Midweek Open Thread 19 September 2018

David Vance published data  on Tuesday  saying that sky news has lost 37% of its viewers since 2012. This leads to the question of “to whom does Sky think it is broadcasting ?”


Couple  this with Lord Hall moaning that the far left BBC doesn’t have enough money should give readers and contributors on this site good heart.

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539 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 19 September 2018

  1. St George says:

    Make sure you watch Victoria Derbyshire for the follow up on this little beauty…….
    ‘My daughters were circumcised, they’re growing up perfectly’: Twitter is hit by furious backlash after Muslim group’s video promoting sickening FGM practice is seen 30,000 times
    Muslim group called Dawoodi Bohra Women for Religious Freedom posted tweet
    Video featured woman justifying ‘khafz’ – or female circumcision – on young girls
    But group paid for ‘promoted’ tweet so it showed up for users who didn’t follow it
    Twitter said the promoted tweet had been ‘removed for violation of our policies’

    PUBLISHED: 10:54, 20 September 2018 | UPDATED: 13:10, 20 September 2018


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Isn’t that great . Chequers unacceptable to the ReichEU so no agreement so no vote in Parliament no payment WTO and we gone in 190 days …


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Chequers was never going to be acceptable and if May didn’t know that she’s more incompetent than she looks.


      • tipple says:

        She wore an orange jacket when meeting the Irish PM today so I’d assume she has no idea about anything!


  3. G.W.F. says:


    Two 15 year old plan far right terror, had a far right ideology
    Don’t you get sick of it Far right , Far right Far right Far right Far right Far right Far right , Far right extremism.

    The BBC are leading the entire left, from Labour, Tory Cabinet, to the Trots, UAF, Antifa, and every anarchist whacko outfit and the Mohamidans all restrict their opponents to Far right.

    The boys probably had censored pictures of far right Lauren Southern



  4. Guest Who says:

    Ever get the feeling the BBC is keen to give the ‘news’ a bit of a push?


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Funny. Not so long ago, the BBC referred to them as alt-right. And not long before that, the hipster right.

      So they — presumably along with anyone not with a lifetime’s subscription to the Socialist Worker — have had an upgrade. A DEFCON 5 lightbulb is flashing somewhere in a W1A espresso bar no doubt.

      Does anyone believe that beeb hacks possess either A) the ethical imperative or B) the basic intelligence to clarify in their own minds the precise meaning of these terms?


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    Not sure whether the BBC have touched this bit of news yet


    ‘A nurse who used voodoo threats to traffick vulnerable women from Nigeria to Germany to work as prostitutes has had her 14-year prison sentence increased.’

    ‘Cos, freedom of movement of people is a good thing, right?

    ‘The prosecution said it was clear that Iyamu, known as ‘Madam Sandra’, had travelled extensively across Europe and into Africa on a regular basis to meet victims.’

    …. but the NHS?

    ‘Originally born in Liberia, Iyamu was made a British citizen in 2009 after being allowed to stay in the UK due to her nursing qualifications.’

    Have a heart….

    ‘Defence counsel John Benson QC said Iyamu – the daughter of a politician – had ‘lost everything’ as a result of her conviction, including her hope of pursuing a political career in Nigeria.’


    • Guest Who says:

      Surely that little lot guarantees her a slot on the Shadow Front bench?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Bang on


    • Lefty Wright says:

      The term “cheap labour” always makes me laugh. How long will these imports remain “cheap”? My guess is that once the “cheap” people become the dominant people they will be inclined to use more than just strike action to achieve their aims. Mercifully I will not be here to see the carnage but my grand children and beyond certainly will be. That bothers me.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Al beeb can do no wrong – much like their blessed NHS – listening to the R2 vine thing about the horror of the Shropshire midwife negligence – that excellent ability the organisation has to deny it is wrong and not learn from mistakes – leading to the death of babies


  7. Kaiser says:

    so sharia may says

    chequers or leave the cabinet

    to her mp’s back chequers or else

    to the membership chequers is the only deal live with it

    to the media its chequers or no deal

    the EU say chequers is un-acceptable and she shuts up and off she goes to think about changing it and back down / bend over some more and see what else she can surrender

    What do they have on this bloody woman

    meanwhile the beeb try to explain how bananas might disappear after brexit

    Banana’s seems about the right word for the lot of em


  8. Guest Who says:

    No wonder the BBC loves the EU, it operates in the same way:


    Always fun tracking a BBC researcher asking a whinger to DM them and when the ‘story’ breaks.


  9. Dover Sentry says:

    The BBC have described the two 15 year olds from Ramsgate arrested for terrorism as being of the ‘extreme right’.

    Where do Islamic extremists sit on this spectrum?

    Extreme left, I presume?



  10. Guest Who says:

    Desperate much? Next they will commission a poll. Then get a Shami to inquire.


    • StewGreen says:

      Hmm it’s a start
      #1 Look at the way Owen Jones and the other Comedians don’t count as Labour but count as “OTHER”


    • StewGreen says:

      #2 So how does QT get away from the accusation that it is nowhere near balanced as regard Anti-Brexit bias

      QT is not a single issue programme and we can’t achieve mathematical ‘balance’ for every single question asked,
      not least because politicians from opposite sides sometimes agree with each other
      (you mean main Lab/Tories agree to be anti-Brexit)

      During formal Referendum period QT did ensure a balance between Brexit remainers & leavers.
      (Did it ? I don’t believe that)
      Since then the arguments have been less binary and more complex, so it’s no longer appropriate to categorise panellists like that.
      (You mean you have given up any pretence of balancing Remain/Brexiteer guests)
      Our aim’s to reflect range of views over time


      Laughable final post.
      Almost every week it’s 4 remainers versus 1 leaver,
      when half the programme most weeks is on this issue.
      It’s disingenuous not to acknowledge the importance of this single issue and the inbuilt remainer bias on the panel.
      Prove me wrong and release a chart.


    • StewGreen says:

      Ha last week they had ” a Labour MP AND a Labour candidate “


  11. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    ‘Storm Ali’
    Can’t even have a non muslim storm now.


  12. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Marine Le Pen ordered to undergo psychiatric testing””


    At no point do the BBC offer a counter view in the interest of ‘impartiality’. After all, they are the world’s ‘most trusted broadcaster’. Say a lie often enough…

    Le Pen in BBC land is of the Far Right and therefore the enemy.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I read that Dover, and the thought that went through my mind is France, like the UK, sounds as if it’s becoming more of a fascist state by the day… which is a little ironic considering Le Pen is the one they’re calling ‘fascist’.

      The punishment they’ve dished out to her for the ‘hate crime’ of emailing pics of IS atrocities is clearly intended to humiliate her.

      Was it Mao who made intellectuals wear dunce caps in the streets, while encouraging the local idiots to throw faeces and stones at them?

      Le Pen is right, things are getting scary.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        This, in fact (rather aptly documented by the BBC):



      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        Only shows you what the Eurofascists are now contriving to do.
        Geert, Tommy and now Marine.
        Revenge will have to be sweet and soon.
        We got rid of the Soviet Union-and not to have ourselves in some open psychiatric farm of EU judges cobblings.
        If I were Alastair Campbell, I`d not go postal round the studios or that New European of his.
        Law like Eurolands here can yet be used against the REAL nutters.
        How thick are the left then?


    • taffman says:

      “A French court has ordered far-right leader Marine Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests as part of an inquiry into her sharing images of Islamic State group atrocities.”
      A Big mistake for France. The French will take action over this, it could go ugly.


  13. StewGreen says:

    How was BBC local news in your area tonight ?
    Look North from Hull had ANOTHER day of #RammingRemain down our throats AGAIN
    #1 Live Studio panel of 4 people , 2 were Brexiteers one of which was a sharp Asian lad
    #2 Then they were on the Costa fishing for Remain views but didn’t get many
    AND that was NOT enough
    #3 they went on with “now Join us on Facebook” ..where they had 20 minutes of extra live video
    remain got a kicking in all
    – Jesus there’s even extra Facebook video and discussion of the Costa item where there are many *more comments* against Remain


  14. MarkyMark says:

    “A nation can survive its fools (Boris Johnson), and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within (Theres May). An enemy at the gates is less formidable (ISIS), for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself (Islamist Politicians). For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.(Jeremy Corbyn) He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

    ― Marcus Tullius Cicero



  15. G.W.F. says:

    Rebel media on the scheduled trial of Tommy Robinson for 27th September.
    Since this was published further details have emerged and I saw a piece of Robinson live before it was terminated. They are holding a re trial and adding two more offences, of which I am not clear but one involves mentioning the religion of those on trial. More information needed.
    Tommy is certain he is going back to jail and his lawyers have advised him to plead guilty and apologise as jail is the alternative.
    There will be demonstrations supporting him and these will be countered by well organized and probably state funded anti fascist demonstrations. See the relevant facebook pages of the left.

    This looks like justice from the standpoint of the Moslem Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who must be feeling fairly confident that he can destroy whatever residual anti Islamic criticism remains.

    Anyone think we have the semblance of a Conservative Government….piss off.


  16. G.W.F. says:

    Latest from Tommy Robinson before it was cut off

    =68.ARAATDLhizfQEoUvcmr2iCDKGEPqibXaipxxUXTXhCsIN3FhEagK0pWGtoKdEvmsTRB3wb3xjXDOhcmAnxhcLiomhZsFE-VatmJmZgB3GY2GXuLy_Bc74uYO3TYQWIc4CMXxxdoUt00Fj-l-V4HPP32idIlgyAL_hx7TT0kBREMks0GYEIDr-zPAP-e353GAUXEcAQ4VU3I32qH9lYi21ef1Wu0Gu0Dji7VD83s8iAM&__tn__=K-R[/img]" style="background-color: #fff; display: inline-block;">


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      My view is they really aren’t out to destroy Tommy Robinson as such, they’re trying to destroy his support. He’s only dangerous because he’s well known and a lot of people are being swayed by what he says into thinking ‘non-group think’.

      For a long time they’ve attempted to keep him ‘off the radar’ in the hope people would lose interest – but, it hasn’t worked, there are too many alternatives to the MSM these days to stifle him completely that way (even with the likes of Google and Facebook in on the scheme).

      Then they’ve tried to make him ‘untouchable’ through the use of boo words – ‘racist’, ‘far right’, ‘neo-nazi’…. but, those phrases have been over used and misapplied too often to hold the power they once did, their magic has fizzled out, and they have nothing to replace them with.

      The last attempt (throwing him in prison) backfired – there were protests in support of him that attracted more people than they thought they would, and notably more than the rival demonstrations they ‘facilitated’. They tried to pretend those protests weren’t happening, but that didn’t work either, because the MSM no longer controls all the communication channels.

      So what now? Considering what’s just happened with Marine Le Pen, I’d bet the next plan will be to try to force him to publicly humiliate himself in some way and/or to have him publicly humiliated, to destroy his credibility and self esteem. That ‘they’ believe will make people turn away from him in disgust… except, i don’t think it will actually, once your eyes have been opened, and you’ve seen the truth, you can never go back to accepting the lies.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Good post, BigBC.


      • Kaiser says:

        they could make him recant and deny the existence of grooming gangs but it would make no difference to me, I would understand the pressure he was under and it would only serve to prove that the government are desperate to shut down the dissent.

        Its way too late now the cat is out of the bag


      • Doublethinker says:

        My view is that the Government is scared , they know that just as in France, Germany, Italy and other countries, the indigenous population has had more than enough of migration and are very concerned about the Islamisation of their country. But in the UK , unlike other countries, there has never been any political party which represents this growing segment of the population. The political establishment is determined to keep it that way, to continue to suppress the feelings of their voters.
        They regard Tommy as a serious threat because he has a large following and is therefore influential. He could become the focus of a new political force similar to Wilders or Le Pen. So they are determined to stop him by whatever means it takes. The action they are taking will, in their view, also serve as a warning to anyone else who has the courage to stick their head above the parapet and take on a leadership role as Tommy has done.
        They also recognise that Tommy has this amount only of influence only because of social media and the internet has allowed to reach millions of Brits. Thirty years ago Tommy could never have got his message distributed widely enough to pose any threat to the establishment. So they are determined to censor the internet and make establishing a new anti Muslim political party impossible.
        Finally, Tommy is a brave man todo what he has and to be prepared to face prison again. We don’t know how he will be treated there , what dangers he will face, let us all hope that he comes out in one piece both physically and mentally. I am sure that we all salute him. As a poster has already said if he could avoid prison by backing down we would all support him , better to have him outside and free with his family than in prison facing unknown dangers.


    • StewGreen says:

      @GWF That video has dissapeared
      There seems to be a copy On the TR Facebook page
      It ends properly ..I guess you were watching the live feed.


      • Holly Selassie says:

        Seen it.
        A Must Watch.
        Truly frightening and distressing, this poor man and his family.
        I hope he gives us a list of who`s been creating this chain of lies from his very first arrest-names of lawfirms, judges and reporters, quangos and those like churches he might have asked for help-but got none.
        Where are all OUR “few” then? Liddle, Delingpole, Hartley Brewer and Mogg, Farage and hannas etc?
        THIS case will separate those of us who will act and “not pass by on the other side”-from those who like to follow the soldiers, but won`t actually FIGHT.
        You`re either with him or against him-and those doing this need to be made to feel the fear that we do as we see the Deep State at its most malicious-yet also bent and busted by Tommy.
        Nobody in this nasty little chain gang of theirs ought to be sleeping in their own bed, walking these streets freely if Tommy is denied the same “human rights”.
        Where the hell is Amnesty International then? Bastards.


  17. taffman says:

    Al Beeb anti-Brexit news …………..
    “Donald Tusk: Theresa May’s Brexit trade plan won’t work”
    Looking at the pages and Laura’s views (bias) on the subject. Its a laugh, more Brexit panic phobia.
    The HYS is a tonic just have a look at the ‘highest rated’. Go on the offensive Brexiteers , ‘their game is up’!

    The only reason Great Britain became ‘great’ is the fact that it was isolated from a political Europe for centuries. It became the greatest democratic country in the world – ‘The cradle of democracy’. That was until we were duped into joining the Common Market .


  18. Dover Sentry says:

    Watched on Channel 5 tonight two programmes.

    The first at 8 pm was about HMS Victory and the defeat of the French in 1805 at Trafalgar. It was far better than anything the BBC could have produced. No politics. Only the facts.

    At 9 pm I watched Palin in North Korea. Very interesting. Palin unlike the BBC actually went to engage with the local population rather than spout from a hotel balcony in a country somewhere adjoining.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I caught Palin’s programme. It was a really interesting hour and no agenda to spoil it.


    • Old Goat says:

      Against my better judgement, I watched both of those. I do get a bit irritated by presenters getting over excited, and saying “amazing” and “fantastic” a lot, but generally not bad. For me, his last words, in the Victory programme qualifying “unique” with “utterly”, made me cringe.

      Palin great, as ever, but really beginning to look past his sell-by date, a bit like me…
      …he was at pains to tell us there was no internet available to the plebs, yet we saw him sat at his Apple laptop.


    • Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

      I, too, enjoyed those two Channel 5 programmes and found myself surprised when it came to a commercial break because I had assumed it was BBC2. They were the sort of unbiased informative programmes that the bBBC used to show, but not now.


  19. StewGreen says:

    Channel4  9pm : cop serial
    Officer goes under cover in “the Far Right group the killer  used to be in”
    – And in another case officers “try to track down the poisoned batch of halal meat”

    Bet you were watching BBC2 8pm for the reality TV recreation of  the Dagenham women strikers


  20. Guest Who says:

    Ali still seems upset they didn’t plug his book at the accustomed optimal hour, per usual.


  21. StewGreen says:

    Hmm the taxpayer funded RSC and Bristol Old Vic have done a Pakistani version of Moliere.
    Well it is about an oppressive father.
    Seems it’s got good reviews


  22. John Ogilvie says:

    Not so much an example of BBC bias as a lack of educashun:
    There was a lot of huffing and puffing but Brendan Rodgers’ side got their in the end.



  23. taffman says:

    At the end of the day who’s side do you all think that the BBC on?
    Great Britain or the European Union?
    A Democracy or a Dictatorship?
    This nation is crying out for a Leader.

    Are there any BBC researchers, employees or supporters that are spying on this site care to answer?
    Over to you Mr Hall………….


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    As predicted here, the EU will reject the Chequers document and therefore signal the end of the EU.


    • taffman says:

      Dover Sentry
      This site picks up and interprets the breaking news faster than multi million pound funded Al Beeb.
      Al Beeb’s researchers get their ‘heads up’ from it .


      • taffman says:

        Having May, a Remainer, negotiating our withdrawal from the EU is like having a vegetarian running a butcher ‘s shop.
        What on earth were the Conservatives thinking when the voted her as their leader?


      • Kaiser says:

        yes taff
        I dont bother reading news now I just come her to find out whats really happening and then search around, perhaps we should be charged £150pa for this invaluable service


        • taffman says:

          Nah, we don’t do adverts for the politically correct left protection racket that extorts money via a telly tax, while this site is run by a dedicated volunteer who does a grand job .


    • David R says:

      Wishful thinking , I fear. I’d like it too, but too many people have a vested interest in it not happening.


  25. John Ogilvie says:

    BBC not very good at sums either.

    Team P GD Pts
    1 RB Salzburg 1 2 3
    2 Celtic 1 0 1
    3 Rosenborg 1 0 1
    4 RB Leipzig 1 -2 0
    Err, the result was Celtic 1 Rosenborg 0. So Maths BBC-style makes that 1 point for Celtic, one point for Rosenborg and a zero goal difference for Celtic.


  26. StewGreen says:

    BBC “Nothing happened”
    I was was in Hull night of Tuesday 11th
    I needed to cut through the precinct, near the BBC Radio Humberside Offices, but the whole 80m wide street was blocked off at both ends by police barriers.
    The cop said “I can’t tell you but it will be all over the news tomorrow”
    .. Wednesday morning I switch on the BBC Radio Humberside news and there was nothing at all about it.

    Then today I look at the TR Facebook page
    and it says Hull Sept 11 Syrian asylum seeker.brandishing meat clever ran into 2 two Hull banks and threw petrol in and set them on fire.

    Wednesday Breakfast show The BBC radio news headlines ends with
    “And that’s all your BBC Radio Humberside news
    …FFS Yeh, all the news you are prepared to give us

    The story was even on the FRONT page of the local paper
    and even tho the BBC prog (link above) did a review of the papers and covered a lot of stupid stories they didn’t mention that one !
    Minute 41 “Lets have a look at the front page of the newspapers”

    Mind you BBC Humberside have form, when the Muslim racist rapist was on trial, the case was not mentioned at all, they even reported on the trial in the next room but not the Muslim case !


    • taffman says:

      Remember this – the ordinary ‘Joe Bloggs’ in the police force know what’s happening and in time they will start questioning the media propaganda and its obfuscation.


    • StewGreen says:

      FFS the local paper had about 10 online pages about it

      Ah on Thursday online the BBC did briefly report the charging of the Syrian
      but I heard nothing on the radio.
      And on the Tuesday RadioHumberside had 8 tweets about bank fire,
      yet it seems as soon as they realised a Syrian was involved, reporting goes into stealth mode.


    • StewGreen says:

      That is weird
      #1 Tuesday afternoon after Look North tweet good video
      #2 Then a tweet “nothing to do with terrorism” ..hilarious thread
      #3 Then the story is into stealth mode
      ..and this is about a week after a Muslim woman stabbed someone in Barnsley


      • Loobyloo says:

        Yes, Al Beeb are out of control. No one holding them to account on their bias, especially pro-Islamic. On world page, website, hatchet job
        Martin Sellner: The new face of the far right in Europe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-45572411

        Story below:
        My holiday with the Afghan mujahideen http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-44469707

        Some blokes trip with his Islamic mate to Afghanistan in the 70s! Where the cuddly heavily armed men were very welcoming and he never felt threatened.
        The BBC are taking the piss again.


      • StewGreen says:

        Ah apparently Look North did have a Tuesday pm / Wednesday morning report
        It was only the radio that buried the report by Wednesday

        3pm Local radio reports
        4pm and 5pm Local radio “Nothing to do with terrorism”
        6pm “police incident over, botched bank robbery”
        by 10pm just 30 seconds
        Then by 11pm it was dropped from the news and never came back
        By Wednesday yes it was 12 hours old, but to not mention it at all seems incredible.
        At no point on air did they identify him as a Syrian asylum seeker.
        Then at 5pm Thursday after he had appeared in court they DID give details (1 minute )


    • Banania says:

      Are the BBC acting under obedience to some government instruction when they suppress news like this? Is some wartime policy in operation here? Otherwise, why would a NEWS organization wilfully keep the news secret?


  27. Ed Hitter says:

    Humdinger of a Question Time tonight. Four remainers and one leaver. Par for the course.
    Then a question about Islamaphobia in the Conservative Party, with Dimbleby directing the debate towards Boris Johnson and letterboxgate, yet again. Yawn.
    This is the shallow level of debate we have come to expect. Biased from the off.
    Give me The Pledge on Sky any time. At least they tackle difficult subjects head on without the nannying tone of QT.


    • StewGreen says:

      Anything worthwhile on the Pledge earlier tonight ?


    • taffman says:

      Ed Hitter
      “Four remainers” – You must have been watching ‘The Four Stooges’ ?


      • StewGreen says:

        \\ And then you allow the audience to boo @Jacob_Rees_Mogg being on next week! Absolutely disgusting!//


        • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

          He actually paused after saying his name to wait for the boos.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Even in the preamble dimbly described our current state as ‘chaos’ – clear bias . It’s not chaos – it’s negotiation and it’s going really well .
            There will be a real cat fight when the order is given to stop displaying the ReichEU flag as the remainers flip to being rejoiners.


    • Guest Who says:

      Time for the BBC Press Office to again ‘crunch the numbers’ as only the bbc knows how?


  28. Fedup2 says:

    I would like to apologise to ms lily Allan on behalf of the British people for not giving her some useless music prize last night .

    I also apologise for the obvious distress she suffered – particularly if she was “ tired and emotional “ .
    It’s unfortunate that the newspapers still cover this non entity but while it does its worthy of comment here.

    So with that and a no deal brexit – a good day .


    • G.W.F. says:

      Fed up

      She has been busy revealing her pussy on Twitter which you can see on Google images with a little effort. I won’t copy it here out of respect to our fellow BBC bias reporters.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Someone on Twitter yesterday observed that the bbc interviewed the PM of Malta on our exiting the Reich EU .
    Blighty has the second biggest population after the krauts in the EU . Malta has half a million – the size of 2 or 3 Londonistan boroughs .

    This exemplifies the arrogant and defective attitude of this in the EU taking our taxpayer cash for which we get zip.

    As an aside apparently the tories are planning to re introduce an ID card as an NHS card to reduce health tourism . If only .


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Malta, Luxembourg, |Liechtenstein, San Marino, Vatican?
      Would they even cover West Yorkshire?
      Belgium is not a country-why the hell we went to war for it in 1914 is beyond me.
      And Ireland is now the EU cabbage patch for this part of the year when they want their greens.
      No-who gives a stuff about minnows and dwarf eunuchs like Malta and Ireland? Chihuahuas in handbags, big scary!


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    I was surprised that the extremist remainers had been silent after the PM had been bitch slapped by the Reich EU . The gena millar voice machine was rolled out on Toady explaining that there needs to be a rebate because the last one was over 18 months ago .

    Lack of clear thinking on the part of Mrs millar nee Singh – in fairness to our Justin – he easily bitch slapped her due to her foreign understanding of British democracy . As in have another go


    • Deborah says:

      I was expecting Toady to be cockahoop this morning re Salzburg and yet found them quite subdued. Have they not decided the line to take or have they just slightly realised why many of us want out? Gina was on to give a rallying cry. By tomorrow they will have forgotten what a dreadful lot they want us to go in with. Normal service will be resumed.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Makes you wonder what they’ll try next – threaten to turn the war graves into camping sites ? Fill in channel tunnel . Close the airspace ? Shut the power supply across the channel .

        If they put up a hard border across the Eire border the republicans might look for targets such as …. Brussels .

        The 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War part one is coming up soon . All those boys from the Empire whose lives were stolen trying to stop the Krauts running Europe – here we are again.


      • Banania says:

        I expect they are torn two ways. They liked Chequers because it was so feeble and amounted to Remain. But they also really want us to fail in every way vis-a-vis the EU, so there is a difficulty over priorities.


  31. Englands Dreaming says:

    Beeb flogging a dead horse

    Brexit: EU must compromise or no deal, says minister

    On the World Service last night the report on Saltzburg was framed that the EU just somehow have a different way of dealing with the Eire/NI border, when in reality if the “backstop” actually came to pass it would be annexation of UK territory. Hence why even May wont concede to this.

    If May resigns now she could at least leave with a tiny shred of dignity, saying she tried but its impossible to negotiate with these people, as Call Me Dave also found out to his cost.

    Best leave (WTO) and then negotiate an entirely new relationship from outside.


    • Kaiser says:

      may would concede to it , but the DUP wont let her

      thank god she messed the last general election up so badly


  32. EnglandExpects says:

    The BBC is desperate for a second referendum. It gave airtime to the duplicitous Gina Miller this morning who denied even wanting to leave the EU. Quoting spurious poll statistics she wants Brexit denied on her assumption that people will now vote against it. Yesterday we had the bullying Alastair Campbell also pushing the second referendum on the Daily Politics. It wasn’t Neil’s finest hour as chair. He let Campbell continually interrupt JRM who was far to polite to deal with the thuggish Campbell.
    No doubt the BBC campaign will continue for some months.


  33. Guest Who says:

    The unique funding model gains another defender, after Tom clocks what guaranteeing bbc all it could wish got Jez.

    Conflict of interest? The very idea.


    • EnglandExpects says:

      Perhaps Watson could explain what is unfair about private companies offering products that people clearly want, without an overt political agenda and without them having to pay for it if they don’t want it.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Onslaught? I only watch American dramas now, because I find British drama unwatchable. You’re always on the lookout for the agenda being pushed which spoils any enjoyment.

      Not that US drama is entirely innocent on that front, but their dramas at least appear to have been written firstly from a story-telling perspective, whilst with the BBC you get the impression the script writer wanted to highlight an issue and hang a story round it.


      • Guest Who says:

        As others have pointed out, an onslaught of choice vs. a protectionist compelled system.

        Currently enjoying a Sci-fi called ‘The Crossing’. A bit like ‘The 100’ before it ran out of places to go, it is addressing complex least bad choices in an interesting way.

        I popped over to 4OD to catch ‘No Offence’, which was ok in the first series. Now the agenda is being brought in by a fleet of JCBs. Waiting for Jon and KGM and Cathy to get cameos.

        Just because bbc PR says the Bbc is the best doesn’t mean it is.


      • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

        Completely in agreement – unwatchable, unbelievable and feeble. The BBC has small stable of reliably left-wing writers and ‘showrunners’ on rotation who churn out their ghastly agitprop disguised as drama.

        I now flat out refuse to watch a BBC drama, even with my middle-class lefty friends telling me I should give ‘McMafia’ or ‘Night Manager’ a go. I know they’ll be shite if the BBC are involved, and if I want it confirmed I only have to watch the trailers.

        You don’t always have to stick with the US output though, there are a few decent foreign shows if you don’t mind subtitles.


    • StewGreen says:

      The label “Ctrl-Left” does seem apt
      ..in the way the political left want to control and micromanage our lives


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Is creating “quality British TV” some kind of Labour manifesto pledge then?
      And is there anybody in Britain who could even begin to make this bizarre, fantasy into a reality.
      Kennedy got the ball going to get the Americans to the moon in ten years.
      It will take much longer to get such an ambitious far-fetched dream into practice.
      Unless Tucker Carlson or Mark Steyn are head hunted, maybe as they managed to land that Canadian lump, Mark KocoCarni. Martha idiots brother.


  34. Foscari says:

    I suppose I am being a male chauvinist pig. But when watching
    BBC TV I feel like I am watching a women’s club get together,
    with the odd man acting as the stooge. Be it in the crime thriller
    Bodyguard or news programmes ,with the presenter and the main
    news reporters nearly all being women. Can somebody please
    explain? Or do I need to be carried away to the funny farm?


    • Deborah says:

      I have given up on BBC drama save the odd historical (although you can still see BBC agenda in them). Tend to move to the minor stations for reruns of murder series such as Death in Paradise or old comedies such as Last of the Summer Wine. In fact the last couple of nights they were showing the episodes where Compo had died following the real life death of Bill Owen. The script and the actors handled it all with such skill and affection that I wept a tear. Real acting and excellent script. If all else fails we use the ‘off’ button.


  35. Dave666 says:

    The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Revoke the BBC’s Royal Charter.”.

    Government responded:

    The government strongly believes the Royal Charter is the best framework to safeguard the BBC’s independence and ensure the broadcaster effectively serves all audiences.

    The BBC is one of the UK’s most treasured institutions and is part of the social and economic fabric of the country. It is a great source of national pride and no other country in the world has anything quite like it.

    The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis of the BBC. It guarantees the BBC’s independence and provides the framework for how the BBC is governed and funded. The Charter allows the BBC to continue to thrive, deliver for all audiences, and be an engine of creativity and growth in the UK. The establishment of the current Charter was an extensive process of consultation and evidence gathering, with 192,000 responses to the public consultation and engagement with over 300 organisations and industry experts.

    The BBC is operationally and editorially independent of government and there is no provision for the government to intervene in the BBC’s day-to-day operations. Independence and impartiality are embedded in the Charter and the BBC’s public purposes. The BBC Board is responsible for ensuring the BBC delivers its Charter obligations, including its mission and public purposes. The BBC Board is also responsible for ensuring the BBC adheres to its editorial guidelines. As the external independent regulator of the BBC, it is Ofcom’s responsibility to hold the BBC to account in fulfilling its mission and public purposes. Alongside this, the Ofcom Broadcasting Code requires all broadcasters, including the BBC, to report and present news with due accuracy and impartiality.

    We considered the question of funding during the BBC Charter Review process. While no funding model meets all the criteria of an ideal system, the current model provides the BBC with a sustainable core income paid by all households that watch or receive television. This model also has wider public support than any alternative – 60% of consultation responses indicated that no change was needed to the current licence fee model, and only 3% favoured full subscription funding. That is why we have committed to maintain the licence fee funding model for the BBC for the duration of this current 11 year Charter period.

    Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport


    • Fedup2 says:

      Mr farage made a speech yesterday which is available through twitter on the dangers of media bias – particularly on google Facebook , Twitter and YouTube where the internet is being fixed against freethinking populists – or more bleakly right wingers – I’ve left the ‘far’ prefix out …


      • Guest Who says:

        Tom Watson is also very keen on Sharon White of Ofcom’s moves on crushing free speech.

        Seems he has lost a lot more integrity with all those kilos.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I suppose the red tories know the Far Left bbc is too powerful to upset …


    • EnglandExpects says:

      The Tories are clearly in fantasy land if they think this charter works. The comments about impartiality are a joke. This- from a party whom the BBC despises and continually works against. Utter madness.


      • Guest Who says:

        Last Parliamentary inquiry the panel was mainly ex-bbc Tories.

        This is just a cut and pasted press release from their old colleagues.


        • theisland says:

          Yes. Predictable twaddle posing as a ‘response’ which just further confirms the government’s arrogance and stupidity.


  36. AsISeeIt says:

    Over to the weather forecast and it’s all about the named storms. Weather map of these isles ditched for a shot of a fallen tree. Oddly, the wind didn’t even shift my dodgy fit recycle box lids. Oh well, just goes to show… don’t believe everything you see on tv. It was a little provocative to call the first one Ali – any bets on what we might get for the letter M… hmmm popular British boys names beginning with M… ? The Irish Met Office get second dibs and come up with something beginning with B. Mrs Brown’s Boys must have been in with a shout. But Brown is far too English sounding. The Irish like to get in our faces with something that’s bally hard to spell. So they tend to avoid the diversity shtick and stick with traditional old Irish names. Sorry Bono you’ve missed out again this year. Now they’re flinging maximum miles per hour around as though they were young lads from back in the day geeking out playing Grand Prix Top Trumps. Isn’t it interesting that wind speeds are one of the few areas where the BBC don’t insist on shoving the metric system down their viewers’ throats. They’d have higher numbers in kilometers per hour but I guess the shock and awe factor would diminish because half of us wouldn’t have a clue.


    • Old Goat says:

      It’s late September. Meteorological autumn. The season of deep, seasonal Atlantic depressions, which bring wind and rain, especially to the north.

      After a comparative lull for a couple of years, normality is returning to the autumn weather.

      So, give a typical depression a silly name, put out all sorts of alerts and warnings, tell folk that Armageddon is a-comin’, and sit back and await the delivery of your nothing burger.

      All part of the general dumbing down, and snowflakeitis which is invading the country, if not the world.


  37. Dave666 says:

    BBc Breakfast They have a former Met detective in on the sofa to discuss the Bodyguard. Obviously the most brilliant TV series of our time it would appear. Never watched it.


  38. AsISeeIt says:

    Here’s a mad idea. True to form the EU have not negotiated any concession to Britain. Just as that socialist Greek former finance guy warned Brussels simply runs the clock down to the eleventh hour when you are forced to concede to them. So let’s call them out. We know their game. Leave now. Bring on the worst disruption which we can muddle through. Then invite the EU to London to make peace with us on our terms.


  39. Dave666 says:

    BBc Breakfast sloths discuss a play concerning Margaret of Anjou ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_of_Anjou)played by Jade Anouka “Elizabeth Freestone directs this captivating exploration of an iconic moment of British history, from the viewpoint of this dangerous and thrilling woman.”. Yea right…


  40. G.W.F. says:

    More from Tommy Robinson who is facing jail under the rule of Savid Javid, the Islamic fanatic.
    Look forward to the Tory Conference where the BBC will present this fanatic ranting against the far far far right.


  41. dafydd says:

    EU Negotiations…







  42. Guest Who says:

    This changes EVERYTHING…

    Oh, no, sorry… it doesn’t.


  43. MarkyMark says:

    Search Twitter for 9/11 in Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May’s accounts ….

    Jeremy Corbyn x 3 (nothing for 2017 or 2018 – this year)
    Theresa May x 0 (nothing)

    Search 9/11 in Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May’s twitter accounts



    • StewGreen says:

      May only joined Twitter in June 2016
      Since then she has tweeted about attacks on 7 different occasions

      Oh one was against a mosque in Egypt (she knows her voters)


      • MarkyMark says:

        No mention of 9/11 in 2016 or 2017.


      • MartinW says:

        I thought Theresa May was talking about last night’s terror attack by the EU at the summit! However, on second thoughts, she wouldn’t have responded by saying “Enough is enough”, but rather, “I’ll come back for more in a month’s time”.


      • Holly Selassie says:

        But as for Paul Song-pastor at Brixton Prison being attacked and racially abused by Muslims there, and out of his job?
        Not a a peep.
        Brixton is way too far way to bother with eh May?
        Maybe Paul should tell Welby and the church pansies that he once used Amazon to collect a head of a Christian missionary or suchlike.
        AMAZON?….now THAT would get the church onto the BBC to denounce the atrocity-using Amazon.


  44. Fedup2 says:




  45. Guest Who says:

    OT, but when are the BBC next wheeling Heseltine, Branson and Lineker back out?


    • gb123 says:

      I wanted to understand what it is like to live in government housing so I went to 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace to get a balanced view.


  46. StewGreen says:

    Woman’s Hour is doing the UKIP conference
    ‘Oh all the high profile women have disappeared’ they smirk

    “Is there any acknowledgement that UKIP have a woman problem ?”
    “The party has fewer women in leading roles than other parties”
    (is that actually true ?)

    @PeteSaull BBC Political Reporter “Well the deputy leader is a woman”
    “two of today’s speakers are Alt Right vloggers , Count Duckula, and Sargon of Aarkad”
    ..They aren’t alt-right of course , but BB like to use untrue smear labels

    Oh Ann Marie Waters has been mentioned ..whoomph that was it
    (No mention of her starting her own party)

    (I think that was a tick box exercise to say they have covered UKIP)


    • Roland Deschain says:

      UKIP really don’t do themselves any favours.


      • StewGreen says:

        but Farage has always said you are better of pulling out


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          A party which is disliked by the BBC AND which doesn’t hate me for being a white, heterosexual, Englishman? Sounds like the one to vote for to me… not that I seem to have many other choices.


  47. MarkyMark says:

    1984 … a warning not an instruction manual.
    Koran … a warning not an instruction manual.

    2018 … police are controlling thought by criminalising nasty thoughts on Islam.


  48. MarkyMark says:



    • StewGreen says:

      (Marky’s quote) Ayaan Hirsi Ali : Defending the Right to Offend, April 20, 2015

      I am a free speech absolutist.
      Perhaps the biggest tragedy in the West today is the fact that freedom of speech is no longer a right that we can take for granted. It is now a privilege available only to those with armed security.

      Those who want to silence the debate on Islam — on what is explicitly done in the name of Muhammad, and according to the instructions of the Quran — are not only threatened with physical assassination, but must also endure systematic attempts at character assassination.

      But I will not be silenced by threats. How can I be silent?

      More : https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/defending-the-right-to-offend_b_7104960?utm_hp_ref=tw


      • Holly Selassie says:

        We live in a world where people like Ayaan get no platformed by guilt-ridden , thick white liberals on US campuses for being Islamophobic-even after FGM, arranged marriage threats and the death of her colleague Theo Van Gogh in 2004.
        And where a Tommy Robinson gets hauled up before the Old Bailey, no jury to play some Kafkaesque role in some liberal show trial of theirs.
        This is not going to end well- time to get my old brownies outfit shortened so the New Brownshirts have an image.
        If the Left can strongarm us all into letting themselves be called Anti-Fascist?
        Well maybe we can make the name brownshirt respectable-language and history meaning nothin` and all.


      • Banania says:

        I hope that, once Brexit has been sorted out, the next thing to be settled will be Free Speech.


  49. StewGreen says:

    9:15am BBC 1 episode 10 of Council House Exploitation
    ..More stories of incredible subletting
    The prog well fulfilled BBC BAME quota rules : Of BBC presenters, council staff and the cheats ..there was just an occasional white council staffer/architect
    #1 A woman with a council house in central London and in Bath
    .. the council is suing her for £71,000 in costs
    #2 In the next case the council only caught up with 22 years of fraud, cos the death certificate proved that the original tenant had DIED some years ago.
    He’d sublet 20 years ago to a guy who had since sublet to someone else. The guy had simply taken on the identity of the legal tenant.
    – Had appeared in court & negotiated on rent arrears
    – And cos he had lived there for years, had put in a RIGHT TO BUY request to get his £100K home for £60K
    The signature was so rubbish the council bothered to check the original signature , and then realised they had even issued a death certificate for that original signer, so this guy had to be an impostor.
    … The council decided it was not worth suing this guy ..who just kept saying “No Comment”

    The point is with all this subletting, legitimate needy people are left on the streets. The example family the prog used, was of course black.
    #3 The interesting item at the end was about a 36 starter home flats built in Micham over ONE weekend from pre-assembled factory built units.

    Jesus how do councils not know that giving someone a council house is like giving them a box of gold ..and that drives people to cheat to hold on to it ?
    I wonder how many right to buy were done with forged IDs ?
    it would be such easy money.
    For the last 20 years councils should have had biometrics like iris reading machines, not just relying on driving licences as ID.
    And checks would have to random on spot checks , cos otherwise a council house would get passed around the extended family, rather than ever give it up.
    Council House Crackdown


    • StewGreen says:

      \\ I watched a program two days ago. Nigerian overstayed her Visa but managed to get TWO Flats in TWO different towns, paid for by Council, even though she was ILLEGAL //
      Twitter discussion


    • StewGreen says:

      Ah since it’s the second week there is already a big twitter discussion from last week
      BAME are more likey to be at the bottom of income scale
      and perhaps most White people don’t get Social Housing anymore so hard to commit Housing fraud
      Plenty of lib/left tweeters say the series should never have been made cos it demonises benefit claimants and non-whites


      • vlad says:

        Demonises? Or tells the truth and lifts the lid?
        The lib/left hate inconvenient truths.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think you’ll find that a relative or someone from the same Nigerian tribe has a job in the housing department – if it’s any one like my local one the whole office is populated by Nigerians – next step National Insurance number onwards and £.


      • G says:

        Benefit Fraud must be rife. I submitted a FoI request to the DWP for info earlier in the year. The result? Response proves my theory was correct: A massive decline in successful prosecution over the past 5 years. Seems they’ve almost given up tackling this crime. They leave foreign nationals alone. I wonder why that would be?


      • Guest Who says:

        It’s like an even more Dystopian version of Hunger Games or the ‘Vergents, with uneasy groupings of the population played like chess pieces by an unelected elite.

        Only in this one there are the Benefits Fraud Enrichers, the Machete Enrichers, the Car Insurance Encrichers, etc… and the one group upon whom they prey… the Actual Workers.


  50. Fedup2 says:

    Blimey Mrs May – the outgoing PM made quite a stiff statement this afternoon – presumably to place her more sympathetically with the Tory Party conference.

    I heard it on the wireless and she sounded pretty peed off . Pray for a WTO brexit to get away from the corrupt self serving EUReich


    • G says:

      Strange but there’s no mention whatsoever about the clear decline in the EU since 2016. Given another two years and post the EU elections (which is likely to transform the existing EU), it will be only a semblance of, ‘it’s once great status’. Any delay for years in Brexit may result in no EU to leave…… Hurrah I say!


      • chrisH says:

        Tempting just to stay in long enough to put our feet through the rotten hulk and sue them for injuries.
        “This Old House” by Shaky comes to mind-and yes, I know Rosemary Clooney did it first. Girl Power didnt` start with Lady Olga Maitland ladies!
        We blokes KNOW this stuff. I would have benefitted from knowing this once-but the women these days seem not to think it not worth even a hot water bottle these days.
        Is no-one teaching them properly these days?

        No-best to leave the EU while there`s still an archway to walk out of. How many EU flags will they need as shrouds for their drunks when Islam comes for the empties…questions that I for one would like to know are being asked.