So the Far Left anti Semitic BBC has to find a way to report on the anti Semitic goings on in their favourite Far Left political party – Labour . What are its options? Ignore, look the other way ; decide that there is a more important issue or attack the victims of Labour Party bullying
Meanwhile Far Left BBC reporters in America will be lining up to condemn President Trump whilst lauding a dead white republican politician just because he didn’t like Mr. Trump . The political swamp will be showing its collective false grief along with the BBC
Crustaceans rule !!!
Does anyone think it’s possible that the beeb uses fake upvotes for online article comments? I notice every time they insert some daft feminist article into the sport section and dare to allow comment, at first predictably the comments are overwhelmingly critical and then they are swamped by politically correct comments with vastly more upvotes. I refuse to believe there are that many womens football fans in existence let alone commenting on bbc articles. More like some intern deciding which comments to “promote”.
I notice tonight that they were plugging the women’s England v Wales match and several times they said it was sold out. Err, the ground only holds 8500, so it was hardly Wembley was it?
Notable that this utterly irrelevant event got significantly more coverage than someone being sentenced to 30 years for attempting to kill the PM.
The BBC is more interested in women’s football than in someone trying to kill the PM??
Reminds me of Robin Aitken, who wrote that after the failed attack on Thatcher, one of his BBC colleagues said, “Pity they missed the bitch.”
I doubt that BBC hacks feel the same about Theresa May. They must be secretly delighted that this PM has so weakened the UK with her treachery.
Attendance just over 5000.
More agenda-pushing fake news from the BBC .
The Daily Mail obviously doctors its ‘like’ comments and some slip through noting it. I gave up commenting there when my comments were ignored ie not published. They were not rude libellous etc. I presumed the intern couldn’t be bothered to read them but on reflection they didn’t follow the DM’s agenda. Then there is the comment where one most popular comment with about 10,000 upticks says how marvellous Meghan looks in her short skirt then every comment below it refers to Meghan’s chicken legs. I presume the Sussex’ PR paid product placement for the comment or someone at the DM were taken out for a good lunch.
Me too. Up to 6-7 years ago, I had very occasionally posted a comment on the Daily Mail, and was invariably measured, polite and lacking any ad hominum attacks on individuals. Yet, soon found myself effectively banned for, I supposed, not always toeing the editorial line. It’s probably similar with the BBC, but I have never posted on any of their available fora.
johnm, I would not rely on the voting system on the BBC HYSs and Blogs. I don’t think it is 100% reliable but it can be an indicator.
Speaking of which, where is Part-time? Does M/s Kuenssberg go on two months holiday every summer so that she can attend the Edinburgh Festival as well as holiday abroad?
It’s probably how their 5000 self styled journalists spend their time.
Not 5000 journalists but 7000. The BBC has more journalists than all of Britain’s newspapers together. Their monopoly power grows stronger each week as papers close.
Like the Daily Mail, you mean?
Lobbie, welcome back to the top of the charts. What are you going to sing?
I would suggest a rendition of Octopus’s Garden, Rock Lobster or Beyond the Sea.
The Lobster Quadrille.
Well done lobster . Hope you getting on okay in those warm rock pools…
I’d be cheating if I claimed second ….
Hate to be a party pooper here, knowing that lobster is a true stalwart here at this site.
But do I detect any insider dealing or legal irregularities here?
Can we have a special investigation please costing loads of money, taking up years of media mileage before deciding that nothing happened-but it might one day, and paid the kids college fees.
Got my chihuahua in my bag, happy to train at law school and avoid school on Monday-crowd funding would be nice.
Oh, bugger! Just when I thought I’d got away with it ……….
Wow-my first case, and I am proved to be right!
Less Legally Blonde-more Erin Brokovich!
Sometimes dreams CAN come true, to quote Michael Eisner!
Hope you`re safe from the Frenchies lobbie, surely you`re heading for Calais as we speak to counter anti-Crustaceean outrages perpetrated on your genus…species?…where`s my damned biology taxonomy I`m meant to know?
Link back to last page of previous thread : Page 5 ran from 8am Friday to 10:40pm Friday
Cheers Stew
I caught about two minutes of HRH maitliss interviewing some rep from the ReichEU – there were adverts on the side I was watching – I don’t do adverts . She told the ReichEU bloke that the last 2 years of negotiating had been wasted – no no says he – there is a draft treaty which is colour code in three colours of what’s agreed – what being tuned up – and where there is no agreement ( my interpretation )
She looked choked and it was a revelation to me as the impression has been given of nothing being sorted out . – the al beeb narrative .
Fed, you should do the adverts. Unless of course, they have declined in quality just like our favourite non-advertising broadcaster’s programming.
In the fifteen to twenty years before I stopped watching TV, adverts were as good or better than many of the programmes. The British advertising industry had become the best in the world, for display, print and broadcast advertising.
I think a decline may have set in, in part thanks to the interwebby and also because many UK agencies have been acquired by international conglomerates who do not have the same flexibility of creative approach and thinking.
I don’t know how this has affected TV in the past 15 years but I am aware of some really good bank advertising.
I just can’t do those multicultural adds they do now – I saw one for kfc where a black family were eating a bucket and thought – such stereotyping – naughty .
Having more down than up time on my current overseas assignment I looked at the guardian circulation figures after reading some bloody awful poison by one of their self righteous tribe – circulation has been declining year on year since 2014 – currently 133?000. I’d like to do my bit to hasten this . Then I wondered how many al beeb buys each day – a subject visited here a few months ago.
Anyway there seems to be a decline in Albeeb numbers as well as The Guardian – long may it continue – and May they both die in their current form soon.
Sweden : Repost of Douglas Murray in the Speccy
The protester who stood up on the plane until they stopped the deportation
\\ Ms Ersson’s Afghan was not being deported because he was a nice and decent man. Indeed it turns out that he had already been in prison in Sweden. This was because he beat his wife and two daughters – aged 13 and 14 years old – with an electrical cord. Apparently he used this device as a whip on the women in his household. On one occasion it appears that the children fled the house to a neighbour and explained that their father was in the process of killing their mother. Indeed, when he was found he was kicking and beating his wife, apparently particularly smashing her head against the floor.
… so long as the wife-beater and would-be murderer is an illegal immigrant it appears that he is someone worth standing up for.
.. Perhaps next time the grinning Ms Lucas or Abbott appear on television someone might bother to ask them why they defend the rights of abusive husbands over their abused wives, and the rights of citizens living illegally in a country over everyone who believes in the rule of law //
“EU will scrap biannual clock changes, says Juncker”
“We carried out a survey, millions responded………….I will recommend to the commission that, if you ask the citizens, then you have to do what the citizens say.”
We already did that you drunken fool and 17.4 million of us voted to leave your corrupt little club, so why are you doing all you can to prevent it happening?
third, the EU certainly did not listen to their citizens over that stupid vacuum cleaner legislation.
Yeah – they made us just suck it up – apologies
“Cassian Harrison, the editor of BBC Four, told the Edinburgh International Television Festival last week that no one wants to watch white men explaining stuff on TV any more. ‘There’s a mode of programming that involves a presenter, usually white, middle-aged and male, standing on a hill and “telling you like it is”,’ he said. ‘We all recognise the era of that has passed.’”
A really well-written Article by Toby Young with a very interesting allusion to what is described as the “Brahmin Class”, but on a lighter note, I could think of plenty of white men I don’t want to see on TV explaining things as they are, but from the top of my head, here are a few:
Jeremy Dustbin
Vince Fable
Dick Clegg
Tony Bliar
Don’t get me started on presenters, especially ones of the BBC ilk.
Forget about him. The BBC is slipping into irrelevance by the day and is just a make work for the Cassians of the world.
They can only survive as state employees.
No one wants to watch Brian Cox explaining stuff on TV any more. There’s a mode of programming that involves Brian Cox standing on a hill in the Swiss Alps and telling you like it is. We all recognise the era of that has passed. We have now entered the era of ignorance. People now want to watch the ignorant explaining stuff on TV, a mode of programming that involves three ignorant BBC presenters, usually young, black and female, standing in a crowd and telling you how excited they are, while dancing to jungle music.
Sorry, Richard, but I reckon climate alarmist Cox is as guilty as any for our ‘era of ignorance’. To ignore the real world evidence which falsifies the AGW-theorised climate models disqualifies him as a scientist in my opinion.
I think he should ask his parents why they named him Cassian. It’s probably the reason why he doesn’t have a proper job; potential employees probably thought he was a girl or an illegal immigrant.
jic CassieAnn = twins, probably the source of his BI-gotry
After St John Cassian the great mystic? Perhaps not.
Wilders cancels cartoon contest
..masses of threats against him on Twitter
“Click to Read More and Read Comments” to see spoof video.
You couldn’t make this up.
There is also the rather amusing issue of the time differences that would arise post-Brexit if this proposal were to be implemented:
“The proposal has prompted concern about a “time border” on the island of Ireland after Brexit – with Belfast and Dublin on different times”.
“The spokesman refused to speculate on how this scenario would interact with the clocks proposal, amid claims it could leave Belfast an hour ahead or behind London”.
The clock is truly ticking on this one.
Isn’t it more likely that Dublin would be an hour ahead of Belfast as the UK would keep one timezone?
If the Republic were to be out of synchronization with us it would be entirely because the Irish had decided to make a point of being different. Cf their silly decision to introduce kilometres.
Owen Jones watch
AFneil’s riposts always get 4 times more likes than Owen’s
\\ In fact, Islam is quite clear on what it expects of women: that we observe the same duties of belief, prayer and charity as men, and enjoy the same legal rights — autonomy in marriage and divorce, holding wealth, *inheritance* and property, and so many others. //
Same legal rights ? Really … on divorce ? on inheritance ?
AFAIK you don’t have
I saw that, and wondered, Does this moslem know any other moslems? And has he (she?) read the koran?
It has been revealed that BBC Newsnight correspondent Mark Urban had been having meetings with Sergei Skripal since the summer of 2017. Urban was once an officer in the Royal Tank Regiment together with Skripal’s MI6 handler, Pablo Miller, who also lives in Salisbury, its thought under the name, Paul Miller. Urban has maintained a friendship with Miller over the years. Pablo Miller OBE works part-time for the Foreign Office on a contract basis from Salisbury. He also works for Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd, Directors Christopher Steele and Christopher Burrows.
Bizarre as it sounds but this means that Urban began writing his book “The Skripal Files” (out in October) long before the Salisbury incident. But then research into Mark Urban’s reports for the BBC before the incident could reveal links to people working on the “Trump Dossier”. So that would indicate that Urban was about to write a book about the “Trump Dossier“, but when the Americans realised that the information that Orbis provided was fiction, they set up the Salisbury incident for after Exercise Toxic Dagger, using the exercise for preparations for the incident. The incident was obviously a surprise for Pablo Miller, and something went wrong with the American project, ending up with them having to dispose of the Blond woman, now though to be Dawn Sturgess. Dawn Sturgess had family links with Qinetiq through a man named Andrew Hope who works northwest of Porton Down, at Boscombe Down Airfield. Americans work at this place near Salisbury and those with links to the “Trump Dossier” include Ex-director of the CIA, George Tenet, who was Non-Executive Director of Qinetiq Group from 2006 to 2008, and former US Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Stephen Cambone has worked for QinetiQ since 2007.
Very interesting, Richard.
Also interesting is that Mark Urban has not been on Radio 4 as far as I can recall talking about the Skripals.
Has he been on TV to do that? And, if so, why has he been restricted to just TV?
To my knowledge Mark Urban has not replied to this email.
“Now read on.”
Censored by the BBC and the mainstream media:
The first signs of the Global Cooling predicted by Astronomers in 2006.
The solar cycle 24 maximum peaked in April 2014 with a smoothed sunspot number of only 81.8, the lowest since the Dalton Minimum. Cooling started in February 2016, a global temperature decline of 1.5 Kelvin is predicted to 2020, equating to the experience of the Dalton Minimum.
Astronomers such as Ed Fix, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Tim Channon, Rick Salvador and Ian Wilson use the Planetary movements to predict the length of the Solar Cycle, the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, speed of plasma within the Sun and therefore Sun Spot numbers and Solar Magnetic activity. Observations of changes to the Earths cloud albedo are then explained by Henrik Svensmark’s theory of Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo.
I recommend for lists of the hundreds of peer-reviewed and published papers that trash the AGW hypothesis.
These are the ones the MSM/Cox/Attenborough/Shukman/Harrabin/FoE/Greenp*ss don’t want you to see. Too many links to list here.
You don’t really need to read hundreds of peer-reviewed and published papers that trash the AGW hypothesis. The real experts say that these two are enough.
(1) The one that trashes the core basics of the Arrhenius formula used in all those computer models to produce the fictional version of the Greenhouse effect.
(2) The one that replaces the fictional version of the greenhouse effect, with a factual version that works for all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
Day 4 and counting of the Aretha Franklin death fest !
What a role model she was:-
Two children by the age of 16 yrs old
Chain smoker
What could it possibly be about this black woman that appeals to the BBC?
Hillary Clinton needs help climbing the steps at Aretha’s funeral
Awful thing, sciatica.
Come on, how could Trump allow this woman to be put in jail?
Hillary will need at least SIX to help her up the stairs next time she needs to be taken to church.
Sorry to say that this headline gave me hope until I understood it.
Probably fake her own death anyway, once it gets a bit sticky for her.
I’m hardly looking at any BBC content these days (doctors orders to lower blood pressure!) but a quick look at BBC News channel about 9:10am this morning they had a video of Ariana Grande at some Aretha Franklin concert/funeral. Entire audience was black.
Cut back to the studio to the 2 useless BBC women presenters pretending to ad lib a bit of conversation on the sofa.
“What an amazing life she had”
“Yes, and look at the wide range of people she touched”
“yes, did you see Ariana Grande?”
“yes, many generations were there”
You won’t find this on BBC
Aretha Franklin funeral bishop accused of ‘groping’ Ariana Grande apologises
Naughty bishop put his arm around her and was within a few inches of her right breast.
“Rape” “Help me, I’ve been abused”.
Poor woman, how will she ever recover?
She`ll piss off on the first plane out of town, but leave a pink balloon somewhere hear the airport hotel. Then tweet from her New York left conversion, to say how the death of loads of silly kids with too much money has hurt her bank balance. And THEN the BBC will laud her as a brave, tommy in the trench in the fight against terrorism. But only once it`s all been mopped up, Trump blamed and Brexit written in as a contributing factor.
For sure,loads of same old platitudes from the dreadful beeb!
The Irish Examiner is, in many ways, very similar to the BBC regarding Trump, Brexit and its obvious left-wing orientation in most other issues but an article in it caught my eye:
This line of reporting has never, to my knowledge, been reported by the BBC and, in my opinion, never will.
Bias by omission.
Amsterdam : BBC version vs AFP version
via MH
\\ Tucked away far down the Europe page of the BBC website, never making it to the front page, so far as I am aware, is this:
“Amsterdam station: Suspect shot after double stabbing”
The entire report runs to 5 short paragraphs:
“Two people have been wounded in a stabbing incident at Amsterdam’s central railway station, Dutch police say.
The suspected attacker was shot and wounded by police. The motive is unclear and officials say an investigation is under way.
All three have been taken to hospital for treatment.
Some train services in and out of the station were suspended during the incident and two platforms closed.
The Central Station is used by an estimated 250,000 travellers every day.”
Meanwhile, the truth might be rather different (from “the motive is unclear”). The Daily Telegraph report provides rather more information:
“A knife attacker on Friday stabbed two people at Amsterdam’s Central Station before being shot by police in a suspected terror attack, Dutch police said.
The suspect was identified late on Friday evening as a 19-year-old Afghan man with a German residency permit.
“We are seriously taking into account that there was a terrorist motive,” Frans Zuiderhoek, Amsterdam police spokesman, told AFP.” //
Censorship by omission by the BBC.
So the BBC said the motive was unclear even though the police suspected it was a terror attack.
More fake news from the broadcaster which displays the link ‘Why you can trust BBC news’ on its website.
Cf. the Dean of Westminster in a sermon: ‘What could possibly motivate a man to hire a car and take it from Birmingham to Brighton to London, and then drive it fast at people he had never met…..? It seems likely that we shall never know.’
Another interesting story in the Irish Examiner.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of this case, I doubt if the BBC would ever be quite as quick to run a story raising even the remotest possibility of a link between humanitarian work and human trafficking, money laundering, espionage or criminal organisations.
Bias by omission.
Radio 4 News at ten o clock .
I tuned in late to hear some dirge . I thought the news was finished but the dirge eventually stopped and it was about Aritha Franklin and eulogies from the likes of Bill Clinton , who sounded old .
Then to some woman about Black music ( others called it Jazz) and history of bringing it to the UK . Naturally there was talk of discrimination and slavery .
Give it a rest Beeboids . We know you feel you missed out , that you wanted to live in times when there was real prejudice and you could stand out from the crowds and be really virtuous . And then maybe even a film made about it where you could be an historical figure that was really virtuous . Yes beeboids , it does feel a little flat only able to virtue signal by looking into the past and denouncing wrongs committed then .
You have BBC motivation and psychology spot on with that comment.
Every time I hear her name, the word urethra come to mind.
Steady on John, that’s no reason to take the piss.
You’re correct. As that wonderful teacher and religious man, Al Sharpton, might say, I should show some R.E.S.P.I.C.T.( sic).
Anyone depending on the BBC for their historical knowledge will believe that England and the US invented slavery.
As Richard P observes above, we live in an era of ignorance. The ‘impartial’ and ‘trustworthy’ BBC is largely to blame.
For sure the awful Albbeeb forget that slavery was multi faceted with
our Islamic fiends being much to the fore also the Portuguese were big players !!
It is without doubt that our MPs and their researchers view this site.
Have any of you wondered why Al Beeb has not been closed down yet?
The majority of our politicians are are completely out of touch with most of the people of this great country, they are London-centric. Al Beeb is being used as a propaganda machine. Its not looking good.
It is time for Mrs May to go for a start .
Guardian 2018-08-30
“I look to a future in which Aimee Challenor being trans doesn’t matter” Caroline Lucas
Because some man impersonating a woman is important.
Whereas the digusting behaviour of his father is only regretted because his crimes became public.
I look to a future where the Green Party have a leader with principles. Rather than one whose leader passed by on the other side, who attempted to bury bad news deeper than Rotherham.
Than a leader who is forced to pen a, mistakes have been made, lessons will be learned, insincere apology.
At least Owen Jones is an honest pervert.
Still wondering why you are not being believed about Climate Change?
I look to a future when the Green Party sinks without trace.
I look to a future when the Guardian and Al Beeb sink without a trace.
Just read Al Beeb’s beatification of the Franklin Lady, “Thank you Lord for Aretha”
So what did she do for you in your life?
Nothing really just a few nice tunes…that is all,
Bizarre. I like to think I have broad musical taste but I simply don’t get her talent at all. I suspect with most others it’s fear of being called out unless you say you love Aretha.
Al Beeb informs us that “Frank Field considers triggering by-election”.
Most working people support this chap.
He is only hated by his party because he backs Brexit and supports Jews. The Labour Party and Al Beeb do not represent Britain, they are finished.
A new political party is is needed.
Taffman: Labour won 76.9% of the vote in Field’s Birkenhead constituency last election. The Cons were second at 18.4%
Ukip are unlikely to stand against a solid Brexiteer like Frank. And I don’t think a 76 year old is likely to gain many votes if he stands as an independent. I hardly think a by-election there will worry Labour.
Needless to say I would love to be proved wrong.
Guardian 2018-08-30
“Hooligan Brexiters now offer a mad, dystopian future nobody voted for” Simon Jenkins
“I, Simon Jenkins, being a frothing at the mouth, hydophobic, Remainer with an IQ lower than Marina Hyde;
(How is the treatment for your father’s hairy palms and Andean-sized eyebrows going MH?)
will now invent a scenario which did not exist in the past, does not exist in the present, in the forlorn hope that a few knuckle-dragging racist lefties, with identical beliefs to myself, will scweam and scweam until they are thick.
Naturally the most transparent and juvenile lies which I have invented will persuade nobody.
Naturally I will not mention that most of the real administrative Brexit problems which do exist, were caused by public sector traitors, who do not believe in democracy, unilaterally deciding that Brexit means no Brexit.
Naturally I will not mention that the remaining (not Remaining) issues are due to Communists infiltrating the Conservative party.
Naturally I will not mention that all Communist governments are created by lies, propaganda, mass murder.
Naturally I will not mention Venezuela, Jeremy did, but I think he got away with it.
Simon Jenkins:
Fully paid-up member of the Cronyocracy with serial appointments over the years to organisations contributing little, if anything, to Society but at great gain to its participants. He believes we should give the Falklands to Argentina, get rid of the Defence Budget because the threat of global Communism finished with the end of the Cold War but supports NATO, voted leave, has previously campaigned vociferously against the building of new houses but is reported to own more than one.
Did a person who has graduated from Oxford University ever show a greater aptitude for joined-up thinking?
Guardian 2018-08-31
“Air pollution killed my daughter – and now I can prove it”
Rosamund Kissi-Debrah
Article starts with :-
“If illegal levels of air pollution had a role in Ella’s death, a new inquest could help save other children”
So it’s rubbish.
Unwanted invaders create health problem and blame the invaded.
Unwanted invaders create crime problem and blame the invaded.
Unwanted invaders create housing problem and blame the invaded.
Close the door on your way out.
The Northdown Road Murders in Solihull .
That area is in a nice area of Solihull which is a nice area of the Midlands . The houses are worth more than a few bob .
Or used to be .
So how do the victims manage to live there ?
Has the place gone so downhill that property there is tuppence a yard ?
One victim is a student , so she can’t afford a mortgage or high rent , the other is her mother in her forties , job not specified , from Syria , so should be a recent ( or at most six years ) arrival to our shores .
What was their status ?
N, Parasite.
I imagine Jez still wants to have the papers to apologise for calling his aunty “Semy Tisim” Cartoon on the week’s events and the Labour party:
Five Live’s coverage of Aretha Franklin’s funeral classily included race pimp/shit stirrer par excellence Al Sharpton bashing Trump. What about all the jobs he is getting for black Americans? Obama said ‘yes we can’ but the reality for everything when you are unemployed is ‘no you can’t.’ Trump has been much better for jobs than Obama. I accept the charge that he is somewhat caddish with the ladies, but where on earth does the racism charge come from? Does not wanting open borders and all the misery and chaos that brings make you a racist? Black Americans suffer most from open borders.
Five Live’s brilliant sports coverage kept being interrupted with coverage of the women’s f**cking football. I cannot convey how much it infuriates me. NOBODY CARES! Girls do not like football in the same way boys do due to ineradicable biological differences, not ‘oppression.’ You will not suddenly get every girl loving football just by covering their game more which is clearly what they think. There is so much muddled thinking with the ‘equalities’ racket: will they ever accept that unequal outcomes are due to different interests/values – applying equally to gender and cultures – not ‘oppression’?
The bbc has, of late, assiduously covered Sky; well Sky polls they like vs. ones that really have not gone as planned.
Guessing this will be another miss?
Whoops who put those there!
There I was thinking only white American presidents like to grab onto Wimmin . Now there’s bishop bashing going on.
Bbc… in, or out? (Not Brexit).
And there’s always Bill from da Hill.
College degrees?
So the Communists are still flogging that fossilised equine.
Tantalus and Sisyphus performed more useful tasks
Many US “degrees” are like UK “degrees”.
What the possession of one of these degrees demonstrates is that someone, who should never have been allowed into higher education, wasted years of their life (and millions of US dollars) having lefty nonsense drummed into their responsive heads 24/7/365.
At Sanders-Burgerflippers college in Sacramento one five year environmental course has 30,000 students annually.
Year 1, Ecology, how to reduce the human impact on the environment.
Year 2, Design, being economical with raw materials, in which they design a two legged stool.
Year 3, Manufacturing, in which the production of two legged stools is studied intensively.
Year 4, Health, concentrates on lower back injuries resulting from the use of two legged stools.
Year 5, Law, how to avoid legal responsibility for products which you designed, manufactured and sold.
This course ran almost unchanged for fourty years, so that is 1.2 million Hillary voters, from one course, at one university. The almost is because during one year the design specification was changed to a one legged stool.
The fall of The Economist is as spectacular as it is sad.
I enjoy the wisdom shared in conversation by the builders I work with so much more than the fleeting entertainment value of Uni airheads trotted out to trill about fashion or art.
And I suspect there are more of the former to the latter at polling time.
Billy Clinton is thinking – wonder if you can get stains out of that dress ? After that gig he then went onto the McCain gig – who is going to end the bucket list next ?
Second division headlines for BBC UK news website:
Man jailed for plot to kill Theresa May
Q Who is this “man”
A Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman
Man charged with Solihull murders
Q Who is this “man”
A Janbaz Tarin
So much diversity to celebrate.
ED – “Man jailed for plot to kill Theresa May”
Queue jumper.
These bloody immigrants, coming over here and taking our jobs.
The British state broadcaster shares the wisdom of an American music person on matters of domestic politics.
Comments could be going f****** better for Mike and Emily and Evan and….
Hilarious moment on TOADY this morning. I think it was probably the last item before the 7.25am sports segment. Subject: The Highland Games.
I hope my memory provides a reliable transcript:
Beeboid’s leading question: “People come here from quite far away, don’t they?”
Contributor who has been allowed to advertise their business on the non-advertising BBC: “Yes, people come from all over the world.”
Beeboid: “How far have people come, then?”
I didn’t hear any more. I was laughing too much. Please do not ask me the genders of the Beeboid and the Contributor.
Just heard on Toady this morning at around 8.05am that Germany is HORRIFIED at the march by the FAR RIGHT in Chemnitz protesting at the murder of a German by two migrants from Iraq and Syria.
No bias there then.
The BBC for some reason, didn’t report this important part of the story though….for obvious reasons, I think.
“Tensions risked being inflamed further by a news report that the Iraqi suspect in the murder case had, despite a lengthy criminal record, somehow avoided deportation.”
The BBC need to explain why the inhabitants of Chemnitz are now FAR RIGHT in their politics when the BBC were telling us not so long ago that many of the Osi areas are still very Socialist or Communist in their inclinations.
The BBC usually attribute FAR RIGHT to Conservatives of a certain shade. Not quite Socialist or Communist, are they BBC, in the Conservative Party?
Being Far Right, as the bbc keeps calling these families who are against their own citizens being murdered on the street, do I take it that they will be firing up the ovens or are the bbc now naming anyone right of Stalin as far right.
The word ‘far’ is thrown around to become meaning less – I’m dropping the al beeb monicker here and unsung ‘far left bbc ‘ which is more apt .
The is no ‘right ‘ ‘near right’ ‘moderate right’ – just ‘far right ‘
Which really seems to be just any political view which snowflakes to not approve
Forgot to mention below, the murder is now described by the BBC in light-hearted terms: a fracas, altercation, simply no more than that.
Bbc EdGuds kick in when the narrative is off piste.
Hence ramming boats and throwing rocks at their crews is a ‘clash’ rather than the more accurate ‘entente cordiale’ being attempted.
See the first item in this report from Vlad Tepes. A German is given a ten year prison sentence for setting off fireworks near a mosque:
It surely can’t be long before Civil War breaks out in Germany.
This is just for laughs – I would love to see President Trump dish out a red card to Jon Sopel and all the other practically permanently offside BBC “players” (starts from about 1:40 in):
Send the whole lot off, ref!
The Beeb obviously think they have a winning hilarious and popular combination on BBC breakfast today with Naga, Steph McGovern and Mike Bushell. Strange how they think that box ticking somehow translates into talented.Almost unwatchable i’m afraid Beeb.
BBC’s Toady earlier post 0800, a very long complete whitewash of the immigrant violence in Germany. Virtually all a feast of distorted views and stats and massaged views. All in all, the BBC would assert, ‘a good piece of solid work’. Well here’s an analogy BBC, perhaps something for you to focus your attempts to distort: Violent crime is falling in London and not one person of coulour (let’s call them ‘enrichers’ shall we?) is responsible. That’s the target for your project: work your lying deceitful charm on that one, do as you have just done on the Germany report!
The BBC’s correspondent Jenny Hill went to great lengths shortly after 8am on Today to place today’s planned German ‘far right’ protests into some sort of context.
As the BBC does, the ‘context’ was earnestly delivered, patronising about ordinary folk, full of loaded virtue-signalling comment and reinforced the Beeb’s liberal, multicultural loving core.
She started out by saying that police statistics showed that Germany is now the ‘safest’ it has been for 25 years. So the context was established early on – this was to be all about the threat from the ‘far right’ and xenophobia.
She explained that much of the migrant crime in Germany was directed at other migrants – so that’s okay then – and a lot of that was down to ‘societal’ issues. Society eh, what a nuisance.
Today then brought in a spokesman for the Merkel government to further downplay his own people’s concerns over migrant crime.
The entire tone of the ten minute slot was that the far right in Germany is out of order and out of control.
The heart of the problem – people’s concerns that criminals and terrorists have been shipped into their communities – was given sniffy, short shrift.
Just as in yesterday’s report of the 21-year-old London ‘man’ who plotted to murder our Prime Minister – ten paragraphs before his ISIS links were even mentioned – the BBC continues its smoke and mirrors approach to news.
Yes – I too heard the silky tongue of Jenny Hill teasing its way through the Chemnitz protests like a 1980s bird in a bath eating a Cadbury chocolate flake!
Such presentation, such class, she had me hooked and wanting more and then the money shot – it is all the fault of the right wing!
I think this gal will be going all the way!
maybe even an interviewing double act with Kuenssberg a bit of good cop bad cop – thwack!
Time to stop fantasising now and cool down – It has to be said that these days that is all that BBC is no real facts, just personalities all keen to demonstrate their “right on” credentials and opinions at the expense of the truth.
We deserve better.
Laura is, as has been noted, on school hols.
But Jenny from da Hill is certainly keeping the peroxide quota balance with Katty across the pond at hideous levels.
Just hope Prince Crispin doesn’t get wind.
Yes, our Jenny was really getting over excited with her brief to slur Germans/promote young Arab men. Not often that the deskjockey, in this case Justin. has to interrupt a colleague in full flow. Happened more than once with Jenny, not always managing to stop her spiel.
I too heard Jenny Hill’s disgusting rubbish. You forgot to mention, Ed, that she also proudly announced that one in four of Germany’s refugees have now got a job! Which means – sorry to shamelessly display my aptitude for Maths here – that three out of four must still be availing themselves of Germany’s generous welfare provision. Well, I guess Germany was just too full of skilled, hard-working, productive Germans in the past. A million useless Arab refugees have now provided the enriching diversity the country so badly needed.
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc has reported on any of the other attacks in Germany by gangs of violent muslims:
The terrifying thing is that it took many attempts to call the police for help and it took the police half an hour before they turned up. But not to worry because the police have reassured everyone that they investigating the incident.
Eventually there will be a massive incident where even the scurrilous
Beeb cannot ignore the obvious elephant in the proverbial room !
Mark is bereft.
This will seriously impact the Palestinian ‘space program’.
It is being headed by Ryan Gosling in Werner Von Braun character.
Isn`t Trump finally only obeying all those laws and regulations that are meant to stop the funding of terrorists?
You`d think that the BBC would be happy that The Donald is sticking to the laws like we`re supposed to.
Maybe Corbyn will grow them some Semtex on his allotment if they ask him nicely.
Some ideas for Theresa’s speeches in Africa:
Kenya is Kenya.
Nigeria is Nigeria.
and a classic if I do so myself,
Africa is Africa.
Other news.
Thomas the tank engine is now multicultural.
Obviously, Thomas, being a racist tank engine, has been re educated.
EG – Are Edward and James (one is blue and the other is red) now both classed as “Engines of Colour”?
And of course the “fat controller” is now just “plus sized”
‘Differently normal’
But what will happen when the diesel engines demand ownership of the railway and refuse to let the steam engines out of the engine shed?
The carriages are female with names like Annabel and Clarice , feminine characters that urge the locos not to be harsh when pulling away
If they’re transgendered , does that mean they’re composite third and first class ?
Of course if Edward or James or or or even Gordon (please God no – not him) wake up one morning and “self identify” as “gender fluid then Edward or James or even (I cant say it) could well be Clarice as well!
Hope these trains have guards on them, or else we`ll never see them except under a shapeless black tarpaulin with just a slit for their eyes. And never leaving the depot.
No bad thing-smoking in public and climate change surely means that they will only be able to puff their stuff in China and India,
Maybe we`ll get a few thousand migrants hanging onto them, as they head back to Wimbledon from Dhaka.
He has no views. Apparently.
Our survey says…
BBC Breakfast tells us that many parents feel guilty about the healthiness of lunches they prepare for their children. We examine the pressures parents feel they are under.
Just a minute BBC. There’s hardly a day that goes past that you are not tediously berating viewers over sugar, childhood obesity and the like. It’s all a bit project fear, isn’t it? Could it be that your propaganda is becoming… how shall we say… a tad wearing?
How’s your project fear anti-Brexit campaign going BBC?
Just ‘doin it by the book’ (that’s all anyone has these days). Reply from my MP:
“Thank you for getting in touch and for taking the time to speak to a member of my team yesterday.
Please accept my sincere apologies for not responding to the email you sent me a number of years ago. I receive many emails each day, and unfortunately some do occasionally get missed.
As you requested, I have written to Esther McVey, Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions, to raise your concerns about the identification and prosecution of benefit fraudsters. I have also made enquiries about current adherence to the principles of policing by consent and the procedures involved in enforcing hate speech laws in a letter to Nick Hurd, the Minister of State at the Home Office responsible for policing.
I will let you know as soon as I get a response to either of these letters.”
I asked why the DWP’s figures for successful prosecutions of benefit fraud has fallen significantly, year on year over the past five years and,
We need to abandon the Police Charter as they are in breach of all 10 principles. The illusion is only maintained to externally persuade others that the UK has a law abiding unbiased and fair system, “innocent until proven guilty” and all that nonsense.
I think I lot the fraudsters for money or votes use the various spelling of ‘mo’ – various combinations of m ,e, and ‘u’ to fool the computers …
This is funny writing. Even if the topic is tragic.
BBC tv paper review.
And the front page of the Guardian is a picture of Aretha Franklin’s funeral.
Much like the past five minutes of your show BBC. Funny that coincidence, eh BBC?
And there went Mr. Jordan.
A market rate talent, if ever there was one.
It was Aretha Franklin’s funeral yesterday. The BBC have been bringing this to us on the hour, drooling over the eulogies, telling us that an icon of the civil rights movement had passed, as though some sort of saint had just died. They’re making far more fuss about this black crooner than they ever did about Mother Theresa.
They’re all there, aren’t they? Every has been race hustler known to man. Jackson, Sharpton and Clinton taking centre stage and interestingly, as Guest Who has pointed out also present, the repulsive old racist, Louis Farrakhan.
Let’s just remind ourselves who this bloke is and some of the things he’s said. He’s a black separatist and a black supremacist. He believes whites were created by a mad black scientist only 6,000 years ago. Absolutely potty! I mean “black scientist”…
He’s the leader of the Nation of Islam a pseudo religious order known for its racism and violence, a sort of black KKK.
He’s undoubtedly homophobic. It’s widely believed he was involved in the murder of Malcolm X.
He’s a revolting anti Semite and made the comment “…don’t you forget when it’s God who puts you in the ovens then it’s forever.”
He said Jews were responsible for the 911 attacks.
He admires Hitler and has been quoted saying that Hitler had the right idea.
Can you imagine anyone like this on the right of politics not being exposed by the BBC?
This repulsive old reptile was at Aretha Franklin’s funeral yesterday and the media are completely glossing over this. Don’t you think some of this nutter’s despicable opinions might just get a mention?
The old adage is you can’t choose your relatives but you do choose your friends.
And with friends like Louis…
Whatever crimes made laid at Farrakhan’s door he probably knows more about music than all the other mourners combined.
A performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, by Farrakhan, is on YouTube.
Not Heifetz, but credit where it is due.
And I agree with Jo; the BBC is a tool.
This is going well….
Even for the bbc, that is quite ‘special’.
Usually when it is way off narrative they either ignore or play down. But going full ‘look, squirrel’ that fools no one is unique to a point only they can aspire to.
When a libmob throws out an accusation, check that he is not PROJECTING his own flaws
.. I think in this case that’s right.
After May’s comments on SA land “reform” I decided to watch Lauren Southern’s Farmland documentary. As with all media I run it through my bias filter, but you have to ask yourself how can a 23 year old with a tiny budget make a film about this and the Beeb cant?
After watching I remembered that the UK had banned Ms Southern from entering the country. That realisation was scary.
“how can a 23 year old with a tiny budget make a film about this and the Beeb cant?”
Because the BBC will not touch the subject. The BBC version would be it’s all Whiteys fault.
The BBC position is that when 700 million aliens state they wish to come to Europe, they are most welcome.
The Left rejoices when white people are attacked, raped, murdered, have property confiscated.
This can’t be right….black people can’t be thick, racists cnts? Only whites can be.
That’s a very salient observation…..our government banned this woman from the UK. I have been saying for quite some time now that the UK is well on the road to an Islamic State. It is now unavoidable. It seems not many people are aware of it.
R4 9am Of course they have a black scientist woman
and “Rehana Popal is the first practising female Afghan at the Bar. Coming to the UK as a refugee when she was five”
The presenter Aasmah Mir revealed she also studied law but gave up.
Maggie Aderin-Pocock said “My dad from Nigeria and wanted to be a DOCTOR, but cos he had 4 daughter he didn’t he worked ina pizza restaurant instead and we lived in a COUNCIL flat in Belsize Park.”
She thn revealed she’s just been to Nigeria and people laugh at her cos she’s not a proper Nigerian.
Stew Saturday 0900 off switch time .
Coming to the UK as a refugee when she was five.
A refugee.
So why is she still here?
Next week ir’s Susan Calman the comedy lesbin , surely you’ll be listening then. She might even mention “my wife”
Our Naga Munchetty muses
“It’s the conversations you have in the corridors that are often the most important”
The subject of discussion this morning was school.
But I’m suddenly reminded of a hint of a conversation that one Fran Unsworth may or may not have had with Incurious George Entwistle when he was DG and she was a big noise in news at the BBC – which she still is. Something concerning a certain Newsnight investigation about a certain BBC star. Might have been in the corridor or maybe at some awards bash they were both attending one night. Obviously it’s all irrelevant now because everyone at our national broadcaster was completely honest and upstanding about what was said and what wasn’t. Everyone at the BBC came clean about what was known and what was just rumour and gossip and could be safely overlooked. And it’s all been consigned to the memory hole now. Sorry, Naga’s comment just reminded me.
Skipping over the Bolly empties, presumably?
And bbc corridors seem like Max Smart’s ‘cone of silence’, as no one seems capable of remember hearing anything if it gets to inquiry level.
I used to dream of living in a corridor.
Ever a delight to see NewsWatch, tucked away at that conscience-salving 7.45 in the morning, when most decent folk are shagging or sorting out the shopping bags. This time including a ‘no-holds-barred’ confrontation with the Fat Controller involved with defending the Sir Cliff debacle. Still defensive, still unapologetic, still pretending Savile was the justification – in their eyes.
‘NewsWatch, tucked away at that conscience-salving 7.45 in the morning…’
Too true. I always assumed the show’s motto was ‘blink and you’ll miss it’
They looked the other way when our bearded fiends were mass raping !!
Toady watch
Didn’t catch much but there were a few gems
1. Sir Vince cable being interviewed about the inland revenue blacklist of tax dodgers who don’t deserve a gong . { unless the buy one through some nonsense for a Party or charidee – preferably with ‘Asian or black commuuunidee ‘ in the title }
I digress. Apparently the government has been fighting publication of months and the beeboid tried to use this as a stick with which to beat the nasty Tories- cable had a dig but he knows that it has always been policy to keep tax affairs secret .
I was think that there must be a few beeboids with production companies to avoid tax who will be making calls and luncheon dates to be reassured they’ll still get their gong as it’s worth so much on company notepaper
2. Our Justin tried to get an Irish politician to say that President Trump had invited himself to visit the Republic. The toady producers are obviously unpaid interns today as they had not researched the ‘open invitation Eire has for American presidents .
Anyway it was an excuse for al beeb to play a bit of Obama’s visit to Eire when he received the rapturous reception normally only reserved for Bono – before the rot set in .
I think al beeb is scared that the visit will be a success – particularly if President trump offers an amnesty to all the Irish currently illegally in his country or gives out those green card things for Irish workers .
3.HRH naughtie trying to be Alastair cook again doing a piece about the excellent civil war in the snp braveheart party with cranky and Groper salmond blissfully at each other . Naughtie didn’t cover up his desire for the Scots to go have their own country and closed by saying whatever the outcome of the was it will be bad . That really was a laugh out loud moment for me because as a hated Englishman the outcome will be great whatever the outcome .
I wonder if naughtie will join the likes of the dimbleblys and the linaker seeing if they are on the gong blacklist …..
Long post but methinks worth it .
Toady update
Damn I missed the last bit – a lady bubble dweller has written a book about why politicians are bad – they got the bitter rent a mouth mat Paris to debate .
Our mat managed to say that the commons is more ‘diverse’ now which I suppose is beeb speak for ‘vibrant’. The author said that politicians weren’t really interested in the stuff affecting the constituents and would do anything for their party to get a ministerial job . I couldn’t say why she didn’t mention the ‘greasy pole’ but perhaps she thought she might fall foul of accusations of hating Eastern Europeans .
The big elephant in the Toady studio of course was not that politicians come from similar backgrounds but journo s from all sources share a similar outlook whatever paper or broadcaster
Rendering them incapable of understanding or accepting the views of commoners joes like me or Joanna s for that matter .
I think the Peston confessed to this in a short moment of lucidity before going back to stare at the mirror…
There could be a book on the backgrounds of beeboids and politicians – that line by JRM about being at Eton with a Dimbleby offspring summed it up nicely.
An unusual post from me – a programme on radio 4 worth listening to. ‘Jaws’ is being broadcast this Saturday after noon st 230 pm . I’ve heard bites of it and it does carry the horror of the book with it .
It’s a bit anti- fish though .
I’m biting
I forgot that Lobster might do well to avoid said programme as it might be a bit close to home .
That Jaws play is 2.5 hours long
Since Jaws is also the Daily Book at Bedtime , I guess they have simply joined the 10 episodes together,
Yes, it says “Reader: Henry Goodman”
Labour : Frank Field out Derek Hatten in
JHB says cue the Jaws music