The Far Left BBC has , like the rest of us, become a spectator to the Brexit negotiating- unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias.
With less than 190 days to go the BBC Project Fear ratchets up even further making the ‘off’ switch even more attractive .
On a different tack – The rival bids for Sky have gone to auction on Saturday to be resolved. Both bids guaranteed the editorial independence of The poisonous Sky news for 10 and 15 years respectively . Hopefully that won’t mean anything and the awful liberal BBC lite commercial version will change for the better .
I’m not going to boast but …
Am I first 🙂
It would appear not.
Very close…
But no cigar, as Bill did not say.
But, what is undemocratic about Celtic_Mist being first, because they want to be? Anyone who was reasonable would see that Celtic_Mist didn’t want to be second, so they should be allowed to be first.
NameNotNumber is clearly not being democratic, or reasonable, by claiming to be first, that wasn’t the people’s choice, oh no, the people would have chosen for Celtic_Mist to come first, in fact I’ve just held a poll which confirmed that Celtic_Mist should have come first… if we lived in a proper democratic society.
I suspect NameNotNumber was just having an erotic spasm, or a bout of senile dementia, when they were claiming (wrongly, as it happens) to have come first. Everyone knows anyone supporting NameNotNumber’s claim is old and stupid, and probably fat and ugly and smelly too, and most definitely, oh yes, completely 100% certainly, a FAR RIGHT WAYCIST!
Don’t care – I got the cigar and I’m keeping it, come what May.
I find it grossly offensive that you consider being second doesn’t mean you are first. If Celtic_Mist considers him/her/xer self to be first it is not for you to say that he/she/xe isn’t. Regardless of facts.
Please report for your P45.
We all know and appreciate how the BBC search constantly for new, dynamic and exciting ways in which to keep news and its presentation a compelling experience. Who could forget the innovation of that first ‘walk to camera’ before the interview – I believe it was Leon Brittan in an old and much loved tweed jacket, but the symbolism vastly outweighs those involved.
Things have, it must be said, slowed of late but now, in a truly devastating breakthrough, the latest technique has burst upon us.
The correspondent starts his in-depth analysis looking straight to camera…and then goes to PROFILE! in as creative and dramatic a twist as anyone could ask. From now on, news will enter an entirely new dimension – and we have the BBC to thank for this giant step. Wow!
PS I could have been first but putting this development under the spotlight seemed more important.
Get the impression they are not going to stop until they wear us down?
What is undemocratic about having a second referendum after the 1975 referendum ?
Fairs fair , another referendum should be held , 43 years after this one .
And if it were to go the other way, best 2 out of 3? It’s probably a good thing to undermine this viewpoint for what it is.
If anyone’s a decent actor and has some free time, they should really try to call into these shows and advocate holding an indefinite number of referendums until the ‘correct’ result turns up. Make it super clear that some issues are more important than democracy and that this is one of these things where people like you are better informed and the general public are too uneducated to be able to even comprehend the issues. Add that you work for local government and everyone in your office voted Remain, apart from “the chap in the warehouse who’s racist and didn’t even go to university”
They can carry on until Hell freezes over. We voted to leave.
What about a referendum on whether there should be a second referendum? If the answer is ‘no’ we can all keep voting until we get the right answer.
That should keep the remoaners tied up for a few years. 🙂
“Carole (Manchester)”. Out of the mouths of babes.
//unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias//
The UK wide broadcast today portrayed the Brexit vision to that of something from a bygone era – a steam locomotive.
By contrast the local N Ireland news gave some detail to the important border issue.
Part of their strategy is not only to promote fear but to also to keep mainland audiences uninformed.
Hands up anyone who is the least bit surprised.
The madness of MetroLibs and Guardianland
Thursday’s Times2 section was a bit weird
Lefthand of page : Deborah Ross saying some really vile things about Katie Hopkins
And as ever it’s the anti-Hopkins lefties who are the vile ones in their tweets
It’s the Times commenters who lay into Ross for being so vile
eg \\ The degree of hate in this piece is astonishing.
I never thought the Times would allow such hatred and naked aggression to be published in one of its columns.//
Righthand of page : some weird sneering at Trump’s penis, with a mushroom cartoon.
I suppose the publisher assesses that the early / midlife liberals are more likely to buy their paper than people of the right – which makes for a crowded market when The Telegraph is included .
A big market of the Right is now absent from the Newspaper industry . The Mail is angry lite porn , the telegraph is desperate circulation maintenance and hopefully the guardian will be uneconomic very soon .
The left bitch about the media being controlled by the Right but how dumb is that assessment ? And I didn’t even mention the independent …
My Dad buys the Independent. I have to admit I was surprised (to say the least) when I discovered this, and asked him “why?”‘.
“Oh, good God, I never read it!” he said “It’s the worst load of tittle tattle you can imagine, full of the crazed rantings of angry 30 something feministas! The crossword’s the best out there though, and when I’m done with that it goes for lining the grandchildren’s Rabbit hutch. Does anyone read newspapers any more?”
Today programme Friday morning, interview with Inge, Chairman of Lloyd’s of London insurance. She tells the interviewer that last years losses ie 2017 were due to the hurricanes caused by warmer seas due to climate change. A good unbiased interviewer would have known that there has been benign hurricane seasons for several previous years (I think 10), but the statement was left unchallenged.
Inge’s term of office is coming to an end and she is looking for a new exciting position, she told us. Were the lies about hurricanes being caused by climate change to open up job opportunities in that world of billionaire sponsored green activity? But those green billionaires are those that the BBC and other MSM love.
Never ask questions that may put the agenda under any doubt.
Late to say , but ;
Radio 4 11.30 am It’s A Fair Cop .
I tuned into this halfway through .
This seems to be a policeman on a ” sabbatical leave” from Scunthorpe doing comedy .
That should ring alarm bells ringing here . Previously the police were vilified by the left , intelligentsia and BBC as a tool of capitalists and right wingers to suppress the working class , and if no working class was available , minorities .
Now that the Gramscians have taken over the police , replacing ex army chief constables with university PPE graduates , the Police service ( not force ) is a golden boy in the March of progress to full statism .
So what does our modern day Laughing Policeman have to tell us , in front of a live BBC audience ?
Well lower middle class accountant types with a Charlie Chaplin moustouche are out . Although to our copper , who should be uncomtamitaded by prejudice , the accountant is nasty because that’s what Hitler had . Rumour has it that Hitler only had one … and that condemns some unfortunates unless we get bat crazy feminist .
The narrative revolves around a dispute between neighbours about a hedge which our 21 century cop gets involved . Abandon all hope if ye be a Brexit voter , because the cop is a remainer and makes a quip at Leavers expense to the whoops and hollers of the BBC audience then makes another jibe against Jacob Rees Mogg . Well you can imagine how the BBC audience took that .
The best bit though is when when one of the protagonist of the story accuses our hero cop of discrimination , precisely as many here have felt , which the character describes ; middle class , white , heterosexual male .
So our hero cop says he can’t be because ;; : he then describes the triangle slave trade of the 17 and early 18 century .
Not the slavery of almost all civilisations before we outlawed it .
Not the Greek , Roman, Mayan , Aztec etc .
Not even the modern day slavery of the Arabs or indentured Africans , or the Irish Travellers busted by cops not resting like our favoured BBC cop .
No it’s us .
One thing I’ll give about the show , it does shed some light on the laziness of policing as this fellow sneers at the ordinary Joe .
I always point out that globally the number of slaves has gone up almost every day since the dawn of civilisation. There are more slaves employed in the UK than at any time, most involved in sex work, others as domestic labour for rich foreigners. Even in the US there are more African Americans doing prison labour than there ever were in the fields prior to the civil war. Slavery only gets worse day by day.
But yeah, in spite of “evidence” and “facts” the British Empire with its ban on slavery was the worst place to live ever…
@Nibor If you listen to radio4 you realise it is dominated by London, London MetroLib presenters and then a nod to their immigrant slaves, whilst the non-London racial MAJORITY are largely kept off the airwaves.
The guilt ridden Londonlibs worry about not covering a particular type of ethnic group, yet there are 250,000 people in the North Lincolnshire area that’s 0.5% of UK population and you will almost never hear our accent on the BBC. Yet other small ethnic groups like trans get frequent appearances on R4.
Normally the best the BBC gives us provincials is the odd question on Gardeners Question Time or Any Questions.
Yet Alfie’s show although he’s from Hull does actually frequently mention area/streets in Scunthorpe I know ..So I have to give R4 a lot of credit for that.
Then you realise
#1 The show is recorded in London with a London audience hence the frequent references to “The Met” as the butt of his jokes
#2 Alfie is fitting in with the R4 bossies by sticking in the anti-Trump sneers from the star
Cartoon & Summary on this week’s Brexit (lack of) news.
Re the earlier Julia Hartley-Brewer thread.
Sadly there is a class of commentator, who, though right-thinking and right-leaning on some topics, desperately want to remain in the camp of the ‘acceptables’ to mainstream opinion, and not fall into the ‘deplorables’ category. Thus they have to keep proving they’re not racist or islamophobic, even more than do the Far-Liberals, because they’re more open to the charge.
I fear JHB is one such, one of many.
To speak the truth on many issues today, means falling into the deplorable camp, losing your bien-pensants friends and quite possibly your job. The Lib/Left have a stranglehold on what can and can’t be said in polite society, and to fall foul of the unwritten rules can mean professional suicide.
Such is the indirect power of the beeb. It sets the norms of ‘acceptable’ thought, it establishes the current orthodoxy that corrupts all public debate and makes it meaningless.
Again JHB and Farage are in London so fall prey to the London cult
..we could drag them out and a cult deprogramming expert could get them to understand that the dogma of Islam needs criticing and that is not the same as being racist or hating individual ethnic-Muslims.
Exactly so Vlad. She keeps well on the correct side of the political acceptable line on immigration and Islam. Tiny little criticisms but no out right condemnation. As for Nigel, we’ll he is a hero on the Brexit issue but decidedly weak on the RoPers and continued mass migration into the UK post Brexit. As I have posted a few times I am worried that post Brexit , if we do leave, we will get more Third Worlders and RoPers than at present. Given the rise of anti immigration and anti Islam politics and parties in many European countries , who may succeeed in slamming the door shut, I do wonder if Leaving is as good an idea as it seemed a few years ago.
BBC text pages are always a fruitful area for slightly slewed facts and figures and this morning adds two to the list.
First news that a Kenyan judge has lifted the ban on a film featuring a lesbian relationship for a week, allowing it to be forwarded for some award or other. Homosexuality is illegal in Kenya, we are told, as part of the legacy from British colonial rule.
So all those castrations, live burials and stonings during the good old days of tribal African tolerance and goodwill were imaginary figments – it was all our fault. Should have known.
Secondly the much trumpeted ‘fall in the pound’, following Teresa’s speech does not appear to be borne out by inconvenient facts. Figures of falls from 1% to 1.5% against the dollar, bringing trading rates down to $1.3068 seem to overlook the fact that the £ was trading at $1.29+ well over a week ago. Nuisance, but there it is.
The Seven Stages of Grief are a walkover compared to the Seven Stages of Tommy!
Enough already.
When are we going to DO something about this? Do we want to make history, as opposed to bitching online about this?
Too chicken to even try it?
From Derek Bentley to Jon Platt via Steve Thorburn and David Kelly? Stephen Ward to Julie Bailey via Heather Brooke?
Isn’t it about time ” one of ours” actually WASN’T left to come out like Mac Murphy, or in a body bag?
Am off out to work, but Tommy deserves some support. The Old Bailey, Thursday? Hospital Radio in Three Counties will soon get to “feel the force” as The Real Thing” used to sing.
As Jesus says- we want that hundredth sheep back with us in the rolling hills of England, something like that
I saw that Clash reference
BBC R4 this morning..Matha and Robinson..what a pair of beauties…
So far the message continues..Brexit dead….it was silly idea..and Mr David Willybrand agrees.. so there we have it…
As an aside this is from yesterday…did anyone notice that the BBC had their favourite Nadiya on and she was described as a Chef and author….well I can’t comment on the author but she definitely isn’t a Chef…only on the BBC….
Glad I’m working today…I have feeling Brexit will loom large and it won’t be Brexiteers on BBC
I’m sick of hearing all these remoaners who, when asked about the democratic result of the referendum say “I fully respect the result of the referendum but……..” and then go on to say why they obviously don’t respect the result of the referendum by listing all their requirements for what they laughingly would describe as Brexit.
Kier Starmer is one. He has six tests the Brexit deal has to pass before he says he will support it. These six tests are exactly the same as remaining in the eu. All labour want to do is vote against anything for purely labour reasons and to hell with GB.
The vote was in or out.
The vote was not a different deal with the eu and remaining, in all but name, in the eu.
WTO now, no faffing about or betraying the vote, OUT.
Keir ‘six tests’ Starmer’s loyalty is to himself alone.
Even his ‘followers’ have now noticed his sitting on the fence, all options on the table, foot in all camps approach.
Struggling to keep his balance while fence sitting would explain the perpetually startled look. That, or he spends his life hoping some skeleton or other stays closeted.
He has got that weird bit of hair that refuses to lie down to the side just like the gawky kid at school in the 50’s. Otherwise I am sure he is a perfectly descent chap……..I’m kidding of course, he is a right pratt .
Starmer on TV again last night telling us all that Labour’s solution is negotiate ‘a’ customs union…EASY…all problems solved. 🙂
No interviewer ever seems to ask him just what exactly ‘a’ customs union looks like. 🙁
He wants ‘a’ customs union because that would keep us at least partly subject to the continuing jurisdiction of the ECJ.
This is where he thinks he has a chance of getting a nice cosy appointment. Ironically one of the latest ECJ jobs available has just gone to an Irish judge.
Poor Keir.
So, I read the article and I was trying to understand the difference between ‘the’ customs union and ‘a’ customs union…but I couldn’t 🙁
Is it coz I’s a thick leave voter?
Whatever…I’m sure Labour’s plan is far superior to anything anyone else could possibly envisage.
Good question countryblues.
I THINK that Lawyers for Britain are saying that due to the EU’s convoluted systems of rules and how they harmonise within the EU, being in any sort of customs union, by whatever name, or being aligned, would mean that the ECJ would have the final say not only on tariff rules but also over all the non-tariff rules and laws which apply to goods placed on the market. And that these rules could be changed at any time.
I could be wrong (I’m also a thick leave voter). Any economists in the house?
P.S. I don’t think Labour has a plan.
“P.S. I don’t think Labour has a plan”
Well I am sure if you listen carefully Diane Abbot will explain.
Keir Starmer does not come across as particularly intelligent. Yet he has held high office and is still accorded respect as a distinguished lawyer. How can this be?
Poor David Milliband with grandeur delusions – similarly to Blair – striding the world healing hurts and righting wrongs .
If any one had any doubt about brexit he will strengthen your resolve …
Followed by one Dawn Butler ( she of cultural appropriation fame ) obviously as thick as a plank and clear tokenism . Al beeb did it’s 5 minutes to the hour trick which prevents idiots like her talking so much crap that sooner or later they’ll put their foot in it – as it were .
It’s a clever and well worn al beeb bias technique
It is entirely possible I missed this on the BBC news feeds and news paper round up “all you need to know”. From the Telegraph. Seems credible.
Jeremy Corbyn’s allies drawing up emergency plans amid fears he may be suspended over ‘undeclared trips’
So the Labour Party conference is being held in the socialist paradice of Liverpool .now there is the ideal place for the Far Left bbc to be based.
Agenda – money tree – reverse privatisation – blame – benefits – bevvies – comrade McDonnell trying to remember to ‘smile ‘ as he says we ll all pay “ a little bit more “ tax .
Just on my way into Liverpool now to drop Mrs Thirsty off for work.
Expecting to see some Costa Communists / Starbucks Socialists goose stepping to see the supreme leader.
Poor old Frank Field will be watching from the Birkenhead side sporting a tin hat.
Well just returned from Town and spied a few Momentum knobs – well it is Fresher’s week so easy pickings for new recruits.
But wait its a double wankfest as al beeb’s fave team Redshite Rovers are playing home to their feeder club Sarfhampton, so the city is awash with the usual smatterings of multi-kulti ‘fans’ jetting in from foreign parts decked in fashion faux-pas red scarves.
How does that song go? ‘Spot the Scouser in the Kop’
Me ..a bitter blue ye say? Too fuckin right and getting more bitter by the day with what’s going on in this country.
The good people of liverpool would vote for a dead cat if it had a Labour rosette on it
Ah Liverpool…….England’s Glasgow
Are the dockers still on strike? You know, the ones that demanded they unload containers on the ship and re-loaded them on the quayside, with the full backing of a certain Mr. Corbyn. Over 30 years now I believe – and they think Folkstone is a scab port!
Well being on the West side of the country we may have evaded the eye of the EU and imported 100m worth of Chinese cranes 3 years ago ready for trade with the whole World.
Fear EU spies may think it will make a great Irish Sea Border point ?
As an aside, Peter Sissons ex bbc (and probably pissed off by the bbc /guardian as anyone on here ?) sums up his experience as a Liverpool Docks Security Guard in his biography after a 12,000 gallon cask of Aussie White wine was emptied under his watch when he was told ‘cranes can be unreliable and drop things on people’
Quote: ‘ The image of all Liverpool dockers as lovable scallywags has eluded me ever since ,however much it has kept music hall comedians in work’
Funny how so much reporting of weakening of the pound yesterday by 1p but no reporting FTSE up nearly 2%!!
I suppose the headline “UK Shares Soar on PMs Brexit Speech” doesn’t have the same ring!!
The dazzling lack of intellect possessed by the awful Dawn Butler was allowed to shine through on bBbc Breakfast this morning, her dreary disposition boring everyone while discussing Labour’s drive to combat the “epidemic” of domestic abuse in Britain today.
According to dim-witted Dawn, 1.2 million women suffered abuse at the hands of their partners in the year 2016-17, and each victim is abused 30 times before they report it. Now, 1.2 million is a hell of a number especially if, as Dawn stated, you are only counting women, you haven’t taken into account incidents of domestic abuse “that affect other types – such as men”. What?
Dawn was allowed to drivel on, uninterrupted for around five minutes with none of her claims or facts of figures queried by the eunuch supposedly interviewing her. Unconvincing and a poor communicator, her delivery was devoid of either expression or emotion, even when attempting to assert that domestic abuse would be tackled head on by Labour with every victim given refuge and safety “for themselves, their children, their families and – their pets”. I didn’t bother to listen to the monologue that she no doubt was allowed to deliver when she was asked about Brexit.
If both the bBbc and Labour think that programming and politicians of this quality are what people will continue to accept, they’ll keep dying the slow death that they both deserve.
Al beeb has given tusk a free pass when he claimed to be a friend or Britain and the PM but still posts a cake on the internet – we pay something like 20 percent of his pay …and he is an enemy .
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Tusk no doubt tut tuts in the usual hoity-toity, high and mighty manner of a libral about Trump’s “vulgar and impulsive” use of the internet, but has no compunction in being equally vulgar and impulsive” himself. The usual chuntering about “lowering tone” and “coarsening discourse” are suddenly forgetten. These people utterly nauseate me.
She was also on SKY (which I don’t have a very high opinion of). At least Gillian Joseph managed to squeeze in a few difficult questions – why no female Labour leader and what would be the cost of railway nationalisation. Butler just ploughed ahead with her prepared speech – presumably the one she also delivered on the BBC. She didn’t even have the skill to at least partially conceal her evasiveness.
I despair at the quality of Tory Ministers but they’re still way ahead of Labour, most of whom are toe-curlingly inept, having no ability whatsoever to think on their feet. And John McDonnell just scares me.
I’m starting to think the unthinkable and hoping that, at some stage in the near future, the army will feel obliged to take over.
Anyone catch Newswatch?
One of those weird moments
This morning I was reading the BBC webshite uncritical article about cuddly John Macdonald and his plans to nationalise everything.
I must have touched something on the ipad by accident because the article changed to ‘how do you control catastrophic hyperinflation’.
Inflation of course is the great socialist trick (Zimbabwe, Venezuela) to eliminate the value of middle class savings and make everyone reliant on the state. The equality of poverty.
The BBC is running two stories but seem unable to realise they are completely related. Heads in the sand as usual.
I know we on this esteemed site are not in general fans of May.
But would anyone actually want her job at the present time?
Take. Boris. He doesn’t want it. Yet. Far too much aggro for now. A poisoned chalice. Don’t think anyone wants it just now.
Hard Brexit will not get through parliament.
Competing interests will stall and oppose each and every form of negotiated position, mainly for their own purity so they can say later ‘I told you so’.
The EU need to be seen to be punishing us and don’t really want to negotiate.
Some individual EU countries could be reasonable but are reluctant to say so.
The LibDems are just sneering antidemocrats.
The cabinet are split and so are the Tories. Labour are sitting on the sidelines hoping for an early election – totally cynical. They will not support any motion in parliament so there is no deal that would get through parliament.
My current prediction is either no deal – we will run out of time, or a hasty stitch up and a year or two of kicking it down the track.
So I’m forced to conclude that however useless May is, i’m not sure anyone could do better or really wants the job.
1. She desperately wanted to be PM. She’s enjoying herself. I don’t think she needs pity; she’s in a trap of her own setting. You can’t be a Remainer at heart and take on the BIG project of the moment, which is to implement the OPPOSITE; that’s just foolishness. A recipe for chaos. The only person I know who more desperately wants to remain PM (forever) – and will do anything to stay there, is Merkel. (She also managed to stuff her country up good and proper, so May is only following her example)
2. At the same time May doesn’t have the stuff to be PM; she was lucky – in the right place at the right time. Any genuine Leaver would have done a better job – no split loyalties. So impressed was she with herself, she even called an election at the wrong time and made her own face that of the party, which almost disappeared behind her shining glory. (Incidentally, she did an equally poor job as Home Secretary, lots of talk about reducing immigration, but doing the opposite in practice. HOW DOES SHE GET AWAY WITH IT?)
3. She’s messed up the negotiations good and proper, just like she messed up the election. Labour are watching and waiting. Maybe she’s secretly one of theirs?
4. Just about anyone could have done better. But, as you say, now nobody wants the job. Surprise.
5. Merkel at least has the excuse she was in the communist FDJ, snet to destroy; what excuse does May have?
Perhaps the starting point in negotiations should be
1. You’re not getting a penny of the £40 bn you say we owe you without a lot in return
2. And by the way you (the EU) have a Eu 50 bn trade surplus with us.
3. We look forward to hearing your proposals. Goodbye.
Did Cameron not resign too quickly? Sometimes, I think, he should have implemented his own promise to leave the EU. Would he have been any worse than May?
Cameron, having resigned, I would have expected an entirely pro-Brexit PM and Cabinet to carry out the process of leaving. It boiled down to only Andrea Leadsom finally and I wish she’d been given a chance. Could she have been worse than May? 🙁
I think May is doing the best that she can…I just don’t agree with her or think she’s very good at it!
He would have found it too difficult a balancing act to appear to deliver his promises about implementing whatever the people decided on the one hand and yet sabotaging Brexit on the other.
To my mind, the whole point of the Cameron resignation was to postpone the eventual LEAVE date, thereby giving the REMAIN side more time to erode the will of LEAVE. Consider, as per the Referendum, the UK should be out of the EU June 2018…….
Hand negotiations to Trump.
Done in a day.
Labour and media traitors piano wired at every lamp post.
We can’t trust her.
At least we now know who`s going to be appearing in panto at the Hull Pier Hippodrome Theatre, this coming Winterval Season.
May or Drunkie-which one is Punchie, which one is Judy?
Don`t tell Labour there`s a Jew D appearing, could turn nasty.
Another Grenfell fraudster
Story originates from the Mail
\\ An illegal immigrant swindled £60,000 for hotel and food bills by claiming he was a victim of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Tunisian Abdelkarim Rekaya, 28, took advantage of the government’s policy of providing amnesty for illegal immigrants living in the gutted tower block in June last year. //
He was found guilty ..there’s delay is before sentencing
\\ He later changed his story to say he was homeless and sleeping in the stairwell of the 11th and 12th floor.//
… so does a delay for a psychology report seem quite sensible if that’s the case?
\\ As of August 2018, twelve people have been charged with fraud offences relating to Grenfell, with five people put behind bars. //
As pointed out the initial number of fraudsters who tried could be dozens, cos we don’t know how many the council officers filtered out before prosecution.
How many floors were ON that damned building?
And has Mick Jagger claimed yet…he once sang about being on the 99th floor, whereas Eddie Cochrane was only on the 20th?
Oh wait-old, white and-well very dead in the latters case.
But best to be safe-give Eddie his compo shall we?
@CourtNewsUK has more such stories
Will the BBC be reporting on Fatima Khan ?
Ah yes no hijab in their photo of course
“When do you finally realize that the most important requirements for integration are not language and upward mobility, but emotional bonds and identifying with the country in which one lives?” — Hamed Abdel-Samad, German-Egyptian political scientist.
Stating the bloody obvious! Well, to most Plebs. Like wot I is………… No prizes for guessing how vibrant this piece of shit is, answers on a postacard to your local mosque
There is a BBC story, but it seems so low key, that only 6 people tweeted it within the last 24 hours since it was released.
I remember well the witch hunt about releasing the last taxi rapist (white) , tumbleweed moment on the BBC regarding this one
Rape seem to be prevalent within a certain community and is actively ignored, like knifings, if there was any hint of “far right” (ie indigenous british, in their twisted world view) ) people commiting such crimes imagine the “outrage” the BBC would suddenly express , we have Harvey Weisten endlessly paraded while black rappers rape to their hearts content without the same exposure and of course do not forget Cliff Richard and the BBC’s major concern for the publics right to know….makes you laugh about our right to know . Would you not require our right to know about taxi drivers raping women ?
Since men can identify as women, they can accept women’s awards.
Gender fluid Credit Suisse bank director Philip Bunce makes top 100 women in business, and stirs controversy LGBT activist Kristina Harrison, who transitioned 20 years ago, labelled Mr Bunce’s appearance on the list as ‘insulting’. #LGBT #GenderFluid.
Does he pinch his own bum, as he tries to look up his own skirt then?
” Pip will eat itself”. Good eh? Back to the ward now.
The far far left know about gender issues. This is the anti Mogg gang.
Then go to the mens for a poo poos I expect.
Then the disabled, gender neutral one if they`re not sure which one they might need.
Do I fart or have my period?
Call You and Yours and get some counsel from a trained adviser.
Can we still CALL it “Mastercard”?
I got an offer for one the other week-and now need a few days off work.
Org campaigning for Middle Eastern sharia caliphate move to Birmingham
Moneybox – that champion of socialism and reliance on the State –
Today – should over 60s get freebies – take them away from the soon – to – be – dead and give them to 20 somethings .
The innocence of the idiot advocating freebies for the 20 somethings was breathtaking – his good intentions would lead to no freebies for any one unless you pass the benefits threshold .
Later I caught a bit of the “any questions “ nonsense where some kid on the panel explained why there needs to be a second referendum because soon to be dead old people had voted out and the young will have to suffer .
The kid sounded like the now infamously thick and vibrant Dawn Butler MP ( lab – wimins issues)
Suffer for what exactly ? I will certainly miss the romainian beggar selling the beeg eeshue for the last ten years. ten bloody years is not the big issue designed to take people out of poverty ? or maybe used to keep eastern european third world beggars in our country, has this kid done an economic forecast ? maybe he should chat to the Scottish and English fishing community before he talks about “suffering”
Good points Annunaki.
Has anyone thought of who will now sell the essential “Beeg Eeshooz” to us all?
After March 29th, how will we cope, what too of our nail bars and carwashes in town carparks? Come on BBC!
nice moment after that on any answers
beeboids on
“the question should we have a second referendum”
slipped out as
“the question of the second referendum we should have”
she managed to find a middle aged remainer who thinks we should have a second because her mother a leaver changed her mind last week
and why did she change her mind , well she voted leave for less immigration, but last weeks report that suggested it wont be going down (that will be the one that suggested the definition of skilled should be one A level) so has now decided we might as well stay
im still laughing, the only people I know who have changed their mind voted remain.
It is all semantics, politicians are generally politicians because they appear to please all, I could forward you details of a person who has just died whos spent time comparing mainfestos to acheivements or intent, this is the probem with our system 5 years and after that who cares
She was a similarly thick and ill-spoken person called Shakira something. It was intolerable so I switched off.
I will also miss the influx of turkish sex criminals and rapists, the next vibrant guests planned to invade us as EU members, they do love a bit of white meat as many holidaymakers have found
Standard remainer groupthink – brexit will be the end of life as we know it – let’s face it – the outcome will the one of three
Things are better
Things are worse
Nothing really changes ………
Funny how no one talks about rejoining yet – that must be the Soros strategy once we leave …..
At least once we are out we can stop paying EU citizens benefits …
FAO as I said earlier, gentleman now deceased but his words ring true beyond his mortal coil:
Funny old world—”Where Politians’ lies are kept alive” I have news for any newly-elected MPs sweating over rash pledges published in their election campaign leaflets. While most leaflets have been consigned to the oblivion of the kitchen bin, copies of nearly all of them have been collected and stored for posterity in Bristol university library’s unique collection of election literature. Dating back to 1892, its 30,000 items have been called Britain’s biggest collection of lies.
If you want to know what Tony Benn told voters in Bristol back in 1955, what Tony Blair promised those who elected him as a new MP in Sedgefield in 1983 – or how Justine Greening, Conservative victor in Putney in 2010, campaigned against Heathrow airport’s expansion , not knowing that she would soon become Transport Secretary – then it’s all here awaiting scrutiny.
In the days before this election the library’s special collections archivist, Hannah Lowery, received telephone calls from political journalists checking up on the pledges that 2015 candidates had made in 2010. At the next election, the leaflets of 2015 will be similarly in demand as evidence. Paper ephemera they may be, but the buff cardboard files of Bristol university’s library are no hiding place for lying leaflets.
I first made acquaintance with this intriguing collection shortly after the 1992 election (at which I had lost my deposit as Natural Law Party candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington). In those days, the illustrious Nick Lee was nearing the end of more than 30 years as the leaflet library’s archivist and I was writing a piece on his work for The Independent newspaper.
Nick, who retired in 1997 but still visits the archive, is still, I’m sure, the only person who can correctly predict the fate of both political parties and individual candidates just by examining their printed election leaflets. I had not expected to find a political pandit. He cocked a snook at polls and pollsters. For him, emptying brown envelopes of leaflets was like emptying political entrails. Bulk, glossiness, proportion of Central Office material, all revealed to him in a twinkling whether the candidate was a safe-seater, nohoper, try-hard, bootlicker or buffoon. In those days, for instance, the glossier, the more likely to lose.
When I met him, he had correctly predicted John Major’s 1992 majority – which was as unexpected as David Cameron’s in 2015.
I challenged him to divine the fate of a candidate whose newly delivered envelope spilled no fewer than nine pieces of election literature. “Hmm”, he said: “either a hard-working MP in a marginal, or a candidate on the offensive, probably standing for the first time”. We consulted the results. Sure enough, David Unwin, a Conservative standing for the first time in Labour-held Bridgend, had lost to Labour by 7,326 votes.
That was 23 years ago. Hannah still mails candidates – 3,971 at this election – enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for leaflets, and has also received bales of them from constituency volunteers. But things have changed. The response is less than the 85 per cent that Nick was used to and in any case print has been superseded by the net – which used to be something we caught fish in. A leaflet farmed out to a web designer tends to be less revealing of a candidate’s quirks. And more candidates are meekly accepting Central Office’s electronically mailed text and layout. (If you see an election leaflet signed by a candidate named “Name Surname”, that’s proof!) So it is hardly surprising that Hannah has not picked up the analytical skill of her predecessor. “Things have become more regular, more uniform”, she laments.
She fills gaps in the collection by downloading leaflets from, launched in 2010, after which its founders sent her a big parcel of leaflets.“We do need people to send us leaflets”, she said: “I know it may be tempting to scribble on them in anger or tear them up, but we should look to posterity”.
Then there’s, a sophisticated website that offers each candidate’s leaflets plus a multiplicity of electronic appendages. I accessed Elizabeth Truss, who continues as Environment Secretary, returned this election as MP for South West Norfolk with 25,515 votes, an increased majority. Her entry has Central Office written all over it. The site offers not only her highly polished leaflet but her press mentions, email address, Facebook and Twitter entries, home page, inter-active party profile and – cherry on the cake – a link to the Conservatives’ YouTube featuring David Cameron in full spate. Is that what did the trick?
In the same constituency, there’s Lib Dem Rupert Moss-Eccardt’s front cover with dodgy diagram – a threecolumn histogram showing the 2010 results for Conservative, Lib Dem, and third-place Labour’s 19 per cent languishing under a pointer taunting “Can’t win here!”. With a ruler and calculator you can find out whether the columns are out of proportion. Such diagrams have come in for some stick from The Guardian.
I sought the least glossy South West Norfolk leaflet to see whether it foretold a loser. Ah, UKIP’s scruffy effort: like a windblown factory notice board – maybe cobbled together with one hand, the other holding a pint of beer and a fag. As it happened, UKIP’s Paul Smyth was one of over 100 UKIP candidates who came second (with 11,654 votes). He nudged out both Labour and Lib Dems. Maybe there’s some deliberate image -making here. Scruffy = down to earth, honest. I’m sure such subtleties would not have been lost on Nick Lee.
Hannah Lowery, Special Collections, Arts and Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TJ (0117 928 8014). John
Who is funding this bunch of leftie remainers?
Any questions about “Brexit & Gender“. Write a letter to Andy at the following address:
Professor Androgyne Hermaphrodite
Department of Genderbenderology
Faculty of Multisexuality
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
My thought about the world we live in today:
“When I was a child I aspired to take my place in my father’s world, I didn’t expect to live the rest of my life ruled by my mother.”
Lucky you there is a certain Kommunihi that would just love to prey on you if you were a child and the sickening thing ? there is no one with the courage to say “fuck off packi leave her alone”
I was party to a conversation a little while ago where the consensus was how awful Alf Garnet was and how much better things were now, well, for one thing, Garnet was to be laughed at, not with, that was plain to any one with any sense, , and now pakis can rape children for years on end and no action is taken in case anyone is called racist, pakis are exempt from arrest ???? well done, well all least no nasty things now are said about black people, hundreds of raped abused schoolchidren ? well thats ok BBC dont care about them they are not black enough to be victims
Alf Garnett was a parody.
..yet the liberal mob have taken to behaving like he did; knee jerk labelling, ranting and dismissing of those that aren’t like them.
Sad, we have on the one side the massive BBC and most of the media backing the Government restrictions on thought, and on the other side, near bankrupt Katie Hopkins and a handful of You Tubers, many of whom are being blacked out.
Shouldn’t the police focus their efforts on London knife crime.
Another one last night? Hardly a peep about it on Al Beeb any more .
The communist government of Theresa May sent me something like this:
The BBC is one of the UK’s most biased left-wing institutions and is part of my socialist economic plan for the country. For me it is a great source of European pride and no other organisation in the world has anything quite like it. The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis of the BBC. It guarantees the BBC’s independence and provides the framework for how the BBC is governed and funded. The Charter allows the BBC to continue to thrive as a politically correct left-wing liberal media organisation. The BBC is operationally and editorially independent of democracy and there is no provision for my people to intervene in the BBC’s day-to-day left-wing, pro-Labour, pro-immigration, pro-Islam, pro-EU, anti-science operations. The BBC Board of middle-class white Labour voters is responsible for ensuring the BBC delivers its bias, including its politically correct mission and science censorship. The BBC Board is also responsible for ensuring the BBC adheres to its climate science censorship seminars. As the external independent regulator of the BBC, it is Ofcom’s responsibility to hold the BBC to account in fulfilling its common purpose left-wing mission and its media censorship policies: Comrade Theresa of May
Meanwhile in Birmingham, Gerard Batten revealed that UKIP would commit to abolishing the license fee in their manifesto. Cheers went out when he said “We would make it into a subscription service and those who want to listen to a string of politically correct anti-Brexit bias can decide if they want to pay for it or not.”
Latest ‘news’ from the bBBC: there are six fat women who like being fat.
Well worth £150 a year.
The bBBC is reporting that someone called Chas Hodges has died. Funny, he sounds just like Chas Andave.
Wet liberal Matthew Parris occasionally hits the nail on the head. He writes in these terms in the Times today.
Amid the general EU rumpus we are forgetting non EU immigration which is costing us a fortune. Thousands are admitted under ‘family relative schemes’ mainly from the Indian subcontinent. They dont speak English, cannot do productive work, have no interest in integration, indeed may be discouraged, often subscribe to a certain, ahem, religion, yet get all the state benefits. Far more of an issue than a few extra Polish plumbers.
He also points out that Denmark has introduced very strong requirements for nonEU immigration. Residency, language, skills, employment requirements. The UK could have done this but has not. Why not?
Thus much of our immigration issue is non EU sourced. Let’s not assume Brexit will do anything about that.
While we’re still in the EU the media can divert any discussion on immigration to Poles and Rumanians. Once we’re out there’ll be nothing left for the pro-immigration lobby to hide behind. Leaving the EU is the first step to getting a grip on entry criteria and overall numbers.
8pm Radio4 Toby Young presents a program on character
It might be OK
I thought they would have completely banned him since they think he is ultra far extreme right.
Just looking at Al Beeb’s website front page reminds me of the ‘Beano’ comic. Seriously.
The Beano is cheaper. The way that modern media news and entertainment is going Al Beeb will be broadcasting to an audience of……… zilch.
Here’s hoping…
Still waiting for the BBC to…
…make a positive feature about Brexit.
…say something good about Trump.
These TV announcers, seems they sit in a VT room and then if it is a prerecorded programme they hit a button to play the VT.
But they don’t like documentaries so instead of watching they get out their Casio Electronic keyboard and start playing around ..usually plinky plonk music.
And we can all hear that under the dialogues of the presenter, cos the announcers have forgotten to switch off their microphones.
So Comcast beat Fox for Sky – at least it can’t go any further to the left than it already is in their news division.
Ukraine’s Poroshenko sues BBC over Trump pay-for-access story as election looms”
The original BBC report is here:
“Trump lawyer ‘paid by Ukraine’ to arrange White House talks
By Paul Wood, BBC News, Kiev, 23 May 2018”
BBC4 now BBC has bought a series from Australia whose main character is an aboriginal detective.
I hope it is good, and that thy didn’t just buy it cos they like the agenda.
Well boomerang my didgeridoo, Bruce.
Let me guess. It will use old scripts from NYPD Blue. Updated.
“The names have been changed to protect the innocent.”
Metamorphoses into “The races and sexes have been changed to convict the innocent”.
What’s that Skip? He’s fallen down the well.
I will make space in my busy schedule to ensure that I miss this.