were empowered (classed as aiding the criminal act in 2018).
The perfect book from the perfect man from the perfect religion.
TOADY Watch #4 – it is going to go on and on and on
The latest Haldane Report on employment in the UK and the impact of ‘new technology’. It will be considered each day this week.
Perhaps that is why Kamal has been brought in to present. As Economics Editor will he remember to mention and question about ‘the elephant in the room’ as far as employment and future unemployment is concerned?
I wonder.
Is Kamal destined to become the resident muslim alongside our Mishal? When we hear both together, that will be a complete end to my BBC R4 ‘experience’. Its only mimimal at present: solely headline news and perhaps one or two of the more detailed, ‘analysis’ between 0810 and 0830
I wonder if Dishy Mishal is required to walk behind Kamal when they enter the BBC studios?
G.W.F., she is a looker. Do I recall a piece on the w-s last week or the weekend where she owned up to being a product of positive discrimination?
G.W.F & Up2,
“Dishy”? If you like frumpish women. Wait until she stands up and re-evaluate your flattery.
Not on par with Dragon Debs though 🙂
“26% of the prison population, 22,683 people, are from a minority ethnic group.
If our prison population reflected the make-up of England and Wale s, we would have over 9,000 fewer people in prison—the equivalent of 12 average-sized prisons.
The economic cost of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) over-representation in our prison system is estimated to be £234 million a year.” – http://www.prisonreformtrust.org.uk/WhatWeDo/ProjectsResearch/Race
Just saying…………
I was going to put up the R4 multicultural running order for Monday but see it for yourself ..
You just don’t understand – David Lammy has explained – it’s because of the institutionalised racism in the system – not because they are criminals…
I would not be surprised if the Asian component is overwhelmingly Muslim.
Too would be surprised to see a large fraction as Gujuratis or Sikhs in that stat.
Never mind. Our future is Islamic anyway.
TOADY Watch #5 – remaining awake and not falling asleep at the wheel.
No, not Birmingham prison. The contradictions and hypocrisies and stupidities of UK and Beeboid life.
27 hospitals in England are designated as Severe Trauma hospitals and increase the chances of survival by twenty per cent. This is measured & contrasted only over two four year periods and does not take into account, as far as I know, improvements in the skills & capabilities of Paramedics, in ambulances and those that crew them.
No doubt someone, somewhere in Government and also at the Dept for Health is thinking ‘We could close all the other hospitals in England and sell off the sites and make lots of money for government, even if it does really belong to the taxpayer.’ I’m sure the Treasury is considering it.
Then next week, maybe, or next month, Government will be telling us via the BBC that we are using our cars too much and must stop. We will have to travel much further to get to hospital, as patients or as staff or as visitors, but only if we walk or use a bicycle to get there.
No questions asked by the BBC. TOADY Programme = Asleep at the wheel.
No doubt in my mind that Government ‘Services’ in the UK, such as the NHS, will continue to deteriorate rapidly. After all, to show solidarity with our ethnics and to make them feel at home, we need to manage systems that would be compatible with those in Pakistan or Bangaldesh or perhaps Somalia. In view of the inability of Government to stop third World immigration to the UK, this has to be the ultimate aim as its the only way to stop further immigration: if the NHS is as bad as Karachi, why leave?
G, ssssshhhhhhh! It’s not yet Friday.
Leave the elephant for Kamal, please.
You don’t get it. By reducing the number of hospitals you reduce the number of patients . By reducing the number of police and police stations you reduce recorded crime because there is less police to report too and punters cabbie fobbed of by privatised woe experience phone centres …. your call is very important …
Yes but, no but, if there were no crises they would have to be manufactured. There would be no opportunity for the Beeb in W1a to call in someone from W1aa and batter them about the ears. Instead the BBC would have to go out and report on actual news stories.
It is easier to do, as Guest Who or G.W.F. so eloquently put it,:
“You bastards – you’ve got to do something!”
“Bastards! – You’ve done something.”
Under the eye of GOD … Deaths: Estimates: 2,411 (AP); 2,070 (Reuters); 2,236 (AFP); 2,431 (Total/National); 769 (Saudi government)
Note the Saudi estimate compared to three other news sources!
BREAKING: Immigrants realise that the UK is not a safe destination for their children after finding out that the BBC state broadcaster paid for a pedophile on a kids programme and 1400 children over 16 years were raped without the authorities catching the criminals.
(made up news)
But it is a safe destination for their rapist uncles and brothers.
What a shambles Venezuela has become under socialism. 2 million refugees, those who can’t get out, starving. Pity Chavez isn’t around to see the socialist paradise he created. Maduro will have to do.
Anyone here surprised? Nope, didn’t think so. We well know the blessings socialism brings with it.
What is surprising is that no one does anything about socialist paradise creation in progress elsewhere. South Africa, once a First World Country, in many respects, currently being trashed by the ANC. A racist government, which ignored the Constitution and has been legislating racist measures since St Nelson’s time.
One result is a civil service which hasn’t a clue. Last week the SA Ambassador in Venezuela offered South African Defence Force troops to help Maduro to ‘fight against’ the Americans. That is about the mental level of top ANC ‘cadres’ SA now has everywhere in the civil service.
So its infrastructure is going down the tubes too.
Agatha could write a book about it, were she still alive: ‘The case of the clueless cadres’. (Or, ‘How to murder a country’.)
The West was keen to constantly interfere in SA pre-1994. Sanctions, boycotts etc. And now? Not a whisper. About the racist legislation? Not a sound. About the many brutal farm murders? Total silence.
Oh yes, there has been one: Peter Hain wants to know if there is any connection between ‘Leave EU’ in the UK, and South Africa.
It’s what we would expect from a socialist.
Bloody hell ! if you didn’t know, but its 25 years since Gabriel (who?) had a hit (no me neither) – this is what constitutes as news from Sky who are wetting themselves with excitement at her new album. This is how low the news channels have sunk.
At first I thought you were referring to Peter, then I realised you meant Ms Cyclops/Eyepatch.
fnw – What I have always wondered about Lord Hain is why when his side won in South Africa he did not go back and help the ANC run the place but stayed here and helped to ruin Wales instead?
David R
Hear hear!
LInk back to previous thread posts : Page 3 began 12pm Sunday
Stew – thank you for doing the link . There are so pretty detailed posts on the previous thread . If readers have nt seen them yet please page back before events overtake the reading time !
Bbc news editorial staff still on their hols – they reported the attack by an Alan’s snack bar Algerian Muslim on a Spanish police station . Presumably either the terrorist wanted to die of forgot that the Spanish police know that can pull the trigger without a queue of snowflakes whining …
TOADY Watch #6 – going above and beyond
Me, that is. I listened to the whole programme today. Stupid, or what? I wanted to see if a major news item of yesterday was carried forward to today’s TOADY. It wasn’t. Someone at W1a has ordered the foot to be taken off the accelerator.
Julian Dunkerton has given £1 million to the People’s Vote Campaign. Who? He is the co-founder of a fashion company, Superdry. If I recall correctly, it sells mostly on-line. Shades of Amazon, woooo hooooo! Obviously Libby and Alt-Left Remainers at The People’s Vote campaign have put their concerns about that temporarily ‘on hold’.
The money is to be used to fund opinion polling. Did Mr Dunkerton remember the history of Opinion Polling, especially its recent past, before making that donation? I wonder. Some people have money to burn.
Bearing in mind that there will be no second vote, barring one thing that will be exceptional, and the PM has stated that, I wondered if the Beeb would talk about this on TOADY today and demonstrate to Dr Snuffy whether his diagnosis is correct. Is it time to send Auntie off to a home somewhere and concern ourselves with her quality of end of life care?
There is already evidence that the BBC has dementia. I just needed some more confirmatory evidence.
We all forget things in the distant past and medium-term past. Understandable with modern memories crammed so full. One of the early tests for memory (and a possible dementia diagnosis) is a mix of questions, short, medium and longer term, suitable to the patient.
I shall have to wait and see if the BBC remember an event of just over eighteen months ago. I have another test for them at the end of the month. Really short-term they might remember the Skripals and an extradition warrant sometime.
And very short-term, has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
I believe I can accurately predict the outcome of this ‘opinion polling’.
Perhaps Mr Dunkerton could give me £1m, and I’ll write him a report on how we’ve all changed our minds.
That is a demonstration of quite despicable greed, Thatcher. I am prepared to offer exactly the same service for half that sum, and feel confident that Mr Dunkerton – who has already provided us with a fine appreciation of valued service – will jump at the chance.
Question : Is this a characteristic : On left wing forums people are quick to lose their temper against those who don’t toe the line ? *
..whereas on non-lefty forums such as here on B-BBC the discussion is more free and open.
* Hence left wing forums end up as echo chambers.
Unless Maxi appears, in which case he is usually (and deservedly) given some stick…
5-Live phone-in is about groping
..apparently things have changed and the gropers are more invasive
Ethnicity has not been mentioned on air.
The allure of the Mead remains strong with this one.
So why do they call them snowflakes ?
If a lib/lefty tries to ban you from discussing Tommy Robinson show them this article.
It’s libmob censoring of talk about Islam , that made Tommy Robinson
He is a product of lefty cowardice and no platforing.
Great to hear that Nigel Farage has joined the Leave Means Leave Campaign as Vice Chairman alongside Richard Tice and John Longworth.
But here’s the BBC’s take. Note how, within three paragraphs, the British Brownshirts turn a news item into a piece of EU propaganda.:
BBCBrexit: Nigel Farage to go ‘on the road’ with Leave group
‘He [Farage] later told the BBC that Mrs May’s proposal was “a complete betrayal of what people voted for”.
His comments also come amid calls for a second referendum on the final Brexit deal.
Campaign group People’s Vote has also criticised the government’s handling of negotiations with the European Union.
People’s Vote argues the public should be allowed a say on the final deal agreed with the EU.
Lord Kerslake told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that, if the government was unable to strike a deal with Brussels, there would have to be a “pause” in the Article 50 process. under which the UK will leave the EU on 29 March 2019.
The crossbench peer said in those circumstances, the European Commission would likely insist on some “re-examination” of the 2016 referendum decision to leave.’
By the way, Lord Kerslake is the same Bob Kerslake who was asked to resign from his position of Chair of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in 2017 because of the Trust’s ‘poor financial performance’ and because his ‘impartiality was also questioned owing to his close relationship with Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.’
BBC bias? What bias?
Nigel is saying that the main aim of the remainers this autumn is not a second vote but to suspend Article 50.
I think he is right.
Well if that’s true – goodbye Tory Government – hello McDonnell socialist state ( when he becomes a remainer ) . And farewell democracy
It’s more likely that you’ll get the ‘Poundshop Blair’, aka, Kier Starmer. The cabal of Labourites, who politely declined a place in JC’s shadow cabinet, would make their move and the chance of a proper Brexit would be but a memory. They are happy for Theresa the appeaser to do their dirty work for them, for the time being.
I see Gavin Esler, ex-BBC dross, has “come out” for the “People’s Vote” with a stirring speech in Edinburgh which, as the press informs us, “hundreds” have flocked to hear.
It’s hard to believe in “rightwing” bias at the BBC when so many ex-Beeboids reveal their true colours when they get off the gravy train.
I found this typical remainer response to Esler’s speech
“You have a point, but it takes two to settle a quarrel. Both sides have to want to change the narrative and it’s difficult to see how that can happen in this extreme climate.
Where the two sides are not-too-far-apart, compromises and reconciliation can take place. But the division caused by Brexit is polar. Remain see a second referendum as necessary because of the, now all too apparent, dangers and Leave see only the finishing line of next March to be gotten across no matter what damage is done.
Most of the invective I hurl at Brexiters is borne of frustration. How can these people not see what is staring them in the face..? How can they be so obtuse..?
We ask them over and over, what arguments can you make that would support your claims of Brexit leading to a good future for us, and over and over they fail to produce any argument other than “Will Of The People”. If I ever meet this Will Of The People bloke I think I’ll scream at him.
It’s difficult to argue constructively with stubborn, entrenched mindsets who take a static position while the landscape constantly moves around them.
They might say that my mind is also set. They’d be right, but I can retain my basic position as the picture shifts because all the emerging facts support the viewpoint I’ve always had.
It is the utter intransigence of the Brexiters that frustrates and annoys. If we were in a room together I would want to take them by the shoulders and try to shake some sense into them but online that isn’t possible. All we can do is be as vehement as possible and that is where the verbiage descends into – I agree – non-constructive name calling.
And so it goes on. How this will all pan out I don’t know. I deeply and sincerely hope for a second referendum whereby a majority of people will see sense and reject Brexit. I also hope that majority is achieved by fair means and is decisive beyond argument.
Brexiters, if you want to engage in a discussion, you have to come up with more than “We’ve already had a referendum and you lost so ner, ner, ner” or “Will of the people” or “Project Fear.” Those arguments shelf life has long expired.
And that’s about as politely as I can put it.”
Nigel is going to have his work cut out, the smugocracy has been spreading its poison unchallenged for too long
The remainer’s sanctimonious appeal for fairness is typically hollow as Essler repeated the old accusation against Rees-Mogg of hiding away his money away in Ireland. According to LBC Farage only supports Brexit to feed his own ago. His return to “front-line politics” is only because he has seen a new opportunity to increase his profile.
I wonder if Esler would accept my invitation to a fight?
I’d pay to watch that and give you a pat on the back if you knocked all the crap out of him.
I’m confident.
It must come as a complete shock to colleagues, and senior editorial staff, when it transpires that those they have worked and possibly crossed with in corridors, turn out to be industrial scale pervs or prone to heading in singular directions politically once leaving the building, stage left. Jimmy, Stu, Rolf, Polly, Ben, Paul… Gavin.
I don’t know what Esler came up with in Edinburgh but his New European ‘article’ was 90% name-calling against Farage and co. and pretty thin on argument. He believes that ‘Brexiteers’ are living in a fantasy world if the think the country can have a good future.
The problem with that argument is that most countries aren’t in the EU and we have been in that situation before ourselves. It is the EU that is the fantasy, a form of government never tried before and that is creating great divisions within itself.
I have yet to see any positive argument for the EU from any remainer, they just claim that things will be worse ‘out’ than ‘in’. I think the Cosa Nostra use the same line.
29 votes for this nonsense!
Kerslake has, IIRC, now taken the Labour Whip in the Other Place as well as the Queen’s Shilling in serving himself and the EU but not our nation.
Another by the way.
The BBC on TWTW and WH (R4 – 1pm and 10pm) both mentioned the head of the transport company who visited Chris Grayling (SoS for Transport) to enquire about post-Brexit transit arrangments. No-one at the BBC thought to ask if he was a Remain voter or a Leave voter.
I wonder why?
Who was the head Up2 ?
To be fair it probably wouldn’t be stretching the truth to say the entire NHS has a ‘close relationship with Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party’.
Big Climate News : Australian PM has done a U-turn on CO2 emission laws
The BBC first put in on the front page
\\ The BBC article has already been relegated from the front page of the BBC website to the World News page.
Can’t have the public learning that not everyone follows the gospel, can we? //
You really should not laugh but seriously – an article about hunger
dotted with pictures of well-fed adults and children, some of whom would do well to lose some weight.
More poor photo research at the BBC? It IS POSSIBLE that these are school pupils (who left in June this year) but at least three bits of visual evidence suggest they are rather older than eighteen years of age.
https://www.bbc.com/news/education-45171007 (top photo)
Can you spot them?
And while you are about it, when did WW1 end?
Not Calais child refugees then?
I’m struggling.
I think perhaps the strong growth of facial hair on the young man and the engagement ring on one of the two young women but after that I’m stumped. Am I warm and can you fill in the gaps?
Woolwich, you are on the money (how appropriate) with 2 out of 3 being not bad at all. The fingernail extensions & varnish is the other one.
I have to admit that a girl in my year at Secondary School became engaged, with parental permission, after the O exams at 16, and was married in the summer after As to a man seven years her senior. Things were different back then.
Nowadays you have the baby. Then, maybe, engagement follows many years later. After that, the wedding. Just in time to deprive HM Treasury of some Inheritance Tax.
It is possible the sisters (?) were quick with the make-up & earrings after leaving school and the lad looks a swarthy type able to grow a beard in three days at fifteen years of age but the general feel of the pic to me is Uni students at approx. 21 years of age.
More on Toady.
At around 0740 (was a bit dozy), amazingly, there wa an article about Venezuela !!!!!! They are debasing their country by a factor of 10,000 in anticipation of a projected one million percent inflation rate this year ( yes you read that right)
.Toenails interviewed a guy critical of the government. He mentioned the word communisim at one point and also that the government are in thrall to terrorists, Hezbollah et al.
This was all delivered by a non- English first language person on a dodgy line.
You could call it impartial. Toenails allowed the guy to speak and did not interrogate him. But it was all a bit ‘Moving swiftly on’. There was an underlying stench that news team were really holding their noses to cover it and get it out of the way quick. There was no policy critique, no exposing of the abject and utter failure of socialism in that country.
But then again, it is one of Jezza’s favourite countries, and we don’t want to cause embarrassment, do we?
Switched on BBC1 to catch the weather forecast around 0840.
Guess what? Two women were being interviewed about the lack of opportunities for female comediennes and writers.
This was immediately followed by (what else?) a feature on…..wait for it…….the growth in drag clubs!!!!!!!
It is as if normal ordinary topics are now completely airbrushed out of the BBC mindset.
Luckily the off switch still works.
Odd morning show topics are not solely the province of the BBC. I went into the lounge from my office where the TV was on ITV and they had an interview with the first male pregnancy father and baby family. I wonder what next subject will be normalised by the media. Whatever bizarre things you think of I am sure they can come up with something worse.
Not BBC related but then again we are not going to see it on the BBC anyway are we?
‘Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s links to a pro-IRA group were examined by police in the 1980s and early 1990s, it has emerged.’
Antifa & no-platforming : What Happened In Australia? With Lauren Southern
Yesterday I mentioned about how in Auckland their venue owner had a sudden change of mind at the last hour.
‘cultural appropriation’ : isn’t it ‘cultural appropriation’ to walk around with “chips” on your shoulder when you are NOT British born ?
One of top comments in the Times report
Does #MoreThanEqual stuff mean that if you are born of immigrants you have double rights : ie you are allowed to do everything British .. and everything of your parents culture,
whereas your white class mates aren’t ?
As ever MPs worrying about tweets etc and not about Grooming gangs and stabbings shows they have a complete lack of perspective.
“identity politics” is the bread and butter of Labour politics ..yep that’s what it’s about
ITTB has more fun links (shame their system does not auto-hyperlink):
Mr Hitchens introduces Professor Webb:
“Funniest moment of the week was BBC Radio 4 Today programme presenter Justin Webb trying to lecture astronaut Tim Peake about science and religion. Major Peake, though he does not believe in God, had told a group of schoolchildren that his time in space had made him wonder if the universe might be designed….”
“Professor Webb (who as far as I know has never been in orbit) knew better. After saying that this sort of idea was associated with hillbillies who ‘don’t think much of science’ he compared Tim Peake’s view with the long-discredited opinion that the Sun goes round the Earth. Then he chided the spaceman for opening up something that was ‘settled’ and ‘pretty closed’.”
Of course, Justin may well be a professor, given the title has been pretty much been debased by who else carries one, either by going the academic route or… the ‘unique’ one:
There seems something of a them linking these fellows, and it is not just the irony of the word ‘honorary’.
I see newly unleashed Gavin is in there.
Hope none of your kids go to these colleges.
I see that another Muslim has been shot in Spain whilst entering a police station.
the BBC narrative alongside this story contains this “beauty” referring to the Ramblas attacks…….
The attacks saw a man drive a van into civilians on Las Ramblas in the heart of Barcelona on 17 August. He was eventually tracked down and shot dead four days later.
So he mowed down civilians?? Soldiers kill civilians as they are non-combatants the BBC are implying that the murdering Muslim was a soldier and his victims are civilians !! I just can’t believe it….then again.
Not the BBC but a very “interesting” set of events on Coronation Street.
The daughter in a Muslim family has been in a lesbian relationship for probably the thicker end of a year now. Her parents disowned her but last week her dad was at deaths door having had a stroke. The twist being that her mother would not let her see father due to the shame she had brought on the family. The daughter then lied by saying after her mother that her relationship was “against nature” and that she had been selfish and thinking only of her own pleasure by entering the relationship. The deed done she was allowed to see her father..
What made this interesting to me is that this type of exchange simply wouldn’t have been written if it was coming out of the mouths of a family with another, or no, religious beliefs. Furthermore while watching it the mother didn’t come out of it badly, anyone watching would have understood or agreed with her viewpoints and the scene was written and directed with, for want of a better word, sympathy. I’m not the average viewer but both me and Mrs Woolwich were behind the mother throughout too.
So a very interesting conundrum in these virtue signalling times and respect to the writers for writing a more real life set of events as oppedeti the expected “lesbians and devoutly Muslim family kiss and make up in deathbed scene”.
If anyone can do a lift of the tweet by Katie Hopkins of the bbc website comparison between the parliament attack and the Finsbury Park car crash I’d be obliged as it is hard core grade one bias and manipulation ….
Fingers crossed.
Looks like Lord Tone and Granny will be off on hols a few weeks longer.
‘Franny’, but does still suit.
Thanks Guest – subjective comments here are one thing but that tweet says it all. Suppress the truth and support Islam assuming that the true British public is a think as the evil Koran
Well, if anyone can ‘pick out items’ to BBC editorial standards, it is Mr. Hislop.
I heard the traitor hislop has included an anti President Trump in his juvenile exhibition – another bubble dweller looking for a gong ….
The older Mr Hislop gets, the more like a shrivelled onion he becomes.
I know he thinks he’s a banana but I think I’m right about what he looks like and it’s not a banana, although he might be correct about the colour – yellow.
An old post I had missed.
Comments, by ‘Mr. Neutron’, could be going better.
And speaking of comments, plus ITTB’s main man…
“Newsnight does seem to have started enabling comments on more of their YouTube videos. They didn’t used to.
They posted one a couple of weeks ago called ‘Welcome to BBC Newsnight’. It’s a promotional video. Comments Could Be Going Better….”
Be funny if Youtube no-platformed the BBC one day.
Well if voting is the way they decide
#1 Most people have ignored the video 5K views vs to 500K views a Tommy video would get
#2 those who did vote 53 downvoted it vs 45 who upvoted
Their last video was “The rise of the extreme far-right in Britain”
Guess their next video will be “The rise of the mega, hyper, super-extreme far-right in Britain”
..or “The rise of the doubleplus far-right in Britain”
Raheem finds Irony in the libmob universe
Another good one from Raheem comparing the same story as reported by BBC and RT.
Truth about the terrorist words the BBC covers up
The actual words the terrorists shout is “#PeoplesVote ”
And since, the BBC is obviously a hard Brexit propaganda outfit who want to do everything to avoid talking about “PeoplesVote ”
I believe the Arabic for #PeoplesVote is “Allu Akbar”
Not to mention shaving cream and razors. Or do they use their machetes and switch blades?
Why ‘dark’ clothing in particular?
Hoodies? Balaclavas? Stab-proof vests?
Welcome to
Zoophiliac Or as we say in Wales, sheep shagger
“Antifa never killed anyone”
is that true that antifa supporters didn’t try to kill someone ? If they did would we hear
… due to NUJ rules their violence is largely unreported (you need to watch the livestreams yourself)
People have been convicted of planning real knife attacks against non-lefty UK politicians
And in the US the Bernie Sanders activist James Hodgkinson did a shooting spree against Republican politicians
Also in the US Black Lives Matter activist Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed 5 cops in the Dallas.
Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017.
Also in 1970s and 80s violent radical group known as the Weather Underground killed people
Whereas in Germany/Italy the red brigades used to do real terrorism.
I wonder who the most jailed antifa/lefty activists are ?
Sadly, yes.
So, she’s still calling herself katty. Is she ever going to grow up?
C*nty doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.
Wait until she works the BBC ‘magic’ on this story.
The BBC are predictably making much of Rudi Guiliani’s comment ‘Truth isn’t truth’ on the subject of Donald Trump’s outlook on life.
It’s too much to expect of our noble news service to be better read than the rest of us but there is a famous line they could well embrace:
‘Faith is the refusal to accept the unimaginable variety of truth, together with the lack of humanity to allow another his variant.’
Other than the addition of ‘his or her’ to bring the quote into modern parlance, that is equally ‘true’ today.
Not bBBC yet, but they’re probably deciding on the angle..
Unbelievable, and if this doesn’t worry the majority of people with a functioning brain then we are doomed.