Predictably the far Left BBC has embraced the anonymous article about President Trump which claims he has to be undermined from within his own administration . So there is resistance from Swamp dwellers across the pond in parallel to those frustrating Brexit here . As Mr Rees Mogg MP wrote in an open letter recently – we are hopefully heading for a WTO Brexit from the EU – not a ‘hard one ‘ and not a ‘no deal ‘ one which is Remainer Speak.There is no requirement for a deal.
Whilst the big stuff is going on the ‘awful personal things ‘ keep going – such as the Huddersfield 31 being prosecuted for alleged organised Pakistani paedophilia today in an English Court . The BBC doesn’t consider this to be worthy of being national news – perhaps it is just normality . You decide.
( I know it’s not the weekend quite yet but there’s a lot of posts).
Sunday Times:
“”Warsaw ghetto vandal to speak at Momentum’s Corbyn festival””
BBC haven’t mentioned it.
Starmer still sitting on the fence – which way to jump to keep that potential EU job secure, eh?
Parliament (I – me, me, me) should decide what happens next but “all options should be on the table.”
Five Live has full commentary of the women’s football between Manchester City and Chelsea, who have romped to a scintillating 0-0 draw.
Can we not accept that on average men and women excel at different things? This is like having single straight men curate a fashion show. (You can always tell if men are single by how badly they are dressed – a woman would not let you go out looking so bad.).
Beeb Brother,
I’m single and although I don’t buy designer clobber I’ve always chosen reasonable looking apparel that fits properly. The ladies always say I wear nice shoes at least..That’s it I’m triggered now and must flounce off in tears to my safe space!
I am outraged that you have a different opinion to me. You are Beebbrotherphobic and I will be reporting a ‘hate crime incident’ as my feelings have been massacred by your far-right, alt-right extremist Nazi opinion. You must never have a platform to spew such hatred.
As a single man I alone get to define how we both think as I have appointed myself a ‘community leader.’ Single men are discriminated against on this site as not enough of us post first. All contributors to this site must pay a tax to fund an activist army to rectify this heinous discrimination.
I might be willing to come to some sort of agreement like the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. You take the west, I’ll take the east of Poland. Meanwhile together we’ll blitzkrieg Fedup2 into allowing us the number 1 posting spot on alternate weeks. And if people on this site don’t give us 100s of likes for our posts, we’ll ‘ave ’em.
Love to know the number of listeners for that match.
Seven, and a hearing dog named Dennis…
“(You can always tell if men are single by how badly they are dressed – a woman would not let you go out looking so bad.).”
What is ironing?
Ironing is for the lower classes, RJ!
That’s why Waitrose let un-ironed ladies in to get their expensive comestibles and have a rictous grin on all the time!
The Nigger question . That is the issue in the Dam Busters shown on Film 4 today – Sunday because of the name of Guy Gibson VC’s Black lab dog. ”This film contains language of the era which some may find racially offensive”. Sounds like the lawyers have been at work there.
In 1955? The N word seemed to just mean “ black “ as in the colour – not a description of a person .
“ Gay” was once “ happy”
“Queer” was “strange “ or “unwell”.
“Vibrant “ was once “bright”
Chucka telling the comrades to “ call the dogs off” was taken literally by corbyn and co as describing members of the Labour Party behaving like dogs in hunting non comrades for deselection purposes taking the party even further to the left .
Language seems to be going off on its own adventure – like some fool comparing a suicide vest to the brexit debate .
I think the N word back in the day, was also used for the colour brown. My old Mum used to refer to her nigger brown costume – a two piece skirt and jacket which were fashionable at the time. There was never any malice aforethought when she said it, – it was something like blush pink or baby blue that we say today.
That wouldn’t have got through Disqus. They wouldn’t even allow nigga.
Nigel Farage everybody! – on the subject of islam…………
Remind me what people think about Farage. OOH and, comment on that from a reliable source –
This raises questions doesn’t it.
Does NF believe what he is saying, or just being ‘diplomatic’ in order to maintain his public profile?
If the latter, does he want to keep his profile for the purpose of continuing to fight for a clean break from the EU, or to further his own career (or both)?
If the aim is predominately Brexit, does the end justify the means?
Or is he just scared?
Whatever the answer, this interview doesn’t look good.
Gerard Batten is better on Islam, but both were keen for the straight-talking A M Waters to leave UKIP.
sorry nige but at least 50% are not integrated, so your vast majority bollox just wont wash
The MSM seem less than transparent about when the outcome of the Swedish election will be announced . Turn out – apparently – is traditionally as high as 85% which means s about 6 million votes .
Whatever the outcome the right wing anti immigration party will be described as a ‘failure ‘ by the far left BBC . The expected 20% vote will be insufficient to influence the national policy and even if it goes to the upper expectation of 25% that will still be described as a failure ….
However – if a traditional social liberal easy going country like Sweden is shown to have had enough of alien politicians foisting aliens on a placid population maybe even the ReichEU
Will stop using the term ‘populist’ as a term of abuse and realise that it is a term of ‘democracy ‘ . Tory shits like sir Alan Duncan
Might also come down from his remainer cloud and realise that the plebs have a view.
I presume they’re less than transparent because they know they might need more time to spin the outcome if it goes bad for them.
I doubt that that the EU will stop and think at all as regards to their attitudes towards deplorables. Nor will their cheerleaders- the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 , Sky and the rest of the herd.
All progressive institutions seem to have an inbuilt instinct to double down on their crazy demands that everyone agrees that the old order is working just fine. Noticing bad things about the order is criminal.
Until those institutions are radically reformed, or (much easier) crushed into the dirt, then they will carry on bleating the same old Marxist lines forever.
lets not forget 20% of the swedish electorate are not Swedish so the “far right” swedes getting 20%+ of a feasible 80% is becoming a very large percentage of actual swedes, more power to their elbow I say
Not the bbc, but the baked spud filling choices on each floor look like reducing still further to, well, a baked spud.
Da bloc looking iffy, ho.
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
BBC news. Six British sailors get drunk in the US
My God, who would think it. Sailors getting drunk on shore leave.
If the Navy still issued them with a tot of rum every day they’d be better able to hold their drink.
Al Beeb despise British Forces.
Such a spiteful story to run with. The activities that were carried out are the normal behaviour that one would find in any city where men get drunk.
Not as bad as the kind of behaviour you would find in Rotherham that Al Beeb are very reluctant to report.
I’d worry if Royal Navy sailors on a run ashore didn’t get drunk…
They always have done since the days of Nelson and before.
Was anyone raped or robbed? No. And the local bars made a fortune.
BBC Breaking news…..
Sweden’s nationalist anti-immigration party has made gains in the country’s general election as the establishment parties appear deadlocked, exit polls predict.
The Sweden Democrats (SD) are expected to achieve 19.2% of the vote.
“Far Right defeated In Swedish Election shock “
Says far left BBC . Third world illegal immigrants welcome in Europe .
Just a guess at the way the BBC will play it .
Switched on BBC Radio 3 or 4 at about 2pm today. A working class accent was asking a posh accent when there would be more diversity in the arts.
Battle Of Britain model aircraft on Channel 4 includes BME model aircraft pilots and of course a trans pilot……I really do give up.
Anyway it’s a really stupid idea for a programme. I always suspected that model plane enthusiasts were just adults who hadn’t grown up. Now I know it. And pretending that they can enact the Battle of Britain in any meaningful way is just ridiculous.
Does it bother us that there was a trans ?
No, but it’s just the weird “non-real” world way the TV corps handle it.
Minute 3:00 the modellers enter the bunkroom
Minute 3:01 “oh they see all men” (you think)
Minute 3:02 “oh hang on ones a woman”
literally 1 second later
Minute 3:03 “oh hang on she is obviously a trans”
surely the whole ffing world has noticed
but the TV corp just has to plough on with the masquerade
Minute 3:20 the caption on the screen pops up “Shelley taxi driver”
Then about minute 6 we are treated to a whole rundown of her hobbies etc. with a scene shot at her home
FFS The super obvious thing about her is that she’s trans ..and probably got a lot of experience with flying before she transitioned
but the trans bit is NOT even mentioned
… instead we get Shelley explaining that people see the woman turn up and get a total surprise when she demonstrates her expertise.
… The prog makes quite a bit of , the fact that she is the best flyer by far
Reminds me of the top UK female computer engineer, the co designer of the ARM processor , who of course was not actually born a woman.

centre of photo
Actually many many people on Twitter love the show
Battle Of Britain model aircraft on Channel 4 includes BME model aircraft pilots and of course a trans pilot……I really do give up.
Ha ha ha ha are there lesbian pilots of a fluid sexual identity flying the Stuka s?
Female Scottish ‘ comedians ‘ and their wives manning the Heikel 111s?
Silly Fokkers!
Up the SDs ( I m a bit biased )
Peter’s lifestream
Swedish Democrats fall to 17.1% third
Peter seems perplexed that the results are lower than he expected
“sadly the Swedes have voted for the status quo”
Sweden vote according to the guardian
Centre left 40%
Centre right 40%
Social Dems 19%
So by accumulating a lot of different parties under one badge the Guardian makes the anti immigration party 3rd and not 2nd …..