The BBC has history when it comes to the vibrant Notting Hill Carnival; the more trouble – the less to be heard about it – apart from the copper ‘dancing’ with somebody being vibrant. Then it’s back to normal as the political/MSM bubble returns to usual failure to tell people the truth. At least people visiting this site will get a clearer view of what is really going on.
Start the Week Open Thread 27 August 2018
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BBC Web-watch #2
Never in the field of human creativity has so much been made of so little by so few:
If only the BBC would investigate the Salisbury and Amesbury poisonings more thoroughly and report their findings accurately as much as they have wittered on about the above.
BBC, how is Charlie Rowley doing? Is he recovering? How about doing some news journalism in return for your £billions?
And report on the connections between the Skripals, their MI6 ( or whichever state secret service) handler, Christopher Steele and the fake Russia Trump dossier, paid for by the Democrat party and crooked Hillary.
I hope members of the far-left bbc hive are reading our comments here.
Well, here’s some perverted filth from their beloved religion of peace to get their juices flowing:
I daresay the Biased BBC won’t report this:
“The lawyer of Donald Trump’s former “fixer” is walking back claims his client can confirm the US president knew about Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. Lanny Davis is backpedalling on claims that Michael Cohen could tell a special prosecutor that Mr Trump had prior knowledge of a meeting with a Russian lawyer to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton.”
Whilst on 27 July they had eagerly spread the lie:
“Michael Cohen claims Trump ‘knew of Russian lawyer meeting”
Too late anyway for the brainwashed UK audience.
Lanny Davis, walking AND cycling! Coo-eee! Impressive.
Can he chew gum at the same time?
Today is a vintage crop for the BBC.
Is everyone with even a glimmer of irony still on school hols?
Strange that al beeb chooses not to consult someone recently most touched by it – TR – but perhaps because the far left snowflake state keeps pushing his illegal retrial back to pile on the stress – no wonder .
I wonder how the convicted Islamic racist paedophile Gang is getting on in their madrasa – prison . ? They’ll be out soon a st the Islamic parole board gives them the ‘ back to business’ nod… cynical? Me ?
OT, but over at Ch4 their eminence gris is acting his ag.
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
I really feel for Dame Judi Dench and Dame Helen Miram who like Joan Collins will lose their careers when they reach 40.
BBC Web-watch #3
The BBC love their ‘anniversaries’ but they seem to hate the 50th Anniversary of the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 for some strange reason known only to them.
They have also missed the one-year anniversary of the gas cloud at Beachy Head which they were ever so keen to tell us was pollution from France (despite a westerly wind) or from off-shore shipping (despite that same westerly wind) but was probably an exceptional concentration of ozone.
However, Sir Lenny Henry’s 60th birthday is still being celebrated by the BBC, still, some days after the event, still.
In their enthusiasm for Sir Lenny and his birthday – did you know Serena Williams had had a baby? – the BBC appear to have completely forgotten another anniversary and important sports personality: the late, great, Basil d’Oliveira CBE.
God I hate their anniversaries: just an excuse to ram their agenda down our throats for the umpteenth time.
BeebBro, yes but, no but … those two events did stand out in my childhood (along with the rain in the summer of ’68) and are a firm memory along with a World Cup win and the release of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in the years preceding.
There I was, playing ‘Howzat’ and picking my team to tour S.Africa (before T. Brasier had joined the Conservative Party) when another shock came across the early R4 airwaves.
What’s quite funny, to me at least, is that yesterday was the anniversary of the day that me and my mate were on holiday in the Lake District in 1985 and went to the opening of a new wine bar. And yes I’m being serious, I used to keep a diary and by pure coincidence I found it the other day! We’d got it into our heads that it was Lenny Henry doing the grand opening (& at the time we were young enough to still be impressed by him and he hadn’t completely used up his small box of tricks or “gone Comic Relief” on us) and were genuinely surprised when it was Lenny Bennet that came in and shook hands with the attending drinkers.
In hindsight I’m considerably happier that it was the late Lenny Bennet rather than Lenny Henry that I met. And I’m genuinely surprised that the anniversary of such an insignificant event in the grand scheme of things hasn’t been picked up by the BBC 😉
Not the BBC but indicative of the culture of offence taking now so prevalent in the media.
On last nights 6.30 ITV news there was an article on sexism at the US Open. The word sexism was repeated often throughout and it related to the story of Alize Cornet who was given a code violation for taking her top off (& went on to lose the match don’t you know) and Novak Djokovic who took his top and EVEN his socks off and went unpunished. A tweet from Andy Murray’s mother was shown, a panel of “experts” from,I think, the Eurosport footage was shown. All dismayed at the sexism and unfairness of it all.
But from the footage alone it was obvious what the situation was and I pointed it out to my wife immediately. And sure enough the article closed with an almost under the breath clarification from the US Open officials. ANYONE male or female can remove or change their top (and I assume socks) while in their seated area during the predetermined breaks in play between games. No one can change their clothing on court, my interpretation being that this would be seen as being “mid game” and not the sportspersonly thing to do.
I may as well say at this point that the reason she needed to change her top was because she’d put it on back to front. I can’t prove this but had she put it on back to front moments earlier while in her correctly seated area and undressing in full view of the press in the permitted area as per the rules?
Honestly, complete rubbish and fake news but all most people will see and hear is the unfairness and sexism of it all and not the truth of the situation and the rules of the game that she’d broken that occupied the final 10 seconds of the report.
Our Katty was getting herself terribly worked up about that yesterday. As was her daughter, apparently.
Roland – but what about her brother – Peter ? ( other professional north of Watford comics are available ) . Thanks doddy.
Any sensible journalist scratching their head at a three letter acronym broadcaster losing it over Trump anything likely works for another three letter acronym broadcaster.
Sexism is perhaps unavoidable?
“Female players, if they choose, may also change their shirts in a more private location close to the court, when available. They will not be assessed a bathroom break in this circumstance.”
Libya EU taxi service :
Russia Today view : #Libya intercepts nearly 400 Europe-bound #migrants
Activist view : Libyan «coast guard» captures nearly 400 people who will be imprisoned and maltreated in Libya.
Pakistan British visa scheme.
Get your British relatives to bring your cousin over.
– marry her
– get your visa to UK
– treat her like dirt, but refuse her a divorce otherwise your visa gets cancelled.
– If your mother-in-law or anyone tries to help your bride, just murder them..cos even if you get caught you be out of British jail in 10 years and then have a free life in Britain.
\\ Last week Muhammed Tafham was jailed for murdering his mother in law. This week the police are searching for Janbaz Tarin after he murdered his mother in law & partner. Police said these type of crimes are rare here but they’re obviously not rare enough.//
Katty excels herself. How dare Nigel talk about South African farmers!
I’ll probably get a blocking for my reply, but I wasn’t prepared to leave it there.
You are a brave man, RD, going into battle on Twitter. The BBC now think Twitter is wonderful because President Trump has banned someone. The Montacutie’s implication was that we should all be on Twitter and getting our news there because the Beeboid journalists are on it all the time collecting news.
That explains it!
However, earlier in the year, the BBC were blaming Twitter, Facebook, Breitbart, Huffington Post, et al, for all the wrongs in the world including Brexit, Assad, Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Trump! The New Media was thoroughly evil.
Now all is well.
It bears the BBC stamp of approval.
It’s people like her who make people like me hate people like her.
Nigel Farage is thinking about running for London Mayor. Good idea, but how does he plan to offset the 7.8 million votes from Tower Hamlets?
Not a good idea. London is a lefty remaining bubble.
Surely you mean Burj Hamlets nearby the newly named Tower of London (Burj London or Burj Khan).
Fear not Dimbleby will be supervising the counting and has been told Khan is a conservative and will ensure that the electorate is carefully selected.
He get’s about, that allah!
The islamic view of the Sun rising/ setting –
“The Prophet asked me at sunset, “Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know better.” He said, “It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west.
And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: ‘And the sun Runs its fixed course for a term (decreed). That is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.’” (36.38)
That’s one reason why they continue to live in the 7th Century and will, eventually, force everyone else on this planet to think the same.
The sun is over rated.
The moon gives out some light which is handy at night time but the sun only shines during the day time when it’s light anyway.
Should we henceforth refer to you as, ‘allah’ as you share indistinguishable views?
Bloody hell G – have you swallowed that evil book ?
Jenny Kleeman is not doing a good job at the BBC. Her Hot Spot (R4, 1.45-1.59pm today) was an actual ‘Lukewarm Spot’ although for the subject under consideration today – house prices – was, in fact, a supposed ‘Cold Spot’.
I actually have reason to doubt the ONS figures for Copeland because I think that other towns & villages within commuting distance of work at Seascale and Barrow actually have lower house prices. Maryport is a fair distance away but Workington, Distington and Egremont are within ever easier range.
Never mind. What Jenny also did not make clear were the fact that both in the couple seeking to buy a house were working. That affects the mortgage multiplier. Jenny kept refering to a 2.5x multiple.
Neither did Jenny make the point that across the UK the average wage is around £26k in round figures and that for a single person in work and receiving that sort of pay, there are plenty of colder ‘Hot Spots’, the Rossendale Valley, for example, or around the mouth of the River Humber or River Tees all with affordable properties on an average salary.
This all got me thinking about why such a poorly researched and presented programme made it onto the Radio Four airwaves. It was actually produced by a man, Paul Smith, but the R4 Controller is female and in between, I guess, there may have been female commissioning Editors.
I could not help feeling that no-one had the temerity to point out that today’s episode was complete rubbish because maybe more women than men were involved? To apply some critical thinking to it might run the risk of accusations of sexism and/or harrassment? Or be an attack the BBC’s espousal of a ‘gender gap’ and its removal across all of its activities?
Whatever may be the cause, the R4 listener was left distinctly short-changed and out-of-pocket.
The remainer Londonistan evening standard – edited remember by one of project fear supremos ‘viscount Gideon George Osborne – is complaining today about conservatives joining the Tory party and saying nasty things about the mad Soubry .
Given that the main parties are run by remainers – with the exception of UKIP – it’s a bit rich that the likes of mad Soubry winge ing about sane people having a sane brexit view . But that what the bubble has come to.
Fortunately the Londonistan evening standard is mainly read by remainer kidults on the toob when there is no wi fi signal so no harm done .
As an aside I have never thanked George Osborne for helping to tip the balance of the vote toward my side with his very un British squeaking about us being ‘all doomed’. At least his political career was destroyed as a result which is also a good thing .
Since brexit is going to be so awful – according to the likes of mad Soubry – I wonder if might become a political refugee and go off to Belgium with all the others sucking from the REichEU taxpayers body part. ? Dearly like to see her blubbing again because of thicko plebs like me voting for something I ll never understand instead of leaving it to the grown ups like her and her bubble class.
Fed, Labour are not led by a Remainer. Jezza, for all his faults, is a Brexiteer and his wing-man McDonnell has been pretty firm that out means Out but McD then weasles away from that with a qualification about ‘harm to British jobs’.
That is another reason why the BBC want to see the back of Corbyn & McDonnell. If they can get a strong Remainer in place as Labour leader (Starmer & Umunna, being two such candidates) they figure that they may not get taxed at 65% or 70% on their earnings above £150,000 but may also have a chance of sabotaging Brexit.
I disagree and recall the criticism he took – like May – about piss poor shallow campaigning during the vote . Yes I know he professes leaving but if his private polling showed that changing tack under the guise of failed negotiation he would .
Obviously his long game is to destroy NATO and distance Blighty from America in order to turn us into a multicultural socialist paradise aided by his friend – al beeb and the rest of the Far Left .
Fed, think the reason he was AWOL during the EU Referendum campaign WAS because he is a Brexiteer and he knew he was at odds with the New Labour rump that kept resigning from his Shadow Cabinet.
Jezza knew he could hide and get away with it so he did. If he had ‘come out’ there was the additional risk that he might have lost the Yoof Vote that may have got him into power but that was certainly sustaining him and the Labour Party through the summer of ’17.
Yes – he did get away with it didn’t he Up2- I wonder if the money tree trick will work again – or will he go the way of Nick Clegg …
More diversity drivel rammed down our throats from the liberal left
comments could be blah blah …you know the rest !!
The kid looks like he has a baggy top on to disguise the stab proof vest so fashionable in many parts of Londonistan and available from Argos and other fine stores…
Where are the photographs of
Clitorises in the waste bin.
Pools of blood on the street.
Raped white girls after their suicide.
Ex-servicemen living on the street.
Sex slaves in brothels.
Treasonous MPs hanging from telegraph poles.
Greenfields trashed by “travellers”.
I have got dozens more if required.
Once again those who fund the BBC seem less than impressed with its obsessions.
For instance:
Edit: ooh, snap!
Great minds and all that !!!
Got to love today’s attempt at project fear from Sky ….. could see 20 .. yes thats right … 20 … jobs go !!! Desperate stuff ..desperate.
why? does panasonic wish to pay more tax, how nice of them
I’ll have to keep an eye out to see if that gets added to my list of anti Brexit headlines.
So far none spotted today, pro or anti.
This was on the front page of the BBC website today.
Simple answer, don’t buy their stuff .
Than BBC Panasonic article had open comments
Top comments go to Brexiteers, but there ia heavy presence of of proRemain just a bit down , as if there were a lot of bots.
Well you say only 20 jobs, but I say that due to the fact that I’m mulling over whether or not to change our 9 year old LG Plasma telly for something a bit bigger and with Netflix built in, I say 20 jobs and a 65″ TV set.
With lesbian marriages being a bit old hat now in 2018, the beeb decides to spice things up.
Of course in typical fashion, the headline is deliberately misleading. The Utah judge declared the two women’s relationship a marriage and to backdate it 3 years (to when the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal). He added that it could be pushed back even further to 1968 — when the two women first lived together — but “that makes it (legally) messier than it needs to be.”
All surely paving the way for a new BBC3 feature: “Are trans-corporeal relationships racist?”
Attention seeking, nothing more, if the freaks out there were starved of the attention they constantly crave am sure most of them wouldn’t be half as weird.
Start by cancelling your TV licence.
I have finally got the courage to get down a knee and ask myself to marry myself . But I have to think about it… I’m claiming the tax allowances of course .
The was on the front page of the website this morning
The BBC shows the true value of an EU Education to dim UK lower classes who voted for BREXIT.
BBC R4 spit “right on SJW” issues , in your face all day
The R4 film show just ended.
“Next week we will be talking about your favourite Coming-Out movies”
8pm Aaronovitch on the Housing Crisis
Will he avoid the elephant ?
\\ .T May pointed the finger at the failure to build enough of the right homes, as she put it, in the right places.
But is the failure to build at the core of the problem?
Or are other factors at play?
Would excluding foreign ownership make a difference //
9pm BBC2 series about Cultural rituals
What have they chosen as tonight’s example ?
…Leaping around the ruins of the Gaza Strip !
10pm C4
10pm C4’the celebrity cross dresser Grayson Perry has a similar series where he travels the world looking at rituals.
BBC website article about Frank Field ceasing to take the Labour Whip is big on suggesting sour grapes by Field for losing Constituency confidence vote. But BBC feels it unnecessary to provide any examples of Labour Party anti-semitism that have given Field cause for concern
(in same way BBC provides much detail of CNN rebuttal of Trump’s charge of fake news, but no examples of what Trump is complaining about )
It will be interesting how al beeb treats the decision by such a decent labour politician as Frank Field to leave . His views on reform of benefits and social care chime with conservatives such as my MP IDS so his days under comrade Corbyn and McDonnell were numbered.
I suppose al beeb will do a ‘look the other way’ – a celebrity said something nasty …. and of course Albeeb will treat this as a ‘bubble ‘ issue – but I think mr field will have plenty to say in the next few days ( lady shabi of whitewash needs to listen ).
Janice Turner calls BBC series the Bodyguard “female soft porn.
She says ‘ in it wimenbrun everything, the gov the police the explosives unit, they are the marksman , but then there is this bodyguard character who strips his shirt off to protect them’
Reading Metro over someone’s shoulder on the bus yesterday I see that the writer of Bodyguard is surprised and disappointed that ‘some’ people have complained about the all-female cast. He claims that he never gave it a thought when he gave all the jobs to women.
Either he is a liar or he is one of those poor souls brought up in a single-parent family, schooled by women and then working for the all-female BBC, (some women have penises).
Typo : She says ‘ in it women are everything…
It really isn’t going well for the BBC on Twitter today.
jeez thats some land whale
As someone commented on another website; I can’t remember which one; about fat birds, I think a chat up line:
” You don’t sweat much for a fat bird”.
Al beeb tells us that “England’s schools are facing a “severe shortage” of teachers, with bigger class sizes………”
What they don’t tell you is that the “bigger class sizes” are caused by too many people coming into the country.
Don’t really hear about the effect of multiple kids in vibrant schools speaking multiple languages . I tried a bit of teaching and dealing sith an unruly class of English speakers is bad but multilingual abuse must be even worse .
“Theresa May congratulates the SA leaders in their food production initiative. 1 South African death is a tragedy, 500,000 White South African deaths is a statistic, she added.”
Actually I cannot find that the BBC has reported this at all.
Plenty of BBC coverage of May going native, appearing to have the IQ of half an African and bringing shame on the UK. Now the most disgraceful organism in the recorded history of Europe.
Keep the bitch out of the UK.
Donald, brother can you spare a drone?
Food production initiative: first get rid of the food producers. SA is going to be Rhodesia in spades.
At least when they eventually get down to the inevitable tribal civil war Blighty can arm both sides
BBC Web-watch #4
The obsession with America goes on and on:
Together with rules and laws and bans (for everyone else but not themselves):
“Similar issues recur:
the number of nights each year a property can be rented out
the hiring of entire homes
tax requirements
how rules should be enforced”
Another bbc ‘unique explanation’ on their trustworthiness to go with their truthiness…
Not to long ago Sky ran a Brexit poll whose results the bbc really liked. A lot, like a real lot. So much so that they banged on about it for a week.
This time, maybe less so?
Why is the inflatable emir wearing a bra and not a stab proof . ?
Personally I think this kind of stunt is just an indication of the kind of times we live in. It achieves nothing – just like the lampooning of the president of the United States of America .
I believe the bra is a reference to the censorship of the bikini body model that appeared in adverts.
I would vote it as offensive becaue that it what I want i to do – offend the emir
Perhaps when the air is released it will make a farting sound, like the call to prayer.
I’m not on twatter…what is the vote so far?
Just clicked. Oddly dated yesterday with three hours to go and 19,000+ votes. 88% not as Sky or BBC would hope.
Hence the massive news coverage I guess.
Thanks Guest
Yes funny how Beeb have been quiet on it 🙂
Just heard French EU woman on R4..when asked to state that the French fishermen were in the wrong..a typical French answer in a heavy ‘ allo allo’ accent
I do not think it is useful to blame this person or that person….to come to an agreement pressure from BBC to get them to agree they had broken a law..and the UK hadn’t
JA, the French Trade Minister (I think) did very well during her interrogation by an unhappy Mishal. I got a sense that the TM was really itching to say “The British always respect fishing rules.” but I think she instead wished to be extra diplomatic as things are none too peaceable back in government in France. She was brilliant.
Bearing in mind it was the Minister’s second language, I also sensed 1. that Mishal (sounding miserable all morning) really wanted to be divisive and find disagreement, despite the BBC – in theory – not ‘liking’ divisiveness, and, 2. the French Trade Minister did not wish to and instead wanted to be positive on every front. Bravo, Ma’am!
I respect your views..and am open to interpretation 🙂
maybe I am just fed up with all politicians not just answering a question with the obvious and correct answer…in this case , Yes the French broke the French law and the Brits didn’t break any laws…
JA, I agree. I was just admiring the French TM’s diplomacy in her second language. She couldn’t afford to point the finger at the French fishermen but appeared to be fully aware of the realities of French protests.
I suspect that she may have been deprived of the occasional lamb dinner 😉 much to her displeasure.
As Max Miller might have said, “here’s a funny story”.
BBC London features an article that many people do work emails on their train commute (only the ivory tower BBC would regard this as news but I digress), and pose the question should they be paid for doing so? The general jist of those who do this was that such an idea was totally unnecessary and impractical. By the way, the research was provided by the University of West England. Why? I still digress.
No, the point is that to accompany the narrative we had pictures of commuters sitting down on trains, in their seats with tables for their PCs and phones, and NO ONE AT ALL STANDING IN THE AISLES !!!!!!
This was not commented on. But how many times do we get reports of overcrowded commuter trains? All the time is the answer, usually in the context of late or cancelled trains and fare increases. Commuters stuffed like sardines in the carriages. Not quite the right image for the ‘getting paid for doing work emails’ though.
You cannot have it both ways. What we have here is disingenuity to justify an ‘overworked underpaid workers’ narrative.
The BBC. World class in hypocritical shit-stirring.
And continuing the shit stirring, the One Show features the problems faced by all of two mobility scooter users on trains.
Maybe the disabled could pay for all the retro-fitting themselves?
I say this in the context of encountering a high altitude mountain hut in the Alps with a disabled toilet ( which was out of use i.e they had never actually put it in, but had to pretend), which the fantastic climber with a prosthetic leg we encountered did not look like he would have needed in any case.
Devoid of common sense and proportionality, the cost of minority Equality is very very very high. For the rest of us, not those who benefit.
I’m not currently in Blighty and a few hours ahead of bst . Having just completed one of those useless online surveys al beeb vomits out onto it site I have been invited to join ‘bbc global minds’ to give feedback and help with research .
I wonder if this is available on the Uk bbc website – which should be since Blighty residents pay for the damn thing ….
A belated Len Henry 60th celebration sort of thing and he’ll never be as funny as this guy (who is nearly 60). Hope the link works as I’m not very tech savvy.
Brexit Central
“Why is Brexit Britain getting entangled in the EU’s defence structures?”
Andrea Jenkyns.
More treason by the Commies in the public sector.
More evidence the EU intends to replace NATO with itself.
Additional evidence adduced just how evil the EU is.
With the risks to UK defence and security clearly stated.
Unfortunately Jenkyns ends with this.
“Now that the Prime Minister can identify the fault in what’s been done, she has the power to stop it. This in itself would reassure the country of her best intentions and bring praise.”
Andrea, “she” and “her”; unless you have in mind some unspecified female Conservative moving into #10 in the very near future, and I do not believe you are; you are referring to May.
May is a traitor, her intentions are in the worst interests of the UK. She has conspired with other EU leaders. She has conspired with Robbins & Co. She has deceived her own ministers. She has lied so frequently and so implausibly there is nobody in the EU who is not aware of this.
As I speak she is selling the UK out whilst impersonating a Prime Minister abroad.
Andrea you know this, you know you ‘solution’ does not get out of the starting stalls.
So either you are another Commie mole bent on subverting Brexit or you need to write another article.
Then some Conservative MP needs to remove that smug smile from May’s face, with an angle grinder.
Can anyone imagine an EU treaty military organisation ? The Irish republic and the other mainland EU countries signed up to the Union flag . ..? Against a Russia equipped with technology stolen from the Americans and us ?
Russia has already done the job of weakening Europe / ReichEU by exploiting the snowflake humanist shit by allowing the Islamic third world in .
There is no need for a shooting war , putin obviously plays chess as he has exploited the weakness of western snowflake politics to its best …
Why don’t market rate talents pose such questions, he asks, rhetorically?
A woman not married or in a civil partnership has won the right at the Supreme Court to claim a widow’s allowance for her children after her partner died.
This of course was a taxpayer payout never envisaged and never accounted for by the authorities but this landmark ruling will enable thousands of others to claim. The rest of us will of course havevtompick up the tab.
The justification apparently is based on the Yuman Rights of the lady in question.
So apparently there is now a Human Right to have any lifestyle you want and the taxpayer will foot the bill.
The Supreme Court is full of lib left judges who have spent their lives in the public sector and see the world only through the prism of entitlement. In what way does this reflect a society wher 80% of employment and thus income tax and NI comes from the private sector?
One might of course say the same about the.BBC.
None of the bBBC interviewers asked her the simple question: if you wanted the benefits payable to a married woman, why didn’t you get married?
Is there any troughing public sector mickey taker who would EVER lose a case with the Supreme Court or the EU?
Both have no responsibilities, are feather bedded liberal parlours.
If we had any kind of government, they would stump up for this crap-but take all the money from the legal budget so THEY get to pay for their do-gooding.
Of course REAL “human rights”-like self defence, free speech, a safe ballot and crime being punished?…these turn out not to be “rights” any more. Just aspirational guidelines at best.
But if I want to marry a disability scooter?. That`s only showing everyone how mad things are, how pointless it is to have morality, sense and standards. So the Left will pervertedy make that “legal” or “to be funded”.
Holly, you have another wonderful line there that ought to make it into some sort of B-BBC Compendium or Phrasebook: “Both have no responsibilities, are feather bedded liberal parlours.”
Something to feel ashamed about. And we have no means of instructingv the BBC to report on the facts and even less ability to persuade the Home Secretary to act – perhaps he won’t act against his own kind.
We don’t have a Charles Dickens to record this abuse of children.
So many questions.
Following that link and then looking at the cartoons; there is a nice one of a journalist recruitment panel: ‘We’re looking for someone who can turn 140 characters into 45 paragraphs.’ Must be the BBC trying to replace Mark Mardell, John Sopel and Mark Easton!
Katty Kay would have no chance in that interview.
Thanks Guest..You have just made me subscribe to the Spectator..does that mean I am a white middle aged male? They seem to have some balanced views so thought I would give it a try to balance the tripe form BBC
Thread. Oliver’s army.
‘Overtly Conservative’ = keeps their “I Love Jeremy” button badge in their desk drawer.
‘Far-Right’ = doesn’t own an “I Love Jeremy” button badge.
#CCBGB Not least because the BBC editorial integrity was dialled up to eleven.
The BBC headline typical…isn’t the story. The student was arrested for abusing another student and slapping a teacher. They try to make out the arrest was for throwing Trump hat on ground i.e. nasty Trump intimidating people. W..krs
The headline has been stealth edited by the BBC/Antifa staff
as is the BiasedBBC way
Now reads “California schoolgirl arrested in Trump hat classroom fracas”
NewSniffer didn’t pick it up though records*/
Deep joy.
On BBC next week, a special programme in the DIY SOS series.
From Grenfell.
Pass the sick bucket.
I wonder if they will feature the latest fraudulent claims?
They don’t usually but the latest seems to getting the full treatment.
Presumably nothing to do with the fact that the miscreant worked for the local Tory council?
“And here, Lawrence creates a soft focus effect around the nook by sanding asbestos…”
Sorry not to have been on here for a while but I’ve been rather poorly. I am so annoyed with the BBC, that I only listen to the cricket commentary now plus some Radio 3. Re the cricket commentary, women cricket commentators are not always very good, bar Alison Mitchell. Another woman cricket commentator whose name I forget was on duty earlier in the current England v India series and she did not understand an umpiring signal, India batting great Sunil Gavaskar had to correct her from the summariser’s chair, and he did so in a gentlemanly way. Also, for mens’ test cricket I do not want women summarisers, sorry. Ditto at the football World Cup. Presenters is fine, pundits is a no-no.
Other random thoughts…
Well done Frank Field for leaving the Labour party, which is riddled with anti-Semitism and is truly evil to the core. He has always come across as a man of integrity and common sense, and it is so sad that he and those like him are being intimidated and forced out of the Labour party. If Corbyn and McDonnell ever get the keys to no 10 then I think I will have to emigrate !
Disgraceful the way MSM has tried to portray the problems in Chemnitz, Germany as all being stirred up by “Nazis”. Alt media explains that it was mainly concerned German citizens who are sick and tired of some recent immigrants attacking innocent people, sexual assaults etc. No doubt Soros and his gang pay snowflakes to go over there and do Nazi salutes. Sickening the way genuine concern and peaceful protest by the German people is painted as neo Nazism. And all this coming from the BBC, the broadcaster which loves the anti-semitic Labour party.
Some time ago I posted well-written comments on a local FB page, no inflammatory language, just my views. A “neighbour” was overheard telling this to another “neighbour” and the first “neighbour’s” take on it was that I am a member of the Tory party. I have never been a member of any party, and never will be, but even if I were in the Conservatives, is that a legitimate reason to hate me ? “Neighbour” number 1 lives with her druggy boyfriend and baby close by, I think they are dealing, or the very least know people that do. The stench of the weed hits you sometimes even at 50 yards from the front door. This couple are noisy, messy, inconsiderate and are rowing constantly. To blot it out I strap on the headphones when I am in and listen to music, CDs or on YouTube. One evening I dared to listen to a CD sans headphones, the man bashed at my front door. I shouted back at him. His apology note the next day was written in the handwriting of an 8 year old but was well worded, so someone had obviously told him what to write. Housing association and police informed about all this bad behaviour by various of the decent people who live here, but nothing gets done. Daresay the coppers are all off on CP diversity-awareness courses or painting their fingernails. Local police station closed some time ago. Just my little vignette of life in a smallish town in northern half of UK. Shop windows now regularly getting smashed at night, litter everywhere, which many of us good citizens will pick up as we go along. On local social media page, trolls are regularly in action and when you check some of these peoples’ personal social media pages, it is not unusual to find that they have links to Momentum or similar groups, so far left anarchists in other words. Nasty people, and clearly others are putting them up to this. I genuinely believe I am a target too, the key thing then is to ignore them and immerse oneself in beauty…nature, great music, art, literature, doing creative things etc. My nice druggy neighbours are forever Hoovering, odd really when you think that they leave such a mess round the back. One of their lovely mates went through my blue bin once looking for sensitive info, luckily there was none in it, but they then took the contents of said bin and scattered it on the grass at the back. Housing association were told about this, grass at back now a bit tidier. Oh the joys of modern Britain, said with irony of course.
Why aren’t the RN defending the British fishermen ?
The FB page of the great jazz pianist Oscar Peterson seems an unlikely place to find trolls, but they were there. Someone said how good it was to hear Peterson what with all the evil atmosphere created by Trump, or words to that effect. Two other users politely suggested that this man keep politics out of a page which is all about celebrating a jazz pianist and other jazz musicians too. Another troll (lefty in central Europe) joined in, quickly resorting to foul mouthed language. So these nasty lefty fascists are everywhere, they probably get paid to do it.
Speaking of great music, why does the BBC and the Proms not feature the musical prodigy that is Alma Deutscher (see ? She was featured on Yentob’s show one time but the fact is that the bulk of her performances are overseas, especially Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Israel. Alma could read music before she could read words and has been composing since the age of four. Now aged 13, she has already composed a violin concerto, piano concerto, songs and two operas. Her music would be excellent even if it were composed by an adult, that it comes from a child is a miracle. Already snobby critics are having a go at her because she writes lovely melodies in a classical style with influences from many of the great composers. Other, wiser critics, are hailing her as a new Mozart potentially. Alma also plays the piano and violin and can sing very well, indeed she often performs her own works. She believes in bringing happiness to the world through her music. Someone tried to say to her that her music ought to reflect the ugliness in the world, the little genius answered that with so much ugliness in the world, why add to it by writing ugly, atonal music (or words to that effect). So which boxes does Alma tick for the Beeb ? Female gets a tick. White, gets a cross. Half Jewish with an Israeli Dad, that’s a no from the Beeb. Writing beautiful melodies in classical forms, that is too elitist for the Beeb, although I give Yentob credit at least for putting her on his late-night show a while back.
Sorry for such a long post but I daren’t come on here too often, there are definitely co-ordinated actions by lefty trolls going on in this town, so I have to be careful.
I promise to be more concise in future posts. Thanks as always to all the brave people on here, bar Maxi, who take the trouble to highlight the appalling bias and lies by omission of the BBC. Yes, the good old Beeb, the broadcaster that covered up and facilitated abuse of children. Sir Cliff Richard is to bring out a new album where he deals with the anger he feels at the way the Beeb treated him.
Get well soon !! All the best
Sorry to hear of your troubles. As a matter of interest, why do you feel lefty trolls will find out you come on here? Do you think your internet is being hacked?
Just lost my first reply to you. Prior to changing my search engine away from Google, I am pretty certain I was being hacked. Have been followed in my town, three days running but it was a while back now and I doubled back and followed him, he soon gave up. I was bullied out of my last rented accomodation by my Labour voting Remainer landlord/landlady and, worryingly, a tenant they had had there before me is a far left Momentum type who is still in touch with the property owner. This man wastes all his money at the pub and then whinges about austerity and is someone who probably gets younger idiots to do his dirty work for him. The landlord/lady person was so disgusted by the Brexit vote in 2016 that they hung a home made banner off their garage which said “Dis-United Kingdom”. It rained that day -caused by the vote of course !! – and the ink ran all over the place. What bad losers lefties are, eh ? As I am someone stuck at the bottom, but with my love of great music, art, literature etc to keep me going, I am actually in a fairly vulnerable position but sadly this would happen to me anywhere in this country now. Britain is no place for a sensitive, musical, creative type who struggles socially. But we all have to be vigilant, all the time. Thanks for your kind words.
Hang in there Beebo and get well soon.
Which reminds me: I was thinking of Lobster the other day who has had a stroke. If you’re reading this Lobbie, I/we hope your recovery is continuing to go well.
I felt there was ‘something going on’ recently on here, associated with keyboards and typographical errors. I appeared to be getting more than my fair share of wrong words and misplaced vowels & consonants. Now, I am aware of the natural fault that goes with keyboard use of typing adjacent letters in the worng order. Just done it there! I will leave it uncorrected as an example.
But this seemed to me to be excessive. I started to work a bit harder at proof reading.
I am also aware that in the new media world, those of a certain political persuasion do like to mock misspells, poor writing and language use, usually as a reason to disregard what has been posted by the other. Even to tar a whole group such as Remainers or Brexiteers with the errors & typos of one individual.
It happened so much that I wondered if the site here had been hacked and stuff was getting scrambled as the posted message arrived, or whether I had been hacked and it was occurring at my end. (I don’t use predictive text much, if at all.)
But here’s the thing; since the BH Weekend things appear to be better. Perhaps it was the heat of a great summer scrambling my brain more than normal? Or maybe . . . . ……..
Up2 – I echo your kinds words for Lobster – be well- crawl back here complete with shell….
Up2 – I’ve noticed the spell check on this site playing up recently too – I thought it was the dodgy I pad I use sometimes which loves full stops ………
nice post..Beebo
Welcome back and sorry to hear your troubles . They are not uncommon . I’d never thought one of the side effects of living in Londonistan is tha because so many people can’t speak English and are ‘off the books ‘ they don’t engage in Uk politics unlike your position .
I don’t speak to non whites because I fear allegations if I let a view slip .
As for your view of al beeb – as you see here all the time – a lot of people limit expose for mental health reasons or just because it is pee poor . Good luck beebo. Thinking of you .
Thanks for your kind words, Fedup2. I’m fine with most immigrants, as long as they are law abiding, respectful of British customs etc. I have a problem with radical Muslims who seem to loathe the West and want to destroy it from within, aided by the Soros-funded lefty elites, and I have a problem with any immigrant who commits crime, be it murder, rape, stealing etc. Britain needs tougher immigration rules because the country is over-crowded and it places a strain on housing, hospitals, GP surgeries, schools, transport etc. That doesn’t make me a Nazi, although the Beeb and its snowflake brainwashed supporters would accuse me of just such a thing. I was delighted to hear an older person use the expression snowflake recently, unprompted by me I hasten to add. This older person is also appalled by what’s happening around town.
Sorry not to have been on here for a while but I’ve been rather poorly. I am so annoyed with the BBC, that I only listen to the cricket commentary now plus some Radio 3. Re the cricket commentary, women cricket commentators are not always very good, bar Alison Mitchell. Another woman cricket commentator whose name I forget was on duty earlier in the current England v India series and she did not understand an umpiring signal, India batting great Sunil Gavaskar had to correct her from the summariser’s chair, and he did so in a gentlemanly way. Also, for mens’ test cricket I do not want women summarisers, sorry. Ditto at the football World Cup. Presenters is fine, pundits is a no-no.
Other random thoughts…
Well done Frank Field for leaving the Labour party, which is riddled with anti-Semitism and is truly evil to the core. He has always come across as a man of integrity and common sense, and it is so sad that he and those like him are being intimidated and forced out of the Labour party. If Corbyn and McDonnell ever get the keys to no 10 then I think I will have to emigrate !
Disgraceful the way MSM has tried to portray the problems in Chemnitz, Germany as all being stirred up by “Nazis”. Alt media explains that it was mainly concerned German citizens who are sick and tired of some recent immigrants attacking innocent people, sexual assaults etc. No doubt Soros and his gang pay snowflakes to go over there and do Nazi salutes. Sickening the way genuine concern and peaceful protest by the German people is painted as neo Nazism. And all this coming from the BBC, the broadcaster which loves the anti-semitic Labour party.
Some time ago I posted well-written comments on a local FB page, no inflammatory language, just my views. A “neighbour” was overheard telling this to another “neighbour” and the first “neighbour’s” take on it was that I am a member of the Tory party. I have never been a member of any party, and never will be, but even if I were in the Conservatives, is that a legitimate reason to hate me ? “Neighbour” number 1 lives with her druggy boyfriend and baby close by, I think they are dealing, or the very least know people that do. The stench of the weed hits you sometimes even at 50 yards from the front door. This couple are noisy, messy, inconsiderate and are rowing constantly. To blot it out I strap on the headphones when I am in and listen to music, CDs or on YouTube. One evening I dared to listen to a CD sans headphones, the man bashed at my front door. I shouted back at him. His apology note the next day was written in the handwriting of an 8 year old but was well worded, so someone had obviously told him what to write. Housing association and police informed about all this bad behaviour by various of the decent people who live here, but nothing gets done. Daresay the coppers are all off on CP diversity-awareness courses or painting their fingernails. Local police station closed some time ago. Just my little vignette of life in a smallish town in northern half of UK. Shop windows now regularly getting smashed at night, litter everywhere, which many of us good citizens will pick up as we go along. On local social media page, trolls are regularly in action and when you check some of these peoples’ personal social media pages, it is not unusual to find that they have links to Momentum or similar groups, so far left anarchists in other words. Nasty people, and clearly others are putting them up to this. I genuinely believe I am a target too, the key thing then is to ignore them and immerse oneself in beauty…nature, great music, art, literature, doing creative things etc. My nice druggy neighbours are forever Hoovering, odd really when you think that they leave such a mess round the back. One of their lovely mates went through my blue bin once looking for sensitive info, luckily there was none in it, but they then took the contents of said bin and scattered it on the grass at the back. Housing association were told about this, grass at back now a bit tidier. Oh the joys of modern Britain, said with irony of course.
Why aren’t the RN defending the British fishermen ?
The FB page of the great jazz pianist Oscar Peterson seems an unlikely place to find trolls, but they were there. Someone said how good it was to hear Peterson what with all the evil atmosphere created by Trump, or words to that effect. Two other users politely suggested that this man keep politics out of a page which is all about celebrating a jazz pianist and other jazz musicians too. Another troll (lefty in central Europe) joined in, quickly resorting to foul mouthed language. So these nasty lefty fascists are everywhere, they probably get paid to do it.
Speaking of great music, why does the BBC and the Proms not feature the musical prodigy that is Alma Deutscher (see ? She was featured on Yentob’s show one time but the fact is that the bulk of her performances are overseas, especially Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Israel. Alma could read music before she could read words and has been composing since the age of four. Now aged 13, she has already composed a violin concerto, piano concerto, songs and two operas. Her music would be excellent even if it were composed by an adult, that it comes from a child is a miracle. Already snobby critics are having a go at her because she writes lovely melodies in a classical style with influences from many of the great composers. Other, wiser critics, are hailing her as a new Mozart potentially. Alma also plays the piano and violin and can sing very well, indeed she often performs her own works. She believes in bringing happiness to the world through her music. Someone tried to say to her that her music ought to reflect the ugliness in the world, the little genius answered that with so much ugliness in the world, why add to it by writing ugly, atonal music (or words to that effect). So which boxes does Alma tick for the Beeb ? Female gets a tick. White, gets a cross. Half Jewish with an Israeli Dad, that’s a no from the Beeb. Writing beautiful melodies in classical forms, that is too elitist for the Beeb, although I give Yentob credit at least for putting her on his late-night show a while back.
Sorry for such a long post but I daren’t come on here too often, there are definitely co-ordinated actions by lefty trolls going on in this town, so I have to be careful.
I promise to be more concise in future posts. Thanks as always to all the brave people on here, bar Maxi, who take the trouble to highlight the appalling bias and lies by omission of the BBC. Yes, the good old Beeb, the broadcaster that covered up and facilitated abuse of children. Sir Cliff Richard is to bring out a new album where he deals with the anger he feels at the way the Beeb treated him.
I don’t believe Frank Field has left the Labour Party as such, he has resigned, in effect, from the Labour whip.
Sorry I posted this one twice by accident, you can tell I haven’t been on here for ages.
Beebo, just add your ‘likes’ on each together! 🙂
MSM just cannot blame immigration. Because all immigration is great isn’t it. Here’s a effort from sky to blame crowded schools on the 2000 baby boom !!!! Quite rightly, the replies put them straight.
A leader speaks.
Wonder if this will generate the same treatment that greeted that of another recently?