its 200 days to our WTO Brexit. So the Far Left BBC will go all out to subvert the democratic vote . Meanwhile the Swedes have shown that they do not approve of their politicians destroying their own country – a liberal poison which spread across the West unchecked up until our Brexit vote .
Start the Week Open Thread 10 September 2018
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First again !!
Beware, I love lobster – especially at Christmas !!!
Ladies first
In the case of Keith Vaz the BBC refused to report on any of his disgusting sex and rent boy antics because they said his sex life was a private matter.
Yet here they are with wall-to-wall reporting of Boris and his sex life which strangely now doesn’t seem to be so private.
actually I do see the BBC reporting the Daily Mirror story on Vaz
Then Guido saying \\ Corbyn has defended Vaz – who is the subject of a police investigation – claiming it is a “private matter”//
Have no fear Brexiteers, Boris is a ‘Stalking Horse’.
Maybe there would have been a bit of self-incrimination with Vaz?
If it weren’t for the double standards the left would have no standards at all.
“Meanwhile the Swedes have shown that they do not approve of their politicians destroying their own country.”
It seems the Sweden Democrats may have taken about 20% of the vote. That means, I’m afraid, that 80% are indeed happy about that.
The Swedes will now have to suffer the consequences. They had the chance and did not take it.
The Germans are certainly suffering consequences. After a death in Chemnitz last week, a young German man died last night following an argument with two Afghan ‘migrants’ in Koeten. Apparently the cause of death was a heart attack, says a hasty post-mortem result.
It seems that, as in Chemnitz, one of the two arrested was supposed to have been deported for previous offences. There seems to be a pattern developing here somewhere…
Yes, they are pathetically contorting to make excuses. Funny that didn’t apply with the death of the man outside Finsbury mosque, who was apparently already having a cardiac arrest. Clearly Darren Osborne killed him, nothing to do with his heart.
Isn’t it an awful state of affairs when you do not trust authorities to tell the truth.
You are right; it really adds to the feeling that things are spinning out of control. Often now they do not even bother to make the lies believable, like the sudden outbreak of ‘mental health’ issues among terrorists.
In any totalitarian left wing society the state must have complete control over information as otherwise people sense too easily how bad things really are. Now we have such easy access to information their lies do not work anymore and they simply do not have another way of operating. They see themselves as snide mediators between the facts and us rather than seekers of truth.
A pattern from isolated incidents here, there and everywhere?
Lone wolf attacks surely?
Just a lot of them.
Anyone notice how Beeb et al never apply the Lone Wolf to somebody they think is right wing..e.g .the chap that killed Jo Cox..not sure he was ever called a lone wolf but if they are of non Christian heritage – it’s a Lone wolf ..funny wolves do normally hunt in packs….seem to be a lot that of wolves that don’t know that
I’ve been following the Swedish opinion polls for the last few weeks and it was clear support for the Sweden Democrats was falling. It is usual for radical parties to drop as the election draws nearer. I predicted they would come third as I could see no evidence for the claims of a breakthrough. Farage did a lot of sounding off about the coming success of the SD’s but that man has habit of claiming victories that don’t see the light of day. He never learns.
However I don’t want to sound too gloomy. Remember it is a proportional system and unlike the UK parties that get 17% of the vote will get 17% of the seats. In the UK of course under our decrepit system a party winning 17% can get no seats.
They will be slightly stronger than before that’s my positive thought.
The fight for political success for populist parties may succeed in a series of small surges.
On the other hand It does look like the Swedes have voted for Islam.
All eyes now on the Bavarian State election next month
Apparently, Sweden was the last European country to adopt Christianity as the state religion so perhaps they are also going to be the first to abandon it. Maybe they’re still pagans at heart?
Trouble is, they aint gonna get Paganism or Christianity, if they dont wake up. They’re gonna get a 7th century barbarism instead.
For me, the fact that muslims make sacrificial chants over their food and worship a chunk of meteorite, and their cult is based on hate, violence and killing, they are pagans, even if they are monotheistic pagans.
My knowledge of such matters is rather limited JiC, sadly.
You are probably correctly identifying the Mohemmedans as pagan.
To me they are simply barbaric savages, and the label pagan does a dreadful disservice to your typical moon worshipper n the UK
Biased BBC at their insidious best.
Reporting on the Swedish election they
a. Report from the centre LEFT party HQ
b. The horse-faced reporter reports the SD gains with a doom and gloom face as if her house has just burned down.
Somehow I suspect the tone would be rather more upbeat if the left had made gains.
I will give the World Service a little praise! Last week I was listening to a report om the SD and they studiously didnt refer to them as “far right”. This though doesnt seem to be an across the board BBC policy as some reporters have used the term “far right”.
Dear Englands Dreaming
On behalf of the BBC, I would like to apologise for the omission of the correct term ‘Far Right’ when referring to the neo-Nazi Sweden Democrats on the World Service. A large number of listeners (two: one a BBC employee and the other a Labour MP) have formally complained about this lapse of judgement. As you know, the BBC Charter exists to ensure objectivity and accuracy in BBC reporting. As such, it is important that we constantly remind people that any opposition to mass migration from the Third World is Racism, which leads to Nazism, which leads to concentration camps and the mass murder of people. We are a little big ambiguous about the latter, what with the debate on anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, but I’m sure you know what I mean.
On this occasion, we failed to live up to our own high standards, for which I am profoundly sorry and will be referring the staff involved to a Common Purpose Re-education Camp. Steps have been taken to ensure that all future references to the Sweden Democrats, UKIP, Donald Trump supporters, Brexit supporters, anti-globalists, Islamophobes and climate sceptics will be prefixed by the terms ‘Far Right’, ‘Far Far Right’ or ‘Far Far Far Right’ as appropriate.
Yours sincerely
Head of Propaganda etc.
Dont worry Ian, they got the memo. Just listened to the World Service News and the SD are labelled “far right”. Normal service has been resumed.
The appearance of, “doom and gloom”.
How can you maintain any appearance of happiness and pleasure in a result when the whole sick House of Cards that you have fully supported is collapsing before your eyes. Long may it continue. But quicker please…….
More stabbings in London, this time its one of “those women”.
What action is Commissioner Dick taking to deal with all this carnage?
Over to you Al Beeb researchers ……………
t, Dick is too busy pussy munching to run a bath, let alone a police service.
Did anyone catch the Test Match Special lunch interview recently when Jonathan Agnew interviewed Cressida Dick?
She used to play a bit of cricket.
As a teenager or university student she very much admired Imran Khan and confessed that, to this day, she has a soft spot for the Pakistan cricket team !!!!!!!!
The new pakland prime minister, who celebrated the cancellation of Geert Wilders competition to draw mohammed, because of the serious threats of violence? That could explain why she and the dwarfish muslim mayor of London get on so well.
I turned on LBC’s Nigel Farage last week and could not believe my ears. Nigel was calling for a “firmer dick” to solve the problem. I was relieved when I realised that all he wanted, like you, was a “firmer Dick”
ID Nothing wrong with a firm Dick. People in London would benifit by having onec 😀
“Brexit: TUC issues new EU referendum warning to May”
The TUC is completely out of touch with is members. It does not listen to its members. Expect more frantic anti-Brexit propaganda as we get closer to leaving .
R4 now Pearls of Islam “The Jamaican Muslim acoustic folk duo”
Ah the whole prog is about Islam
\\ Journalist and broadcaster Remona Aly explores the turbulent relationship between Islam and the female singing voice. //
Ramona Aly is a very appropriate name for Beboids, they are all Remoaner Allies.
I’d sooner scrub a cesspit than listen to that propaganda…
Fancy coming to do mine?
I used to get up at 3 am and lick the cesspit clean with my tongue.
That was not so bad, but I had to spend the rest of my day in a real cess pit. Investigating BBC output.
Looks more like a gathering of the Camila Batmanghelidjh appreciation society.
No, there’s too many of them for it to be that. Plus, David Cameron isn’t present.
“turbulent relationship between Islam and the female singing voice.”
” Islam has had a troubled relationship with music, with some believers arguing that it should be banned. Female singers have been particularly hard hit. Despite periods of repression that have seen Muslim women banned from singing in public and performing solo in front of men, there is a rich tradition of women using music to deepen their Islamic faith.”
They clearly are not muslim by any strecth of the imagination. Most music is haram in islam. Only music that extols allah is acceptable.
I wonder how much the far-left bbc paid them?
I wonder what size audience they attracted?
“Swedish election: Nationalists make gains in early results”
Guess what image does Al Beeb use to illustrate this headline ?
FFS @Taff

Muslim family voting
non-integrated dress version
Why is he allowed to show his arms? How could anyone claim that wearing the tent is feminist? Bonkers.
Wonder why BBC used the headline “significant gains”
They only got 18% “Peter In Sweden” seemed quite unhappy that Sweden gov will end up as the same old libs
Here’s the Sweden result
Peter also says there was an apartment bomb tonight in Swden.
Link to previous thread : Page 4 started 3pm Sunday 9:30pm
Anyone else read this propaganda/fantasy? Otherwise known as a stinking pile of horse poo?
The night I met a troll in Stockholm
By Gabriel Gatehouse
My favourite bits –
‘They developed a hatred of church bells. It was said they couldn’t stand the smell of Christians.’ (imagine that being written about muslims…)
‘That face belonged to the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. A few years ago every 16-year-old in Sweden was issued with a copy of her essay, We Should All Be Feminists.’
‘What has all this to do with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie? Nothing really, except perhaps that her foreignness, her blackness, and her feminism, somehow mark her out as an icon, a pictorial incarnation of the liberal values of openness and inclusivity that have become something close to a national religion in Sweden.’
UUgghh. Blah blah blah. An essay in condescending political correctness and virtue signalling. Who sanctions them? Is Gabriel Gatehouse a pseudonym?
IMO I don’t think it is the BBCs place to be lecturing us via ‘stories’.
Knife man runs amok in Paris over to you Al Beeb?…………………
Al Beeb ?………………….
Daily Star is reporting
“BREAKING: Knife attack in Paris cinema leaves 7 injured — English tourists among wounded ”
AFP : “Seven wounded including two UK tourists in Paris knife attack: police”
UK media all running with basic agency statement
Only RT has more detail
French media also has much more
Afghan they say
BBC radio4 didn’t mention any Paris news in the midnight prog
But they delayed action eg they did mention this
Well local tweeters spoke on Friday of a woman speaking Arabic running around with a knife
Here is the BBC web entire Barnsley report
Radio added “Police rule out terrorism as a motive”
Still cant find nowt yet about the Paris attack .
Perhaps their researchers will pick the story up here ?
Or perhaps not since maxi our special correspondent for Al Beeb, has left us .
A suspect ‘of Pakistani or Afghan origin’ began ‘slashing passers-by’ on the Loire Quay in the north of the city on Sunday night, according to reports.
Not terrorism and nothing to do with Islam.
As someone once said (PJW I think) soon they’ll be saying that “Islam is nothing to do with Islam”.
Last week an Afghan stabbed 2 Americans at Amsterdam station
Police say “It is apparent from his statements that he believes that in the Netherlands, the Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, Islam and Allah are repeatedly insulted,’ ”
Two Brits injured. Still nowt on AlBeeb?
It’s ok, it’s not terrorism 🙂
“It’s ok, it’s not terrorism ”
Phew, was getting worried there for a second……
LBC reported this morning that the Afghani knifeman in Paris has not been identified yet because he is travelling on a child’s ID
Don’t worry the French are fighting back – some boule players intervened and someone hit him on the head with a petanque ball – seriously.
Ban racist petanque balls.
I do hope that whoever threw the boule had his hand on top of it rather than underneath as that would have been totally unfair….. and if it were the case will the attacker sue?
(Sorry my mistake its in France not England so he won’t be able to play that card).
Two Points:
1) If anyone has been following the BBC’s coverage of Serena Williams over the US Tennis Open – you will see what utter charlatans they have been trying to defend and explain Serena Williams outrageous antics during the Womens tennis final. She was being outplayed by her 19 year old opponent and resorted to cheating and intimidation. Afterwards she and the mainstream media, especially the BBC, who have made an icon out of her, have gone with the nonsense that Serena Williams was a victim of institutional sexism and racism at the hands of the male umpire. This episode demonstrates the nonsense and propaganda generated by our “feminised” society, with the BBC being in the vanguard.
2) I have noted from the BBC a pattern of reporting that when a native European community goes on a march or demonstrates following the murder, rape, mass sexual exploitation of their community members by immigrants especially at the hands of islamists and jihadists – these communities are branded far right, racist, Nazis and condemned – rather than have their grievances actually aired.
The BBC through its reporting, its manipulation, distortion and propaganda, declares itself the enemy of the people, an enemy of the indigenous English, an enemy of the indigenous European.
They just had a realisation “Everyone is going on about Serena ..instead of celebrating the Japanese player’s victory ”
Yes the Japanese should be the main story ..and Serena’s tantrum a side story.
Comments could…
I’ll repeat what I said on the previous thread. It beggars belief that anyone can defend Serena. Yes, Katty, I’m looking at you.
A simple yet very apt video which sums up what should be said about Serena if the BBC were able to get beyond the SJW view. “Lose in grace Serena, lose in grace”.
Having listened to R4 driving again – they had at least 3 people on with substantial career experience in tennis and they all agreed that Serena was out of order, lost her cool and the referee is a high quality well respected man…but far from saying well fair enough they continued until they could find somebody that agreed with them
so Female (can’t recall name) and male ex tennis player..
Female starts off with usual diatribe about sexism, male contests and asks for evidence of this view citing his own situation when he was the most fined male tennis player
Female can’t provide quotes Bilie Jean King’s opinion (not evidence )..Male asks three questions about Serena’s behaviour – Female has to agree with male says..there are rules she broke them..
Female ah yes but she’s just had a child, she’s had to fight racism sexism to get to the top .blah blah blah..completely missing the point of discussion
Typical Left approach – when losing -change the argument
R4 cut it off at that point….funny that
From the very first time that Venus and then Serina Williams appeared on the professional circuit, the BBC fell over themselves with their adulation. As with Obama, everything they did was applauded. They could do nothing wrong.
How can even they not condemn her appalling, unacceptable behavior. And as far as her disgusting fans are concerned… what a way to behave. That poor girl achieved a wonderful victory which was, for her, ruined and demeaned by their ignorant booing.
Another Benetton effort to signal virtue, as well as keep merch rights and access for interviews . Like Bonio and Jagger, too big and valued a liblimp to risk a puncture. Sod Sport. But a great canary to show us how demented the libtards and their big money are
Another Benetton effort to signal virtue, as well as keep merch rights and access for interviews . Like Bonio and Jagger, too big and valued a liblimp to risk a puncture. Sod Sport. But a great canary to show us how demented the libtards and their big money are
What more can one sayBroadcasting-on-behalf-of the Caliphate, agree 100%- BBC have stealthy, and surreptitiously, and above all traitorously is leading the agenda on Multiculturalism against the indigenous English/Welsh & Scottish-they simply loath the idea that the Referendum decalred a Leave vote from the Socialistic European Union which they adore and is completely controlled by the Elitist Bankers whose efforts to sulvage a crumbling Union is leading to the EU negotiators wearring concrete boots.
Rotherham Grooming Trial: Court Hears Victim Raped by 100 ‘Asian’ Men by Age 16
Toady watch
Some police superintendent moaning about the state of the police .the police have not quite lost the confidence of the decent white British public but since they have been so big on minority type stuff they will not get the support or sympathy they once would have .
Even shouty Robinson on toady sounded as he was going through the motions . When people need the police they expect them to do what they are paid for – not come up with soppy excuses like they are all at diversity training .
In Londonistan they can always find the coppers for the Notting Hill mugging festival and repressing people marching on anti immigration issues.
This is from an email sent by a German friend of mine:
“”Its more and more horrible to live in a country where the chancellor, her party and all other left politicians inclusive the press day to day lies and lies and lies.
Every week Germans are killed by Afghan, Iraq, Syrian and other Muslims mostly by a knife.
But WE are the bad Nazis, if we say anything to that.
I would loose my job, if I would say I support AFD. “”
Interesting. The German people have been oppressed by their government and are now (as we are sometimes allowed to see), rising up.
As BBC tv news this morning call on their correspondents in EU capitals: Jenny Hill in Stockholm and Hugh Scofield in Paris, I’m put vaguely in mind of the hapless Captain of the Titanic getting on the blower and being reassured by his officers in the boiler room and on the lifeboat deck – ‘no, there’s absolutely no need to worry, that big iceberg we just hit was no problem whatsoever!’
BBc Breakfast Serious faces as Stretch Armstrong reports from Sweden about the evil Social Democrats..She ends her report with the phrase “The EU will be watching” Followed by Britions in Paris attacked by a man…But it’s OK because..The man, said to be Afghan, was later arrested. The incident is currently not being treated as a terrorist attack. The sofa sloths obviously
do not tell us details of “A man” you have to look that up. The BBc presenting the full picture.
Ahhh the sloths now telling us “The Man” was an Afghan National.
lol radio 4 gave me a better description of the 30cm knife, than they did the “man”
“Believe in something. Even if
it involves killing Millions.”
Mao’s Socialism … JUST DO IT.
Is the word gormless still used to describe people like Mr Jones?
Islam – Just Do It!
It’s not often that BBC London news gives us a laugh – come to think of it, it’s not often we find among all the campaigning journalism, advocacy research results, community cohesion initiatives and plain and simple agit prop – that they give us any news at all.
Anyway on the eve of 911 (US style dating, remember) as we ponder how our local BBC Trashcanistan local news morning bulletin might mark the event which signalled the opening of our present Age of Islamic Terrorism – if at all, they do bring us a story (probably filched off Twitter) that does deliver a smile – albeit unintentional.
A keen young lad has advertised himself for work with a placard outside a mainline railway terminal. Sadly he’s sent out dozens of CVs to no effect. But bully for him he’s now landed himself a job. Mohammed Something-or-Other was a Libyan refugee and graduate in aerospace engineering.
Gosh, I do wonder what exactly it was that has previously been scuppering his job prosepects?
So now that around 20% of Swedians have voted against their country being used as a third world benefits hostel . With a bit of luck political chaos will prevail for some time until there is another vote and the SD get another 6% or more.
I love The way the far left BBC characterise the SD “with Nazi origins” . Bit like prefixing the BBC with “ the outfit which employed paedophiles like Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris and Jonathan king and Stuart hall and …. and….”.
Just as a reminder for the far-left bbc, they used to employ one Guy Burgess. Now why does that name ring a commie bell?
Spy, traitor, communist, queer.
Great CV, which is why he was hired by the BBC.
The wheel of news rotates and we are back to alcohol. Yes yet again we are being lectured.Oh there is an appt you can count the number of alcohol free days.
Dave – maybe they should aim lower at “ alcohol free mornings”…
Instead of alcohol free days how about BBC talking sofa heads free days. Replace them with the test card or a random film about paint. It would be far more relaxing and save on a lot of people’s sanity, broken TVs and smashed windows.
BBC talking to its own staff, waving some NICE dodgy dossier about being free of alcohol before Islam risks booze on the splatter once they’ve dealt with that thickly throat that you blamed on diesel.
Dear Beeb. Serena Williams is a horrible, bullying ,bad losing, entitled, loud mouthed cheat and not some sort of victim of sexist and racist ( yawn) officialdom who utterly spoilt her young opponents glorious day.
Seem to remember she was going to have a line judge killed a few years back.
Cant remember a time when Martina or Billie-Jean brought their sexual leanings into a dispute with the umpire. Williams may be the best player of her generation, and have the body of a male weight lifter, but she sure as hell doesn’t have any ‘class’, and no amount of money can buy you that.
There doesn’t seem to be any profession or daily dispute where black people do not play the race card at the first opportunity. They are permanently on the offensive, just waiting to pounce on any slight, whether deserved or not.
Are you an employer considering taking a woman back into your workplace environment shortly after her pregnancy? Will she cope with day to day work pressures happily fitting back in and cooperating smoothly with colleagues and customers? Are you a little wary becasue of what you hear about post-natal mental stability, possible disruptive behaviour or perhaps unreasonable demands for special privilages? Might she accuse you of sexism if some dispute should occur?
Stop worrying, ‘cos the BBC have been promoting Serena Williams as a role model.
Will she come back to work for 2 weeks , go on a course you paid for , do a sicky and then go on pregnancy leave costing you thousands . Nice to pay for someone’s private life .
Just Do It!
Week 1: Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans is Lead of BBC Gender Pay Gap.
Week 2: Chris ‘£1.7m’ Evans is Second in the BBC Gender Pay Gap behind Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker with not explination from the BBC how this happened.
Week 3: Chris ‘£1.7m’ Evans says he is leaving the BBC and BBC news don’t report on his Gender Pay Gap?
I hate that advert, and I’m not enamoured with the South Yorkshire Police, either.
2018-09-10 BBC Technology
“How to shake the fakes out of politics”
The BBC interview a spokeman [sic] from “The Transatlantic Commission on Electoral Integrity” TTCOEI.
One Fabrice Pothier. QV.
The TTCOEI, “Backed by” Joe Biden” #2 traitor to transexual Barry. States the BBC.
Also backed by, but not reported by the BBC, so my source is Wikipedia.
Nick Clegg, say no more.
Felipe Calderon, former Mexican president, about whose election Wikipedia states
“Calderón’s victory was confirmed months later on September 5, 2006, by the Federal Electoral Tribunal”.
Plus other serial troughers, see the Wiki article.
If TTCOEI has a website, Bing cannot find it, or at least not on the pages I am prepared to search.
“The Commission is tasked with bolstering the defences of Western democracies against outside interference”
States Wikipedia.
However its authority for this statement is an article in “The Economist” entitled “Countries team up to save the liberal order from Donald Trump”, which tells you its real purpose.
(The only other reference in the Wikipedia article is to the “Alliance of Democracies”, where there is a longer list of culprits).
But BBBC readers will already know this.
“is tasked” indicating that the TTCOEI, has been appointed by some authority, and has had a burden, a responsibility, imposed on its unwilling shoulders. Whereas in fact these are self-appointed activists, with an untrustworthy record of electioneering and a lefty axe to grind. Fake news “investigators” founding statement is fake news!
Fortunately, reports the BBC, the solution may be at hand. Artificial intelligence, in the capable and trustworthy hands of ASI Data Science. Which you may learn about for yourself.
In support of its purported thesis the BBC article concentrates on Mexico and ISIS online propaganda. Which is tedious to read about.
Not a word in this long article, about the countless sins of the BBC, vanguard for millions of lefty lies and bias.
Lies exposed daily, nay hourly, on this, and similar, websites. This BBC article is fake news pretending to be about fake news.
Ending with “Why you can trust BBC News”.
The problem with Artificial Intelligence for Liberals is that they would have to program the politically correct ideology into the system. That would mean that the program would provide solid evidence of a conflict between the logical purpose of Artificial Intelligence, and the liberal left-wing rules implanted into its program. Without this, AI without Political Correctness has already shown a bias towards Blacks, because of the evidence that Blacks are seven times more likely to commit crime. Therefore AI with a Politically Correct program would have to score one for (1×7) for Whites and one for (1×1) for Blacks, but AI being unpredictable, it may then become rather comically Orwellian in its nature.
The start the week thing about the military . Smallest army since whenever -seat on the UN Security Council -why? Blighty has turned into a third world mess – we ve imported the globe and the aristocracy on this BBC programme talks about Blighty wanted global power and influence – which means fighting other people’s wars for no gain to us and instead good men without limbs and grieving families .
What we will really need is a domestic army to defend the resident population from the rubbish the politicians have bought in without our consent .
Not about The Far Left BBC
Yesterday the lesser Hitchin wrote an interesting piece in his mail on line column about why Blighty didn’t win the Second World War – apparently he has a book coming out about it too .
I’m not quite sure what his motivation was apart from making money and stimulating someone like me who is interested in our history .
Sweden election. Not reported by our Far Left, neo-Marxist State Broadcaster. Islam participates in their own form of ‘democracy’ –
Does anyone know when the Tommy Robinson Political retrial is due ? On the web it seems to have been set for last week but unless the Judge has banned reporting – and banned reporting of the ban – as it were – I can’t find the date . If it’s in londonistan I might go along …
I’m prejudging the political trial and saying that when found guilty he will get a 6 months suspended for 2 years to shut him up again .
If he gets off I hope he goes up to report on the Huddersfield 31 alleged Pakistani race based paedo trial .
Can you imagine the coverage if is was all white men going after 12 year of Pakistani girls who haven’t had a touch of the FGM or not already married ?
It was rescheduled for 27th September (assume that’s still the case?).
Thank you – I’m keeping a close eye – as I m sure lots of people around the world are doing too – otherwise the State will bury TR .
Well, it’s a start …
And a good follow-up would be to remove British soldiers from Bosnia – it’s nothing to do with us and we have our own homeland to defend.
I really hope there is a ceremonial flag burning – posted on YouTube . I hope the DoT has stopped issuing car Reg plates with that damn flag on them
European Union – an office in Brussels with a flag and an anthem but no citizens. Time will tell …
Just Do It – EU!

When I was a teenager I read 1984 and laughed – what idiots let this happen to themselves?
Now I’m an adult I am that idiot.
Like you, I read 1984 as a youngster, but I didn’t laugh! When 1984 finally arrived I laughed then, in relief, because I thought it had all been avoided.
Since then I can hardly believe the race to insanity. 🙁
At Sunday School in the 1960’s I was taught to forgive those who hate.
Today children are taught to take revenge on those who hate by reporting them to the Police.
I suppose it could be nice for the Police to arrest those who hate Tories and Jews. But with all those murders in London, I think there is far more serious crime than arresting everyone in the Labour Party for hating Tories and Jews.
Believe in something. Even if it
means sitting below evil art.
Yes that is a photo of the Popes Audience Hall. I challenge everyone to do a little open minded google research on this building. You may find references to what seem like crazy conspiracies, however do not be put off from learning what is going on with this building. When you look at this building in any detail you start to understand that nothing in our way of life is as it seems.
BBC : You are not normal, the BBC will show you what normal is and if you don’t understand then you are a racist and xenophobic.
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
So the BBC put on their sad faces and voices to report the result in Sweden. Yes, the over-funding goliath of a new service seem incapable of following the basics of journalism. Who? What? Where? and most importantly…WHY?
What has happened in Sweden to cause a huge swing to the ‘Far-Right’? Surely it’s bleeding obvious the big story is WHY the shift to the right in what was previously the most liberal society on Earth. Of course, the Beeb have backed themselves into a corner by doing everything possible NOT to report the troubles in Sweden for the last two years. Well, HA, HA, let’s see you explain this one.
in the hour I listened to the radio this morning, I lost count of the number of time the so called BBC said the “far-right” and with “neo-nazi” roots just in case listeners didnt get the message
The BBC (R4) discussions on Sweden are atrocious – as many have pointed out – their headline is always the far right with roots in neo nazi’s..linked to popularism.
I was struck by an interview they had with a Left lady who basically said – the Popularists want to tear down everything (establishments, like courts) that has created stability for hundreds of years…when asked for evidence – didn’t have anything except – look at Poland…
Did she get pushed – no.. just allowed to get a message out via BBC that popularist movements were bad…when in fact they are doing what democracy was set up to do…represent the views of people. What she really meant was they oppose her Left liberal views that have got many Western countries into the mess in the first place…
Well done BBC..more incisive interviews
blair creating and appointing a supreme court , over riding hundreds of years of history would have been a better example than poland trying to get rid of communist era judges methinks
The T UC no longer have any members as we might once have known them. Or even been members?
What they have are conscripts in all public service cartels like councils , health, education and transport. All have to fund Harriet and Stella by force, you’re not asked. Democracy, Soviet – style.
Indoctrination easy as ABC.
A) Plug for diversity no.793,302
B) Richer, deeper, smoother Islam
C) Another Church cock-up. Those crazy Christians!!! Lolz
R4 Comedy at 23:00 ..episode 2 tonight
“Imagine if London’s genteel literary scene had a bit more swag and a (New York black) gangsta’s lean.”
.. total rubbish
it’s worth a 1 minute sketch not a 2 part series
Not sure the words R4 and comedy can go in the same sentence any more.
Bad news for the BBC.
Q2 UK GDP growth 0.6%!!!!!!
BBC Bias by Omission.
This is how the BBC reported Boris Johnson’s comments in his newspaper column:
“”In his weekly column in Monday’s Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson wrote…
“We should say that tax henceforward will not go up. That’s it. No new taxes and no increase in rates,” “”
The BBC refused to mention his further comment that the British economy would soar as the US economy had done under Trump.
Here is Sky’s report on the same newspaper column:
“”Boris Johnson proposes Trump-style tax cuts to boost UK economy””
“”Boris Johnson has suggested the UK employ Donald Trump-style tax cuts in a bid to catch up with the economic growth being enjoyed in the US.””
“”In a reference to the policies of President Trump, Mr Johnson said: “The US currently boasts economic growth rates far in excess of this country, at about 4.5%, and with record low unemployment.””
As mentioned many times before on here, the BBC cannot and will not find anything positive to say about Trump.
Note to BBC: Not telling the truth is as bad as telling a lie.
Swedish election numbers
1st 1.7 million
2nd 1.2,million
SD 1.1 million
300 000 increase on 2014 election .
How dare those far-right Swedes seek to curb the numbers of welfare-dependant, grenade-throwing, car-torching, women-abusing, child-molesting migrants.
Surely you mean vulnerable children, doctors and engineers.
I stand corrected.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
Dear Anna Soubry,
This happened on our watch, what do you say?
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Yours sincerely,
East Yorkshire Sunday School in the 1960’s “Forgive those who Hate“
South Yorkshire Police in 2018 ”Hate will not be tolerated”. South Yorkshire Police Officers “Hate those who Hate” therefore report the South Yorkshire Police to #HateHurtsSY.
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 7th September 2018. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.
The reference number for your request is RFI20181703.
Kind regards,
Information Rights
BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
“I see that Tony Blair is all over the BBC news again. Can you tell me : 1) How much Tony Blair is paid when appearing on a BBC TV show and BBC Radio Show? 2) How much Tony Blair has been paid overall by the BBC this year and in total? I asked you previously how much it has cost the BBC TV Tax Payer to send Alan Carr and Mel from Radio 2 to Orlando but you said it was commercially sensitive information, so I assume you will use the same excuse this time or maybe the excuse Tony Blair gave in 2009 expenses scandal where he shredded his expenses to save the tax payer from storing them on a shelve.”
Managed approx 4 minutes of BBC breakfast earlier. Turned on TV to Sally ” wobbly head” Nugent reporting on the BBC darling Serena ” i am a mum you know” williams. According to the BBC, saint Serena has done absolutely NOTHING wrong. Not cheated as her coach admitted, not had a hissy fit and smashed her racket and not called the umpire a thief and generally not been a bad loser .. NO … the BBC have put all this on the back burner and filed the case firmly under the banner of SEXISM …. Good old BBC. Cant even see whats what right in front of them and the world. Darling Serena. new mum , black athlete and utterly untouchable !! Sexism … my arse !! Luckily Annabelle Croft was linked onto GMB talking sense. Funny how when the BEEB like someone, they love em and when they dislike them, they really hate them
BBC news telling us that ‘unexpected’ economic growth in the UK was in part due to the unually hot summer. So can we tone down a little the panic over global warming?
Meanwhile the TUC are predicting so much future economic growth here in the UK that we could all pay ourselves more and downsize to a four day week. So could we stop fretting quite so much about the impending diaster of leaving the EU?
why do we need more workers then??
Good point Kaiser.
If the T.U.C say that a 4 Day week is needed because there won’t be enough work to go around, then why are they so keen to import loads more migrants?
Any chance of O’Grady explaining THAT away? Or ever being asked to square her mental windmills in her bonce?
Off topic, but will resonate with many here, I think.
Fortunately, the hate police are getting a good kicking in the comments. Do they never read these and wonder if perhaps it is they who are wrong?
please please explain to me what is a hate crime and what is non-crime hate and what the police intend to do with non-crimes
“….what the police intend to do with non-crimes”. Thats a real ‘1984’ type question. For a ‘non-crime’ to be a crime will require legislation to make the non-crime illegal. I’m sure the despots in the Home Office can come up with something after all, they managed ‘hate speech’, a non-crime is only one-step away. I hope I have’nt given anyone in the Home Office any ideas…………..
The current Home Office definition of HC is any criminal offence “which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic.”
Bad enough, but this piece of research from Nottingham Trent University from earlier this year is particularly troubling: “Misogyny hate crime is understood as ‘incidents against women that are motivated by the attitude of men towards women and includes behaviour targeted at women by men simply because they are women’. (Their work is funded by Nottinghamshire Police and the Crime Commissioner.)
Notice the shift? Now simply an ‘attitude’ is enough — unspecified motivation.
Watch as this kind of definition creep spreads like knotweed.
It is a vague catch-all. Perfect for the inept, venal or both.
I looked up our ‘service’.
It includes mostly wibble but then a rather oddly specific crime of tipping rubbish into a garden.
It also has ‘a quick exit’ tab. Which, like the rest of the site, is useless.
Guest it might be a browser issue your side — just tried that tab and it links straight to… er… the BBC home page.
Probably not the quick exit you’d be looking for under any circumstances.
I would have thought ‘hate’ is an entirely natural human characteristic, albeit undesireable.
‘Hurtsy’ sounds like their version of bbc ‘truthiness’.
My attitude to the police has shifted over the last 20 odd years.
It went from :
An essential and admirable force to keep law and order.
An essential service which is worryingly absent from the streets to deter crime.
A group to whom I contribute Council Tax that are really quite bad at clearing up and containing crime.
A politicised group that really isn’t on my side and best avoided unless absolutely necessary, where there’s little point in reporting assaults, burglaries or anti-social behaviour.
A sinister Common Purpose-led bunch of latter-day social workers in blue, who pretty much have given up their core role, preferring to sit on their arses and whine about Hate Speech, in between bouts of prancing about at Notting Hill Carnival.
I pretty much hate the police!
I think ‘hate’ is too strong a word ‘ indifference’ might be better …they did themselves no favours by becoming scared of enforcing the law in case it upset an imported ‘community’ but had no problem going after while people for saying things they don’t like and trivial nonsense involving ‘causing offence ‘.
Those taking on real terrorists -and hopefully shooting them – deserve all the support in the world but ‘cohesion officers’ and ‘hate crime ‘units – – or harassing those engaged in free speech -forget it .
Funny that they waste money on encouraging reporting of some ‘crime ‘ on one hand then moaning about lack of resources . They found the resources to carry out historic sex abuse allegations and even going after dead people . Crazy ..
The chief Constable of South Yorkshire – one Steven Watson must be so much with the snowflake community that he must want a peerage or knighthood to approve such nonsense .
Fortunately -he is a ‘he’ and hideously white which must clip his career wings when competing against the sistas and the ‘mo’s and others on colour …
That poster is almost as stupid as police men painting their nails with the rainbow nonsense .
I find that tweet deeply offensive. Should the Police lock themselves up to please me? This is all Alice in Wonderland stuff.
They should be reported for non attendance of “hate” crimes being committed against all the young white girls in their jurisdiction.
South Yorkshire police are an embarrassment, and have become more of a joke in the past few years.