David Vance published data on Tuesday saying that sky news has lost 37% of its viewers since 2012. This leads to the question of “to whom does Sky think it is broadcasting ?”
Couple this with Lord Hall moaning that the far left BBC doesn’t have enough money should give readers and contributors on this site good heart.
All explained.
The bbc North American team get their news from itv.
It’s all rather curious to me. But, totally expected. Encroachment upon the principle of Freedom of Speech is now a daily occurrence and our political elite appear happy with this state of affairs. They would wouldn’t they?
This done within influencing Governments. Meanwhile, outside of Government (purportedly) the likes of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube et al. work assiduously toward eliminating Free Speech in response to the NWO’s instructions.
Two separate factions. One islamic the other Western political. Both intertwined and using one another but both heading for different destinations. ‘Strange Bedfellows’ and all that while they leach off one another. Ultimately, the losers will be the NWO/UN/Soros. This despite their apparent power to manipulate events Worldwide and Governments. I find the NWO’s palpable naivety about the separate destinations fascinating. Regrettable I won’t be around long enough to see the NWO et al. totally destroyed by islam who, on the current trajectory, will be the winner. Any bets?
No link, but this FB post has comments and, well, they could…
BBC Radio 4
“Everyone wants to be your friend, but when you actually need a friend, nobody’s there.”
@Lily Allen talks to Woman’s Hour about the loneliness of celebrity: https://bbc.in/2PQ8GaI
It is possible the kind of women the BBC women spend an hour with are not like other women in the real world.
Snowflake pop star will be demanding a safe place onstage next away from the public
Katty again.
Except it appears Ms Ford DID forget the incident. I’ve seen many people claiming it was “recovered memory” following a therapy session, though have seen no links to verify that story. But it does seem clear she’s forgotten when it was, where it was and how she got there.
A nasty feeling Katty is going to be heard from even more now. Well, by RT.
BBC News
“This letter is signed by a thousand women, there are millions more who want to be heard.”
Alumni at Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s former school speak out in support following her claim Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her. bbc.in/2Nun77t
Millions more? That is one freakin’ big school.
Probably not as crowded as the ‘bog-standard’ comprehensive school I attended in the 70s :0)
The BBC main web page has a feature on the lastest most
popular names given to new born boys and girls. See if you
can suss out from the article which is the most popular
boys name including all the different varieties of how
you spell this name ?
The only clue I will give you, because you wont get one from the BBC is that because so many babies with this name are being
born, within four generations , the demographics of the UK will
have changed so much that I doubt if the UK will even be called
the UK anymore.
Like an odd dangerous backward game of hangman where you will actually die if you keep getting the same right answer
let me guess does it begin with M..
Quote from Conservative MP John Redwood re EU Response to Chequers proposal:
“”It’s because the EU is no bowl of cherries many of us wish to go. There are no cherries to pick. Now we pay for our own cake & for other countries’ cake too. I look forward to paying just for our own cake, making more of it at home. Then we can have better cake & more prosperity.””
missed off Friday’s news ?
Thrown out of his mosque ? or given a round of applause
I doubt he’ll be given the Tommy Robinson treatment by his fellow muslim inmates.
And because the prison officers will be so intimidated by the muslim criminals, he’ll think it’s home from home.
It’s as likely that the prison staff are muzzles . Big on diversity now
Is this a sign that the local police (being underfunded and all) are just catching up on complaints made decades ago?
One begs the question as to why this is being held in secret, forbidding media reporting.
Bradford Council
JUST 13 of Bradford’s long term empty homes were brought back into use last year – leaving almost 4,000 remaining empty.
… Sarah Holmes, housing strategy manager said
“…This is a small number, but in terms of relative performance it is quite a good performance” !!!
Properties are classed as “long term empty” if they are vacant for six months or more,
3,931 homes fall into that category.
is the Yorkshire Post holding Bradford council to account ?
… nope instead they run a full broadsheet page
on \\ Video: Bradford’s Rohingya community fighting for justice after genocide //
Of course they’ll never ask why there are Rohingya here in the first place.
My preference – Deport the lot of them.
Having just spent a few weeks (and not for the first time) in Myanmar – I spoke to a lot of people in the provinces next to Rakhine State, the purported ‘adopted’ locale of these people. they were astonished at the apparent complete lack of knowledge of the years-long terrorism suffered by the local Burmese population from terrorist groups sheilded by this Muslim community.
Not for one second do I condone clearly violent action by the military in Rakhine State, however, as usual, the Muslim population in this area has no intention, as far as I am aware, of integrating with the native population, but are demanding that they have a separation of Myanmar to provide them with their own country.
Needless to say, with almost unanimity, the Burmese do not agree.
But hey – the BBC supports virtually every Muslim demand without even thinking that anyone else can disagree – even regarding their own country.
There was a time you relied upon ‘news’ to bring you the facts, as information or education, in a professional, objective and impartial way.
No longer. I first realised the BBC was not doing this on a few areas, like you, I had personal experience of, either through study, work experience or simply living overseas.
It may once have been ineptitude, but now it is clearly driven by agenda. You only have to look at their science output (esp. climate related) or that of the ME desk under Bowen to realise there is nothing worth trusting any more.
Almost everything they produce I view as a starting point to search elsewhere to get to the truth, which is often only at best shades of grey when the BBC charges for full colour but delivers only black or white, and with a very skewed ‘view’ of what falls under each.
See also the violent muslim separatist movements in the Philippines, Thailand (and soon in the UK!). They cause trouble everywhere.
Apparently the Tusk character in the ReichEU has put a picture of a cake on something called instant gran with a line about ‘ no cherries ‘ . The c world comes to mind .
I wish someone in the question time audience last night (and just about every qt) would ask a question starting with something like…”This is a question to the 4 members of the question time panel who voted to remain in the EU” … and then go on to the question.
If someone does this every week do you think the bbc might do something such as start to get equal leaver/remainer panel members?
Thought not.
Maybe ‘wet’ leavers like Paul Mason and that vicar Giles somebody or other who say they voted leave but then go on to say everything full blooded remainers would say.
Since May’s Brexit statement both sky and bbc have had remainer after remainer after remainer talking heads on but no leaver.
OT, but as he seems as embedded with the BBC as Gavin, Owen and Lily, etc…
Using the word ‘deranged’ with his track record… brave.
The likes of Mason, Foot and Corbyn have LONG worried about the national security of this country haven`t they?
My snap and considered judgement is that Paul Mason is a t..t. why does he get any traction anywhere?
Choice of orang-utan lookalike photo designed to touch hearts of nature lovers and broaden fan-base traction. Clever move.
Question for you good people
NPOWER inform me they are coming round next friday to install the smart meter ive never requested
is there any point, is there any upside
or should I just tell them to piss off
I think that telling them to piss off might be considered to be a bit rude.
I think you should show a bit of decorum and tell them to “Go Forth And Multipy”
On an eco basis alone, they are unfit for purpose.
Every supplier has a different one.
No wonder Classic FM is pumping out ads to con old folk every break.
They are probably under cover tv licence bods . Avoid meters until they improve and there is only one type.
Some outfits use meters to hook you into not changing to another better provider . And they are cheese eating surrender monkies
My understanding is that most energy companies (if not all) are currently installing first generation smart meters. These cannot always be used by other suppliers if, as I do, you change supplier regularly to get the best deal available. (This is very easily achievable, I hasten to add, via switching web-sites/call centres)
In which case – if you allow this, you may be trapped with your current supplier, whose charges may not necessarily be the best for any longer than it takes them to get you onto this meter rather than the normal, older meters, which ARE acceptable to all suppliers. Only the second generation meters will be completely usable by ALL suppliers… so switching need never be a problem. But they are not being anything like universally installed today.
It may be true that the government wants everyone to be on smart meters, but these energy suppliers (for their own reasons – cost, for example ?) are not yet providing universally acceptable meters.
Be assured – the suppliers have no RIGHT whatsoever to just turn up and change your meter without your permission, and a simple ‘No thanks’ is all that should be required – but they are being incentivised to get people to move onto smart meters, and are desperate to get rid of first generation meters, rather than providing meters which all suppliers can use – so, of course, they write some very cleverly worded e-mails and snail-mails to make you think that they can, and/or that the the change is mandated on customers by the government. Neither position is true.
So, although ‘PISS OFF’ may not be polite – do NOT allow yourself to be dragged into a technical or legal discussion – just say ‘No thanks’ to your energy company and demand that they take note of your requirements. In addition, the latest trick is to ask that, if they were to be able to supply ‘next’ generation meter, could they take that as an open request to install another meter later on. My advice would be to say, quite clearly, when, and only when, they have a meter that is genuinely useable by ALL energy suppliers, they should call you once again and request the authority to proceed – and that they should provide documentation to the effect that ALL suppliers in the field would be able to use the meter.
Strangely, my recent discussion with a supplier rep on that basis was followed by an interesting silence, followed by a reluctant – “OK – Thanks” – and then a continuous (i.e. disconnected) tone on my telephone.
One fitter made the mistake of ringing me up to tell me they were coming to fit a meter – put it this way – I didn’t get a second call…..
I am tempted to get a smart meter, if only on the grounds that it won’t work when I change energy supplier – which will be the day after it’s been installed. As a first generation meter it can’t be used for differential pricing, and as I’ll be officially listed as having a smart meter I’ll be left in peace. The only disadvantage is that I’d have to change energy supplier.
I’ve resisted up to now. Having looked for better deals on USwitch, many of the suppliers say the smart meters won’t be smart on their accounts. So there’s no point in the upheaval, I’d say.
I do think it likely that at some point there will be discounts given for having one, much as discounts force most of us on to Direct Debits even if we’d prefer not to.
Possibly switch to one of the newer, smaller providers. I’ve been with bulb for two years but now they’ve raised their prices I’m currently moving to pure planet. And I couldn’t give a damn about their so called green credentials, they’re cheaper than the rest.
But my point is, I think the smaller companies don’t have the money and therefore the incentive to push these smart meters on customers; at least, no one has told me, so far, that I’m getting one or even if I want one. Which I don’t.
Can’t see any advantage unless you turn things on for the sake of having them on, and then looking at the meter to find things on you don’t need on. My Mother had a smart meter installed. I live several hundred miles away but sort out the energy on line for her. She hated it told me it was throwing up stupid numbers, however when she gave me the meter readings these tied in exactly with the figures the meter was telling the provider . We have solar panels so have refused to have a meter despite several approaches. Sorry for a non BBc story.
In letter to the Times, former TVNZ boss Julian Mounter says BBC has far too many execs and too bigger salaries
..should lower salaries cos people rotate anyway and that is a good thing
The bad, the worse, and the ugly.
A mass BBC decamp to the Labour love in was inevitable, glossing over its ‘problems’ a certainty, and Jeremy Bowen is simply beneath contempt.
“Free speech advocates are appalled at news that the UK government may create a new regulator, empowered to heavily fine social media giants that fail to clamp down on rogue posts, and even banish sites for ‘non-illegal’ content.”
So, one week after SY Police calls for reporting non-crime.
Non-illegal content, also known as LEGAL content, will be stopped.
No prizes for guessing who will organise the stopping and whose content will be stopped.
This has the Fascist, Communist fingerprints all over it. Which today includes most of the Labour Party, all of the Cable mob any many in the “Conservative” party.
They only get “elected” by violence, or by conspiracy.
They then try to stay permanently “elected” by more violence, rigging elections, publishing lying propaganda, murdering or imprisoning millions, usually both.
They then produce Venezuelas.
These people are as much value to the UK as the so-called immigrants they import, and bribe, to vote for them. Zero.
The free speach speach by mr Farage last night compared the west coast internet companies to the press barons of recent times and used the evidence of the reaction of google staff to the election of President Trump – they cried with disappointment and pledged to undermine him.
Just got in the car and listened to R4 news constantly promoting a breakdown in Brexit and the positives for staying in the EU, how everyone in EU wants us to stay, how the polls are now strangely 52% to 48% to stay. Then had listeners question which apparently all focused on the negatives of leaving – funny that..not a single positive….why do I think these were listeners of BBC staff?
The BBC is a disgrace to the country..I am sick of the knocking Brexit – We need to get rid of May – she is inept..
Happy Friday
whats these positives then?
how do they help the unemployed or the minimum waged or those without useful degrees from a real university
my employer wants to stay in because they receive euro shekels, but Its not all about me and my job security is it.
Freedom and democracy is not about money and cant be costed
Someone on twitter said ‘ how dare the EU abuse the UK PM – that’s our job…. ‘
A tough couple of days for Treezer, now she relaxes knowing that the BBC is with her.
Says Laura K, her minder
‘Her anger was visible though today, explaining again why she believes the two familiar post-Brexit trade options, Norway and Canada, cannot, and will not work for the UK.
And she called for respect from the EU: “Throughout this process I have treated the EU with nothing but respect, the UK expects the same”.
A stern tone, strong words.
And in going further on citizens’ rights too, perhaps Mrs May has sought to take the high ground, in contrast to what some in the UK are seeing as the EU’s poor behaviour yesterday.
No, ‘Tats’?
enough is enough then? whats she done about that since then
surrendered some more
played nicey nicey with muslims
done some appeaseing
and clamped down on the “far-right”
perhaps if a brexiteer tried a stabbing raid on the houses of parliament killiing a few passers by and a policeman, sending her into televised a escape car panic , she would start to say not all brexiteers ,we must be more understanding of them, send us greetings on freedom day and clamp down on remainers , driving them off the internet
Don’t know about the last bit but – there seems to be a bit more seriousness in its approach to brexit – perhaps it’s a stage of grief – acceptance that it’s too late for another referendum – that there may be ( hopefully ) no extentionti A50 and no agreement .
Forgive me if I may be reading too much into it but at last there’s a bit of grimness in the al beeb air and loss of hope .
I’m a bit surprised the traitorous remainers haven’t been popping up every where but it they are working to a coordinated Soros grid there’ll be more Project Fear over the weekend ….
With the hateful ReichEU reps walking into Downing Street next week. …
LabourPR pulling tricks today
OurDearLeader Corbyn was on both local news progs, even though he has no local connection
*Local news progs are supposed to be for local news, aren’t they ? *
– On ITVCalendar they had him talk about Brexit I guess part of #RammingRemain down our throats again
– Now he’s on @LookNorthBbc they are showing Corbyn making a #MagicPromise to keep Scampton airfield open
…He doesn’t actually appear to know anything about it, he’s just mouthing
No wonder the UKIP conference didn’t get any coverage on the far left bbc eh?
Let’s stick it on the post brexit “ to do “ list …
I want one of those ReichEU flags to clean my car with …
Uh-oh! Katty just wet herself.
If Q is for real then the plan is:
Get Mr Kavanaugh confirmed as justice of the supreme court
Start the prosecutions
Mr Rosenstein is first on the list, closely followed by Mr Comey.
I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually Christopher Steele is extradited to the US and when he starts to spill the beans, I think Mrs May’s name will be high on the list of those who actively supported the plot to stop Mr Trump becoming President.
Our swamp needs to be drained.
why the fook would the daft bint retweet that??
Al Beeb tells us …………..
“Brexit: Chequers plan still credible, says minister”
Here is the rub…………..
The EU goes to the wire and finally accepts the Chequers Deal and Mrs May comes out as hero in getting the UK a Brexit, which is really a BrINO – not what the country voted for .
Mrs May gets re-elected as next PM for being a strong leader.
Lets rewind ……….
Brexiteers went to the referendum two years ago to vote OUT nothing more nothing less.
There was no talk then of any deal, customs union etc. etc.
Has this all been staged?
No – both sides would have to be really clever to have staged it – cleverness is definitely lacking and the ReichEU cannot bend the “four freedoms”
In case anyone else wants to exit
that seems so obvious that even the moronic May would think it to obvious, so yes seem like a May style plan
In the midst of all the political shenanigans please spare a thought as it is World Alzheimer’s Day – I don’t normally hold with “ special days” but this is a worthy one.
Poland and America sign a defence and trade pact and Poland wants a US Military Base in Poland to be called “ Fort Trump “ – wonder if we ll hear much of that on al beeb..
sorry I forgot about it
“No evidence” – overworked in the report of ‘Full Fact’.
Have a laugh over this piece of nonsense:
“The “no evidence” list –
No evidence that migration has reduced the training of UK-born workers
No evidence that migration has reduced the quality of healthcare
No evidence that migration has reduced parental choice in schools or the educational attainment of UK-born children
No evidence that migration has any effect on crime rates in England and Wales
No evidence that migration has reduced the average level of subjective well-being in the UK
No evidence that people are less satisfied with their neighbourhoods than in the past
No evidence of higher or lower prosperity being associated with a higher or lower population
No evidence that migrants are more likely to be working under a zero hours contract than the UK born, nor is there evidence that they more likely to switch industries between two given quarters
No evidence of migrants having preferential access to social housing”
Judge how biased is the outfit producing this bile for yourself.
If you’re not looking for something it’s highly unlikely it will be found.
From your link.
“The independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) today released a report”
Yet another lefty packed Qango whose existence is detrimental to the UK.
From Wikipedia.
“Full Fact applied to the Charity Commission for charitable status when it was being founded in 2009 but this was refused. An appeal was heard by the commission’s tribunal in 2011 but this was rejected on the grounds that the stated objective of “civic engagement” was too political in nature. The wording was changed to “the advancement of public education” and charitable status was then granted in 2014″
“Full Fact has been sponsored to develop automated fact-checking tools by the Omidyar Network and Open Society Foundations.”
“Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grant making network founded by business magnate George Soros”
There is a lot more.
No doubt there is even more elsewhere.
Sufficient to classify this nonsense as leftyqangoconspiratorialpropagandasuitableforchildren.
But we knew that already, calling it fullfact is evidence that it will not be complete and not factual.
UKIP must ruthlessly kill all these hotbeds of treason, and introduce legislation to criminalise the receipt of funding from a list foreign nationals deemed antagonistic to the UK.
Soros must be on this list.
it could be termed . but its not
for instance
There is Evidence that migration has no effect on crime rates in England and Wales in fact there is less crime
but its not , is it
at best it says immigration doesn’t make anything better
Sometimes you think you have found a reasonable presenter who is prepared to listen to UKIP and not blather on about far right when Islamic ideology is criticised.
Juliet Hartley Brewer thinks criticism of Islamic ideology is racist and drags in the old chestnut about violence in the Old Testament.
I can see why she appears on QT and other BBC shows.
A masterclass from Gerard Batten. And Julia joins the popinjays who crow on the liberals shovel and affect rebellion-like Liddle, Delingpole and all the other broadsheet curmudgeons.
Sorry Julia-but your thick take on Islam and “the Christian equivalence” puts you in the fey decorative but useless camp. Yoo close to Primrose Hill to expect much more.
Those who REALLY are the brave , and we`ll be needing are the Tommys and the Katies-not second order quibblers like Julia. It`s all a game to her, and Tommys the wrong side of the salt, as was jade.
Gerard is a REAL Deplorable-and we shall soon be doing business with him.
Class is STILL the dividing force that dares not speak-and Tommy is the very litmus test of “whose side are you on”?
Billy Bragg ought to do a song with that title eh?
Nigel Farage had also been strongly critical of Gerard Batten regarding his view on the cult of islam.
He’s also exposed himself as a member of the despicables. None of them are worth a bean. I spend most of my radio listening time tuned into Rense radio, GCN radio and Fox news radio. UK radio is low quality propaganda fronted by craven entertainers posing as news presenters.
I was kinda hoping jhb was playing devils advocate here , but think I might be disappointed.
Im sure some one can correct me but is the old testament not a jewish book , pre-dating christ
ps no offense meant to jews
I suspect they know they’ll be out of a job unless they toe the line on Islam. Even presenters you’d think must recognise the dangers become very aggressive when challenged about it.
Any news of Olly Robbins?
Perhaps Mrs May should employ Nigel Farage now ?
Bang goes the knighthood / peerage
Eastenders aka BBC propaganda disguised as a soap. A woman whose mixed race son was stabbed (by a white kid of course) banging on about how the perpetrator was also a victim-how all these kids just need love and how we/society has failed them….