David Vance published data on Tuesday saying that sky news has lost 37% of its viewers since 2012. This leads to the question of “to whom does Sky think it is broadcasting ?”
Couple this with Lord Hall moaning that the far left BBC doesn’t have enough money should give readers and contributors on this site good heart.
Only two choices? I am clearly not able to decide.
I’m not happy with the result, so campaigning for a re-run !
Yep @Tom_Kenny didn’t know what he was clicking for.
And there is a good reason why @Fedup2 started a thread at 6:30 in the morning * RUSSIANS *
Naturally the biased beeb are focusing on the alleged ‘death threats’ against the Judge Kavanaugh accuser rather than the extremely suspect timing of her unsubstantiated and unsubstantiat-able ‘allegations’.
(which at worst sound like a drunken fumble for a bra strap.)
And of course no mention that the accuser is a registered Democrat. The most trusted broadcaster in receipt of 3.7 billion of your cash can’t uncover that little nugget.
Kavanaugh accuser ‘faces death threats’
And says she won’t testify to the Senate. How convenient, if your aim is to drag this on until the midterms in the hope that Democrats will then be in control.
You make a last minute accusation after the hearings have taken place then cite unverified reasons for not testifying. Surely even Katty can smell something whiffy here?
Clearly Katty’s olfactory senses are impaired.
Maybe what pervades the bbc NA-nee-na-na office?
Or that fleeting Alzheimer’s that can visit bbc staff?
No, her own pong drowns out all others.
And of course to even question the accuser’s motives and veracity is tantamount to condoning rape in today’s third wave feminism or whatever it’s called.
Another three letter broadcaster for Katty to OMG.
Western civilisation is the creation of men. White men to be precise. It started with the replacement of horse and man power by mechanical power.
This lead to the question what is power, what is energy? How does one identify, quantify and formulate ir. Thus the discipline of Thermodynamics was formed- the very first discipline that heralded the dawning of the age of Engineering. Thermodynamics is now a science, but really it is advanced Power engineering.
Once mankind had continuous and surplus power, investigation could begin on the rest of nature. Even now, we are limited in what we can do by the amount of power and energy we can bring to the head.
This is just from the physical point of view. Whether in art, music and social and political areas, its men who have been the trail blazers, sometimes against murderous opposition. The democracy and political freedoms we have in Britain or America, were fought and died for on the battle field by White men. All this had price. Fought for and defended by men even as recently as in WWI and II.
Now everyone thinks that all of it just fell from heavens. Women and others can take it as men just having exploited women. Far from it, men protected women from the harsh realities of life till men had created a “safe space” for women to “come” out.
Has Katty ‘gleefully’ RT’d CNN yet? Boom!
That’s an excellent article and sums it up nicely.
It also encapsulates one of the big differences between the left and right, for want of better terms. Those of us on the “right” really need to start retaliating in an equally dirty manner if we’re going to win this. But we aren’t generally prepared to trash some innocent’s life to do it, whereas the left are.
Another thought occurs as to why she might not want to testify. I’m not familiar with US procedures, but would such testimony not be under oath? At present, if it turns out she’s lying the worst that’s likely to happen is a slap on the wrist for wasting police time and no doubt the promise of book sales, but perjury is a different matter likely involving some jail time.
None of us can be sure of the truth here, of course, but it all seems highly contrived yet the media curiously willing to take all at face value.
The media
I think lying to the Feds is one of the worse things to do in the states – they do their “ obstruction of justice “ thing and it’s chains and boiler suit time …
Think we in the UK should do the same ‘Chains and Boiler suits’ all the way for the heinous crimes those that follow the teachings of Islam carry out in our country.
Ah, she has hit social media.
Always be sceptical whenever you see the BBC claim something is “the truth”.
The BBC and truth are uneasy words together in the same sentence. I am sceptical of pretty much their entire output. Another helpful flag is ‘what you need to know’, that sets me off looking for what they would rather I didn’t.
What you need to know= what we want you to know (and what we don’t).
An article about false rape stats
– Is Katty the BBC’s CRIME correspondent ?
– Is Katty the BBC’s STATS correspondent ?
No she’s the BBC’s North America politics correspondent
and her external expertise is her book “Confidence Code for Girls”
So the BBCNews papge item does seem to be her OPINION ans agenda pushing rather than truth seeking.
BTW I see her making a strawman there
-General Idea : quite a few men are being dragged though investigation, due to false rape accusations.
She frames that “The idea that lots of men are going to prison”
… duh that is clearly just a small subset of all those falsely accused
so she’s cherrypicking
It seems that a thirty year old unsubstantiated accusation can completely derail the hearing process to appoint a justice on the SC. There are many other key positions in the US government which have a similar process of hearings. I assume that now that the Democrats have descended to the gutter the Republicans will have to follow suit and use similar tactics when the Dems are back in power ( let’s hope this doesn’t happen anytime soon) or they will be simply rolled over. They have fight just as dirty as do the Dems . If so The US government will cease to function .
Already the attempted soft coup by the deep state has put the US Constitutional Republic under serious threat , if this latest Democratic tactic is allowed to stand the US is in deep trouble.
I alluded to much the same above without having seen your comment. The problem we have is that for the Democrats, it seems the end justifies the means and they don’t care whose life they have to destroy to do it. I’m not sure Republicans are willing to do that.
Ably aided and abetted by a supposedly world class impartial broadcaster.
GW – Clarification please.
Is the BBC supposedly world class?
Is the BBC supposedly impartial?
Is the BBC supposedly a broadcaster?
On reflection, I no longer need your help, the BBC is none of the above.
Which is why its audience is declining rapidly. There might be some incentive for licence payers to watch the BBC, despite the bias and the inadequacy of the output, just to get some return on their “investment”. Just not enough incentive, which shows how bad it is.
The Venezuela of broadcasters, but for the guaranteed income it would have died years ago.
Netflix and Amazon will take most the leisure audience, which is why Lord Hall Hall is so concerned.
The viewing figures versus cost statistics will be increasingly difficult to justify. So it will die, the thought of which cheers me greatly.
Better still if UKIP win the next election. I will stay up all night and watch the British people condemn the BBC to death.
Also trusted and transparent and envied. Apparently.
The equivalent of being on a passenger plane and willing it to crash.
I thought accusations of sexual harassment was all part of the
venerable tradition of appointing supreme court judges proposed by republicans. Clarance Brown went through this procedure in 1991 I think.
Sky News has lost 37% of its viewers since 2012? I most certainly hope they didn’t move to the BBC!
We know biased CNN’s viewership is declining. Are there any equivalent figures for the Badly Behaved (just look at the way its interviewers treat Sebastian Gorka, Peter Szijjarto, Jacob Rees-Mogg, etc.) & Censorious Company?
One of the worst aspects of the BBC is their total lack of accountability. Presumably they can still continue with their biased output even if viewing figures plummet by 90%, as long as the TV tax continues to be paid.
Reform the BBC, root and branch! Remove their Royal Charter! Repeal the TV tax!
I wonder what the BBC’s viewing figures really are. Many people I talk to say they don’t watch anymore, especially news. And if you ask why they don’t watch, the response is always the same. They say it is because of the bias. You may say I am mainly speaking about people my age but these days the young have lots of alternatives to the BBC and I guess viewing figures in the under 35s will be lower still. The BBC think they still have influence but I guess it is decreasing. The days of Top of The Pops are long gone.
I assume more and more people get their news from the internet. That is the reason why the BBC and their backers in the Liberal Left are so keen to censor the internet. They may criticise Google et al in public but I’m sure that cosy tax deals are being offered provided that the tech companies stop the conservative right from being heard. In other words in the UK the liberal left is forcing us to pay for the BBC , which fills its news with leftist propaganda, whilst at the same time offering your money to stop the flow of news you wish to hear. It’s a case of heads they win and tails we lose.
Dt, I believe you meant to say “the illiberal left”.
I am 31 and can see the bias for a mile off. Last week was the final straw. The ‘analyst’ of PMQs failing to show how May called Corbyn out Labour’s racism and anti Semitism while instead portraying Corbyn as some sort of hero was too much. I know now what party they support and that is the really nasty party!
Top of the pops dies years ago and since then the BBC has been digging itself deeper into a bit of darkness
Could be worse; could be CNN.
That’s put me right off my morning coffee.
That reminds me, when Bill Clinton was being impeached over Monica Lewinsky and lying, his penis was discussed and I recall it was identifiable because of some sort of blemish.
It’s slightly disturbing how fixated some of these people are on penises. Is it a form of penis envy?
jic, “his penis was discussed and I recall it was identifiable because of some sort of blemish.”
That would be his body.
I think lying to the Feds is one of the worse things to do in the states – they do their “ obstruction of justice “ thing and it’s chains and boiler suit time …
News not on the BBC? The EU shows that technology can ‘solve’ customs clearance problems,
The Italian port of Trieste has been twinned with the Austrian town of Fürnitz, some 200km away, for customs clearance purposes.
The morning ‘news’ email:
The secret life of a female bodyguard
“We were being chased by the Pakistan army and wandered into Kashmir,” says Jacquie. “The Kashmiri rebels were firing at the Pakistan army and we got caught in the crossfire.” She and her team had gone undercover in a rescue mission to free a 23-year-old British woman who’d been tricked into going to Pakistan with her new husband.
Instead the woman was imprisoned, but eventually got a message to her mother telling her she was being held hostage and asking for help. Her mother contacted Jacquie.”
Penned, for some reason, by a BBC ‘business reporter’, Tom Bowler.
Netflix, beware.
@GuestWho said ..”Penned, for some reason, by a BBC ‘business reporter’, Tom Bowler.
Netflix, beware.”
The point is indeed Netflix
..bodyguard Jacquie Davis has a new Netflix film coming out, based on her book and her PR people will have thus set an interview with the BBC Business dept ..as they would give the longest on air interview.
She was plugging it on the World Service Business Daily on Aug 29th
and was on The Conversation in 2016
BBC photo label on that story
“Politicians like Theresa May are regularly flanked by security guards….”
Angry Tweeter replies “THE UK PM is not flanked by *security guards* but trained professional *close protection police officers*.”

I read that article earlier on…. For starters….. Jacquie Davis was apparently a policewoman until 1980…. For how long?? You might well ask….. Well, her age is 58… So that would make her age in 1980 …. 20 years old…. So, not for very long….
`Having initially joined the police, Jacquie decided to move into private security in 1980 because it would give her more variety. “I wanted to do close protection, I wanted to do surveillance and wanted to do investigations,” she says.`
So…. let`s look at the summary of her from the World Service page…:
`Jacquie Davis began her career with the British police, but soon moved into security and close protection. This was in the 1970’s when Jacquie says it was “very lonely” being the only woman in the industry. Today Jacquie runs the security and risk management firm Optimal Risk and her clients include the ultra-rich and famous; she’s dealt with everything from hostage situations to screaming fans and celebrity tantrums. `
Hmmm…. which decade was it then?? In the seventies she would have been a teenager….. It takes between 18 and 24 months for a recruit to become a full constable….
Taking this into account along with the differing narratives from both articles, I think Jaquie is Bullshitting…..
My Uncle who sadly died a few years ago was actually a sargeant and was `SO6` ( Diplomatic protection group ) He was in the Police all 0of his working life and it took him years in differing roles and duties to get there… First a constable, then a few years in CID then he spent about 8 years in traffic… From there he became an AFO (Armed Response Officer) and eventually ended up doing the job which Jaquie lied about…. Private protection is not the same thing at all…. My uncle Danny used to carry a firearm she had pepper spray or one of those poxy bean bag guns stupid bitch!!! also he finished all of his training courses!!!
Oh, the humanity.
What he needs is Owen to hold his breath until he turns redder. Or Lord Adonis and Surlenny to pop next door and have a word with Tone.
It’s remarkable, isn’t it, how our BBC is supposed to give voice to Britain and yet what do we get on the thorny issue of Brexit this morning?
Italian and French food producers putting their case for the continued protection of locational trade names such as Champagne Wine, Parmesan Cheese and Parma Ham – which are regulatory trading protections not recognised outside the EU – in the US and China for example. And given their tv platform, courtesy of our BBC licence fee, these foreign producers put their case in a suitably impassioned way.
Quite why they’re enabling this undermining of our own side’s negotiating position in Brexit talks never seems to cross BBC news editors’ minds – or does it?
Yet again, when illustrating the story, the bbc photo editors know who the real perps are.
Oi blud, was’appen to you hands, blud?
Nuffin. They jus gan all whitey, agin innit doh.
Cos you bin on dat BBC innit?
Yo, das like, fotoshop whateva.
Oi, dat’s well racist dat innit!
I’m a bit concerned you may be overdosing on BBC Pidgin.
Oh, I don’t know about that. Here’s the real thing – judge for yourself. And no, this is not a spoof site:
IR – Just some doctors, biologists and engineers, writing in Latin.
Man needs to vote Corbyn doe innit, like Corbyn solves problems and ting
Isn’t that what’s called ‘Cultural Appropriation’?
If I’m not mistaken, ‘Subliminal Messaging’ was banned in the UK – think early 70’s ish?
“subliminal advertising is contrary to the public interest and intended to be deceptive, and that any [tv] station employing them risks losing its licence.” – https://www.subliminal-messaging.com/when-and-why-was-subliminal-messaging-banned/
But, hey! this is our “most trusted” Far Left Marxist State Brodcaster at work so, ‘anything goes’…………..
Out of their own mouths: “Does subliminal advertising actually work?” – “And balance the low chance of success against the catastrophic PR (and legal) risk of getting caught doing this, and you’d have to be a true Mad Man to try it.” Not for the protected ‘Mad Man’ of the BBC though.
There was a really nasty little piece on R4 about knives a day or two ago. It even pretended to contain ‘poetry’, and sounded remarkably like a glorification of their use. It had all the right accents and music, so the beeb know exactly who is behind knife crime.
Near the end it suddenly morphed into an appeal to be ‘brufferly’ and do summink useful for ‘the community’, innit. That way the programme could claim, not to be glorifying knives and their use, as much of it seemed initially, but to actually be telling the bruffers to turn into sweetness and light.
Anyone who didn’t listen to the end, may well have rushed off, inspired by all the poetry, to – well write poetry about knives, of course…
Public Health? Stabbing, acid attacks are ” public health”?
Like Islamism is a “mental health” issue then?
Well let’s hope Sadiq has a “final solution “to provide ” special care” or ” appropriate treatment” for those who object to his language.
Got to say that London deserves him. London being the new Gothenburg or Cologne.
Well he should be easy to find – the only whitey in the village.
We wouldn’t want to negatively stereotype any ethnicities, would we? Or ‘tell the truth’, as it’s sometimes called.
The Wimmin’s Union have really got a firm grip of BBC output now. This morning we are required to fret over the Girl Guides doing a survey and finding out girls are more unhappy than they used to be.
Woah there! The last time the Scouts were featured we were encouraged to accept girl cubs and scouts. But apparently there’s no boys in the guides – we see how this is going. Wait for this… the guides can provide a ‘safe space’ for girls. Obviously no such space is to be allowed for boys. And their relative happiness is presumably a non issue.
Moving on our adult leader guests on tv from the guides are frankly flummoxed as to what might be making girls unhappy. There’s always the vague idea it might be exam pressure or that ever present fall back social media. Perhaps they’re in the wrong job, giving out the wrong messages or doing things the wrong way? Time for a rethink about gender roles? Of course not, expect more of the same ridiculous social engineering that’s making us all unhappy.
The BBC really can’t help itself. An 18-year-old supposedly representative girl is asked what is in her immediate future – off to uni… to study… PPE !
Usually the bbc gets quite excited at institutional incompetence with data.
“sky news has lost 37% of its audience since 2012”
Politicalite says, “Sky News has also taken on a Remain tone, and was accused of anti-Brexit bias after regular slots for ‘extreme Remainers’”
It has become a mirror of the BBC/Guardian polemic and until it becomes neutral again the audience will continue to decline.
BTW I get that to be a 27% fall NOT a 37% fall
I can see Statista are using same numbers as BARB
it’s quarterly reach for all viewers over 4 years old
AND In the 18-34 category it’s almost nothing
Q1 2012 17035
Q4 2012 Stats peaked at 18754 (thousands)
Q2 2017 still at 17194
Q2 2018 is an all time low of 12380 (Q1 was almost same)
BTW I get that to be a 27% fall NOT a 37% fall
1% of 2012 total is 170.35
So 12380 = 72.67% , so the fall is 27 %
And from the 18754 peak it’s been a 34% fall
Quarterly reach is not the metric I would use, cos it means absolute maximum, cos it includes people who whilst skipping channels watched SkyNews for something like 5 minutes.
Looking at Al Beeb’s news website before I buzz off to bed.
Thought for today …………. The BBC is institutionally biased.
Hopefully -a link to the previous thread ….
Please disregard my post above . I tried to put a link in to the previous thread but failed . There are good comments at the end of the previous thread which some might miss ….
Link to last page of Start the Week Open Thread 17 September 2018
@Fedup2 You have to use html to do backlinks
cos otherwise the system tries to make a preview window
You can pick up a link address to any particular comment by right clicking over its time stamp.
eg do that with the comment at 6:59pm from Taffman
Using lessThan/GreaterThan instead of brackets (don’t forget the quotation marks) you write
(a href=”https://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2018/09/17/start-the-week-open-post-17-september-2018/comment-page-3/#comment-942674″)last page comment from Taffman(/a)
last page comment from Taffman at 6:59pm
Save this link for future reference …
Flicked BBC 2 on for a moment, it’s Victoria Derbyshire with a programme about how Brexit affects you !!! I only needed but a moment to realise in what direction she was leading it. Won’t let anyone finish a sentence if it doesn’t suit her narrative. They come to a lady who after 19 years living in the UK is now leaving, because of Brexit. Yes leaving the country because in her words she needs security for herself and her family and no longer trusts the British government to do that. Her name was Sabine Schmidt or something like and she is heading back lock stock and barrel back to GERMANY !!!!!! Great TV, Victoria failed to pull her up on the fact that due to granny Merkel and her open door, how the hell does she think Germany is the answer for security for her family. I mean really ??? Sincerely hope Mrs Schmidt doesn’t have any attractive daughters !!!!!!
Oh, der Cologne.
It is the duty of all German women to return to the homeland so as to restore the balance of the sexes.
Since BBC top-man Tony seems to need more money to keep the great ship afloat, isn’t it time one of the accountants there took another look at the Guardian Business Plan?
Slavishly following this for the past decade or more doesn’t seem to have worked too well. High time they started to put two and two together and make something other than a multicultural binary gender evaluation.
Not following the Groniadista plan would require providing entertaining and thought provoking programming with well written scripts and unbiased news reporting. In the current BBC bubble that would be an absolute no no. Most of the scripts have to go past Captain Obvious to ensure they are predictable enough. News is written by fiction writers as they cannot get their scripts on air any more.
“Migration has pushed up house prices and hurt wage growth for lower-paid, report finds” – https://www.westmonster.com/migration-has-pushed-up-house-prices-and-hurt-wage-growth-for-lower-paid-report-finds1/
Here’s the Report – https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/740991/Final_EEA_report_to_go_to_WEB.PDF
Strange isn’t it? Just days since the Report was publicised, Treezer re-announces the £2 Billion Government investment in affordable houses.
Since the housing is required for immigrants almost solely, the burning question is, within the Report, do the authors take account of the £2 Billion’s worth of affordable housing being on the negative side of the balance scales whether migrants benefit the country? Any bets?
Wot about hospitals, police, local authority care for OAP and so-on
“The report insists that there is no evidence that migration affects the overall level of crime or has reduced the training opportunities for Brits.” No? Wot about the prison population then? This assertiion completely removes any thoughts that the Report is unbiased.
this is of course contradicted by the ex black gangster (or in the reports terms native british criminal) on radio 4 who said the black gangs had to up their game when faced with the shockingly quick escalation to violence of the new immigrants
How many house/homes need to be built every year to house the 300,000 or so enrichers flooding in every year.
My guess is we are falling behind more each year with the extra demand exceeding the numbers built.
When the tide is turned and the mass immigration stops then our people can start to find homes.
It’s not rocket science (but maybe of interest to all these rocket scientists arriving in the backs of lorries and on overcrowded rubber dinghies)
Not BBC bias but they report it as news .
In previous times one third of children went to Grammar schools if they passed the 11+ .
Now nearly half the children go to university at eighteen .
That means we’ve effectively turned the 11+ into the 18+ .
But no howls of outrage from the usual .
Twitter does say “A Levels are the new 11 plus”
I’m wondering if in 1957 a working class kid would have got into grammar and then to uni
Now the same kid would be denied a grammar and ..maybe bus denied uni.
Was it the historic case that all posh kids got into grammar
.. and NOW all posh kids get into uni ?
2018-09-19 Guardian Opinion
Europe The far right
“Racist rioting in Chemnitz has reopened Germany’s east-west split” Jacqueline Boysen
(Jacqueline Boysen is a German journalist and historian)
So good is this journalist and historian that no comments are allowed.
Unfortunately she suffers from schizophrenia and it’s her non-historian, non-journalist persona, who wrote this article.
She is also very careless about maintaining the tools of her trade. BBBC regulars can guess at the result, she has a faulty keyboard, one letter is non-functioning, the M.
Ending with
“Any chance of a few quid” – because “The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time,
money and hard work to produce””
Why make all this effort, shred the results, and print anti white propaganda instead?
* This is where my comments on the article would have gone. I read my horoscope, it said “be nice to real European people today”. So I was.
Merkel’s biographer Dr Jacqueline Boysen
Stops 99% of known global terrorism!
100% Haram Approved!
Easy to install!
Place a pig outside all schools and airports today!
note: Tolerant Islamist has to accept pigs. intolerant jihadist Islamists cannot and have to kill the pig!
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me…
Aberdeen church opens doors to Muslims
Cuckoos in the nest. Next they’ll want to use it as a ‘community’ centre. Then they’ll harass Christians who try to pray there and finally they’ll turn the church into a mosque.
Doubtless a prime example of taqiyya at work.
One more step (down) towards the muslimification of the UK and the eradication of Christianity.
John, Vlad
Sad but true…….if we let it happen. Why are Christians so dumb? It’s one way street…you never hear of any Islamic organisations opening up doors to Christians…
The Rev did not realise that any place where muslims have once prayed becomes a mosque for ever. See Rev Gavin Asheden former Honary Chaplain to the Queen who resigned this post as a result of this matter. I recommend James Delingpole’s podcast for full details concerning the error in inviting muslims to pray in churches.
I believe that judge Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI 6 times. Given that the vetting was likely conducted by the corrupt FBI under James Comey and his gang, if there was anything untoward in judge Kavanaugh’s past, I think they would have found it many years ago.
My conclusion is there’s nothing to find and the behaviour of the Democrats ( or demonrats, as they are sometimes called ) and in particular Diane Feinstein, should be investigated.
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Migration is required) and murder respectable (Don’t have kids), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (No kids to save the planet)”
Day 1: Ban bikinis
Day 2: Celebrate Eid
Day 3: Ban Trump.
Day 4: Ban Hate.
Day 5: Look into setting up a think tank to think about real crime.
“Violent crime has complex root causes, often involving deep-seated societal problems. At City Hall, we’ve spent time properly learning the lessons from Glasgow’s Violence Reduction Unit to scale up their approach to meet the different challenges we face in London.”
“Violent crime has complex root causes, often involving deep-seated societal problems”
double speak for its not the criminals fault , reward the trouble makers for making trouble
Sociology-speak for it’s all ‘society’s’ fault.
I think the complex root causes is islam.
In other words we’re going to throw more tax-payer money at useless community projects like yoof centres where gangs can do drugs and fight over their turfs and their bitches.
Yo, that should do it.
R4 yesterday – SK got such any easy ride – hardly probing journalism. He was allowed to just spew platitudes and when questioned about his normal blame everyone esle – he said he takes responsibility – and 2 sentences later blamed George Osbourne and the Tories. He is as useful as the proverbial chocolate tea pot
“Violent crime has complex root causes, often involving deep-seated societal problems.” – Sadiq Khan
* praise a man 5 times a day who owned slaves.
* praise a man 5 times a day who married a child aged 6.
* praise a man 5 times a day who consummated a marriage to child aged 9.
* praise a man 5 times a day who was a war monger.
* praise a man 5 times a day who chopped of husbands heads in front of their wives.
* praise a man 5 times a day ….”often involving deep-seated societal problems.”
Kaiser I have no idea who you’re talking about, but he sounds like a psychopath to me.
Suffering from severe mental problems.
If an EU fruit picker comes to the UK, picks fruit and then takes all their wages back to their country of origin …. is that taken into account when working out if they are off benefit to the country?
I was recently doing some business with the owner of a Halal butcher shop. Whilst I was waiting, one of his foreign workers asked him for an advance on his pay.
The owner enquired what for. “I have sent all of my money back home.” Was the reply.
OMG! Hold the front page! Candidate admits drinking heavily as a student! He must be guilty! Cut off his goolies!
Katty’s retweets are just getting ridiculous now.
UK inflation hits six-month high of 2.7%
This article is all about the “UK” so what better way to illustrate it than to have a photo of 5 Muslims, 2 wearing Hijabs, 2 wearing Burkas.
Nothing like a photo of UK traditional dress is there?
Plenty of HYS comments about the BBC’s agenda on choosing the photo.
BBC Confuse UK with Saudi Arabia when reporting on UK Inflation figure.
The Future of the UK as explained by the BBC … the Christian White People will be a memory on a poster on the wall … replaced by those living on the street in Burkas and Hijabs.
‘Human figures in a strange juxtaposition’… an eerily accurate picture of the UK.
Getty Image info: “Multicultural scene of people out walking past a series of posters for Primark depicting other human figures in a strange juxtaposition in Birmingham, United Kingdom.”
“Keywords: Shopping, Representing, UK, Poster, Islam”
Good find.
BBC Use gettyimages … “Figures In Birmingham” “Multicultural scene of people out walking past a series of posters for Primark depicting other human figures in a strange juxtaposition in Birmingham, United Kingdom.”
On the News at One there is a report on how British manufacturers and their employees are being affected by inflation. The example they use?
An Indian food factory in Leicester where none of those interviewed, all ‘Asian’, who are involved in producing their handmade samosas and pakoras have English as their first language.
Farcical. Do the bBbc really expect the majority of it’s viewers to empathise with these people in any way?
‘their handmade samosas and pakoras’
I hope they only make them with their right hands…
Do you know what Scrob, I was thinking the same thing, which is why I noticed one of the women interviewed while at her work station, samosa mix in front of her, was only wearing a blue glove on her right hand, none at all on her left.
That can’t be hygienic can it? Must have friends at the bBbc though because I think that it’s the same factory Cherry Healey visited on an episode of ‘Inside the Factory’ not so long ago.
Gregg Wallace was following a jar of curry sauce from start to finish. I think it was Sharwoods in Nottingham. High tech, state of the art equipment, sterile environment. If I remember rightly none of the staff involved in this process looked like those making the pakoras.
Isn`t her left hand the poo one?
That`s the one that OUGHT to be covered-if not cut off if she`s still got her clitoris intact.
An idea for the BBC’s website:
“Are TV Licensing’s Threatening Letters More Creative Than BBC Programmes?”
There is certainly more variety in the colours of their envelopes, form of address and style of threat. It would be a shame to miss out on this entertainment by buying a licence!
So which is it? BBC cannot decide on the nature of the location of the event.
…Islamic Centre?
…Muslim prayer centre?
…Islamic centre following a lecture? (i.e. lectures not prayers)
.. leave a private car park at the premises,
… drove near the mosque. (no longer an Islamic centre)
…Hussaini Association. (not sure what this is)
“We remain proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society and as such we remain unintimidated.”
“Brent is the most diverse constituency in the UK and our diversity is our strength.”
2pm R2 news : London #Cricklewood Islamic Centre hit and run
Stewards from an Islamic event approached a car , and then got abuse, and then the car drove into the crowd, injuring 3
Next story : ‘200 students have contributed to a fund to send a Bristol Uni cleaner on holiday to Jamaica’
(Is that actually NATIONAL news ?
BTW Free holidays there usually involve you having to bring drugs back)
The normal thing is that you can go to Youtube and check actual footage
But there isn’t any except the BBC CCTV showing the car swerving in the road as it sped off pursued by fluorescent jackets man.
one Muslim guy made a quick phone vid AFTER saying the car came from over there.
The rest of YouTube vids are just automatic bots reading out the newspaper.
BBC say \\ Before the attack a group of three men and a woman in their mid 20s were asked to leave a private car park at the premises by volunteer stewards, police said.
The group had allegedly been behaving anti-socially, drinking and using drugs.
Speaking at the scene, Ch Supt Simon Rose said when the stewards challenged the group,
“they were subjected to a tirade of Islamophobic and racist abuse”.
The car then drove near the mosque and the group were involved in a confrontation with a large number of people outside.
Their car was then reportedly damaged by some of the crowd before it sped off, colliding with three people. //
Guardian :
\\police said. The car approached the centre where a confrontation broke out
and some of those outside the centre caused minor damage to the car. The car then made off at speed.//
How about:
A gang of Muslims attacked 4 young people in a car which accelerated away clipping 3 of the attackers which had damaged the car.
Thanks to the quick reactions of the car driver, none of the 4 in the car were injured.
“The car approached…The car made off at speed.” Clever car!
Rape and disfigurement …. “First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to ‘appalling’ disabilities among children
Baroness Flather, a cross-bench peer, says it is ‘absolutely appalling’ that first cousin marriages in Pakistani communities are leading to ‘so much disability among children'”
First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families.
Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.
Do these first cousin marriages also account for the sudden upsurge in mental illness of the type that makes you murder innocent bystanders? And explain why all they seem to be of the same religion?
What about this one Roland?
bBbc favourite Dr Michael Moseley was on that politics thing with Jo Coburn today discussing the MMR jab and the decreasing numbers of children being inoculated and an increasing reluctance amongst parents to having their children immunised against measles, mumps and rubella, potentially life threatening and contagious diseases. An obvious concern for health professionals and the general public alike I would of thought.
Dr Moseley stated that the highest uptake of this jab was in County Durham, the lowest in London, especially Westminster and Hackney. He then stated that the lowest levels of MMR inoculation were within areas that had large communities with a strong belief in creationism rather than evolution and who displayed a general distrust and non-belief in scientific, in this case medical, advances and technologies.
Now, rather obvious what he was getting at isn’t it? Did Jo Coburn or any of her guests join the dots?
Neither Islam or immigrant was mentioned, but a rather a half-hearted attempt at the supposed lack of trust in experts encouraged by the likes of Gove, Johnson and Farage was insinuated and a reluctance to make MMR inoculation compulsory, as it is in Italy apparently, for fear of alienating groups of parents who see themselves as being already ostracised was advised.
More bBbc bullshit and cowardice, children’s lives are being put at risk and there is the potential for an easily avoided epidemic that could affect us all, to add to the risk already posed by the resurgence of tuberculosis, and the bBbc can’t mention it for fear of offending some third world illiterates who place belief above life.
How would Dr Moseley know the levels of creationism in any area?Maybe he meant cretinism based on first cousin marriages…we all know which areas he really means..
There is a very simple solution to the MMR problem, but it comes with a small cost.
Many parents are concerned that the MMR triple vaccine could overwhelm their child’s immune system and make it ill, so they don’t get their child vaccinated. They would not be worried if the three vaccines were separated out and given individually, with time between for the child to recover from any side-effects. The vaccines exist, but if given as three jabs – one for measles, one for mumps and one for rubella – the child would have to visit the GP three times. That’s three vaccination fees for the GP rather than a single fee for the MMR jab.
Given these circumstances the accountants who run the NHS prefer vaccination rates to fall because they can blame that on the parents. Patient choice only exists if you choose what they want you to choose.
And in Norfolk.
Sometimes it looks like most at the BBC would rather see nuclear war back on the agenda than give Trump any credit at all. Look at this snide tweet . Retweeted by you guessed it. Jon sopel ….
change mobile to www
On R4 news this morning they gave China the credit – didn’t mention Trump except to slag him off over the China trade issues..BBC too predictable these days
Just looked at a link from the bbc news titled….
Business upset over Brexit immigration plan
Here`s a sample …….
`A related study by Oxford Economics to inform the MAC’s analysis concluded that the average UK-based migrant from the rest of Europe contributed approximately £2,300 more to UK public finances in 2016/17 than the average UK adult. Each UK-born adult contributed £70 less than the average, it added.`
So…. according to this we are actually a nation of spongers who are dependant on migrants to fund our entire lives of benefit dependancy and below average earning potential….
I presume these UK adults excluded the elderly
Im also going to presume these UK adults excluded muslims
Im also going to presume im totally misguided
Some of the enrichers on a Normandy beach guarding the money they will bring into the UK to finance the lazy Brits.
Click to access Final_EEA_report_to_go_to_WEB.PDF
If you go to page 73 you will see the graph from which The Guardian found it’s figures. Oddly, The Guardian left out the curious fact that Non-EU folk actually cost the country, on average, £840 each. And that does not take into account any children or dependents.
Hmmm. Non-EU immigrants are very expensive, I am sure the Guardian and BBC will be sharing this fact with the public very soon.
That’s only the ones who pay tax and are known to the authorities…if the people who produce these reports lived in the real world they would know their figures are B..S
The BBC, and lawyers.
“Mr Maugham will soon table two potential grounds of appeal to the UT on behalf of Ms Ackroyd, who in September 2017 was hit with a £419,000 employment tax bill for her BBC PSC work”
if they billed her 419k how much did she earn and how much have the bbc avoided in NI
Well, clearly she is a market rate talent… though another of whom I have not heard. And the BBc dodging tax… well, golly?
The BBC will be happy. Maybe less so when they realise Netflix and Prime may not be quite as threatened by The Torsoflasher as the girls in PR hoped.
Oh dear Hip Hop Suffragette play closes
Ok – beg to report a decent programme on al Beeb – “the joy of data “on bbc4. Not dumbed down , no ethnic box ticking , a presenter delivering information clearly without some gimmick .
The first such science programme for a long time . It’s problem on that eye player thing …
Fedup2, agree but how long before they f**k that one up?
…with Dr. Hannah Fry, a female mathematician. Agenda, always the agenda.
Hear what happens if anyone suggests that it is reasonable to have more male mathematicians than female. A ‘strong’ female mathematicians turns to her father and husband to stop the ‘wrong’ story getting out.
Come on – not a bad looking filly for a ginger – and she managed not to mention Pankhurst or other terrorists .
Damn -online criminal words again – I’ll send myself for correction again .
I met Hannah Fry a few years back – she was lovely :0)
they can count to 28 then they get angry for a couple of numbers
‘Curtains for suffragete hip hop’
Not to worry, there’s always licence fee subsidised agitproptainment
BBC2 Episode 1
Back in Time for the Factory, Series 1
‘A group of modern women are going back in time to the 60s, 70s and 80s to work and live through three decades of British factory life and learn how an unsung army of female workers took on the fight for equality at work and at home…’
Uh-oh. Tony will be seeking more munny.
Lucky market rates are not ratings dependent, uniquely.
Bet Netflix is panicking even more.
“Cultural appropriation” if the black actress is meant to be Pankhurst innit?
Where`s the twitchfork numpties NOW?
They rushed up this crock flop to be part of the “current political conversation”!
Priceless-they`ve only had 100 years to do a decent job, they cast mum as black and daughter as white as well?
And all those illnesses too!
The curse of Orwell strikes them down!
That said we all know now that news, truth and quality are not wanted.
Just to be part of the current political conversation, lies are welcome.
As are rushes to sell anniversary crap alongside their dribblings.
BBC News-not news as such, but always seeking to be included in any-and I mean ANY-political conversations.
As long as they`re all theirs.
Why do we hate wasps and love bees?
By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News
I don’t know, why do we hate wasps and love bees?
It was Fatchers fault and you are a racist.
A groupie writes:
Perhaps we don’t like and we fear wasps because they are the muslims of the insect world.
Paul Jennings wrote a funny piece in which the wasps were German fighters. “Achtung! Achtung! There goes Jennings; sting his head.”
Chemnitz 1: There appears to have been a similar murder in Neumuenster. The police are searching for a man of ‘southern’ appearance, who stabbed the Polish victim to death on Sunday after an apparent argument.
Chemnitz 2: Looks like the suspect in the Chemnitz murder case, Yousif A., has been released. (Lack of fingerprints on bloody knives, his attorney claims. It seems this attorney is also very proud of ‘preventing’ the deportation of illegal ‘migrants’, whose applications have been rejected and who may even have criminal records).
Chemnitz 3: Security chief, Maassen, who said something politically incorrect about the Chemnitz affair, has been fired. (Although this was disguised as a sideways ‘promotion’).
Make of this what you will.
Someone who was not happy that Maassen wasn’t fired outright is a lady named Kramp-Karrenbauer, the General Secretary of Merkel’s CDU. I mention this Merkel clone because, should Mutti go, KK is a likely successor, and we may see rather a lot of her.
Hard to say which is worse: more Merkel or KK in power. Of course, Mutti has a number of other ladies waiting in the wings; (one of them is the Minister of Defence, who has allowed the Bundeswehr to go down the drain.) They all have something in common: they are all, to a woman, quite useless.
Of course, all of these ladies would rather have a coalition with the Greens, or even the devil, in order to avoid a coalition with the genuinely conservative AfD. Too ‘far right’, you know. Had this virtue posturing not been the order of the day, the (old) CDU and the AfD would have made a great conservative coalition.
Now Merkel prefers socialists, Greens or any other bunch willing to run the country into the ground. Knife crime in Germany? We probably ain’t seen nothing yet…
#AmyRutlandRules Dizgoostin’
Has Guido stopped banning people yet. I stopped going there when I was banned. It was never explained why but I think it was because I’m critical of islam.
Good to see the BBC has managed to dredge up some white rapists to parade on the front page recently, big sigh of relief all around, hide the muslim rape gangs in England regional news but parade some American ones on the front page, and a car escaping from muslims attacking it hits a couple and it is a hate crime immediately front page news again, are the imams running the BBC now ?
Or do they continually whine and complain more than the indigenous population and so thrusting their agenda to the front of the queue ?
Any news story involving a car or van attacking pedestrians elsewhere with a black driver and there is an immediate shutdown on speculation…funny that they seem so sure on this one
Some gormless labour ethnic MP called “hik “ or “huk” is lining up for the Home Secretary job by criticising PM May for having gates at the entrance to number 10
Not only does this show deep ignorance of our recent past – with a Muslim convicted a week ago of being on the way to kill the PM .
But it is also an insult to the copper murdered by a Muslim attacking the gates of parliament before thankfully being shot dead.
I suppose ms huk is amuslim so such incidents will merely be seen as cultural adjustment to Muslims guesting in Blighty before heading home to the place of their ancestors
I would say that it is not deep ingnorance of our past but simple contempt, wish they would be honest enough to show that contempt on their UK nationality applications instead of bowing and scraping and lying to get here, and this country would be well served, but, this so called religion are habitual liars and deceivers it seems, what a religion…
Not a Connie by chance?
Frankly ‘gormless’ is tautological with any MP, but especially those parachuted in from C-47s flanked by Red-tails.
I wonder if any in politics or media with at least a few connected brain cells looks around and wonders… or even despairs… for the country given the collection of brain donors gathered within Westminster.
Funnily enough, although she is a moslem she is keen on abortion, but perhaps only on the abortion of infidels.
The NHS is ‘subconsciously racist’, the head of the British Medical Association has controversially claimed.
Dr Chaand Nagpaul, who has been in the role since July last year, alleged ethnic minority doctors are not routinely promoted.
I would be inclined to suggest he is routinely demoted for the misuse of the word racist, and racism is apparently a crime now (but only if white people commit it, Jews can be attacked at random by muslims and it is apparently never racist or hate crime for some twisted reason) so he is accusing people of subconscious crimes ? ffs
They want to be routinely promoted now because they are black ? hmmm how twisted has this country become ? I despair for my childrens’ future
Just another day in Britain, which is no longer a safe or secure home for British people
That only means that the NHS join the police in being racist.
So-if Sadiq is saying that murder and violence are health issues?
Which one do I go to when I`m glassed? And will junior doctors now be patrolling the streets to keep me safe after dark in Spalding?
Half the infections in the local hospital come from them all on fag breaks, doing their shopping in their tunics at lunchtime-so won`t make a blind bit of difference.
Al beeb is saying that the number of murders in londonistan is over 100. The average is about 110 my target is 130 for the year . Maybe higher .
The Emir wants to share the blame for this slaughter with “ other agencies” which is an often used technique . All politicians seem to have tied themselves into not increasing ‘ stop and search “ so in real life deaths will continue and or increase .
Al beeb enjoys the ritual of blaming cuts , yoof clubs and getting drug dealer labelled as a community worker to say how the yoof are being victimised . And repeat .
How times change. In the 70s if you were looking for a fight you went to your local yoof club.
A few years ago I caused some concern in HR when I didn’t appoint an “asian” to a senior nursing post. I was hit with an allegation of racism. HR didn’t know how they could defend my decision and thought that perhaps we should pay “no fault compensation” to make it all go away. I pointed out that I had given the nursing post to a black Zimbabwean, and that black was darker than brown. Sighs of relief all round.
Love the equating of ‘left’ with ‘progressive’, which the BBc is prone to doing.
‘Right’ seems to equal ‘Ghengis Khan’. For ‘balance’.
interesting to note the conspicuous absences in Liverpool for the witch hunting ball, sorry labour party conference, no jew is safe from racist attack, just someone try saying the same about muslims as the labour party do about jews and watch the witch hunters burn them at the stake, they are panderng to the muslim vote and it stinks
If you think this is not true think about the burka shit storm because of one remark by Boris, compare and contrast:
Diane Abbott was filmed walking away from a teenager on the Tube when he challenged her on comments made about orthodox Jews.
Alex Rose confronted the shadow home secretary about her remarks on Question Time in April when she said members of the charedi community in Hackney are targeted because they wear ‘that costume’.
He could be heard asking her: ‘Why did you tell us that we wear costumes? You said the costumes they wear in Stamford Hill.
‘Because it’s not called a costume, love. It’s called a religious piece of clothing.’
Ms Abbott ignored the 18-year-old and moved down the carriage, as he continued filming the awkward encounter on his phone.
Just imagine the bbc wankfest if Boris had been confronted by a batman in a burka under similar circumstances, this tells you all you need to know about the bbc and their overt agenda and bias towards muslims and against the jewish race
This is the view of the Bernie Sanders tendency in the USA, so is essential reading for the Labour loonies here.
Got a heads up from my Commie pals, where I am undercover.
Well worth a read-this is REAL anti-Semitism as learned from Farrakhan and Sharpton. Both of who show Livingston and Corbyn for the wank amateurs that they are.
Be afraid-this lot are coming our way, Berkeley are practice camps.
just flicked thru it that was enough
wow just wow
LookNorthBBC tweeted
\\ Dick Taverne, the former Lincoln MP who won a famous by-election in 1973 claims the #Brexit result would be overturned in another referendum.
Do voters in Lincoln agree? Find out on @looknorthBBC //
FFS any excuse to air an ant-Brexit voice
Taverne now sits as a Lib-Dem peer
(On the TV item the Lincoln voters mostly didn’t agree with him)
Where were YOU the historic day in 1973 when Lord Taverner of Woolpack won some by-election, where Heath,Wilson and Thorpe were party leaders and when Princess Anne was yet to be married, when Polands goalie (Clownevski) made Brian Clough look a bit silly, when Alf Ramsey was Englands manager still?
I was yet to make the womb of my mum. But whatever Lord Dick of Dipwickington says?…well, I`ve GOT to know.
Next up?…what private school should Prince Edward go to when he gets to secondary school age?…YOU decide…FFS!
I was listening to Trex, Slade etc and, apparently we never had a choice to join this “economic” organisation in the first place our govt just did it and we were never told it would allow romanian beggars to travel here to shoplift, pickpocket, beg and shit and piss on our streets with impunity, and we would pay billions to bail out other countries that lied about their debts to join and we then had to bail them out(hello Greece)
And those that want to stay are generally those who are incapable of running a business for profit without relying on so many euro funding streams and grants paid for by us in the first place
these pikeys you mean
I was swallowing the lies we were told about being in the Common Market .
The whole mess is those who make a very comfortable income from administering the organisation just have a look at local councils to see the dregs it attracts who are just waiting for their pensions and magnify that 10 times and it is quite frightening “coputah says no, its our policy no, data prtection act says no….you get the drift….
“when Polands goalie (Clownevski) made Brian Clough look a bit silly, ”
I can remember when there was talk of making Brian Clough the England coach. They were going to take his teeth out and put in seats.
@RJ The old jokes are the best
….. and that one was in a museum when I was a kid.
I was 25 and became the proud owner of a petrol ration book !! I worked on an electric typewriter (with carbon paper) bashing out property details in an estate agents – average price £7,500 for a semi and around £10,000 for a detached. My salary was just under £20 per week.
The big news of the year was the Watergate Scandal.
At the end of the year we worked by candlelight when the 3 day week came into force, and the tele stopped transmitting at 10.30 pm. But at least we could bop around to the new single by Slade – Merry Xmas Everyone !!!
LookNorthBBC with Dick Taverne LibDem peer
.. was followed by a LibDem Party Political broadcast
… I kid you not.
Operation #RammingRemain down our throats
Repeat my previous post>
Good to see the BBC has managed to dredge up some white rapists to parade on the front page recently, big sigh of relief all around, hide the muslim rape gangs in England regional news but parade some American ones on the front page, and a car escaping from muslims attacking it hits a couple and it is a hate crime immediately front page news again, are the imams running the BBC now ?
Or do they continually whine and complain more than the indigenous population and so thrusting their agenda to the front of the queue ?
Any news story involving a car or van attacking pedestrians elsewhere with a black driver and there is an immediate shutdown on speculation…funny that they seem so sure on this one
“are the imams running the BBC now ?”
Yes and the country.
Khan…moderate muslims, hmmmh, I had the misfortune to run a class in a 80% muslim junior school in Luton, first thing teams of 4 and choose a team name ? all wanted to call their team Al qaeda where do they get that from ? their “moderate” muslim parents…..
Judging by my chinese wife. I’m with Trump, joking aside, we have a chinese president that has declared himself president for life in a country that EVERYONE will not challenge but they also said that about N Korea and what has Trump done there ? well nothing according to the
BBC unless it was a Clinton sex criminal that did it and then it would be feted aroundd the world….remember when he went to Ireland ? another BBC wankfest. pity those poor celtic waitresses though, have a cigar…
I grew up with “Today” before it became “Toady”
. Now I just dip in from time to time. It’s a pity that there wasn’t a bit more political diversity but in the current climate it’s La La Land.
The decline of R4 and the BBC is pretty rapid. Particularly when the figures reflect it too .
It holds onto the few quality programmes out of the mass of multicultural embarrassments but that won’t be enough .,
Looks like a tribal thing – Sunnis or Shia or some peasantry like that
Fedup 2 : Something that maybe yourself and other may take on board, what would you describe as the oft used term racist ?
I am firmly against anyone using that term casually as it is usually used to defend the antisocial beviour of a black person.
My friend from Zimbabwe had a perfect defintition of true racism in the 1980s,” all hate is tribal we do it to eachother all the time in Africa, but, he said, in South Africa, there is a real difference where they regard certain residents as LESS THAN HUMAN and this is true racism, the rest is just tribalism”
It allows genocide as animal culling rather than murder, thus the Nazis et al.
how have the two big factions of islam been killing each other ?
The response to this attack using a car is strangely muted suggesting not one of Al Beebs favourite “far right” narratives.
or maybe just peed or drugged up yobs who thought it a good idea at the time….
as for what you say about genocide – I don’t think that genocide needs a step to dehumanise the victim – if the group mindset is strong enough .
In war maybe, as propoganda and conflict can adjust the group mindset, I am talking about the cold hard defenition of a population as less than human is true racism, we do not have a defenition in common parlance but think of the word kuffirs….
@Annunaki YES, A lot of Scots Nationalists seem very anti-English
and of the mind that something is better cos it’s Scottish
..they certainly are tribalists.
“racist” is often used as a boo-word like “Nazi”
Yet it is true that Scot’s Nationalist doN’t want to exterminate the English.
Ha ha I hesitate to reveal my name but I am descended from an old Scottish “tribe”, I enjoyed in Luton when getting the evil eye in bury park asking them if they could trace their family tree back to the coronation of Malcom 3 in Scotland in 1058, I could, I have my own family tartan and they did spend a lot of time massacring each other generally over resources and then longshanks sorted them out, dont think any of them though came here in the back of an artic because they were too cowardly to fight for their own country and infested this place and attacked and raped our daughters, we have a first in history here with the complete vicousness and nastiness when in the majority or with a knife or a bomb, combined with complete cowardice in their own country to run away
You and me both Annunaki – King Malcolm 3rd coronation at Forfar Castle
Racism is a too simplistic term . Used mainly by individuals for their own personal advantage . Institutional racism compounded the weakness of the original term .
The use of language became a weapon for individuals or interest groups in the name of “ offence” .
“Offence” is the great no no of our times – often a notional concept where no individual is actually offence but “ might be offended” which is enough to end careers – eg “ whiter than white”
It’s not really a subject directly for this site but I suppose since al beeb spends so much of its time screaming “ racist” it’s fair to comment…
We have to be careful about not using certain words . And white people often forget that it works for non whites and whites equally .
Try walking around Ningbo as a British person they call me “lowai” a racist term but do I run to the police or the newspapers ? or do i just shrug it off, and the racism my wife receives here, same but some make an industry out of it here and we facilitate it which is why I am so annoyed at the BBC who are primary in this and take every opportunity to abuse this word by implying that it only applies to blacks / muslims and denying or ignoring that it applies to jews or chinese and other minorities,and our indigenous citizens, especially when committed by other minorities, and implying that crimes that are commited by muslims against white children are not racially motivated despite the comments they make while rapiing them that are on the record but ignored, this is seriously insidious
Just a thought ..what does a diplomat do ? and what does a proven very successful business man do ? and who would you trust to look after your security, money and interests ? and what is the primary responsiblility of an elected government ?
I guess it depends on which country they hail from. A self-respecting Australian diplomat may work furtively with a foreign intelligence service on behalf of an old friend in order to subvert the administration of an incoming President….A very successful hungarian businessman may spend his billions attempting to subvert nation states across the world and usher in the one world new order. And an elected government?….well if it were British clearly its would see its duty to act in diametric opposition to the wishes of those who elected it.
Some light relief.
2018-09-19 BBC Sport US & Canada
“Denise Mueller-Korenek: Cycling world land speed record broken”
“183.932 mph” BBC elated.
“Mueller-Korenek now holds the land speed record for both genders as she already broke the women’s record – 147 mph – in 2016.”
BBC wee in their frilly knickers, including the women.
184 mph, cycling! At 184 MPH! Strange I thought, they do not do that in the Tour de France.
My concerns are ameliorated by the BBC, the record speed is achieved by being towed behind a vehicle until 100mph, the tow is severed, the vehicle continues to protect the cyclist from the air resistance.
Fair play she has broken a record created in 1995.
But how popular is this minority sport? The BBC does not inform us.
I phoned my local airport. Tomorrow at 9am a plane will take me to 80,000 feet, I will jump out, on my bicycle. I pedal until my altitude is 5000 feet, estimated speed 400mph, and open my parachute.
Doubling the 2 day old record. Without any protection from the drag!
BBC also notes.
“Currently, the men’s and women’s records are separate, but after Mueller-Korenek’s feat, there are calls for the Guinness World Records to be unified and non-gender-specific”.
Including the world record for moaning about how unfair it is?
Certainly was not broken in Flatford last weekend having to follow 20 of the bastards at 10 mph for two miles, just hope they are encouraged to go faster but we all know they love holding up cars, and so funny on a joint walking / cycling route in st Ives when they shout at you to get past because you are walking too slowly …