The Far Left BBC has a busy week ahead to promote its biased anti British view of the world.
The Far Left Labour Party Conference, the Tommy Robinson political retrial , the evidence of a woman attempting to prevent President Trumps’ Supreme Court nominee by alleging indecent assault from 36 years ago. And I haven’t even mentioned the BBC Remainer propaganda .
So an easy week for us to evidence BBC Bias .
now on BBC Radio Lincolnshire the Police & Crime Commissioner is accepting calls
He is an enthusiast about his eco-lightbulb scheme, new crappy logos, and rainbow police cars.
He thinks the gov don’t give him enough money.
(tucked away at the end of the news “funding will be increased by £3m next year”)
Seems Glamrou is to be the next close protection client in ‘Bodyguard 2 – The Rainbow Years’
Sources close to the bbc are hoping.
The new police logo and motivational phrase is on this tweet
So police are short of money.
How much did it cost South Yorkshire Police to hire a van so that Dawn Copley could move 40 miles from Manchester to be their Deputy Chief Constable ?
£50, £150 ?
Try £28,287 “moving expenses”
..then she retired after 18 months in 2015
Off now to see what Sir Boaty is riled about now.
David Attenborough calls for more BBC arts coverage
\\ said the corporation did not prioritise these shows because they did not attract a large enough audience.//
‘You can measure success not necessarily by the maximum size of the audience, but by the maximum width of the spectrum, and see whether there aren’t any gaps in it and how you’re filling them. ‘
I see our saintly ‘finest health system in the world’ NHS has done it again
This is what you get with nationalised industries.
Instead of the profit motive, you get the political imperative, the survival motive, the sweep it under the carpet motive, the denial motive, the throw it into the long grass motive.
Not unlike the BBC, in fact!
This argues the UK Government is stuck with the NI Border issue –
The Black Magic Awards – an event for purely black British women who have achieved in their chosen field. Well that’s alright then ! Has Twitter gone into meltdown citing racism and bigotry – clearly not. The f….g hypocrisy in this country is breath taking.
All because the bbc ladies love..? And the women of course.
Another horrendous crime where confidence tricksters conned war veterans out of their life savings. I note how often it is ROPers are the perpetrators of these despicable crimes.
This is the ‘othering’ of those who have different beliefs which led to Rotherham and countless other atrocities throughout history. The in group/out group preference is hardwired into humans and no amount of vibrant newsreaders can change this, especially when backed up by an ideology which explicitly states over and over that those who are unbelievers are the most vile of created beings. Diversity is not strength here but a terrible weakness – when some think it is fine to rob those who deserve our utmost respect.
Does anyone else feel that the ‘so-called’ People’s Vote/Second Referendum must be resisted at all costs?
Given that Brexit, The Scottish Referendum, and President Trump results, the losers have refused to accept each of these results, any re-run will be doctored to give the ‘correct’ outcome.
Its fine … so long as any close election in the future is re-run until there is a large majority /sarc
we all know what will happen if a second referendum was 50.0000001% remain full on hard remain, no vote ever allowed again, warp speed tightening of the EU screw to make leaving impossible.
Wait until our next election. What ever the result, I will refuse to accept lt. Only fair?
To an extent, I can understand the Scottish referendum, much as it annoys me. Would the leavers on here just have given up if we’d lost?
What is downright dangerous is where the left won’t accept they’ve lost and allow the winner to carry out their mandate. Both here and in the States we see this phenomenon, clearly highly organised and with the tacit support of much of the media. Very much including the BBC. It has to be resisted, because if the left win this then as far as I’m concerned voting is a waste of time and other methods are required.
Sky news camped in Liverpool, falling for labours big give away lie.The only thing Labour will deliver in power is to bankrupt the country within 3 yrs.
I note that Sky call Labour “left of centre” yet UKIP is “far right”. According to my calculations that makes the centre “Stalinism”
There is an election for the Mayor of Toronto, Canada. An anti Trudeau candidate, Faith Goldy is standing on a platform for immigration control, freedom of speech, more resources for tackling the city’s growing crime rate. She is polling third, but not allowed to speak in the debates. Just physically removed. Imagine if she were a person of colour, a mohamidan, not a white Christian .
That normally has the effect of strengthening peoples resolve to support a martyr or the oppressed underclass: Saint Obama’s “UK to the back of the queue”; Support for Tommy Robinson et al. It can be on one of those moments that the uprising will begin. This principle is totally incomprehensible to the left including our current left wing Government.
Dara O’Briain, talks some sense but then adds this …
“Listen, no-one is stopping you from doing all the Muslim jokes you want.”
Really Dara? No one? Perhaps he isn’t aware of the people killed around the world or the cartoonists in hiding.
The Dutch comedian and satirist, Theo van Gogh, refused protection in Holland because he said, no one would hurt a clown. the poor sod was murdered by Islamists.
I just attempted to make much the same point on the previous page, only to find the system had logged me out since a previous comment a minute earlier and I lost all I’d typed. ????
I’d love someone to try. They’d never get past the BBC censor, but even if they did they’d be hounded by the Apology Police who would be mobilised in force.
Dara O’Brian is right, no one is stopping you from doing all the Muslim jokes you want… what he didn’t add (but, was probably thinking) is that, you’ll end up dead, or in prison, or both, if you actually do.
It’s a bit like no one is stopping you from doing a moonie in front of a speeding train either….
At conference Starmer has now (temporarily?) shown his true colours – “no one is ruling out Remain as an option.”
Time for HM the Queen to call out whatever remains of her troops.
Have you noticed labours stance on Brexit.
Labour supports leave, remain, new referendum and anything else you want, all at the same time.
You ask labour what their eu policy is and they will tell you it’s what you want, it’s leave to me, remain to someone else, everything to everybody.
‘Rapturous’? I bet Gavin Esler and Emily were doing the hokey kokey down the aisle with Owdn taking up the rear.
The BBC’s problem is they tend to too often go with who is in the Hall (sorry my Lord) at the expense of the public.
Ah, here she is…
Not hard to see what Emily likes either.
Thursday 27th Sept is Tommy Robinson’s retrial with additional charges added. It will not be a jury trial.
See it as the much vaunted fusion of sharia with British law. Tommy has offended the ROP by going on about child rapes and cover ups, and must be punished. The UK courts are compliant and will respect – as far as they can – the requirement for sharia justice.
As a counter to any demonstration in support of Tommy Robinson, the Home Secretary’s front line wannabee stormtroopers have been busy preparing a counter demonstration with even the anarchists demanding that the state puts him back in jail.
Expected coverage from the BBC will probably be a film of some shaven headed tattooed working class man, already filmed in the BBC studies doing a Nazi salute.
so let get this straight then
objecting to pedo rape gangs is divisive
objecting to terrorist atrocities is divisive
objecting to hate preachers saying kill all the jews , kuffar, gays is divisive
objecting to any of these things is Fascist
anyone who objects should be sent to prison
anyone who will not tolerate the above should be sent to prison
might as well add
any girl brave enough to speak out should be sent to prison
any person who didn’t like their family members being killed should be sent to prison
These people are delusional, deniers of reality surely nobody is still denying the existence of pedo rape gangs or terrorists
please please explain to me why they think TR is more divisive than the actions of these muslims
Tommy’s ‘blasphemy’ retrial is THE important thing this week.
Tommy’s extra ‘charges’ seem to be that he told the truth.
(thetommyrobinson facebook page)
Will Javid stop/delay Ezra Levant from entering the country to deny us accurate reporting of the trial?
Meanwhile, Javid wants to grant limitless access to EU migrants for more than 2 years after a ‘no-deal’.
Choudary will be given a safe house and benefits upon his release .
“as long as they show their passport and pass a criminal record check”
well thats brilliant then as we’ve been successfully weeding out serious criminals for years, and if not we’ve been deporting them all when it became apparent
David Lammy needs to follow this example … “Children to be banned from cycling to school without number plates”
~ Avoid appalling language in migration debate says influential MP ~
…. It’s a bit weird how Yorkshire Post online is not covering that story from the print edition..
It quotes her
“I am very worried that as the Brexit debate becomes more heated over the next couple of months that people will start exploiting immigration again.
And we will see as we saw Nigel Farage’s frankly shocking, appalling posters that we saw that were frankly exploiting people who were fleeing persecution, not actually a debate about immigration at all.
…. My plea …is to be more thoughtful and responsible about what language you use…”
see video at Minute 7:30
Avoid the migration debate says influential MP
there I fixed it for her
appalling language inmigration debate saysinfluentialnon-Corbyn MPThe fact that the vast majority of migrants coming to the UK are NOT “fleeing persecution”, should be withheld from debate ‘
Similarly in the Telegraph she protests that there is nastiness on Social Media and there should be Draconian controls
…she gets a kicking in the comments as people point out the nastiness mostly comes from lefties and Labour needs to get its own house in order instead of pointing over there.
The bBC will be fanning the flames of Starmer’s anti Brexit diatribe.
You would not put it past them being the “middleman” for Barnier and passing the late speech update to Starmer from EU HQ.
What an assembly of traitors gathered together in that republic of Liverpool hall.
On a more positive note the bBC could become a victim in the crossfire as it will be unable to help itself siding with Remoan.
You have to say though that the breathtaking transformation of the
original “Common Market” into this Political Federation is some seismic shift which surely the majority will continue to see as unfit for purpose – at any price.
trubble – What we all have to remember is that ‘this Political Federation’ is by no means the final destination. ‘Ever closer and deeper political union’ is the objective, and that will only have been reached at destination UNITARY STATE. The French will be pushing the hardest for this, because their need and aim is direct access to German money. The Germans will play ball because they feel guilty and also, they can make and sell stuff, which is what they’re best at. If we stay in : no parliament in Westminster. Forget Irish border problems. There won’t be any border anywhere in the EU, all the power will reside in Brussels. (Not really, but that is the fairy tale).
Just as the 5-nation Coal & Steel Union morphed into the EEC, the EEC morphed into the EU, so the EU will morph into ONE SINGLE UNITARY state. Does any of those clowns in Whitehall or Westminster want to get up NOW and tell us the truth? Doubt it. The EU is on a journey; the train has NOT reached the destination, not by a long chalk.
Spread the Word.
and yet the remoaners would have us believe the EU is the status quo a static entity, never changing
R4 play now : 1968 The UK economy is struggling under Harold Wilson..if only he can find away of getting around those who want to prevent the UK getting into the EU which is the magic solution.
They just had a dig at an out of touch character who edits a newspaper..he’s called Rees Mogg.
Colt ltd have persuaded staff to work an extra half hour/day for help with the £ crisis.
After 16 years of a nasty letter dropping through my letterbox every month, it now appears they have reduced it to one every three months.
Have the numbers turning against the TV tax now made it too costly to send out monthly letters ?
I have had four to date and one investigator pay me a visit. The last letter informs me that I am now under surveillance.
What I would like to know is it GCHQ, the MI5 or MI6?
My advice is to simply ignore them, I endured the vitriolic period of ‘we have you all on the database’ and the letters got really nasty – emblazoned on the outside of the envelope for all to see. Then the ‘gloves came off’ (to quote Noel Edmonds).
If they call at your door the first question they ask is ‘do you have a TV licence’. Reply by just shutting the door in their face.
Here’s a retweet that gives an interesting insight into Ms Kay’s levels of TDS:
Not criticising the President is to be frowned upon.
Might soon be time to write to the BBC to wait 6 months to be informed that they are exempted from sending the men in white around as it’s her private book sales account.
Could anybody give me the coordinates for this planet they occupy?
“As ever, no direct criticism of DT”. Correct me if I’m wrong but most of their money comes from the US and DT is sensible enought to pull the plug on their exalted lives anytime.
Joe public being interviewed live in Barnsley, where 7 out of 10 voted to Leave, and where most MPs are Labour, all those interviewed were vehement in their opinion they voted to get out of Europe, and it should stay that way. Labour could lose big time now if Starmer’s prophecy comes to fruition. Don’t the idiots get that ?????
The transparent democratic EU starmer think we should pay for
Surely labour has done the sums as to what they’d gain and lose?. ..surely .? ..
Do they expect that white working class will continue to vote Labour out of habit & because they could never vote Tory?
For Britain wants to freeze immigration for 5 years.
Sounds sensible.
It would seem possible that mental illness has struck again.
BBC awaiting diagnosis before reporting.
Roland Deschain
All I can see on Al Beeb at the moment about Sweden is “Nationalist vote set to shatter Swedish calm”.
Perhaps their waiting for their censor to approve the story.
Sweden’s lefty PM ousted.
Wow, that bBBC article actually places the liberals in the ‘centre-right’ bloc. ’nuff said!
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly in New York, he (President Trump)defended his decision to abandon the nuclear deal.
Did he really set out to “defend” his decision? I somehow doubt it.
4:30pm R4 which great live are they remembering ?
“Benazir Bhutto made history when, aged 35, she became the first democratically elected female Prime Minister of a Muslim majority country. ”
Why’s that ? cos she’s an amazing expert ?
Nope “Her family are one of world’s most famous political dynasties, but also one blighted by tragedy – murder, feud and assassinations”
ie at 35 she took political power not cos Pakistan is so pro Women’s rights, but cos her father was killed and she took over cos being the head of an oligarch family over rules ..your inequality from being a woman.
A Matthew Parris project, Stew. That really tells us all we need to know?
The drop-down menu on BBC ‘First!’ excitement is awesome:
1. democratically elected
2. female
3. Prime Minister
4. Muslim
5. majority
Does anyone know anything about the Sheffield school riot? Is there a mohamad coefficient attached to it?
judge for yourself
Sophistry by South Yorkshire Police:
A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police told the Sun Online: “At around 12.55pm this afternoon police were called to Fir Vale School on Owler Lane, following reports of an altercation between a group of students”.
Having looked at the pictures of the incident, it seems clear that the altercation was, in fact, one involving two groups of students. One can only speculate upon the principal distinction between the two groups and why this didn’t inform the narrative in any way.
Just checked a couple of papers. Link to the Sun. An incident, a riot, fighting.
Don’t worry. The South Yorkshire police are on hand.
The photos indicate that a lot of people of colour were present. I suppose they are actors awaiting auditions for multiculty furniture adverts.
Ralph Brinkhaus may be the name of the first real crack in the Merkel edifice. He was voted in (in a secret ballot) as the new boss of the CDU in the Bundestag, replacing V Kauder, a longstanding Merkel pal. It remains to be seen whether Brinkhaus can restore some conservative credentials to the CDU. He has to be a Merkel ‘buddy’ as well, no one in the party would openly oppose her monolithic rule. But here’s the thing: had this NOT been a secret ballot, I strongly suspect Kauder would still be there.
For, the parties in the German Bundestag are far more reminiscent of the old GDR, than a classical Western parliamentary democracy. Someone opposing a close mate of Merkel is a little like someone opposing a close mate of Erich Honeker well before 1989.
I demand another vote and will continue to do so until unser lieber Freund Herr Kauder is reinstated. It is obvious the voters hadn’t a clue what they were voting for and are clearly a bunch of old, white, uneducated male racists with populist tendencies originating from the East who were stupid enough to believe the lies they were told by that nasty clot Brinkhaus.
Has the BBC fact checked this?
Might be worth raising this with them, but they seem to have not ‘dealing’ with such things well covered.
Computer says ‘who cares?’.
News reporting should be a straightforward task. You report what is said accurately and without bias.
Not so the BBC, and certainly not so Jon Sopel in his coverage of Trump’s address to the UN.
We were given snippets of what Trump said, all overlaid every couple of seconds with Sopel’s interpretation, as if we can’t be left to make up our own minds.
Trump’s audience “giggled”, Sopel informed us. Perhaps they were amused at something Trump said – sounded
quite like it – but Sopel had to sneer and skew it for his own narrative.
He then claimed that something Trump said was met with “icy silence” (not just silence, note, but icy, see what he did there).
And this is why we cannot trust the BBC’s news reporters, who no longer simply “report”.
They interpret and analyse so that everything is presented through the prism of their own bias.
Embellishment, bordering on sensationalism, used to be the preserve of the red tops. Now it is what the BBC does.
For god’s sake, guys, just let the story tell itself! That is all we ask.
Good word, ‘should’. Gone the way of several others now, sadly.
Global News was corpsing over this as part of their main news.
One can only hope that the diplomatically astute ‘world leaders’ lauded by their state media in their reactions are from countries sure they will not any time soon again need assistance from a USA whose President has the final call on deployment.
And have got the cash to keep their junket on the road should the USA withdraw its UN subs and/or charge Manhattan rents on the UN’s acreage.
Jon Sopel is a twat of the first order.
I didn’t realise he was that good. In fact, you should apologise for that remark as it is very offensive to twats, a good many of whom I have met over the years in whom I have always managed to find a redeeming feature or two, conspicuously absent in Sopel’s case.
Seems the BBC has decided to delve into the past.
Maybe the present is not a safe place for them?
In 2014 the EU hadn’t removed temporary roaming charges, that didn’t happen until 2017 (Regulation(EU) 2017/920).
As to lead-free petrol:
There is another world out there that the Green Pixie is unaware of, as she sits on her EU-regulated mushroom.
A bit like the BBC, Emily has things to flag and things to not flag. Depending.
Muttie Merkel has been dealt a ‘body blow’ apparently, losing a crucial vote and signalling the beginning of the end of this Stasi stooge who has had much the same effect on European stability and unity as her moustached predecessor.
Will this make a difference to Brexit? Will there be more commonsense and conciliation in negotiations from now on?
Not if the BBC have anything to do with it, or Popeye Starmer.
All it takes is to look up the EU statistics. Then you can start to see why they are in such a state over us leaving.
WE have the second largest GDP and have low youth and other unemployment particularly in relation to the PIGS. In fact our need for EU workers keeps the rate in their home countries down as well.
We are not in the EUro so can avoid the problems it brings.
We are a successful country and our so called austerity would be something the PIGS would love to have.
What the statistics show is that Germany is so dominant economically that it all but overwhelms the rest and will inevitably do so when we leave.
Then either the Germans are forced to pay to keep it on the road or every other country will have to do as the German central bank says to keep the EU solvent.
The rest is all rubbish talk. it is about the money as always.
Agree absolutely, the EU and their lackey leaders in Merkel and Macron are scared witless. More’s the pity that our own leaders and the rest of the establishment either refuse to see it (or more likely colluding) and will do whatever they can to limit the parameters of our exit.
In order to protect my mental health I’ve decided to avoid toady and al beeb news. But I caught I tiny bit of c4 news tonight where a bubbly John Snow asked Corbyn what the Labour Party stance on Brexit is – reply was – he ll go with the wishes of the membership – Hence proving that the Labour Party electorate is more important that national electorates .
So party policy will be set by party membership votes . Shake that money tree . Why don’t human beings hibernate . I’d love to wake up after we’ve left – if that ever happens ….
Having seen the reception President Trump got from the UN if I were him I’d go back to the White House , find out how much the US is giving to the UN and cut back – big style.
But as I say that the fools giving tax / borrowed money away overseas would take up the slack .
There’s a chasm of difference between the ‘members’ of the Labour Party and the ‘voters’ of the Labour Party – the members want a second referendum, and the voters want to Leave and ‘leave’ it at that.
I have a relative who is a Labour councillor, and he says Momentum have bussed in candidates from 35 miles away to stand for Ward elections in his town ! The bare minimum is reported about this, and the moderate Labour members have little to fight with. If they dissent they’re accused of going against the Party leadership and are then ousted by even more Momentum activists. The anti-Semitism row is bad enough, but when lifelong and hard working Labour moderates find themselves having subversive meetings without the knowledge of another faction of the Party, then things have got pretty dire.
The tories are a spent force, Labour is a split party, and the Libdems are a joke, – its time for a brand new party, because most of us haven’t a clue where to place our future votes !!
BREAKING: Jeremy Corbyn says change is coming …

A black American comedian has been sent to prison for histeric sex offences . I wonder how long this will be reported by al beeb as opposed to a black American golfer who was once a sex and drug addict but now is back to hero role model status …. agenda? — ha
Or the black female tennis player who can’t losing honourably ??
This looks popcornworthy…
I imagine that there will be a lot of reports of Hate from the Labour Conference?
Body Guard – no spoiler – just seen it – all beebs biggest drama viewing in 10 years – what thick nonsense – and they’ll probably do another series .
Bodyguard. This bodyguard had sex with the Home Secretary. Hope it was not meant to represent Treezer on the job.
We should think ourselves lucky it wasn’t the Shadow Home Secretary!
Hate is a human emotion which apparently is being outlawed .lets all take the soma
Here is news the BBC regards as trivial. Car drives into a crowd of children and the driver accelerates and then runs away.
Probably not hatey enough for our national broadcaster to report.
..isn’t that a hate crime ?
That you disrespect traditional Welsh language and culture, by mangling it up with English ?
Surely the group should use full Welsh words in its title
OK there is no pure Welsh word for “caravan” but there must be for hate and crime
troseddau = offences
casineb =hate
In a Saturday Times Magazine article Attenborough admits a number of things, that I am staggered are not reported.
I tweeted 3 screenshots
\\ 18 years ago, Attenborough told me that if the North Pole continued melting at the rate it was, then it would be gone in 20 years.
I remind him of this now.
“Did I say that? It’s dangerous to put time frames on things.” //
(He doesn’t disagree that Nigel Lawson is an intelligent
& adds Lawson is used to dealing with stats & maths, so it’s surprising he doesn’t agree with me..the non-expert )
\\ there are sceptics, highly intelligent people such as Lord Lawson …
“Yes. I find it frustrating when people fight the evidence, especially people who are used to dealing with statistics and mathematics, like Lawson is. “//
“the truth of global warming, what convinced me was a lecture I heard by a scientist called Ralph Cicerone.
He produced facts and figures and I was left with no doubt.
From that moment, I felt I could say it.”
“people think I am a qualified scientist when I am NOT”
“expect you to be an authority, when I am NOT”
\\ President Trump, a global warming denier,
“I don’t think Trump is susceptible to logical argument.
I fear it would be him saying black is white and we would bandy our prejudices with one another.” //
When he pops his clogs it will be wall to wall nonsense grief for another journo. Unfortunately he ll be replaced by some third world scatty beeboid with a lisp or tick box irregularity .
In 1998, Ralph Cicerone ended up in the Politics of Administration, so would have been unaware of or dismissive of the latest developments, as are all those who keep their jobs on the IPCC gravy train.
The facts are that in one hundred years we have a 0.76 Kelvin increase in temperature, and a 100 parts per million increase in CO2. The Hoax is exposed by proving that the increase in CO2 did not cause the increase in temperature. Even before the “Unified Theory of Climate” solution, the evidence was, man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope, levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or 16ppm of the increase in CO2 in over 100 years was due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. This is not a surprise if you realise that ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans and that the Oceans dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is dependent upon the heat in the Oceans. This proof of the hoax came as early as 1997, from this scientific paper. “Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad. So the increase in CO2 we see, is a natural increase caused by the medieval warm period, and human CO2 emissions represent only one and a half of a percent or 6ppm of the increase. So one hundred years ago we had CO2 levels of 300ppm, with 2.5% volcanic and man made CO2. Today we have CO2 levels of 400ppm, with 4% volcanic and man made CO2. However volcanic CO2 can cause huge variations in CO2 levels as is proved by this scientific paper “180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods” (2007) by Ernst-Georg Beck.
State media rules.
Bet Jon Sopel has his poster in the wall.
Titter ye not.
What’s Karen Brady doing in Iran?
And the Labour Party policy on Brexit is ……..errrr………errrr……….to sit on their hands and hope to capitalise on Tory discomfort without having any principles whatsoever.
This will be achieved by inventing six random tests which cannot possibly be achieved simultaneously, and then by ignoring and failing to implement the result of the 2016 referendum.
A bigger pile of total shite would be hard to imagine.
Still, it should keep the BBC Remoaners happy.
‘ we will never surrender our democracy for an unelected beauracracy…….’
I just heard the Donald say that at the UN Assembly.
Music to my ears. Music to the ears of a very large number of UK citizens.
Unlikely to be regarded as such by a certain state broadcaster.
A repost
* Leeds 25 May 2018, was the most important day in modern Liberal/Leftyism
It was the day for lib/lefties to PROVE their HONOUR *
.. instead AFAIK know ALL of their public figures spotted a mob casting stones at a man.. and chose to join them hurling stones.
.. Especially when then saw one of the first guys said
“It’s a secret, but I’m actually a barrister”
… #SECRETemBARRassment more like.
As in the Emperor’s New Clothes fable
a passing small boy could have spotted that the Leeds Suit was not a thing of beauty its maker and all the courtesans said it was
..none of them chose to pause and consider the suit as he did.
.. The only public none partisan that did this was Tucker Carlson
and maybe a US congressman.
To their shame a few not formerly in the libmob joined those hurling stones : like Guido, like Nick Ferrari, like Piers Morgan
whilst others like Farage and Delingpole ?? and Maajid Naawaz failed to call out that stone hurling mob.
Julia Hartley Brewer as well ?(I actually would forgive them)
Libs/leftists can have honour
..some have in past proved honour by speaking against the mob on climate, and very belatedly calling out grooming gangs
But on May 25th they all failed the honour test
..They did not behave like Samaritans they instead chose to join the mob hurling stones.
Proving themselves Fake-Liberals
Message to Al Beeb…………..
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
“Failing to get basic services right”
“Poor leadership”
“Didn’t listen to those on the ground”
“Believed it always knew best”
“Serious financial mismanagement”
The above attributes have long been perfected by the BBC so diverting attention from shortcomings of this nature is, of itself, a perfectly logical course of action but with, in this case, the added Brucie Bonus of allowing itself to indulge in bashing the Government.
Baby names: is Muhammed the most popular?
Watch the bBBC squirm as they try to wriggle out of some of their criticisms
Bbc did report this but then try to wriggle out by talking about Sophie and Sophia…. anyway – it is true.. they chose pictures of young clean shaven Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah CBE and Muhammad Ali to make their point
Muhammad is the UKs most popular name not Oliver
7300 to 6300 new born
Oliver held its position as the most popular boys’ name since 2013, topping the 2017 list with 6,259 babies, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
A number of readers asked whether adding together all of the different spellings of Muhammad would mean more babies were given that name than Oliver.
Muhammad, spelt that way, was the 10th most popular name for baby boys in 2017 – with 3,691 babies given that name in England and Wales.
However, if we combine 14 different spellings – Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamad, Muhamed, Mohamud, Mohummad, Mohummed, Mouhamed, Mohammod, Mouhamad – we get 7,307 boys.
No HYS. Shame.
“What name is the most gender-balanced with similar numbers for boys and girls?” asked Gregory Shorter.
Nice one, Greg.
Next, Grayson and Eddie ask…