Al Beeb reports “No-deal Brexit would hit UK economy, says IMF”
I don’t remember any post 1975 Referendum campaign by Al Beeb lasting over two years trying to brainwash the people to have a second vote? What’s changed ?
Al Beeb …………………..
“Unilever relocation plan rejected by major shareholder”
“Some have speculated Unilever is making the move because of Brexit – claims the firm denies.”
Note the anonymous Al Beeb…… “Some”.
Go on the offensive Brexiteers ! Refuse to purchase the products of those companies that threaten us with Project Fear. They will soon get the message .
Renember the “Brexit impact” back in 2016 ?…………….
Brexit offensive !
Boycott the Telly Tax – the more the merrier. There are alternatives.
Al Beeb has proved it supports remaining in the EU. It is against democracy and the interests of GB .
Spot on! We are not a happy Country. This comes through lack of control and politicians not implementing the will of the people. You don’t have to be rich to be happy. BREXIT for me means longer term happiness as UK plc. This in turn will help social and economic productivity. The BBC focus on economics – full stop!
I think most of us leavers are just shocked at what we are witnessing. The complete breakdown in the rule of law. The realisation that England is on the way out, the fantastic achievements of the enlightment and the industrial revolution will be for naught. Make no mistake. The barbarian Muslims will return the England to the 7th Century. It’s sad having to watch it happen in slow motion. The only consolation I have is that I have no children. I don’t think I could bear it if I had. They are spectacularly unaware of the dismal fate that awaits them.
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc have reported on this case involving Often and their threatening behaviour towards to employees who reported certain matters to their managers concerning smart meters and other climate related scams?
Ofgem’s behaviour, or rather the behaviour of the organisation’s management is disgraceful. But the costs of these programmes; running into many £billions; is staggering. And a complete waste of our money and no one has ever asked our permission if that’s how we want our money to be spent.
These are the matters the far-left bbc should be investigating and exposing. If they were a normal, enquiring news organisation. But they’re not, are they?
Brits/Westerners should be very worried about this – a blatant attempt to repress peaceful public protest, on the lie that it is ‘anti-Muslim’. Let’s see how free expression is in the west – the MSM are doubling down in favour of their favourite minority (paymasters?).
The Londonistan Evening Standard -an off shoot of the guardian and owned by a rooski, edited by a failed Tory remainer – is just full of remainer venom tonight – the desperation and poison really is evident now – they’ll try anything to get a meaningless agreement through or a complete cancellation of Brexit .
Luckily as far as remain/ leave Londonistan is full of remain snowflakes so that rags’ influence is meaningless .
Every day that passes gets us nearer to the proper WTO brexit ….
They never think things through. Our progressives I mean.
By obstructing an orderly brexit and encouraging elements in the EU to behave in an overtly hostile manner there is going to be a legacy of bitterness both in this country and with the remaining 27 of the EU.
This will weaken Europe as a whole for we are an important and powerful part of it. it will encourage separatism in the Uk and also further conflict between the generations and the urbanised elites and the rest of us.
Our ruling elites surely know this so I assume this is what they are working towards.
Might not end the way they want it to though.
Omg – this Richard chap is actually suggesting that the BbC is pro brexit????!!!???
Some people as so far removed from the argument and in denial that the referendum happened and is enshrined in UK law that they tout stopbrexit as a real option and say the BBC is not promoting it as a option (which it isn’t but the BBC often do promote as an option alongside a second refurendum, etc)
I think Bbc can be credibly accused of bias in this regard and odd that those stop brexit people dont think they go far enough. Perhaps bbC should stop promoting brexit as an option (deal or none) and only report on the stop brexit and new referendum non-options?
LBC’s breakfast time entertainer, Nick Ferrari, has already mentioned Mr Batten and the Democratic Football Lads Alliance and the contempt in his voice was palpable. He literally spat out Mr Batten’s name.
So it’s the same old tactic, if someone cannot be ignored then do everything to destroy their reputation. I just hope enough people are wise to this by now and the likes of Mr Ferrari are brought down in flames.
No doubt Mr Batten will be made an unperson by LBC, like Tommy Robinson.
This was a joint Justice for the Women and Children/DFLA march protesting peacefully against the authorities’ lack of action against, and appeasement of, the RoPers.
Here is AMW’s excellent speech on the day.
Historical abuse at Scottish children’s home which closed in 1982
“hundreds of rapes”
Same old story : seems police sat on their hands and waited for main culprits to dies off
BBC Scotland’s Disclosure prog is claiming an exclusive, but why have they been sitting around ? the home closed in 1982
Newsnight sort of mentions allegations, and ‘could’…
Have President Trump's efforts to nominate the right wing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court hit the skids after allegations of sexual assault in the 1980s? James Clayton reports on revelations that could shift the balance of power in America.@JamesClayton5 |
No reputable news organisation would touch this story with a bargepole if it had any sense.
But this is the BBC.
The FBI won’t even touch it.
Politically motivated .
Today, A Dame of the British Empire (DBE), and therefore a very trustworthy person indeed, credibly accused Lord Hall of rape. Scotland Yard have confirmed that officers were investigating the rape. “We are investigating the rape“, said a very trustworthy police officer. Officer Bobby Plod also said “we speculate that the consensus is that we take it for granted that we believe that the assumption that Lord Hall is guilty, is true”. The IPCC also say that its “very likely”
This joke came from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), not the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
He’s not forced to compete. He simply chooses to try to do so.
As a publicly funded entity, Al Beeb’s mission shouldn’t be to compete with commercial broadcasters; it should be to correct market failure by filling in where commercial broadcasters (and other media including social media) leave gaps, of which there ain’t really all that many.
Good advice from US Ambassador Woody Johnson “No matter what form Brexit takes, it will be good. I’d like to tell the British people to have confidence: have faith in your own abilities, your own culture, your own environment, your language and laws.”
Al Beeb reports that “Jaguar workers put on three-day week until Christmas”!
Because of Brexit? Why until Christmas ?
Why aren’t any German car companies laying off their workers because of Brexit? They have far more to loose because they sell far more cars to us.
Time to go on the offensive Brexiteers ! Get posting and call Al Beeb out.
It’s all to do with the Government declaring war on Diesel vehicles, causing excess unsold stock. Internally, Brexit does not get a mention at all. Unerringly, EU directives are behind the Government’s actions.
2018-09-17 Guardian Opinion.
Part 1 of 3 (Because of her my newt intellect and attention span).
“Editors have normalised hate, from Rod Liddle to Katie Hopkins”
Suzanne Moore
Apologies, my destruction of the Moore argument would have appeared here, if there was an argument, which there was not. 100% lefty hate effort though.
(Suzanne Moore “Has written for Marxism Today” Wikipedia, QED)
Hence she cannot maintain coherence for a whole Guardian article.
Part 2 of 3, required because of my newt.
“Classy Cerys Matthews has the common touch”
This, in case you have forgotten, and why not, is the posh bint with the silver spoon, determined to leave the silver spoon behind and play only authentically rubbish, pop music rubbish. A very nice sinecure, at the deep end of the, taxpayer funded, trough. Accompanied by her silver spoon.
Summary. A, well documented, hating, female lefty fraud, promotes the next generation of female lefty frauds.
Part 3 of 3, the great crested, finale.
“The very liberal, lonely democrats”
Where Gina Miller, on her colourless transparent horse, is riding to the rescue, as the new prospective LD leader.
Helped by some very sexist, racist, homophobic, anti white male comments, from Suze.
Suze the myopic, a real sexist racist homo hater, who is unaware that she is displaying the traits, which she claims to find in others.
0/10 for instrospection.
Suze, I am here to help, the reason your articles are ridiculed, with ease BTL, is because you are in the wrong job.
Big Issue, is where you belong, you might sell one, a year.
Apologies to amphibians for the newtism.
Nonsense, do not read it.
This morning on BBC Brexit, er, sorry I mean BBC Breakfast (not that our national broadcaster isn’t obsessed and desperately trying to frame public opinion prior to any final agreement or not) so our Steph meets Polish people in both Coventry and Warsaw (that’s Warsaw not Walsall – well come on, where’s the travel expenses fun in confining yourself to the Midlands?)
We get oddly mixed messages. On the one hand we’re told some Poles are going back home. One senses it’s just a trickle. On the other hand we’re told their kids are now British.
Naturally the BBC went fishing for post-Referendum hate in Coventry (brace yourselves) “One man came into our restuarant and said we were in England and should be speaking English”. Blimey. Makes you shudder, doesn’t it. And these Jews think they got it bad at Auschwitz (that’s in Poland). Anyway our Steph asks her Polish interviewees how that made them feel (years of journalism school there, eh?) She answers her own question (years of BBC work there) (well, I guess the BBC was pressed for time) “That must make you feel unappreciated” (I think that’s the word our Steph interposed).
Really BBC, if you are going to vox pop the Polish community then do let them speak for themselves without your prompting.
And we end the item on the most bizarre note of all. Our Steph tells us “Some are not sure about going back now that Poland has a new Right Wing Government”
By the way, that’s a government we’ve just been told has a booming economy and is offering Polish people extra family benefits for returning to their own homeland. Which is a bad thing – right?
….and then on the wireless I wake up to hear a man pleasuring himself . The man is James ‘jim’ naughtie fully engorged at the thought of some democrat in Texas who might beat Toms’ older brother Ted Cruz.
The desperation of horrors like naughtie praying for the midterms to hurt President Trump mirror the armies of remainer Beeboids – not praying as they are Godless – but ranting for a non brexit
Can we just fast forward through the next few months and wake up with all those bloody ReichEU flags removed and burnt .
Remember last week the Dalai Lama said, during a visit to Sweeden i think, that migrants should return to their homeland to help build their home country – BBC didn’t report on that.
And anyway, is the UK supposes to be a home for citizens of UK states that have or will vote in a conservative government – we would be overrun….
AISI I enjoyed that write-up. It sums up so much of their output; no coherency, no desire to actually investigate, just happy to lurch from one angsty snippet to the next.
Like ‘crisis’… ‘toxic’… ‘backlash’… words you see again and again used by the progressive media. They don’t clarify anything but do keep the pot of confusion nicely simmering.
And to warm the heart on a windy day – the Emmys – if considered to be of value – had no mention of the al Beeb . Netflix HBO and amazon produce intelligent imaginative relevant programmes which avoid that bloody snowflake diversity box ticking so loved of the failing far left BBC – with a couple of over rated Jed Murcurio jobs .
This afternoon they are getting Vincent cable out of his coffin and getting him to spout anti brexit crap to the hoards of liberal supporters at their party conference – being held in a bus shelter in Brighton .
The high spot will be the use of the term “ an erotic spasm “ with reference of wto brexiteers like me .
I’m sure it’s been many years since the old boy had one of those .
Humph had a nice chat with him on Toady being very gentle because of mr Cable’s frailty . Vincent sounded like he was looking forward to a nice cup of tea and digestive biscuit or wagon wheel before getting back in his box.
He calls himself centrist, but he is in reality an extremist. His views on the EU and Britain’s subordination to it are completely extreme.
As for your analogy of him having a digestive before getting back in his coffin, I would have thought a bucket of blood would be more to his taste. And while we’re at it doesn’t Hammond look like he may have vampiric leanings also.
Just looking at the lovely photos of Meghan helping the Grenfell victims at the “Al-Manaar Muslim cultural centre” in West London. I guess this is funded by the taxpayer and exclusively for Muslims?
I wonder how many Muslim cultural centres we are funding throughout Britain.
Meeshaalll did a 5th form interview with the leader of the awful SNP which wants independent immigration law sc- so it can let the world inthrough Glasgow airport before turning south to come to Londonistan.
but oddly the scottish people themselves are not keen on the idea, funny isnt it how all the british people have been against mass immigration for decades and yet no matter which party they turn to the immigrants still come
Yes, that should work. I have relatives all over the place. Glasgow hates Edinburgh, Edinburgh hates Glasgow, and Highlanders hate both of them. Then all three of them hate England.
Then there’s the Old Firm thing.
None of them have even heard of Wales, parts of which are much nicer in my opinion.
And in a flanking move, Anthony. Is Jon bringing up the rear?
The San Jose Mercury News, with a look at the life Christine Blasey Ford lives in Northern California – a life she worries will be turned upside-down in the coming days.
Quite an achievement to have to trawl all the way back to 35 years ago to find an alleged transession rendering a candidate for the supreme American court unqualified .
Taking the old biblical line about ‘sin and throwing the first stone’ a bit far methinks
I must thank the BBC for letting me know that the Supply Chain systems and Customs clearance technologies and process I worked with 30 years ago are a figment of my imagination. World trade using paperless systems and global supply chains did not happen and we all lived in caves not travelling more than 4 miles at any one time. As I have said before if you don’t think the technologies exist go visit an international freight forwarder for a day.
The larger lesson of the past 2 yrs is the left will not abide losing power, even temporarily. For liberals, political power is personal power. W/out it, they’re exposed & terrified. Some become vicious. They believe they’re meant to run this country, our government & our culture
I guess our Far Left Marxist State Broadcaster’s efforts to answer, “questions on Brexit” will be overseen and vetted by their answer to ‘fake news’ team hilariously called, “Reality Check”?
If not, why not?
Sky News was the only news organisation at the demonstration, where three people were arrested, including one protester who swung a Union flag at a police officer on horseback
Nick Ferrari on LBC attempted a hatchet job based on that story this morning, bringing in the so-called journalist for a friendly chat.
He then had a spokesman from the Democratic Football Lads, or whatever they were calling themselves this morning. Sadly, he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, or perhaps it’s fairer to say he’s clearly had no media training. In any event, he missed a few open goals though with Mr F interrupting his every attempt to make his point and turning off his microphone, he was always fighting a losing battle. One good blow he landed was when Mr F was reading out all the vile comments on their “website”, which was actually a Facebook page as the spokesman pointed out. The spokesman asked what the web address of this page was, which Nick pretended not to understand but pressed again until he got his answer. “That’s not our Facebook page”, said the spokesman. That might have silenced better men than Nick Ferrari but fortunately he was up to the job. They were still guilty by association.
Next up was someone from one of the “anti hate” mob. You know, the ones who shout how much they hate anyone that disagrees with them. Not only was the tone of the interview quite different, but the interviewee’s delivery. Clearly she was media-coached, showing the benefit of Soros’s millions.
Fortunately, we had on a few callers who attempted to put Mr F right. Actually, it wasn’t an anti-Muslim march, it was in support of all rape victims. Nick was unbowed, denying he had said it was anti-Muslim. Yes, he had, when introducing the journalist and his article because, as you can see above, that’s what it says. Nick’s tactic as ever was just to ignore this annoying little fact and plough on with his agenda.
I don’t know what this group is really like or what actually happened in order to call judgement. But I do know a hatchet job when I hear it and, luckily, so did several others.
The survey of 1,686 adult internet users finds that 79% have concerns about aspects of going online, and 45% have experienced some form of online harm.
Forty-five percent? Really? I’ve been visting the internet from the dial-up modem days and I can’t say I have ever experienced ‘online harm’.
(Well there was the time that I found an image of Tony Blair in my browser’s cache [not requested] and the time Maxi twisted what I wrote, does that count?)
So the older an accusation is, the more the police must investigate, and the more it must be publicised by the “free” press.
If the police do not find any evidence, the accused is guilty. Then the guilt must must be publicised by the “free” press forever.
I believe that these accusations, made decades after the events did not occur, by exclusively hard left females, against any man who might inconvenience the hard left, should result in these harridans wearing clothes with arrows for several years.
Meanwhile, the same, “free” press, displays total collective amnesia concerning the greatest number of actual sex crimes in recorded history.
R4 gave a 10 min glowing party political broadcast on behalf of *Beto O’Rourke this morning. He’s the Democrat fighting the Texas senate against Ted Cruz. The left-wing media in the States is getting excited because the polls are narrowing, so naturally the ‘impartial’ BBC follows the narrative. He is the positive vision for the future of the Democrat party against the negativity of Trump etc.
This BBC foreign interference in American politics is bad enough given that we are forced to pay for it in return for a promise about impartiality, but it’s the third Democrat politician that I have heard the R4 give spin for in as many weeks. I have not heard any similar spin for any Trump supporting Republican.
* His real name is Robert Francis O’Rourke, and he is of Irish descent, but I guess adopting the name “Roberto” or “Beto” helps if you want to be a politician in El Paso. Also, in 1998 he was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI), he nearly killed somebody and tried to flee the scene when caught, but the charges were later dismissed after he completed a court-recommended DWI program. I guess if you are a Democrat previous mistakes are to be forgiven and you are brave to overcome them, you are a survivor.
Go and find out ( and then show ) the movement of goods and people in the Benelux countries in the eighties . When trucks were on T forms .
This was a period before the single market .
(As an aside , Belgium and Luxembourg shared a currency since 1924 , which I shouldn’t mention as it beats the EUro ) .
Then show us what happened when the Commie Bloc and the Soviet Union disintegrated , as there was still trade going on .
My point being , frictionless borders can be attained if both parties have the will .
Nige on the bbc has triggered the potty mouth set.
Nigel Farage on #r4today once again spouting his usual crap about immigration causing problems in the NHS & housing.
12.5% of NHS staff are non-British. 28% of building workers in London are from other EU countries. Stop exploiting foreign nationals to excuse government failure.
Strange that Lammy thinks he is british. Maybe he’d do better doing a milliband and go off to America , take a shed load of charity cash and tell us how to do things from there . If he flies BA to JFK the bike we bought him only costs £50 in the hold…
Hmmm. Where I am, it looks like only about 12.5% of the NHS patients are British. But it is true that the NHS would be severely impacted without immigrants – most of the hospitals in London and Birmingham would have to close down due to the lack of patients.
How will Brexit affect your wallet? Personal finance correspondent Simon Gompertz & finance expert Jasmine Birtles will be on BBC News Channel at 1130 BST. Text your questions to 61124, email or tweet using the hashtag #BBCAskThis
You can tell the world that you now are now a lamp-post and bring light to everyone’s lives but you cannot change your sex/gender/? by taking pills and/or surgery. Allowing and encouraging schoolboys to do so is child abuse of the highest order.
“….The BBC wants the break up of Britain, it hates the power a united [white] Britain …”
“The BBC wants the break up of Britain, it hates …….a…..[white] Britain…”. There, I’m happy with that.
It’s a good thing fewer people listen to the BBC..otherwise they would think that Brexit was a bad thing…Has anyone heard a single positive comment about the opportunities that Brexit could present..I haven’t
Balanced is not in BBC dictionary…
An intellgent (?) remainer friend – that knew everything that was going to happen after Brexi -seriously argued that we can do trade deals now with America if we wanted..he had no idea about the EU being in charge…and they call us Brexiteers dumb…he’s still a friend..just knows a bit more now..
I will back the people’s decision on the EU Referendum.
I quit
After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.
{Theresa May 2012}
Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK
{Theresa May 2018}
Borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians
{Juncker 2016}
We will have a new 100,000 Border Force.
{Juncker 2018}
Soros control remains high in Europe. We all know what this Untied Kingdom needs to do to rid itself of those that follow the teachings of Islam-an ideology so absolutely alien to our culture and to our ways. We are being strangled by those that would see us fall.
We will continue with our freedoms … please walk this side of the barrier … they will not change us … please take your belt and shoes off …. we will not surrender … remember to RUN|HIDE|TELL and not tackle the enemy … we shall be better than them …
Dear BBC .. when Andrew Marr and Laura Kurensburg speak on TV are they speaking as actors in a BBC Drama BodyGuard or are they speaking in the real world? You have really fucked this up.
A report brought out in 2016 stated that the trust in British Policticians was dropping rapidly-no surprise there I hear you say-however the results of the report are quite shocking-Just 5% of voters like the quality of our political parties and just 3% like how peers are selected to be members of the House of Lords, likewise, just 3% for the quality of British MP’s. An astonishing 62% of people agree that “politicians tell lies all the time – you can’t believe a word they say”. This extensive report, with an update from political attitudes dating back to the sixties was completed just three years ago. What all this indicates is that the reputation of Britain’s political system, its very legitimacy, democracy itself, is at risk because politicians continue to abuse the system whilst adopting little in the way of ethics and professionalism. Think we can all agree on that as we are seeing and hearing what the PM is advocating much against the real wishes of us all.
The Daily Politics was never good when Coburn was solely in charge but this new dumbed down panel version is truly awful. No wonder the BBC are so pleased with themselves . The left and remainer bias in the panels is very clear . The debate is shouty and the benefits of a more in depth one on one interview by Andrew Neil are now entirely lost.
Hilarious..WATO..BBC Sarah ? gets Professor on and says ‘ so your extensive report says that immigration has been a huge success’
Professor ‘ no that isn’t what we found, we shouldn’t overstate the has actually been pretty modest.”
BBC interviewers ..errr errr, well lets…and clearly stymied..She carried on trying to push positives…despite Prof being completely honest and summed it up – the greatest beneficiaries have been the Immigrants themselves…
They won’t get a good headline from this interview….well they probably will by distorting the discussion .Who is this Sarah? She sounds like a pompous idiot Remainer
Please have a bit of respect for our Sarah – otherwise known as Lady Brooke . She didn’t have a very good World at one at all – a programme I seldom listen too because it’s either her or that self important fat bloke .
Later in the programme she interviewed a couple of yanks about President Trumps ‘ tariffs on China – which he promised as a candidate for the job and is actually delivering without the customary swamp dilution . God if only was our PM – the ReichEU would be paying us £49 billion to leave …
Anyway – some say R4 doesn’t do comedy any more but the yank from some trade outfit gave lady Brooke a lesson in American employment increases as a result of repatriation of American jobs . Poor Sarah was flomoxed as was the production team shouting questions in her ear .
A definite Trump 1 al beeb 0. Priceless .
I did Iike the summary that ReichEU guest workers are more trouble than they are worth ( I know I might be doing a very harsh generalisation ) but I’d like my country back instead of being a home for guest workers . And if stuff rots in the fields tough – get a robot to do it – it’s business.
The BBC’s latest anti Brexit campaign is nominally about there being 6 months to go. But instead of accepting that we are leaving and having a debate about how best to cash in on the opportunities, all we get is the same old lies- immigration is good and should be unfettered, there has been no detrimental effect on British workers, WTO would be a disaster, every word of Carney and Hammond is holy writ, much publicity for a second referendum in the hope it will reverse the first. Even the superior, arrogant Clegg is getting much airtime.
I think we need to start making it clear we won’t abide by a second referendum. Remainers haven’t, so why should we?
That is the inexorable logic of their stance, and they seem too lacking in imagination to see where this all leads. We see exactly the same in the USA, so clearly it’s being coordinated somewhere.
I’ll just leave this Katty Kay retweet here to marinate.
That’s correct. That is the state of journalism today. Katty infers that we should believe her due to the fact she possesses a vagina, whilst his ownership of a penis renders him guilty.
Kaiser – ha ha priceless -I think the 8th goal Willian scored should have been disallowed as she / he was clearly offside ( I know girls can’t do the offside rule – dear creatures ) Why is he / she playing for a girly soccer moms team?
Have I committed one of those on line bad word offences the girlies in the socialist party want so much …?
Fedup I think it might have been a World Afro day thing — he’s probably just doing some promo work.
You WILL learn to embrace women’s football. I would too, but I can’t tell the line between embracing and fondling so it’s best for all parties that I don’t start.
A Russian spy planes gets shot down by Syrians using Russian weapons and Israel gets the blame for not playing fairly . Russians are fairly good a pumping out brutality so nice to see a bit of self delivered variety .
headline : Big Rise in Childlike calls 3,878 “counselling sessions”
That 3,878 number ….. is it misleading ?
“counselling sessions” dosn’t tell us the number of victims nor magnitude
eg is it one kid getting a hurty tweet & having 20 sessions about it ?
is a rise in calls a sign of more PR or an actual threats ?
2:15pm R4 Drama yesterday was about kebab shop owner Ali.
Today it’s a ” A heart warming romantic comedy set on the Curry Mile in Manchester.”
I stumbled out of The Clarence on curry mile in Rusholme nearly 30 years ago, smack bang into a Wilmslow Road filled with Pakistani youths celebrating Ramadan by chanting ‘Whites Out’ at the assembled riot police and dogs.
Not much romantic or funny about that, but then again that was in 1992, I’m sure diversity and cultural enrichment have improved things no end by now.
the Bodyguard is supposed to be the BBC’s biggest hit in years
Peak was 8.3m viewers.
So out of 65.64m , 57m didn’t watch
ie 87% of UK population didn’t watch the bodyguard
“Heartwarming comedy about an Asian matchmaker. I don’t think the BBC realises the hate it is creating amongst it’s listeners and viewers by forcing them to accept the PC crap. I hate having to pay for this shite through my tv license, I hate the sound of Asian and African voices now on BBC channels and I really am glad I voted for Brexit.
Lord Hall is so out of touch he’s only just realised that the BBC is too London-centric
..and has only just coming up with the idea of moving bits from London.
\\ The BBC will “do more for Britain” by shifting staff and resources outside London, its Director General will say.
Lord Tony Hall will also outline the BBC’s democratic duty as an “upholder of truth” in a world of dubious online news.
He will address the challenges facing the BBC and public broadcasting in a speech to the Royal Television Society on Tuesday. //
Stew -I thought moving stuff to Salford was meant to be the out of Londonistan solution … but I guess it’s on the mainline back to London so no real changes. Move staff to stoke or hull or Penzance or Wolverhampton or better still sell the Beeb to amazon
their not really in salford per-say they work out of media city nicely isolated in trafford park and they all live in chorlton so its much like being in london for them
I’d rather they didn’t move to my home town, if you don’t mind. –
not that any of them could find it on a map anyway, Wolverhampton being so far north of St John’s Wood an’all…
Mind you, if they did move there, the streets might just flow with “rivers of blood” after all. Wulfrunians have a low tolerance for fools, and many parts of the town have been ‘enriched’ enough already.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Al Beeb reports “No-deal Brexit would hit UK economy, says IMF”
I don’t remember any post 1975 Referendum campaign by Al Beeb lasting over two years trying to brainwash the people to have a second vote? What’s changed ?
Al Beeb …………………..
“Unilever relocation plan rejected by major shareholder”
“Some have speculated Unilever is making the move because of Brexit – claims the firm denies.”
Note the anonymous Al Beeb…… “Some”.
Go on the offensive Brexiteers ! Refuse to purchase the products of those companies that threaten us with Project Fear. They will soon get the message .
Renember the “Brexit impact” back in 2016 ?…………….
Luckily for the bbc, they appear uniquely exempted from accountability.
Brexit offensive !
Boycott the Telly Tax – the more the merrier. There are alternatives.
Al Beeb has proved it supports remaining in the EU. It is against democracy and the interests of GB .
Spot on! We are not a happy Country. This comes through lack of control and politicians not implementing the will of the people. You don’t have to be rich to be happy. BREXIT for me means longer term happiness as UK plc. This in turn will help social and economic productivity. The BBC focus on economics – full stop!
Welcome !
Al Beeb doesn’t know anything about economics. It gets a guaranteed income every year.
It robs from the poor to give to the rich.
I think most of us leavers are just shocked at what we are witnessing. The complete breakdown in the rule of law. The realisation that England is on the way out, the fantastic achievements of the enlightment and the industrial revolution will be for naught. Make no mistake. The barbarian Muslims will return the England to the 7th Century. It’s sad having to watch it happen in slow motion. The only consolation I have is that I have no children. I don’t think I could bear it if I had. They are spectacularly unaware of the dismal fate that awaits them.
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc have reported on this case involving Often and their threatening behaviour towards to employees who reported certain matters to their managers concerning smart meters and other climate related scams?
Ofgem’s behaviour, or rather the behaviour of the organisation’s management is disgraceful. But the costs of these programmes; running into many £billions; is staggering. And a complete waste of our money and no one has ever asked our permission if that’s how we want our money to be spent.
These are the matters the far-left bbc should be investigating and exposing. If they were a normal, enquiring news organisation. But they’re not, are they?
Not Al Beeb but Al Sky.
and special report (opinion)!!
Brits/Westerners should be very worried about this – a blatant attempt to repress peaceful public protest, on the lie that it is ‘anti-Muslim’. Let’s see how free expression is in the west – the MSM are doubling down in favour of their favourite minority (paymasters?).
The Londonistan Evening Standard -an off shoot of the guardian and owned by a rooski, edited by a failed Tory remainer – is just full of remainer venom tonight – the desperation and poison really is evident now – they’ll try anything to get a meaningless agreement through or a complete cancellation of Brexit .
Luckily as far as remain/ leave Londonistan is full of remain snowflakes so that rags’ influence is meaningless .
Every day that passes gets us nearer to the proper WTO brexit ….
They never think things through. Our progressives I mean.
By obstructing an orderly brexit and encouraging elements in the EU to behave in an overtly hostile manner there is going to be a legacy of bitterness both in this country and with the remaining 27 of the EU.
This will weaken Europe as a whole for we are an important and powerful part of it. it will encourage separatism in the Uk and also further conflict between the generations and the urbanised elites and the rest of us.
Our ruling elites surely know this so I assume this is what they are working towards.
Might not end the way they want it to though.
Defensive much?
Meanwhile, another BBC editor, albeit recently departed, is again catching up with a bloke the bbc has on as often as he tells them to.
Esler and Adonis – the sooty and sweep show – imagine if anyone heckles them …
Nick Robinson as the facilitator
If I remember correctly, Sooty and Sweep were puppets, with someone’s hand up their backsides manipulating them.
Oh yeah, I see what you mean…
Has the bbc ‘analysed’ this yet?
Maybe Countryfile has a reverse ferret Editor?
Omg – this Richard chap is actually suggesting that the BbC is pro brexit????!!!???
Some people as so far removed from the argument and in denial that the referendum happened and is enshrined in UK law that they tout stopbrexit as a real option and say the BBC is not promoting it as a option (which it isn’t but the BBC often do promote as an option alongside a second refurendum, etc)
I think Bbc can be credibly accused of bias in this regard and odd that those stop brexit people dont think they go far enough. Perhaps bbC should stop promoting brexit as an option (deal or none) and only report on the stop brexit and new referendum non-options?
LBC’s breakfast time entertainer, Nick Ferrari, has already mentioned Mr Batten and the Democratic Football Lads Alliance and the contempt in his voice was palpable. He literally spat out Mr Batten’s name.
So it’s the same old tactic, if someone cannot be ignored then do everything to destroy their reputation. I just hope enough people are wise to this by now and the likes of Mr Ferrari are brought down in flames.
No doubt Mr Batten will be made an unperson by LBC, like Tommy Robinson.
This was a joint Justice for the Women and Children/DFLA march protesting peacefully against the authorities’ lack of action against, and appeasement of, the RoPers.
Here is AMW’s excellent speech on the day.
Historical abuse at Scottish children’s home which closed in 1982
“hundreds of rapes”
Same old story : seems police sat on their hands and waited for main culprits to dies off
BBC Scotland’s Disclosure prog is claiming an exclusive, but why have they been sitting around ? the home closed in 1982
The IMF – you know – the one with a corrupt ReichEU leader – Christine legerde – has done a doom and gloom analysis post our WTO brexit .
Luckily the currency bods know how vacuous any of that outfits ‘ predictions are so make it meaningless
The bbc has been getting quite excited about a motor industry ‘expert’ blaming Brexit for uncertainty.
Not sure the Graun is helping much.
Guest Who
Yes, nothing to do with Brexit, its all about diesel.
But no mention on Al Beeb .
You know, I’m beginning to suspect that this might just be a very well organised attack.
“Right, guys, make sure you use the phrase ‘credibly accused’ as much as possible.”
Katty RTing like a Russian broadcaster on steroids yet?
Newsnight sort of mentions allegations, and ‘could’…
No reputable news organisation would touch this story with a bargepole if it had any sense.
But this is the BBC.
The FBI won’t even touch it.
Politically motivated .
To be fair, he never had it.
Today, A Dame of the British Empire (DBE), and therefore a very trustworthy person indeed, credibly accused Lord Hall of rape. Scotland Yard have confirmed that officers were investigating the rape. “We are investigating the rape“, said a very trustworthy police officer. Officer Bobby Plod also said “we speculate that the consensus is that we take it for granted that we believe that the assumption that Lord Hall is guilty, is true”. The IPCC also say that its “very likely”
This joke came from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), not the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
He’s not forced to compete. He simply chooses to try to do so.
As a publicly funded entity, Al Beeb’s mission shouldn’t be to compete with commercial broadcasters; it should be to correct market failure by filling in where commercial broadcasters (and other media including social media) leave gaps, of which there ain’t really all that many.
I do not have to pay for Amazon and Netflix, in order to watch the BBC. Maybe the reverse would placate Lord Hall-Hall?
A QT invite on the way?
And plant Bunny LaRoche in the audience so she can harangue and threaten him.
Al Beeb reports that “Jaguar workers put on three-day week until Christmas”!
Because of Brexit? Why until Christmas ?
Why aren’t any German car companies laying off their workers because of Brexit? They have far more to loose because they sell far more cars to us.
Time to go on the offensive Brexiteers ! Get posting and call Al Beeb out.
That’ll be Jaguar Land Rover, 90% of whose sales are diesel. You’d think the BBC would be delighted at that.
It’s certainly what they’ve been campaigning for.
It’s all to do with the Government declaring war on Diesel vehicles, causing excess unsold stock. Internally, Brexit does not get a mention at all. Unerringly, EU directives are behind the Government’s actions.
2018-09-17 Guardian Opinion.
Part 1 of 3 (Because of her my newt intellect and attention span).
“Editors have normalised hate, from Rod Liddle to Katie Hopkins”
Suzanne Moore
Apologies, my destruction of the Moore argument would have appeared here, if there was an argument, which there was not. 100% lefty hate effort though.
(Suzanne Moore “Has written for Marxism Today” Wikipedia, QED)
Hence she cannot maintain coherence for a whole Guardian article.
Part 2 of 3, required because of my newt.
“Classy Cerys Matthews has the common touch”
This, in case you have forgotten, and why not, is the posh bint with the silver spoon, determined to leave the silver spoon behind and play only authentically rubbish, pop music rubbish. A very nice sinecure, at the deep end of the, taxpayer funded, trough. Accompanied by her silver spoon.
Summary. A, well documented, hating, female lefty fraud, promotes the next generation of female lefty frauds.
Part 3 of 3, the great crested, finale.
“The very liberal, lonely democrats”
Where Gina Miller, on her colourless transparent horse, is riding to the rescue, as the new prospective LD leader.
Helped by some very sexist, racist, homophobic, anti white male comments, from Suze.
Suze the myopic, a real sexist racist homo hater, who is unaware that she is displaying the traits, which she claims to find in others.
0/10 for instrospection.
Suze, I am here to help, the reason your articles are ridiculed, with ease BTL, is because you are in the wrong job.
Big Issue, is where you belong, you might sell one, a year.
Apologies to amphibians for the newtism.
Nonsense, do not read it.
This morning on BBC Brexit, er, sorry I mean BBC Breakfast (not that our national broadcaster isn’t obsessed and desperately trying to frame public opinion prior to any final agreement or not) so our Steph meets Polish people in both Coventry and Warsaw (that’s Warsaw not Walsall – well come on, where’s the travel expenses fun in confining yourself to the Midlands?)
We get oddly mixed messages. On the one hand we’re told some Poles are going back home. One senses it’s just a trickle. On the other hand we’re told their kids are now British.
Naturally the BBC went fishing for post-Referendum hate in Coventry (brace yourselves) “One man came into our restuarant and said we were in England and should be speaking English”. Blimey. Makes you shudder, doesn’t it. And these Jews think they got it bad at Auschwitz (that’s in Poland). Anyway our Steph asks her Polish interviewees how that made them feel (years of journalism school there, eh?) She answers her own question (years of BBC work there) (well, I guess the BBC was pressed for time) “That must make you feel unappreciated” (I think that’s the word our Steph interposed).
Really BBC, if you are going to vox pop the Polish community then do let them speak for themselves without your prompting.
And we end the item on the most bizarre note of all. Our Steph tells us “Some are not sure about going back now that Poland has a new Right Wing Government”
By the way, that’s a government we’ve just been told has a booming economy and is offering Polish people extra family benefits for returning to their own homeland. Which is a bad thing – right?
….and then on the wireless I wake up to hear a man pleasuring himself . The man is James ‘jim’ naughtie fully engorged at the thought of some democrat in Texas who might beat Toms’ older brother Ted Cruz.
The desperation of horrors like naughtie praying for the midterms to hurt President Trump mirror the armies of remainer Beeboids – not praying as they are Godless – but ranting for a non brexit
Can we just fast forward through the next few months and wake up with all those bloody ReichEU flags removed and burnt .
Remember last week the Dalai Lama said, during a visit to Sweeden i think, that migrants should return to their homeland to help build their home country – BBC didn’t report on that.
And anyway, is the UK supposes to be a home for citizens of UK states that have or will vote in a conservative government – we would be overrun….
AISI I enjoyed that write-up. It sums up so much of their output; no coherency, no desire to actually investigate, just happy to lurch from one angsty snippet to the next.
Like ‘crisis’… ‘toxic’… ‘backlash’… words you see again and again used by the progressive media. They don’t clarify anything but do keep the pot of confusion nicely simmering.
‘crisis’… ‘toxic’… ‘backlash’… Well the left (and the BBC) are in ‘crisis’. Their ideology is ‘toxic’ to democracy and the ‘backlash’ is Brexit.
And to warm the heart on a windy day – the Emmys – if considered to be of value – had no mention of the al Beeb . Netflix HBO and amazon produce intelligent imaginative relevant programmes which avoid that bloody snowflake diversity box ticking so loved of the failing far left BBC – with a couple of over rated Jed Murcurio jobs .
This afternoon they are getting Vincent cable out of his coffin and getting him to spout anti brexit crap to the hoards of liberal supporters at their party conference – being held in a bus shelter in Brighton .
The high spot will be the use of the term “ an erotic spasm “ with reference of wto brexiteers like me .
I’m sure it’s been many years since the old boy had one of those .
Humph had a nice chat with him on Toady being very gentle because of mr Cable’s frailty . Vincent sounded like he was looking forward to a nice cup of tea and digestive biscuit or wagon wheel before getting back in his box.
He calls himself centrist, but he is in reality an extremist. His views on the EU and Britain’s subordination to it are completely extreme.
As for your analogy of him having a digestive before getting back in his coffin, I would have thought a bucket of blood would be more to his taste. And while we’re at it doesn’t Hammond look like he may have vampiric leanings also.
Isn’t it extremist when you seek to overturn the democratic will of the people and overturn or ignore laws voted for in parliament? Er yes and yes?
No, wait – if its left wing motivated its a movement….. silly me
Maybe if Jon Sopel took his shirt off they’d be worried?
Just looking at the lovely photos of Meghan helping the Grenfell victims at the “Al-Manaar Muslim cultural centre” in West London. I guess this is funded by the taxpayer and exclusively for Muslims?
I wonder how many Muslim cultural centres we are funding throughout Britain.
I think it means Too F Many ….
Meeshaalll did a 5th form interview with the leader of the awful SNP which wants independent immigration law sc- so it can let the world inthrough Glasgow airport before turning south to come to Londonistan.
Apparently the Scots arnt reproducing enough …
but oddly the scottish people themselves are not keen on the idea, funny isnt it how all the british people have been against mass immigration for decades and yet no matter which party they turn to the immigrants still come
The Scottish want more immigration we are told…
“The Scottish want more immigration we are told…”
Yes, that should work. I have relatives all over the place. Glasgow hates Edinburgh, Edinburgh hates Glasgow, and Highlanders hate both of them. Then all three of them hate England.
Then there’s the Old Firm thing.
None of them have even heard of Wales, parts of which are much nicer in my opinion.
A slight exaggeration, obviously.
Bbc retreating further back in its comfort zone.
And guess what, the bbc has ‘specially selected…’…
Luckily, over the pond, Katty knows what is more important.
And in a flanking move, Anthony. Is Jon bringing up the rear?
Quite an achievement to have to trawl all the way back to 35 years ago to find an alleged transession rendering a candidate for the supreme American court unqualified .
Taking the old biblical line about ‘sin and throwing the first stone’ a bit far methinks
Another bbc special.
“Shaft: “It accepted it. Let’s leave it there because I want to move on.”
I’ll bet. Control the mic, control the narrative.
I must thank the BBC for letting me know that the Supply Chain systems and Customs clearance technologies and process I worked with 30 years ago are a figment of my imagination. World trade using paperless systems and global supply chains did not happen and we all lived in caves not travelling more than 4 miles at any one time. As I have said before if you don’t think the technologies exist go visit an international freight forwarder for a day.
So, in summary…
Tucker Carlson = Future Governor ?
Not sure this is going quite as planned, guys.
I guess our Far Left Marxist State Broadcaster’s efforts to answer, “questions on Brexit” will be overseen and vetted by their answer to ‘fake news’ team hilariously called, “Reality Check”?
If not, why not?
Ok, enough about the bbc; how is Sky fairing…
Nick Ferrari on LBC attempted a hatchet job based on that story this morning, bringing in the so-called journalist for a friendly chat.
He then had a spokesman from the Democratic Football Lads, or whatever they were calling themselves this morning. Sadly, he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, or perhaps it’s fairer to say he’s clearly had no media training. In any event, he missed a few open goals though with Mr F interrupting his every attempt to make his point and turning off his microphone, he was always fighting a losing battle. One good blow he landed was when Mr F was reading out all the vile comments on their “website”, which was actually a Facebook page as the spokesman pointed out. The spokesman asked what the web address of this page was, which Nick pretended not to understand but pressed again until he got his answer. “That’s not our Facebook page”, said the spokesman. That might have silenced better men than Nick Ferrari but fortunately he was up to the job. They were still guilty by association.
Next up was someone from one of the “anti hate” mob. You know, the ones who shout how much they hate anyone that disagrees with them. Not only was the tone of the interview quite different, but the interviewee’s delivery. Clearly she was media-coached, showing the benefit of Soros’s millions.
Fortunately, we had on a few callers who attempted to put Mr F right. Actually, it wasn’t an anti-Muslim march, it was in support of all rape victims. Nick was unbowed, denying he had said it was anti-Muslim. Yes, he had, when introducing the journalist and his article because, as you can see above, that’s what it says. Nick’s tactic as ever was just to ignore this annoying little fact and plough on with his agenda.
I don’t know what this group is really like or what actually happened in order to call judgement. But I do know a hatchet job when I hear it and, luckily, so did several others.
He does, however, appear determined to keep digging…
Killer question, my arse.
Awwww… sweet.
I’ll just slip this one in here.
It’s in Welsh, too. Oddly other, perhaps more relevant (to the content… down sons of the valleys) languages are absent.
From Ofcom:
The survey of 1,686 adult internet users finds that 79% have concerns about aspects of going online, and 45% have experienced some form of online harm.
Forty-five percent? Really? I’ve been visting the internet from the dial-up modem days and I can’t say I have ever experienced ‘online harm’.
(Well there was the time that I found an image of Tony Blair in my browser’s cache [not requested] and the time Maxi twisted what I wrote, does that count?)
So the older an accusation is, the more the police must investigate, and the more it must be publicised by the “free” press.
If the police do not find any evidence, the accused is guilty. Then the guilt must must be publicised by the “free” press forever.
I believe that these accusations, made decades after the events did not occur, by exclusively hard left females, against any man who might inconvenience the hard left, should result in these harridans wearing clothes with arrows for several years.
Meanwhile, the same, “free” press, displays total collective amnesia concerning the greatest number of actual sex crimes in recorded history.
Disgusting, but predictable.
R4 gave a 10 min glowing party political broadcast on behalf of *Beto O’Rourke this morning. He’s the Democrat fighting the Texas senate against Ted Cruz. The left-wing media in the States is getting excited because the polls are narrowing, so naturally the ‘impartial’ BBC follows the narrative. He is the positive vision for the future of the Democrat party against the negativity of Trump etc.
This BBC foreign interference in American politics is bad enough given that we are forced to pay for it in return for a promise about impartiality, but it’s the third Democrat politician that I have heard the R4 give spin for in as many weeks. I have not heard any similar spin for any Trump supporting Republican.
* His real name is Robert Francis O’Rourke, and he is of Irish descent, but I guess adopting the name “Roberto” or “Beto” helps if you want to be a politician in El Paso. Also, in 1998 he was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI), he nearly killed somebody and tried to flee the scene when caught, but the charges were later dismissed after he completed a court-recommended DWI program. I guess if you are a Democrat previous mistakes are to be forgiven and you are brave to overcome them, you are a survivor.
Meanwhile the waters beneath a certain bridge ripple…
Guest – ha – ha that bridge saved us from another bloody amoral Kennedy . At least the victim didn’t die for nothing ..
Go and find out ( and then show ) the movement of goods and people in the Benelux countries in the eighties . When trucks were on T forms .
This was a period before the single market .
(As an aside , Belgium and Luxembourg shared a currency since 1924 , which I shouldn’t mention as it beats the EUro ) .
Then show us what happened when the Commie Bloc and the Soviet Union disintegrated , as there was still trade going on .
My point being , frictionless borders can be attained if both parties have the will .
Nige on the bbc has triggered the potty mouth set.
When they accede to his demands for a platform again, will he be challenged on what numbers actually mean? Or just left to spew forth?
Strange that Lammy thinks he is british. Maybe he’d do better doing a milliband and go off to America , take a shed load of charity cash and tell us how to do things from there . If he flies BA to JFK the bike we bought him only costs £50 in the hold…
Hmmm. Where I am, it looks like only about 12.5% of the NHS patients are British. But it is true that the NHS would be severely impacted without immigrants – most of the hospitals in London and Birmingham would have to close down due to the lack of patients.
Hang around in Bradford Royal Infirmary for any length of time and you won’t see 12.5% white patients.
Where the Graun leads…
Currently open.
Trans : a Switch-on Bingo win 8:45am R4Today
“And we are with Colin who is transitioning whilst still at school”
The doctor seemed blase at the increasing numbers
but Humphreys did say he had met a youth who regretted taking the hormones.
You can tell the world that you now are now a lamp-post and bring light to everyone’s lives but you cannot change your sex/gender/? by taking pills and/or surgery. Allowing and encouraging schoolboys to do so is child abuse of the highest order.
“….The BBC wants the break up of Britain, it hates the power a united [white] Britain …”
“The BBC wants the break up of Britain, it hates …….a…..[white] Britain…”. There, I’m happy with that.
It’s a good thing fewer people listen to the BBC..otherwise they would think that Brexit was a bad thing…Has anyone heard a single positive comment about the opportunities that Brexit could present..I haven’t
Balanced is not in BBC dictionary…
An intellgent (?) remainer friend – that knew everything that was going to happen after Brexi -seriously argued that we can do trade deals now with America if we wanted..he had no idea about the EU being in charge…and they call us Brexiteers dumb…he’s still a friend..just knows a bit more now..
that ones a few steps up from the remainers who insist we wont be able to trade with europe at ALL
I will back the people’s decision on the EU Referendum.
I quit
After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.
{Theresa May 2012}
Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK
{Theresa May 2018}
Borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians
{Juncker 2016}
We will have a new 100,000 Border Force.
{Juncker 2018}
Soros control remains high in Europe. We all know what this Untied Kingdom needs to do to rid itself of those that follow the teachings of Islam-an ideology so absolutely alien to our culture and to our ways. We are being strangled by those that would see us fall.
We will continue with our freedoms … please walk this side of the barrier … they will not change us … please take your belt and shoes off …. we will not surrender … remember to RUN|HIDE|TELL and not tackle the enemy … we shall be better than them …
Independent…Siddiqui..hmm. Why do we need sharia law? We have British laws – if you don’t like them F..Off. Sorry but it really annoys me…
Dear BBC .. when Andrew Marr and Laura Kurensburg speak on TV are they speaking as actors in a BBC Drama BodyGuard or are they speaking in the real world? You have really fucked this up.
A report brought out in 2016 stated that the trust in British Policticians was dropping rapidly-no surprise there I hear you say-however the results of the report are quite shocking-Just 5% of voters like the quality of our political parties and just 3% like how peers are selected to be members of the House of Lords, likewise, just 3% for the quality of British MP’s. An astonishing 62% of people agree that “politicians tell lies all the time – you can’t believe a word they say”. This extensive report, with an update from political attitudes dating back to the sixties was completed just three years ago. What all this indicates is that the reputation of Britain’s political system, its very legitimacy, democracy itself, is at risk because politicians continue to abuse the system whilst adopting little in the way of ethics and professionalism. Think we can all agree on that as we are seeing and hearing what the PM is advocating much against the real wishes of us all.
The Daily Politics was never good when Coburn was solely in charge but this new dumbed down panel version is truly awful. No wonder the BBC are so pleased with themselves . The left and remainer bias in the panels is very clear . The debate is shouty and the benefits of a more in depth one on one interview by Andrew Neil are now entirely lost.
Hilarious..WATO..BBC Sarah ? gets Professor on and says ‘ so your extensive report says that immigration has been a huge success’
Professor ‘ no that isn’t what we found, we shouldn’t overstate the has actually been pretty modest.”
BBC interviewers ..errr errr, well lets…and clearly stymied..She carried on trying to push positives…despite Prof being completely honest and summed it up – the greatest beneficiaries have been the Immigrants themselves…
They won’t get a good headline from this interview….well they probably will by distorting the discussion .Who is this Sarah? She sounds like a pompous idiot Remainer
Please have a bit of respect for our Sarah – otherwise known as Lady Brooke . She didn’t have a very good World at one at all – a programme I seldom listen too because it’s either her or that self important fat bloke .
Later in the programme she interviewed a couple of yanks about President Trumps ‘ tariffs on China – which he promised as a candidate for the job and is actually delivering without the customary swamp dilution . God if only was our PM – the ReichEU would be paying us £49 billion to leave …
Anyway – some say R4 doesn’t do comedy any more but the yank from some trade outfit gave lady Brooke a lesson in American employment increases as a result of repatriation of American jobs . Poor Sarah was flomoxed as was the production team shouting questions in her ear .
A definite Trump 1 al beeb 0. Priceless .
I did Iike the summary that ReichEU guest workers are more trouble than they are worth ( I know I might be doing a very harsh generalisation ) but I’d like my country back instead of being a home for guest workers . And if stuff rots in the fields tough – get a robot to do it – it’s business.
One does apologise most profusely Fedup 🙂 I am sure Sarah is a true egg and her radio persona is fake news
She sounds like she has lost a bit of the bullying element evident on Toady with Humph, Robinson and our Justin competing to cause offence …
The BBC’s latest anti Brexit campaign is nominally about there being 6 months to go. But instead of accepting that we are leaving and having a debate about how best to cash in on the opportunities, all we get is the same old lies- immigration is good and should be unfettered, there has been no detrimental effect on British workers, WTO would be a disaster, every word of Carney and Hammond is holy writ, much publicity for a second referendum in the hope it will reverse the first. Even the superior, arrogant Clegg is getting much airtime.
It is going to get worse on the run up to xmas as the Remainers don’t get their way.
I think we need to start making it clear we won’t abide by a second referendum. Remainers haven’t, so why should we?
That is the inexorable logic of their stance, and they seem too lacking in imagination to see where this all leads. We see exactly the same in the USA, so clearly it’s being coordinated somewhere.
I’ll just leave this Katty Kay retweet here to marinate.
That’s correct. That is the state of journalism today. Katty infers that we should believe her due to the fact she possesses a vagina, whilst his ownership of a penis renders him guilty.
another supremely competitive womens football match
Kaiser – ha ha priceless -I think the 8th goal Willian scored should have been disallowed as she / he was clearly offside ( I know girls can’t do the offside rule – dear creatures ) Why is he / she playing for a girly soccer moms team?
Have I committed one of those on line bad word offences the girlies in the socialist party want so much …?
Fedup I think it might have been a World Afro day thing — he’s probably just doing some promo work.
You WILL learn to embrace women’s football. I would too, but I can’t tell the line between embracing and fondling so it’s best for all parties that I don’t start.
David Seaman has let himself go a bit hasn’t he, not surprised they put so many past him. Is Joe Hart looking for a new challenge?
Not about bias but more comedy –
A Russian spy planes gets shot down by Syrians using Russian weapons and Israel gets the blame for not playing fairly . Russians are fairly good a pumping out brutality so nice to see a bit of self delivered variety .
headline : Big Rise in Childlike calls 3,878 “counselling sessions”
That 3,878 number ….. is it misleading ?
“counselling sessions” dosn’t tell us the number of victims nor magnitude
eg is it one kid getting a hurty tweet & having 20 sessions about it ?
is a rise in calls a sign of more PR or an actual threats ?
2:15pm R4 Drama yesterday was about kebab shop owner Ali.
Today it’s a ” A heart warming romantic comedy set on the Curry Mile in Manchester.”
BBC Radio Off Switch
I stumbled out of The Clarence on curry mile in Rusholme nearly 30 years ago, smack bang into a Wilmslow Road filled with Pakistani youths celebrating Ramadan by chanting ‘Whites Out’ at the assembled riot police and dogs.
Not much romantic or funny about that, but then again that was in 1992, I’m sure diversity and cultural enrichment have improved things no end by now.
Hope they include some of the entertainment from the curry mile in Manchester,
They’re integrating well I see.
It’s a sort of Paki Haka…
Is that Patrick Stewart in the centre? Or is it Lord Adonis?
All Remainers look alike to me.
the Bodyguard is supposed to be the BBC’s biggest hit in years
Peak was 8.3m viewers.
So out of 65.64m , 57m didn’t watch
ie 87% of UK population didn’t watch the bodyguard
“Heartwarming comedy about an Asian matchmaker. I don’t think the BBC realises the hate it is creating amongst it’s listeners and viewers by forcing them to accept the PC crap. I hate having to pay for this shite through my tv license, I hate the sound of Asian and African voices now on BBC channels and I really am glad I voted for Brexit.
Lord Hall is so out of touch he’s only just realised that the BBC is too London-centric
..and has only just coming up with the idea of moving bits from London.
\\ The BBC will “do more for Britain” by shifting staff and resources outside London, its Director General will say.
Lord Tony Hall will also outline the BBC’s democratic duty as an “upholder of truth” in a world of dubious online news.
He will address the challenges facing the BBC and public broadcasting in a speech to the Royal Television Society on Tuesday. //
Stew -I thought moving stuff to Salford was meant to be the out of Londonistan solution … but I guess it’s on the mainline back to London so no real changes. Move staff to stoke or hull or Penzance or Wolverhampton or better still sell the Beeb to amazon
their not really in salford per-say they work out of media city nicely isolated in trafford park and they all live in chorlton so its much like being in london for them
I’d rather they didn’t move to my home town, if you don’t mind. –
not that any of them could find it on a map anyway, Wolverhampton being so far north of St John’s Wood an’all…
Mind you, if they did move there, the streets might just flow with “rivers of blood” after all. Wulfrunians have a low tolerance for fools, and many parts of the town have been ‘enriched’ enough already.
The BBC has done for Britain, already…
3pm news just quoted Hall “cracks are beginning to show in the BBC”
Storm “Ali” is on its way – lock up your daughters…