Not sure what far left BBC will make of the Vince cable conference speech – he claims to have developed mind reading skills by knowing that the British public don’t support Brexit any more . After 45 minutes of droning on the audience were prodded and woken up to clap. Poor sods .
have you noticed that virtually all of the Remainers and BBC interviewees know what the ‘public or the majority of people’ think now…
Funny they also thought they would win the referendum..and that the world would collapse after the vote. It’s really annoying when they pronounce they speak for the people of the country – not asked me
I suspect the average joe has had enough of project fear again – in the same way as the remain propaganda onslaught pre vote failed .
I get annoyed by the assumption that a second vote would return a ‘remain’ outcome – unless its fiddled .
I think it’s a safe assumption that ‘remain’ would win a second ‘people’s’ vote because, as far as I can tell, the question proposed would be something like :
CB, of course the ‘remain’ would win – IF there is a second vote, simply because those under 25 who couldn’t be arsed to get out of bed to vote in the Referendum, and then whinged because the result had ‘ruined their life’, would be turning out in their millions to cast their vote.
More Al Beeb Brexit Bull S. coming, assisted by the “The Migration Advisory Committee”………..
In a nutshell they are trying to tell us that mass immigration has no effect on the country. Do they actually think the people of this nation believe what their report states?
Our government is not listening to the British people.
Check out the HYS……….
“We need a points system the same as Australia and New Zealand. Seems to work fine there and removes the so called racist bias. If you qualify, you`re in. Simple!! “
I’m afraid I just can’t keep up with monitoring the BBC’s news webpage for anti-Brexit stories today. There are so many Brexit stories.
I’ve ignored, for instance, the headline reporting Vince Cable’s wish to stop Brexit. I don’t consider that counts as anti-Brexit per se, as the BBC is bound to report him whatever he said. But I have included reports before the speech was made. I accept there are grey areas, which is what makes proving bias well-nigh impossible. Here, however, is what I’ve spotted so far that I put in the “anti-Brexit” pile.
And here’s what I’ve found for the pro-Brexit pile:
Katty Kay’s opinion piece.
No mention that this woman might have a politically motivated reason for making this accusation. The left will stop at nothing – no morals. Also, I may be wrong but she has not accused him of rape?
But of good news – al beeb is running out of money – according to lord hall of big salary – got to get the right quality of leader you see.
So every non payment of their TV licence is another little push towards the welcome end of the Far Left BBC – they can still pay out shed loads of money to their ‘talent ‘ though eh?
With a bit of luck putting up the licence fee will push more people to question the existence of al beeb .
Pay attention BBC researchers….
Here is my answer to the salvation of this nation.
1. An Australian Points Based system for immigration.
2. A ‘Canada-Style’ Trade Deal with Europe.
BBC1 Look North amazing scripted intro to their BREXIT item , loaded with framing words to hint at doubt and uncertainty
“Our area voted overwhelmingly for Brexit”
“We could be good to go, or heading for a DANGEROUS junction”
Other main item : PRESCRIPTION CHARGES scary scary !
yet viewers all tweet back
” You can buy a year pass for £100.
I have 5 prescriptions a month so they are less than £2 each. ”
“anyone who has multiple items of prescription medication can get the PPC Pre Payment Certificate
and you can get as many items as you want I know because I have one it’s great!”
I’ve worried about Sopel ‘s mental health before but I was thinking that if the mid terms go well and then the President gets a second term what will he do?
Obviously the democrats and swamp will continue to drag up anything which can undermine the President .at least in the second term he can sack the democrat appointees in dirty government agencies – assuming they haven’t ‘offed’ him by then…
A lot will depend on the timing of declassification of the Carter Page FISA warrant and the Ohr 302s ie how long it will take. Obviously the deep state will do everything to reveal as little as possible pre the mid-terms. This is the single biggest scandal in political history, let alone US political history. The magnitude of the corruption doesn’t just encompass the Intelligence services and the politicians but the entire MSM….and it has been going on for least throughout both terms of the Obama administration. No wonder the MSM are freaking out.
Either Brett Kavanaugh or Christine Blasey Ford is lying says Katty Kay. Well she makes damn sure we know which one she thinks is lying. There’s so much wrong with this article it’s hard to know where to start. It’s a disgusting article designed to be dismissive of fake rape accusations against men –
“According to various academic studies over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations are fake. Two to 10% is too many, but it is not a big proportion of the total.”
I would say that potentially one in ten is a large and disturbing figure.
“False rape accusations very rarely lead to convictions or wrongful jail time.”
How the hell does she know? If as many as 10% of accusations are false then statistically there are likely to be many miscarriages of justice.
“Research from the British Home Office showing that in the early 2000s, of the 216 cases that were classified as false allegations, only six led to an arrest.”
Kay infers from this that false allegations are no big deal. The real point to be made of course is that the police don’t take this crime seriously and 210 women made false accusations with impunity.
“Moreover, official figures suggest the number of rapes and sexual assaults which are never reported or prosecuted far outweighs the number of men convicted of rape because of fake accusations.”
That’s alright then. Innocent men can go to prison because of the number of unreported rapes. What an inane argument, well below any kind of serious reporting standard.
We are then told that Ford doesn’t fit the profile of a false accuser –
“She is not a teenager, she has no history of fabrications, she doesn’t have a criminal record and, as far as we know she isn’t trying to cover up some other behaviour.”
She does have a history of political activism though that could explain motive. Naturally Kay doesn’t think this worth mentioning.
“None of this proves that Prof Ford is telling the truth but it does suggest we should be sceptical of the notion that it is common for women to say they’ve been sexually abused when they haven’t. It’s not.”
It’s not? The article says at the start that false accusations could be as high as 10%. That’s pretty damn common. Of course we should not be sceptical of women who say they have been assaulted. Neither should we be sceptical of men who say they are innocent. We should believe in innocence until proven guilty, but it is patently obvious what Kay believes and what the biased BBC generally believes in these sort of cases.
I bet that the BBC gave everyone a free pass to appear on question time as well, all expenses paid for to apologise to those on the left that they offended!
TONIGHT: In South Africa the confiscation of white farmers' land is back on the political agenda. Is it correcting a historical injustice or naked populism? #newsnight |22:30
Quite incredible how the truth is entirely turned on its head. This is no loony off the streets. He is confirming what EVERY police and political authority in Sachsen has been saying. There were no neo-nazi mobs. If this doesn’t worry you about the future of Europe, I cannot think what else will .
The problem for CNN is that Trump told the FBI nothing of the sort. He was repeating what the FBI said. As far as they are concerned it’s not within their jurisdiction. Any credible journalist should know that. Most of the comments to the article also put him right.
None of that, however, puts the intrepid Mr Sopel off. Proving he’s part of the bubble, he weighs in with this:
Breaking – @realDonaldTrump says FBI should NOT be involved further on issues surrounding Supreme Court nominee #JudgeKavanaugh who’s been accused of sexual assault
Watching ‘How the Victorians made Britain’ with Michael Buerk on catch up.
Interesting how the folk who made Britain and made Britain great, the superstars of the era, were old white men… and mostly engineers. Engineers with vision and social consciences, prepared to take immense risks, ignore pressures, and work like stink to get the job done.
What makes the young have gibbering fits is to tell them that the civilisation that dominates the modern world was almost entirely built by white men with some women also white as well.
They cannot refute you because it is reality.
I see the Beeb have posted a story about how a ‘No-deal Brexit ‘could make policing harder’, according to Sara Thornton, chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, mainly because of the loss of the European Arrest Warrant, which has been used ‘more than 1,500 times a year’. What the article doesn’t mention (conveniently) is that ‘According to the National Crime Agency, other EU members requested the arrest of 14,279 UK-based suspects in 2015-6, up from 1,865 in 2004. The UK made 241 such requests in 2015-6, leading to 150 arrests’. Funny how facts get distorted and misreported on the BBC, even contradicting their previous reporting. Funny that….
Lord Kerr says in the case of a no-deal Brexit people want to be able to give “informed consent” ie a ‘people’s vote’
This is as bad as anything I have witnessed in my lifetime. The ruling class declaring war on us the people. Peoples Vote!.
That is a phrase not even worthy of Isvestia at it.s most supine. It is two words used by an elite that despise us the people for daring to have an opinion that they just could not handle.
If we are denied our rights freely given by Parliament and duly voted upon then is is arguable that the ruling class has forfeited it’s right to govern , collect taxes and to pass laws.
That rebellion is justified .
What form this will have to take is hopefully peaceful.
1642 was quite enough for this country.
I cannot believe that our governing class is acting so stupidly.
Meanwhile, Newsnight finds another bunch who they like to quote:
“At first there will be some shock but once there is a clear definition of what we mean, they will appreciate this is not chaos, this is reinforcement of economic development.”
Al Beeb……………….
“Brexit: EU ‘ready to improve’ Irish border proposal”
So there was no problem with the Irish border after all? It was all Brexitphobia and propaganda.
What about all the rest of the EU lies that we have been told?
Forget “Project fear” the next stage will be “Brexit Panic” .
Brexit Offensive!
Forget the silly “peoples vote”
Nigel Farage calls on the people’s army to “remobilise” as we enter the business end of the Brexit negotiation: “Get back engaged in this! Talk to your local MPs, visit your local MPs, write to your local newspapers.”
Look North, Yorkshire &the Humber. Peter Levy tells us that Brexit will be disastrous for Wildlife. I don’t really think that as soon as we leave the good people of Hull will rise as one and march to Bempton Cliffs to kill all the gannets and puffins. Mr Levy was suggesting otherwise.
We also had an item about why all prescription charges should be dropped. A man with Parkinson’s claiming his costs would be a £1,000 a year and he might have to chose between feeding his kids or getting his medicines. The prepayment certificate was mentioned in passing. Time this man paid for one. They said a man like this with a chronic illness would be paying for his prescriptions for ever more. No he wouldn’t, just until he is 60 and to be honest that didn’t look too far away. This wasn’t local news, it was campaigning. The question was asked but not answered of where was the money coming from?
What inspired this story? Socialism at its worst.
Sky aren’t much better.
Jason Farrell has tickled the subject of child grooming, and after being met with finger pointing outrage (why cant joe public be more articulate when challenging the media ????), he settled upon a ‘chat’ with 2 middle aged men who are friends – a white father who’s daughter was gang raped by muslims, and a muslim man. You could see where the conversation was going, as the white father had been invited into the muslim’s home, and now they’re bessie mates. So bloody predictable.
I’m glad you’ve sussed Sly’s agenda at last Brissles … they are just as bad as the bBBC. If not worse!! But we don’t have to pay for them via the Stasi BBC tax if we don’t wish to. **All** MSM are Marxist propagandists .. think on!
Sesame Workshop then issued a statement saying the pair “do not have a sexual orientation”.
Bert and Ernie may look human, but the pair “remain puppets”, it said.
Has the entire media regressed to some sort of childhood? Or are they all on something? Treating this sort of fantasy as real is simply abnormal, and they seem oblivious to it.
If there was a “No Deal” then crime would rise because Permanent Secretaries, Judges, Lords, Earls, Dukes and most Politicians would turn violently angry about not being able to pay the EU the £39 billion, needed to prove Mark Carney’s forecast, that leaving the EU would cost every family in Britain, £900 each.
Paying the EU money is why our standard of living is lower than Australia and other territories that are similar to Britain but have never been a member of the EU.
I don’t see why you would need an IQ of 164 to see why its obvious that Britain would be at least 11% better off outside of the EU. Democracies correlate with higher standards of living because democracy makes an economy come closer to the needs of its customers.
Meanwhile, the good news is that the LibDems are not reproducing themselves, due to the lack of any sexually erotic spasms, since the Referendum result.
BBC complaining about the £5B cap on it’s expenditure is chilling when EVEN the Wikipedia entry has –
“The BBC has long faced accusations of liberal and left-wing bias.[166] Accusations of a bias against the Premiership of Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party were often made against the BBC by members of that government, with Margaret Thatcher herself considering the broadcaster’s news coverage to be biased and irresponsible.[167] In 2011, Peter Sissons, a main news presenter at the BBC from 1989—2009, said that “at the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left”.[168] Another BBC presenter, Andrew Marr, commented that “the BBC is not impartial or neutral. It has a liberal bias, not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias.” Former BBC director Roger Mosey classified it as “liberal defensive.”[169][170][171]
Conversely, the BBC has been criticised by the left-wing columnist Owen Jones in The Guardian, who stated “the truth is the BBC is stacked full of rightwingers.”[172] Paul Mason, the former Economics Editor of the BBC’s Newsnight programme, has also criticised the BBC as “unionist” in relation to its coverage of the Scottish independence referendum campaign and said its senior employees tended to be of a “neo-liberal” point of view.[173] The BBC has also been characterised as a pro-monarchist institution.[174] The BBC was also accused of propaganda by journalist and author Toby Young, due to what he believed to be an anti-Brexit approach including a whole day of live programming on migration.[175]
A BBC World Service newsreader who presented a daily show produced for Kyrgyzstan was claimed to have participated in an opposition movement with the goal of overthrowing the government led by president Kurmanbek Bakiyev.[176] The BBC presenter resigned from his post in 2010 once the allegations of his participation in the revolution became public.[177]”
The (lie) reference to ‘stacked full of rightwingers’ was by Owen Jones who according to Rational Wiki –
“Owen Jones (1984–) is a writer and journalist for The Guardian, known for his activism for left-wing ideology and for LGBT rights. He has also written two critically-acclaimed books: Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class and The Establishment: And How They Get Away With It, and hosts a YouTube channel where he spends most of his time either asking softball leading questions to providing tough hard-hitting interviews with other prominent left-wing (and often not-so-left-wing[1]) figures, or general soapboxing. However, many often criticise him for being a melodramatic, scaremongering champagne socialist Muslim sympathising member of the liberal metropolitan elite who looks like, and has the life experience and skin thickness, of a 12 year old boy.”
Neither of complaining or petitioning will stop them…
All yesterday, the BBC carried stories on how EU migrants are going back home.
Their headline was that, for the first time, more are leaving the UK than entering. Cue lots of stories of Europeans not feeling welcome, being spat on, told to speak English. BBC Breakfast flew their reporter over to Poland just for this story. Interviewed Polish people who shared their stories of racist Brits.
And a nice big graph showing while 45,000 came to the UK – 47,000 left.
Of course , the real figures show many, many more EU citizens came to the UK than left. There were 87,000 more EU nationals in the UK than the year before.
It isn’t true that more are leaving than entering. Its a fact that we have more EU people living in the UK than ever before. When more arrive than leave, you canot claim for one second that ‘more are leaving’.
So how do the BBC claim everyone is going home? Well, while the EU is made of of 27 nations, the BBC chose only to highlight whats called the EU8, the Eastern European countries. But this excludes the EU14 – the Western EU countries, and the EU2 – Romania and Bulgaria, which on my map are still Eastern European. These groups all showed EU citizens arriving in their droves. The graph produced by the BBC was in fact, for one country only – Poland.
So the BBC redefines what is meant by Eastern Europe. They spend 5 minutes on every news bullitin telling us EU migrants are going home. They interview poor EU citizens who tell us Brits are all racist and spit on them.
But 87,000 more arrived than left. What a way to spin a story. Forget the EU14, forget the EU2, just focus on the EU8, then focus just on Poland. Cos well, if you include the other countries, their story is false.
And non-EU migration soared, putting overall immigration at near record levels again!
And of course, even if 2000 more left than arrived in these EU8, it still hardly means everyone is going home. Weve had, what 4 million Eu citizens arrive over the last few years? If 2000 left every year, it would be the year 4268 before they had all left!! No doubt in 4268, everyone will still be paying their licence fees.
But nope, everyones going home, cos we’re all racist.
So the Far Left BBC wants free movement but not if it means people leave Blighty – chiefly because huge population growth in Londonistan causes price increases coupled with an unfavourable exchange rate .
Al beeb rants about their NHS being staffed by foreigners ( looking after foreigners ) but the British unwilling or unable to work in the NHS .
Perhaps the NHS should run schools for kids who want to be doctors and nurses … save money on recruitment agencies and NHS nurses doing agency work and not giving a damn .
well the polish family who were staffing the local chippy have done a runner (and they seemed so nice and trustworthy) but never mind a new pole is working in the off licence next door and a couple of even further than poland eastern europeans (i think) are now staffing the chippy.
Oddly the two other chippys dont seem to have a problem recruiting english youngsters, I really do wonder why this particular one does
What no one tells you is how this migration has decimated many Eastern European countries.
Latvia has seen a 27% decrease in their population. Bulgaria – 23%, Lithuania – 23%.
This massive drop in their population is pretty much soley restricted to the 20-40 age group. Meaning around 85% of those in the 20-40 age group have left.
To have 85% of the young population leave, after having being schooled, fed, trained by their host nation for their first 20 years..can you imagine if everyone in that age group suddenly left the UK…there may be some positives, house prices will crash, rents will fall, crime will drop, but in reality, the country would be utterly decimated.
On the current trends two of these countries will cease to exist by 2045..The young are leaving. This is the part of the population that has children. If you leave only the pensioners and young kids (who leave as soon as they can), the birth rate drops to such an extent that the countries will actually cease to exist in 28 years time!
All these fookin right on liberal PC luvvies that tell us immigration is wonderful..Try telling that to the countries that are having their heart and soul literally ripped out..Those countries that will cease to exist..those countries that educate their population for 20 years, only to see them leave once fully trained.
The UK is what, the 5th largest economy? And we expect all these poorer nations to carry on training the staff we need. How is that a ‘wonderful thing’, which is what we’re constantly told immigration is.
I’ve always had a thing about the recruitment of third world doctors instead of training our own – plenty would love to be quacks but the med profession seems like the Freemasons .
It’s a kind of imperialism – which I thought was great but obviously to the thick snowflake it’s as nasty as nazism or the commies.
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
I’ll bet the far-left bbc don’t report on anything that the Project Veritas organisation produces. See this:
I feel sure that our Civil Service is also infested by these communists and they need to be investigated, exposed, fired and prosecuted.
Not sure what far left BBC will make of the Vince cable conference speech – he claims to have developed mind reading skills by knowing that the British public don’t support Brexit any more . After 45 minutes of droning on the audience were prodded and woken up to clap. Poor sods .
have you noticed that virtually all of the Remainers and BBC interviewees know what the ‘public or the majority of people’ think now…
Funny they also thought they would win the referendum..and that the world would collapse after the vote. It’s really annoying when they pronounce they speak for the people of the country – not asked me
I suspect the average joe has had enough of project fear again – in the same way as the remain propaganda onslaught pre vote failed .
I get annoyed by the assumption that a second vote would return a ‘remain’ outcome – unless its fiddled .
I think it’s a safe assumption that ‘remain’ would win a second ‘people’s’ vote because, as far as I can tell, the question proposed would be something like :
1. Accept Deal.
2. No Deal.
3. Remain.
Option 3 must win 🙁
CB, of course the ‘remain’ would win – IF there is a second vote, simply because those under 25 who couldn’t be arsed to get out of bed to vote in the Referendum, and then whinged because the result had ‘ruined their life’, would be turning out in their millions to cast their vote.
More Al Beeb Brexit Bull S. coming, assisted by the “The Migration Advisory Committee”………..
In a nutshell they are trying to tell us that mass immigration has no effect on the country. Do they actually think the people of this nation believe what their report states?
Our government is not listening to the British people.
Check out the HYS……….
“We need a points system the same as Australia and New Zealand. Seems to work fine there and removes the so called racist bias. If you qualify, you`re in. Simple!! “
I’m afraid I just can’t keep up with monitoring the BBC’s news webpage for anti-Brexit stories today. There are so many Brexit stories.
I’ve ignored, for instance, the headline reporting Vince Cable’s wish to stop Brexit. I don’t consider that counts as anti-Brexit per se, as the BBC is bound to report him whatever he said. But I have included reports before the speech was made. I accept there are grey areas, which is what makes proving bias well-nigh impossible. Here, however, is what I’ve spotted so far that I put in the “anti-Brexit” pile.
And here’s what I’ve found for the pro-Brexit pile:
Kavanaugh: The truth about false accusations by women
Katty Kay’s opinion piece.
No mention that this woman might have a politically motivated reason for making this accusation. The left will stop at nothing – no morals. Also, I may be wrong but she has not accused him of rape?
65 women who knew him in high school have defended him.
A no-deal Brexit would make it harder to protect UK citizens, a leading police officer has warned.
“would” … “But he added that there was no current intelligence to suggest there would be a rise in crime.”
“would” … “But he added that there was no current intelligence to suggest there would be a rise in crime.”
“would” … “But he added that there was no current intelligence to suggest there would be a rise in crime.”
“would” … “But he added that there was no current intelligence to suggest there would be a rise in crime.”
But of good news – al beeb is running out of money – according to lord hall of big salary – got to get the right quality of leader you see.
So every non payment of their TV licence is another little push towards the welcome end of the Far Left BBC – they can still pay out shed loads of money to their ‘talent ‘ though eh?
With a bit of luck putting up the licence fee will push more people to question the existence of al beeb .
Brexiteers go on the offensive!
Stop paying your Telly Tax.
It robs from the poor and gives to the rich.
Pay attention BBC researchers….
Here is my answer to the salvation of this nation.
1. An Australian Points Based system for immigration.
2. A ‘Canada-Style’ Trade Deal with Europe.
Actually we shouldn’t grant them a trade deal until they pay back what they owe us (plus interest).
to be honest fook the points system, work is flooding with indians as 35k gets them in and a brit with the same skills costs 50k+
the indians then leave after 3 months to be replaced by another 35k indian
so very soon the going rate for skilled brits will have to be 35k to get a job
meanwhile the bosses salary’s are rising exponentially and oddly for some reason indians dont seem to be qualified for the bosses jobs
“Ukip did not break donation rules, watchdog finds”
Its on the Guardian . Will Al Beeb cover the story ?
BBC1 Look North amazing scripted intro to their BREXIT item , loaded with framing words to hint at doubt and uncertainty
“Our area voted overwhelmingly for Brexit”
“We could be good to go, or heading for a DANGEROUS junction”
FFS The BBC’s anti-Brexit campaign continues
Other main item : PRESCRIPTION CHARGES scary scary !
yet viewers all tweet back
” You can buy a year pass for £100.
I have 5 prescriptions a month so they are less than £2 each. ”
“anyone who has multiple items of prescription medication can get the PPC Pre Payment Certificate
and you can get as many items as you want I know because I have one it’s great!”
Al Beeb reports “German Spy Top Forced out in Migrant Row” . Is there more to this story than meets the eye. What is Al Beeb not telling us ?
I’ve worried about Sopel ‘s mental health before but I was thinking that if the mid terms go well and then the President gets a second term what will he do?
Obviously the democrats and swamp will continue to drag up anything which can undermine the President .at least in the second term he can sack the democrat appointees in dirty government agencies – assuming they haven’t ‘offed’ him by then…
A lot will depend on the timing of declassification of the Carter Page FISA warrant and the Ohr 302s ie how long it will take. Obviously the deep state will do everything to reveal as little as possible pre the mid-terms. This is the single biggest scandal in political history, let alone US political history. The magnitude of the corruption doesn’t just encompass the Intelligence services and the politicians but the entire MSM….and it has been going on for least throughout both terms of the Obama administration. No wonder the MSM are freaking out.
I suppose the kind of desert island that beeboid dreams of is one which is a tax haven.
My luxury item ? A tax accountant
Favourite tune ? Taxman – the Beatles
Either Brett Kavanaugh or Christine Blasey Ford is lying says Katty Kay. Well she makes damn sure we know which one she thinks is lying. There’s so much wrong with this article it’s hard to know where to start. It’s a disgusting article designed to be dismissive of fake rape accusations against men –
“According to various academic studies over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations are fake. Two to 10% is too many, but it is not a big proportion of the total.”
I would say that potentially one in ten is a large and disturbing figure.
“False rape accusations very rarely lead to convictions or wrongful jail time.”
How the hell does she know? If as many as 10% of accusations are false then statistically there are likely to be many miscarriages of justice.
“Research from the British Home Office showing that in the early 2000s, of the 216 cases that were classified as false allegations, only six led to an arrest.”
Kay infers from this that false allegations are no big deal. The real point to be made of course is that the police don’t take this crime seriously and 210 women made false accusations with impunity.
“Moreover, official figures suggest the number of rapes and sexual assaults which are never reported or prosecuted far outweighs the number of men convicted of rape because of fake accusations.”
That’s alright then. Innocent men can go to prison because of the number of unreported rapes. What an inane argument, well below any kind of serious reporting standard.
We are then told that Ford doesn’t fit the profile of a false accuser –
“She is not a teenager, she has no history of fabrications, she doesn’t have a criminal record and, as far as we know she isn’t trying to cover up some other behaviour.”
She does have a history of political activism though that could explain motive. Naturally Kay doesn’t think this worth mentioning.
“None of this proves that Prof Ford is telling the truth but it does suggest we should be sceptical of the notion that it is common for women to say they’ve been sexually abused when they haven’t. It’s not.”
It’s not? The article says at the start that false accusations could be as high as 10%. That’s pretty damn common. Of course we should not be sceptical of women who say they have been assaulted. Neither should we be sceptical of men who say they are innocent. We should believe in innocence until proven guilty, but it is patently obvious what Kay believes and what the biased BBC generally believes in these sort of cases.
Rape is a favourite subject of the BBC/Left.
All men are guilty until proved guilty in their view.
To challenge this view often provokes this favoured response, ‘So you approve of rape, do you?’.
The BBC/Left do not favour debate.
I don’t think I need add anything to this. She’s made it quite clear what she thinks, because vagina.
Anthony chips in.
she also deleted all her social media before going public, WHY?
BBC Headlines You Are Unlikely To See:
“”””Are Brexit Deniers Traitors To Democracy?”””
“””The Achievements of Donald Trump”””
Excellent analysis! – Luton Reject – this has missed a place
Not the bbc but on ITV now “Moped Muggers”. Introduced as “the crime craze that’s sweeping Britain”!
Oh bless them, those crazy criminals!
Brexitphobia led by Gina Miller of the metro-elites
I’ve politely informed him for you. Let’s see if I get a blocking too.
Katty suspects.
I see you just beat me to it. She’s not even attempting to hide her prejudices now, though they’ve been obvious for days from her retweets.
It was a joke. It has gotten well beyond that now.
‘NOT FAKE NEWS Corbynistas moaning about ‘biased’ TV coverage of Labour leader have had EVERY one of more than 500 complaints rejected’
I bet that the BBC gave everyone a free pass to appear on question time as well, all expenses paid for to apologise to those on the left that they offended!
Newsnight decides to hide behind a question.
Their grasp of precedent alone is pathetic, never mind ignoring the clear evidence of racial genocide almost the entire MSM is ignoring or excusing.
Quite incredible how the truth is entirely turned on its head. This is no loony off the streets. He is confirming what EVERY police and political authority in Sachsen has been saying. There were no neo-nazi mobs. If this doesn’t worry you about the future of Europe, I cannot think what else will .
Here we have a CNN journalist spreading untruths about President Trump and being put right.
The problem for CNN is that Trump told the FBI nothing of the sort. He was repeating what the FBI said. As far as they are concerned it’s not within their jurisdiction. Any credible journalist should know that. Most of the comments to the article also put him right.
None of that, however, puts the intrepid Mr Sopel off. Proving he’s part of the bubble, he weighs in with this:
On this occasion,though, not one of his followers bothers to correct him, preferring to be smug instead.
This is a story the MSM needs to steer clear of. Not that the BBC will though. Idiots all of them.
Watching ‘How the Victorians made Britain’ with Michael Buerk on catch up.
Interesting how the folk who made Britain and made Britain great, the superstars of the era, were old white men… and mostly engineers. Engineers with vision and social consciences, prepared to take immense risks, ignore pressures, and work like stink to get the job done.
Not what we have running things today.
What makes the young have gibbering fits is to tell them that the civilisation that dominates the modern world was almost entirely built by white men with some women also white as well.
They cannot refute you because it is reality.
I see the Beeb have posted a story about how a ‘No-deal Brexit ‘could make policing harder’, according to Sara Thornton, chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, mainly because of the loss of the European Arrest Warrant, which has been used ‘more than 1,500 times a year’. What the article doesn’t mention (conveniently) is that ‘According to the National Crime Agency, other EU members requested the arrest of 14,279 UK-based suspects in 2015-6, up from 1,865 in 2004. The UK made 241 such requests in 2015-6, leading to 150 arrests’. Funny how facts get distorted and misreported on the BBC, even contradicting their previous reporting. Funny that….
14,279 vs 241 what does that stat alone tell us
The BBC and multiple opportunities to push a second referendum.
Meanwhile, Newsnight has…
Get the feeling the bbc is a bit desperate?
Followed by…
This may be overkill.
This is as bad as anything I have witnessed in my lifetime. The ruling class declaring war on us the people. Peoples Vote!.
That is a phrase not even worthy of Isvestia at it.s most supine. It is two words used by an elite that despise us the people for daring to have an opinion that they just could not handle.
If we are denied our rights freely given by Parliament and duly voted upon then is is arguable that the ruling class has forfeited it’s right to govern , collect taxes and to pass laws.
That rebellion is justified .
What form this will have to take is hopefully peaceful.
1642 was quite enough for this country.
I cannot believe that our governing class is acting so stupidly.
Meanwhile, Newsnight finds another bunch who they like to quote:
Al Beeb……………….
“Brexit: EU ‘ready to improve’ Irish border proposal”
So there was no problem with the Irish border after all? It was all Brexitphobia and propaganda.
What about all the rest of the EU lies that we have been told?
Forget “Project fear” the next stage will be “Brexit Panic” .
Brexit offensive !
Positive news not seen on Al Beeb…………..
Brexit offensive !
Readers – start posting more postitve news !
Brexit Offensive!
Forget the silly “peoples vote”
Nigel Farage calls on the people’s army to “remobilise” as we enter the business end of the Brexit negotiation: “Get back engaged in this! Talk to your local MPs, visit your local MPs, write to your local newspapers.”
Look North, Yorkshire &the Humber. Peter Levy tells us that Brexit will be disastrous for Wildlife. I don’t really think that as soon as we leave the good people of Hull will rise as one and march to Bempton Cliffs to kill all the gannets and puffins. Mr Levy was suggesting otherwise.
We also had an item about why all prescription charges should be dropped. A man with Parkinson’s claiming his costs would be a £1,000 a year and he might have to chose between feeding his kids or getting his medicines. The prepayment certificate was mentioned in passing. Time this man paid for one. They said a man like this with a chronic illness would be paying for his prescriptions for ever more. No he wouldn’t, just until he is 60 and to be honest that didn’t look too far away. This wasn’t local news, it was campaigning. The question was asked but not answered of where was the money coming from?
What inspired this story? Socialism at its worst.
Sky aren’t much better.
Jason Farrell has tickled the subject of child grooming, and after being met with finger pointing outrage (why cant joe public be more articulate when challenging the media ????), he settled upon a ‘chat’ with 2 middle aged men who are friends – a white father who’s daughter was gang raped by muslims, and a muslim man. You could see where the conversation was going, as the white father had been invited into the muslim’s home, and now they’re bessie mates. So bloody predictable.
I’m glad you’ve sussed Sly’s agenda at last Brissles … they are just as bad as the bBBC. If not worse!! But we don’t have to pay for them via the Stasi BBC tax if we don’t wish to. **All** MSM are Marxist propagandists .. think on!
thats odd because every time I buy my 2 item prescription the chemist tries to virtually force pre-payment on me.
The BBC has taken a break from wall-to-wall Brexit doom stories to bring you some important news.
Has the entire media regressed to some sort of childhood? Or are they all on something? Treating this sort of fantasy as real is simply abnormal, and they seem oblivious to it.
If there was a “No Deal” then crime would rise because Permanent Secretaries, Judges, Lords, Earls, Dukes and most Politicians would turn violently angry about not being able to pay the EU the £39 billion, needed to prove Mark Carney’s forecast, that leaving the EU would cost every family in Britain, £900 each.
Paying the EU money is why our standard of living is lower than Australia and other territories that are similar to Britain but have never been a member of the EU.
I don’t see why you would need an IQ of 164 to see why its obvious that Britain would be at least 11% better off outside of the EU. Democracies correlate with higher standards of living because democracy makes an economy come closer to the needs of its customers.
Meanwhile, the good news is that the LibDems are not reproducing themselves, due to the lack of any sexually erotic spasms, since the Referendum result.
BBC complaining about the £5B cap on it’s expenditure is chilling when EVEN the Wikipedia entry has –
“The BBC has long faced accusations of liberal and left-wing bias.[166] Accusations of a bias against the Premiership of Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party were often made against the BBC by members of that government, with Margaret Thatcher herself considering the broadcaster’s news coverage to be biased and irresponsible.[167] In 2011, Peter Sissons, a main news presenter at the BBC from 1989—2009, said that “at the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left”.[168] Another BBC presenter, Andrew Marr, commented that “the BBC is not impartial or neutral. It has a liberal bias, not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias.” Former BBC director Roger Mosey classified it as “liberal defensive.”[169][170][171]
Conversely, the BBC has been criticised by the left-wing columnist Owen Jones in The Guardian, who stated “the truth is the BBC is stacked full of rightwingers.”[172] Paul Mason, the former Economics Editor of the BBC’s Newsnight programme, has also criticised the BBC as “unionist” in relation to its coverage of the Scottish independence referendum campaign and said its senior employees tended to be of a “neo-liberal” point of view.[173] The BBC has also been characterised as a pro-monarchist institution.[174] The BBC was also accused of propaganda by journalist and author Toby Young, due to what he believed to be an anti-Brexit approach including a whole day of live programming on migration.[175]
A BBC World Service newsreader who presented a daily show produced for Kyrgyzstan was claimed to have participated in an opposition movement with the goal of overthrowing the government led by president Kurmanbek Bakiyev.[176] The BBC presenter resigned from his post in 2010 once the allegations of his participation in the revolution became public.[177]”
The (lie) reference to ‘stacked full of rightwingers’ was by Owen Jones who according to Rational Wiki –
“Owen Jones (1984–) is a writer and journalist for The Guardian, known for his activism for left-wing ideology and for LGBT rights. He has also written two critically-acclaimed books: Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class and The Establishment: And How They Get Away With It, and hosts a YouTube channel where he spends most of his time either asking softball leading questions to providing tough hard-hitting interviews with other prominent left-wing (and often not-so-left-wing[1]) figures, or general soapboxing. However, many often criticise him for being a melodramatic, scaremongering champagne socialist Muslim sympathising member of the liberal metropolitan elite who looks like, and has the life experience and skin thickness, of a 12 year old boy.”
Neither of complaining or petitioning will stop them…
All yesterday, the BBC carried stories on how EU migrants are going back home.
Their headline was that, for the first time, more are leaving the UK than entering. Cue lots of stories of Europeans not feeling welcome, being spat on, told to speak English. BBC Breakfast flew their reporter over to Poland just for this story. Interviewed Polish people who shared their stories of racist Brits.
And a nice big graph showing while 45,000 came to the UK – 47,000 left.
Of course , the real figures show many, many more EU citizens came to the UK than left. There were 87,000 more EU nationals in the UK than the year before.
It isn’t true that more are leaving than entering. Its a fact that we have more EU people living in the UK than ever before. When more arrive than leave, you canot claim for one second that ‘more are leaving’.
So how do the BBC claim everyone is going home? Well, while the EU is made of of 27 nations, the BBC chose only to highlight whats called the EU8, the Eastern European countries. But this excludes the EU14 – the Western EU countries, and the EU2 – Romania and Bulgaria, which on my map are still Eastern European. These groups all showed EU citizens arriving in their droves. The graph produced by the BBC was in fact, for one country only – Poland.
So the BBC redefines what is meant by Eastern Europe. They spend 5 minutes on every news bullitin telling us EU migrants are going home. They interview poor EU citizens who tell us Brits are all racist and spit on them.
But 87,000 more arrived than left. What a way to spin a story. Forget the EU14, forget the EU2, just focus on the EU8, then focus just on Poland. Cos well, if you include the other countries, their story is false.
And non-EU migration soared, putting overall immigration at near record levels again!
And of course, even if 2000 more left than arrived in these EU8, it still hardly means everyone is going home. Weve had, what 4 million Eu citizens arrive over the last few years? If 2000 left every year, it would be the year 4268 before they had all left!! No doubt in 4268, everyone will still be paying their licence fees.
But nope, everyones going home, cos we’re all racist.
So the Far Left BBC wants free movement but not if it means people leave Blighty – chiefly because huge population growth in Londonistan causes price increases coupled with an unfavourable exchange rate .
Al beeb rants about their NHS being staffed by foreigners ( looking after foreigners ) but the British unwilling or unable to work in the NHS .
Perhaps the NHS should run schools for kids who want to be doctors and nurses … save money on recruitment agencies and NHS nurses doing agency work and not giving a damn .
well the polish family who were staffing the local chippy have done a runner (and they seemed so nice and trustworthy) but never mind a new pole is working in the off licence next door and a couple of even further than poland eastern europeans (i think) are now staffing the chippy.
Oddly the two other chippys dont seem to have a problem recruiting english youngsters, I really do wonder why this particular one does
What no one tells you is how this migration has decimated many Eastern European countries.
Latvia has seen a 27% decrease in their population. Bulgaria – 23%, Lithuania – 23%.
This massive drop in their population is pretty much soley restricted to the 20-40 age group. Meaning around 85% of those in the 20-40 age group have left.
To have 85% of the young population leave, after having being schooled, fed, trained by their host nation for their first 20 years..can you imagine if everyone in that age group suddenly left the UK…there may be some positives, house prices will crash, rents will fall, crime will drop, but in reality, the country would be utterly decimated.
On the current trends two of these countries will cease to exist by 2045..The young are leaving. This is the part of the population that has children. If you leave only the pensioners and young kids (who leave as soon as they can), the birth rate drops to such an extent that the countries will actually cease to exist in 28 years time!
All these fookin right on liberal PC luvvies that tell us immigration is wonderful..Try telling that to the countries that are having their heart and soul literally ripped out..Those countries that will cease to exist..those countries that educate their population for 20 years, only to see them leave once fully trained.
The UK is what, the 5th largest economy? And we expect all these poorer nations to carry on training the staff we need. How is that a ‘wonderful thing’, which is what we’re constantly told immigration is.
I’ve always had a thing about the recruitment of third world doctors instead of training our own – plenty would love to be quacks but the med profession seems like the Freemasons .
It’s a kind of imperialism – which I thought was great but obviously to the thick snowflake it’s as nasty as nazism or the commies.