The BBC has history when it comes to the vibrant Notting Hill Carnival; the more trouble – the less to be heard about it – apart from the copper ‘dancing’ with somebody being vibrant. Then it’s back to normal as the political/MSM bubble returns to usual failure to tell people the truth. At least people visiting this site will get a clearer view of what is really going on.
Start the Week Open Thread 27 August 2018
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I see that while I was posting on the old thread regarding the BBC’s reporting of German “far right” protests and Twitter users’ general disbelief, a new one popped up. So I’ll repost here.
They’ve tried again, I see.
To much the same result.
Now I should point out that in the story linked to, it states, “Police have denied rumours on social media that the fight was linked to the sexual harassment of a woman”.
But (and correct me if I’m wrong) did the police not also deny the Cologne assaults took place, until forced by the weight of evidence to backtrack?
We also have this: “Police have reported Hitler salutes being thrown among the right-wing crowd”.
That just seems terribly convenient, doesn’t it? Are we talking a lone nutter? Several? It doesn’t say. Maybe it did happen, but it seems an incredibly stupid thing to do unless you’re deliberately trying to alienate those who might support you; and a very easy way of discrediting inconvenient protestors whilst giving an excuse to say “far right” again.
Perhaps some videos may emerge to shed some light. And perhaps I’m being paranoid and should accept as true all the authorities tell me.
Thank you for doing that – it’s always a bit of a dilemma to cut across the flow of comments – let’s hope the Germans finally wake up to what Merkel has done to them . How she is still in politics is a triumph of brain washing by the MSM .
No problem. There’s always got to be a cut off time, and the edit facility allows for a quick copy and paste.
I’m afraid I see things turning increasingly ugly as people’s patience runs out and the authorities crack down, while the media pretends it isn’t happening.
Good old Katie.
Douglas Murray notes that Western police forces and authorities are very good at dealing with the ‘secondary problem’ (the vastly over-hyped “Islamophobic backlash”) and utterly useless at dealing with the primary problem — the mayhem caused by Muslim males across Europe.
Quite so, Rick.
That was a real classic of BBC bias. ‘Denied rumours of X’ means X is blatantly true, just as ‘not terror-related’ means terror-related. They have to say ‘Far Right’ crowd though surely if someone were suddenly murdered all sorts might join a crowd regardless of political affiliation. Ad hominem attacks are the lowest and laziest form of argument but are all the BBC have, as they have lost the argument.
SJWs blatantly infiltrate these events and film each other doing Nazi salutes to discredit their opposition.
RD, no questions asked by the BBC about the cover-up of the aftermath Lubeck bus stabbings and smoking rucksack? Over two months now since that news event.
Why we can trust the BBC. Not.
What happened to Breitbart ? look how similar their report is to the BBC
Raheem Kassam left a while back, has Breitbart been infiltrated by entryism like so many others before ?
There might be some bad guys in a crowd to to describe an entire crowd as “far right thugs” is the decptive boo-word labelling you expect from the BiasedBBC
V similar to BBC
The festival was shut down last year because of sexual harrassment by ‘refugees’. There are various claims about what actually caused the flare up. Some reports claim the ‘refugees’ were trying to force the germans to hand over money at an ATM. Egal. The point is 2 Germans, one half cuban the other with russian ancestory, lie dead in a morgue. The ‘neo-nazis’ were largely normal folk entirely and justifiably pssed off with what is being done to their country.ffs it pisses me off no end and I’m not german. Disgraceful reporting from the MSM and the BBC…but we have come to expect this soviet level suppression of the Pravda.
Sick to the back teeth of this shit now …..
Yet again, comments could be …………..
This is Britain FFS, its predominantly WHITE !!!! For crying out loud. The up rising is starting in Germany now , I honestly don’t think it’s long in coming here . Middle England has had a belly full of this cultural enrichment forced upon us by weak government and liberal media .
You’re not the only one sick to the back teeth of it.
One of the many excellent comments directed at C4 is “Oh do f**k off, and when you get there, f**k off some more..”
I’m sure Jon Snow can relate to those sentiments.
And another one said they should write their own books. There are enough BAME journalists/broadcaster/commentators who could knock up a few kids books, as there appears to be a gap in the market they’re squealing about. Bonnie Greer, Alibaba Brown, for starters. And they’ve got plenty of material to draw from – the mind boggles of a possible black Harry Potter living in crime ridden London.
Ha ha – “……a possible black Harry Potter living in crime ridden London.”
Excellent idea. If he goes around stabbing people it’ll be a best seller.
Thirdoption. Your idea….that’s called a newspaper.
Think the beeb have already beaten you to it: How Harry Potter might look with a black cast
Who cares? I loved Fresh Prince of Bel Air growing up as it was a great show. I barely even registered that the entire cast was black. The tragedy of all the ‘diversity’ obsession is it came to the fore just as real racism was receding, and it is based on the same principles as racism namely skin colour trumps character.
SJWs want a buzz of seeming virtuous without having to do hard work so they create problems where there are none. Their sole concern should be the violence plaguing certain communities – to prattle about the skin colour of fictional characters in this context is obscene. Alas that would involve a vital discussion about values and why some are so much better than others, which is thought crime for the Left and probably falls within the category of ‘racism.’ There is no point having a story book with diverse characters if your son has been stabbed to death.
I’m not sure why your Twitter link hasn’t embedded (well, it hasn’t for me), but to save others clicking through…
@Roland his tweet did not embed cos it begins with “mobile” not “www”
but it did work on yours beginning with “www”
Thank you C4.
Meanwhile there are no white people whatsoever on your channel, unless they are being deemed lower than vermin.
Meanwhile there are no adverts anywhere in the universe, unless they show white people as thicker than tapeworms.
Meanwhile there are no white people anywhere who will be sorry when the boot is on the other foot.
And how is the representation figures of whites in all those books from Africa, the Middle East and Asia coming on?
What about the diversity quotas in Nollywood and Bollywood?
Not just “Middle England”.
You have to have ways of coping with this bombardment of PC stuff.
I’ve started reading the ‘Flashman’ books by George MacDonald Fraser as an antidote. Ok, Flashy is a bad lad but it’s tongue in cheek and the books are hugely entertaining with numerous history lessons. Also, they contain numerous BAME characters!
How about a serialisation of Flashy, dear BBC?
Isn’t it encouraging racism in these kids to expect them to see in plays and read about in books all characters that look like them.
Fabulous yarns! Flashy is an absolute bounder, his only redeeming feature being his total honesty in his diary. They’re great fun and educational as well.
Alas far too un PC for the wilting lefties at the BBC.
Just do as I do, completely stop watching and listening to the BBC. Its not burying your head in the sand because there’s plenty to entertain and keep you informed on the net with the added bonus of not having to pay protection money to the licensing authorities. plus you get to read what really happening in the world without being socially engineered by a load of left wing ex.students union lunatics and Guardian tossers.
I’m trying to brush up my French, but I look for older secondhand textbooks as the multiculti agenda is being pushed in newer ones. You’d think from the illustrations in those that there are no longer French people in France.
no you are wrong. Germany will survive because the AfD will gain political power soon, ie within 10 years. They already have 94 seats and their support is growing very, very rapidly..
The UK is finished. You have no one in Parliament to represent you. I would advise you to settle your affairs now and get your children out.
What is it that stops the BBC asking questions beyond a certain point?
I listened to Ruth Alexander’s What Happened Last Night In Sweden? in which she said that President Trump had based his remarks about Sweden on a film made by someone who had misquoted one of her own reports. That caused her to go back to Sweden to find the ‘truth’.
Her findings were that the very recent migrants weren’t to blame but there was a lot of gang violence using guns and grenades that was down to earlier tranches of immigrants and their children. We were told that this was because these people hadn’t achieved access to the ‘good’ Swedish life so they resorted to drugs, gangs etc.
A closing thought was that no American president was in a position to ‘throw stones’ because levels of violence in places like St. Louis in the USA were a lot worse.
So the message that we were supposed to take away was that it was really ‘white’ Sweden’s fault for not throwing enough money at social work or policing etc. to ‘integrate’ these Africans and Arabs that didn’t feel at home.
Why not ask the question why should anyone think it is a smart idea to import people with a different culture, religion and language? What on earth did they hope to achieve? Why create a problem where one didn’t exist before?
But what about the USA? Exactly! In retrospect was it really a good idea to import African slaves. Ultimately isn’t that the cause of most of the problems in St. Louis? Perhaps different peoples are better living in different places? But then the ‘diversity’ ideology can never be challenged can it?
When I was in primary school there were no BAME pupils. I think we had one lad who had Polish parents and quite a few of us had parents that were from other parts of the UK and who took a little pride in being Welsh, Scots or Irish, not that any of us had accents that betrayed that.
In my very early years, before I was allowed to stray too far from the house, my best friend lived two doors away around the corner. He had two older brothers and they kind of looked out for us all. Later on we played with another family on the next block. It was a large family and again the older children took care of us and organised some of the more exciting games.
As I got older the children that I played with changed to be those that I went to school with, partly because I was allowed to play further away from home and partly it seemed natural that the children that you walked to and from school with should be your friends. We didn’t go to the same school as my earlier friends because their parents were Catholics. There wasn’t any problem about that, they just went their way and our parents went theirs. (It never was an area with any sectarian problems).
Given that such a simple difference as what church our parents went to created a division, albeit non-hostile, how on Earth can any Guardian-reading, BBC-loving person possessing any sort of a brain imagine that it can be a good idea to import peoples speaking different languages, wearing different clothes, eating different foods and having different life-styles? What common factor would bring them together when so many small things hold them apart?
What exactly did/do they hope to achieve by this experiment that has never worked anywhere else before? The only way I can see this working long-term is either enforced inter-breeding or enforced separation. The former will destroy all cultures, (except for Coca-Cola?), and the later is apartheid with plenty of scope for skirmishes at the friction points at the interfaces.
They must be mad.
How can .. [they] .. imagine that it can be a good idea to import peoples speaking different languages, wearing different clothes, eating different foods and having different life-styles?
They don’t think it is a good idea for Britain. They think it’s a very bad idea, and that’s why they encourage it. They hate Britain, which they see as a monument to tyrannical Western patriarchy, a racist, bigoted anachronism which they want to utterly dismantle.
They are not mad, at least, not in the sense that you mean.
Jim S, your second paragraph reawakened memories of my early years. I feel as though I was around in Victorian England compared to now. When I was 5 my Mum walked me the couple of miles to school on the first day – to show me the way, and thereafter I went on my own ! this was 1953, and admittedly there was barely any traffic, and apart from being told ‘not to accept sweets from strangers’ , 3 or 4 of us kids ambled along together. I think it would be classed as child abuse now to let your ‘baby’ out of the front gate on their own, let alone walk to school.
Bris, I had the same experiences in the late 70s, my younger sister, in the mid 80s… think the turning point came a little later, early/mid 90s perhaps? Can’t help, but think it came with Blair’s NuLabour?
Perhaps that’s why we (my sister and I) get on so much better with those who are our age, or older, than younger people?
@Jim that Ruth Alexander’s “What Happened Last Night In Sweden” is an old prog isn’t it ?
It was on World Service in Feb 2017
..maybe they’ve extended it ?
but I’ve definitely critiqued it before
I debated with her on Twitter and posted here on BBBC 2017/03/02
BBC shit stirring again.
It seems it’s all the President’s fault for not being sufficiently effusive about the late Senator. If he had been, it would have been labelled hypocritical. Whatever Trump does, his critics will say it isn’t enough.
McCain is very much the BBCs idea of what their dream conservative would be.
1. Got to have lost resoundingly to the left
2. Got to have gone on a rehabilitative journey along the Lefts chosen via lumis-to learn, repent and let the Left stick their hand up his shirt, like Lord Charles.
3. Got to be as corrupt and stupid as the Left, and a useful shill to show “balance”.
Chris Patten, IDS, Heseltine, Major and now McCain.
As I recall, McCain was as helpful to the Russians in Ukraine as was Cathy Ashton , but being thick-this was not deliberate.
Mc Cain also missed the collapse of Lehman Brothers etc in the election run up in 2008, even as he was getting told it was coming. Probably the worst candidate that the Republicans ever had, no wonder Obama and the BBC love him.
Trump is a winner-how the left hate that.
Somewhat bemused to have the BBC tell me that McCain ‘lost to history’. Well I guess we all do that ultimately when we die, but I think they meant that the plan was to have a Black, then a Woman, then a Queer US president.
Interestingly, with Bathhouse Barry, they got two out of three and a bonus of having a trannie as first ‘lady’.
Image , if thing had gone differently McCain would have gone earlier And VP shucks Palin could have been first girly POTUS.
I think it was a shame President Trump bothered with the flag in the first place . McCain did his job in the military and held onto the politics for 30 or more years living in the swamp . Plenty of rewards for politicians and even more in Blighty .
If you follow the Q posts, it would appear that ‘ No name’ didn’t die, by what might be termed natural causes.
I don’t know but it appears Q predicted his day and time of death.
If this is true, I think it’s possible this bad man was given a choice: stick around and you’ll be prosecuted for treason and spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars, or take the soldier’s way out and we’ll leave your family with a mythical reputation of you as a patriot and war hero. He had 30 days to decide and took option two.
This doctrine of exactly how you should respond to someone dying is nauseating and is in a large part down to the hysteria that enveloped Diana’s death – something the Beeb definitely contributed to.
Trump couldn’t stand McCain and vice versa but yet he’s now meant to be grovelling – what lunacy.
Did the Beeb show the same respect to Mrs T’s passing? Hardly. Every begrudged positive had to be offset with a hammered home negative.
Panorama on BBC1 next week has a “Murder on the Streets” special looking at the alarming number of murders, especially in London.–murder-on-the-streets—panorama/
It asks the question “what might have led to the murder of so many young people?”
Let me help you – it’s black on black gang warfare.
But last week’s Panorama said that black criminals killing other black criminals was only because old white men were supplying them with guns and ammunition. If the crew from next week’s Panorama talk to the crew from last week’s Panorama they’ll have the answer.
Or was last week’s Panorama just Home Office propaganda?
Funny hearing the term ‘old white men’ a friend of mine shocked me a few weeks ago when talking about his employment and the meetings he had been to discussing diversity in the work place. A little later he said ‘well people my age have outdated ideas and they are trying to clear out the old grey haired white men’.
The film ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ comes to mind when I hear people speak like this. Its as if the population of western civilization is being disposed of and replaced by mindless aliens who repeat parrot fashion whatever their master decree.
It’s only third world Jamaican type habits being bought to Blighty – abbot and Lammy should be able to deliver a lecture on the ‘culture ‘ which leads to boys stabbing each other because they are in the wrong E post code area – animals.
And what we really need now is like, I don’t know, a film that romanticises those Jamiacan Yardie gangsters directed by our very own BAME ambassador, Idris Elba.
Still on target for 130 minimum dead by the end of 2018 . On about 105 now which is average for a Londonistan year even without white hire vans driven by the muj on London Bridge .
Every killing of a black boy in Londonistan can be attributed to the rekentless work of baroness Lawrence , lord Macpherson and the rest of the race victim industry which removed any law enforcement culture from the police and replaced in with reassurance , victim support and nice leaflets ….
that was already answered by an ex-gang member on radio 4 months ago, the new immigrants shocked the old immigrants with their lightning escalations into bloody violence, and the old immigrant gangs have had to up their game and response speed.
It was ‘a lie’ when Nigel Farage suggested that Brussels made our laws.
Now it is ‘a lie’ that it will be easy to leave the EU.
This is because we are bound by all those laws that Brussels didn’t make.
I blame all those British Members of the European Parliament who let these laws get passed through in the first place. What the heck have these fat cats been doing all those years in their cushy offices that move back and fore from Brussels to Strasbourg?
Just ask anyone on the street to name their EU MP………….
The European Parliament does not make any laws. The unelected breaucrats of the Commission are the only ones who can propose laws.
Who on earth is Professor Alice Roberts? Why do the BBC seem to think it appropriate for her to present every show that Professor Brian Cox isn’t already presenting?
Next week she presents something to do with Swallows and Amazons from the Lake District.
Do these Professors actually do any real work or are they just BBC stooges?
These “professors” profess little more than the glory of the media that employs them.
The likes of Al-Khalili are basically sugar almonds on top of a University cake like Guildford to “bring in the students”.
All New Labour graduates, know a lot about something that is very narrow, even utterly useless( The Aerodynamics of Pork etc). But can play a Labour anthem with one finger on the keyboard, so are seen as renaissance intellects.
We`ve swapped Faraday for Fry basically. The BBC prefer their “experts” to seek the limelight, rather than have an independent mind.
I think they are actors.
Brian Cox
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Bill Nye, the fake science guy
Don Petit
David Attenborough
If this woman is complementing Mr Cox then I’d say she too is an actor.
prof cox hasn’t done any serious science for years, he is basically a come to manchester uni advertisement nowadays
If only they would bring back documentaries with voice overs, like the formerly brilliant Horizon that lost its way about 10 years ago. I rarely watch them any more as I’m turned off by the cameramen seeking the most photogenic shots of the ‘expert’ who is expressing their ego rather than the subject matter.
I’ve seen ‘Professor’ Alice Roberts give a lecture live, and I have to say she struck me as: photogenic, yes very, but academic, no, not even slightly… bit like those performing cats they have on YouTube.
If you look up her qualifications, most of them are honorary, and her ‘Professorship’ (like Brian Cox) is entirely to do with ‘the promotion of science’, rather than actual research, or even lecturing.
In other words, those saying she and Brian Cox are merely window dressing to promote the Universities which host them, and (liberal BBC version) academe, are absolutely correct.
She’s also heavily involved in pushing more girls into scientific study and careers. Personally, I have no objection to women in science and engineering at all (wish there’d been a few girls on my first degree course – nothing more disappointing when you’re a randy 18 year old male undergraduate than discovering you’re in a complete sausage fest of a class like that… unless you like sausage I guess).It annoys me intensely though, when girls (or other groups) are promoted at the expense of bright and able homegrown lads (as is the case at Imperial, for example, boys pay so girls go free… thanks Alice Roberts!).
I’ve probably mentioned before that I used to (briefly) work in scientific research in academia myself. At the time I was doing my Post-Doc (mid to late 90s) it was undergoing massive changes, mostly thanks to NuLabour, I guess, and Blair’s ‘vision’. Anyway, long story short, anything that was perceived to be staid and dull (like real science and laboratories with equipment you actually needed) was ditched in favour of anything ‘trendy’ which would encourage more bums on seats (and hence make more money – which is really what it was all about).
It was the same era as the ‘titles of excellence’ fiasco – in a nutshell, young(ish) UK academics were moaning that their US counterparts got to call themselves ‘Professor’ and were sneering at UK academics with crappy titles like ‘Lecturer’ and ‘Doctor’ (in the UK only the Head of Dept. was called ‘Professor’ and it was pretty much only ever granted to the most senior in age… e.g. late 60s+). So, it was decided ALL UK academics (even honorary ones) would now be called ‘Professor’… so those snooty American academics couldn’t look down their noses at us… my PhD supervisor (a ‘real’ Professor, in his 70s) took retirement in disgust (back then academics NEVER retired, so that was big news).
I recall being in a meeting with the Chairman of EPSRC (the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council) , where he seriously proposed to my PhD supervisor that the Uni should be involved in the proposed new ‘UK Super Department of Applied Physical Sciences’, which was going to be based in Oxford and called the ‘David Beckham School of Applied Physical Science Excellence’, or something. My supervisor pointed out (in his usual dry way) that David Beckham was a footballer, and although he was doubtless very good at kicking a ball around, really didn’t come across as that bright, and so probably wasn’t the sort of undergraduate he thought any ‘School of Applied Physical Sciences’, especially one with ‘excellence’ in the title, would be looking for, but I think that went straight over the head of a career civil servant.
I followed my supervisor out the door to be honest, and never regretted it, two years later the department of Engineering and Applied Sciences folded and the uni. converted the space to teach more ‘European Studies’ students.
Now my son is looking at Uni in a couple of years himself, personally I’m trying to nudge him in the direction of an apprenticeship in something applied and practical… like brick laying.
I did look her up and from this Telegraph article she seems to have a bona fide start, with a medical degree.
Maybe the transition to the media spotlight and big bucks goes to their heads.
Like you I did a stint in academia, me as a humble researcher, and as my contract in the early 90s was fizzling out, strange things were going on at the institution i worked in. Drives to get bums on seats, Heads of departments giving themselves huge pay rises and ‘company’ cars while increasing hours and reducing holidays for ordinary lecturers.
@thirdoption asks “Why is Professor Alice Roberts on so often”
By rights TV land should represent the real world, but certain dynamics stop that and TV becomes very cliquey
eg brian Cox gets in cos his wife is a TV exec
The dynamics means you have to PC and connected
Roberts started as a volunteer in Time Team and her husband is a proper archaeologist. She probably has some family or friend connection in to TV
Awkward little juxtaposition on BBC Radio 5 Live just now.
There’s this unpleasant story about Solihull with some rather non-English names
‘Police have named the man wanted over the double murder of a mother and daughter in Solihull. Janbaz Tarin, 21, is being sought over the stabbings of his ex-partner, Raneem Oudeh, 22, and her mother, Khaola Saleem, 49, West Midlands Police said.’
Pictures on BBC on line of this family confirm a shocking bit of bigoted prejudice… or alternatively… what some might term the bleedin’ obvious.
Then the BBC takes a pot shot at “The Far Right” in Eastern Germany for causing trouble after an attack on a woman which “they blame on immigrants”
The BBC have never been quick to join dots but sometimes the combination of their own headlines tend to catch them out.
Two things strike me about the article:
“Because it has had previous contact with the victims’ family, West Midlands Police has referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct”.
If events follow previous patterns, there will be an enquiry in which it will be established that the victims had previously been threatened or assaulted by the perpetrator and that the reason why the two ladies became victims was because of the failure of the police to protect them and this failure will be attributed to institutional racism.
“Det Insp Corfield said anyone shielding him “through a sense of misguided loyalty” were committing an offence and would be prosecuted”.
The police, in this case, seem to be aware of the possibility of misguided loyalty. Presumably, the same sense of loyalty that protected the grooming gangs that have operated nationally for many years now. The protection afforded by a wall of silence inspired by service to an authority higher than that of the Laws of the Land.
“Officers from across the force have been following a number of lines of inquiry to trace Tarin, but he has not yet been arrested,” a spokesman said.
That is genderism. BBCapparently biased towards men!
Sounds callous I know, but they can all batter themselves to death for all I care. We’ve got the world and his wife demanding health care, houses, education for their offspring, and every benefit going, and we’ve sat back and let it happen ! They breed at such a rate that Sarin, Khan, Shabi, Patel etc etc will be the ‘English’ names of the future, and the establishment wonder why the far Right are on the move .
I think you meant the world and his several wives.
I also think you meant British Patriots and not “far right”. I understand, and share, your anger but it is important not to give our enemies any ammunition.
We have self determination. If we so determine we can throw the invaders, and their Beeboid supporters into the sea.
Bris – doesn’t sound callous at all – every time I hear about a bombing in afgee or a capsized boat in the med I instantly think – ‘good – that’s another dozen not coming coming to Blighty ‘. I don’t feel guilty at all about that as my country is in desperate need of border control and if The snowflake civil service won’t do it maybe others will.
There will be plenty reading that comment and getting on their high moral horse … until their family or friends are directly affected by the third world swamp washing up every day at our ‘borders ‘….
Solution – no refugees in any form
No relations of Uk passport holders without paying up front
Deportation of convicted foreigners for almost any offence
For starters … al beeb would have a field day with that but for those laws to pass al beeb would be gone too.
“Det Insp Caroline Corfield said: “My message to Tarin would be that it’s vitally important that we get to speak to you as soon as possible, so please do the right thing and let us know where you are.””.
You will be familiar with the expression containing the words, “…….. where the Sun don’t shine”. ‘Tarin’ is doubtless now well ensconced in Pakistan or somewhere similar so, dear Caroline, let’s see how well your European Arrest Warrant works………..
Seems Myanmar is where the MSM wants the news to be at.
Or Africa.
May not make comfortable reading for any thinking Treezer is a beacon of hope.
Guest, what does ccbgb stand for?
Comments Could Be Going Better 🙂
Perhaps when May gets to Nigeria she can go around one of those fraud call centres and get a bit of sponsorship for Talk Talk — she’s won a prize – send her bank account and sort code to this Nigerian address …. what a lame joke …
She`s probably promised the nations gold reserves to Prince Katanga of Njombu, who only needs £10,000 to release all his alabaster herd from Honey Boy Zemba in the neighbouring swamplands.
Deluded woman, childless and useless-not doing anything and not in control of her rolling marbles-classic sting target there.
And she’s busy giving away our money to foreigners without even bothering to ask us if that’s how we want our money to be spent.
I’ll bet she doesn’t do anything to stop the racist blacks in South Africa from killing whites.
jic – Apart from applauding and encouraging.
Seems the Bank Holiday work experience kids got hold of the keys to the Project Fear ‘special stuff’ Cabinet a bit earlier than planned.
“University Challenge to introduce ‘gender neutral’ questions following complaints from viewers
‘We try to ensure that when hearing a question, we don’t have any sense of whether it was written by a man or a woman, just as questions should never sound as if they are directed more at men than women'”
JG “following complaints from viewers”
Another unverifiable Beeboid quasi-justification, also known as a lie.
Nonsense LCS,
Over one thousand BBC LGBTQ employees complained.
And now it’s risen to five thousand ????
Under the circumstances, having carefully considered the situation, having read the criticism here, I have weighed alternatives and reached a decision. The decision is that I am not going to apologise to the lying BBC. Ever.
If all this nonsense continues, are the French going to change their language, as most nouns are either male or female as I understand it?
No BBC content.
There is a UN declaration of human rights.
Which forbids us to discriminate against people for characteristics which they cannot change.
#1 of which is gender.
#2 of which is race.
#3 of which is age.
Wikipedia, naturally, extends these immutable criteria as far as it suits them.
“These include age, colour, convictions for which a pardon has been granted or a record suspended, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender identity, genetic characteristics, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.” Article “discrimination”.
#1 gender.
Sorry Wikilefties, but your supporters have spent the last ten years advising people that they can be any gender they wish. That they can invent genders hitherto unrecongised and unknown. In fact that they may, at any time, be gender-fluid and adopt any gender identity they choose. That they can then sue the hell out of anybody they believe has slighted them, or even anyone who they merely dislike.
Under legislation which permits the fluidgenderists to be the sole arbiters of the fact that a crime has been committed. The sole, and infallible, identifiers of the criminal. The sole authority permitted to declare the guilt, and the sentence. That is justice for you.
#2 race.
The lefties have spent 90 years stating that race is a social construct.
The lefties have also spent every second of the same 90 years villifying anyone who disagreed with them. Describing them as racist. Racism, which is simultaneously the worst crime it is possible to commit, and something which does not exist.
That is illogicism for you.
#3 age.
No comment at present.
As a member of a minority which is discriminated against, I demand that the UN criteria are changed, that they add to their criteria, and include an additional immutable characteristic, for which I suffer perpetual discrimination.
This characteristic is nonesenseism. The impossiblity of believing rubbish. That War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. That believing Leftycrap is anything other than Leftycrap. Sorry but I have tried for years to believe six impossible things before breakfast, and failed. It is an immutable characteristic.
I implore the reasonable, sensible, just, far-seeing, UN officials, to modify the founding documents.
But I will be prepared for them to be too busy with their snouts in the trough, and their hands in the till.
One for your diary, 2018-09-23.
A gig by the dimmest, nastiest, ugliest, fattest, noisiest, most perverted, pseudo-human, band, ever.
Recorded and over-reported, at enormous cost, in inglorious leftycolour, by the world’s most over-subsidised, overpaid, overrated, shallowcaster.
Liverpool, for four days only, ShoutyMacLabourFace.
Just took a look at Al Beeb’s front page — just more anti-Trump. The liberal media hate him !
BBC Business. “Is this African teenager a future coding superstar?”
My answer.
#1 I doubt it, they have not produced one yet.
#2 Any chance the BBC will report news of he success and achievement of WHITE youngsters?
BBC 27th August.
“Notting Hill Carnival 2018: Rain, rum and reggae”.
And it’s all delightful, if one likes afro-anything, which I don’t.
With no reports whatsoever, of theft, assault, drug abuse, or any crimes whatsoever. The reader will assume no such events happened, or so the BBC hoped.
370 arrests found by Google, so the BBC are lying again.
E&OE integrity.
BBC 2018-08-28
“Theresa May to pledge Africa investment boost after Brexit”
What Brexit you lying cow? £40 billion to the EU for no reason and no Brexit.
“The PM will say she wants the UK to overtake the US to become the G7’s biggest investor in Africa by 2022”
Come on Boris, put the traitor permanently out of her, and our, misery.
BBC Trailer for Victoria Derbyshire.
Get your handkerchiefs ready.
“Children ‘ready to flee’ violence at Greek refugee camp”
The camp is run by MSF, the no borders people.
WE ARE THE FUTURE on a brand new T shirt worn by a child, almostly certainly obtained by the BBC.
“Some children at the camp have respiratory diseases from tear gas fired into the camp by police to quell fights.”
“children as young as 10 are attempting suicide.” This is repeated just in case we are not paying attention.
The Greeks, having been robbed by the EUSSR, are without the resources to assist much. Doubtless they would prefer to look after their own first.
Although one Greek press representative, who blames the EU, is quoted “”I want to help but I can do nothing, because the European Union closed the borders.” Closed the borders! if only.
Fights, stabbings and rapes (yes rapes) are described.
Why the violence? I expect it’s our fault, it usually is, but no. So who causing the trouble?
“Ali, who has now left the camp, says when he got to Moria with his family “we found that there was already existing sectarianism and racism, whether it was between Sunnis and Shias, or Kurds, Arabs and Afghans””.
BBC daily email ‘news’ summary.
“By Victoria King
PM’s push for new trade ties
May Africa visit
Theresa May heads to South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya this week on a trade – and charm – offensive. She’s hoping to strengthen ties with growing African economies ahead of Brexit and will say she wants the UK to become the G7’s biggest investor in the continent – overtaking the US – by 2022. The prime minister will say a more prosperous Africa is “in the world’s interest”, helping to tackle extremism, instability and migration to Europe.
It might be a hard sell. That’s the view of the BBC’s Africa business editor Larry Madowo. The UK’s historical relationship with many African countries still counts for something, he says, but it has to compete for attention with larger economies offering greater riches. An ambitious but friendly China, the huge European Union bloc, the potential riches of the United States – Africa is being wooed from all sides, our correspondent adds, and there are those who want the continent to drive a hard bargain.
While most of the visit’s focus is on the future, the PM will also hand over a relic – a ship’s bell – linked to a 1917 maritime disaster. The SS Mendi sank off the Isle of Wight, killing more than 600 South Africans en route to the Western Front to support British troops. Read more on the disaster .”
Reading more on the disaster of a visit by a relic? Apt.
And…. notice anything Vicky and Larry have studiously steered clear of, using that renowned bbc editorial integrity?
In complement.
And then there is what the charmer won’t say, along with her state propaganda tools.
I think someone stated it before, but does every picture of her look like she’s having a stroke?
Tr – Let us know when you can show the “after” photos.
Looks like Noel Gallagher!
Not seen those two has-beens in the same room have we?
Sorry, correction.
You need to have been a “been” before you can be a “has been”.
Poor Theresa, makes Chamberlains white flag of a note seem like the Edstone.
Any chance of THAT being elected as PM? Could hardly be any worse.
Hey, Vicks…. Larry… any time or space for stuff like this too?
Good for business?
Has the BBC told you our new Aussie Prime Minister is Scott Morrison? Informed by our TV news that he was ‘assembling his cabinet’ , I have been picturing Scott tearing his hair out trying to put together an IKEA booze cupboard for his office.
Some might say self-assembly furniture is a fitting metaphor for our (supposedly conservative) coalition government: a disfunctional pack of planks, requiring a genius to make them work together in any meaningful way.
I’m just bitter because our genuinely conservative PM, Tony Abbott, was knifed in the back (metaphorically) by the lefty entryist Malcolm Turnbull a few years ago. I suppose it’s some consolation that he’s been politically assassinated in his turn.
(This has all brought to mind a Thatcher era joke about the Cecil Parkinson sex scandal. Question: What has Cecil Parkinson got in common with MFI furniture? Answer: One screw in the wrong place and the whole cabinet falls to bits.)
Helena, G’day. As Winston once said “Politics is foul.”
Views are polarised for sure, but certain facts are surely easy enough to establish and, if not blinded by partisan zeal, conform and if relevant, report?
TOADY Watch #1
Has the BBC been spoofed again? My reason for asking is the news they are giving me about a ‘study’ from Yale (China) about pollution. There is so much ‘wrong’ in what the BBC are conveying to me that I’m wondering whether it was genuine.
In the meantime, no mention of Beachy Head a year ago. Now, there’s some ‘pollution’ to be concerned about.
The bbc and facts are at best the product of cousins marrying.
That they claim to have a ‘fact check unit’ is however excellent satire.
Jane Hill still on this beat? Maybe fellow media darling Jakwy Smiff can lend her a vest?
Mutti and the BBC any good a joining dots?
TOADY Watch #2
BBC Bias? Much has been made, by the BBC, of the height of flags on flag-poles in Washington, DC., in the last three days. I am wondering if the BBC has actually checked who gave the order for flags to be returned to full mast before John Cain’s remains were buried.
All those Editors and correspondents available to them in the US capital, you would think that staffing was not the problem for the BBC in doing an essential bit of journalism.
Was the order direct from the President’s mouth or from the Oval Office, via his Chief of Staff?
Or are the BBC just assuming that it came from the President because he and the late Senator were Republican rivals? And could the BBC’s lazy assumption come from the fact that they just want yet another opportunity to attack Donald Trump?
I wonder . . ……
The ‘what wasn’t done, no idea by whom, but we’ll lay at the door of…’ technique is rife at the BBC, as it is here by now mercifully absent Flokkers.
There will be protocols. Maybe errors too.
Trying to work every opportunity for a TDS dig into the news is pathetic.
Like many here, I think, I have increasingly less contact with BBC television or radio, with most of my contact being via its website or Twitter. However I did catch a report this morning on Radio Scotland about riots by the “far right” protestors in Germany. These protests, we were told, followed the killing of one and stabbing of two others in a fight with immigrants.
Now, think back to any report here on riots by those of colour. What’s the first thing they tell you? They tell you what the protesters say happened. That innocent Winston was minding his own business when the police set upon him and beat him up.
So why were we not told that the protesters believe that a girl was assaulted by these immigrants and the men injured or killed were going to her assistance?
‘Riots of colour’ has an interesting ring.
Maybe… ‘rainbow riots’ if relocating with bystanders to the top of nearby buildings?
TOADY Watch #3
Did I really hear a BBC Washington Correspondent tell me this morning that 10% of the US population are veterans and their overall number is 22 million?
Oh dear!
Dementia IS cutting a swathe through the BBC.
I may have to listen to that again on iPlayer to check but I hope someone on here with sharp ears and a good memory can save me the trouble. I hit the OFF switch over half an hour ago and I’m finding the peace rather pleasant.
I know I should be listening but am reluctant to spoil the quiet.
Those figures – 22 million and 10% of the US (adult) population are defined as veterans, meaning someone who has completed some form of military service – are broadly correct. They are borne out by figures from Pew Research Center (the most widely respected source of statistics in the US), veterans organisations and by State and Federal budget programmes. Those figures, incidentally, are declining. The numbers may seem high to a UK audience, but the USA is now the World’s third most populous nation, with around 5 times the population of the UK. It can be disconcerting to meet young Americans, maybe only 21 or 22, who have served in the military for a couple of years and are now officially veterans and aiming for college. There are considerable benefits available to them, ranging from housing, college fees and free medical care. In this instance, America looks after its own, big-time.
Ian, I did wonder if it was as a percentage of the adult population although the Beeboid I think would have been over 10% out with his 22 million. That figure of 220 million* for adults in the US out of a population close to 330 million would also, I think, be a bit strange for a second world highly developed industrialised nation. One-third under the age of 18?
Anyway, the key point is the Beeboid, IIRC, did not say 10% of the ADULT population, just population – which was what rang the alarm bell for me.
US adult population estimated at close to 245m in 2014 – probably now closer to a quarter of a billion. That would make the child population a more reasonable 80m although still a high percentage, at approximately 24%.
TOADY Watch #4
The Demented Beeboid has just told me that ‘President Trump is bad, very bad, very, very, bad. He’s so bad that he is the baddest ever.’ for not refering to John McCain as a hero.
That is a form of frantic semantics that outdoes fussing over David Cameron’s ‘swarm’ or ‘swamp’ or whatever.
BBC, you are starting to make yourselves look very, very, stupid.
Now that IS bad.
You will need to narrow down more.
There are 20,000 to choose from.
“BBC, you are starting to make yourselves look very, very, stupid.”
They have been looking stupid for decades. They have stupid recruitment polices,.
Clause 1 of which states. “It is possible to make a silk purse of a sow’s ear.”
Clause 2 of which states. “You must always believe in the truth of clause 1 even when all the available empirical evidence indicates otherwise”.
LOL, LCS, but I did qualify it with ‘very, very’.
I agree the BBC have been stupid for ages. I remember Charles Curran (was it?) as DG. Think he may have received my first ever complaining letter to a DG.
We live in a time where right across the West the ordinary people are locked in a struggle to free themselves from the rule of the liberal left. Trump, Brexit and the resistance to mass migration in the EU being prime examples.They are using their democratic votes to try and elect leaders who will put them first , but the liberal elite hold all the levers of power and use them ruthlessly and often illegally, as we see in their non stop assault on President Trump. Of course the media, the educational establishment, and the judicial system are all in the pockets of the elite. In the US no matter how much wrong doing by the Democrats and Obama is uncovered the media don’t report it and the justice system ignores it. In the UK the political elite and the MSM are rabidly anti Brexit and lie to us on a daily basis. Our negotiators are actually in league with Brussels rather than on our side. Tommy Robinson is made an example of because he dares to state obvious truths about Islam.
One aspect of all of this that baffles me is why so many ordinary people still believe the lies that they are fed through the media. They seemed brainwashed or brain dead. We live in Orwellian Times when lies become the truth and the truth becomes a lie, and only one way of thinking is acceptable. All the trappings of a totalitarian regime.
No doubt if the elite succeed in resisting the people they will claim that they have successfully defending democracy. They will try and tell us that it is they who defended our best interests from predatory populists. But will ordinary folks buy these obvious lies , will they accept that their only source of power , their votes, have been contemptuously ignored by the elite who have resorted to illegal methods to maintain their power?
“One aspect of all of this that baffles me is why so many ordinary people still believe the lies that they are fed through the media.”
DT I also wonder. I have come to believe that it’s rare for counter-evidence or reasoned argument to lead people to experience a major shift of perception. Any worldview can be — and most often is — self reinforcing. Even in science, which is heralded by many as ‘objective’, biases in empirical observation seem to exist.
When you’re in the game, you believe the rules are solid, important, and sufficiently describe reality. You have no reason to step outside of the game. Until a tipping point is reached — and after that, there’s no going back…
How do we get sufficient people tothe tipping point? The liberal left control the law, the media , education and the judiciary. They are going to soon control the internet. How are their lies, the disasterous consequences of their policies going to become public knowledge ? The odds are heavily stacked against those who oppose them.
I think a good first step is to limit exposure to any indoctrination.
There’s a real fear I think in stepping outside the game. It’s reassuring to trust that the machinery of authority is, on the whole, fairly competent and beneficent. Maybe to discover otherwise comes through weariness, a shock to the system, or an innate need to enquire beyond any media channels.
It’s a good question and I don’t have any answers, but all of those *seem* to be happening in greater numbers so I still have some faith. I’m all ears to any other ideas though.
I think people started to notice something was wrong when the gorilla in the room became a herd of stampeding elephants… at least I hope so.
R4…talking about comedy being less they get in a female stand up….typical. Few of them are funny….oh and she’s talking about her personal experience of depression…I am so fed up with hearing about the Edinburgh festival on the BBC….She is depressing to listen to..and now Tristram saying the festival didn’t have lots of jokes at the expense of Brexit – well the BBC seemed to find them.
Why haven’t we heard about the break down of the Schengen area or Italy not paying into EU…there is so much news out there..but apparently the BBC don’t know about it
Anyone heard from Sadick about the 101 killings recently?
JA, I thought the Aussie import – sorry, can’t remember her name – was quite good but that was just judging from the clips chosen by the BBC for their trail. Those might have been a high point.
BBC 5 Live Radio find a moment to talk about London’s violent crime epidemic, in between promoting Strictly and a love/hate obsession with José Mourinho – well it is Salford local radio.
Unsettling exchanges between the achingly PC Nicky Campbell and a PC representative of some black Police officers club.
The subject at issue for the BBC: most ordinary people when asked seem to think bringing back stop and search might help the situation of people running around the streets armed with knives.
Following a tirade of confusing public sector expansionist social engineering gobbledegook (something about treating violent crime as a “health issue” – I think) even our Nicky gets a tad bored and to show he’s as wonderfully woke as the next middle-aged metroplitan ginger Beeboid he ventures:
“Is the Met still institutionally racist?”
“There’s no evidence of that” says our chap from the ethnics only police campaign pressure group.
The guest continues “But we’re in a pre-Stephen Lawrence situation of lack of trust between community and police” (I paraphrase – I wasn’t transcribing but this was the gist of his answer)
So could this be an admission that the Blair era breast beating self-flagelation and morale-deflating police and societal introspection and race obsession post-Lawrence was all for nothing? A distraction, a politically motivated cultural ruse? Designed to soften us up for further hyper-immigration?
With the now dearth of well-established political parties to rally round, the logic of Leave.EU is compelling. After all, if the flooding of the Conservative Party by new Brexiteer members only gives the opportunity to vote for the new PM as a Brexiteer, it will be worth it. There is a risk though. Despite the fact that it will be an opportunity to vote for a leader who is stated to be pro-Brexit, what we end up with may well be just as at variance with the public. Such is the mistrust of our politicians. Then what? A fresh Conservative Party who then fall in line with the EU and another 5 years within which to do so?
TOADY Watch #5
Talking with two contributors about Burma and stripping Aung San Suu Kyi of her Nobel Peace Prize.
Notable tone from The Humph: grave respect and a hint of sadness in his voice. Shame they cannot show that for other subjects like Brexit or Stormont or the Cabinet.
Looks like the same team that swung ‘special access’ for Lily ‘I got tears’ Allen.
This is tragic, but the bbc’s narrative reporting simply makes it worse.
So yesterday my wife was checking the weather on the BBC (I’ll not confuse matters here by discussing why I prefer the Met Office) on the Sky Box. This opens a screen with a menu list down the right hand side and box on the left which shows a feed from the BBC, usually the news or weather. Yesterday it was the news but the newsreader announced the next programme, what I’m guessing is a regular film feature.
I’m quoting almost verbatim here as the titles finished and the beeboid said “ Welcome to a Hollywood and Race Special”.
I almost dropped my coffee, the only people who care, the only people being divisive about race are the media, we don’t bother about it.
Predictably Spike Lee’s (sorry I need to quote EXACTLY what the presenter said, “Black Director Spike Lee’s”) film Black Klansman was up for discussion. Can’t say I’ll bother, and having seen Dave Chappelle’s hilarious Clayton Bigsby Black Klansman on YouTube (the joke being that he’s blind and none of his mates have the heart to tell him) I can’t see how Spike Lee will top it.
Next they were going to discuss (harangue is probably a more accurate verb) the subject of most film critics being white men and yardda, feminism, diversity, black people, minorities, privilege, whatever.
You’ll be happy to know that I walked out of the room before 30 seconds had passed.
Katty strikes again. This time blaming Donald Trump for the actions of the media.
She really is a disgusting POS.
The media bubble seems to be getting more dense as it expands ever more.
Urban and Crick chatting how they always had a cheery greeting from… a politician.
Has this peroxide sink ever posted any news other than about her overwhelming obsession, holidays or book?
What is she paid?
Tx. So another thick, connected luvvie who is paid too much and doesn’t need it.
“Her husband, who is the former BBC correspondent, is now Vice President of Communications & Strategy of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.”
Do these people ever do any real work?
Real work – yes.
Helpful work – only to our enemies.
Alger Hiss, Commie traitor, head of the Carnegie peace etc.
Influenced the creation of the UN, our enemy since its foundation.
Tool of the USSR and FDR, Truman and co.
Leopard and spots.
Climate issues are a big part of the metro-lib bubbleworld
WUWT has a couple of interesting articles
#1 There’s been another Climate-tanic disaster, as once again Climate Activist scientists have sailed into the Arctic to prove the ice is disappearing …and got stuck
#2 In the Guardian article Caroline Lucas and her band say that Climate Skeptics should be deplatformed..not debated

yet top Climate Scientist replies to Lucas “Very few of these (Climate Activist) signatories could credibly debate the complex science of what is causing climate change and its impacts, and how climate might change in the 21st century.”
Then Josh shows how weak their pla is compared to that of Climate Skeptics
Talking of the Greens, and the media…
Then Josh shows how weak their platform is compared to that of Climate Skeptics
Complete swamp dweller – married to another BBC cnut, Rich diplomat parents, overseas privileged upbringing, posh school, Oxbridge.
Hadn’t seen your post before replying with similar to GW earlier.
The BBC often bring me news that I do not want. Fair enough. The OFF switch is at my command.
But what about the news I do want? The Organisation for the Prevention of use of Chemical Weapons was asked to test the substance that affected Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley in Amesbury. The OPCW have had plenty of time to report. Should we not have heard, BBC, what is in the public-release part of their Report?
I posted this earlier but it disappeared. Here is another attempt.
BBC accused of a cover up and collusion with security services in an attempt to reignite the cold war. Former ambassador asks the BBC questions over Skipals.
If this post remains it is worth reading the article.
‘On 8 July 2018 a lady named Kirsty Eccles asked what, in its enormous ramifications, historians may one day see as the most important Freedom of Information request ever made. The rest of this post requires extremely close and careful reading, and some thought, for you to understand that claim.
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
1: Why did BBC Newsnight correspondent Mark Urban keep secret from the licence payers that he had been having meetings with Sergei Skripal only last summer.
2: When did the BBC know this?
3: Please provide me with copies of all correspondence between yourselves and Mark Urban on the subject of Sergei Skripal.
The BBC have refused to answer.
GWF, thanks for that link. I did not realise that Craig Murray had taken such an interest in the Salisbury & Amesbury poisonings.
That embarrassment of Mark Urban at the BBC having a link to Skripal may explain some of the deafening silences, non-thinking and non-questioning on the part of a well-funded, massively resourced news organisation that doesn’t even strive for 100% accuracy but always achieves it.
The BBC and denials…
The BBC and allegations…
The BBC and justice…
“it can be reported”.
Treezer dances with the natives in South Africa
We hope that when the Presidents of the African Countries visit the UK Diversity May will introduce them to our clog dancers. With close up shots of Treezer’s dancing shoes, as shown in the BBC film.
Wonder what the Beeb will make of this…Coppers fault I bet.
Shocking moment thugs attack two policemen as they pin down suspect in McDonald’s before terrified officer screams ‘get the f*** off me’ and aims taser at raging mob
Two officers are seen trying to arrest a man in Hackney McDonalds last night
As one policeman raises what appears to be a taser an onlooker kicks him
Man repeatedly kicks PC who screams ‘get the f*** off me’ at crowd watching
Another man then approaches him and the officer points a taser at him
One of the men attacking the officers, 30, has been arrested the other is at large
PUBLISHED: 10:36, 28 August 2018 | UPDATED: 12:39, 28 August 2018
@Guest Who mentioned Green Party troubles
The Green Party statement contains some strange spin
#1 *serious sexual offences* = “Rape of a 10 year old”
#2 “Family member” = father and election agent
#3 it appears, Aimee knew of the charges and did not tell the local/national Green Party, nor consider it a problem to have his home as the contact for her local party and continue having him as her campaign agent,
Twitter thread
\\ Coventry Green Party HQ was officially listed as the Challenor’s home. The crime scene. The SAME home where a ten year old girl was raped and tortured in a “torture chamber” attic. How is @TheGreenParty statement in any way adequate? //
Aimee Challenor : Transgenger Green Party politician has withdrawn from the deputy leadership race after it emerged her father was her election agent despite being charged with child rape.
she said: ‘My father was sentenced to 22 years in prison for a series of serious sexual offences including rape and gross indecency !!
Times adds more
\\ Challenor’s father, who used the Twitter name An Old Arch Devil, also carried out design work for the Green Party’s national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender campaign.//
The Times is starting a trend of not allowing comments on news articles.
This is the second one I have seen today
A tweeter claims
\\ The Challenor’s were also “advisers” to West Mids Police on Trans abuse (even during the court case) //
another \\ What about the fact that both father and daughter delevoped ‘terf blocker’ and bragged about silencing 50,000 women across social media !!//
I’ve just read your link from The Metro.
How can a 20 year old be tipped for big things in a political party? They’re either setting an incredibly low bar or that’s just a flat out lie. I’m not being ageist but 20 is far too young an age at which to be able to spot that type of leadership potential. Or maybe (rhetorical question) she/he was tipped based entirely on the fact that she/he is transgender. Ticks a box.
Worth adding that when I saw the transgender part I couldn’t believe it. I’m waiting on the sidelines to see what downright weirdness the media is going to normalise and expect us to go along with next. And re nature or nurture, this is a damning case for what happens when your parents are sick.
RE: Diverse children’s books.
The BFGAK47.
Five Go Bombing.
Jamal and the Giant Machete.
Charlie and the Charlie factory.
The Snitches.
Noddy Joins a Gang.
Charlotte’s Dark Web.
It can work both ways, – how come there wasn’t a white horse called White Beauty ? And back in the 1950’s I used to watch the series The Black Brigand – despite him being white !
I guess that today they would have to be renamed as ‘Dark Beauty’ and ‘The Dark Brigand’, for the same reason that I read that you are supposed to ask for ‘dark coffee’ as black coffee might be offensive to some snowflake or other.
Charlie and the Charlie factory, LOL!
And it seems like hardly any time at all that the perpetually offended wanted Tintin in the Congo banned from the shelves!
Does this only apply to BAME or are other minority groups also under-represented in children’s books?
Such as:
Emil and the Transvestites
And for outsize homosexuals:
The Giant Iron
I said yesterday that I would try to keep a record of the BBC News webpage pro and anti Brexit headlines.
Today’s appears in a few places, though it’s all basically the same story about investing in Africa after Brexit.
It’s a difficult one to categorise. It’s not specifically anti Brexit, but can it be said to be pro? It talks about creating jobs for young people, but it isn’t clear if those jobs are in Africa. And it has the PM “playing down warnings” of Brexit damage.
I’ll put this in the “neutral” corner.
‘It’s not specifically anti Brexit’
Radio 4 TWAO presenter was at pains to point out that the UK’s trade with Africa was relatively insignificant compared to our trade with the EU. I’m sure I detected the usual BBC anti-Brexit editorial narrative in their insistance on making that point which was somewhat tangential to the report about our future trade with Africa.
To spell it out – the BBC’s Project Fear agenda here was to imply ‘yeah sure, you may increase by a small amount trade with Africa but you are going to lose your trade with the EU’
Britain used to do loads of trade with South Africa – lamb. beef, corn, wheat, wine, oranges, grapes, avocados and many others. Then the UK joined the EU and to protect Mediterranean farmers they put a stop to all this, so hardly any African goods arrive here now.
Used to. Now Ms May is there talking about aid.
A bit stupid anyway: the wrong signal to send at the wrong time, encouraging the land-grabbers in SA to carry on, giving them the thumbs-up, well done, chaps.
Given the years of brutal farm murders and tortures, this visit is ENTIRELY inappropriate.
Unless, of course, her intention was to give them some encouragement?
I note she put in a little reservation about the SA land grab that, (a la Zimbabwe?) ,it was entirely OK if it was ‘legal’?
Oh, it was legal in Zimbabwe, all right. Bob Mugabe said so. Does May think we are all fools, out here?
My contempt for May and her advisors knows no bounds.
Who will she visit next? Maduro in Venezuela, to tell him what a fine job he’s doing for the V. economy?
Burma, perhaps, to show her approval of the Generals?
Oh no, wait a minute, we’re far more likely to see her teaming up with the bbc in Cox’s Bazaar, of course.
What am I thinking…?
BBc news 13:00 A report from a refugee camp in Lesbos. I’m at a bit of a loss with this one we have the crying woman, yes they managed to find one, so I assume we are supposed to feel sorry for them. However we then learn one faction in the camp is constantly fighting another faction and two get stabbed on the visit. So the message is these are violent people and not the sort you would want moving in next door. I think.
The BBC clearly did not plan this one too well.
Lily in tears with moppets was a good try, but the premise being pitched here was doomed from the off.
BBC Pension fund, backs its competitors
Amazon £48m,
£43m stake in Google parent company Alphabet,
£35m of shares in Facebook,
a £24m stake in Apple
£23m of investment in Netflix.
“the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, proposed a tax on tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Netflix to help subsidise the BBC’s continued operation.”
” BBC workers have not been able to join the scheme since 2010″
It “manages more than £16bn in assets across a range of investments. The scheme is run independently”
“The fund has a £1.8bn shortfall, and a long-term deficit reduction programme is being funded from the BBC’s income
.. Other substantial holdings include £40m in Chinese internet giant Tencent and £27m in Elon Musk’s Tesla.”
Guess what ? No comments allowed on the Guardian article.
More Green news for BBC to bang on about
French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot has resigned on live radio, in a dramatic announcement that caught even President Emmanuel Macron by surprise.
; “I hope that my act is not an act of resignation but one of mobilisation,” he said.
The former TV presenter and green activist said he had quit after a series of disappointments in attempts to address climate change and other environmental threats.
He added that he felt “all alone” in government.
– BBC article doesn’t mention the sex allegations against him
Evening standard : Nicolas Hulot: French minister who kept his job despite historical rape allegations resigns over ‘policy row’
“French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot has resigned on live radio”
Does this mean that Monsieur Hulot is going on holiday? Or should that be “Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot”?
RJ, Magnifique.
Funny how the msm has turned the Caribbean island people who had screwed up papers interviews in to full blown Grenfell type victims and doesn’t ask who let them into our country in the first place . …
I’ve got a chip about this the size of Lammys because the vibrant boys in my school in the ‘ window lickers ‘ class where forever choosing which whitee to mug at lunchtime.
Ha LBC schedule changes from next week
4-6pm Eddy Mir the metrolib SJW campaigner
6-7pm Nigel Farage
7-10pm Iain Dale