Every so often the Far Left claims that the BBC has ‘Right Wing Bias’ but never follows up with clear evidence of that assertion .
But as a Twitter follower I notice more and more beeboids expressing politic views ( always anti brexit and always pro Left) but stating the views are not those of the BBC .
So if these employees of the BBC can use their position to influence others on Social Media – how does the BBC claim to be neutral ?
It’s time to make a new list of these people who use tax payers money to further personal views .
Is Auntie Beeb showing signs of dementia?
One sign of age-related dementia or even Parkinsons or Alzheimers is a lack of responsive interest. For example, “Granddad, here is a cup of tea.” with no flicker of interest, no ‘Thank you’, no “Are you having one? Come and sit with me.” and no “I’d love a biscuit with it.”
The BBC has been carrying news all day of the Ryanair unsigned bouncing compensation cheque thing. 190 cheques were sent out by the airline without signatures. Quite easily done.
No BBC responsive interest to the obvious.
“What? 190 unsigned cheques were paid in at banks and 190 different cashiers did not spot they were unsigned!”
Local News : Prescott pays tribute to Kofi Annan
tenuous link, Kofi visited Hull last year
So we get Prescott saying “Yes I remember the time Kofi called me in to become special Climate ambassador”
Farage is not defending Trump but has 2 pieces of evidence
#1 The case of undeclared election expenses
The money given to the women is far lower than the money Obama campaign was convicted and fined over
..since the media didn’t report that we can see it’s no a big deal.
The Democrat Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations – largest fees ever levied
#2 A Harvard Law prof said it’s not illegal for a candidate to pay hush money, especially if they use their own money
“We’re a long way from impeachment.”
“First of all, it is not a crime for a President to pay hush money to help himself get elected. It is a crime for somebody else to do it. ..”
+ “Conspiracy to commit election fraud is a very common offence. Nobody has ever been impeached or seriously considered for impeachment for that crime”
Stew “#2 A Harvard Law prof said it’s not illegal for a candidate to pay hush money, especially if they use their own money
“We’re a long way from impeachment.”
“First of all, it is not a crime for a President to pay hush money to help himself get elected. It is a crime for somebody else to do it. ..” ”
Alan Dersowitz? (Apologies if I’ve misspelled that.) Heard him speak yesterday, I think on TWatO, about whether the President should testify before Mueller.
On the subject of hush money, that little bit about invoicing (client billing) this morning may turn out to be very important. Wonder if the Beeb will take it further?
Silly me! No, they want rid of Trump. They’re hoping for a 21st century ‘Watergate’.
This whole thing is just ridiculous. Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager for 100 days, the crimes he has been found guilty of having nothing to do with Trump. But seemingly they manifested from the Russian collusion investigation and make no reference to Russian collusion.
The Cohen case is about a dodgy lawyer who illegally tapes his clients and is looking to cover his arse as the sentencing vultures close in around him. How could paying off Stormy Daniels be classed as election affecting/manipulation?
People weren’t bothered about the secretly taped locker room talk about the ‘opportunities’ presented by groupies, yet they would have been dissuaded from his paying off some grubby hooker who was trying to blackmail him for money – just ridiculous. But again, this manifested from the Russian collusion investigation and once again makes no reference to Russian collusion – is that a pattern that I’m seeing?
I want to know why Stormy isn’t being charged with extortion and if Cohen is going down for tax evasion, the IRS should be checking to make sure that Stormy actually declared the £130,000 ‘income’ that she received.
If you are going to take a shady ‘bung’ for your silence but then renege on that deal AND keep the money AND announce it to the world, you better be prepared for the IRS to show up at your front door and demand documentary evidence that you paid your due taxes on that money.
The woman with no name… or Marlina, as she is called.
“It’s got a feminist twist”, coos the BBC. “A robber comes to her house, and wants to rape and rob her — and she beheads the guy”, says the director. With Indonesia being home to the world’s largest Muslim population, I wonder where she found her inspiration?
Regional news this week that the BBC isn’t telling:
“An Indonesian court sentenced a Buddhist woman to 18 months in prison for blasphemy on Tuesday, after she was accused of insulting Islam for complaining that a neighbourhood mosque was too loud.
Meiliana, a 44-year old ethnic Chinese Buddhist had complained that the Muslim call to prayer, repeated five times a day, was being played too loudly at the mosque near her house in North Sumatra.”
(It’s only been picked up by Reuters, Sky News, The Independent, ABC, The Washington Post, The NYTimes, Newsweek and Al Jazeera.)
BBC, SKY, C4 in rapturous mood over the President’s current situation. Is it just me or is it not blindingly obvious that his enemies are absolutely bricking it for fear of maybe six more years of his presidency. They are hell bent on stopping him and strikes me they’ll happily turn over the will of the electorate to return the political elite club to normal service. We have it here with Brexit and populist movements in Europe being silenced.If the Democrat machine succeeds in getting it’s way in America I fear the word democracy will be sent to Orwells memory hole for a very long time. Very depressing.
I wonder if al beeb will report the Twitter by Colin Brazier of Sky – who sadly lost his wife to cancer recently – that his wife has been sent an invitation to breast screening next month .
Secondly – comrade Corbyn is to give a speech on Thursday about press freedom – but the press isn’t invited as there’s not enough room ! Priceless
…. lost his wife to cancer recently – that his wife has been sent an invitation to breast screening next month . …..
I had a similar experience. Made a doctor’s appointment for my husband (Jan 2003), but he died of a heart attack before the date. A week later he received a ‘telling off’ letter from the surgery because of his non-attendance. Oh what pleasure I got in hauling THEM over the coals for their incompetence in not reading the notification from the hospital about my husband’s demise.
I’m sorry to hear that . The health professionals in the blessed NHS do this again and again and seem to never learn . But as a state monopoly like the BBC what incentive is there?
Too many admins and admin departments. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
Ha ha, taffman, just read your post after posting a reply to Fed above. I agree.
I was always sure that President Trump would win and backed him to do so. I watched the campaign rallies and the way he managed, as an elite New Yorker, to put over the idea that he is one of the good old boys and girls.
His support is not going to give a FRA about the latest and might actually make him more popular.
The lives of his voters are far removed from the coast and Washington people who think they really matter and rule as of right.
As long as he keeps faith with them they will have his back and they are the sort of people I would be wary of taking on.
The elites are desperate but that is showing and they will make mistakes maybe a really stupid one .
The same people are heading the remain show. Our version that is .
They too will miscalculate if they get too desperate.
Some time ago the Czech President said that the elites have declared war on the people. That is exactly right .
We must hold our nerve and let them break against us .
The old way if you like . The shield wall of old England .
I wonder if any of the BBC reporters are thinking through the implications of the increasingly desperate attacks on Trump and the determination of the Democrats determination to impeach him whether or not there is any evidence against him?
The elections in November are for Congress not the Presidency. The Republicans in Congress have been singularly useless over the past 20 months in getting legislation through to implement Trump’s agenda and they’ve even been dragging their feet in confirming his nominations for government posts. In any normal year Republican voters would punish them for their lack of vigour. However, the Democrats have made it clear that their priority is to impeaching Trump if they get a majority in the House, which means that this year the focus of the election is Trump. Anyone who supports him knows that they need to get out and vote for the Republican candidate to cover Trump’s back.
This is not a normal mid-term election, but the BBC seems oblivious to the implications of that.
Is that a recognition at long last, pug, that James Purnell is doing a lousy job and needs to give up at least one of his BBC hats? Actually, preferably give up all of them, on his way out the door.
Funny thing, but in my view the downward slide in much of what the BBC does and what some of us here hold dear, almost ties in exactly with Purnell’s arrival at the BBC.
And speaking of lousy job, Kamal Ahmed was a far worse Economics Editor than Robert Peston. Hope he finds a happier spot as ED.
I disagree – let these beeboids carry on their excellent work of shedding customers until the point when there is a stronger view that the BBC should face fair market competition
and their tv tax abolished or turned into a subscription service . Then see where their smug lefty attitude gets them ..,
Fed, you are welcome to disagree. I think there are different views here on the future of the BBC.
I would like it to survive, but reformed, drastically slimmed and the Licence Fee slashed and the BBC’s independence maintained.
BBC Online News Video:
“”Migrant crisis: ‘I climb into lorries three times a day’ “”
“”French Police say they should seek asylum in France. But only 17% of applications were granted last year””. (see 1 minute 48 seconds into video).
So, only 17% are granted asylum in France.
In the UK, that would be almost 100% granted asylum.
No wonder they all head for the UK.
Should read ; I break into lorries three times a day .
“Wow”, I thought, “the BBC has a program devoted to white men. Surely something’s not quite right. I mean this is the BBC after all.” Turns out it’s about white male suicide.
Vicky Dee and wimins hour will do a follow up leading to a spike in the stats for some chaps who have the misfortune of hearing it.
It is worth recalling that, despite the dance between the bbc and Corbyn’s cabal, that ebbs and flows with the bbc’s perception of self-interest, Jez is the one who has specifically guaranteed the state propaganda system is safe under him.
Treezer is doing her bit.
The bbc seems interested.
Firms like Google will have to pay to fund Labour/Socialist Party propaganda when elected. As I said recently on another post, these are extremely worrying times. The alt-left are in position to take over the USA soon as well.
I can’t think of any country except, possibly, in Central Europe that have any chance of seeing democracy survive for more than10 years from now.
The BBC see the internet as a threat. I am not surprised after how the BBC treat their own viewers!
Oh and everything Corbyn touches turns to gold I guess?
Rust more like!
Slightly mixed messages for the bbc from Jez; guaranteed unique funding good… exposure to the proles bad.
If seeking bbc support, he best get all ducks in a row.
Here’s the Bbc’s Ex Newsnight Class War editor:
He seems keen.
Is it not amazing that, from nonces to rabid lefties, the impartial, professional, trusted bbc is continually itself amazed to find out about their leanings only once they leave and use their ex bbc status to really start spouting.
As Gavin Esler might say… ‘the only good democracy is my democracy’.
I picked up a comment today stating Al Beeb had reported that ‘arch Remainer’, Barry Gardiner was against a second referendum.
Anyone pick this up?
Yes twitter has had a lot on that comment with a lot of respect being thrown at mr gardiner by brexiteers . I’ve got a pound on him as next labour leader at 9/1 – same as Lady Nugee ….
Barry Gardiner is a supporter of Democracy?
If that is true and he went further to support Brexit, Labour would win the next election. What next !
Al Beeb ‘peoples’ must be shaking in their boots or high heels, depending on their gender fluidity 😀
Barry Gardner has stated that a second referendum would not be democratic and in the current circumstances that is pretty good news .
The practicality of a second referendum within the allocated a50 withdrawal period is now a joke . Extending A50 would be a joke so with a bit of luck we ll have the brexit people voted for and go without Spanish tomatoes until they realise they need us more than them
” go without Spanish tomatoes until they realise they need us more than them”
Just like VW, BMW, Merc, Citroën, Renault etc….
Plenty of car suppliers in the Far East and some of them are very good .
Exactly right taff – they import much more but in public , anyway , the uk government hasn’t used it to win support . They really need to learn that the electorate is becoming a thinking being as opposed to a habitual colour coded voter.
Is there anyone out there that can point to any evidence of Al Beeb, Right Wing Bias or even evidence of Pro Brexit Bias?
Just out of interest, did anyone watch the 60th birthday celebration for inexplicably supported (I refuse to use the word popular) and talentless Lenny Henry tonight?
If so was it as bad as I imagine?
Funny how Jim Davidson won’t get the birthday treatment partly due to his “Chalky” accent, and yet Lenny Henry has built a career on taking the p*ss out of black accents
“watch the 60th birthday celebration” ?
No !
Al Beeb asks “Can Nato survive US President Donald Trump?”
Many of the rich countries of Europe are failing to meet their defence expenditure commitments .
What they should ask is can NATO survive the ‘New European Defence Force’ ?
Car drives at people in Romford.?
Anything on Al Beeb?
Try to watch President Trump on You Tube presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor yesterday (22nd) to the widow of a brave soldier.
Watch it all and then you can begin to understand his appeal to his loyal supporters and why the swamp hates him so.
Fear is behind it all.
He can connect with ordinary people and has the gift of making them feel special and valued.
The US military is very important and I doubt if the swamp has much affection for it.
The same base support of the President probably is the majority of the National Guard and also the military in the ordinary ranks.
Any attempt to overthrow him that looks like a set up will not be well received. .
The BBC doesn’t hide the fact that the they actively proselytize for Islam, while actively denouncing and demonising all other religions. It also campaigns for Muslims worldwide – claiming it is their human right to practice Islam. Here is an example that can be found on the news homepage, where it is outraged that some Muslims are being denied their human right to perform the Haj:
The good old BBC continues to use British taxpayers money to broadcast on behalf of Muslims worldwide.
I’m not sure that you got that quite right.
The Ahmadi Muslims are ‘the wrong sort of Muslims’ to the extent that a ‘Bradford man’ felt the need to pop up to Glasgow to knock off one of one of ‘Nicola’s ain’.
One of the joys of multiculturism is that people bring their hatred as well as their food ‘to the party’.
Hi JimS – Let me explain: The audience for this story is not for Muslims but for the non-Muslim majority of the British public – this is why the story is on the news homepage of the BBC.
The narrative the BBC wishes to create for this audience is that Muslims are being denied their right to practise Islam.
The BBC specifically shapes news report to convey a specific message to fit the underlying agenda it is pushing.
In the above video report the central message it is pushing is for the rights of (all) Muslims to practise Islam. It is at the same time an excuse to devote yet more news space to the promotion of an important symbol of Islam – the Hajj.
No, sorry don’t get it.
The story is clearer than your explanation, it is Muslims that are denying the Ahmadi their ‘rights’.
Where I would criticise the BBC is that they have failed to add those ‘so useful’ links to other stories that they normally do. So a ‘Nigel Farage Returns To Mainstream Politics’ headlined story will ‘tailed’ with links to ‘Nigel Farage: Expenses Fraud’ or ‘Nigel Farage: He Ate My Hamster’, always assuming that these sort of thinks weren’t worked into the main article in the first place! Also, I as I suggested above, they didn’t make it clear that the majority of Muslims here support the Ahmadi ban, to do so would damage the ‘all is good with Islam’ message.
Japanese Science Nobel Prize winners, all since 1949 – 20. (Japan is a small island nation in Asia).
Israeli Science Nobel Prize winners, all since 1948 – 6. (Israel is a minute state in the Middle East, the large number of Jewish Science Nobel Prize winners who worked in Europe or North America is excluded).
Black African Science Nobel Prize winners – 0. (Africa has an area of 20 square metres, with a population of 3).
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”
Richard Feynman, Jewish Nobel Prize winner.
Black African Jerk Chicken Moaning Prize winners – 100%.
The Chicken is believed to have originated in the Indian Sub-Continent, so Africans need to stop eating them, now.
‘Asian Provocateur’ stars Romesh Ranganathan who once said a few mildly amusing things so is now given blanket coverage on the BBC due to his skin colour.
In the show, he travels all around the world catching up with family. Can’t he just do that in the U.K? How much must it cost to send a whole crew to Sri Lanka, the US, South America, Canada and elsewhere? The guy in my local is hilarious and he never seems to even leave the same seat. Why does Romesh need to travel round the world to fail at making us laugh? It is so the BBC have another epic free holiday paid for thanks to the extortion racket which is the licence fee
Masochists and Devotees
Those are the attitides of our two main political parties toward the BBC. The Tories presently hold the levers of power and yet the BBC bashes their party and propagandises against conservative beliefs day after day.
Meanwhile the leftists cry foul and claim the BBC is pro-Tory. Clearly this is bluff. Today the Labour Party puts the lie to that by threatening the BBC’s new media rivals with a ‘digital licence’ which will ‘help the BBC’ according to Tom Watson. Of course leftists love the BBC. It’s a Statist arm of government, yet increasingly anti-English and anti-British and acts maternalistically toward the population.
[I say maternalistic rather than paternalistic because, as usual, as I watch BBC coverage of exam results day there’s plenty of mention of the kids and mothers but never a mention of fathers who are so regularly airbrushed out of the picture that it seems to be BBC policy].
R4…the classic line..’many people say…how long can Trump continue’…Which people how many?
It’s not news…it’s BBC hope..
Notice the cartoon Euro flag on Al Beeb’s headline “No Deal ” . It is very reminiscent of the propaganda cartoons published by Communists countries during the 1950’s and 1960s.
Here’s the bbc ne…. what you need to know ‘reality explanation’ email in complement:
‘Sensible, proportionate’ advice
No deal Brexit advice
Recently-installed Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab insists a good deal between the UK and the EU is in sight, but today, the government will begin advising individuals, businesses, charities and other public bodies how to plan for the possibility that none will be reached at all.
“No deal is better than a bad deal” has been Theresa May’s mantra throughout the Brexit process, but the consensus from many seems to be that no deal would be pretty bad too. Warnings have ranged from shortages of medicine to problems fighting crime, as well as the potential impact of tariffs on trade.
Mr Raab says today’s “technical notices” will tackle some of the most “hair-raising scare stories” and will provide “a sensible, measured, and proportionate approach to minimising the impact” of no-deal. Reports suggest they’ll cover areas including food production and payments to farmers, the Erasmus student exchange programme, and the status of EU citizens living in the UK. Labour, though, says they could simply be “a crude attempt by ministers to dress up the severe consequences as somehow acceptable”.
What would no-deal look like? BBC Reality Check explains. And just how long do we have left to avoid it?“
How long do ‘we have to avoid it’? What, in favour of a bad deal or simply staying? Auntie, your slip is showing.
Littered with ‘some says’, ‘coulds’, ‘reports the bbc runs with suggest’, etc.
Pure propaganda.
We all remember the so-called, “Millenium Bug” and the claimed horrors associated with that date.
Thing is, there will be disruption no doubt.
My concern is the amount actively created on purpose by a Remain public sector, including the national disgrace.
They all so petty, petulant and thick they would rather see the country descend into chaos rather than see their elitist dream messed up by the public.
It has become clear this week that either much of the Civil Service is incompetent or is deliberately working against the best interests of the Government of the day and the nation that it is supposed to serve.
Just yesterday, news of another foul up at the “not fit for purpose” dysfunctional Department of State, as stated by John Reid back in 2006 and no better now. And it’s an important one at that. If the BBC news is true, the Home Office has managed to make a bunch of Polish children ‘stateless’ by refusing them Passport renewals.
We need a Public Inquiry into our Civil Service. Hopefully, a Government with a majority will order it after the GE in 2022.
As a Brexiteer, I do not downplay the fact that – deliberate sabotage or wilful disruption apart – we will face challenges and difficulties after 29 March 2019. We will have to do a lot better as a nation at everything. I believe we can eventually thrive outside the EU.
BBc Breakfast 08:00 Full on the sky will fall in according to… Report on no deal Brexit. Blah blah blah.
One of the leading #MeToo campaigners, the actress Asia Argento has been shown to be a complete hypocrite, and probably a complete liar, after it was revealed she herself recently had to pay a young actor $380,000 to settle a sexual assault claim.
The coverage of this has been minimal and highly sympathetic to the actress. There was no suggestion by the MSM that this could in any way be an effort to influence the #MeToo campaign.
When Donald Trump pays a woman for sex with no hint of sexual assault, it becomes the biggest news on the planet with the MSM desperate to claim that this is proof he tried to influence the 2016 election.
Goodness me, if it’s not the Russian’s sending out tweets then it’s the fact that Donald has had sex that caused poor Hillary to lose the election. How desperate have they become?
The far-left bbc probably hate it that President Trump is a red blooded heterosexual. It’s also a probability that’s why they love Bathhouse Barry.
Toady watch
Near to giving up because it’s so repetitive . Smug naughtie wandering around pensyvania for no apparent reason getting anti Trump types to say bad thing about him . Then , of course , they interview a democrat bubble dweller yawn
8.10 Martha the beekeeper desperate to get Dom Raab to say there will be panic after we leave the ReichEU. There seems to be an asssumption that a ‘no deal’ is a bad thing . I’d rather keep the 59 billion to deal with our issues as opposed to give it to Brussels so they can use it against us. They will want revenge .
Fedup2, I have listened to the Today programme since Jack de Manio couldn’t tell the time and Monty Modelin had trouble climbing the stairs to give his reports.
Yesterday I heard the 7am news headlines….. and switched off.
This morning I heard, I think it was Martha but it might have been Mishal give their take on the disaster that is Brexit just after the 7 am pips, heard that Keir Starmer was on after the news headlines, heard about 1 minute of headlines delivered at what I could only describe as a gallop…and switched off. I suspect tomorrow it will be Classic FM – yes we will be annoyed at the way the news is delivered at the top of the hour..but it is soon over. We will be two more listeners off the Today’s figures.
Pointed. Thing is, Ciaran, Jon, KGM and others only want to ask certain questions to provoke certain answers that suit.
They are JUST AS BAD.
For balance…
At this rate she is going to be stuck on her own table at the bbc Xmas pre party parties. And no bubbly.
GW, I’ll buy her a drink! I think, however, there will be a distinct change in tactic soon.
The massive opposition operation will be put on hold. In its place we will start to receive a trickle of positive studies about life after Brexit. Then there will be ‘some studies’ which suggest the UK will thrive after Brexit which the media will take up enthusiastically. This will continue until about six months after Brexit.
Then, about a year or two after that, something will be ‘done’ to crash our economy. (A normal downturn cycle is a bit overdue – although I could argue that we are in that right now, last year and this.)
At that point, the Remoaning Remainers will be stirring things up “Oh, woe!” “We should never have left.” “We have to go back. Look how well the EU is doing. We are being left behind.” “Things would not have been bad if we were still in the EU. We must go back”
Calls will then grow in the pro-EU media to have a Referendum to re-join.
I do not believe there will be an EU to return to.
Unless the EU army is used to crush the European people, the EU will collapse.
More European people every day want Fortress Europe. They have seen the third world and want no part of it. These people hate the “leaders”.
The UK, having left the EU, should do its utmost to kill the ever closer union. North America should help. I am sure East European leaders will help.
I include in utmost the targeted assassination of EU leaders and, if necessary, the invasion of European countries for their own, long term, benefit.
GW, can you put up the video clip, please? I cannot play Twitterviews and do not want to mess around changing browsers.
Not sure I can. No obvious link. I suspect it is on iPlayer and the only way to view is via a 3rd party. Stewgreen is guru on such things.
It’s here on YouTube
To bed, late. Woke at dawn. Uggghhh! Too early. Back to sleep. Aaah, bliss. Missed just over one hour and a quarter of the start of the TOADY Programme. Aaaahhh, even more bliss. When I do start listening, I hear Auntie’s dementia.
So much to highlight. Latest thing first.
Treatment of colds and coughs. Martha the beekeeper appears dubious about the qualities of honey. She also knows nothing about what antibiotics are for despite their impact on nature and the bee kingdom and despite the BBC covering extensively their over-prescribing, misuse and infection resistance in recent years. Martha appears to have completely forgotten (or did not know) how to treat a cold or influenza.
More BBC memory loss. Oh dear!
One day on from the “worst day of Donald Trump’s presidency”, it’s interesting to note how these always follow the same pattern.
Immediate wall-to-wall coverage by the media, with the BBC in the vanguard, speculating as to when Trump will be impeached, and comparing it to Watergate. Gradually, more information dribbles out via the internet. An opponent (Obama, in this case) is found to have done much the same without anyone in the media thinking it was a big deal. And anyway, what crime is it exactly that the President is meant to have committed? Well, it turns out that no one can say precisely but they know he’s A Bad Man. Where’s the evidence for this crime? Well, someone says so and the fact that (s)he’s been threatened with a long prison sentence / has a book to sell (delete as inapplicable) has no bearing on it, no siree.
Meanwhile, those who would never vote for him anyway froth at the mouth and his supporters just roll their eyes, having heard it all before and in the knowledge they were never voting for a saint. And the MSM lose more credibility.
Another unlikely to pass the bbc editorial integrity test…
don’t know how much the bbc have reported on this but they are taking the opportunity to talk about Trump
Quite the line to take.
They laughed at him when he said look at Sweden – and who was right about it? Not the MSM who laughed.
They have gone from defining the narrative to at best an annoying, laughable background noise within a decade. It is not like they have in any way had a long look in the mirror after Trump and Brexit. If anything they get worse. Who would subject themselves to this when there almost limitless alternative forms of entertainment instantly available?
Toady 2
0850 – brexit – sir Vincent cable versus JRM . No contest . It went so badly for the former that they cut the interview at 0856 so that they could talk about paintings of Henry 8 and a friend of a beeboid selling an effing book .
When JRM reminded people that there has really been 3 votes to give people an opportunity to vote for or against brexit one could see the interview not being very long.
Fed, did you notice that Der Starmer also has, like the BBC, given us a sign of short-term memory loss? He was on earlier, suggesting that we would HAVE to have a second EU Referendum.
The Beeboid did not demur.
Both have obviously forgotten a significant event of seventeen months back.
‘But the Labour manifesto in 2017 was a hard Brexit manifesto. It promised to leave the European Union by “accepting the result”, and that “freedom of movement will end when we leave the European Union”.’
I quote the New Statesman
No I didn’t hear the starmer weasel as I’m limiting Toady intake a bit – especially when those 2 dire presenters are on… a50 would have to be suspended for another referendum me thinks …
Fed, maybe the Brexiteers on here – I respect the views of Remain voters on Biased BBC but just do not agree – should go around saying two words out loud.
Not those two words.
And not those two words, either!
These two words, names actually: Gina Miller.
Right now, everyone, after me: “Gina Miller!”
This is what the BBC and others have forgotten and why there will not be another Referendum, as the PM correctly stated.
re Miller & Others, Supreme Court, January 2017.
“Gina Miller, there’s only one Gina Miller, Gina Miller-er-er!”
And to think some of you complained at the time! 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂
Starmer works constantly to hedge his bets (UK establishment/EU establishment).
On 26 June he told the Socialists and Democrats Group of EU MEPs that Labour has not ruled out a second ‘referendum’ on the final Brexit deal.
Since returning from his holiday he has been awaiting his ‘instructions’ from the EU (ECJ job at stake) about which way to jump.
The Limps likely expected better.
Oh well.
3 votes….
When were t’other one ?
Back to the beginning. I switched TOADY on at about 7.20am.
Russia and sanctions was the subject of discussion. It was quite revealing. Judging by the number of times Martha (I think, or was it Mishal? *) spoke about the EU + Salisbury makes me wonder what that poisoning attack on the Skripals was really about.
Anyway, back to Auntie’s dementia and obvious short, medium and long-term memory loss. The Beeboid was talking to an American about taking more measures against Russia. The Beeboid had completely forgotten that the UK was the first to act, to expel diplomats, in the week after the poisoning.
Then there was a recent sanction on an expatriate oligarch, covered by the BBC, when Roman Abramovich was unable to renew his UK visa and Right to Remain. The BBC never asked, in their coverage of that news event, whether it was a sanction. It certainly appeared to be. The timing was immaculate.
* Am I developing dementia and memory loss? Should I give up listening to the BBC? It might help. 🙂 Mind you, I remembered Abramovich while still sleepy and waking up. The Beeboids had been awake, all coffee’d up and at work for anything up to four hours.
Apologies if this has been posted before. I can imagine the producer screaming in Matt Frei’s ear: “End the interview! End it now!”.
Oh dear. I fear I owe the BBC an apology. I was so taken with the interviewing ‘style’ and question that I assumed it was the beeb. However, a quick check online reminds me that Mr Frei’s CV includes a long stint at the BBC but the above clip is him working for his natural place of progression: Channel 4. Apologies to all here for going off-piste but, all is good. You can take the man out of the BBC but…
Bad hair day
Do you ever feel that perverse desire to – for instance – give youself a mild static electric shock? You know what I mean. You know it will be uncomfortable and you’ve done it before but you feel the urge to subject yourself to it anyway, just for the hell of it.
So I tune into BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour.
Just for 30 seconds.
I hear that familiar BBC female home counties auntie-like presenter oooing and aahhhing in an increasingly dotty unquestioning attitude of utmost respect and awe as she enables and encourages the nonsense of a rabid racially-advantaged ethnic campaigner with an axe to grind hard into our cultural consciousness:
“Our hair is politicised, that cannot be denied!”
Ok luv, whatever you say. But should I really have to pay for this tripe?
From the clapping and cheering on the One Show in the background on a nightly basis as I wash the dishes next door, it’s apparent that the self creating, self publicising BBC machine has engaged gear for the upcoming series of Strictly. And I can imagine the excitement felt by all of the undiscovered “talent” living in their flats all within a 5 mile radius of Salford’s Media City as they consider the prospect of how this first cog of the machine will propel them to the Celebrity Masterchef kitchen, the Celebrity Pointless dias, The Who Do You Think You Are research library, The Would I Lie To You and Question Of Sport desks, the cover of The Radio Times, Radio 4 panel and comedy programming and the couches of the morning news show, Graham Norton and full circle The One Show.
But who I really want to see on the show is BBC darling Nadia. Why would I want to see her I hear you ask?
Because I’d like to see how like the other contestants she’ll wear exactly The same clothing and footwear. Or how much the Strictly producers dial down everyone else’s clothing?
I’d like to see which dances that have been mainstays of the curriculum for many years don’t get dropped to accommodate her. Or perhaps she’d get a free pass some weeks.
I’d like to watch the post dance interviews, the ones where the partners usually inappropriately hug and grope at each other. I find it cringeworthy and perhaps a little bit of me would welcome her and her partner standing politely side by side without touching. Or perhaps everyone else would get dialled down too.
And (I’m assuming she’d automatically be the best dancer) I’d like to see the judges not having to twist as they give her the higher marks she deserves while all of them, especially Craig Revell Horwood, continue to spew the catty comments that viewers love to hate with her taking it on the chin as much as the next lesbian comedienne who’s wife is in the audience. (Just out of interest, whatever happened to her?)
So come on BBC, if you love your creation so much and genuinely believe in equal opportunity and diversity, give this best ever Masterchef winner the opportunity to shine.
Oh, I dont think Nadya’s hubby will mind whatever needs to be done for ‘strickly’, since the bbeb announced, with utterly NO sense of irony, that he ‘didnt mind’ her appearing in bakeoff.
Umpteen series of Bake Off, and only one who has been pushed front and centre for all the publicity going. All those lovely ‘granny’ home bakers who could bake delish cakes without a hint of sodding cumin must be really hacked off.
That’s how it is now, anyone non-white, whether talented or not, whether ex footballers or not – Lucy Alexander ditched for Dion Dublin, whether they can just paint one leg of a chair and call themselves ‘furniture restorers’ or not – Sarah Moore sidelined for Jay Blades, or if they just present an obscure programme on channel 4 – Anita Rani given prime spot on Countryfile; the Beeb will grab’em to more than fill their diversity quota.
Katty excels herself. How very dare he!
On the basis that Trump has millions of Twitter followers and anyone who wants to know follows him anyway – what’s her point in retweeting?
And anyone not Twittering won’t get to see her tweet either.
So I say again, what’s the point?
I’m not a twitterer so don’t understand the ins and outs of the system.
The peroxide-addled harpie is trying to meet quota, and is only seeking to appeal to her brain dead dinner companions.
‘seeking to appeal to her brain dead dinner companions’
Precisely my own impression.
This may trump that one.
So what Katty is saying is that so long as genocide is against whites, no civilised nation should comment?
Meanwhile her mate BO sends best wishes to the guys directing the mob.
I have to concede that you win. Surely we’ve reached Peak Katty?
Peak Katty, that’ll be when she strips off, climbs up onto the dinner party table, places a lampshade on her head and sings I hate Trump to the tune of Yankee-doodle-dandy (metaphorically we’re nearly there)
“We cannot tell you what to think, that would be evil. But we can call you a racist for thinking the wrong thought, that is good journalism.”
In case you missed it. Something for Tommy Robinson to watch if they put him back inside.
No offence but there is no way I will watch that I don’t want to become enraged 😀
Seriously though she needs to go away. It just occurred to me that every leader of a country should be a Nationalist otherwise what is the point? Seems such an obvious thing at the moment. I’ve never really thought about it like that before.
President Trump could do a better job working one day a week than our current PM. Imagine the shake up. Still, I can dream. I’d be careful about using the word Nationalist in the current climate, almost akin to hate speech the way things are going.
I was mulling this over the other day – since when did it become a crime to be a nationalist in The UK, well England at least –
“a person who advocates political independence for a country” If we take a broader definition encompassing someone that cares about their nation first it seems almost a hanging offence. What the hell is wrong with caring about your own country before others – doesn’t mean you hate others or wont work with them…Unless the Left or BBC say so..then we are all Alt right
Gandhi and Mandela were nationalists – odd that the BBC never takes issue with that.
God’s teeth, I feel like vomiting!
What an absolutely pathetic specimen she is.
“Theresa the Appeaser”; Neville Chamberlain in drag.
FFS, you ghastly woman, just piss off!
haha you went and watched the vid I think, just seeing her face is a warning to not click play!
An absolute picture of evil. The muslim Council will be overjoyed.
Justin Trudeau in drag.
Your comment reminded me that I’d seen a photo recently of JTrudeau with a couple of drag artistes. I’d add the photo here but dont know how.
BBC bias example – against Cricket, of all things, TMS notwithstanding – and in favour of Rugby football.
Ben Stokes – found not guilty. BBC whispering “Aah but, yes but, no but he ought to be banned …”
Danny Cipriani obviously guilty and owning up to his misdemeanor. BBC stating loudly “He’s been harshly treated by his club.”
So the old established BBC , paid for by threats of fines and imprisonment , is frightened about the new kids on the block , set up without the huge resources of the state monolith that has had a monopoly when it was established .
My final post. For this morning, maybe today. Last night, thanks to MSN, I was made aware of what Jeremy Corbyn would be proposing for taxation and media support (including that of the BBC) in a major speech to be made in Edinburgh today.
It has been fascinating to watch it slowly unwind, first of all as reported and talked about on TOADY. Then finally, it changes again in the Tom Watson interview later in the same programme.
Very nostalgic. So reminiscent of ‘New’ Labour. The 1997-2010 Labour administration used to trail stuff late at night, then talk about it next morning before the announcement or speech happened in slightly different terms to the evening before. Then, at Zero Hour, it would all be slightly different again.
Behind the scenes, Party hacks and Alastair Campbell & Co, would be trawling the media to find out what the different responses were, including from the public. Then, Zero Hour plus One, plus Six, plus Ten, plus Eighteen, plus Twenty-five, etc., further slight variations would appear or previous ones would be removed. The whole thing might then be forgotten. Or re-announced six months later. Or pushed, in much modified form, into practice, perhaps via legislation.
You can appear to take the ‘new Soviets’ out of the Labour Party but you cannot take the Labour Party out of the ‘new Soviets’. Or is it the other way round?
In case you missed it, there’s been a bit of a “scuffle” in a Paris suburb resulting in two people being killed and another injured, before the knifeman was taken out by police.
Reports suggest the victims were relatives, but the attacker did shout something akin to “Ali’s snack-bar” and threatened the police.
Now, let’s see, how will our trustworthy state broadcaster choose to run with this story…if they run it at all?
Family dispute…mental illness…drugs…long criminal record…Norwegian…
It will be buried beneath endless dreary stories about Trump and yet more cobblers about Brexit.
At the moment they seem to be more interested in “Chinese tourists flock to Yorkshire chippy…” than the (possibly) terrorist murder that happened in the capital city of our near neighbours.
I’ve got a feeling you’ll have to dig to find it…
you just gave me biggest laugh of day – Ali’s snack bar’
Now, let’s see, how will our trustworthy state broadcaster choose to run with this story…
Like, say, this?
‘Twere just a family tiff.
That sort of ‘family tiff’ is common within the Religion of Peace.
Just having a quarrel with son on whose turn it is to do the dishes. I feel dishonoured. Off now to Aldi to buy a chainsaw.
Check the chain tensioning first. I had a problem with this when I bought one from Aldi……….
Tx. Not a problem. Few spins and honour restored.
Hang on… that’s the door…
Isis claimed responsibility, but according to the BBC they offered no proof.
“French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said the incident was not currently being treated as a terror attack.
The Islamic State group claimed it was behind the attack but offered no proof.”
I can’t help but think how “badly done to” (massive understatement) Tunisia has been, given both the number of bombings, stabbings and vehicle ramming events and the number of victims of said events in the UK and Europe, particularly France, over the last two years.
Once Tunisia is open for business again I’ll be back like a shot.
More ‘Project Fear’ on Jeremy Vine.
Hopefuly when we ‘crash out’ we will lose access to the EU’s own broadcaster, the ‘so-called’ BBC.
I did hear the item on Toady earlier:
If the protests come in the UK when peoples granchildren or their children refuse to adopt islam as demanded by the then rulers, what then? If the current crop of isamic zealots develop on their current trajectory what can future generations expect? One thing I do know, the Saudis and other financial contributors in the Middle East will expect pay-back for all the money they have invested in the islamicisation of the UK and Europe.
Concerning the Corbyn news media proposals
After fluffing the autocue headlines BBC News Channel anchor Annita McVeigh at 12.30pm has to apologise for a little Freudian slip (or should that be a Lord Reithian slip?)
“(That should be) Public Interest Journalism… I think I said Public Sector Journalism, but I think everyone knows what I meant”
Yeah Annita, we know what you mean. The excitment around the BBC staff watercooler right now is palpable.
If there’s a tax on Netflix to subsidise the BBC my subscription will be cancelled the next day. As long as I’m up to date with Better Call Saul, that is.
To be replaced with a US registration.
In London 2018
All Cultures are equal
to say otherwise is both racist and Islamophobic. #HappyEid
Just caught a bit of the Beeb lunchtime news…
We import loads of drugs from the EU, insulin for example, so when we leave we’ll probably have trouble getting them and we’ll die.
Thence to someone from a German pharmaceutical company that imports loads of drugs from the UK. They’ll probably have trouble getting them so they’ll buy them elsewhere and this will take lots of business away from the UK.
Two sides of the same coin – heads we lose, tails we lose.
Is this Islamophobia?
Christian women promotes Islam ….
So it’s official: the woman is bonkers.
Jihadi’s of British origin found in Iraq will be hanged –
“That’s why we, as Iraqis, if we are tough in sentencing these people, they will think thoroughly before taking any action.”
That is precisely the point. Do we reject prisons and what they stand for? No. So why did Messrs. Bliar and Bush decide to open up the prison that was the MIddle East and allow all the prisoners to run riot and invade Europe? Why did naivety rule?
Anybody that has spent any time in the Middle East knows that the likes of Saddam in Iraq and Gadaffi et al. kept the lid on the RoP savages that call the Middle East, ‘home’. ‘Releasing’ all the ‘prisoners’ has resulted in the monumental changes in our lives and the further deterioration yet to come. Unless, of course, the evil woman shown in MM’s contribution above completely changes tack and becomes like Saddam/Gadaffi. Perhaps we are on our way to that……… ‘Hate Speech’ anyone?https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/12906/multiculturalism-britain-july
Talking of Bliar………..
“Great Opportunity for UK, Saudi Arabia to Cooperate in Countering Extremism”
Tony Blair Institute, trading as Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (registered company number: 10505963) whose registered office is 50 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BL.