The BBC has history when it comes to the vibrant Notting Hill Carnival; the more trouble – the less to be heard about it – apart from the copper ‘dancing’ with somebody being vibrant. Then it’s back to normal as the political/MSM bubble returns to usual failure to tell people the truth. At least people visiting this site will get a clearer view of what is really going on.
Start the Week Open Thread 27 August 2018
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Not the Beeb, so apologies, BUT as there has been no news since parliament packed up, Sky have blasted us daily with some chap swimming the length of the Channel. Very commendable and its aim is to highlight the lack of wildlife in the oceans, which he’s clearly done.
However, I’ve found it to be one long moan fest from him. How tired he is, how he’s ‘hurting’, how mentally challenging he’s found it, how the weather is against him, how whether he’ll have the energy to finish, and so it goes on and on ! Is he after a knighthood ? who is he ? well, at least he’s well placed to be on “I’m a celebrity……” next year.
I’ve shouted more than once, “well pack it in then, stop swimming, go home and give us some peace” !!!
Wasn`t it Captain Matthew Webb who first swam the Channel in 1875?
I`d imagine he`d have been back sorting the fuzzy wuzzies or what have you next day, after a rub of goosegrease and a full briar pipe.
Not mincing in Walliams slipstream dressed in Eddie Izzards high heeled flippers, and moaning on about his “journey”. Charity and the BBC allow these self absorbed weirdos oodles of time to show off.
All started with Geldorf I suppose.
Anyone swum it in a hijab yet?-not you Izzard, you needy weirdie?
Everybody in the West is so desperate to be a “victim” of something or other, even the very successful. It seems to be the only way to increase your status in a relentlessly PC world.
Perhaps this swimmer should take heed of the Slovenian endurance swimmer Martin Strel, who has swum the length of the Danube river, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River, and the Amazon River. You didn’t hear him complain about candiru fish swimming up his equipment….
The Swedish TV broadcaster: Finally owning up to the rape crisis perpetrated, in the main by, muslims?
But hey! Closer to home…………..
T he joys of “diversity” and “multiculturism”. Thanks politicians!
Whoa BBC it is disrespectful to Swedish victims of rape and migrant gangs … to say Last Night in Sweden all there was was one guy “drunk driving & bad weather on the roads”
that’s saying your rape or sexual assault doesn’t count
Here’s a screenshot of a blurb BBC PR must have supplied to the Daily Mail TV guide
Interesting mostly to see John McD, Labour, the ex-BBC Newsnight Economics Editor, BBC and…. Tory PM as one in missing the irony alert of smoking tyre currently in the field outside they are all studiously ignoring as they furiously virtue signal back decades.
Meanwhile, next door, another ex-Beeboid brain donation survivor has a fan.
GW – Amusing own goal by the ultra extreme very far left New European.
Corbyn shown thinking “have I ever had a thought?”. I look forward to more Rodin in the next issue. “The Kiss” with Jezza and a giant hippo.
Moscows as the tanks rolled into Prague?
Billy Braggs side of West Dorset?
Mason`s “right side” is pretty clear. The man is Caracas!
Yet both BBC and Channel 4 employed him, wonder why? It`s not as if he`s a journalist;any more that George Osborne is.
Somone needs to write that book on how Shabbi, Mason or Ozzie manage to get these jobs with no credentials.
At least Anthony Blunt knew the sharp end of his paint brush from the blunt one. People like Milne, Campbell and Polly have long been sleeping-probably left the funds by Maxwell, or such.
“At least Anthony Blunt knew the sharp end of his paint brush from the blunt one.”. Many others also knew the sharp end of Anthony’s paint brush from the blunt one, and he theirs.
The left have confused ⚥ and ⚣, since Marx started writing nonsense.
hilarious..after listening to BBC you need a laugh.
The one on the right is called Theresa the ambivalent. She bleats “brexit-brexit-brexit” but also speaks English (usually after saying “brexit-brexit-brexit-brexit” for several seconds).
The one on the left is called Twiki the ambuquad. She bleats “biddi-biddi-biddi” ” but also speaks English (usually after saying “biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi” ” for several seconds).
Twiki was voiced by the great vocal talent, Mel Blanc. I wonder who voices Theresa?
bBBC ‘news’ headline is now that “ministers must get to grips with child self-harm epidemic”.
See how it works?
Lefties encourage weird behaviour.
Participants are harmed as a result.
Lefties blame government for it.
Quite. On that basis, the BBC News team has a large store of future ‘material’ to exploit. Just let it unfold naturally then, “make hay…….”.
O/T : Last night I watched the new film ‘Dad’s Army’…but I seemed to have lost my sense of humour.
I lasted about 20 minutes before giving up…I didn’t find it funny at all. What’s wrong with me? 🙁
Because it was only a very slightly amusing spy movie with a sexy ending. It was made in Beverley and Bridlington, and ended with the words “The End” on the botty of Catherine Zeta Jones. So was a very good movie indeed.
BBC News : A day or two ago whilst watching the News, I noticed that the first six ‘correspondents’ were female and Scots. I didn’t take much notice at first but, after number three, I started counting.
Why is it deemed that some accents are more acceptable than others? Why not some newsreaders from Cornwall, Norfolk, Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle etc?
We need more accent diversity. 🙂
BBC cites report on young girls who self harm.
The NSPCC says common reasons for self-harming include:
pressure at school
emotional abuse
having relationship problems with family or friends
But the BBC find other reasons in the report.
‘… this report shows other factors such as how they feel about their sexuality and gender stereotypes may be linked to their unhappiness.”
Perhaps worry about gender is increased by the BBC ‘s obsession with transgender freaks and daily reports of people having to choose their gender.
22% of 14-year-old girls self harm? Sorry, I don’t believe it. It just doesn’t pass the “sniff test”.
Roland, not only that ‘sniff test’, I defy anyone to take time out to go back beyond 2017 to find the, “Report”. I’ve looked through 2018 & 2017 and unless it is in 2016 or earlier, it simply aint’ there. But, hang on, if it was, wouldn’t that be old news being recycled?
G… that’s an interesting link. It would seem that nspcc must mean ‘National Society for the Promotion of Coloured Children’ these days. Another one to cross off the charity list…
All those sexualities and genders to chose from eh?
“BBC cites report on young girls who self harm.”
They miss out the fact that self harm is fashionable and is a way of earning acceptance within a peer group. It’s also a way to get attention from adults. Girls aren’t stupid: if schools and social services reward bad behaviour they’ll get more bad behaviour.
There are some genuine cases where girls self harm because of serious psychiatric problems, and these girls need specialist help before they become suicidal. The difficulty for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS in the jargon) is identifying these genuine cases amidst the “background noise” of the attention seekers – and getting to see them soon enough when the majority of appointments with psychiatrists and psychologists are taken up by those who don’t need specialist services.
In the meantime psychiatric nurses need to maintain their suturing skills.
I remember one girl telling me that when she was at school it was ‘fashionable’ for girls to walk into school with their sleeves rolled up to show self harm. This was an all girls secondary modern in Bournemouth so not a grammar school or elite private school and neither did it have a large housing estate in it’s catchment. Most students where white.
Got to be a correlation between the increasing BBC targeting of kids and their mental illness.
cBBC, Savile, Dick and Dom, Walliams and all the like?
The BBC and 24 hour grooming and targeting of kids is NOT good for their brains-time to wrap them in brown paper and serve under license to pervs and lefties. One and the same really.
Perhaps the reason for so many girls self harming (are we allowed to not consider the whole gender range?) could be the number left to their own devices all school summer holidays long (how many 14 year olds have a child minder?). Young people used to have summer jobs but when people from abroad could offer Easter to October young locals finishing school at the end of July, never stood a chance.
One of my lads in tutor group has quite the scam going on with new teachers.
He carries pastel crayons into class and does a good line in painting on “self harm scars”-as well as a very passable bruise too.
For a small consideration, he can get his girls out of PE lessons and get all manner of do-gooding dupes onto social services as he wishes.
If I can`t contrive an upskirting scam very soon, I might be reduced to asking him to give me a scar, and telling Womans Hour that Alex Salmond had a go in Motherwell.
He does a very good bus pass-or he did, until the Council changed it from a blue rectangle you could wave at the driver, as painted on your hand( only 50p too)
Hands up those on here who can remember any self harming cases / transgenderising (?) / mental health ‘issues’ , amongst the young in such huge numbers before 2000. Because I can’t, and I worked in a psychiatric unit !!!! Jesus Christ, even Jane Hill on the BBC news now is saying that when she was 14 at school, there wasn’t the ‘issues’ there are now.
‘Anxious’ kids ? ye gods, if they cant cope now, then there had better be more beds available in psychiatric units later on, cos sure as hell they won’t be able to hack it when they eventually become adults !
I’m guessing it’s the effect of the social media thingy. I saw some kid who keeps a blog of how much studying before an exam she does – and it becomes a competitive sport.
I don’t have kids but if I did I’d really try to prevent early sexualisation of them as well as minimising internet dependency . Yes – I know – easier said than done these days – if not impossible . But I suppose heightened self awareness thru the web increases anxiety and the depressive type issues which come with it.
…heightened self awareness thru the web increases anxiety and the depressive type issues which come with it……
I can see that Fed, which means we are now dealing with a whole generation of addicts. Starting cannabis/cocaine/ whatever, at a young age is horrific, but at this rate there are not going to be any responsible adults around for the next (who knows how many) generations, if this dependency on social media/internet continues.
As it is, not enough time has elapsed yet, to see what outcome mobile phones have had on the brain . 20 years ago only a quarter of the population had a mobile phone, so it’ll be another 30 years before any real results will be known how long term use will have affected the brain. Couple that with the youngsters of today suffering anxiety / depression on an unprecedented scale, and the future does not look at all rosy.
As I type, this headline is prominently on the News webpage of those duplicitous sh*ts at the BBC.
That is just downright misleading, clearly implying a threat by Donald Trump should he lose. When in fact he’s warning of left-wing violence. That would be worthy of a complaint if I had the time right now to negotiate the complaint page, or thought I’d get anything other than the brush-off.
Watch the chaos happen if Labour have the cheek to win an election. Within a week this country would be gone
Three major music events/festivals this past Bank Holiday weekend – Notting Hill, Reading and Leeds – and the number of arrests at the latter two events is sharply at odds with the former:
Notting Hill – 373 arrests
Reading – 40 arrests
Leeds – 48 arrests
I’m sure that the BBC, and the left in general won’t be speculating as to why, considering the huge participation split along ethnic lines.
Talking of lines, most of the 88 latter arrests were drug-related – absolutely no mention of any sort of violence at either event.
Coop – the annual carnival mass arrests are part of the vibrant culture – didn’t you know ?
Did the emir turn up wearing a stab proof vest ?
The Far Left guardian is bitching that details of an arrest warrant for a 22 year old Iraqi illegal in the Reich has Been “ leaked” which in their far left minds make it a conspiracy of those nasty people who object to Muslim third world rubbish taking over their towns and cities raping and killing as they go.
What can I say but hope the killers and rapists get the ‘ justice ‘ they deserve . God knows how the krauts are going to deport what merkel has dropped on them,
Re that bogus report that claims there are almost no BAME in books kids see
In many Islamic households the kids will have Koram rammed into them, and see little of other books.
.. Remind me how many positive white characters would kids see in the Koran.
They wouldn’t see any pics obviously.
Would it be OK for a black family to move to a Welsh speaking village and demand that the school books should have black people in ?
How many English kids feature in Spanish school books ?
there are almost no BAME in books kids see
But then they are vastly over-represented in TV programmes and adverts, so things sort of even themselves out. Would be one way of looking at it.
I wish the left wing offence-takers would make up their minds. Enid Blyton books used to have golliwogs, but the snowflakes objected. Now they want the black characters back.
Is the petrol bomb against an Edinburgh Sikh temple a big news story ?
.. I see the “MAN arrested” headline has been deployed
..and that was more than 5 hours ago
Apparently 5am Monday morning a guy pushed burning petrol thing through the open door.
\\ man is charged with launching a Sikh Heating Missile //
Ha ha Please get your coat and head for the ‘exit’ sign …..
President Trump gives the racist South African government a pointed warning about their planned theft of white farms and the racist black South African government withdraws the proposed legislation that would ‘legalise’ the theft. The white farmers aren’t safe yet because the racist white hating black South African government is proposing to make a few tweaks and then reintroduce the theft act. Or they may just sit on it for a few more years hoping President Trump isn’t reelected. But at least he’s made these black racists have a bit of a think about the consequences of their racism.
What is Mrs May’s response to the proposed theft of white owned farms? A little dance for the black racists, an ambiguous statement about legality and several several billion pounds of our money.
In addition, the black racists are doing what all totalitarian regimes do, just before the mass slaughter begins; they disarm their enemies:
john- Whites in SA would be extremely stupid to hand over their weapons. They must be able to guess that this is merely a prelude to nastier things. Regrettably, stupidity knows no bounds. Take a look at the little boy De Klerk picked to head up negotiations with the ANC in the late 80s – one Roelf Meyer, complete with bucket and spade. He and his team were outwitted at every turn by the ANC. You would probably find him on YT. Much further back- way before the ANC even, lies the murder of another trusting soul, Piet Retief. You’d think whitee would have learnt…
This disarmament business would be nothing new, by the way. The farm murders have been possible -in part- because Thabo Mbeki, the President before Zuma, disbanded the ‘Commandos’, a civilian call-up system largely designed for rural defence, vaguely similar to the US National Guard.
So if you’re going to grab land, and potentially whichever other property you feel like grabbing, it pays to disarm the people you’re going to grab it from. The ANC have always known this, and have been preparing accordingly, and with great patience. If Trump sounds a warning, well – you wait a little longer. After all, you already have the British PM dancing to your tune…
In Lauren Southern’s documentary “Farmlands” there is something about a civil defence force organized by white farmers. I think they had 200,000 members, so could proabably give a good account of themselves.
Ah why is the McCain issue political ?
..cos his seat is up for grabs ..and Dems wouldn’t want a Trump supporter to get in
Germany see how the metro-lib Times thinks that only “far right” policeman would reveal an immigrant was knifemn
\\ The leaking of an arrest warrant containing the names and addresses of two men suspected of stabbing a man to death in an incident that sparked the worst neo-Nazi rioting in Germany for decades, has raised fears that it was released by far-right sympathisers among the police.
Photos of the warrant were posted on social media by Lutz Bachmann, founder of the anti-Muslim Pegida movement, as well as by Pro Chemnitz, which organised a demonstration on Monday in which neo-Nazis and far-right extremists outnumbered police by more than ten to one. //
Actually he was An Iraqi suspect with a “substantial” criminal record and who is an asylum seeker.
The commenters give the Times a kicking
There is another story
Germany gripped by worst far-right clashes in 26 years
typical comment
\\ I also live in DE, and have commented above. It is horrifying to see what is happening here, and how the liberal British press are complicit in perpetuating the narrative that it is only nasty Nazis who are rampaging.//
\\ It names the other suspect, a Syrian, and alleges that they stabbed Daniel Hillig multiple times in the chest. It also names witnesses and the judge who approved the warrant.//
I remember reading reports many years ago that when the USA had a policy of accepting any and all Cuban refugees, the Castro regime emptied all of their prisons of all their worst criminals ( excluding political prisoners of course) and sent them as refugees to the USA.
Could it be that all these muslim countries have done the same to us, here in Europe? If so, why has this not been investigated and reported? It’s probably a rhetorical question but it’s still worth asking, I think.
“Say hello to my leetle ‘fren… Semtex…”
I thought I’d actually found a pro Brexit headline.
However, as the article concludes that it won’t, that’s another for the neutral pile, I think.
Why all the fuss ? scallops are one of the blandest fish there are. But the French will eat anything.
The bbc are trying to make a serious case of attempted murder into a play on words joke.
However, dangle some charcuterie inappropriately in certain places and they lose their journalistic minds and get folk sent to jail to die.
Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence – my red lines.
Nigel was talking fish this evening.
If short of time listen to the first 10mins (statistics showing how unfair the CFP is) and from 32:50 onwards (June from Lowestoft).
There needs to be a political will to take back what is ours. Fat chance with civil servants in charge.
And of course both America and Blighty are not losing kids to stupid wars from which neither country gains . Moral high ground is expensive if it’s your kid in the box with a flag on it .
White South African extinction approved by May, thank you Tories.
White Rhodesian extinction accomplished, thank you Labour.
I predict that, when the next MP dies, unexpectedly, of bluntinstrumentitis, whoever reports this will get several million approvals on every blog in the UK. And quite right too.
Readers not impressed. CCBGB
Roland Deschain
Comments worth reading. Time the BBC learnt that it has lost the people
Comments appeared to “astoundingly” have just disappeared.
I love this comment re the ‘refugees’:
“”My sympathy department is closed, don’t leave a message after the beep.””
Guido claims that on the current ReichEU timescale time has run out for a second referendum to be organised …. so the more wasted hot air a soubry despair on the issue the better.
The ReichEU laid down the negotiation timetable and UK meekly complied . This may now turn out to be a mistake for the ReichEU negotiators who are only interested in the 40 billion exit bribe .
Let’s get to a ‘no deal’ and see who benefits more . It will be Blighty . The Reich EU will never be our friend but some of the countries of Europe will be .
Polish Prime Minister responds to Channel 4 interview and allegations of racism:
“Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal (muslim) immigrants”
Question “”How many refugees has Poland taken?””.
Answer “” Zero””.
Broadcast a couple of months ago but still worth viewing.
As we know, Channel 4 has the same far-left mindset as the BBC.
And we need to keep reminding ourselves that the far-left Ch4 is also state owned and partially funded from the TV tax.
The far-left Ch4 should be shut down and its assets sold off.
Correction, C4 staff will be dismissed immediately, without any compensation whatsoever. Replacement staff, from this website, will be appointed to create a reliable broadcasting service.
A service which will return to the standards that have been absent from our national broadcaster since 1945.
C4 will be renamed UKIB, the United Kingdom Independent Broadcaster. UKIB will have a new flag. This will show the EU flag in flames, surmounted by the Lion and the Unicorn.
The BBC will be renamed LeftyMacLiarFace. Licence fees will stop.
This will cause a collapse in the LMLF audience figures.
At the start of 2019 all LMLF staff will be sacked and LMLF assets will be absorbed by UKIB.
Brexit day will become a national holiday.
John- c4 news has one big give away – how many commercials in the ‘break ‘ does it have ? Methinks the advertisers know the real numbers and types who watch it ( little bits occasionally for me just to see what the enemy is saying about us). And President Trump is right – MSM is an enemy in its present form..
I’m sorry to say all Englishmen on this blog…but not one of you would be prepared to say this to any woman. I have, and it wasn’t pleasant, but you should always stick to your principles. And accept that few women in Britain have any.
Kingkp- maybe I ll set up a separate thread for mind readers like you who seem to know what the likes of me will and Won’t say out loud – or is it just an easy troll?
Obscure! Not one of us would be prepared to say what?
Banania, my thoughts exactly. What IS he talking about ?
Well that’s cryptic. But as I’m not English I’ll consider myself exempt.
Why do I like this man Karczinski so much? Could it be because he has principles and sticks to them? Or because he’s not persuaded about the wisdom of going PC to virtue signal? (Must be pretty crap, having Merkel for a neighbor?) People like him and Orban give one hope.
And why do I dislike this interviewer so much? Could it be because she’s a slick, self-righteous virtue signaller second to none? Who has all the principles Soros laid down for her? People like her make one despair…
Damn – love the Poles – they get it right . Cathy Newman didn’t even manage a “so what you’re saying is …” pity the polish politician didn’t get the chance to go in really hard on a condescending snowflake trying to impose her distructive pro Islam views on another country ….
Keep digging Soapy. Jeremy Bowen, John Simpson, Gavin Esler and the rest of the gang will still buy you a pint.
Al Beeb informs us “Back May’s Brexit plan or risk no deal, David Lidington tells EU”
They are running a Have your say. Tell em what you think about May’s plan.
Give it to Em !
There is also this one:
It appears to have comments too.
Link to the other one:
Not BBC bias, but a looney leftie who blames May for Mandela’s imprisonment – when she was five years when he was jailed.
Ben Whitham
Lecturer in International Politics @DMUPolitics | Member of @CURA2015 | Now researching ‘The Intersectional Politics of Austerity & Islamophobia’
Ben Whitham: his plastic research topics are a dead giveaway.
His dedication to Mandela is touching: I’m guessing he would be OK being sliced into by shrapnel from one of Mandela’s bombs which were planted to maim and kill civilians – ANY civilians? Objective? I think it’s called Terror. Which makes him…?
Or if Whitham’s so devoted, doing a little research into ANC death camps, in which the comrades tortured and murdered one another, long before ’94, when they finally got the power they so desperately wanted. We’ve all heard ad nauseum about austerity and islamophobia, intersectional or otherwise. But the camps we know little or nothing about…
T’would be interesting, dear Ben. Not your cuppa, I’m guessing?
William Hague got into ‘tory’ politics early but I didn’t know that the five year-old Theresa Brasier was running the ‘lock up Mandela’ campaign!
Ben Whitlam by name “Ben witless” by nature
Is that ‘andsome lad, polishin’ ‘is specs ‘our Stew’?
Guest – looks like there’s not much ‘have your say’ going on – and the strap line ‘why you can’t trust the BBC’
In both articles most votes are pro Brexit and anti-BBC
Maybe Lord Tone can rig the selection mob like they do a QT audience? Guessing Dimbles will turn out to be another red to swell the pro-BBC ranks when votes are needed?
Left. At the door.
5p more that any picture of Sweeney would fetch.
Not that anybody would know who he is, or what he looks like.
Mark Lawson like isn`t he?
I know that he risks students going to Pyongyang by smuggling himself in with them c/o his wifes field trips.
And then films nothing.
BBC etched through his fat bloated body like a limp stick of soft rock .
Would someone buy £25K of Sweeney ?
Ans, no …the painting seems deliberately highly priced to generate the news story. Others were not at that level.
Role model.
Meanwhile, the BBC, naturally at a time like this, decides to ask more daft questions about niche areas that excite them.
Speaking of Newsnight, they are ‘reporting’ them and their mates causing a to-do and pretending to be disinterested observers now.
God old Orwell warned us about that faux-disinterested use of the passive tense when you`ve no evidence or support for what you`re saying.
He wrote of this in 1946, believe the BBC even have a statue up for him.
” She has …”come under fire” has she Beeb?
Who`s firing-and on whose authority?
And who told YOU that she`s “under fire” then?
Wasn`t your intern or nanny at the Travellers was it?
Anyway-the couple above are very -er- trans-friendly. The BBC normally like that don`t they? Not every ex-scaffolder can carry off leg of mutton cheesecloth sleeves!
Ooh, I`m a bitch ain`t I?
Neena Nana I am.
Does the BBC report NEWS anymore or is it all questionable Speculation, Hype or Irritating Trivia?
Why don’t they ask the questions that their licence payers would like answers to?
(Here are some that I would love to ask Ruth Alexander regarding Sweden:
1. Why does she think that an Arab or an African would want to spend their summer months by a lakeside and their winters skiing, neither activity being part of the culture of an Arab or an African?
2. Why would an Arab want to give up on polygamy or taking Fridays off?
3. Why would an African want to give up on drugs and resolving disputes by killing?
4. Are free handouts attractive to those who have never ‘paid in’?)
Well pug, anything could happen:
On the one hand, Merkel is still there. Apparently solid as a rock, year in, year out; an example of what the black art of politics is all about: getting into power, staying there – on and on, regardless of who votes what, or what happens where. Pure black magic. Makes Tony look like a rank amateur, but that’s perhaps because there is no Gordon Brown around, to break the spell cast over the voters. And even the beeb and guardian are not as slavishly sycophantic as the German MSM. There could be historic reasons…
On the other hand, no one is forever, not even Merkel. Yes, we could get a Merkel clone, almost certain to be another female, of the same SPD/CDU/Green mindset, completely PC, completely interchangeable. But the old East Germany looks closer in spirit to Poland or Hungary; people there know what totalitarianism is because they’ve been there so recently. To them the plutocratic variety is no more appealing than the Bolshevik model was. You can’t simply wave the magic migrant wand there either and have the MSM falling in line; in fact, Austria, Visegrad states, perhaps even Italy and Rumania are swinging away…
Maybe this time Chemnitz will make the difference? We live in hope…
Good post.
So, the BBC reports that ‘Back May’s Brexit plan or risk no deal, David Lidington tells EU’, but they then report that ‘Mr Lidington was branded “arrogant” by the People’s Vote campaign for another EU referendum, which added: “Good deal, bad deal or no deal, Brexit is a big deal and it must be for the people to decide.” So, who are the ‘People’s Vote campaign’? why do they even get mentioned by the BBC?? Who’s people are they? Didn’t these ‘people’ vote in the referendum? Who exactly are these ‘people’? Do they not recognise a democratic vote?
The people voted in 2016. Simples.
Not the bbc, but one of their favoured sisters has come out with a tried and trusted way to try and distract but actually dig a deeper hole.
We see why this dreadful racist is popular with the BBC – she has it in for Israel as well as people with white skin
It’s a mystery. Maybe the calibre of her intellect?
…or…. getting that hooter of hue just a little bit browner?
Are we seeing the beginning of Deutschland über Allah? I sincerely hope so.
More supine propaganda from Al Beeb …………..
“UK in talks to ensure ‘no repeat’ of clashes”.
Come on you Fishermen of England lets hear from you on this website.
The Welsh fishing grounds have already been ‘raped and pillaged’. We are even limited from beach fishing with rod and line while watching the European factory ships off our coast.
We in the ‘West Wales’, once had a huge fleet in Milford Haven.
Its all gone since we joined the EU!
Same down here in Devon and Cornwall Taffy – In many ways the fishing industry was the Brexit “canary in the coalmine” If they couldnt sort that one out – well they had not intention of sorting out anything else.
Apart from a fairly mechanised and and almost closed shop farming industry there is little significant industry in Cornwall. But what we do have is a long coastline and (like you) access to (what was once) some of the richest fishing grounds in Europe.
A rejuvenation of this industry could have given new pride to this county as well as new wealth to the country. Instead that creepy, rancid little runt Gove chose to side with the Brit hating traitor May far preferring the young men and women of the coastal towns to be waitressing, and pulling pints for the likes of Gordon Ramsey and waiting for “tips” than be spearheading the renaissance of a rejuvenated fishing and processing industry.
I think the BBC were also helping to push the line that the EU would refuse to buy our fish – Surely in that case we need to re-develop our processing industry and start to find new markets and with expanding world populations would this really be that difficult?
The fishing industry was the original “sacrificial lamb” that the appalling Ted Heath used as a sweetener so we could join the Common Market and therefore it should have been the first thing we should have taken back.
Words cannot state the utter contempt I hold these politicians in. You can see who in the Cabinet had any integrity because they resigned over “Chequers”
The rest I would not piss on if they were on fire.
Sorry folks early morning ( almost non BBC ) rant over!
I don’t think there’s need for an apology nor was your comment a rant .
The destruction of the British fishing industry by the ReichEU probably doesn’t feature in the minds of those not directly affected by it but it is still just wrong , should never have happened and must be changed .
If the fishing rights are sold out there will be no true Brexit – which I suspect is what will happen .
Unfortunatly FE2 You are probably right. I just cannot understand how people so weakly accept the theft of what in some ways was their birthright. Maybe – in some ways it highlights the success of years of “cultural marxist” propaganda (led by the BBC as ever) and influencing the break up of communities. Everyone adopting a “bunker” mentality and not caring about anyone else.
I dont know what it is but I seem to swing between anger and depression over the loss of this whole industry.
The word “sad” does not do it justice.
Hear hear!
NF discussed it last night (see my post above).
Our territorial waters are the “acid test for Brexit”.
Also watch Westmonster – Fishing for Leave on youtube, published March 31, 2018.
Toady watch
Nice to wake up to a bit of good news from al Beeb for a change – Alex salmond leaving the an Englishman I look forward to the day that the English are treated the same as scots who are subsidised by English taxes .
I’d also look forward to a truly independent Scotland if they want it but then it would be treated like a true foreign country – with border controls and residency requirements .
Amen to that Fe2 – I do think as two similair nations we are stronger together, but I am also fed up with their constant whinging so if they really want to go then bye bye – but as you say no preferential treatment.
As for Salmon leaving the SNP . For me this one pleasingly registers quite well on the Brendan Cox Hypocrisy Scale – As it is always good to see an arrogant, bitter and spiteful person at odds with the same arrogant, bitter and spiteful organisation that he helped to create.
Tee he he!
Meanwhile a left wing party is refusing to accept membership fees from new members.
Any political party turning down money is most unusual. Therefore significant.
The intention of this policy is to keep the membership pure and ideologically united.
Jeremy Corbyn must respond to the challenge of keeping the Labour party as left as possible.
The nut job Greens and LibDems have been more Stalinist than Labour for years.
Yesterday the Conservative Party joined them.
Last Chance – Which left wing party are you referring to? as under Theresa the Tories are now also starting to qualify for this description.
O, I agree, which is why I described the Tories as Stalinist.
Did you read the bit where Soubry wants to stop people who are not ‘real conservatives’ from joining the party.
If that was to happen, she would be top of the list to get booted out, her being a wet liberal who must have only joined the Conservative party to get elected because, as a liberal, she would not get elected.
Toady 2
Twice in 40 minutes toady talked about banning energy drinks . God how al Beeb – like all far left organisations – want to ban things .
If parents ( use the term loosely as a lot seem more interested in the Facebook page than the kid) want to give an energy drink that’s their decision but the state shouldn’t have to sort out the diabetes and fatness and other maladies caused .
I assume al Beeb wants to avoid criticising Alex salmond as he is one of their own
Oh, if there is a ban going, the bbc is there..
Meanwhile energy drinks are indeed top of the daily email must reads, followed by…
“Last week, it emerged that former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond was being investigated over claims of sexual misconduct and was taking the SNP to court over its handling over the matter. Now Mr Salmond has quit the party altogether.
In a video posted on social media, he said he “did not come into politics to facilitate opposition attacks on the SNP”, and by resigning, he was removing the possibility of his case becoming ammunition for such attacks. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon expressed “huge sadness” at the situation. Mr Salmond denies any wrongdoing – here’s what we know so far about the allegations he faces.
The BBC’s Lorna Gordon said Mr Salmond was a colossus of Scottish politics and his resignation was an extremely significant moment. Read more on his rise from brash outsider to international statesman.”
Lorna clearly smitten beyond rationality…. but, hark, wots this in ‘quotes’?…
“Classroom ‘crisis’
Schools in England are struggling with a severe teacher shortage, says an independent think tank. That means bigger classes and more subjects being taught by teachers without specialist knowledge. In poorer areas outside London, for example, just 17% of physics teachers have a degree relevant to their subject.
The Education Policy Institute says targeted pay increases could help. Unions, though, reject the idea of paying some teachers more than others and insist cutting workload for all is key. Education Secretary Damian Hinds has made staff recruitment a priority and has vowed to remove unnecessary bureaucracy and excessive accountability”
The Fisk potential here is limitless. And then the daily irony bypass…
“A step forward or tokenism?
Rihanna is on British Vogue, Lupita Nyong’o is the star on Porter magazine and Ruth Negga, who is mixed-race, features on Marie Claire UK. And it’s not just in the UK. Beyonce is on US Vogue, Naomi Campbell is on Vogue Paris, Tracee Ellis Ross features on Elle Canada, Nicki Minaj is the cover star of Vogue Arabia and Zendaya is on Marie Claire US. “This is definitely unprecedented, seeing so many women of colour on so many mass market influential magazines,” says Kenya Hunt, deputy editor of Elle UK.”
But… the bbc still bangs on about BAME under representation daily. It’s like it’s all arse backwards. Down, Evan.
But education is saved! Well, maybe not the physics bit…
There is no teacher shortage.
There is no housing shortage.
There is a major truth shortage, which I will address.
Europe faces two major problems.
Socialism, in its various forms. Non Europeans living in Europe.
Remove these two cancers from Western Civilisation and Culture and other issues will become easily manageable.
Fu2 – “I assume al Beeb wants to avoid criticising Alex salmond as he is one of their own”
We need to be fair, innocent until proven guilty, or not proven, since there is another verdict available in this case.
THEN we can add “perverted, sexual abuser, also abusing his position, like Savile and the perverts in the BBC”
To his current description of “Fat, ugly, dim, untruthful, arrogant, hyperhypocrite”.
A couple of weeks ago there were pictures of Mr Salmond in the first class carriage of a train in a ‘tired and emotional ‘ state – I think – if I remember – he even landed up on the floor . If he wasn’t ill – then he was drunk.
I thought about republishing them here mainly because as an Englishman I got fed up listening to salmond blaming the English state for all things he didn’t like .
Then I thought – that’s not really about BBC bias is it? So I didn’t . What does get me is that if there is any sniff of an “English National Party” the hard left BBC starts throthing at the mouth which the Scots Nat Party gets a free pass ….
Victoria knows what causes consternation on the midday sofa…
Toady again
Al beeb is putting a white right wing politician on a pedestal now that he is dead – mainly because he didn’t like President Trump .
John McCane – the not ‘die hard ‘ one . Toady even had Lord naughtie s low tax production company interviewing some one who is going to sing at the funeral on Sunday . Betcha al beeb will carry it live because Peace Prize winner Obama will be there and his wife will shed a tear on camera . It will be a big meeting for the Swamp.
You know what they say at the BBC – the only good conservative is a dead conservative.
Except Margaret Thatcher of course. So it’s more like the only good conservative is a failed dead conservative.
Fed, wonderful moments when the singer was none too sharp over the spiritual content of Danny Boy and certainly did not know where it originated from!
Good point about The Swamp. There will an outspilling washing out of the Cathedral and down the steps but eventually it will all be over. The street-cleaners will move in.
Death tends to have that effect.
I wonder if those in attendance will muse on the fact that for most people, the doings and goings, the speechings and bannings by the politicians and bureaucrats have little effect – are irrelevant – for ‘ordinary people’ who are too busy earning a crust and trying for a little joy before they die.
The Danny Boy lyrics were written by a Somerset-based Englishman. So she was not wrong, actually.
“You know, we don’t want to get stuck in the past”
Kenyan Foreign Minister’s put down response this morning to BBC Radio 4’s John Humphrys who attempted to have his interviewee criticise Britain for some supposed failure to fulfill her supposed post-colonial obligations to Africa.
Of course metro-lefty white-guilt Beeboids cherish this anti-white narrative.
Later on the subject of space travel our John chuckles quietly when a guest quips that prior to the moon landings the Americans couldn’t even make a reliable fridge. His personal lefty globalist sentiments (or is it just his BBC office culture working enviroment) come to the fore again when his guest envisages future space programmes being global cooperations rather than single nation led “mmmm” murmours our John approvingly “wouldn’t that be a thing”.
I’ll tell you what would be a thing – A national broadcaster that actually liked and supported the nation whose history and culture created it and whose society and poeple pay for it. Instead we have an elitist vanguard with all the right views who see themselves as propagandising to a bigoted caveman alien race of plebs.
AISI, that Kenyan Government Minister’s riposte made me chuckle, too.
I noted from that particular space item that AGW and CC is dead, deceased, no more, as far as the BBC is concerned but the Thought for the Day contributor resurrected half of it immediately afterward.
BBC ‘quotes’.
Guest – are these people all contributing to ‘Biased BBC’? Which one is Taff ? Where is maxi!
From their expressions I suspect they are not doing emails but rather getting educated and informed for the day using ‘BBC Trending’.
Rather surprised the lack of BAME representation in supposed workforce imagery is not a cause for outrage. Yet.
Some years ago I was on an ex-Paddington train at about nine in the evening. There was only one other person in the carriage and she was clearly a business-woman of some sort with her briefcase open and papers scattered all over her table.
Then I heard her speaking, she was on her phone, telling Mary that the meeting in two week’s time had changed location. A few moments later she was telling John the same thing, followed by a call to Lizzie.
I expect she was just about to find the next person on her list to call when the phone rang. It was Tom, he had just heard from Bill that the meeting in two week’s time had changed location, was that right? She then went on to field another half-dozen calls of a similar nature.
Clearly her ‘team’ had been busy phoning each other, a sort of chain-reaction. So the one message, that could probably have waited until ‘Monday morning’ generated maybe a couple of dozen calls between these ‘hard-working’ people.
I have no doubt that 95% of mobile phone texts/calls are made up of similar trivia as the modern business-person works ‘ever harder’.
You’ve reminded e of several things.
The guy who sat opposite me on the train from iirc York to Kings Cross who had exactly the same conversation with several people bitching and moaning about a promotion he’d been passed over for. I only met him for about 2 hours but I reckon his employers dodged a bullet there.
Or the ex employee of the company I worked for at the time who I “volunteered” to drive 150 miles home from Manchester even though “home” meant going well out of my way. She bitched and moaned for almost the entire journey, try listening to one side of the same bitter conversation for nearly three hours without the aid of the radio to break the monotony. Grim.
Or the idiots who greet an email (usually one stating the obvious) by ”replying to all” with an inane congratulatory comment that sets in motion a veritable tsunami of similarly useless replies.
Finally, I predicted this all as far back as 1986, seriously. My manager of the time was given responsibility for two sites instead of just the one that we had all worked in together, and the company we worked for had given all managers a car phone which was a huge deal back then. He came to our site and faffed about and wasted time then drove away. 2 minutes later our phones rang, it was him with a list of things for us to do that he’d forgotten to tell us. I knew there and then that mobile phone technology would a) mean that you’re always in reach and contactable even when you don’t want to be or can do without it, and more worryingly b) it would enable even previously clear minded people to completely mis manage their time, responsibilities and their duties because they could walk away from a job and simply pick up the phone to “correct” the job they hadn’t done properly in the first place.
FWIW, I turn my phone and email devices on at 8.30 and off at 5.01pm.
JimS, good post – and explains in large part ‘our’ fall in productivity?
OT… but…
BBc Breakfast First they came for alcopops. Then they came for “sugary” drinks. Then they came for energy drinks. Yes we are back to listening to being told how bad energy drinks are for kids and yes a proposed ban on sales to children will the ban apply to 16 year olds or 18 year olds? Meanwhile in pretty pointless to most UK residents but reported on for days. John McCain’s death BBc sofa dweller tells us that his wife was among the mourners.
Was it his first wife, to whom he had two children ( I think), whom he divorced after she had been severely injured in a car crash; of course, he secretly married his second wife before divorcing his first wife? His first wife had stood by him all the time he was held by the North Vietnamese and he paid her back by his adultery. The man was bereft of morals; there’s plenty on YouTube to substantiate his betrayals, of his wife, of his State, of his fellow servicemen and of his country. He was a bad man.
IIRC, The Hill is the primary source of ‘reports’ from Katty Kay…
And google of course…
Girl is on a roll, if perhaps minus any irony awareness.
Has she RT’d an OMG of CNN on Barry today yet?
Today programme had a report/hit piece on Info Wars! Purely listing all the worst things it has ever said, of course – got to love that legendary BBC balance – but there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Why do the same rules not apply to the BBC? Google the BBC and you will read what a venerable institution it is and be informed of its triumphs. It still not say: “In 2016, they falsely claimed a homeless man was murdered due to Brexit which turned out to be a fabrication. They ran with a hoax dossier . . .” Et cetera ad nauseam. If you are on the right they only list the bad things you may have said whereby you must be eternally condemned. If that rule applied to the BBC – or indeed any flawed human – it would have been shut down years ago.
It clearly rankles that this shock jock is more credible than them – what a sorry state of affairs. It was the support of the likes of Info Wars and other tinpot upstarts which tilted the election in Trump’s favour, whilst the might and fury of the BBC’s relentless campaigning for Clinton fell on deaf ears. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
BBC Web-watch #1
The BBC obsession with America continues:
Who is going to win the prize for spotting the annual cliche of “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” because of brexit … ?
“The Government must act immediately to reverse entanglement in European Commission defence institutions and end UK defence industry participation”.