David Vance published data on Tuesday saying that sky news has lost 37% of its viewers since 2012. This leads to the question of “to whom does Sky think it is broadcasting ?”
Couple this with Lord Hall moaning that the far left BBC doesn’t have enough money should give readers and contributors on this site good heart.
This morning Radio 5 Live was #RammingRemain down our throats.
There was something interesting
..cos 5 Live listeners are mostly Brexiteers there are very few likes on the Facebook discussion
Suppose a majority back a second referendum, will we then demand a vote whether or not to adhere to the previous one? Ad infinitum?
Or rather ad nauseam.
And at lunchtime 5Live were #RammingRemain down our throats
“Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller says a no-deal means UK ‘will have to come together as one'”
Their FB video
No comments on 5 Lives Facebook pages
Yet Victor Orban gets HALF A MILLION views
Stew thanks
Anyone – its 8 minutes worth listening too – and the applause at the end is heartening . Brexiteers have a friend in Hungary …
Another strong leader who looks after the interests of his own people. Like Trump. Unlike May!
the beeb must have forgotten about all those hard pressed chinese muslims it was so bothered about last week
maybe trump hate trumps muzzie love
Has Laurie Taylor been allowed to grow roots in his fetid BBC corduroy den?
Am listening to him hanging himself in regard of all his prejudices, faux clever verbiage and sheer BS.
Yet revealing-for his ilk STILL talk like this, STILL get paid to peddle Foucault, shaft Christians and propping up Marx and Fraud.
Do have a listen- steaming ammonite turd, tapered within a heliographic narrative somewhere Ozymandian-dare I say, Erasmaic?
Basically, we voted for Trump and Brexit, our Guardian quivering corduroy elbow patch of a poltroon ropes in some wordy rapping hoods to spout equally obtuse and meaningful bollocks.
Pray, in regard of the Brexit construct-may I kindly take a sceptical leave of the constructs hitherto offered by way of a rhetorical device?…And may we get the fuck out of your liberal shithole Taylor , you spud?
Taylor, Hislop, Merton, Holland and Sir Lenward?
How long are we going to put up with this shite…this coprophilogical experience of bonhomie and anomie.
And the tosser says he was a catholic dope with a learned catechism-as opposed to the freethinking brave empty voyeur or pop perv and porn that he feigns to disdain.
Word salads, and alphabet soups….get the fuck off Taylor you wankman.
Onanophilagical flatus….I am a grapefruit, breathe and be…Onological flatus-big diff!
I stopped listening to Laurie Tailor’s “Thinking Allowed” after the shock of listening to an interview with a Professor of Psychiatry from Bristol University called Stephan Lewandowsky. The psychiatrist wanted to put Causational Climate Scientists in the loony bin, if they didn’t agree with him on Climate Science. The loony professor produced a scientific paper “NASA Faked the Moon Landing – Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax” which claimed that people who think that man-made Climate Change is a Hoax also think that NASA Faked the Moon Landings.
The fact is, Harrison Schmidt, the only scientist to walk on the moon is well know to suggest that man-made Climate Change is a Hoax, saying that “the carbon dioxide scare is a red herring” “Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity” “the global warming scare is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision-making.” and “I think the whole trend really began with the fall of the Soviet Union. Because the great champion of the opponents of liberty, namely communism, had to find some other place to go and they basically went into the environmental movement.”
But rather than use language like “tosser” etc. I think I would use more scientific language such as “I now realise that Guardian readers and environmental activists like Laurie Tailor, are people of inferior intelligence, but with a superiority complex, due to working at the BBC, or any other position with political power”
Guardian readers are so ignorant and uneducated that they are worried sick about “Fake News” such as: (1) Climate scientists and a President who deny that the Climate changes. (2) Astronomers who think that the Earth is flat. (3) A scientist who walked on the Moon who thinks NASA faked the Moon Landings. (4) The Queen of sixteen global Commonwealth Realms who unlike Guardian readers, does not fear the world outside of Europe. And (5) The majority of British people who do not fear the unknown future of Britain as an independent sovereign free democratic nation, because they are better educated about British history than a low IQ brainwashed young middle-class student who votes Labour, watches BBC News and then becomes a journalist working for the Guardian, writing about the loony landing deniers.
oddly when the local pakis spent the early hours of every day outside my door blaring music from their car and smoking weed the police weren’t the least bit interested
yes, quite interesting when they will allign themselves to a religion whilst whoring, pimping, selling drugs and raping must go down a storm at the local mosque, but ofc ourse the imam is too busy in court defending a gang of old pakis who have been raping 12 year old white girls…what a religon
Never seen an ammonite turd and I have been in a few fossil shops and seen some impressive coprolites, we’ll have to swap notes…then again also not seen many meaningful bollocks, although many females of our species insist our brains reside there, the jury is out on that one as experience suggests that after five years of shopping for shoes and handbags and endless Eastenders and loose women it naturally returns to normality and the golf course and pub
Katty Kay has retweeted this:
Guessing this… not so much:
Could the BBC North American desk be any more twisted?
A repost
Remainers are all sucking on the tit of EU grants and subsdiies, unable to find employment through productive work
Is BBC reporting this ?
Bias by omission again :
BBC = Bi-By-Om
As regards Nigel Farage: Apart from his Thursday LBC show on Freeview Channel 732. The only other programs of interest for Thursday and Friday are all on Channel 5.
(1) Thursday, Channel 5, 8.00pm: Rob Bell reveals the story of HMS Victory.
(2) Thursday, Channel 5, 9.00pm: Michael Palin visits North Korea.
(3) Friday, Channel 5, 8.00pm: Larry Lamb travels the Hebridean Cycle Way on his Electric Bike.
(4) Friday, Channel 5, 9.00pm: Rob Bell walks the closed Elgin to Portsoy railway line.
I imagine the BBC, as part of its Brexit six months to go coverage, will be delivering a special programme based on a marvellous analysis of the benefits of our vote.
There will be insight into the importance of democracy and sovereignty as well as an examination into why so many people came to dislike a non democratic federation that had been failing so many of them on so many levels.
There will be a recap of how the EU grew to become a massive bureaucratic, statist machine – without any clear people’s mandate – and how its policies have undermined security across the continent.
We might get a sense of why so many people voted to reclaim their core values as democrats,.
It could have a look at why millions of quietly proud, patriotic people feel wrongly stigmatised as small-minded bigots when in fact their vote was the most radical, free-thinking and liberal thing to do in the face of an unelected, elitist, distant cabal.
Intellectuals who voted Brexit for all of these reasons, and who understand the lessons of history, could be interviewed.
People across Europe who have concerns about the EU project would clearly be allowed to have a say, too.
It would certainly make good viewing. The BBC has, after all, had more than two years to put this positive, uplifting programme together ……
Ed, Great suggestion.
What the BBC might do is take your suggestion seriously, and create a diametrically opposed programme.
Well written by Beitbart
Al beeb is running a series called ‘ dictatorland’ where a scouse beeboid wanders around countries which the BBC wants to piss off .
Apply snowflake mentality to a country with a shed load of oil and you know what you’ll get .
I’m sure the snowflake will do the same for Brussels when the time comes .,
The BBC redefining the definition of “minority”
Three in four London students ‘from ethnic minorities by 2030’
Rather like the 90% Muslim ‘diverse’ northern towns?
2018-09-19 The Guardian Opinion BBC
“The Guardian view on Bodyguard: to keep making brilliant shows, the BBC needs resources Editorial”
“the BBC increasingly lacks the resources to compete in this new drama golden age”
“The biggest drain on the corporation is that it must carry the cost of free licences to the over-75s”
Summary the BBC needs more funding.
So it can buy 10X more Guardian newspapers than anyone reads and keep the poisonous Communist rag alive?
I almost reached for my hankie and cheque book, almost.
What I did learn (from the comments) is that ITV made the Bodyguard. More fake news from the Guardian.
In fact, I learn more from the comments on almost all Guardian and BBC output I read.
“The biggest drain on the corporation is that it must carry the cost of free licences to the over-75s”
Of course this isn’t a cost, it just a lack of income.
One of the paradoxes of the BBC is that it constantly works to destroy the family while at the same time praising Clegg’s ‘New Britains’ for their strong familial ties. Part of that means providing a home for ‘granny’, unlike the wicked white British who, following BBC advice, have moved to Spain/France. Keeping ‘granny’ at home, plus a couple of live-in daughters-in-law, ‘costs’ the BBC the equivalent of four white British licence fees.
Similarly the BBC has put a lot of effort into appealing to the young and providing lots of online content that they can access with their mobile devices – mobile, no home, no licence, no revenue!
What a fantastic business model! Provide more and more services to those who don’t pay and piss off those that do! Roll over Ratner!
What about combining the Guardian’s “Since you’re here…” desperate pleading with some choice product placement?
Phil Mitchell could wear the message on his T-shirt whenever he flies into a drunken rage. Have a plane banner hanging off the Tardis. With the message subtly reworked to reflect the customs of the day on period pieces… a nice scripted font on a regency gown for a Jane Austen mini-series for example.
Could be a money spinner they haven’t thought of.
Not what we signed up for?
When I initialed the direct debit form for my tv licence I don’t recall ticking the option marked cultural marxism.
The BBC tends to promote cultural marxism when it gives platform to and encourages those who would replace the family with the State.
This morning we have an item on tv introduced under the heading of ‘unpaid carers’. Already I hear in my rather more conservative mind ‘you mean relatives caring for their loved ones’ This won’t be a celebration – that’s for sure.
A sick or disabled loved one is an emotional and a practical burden but we know the BBC is not really facilitating support for these carers but at best they are after expansion of the public sector and at worst nationalisation of familial responsibilities.
The BBC’s example of a carer doesn’t do herself any favours in the way she describes her difficulties in looking after her husband:
“My issue with being a carer is it’s not what I signed up for”
For better or worse, luv? In sickness and in health?
I think even our Louise Minchin was little taken aback by this lady’s rather too forthright moaning about hubby cramping her style.
Never mind, there’s always BBC promoted no fault divorce coming just around the corner. And of course there’s BBC promoted euthenasia if you can get the old geezer to sign up for it before he goes completely gaga. How about a pre-nup: you get dementia, I hit the highroad?
Why are the fourth and fifth stories on their ‘news’ app about a diverse Vietnam veteran finding his parents and a black man doing some art work in prison?
Is so little going on that they have to pass off fluffy tales as news? Or is the reality unfolding so tragically different from the multicultural utopia they promised that they refuse to report on it, thus making them worthy of the epithet ‘fake news’ which they so resent.
If you are worried about offending people you should not be in the news business.
Also on their morning email, they return to their comfort zone:
“‘We’re in love but never have sex’
“Our lack of sex life at the moment is down to me,” Amanda says. “I’m so tired all the time because my job is full on and it’s full on at home. It’s like my libido is tired.”
Amanda and Steve have been married for six years. Watching their 22-month-old son, Elliott, happily marching around the room, they laugh to one another as they explain why they now have sex about once every six weeks. “Daytime sex and afternoon sex – with a kid around that’s not happening,” says Steve.
Read full article >
Claire Williams
Victoria Derbyshire program”
Claire gunning for a Pulitzer there. Maybe Steve should get a camper van?
VD is ‘investigating’. A lot.
Let’s face it who would shag either of them!
I’m sure they have lovely personalities though.
You know BBC, you can do it when you try.
I’ve noticed lately the BBC acting with remarkable incuriousity in certain police incidents such as the fatal moped related firebombing in London recently. Whereas newspapers tapped police sources and spoke with neighbours the BBC turned a blind eye and cocked a deaf ear.
This morning I notice a sharp contrast in the BBC’s treatment of a story where, post-Sir Cliff, suddenly unattributed police quotes again can pass the BBC’s editorial standards:
‘A hoax is likely to be one line of inquiry after a couple apparently fell ill in a Salisbury restaurant on Sunday prompting a major incident, police sources have told the BBC.’
The don’t seem quite sure, so are retreating again behind asking the public, ‘having learned’…
“Salisbury incident: Was it a hoax?
The BBC has learned that the investigation into a couple who fell ill in a restaurant in Salisbury on Saturday is looking at the possibility it might have been a hoax. Alex King, a 42-year-old convicted criminal, and his 30-year-old wife, Anna Shapiro, were admitted to hospital. Ms Shapiro, a model, told the Sun newspaper the Russian state had poisoned them. But Wiltshire Police confirmed the pair had not been exposed to any nerve agent.“
Anyone listening to R4..I don’t know who the woman reporting at EU event was/is but all she keeps asking – shouting..is
‘Does Terezzer May have to make more comprise’..so we know what headline the BBC are wanting..and allowing EU persons who want another UK referendum to say it loud and clear.. whilst ignoring those who are more positive…F..g B..ds
Yesterday on politics live one of the panellists said £2 billion would be spent on social housing to provide 40,000 affordable homes.
This works out at £50,000 each.
Of course, it went unchallenged.
That surely qualifies as a, ‘Dianne’ doesn’t it?
R4…News headlines. Re my earlier post
“EU leaders have said they would like the UK to have another referendum” …NO they didn’t….some did with caveats..
BBC you are getting too bloody obvious in search of headlines
The bbc ‘news’ today seems to be an endless series of EU ‘leaders’ grabbing a photo op with BBc types like Martha.
Not sure many care what they would like. Or EU leaders.
Meanwhile, Mike may not be the BBC Business fave gob any more..
Still, there is always the car industry at the hands of Brexit. Though George’s all access studio pass may need revoking:
I wonder if Moonbat has read this…
What kind of parent would put its child on a small bike exposed directly to exhaust fumes?
We are doing the right thing, everyone else is wrong mentality?
Yes. There are pollen filters in cars but not on mopeds.
If Michael O’Leary is such a good EUropean why does his company use non-European aircraft?
[Ryanair to operate 585 Boeing 737 by 2024]
Remainers only think of money, which is why they are missing the reason they lost.
Katya knows stuff.
Look into her eyes…. her eyes….
Yes, but let’s hope most of the flights are one way!l-outward bound!
If Martha was a journalist, then she`d have been scared of being too close to the Maltese PM. His country kills them doesn`t it?
If they`re journalists-especially if they`re “investigative” journalists. But Martha is merely a rather thick plastic paddy beekeeper who gets stung so BUPA get her in their press releases.
Was there a rumour that the BBC found an embedded REAL journalist in its building in 2003? Maybe she still haunts the John Peel Wing in a schoolgirls uniform?
We may never know.
If anyone in the BBC was a journalist.
Why is he not wearing a shirt. That’s so sexist objectifying men that way to sell a book!
Mishal and Nick?
Welcome Home…which one would be the blind gangsta, which one the willowy blonde sap you can hardly hear?
No one messed with Lennie dahn the manor.
“If Shakespeare was around now, he would totally be up for it”
Jade Anouka plays Queen Margaret, with Max Runham as Henry VI
The Theatre of the Absurd has finally gone mainstream.
Yep, the bard could write a good line.
Did he ever write one as good as the one you`ve give us AISI?
What play, what scene and what verse?
I see a GCSE here.
Mi free bicthiz of Enda done mashed da mogs n peeps?
Wheres Lietenant Pidgin of this parish-surely Shakespeare in pidgin would storm it bruv innit yeh?
Peace Off!
A little bit of toady watch
Carthy the Asian sports reporter who sounds like she’s on Peruvian marching powder- interviews Tony Adams the ex footballer . He is against gambling companies in football and said he saw gambling ..as destructive …Carthy then goes on to do the daily racing tips …I guess her culture doesn’t do British irony – as a communist labour leader put it recentkyv
Not bbc news. Or likely ever to be.
I think all of the comments sum it up -WTF! Not a peep on BBC
Worth checking. But clearly newsworthy given ramifications on several counts.
BBC: “well, that’s alright then”.
“the Saudis requested his criminal history and subsequently rejected his application to return”
Unlike the not fit for purpose lefty traitors in the public sector.
Time to drain that swamp.
“Westminster Bridge terrorist rammed a knife through a man’s nose and into his jaw, leaving two inches of the broken blade in his head. When he was cleared of attempted murder by the jury, he said he had been blessed with an Islamic miracle by Allah”
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
If he wasn’t trying to kill him what was he trying to do?
Of course, the BBC has declined to inform its supine public that the USA has allowed itself to have a colossal trade deficit with China, and for the past decade, has been of the order of $500 billion per annum. Likewise, the EU, with a trade imbalance of $150 bn, more or less. No wonder President Trump, who understands business (and effective negotiation – please note T. May et al.), is trying to balance US trade with other countries.
WHO ARE THE FEW? Jeremy Corbyn on £65K in 2011?
Well, here we are winging our stormy way towards the end of September with autumn on the doorstep and the heating back on in the evenings. And as a confirmed Brexiteer and climate sceptic, naturally I’m not very bright, so it should come as no surprise that my minimal attention span has let me down again.
And yet, don’t I seem to remember – using those few grey cells unravaged by bingo and tattoo ink – that we had experts back in July, telling us without any shred of doubt to expect another ‘twelve days of continuous 30 degree heat, after a brief spell of temperate weather.’
True, October is yet to come and stranger things have happened, but on balance I’d say we’ve been fed another line of bullshit.
On the plus side, at least we can look forward to those valued and entirely credible experts being re-booked for Newsnight or some other minimal audience program, just to put the record straight. On our behalf of course, in the interests of balance, fair play and scientific credibility.
Pioneering US ballet dancer Arthur Mitchell dies at 84
No me neither, never heard of him.
Quick click on the article…… oh he was black! All makes sense now.
They tried to hush it up but Desmond Tutu had a bit of a pash. Allegedly.
Implementing Islam in a Christian Country is cultural appropriation and has to be stopped today.
Today’s Project Veritas Video : Deepstate Unmasked ep2
(I haven’t had time to watch it yet)
Brian of London says to watch the full 2 hour unedited Tommy Robinson video from Ezra
BBC (paid paedophile Jimmy Savile) promotes Save the Children (Charity that rapes kids) in article about two religions of peace (Sunni/Shiite) who believe in Mohammed who raped a child aged 9 under the pretence of marriage and is the moral guidance of the modern world in 2018.
The current TVC suggests funds are used more on expensive activism than assistance.
R4 11am : Generation Identity
\\ The Austrian group is at the heart of a new pan European movement that is vehemently opposed to Muslims and immigration.
GI says it is not racist or violent. In Germany more than 100 offences//
Stew- You were right (unsurprisingly). Presented by Simon Cox and totally biased. About 95% of the programe devoted to the Coxian world-view and carefully-selected interviewees, a brief chance at the end for Martin Sellner to speak. The entire programme is rife with the word ‘neo-nazi’ sprinkled everywhere, clearly part of the project.
Cox’s voice sounds soft and ‘reasonable’, until the demand for assimilation (when in Rome…), rather than integration, is mentioned. That’s when he sounds a wee bit cross.
There is an Antifa guy talking sweetness and light. Antifa, a violent and 100% intolerant movement, which -in Germany- has been known to leave a trail of shattered shops and burnt-out cars in its wake…He claims the IG is violent.
Disappointing for Cox that the IG in Austria was pronounced not-guilty. Darn that Rule of Law. Curse that Democracy…
No matter. Antifa will put it right….
I heard the last 15 mins. Interesting that Cox took the word of the Antifa guy as gospel when he obviously has his own agenda. Waiting for Cox’s programme on Antifa, but I won’t hold my breath.
Jesus if you thought that scene was soft, what about the last scene where he is taking tea with the Iraqi migrant.
The whole prog was the expected propaganda SMEAR piece as if it had been made in the Hatey No Hopers’ office.
They just took a load of dirt and chucked it in the pot and stirred.
Like the way the prog was ostensibly about Austria then they stuffed in that bit about GI-UK with Tore Rasmussen hiding his criminal past.
Look in Coventry the child torture/rapist had quite a senior role in the UK Green Party and their party structure had failed to do basic checks, but you wouldn’t do the same hit piece against them.
In fact it’s easy to imagine a similar situation with the UK Green Party where 17 of their activists had been put on trial for anti-fracking actions.
But you wouldn’t make the whole prog as if they were 100% criminals and then at the end say “Oh BTW the court acquitted them all”
What Cox is doing is the misrepresent/boo-word-label/dismiss trick so he can apply a whole different standard of justice to Austria’s GI movement .
If his prog was about the Green Party he would know he would get sued if he took the same line.
The annoying thing is that people tend to watch these sort of programmes and take them as matter of fact.
began with “14th of April, 2016. Identitarians storm a performance for asylum seekers in Vienna. ” ‘throwing fake blood, which the performers though was petrol’
#2 Then they moved on to the operation against the NGO-migrant-taxi-ships “This campaign received the support of a neo Nazi website and David Duke, and a leading AmericanWhite Supremacist ”
(So 3 weirdos ? that is the Guilt by Association fallacy : US anti-frackers aren’t automatically wrong, just cos Putin is on their side)
#3 French Alps : mega migrant poster saying migrants go home
#4 A quick mention : “They have an annual bootcamp in France where they learn to fight , they say in self defence”
#5 ” In Australia 17 members were put on Trial”
(haven’t they all been found not guilty ..and the govt is appealing)
#6 Martin Sellner was banned from the UK cos the HO say his visit could spread hate.
… his fiance is also banned from visiting the UK Britany Pettibone blah blah “referred to as white-power Barbie”
Then he is speaking to Natasha Strobl who wrote a book against GI
“They have ONE topic only ..refugees AND Islam”
( ..em that is TWO topics isn’t it )
Simon Cox has done a webpage also
I guess what the prog is doing is listing the protest-stunts that were used in the trial
(Also listed on this socialist website )
Cox : “The Austrian state believes the group has crossed than line”
#7 In June 2016 ‘GI stormed into a integration-class at meeting at the University of Klagenfurt ..banner saying “Integration is a Lie” ‘
#7a ‘Here we are with Ennis ..for him watching the GI activists ..brought back bitter memories of racism he experienced at school … (long terrible story.. but what’s that got to do with GI)
‘Lecturer telling his claim that GI activist hit him”
(So was anyone convicted on that count ?)
Cox says “It may seem draconian to prosecute a group for aggressive stunts”
…em yes it does seem that way
Perhaps that is why they were found NOT GULITY ?
Then they go into a bit with undercover activists Jerome Trebing
(“Martin Sellner has been banned from FB and Twitter)
JT ‘There is a big break between what they in public about no violence, …. they talk about about replacing Jews and no one speaks up’
Court Verdict
Cox “Basically they have been found guilty except for a bit of criminal damage..they were found guilty on all the big charges”
Cox meets with Martin Sellner
who argues for assimilation NOT ‘integration, otherwise it’s treason’
Cox is outraged \\he was filmed by undercover journos in London using the word “Paki” //
“It’s a highly offensive racist term, and you come the UK a lot , so the idea you didn’t know”
Sellner “No it was the second time I’d come to the UK, I’d been once before when I was 12
.. I would absolutely say sSORRY and never use the word again ”
(What more does Cox want ?)
Cox tries a new attack “You were involved with neo-Nazis when you were younger ?”
MS “Yes I was in a nationalistic scene, then there was no alternative, no right-wing patriot movement
I wouldn’t say I was a racist, I was a conservative patriot ”
Cox “Racist or patriot..he’s not out of the woods yet, the prosecutor is appealing nd looking into their finances”
“Several weeks later we meet him in Dresden at a right wing gathering
. Right wing protesters have been charged with 100 offences in just over a year ” (doh charged is not the same as guilty.. you wouldn’t use the same talk against anti-frackers)
“A few days earlier one of the joint leaders of GI-UK had resigned after evidence had emerged of a neo-Nazi group, not quite the non-violent, non-racist that GI present”
Producer Anna ” was he a friend of yours ?”
(Why don’t they mention who the heck they are talking about ?
It must be Tore Rasmussen a Norwegian, that came to live in the UK)
MS “I can only judge people on what they are today ..that’s all I have to say”
Interview with the Antifa : Leonard
Cox “There was no trouble, that day, but an hour a way in Chemitz there was a riot by other far-right activists.. prompted by a killing of a local man”
“In Austria GI is free to continue… ..now that the Freedom Party is part of the government.. how does that affect Muslims ?”
Back to Iraqi Muslim activist from minute 2 (super friendly romantic interview)
She speaks in Arabic as if not a long term German resident.
oops my big typo, I missed the “not”
Cox “Basically they have been found NOT guilty except for a bit of criminal damage
..they were found NOT guilty on all the big charges”
Tweeter ” #bbcradio4 Crossing Continents – Generation Identity. Chilling. what a vile group they are. ”
……Yes chilling, what a vile hate group , BBCradio4 are
Pakistan’s Minister for Human Rights (yup) asks for more religious freedoms for Muslims in Europe.
Meanwhile closer to home, the religious freedoms of Christians in Pakistan like Shama Bibi and her husband seem to present less of a worry.
Sooner we are out of EU the better then!
Indeed… but I can easily see a Sajidy or a Sadiqy simply taking that spot on the sofa
All European muslums want is for islam to become the official religion, sharia to be imposed, and Europe to be assimilated in the coming caliphate. Is that really too much to ask?
Well, seeing as you put it that way what are we all worrying about?
My daughters were circumcised, they’re growing up perfectly’: Twitter is hit by furious backlash after Muslim group’s video promoting sickening FGM practice is seen 30,000 times
Bloody backward savages
R4..now banging on about Austria GI and how far right are causing problems – talking to oppressed Muslims..woman talking says she has to change the way she lives…now she knows how many Christian feel..or does she?
It’s a one way street and Europe is laying the tarmac..countries to emigrate to – Austria (good skiing too) and Poland…
Let us consider:Social class, home environment, genetics and other factors all contribute to differences between individuals. People differ in looks, height, income, social status, morality, various kinds of intelligence and athleticism, musical ability, industriousness, discipline, and every other human characteristic. Differences in culture, history, and geography generate differences between groups. Being born into a culture that emphasizes hard work, education, conscientiousness, and thrift is a tremendous advantage.
“Social justice” advocates, describe the resulting disparate achievements as “inequalities” with the suggestion that these represent some kind of injustice. Unequal achievement is treated as though it must be the result of discrimination, “privilege” or some other unfairness, while it is in fact the inevitable consequence of differences between individuals and groups. Such as there is with those that follow the teachings of Islam.These differences of course will exist no matter how a society is organized, barring a race to the bottom where the laziest, least talented individual set the bar and every achievement that surpasses that pitiful measure gets confiscated and distributed — removing any incentive to do anything much at all. Just as BBC et al would like it to be, as well as that most eveil of all consitutions the EU.
Today’s R4 agenda pushing
6-9am R4Today .. Constant ramming of London liberal agenda down your throat
9am Melvyn Bragg is compelled to bring in a female guest from a tiny elite American college, cos of gender balance :
Melvyn’s a man so woe betide that 2 of his 3 guests should be men
9:45am Book of the Week : segments from liberal writers :
Today Pankaj Mishra is supposed to be talking about Mahatma Gandhi, but within 20 seconds he has a dig at Trump
(To Virtue Signal to his friends that he is in the CORRECT tribe, the libmob
… to us that is Trump Derangement syndrome)
Then 3 mins in he says
“Some of us believe that Trump and politicians who promote Brexit lie a great deal.. and at the same time those” ‘ that won’t accept this is true’ (I paraphrase) “they THINK the media is biased against Trump”
10am Lily ffing Allen
11am a Dig at Generation Identity
Sorry for all the posts but working at home – made mistake of listening to R4.
Why is it that the BBC are constantly pushing the transgressions of ‘Far -right’ but never Alt-Left?
Why no discussions on how Muslims mistreat Christians?
Why no support for the bulk of the UK and its culture?
Switching off now
It’s the reason I use “ far left BBC” – it’s tedious but need to use the term to diminish it.
Sorry for all the posts but working at home – made mistake of listening to R4.
Why is it that the BBC are constantly pushing the transgressions of ‘Far -right’ but never Alt-Left?
Why no discussions on how Muslims mistreat Christians?
Why no support for the bulk of the UK and its culture?
Switching off now
Why is 9/11 anniversary not mentioned by May? Too upsetting?
Meanwhile, the benefits of remaining remain legion.
Represented, of course, by an ex-Beeboid, thus ensuring easy flow of propaganda.
In other news…
Wonder never ceases.
Twitch on comrades. Just so’s the pension pot remains uniquely funded?
Maybe Andy Burnham can motivate the local populus? Or VD can swing by with some ointment?
BBC trying desperately to justify its funding model.
‘BBC Blows Chunks’ next?
Becoming a trans-woman is theft. It denies a real woman a job that should have gone to women.
Over here, possibly explaining, if not excusing that thing with Nish and the airhead blonde…
Still, there will always be Frankie.
R4Today #RammingRemain down your throats
Babis isnt particularly pro EU, but Cz gets 3.4bn euro p.a. so obviously he is keen the UK stays!
‘When Mark met Emily’ may not be the sequel Hollywood needs.
White man not replaced by BME woman
..but since Davis flaunts his rentboy image his whiteness is OK
Amol said \\2/ I was sounded out about it,
but in several conversations with the boss class we agreed that it wasn’t right for me
or, more importantly, for our ultimate bosses, the licence fee payer. //
World at one
The fat beeboid doing a final piece on the ReichEU and Blighty . It was about 10 minutes and exemplified the alienation feel – just a load of career politician talking about power and treaties but not a single bit about the catastrophic effect membership has had on our national character and the citizen level or how fed up people feel that we aren’t out and gone by now .
I’m hoping for a white WTO brexit – sung by Bing or google Crosby
“white WTO brexit” – steady now FedUp – skating on thin ice.
Looks like the PM show must have a queer presenter with a stone bonker beeboid breeding . More downward viewing figures so a good thing .
Bit of luck they’ll kill off newsnight and replace it with girlie football highlights
From one queen to another eh?
Were no women asked to flag up the execrable PM?
Sexist maan!
Yeh, but I bet Evan’s a fig roll – white on the outside, black in the middle.
” ……more importantly, for our ultimate bosses, the licence fee payer.”
Well that gave me my first out and out guffaw of the day.
Ye gods !!!!
It’s a scumbag trick that Radio4 play

Of leaving the programme topic blank
when you can see they’ve chosen an inflammatory graphic
eg 8pm R4 tonight the Briefing seems to be #RammingRemain down our throats AGAIN
Some dip stick economist on al beeb at lunch time had the cheek to claim that Blighty will suffer because we will lose funding from the ReichEU when we leave . Not challenged .
For balance…
Quite why they keep having him (or Adonis, or Jones, or Soubry, or…)* on remains a mystery.
Maybe they figure what is said on a main broadcast is covered by any corrections market rate interviewers let pass?
*Has Remain actually got any advocate who is not barking, venal or Nick Clegg?
Hello Kitty
‘Croydon cat killer’ mystery solved by police
Oh dear, here’s an agenda busting news update from the BBC
‘The so-called Croydon cat killer does not exist, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed.
The force launched an investigation in 2015 into reports of mutilated cats in Croydon and the surrounding area.
Twenty-five post-mortem examinations were carried out but found no evidence of “human involvement”.’
Turns out it’s the foxes what did it. Mind you, the foxes being a BBC-favoured species do get a touch of soft soaping of their bad news.
‘Scotland Yard said injuries inflicted on cats were “likely to be the result of predation or scavenging by wildlife on cats killed in vehicle collisions”. Foxes are believed to be behind some of the mutilations.’
‘The Met’s inquiry found there was CCTV footage showing foxes carrying pet body parts in three cases.’
Oooops. So the foxes are bang to rights, right?
“I hope this conclusion brings comfort to pet owners who have, up until now, been frightened to let their animals out at night.” Why would it?
Now of course, although all these cats appear to have been mutilated by foxes let’s bear in mind not all foxes are cat mutilaters. And I think rather than stretch an analogy too far I won’t say foxes are a peaceful species.
Perhaps they should have brought a bigger case?
Saw what you may not have intended to do there.
Salisbury foxes? Doubtless Louis Vuitton too.
I don’t believe a word of that bullshit. The culprit was clearly a hate filled, old, white, heterosexual male, Nazi, racist, homophobic, misogamist,perverted, great grandfather with a tendency to touch up little boys and vote for Brexit .