The Far Left BBC has a busy week ahead to promote its biased anti British view of the world.
The Far Left Labour Party Conference, the Tommy Robinson political retrial , the evidence of a woman attempting to prevent President Trumps’ Supreme Court nominee by alleging indecent assault from 36 years ago. And I haven’t even mentioned the BBC Remainer propaganda .
So an easy week for us to evidence BBC Bias .
She is quite special, isn’t she?
Speaking of which, over here….
Clearly the BBC will be all over th… what, no time, or space? Never mind.
I don’t listen to Radio 4, which means I miss stuff like this:
BBC Radio 4
“Everything needs to change!” Lily Allen talks music, sex & parenting.
Listen to her full Woman’s Hour interview:
To be fair, I also don’t pay for it. So all good.
Not sure why someone so talent less should command an hour of taxpayers time and money?……..and her dad comes into that category as well…both leftie Luvvies….yuk
Can’t imagine why the BBC chose the intersectional, gay, non-binary British-Iraqi Muslim Amrou Al-Kadhi (also known as ‘Glamrou’) to do a vid about quantum physics.
“What quantum physics taught me about queer identity.”
(There’s probably a joke in there somewhere about the double-slit experiment, but I’m not going to be the one to make it.)
‘Would you like to see my quantum tunnel?’
Or my Worm Hole?
Well he has a degree in Art so who better to talk about physics?
Wasn’t the entertainer Brian Cox not available? Why was that; having his rictus grin refurbished?
I’m guessing the intention, as always with the far-left bbc, was not to inform or educate but rather to spread their perverted propaganda.
I can see why the BBC picked this freak to present quantum physics and make the absurd claim that because there is no fixed set of rules at the quantum level there are no fixed rules for our social, moral and political life. Reality is just a construct. Shit tastes the same as sugar.
That’s right folks. What you think is a raging bull in the field is merely a little lamb having a frolic. Now go and enjoy your picnic in the field.
Well the uk, aided and abetted by the bBBC, are leading the race to the bottom. And we must be the laughing stock of the world. Politicians, scientists, bankers….all featuring men dressed like pantomime dames and expecting to be taken seriously.
Not all women wear makeup or sequins/sparkles, so why do most of these cross dressers do that?
It might be they do it to distract from their innate ugliness.
Ugly on the outside reflecting their inner ugliness.
There is a well used saying that you can’t polish a turd. You can, however, cover it in glitter, or even sequins if that is your bent.
I hope this helps.
The events was funded by NESTA
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
..isn’t that taxpayers money ?
Tony Blair has described this new body as ‘a National Trust for talent’
NESTA was a quango, but in 2012 the gov made it into a charity
\\ Nesta was originally funded by a £250 million endowment from the UK National Lottery.
The endowment is now kept in trust, and Nesta uses the interest from the trust to meet its charitable objects and to fund and support its projects.//
It’s pretty much a “far right” organisation it seems, note the Far-righties it chooses to promote
\\ FutureFest, by Nesta, is one of Europe’s largest festivals of the future.
…. debates and inspiring talks from the likes of Edward Snowden, Vivienne Westwood, Nicola Sturgeon, Annie Mac, Akala, Ruby Wax OBE, Brian Eno, Paul Mason and Imogen Heap.//
It also gets Google money to push the Google message
Does NESTA’s chosen quantum physics voice

the dragqueen conform to #LeftyGroupthink, and #LeftiesLove2Hate ?
Yep seems so from this screenshot of their tweets.
She/he proudly retweets they HATE Brexit & LOVE Corbyn
Does the Black Farmer conform
..NOoo! Good on him
I wonder whether Lord Hall and top BBC management actually watch their own broadcast output.
At lunch time BBC London put out a whimsical little report about a father launching his own self-produced animated children’s tv show.
The reason he gives the BBC reporter interviewing him for this out of the ordinary adventure was that as a new dad he was so disappointed at the state of children’s tv.
Didn’t the BBC, until relatively recently, used to be at the very heart of all that was good about broadcasting for youngsters?
The cognitive dissonance implicit in the BBC featuring this item should be deafening to BBC management – but I bet it ain’t.
Labour über alles
Remarkable exchanges just now between the BBC’s Vicki Young and Labour MP John Healey at their party conference. Twice, both on the (dare I say – “populist”) issue of employee share ownership and on the issue of tenant rights, our John refers to these things being better run in Germany of all places.
Gosh, as finally the BBC can let Corbyn off the hook over that Jewish thing (now he has come into line about a Referendum Second Go) isn’t it odd that the EU’s king pin Germany suddenly becomes the template for Labour policies?
Perhaps I’m being unfair. Maybe John Healey MP has simply been on a recent ‘fact-finding’ junket to the Fatherland?
I’m inclined to say if you admire it so much John why don’t you bugger off over there – I hear they take all sorts.
OT, but given BBC obsession, related.
I note this from the comment section:
“the Society may have poisoned the well by clearly stating a bias toward its preferred response. When it states, “The work of diversity is the work of journalism today,” recipients are put on notice that they better come up with the “correct” responses.”
No ‘may’ about it. Just look at the first para.
“a reaction to the mounting need to have more diverse voices fill newsrooms nationwide.”
Why? So far the only discernible effect has been ‘news’ getting relegated to a joke everywhere as it ceases to be about reporting and facts.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
BBC Politics Live coverage totally fails to question the nonsense. The General Election is imminent and Labour are going to wini it. Why ? JoCo was joined by two women (back to form) a New Statesman Journo and another regular (can’t pronounce the name) – Queen of the glottal stop. Appalling.
I am expecting the coverage of next weeks Tory Conference to be equally sycophantic. Not ….
It was Faiza Shaheen, the Labour PPC for Chingford, she’s going to be running against IDS in the election they’re trying to make happen.
It seems that the bBbc are saving her the bother of doorstepping by allowing her to campaign on a national platform two or three times a week at the minute. Flavour of the month for obvious reasons but just another entitled and over educated idiot, loads to say get says nothing.
Ah – interesting. Another example of subliminal bias. Promote Labour candidates standing against Brexiteer MPs. I challenge them to demonstrate equal exposure for one brexiteer standing to challenge a Remain MP. It’s a scandal.
Amazing that the local mp where the conference is taking place is a non person in Labour terms . If Frank Field turned up comrade Corbyn ‘s kinder gentler followers would stone him .
“Over educated” – do you mean Faiza Shaheen? I think the first thing she needs to do is learn to speak.
I saw on the politics live show that the Times reporter stated that 9 out of 10 labour voters want a referendum (to remain in the eu)
9 out of 10.
The people here (Sunderland) and many more places ‘up north’ voted usually 60% plus to leave and they are massively all labour held.
Are they saying that virtually everybody in Sunderland has changed their mind and now would vote 90% to remain in the eu?
The interviewer did not question this at all.
Actually, the interviewer didn’t interrupt anything the labour remainers said (no change there then)
I’ll echo that. I live in the Black Country – the constituency I live in is solidly Labour and voted 66.7% to Leave.
For god sake don’t let dawn butler hear about the Black Country because she ll go for ‘ cultural appropriation ‘ – I Term she uses but I’m sure unable to spell without spellcheek
Rock, I wrote a complaining email to the ‘think tank’ of which Faiza Shaheen is a ‘director’, about her appalling diction. Of course I didn’t get a reply. I suspect they needed a dictionary to find out what the word ‘diction’ meant.
I’m looking forward to the irony of the political retrial of Tommy Robinson after a judge was shown to have committed a breach of natural justice. He did not even give the chance of a fair trial over a matter where he was trying to give a bunch of Pakistani paedophile rapists a fair trial when summary execution would have been more satisfactory outcome …
How the State can justify a second trial is beyond me and a non political judge would through it out . But every one wants to climb the ladder eh?
‘The Separation of Powers’ – long gone now but complimented by the palpable erosion of the criminal law itself. Destination: Law of Jungle and arbitrariness. I imagine observers from other parts of the World who had thought that, “England is the mother of parliaments” would no longer share that view. In fact, now with the arbitrariness of “hurty non-crimes” and stifling the internet and ‘Far-Right Speech’, I imagine the Chinese rulers must be highly amused particularly when the likes of the BBC explain how restricted life is in China as a result of State control.
But at least the deteriorations prepare the younger generation for the extreme controls eventually under islam.
Tommy Robinson in court on Thursday this week, assuming our swamp dwellers don’t postpone it again.
Apparently, two more charges have been added to his charge sheet, though I’m not sure what they are. I thought this was supposed to be a re-trial of what he was charged with in Leeds but it seems our swamp dwellers vindictiveness knows no end.
Why couldn’t they do something that protects we, the general public; such as adding a few more charges on Mr Choudhury’s charge sheet, to keep him behind bars for at least another 10 years?
Will the BBC documentary be objective or campaigning with the usual poor BBC maths ?
\\ @lizbonnin
‘Drowning in Plastic’ airs on @BBCOne on 1st October.
I really hope it moves and inspires you, the experience of filming it certainly did for me.
#bethechange #PlasticsWatch #saveouroceans ????????????//
In reports on childhood obesity what pics does the BBC use ?
The beeb are so shit scared of appearing racist they could never show black or Asian kids stuffing their little faces, even when the stats show otherwise.
Never show BMEs in a bad light; always, always only show whities.
Nothing to do with the fact that most kids just sit staring at a phone or an iPad or playing “Fortnite” all day and getting no exercise then?
London murder #109 for 2018
No crime in Manchester. This is part of the ‘Policing With Pride do.
Please tell me that’s not a real copper doing some daft PR stunt.
Sure lost touch with reality haven’t they ?
Its real check Manchester Pride, Twitter
GMP Pride Network
Aug 28
Thanks to @CWC02 for supplying us with our Rainbow Bee outfit #RainbowBee #PoliceWithPride @ManchesterPride
Don’t know if it is a real policeman. Haven’t seen a policeman on the beat for years. Could be genuine because they have been calling for the police to become more visible plus the shape is probably more appropriate after all those pies they scoff in front of the fireplace in the Police Station.
using tax payers’ money, can they not see where this will end?
No doubt another future Mozart. Such a tragic loss.
‘Nana Banger’ was clearly an alias (hence the quotation marks), and I really shouldn’t laugh, no young person’s death is amusing, but in my youth no self respecting youngster would have called themselves a ‘Nana Banger'(!)
You put the metrolibs in it’s your fault.
Numerous times I’m hearing from paper reviewers, talking heads at the party conferences and political commentators, that ‘people’ are wanting another vote/referendum on Brexit – although none can decide what the question will be.
Well, who gives that lot the right to include me in their ‘people’ comments ? and what do they base their summations on ? or is it because a few hundred have marched/protested at staying in the EU they believe its the ‘mood’ of the country.
I class the 650 MPs that we – the shareholders – voted for, as the Board of Gt Britain PLC, but the company is collapsing and losing money in all areas. The Board is not doing the job we voted for them to do, but we are stuffed because there is no-one any better to replace them.
I believe “People’s” is a trademark of the Tony Blair organisation – which gives you a clue where the idea originated!
Makes wonder how these times will be looked on in the future . Every where I look somebody want to either ban something or block someone .
Social media is rapidly being filtered to only allow one sort of comment
The State Broadcaster only allows one sort of thought – without a balanced debate
The next general election – under whatever circumstances will be about individuals and fads as opposed to comparative policies , weasel words or lies .
Today the shadow chancellor showed. He doesn’t know the basis of the company – an entity composed of shares and owners of those shares .
But since he has never run anything in his life apart from a bath – how would the communist know –
Declaration – i am not rich . I believe in capitalism and am a risk taking shareholder
I have never voted Labour and never would .
On that subject (social media), just saw this:
Shows the utter nonsense of social media policing itself. Drain the swamp! The Americans are going to love this censorship which is pervading the west!
Looby – yes I saw the comments about that – non Democratic Party comment is rapidly being detwittered. Desperate to fix the midterms and 2020 elections –
BBc 18:00 news and Fiona gushes about the “hit” (should there have been an s in that word) drama Bodyguard. Yes newsworthy item the BBc made a drama the BBc thinks is great. …
Its not new is it?….the BBC do nothing but ‘big up’ their own programmes all day….dont read the Radio Times its just a propoganda magazine…… the white man in it?….
I thought I’d watch the last episode of Bodyguard to see what the fuss was about. I was late getting to it as since 8pm I’d been watching the Brokenwood episode with a murder in a fake Lord of the Rings site.
I stayed with the BBC for about 2 minutes. The hero was wearing a booby trapped suicide vest. The police ATO looked at the vest then unscrewed the bright, chromed screw on the front of the control box. In real life such an obvious screw would have been the bait to activate one of the anti-handling circuits.
I went back to Brokenwood.
What is she on about, and who does she mean be ‘we’?
Liz did a We-We

And a tweeter reminds us that previously just before the 2016 vote
this was tweeted
Its not new is it?….the BBC do nothing but ‘big up’ their own programmes all day….dont read the Radio Times its just a propoganda magazine…… the white man in it?….
SJW TV tonight
7:30pm Inside Out will have lots of regional SJW stuff ..and some worthwhile history stuff etc
– Artist Lula Mebrahto asks if tough immigration policies are leading young asylum seekers to take their own lives.
– Oscar-winning film-maker Steve McQueen on a mission to photograph every seven year old in London.
– what has happened to the old London Bridge 50 years after it was sold to the Americans.
A lot of areas feature
– 100 years after the Spanish flu killed millions, could it happen again?
– acrimony and infighting in the secretive world of paedophile hunters.
– owls begin to return to Kent, what does it take to ensure these wild birds procreate?
Northeast special on Pregnancy
– Why are more northern women turning to unregulated online forums to find sperm donors?
– why male infertility is on the rise
– we follow retired Cumbrian obstetrician Steve Bober as he volunteers in Sierra Leone tackling high death rates among expectant mothers.
Transcript from the ever diligent ittb.
Having visited Russia – Moscow, in the late 1980s and saw for myself how Communism actually worked, I give a wry chuckle when I read and hear the Lefty activists pontificate about the need for a fairer society and all their other Trotsky outpourings, when in fact this young generation of Momentum members wouldn’t have lasted 30 minutes under a real communist regime. I witnessed a building full of empty shops, an hour’s wait for bread, and an even lengthier queue when it was heard that a consignment of shoes had arrived. THAT was the reality of the ideals that the idiots in Momentum want to emulate, but haven’t a clue about.
Ah but Bris – next time it will be different and better – and the next time –
As G Brown the great economist once said
“No more Tory boom and bust”
“British Jobs for non British workers “
Same in today’s socialist utopia of Venezuela.
(Oil-rich but dirt-poor.)
Project Fear seems to roll out the heavy stuff
On key days like Labour Party soeaches – today – pet passports again and no flights between blighty and the EU . As if
Tomorrow and Wednesday will be – the dead will be unburied and rubbish bins unemptied again . Trees will stop growing .
The tubes and trains won’t work . Water will only flow uphill.
‘…he bestrides the conference like a colossus…..astute and laser-focused, John McDonnell can win a radical mandate for Labour.’
Someone with a fine sense of ironic humour and a droll appreciation of the current Labour Party wrote those words and I found them highly amusing – before realising that they are in tomorrow’s Guardian and had flowed from the pen of that literary and political giant Polly Toynbee.
Nice one Poll. Had me going there, for a minute.
Inherited wealth socialists are always worth a giggle . Maybe she’s got the hots for comrade Mcdonall
After a day of BBC sports Tiger love and a day in which Labour at last goes the desired route for the BBC on Brexit, I’m oddly reminded of an American golfing term – Taking a Mulligan:
‘A mulligan is a second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. Its best-known meaning is in golf, whereby a player is informally allowed to replay a stroke, even though this is against the formal rules of golf.’
And what does that remind us of?
Anyway – pound soars on Labour taking second referendum off the table – they are all so confused about their individual and collective positions…. no one else is JC is a Brexiteer obvs
Interesting argument here about Brexit. All remainers assume a yes to remain vote will automatically keep us in the EU. Since Article 50 has been triggered it requires a unanimous agreement of all the member nations to allow us to return. Anyone remember DE Gaulle?
(around 10.47)
I’d imagine Hungary may not wish to play ball right now.
Anyway, would the EU want us back, constantly moaning with the distinct possibility of leaving again? It’s not like leavers would just shrug their shoulders and give up. Quite the reverse.
I’m seeing promoted tweets for the leave Means Leave Rallies
most are £6 so that should keep the riff raff out
I spot an extra event Birmingham Centre
Monday 1st October
Fringe event at the Tory Party Conference
6:15pm on r in the Lunar Suite in the Novotel
Join Wetherspoons CEO Tim Martin, ERG Chair Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and Leave Means Leave co-founders Richard Tice and John Longworth
JRM and Tim are also doing Torquay with , Nigel Farage
Tim & Farage are also doing Bournmouth
?? a white bus ?? should that not belong to Treasonous Mayhem
I bet maxincony is in there .
Defensive much?
Love the way they are taking seriously an airhead clearly educated by a colleague of the ginger weirdie beardie.
cos a woman not smart enough to use contraception, leave school with no qualifications and return to that renowned bastion of academic excellence stockport college to do a course in caring would be the perfect person to be deputy leader of the country.
Her memory is pretty good though, she has all the labour dogma off to a tee and blurts it out on a regular basis.
I bet that monkey spanker doesn’t listen to his own product .
“..Yeh, like KFC claiming to be a charity for distressed chickens.”
So says the promulgator of fake news.
The BBC has a serious long-term commitment to censoring real news. That’s what BBC News is all about, and fighting uncensored information. Two examples are (1) BBC censorship that makes the viewer assume that the terrorist must be a Hindu: “The BBC has learned that an Asian man has been arrested for the terrorist incident, but the incident has nothing to do with Islam” (2) The BBC’s ““best scientific experts” who it is known, are not and have never included any known causational climate scientist currently active in the field of study of attributional climate science.
However that is not entirely true and reminds me of this email:
There are issues about the integrity of the BBC’s only favoured solar scientist Professor Mike Lockwood, for the reasons below:
(1) The association between solar cycles and global temperatures has been known for two hundred years since the work of William Herschel, it was not discovered by Professor Lockwood.
(2) Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder. This seems to be an issue with scientists at CERN, which has put a politically induced lid on this, solar scientists at CERN have placed the politically incorrect and therefore secret results of the CERN CLOUD experiment on the Internet, but I have not noticed that any journalists have picked up on this?
(3) The fact that Galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years (the Sun changes the Galactic cosmic ray levels) means that some solar scientists which include Professor Lockwood, are insisting that Cosmic rays are a proxy, not a cause, this is disproved by the CERN CLOUD experiment, the 2006 Danish experiment and the work of Nir Shaviv, but this also means that because low cloud formation has always correlated with other Solar effects within the scientific era, it is still far better to use the established techniques for weather forecasting, and there is far more to meteorology than understanding low cloud formation, but then this is the key factor for the 20th century Global Warming.
(4) Professor Lockwood is the only Solar scientist I known who is completely ignorant of the Global evidence for the little ice age, which can be easily obtained from phoning up his colleagues in New Zealand or Australia. The myth that this only effects Northern Europe, seems to be essential to the fact that he is the BBC’s most favoured Solar scientist, because it gives room for the CO² fraud to continue.
(5) This could help the BBC to understand why the scientist, Piers Corbyn, brother of the current leader of the Labour Party, regards Professor Lockwood as a charlatan.
Whatever can Anthony mean? Is he suggesting the BBC would do a better job of impartiality?
Anthony, who is what the bbc laughingly calls a ‘reporter’, also gets an outing in the BBC morning email. Seems actual news is low on the agenda.
Judge hits back
“I’m not going anywhere.” The defiant words of Brett Kavanaugh – Donald Trump’s choice for the US Supreme Court vacancy. The judge has been accused of sexually assaulting one woman and exposing himself to another. Now, he has used an interview with Fox News to strongly deny any wrongdoing. Sitting beside his wife, Ashley, he said he wanted to see “a fair process where I can be heard defending my integrity”.
Republicans, including the president, have been fighting to keep Mr Kavanaugh’s nomination on track – getting your pick into the Supreme Court is a big deal after all. Our North America correspondent Anthony Zurcher says the White House is focusing fire on what it views as a Democratic conspiracy against him.“
Getting your pick of who the bbc puts in power, or tries to ruin, is a big deal after all, especially when you have a £4B global media empire to deploy.
Meanwhile, Katty has passed on what pushes Katty’s buttons:
Reads like most bbc slam dunk headlines based on… no substantiation at all.
22:00 BBc “news” they are still running with the brilliance of the Bodyguard giving “traditional” TV a place among Netflicks and Amazon Prime. I think not but hey. The viewing figures they attribute to the program also appear to be dropping before my eyes. We are now down to a vague more than 10 million.
Bbc morning email breaks out the ‘could’ in the only way the bbc, er, do…
“How TV’s Bodyguard could save lives
When six weeks of nail-biting, nerve-jangling tension reached a head in the finale of BBC drama Bodyguard, it wasn’t with a bang. Instead, it was with the silent weeping of the bodyguard himself, ex-forces man David Budd, admitting his battle with PTSD with the words: “I need some help.” This moment of calm recognition and resignation is one that could save other people. It’s a bold claim, but it comes from someone who would know – 33-year-old Army veteran Chris, who was diagnosed with chronic PTSD, meaning he will have it for the rest of his life.”
This…. is the ‘top’ news of the U.K. national broadcaster.
Ex Beeboid shares insight on those he mixes with.
Does not go well.
Not a big fan of Piers, but this has to sting a bit.
Al Beeb informs us “Brexit: Flights ‘at risk’ under no-deal, government warns”.
Bang goes all those EU economies that rely on British tourists eg, Spain, Greece, Italy, etc etc …………….
The latest in a long line of drip-feed BBC nonsense about Brexit.
“Your flights are at risk after Brexit” Drip
“Your pets will cease to move freely after Brexit” Drip
“You will queue at airports after Brexit” Drip
“You will pay more for everything after Brexit” Drip
“Your medicines are at risk after Brexit” Drip
“Your food will be held up at ports after Brexit” Drip
“You will not be served food in your local restaurant because all of the staff will go back home after Brexit because they no longer feel welcome” Drip
There will be something new tomorrow, you can rest asssured.
Incessant concerns uncovered for Homo Plebius by the good old BBC. What a load of drips.
The 40,000 immature naïve delinquent delegates who have been mistaken for the worlds “best scientific experts” by the BBC.
I suppose the main reason that I was immune to BBC propaganda for the last ten years, was the fact that Astronomers knew that the only way to settle the issue was to find a formula that works for both of the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars. Attempts always failed. I remember a scientists trying to hammer the Arrhenius method to fit Mars (81.5% Earth), CO2 (16 x Earth, or four times doubling). Global Warming was 3 Kelvin. But then trying to fit this with Venus (117.6% Earth), CO2 (250,000 x Earth, or 18 times doubling). Global Warming was 735 Kelvin.
But then BINGO, in 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate”, so like Piers Corbyn and Donald Trump, I think it’s a complete hoax.
I remember the only time I have seen Donna Laframboise on the telly, was when she appeared with Richard Lindzen on BBC Parliament, invited, I think, by Labour MP Graham Stringer on to a committee chaired by Tim nice but dim Yeo.
BBC Science alert ????
‘Test your knowledge of evolution ‘
Seven questions, number 7:
‘Evolution and religion are incompatible. True or false?’
Loaded question…of course you know their answer but there had to be a reason for this quiz. That isn’t testing your knowledge of evolution but debating an opinion.
Even more annoying, I got two wrong in that quiz ????
Also, interesting choice of pic of undiverse school kids..
This reminds me of the scientific theory that makes evolution and religion compatible.
God creates the universe through the process of evolution: Due to relativity, there are particles that have not competed the seven days of creation since the big bang. So if you use a combination of the big bang, relativity and evolution, then the Bible and creationists can be proven correct if relativity implies that creation is an ongoing process in which God uses evolution to create his Universe. God is therefore the person who has created the laws of nature. In mathematics they can prove God exists if minus one plus one equals zero, then God creates something from nothing, and therefore proof of God is that everything that is not nothing can be scientific proof of God.
Sober students look for alcohol-free halls at university
Now which students might be sober….
I call it segregation.
“Mohamed is 19………//……….isn’t segregated”
Opening line and last paragraph.
(Just to save fellow readers the trouble of opening the link)
Well, sober unless in groups of girls who are not used to it, and prowl in gangs attacking others.
Then they get a Hall, and judge, and bbc pass.
Ah… students.
What a bunch of virtue signalling snowflakes. This is what we have become
Does anyone else watch BBC breakfast and just constantly shout at the TV for Dan Walker to grow the fuck up !!!!! So child like all the time. Louise joining in with her false laughter ……awful pairing !!!! Dan Walker should be football focus ONLY!!!!!
“Does anyone else watch BBC breakfast”.
You should have stopped there. I don’t.
The lawyerish parsing of arguments fabricated to conceal his actual aims and principles (if any), the shallow piggy eyes and that quiff. Yes it’s Sir Keir Starmer. Even in the softest least directional of BBC interviews, as conducted by sofa moppet Louise Minchin this morning, the con is palpable as fronted by our Brussels taxi for hire.
‘Tell us what you think’ she off pat half-heartedly intones to her viewers and licence fee paymasters.
In the surreal vein of switching from earnest to the whimsical (cf The One Show) the lanky lightweight makeweight male co-host asks ‘how many spines are there on a hedgehog?’
Oh please God, get Starmer back on air and ask him that one and see for how long he can dodge it!
‘Love Corbyn, Hate Brexit’ is the slogan on the Labour T-shirts lovingly caught by the BBC camera in the vacinity of conference. And yes we did think subliminal advertising had been banned and severe restrictions placed on Derren Brownism.
Love and Hate. Not very lawyerish is it? This from Corbyn’s new kinder politics? More like kinda politics, kinda cultish.
I learn one thing – hedgehogs don’t like our modern world. Nothing to do with the TB badgers eating the little buggers. Now there’s a case for the defence absolutely cut in the loose style of Starmer’s briefs.
‘Vacinity’. Like it. Perfect description.
Would anyone buy a used car from that man?
Seems a few diesel Porsches are now on the market.
Socks will be devastated. Unless the bbc changes his name to Mohammed. Straight in.
OT, but seems the ad industry has decided to avoid the consequences of cousins marrying. Bet they drink too.
“If 20% of the UK population are living with a disability, have we asked ourselves why 20% of our workforces don’t reflect this reality?”
really 13.2m disabled people in the country
thats weither one sick country of defective people,
or the term disabled has a very very wide reach
Stuff like this always “riles” me . The left preach peace, tolerance, etc etc etc but constantly get away with stunts like this completely unchecked by MSM ..
But, someone at a 99.99% peaceful protest like a Tommy Robinson event for example , throws a dustbin lid and the media vilify them. The left are a nasty nasty bunch
It’s stil grief for The democrats who don’t experience loss in their snowflake lives very often . As well as -of course – the kidults mentality which has infected the West after being raised by 60s hippies .
at the end of the video, the louts scream at the poor sods in the restaurant to vote democrat. If there was a democrat voter there before these thugs arrived, there most certainly won’t be after they left.
You are right, Doobster, the BBC should be forced to show what’s going on in the US so British people can make up their own minds about the left.
Yes, totally agreed. The US is on very dangerous ground at present and I see no way they can retreat from what will be a direct confrontation between Far Left Globalist/Marxists and the Right. I had always thought that somewhere in Europe would kick off the civil war first but I changed my mind some months ago. Now I think US.
Jon, Anthony and Katty RT this yet?
I think I may have to leave that on Katty’s timeline. Just in case she missed it.
What is important to remember is BBC editorial integrity means that there is never any time or space to share anything that is not positive about those whom the BBC feels can do no wrong.
Equally, you RT the heck out of anything bad about those not in favour, no matter how tenuous. Or unproven.
It is.. quite unique.
Yesterday I visited a council office. On the table in the canteen area (only accessible by staff and visitors) was a flyer advertising a “” national ‘demonstration’. Apparently there are coaches arranged “from many towns around britain” to London on Saturday 17th November.
“A range of national figures are also supporting it, including Dianne Abbot and John McDonnell. Says it all really.
‘Ello, ello, ello… what is going on here?”
Couldn’t be bothered to read the whole ‘article’ but the gist seems to be that these nasty lefty unfunny ‘comedians’ hate each other as well as everyone to the right of Karl Marx and Pol Pot.
Oh, and there’s too many of them so they have to offer some stand-up gigs free.
Basically they can’t give it away.
Good. May the whole disgusting genre peter out, and may they get real jobs, though I doubt they’re qualified to do much other than sneer.
And we pay for THAT?
My take too. The sack of rats eats itself?
When in doubt, unleash the usual suspects.
This morning on the BBC the decimation of our hedgehog population is blamed (at least in part) on artificial grass. Stay with me it gets political….
I’m reminded (I’m getting these flashbacks lately) of when Kenny Dalglish was Liverpool manager and after a trouncing of the Scoucers away at Luton Town a highly sympathetic (probably BBC) reporter asked the most leading question ever recorded:
“Now, Kenny, I know you’re not one to make excuses, but what about that plastic pitch?”
And one way or another that same mode of questioning is very much with us today as the BBC questions anti-Brexit Remainers.
Bloody BBC. Just finished Times crossword and got held up on 17 down because the answer appeared to be a sort of Asian. Took ages to work out it was “Japanese” because I was convinced the description must refer only to those from the sub-Continent!
Hull : Strange quick headline in the news this morning
\\ A *man* has been arrested in #Hull this morning on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon.
It meant part of Holderness Rd was closed earlier.//
.. why use the “a man” line ?
– Why close a major road to arrest 1 man ?
– Surely an arrest for ” suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon.” is so common it is not normally news.
1 week to the BBC plastic Panic programme
We know we
CANCANNOT Trust the BBCcos the “Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food, researchers say” story is STILL UP after 2 years ,
… even though the science was RETRACTED and the scientist reprimanded.
Bias by omission of a correction note.
\\it would be a case of looking at the timing of the filming and script writing of the BBC/Attenborough programme and Oona Lonnstedt’s fabrication of her data.
Did the BBC have to edit any of the narrated script prior to broadcast? //
Left hand… lefter hand?
The Br has come off the sign!
Is JC attempting the “White Power” sign in an attempt to appeal to those he lost to UKip?? ????