So the Far Left anti Semitic BBC has to find a way to report on the anti Semitic goings on in their favourite Far Left political party – Labour . What are its options? Ignore, look the other way ; decide that there is a more important issue or attack the victims of Labour Party bullying
Meanwhile Far Left BBC reporters in America will be lining up to condemn President Trump whilst lauding a dead white republican politician just because he didn’t like Mr. Trump . The political swamp will be showing its collective false grief along with the BBC
People’sVote = Anti-BrexitVote = Deceivers’Vote
I bet that the same people who are busy tweeting for a second vote, also tweeted 3 or 4 years ago that Cameron shouldn’t be having a vote in the first place.
These people who are claiming to want the PEOPLE to decide have a poor record on democracy.
1. They said there shouldn’t be a FIRST vote
2. When they lost that one, they backed Gina’s Miller’s trick to say parliament should have a veto
3. Then they turn around and say there should be a second vote.
Then they say no one has an opinion that Brexit is progressing well
…Yes of course not, cos you and your media chums are continually standing in the way of “getting on with it”.
In my fantasy world, I live to see the day when Mrs Brown and thousands like her are on a ship being deported back to Africa. And she’s had to pay for her own travel costs.
******* CORRECTION **********
jic meant millions, not thousands.
Even the Chief Rabbi, for Christ’s sake – to coin a phrase – talks about European-wide anti-Semitism, Corbyn’s attitudes and Labour party reactions, and just like all the rest can’t bring himself to name the cause behind the rise. Nobody outside of Wilders, Orban and a handful of others – certainly no one in a major position of influence – has the moral courage to join the dots, while the number of attacks made and lives taken rises year on year. Never in human history has a complete civilisation been so subjugated and neutered.
Well, he’ no longer holds the office, but I remember him laboring under the yoke of political correctness. The fact that he bluntly accused Corbyn of being an anti-Semite is remarkable in itself. He’s not the type of person to make such a judgement lightly.
Yes but that’s my point TT, Sachs, just like Frank Field, is lauded for his courage in accusing Corbyn of anti-Semitism while both – from moral cowardice, it must be said – ignore the reasons behind the rise. It DIRECTLY accompanies another rise, affecting us all – but it simply doesn’t do to say so, apparently.
The truly awful Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has made a complete fool of herself, again.
Superbly highlighted by Rod Liddle in his Sunday Times (pay-walled) column:-
“The brilliant columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has seen something that greatly disturbs her: a photograph on social media of people dressed up as Nazis on the streets of Gloucester. She immediately took to Twitter: “Too busy accusing the @UKLabour of anti-semitism to heed the real scary threat posed by the hard right,” she lamented. Well perhaps, perhaps.
It was later pointed out to her that it was just a publicity shot for a reunion of the cast of ’Allo ’Allo!, resulting in an unusual radio silence from Yasmin.
In case she deletes it…
Roland ,thank you for posting the tweet.
That creature turns up on TV and in newspapers expressing her views to the general public . How ? Why ? I’m surprised she didn’t do a Dawn Butler and accuse those people of ‘cultural appropriation’ of German culture .
Yasmin is one of those Kenyan Asians idi amin through out of Uganda and which , like mugs, Blighty accepted with the standard promise of the time ‘- don’t worry there won’t be any more ‘. Perhaps Yasmin is ready to go back to her country now that Amin has gone ….
… guessing she might go quiet for a while …a decent person would but I fear she is too thick to realise the ridicule her comments receive .
As for the cast of allo allo – no Wehrmacht officer would appear in public with tunic unbuttoned ….
If anything I object to the way she is often used to be a ‘representative’ of my country e.g. around the table amongst international journalists on Dateline London. She pontificates about ‘this country’ in rarely positive terms, and her views are always right, and notice the giggle when she is proven wrong. Pity the woman doesn’t return to her birth place and kick off about the government there and try to improve the lot of her own people, because she is certainly not one of ‘my’ people.
Put her on a boat to a moslem land where she can do so much to help her kind, armed with the knowledge she has of western failure
Andy Ngo could have seen scenes like this years ago in places like Bradford but he didn’t bother, hadn’t heard of it, or he didn’t think it mattered.
Bradford has a population in the region of 350,000 – much less than London’s 8m, and virtually no tourism. Makes a big difference, that, when you’re looking for some relief from the diversity.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live discussing an article by the Washington Post. The article said it looked at parts of London and concluded that the UK is becoming an Islamic state and said an alcohol ban in Tower Hamlets was proof.
The dwarf guest on the sofa said “…the Washington Post is a right wing organisation”…. errr no it’s not. I think someone else said the alcohol ban was due to combating anti-social behaviour – errrr why doesn’t this ban exist elsewhere in the UK?
The dwarf then finished the discussion by saying “we should be all supporting multiculturalism” to many nods of approval. Errrrr you carry on mate but the Muslims won’t meet you halfway!
Typical BBC ‘discussion’, dismiss the original source as unreliable news then end on promoting their agenda – problem solved!
Edit: They are now discussing “Is Britain better off the booze?”. I bet this is the BBC’s new agenda to get alcohol removed to help us all to submit to Islam.
Tabs ,
Congratulations on watching Sunday Morning Far Left BBC – the viewing figures must be so small as to be unmeasurable .
The Muslims are playing a long game to separate Britain from America to form the Caliphate .
The coming ( nuclear ?) war between Iran and Israel – started by the mad imams of course – may set that progression back as people really do wake up to what is happening with the encouragement of the Journo/political bubble …
Not BBC related and yet rather fittingly we won’t here much about this from them either but I think that we are witnessing the end of the Labour Party:
‘DOZEN LOOK TOO GOOD Twelve Labour MPs are threatening to QUIT the party and trigger a no-confidence vote in Jeremy Corbyn’
All we need now is for Bojo to step up in the Tories and we will have a Tory landslide. At least we can have a laugh at the BBC trying to spoil it!
Let’s hear it for Cathy Newman who says she was indecently assaulted at school when she was 16. Apparently she was forced to touch a boys ‘ John Thomas . The incident is now subject of a criminal investigation .
Oh – by the way – the school was Charterhouse – £40000 a year private boarding .shes bound to be in touch with the plebs with such a privileged educational background . Oxford after that -I think .
If that incident led to her becoming a feminist and talking crap on the air, then she ought to sue the blighter for the consequences of his crime
It sounds like an attempt at rehabilitation by allowing her to become “a victim”. Once we accept her special status we can wipe our minds of any memories of her car crash interview with Jordan Peterson.
Cripes. Kay Burley goes that route and no top floor in media is safe.
She is 44, so the alleged event happened nearly 30 years ago.
“The incident is now subject of a criminal investigation”
On what basis?
People phone 999 every day to report burglars still in their home, all they get is a crime number.
28 years later how is plod going to produce any evidence which will result in a trial, let alone a conviction?
Wasting police time is a crime, both the mad bint and the police involved are guilty.
Any possibility the police might become concerned about serious John Thomas events, or their female equivalents, which happened yesterday?
Last chance ,
Totally agree – the amount of effort put into historic crime investigations ( for the ‘closure), inquiries , reviews must sap the capability of those dealing with events taking place today .
The outcome is always ‘lessons will be learnt ‘ ( which not implemented or forgotten ) or a CPS decision not to prosecute
Surely her abuser will be a fellow lefty……..
Beware of the curse of Brexit. Celebrity Remainer struck dumb on stage.
Sorry Bono. Your audience got off lightly
He was dumb before he went on.
Hope he’s also lost his speaking voice. He should try listening occasionally.
Can’t he use semaphore?
Clueless U2 twerps.
The Shadows did OK without Cliff, and without Bonos foghorn and bellicosity , we could have played “name that tune” for the meat raffle at the interval.
They all sound as shit as Beautiful Day anyway.
He has indeed been struck by the curse of Brexit. See Paul Watson’s masterful putdown of the multi-millionaire hypocrite, who had announced that his beat-combo group would display a giant EU flag at their Berlin ‘performance’ as an act of
geriatricteenage rebellion:The late, great Frank Sinatra made an album called Duets in 1993, in which he sang classic songs with various musical partners. One of them was Bono, although they recorded separately and the music and video were mixed later to imply otherwise. Ol’ Blue Eyes had not previously heard of Bono, and initially thought it was a brand of dog food. True story…
Suspicious : U2 announce they will wave a big EU flag at their gigs, starting from Berlin
– PJW does a video criticising that
– On the second gig Bono chokes up
..maybe on his own hypocrisy after PJW had pointed it out ?
And we in England think he’s a dog biscuit.
Only the BBC could possibly think could Bono losing his voice during one of his songs. could POSSIBLY be a “news item” on Radio 4s 8a.m headlines. Actress Ashley Judd( but who else-whoever she is) said that the whole arena “felt for him-he seemed so helpless and vulnerable” , as his smoking machines belched smoke onto those golden vocal chords of his.
Don`t the BBC EVER listen to themselves, and think of what they`ve now become?
Already my favourite story for the week, so many levels of madness contained.
Just as well the BBC don`t need to seek comedy any more-they just are funnier than anything they`ve put out by way of comedy these days.
Passive smoking? Maybe Bono needs a CO2 Big Vaping Machine.
God hates him these days, fear he`ll not be with us much longer.
The Singing Blimp.
Turned on the midday al beeb news to see if they were still going on about St. John mccane , instead it’s gordon brown talking to a Labour Jewish group ; god I thought he was dead . He started to talk about bigotry – immediately I remembered the lady he accused of bigotry as her town was taken over by foreigners .
And that other line he used ‘British jobs for British workers ‘ . The man is totally devalued in the same light as his best friend – Anthony Blair . I reckon if there were votes in it he’d convert .
PS – I don’t think the Muslims got a mention – surprising since labour values Islamic votes more than those of the Jews.
PPs – sad Gordon seems to think anti Semitism sources from the Far Right. I guess living in the land of the jocks he doesn’t see too many mosques – the true source of attacks on Jews together with comrade Corbyns boot boys and girls …
Old Brownie is wheeled out to be the mouthpiece whenever there’s a crisis within the party. Remember in Scotland when the Labour Party were in freefall to lose against the SNP ? Old Brownie did his ‘being the son of a manse’ speech again – it nearly came out today in his lecture I noticed. Its like dusting granddad off to rally the ranks.
Looks as if Sajid Javid, peace be upon him, will take this up and help to destroy our ploice force.
‘Police will soon adopt a raft of “enhanced inclusivity” measures including celebrating “culturally-focused events like Black History Month” as forces across Britain are ordered to treat minority representation like a “critical incident”.
According to Police Oracle, a plan set to be launched next week will see every force create a “gold group at chief officer level focused on diversity”, with identity politics to be made a major priority.’
‘Hello hello, wot’s this I hear about Moslem grooming gangs? I’ll do yer for racism.’
An article on McCain, from a lefty magazine. Well researched though.
A ‘Maverick,’ Revisited
Tim Dickinson’s 2008 profile of then-presidential nominee John McCain offers a revealing portrait of the man who took on Obama.
Taibbi: Why Did John McCain Continue to Support War?
And why has the rest of America never come to terms with the defining crimes of our age?
Thanks – worth the read – a bit brutal but if true shows how the swamp looks after one of its own. Someone should sent it to his daughter.
I think it’s always a symptom of swamp sickness when politicians have been about a bit, not got caught , and raised to the nonsensical elder statesman status complete with gong .
.And when they die , and if the MSM approve , they get the full treatment . Meanwhile ordinary people go about their business because one less politician is no loss – there’s never a shortage of replacements ….
Thanks for these NCBBC.
Dickinsons is a stunning takedown, best hatchet job I`ve seen.
Keith Vaz till has some way to go, when the yanks do pork barrel deep state evil, they are world beaters.
THAT is the real McCain. and he`d not even GONE to Ukraine by then.
What a nasty failure in all departments, no wonder he`s a lefty hero-well for this news cycle anyway.
It is no coincidence that the majority of letters complaining of contributor comments in the Spectator concern the pretentious, biting on a lemon-flavoured wasp, Mr Parris. His loyalties and beliefs lie firmly with the Guardian and I wish Charles Moore might banish him to that introverted hinterland where he could enjoy more suitable company and share the same echo chambers.
I think Parris was elected when even a rubber duck wearing a blue rosette could have got a seat – in the case of mr parris – im sure the rubber duck would have done a better job .
Beep beep, libmobber throws out accusation
..Run the #PROJECTION test
Does the libmobber seem himself guilty of the accusation
“someone that small minded” ?
..yes indeed
FFS look what I found
..No wonder a truckload of irony meters is delivered to the BBCnews team each morning
The Orwellian context here is this
#1 TOLERANT metro-lib Paul Danahar has read something ..that is truthful, but doesn’t toe the line that Islam is OK cos only “the far right would criticise it”
#2 ..thus he’s got TRIGGERED
And #3 He is INTOLERANT of the WSJ and says it should not have been written and he instead of addressing the issues he does an Ad Hom attack against the writer ‘he’s not a grown up, he’s an embarrassment, not professional’
Should the article be banned is it actually offensive ?
How can it be ? After the intro about his childhood experience, all it is is a factual relaying of what he recently experienced, there seems to be no opinion or judgement in it .. BUT it doesn’t toe the line that Islam is OK
The important thing is Free Speech : Andy Ngo should be free to give a factual account of anything
By encouraging people like him to SELF-CENSOR Paul Danahar is the bad guy
.. It’s exactly the same thing that caused the non-reporting of groom&Rape gangs.
Seems with every libmobber you can find a trigger that releases their inner bigot.
Still seriously think they`re journalists , don`t they?
“Embarrassing their profession?”.
The BBC have not knowingly employed a journalist in recent memory-and just look how many months they need before turning them into a Sweeney, Peston or Marr.
Court Eunuchs hoping for a paternity test one day.
At least Johann Hari was a lying incompetent , anti Semitic plagiarist, a shameless scum sucking creep with “issues”-but got the Independent to fund it all, as opposed to the likes of Danno.
PS-great review Stew, you`ve got a PhD there.
Interesting you should raise this. Here’s a bloke who grows turnips in manure making a pitch…
I’m loathed to call him thick, who am I to judge people ?
but look at those assertions
#1 MSM is a post-Trump acronym
That’s #FakeNews cos “mainstream” figurative use is attested to in 1599, 1831 etc
Since then there have been mainstream things
eg mainstream films/comedians and alternative films/comedians etc.
It’s been common for news since the 80s
“Mainstream media attested by 1980 in language of U.S. leftists critical of coverage of national affairs.”
(It’s been used in book titles)
even acronym MSM dates to way before Trump
#2 “used dismissively”
You hypocritical idiot you are seeking to DISMISS anyone who uses the term
#3 “British journalism, newspaper and broadcast, is mostly superb”
Totally tosh ..journalists rate as untrusted in public opinion surveys
Thick seems a fair start point.
Paul says Paul is bang on. Be like Paul. Apparently.
Lord Hall Hall And Franny can straightfaced endorse this as professional on objective?
Words fail me. Is this really what we are compelled to pay our licence fee to fund?
Okay, it’s not BBC bias. But just imagine if Donald Trump had done this.
Bill Clinton?
Double attack by the EU
If only we had a government working on our behalf.
It seems matters are hotting up in Sweden. Some doubt about the veracity of the election process; a no-go area breaks down completely and a politician of the good party is shot at. Can the Swedes avoid civil war before the election………….
Meanwhile in Chemitz Germany………..
Get ready for it, the breakdown is seriously on the way……..
About time too, all across Europe the seething, silent majority are slowly gathering and showing their disgust at the attacks upon THEIR civilisation and culture by an uncivilised, intolerant minority that are defended over and over by those in power and the media whatever their transgressions.
This minority are intent upon subverting our religion and culture at every opportunity and have no intention whatsoever of integrating withing the cultures that gives them shelter and benefits and protection from the hell holes that they ran away from without the courage to stand and fight for their countries. (although they appear brave enough to attack members of their host countries when they outnumber them or have a knife or gun)
The BBC’s Paul Danahar clearly on quite the roll.
The “US political establishment” that fails to respect a democratic vote and those who voted, when it does not involve their elite club, but rather puts all their efforts into undermining the democratic system, thats what I call “far right”.
Hasn’t McCain’s funeral demonstrated perfectly that the political establishment is in fact just one party? And that you must vote for it or your vote doesn’t count in their eyes.
The liberal media reveal themselves in their private musings.
I remember after we voted to leave the EU that the BBC were distraught that Cameron(or was it him?) was no longer to be offered a croissant at the Brussels post mortem, and might have even had to wait outside the meeting room at some stage. It was THAT that mortified the press corps-how awful!
And then it was Teresa “no-mates”-as we were setting off Article 50.
And your Trump bit above-the liberal fake news pack are TERRIFIED of not being in the gang, being bullies or welcome.
Must be that Charterhouse upbringing, where lonely bed wetters need nanny. And tonsil hockey with the older boys isn`t yet an option.
Another PhD here Stew?
Is that the same school where, when they shout “Head Boy !” they all fall to their knees ?
Great piece of writing Pug.
Having belatedly woken up to the chaos that is Venezuela, the biased BBC is concentrating solely on the ‘human interest stories’ and humanitarian crisis aspects of the mass emigration to nearby countries.
So we get this story, which even they describe as a ‘long read’ hidden away at the very bottom of the website front page.
But what do we get in terms of analysis into what has gone wrong ?
This. Note the order. Theirs, not mine.
“President Nicolás Maduro blames “imperialists” – the likes of the US and Europe – for waging “economic war” against Venezuela and imposing sanctions on many members of his government.
But his critics say it is economic mismanagement – first by predecessor Hugo Chávez and now President Maduro himself – that has brought Venezuela to its knees.”
And that’s it.
The BBC. Where no criticism of socialism is allowed.
Totally cretinous.
Like Africa, like the middle east slaughtering raping and causing famine and mayhem and, who’s fault is it ? oh of course its ours, every 5 minutes on the TV an advert to feed their kids while they enjoy killing and raping each other, yet, when they arrive here, what do they do ? slaughter, mayhem and rape in Europe also, to the point that residents are driven to protest in the streets, well must be our fault again I suppose, the only thing they miss over here is the ability to become armed soldiers raping and slaughtering civilians, but they are getting there..
‘Asia’ is a big area. The BBC seems dedicated to one very small bit.
Hmm millions of Chinese over here quietly living alongside us, like so many other cultures but never ever mentioned, but a hijab photo and story at every opportunity it seems on their news and I really, really failed to understand why, until I realised how they whinge and whine at every opportunity and refuse to accept our laws and culture unlike every other culture that joins us. The Home Office should wise up to those who bow and scrape to get a British passport then turn on us like a rabid dog calling our culture “decadent”, demanding their own special schools and exhibiting overt homophobia, sexism and antisemitism
Great article this.
Well worth a read-takes an outsider to see what we`re putting up with, simply having got used to it.
Well done Andy-and thanks for sticking it up ,Pug.
Well, BBC’s Fake or Fortune managed to find not one, but two paintings to put under their microscope tonight.
Tonight’s offering was to put names to two paintings where the paintings were of black people from the 18th century. It was pointed out that they can’t use the term (negro) anymore, although that is what the paintings were catalogued as.
Of course they searched to link this with slavery abolition movement because of the subject.
Although no hard evidence was found they still claimed that there probably was a connection anyway.
At the end, the presenter stated that this was the most satisfying search that they had ever done because of the subject…
See ITTB saying the entire Fake or Fortune prog seemed faked
Fake or not, it certainly got Fiona Bruce very, very excited.
They’ll probably up her already massive salary for getting that excited about the politics of it.
P Mold also managed to shine up his PC credentials until they glowed brightly.
The both were so pleased with their ‘pioneering work’, they nearly burst. All in all, a great virtue-signalling festival.
I think you will find the likes of the home Office -especially the immigration and passport departments were infiltrated long ago . Wanna buy a passport ?
You are right I found this out last time at Croydon with my wife
Going well.
Interesting what Emily M. likes.
And Gavin seems to exist purely for Alistair Campbell to retweet.
Jordan Peterson is on R4 now
Presenter Rabbi Jonathan Sacks speaks to some of the world’s leading thinkers
Today’s prog : Responsibilty
He asks “Have we handed to much responsibility to the market and the state ?”
Series title : Morality in the 21st Century, Responsibility
other guests coming up Noreena Hertz, economist, Michael Sandel, political philosopher
Students from The Manchester Grammar School and Manchester High School for Girls.
JP says we are wrong to say happiness is the purpose of life ..we set out selves to fail
Rather “meaning” sustains people
It comes from adoption of responsibility, whereas we’ve been too fixed on “rights” without this counter
Any media with ‘Four’ in it is very brave inviting him on.
Sacks talks about totalitarianism
JP it’s twin viewpoints #1 totalitarianism #2 nihilism (the rejection of all religious/moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless
totalitarianism is encouraged by universities
the “we should accept you the way you are” concept is damaging
WE should say “get your act together instead”
Sacks “what about the other extreme : creeping totalitarianism ?”
Well that’s something that comes from the LEFT with a counter reaction from the RIGHT’s an identity politics movement. saying people need to be put in their groups , opposite of individual sovereignty.
.. On the left they say your sexuality, your gender-identity, your ethnicity/race ..your group marker
..that leads a destructive tribalism.
The Marxist overlay is that “history is a battle between groups” ..same as working-class vs capitalists.
that gives a morality victim group/oppressor group
(we’ve moved on 100 years since then and we know the left can go too far)
The right goes too far when it makes claims of “racial superiority”
The left goes too far , but we don’t know when.
They end up saying “the measure of fairness is the equality between those groups”, that is catastrophic, cos that way of thinking breeds monsters
Sacks “is individual morality being outsourced to our group politics ?”
Yes that’s the negative, cos it dispenses with your individual responsibility.
“You say choose friends who want the best for you”
Yes, mercy is not the same as justice.
Don’t say it’s alright when it isn’t.
Nowadays NICE is the only moral virtue.
..that’s a facade, cos you don’t confront problems.
Next Sacks speaks to teenagers
Some disagree with JP , some agree
Sacks moves on “we live in an unforgiving world, that is different from the way God taught”
Yes, people are labelled as eternally wrong cos they are in a label group.
Kids have read up a bit is laying into Marxism.
Part 3 : Collective responsibility
speaks to economist Noreena Hertz, who argues that in 2008 the gov should have stepped in and reigned back the free market.
Sacks “you’ve found this new generations have low trust in institutions” (I don’t think this is a young person thing)
NH “51% of 8-29 year olds don’t think capitalism is the right system”
(she’s cherrypicking her surveys)
“Over the last 30 years we’ve see the gap between rich/poor grow wider, social mobility isn’t working ”
(that’s not universally true )
NH : Oh look I put out a question “is society fair” and not one person agreed !
(Doh that’s nothing to do with economics eg beautiful people get things others don’t )
Sacks “Global responsibility ? Governments are disempowered against global corps”
She goes on about teenagers marching against guns.
Back to the kids, some of which rebel against their system by supporting capitalism.
One plugs the Twitter HumanProgress
4 kids say capitalism has gone too far (out of how many ?)
(Libmob tweeters will complain R4 aired a Tory school)
Michael Sandel seems to agree with JP
: don’t pretend to neutrality, cos leaving people out causes resentment popularism.
That’s dumb, only at the end of the show do they say the podcast version is longer
So what did libmob tweeters say ?
\\ And now… Rabbi Jonathan Sacks given air time, paid for by license fee payers, to peddle his hate of @jeremycorbyn in all but name. //
\\ @BBCRadio4 kicks off a new series on morality with a long long segment of Jordan Peterson, who is intellectually vacuous & a boost to the far right & misogynistic men. Is it a joke?//
\\ Virulent islamophobe Jonathan Sacks is confirming biases with quivering man-child Jordan Peterson on @BBCRadio4 & I feel like I’m on the crank part of the internet. ????????//
\\ Southpaw Jim
Jeez! #bbcradio4 is like a far right wet dream this morning. Impartiality is a distant memory now. #BBCBias//
\\ @BBCRadio4 so we just had Sacks showcasing the alt-right rubbish of Petersen today. I hope there will be some Left views given equivalent airing in future episodes, but not holding my breath. //
Doh the economist guest NH was very far left
Did anyone see any mention of Sad dick Khan ballon on the BBC? Trump’s was all over..well until it didn’t fly..
R4 announces Chris Evans is leaving radio 2..Comment from announcer ‘ we can be sure it won’t be a man’ in answer to who will replace him…
Chris Evans was ‘marmite’ but whatever woman they get will see figures drop…unless they put Amol plus a woman on..then figures will plummet. But that does seem to be their aim low can we get our listening figures and still get paid..
BBC 13:00. The wheel of news does a circle and hey we are back to current ,with “children drinking energy drinks” illegally high levels of air pollution agenda. Geezer from something like stop lead in petrol says blah blah heart disease blah blah lung cancer blah blah. I didn’t think there was lead in petrol which is why I sold my 2.8i Capri as I couldn’t afford to have the engine modified to run unleaded but I digress. Then on to some other geezer standing by the roadside with a hand held monitor. But oh no almost comically it’s well below the legal limit. The wheel rolls on when will this story emerge next?