The Far Left BBC has a busy week ahead to promote its biased anti British view of the world.
The Far Left Labour Party Conference, the Tommy Robinson political retrial , the evidence of a woman attempting to prevent President Trumps’ Supreme Court nominee by alleging indecent assault from 36 years ago. And I haven’t even mentioned the BBC Remainer propaganda .
So an easy week for us to evidence BBC Bias .
I am really reluctant to pay the lounge tax this year with the BBC not representing any of my views. First ??
Definitely First!
The only views that Al Beeb represent are its own.
Left, left, left, left.
All driven by ‘Champagne socialists’ that have never done a real day’s work in their lives.
Quite shameless coverage of German Politics on the Merkel Intelligence story.
BBC reporting of Trumps nomination for supreme court total biased. They use every opportunity they can to side with this democratic liberal professor who actually can’t seem to remember things clearly from all them years ago. Whsts happened to innocent until proven guilty? Albeeb seem to ignore the fact that loads of women have written positive statements about judge Kavanaugh and that this alligation has been sat on my the democrats for months while they waited to release it just to block Trump’s conservative supreme court judge. Judge Kavanaugh is a conservative judge who it seems has a unblemished record with lots of decisions that we on here would agree with. BBC hate trump and are in bed with CNN and the lying democrats. The liberal left think they know better than everyone else and look down on the rest of us. Judge Kavanaugh could balance the supreme court out again in America and the left will do anything to stop him. It’s sad that here in the UK our supreme court judges have rules given to them by the unelected EU.i hope this changes soon
Sadly I think that the Democrats have succeeded, with the help of their fellow travellers in the US media and BBC, in once again fooling a majority of Americans into believing their propaganda. This time the whole thing is so obviously a political set up , a fabrication that I am stupefied that anyone could possibly believe it. Surely I thought most ordinary folks will see it for what it is and resent the Democrats for treating them as fools and vote Republican. I massively underestimated the stupidity and gullibility of the average American voter. I’m afraid that the same may well be true over here and that Corbyn may be the beneficiary of the brain dead voters who make up a large slice of the population.
It sounds like I think of millions of my fellow Brits and of American voters are thick, stupid, dumb, credulous, naive fools. Well you judge people by what they do and in this case if they think this Ford woman is telling the truth and that she isn’t doing a political job on Kavanaugh , then they are all and more of that long list of derogatory adjectives..
PS I acknowledge H Clinton’s use of deplorable to dismiss millions of those who voted for President Trump but in this case I am right and she was wrong.
Fooling all into believng their propaganda is absolutely correct Doublethinker and not only in the USA but in the UK and in Europe-gullibility tops the list. However I certainly would not acknowledge anything that the Clinton woman has to say, if she had won that Amercian election then one could most definitely use the word DEPLORABLE. She runs with the evil beings that want to subjugate us all just as the EU has been doing these past 45 yrs.
….It sounds like I think of millions of my fellow Brits and of American voters are thick, stupid, dumb, credulous, naive fools. ……
They are ! – the Sun is the best selling newspaper in the UK, and that speaks volumes. Most when pressed to give an opinion struggle to string two sentences together, and then its “ohhhhh, I dunnno “
The Demonrats have dug up another woman who alleges that Justice Kavanaugh exposed his genitals in a partysome 36 years ago.
WASHINGTON, DC – The second woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of inappropriate drunken behavior, Deborah Ramirez, admits “significant gaps in her memories” regarding the college party in question. Critics note her allegations come after six days of consulting with a Democratic lawyer, other persons she claims were at the party deny her account, and even her college best friend admits, “I never heard of it.”
I see another million dollar book signing.
If this doesn’t stop soon, Western civilisation is dead sooner then I though it would be. White men have created this amazing civilisation, that allows women and ethnic minorities to take apart in it. If for any reason White men lose interest in the civilisation they created, Islam and barbarism, now streaming in, will take over. Hello Dark Ages.
There is a way. If men stand straight, with their shoulders back, and confront this feminist evil head on, it will collapse in a heap. Too, women will stand by their men. Its natural. There is nothing more frightening, physically or intellectually, then an outraged group of men.
It is always thus.
Jordon Peterson
More Jordon Peterson lectures the page
He must be confirmed or it would set the most chilling precedent. If one of the top jobs in the world can be denied to you on the basis of unproven allegations decades old then surely this rule could apply to anyone. This is why they have become the oppressors: skin colour matters more than character; women are weak and need special treatment; due process and presumption of innocence – the bedrock of civilisation – can be done away with.
The Left are so dangerous as they believe utopia is possible, and who would not lie if it meant heaven on Earth? In their sick minds they are fighting evil therefore any tactics are fair game. It has been glorious to see Trump play them at their own game with all the vicious name calling etc. They dish it out – calling us racists etc – but they cannot take it. It has been wonderful to see them squirm under his relentless attacks, just the sort of crap they have put us through for the crime of wanting to maintain our way of life – a way that has created wonderful nations everyone wants to live in.
I hope and suspect they may have scored an own goal here. Just when you think the ‘resistance’ cannot go any lower they manage to sink further. Those who openly subvert the most basic rules of common decency should not be allowed anywhere near power. They hid it well previously when they were in control but these past two years we have seen their true colours and what lurid shades they are. I cannot even watch the news anymore as their antics disgust me, and I am sure most other decent people feel exactly the same.
Agreed. And here let’s not forget the state broadcaster does not feel the need to use the qualifier of allegation when doing the dirty work of political foes for them.
Trump as always is the ballsy voice of common sense, Tweeting that if the crime were so bad she would have told someone about it when it happened. Though none of us can know what actually took place, this allegation has been extremely propitious for the Democrats. With any crime you ask who benefits from it, and lying here would have immeasurable benefit for the Democrats as the life term for a Supreme Court justice makes this arguably more important than the presidential election.
I’d have to disagree with you on that. There are many reasons – e.g. shame, embarrassment – not to report at the time. The President should have kept out of that as there were plenty fighting on his behalf, but by sticking his oar in with lack of sensitivity he has unnecessarily alienated many women who have not reported assaults for just such reasons.
What is not acceptable in my view is to decide 35 years later to make a vague report and expect anybody to act on it. Though in this case I’m inclined to believe the accusation is politically-motivated, and note another vague accusation that no one can corroborate has been made.
Worth clicking on the link.
Lets take a look at the divide in the American media from a different perspective.
Shown are CNN’s Don Lemon, MSNBC’s Rachael Maddow, CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Fox News’s Tucker Carlson:
Speaks a thousand words.
The last attempts at Utopia was undertaken in the 20th century. It led to the mass slaughter of humans on a scale that would embarrass the Nazis.
150 million dead at the least, and the nations so wounded in soul, it will take a century for them to recover.
But till a proper global accounting of the pivotal role of Marxism and socialism in the Great Genocides of the 20th century is undertaken, there will be no learning from experience.
The left has infiltrated universities and schools, turning out the same mindless bots that were responsible for The Great Genocides of the 20th century. The left decided that Russia and other East European nations have become immune to Marxism. So too the rest of Asia. However, America was still “innocent” of the evil of leftism.
So here we are. Pres Trump, is what God has given us. He may appear “flawed”, but that may well be the the quality that is required.
Anybody reading this….even though it doesn’t relate specifically to a lot of the posts on here(apologies)….I thought I would put in a plug for DR JORDAN B PETERSON and his tour that is happening at the moment.If you havent heard of him I suggest he is worth checkingout on You Tube.A brilliant Conservative Clinical psychologist/scientist/intellectual and rationalist.Tickets are on sale for his British Talks…..I am going to Symphony Hall in November.He is trying to save Western Civilization single handed(and I actually mean that) and whether you believe everything he says he is still a brilliant mind and worth a listen.If you are scared stiff of the current direction of the left/BBC/Marxist nonsense then please support him…….
Many readers of this site are quite familiar with him. – Good Luck!
I did apologise in advance…..Its difficult when we are all in our own ‘bubble’ to know what people are watching/responding to?….Im glad people are seeing things for how they really are… wishes
Not BBC , But whilst I was out for a drink on Friday night, one of my lefty mates came up with this gem to justify current mass immigration.
‘Apparently the sperm count of us north Europeans is becoming so critically low we need the influx from Africa to keep our population steady.
If this is their mindset, god help us all…
You should have replied ” agreed and those that aren’t low are retarded, look at the one that made it in your case”
Sperm count rubbish is the excuse that is quoted. What is important is the IQ of the illegal migrants. There aren’t enough vacancies for premier league football players or security guards in Western economies. But we were told that the millions of Africans pouring in, courtesy of the lefty rescue boats, were all Power engineers, IT specialists and doctors. Sure.
The real reason is simply to make a large fraction of Europe into Benefit dependents, who will vote socialist parties into power. The same happening in America. Only Australia mandates skills based migration. Of course they are racists . What else.
well assuming the sperm count thing is even true
when was the last time someone counted yours
and im pretty sure it only gets tested if their is some kind of ahem problem
It must be something related to living in northern europe, so the best place for all those africans and their lakes of sperm would be africa where it can continue to fertilize the world
I am still left shaking after the pro Labour spam on the BBC website. I am actually furious that our national broadcaster has sank this low and are now actually actively promoting the opposition party. This has to stop now!
Will the Tories get the same treatment when it is their conference? They will be in Birmingham so expect lots of ‘Tory scum, stay out of Brum’ types of protests from people also holding ‘JC4PM’ banners yet the BBC would ignore that part and focus on any tiny mistake that a Tory PM makes. BBC interviews will be full of interruptions while some jumped up left wing commentator will mention how something the PM doing is a ‘disaster’ just to promote Corbyn even further
The thought makes me angry
Good night, everyone. Don’t have nightmares.
Ah yes, I read about this:
Have to say Angelica Huston has let herself go a bit tho’
Here was me thinking Katty had overdone the peroxide.
Scary. Reminds me of a Wraith.
Al Beeb reports “Corbyn would back members on new referendum”.
The only salvation May has would be to tell the EU its “Either a Canada Plus deal or were are off”.
Canada not being a member of the EU, gets a far better deal than offered to the UK?
The want to punish us.
If we went down that mans route into the mire of putrid filth the only course then for this nation would be to stave off as well as it could the continued invasion from those that follow the teachings of Islam. Hells Bells can’t they (those that supposedlty govern) see the way of the wind-making a strict Muslim the Hoem Secretary could not be considered a wise move, I feel terrible danger lurks amongst us. People be aware.
Teresa May is doing the dance of the seven veils. The object is to hand the head of Farage on a plate to Barnier.
Local news on BBC1 in London. We had Sadiq Khan at the Labour Party conference at a fringe meeting. The clip the BBC chose to show was Sadiq claiming that at the Mayoral election of 2020, Labour wouldn’t be just fighting the Torees but George Osborne’s Evening Standard too. Funny thing is that since the Brexit referendum I had thought George and Sadiq were on the same side.
Talking of Brexit, the Local news then went to Portobello market and asked people about democracy. Sorry no, they asked whether there should be a second referendum since we didn’t get the last one right. There were a lot of white English born people just waiting to be asked and they all thought they needed to be asked again.
White people in London? You must be ‘avin a bubble, son!
Or is it ‘white man on the endz? You trippin, fam?’
I believe the Evening Standard is an alt-left rag anyway.
Was it dark at the time?
Not really BBC but linked with Sadiq, and the sort of questions the BBC could be asking him. I was in north London this afternoon and was walking past a River Island store. As I looked up I saw three young men running carrying arms full of jeans out of the store. My first thought was they were delivery men. They weren’t. They were stealing maybe 30 pairs of jeans between them, not caring if they dropped a few pairs as they ran. They were not white or of African descent and they didn’t look Japanese either. This was 1 pm on a Sunday, openly thieving in a leafy suburb of London. The store assistant chasing them explained he was not allowed to follow around the corner. By time I had realised what I had seen they were well past me but I wish I had been able to trip one up. Sadiq Khan what are you doing about overt crime on our streets and BBC why are you not holding Sadiq to account? I read today in the Telegraph that Sadiq has authorised 40,000 free travel passes for friends and family of Transport for London workers. The cost could have put 500 extra police on our streets. We could have done with them today in north London.
Of course it makes ones’s blood boil but London chose to support a person who strictly follows the teachings of Islam. He will not alter his beliefs to co-inside with ours (Christian) no way his fellow ideoligists have put him in that position to help them achieve outright control of the Capital City along with all othe major cities in the UK-just look at Birmingham, apart from Andy Street the place is run by Muslims.
I’m glad he does. For when the time comes, he is an honest enemy rather then the Taqiyya spouting “moderate” muslim. Far more difficult the last.
@Deborah If you see a crime THINK cameraphone
..whip it out and get some video of the crooks.
I searched Twitter, but without the name of the suburb nothing came up.
Of course these guys would be on the stores CCTV anyway, so were probably quite disguised already.
If I search Facebook and se the date to lat 24 hours
I get “River island jeans £20 Brand new tags still attached from river island cost £44 collection only”
Debs…had you tripped one up you would have faced the full force of the law. You would have been charged with hate crimes and terrorism…and sued for hurt feelings and any scratches. After a fair trial lasting anything up to three hours you would have been gaoled for life.
It’s lucky you weren’t a day tripper 🙂
I was just watching some historical programmes about the last days of Ceaucescu , the Roumanian ( Romanian , Rumanian ) dictator .
The state television was always instructed to pan towards the specially selected audience members who would applaud enthusiastically at the leaders speech . Then pan out to show the great throng of people appreciating by whoops of joy and clapping what Dear Leader or whoever was in favour was saying .
Not half as good as a rigged Question Time or Any Questions audience though .
Ceausescu thought he was loved by the people, thought he had the country under tight control with his secret policy and security apparatus, and apparently was genuinely surprised at the events of December when he found out that the people didn’t actually want to live in a totalitarian state. Presumably being shot by a firing squad was also something of a surprise for him, too. Not even being awarded the Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by our own monarch – a nice complement to his Order of Lenin and Order of Karl Marx – was enough to save him. Our own politicians should ponder their own possible fate when the people themselves decide that “Enough is Enough”.
The BBC are silent on this:
‘Jewish MP is given police escort to attend Labour’s party conference amid fears anti-Semitism crisis could fuel the rise of Nazism in Britain’
Yet support this:
‘Corbyn: ‘Anti-Semitism is a scourge on any society’
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he will continue to oppose anti-Semitism and that his party has taken steps to address it.
Following a summer dominated by rows over his past conduct and his response to problems in the party, Mr Corbyn said he was “absolutely not” an anti-Semite.
Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr, he called it “a scourge on any society”.’
Talking about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. The Labour Party’s “Nazism” policy is short for, The Labour Party’s “Nationalisation and Socialism” policy.
Nick Ferrari had John McDonnell on earlier this morning, telling us that a future Labour government would force companies to allocate 10% of their shares ( for publicly listed companies, though he said that after they’ve achieved this, they will do the same to privately owned companies) to their workforce.
This is blatant theft. Of course Mr Ferrari didn’t pull him up on this. Communists always want to steal the wealth of others; they may dress it up in new clothes but their objective never changes.
They are intent on abolishing private property and if you vote for them that’s what you’ll get; they’ll target the large companies first but once that has been achieved they will come after individual wealth; they’ll take your house, your savings, your pension, everything. Then we’ll all have to go cap in hand to the state and beg for hand outs; and God help you if they don’t like you because you will get nothing.
Doh : as soon as such a law comes in a corp replaces its workforce with contractors.
And Corps already use structured vehicles as tricks to get around laws.
eg if you work in a Starbucks , you don’t work for the Big Starbucks you work for a franchisee or Starbucks UK, StarbucksCorp makes its money from selling rights to Starbucks UK and claims it therefore doesn’t have any profits in the UK and doesn’t have to pay tax in the UK.
They have room for this, currently showing prominently on the News front page:
But I can find nothing on the front page about needing police protection. Some harassment is higher up the victim lists than others.
Change in the weather and I coughed up something nasty this morning. Mix that with the breakfast Greek yoghurt and send it off as a Trans donor called Desiree and I reckon I’m quids in with this future BBC health correspondent, of whom there seem many. Results in a kid called Casper and the bbc will go mental. More mental.
BBC editorial integrity means anything that does not suit must be subordinated to anything else that comes up.
I would advice men to stay away from such traps. Your DNA carries all the evidence required to be enslaved by the feminist rulers of a future Britain. Unless Islam comes to the rescue.
Please remind me who and why did Britain fight against, and sacrificed millions of lives and treasure.
Lets face it. Our idiot ignorant politicians have imported millions of congenital Jew haters into Britain. Its in the Koran.
At Lord Tone Towers, the phone rings as a colleague from ‘the other office’ calls to demand more air time.
Guest Who
Andrew Adonis, who elected him to speak for us? He is as bad as Alastair Campbell with his ‘dodgy dossier’.
Al Beeb ‘luvs’ em both.
As is becoming blatantly apparent, from the BBC to the House of Lords, the choice of the people in representation terms is limited at best. Mainly by guys like this.
“Hello, Mr Soros? Andy here. Yes, the one with the silly surname. Is my cheque in the post?”
How long before they mention the Ryder Cup and “Will this be the last time (we)) had to edit sorry I put “we” of course the BBC never refers to the country that pays under the threat of jail it’s compulsory subscription) the Uk play” . Well the Ryder cup was the UK v USA first so it should revert to UK v USA again. And since when has a economic union had a sports team ??
Woods won a tournament yesterday.
Headlines, for ever.
As a golf fan, the Fedex Cup is a much bigger event than the Tour Championship and as the prize money indicates. So Justin Rose wins the £10 million, season-long, Fedex Cup and hardly gets a mention. The Tour Championship is only 30 players and is not a normal tour event which has around 150 players and is set up solely to decide the winner of the Fedex Cup who was Justin Rose!
100% agree, but sadly the UK alone most likely could not field a team worthy enough to put up against the USA.
The Ryder Cup was started by Sam Ryder as a competition between British and American Professionals in the 1930s as no competition existed at the time and he wanted to support the British Pros and raise their profile.It was always Great Britain and (Northern) Ireland up to the 1980s when it exploded into a very different competition.The reality is, as GB and NI we could actually put out a more than decent side to play the Americans.The majority of the best players in Europe are still British.Rose Macilroy Poulter Casey etc…..It should have stayed that way.Incidentally the amateur Walker Cup is still GB and NI
Katty is not sure about something. This has seldom stopped her before.
I looked in my diary for 1982, no mention of rape, but it does say that the night of 10th/11th January reached a low of -27.2°C, the coldest night in the British records. It also mentions family deaths and accidents, but that’s private. The good news is that we beat Argentina in a war on the 14th June, and France in a football match two days later.
Katty… few quibbles but big on belief.
Maybe someone Skyped her on her smartphone with the goss back in the day?
Katty Kay missed out on these teenagers then?
BBC Radio 4 – My Teenage Diary- Series 1 – 8
Since last week’s Countryfile story on the coming climate change Carrotastrophe
I pulled up the official DEFRA data on wholesale carrot prices
Of the 27 weeks counted so far in 2018 vs 2015 .. graphs
The first week started 20% higher than 2015 ..and it continued through to last week also 20% higher
..There was just a couple of quick blips up at the end of the dry spell.
Then I find the BBC story : Food prices ‘to rise 5%’ because of extreme weather
It quoted a thinktank the Centre for Economics and Business Research CEBR
Strange cos in 2015 carrots also went up 80% in the same period
Come to think of it , it’s like the way after Spring new potatoes come in at a premium price whereas previously at the end of winter they’ve been flogging you cheap old potatoes they’ve been storing all winter
Doh ! of course July carrots are 80% pricier than March carrots, cos they are not cheap old carrots they’ve been storing.
Toady watch
Before I hit the off switch I heard Sopel say that “many people held their nose when they voted for Trump” ….in the 2016 election.
I am amazed at Sopel s mind reading skills and wonder what evidence he has to make such a biased statement . There will be documentary evidence of the motivation of the 100 million American voters won’t there ?
I like Sopel because he provides evidence of bias very readily because of his visceral hatred for President Trump. I still feel for his health cum the next election .
Try an FOI to the BBC on whatdotheyknow as to how they define ‘many’. Bet it turns out to be a secret they are exempted from sharing.
So much power; so little held to account.
Sources say.
Ps: there’s a lady online who wants to have his babies. Apparently.
A black American golfer with a recent past of drugs and sex scandal is a hero to al beeb ? This tedious attempt of finding black role models for the millions of vibrant people listening to R4 is such a snowflake joke .
As another accuser appears, Katty nails her impartiality to a mast:
But what’s this?
This is the sort of thing Ms Impartial wishes to give the benefit of the doubt to.
If the senate committee decides he is not fit for the Supreme Court then every case he had dealt with is voided ? Any judge with a parking ticket is unfit ?
Even her peroxide addled brain must surely grasp that mast has sunk below the top of the hole she has already dug on this.
And with it the bbc’s Sopel-dented already struggling reputation over there.
Luckily they are ‘balanced’ by Zurch, who is American. But deranged too.
The Guardian today, full of “The people’s vote”.
In case anyone has forgotten, this is why we voted to leave.
Referendum, repeat until we get the “correct” result.
If necessary the EU will move the goalposts and invent another treaty.
Or remove elected ministers, to be replaced by one of their own.
“Whatever it takes”, even if the “whatever” is Greek penury for seventy years.
Or 50% youth unemployment in the Iberian peninsula.
Or two million “new” voters in Germany.
The same EU that Dave, the traitor, Cameron, assured us would never have Turkey as a member, but which restarted negotiations with, err, remind me, with Turkey two weeks after our vote for freedom.
The same EU that Nick, the traitor, Clegg, assured us was happy with NATO and would not create its own military forces, which announced plans for a EU army, two weeks after our vote for freedom.
This, of course, is the EU method, lies 24/7/365.
Anything evil today in Europe was caused, almost always deliberately, by the EU.
So any action which weakens the EU is obligatory and commendable.
What was it ? 2 elections and a referendum and remain didn’t win any ?
Well Don’t Be That Guy has his Aunty in a Spad personally strafing the Ger… Russians at Staling… Salisbury defending Our Europe, and such grasp of truthiness history is winning over so many new friends even amongst those whose grasp of history is a smidge hazy.
In sports news our BBC presenters this morning proundly announce their inordinate support for and promotion of one particular American golfer (with a couple of questionable personal habits) this being done with the typical BBC side-stepping justification of supposedly reflecting ‘the crowd’.
Get ready for the BBC rehabilitation of one particular American tennis player with a quick temper – when she’s losing. Afterall her tantrums were cheered on by her supporters.
Beaky Nugent was positively orgasmic telling us even the sports commentators were in tears after he won.
Regaling us with other examples oc the come-back kid.
I hope they have cleaned the wet patch off the sofa.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, you hit the nail on the head. At the close of a previous recent golf tournament I heard a non-BBC commercial radio sports commentator let slip that within the press box, once Tiger Woods was out of the running to win, interest noticably waned. Apparently the journos have for some time been teed up waiting in anticipation for this Tiger wins story. It’s their fav narrative – not the public’s.
God help me c4 had an innocuous programme about aircraft modelling and the Battle of Britain and managed to get diversity tick and a trany tick in the first 15 minutes .
2000 uk pilots 40% from ‘the commonwealth “ one sihk “ . I just hope the auzzies Canadians and ki wi s don’t get to see this crap because they got well and truly airbrushed out. Bloody disgrace .
I notice we’re coming into the silly season where dopey people do daft humiliating stunts for ‘charity’. And the BBC attempt to promote and encourage their antics.
Personally I regard children encouraged into shaving their hair off by cancer charities both demeaning and somewhat sinister. What next, get people to shave and also wear pyjamas to work for a joint fund-rasier for cancer and Holocaust Remembrance?
This morning BBC Breakfast are fawning over some bloke whose 7-year old daughter died recently coming up with the spiffingly amusing fund-raising notion of riding her miniature pink bicycle 200 miles to Land’s End.
To me this stooping, degrading behaviour looks very much like late stage civilisational moral stagnation. Because the typical participant in these embarrassing escapades are middle-aged bourgeois men with nothing better to do other than signal their virtue alongside their lack of actual male vitality.
Our proper reaction to a grown man’s self-debasing action of wobbling along on a child’s bike ought to be bemusement and shame.
I recall a scene from the clownish comedy movie It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World from 1963. Desperate to reach the hidden treasure first one of the racers, who happens to be a burly truck driver, after losing his vehicle is reduced to riding a child’s cycle.
Phil Silvers delivers the proper response to such a sight:
“Hey, what’s with the kiddie’s bike, are you some kind of a nut?”
“To me this looks very much like late stage civilisational moral stagnation.”
I see it all around, as we tie ourselves in knots trying to pretend men can decide they are ladies, boys can decide they are girls and anyone who suggests it may not be a good idea to mix these unfortunates with the females loses their job. Or a man’s career can be ruined by a vague accusation from 35 years ago that cannot be corroborated. All egged on by the BBC.
Corrupt and venal leaders
Widespread perversion and sneering lack of morality
Rewriting of history and decline in the arts
Inefficient and bloated bureaucracy
Lack of interest in science and industry
Crazy new cults peddled by mad preachers
Mob rule in the capital
Lack of respect for authority and law and order
Declining military power
Bread and circuses
Barbarian hordes waved in through the open gates as the ‘salvation of the Empire’…
Talking about the fall of the Roman Empire, of course…
It’s been coming a long time, we’re in a Kali Yuga (an age of darkness and destruction). Some signs prophesied 1500 years ago include:
—Religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day
—Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and success in business will depend on deceit. Womanliness and manliness will be judged according to one’s expertise in sex
—One who is very clever at juggling words will be considered a learned scholar
—Hypocrisy will be accepted as virtue
—Beauty will be thought to depend on one’s hairstyle. Filling the belly will become the goal of life, and one who is audacious will be accepted as truthful
—As the earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power
—Cities will be dominated by thieves
And yet unbelievably, lack of interest from this left wing news organisation about actual systematic gang rape of over 1400 of our children and the activities of several of their convicted employees.
They really are filth.
The phrase “Egged on” brings to my mind the ridiculously overblown furore the other week about the use of the phrase “Whiter than white” and how this was used by the BBC to further promote its own pernicious agenda.
The phrase cropped up, among others, in the article with the question, presented as rhetorical, about whether this phrase could also ever be misinterpreted as the language of racism. What the BBC then did was to give tenuous grounds as to why the phrase could be objected to, in this case, if turned into rhyming slang, egg and spoon. By its words, the BBC presented itself as being on the side of reason. By its actions it gave fuel to the PC brigade to declare as out of bounds yet another innocuous everyday phrase of common parlance.
Illegitimi non carborundum
If this stunt actually happens, I wonder if the participants/organisers have considered what they’ll do when the bicycle falls apart; maybe after about 50 miles? Do they turn around and go home, or will they have a stack of similar bicycles to replace the original one; ie. will they cheat?
We wonder what comes next… running the marathon dressed in his 7-year-old daughter’s school uniform?
AISI ‘We wonder what comes next… running the marathon dressed in his 7-year-old daughter’s school uniform?’
Been done already, think the chap’s name was Izzie Izard, or something?
The bbc are quite mental.
It’s not so long since the beeb thought diesel was the answer to pollution.
cos that one eyed moron gordon told them
Does anyone here own a DIESEL Porsche ?
..Maybe a 911 Diesel .. or a 928 Diesel
They do exist, but the vast majority of Porsche sports cars will be petrol
… they might produce diesel SUVS , but I guess Porsche can ditch diesel cos it hardly makes any.
Never seen Bodyguard, can it be, as indicated by the brekkie sofa interview this morning, that the good guy turns out to be the asian?
I didn’t see the brekkie interview but the good guy was a Scot. Am I to take it that the interview presented it otherwise?
22 Missionary’s are to be executed by Islamic State tomorrow afternoon-one has to ask the question as to why we don’t execute the same residing here in the UK who continually commit the most awful crimes? Of course we know why, but stand by as other such atrocities take place against our own.
“our own”
I don’t think so.
Welby and Co are our enemies.
It is fair to say that at present, the whole of the Western World is at war with islam and the far left/Marxists/NWO. To coin a phrase, “The phoney war” stage. The quiet before the storm. Meanwhile, islam tightens its stanglehold around our necks by the day. On present trends, the population passed the point where war was declared on the actions of our adversaries with no objection. Grumbles yes but no tangible objections. That’s why islam/NWO and the rest are now so bold. Touch and go whether we are actually passed the point of no return if indeed we could ever have a leader who people could swing behind rapidly.
I was lucky to end up in a job I enjoyed, and was good at.
It was also professionally demanding, and to succeed was not easy, but the rewards made the effort worthwhile.
Then I look at Professional Politics today. The rewards are clear, financially at least. And if on a power trip. Or if with an overwhelming degree of self importance.
Which explains if not excuses the calibre of politician we are cursed with today. Almost all are crushingly thick, or venal, or both, with an added coating of rhino hide to become immune to any embarrassment or shame.
And supposedly holding them to account are the market rate talents of the BBC. Educated no doubt, but also mostly as thick or venal, or both.
Look at the bug-eyed excitement of a Robinson, or the gushing twaddle of Laura K as they feel they are in the presence of historic greatness when chatting with a Butler, Soubry or Clegg.
Only Andrew Neil seems to display any sense that he is hired as a tour guide to the openheaded bandwagon jalopy that is Westminster these days.
Not likely to be reported by the BBC because the armed arrest of Tommy Robinson’s publisher on alleged hurty hate crimes looks very shaky indeed.
Sajid Javid – peace be upon him – is testing the extent of his powers to establish a secure place for his kind.
Don’t expect this blog to be running in two years time.
I looked at that link. It is vile. Hate filling every sentence, punctuated by left-wing lies. I couldn’t read the whole pile of bilge as I would probably have been sick all over my keyboard. Those that run it should be arrested for hate crimes, if anyone should be, as they are so full of it.
Front page of beeb webshite:
“Helping nine-year-olds understand refugees”
Or ‘brainwashing children into the lib/left ideology of mass illegal immigration’.
For the Many, Not the Few … where are you on the Jeremy Corbyn Scale?
New children’s novel brings refugee crisis to the classroom
Onjali Q Rauf has spent the past three years helping families in the refugee camps of northern France. Now she wants to help nine-year-olds understand the refugee crisis in the classroom.
Not so much ‘to help’ but instead ‘brainwash’ the kids. Her opening line in the video is “Imagine your camping trip wasn’t in one place, you were camping across different countries across Europe and nobody likes you.”
Is that the official definition of refugees these days?!?
For the Many, Not the Few is a divisive slogan. It creates a line between two sets of people and is a moveable line that has no definition. Ask all Labour MPs to give a definition of who is in the Many side and who is in the Few side.
For the Many …. is it based on number of homes (Keith Vaz has 9)?
For the Many … is it based on wages, MP’s earn 77K.
For the Many … is it based on pay rise, MPs had an 18% pay rise since 2010.
Not one media outlet has chased this line of reasoning to ask an awkward question, the answer is everyone wants to be on the MANY side … the populist side!
“For the Many … is it based on wages, MP’s ARE PAID 77K.”
Good point. Thanks.
Plus employing the lady chap partner and the kids ….
‘For the Many, Not the Few’ is one of those deliberately vague slogans so beloved of revolutionaries, it can mean whatever you want it to mean at the time…
‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!’ – French Revolution
‘Peace, Land, Bread!’ – Bolsheviks
‘One People, One Reich, One Leader!’ – EU… oh no, sorry Nazis
‘Work will set you free’ – Nazi Concentration Camps….
Leave Matt Frei out of it.
Leave Matt Frei out of it.
Matt Frei, Matt Frei, it’s always arbeit Matt Frei.
‘Arbeit Matt Frei’ (‘Work Will Set You Free’) – is about the most cynical lie of a slogan I can imagine, and no, I won’t ‘leave out’ the suffering in the Nazi concentration camps. The Antisemitism in Corbyn’s Labour Party is rife and vile, and I don’t think we ought to forget where that train of thought got Germany a generation, or two, ago!
“The inevitable thing that just might happen”
I now forget the commentator and the exact circumstance but I do remember being both amused and dismayed by that statement from some years ago, probably heard on Radio 4, which at once both typified and charicatured for me our modern media-cultural-political commentariat.
I know my evidential source for this quote sounds about as elastic in time and place as the Democrat-inspired sexual allegation against Judge Kavanaugh (look it up), but there we go…
Anyway, the phrase popped into my head again with the supposed timely revelation that Comrade Corbyn had eventualy bowed to the Three B’s – Brussels, Blairites and BBC pressure and come to love the EU. Probably in his own adolescent political mind he’ll feign support for Referendum Rerun the Sequal simply for political advantage. Need I say more.
I remember Graham Norton on Radio 2 saying … there is no right or wrong … just grey. Maybe he should test that theory in Rotherham?
“Michelle Obama public library”
A demon drag queen has entertained children at the Michelle Obama public library.
The library in Long Beach, California, invited a drag queen replete in glorious red-tipped horns to read stories to the delighted kids.
Guess you haven’t watched CBeebies recently MarkyMark? Otherwise you’d know many of the Beeb’s ‘early years children’s presenters’ are equally…. uniquely talented and gifted.
No nightmares children
What on earth are the parents thinking, letting their children attend such a perverted event? Which normal parent would accommodate such an abomination without complaint?
“Labour members are to vote on keeping “all options on the table” on Brexit …”
“The final draft for the vote says: “If we cannot get a general election, Labour must support all options remaining on the table, including campaigning for a public vote.”
That’s clear then.
What with show-biz sorts and their constant need for award ceremonies every year, I think the time has come for the accolade to be given to broadcasters and the causes they champion. Special awards should be given to our own Far Left Marxist broadcaster, the World renowned BBC for their dedication in creating the ‘Trans’ gender fluid movement. Their relentless broadcasting of their view that small children should be made aware of their, “options” has begun to pay dividends:
The greatest song writer that has ever lived, Paul McCartney, reveals to the BBC that one of his latest songs is about Trump and other climate change deniers.
Why would he be different from every other musician and performer?
Yeah the frog chorus – Anti French hate song
Ebony and ivory – killing elephants and chopping down trees
Band on the run
Inciting escapes from prison
Give Ireland back to the polish
Nuf said . It’s the drugs Paul
And prior the US election, he danced with Hillary at a Democrat fundraiser. Devastated.
‘A murder that encapsulates South Africa’s decay.’ This is the sub-title of an article in ‘Politicsweb’, on the murder of Simon Milliken, of the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic recently. It highlights the incompetence/indifference of the SA police to murder, in a country that has 57 murders per day. The ANC government has virtually ensured that this scenario becomes reality.
I recall a lot of morally outraged screaming about the ‘old’ South Africa in the West. Looks like, now that whitey is safely out of the picture (objective achieved) all those great judges of morality (beeb incl.) are looking elsewhere, while much of the foreign-owned corporate world withdraws from the ‘new’ South Africa, ever so quietly, under cover of darkness?
Why oh why do i do it to myself?? Im currently sat foaming at the bunch of trendy, lefty, multiculti spivs currently sat on the sofa on VD. Spouting statements such as “Lets have another referendum with leave or remain on the ballot and try it that way” yeah we tried it that way already and we voted to leave!!!! Bunch of empty headed, self righteous, self important, i believe in democracy but only when the vote goes my way snowflakes…….and our favourite “impartial broadcaster” continually gives these clowns a platform to air these views and gives them credibility.
Don’t get called Islamophobic … let the FGM continue.
Today’s case is only the third time that charges of FGM have been brought to court. The two previous cases both resulted in acquittals, meaning that THERE HAS NOT BEEN A SINGLE FGM CONVICTION in the UK despite it being illegal in this country since 1985.
Official figures show that thousands of Londoners have suffered FGM. Many were subjected to the practice overseas years ago, but campaigners continue to argue that girls are being mutilated here or taken abroad to be cut.
A lack of willingness among victims, family members and friends to alert the authorities has hindered prosecution efforts in the past. In recent years schools, the NHS and social workers have been under an obligation to report suspected offences.
I have officially given up on Today after over a decade and any ‘news’ programmes. The best protest is simply not listening to them. Julia Hartley Brewer’s breakfast show is so much better. I just hate their tone – either sneering or patronising, this revolting us and them outlook.
The problem with the BBC like with the European Union is that they are unaccountable: you take it or leave it and they will collect the money regardless. My boy’s teacher has not been up to scratch so we complained and now he has modified his behaviour accordingly. We must all be accountable as otherwise your performance can slip. Complain about the BBC and they sneer, say you suffer from an imaginary mental illness and plough on regardless. It is how we get to the absurd position where an ‘offensive’ tweet is a big news story and they can openly despise our greatest ally in President Trump. If they relied on voluntary subscriptions rather than a legally enforced ‘licence’ they would sort themselves out immediately.
I wonder how many would actually pay for the BBC if it went subscription only? It is so absolutely the envy of the world so why not try it?
I watched the whole speech last night and am pretty sure this was the biggest cheer.
Mr Batten has also called for muslims to be held in separate prisons, which is an eminently sensible proposal, which would have saved Tommy Robinson from months of terror at the hands of muslims and a vindictive prison regime. It might also have saved the life of Kevin Crehan.
Majid Nawaz, LBC’s partially domesticated ( for now, perhaps ) muslim was outraged at the proposal, referring to such prisons as muslim ghettos and demonising Mr Batten for daring to think such thoughts. If muslims hate the idea, it must be good.
Beeb – I’m almost with you – the predictability of the editorial stance is just depressing . I just listen for the gg tips now…
They will not change us …. “Eiffel Tower perimeter fence built to stop terrorism
15 June 2018”
Race and religious hate act 2006, sect 29J
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
This report on Rebel Media, Jack Buckby, about proposed UK legislation is frightening. I wonder if it will be passed, or will common sense prevail for once in our HoC swamp:
Facebook “Hurty-Feelings” Police
Ah now on LBC Maajid Nawaz is now covering this issue.
The new head of the Police Federation has said ‘No, we want to police real crime’
He was on Ian Payne’s LBC show yesterday’s strange I can find no audio of this
Met Police explain their mandate for #HurtyFeelings policing
The vast majority of those on the left openly and proudly hate Trump, Jews, Capitalists, Brexiteers, Farage, Tommy Robinson, Boris Johnson, all true Conservatives, white men, Christians…. the list of hate is endless, the left are so filled with hate. Their entire movement is bound together by hatred of who ever they perceive as an oppressor. Hate is all they seem to have right now. Hatred and prejudice are not only weapons accepted by the left they openly encourage it every single day……
..and thats the issue. Who and what we fight for is subjective. What we find offensive is subjective. Who we believe are victims, who are oppressors is subjective. What we believe is acceptable and what we believe should be done about it are again subjective…..this is why to those who agree with whats being surpressed are happy and those who do not feel outraged.
In the entire history of mankind, the West uniquely has come up with a solution to this problem of offense and responsibility..individualism! Everyone has an equal view and should be allow to air and speak their views, however against the consensus those views are. In return of that feedom to say what we want others can freely rebute and challenge back. This is whats called A FUCKING DEBATE/ARGUMENT!!
We all know what happens in an argument when there is hatred involved…that Person does not want to listen and only wants to win, doing whatever is required. This is where we are at right now in our political debate. The vast majority of those on the left hate us, so they are doing whatever is required to win. What better way to prevent rebuttal and challenges than to criminalise it.
The left hate. They anticipate hatred in response to their agenda and from projection of their own hatred. These laws are nothing more of using politics and the law to stop those in power being held to account. They have no reason or justification and no argument to the destruction they are causing to our way of life…so why even bother to argue when you can criminalise and prevent the debate/discussion/argument from even taking place
Their increased lack of public respect is partly their own fault, because they will insist in adapting their uniforms and vehicles with rainbow accoutrements, and mincing around in parades.
If the rank and file insisted on retaining their decorum, and refused to participate in such cringeworthy stunts, they just might be more favourably regarded by the public, at large.
But it is a long way back to normality…
Sadly the crunch will come the next time a copper gets killed on duty when joe public doesn’t produce the level of sympathy once displayed . I understood it was meant to be done ‘by consent’ but now – with non crime hate crime teams going after non criminals they leave themselves open to allegations of oppression by any one who calls them .
The body camera would prevent me interacting at all with them – although the only evidence of their existence is the constant sound of sirens of their bloody helicopter – and of course the police tape – two incidents on my door step in the last 7 days …. murder and serious hit and run
The MSM will judge guilt before any proceedings and no one in the CPS will have the courage not to prosecute . Sad days
And on the police subject al beeb is trumpeting that The Bodyguard got more viewers than anything since 2008.
Strange really that a programme showing the police in a good light should be celebrated by an outfit which has despised the old bill since Softly Softly –
That utter shite had a white suicide bomber. They must think we’re fucking idiots.
On the LBC website
LBC poll : 54% to SorosVote Remainers so far
LBC has demonstrated the power of phrasing in polls well.
As with every other sentient being in this entire country, I can of course not function until I get my morning BBC email.
‘All options open’
Labour Brexit vote
Brexit is essentially the only big issue where Jeremy Corbyn is in conflict with Labour Party members….
[errrrr…. nothing else?]
Read Laura Kuenssberg’s thoughts on the whole thing –
[She does have lots of ‘thoughts’]
and some of the policies Mr Corbyn would probably rather be talking about this week, like a plan to force firms to give workers shares and a ban on new academy schools.
[The BBC seems very comfortable with compulsion when it suits the narrative]
Judge accused again [no sh*t, Sherlock, and Katty is in like Flint]
The choice of a new justice for the US Supreme Court is pivotal – as this article explains – and can have an immense impact on public life. Donald Trump’s pick for the current vacant seat, Brett Kavanaugh, was accused last week of sexually assaulting a woman in 1982. Now a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, has come forward with further allegations of sexual misconduct against him. He has denied both claims, labelling the latest “a smear”.
Mr Kavanaugh’s first accuser, Prof Christine Blasey Ford, has agreed to testify at a Senate committee hearing on Thursday. President Trump has questioned why she didn’t report the allegation at the time – sparking an outpouring from thousands of women on social media under the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport.
[All driven be a media a bit shy on the full story].
Plus: Five other things to know for the week ahead.
1. Vote Labour
2. Vote Labour
3. Vote Labour
4. Vote Labour
5. Vote Labour… and cancel Brexit.
I sought a bit of music to keep me company in the garage at the weekend so I tried Radio 3.
Well it started off OK then it became all about a female composer of film music, except that she claimed she wasn’t, and how nearly all the female members of her family suffered from mental illness. Next up was another woman who waved a stick about. She sounded like she might have been a lady of colour too. She had suffered greatly because someone told her a long time ago that it was OK for her to play a piano and somehow that prevented her from waving a stick.
It wouldn’t surprise me if both of these women have ‘wives’, I didn’t stay to find out. I just wanted some ‘good’ music, I don’t care what the age, sex or race of the composer is.
I got stopped by a local BBC cadre in my town centre over the weekend, desperate for proles to ‘interview’ about the closure of House of Fraser in the town centre. She started babbling about the loss of jobs in the city centre retail sector, but I had to intervene and pointed out that the argument is a bit more ‘nuanced’ than that.
The creation of very large out-of-town distribution hubs for online sales is never talked about much. What about all the job creation there – and most of it going to blue-collar workers (warehouse staff, forklift drivers, truck drivers, etc).
She seemed surprised. My work was done. I have no idea if the filmed interview will make it to air. Somehow, I doubt it.
“BBC cadre” ..yes that is what they are
They have to conform and toe the line of the Orwellian BBC Party or face great repercussions .
Good video of @CountDankulaTV at the UKIP conference
listing times police have vastly abused power by policing #HurtyFeelings crime rather than #RealCrime
Confirmation from the Times of those stats
No time here at present, but may be worth a surf…
Further up the page GW thought that Katty’s “peroxide addled brain must surely grasp that mast has sunk below the top of the hole she has already dug on this”.
Any accusation will do.