Tough times for the Far Left BBC. Its favourite political party is busy getting a civil war going and the party it hates is busily trying to stop conservatives joining the Tory Party. So as Parliament returns we can expect the BBC to be in full bias mode – 12 days later the MPs go on their holidays again for the last Conference Season before we leave their EU.
On September 9 Sweden has a general election where the single anti immigration party is predicted to get 20% of the vote . Apparently the swedes have got fed up with vibrant handgenade attacks which are fashionable there at the moment and no doubt will feature in Britain sometime soon . The far left BBC will be on hand to tell us how thick and ‘Far Right’ 20% of the population is…..
Last week the Money Box producer, Ruth Alexander, gave us a report from Sweden during which she told us that Arab and African immigrants had failed to ‘access’ the Swedish life-style of summers at the lake and winters on the piste, (they had managed to access the benefit system though). She let slip that she had visited Sweden often.
This week she gave us another report from Sweden about a museum of failures. Now it might be that she is being super-cost-effective and gathering lots of Swedish material on one trip and then using it to make several programmes, or it might be that she is like several ex-bosses of mine that would fly to the USA for a meeting and then slip in a bit of ‘annual leave’ before making the return trip. Not only did that give them free air travel to their USA holiday it also generated a good few ‘air miles’ to put towards a free European holiday flight too!
Of course to ‘access’ these free travel arrangements one did need to have a certain status, it wasn’t for lower orders who had to buy their own tickets. I wonder if ‘producer’ rather than ‘presenter’ confers similar perks within the BBC?
One doesn’t hear from any Far Left BBC whistleblower do we?
I wonder if it’s a fixation with the pension – which is one of those weapons public service organisations use to control their staff – “toe the line “ or lose the pension .
Some kind friend here put a link to a ‘retired bbc ‘ website where there seemed a lot of chat about grades and index linking – perhaps that’s one of the weaknesses of that awful terrible organisation .
So what chances of finding out what sort of expenses and perks beeboids get . It must be a motivation since envy has to be part of the culture with large quantities of taxpayer cash being gifted to the ‘big beeboid guns’ such as Sir Chris Evans , Sir Gary Linaker and Sir James Saville …
The perfect storm for the EU ?
The German rise of populism and their realisation that there would be mass unemployment in their car industry when we in the UK, finally get out of the EU.
Next will be Ireland, when they learn that the EU will not give them anymore funding.
“Chemnitz protests: Thousands attend free anti-racism concert”
Are we being told the whole truth ?
Not quite, Taffman: the thousands who attended to watch these usually expensive bands free, were largely bused in. (Either that, or Chemnitz has suddenly become very multicultural indeed.)
My guess is that Merkel and her SPD/Green buddies had no problem in recruiting bands (whose ‘music’ is horrendous) to put on the show, behind which they – the politicians- can hide. And get together a crowd to proclaim the theme: ‘We are more’.
The songs by bands such as the ‘Dead Trousers’ and ‘Fine Cream Fishfillet’ often centre around hate of Germany and all things German.
So the original (hate) issue has vanished completely from the media (the stabbing). We had a group of hating ‘anti-hate’ bands singing hateful ‘anti-hate’ songs. Now even the original protests by the citizens of Chemnitz have vanished from the media. (They were presumably all Nazis anyway). What is designed to stick in the memory is the ‘great’ music event.
So, what went on in Chemnitz? There were the horrible Nazis. And there was the great music. Can’t actually remember the issues right now.
It is THAT easy for the politics and the media -who all hyped up this live-streamed event- to ‘change reality’. Pity we couldn’t listen to those wonderful bands (usually at least £50 for the privilege) and get that great blast of diversity.
Then again, for great blasts of diversity, we have our own MSM.
BBC big on So we need to dumb down letters from one professional to another because patients can’t understand them….well pardon me…there is a reason we use technical words..because it explains things precisely…
The GPs should explain things to patients properly but they don’t , the consultants should but they don’t…that doesn’t mean you dumb down a inter-professional letter. I end up doing it in my job…it’s part of the job…..that GPs rarely do..
overall its just another call for dumbing down…if you write a patient info sheet it has to be aimed at the reading age of a 14 year old but in reality it’s more like a 12 year old…welcome to dumbed down Britain….another BBC non story….
Maybe doctors can develop swivel eyes so that can look at the computer screen as well as the punter at the same time instead of such just looking at puter. ….
can’t agree more….the medics often use the computer as an excuse…I talk to patients and use pc as little as possible while they are there…unfortunately many medics seem to have lost the ability communicate
Those hard-working ‘journalists’ at the BBC have received a press release from Nike and regurgitated it – this is how so much ‘news’ operates these days and it infuriates me. Even The Times has gone drastically downhill with about half the stories effectively adverts for someone plugging something. I thought the BBC was not supposed to promote any brands? I guess an opportunity to race bait was just too irresistible.
Colin Kaepernick is a disrespectful brat, not some maverick hero. If you really want to protest ‘Police brutality’ do not do it when the national anthem is playing at a communal event. You must have some basic respect for the nation you live in and the rights and responsibilities it confers; it binds and inspires people. If you just say ‘anything goes’ you have the chaos we are enduring.
This could backfire for Nike as I really feel the tide is turning against all the divisive tantrums of SJWs. It is never been less cool to be left wing. This ‘Police brutality’ is massively exaggerated anyway and of course the solution is to not commit crime in the first place. Anyone who wants to steal for a living is scum and deserves rough treatment. Our Police are powerless to be in any way tough – let alone brutal – and look at the tragic consequences. The silence from Black Lives Matter at all the young black men being murdered is deafening.
A great way of understanding what is playing out here and the causes behind it, is brilliantly explained by Jordan Peterson.
Mordern leftism and its fundamentals of social justice and white guilt, is the world perceived in low level resolution. This basically means that deep and complex problems are viewed in the very shallow, simple, closed lense of only seeing oppressed and oppressor, and all events must be categorised as such. So what we continually get from these brainwashed cultists is a world where “this Group is at fault and this Group is the victim” regardless of the facts or of the Actions of the individuals involved.
Every single time I have seen the Religion of Social Justice challenged I have seen it crumble under scrutiny. When the issue of Police brutality and oppression is challenged with facts it crumbles. High resolution analysis of these problems prove that there are always multiple causes behind each Event, but that doesnt matter at all to the SJW.
To the SJW there is historic oppression and racism, so it must be out there, so it must be everywhere, regardless of the facts and regardless of the damage this dangerious and moronic mindset causes.
If you are White you are the oppressor. If you are male you are the oppressor. If you are both then you will always be the enemy to the cult
I share this not so much for how the comments could be going better, but how they can play out.
So far the earliest and most liked comments are predictably from fugly lardbergs. But they are nothing more than hissy fits and rote slogans.
Some men try to engage sensibly, but then get met with more sistas whose efforts are again restricted to merely liking or agreeing with each other.
Off now to watch the new political Loose Women show that the bbc sistahood really is getting upset about being called.
Meanwhile, they are getting excited elsewhere. Apparently.
‘The majority of adults in the UK are overweight or obese according to national health surveys, yet research suggests we are a country in denial about our weight.’
Any which way the BBC are determined not to lose this one.
“research suggests we are a country in denial about our weight.”
I’m too short for my weight. I wish the BBC would explain how I can become taller.
Here’s the tweet.
Same MO responses.
Link At the end of the weekend thread I discussed that Jordan Peterson R4 prog.
R4 listeners now expect their left/lib echo chamber so their tweets under this one reflect their #FamousLeftyTolerance.
\\ I’ll be avoiding that then //
\\ Can’t believe you’re giving this man a platform.
\\ Worrisome, patriarchy & misogyny, oh @BBCRadio4 continuing to protect religious superstition, Anglican colonialism & all the ugliness that results – please do better – women are not to blame for ever//
\\ Sacks should have used stronger words than to introduce him
eg: “although Peterson is regarded by many as a racist misogynistic peddler of pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo I still think his thoughts on morality are worth listening to” //
The Left keep shutting down opposition because they rely on people having a low resolution understanding; opponents must be silenced as too much information will let the cat out of the bag and expose their lies. You have to be a moron to really think ‘Police brutality’ is the sole cause of these problems when there are so many factors, mainly a toxic culture which glamourises criminality and thinks working hard at school is uncool.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK { 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
So when is Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) going to enforce laws against pedophilia instead of enforcing laws and imprisoning those who protest against pedophilia from his own kind?
“So when is Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) going to enforce laws against pedophilia instead of enforcing laws and imprisoning those who protest against pedophilia from his own kind?”
GWF, I’m sure that it’s a total coincidence that within a month of Javid becoming Home Secretary TR was in prison – and we weren’t supposed to know anything about it.
on the last para – the blessed chucka is reported by far left al beeb as calling stop and search of black yoof as “demeaning “ . Chucka must have shared in funeral companies as a black yoot with a blade stuck in him is , I would posit , a bit more demeaning than being turned over .
Confession : I have , as a whitee , been the subject of stop and search many times going through airports – once – in Sydney oz arrivals I asked “why me ?” The copper search me said “ because you fit a profile “ . I ponder that profile sometimes ….
I wonder if those body cameras the cops carry now stop these ‘ ‘children ‘ ( love that term ) from playing up when police are trying to do their duty … a term of which these children would have no concept . Rant .
How did that ever become an actual argument?
“Stop and search hurts our feelings.”
What about the victims of crime? This b**stard stole the wheel off my bike once. It was the end of the month so I had to walk to and from work in the freezing cold for ten days. What an utter scum bag – why can’t he just earn some honest money rather than stealing off me and making my life a misery? Criminals are parasites – f*ck their feelings.
Chuck Us Your Money is the archetypal invertebrate politician – would not say boo to a goose when his whole job is meant to be telling us geese how to live our lives.
Beeb ,
As some say ‘I feel your pain ‘ and I could tell stories of me being mugged , assaulted , burgled , having my push bike stolen at knife point , car stolen, motor bike stolen — but It’s not a peeing contest . Just fact – and it was just an ordinary night out in Londonistan ..
When I was studying criminology and other crime stuff ( lse dontcha know) a leading professor said what you need to realise is that it is a criminal ‘justice ‘ system.
What this means is only a certain number of people can go to prison because taxpayers don’t like money being ‘wasted’ on building more prisons – so prosecutions and sentences have to be
Limited to what the system can take . I think the current number is about 85000- full house . Once you understand this then the rest of the behaviour of the law inforcement industry starts to make something like ‘sense ‘ . That was his theory . [ he also thought that Blighty had an ‘excess population of a million or two as an aside ] . Coming from an academic of the’ Left’ this one took me back – it was at the time when the likes of al beeb used the term ‘under class’ which has called out of favour – then it was ‘chav’ but I don’t know what it is now.
There are exceptions in the theory of course such as political prisoners like Tommy Robinson but that was the learned Profs ‘ theory .
My death penalty remedy to make more space and working prisoners to finance prisons didn’t go down at all well.
On the ‘up’ side to less stop and search must mean less greedy lawyers going for civil actions to rob from the taxpayer but the blood cost is pretty high and , in my view , will remain so.
It is the doublethink that baffles me: in one breath they shriek about black lives mattering and in the next protest tactics that will save black lives. Murder is just as terrible regardless of the skin colour of the perpetrator.
The professor is wrong . People object to paying for more prisons under the current system of them not being a deterrence for hardened criminals , thus not working .
Offer people the choice of building prisons to house two hundred thousand or half a million , prisons that work , that reduce crime because criminals don’t want to go there , and as the crime rate reduces drastically the prisons can be converted to something else like schools and hospitals and the majority would take that option .
Not something the PTB will ever offer .
I think they a cost should be applied to each criminal. Every crime they commit should be recorded against them and the cost of that crime to the victim and to the state ( detection, trial, incarceration etc). Then when the costs that these miscreants have incurred reach a certain level (£50,000, or £100,000 or whatever we agree) then the death penalty becomes mandatory. I think that would clarify a lot of minds even in the criminal classes.
One academic writer suggested that the danger for any free country is when the islamic population reaches 16%. The ‘tipping point’ beyond which, islam can be said to have taken over/virtually taken over. In trying to find that research I stumbled upon this. Dr Hammond uses 20% but, hey! what’s a couple of percent when the other signs of islamisation are there. Let’s call it an accurate, handy checklist for all. Maybe keep it alongside your calendar to watch progress?
“How Islam progressively takes over countries”
BBC Radio 2 yesterday … top news story was Chris Evans leaving the BBC … so the £3.5bn news service tells you someone is leaving their £3.5bn news service … then Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans says all he’s had for an hour is calls from agents wanting to employ him.
The BBC also called Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans one of the BBC’s top earners, but failed to mention that Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans is the top gender gap man in the BBC!
So we have an art exhibition that has a quota of males and female nudes..FFS…a quota…has anyone on this site ever been to a museum and said wow too many male statues….there always seem to be plenty of female and I have never said oh look too many females nudes here! Then interviewee brings in Metoo, Suffragettes etc and more female curators more female lecturers etc…I have never seen a shortage of art related females on the BBC
Typical loony leftist crap on BBC….When will the Left realise they create division…
I leant on a radiator at the Tate modern once and got told off by security for touching an exhibit . I swear to got it was a radiator but if that’s what fools think art is so be it.
I suppose the quota thing is similar to past argument s about whether male statues should have their todger covered up or whether it should be somewhere to hang your coat in appropriate circumstances …..
“whether it should be somewhere to hang your coat in appropriate circumstances ….”
But the female statues would have two coat hooks, or chapel hat-pegs as they used to be called in cold weather.
Ha ha indeed RJ – maybe I should be more reverential about the human body as an art form. Mine certainly ain’t and I would refuse to evidence that statement… ‘scenes of a disturbing nature ;
At least it wasn’t Marcel Duchamp’s urinal and you were having a pee in it.
“I wish Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans would transition into a women so I could have a lesbian affair with a rich BBC radio presenter who is top of the gender pay gap. Learn less by reading my Guardian article ….”
That’s so funny I nearly spit my mouthful of tea out !
Not bbc, but do love it when the ever impartial MSM has to ‘clarify’ in defensive terms that fool no one. Eh, Mr. Danahar?
This was mentioned before as a bbc grievance expedition into #TellMo territory that has not had the optimal reception so far.
Here’s the FB version, with comments.
Bilharzia is a serious disease caused by a parasite.
Hand-picked Labour voters, Labour contributers and a couple of their MPs attend BBC studios this AM to chew over their very own in-house Corbyn jew baiting furore.
So it is that Vicky Derbyshire hosts what must qualify as the scariest morning horror feature since the Universal Classic Monsters franchise. And I dare say as much pop corn was consumed.
The Big Question (to quote the title of another BBC current affairs fright show) which no one seems inclined to ask is exactly what is the Labour Party’s obsession with its cherished ability to practice ‘criticism of Israel’ ?
Why is this niche foreign diplomatic issue such a massive shibboleth, placed by the red rosette party so close and so dear to the heart and centre of their democratic socialist agenda ?
What constituency does Labour play to with this? Corbyn mutters about Rail Nationalisation – a BR for the 2000s (if you can imagine such a resusitated creaking dinosaurus) so as to excite the bullyboy RMT and some comuters who it hopes are too young or too naive to know better.
But Israel bashing? Jew baiting? What’s that really about?
Two reasons – if we can be bothered to talk of reason within an ideology based simply on sowing grievance and exploiting divisions between people.
First one has to assume this humours the fantasies of the minority of tin foil hat marxist conspiracy beguiled politics obsessives. Let’s call them Momentum Members or Labour Local Ward Meeting Attendees.
Secondly and more importantly Labour instinctively knows it must woo the large and growing base of Britain’s increasingly culturally arabised south asian voting bloc. A group psephology practitioners (were they a tad less PC) might term Uber Cab Man or Multi Postal Vote Niqab Woman.
I believe that where Islams increases in strength and number of followers, so Judaism will decrease. Jews are not leaving Europe in their droves because of neo-Nazi thugs for the most part, they are leaving because there is a very large, dangerous elephant in the room which no one is allowed to talk about. Can anyone blame them after some of the attacks in France which have specifically aimed at Jews as the target?
This is the EU .. it is a building, nothing more and nothing less.
That building is full of people who you cannot name.
Before that building appeared the world worked.
After that building disappears the world will work.
This building is trying to rebrand itself as a country with a flag and an anthem and an identity. It has no end, it is expansive in everything it does … it does not want freedom for the people, it wants more people to be controlled by it. Remember, this building can be relocated and renamed … it will still be a building or room full of people wanting to add more people and countries to itself.
The MSM word for the day seems to be ‘ bizarre’ – the Mirror, the Independent and the Express have all used it. That’s all I’ve checked.
The topic for the day is ‘ cancer’ – from a Google search, the Express, the Mail, the Mirror and even the far-left bbc have mentioned it.
I still wonder if there’s some central body of people who decide on what will be in the MSM news each day. And I wonder if the far-left bbc are a part of it if not the controlling part.
There are other versions of this, dont have the links at the mo ( Mo? Choose better abbreviations…Ed)
Very funny, until the deranged reference to the Jews.
Islam is a comedy of errors …
“Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene rules introduced by the NHS to restrict the spread of hospital superbugs.”
When oh when is this nonsense going to stop? I want to see a complete reversal of all the soft policies on islam that we’ve conceded and if they don’t like it: Piss off!
“A Department of Health spokesman said: “The guidance is intended to provide direction to services in how they can balance infection control measures with cultural beliefs without compromising patient safety.”
there is no balance to be had nothing should be allowed to over-ride infection control measures
and your right G this nonsense has to stop it is getting beyond parody
For a long time the NHS has used cost-benefit assessments rather than ethics or evidence from medical science when making decisions.
So now they are doing a cost benefit assessment as to how much shit should be washed of a nurses fingers after she hasd wiped her bum with her hand.
F@ck their culture and beliefs,enough is enough is enough we have emergency services with fasting muzzies that cant chase criminals (Luton Polce chase of course) FFS
Maybe Brexit will allow us to put OUR culture first and disregard any others that puts us a risk in any way shape or form, and it seems it is only bloody muslims that pose that risk to everyone (including our daughters)
The Prophet said “If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537)
Piss Be Upon Him
Then they should be
allowedencouraged to opt out of the NHS altogether.It’s probably not connected but it seems to me there are instances of septicaemia that I don’t recall seeing in years gone by. A relative has had part of his foot amputated due to septicaemia and the daughter of longtime family friends – she’s only 60 and in good health – contracted septicaemia after cutting herself in the garden, and ten days later she has died.
Has anyone else noticed any increase in such cases?
John -yes a child in Cardiff allegedly got sepsis from trying on a pair of shoes in a shop. There is an increase in lyme’s disease also. The conspiracy theorists on you tube tell us it is the proliferation of microwaves!!
So instead of sacking said individuals for not following hygiene rules they changed the rules…..unbelievable. We should all start refusing to be treated by them.
Brexit ‘could create a majority for a united Ireland’
A typical mealy-mouthed droplet of bias by omission and quotation marks.
No doubt the dim remoaner MPs will be stating the results of this skewed poll by Best For Britain/Our Future Our Choice as undisputed fact.
(I doubt they would but) if the price of leaving the EU is the Northern Irish and the Scottish leaving the united kingdom so be it, they can sink in there own sewage if thats what they want.
The Europhiles that bring this about would of course want to follow the EU standard negotiating tactics as they respect the EU’s rules so much.
So of course the scots would need to present a border solution and both would have to join the euro
both would of course have to pay us big amounts to pay us for future commitments
“….both would of course have to pay us big amounts to pay us for future commitments”. Wot about the £40 billion, ‘bail out’ fee?
I remember towards the suspension of ‘the troubles’ ( I’d never say ‘end’)some demographic work being done on which population – Rc or Protestant was growing quicker and the answer came as an RC voting majority by 2020 .
Now to predict a tribal attitude like this is a bit of an insult in itself but it was done in the context of which majority would want Northern Ireland to be part of the UK or Republic – brexit was obviously not a factor .
.I’m wondering whether some newly found anti ReichEU politics in the south is just a scam for more handout of British taxpayers cash via Brussels with an effing ReichEU flag on it…
“Could” is a giveaway word. They want to convey “might result in” without committing themselves to an opinion. Brexit can’t do anything.
Peter McLaughlan, the author of the book ‘Easy Meat’, which describes the muslim rape, trafficking, torture and murder of young white English girls, has commented on the Vlad Tepes blog and what he says is worth disseminating far and wide. He denounces those in government and positions of authority for covering up for these muslim rape gangs for 45 years. He also confirms that it’s still happening, nothing has changed, they’re still doing it on an industrial scale.
Mr McLaughlin’s comments are in the comment section of this report:
BBC News last night : Singapore.
Apparently, Singaporeans aren’t reproducing at a rate necessary to maintain their population…and they are looking at ways to encourage couples to procreate more.
Why didn’t the BBC ‘correspondent’ suggest immigration from BAME countries as she would surely have done for Western countries to solve the problem? The camera shots of the general population showed a shocking lack of ‘diversity’…they all looked like Singaporeans! 🙁
Maybe the Germans or swedes or Italians or French or Dutch can do a deal – none of those countries would miss their guests …for Blighty of course it’s too late .
Man who swears on book with pedophile as the man character decides to tackle 80K pedophiles in UK, hopefully not relying on the book he chooses to believe will lead to a moral and virtuous life.
@theJeremyVine show now
Item : This economist on answers the questions from 11 year olds
#1 You should have done it in the school holidays . The schools here have gone back Jeremy
#2 This child level stuff shows how dim Vine is
# His economist is hopeless at explaining stuff
..and doesn’t sound like he has ever spoken to a child.
Vine also discussed “smartphones in school.”
Regarding this ‘People’s vote’ that remoaners are so keen to have.
Can we also have a People’s vote on ending the tv license.
A People’s vote on banning all halal slaughter.
A People’s vote on reducing the number of politicians (from 650-800+ to 250-101 or maybe abolish the lords altogether)
A People’s vote on HS2
And so on.
Of course not.
The People’s vote is a soundbite thought up by miserable moaning remainers and is meaningless unless it applies to all decisions.
British soldiers stepping off plane have EU flags on their arms
Our troops aren’t happy – especially the paras.
I suppose it’s too much to hope that the armed forces will stage a coup d’état and extirpate the traitors from our midst? Because it’s possible that’s what it’s going to take; particularly to weed out all the Common Purpose traitors and the commies infiltrated into the Civil Service, the police, the judiciary, the education and social services, the unions the media and the politicians.
I think Gerrard Batten is on the right lines with these comments:
He’s suggesting no one should join the army until we have left the EU, so they don’t end up fighting for a foreign power.
If the BBC can be believed on one thing then it’s their view on the rise of the Far-right. In my work I meet a lot of people from all backgrounds and I find myself having conversations about immigration, SJWs and identity politics. These are conversations I never thought I’d be having only two years ago, and yes, you’ve guessed it, most are sick to death of the whole rotten lefty-liberal crap. So according the BBC and MSM we’re all on the far-fight for not swallowing their self-serving, race-baiting b/s.
We’re seeing it in Germany, Sweden and from my point of view in the UK – so bring it on!
RobRoy – Civil debate/discuss requires both parties to be just that….civil! If someone wants to resort to slander and name calling to win an argument, do not be surprised when the person abused does not respond the way you want them to (unless you want them to be pissed off and not interested in anything else you have to say).
Because thats the issue here…politics and the media that supposedly holds them to account have moved the overton window so far left, that rational/centre ground politics that creates the very fabric of civil society is being torn to shreads! The boundaries/parameters of what is outside of acceptable is now so screwed to the left that even a centrists in on the extremes! If you are a rational, decent, right leaning person you are fu*king Hitler!
Right now it is encouraged/championed to battle injustice and hatred with injustice and hatred. To take on bigotry and oppression with bigotry and oppression. The colapse of diversity or thought has created this. The left have created this. For the natural order to succeed it requires both right and left leaning politicians to work together and agree and accept each others points of views.
Whilst the natural order would balance itself out be removing the corruption and evil that invests the power structures of our Society, these agents of destruction protect themselves by changing laws, criminalising speech, and suppressing the tools of change such as social media. In their selfish desperation to cling to power the political elite are polarising us even more. If has to split us into groups so that we are unable to see that the true enemy is them
T t p,
A recipe for war in fact. Inevitable in my humble view.
Marxist divide and conquer tactics, as you say, reduce people into disparate groups who are all scared of each other and fighting like ferrets in a sack. But more and more people understand the truth now. The enemy is within as well as pouring through the gates.
I see outside a posh Green activist PR team have set up a reverse vending machine demo for a photo op.
You know those machines where you put in a bottle and get 20p back
It’s actually financed by the Dutch corp that will make a mint selling reverse vending machines if our govt forces them on us.
Before you just put your plastic bottle in the correct bin, now they want you pay for an extra stage and extra energy of the reverse vending machine.
Ha that thing was on Hull Look North just now, 3 minute report
I didn’t see a BBC team in the street so I guess the PR activists own cameraman sent the footage in and the BBC bods talked about it in the studio.
BTW Hull people wanna meetup for a drink ?
I will be in the Hull at the British Science Festival 2018 11 – 14 September send me an email BiasedBBC
Global Warming : UKIP MEP puts forward their alternative plan
The Guardian and Green blob get triggered and do their normal thing of “refusing to debate”.
The non-binding opinion written by Ukip MEP, John Stuart Agnew, has shocked EU lawmakers for its dismissal of climate science ..
That would be dismissal of the ‘settled’ version of climate science, no? The make-it-up-as-you-go-along version which predicts a future climate of very wet summers when we have had a very wet summer, then a future of heatwaves and drought when we have had summer of heatwave and drought. The false predictions – nearly always some way off into the future and most typically ‘by the end of the century’ are always ‘might happen’ or ‘it is likely’. None of the more short term predictions, particularly temperatures rising in line with the growth of CO2 emissions and as posited by all the climate models, have come to pass. It is a failed hypothesis.
Not science, but pure propaganda by the eco-Marxists who now seem to be dictating our energy strategy with the aim of bringing capitalism and the West to its knees.
Sky News at it again … Far Right !! Absolutely disgusting reporting. I am surprised they have any subscribers left. The comments clearly show they have got the public opinion very wrong yet again.
I stopped subscribing to sky a couple of years ago and the world keeps turning – sport is ephemeral and just a diversion – bread and circuses .
TV without the Far Left BBC al Sky could have been limiting but box sets and eventually Netflix will replace it … I just like the stat. That sky news loses £600 million a year and was kept going by ruperts’ ego.
Thereis an industry of denial isn’t there ?
With those inside the media metro-bubble echo-chamber saying
“Shutup , there is no problem stop using the word MSM
..everything is OK”
So we’ve had outbursts by Monty Don on Twitter
and John Simpson in Radio Times
And which other media celebs have issued denial ?
Democrats and Emails
I’m teaching email security to Democratic campaigns.
It’s as bad as 2016.
Yorkshire Post reports that Sheffield academic has told parliament that politicians should not use the term “Fake news”
Well that is contradicted by his recent article : Socal Media helps combat FakeNews in Syria
One rule for us another for the Syrians ?
No problem on R4 Womans Hour gives a full range of voices … NOT
As well as fawning over Gina MIller they had this
\\ The gender pay gap, everyday sexism and harassment, discrimination at work – women have a number of reasons to be angry.
So why is female rage something that makes so many people uncomfortable? //
I would like to see an investigation of women bullies in the workplace, worked for 30 years and everytime I have seen bullying it has been a women causing it, they naturally form little gangs and then inevitably target people while brown nosing the boss seen it so many times.
The worse ones take their little gangs on out of work drinkies and spend the next day whispering in corners etc. watched it again last week in current place, ALWAYS a woman as instigator. Have seen an 18 year old girl reduced to tears and walk out after weeks of harrassment from another harridan and her friends at a previous place, it is happening across the country in many, many workplaces yet never acknowledged on the BBC or elsewhere
Annunaki, well said re: bullying women at work. I have been on the receiving end of it myself in the past, and offices often become places where the bullies always dominate in the end. The victims walk away. In a low paid temp job years ago I was belittled in front of the whole team for…..wait for it….doing an extra batch or two of data entry off my own bat !! The nasty team leader woman dressed me down, and I told her where to get off, signed myself out of the time sheet and left the room. No wonder I have had a non-existent career because I will always walk away from bullies, having first stood up to them and said my piece. Women can be really nasty when they perceive weakness in another female.
I’m sure she must have been asked the question ‘So what is that a Common Purpose person like yourself admires about the authoritarian, undemocratic EU?’
Thought not.
Why did we ever hear of Gina Miller in the first place? She is the very incarnation of Fake News.
‘Far Right’ is a boo-word used by ‘FAR-WRONG media’
Yorkshire Post claiming that Leeds has new Channel4 HQ in the bag
cos C4 is focused on diversity.
What a weasel word that is yet no-one ever has the balls to challenge its endless inane use.
It is part of the lexicon of the loony Left, a Newspeak for cloning a nation of zombified virtue-signallers invented by the Thought Police of Cultural Marxism who have succeeded in infiltrating every corner of public life in order to destroy Britain from within.
Have BBC rushed out a prog on British Jews
We seem to get endless progs about Asians and Muslims
And of course when they are so focused on that, that means they aren’t covering other stuff
Now BBC2 at 9pm “We ARE Brish Jews”
There is a claim that the comments below it in Youtube are anti-Semitic
oops correct link
“I feel inclusivity is the way the city of Leeds can differentiate itself”
Surely differentiation is brought about through exclusivity — inclusivity would be the way to bring everything together.
Perhaps I’ve misunderstood. Otherwise, a whole raft of ‘one world’ platitudes like these appear to be ill-thought-out, semantic and logical garbage.
Tomorrow in Parliament : Make misogyny a hate crime, Stella Creasy urges
Melanie Phillips says : THOUGHT CRIME law
Missing text first column – “… belief that unwanted behaviour towards women is invariably …” Missing text second column – “… why not expand the …”
Indeed having a #VictimHierarchy is wrong.
What will come after the Creasy amendment is restriction on printed material and comments on social media in the same way that if I say “I hate xxxxx people because I don’t think they should be in Blighty “then it is to the thought police my ISP will be given , a summons to the judge and a week in a re education camp
Saying not nice things about the likes of Soubry is not in itself mysogeny – she just happens to be a ‘she’. The same would apply to the Far lefty who was killed by a madman a while ago – gender doesn’t come into it .
Look at the stick mrs Thatcher got and still gets from far left mysogenists . Bet sexy Stella would defend those comments .
( I had to put in the ‘sexy’ as bait for any lefty musing over this and sneering at the vulgarity ).
On the other hand make misandry a hate crime, send the entire BBC staff and Labour party to prison… 😉
Re : Bodyguard : former TV Supremo lays into BBC for asking its reporters to cameo in dramas at the same time as do impartial news
and \\ Of greater concern than glimpsing familiar faces in a fictional setting was the way the BBC reported the Cliff Richard court case which it lost — too often using its own airtime and own specialist reporters to present its own flawed arguments.//
David Elstein
Apropos The Times I see the main cover pic is a strangely geeky looking individual who looks as though he’s auditioning for the title role in Peter Rabbit.
Further research tells me that some organisation has regularly paid him over £1.75 million – but that’s just a joke? Surely?
Malaysia: Two women caned as lesbians, state Sharia official says punishment “in line with provisions in the Quran”
Oh, OK maybe I should cancel my visit to Dragons Den with my rainbow burka proposal
I guess a report of the caning and how it might lesa to a far far right backlash is sitting on Owen Jones’ desk awaiting comments that Islam is good to the LGBT crowd
Annu – what about a see through one – reversible as well. I’ll take 10 percent
I’m working on some strategic, easy access, velcro flaps, as our guests seem to have trouble controlling themselves and the sight of some feet in sandals may well drive them wild, I’ll offer you 5%
Pleanty of space for sponsorship like formula one also , addresses of local primary schools, with locations to kerb crawl in taxis
Velcro flaps!
Oo-er missus!!
Just wondering if we get misogyny as a hate crime do we also get misandry as a hate crime?
Answers on a postcard please to either Loose Wimmin (all men are bastards) or Jo Brand (every man I have been out with was a c@nt)
“I took my husband to the hospital yesterday to have 17 stitches out – that’ll teach him to buy me a sewing kit for my birthday” hmm funny she assaulted him well done …lets all laugh about that and think of some other jokes about knocking the wife about
“I like men… as a concept.” again well done isn;t she good
My husband can do the work of two men. Unfortunately those men are Laurel and Hardy
I think we have the Corbyn version of a less attractive Bernard Manning
“………Jo Brand (every man I have been out with was a c@nt)”
She’s probably right if they chose to go out with her.
Do we get to see the koran banned as hate crime literature?
Jesus, the endless gushing over the Blackkklansman is just too much. I’ve just seen Kermode fawning over this bollocks.
I still can’t see how nobody can recognise that this isn’t about a black guy infiltrating the KKK.
It patently isn’t infiltration and is just an example of this film having a deliberately misleading hook by a director trying to make something shocking, that clearly isn’t. The premise paints a picture of a black guy actually joining the KKK replete with tugging the curiosity of people to thinking ‘I know white’s are meant to be stupid but how could they not spot a black man amongst their ranks’.
In a time before the internet and google and Facebook and LinkedIn, anybody could have joined the KKK with a fake name or even their own name and then sent along a stooge to pretend to be them. The reality is that it was Ron’s partner that took on all of the risk despite the claims of Ron’s ‘bravery’ in carrying out this ‘infiltration’ and yet it made literally no difference to the KKK. There were no arrests and no convictions from this exercise. Spike has made a film out of a silly anecdote, worthy of nothing more than dinner time discussion, yet fools like pretentious movie critics are pronouncing it as ‘so important’ and having a ‘contemporary edge’ – dear god give me strength.
When this activity happened the US population was 223 million and the membership of this ridiculous organisation was around 10,000. Fast forward to now and a much larger population of 326 million and the SPLC believe the numbers to be 5 – 8,000 – clearly a way smaller proportion of the population.
The reality is that the KKK are a dwindling, marginalised, backward group of individuals that wouldn’t have anywhere near the exposure that they do were it not for useful idiots in the media and fools like Spike Lee being so desperate to endlessly whip them up into an immediate and real threat to serve their patently obvious agenda.
Change the colour of the hood from white to black and what do you have ? similar intolerant individuals wandering around Europe in the streets yet defended for some strange reason for wearing tribal costume for no other valid purpose than to demonstrate their contempt for the country that has accepted them and its culture it is an overt message and is being actively ignored, even muslim women from the 70s 80s and 90s saw no reason to dress like this so why is it on the increase ?
David Duke has debunked the whole thing. And he should know, the film’s about him.
I’ve said before and before and I’ll say again, do a search on YouTube for the Clayton Bigsby sketch by Dave Chapelle. He’s a black white supremacist who’s blind but who’s friends don’t tell him. Very funny, has Spike Lee credited the idea to To Dave Chappelle at all?
BBC News at Six just went into overdrive with the publication of a book on Trump by “One of the Reporters that brought down Nixon”. Wishful thinking?
I was so incensed that I sent a complaint within 5 minutes of the “item” being aired at 18:10.
Basically it allowed them to quote from the book that the president was a “child and an idiot”.
I didn’t think they could get any lower.
Well done for complaining, it is the only way forward, it is one reason why muslims dominate the headlines they never stop complaining and I am aware that emails fly from mosque to mosque with relevant links…OFSTED, BBC you name it they are organised and actively working to impose their intolerances upon our country. We are way too complacent having had 50 years of relative peace and security until they formed a significant minority and now they are working their evil within our society: vicous attacks upon headteachers and OFSTED inspectors who are legally required to monitor their “special schools” and community attacks with illegal homophobic comments sent to Luton Borough Council about a gay sauna in Luton to name but a couple of examples of how a few active nasty minorite#ies can influence the “ews” maybe food fr thought for those on here perplexed about news bias, you do have the opportunity to complain and if enough do so the bias may shift to represent those on here .
Colboysigma I was also shocked and incensed that they used prime time news and this book, by controversial Bob Woodward, full of unnamed sources, to brainwash UK audiences against Trump. Absolutely disgraceful!
Darn forgot that Farage in on at 6pm LBC these days
Iain Dale for all his faults was at least mostly listenable-to in the ‘Drive’ slot while preparing a meal. Eddie Mair not so much. In fact I’m now choosing talkRadio for short bursts, but mainly Fox news and GCN radio, two US stations and even Rense radio in preference to LBC.
I never listen to the far-left bbc; I stopped listening to R4 in 2007 when I stopped working. I used to listen to R3 at times but even that has been contaminated and debased, so I very rarely tune to that station ( as REM are won’t to say) these days.
On the BBC News channel just before 7pm we had a glimpse into the quality of BBC overpaid “Talent”.
The news ticker scrolling at the bottom of the screen read…
The journalist who wrote it obviously doesn’t know when to use apostrophes so put in question marks to alert the ‘apostrophes checking department’. Unfortunately the ‘apostrophes checking department’ had gone home along with the ‘proof reading department’.
I guess due to the unique way the BBC is funded we are regularly treated to view their cock-up?s and mistake?s.
Edit: The ticker has now been edited to read…
THE RULING BODY OF THE LABOUR PARTY HAS AGREED TO ADOPT IN FULL AN INTERNATIONAL DEFINITION OF ANTI-SEMITISM thus removing any possible mistakes with apostrophes but now they need the ‘comma checking department’ to help.
Useless wanker?s the lot of them!
Sky are at it yet again with the use of “far right”, having once more tweeted about it this evening. Doobster pointed out above a tweet this afternoon.
The article linked to is utterly disingenuous, but with classic projection we get:
No, you blockhead. The flames are being fanned by a wilful refusal of authorities to acknowledge what’s happening under their noses. The demonising of concerns by the media and bussing in naive activists who were untouched by the stabbing to tell residents they have no right to be concerned can have only one result. And we are spiralling there faster by the day.
Drum-beating would be a perverse method of fanning flames.
Aw bless, they try their best, they were probably cholking on their lattes while looking for some anti Isreal news stories to provide balance, we are not allowed to stop muzzies beating up jews and gays iss their kulture innit gotta brihish paasport
Not political – but just a BBC moan. I turned on halfway through a programme on R4 today and for once it sounded quite interesting. I gathered it was about formerly top secret/forbidden buildings. I caught part of an interview with an ex member of the Royal Observer Corps and thought – Ooh sounds as if it could be quite interesting.
We next went to a site in East Anglia My alarm bells should have started to ring when they interviewed some american “artist” who works in one of these places.
Then it was off to Germany to explore an ex Cold War Listening post.
At this point it deteriorated fast as the presenter was giving us a description of the site and telling us “what an interesting space this was” then we were also treated to other audible “treats” such as “thats us popping balloons” and people calling out in the echoing underground void. At this point my interest was fast beginning to wain.
As the programme drew to an end – I found out it was a BBC “arts” production.
I thought at the end this completely typifies what the BBC has turned into. Give it a potentially interesting subject, and it manages to turn it into something mind numbingly, stupifiyngly boring. I suppose it is to be expected – just like the “news” these days it seems to just produce programmes for its “own ” people.
I can put my hand on my heart and say it neither educated, informed or entertained me. But then again it wasnt really aimed at me only a selection of ethical skinny latte quaffing prigs probably living somewhere in North London.
Thank God I dont pay for this absolute shite!
Not political – but just a BBC moan. I turned on halfway through a programme on R4 today and for once it sounded quite interesting. I gathered it was about formerly top secret/forbidden buildings. I caught part of an interview with an ex member of the Royal Observer Corps and thought – Ooh sounds as if it could be quite interesting.
We next went to a site in East Anglia My alarm bells should have started to ring when they interviewed some american “artist” who works in one of these places.
Then it was off to Germany to explore an ex Cold War Listening post.
At this point it deteriorated fast as the presenter was giving us a description of the site and telling us “what an interesting space this was” then we were also treated to other audible “treats” such as “thats us popping balloons” and people calling out in the echoing underground void. At this point my interest was fast beginning to wain.
As the programme drew to an end – I found out it was a BBC “arts” production.
I thought at the end this completely typifies what the BBC has turned into. Give it a potentially interesting subject, and it manages to turn it into something mind numbingly, stupifiyngly boring. I suppose it is to be expected – just like the “news” these days it seems to just produce programmes for its “own ” people.
I can put my hand on my heart and say it neither educated, informed or entertained me. But then again it wasnt really aimed at me only a selection of ethical skinny latte quaffing bearded prigs probably living somewhere in North London.
Thank God I dont pay for this absolute shite anymore!