Every so often the Far Left claims that the BBC has ‘Right Wing Bias’ but never follows up with clear evidence of that assertion .
But as a Twitter follower I notice more and more beeboids expressing politic views ( always anti brexit and always pro Left) but stating the views are not those of the BBC .
So if these employees of the BBC can use their position to influence others on Social Media – how does the BBC claim to be neutral ?
It’s time to make a new list of these people who use tax payers money to further personal views .
Now being primarily informed by YouTube, it appears the West in general, is in a seriously parlous state. I hope I view what I watch (equally hear/read) objectively. I hope a ‘feet planted firmly on the ground’ sort of person.
I see much conflict looming. I don’t know what will trigger it but, in my mind, the West cannot go on edging toward serious civil unrest over the issues that really matter without something ‘breaking’. In the midst of factional demands which are contrary to any honest interpretation of, ‘democracy’, we see influential organisations are now blatantly taking sides and are now prepared, quite openly, to act with a hostility to the ‘opposing’ side with a vigour that I have not, personally, known hitherto. When it, ‘kicks off’ in this country, the police will rely upon their standard approach and disengage from any confrontation and rely (as they did in the last riots) when it dies down, to eventually mopping up people involved by resorting to their faithful ubiquitous cameras. If my gut feeling is anywhere near right, it will now not be as simple as that. There are too many evil factions with their own agenda.
If anyone wants to understand ‘Antifa’ for example (you know, the group which has the approval of the police as evidenced by their non-intervention – Internationally!), check this series out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUFzVvTGlsY (Series one, you can navigate to all the others through the link)
Perhaps the US will ‘kick off’ first? I wouldn’t doubt that in view of the fact that they house the NWO/Soros/UN and all the Globalist internet companies that are behind the conspiracy to undermine the West. I just hope that the POTUS has the strength and power to correct the accelerating slide to Marxism. He is the only person that can save the West in general.
I hope I’m around long enough to see pictures of my, ‘favourite’ culprits dangling from lamposts.
Can you imagine the chaos when things do kick off here? I’m thinking the Croydon rioting in 2011. Looting on a grand scale as they fall over one another to get the biggest tv or sofa they can carry, as per the Ikea sale also a few years back. And like the New Year Sales its always the BAME’s at the front of the queue.
On Sunday, I nearly posted twice here about the anger I felt about the way on Broadcasting House they reported the donation to the Remain fund by the Superdry chap. I wrote the post twice and deleted it twice because I was concerned that what I was writing appeared to incite violence. At the very least Maxi could have come here and pretended that was what I was suggesting. But my concern is for this site and that any excuse could be made to take the site down. Hence I deleted my post.
But I do agree with ‘G’, there are tectonic plates in the politics of Europe and America moving and the change could be frightening.
Brexit means Brexit. Enough is enough. Should MPs be allowed to repeat a word twice without explaining what they actually mean? Up means Up and Down means down. I discuss why the UK should SUCK IT UP on immigration whilst explaining nothing in my latest £100 per hour Guardian article …
Prof Vernon Bogdanor delivered another of his highly informative & entertaining political lectures on the BBC Parliament Channel.
This one was about the history & (lack of) success of minor parties in the UK over the past 130 years.
The Prof stays admirably neutral but exceptionally felt obliged to inform his audience that he opposed Brexit.
I do not criticise him or the BBC over this but I do feel it is a consequence of the extremely febrile state of the present political debate. I enjoy examples of this by following Andrew Neil’s Twitter feed, where crazed remainers are constantly trying to out him as a Brexiteer. Neil can always claim neutrality and demolish their claims against him with logic & evidence
I sometimes think the Parliament channel is one of those forgotten bits of the BBC where the multicultural spin and the requirement for 60% non white faces does not yet touch . Now that I’ve said it they’ll screw it up like the God Awful World Service which is now a joke.
He keeps winding up the media and still they don’t learn. It’s like Pavlov’s dogs.
They have been leading a ‘leaked memo’ about imminent zombie apocalypse or something thanks to Brexit. By ‘leaked memo’ they have just sexed up ‘you must think X’. Funny how there is never a ‘leaked memo’ from people who think the BBC or a bunch of wa**kers etc.
‘Love Island puts off female firefighters.’
Is that peak BBC? Apparently it is a negative stereotype thinking fire men are muscular. Is that not key to the job though? As Milo put it so hilariously, can you imagine anything more hellish than knowing your wife and children are trapped in a burning building then some fat dyke pours herself onto the pavement to try and rescue them?
My dad’s mate says his job as a fireman was ruined when women joined as any ribald humour which they used to delight in so much was now off-limits lest a woman be ‘offended’ and claim sexual harassment. On average men are much funnier than woman which we are never given any credit for.
“men are muscular”
“men are much funnier than woman”
Muscleism and Laughism, together. Unacceptable in a multicultural democracy.
I am arranging for you to be sent for re-alignment therapy to get your mind trans-transformed.
I will then send Jo Brand round to give you a big kiss.
“All life is precious, I bought a puppy because I had no one to have a selfie with. During Eid animal life is meaningless and afterwards you will forget about it and still visit KFC to fund Halal food and the Islamic slaughter method which only employs Islamic people. Find out more in the Guardian …”
Measles in Europe: World Health Authority report –
Tucked away near the bottom of this statement is,
“According to reported data, the 3 measles genotypes circulating in Romania since January 2016 were not spreading in the country before, but were reported in several other European countries and elsewhere in 2015. Comprehensive laboratory and epidemiological data are needed before the origin of infection and routes of transmission can be concluded.” Hey, ‘two + two = 4………..’
When can we see this conclusive, “epidemiological data” to draw our own conclusions that the regrowth of measles is not solely to do with a drop in immunisation which only helps the spread?
I’ve just been sent a spam email advert from Artisan du Chocolat asking if I want to buy something to celebrate Eid Mubarak. When people look back and say ‘crikey, when was it that we became a Muslim country’ it’s this kind of normalisation that is the start of it.
The UK is a Christian country yet I’m being sent this stuff.
However, if you are ever asked to source some corporate chocolates for a client to give to their staff, you always have to specify that they can’t be alcoholic for fear of offence and if at Christmas time, they can’t be overtly Christmas themed because we mustn’t acknowledge a recognised Christian festival for fear of causing offence.
I hope you’ve sent back a suitable reply P !
Politician Day 1: We need to reduce migration.
Politician Day 2: We need to increase migration for birth rates.
Politician Day 3: We need to ban the internet so people cannot remember what we said on Day 1.
Historical Amnesia at the BBC. The BBC love their ‘Anniversaries’.
If it’s not the 50th Anniversary of Enoch Powell’s famous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech then it is the 200th Anniversary of the death of Jane Austen or the 50th Anniversary of ‘Sgt. Pepper’ or the 25th Anniversary of the Miners Strike.
They appear to have missed an important Anniversary from my childhood. No mention on TODAY, where they have three hours to fit it in. Not a peep on TWatO at 1pm. I wonder if TWiT will remember it belatedly?
For all of the above Anniversaries that I mentioned, there were special radio programmes. There may have been some also on TV but I don’t know about that, I wasn’t watching.
I have checked the Schedule for Radio4 for the next three days. Nothing. The BBC on R4 are ignoring it.
I wonder why?
It has been remembered on the BBC web-site. Those of you who have Licences and TVs might be kind enough to check the schedules to see if the BBC are remembering the 50th Anniversary of the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia on television today or later this week and at the weekend.
If not, it may be yet another sign of Auntie Beeb’s dementia.
U2s – Tomorrow is the 880th anniversary of the Battle of the Standard.
Prior to which the invading Scottish army assiduously practised their favourite party trick. Throwing English babies into the air and then catching them on the point of their spears or swords.
Lubos remembered. But he would, wouldn’t he – he’s a fine upstanding physicist from that area (if not that era…)
Depends what things get merely reported or selected for bangingon
one story alleging the BBC helped the Russians
and Two stories from the BBC and one video
#2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-4516806
#3 https://twitter.com/familyhistgifts/status/1031914062626607105
Didn’t hear much about VJ Day.
If Chelsea Clinton was promoting her children’s book at Edinburgh
..the media would give her ZERO free publicity ?
… yeh right.
Radio 4 had a show on last night called “Soul Music”, which was going to be about the song “What A Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.
But he got a panning from the white liberal presenter who said he wasn`t using his platform to shaft whitey in the 60s over civil rights and black power.
Turned off, absolutely disgusted.
Only the white liberal creeps at the BBC could disparage such a great, humble artiste for not agitating as they`d have liked.
None of that talent or wonderful role model stuff. He`s not Spike Lee or David Lammy so he`s an uncle Tom, apparently.
That`s the end of even Radio 4 now, just got a bit of radio 3 they`ll doubtless turn to another balsa wood knife to stick into any popular great, for mere gesture.
How much will Radio 2 visit to Orlando cost me?
Complaint description
I heard on the BBC Radio 2 that you are sending the Alan and Mel show from a room in London to a room in Orlando. How much will this cost me in total? To the nearest thousand is ok. Can anyone stop this from happening and wasting more of the BBC TV Tax Payer’s money? Cheers,
Radio 2 Take Over Hour … where the BBC get a citizen to run the radio show for the presenter who is paid a lot of money to oversee someone doing his work. Brilliant!
Always with their finger on the pulse, the Guardian editorial has gone for a triple whammy:
✓ Lack of state funding
✓ Christian sexual abuse
✓ Bad Trump
And for a bonus — what’s really ruining things for local populations across the world is, err… selfish holidaymakers
Maybe The Guardian could tweak their article on over-tourism to read Over-Immigration: an unhealthy appetite for the misconceived benefits of immigration.
I can’t help wondering if the person at the BBC who put this picture next to the phrase “stand out moments” was having a little dig at the feminazis.
Is that a big #Me Too moment or a big #Me Two moment, RD?
I wonder.
(That #Me Too thing didn’t last long, did it?)
A dead heat in a Zeppelin race.
Copyright: someone on Going Postal, whose name I can’t remember.
So is it the Rowntree Trust that’s gone rogue or is it the Times ?
July : There was this article about them funding Rotherham Muslim activist groups
Aug 21 : Rowntree-backed charity linked to paramilitaries
Quaker trust funds group with ties to Ulster terror
\\ Last month the Charity Commission ordered the trust to “explain and justify” its funding decisions in Northern Ireland.//
(no open comments)
Lefties are pointing out Anglo governments seem to be funding those same Ulster charities as part of the peace process.
Times Opinion : Honour culture protects Pakistani grooming gangs
by Azeem Ibrahim
\\ Honour culture means that we shall see no evil and hear no evil.
– Not when sexually frustrated young men abuse children,
– nor when concerns are raised about the kind of Islamist preaching our children get into their heads from the internet,
– nor when our neighbours’ daughter disappears on a trip to Pakistan.
We do not save face by refusing to see evil when it is clearly there.
We do far more damage to the image of our community when we fail to hold our own accountable, and when we are seen to come to the defence of criminals and dangerous radicals.
The numbers don’t lie.
… Our first priority should be to get our house in order, not to deny that we have genuine problems.//
Dr Azeem Ibrahim is a research professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College
The top comments picks on a weak throw away line
\\ “Our sense of community has enabled us to thrive in this country. ”
… I believe this sense of community has been pernicious and prevented the community from integrating and thriving. //
Then a comment points out that that sense of community comes from the Koran
\\ It cannot be helpful either if your holy book specifically forbids you from forming alliances (or friendships, depending on the translation) with anyone outside your community.
– Nor can it be helpful to be taught from an early age that science is wrong where it differs from the perfect book, as indeed it does differ.//
\\ When you read things like this it becomes perfectly clear why so many people in the UK would like to see immigration reduced.//
\\ However many of the men involved have not been sexually frustrated young men but older men, presumably long married. There seems to be a fundamentally disordered attitude to women in some parts of Pakistani culture where women within it are considered a form of family property and young women outside of are entitled to no respect whatsoever and fair game for exploitation.//
Did he write the book
\\ The Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide // ?
same name
See attached which speaks for itself ..
This is part of an East End of Londonistan drugs gang there are 49 of these creatures charged in all ….
Jeez Asia Argento is suing Weinstein claiming he raped her at 21
Now it’s emerged that when a male wanted to go public accusing her of sexually assaulting him in 2013 when he was 17 , she just paid him off with $400K
..that doesn’t look good
I feel sick just looking at them. You see the same in any inner city, and we’re supposed to be chuffed that they have ‘enriched’ our country. They are putrifying it. As the birthrate rises from that despicable culture, the head of the snake will never be cut off.
Accusations of racism ? lets be honest, who wouldn’t be faced with this lot.
Ordinarily I don’t like seeing images on this site but this one was so powerful – and only a third of the charged gang – that I thought it worthy of putting up.
I don’t know if the Londonistan local news will put it up even in a quiet news week like this one . No doubt some paid for local politician will bleat about police racist but that gets to be a bit shallow these days …
The Archers yesterday.
Farmer is slaughtering 30% of her flock because of “uncertain demand for British lamb due to Brexit”.
Also a clanging eco-lecture is shoe-horned unrealistically into the dialogue.
Today this morning: NHS medicine supplies may dry up next year “due to Brexit”. No explanation as to why existing European drug suppliers might withold drug supplies and forego revenue, or HMG might wish to erect barriers to import of necessary drugs.
That seems to contradict the normal logic of what farmers do. A real world male Farmer would slaughter 30% of his flock for the money, if both the demand and the price was rather higher than usual. These idiots say that there would be food shortages due to fortress EU blocking exports. So farmers in Britain would hugely benefit from increasing demand and prices due to this.
Grrr… indeed. I used to like the Archers, but now, if I hear dum de dum de dum de dum ….. I rush for the off switch. The storylines were so obviously intended to plug a message. The gay baby thing finished me.
Likewise. It’s an insult to one’s intelligence.
So after all the fuss and faux outrage only 18 people actually offended!
18 out of 11,800 cases Windrush MAY have been wrongly removed, ie 0.15254237288135594% of total.
Now was that really worth the BBC getting so excited about?
How many proved to have been deported so far ?
\\ 11 voluntarily left the country, with some having been served with immigration enforcement papers informing them they had no right to be in the UK,
… while seven were subsequently released without being removed. //
So far the deported total seems to be none.
Today this morning.
Ultra soccer fans in Italy have declared their bit of the stadium a men-only zone and “banned” women from it.
It’s transparently a wheeze aimed at Muslim gender segregation, but Al Beeb’s indignant sports reporter doesn’t make the connection.
Neither will the religion correspondent or bod on TFTD.
Today this morning.
Spike Lee on this morning smearing the “alt right”; a smear in which Al Beeb is complicit.
Donald Trump, Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson and many more are “alt right”. Not one of them is a murderous thug.
I know this has been posted before but sod it, I like it. So have some of that!
Very funny slick and professional
.. it’s the left that lack humour
Here’s another from him
@Tom_Kenny NOPE, none of those people define themselves as “alt right”
It was invented by certain white-supremacists to define themselves
“Alt right” is used as a boo-word by libmob to smear Donald Trump, Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson and many more
..BUT they are NOT “alt right”
… even tho they are alternatives to normal mainstream conservatives .
I’ve always understood that they ARE alt right – and thought of myself as such – whilst racist thugs are simply beyond the pale. It was a useful label!
3 comments in 3 hrs seems… strange.
Anyhoo, those that are there, could be going better.
Was it 3 comments in 3 hours on this site ?
I’m leaving this thread open until the weekend as the in Summer every thing sags . Meanwhile the brexit clock ticks away…
Today on Facebook. Just went back. In seven hours, six. Or sixteen. Something not adding up.
Facebook says both there are 7 comments and 30 comments
ie there are 7 main comments , and when you add up the sub replies it comes to 30
Almost none of the comments are positive.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has ten meanings of what “Brexit means Brexit” actually means (see below)
(1) Brexit means independence
(2) Brexit means freedom
(3) Brexit means democracy
(4) Brexit means populism
(5) Brexit means sovereignty
(6) Brexit means autonomy
(7) Brexit means liberty
(8) Brexit means liberation
(9) Brexit means representation
(10) Brexit means accountability
Anna Soubry has ten meanings of what “Remain means Remain” actually means (see below)
(1) Remain means authoritarianism
(2) Remain means elitism
(3) Remain means despotism
(4) Remain means dictatorship
(5) Remain means plutocracy
(6) Remain means servitude
(7) Remain means vassalage
(8) Remain means subjection
(9) Remain means dependency
(10) Remain means oppression
Therefore Theresa May’s “Brexit means Remain” is a continuation of “The Great Deception” (see the book)
Brexit was clearly laid out in the £ 9.3 M., UK Gov. Leaflet that was posted through everyone’s letter box throughout the country. We all knew what it meant, nevertheless we voted out in the biggest democratic referendum in the nation’s history. Despite the hysterical claims made by the ‘Remainers’ that “we did not know what we were voting for.”
What part of OUT doesn’t our Prime Minister and Al Beeb understand?
We need a new PM and that man should be Jacob Rees-Mogg , advised by Nigel Farage.
Anything on Al Beeb about today’s London shootings?
Perhaps their ‘researchers’ will get the ‘heads up’ from this post ?
Over to you Al Beeb ……………
All this London Carnage, isn’t the Prime Minister ultimately responsible?
It must be working wonders for London Tourism ?
“The Mother of all Parliaments”. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/the-mother-of-parliaments
It may well be a case of, ‘first in first out’.
I think the photo here is worthy of a B-BBC Caption Competition. If Fedup2 agrees, let’s go for it. I’ll offer to judge. Anyone else want to do that then I am happy to stand aside.
Top photo only and keep it clean!
“That long metal thing is called a ladder – not sure what it’s used for – you’ll have to ask one of the men.”
Morale among female officers has increased since we installed a brass pole for them angled at 45 degrees.
‘No, Prime Minister. I said ‘Pole locks’.’
Good for me – I’m sure there is quite a long queue to join the fire brigade whatever gender it might be .
Whatever gender it might be it might be useful if they’ve rehearsed evacuation from buildings where people live – which sounds like a ladybird book .
Channel 4 News tonight unhappy that some Police chief acquitted in another Hillsborough trial.
No analysis of the trial or even any attempt to offer balance or the possibility of innocence.
Quotes from Burnham and 18 minutes of pissed off lefties then onto Windrush and the need for ‘urgent compensation’
These people hate this country.
The police blamed for opening the gate – but no guilt for the football supporters who behave like animals charging into a football ground – drunk or not . And birnham playing the victim card for all its worth to get his votes …..
Fu2. Clearly there was Police collusion, just as there is NHS collusion, or generically, Public Sector collusion, AKA treason.
In case anyone does not know, or has forgotten about, 1985-05-29 Heysel Stadium disaster, thank you Liverpool FC.
Every day, in one form or another, the country takes a few more steps to complete lawlessness. Question: the elite/Government ignore the ballot box why should the people not ignore the ballot box as well?
Lawlessness and Carnage, the long term end result of unfettered mass immigration. The main reason the people voted for ‘Brexit’.
Here is a very odd story which appears to indicate some movement beneath the surface to get rid of Toxic Tess
There is a picture which I can’t manage to lift which has the legend “Elect a proper Tory leader, click here to join the Tory party” With the image of Boris with Margaret Thatcher between them and Jacob Rees Mogg.
The Labour supporting MEN doesn’t seem capable of realising there is a probable leadership challenge to toxic Tess going on here
We need another Churchill.
“We need another Churchill.”
Or another Guy Fawkes.
Got plenty of them in black cloaks and beards, unfortunately, transits instead of gunpowder, Catesby would be proud, or maybe not
Wonder if Al Beeb will cover this story?
Meanwhile, Liverpool council and police ‘look into’ who has posted stickers around the area saying ‘women don’t have a penis’
The Newsbeat take will be interesting.
‘Creative differences’ have led Danny Boyle to quit as director of the next Bond film – but whatever could have gone wrong with such an immense talent involved?
Personally, I always thought his casting of Grayson Perry as M was a brave move and Diane Abbott as Moneypenny had risks, but perhaps Eddie Izzard in the title role might have proved a step too far for the money-men.
Shame, it could well have been a blockbuster. Despite Brexit.
Just a thought.
The ‘car crash attack’ at Westminster.
It dropped off the BBC online news within a few hours.
If a drunken Stokes (England Cricketer) had done it, how long would it have been headlines?
A year? Two years?
A drunken Boris?
A drunken Farage?
BBC4 Dan Cruckshank just compared white servitude in the Caribbean/America to black slavery
“It is little known”
He describes a man stolen as a boy in Ireland escaped across a swamp .
His guest “If the negroes were not the negroes the Irish would be the negroes”
“Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen admits campaign violation”
What exactly this means, I know not. But you can be sure the BBC will portray it in the worst possible light for the President and that Katty will be on overtime with partisan retweets and the occasional OMG or ! .
Loquacious for her. But she and Jon are chatting.
I am becoming rather tired of the loosely used term “far right”.
I have known before about the rape of Nanking by the Japanese and the other day there appeared a documentary on the History channel about it, much to my surprise as it has been suppressed for many years.
200, 000 – 400,000 chinese massacred within 6 weeks first the males through beheading competitions and used for bayonet practice then all female women and children systematically raped.
If there were any culture on this planet that came close to that in the last 5 years, we can easily find that religion / culture.
Those who use the term far right should think long and hard.
Utterly deplorable, disgusting BBC.
They have finally, finally woken up to the disaster that is Venezuela.
But on the 10 pm news, after a microsecond of film showing kids trying to take things from the back of refuse lorries, the focus is on the mass exodus of 2m people into Columbia, Ecuador, and Brazil, and the usual personal hardship stories. Then, shock horror, we hear that those countries are starting to tighten the borders. Cue the usual bBBC open door immigration narrative.
What is totally missing from the BBC shitheap is any kind of analysis as to what has caused this new humanitarian crisis in the first place.
Let me enlighten them. Socialism. The moral, intellectual, and practical failure of socialism.Uncle Jeremy’s favourite cause.
There. Not difficult is it? Except to the Far Left at the BBC, of course, who cannot bring themselves to present Jezza’s ideals in a bad light.
Nothing at all to do with the bbbc – just a feeble attempt to inject a little levity….. Today’s horse race winners dotted about the country..
and my favourite (to prove we’re all knuckle-dragging p*ssheads…TOPMEUP.
In the same vein, I am sure you are not a 21st century schitzoid… dining on larks tongue, your epitath ? confusion I suppose
Annunaki – I’m not a very frequent commenter here but given the state of things “Confusion” will most definitely be my epitaph – as will yours and most of the other commenters here. (The black queen chants the funeral march – I didn’t mean Abbott BTW). Best wishes from my court –
I have mislaid the vinyl of the young persons guide.. worth some money now ..sigh
Ladies, gentlemen, and BBC priority guests, I give you… the state broadcaster…
Informative AND educational.
Best they can do for white males it seems, black gangster rappers on the other hand….
AKA Levi Roots
Seen Levi roots jerk pizza? How Italian is he ?
Cultural appropriation ..What about stop sniffing around white women and stick to big black mamas ? hmm thought not….
The BBC see him as a great role model*:
“Doherty has been repeatedly arrested for drug offences and those arising from drug use, such as driving under the influence, car theft, and driving with a suspended licence”
“Doherty worked as a drug dealer to pay for his drug habit, as he stated to author Peter Welsh in his biography”
“On 8 April 2008, Doherty was jailed for 14 weeks by a court for breaching a probation order”
“…banned from driving for 18 months, despite the court hearing Doherty had 21 previous drug offences and six motoring offences. Following his release from court, he was escorted by officers to the nearest police station and re-arrested for possession of a controlled substance,[80] later revealed to be heroin.”
“On 20 May, Doherty was sentenced to 6 months in jail for possession of cocaine, following the inquiry into the death of Robin Whitehead”
* Not because of his interest in big breakfasts and controlled substances, but because he is an anti-waycist and was an outspoken opponent of the BNP.
Example of how fake our world is

It’s August yet genuine Google-adwords adverts in various forms featuring Gary Lineker are still embedded in the genuine @RadioTimes TVlistings page & push you to fake GQ article about ED : Erectile Disfunction , so they can sell you dodgy internet viagra
Despite the Sun article in March
* But now people know never to buy products advertised by Virtue Signalling scum like Lineker *
Goal hanger
Why does this feel like the bbc really does want to defend him?
The latest idea from the liberal elite: allow ex-criminals to become magistrates.
What could possibly go wrong?
JG, at the same time they were getting a bit angsty on TOADY in the 6.30-7.00am segment about criminals being let off and escaping jail!
Dots, joining, incapable, of, the ……… BBC News and TOADY.
Answers on a postcard please to HMP Birmingham, sent via drone attached to a quarter of skunk and a packet of king size rizlas (just for ballast)
Is there anyone out there that has evidence of any Right Wing Bias being promulgated by Al Beeb?
The BBC will be publishing Monday the findings from there own investigation into how many of the Grenfell Tower residencies actually had TV licenses. The initial forensic investigation has highlighted which residencies had equipment capable of receiving TV outputs. A leaked memo seen by “sources” has intimated that less than 10% of the residences had a TV licence and that the BBC was pursuing payment up until the fire. The Guardian will also be publishing the names of the tenants that did not have licences at time of the fire.
“The Guardian will also be publishing the names of the tenants that did not have licences at time of the fire.”
The 72 who died, or the 81,204 who voted?
The cover up of the appalling abuse carried out by muslim men mainly from Pakistan continues.
Sky have this headline – “Rotherham abuse victim backs £13m fund to protect vulnerable children”
Nowhere in the article does it mention the fact that several thousand young, white girls were abused, drugged, raped and sodomised by muslim men, mainly from Pakistan.
What it does mention is a 14 year old girl who was groomed by a woman and then passed on to men…………a deliberate attempt to hide the truth.
At the time of posting there is no mention of this story anywhere on the BBC but they do have several headline stories attempting to smear Donald Trump.