Every so often the Far Left claims that the BBC has ‘Right Wing Bias’ but never follows up with clear evidence of that assertion .
But as a Twitter follower I notice more and more beeboids expressing politic views ( always anti brexit and always pro Left) but stating the views are not those of the BBC .
So if these employees of the BBC can use their position to influence others on Social Media – how does the BBC claim to be neutral ?
It’s time to make a new list of these people who use tax payers money to further personal views .
There were three separate shootings in London yesterday but the BBC is talking about puppy sales being banned at pet shops. In the next breath they cheer Facebook suspending ‘misleading’ or ‘manipulative’ accounts. Sounds just like what the BBC does, especially as the gulf between the ‘diverse’ paradise they promised and the hellish reality that has been created in parts becomes ever more stark.
How much money was spent teaching the Police about ‘diversity’ and saying ‘communities’ did not ‘trust them’ because they were too white? Think of all the factors that motivate criminals – as if the skin colour of the person arresting you has anything to do with it. It is sickening how of other people’s money leftists waste on initiatives that not only do not work but often make the problem even worse. How is none of the lefty, all join hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’ garbage not decried as fake news?
R4. They are all so happy to be promoting the trials in US – but only because of the links to Trump – even though the one of Paul Manafort was all before Trump was president and actually nothing to do with his campaign. This doesnt stop the BBC linking the phrase guilty and Trumps ex campaign manager – despite there being no real link.
As for Trumps Lawyer…he is being brow beaten and again what he did he did for himself – and now suddenly he says it’s Trump…( but only after being threatened with 65 years in jail)…
I hope this all comes back on the press and the lawyers – it is a witch hunt of the likes never seen for Clinton despite his known failings in office.
But get ready for a whole day of BBC Trump bashing – forget Venezuela, the crises in the EU, measles epidemics
Bbc morning email…
“It was as though the verdicts had been synchronised by a Hollywood producer, our North America editor Jon Sopel writes.”
What, like hundreds of editorials in US media and the bbc?
“A double whammy like this would sink most politicians, but as our correspondent notes, Mr Trump’s die-hard supporters will no doubt stick with him.”
‘Our correspondent’, now, Jon? And those supporters would be… the majority of voters?
“However, these stains could put off traditional Republicans and independents alike, and that could be crucial at the November mid-term elections”
Could, could it, Jon? Here’s hoping, eh? Petulant hack.
Sorry JA, did not see this before posting my own effort.
“….the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.” Sound familiar? Certain Americans (secret members of the NWO) are at it again….McCarthyism – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism
John Redwood MP gives his thoughts on why Today is losing listeners:
Isn’t it strange that if the EU is so important to us that the BBC (still) does so little reporting on Europe? It’s almost as if they secretly love the USA!
“The third shooting incident in London this week”
So says BBC London news – and it’s only Wednesday.
Meanwhile BBC national tv news headlines are topped by an anti-Trump story about some former lawyer who apparently promised he would “take a bullet” for Donald.
Next top headline is at least about the UK. British authorities will “crack down on…” wait for it… “pet shops selling puppies and kittens”
This prompts the question: Are we being well-served by our national broadcaster?
Well, the BBC is campaigning this morning. Jane McCubbin (a fussy, bespectacled, northern lass reporter) has got out her horse-drawn suffragette wagon (I kid you not) and is agitating for private landlords to be forced to accept housing benefit tenants – often single mothers (as our Jane explains).
Oh, and the BBC are doing the public health thing. Persuading parents to take their kids for eye tests in response to a campaign launched by the opticians. All free on the NHS we are told.
So the BBC fills a public health remit, campaigns for lefty causes, brings us lefty-flavoured news from abroad and ignores immigration-related problems here at home. If you like that sort of thing, it’s all ok.
AISI “kittens”
I remember when Labour saved the fluffy fox cubs after months of parliamentary discussions.
Labour then decided to kill one million people in Iraq after perfunctory parliamentary scrutiny using “evidence” they knew was false.
BlackBC crowing and wetting their collective frilly knickers about Manafort (lawyer, crook), Cohen (lawyer, crook) and Mueller (lawyer, I cannot find that he is a known crook).
Clearly, the Rockerfellers, Rothschilds, and other gangsters at the top of the money tree in the USA, are concerned about the efforts of the great president Donald Trump.
So they are pulling strings, calling in favours, threatening to expose sensitive information to the press, bribing as a last resort, all the swamp dwellers.
Clearly the Trump campaign team has been packed with low life fifth columnists, who after Trump’s victory, are now crawling out of their rotting logs in attempts to, if possible, invalidate the election. Just like the lefty losers after Brexit. Only one methodology, cheat.
Dear Mr Trump, I realise you are very busy, but I believe that it is now time for you to mass the combined police and intelligence services of the USA and, in a merciless manner, investigate the Clintons who have arranged murders.
Any other collateral damage produced by this investigation about eg, Obama, would be most welcome.
Then cut the canopy out of the money tree and let the marionette manipulators fall to the ground. Because, Mr President, that is where the enemies of the USA dwell; not in Russia.
God bless America.
LCS, I have just been trying to find information on what exactly Michael Cohen has been charged with and pleaded guilty to. We are not being told by the BBC.
I tried searching the BBC but – no surprise – there was nothing there, even though they try to explain and FactCheck the EU Referendum and Brexit to the nth degree.
A Google search reveals nothing. Interestingly, some US pages on the subject appear to have been taken down.
I will try later to see if the US Court has a web-site. This whole thing is most peculiar.
” In his statement before the court, Cohen said he violated campaign finance laws “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” meaning Trump, “for the principal purpose of influencing the election” for president in 2016”.
Started as an Ambulance chaser. Former Obama supporter (I know, why use these people?). Etc.
Current Wikipedia article on Cohen.
LCS, that is only one of the charges. IIRC, there were seven others – alleged bank & tax frauds.
Cohen’s been charged with eight counts of unlawful activity – six would appear to be valid (tax evasion), one is questionable and one is downright ludicrous – and it’s the last one which is solely political in nature to pull the President into the investigation. The corrupt US District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) are claiming that a payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels to settle a nuisance claim is a campaign contribution – despite the Federal Elections Committee saying that the payment doesn’t constitute an FEC violation.
I hope someone can keep me right here, because I’m losing track of who’s who. Is Cohen the lawyer who supposedly recorded his conversations with Trump, driving a coach and horses through lawyer-client confidentiality?
Who will presumably have been threatened with harsher treatment for other misdemeanours unless he sings the tune they want him to sing?
But we’re expected to take what he alleges as gospel?
Yes, quite right Roland.
And since when did the BBC decide that the word of a lying, dishonest, money-grabbing prostitute was gospel?
RD, another unanswered question is why the two women have not been arrested and charged with blackmail?
I’m also confused – was this Cohen’s arraignment appearance – where he enters his pleas?
The BBC are horribly light on information on this whole thing. Is there a reason why they are waving the spotlight above everyones heads?
One interesting thing did appear to slip out via the BBC: Michael Cohen’s firm was submitting simple (non-detailed) invoices to Trump’s company (not ‘the candidate’ or Donald Trump personally) and these were not being queried and just paid by someone at the Trump Corp..
Very unbusiness-like behaviour by both parties.
Probably when they had various ex-Labour and Lib Dem MP’s on as guests.
The beeb has a caught a whiff of something it thinks may lead to a Trump impeachment. In fact, you can hear on R4 that there is now great excitement about this, with Sopel being the most excited.
Look to weeks of the beeb’s great ‘new’ project being unrolled. Whatever you do, don’t look for a balanced provision of news and comment.
I try to avoid the BBC, especially the “BBC News” – aka Fiction. But when I have seen Sopel I have noticed that when he gets excited by some set of b.s. his voice gets higher and higher. Has he reached squeak level yet?
D – It’s because his friend Owen is becoming over enthusiastic.
I put on Five Live last night and it was a Trump bashing bonanza so I switched to Radio Four which was just as bad. Then I switch to Four Extra and it is Paul Sinha – who is a good comic – talking about coming out as gay to his Bengali father and how anyone can be British.
All agenda, all the time. LBC were talking about lawlessness in London which seems to me a somewhat more pressing issue. The presenter said how surely if you are the type to shoot someone then playing darts at a youth club is not going to help you much. The ‘youth club solves every problem’ lie might be the all time most ridiculous liberal bullsh*t. God we could come up with a top 100 or so of them.
Who on Earth goes to ‘youth clubs’ now anyway? It is not 1920. Kids are very image conscious and it sounds extremely uncool to me.
I think “migrants and asylum-seekers make a positive contribution to our society and economy” is right up near the top of the most ridiculous liberal bullsh*t.
BB – You’ve made me laugh. This proposal has been trotted out for decades as an answer to delinquency and crime. I remember well-meaning chaps from Frankie Vaughan in 1968 to Iain Duncan Smith in 2002 going to Easterhouse in Glasgow and calling for greater investment in social amenities – the “youth club solution”. Millions were poured into the Easterhouse Project – without much result.
The trouble in my view is the character of the people, not public investment. The aspirational working class in Glasgow moved out to successful new towns like East Kilbride and Cumbernauld. The less motivated remained in dumps like Easterhouse. Entrepreneurs won’t set up businesses in violent areas like Easterhouse until they become peaceful and civilised. And the people won’t prosper until they get jobs. So the question that needs to be asked is how to do we get rid of the violence. Youth clubs clearly don’t do the job.
There was a judge in the 1950s who successfully dealt with Glasgow’s razor gangs. Lord John Carmont handed out really long jail sentences to anyone caught carrying a razor. The razor gangs disappeared virtually overnight.
I don’t know BB… have you seen the new version of KerPlunk? That shit’s real. I’ve yet to see anyone go out stabbing after a few hardcore games of an evening.
Stormzy is a massive fan apparently
‘Darts’? What could go wrong?
The Liberals have a long list of bullsh*t why there is crime, especially crime from non-native descendants, such as:
1. Lack of youth clubs, due to Tory austerity – an Owen Jones favourite.
2. Racism, i.e. they cannot get a job in white companies. Nothing to do with their tattoos, bad attitude in interviews and lack of qualifications for missing school.
3. Historic slave trade. Anyone born into black skin is already disadvantaged compared to the whites financial gains from 500 years ago.
4. “Opportunities” get bounced about alot. Somehow blacks in the UK don’t have the same opportunities as say, the Royal family (who are white).
Same as the Muslim apologists, making excuses for a certain group of people without ever saying that group alone is to blame will never ever fix the problem.
Part of the problem is that liberals think crime is due to deprivation rather than depravity.
Jon Sopel admits on air that he is hyperbolic. (BBC R4 TOADY 8.15am approx)
I wonder if that will get any headlines, especially on the BBC?
Does end in ‘ic’, yes.
Another booty.
“!”.as Katty is wont to punctuate her sentences without words.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Islamophobic Mahatma Gandhi
Receding Islam on the BBC … watch as the Hijab recedes, should it not be a full Burka to show Islam is the greatest of all tolerant female empowering religions?
“I (Russell Brand) hate all religions, except Islam. Islam will kill me for hating plus hate is a crime in 2018. Read more as I get paid £100 per hour from the Guardian (bought by the BBC) ..”
I have to confess that the endless ‘agendarising’ of the race issue is really getting on my tits.
I see billboards for the film Yardie and it causes a negative reaction in me. Partly because it will be glorifying hoodlums but primarily because I know the Beeb and the media will be using its release as another means to further their agenda that only now are blacks pushing back against the disgusting white nationalism that has prevailed for so long in this country. Only now are blacks having their voices heard. Only know could Elba make a film like this.
But it is all bullshit. It is a fabricated narrative pumped up and manipulated to create further division.
It is the knowledge that you can’t watch a film like Black Panther or Yardie or listen to Stormzy without knowing that the diversity agenda is going to be forcibly rammed down your throats. Because the media wants to erase the past, because everything has to be in the moment right now, the age of enlightenment (provided by the Beeb and their brethren) is only now because before today we were living in the dark ages.
Black Panther is the first black superhero film yet I saw Hancock featuring Will Smith 10 years ago in 2008 and Blade featuring Wesley Snipes 10 years before that in 1998. I didn’t watch them because I was ‘right on’ or because I was woke or wanted to support the black community. I watched them because they were cool and entertaining films. I knew the leads were black but it didn’t matter. I could enjoy them for who the characters were (interesting, engaging and fun) rather than what they were (black).
In the 80’s and 90’s I was listening to and loving Michael Jackson. The guy was black, we all knew he was black yet he was and still is the greatest pop performer the world has ever known. But our enjoyment of him united us by allowing the tribal drama to fall away. He wasn’t ‘their’ community representative, he was just Michael Jackson.
The media like to preach their doom that we are more divided than ever but it’s the media and the left which have created this. Their endless division of people into separate groups, the endless talk of what has someone done for your group, their endless talk of something being a first for the black community (when it patently isn’t) is the drip drip that leads to those that didn’t used to see things in colour, now being forced to see everything as a tribal issue.
I loved Bad Boys when it came out 23 years ago. Yes, the two charismatic leads were black but I wasn’t made to feel like I was culturally appropriating them if I enjoyed the film. I wasn’t having it rammed down my throat that this was the first big budget black buddy cop film and I should forget the enjoyment that I was receiving but rather concentrate on the ‘good’ that it was doing for a repressed and down trodden community. I wasn’t subliminally or overtly told to feel shame or guilt at my privilege.
The leads were black, they were cool and it was hugely entertaining – that was it. The politics still weren’t there 15 years ago when Bad Boys 2 came out. It was flashy, it was trashy, the leads were still black and it was still wildly entertaining. The films were in the mainstream, Denzel was winning at the Oscars and the journey into normal assimilation was proceeding fine. But then it changed. Self-absorbed individuals started to push their agendas, bandwagons were created and films containing minorities that would have been the norm suddenly had to become all self-important. It couldn’t be entertaining without being educational, it couldn’t have a story without having a message.
I can’t help but think that if a new version came out today (not Bad Boys 3 but something different yet the same) that it would be marketed in such a way that you couldn’t ignore the politics, the script would be laced with sly digs at white people and red carpet interviews just full of questions about how important THIS film was for the community.
Candace Owens recently had another great talk with Stefan Molyneaux where they covered off some great topics, one of which was Kanye West trying to throw some light on black conservatism.
I know Kanye was recently on Jimmy Kimmel where he was asked what Trump had done for him as a black man. I so wish that he had called Jimmy out by saying ‘what does it matter what he has done for me as a black man. Shouldn’t we be asking about what he has done for us as Americans?’ It was just another example of the left and the media trying to divide people into groups. Why are the left demeaning people into thinking that they can only consider what benefits their tribe? Can they not look at the bigger picture, can they not grasp the bigger collective? Would he ask Tim Allen what Trump has done for him as a white man? How the hell can we come together as a combined unit when the media (and a big chunk of these actual groups) are doing everything they can to remind us all that we are all separate distinctive groups?
When I was growing up, if a person of colour was always banging on about their repression, discrimination etc. I might be told that they had a chip on their shoulder. That they felt the world owed them a living for the slight that they or their parents might have received. But yet now, years further on from that point of discrimination, years further advanced where racism is rightfully deemed incorrect and we have even more people with chips on their shoulders. And not from their direct experiences but rather from what they have been force fed to believe, to look out for and to prepare for – that somehow the white man has it in for them and they will never succeed whilst under the heel of our boots.
It is such a joke. For all the media’s positive agenda, for all of the left’s utopia of inclusion they are the very agents of discord and division working tirelessly to sow the seeds and remind whites that they are the oppressors and that blacks and other minorities are the victims.
Apologies for the long arsed rant!
All agreed. As you intimate, the end result of all the conspiratorial drives by the media results only in a hardening of division and a revulsion of that obvious conspiracy. Its the same as the recent clamour (justifiably) to support our new hero, Tommy Robinson despite the State trying to kill him off. The responsible people will instinctively go the other way. But the lefty Marxists do not understand that and on the current trajectory, it will all end in tears.
It will certainly magnify the divisions but I can’t be sure that people will see the conspiracy and the reason for it happening.
Yes, many do look behind the headlines but is it enough to reverse this fragmenting path that the left and MSM are pathologically obsessed with pushing us down?
If the falling numbers of BBC viewers is anything to go by, many are now recognising the folly of simply accepting whats dished up by the BBC and other broadcasters + MSM. The resentment is growing.
No worry
I don’t know what stormsy Or kimmy jibble is . Who is Kanyer?
Am I supposed to be out of touch – ? I’m proud that I don’t know what “Love island “ is . Guess I take thing to seriously
So the democrat FBI an DoJ is trying to get President Trump by the criminal court route.
Those Toady bods really sounded chipper before the off switch was hit at 0620.
The swamp really does want to get back to ‘ no business ‘ as usual .
Amazing isn’t it ? Brexit polarised Blighty and the Democrats polarised America – both using msm .
I see Robert Spencers Mastercard account has been suspended as a result of pressure by a collaboration between two Marxist organisations – https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/08/21/report-splc-color-of-change-played-role-in-mastercard-blacklisting-robert-spencer/
Its bad enough that he has been banned from entering the UK by our treasonous Treezer.
“…and establishing a global Caliphate; priceless”.
Islam … took Judaism and Christianity and rewrote it adding camels and child brides … religious culture appropriation (DAWN BUTLER TO COMMENT)?
Hitchens explains Islam and why it is so STUPID.
“The Koran is borrowed from both Jewish and Christian myths …”
So, because the Windrush migrants failed to hang on to their documents as proof of entry to the UK, – its everyone else’s fault except their own. So now we have pious comments from that comedy duo Sajid & Chukka, promising compensayshun for those who were deported back to the W.Indies (never commentating on those who cant wait to go back!!).
Um, we appear to dole out compensayshun monies for every bloody alleged carriage of misjustice ! so where is the money coming from to fund all these cases, because we are constantly told about funding cuts in every aspect of our life !
Is there a Jerk flotilla back planned?
BRISSELS – My prediction: as long as there is a single white person who still has feelings of guilt about race issues, there will be Sajids and Chukkas, spotting a chance for a fast buck, disguised as a moral enterprise.
I don’t have my account number when I phone British Gas. Where is my compensation?
Dear Victoria Derbyshire. Is there war and torture in France? Is that why these migrants need to get to England?
Today this morning.
Sopel explains that impeachment is a political process that requires a majority in each of Congress and Senate.
He goes on to say that if Trump is impeached then that could backfire by rallying his supporters in the electorate such that they vote him into office again.
So either the reason Trump won’t be impeached is base political calculation (as opposed to absence of any authentic impeachable offence) or he will be impeached and that will be the main reason Trump wins a second term (as opposed to having delivered on his manifesto during his first term).
I don’t want Sopel’s punditry or “analysis”. Just the facts and comment from a fair balance of third parties.
No wonder people are switching off in droves.
Jon, Katty and Anthony sing in chorus:
“Let us count the ways!”
Katty has written a sentence!
Mind you, a can of worms has been opened too.
Classic BBC…….”Only two presidents have ever been impeached in the history of the US, and it’s not who you think.”
Yes it is – it’s Bill Clinton and no-one else in our lifetime matters. Just to remind you BBC, that’s the same Bill Clinton that abused the authority of his office in the most serious way by having sex with as many woman as he could whilst president. He took advantage of someone less than half his age then lied about it over and over again until he was thrown out of office.
He’s the same Bill Clinton that is married to Hillary Clinton who supported her husband throughout his disgraceful tenure and who you actively supported in an effort to make her POTUS.
He’s also the same Bill Clinton that has a daughter who you are now actively supporting in her early stages of running for future office but has no qualifications whatsoever apart from being the child of two of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians we have ever known.
Good news .. no wasted money going to Mecca ..
The cancellation comes amid claims that the BBC became nervous. ‘The word here is that senior executives got cold feet about promoting Islam,’ an insider tells me.
‘They felt that if we were going to broadcast a programme about a Muslim pilgrimage, we would have to make one about other religious pilgrimages as well.’
Last year, Tory MP Sir Bill Cash criticised the BBC for appointing a Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as its head of religious programming for TV for a second time. He said: ‘It is really important that we have a proper balance.’ When the BBC announced the series last May, it spoke gushingly of how Nadiya was ‘the perfect person to share with viewers her experience of one of the world’s truly great human spectacles’.
It commissioned Top Hat Productions to make the series, and months had been spent obtaining permits from the famously impenetrable Saudi Arabian regime. Top Hat also organised an all-Muslim crew. (no gays, apostates, jews, or trans genders or atheists)
‘Unfortunately, it’s not happening,’ confirms Top Hat boss Marisa Verazzo. ‘It’s all very sensitive. We were told at the beginning of last week.’
A BBC spokesman says: ‘While the series is not going ahead in the announced form at present, there is absolutely no truth to the false suggestion that this is due to concerns about promoting Islam.’
. . . .
Religion of peace “organised an all-Muslim crew.” .. religion of tolerance “organised an all-Muslim crew.” … jobs for Muslims Only paid by the BBC.
EXCELLENT comment by Sarah Vine (today’s D/Mail)…..
“Another year, another series of Bake Off. What was a quirky but deadly serious show about baking is now little more than a vehicle for finding the next Nadiya Hussain…………… “
‘Australian drought: Muslims hold Eid event to pray for rain’
‘About 30,000 Australian Muslims gathered in Sydney on Tuesday to pray for an end to what’s been called the worst drought in living memory.’
Has the BBC suddenly shed their enlightened scepticism and come over all religious?
Probably not.
‘Lord Carey says hostility towards the religion [Christianity] came from a combination of “well-meaning” political correctness, multiculturalism and “overt opposition to Christianity”.
‘I was once told by a BBC producer that I could not appear on BBC Scotland’s’ Thought for the Day’ because I wanted to use the phrase ‘Britain’s’ Christian Traditions’ – apparently it was too offensive!’
‘The head of the BBC, Mark Thompson, has admitted that the broadcaster would never mock Mohammed like it mocks Jesus.’
Grand Slam, thank you ma’am
‘Serena Williams tops Forbes list for highest-earning female athletes’
‘Williams earned just $62,000 (£48,050) from prize money during the past year – owing largely to her 14-month break to have a baby – but made $18m (£13.95m) through endorsements.’
AISI, did you know Serena had had a baby?
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?
Did I know Serena had had a baby?
You bet I know! Every single bloody time I tune into BBC sports news to find out the football latest or the test match score they remind me Serena has had a baby.
She really should thank the BBC for all that scruptious good PR they give her for free.
More Daniel Bostock
This one is against the BBC and its racism
Notice that is on Bitchute
In an earlier vid he mentioned the Youtube censorship against him
That suddenly he got 3 copyright strikes against his account for the parody songs
Of a strange form .. ‘take down the Antifa parody straight away, but not your Isis parody’
So he goes away checks the law , and finds he’s well within it
Youtube responded by dropping the charges.
But to see his full videos now, you have to look on
Pewtube ..which is banned on TalkTalk here
or on Bitchute or on his Facebook page
German right-wing leader challenged on immigration – BBC Newsnight
BBC Newsnight interviewer lost the plot and starts shouting at 6.10 into the interview.
The German woman really handed it to the BBC leftie who could only interrupt and argue. Funny how someone who does not even live in Germany knows more about the country than a German citizen! She was reading off a script and could not handle herself.
Well done to the German woman for being prepared and keeping her cool against the disgusting BBC!
The only line I wish Beatrix von Storch had added, in response to the Maitlis hectoring was: ‘Well of course we want to deport illegal immigrants. What part if illegal do you not understand?’
“You don’t really have to shout at me when you’re doing an interview.”
Maitlis tries her best to rattle the lady from AfD but ends up getting rattled herself.
Kudos to lady from AfD for coolness under pressure, and in a language foreign to her.
Beeboids really don’t like it when right wingers turn out to be rational and eloquent rather than knuckle dragging skinheads as they invariably assume.
Well the Germans are just like us, they have their loons like every country but they also have some very level headed people. This is not the Germany of the 1930s but modern Germany with modern problems comparable to ours are there are people trying to deal with these problems. The BBC are the ones with the 1930s attitude, somewhat brainwashed by their leftie masters.
Give her some respect by using her name : Beatrix von Storch
PS there seems to be some kind of technical problem “comments are disabled on this video” ha ha
Oh it’s not a recent video it’s June 20th
For the BBC recent does not matter. If this interview was conducted tomorrow they would be the same
I wonder how many Islamic immigrants Ms. Maitlis would like living with her, and whether she would discourage pregnancy in white ethnic people in her neck of the woods, and encourage Muslims to have babies, instead?
This type of interview is a typical example of what has driven me to eschew the BBC – totally biased, shouty, and indignant.
“Not True” should be BBC alternative motto.
I hate the BBC.
Old Goat – Maitlis is clearly in the grip of progressive utopian fantasies about Islam and obviously believes in Muslims living amongst us – that’s you and me, not her, I’d wager. I remember when Jan Leeming was attacked in the BBC building. It was ages before I learned that her attackers were black. (They were coy about race even back then.) The whole incident ceased to be incomprehensible once that piece of information came out. Race, religion, culture, IQ, values – all these and more are important in sizing up people and deciding if you want them near you. All people are NOT all the same, as progressives like Maitlis like to pretend. By the by, a great thing about Jan Leeming is that she is in favour of capital punishment for murder. One of her attackers went on to murder someone after he was released.
Thanks for posting this DS. Interesting Freudian slip by Maitlis at 2:56: “which is turning… potentially drowning refugees away on a boat…”
If one’s primary concern really was to minimise the numbers of drowned migrants, I wonder if Maitlis knows that there are ports to dock much closer than the coast of Europe (for north Africa at least)?
BBC always unjoining the dots.
The BBC, Newsnight, losing the plot and… controlling the edit.
Oh, and Gorka had just kicked him around the park again.
I have not watched any Newsnight for years. Having now watched your link, I can say Evan Davis gets to look more like the shrivelled midget Obi-wan Kanobi as he ages.
Dr Gorka is always good value when he takes on the MSM . If we lived in a country with real choices and real free speech he’d have his own programme …. ( yes I’m a fan )
I’m glad I never watch newsnight anymore as going to bed with a high blood pressure is not good at all – not is the dreadful high horse Maitless.
Nice line from maitless about drowning migrants – I wonder if she really believes that .
Thanks for posting. Maitlis, Evan Davis and the rest of the Newsnight crew are a disgrace. Either shouting and leaning in and interrupting like Maitlis or condescending and arrogant with a shit eating grin like Davis.
They aren’t hard hitting or respected, just a couple of rabid, frothing at the mouth dogs spewing up any old crap. I saw at one point in the interrogation when Emily reached for the “Donald Trump forcibly separating children from their families and putting them in cages” – Jesus woman, your liberal bias and fanaticism is actually laughable.
Best of all was the ‘you’re just whipping up crime figures to scare people’. Oh what like when the Beeb and other MSM did everything they could to suppress the attacks that happened in Cologne that New Years Eve. If the Beeb had had their way it wouldn’t have been reported because you mustn’t tell people what’s going, you must lie to them. Hopefully then people liked Emily could be asked to present on NYE from Cologne the following year and get the sudden and startling realisation about what it is the papers weren’t reporting.
Then she could act like a couple of stupid naive individuals who believed all people were fundamentally decent, loved unicorns and swam in rivers of chocolate before they decided to cycle through Tajakistan and ran into the very real world that they believed was all a sham.
And the BBC smear Corbyn do they?
‘Labour leader Corbyn ‘confident’ of growing support in Scotland’
What is this then? Promotional for Labour? Trying to bring back Corbynmania?
The Tories and Lib Dems also won seats in Scotland last year as well so why are the BBC only focusing on Labour’s gains?
Could you imagine such a headline about UKIP, AfD or FN?
So Daily Mail do you have a position on free speech ?

That lady at the beginning bears a striking resemblance to the one flailing a guy with a mop for wearing the wrong hat.
Ok BBC, I give up.
15 minutes of the News Channel today has been a Damascene moment.
I’ve been guided by my own judgement and experience in my thinking up until now. Clearly I was wrong about most things. From now on I’ll be guided by the BBC.
Donald Trump was a really bad choice for President (pales in reflection to the previous chap) so perhaps we can bring back Hillary – or failing that Chelsea. Not that we here in the UK have any real choice in the matter.
Closer to home the Brexit situation is going to be so very bad (and that’s our fault not Brussels) that we need to reverse the decision asap.
India are better than us at cricket.
And women’s rugby is a really really good thing.
Did I forget anything? Tell you what, whatever you think is best BBC let’s all just agree to do that. Ok now? Can you stop banging on and on and let me off the Licence Fee?
See you at Friday’s prayers?
Just listening to the drama, ‘Tommies’ on BBC Radio 4, here is the BBC’s own write up of this episode
22 August 1918
“Mrs Adeline Washington is one of only four black American YMCA workers, sent to support the 200,000 black American soldiers arriving in France in 1918.
In this story by Patricia Cumper and Jonathan Ruffle, Mrs Washington’s duties should keep her away from the fighting. But when she uncovers a shocking secret about the US 371st Regiment, currently in the frontline at Esnes-en-Argonne, she has to find any way to get there – and fast.”
The whole episode is about the treatment of black soldiers in the US Army, in other words another exercise in diversity diarrhea propaganda by the BBC. The whole of Radio 4 schedule now seems to broadcast programmes that contain a strong BAME reference.
Point of information BBC, the term ‘Tommies’ was used to refer to BRITISH soldiers in both world wars.
Not too difficult to guess the theme behind this ‘drama’, but for a more balanced view try Jami Bryan’s article ‘Fighting for Respect’ at Military History On-Line.
Looks as if the diversity post-modern team of the BBC has got to Wickipedia where, “Tommy Atkins – slang for a common soldier in the First World War”.
I’ll stick to the truthful undiversified version in my Oxford English Reference Dictionary: “A British Private soldier;”.
But what can you expect from a lying, dishonest broadcaster like the BBC?
War Office: Collection of Orders, Regulations, etc. 1815
Specimen Form:
Ruyard Kipling certainly established ‘Tommy’ as our own:
And Tommy Robinson is the proud, modern day reflection of our tradition, very much a “Saviour of ‘is country”.
They are hyperventilating about some actual charges for the Trump team but the whole things stinks to me. They promised us darkest treason of the Philby variety but instead after over 400 days we get petty, trumped up and probably fabricated charges. Imagine the pressure they must have put on these men with the whole might and fury of liberal elite behind them.
Find me the man and I will find you the crime. They could get any of us if they searched through our lives deeply enough; we all know their real crime was to be on Trump’s team. It stinks to high heaven but of course the vile BBC is rejoicing, just like when it conveniently appeared that Vote Leave had overspent which conveniently voided our vote. This is the sort of persecution of political opponents their favourite bogeyman Putin does.
I hope this all backfires. The behaviour of our elites over Trump and Brexit really has been sickening. I would love nothing more than to give them another pummelling at the ballot box if I were voting in November.
Has any president or administration ever come under so much scrutiny (not to mention the dirty tricks). Can you imagine what they’d have uncovered if Clinton and Obama had the same spotlight shone on their dirty little secrets and practices.
No, but i wouldn’t worry. The truth has to be revealed at some point…ie when Brennan and Strzok et al are prosecuted. After all when Huber indicts them , how is the ‘Fake News’ media going to omit mentioning that? They will do their best of course, but at some point the damn will break. How long it takes depends on the mid-terms. If the Republicans ‘win’ god help those cnts in the FBI and DOJ and Obama’s cronies because Trump will see everyone of them locked up for a very long time. It’s hilarious no one mentions Tony Podesta, who worked alongside Paul Manafort for the Ukrainians. It’s so blatantly corrupt I don’t know how the BBC ‘reporters’ have the gall to turn up to work each day. They must have absolutely zero professional pride.
I see women are dominating the awards for the Edinburgh Comedy Award best newcomer. Expect an orgasmic article from the BBC. PC pressure has nothing to do with it of course and women have become much funnier over the past ten years.
I didn’t think they still broadcast comedy on the BBC, learn something new everyday.
Are there any women comedians ?? Those that I have actually chuckled at were in sitcoms years ago.
My wife is funny – but usually unintentionally – which makes it even more funny.
Looks like Dr Phil Hammond – described as a ‘presenter and comedian’ – is also one of ‘les expendables’ with his sacking a pathetic attempt to illustrate the well documented BBC impartiality.
His intention to stand against Jacob Rees-Mogg at the next election has all the signs of contrivance, as is the BBC reaction, of course. Together with the Twitter storm to come.
Special TV Tonight #InvertedRacism
8pm BBC1 The Lenny Henry 60th birthday specia
8pm BBC2 : Kaskmir recipes
8pm BBC2 : Bangladesh recipes
9pm BBC4 My Asian family : The musical
Strangely normal progs
9pm BBC2 : doco about Male suicide
10:30pm C4 : An in-depth hour-long investigation into the collapse of Carillion – the most shocking business story I’ve ever covered.
Sadly I have already planned to paint a chest-of-drawers between 8 and 9pm which unfortunately conflicts with Lenny’s Birthday Special. The work should take about half an hour and my armchair is already in position for me to watch the drying process in comfort over the remaining time. The following documentary on Male Suicide, I am quite sure, is simply an unfortunate coincidence.
Quite something when almost the whole al beeb output is just one long happy clappy multicultural party – the high spot must be about increasing male suicide at 9pm ….
I was gonna throw is any easy gag but I know suicide is a serious issue and a couple of my friends hit the exit young .
Well, its my 70th in October, so will Lenny Henry come and observe me going about my daily grind on the day itself ?
Daily grind Briss? At 70? Well done.
On second thoughts, do you really think a 6ft black bloke shouting ‘Katanga!’ every few minutes will help things along?
Lol ! tch tch tch ! one has to be SO careful how one words things on here !!!
Be careful what you wish for.
Beltane… any chance you could stream this or put it on YouTube? It looks a lot more interesting than what the BBC are doing.
Stew – isn’t that the Asian channel ?
Meanwhile Radio is not jam packed with BME today
4:30pm R4 Media show : Amol asks “The Metro is only UK national paper to increase its circulation and the TLS has also seen a significant rise in its readers this year.
How are they bucking the trend? ”
Dunno how does a FREE newspaper manage to get more readers
can’t be as simple as just handing more copies out, can it ?
I said that Radio4 is not jam packed with BME today
I had not even considered that the episode o Tommies would be given over to being about African Americam women volunteers
..now I seeCassandra’s post
helpful EU Partners

Belgian Police say they just wave on asylum seekers who are on their way to Britain
Thanks Belgium, couldn’t let us come third in the World Cup and now this?
So – President Trump is looking at impeachment – being a bit weak on the US constitution I think the two houses have to vote for it . The last time a President was heading to be impeached – Nixon – he jumped before they got him .
I think President Trump would go the whole way . In any event the convictions of some of his crew -Tuesday – will the likes of Sopel more cheerful that for a long time .
Couple of months to the midterms and methinks CNN al beeb and the NYtimes will be put back in their box but the bubble won’t understand why …
( jobs , economy , military , America First ) will chime a bit more than metropolitan machinations .
The last president to be impeached was Bill Clinton. the reason you don’t recall this minor political event is that the BBC and the soft left have white washed it from history.
I am afraid Trump’s travails won’t be ignored by the BBC, but with him rising in the polls, then the November elections could require smelling salts for the staff at the world’s most trust broadcaster.
Scrib – thanks – I never realised it got that far .
They will launch impeachment proceedings in the House if they get a majority but they will never get the 2/3s in the Senate to see him thrown out of office. If the Republicans maintain control I assure you, this lot will pay heavily for this. Mueller, Brennan, Clinton, Podesta ..Trump will see all of them locked up for a very long time.
Enrichers : Mohammed Iqbal Bharodawala, 45, father-of-six and His 35-year-old brother, Abdul Kadar Bharodawal
BBC releases contract tender for next 7 years hotel and taxis
the budget is £239 Million
… it’s supposed to be committed to cutting taxi spending, but actually assumes it will keep spending the same .
Times and Express etc
BBC Online News video:
“”Brits try EU migrants’ veg picking jobs””
The ‘Brits’ are five young middle class snowflakes, several probably at Uni. Four are wimmin. They are advised not to wear make up because of the rain–but refuse.
Snowflake says,
“”Migrant workers work really hard, probably harder than us, so if they’re willing to come here, really great””.
“”Thank God they are here, really””
Job done. BBC anti-Brexit narrative supported.
But what else do we expect from the Brexit Bashing Corporation?
I caught some Radio 4 at lunch time, not sure of the program, but it included the news that EU immigration is substantially down. Good news I would have thought, since that is what most of the public want. Not on the Beeb though, there response was whats going to happen to all the jobs EU nationals do and the usual negative Brexit narrative.
In my current temp job I get to see a weekly data file showing a subset (not the total population) of new recruits at a well-known global Bank.
I’ve been there two months now and the thing I noticed that, apart from those residing out in the Shires – virtually all of them living in London, Birmingham, Manchester etc all have foreign names – mix of EU, Middle-East and African names. And noticeably more women than men.
Anecdotal I know, but it’s a sign of the times I guess.
Maybe the BBC could do an updated Dad’s Army with Capt Mainwaring trying to keep his troupe of multi-culti bank clerks ship-shape to combat the evils -not of the Nazis -but of brexit and Trump.
There’s an easy answer to the fake claim that the BBC is pro UKIP
“UKIP policy is to scrap the licence fee and make BBC subscription only.”
So we can see UKIp is not in bed with the BBC .
If the BBC is really anti-Labour why don’t Labour have a similar policy ?
Comment is superfluous.
Worth reading comments for a laugh. Little detail given in the actual ‘news’ report – clearly included cos of the ‘rectal examination’ component which probably got the Beeboids excited.
Stigma ???? I just wonder why anyone bothers to even WANT to go to Yuni these days, they are just staffed by clowns.
Sod it, I thought he looked like a stick of Candy and my wife asked me to repeat myself twice more.
I missed this murder. “Germany: Muslim migrant stabs German woman to death on a Düsseldorf street”
Don’t want to appear flippant but, only one? Well that’s all right then! Its when it gets to Londonistan proportions the Germans will probably accept that as our, Government’s police, they can do little about it. (Yes, I referred to, “Government’s police” – it certainly is no longer the public’s).
I missed it too..quite literally. I am in the Belle vue hotel in Friedrichstadt having arrived on the sunday. The crime was about a half mile from where I am but I walked in the opposite direction to get the U-Bahn on the monday morning. Yes around the Hbf you don’t won’t to go out after dark…alot of moroccan gangs and of course the usual Turks. Not a pleasant place.
That’s a shame I used to work regularly in Dusseldorf and loved it – have’t been back for a while- seems like diversity has taken hold.
Even if the BBC weren’t so obviously biased, we’ve still got cause to complain for the unprofessional and inept state of the organisation. I’ve just heard a prime example on R5. The headline was something along the lines of ‘More people with criminal records are needed to become magistrates to improve diversity… blah blah…’ The presenter welcomed some bod from the magistrates organisation and repeated this claim.
His guest said this is NOT what he said. He simply stated that many people with minor criminal records can still apply but were under the impression they wouldn’t be accepted. Pretty straightforward you’d think. But the presenter obviously hadn’t listened and went on to rephrase a question along the same lines.
His guest had to repeat his answer and sounded a little annoyed – well who wouldn’t. Mind you, just when you think we have someone sensible in charge, he went on to claim only 12 percent of magistrates are BAME and he wanted more to represent the population. Now isn’t it currently around 14 percent – so already it’s pretty close, or did he mean better representation among the criminal population. The presenter failed to pick up in this point – not surprisingly.
Yet another example of poor research, or an editors eyes lighting up when a story complies with their usual agenda. Oh how standards have fallen.
I think that news item is interesting, because isn’t it indirectly implying that BAME have a higher rate of criminal convictions? That’s how it reads to me anyway. Where’s the twitter storm?
What I noticed in that item was that it’s all about DIVERSITY. Cut out all the crap about ‘minor crimes’ being acceptable in a magistrate’s CV; no sign of quality, ability or efficiency being an important criterion, as long as diversity is attained.
Job performance/appropriate qualifications should be all. Diversity goals shouldn’t come into it at all. And we don’t want justice being meted out by people with criminal records, thank you R4.
This mindless obsession with ‘diversity’ no matter what, needs to stop! Magistrates especially, should know better…
My favourite line of BBC questioning is: “Some people are saying [lefty agenda] would you agree?”
“All those who do not support comrade Corbyn are vermin and must be expunged “- A report says .
“We’re banning third-party sales of puppies and kittens in England to improve animal welfare standards. I’m determined to ensure that breeders are accountable and that unscrupulous puppy and kitten farms can no longer profit from their vile trade.” – Theresa May
“Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating Eid al-Adha and my best wishes for those undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage this year. #EidMubarak” – Theresa May
The Lady has lost the plot.
What about people who say nasty hateful things about puppies and kittens on social media? Can we ban that too. After all, the bobbies are a bit short of things to do.
The ROP also hates dogs, which of course that fount of wisdom and impartiality the BBC has informed us of.
It’s pretty funny how Alex Jones’ whole thing was how they are all out to get him then they go out and get him.
Theresa May Double Speak … we love puppies … we also promote a religion that celebrates slicing animal throats in the street in front of kids …
BBC Online News:
“”Will Donald Trump remain Bulletproof after Manafort and Cohen?””
By Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter
Remain Bulletproof? Their phrase expresses the BBC’s frustration at not being able to nail Trump.
There’s been much slander but no bullets to date.
Trump has in fact been slander proof and will continue to be so.
R4 news at 5 panting at the leash to get at Trump, full of hopeful hatred, as ever.
Anthony is in his element.
BBC News is live now.
3 mins ·
Watch LIVE as the BBC’s Anthony Zurcher discusses the latest events in Washington, after Trump’s ex-lawyer says he’s more than happy to speak to the Mueller inquiry a day after he pleaded guilty to breaking election law. Leave your questions in the comments below.
Well, two, if Dysprosium and Rhenium are combined
And Sopey a nifty blend of Copper, Nitrogen and Tantalum. or is it Tantrumlum to use BBC NaughtieMarr tables?
GW, do the NaughtieMarr tables provide an indication of explosive pismronunciation when certain BBC interviewers with an inclination towards the Labour Party have to interview a Conservative Government Secretary of State for Health?
That would be a yes.
Oddly, not noticed when Labour shades were interviewed.
When it comes to blame the al beeb local Londonistan news is normally pretty hot . Strangely it spent 6 minutes tonight describing the 23% yoy increase in shooting in the Capital .
No mention of politicians , the Emir and only a bland waste of air by a mid level copper reading from the media department script .
Another example of bias by exclusion . I only watched because all hell broke loose a couple of hours ago with the helicopter and cars all over the place but it wasn’t reported so nothing happened – right ?
Sopey suddenly very calm – not at all hyperbolic – for his contribution to the 6pm R4 News on Trump, Cohen and Manafort.
Snuffy may be guilty of not paying attention but how did the ‘not guilty’ Michael Cohen suddenly become the ‘guilty’ Michael Cohen without a trial? Are bank & tax fraud charges not heard before a Jury in the USA, with prosecuting & defending Counsel advancing their arguments in Court? Or does the sudden change to guilty pleas on all counts indicate something else, in the ‘plea bargain’, ‘lawyer run’ USA?
I see the BBC have changed the text on their Home Page, photo at top left in pole position, showing a distinctly unhappy Cohen (looks like he is ‘on something’) because this morning and up until about 2pm it carried the text “Trump’s former lawyer ‘happy to testify’ .”
Poor old demented Auntie. Definite signs, you know.
As Alan Dershowitz says, if you are looking at 300 years in the chokey, but only 3 years if you “co-operate” with the prosecution by fingering the real target, what what anyone do? Well, they would “compose” (in his words), i.e. to tell the prosecution what it wants to hear. So you lie in the full and certain knowledge that you are safe. See Cohen and Trump.
Germany and terrorism are in the news again.
The BBC are still showing zero interest in the bus attack in Lubeck. The last I heard, not from the BBC, was that the attacker was going to Court for the first time around the end of July. Since the actual attack on 20th July, we have been told nothing by the BBC on R4 that has reached my ears.
The late Nikolai Glushkov did get a mention last week but only in passing.
Deep joy.
The BBC are doing a special programme tonight about Sir Lenworth Henworthy to commemorate his 60 th birthday.
I would watch it but unfortunately I need to clear the drains next to my garden shed.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Sluff, will the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia get a mention? The BBC love ‘Anniversaries’ and they seem to love (and then hate and then love and then hate) Russia.
Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet? Is it the One Month anniversary of the verdict in the Cliff Richard case yet?
[ I’m going to have some fun next week. Another BBC ‘Anniversary’. 😉 ]
I find it’s best to do one’s own research rather than rely on the BBC these days. Apropo of the Trump lawyer affair that the BBC are so excited about (by the way, whatever happened to Russian collusion?) here’s an interesting parallel (thanks Wiki):
On May 24, 2011, ABC News and the New York Times reported that the U.S Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section had conducted a two-year investigation into whether John Edwards [Democrat nominee for Vice President in 2004, and a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and 2008] had used more than $1 million in political donations to hide his affair and planned to pursue criminal charges for alleged violations of campaign finance laws.
On June 3, 2011, Edwards was indicted by a federal grand jury in North Carolina on six felony charges, including four counts of collecting illegal campaign contributions, one count of conspiracy, and one count of making false statements.
After postponing the start of the trial while Edwards was treated for a heart condition in February 2012, Judge Catherine Eagles of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina scheduled jury selection to begin on April 12, 2012. Edwards’s trial began on April 23, 2012, as he faced up to 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine.
In a related development, on March 13, 2012, the Federal Election Commission ruled that Edwards’ campaign must repay $2.1 million in matching federal funds. Edwards’ lawyers claimed the money was used, and that the campaign did not receive all the funds to which it was entitled, but the commission rejected the arguments.
Twelve jurors and four alternates were seated, and opening arguments began April 23, 2012. Closing arguments took place May 17, and the case went to the jury the next day.
On May 31, 2012, Edwards was found not guilty on Count 3, illegal use of campaign funding (contributions from Rachel “Bunny” Mellon), while mistrials were declared on all other counts against him. On June 13, 2012, the Justice Department announced that it dropped the charges and would not attempt to retry Edwards.
AISI, thanks for that bit of research. That has shed MORE light than the BBC in the last two days!
Oh, and care to remind me who was President in 2012 and his Party?