The staff of the Far Left BBC will be preparing to sing the internationale at the end of their party conference today . BBC 2 is to be rebranded – presumably to a picture of the Test Card .
A black American comedian has gone off to tell jokes in prison for 10 years ……
and talking of prison — the Tommy Robinson show trial is about to start …enjoy?
First ?
First ?
A double first, no less!
Good one Taffman – if only the late maxi could share your victory but I think he might be getting ready to cheer comrade Corbyn s ‘go back to your constituencies and prepare for government ‘ speech…
I am not second as that would be cheating
I learn from Al Beeb that Corbyn is going to create thousands of jobs. If we are already in full employment where are all the workers coming from ? Mass immigration? We are already full.
Labour are loosing support of the ordinary working Brit living out side of Londonistan. Labour has become a circus full of clowns. I am an ex Labour voter , now voting for UKIP.
Maxi , we are missing you.
Green jobs too.
Ask Bex Wrong Daily.
Not George of the Jungle.
Corbyn is a clown but not a very funny one.
A bit like ‘It’ as played by Jun Carey in the 1990 film only without that humour.
Al Beeb headline “Girlgiding defends transgender policy”. End of Girl Guides ?
Twitter is excellent this fine morn.
Let’s start with the bbc.
MEPs expenses transparency? Come on Al Beeb follow it up.
Another good reason to quit the EU dictatorship.
Am I missing something on Al Beeb’s website news ?
Have they buried this story or avoided it altogether ?……………..
Its even on the Guardian . This will be good ammo for UKIP & Brexiteers!
Not BBC bias, but symptomatic of what it represents. This is actually a genuine tweet from Greater Manchester Police.
This is clearly a job creation scheme to solve the problems of hive collapse. Though one has to hope she (the moustache means nothing) won’t sit on one.
All week different Labour types have been interviewed and saying’ let me be perfectly clear, we respect the referendum result but we need a peoples vote on the deal’. In other words Labour want to remain and leave. The Beeb seem to think this perfectly rational.
All week a succession of Labour zombies from Jez leftwards have intoned ‘let me perfectly clear’ to intense nodding bbc drones, before being anything but.
Is there a single bbc employee professional enough to get past Jez’ promise to fund them until the rapture to actually grasp they are in the presence of Animal Farm?
Yes, instead of helping on Brexit Labour’s policy is to sit back and stir things up so they can capitalise on Tory’s squirming
..see the end of last thread.
BBC radio has its own Corbyn fan reporter
Paul Rowley is over all local radii stations fawning all over Corbyn and the Labour Conference.
“This guy has outlasted them all, and could soon be prime minster”
Did Paul wave a flag? Or just stand and applaud?
Do these commies still sing The Red Flag at the end of their inbred collective hate fest?
That would please Vlad Putin- Red all the way. His only aim is to destablise Europe and the USA and the UK is giving him the push he needs to complete his task. We have to shut the door on this clever maniac, but how? Close their Embassy? that would become a tit for tat situation. Fight him what with sticks and stones which about all we could afford. One factor that could stop so many illegals and miscreants entering here is to re-introduce the Indentification Card system as was once suggested.
‘Our dear leader Corbyn’ is promising 410,000 green jobs.
That’s 410,000 more people needed to produce the same amount of power, but in a different way.
Their creation would reflect a significant reduction in productivity.
Since almost all green jobs are SUBSIDISED jobs, and there are no unicorns to pay the subsidies, that means we all pay increased costs… So will buy less jobs will be reduced in other areas.
Extra insulation is the one thing that can be cost effective, but governments have always preferred to push expensive gimmicks instead like windfarms, solar panels, smart meters, electric cars etc.
Lefty or Lazy ?
BBC London news warn us this morning of an uncoming tube strike by the RMT. This will be disruptive and inconvenient – you know, causing the sort of ‘frictions’ which the BBC so fear on behalf of the ‘business community’ as a result of Brexit. I digress. Getting back on track, one tends to rely on the BBC to tell us what this strike is all about. Instead all we get is the statement that this strike is a result of a:
“breakdown in industrial relations”
Surely this is almost the definition of a tautology. What are the BBC hiding? A short google search tends to bring up only left-leaning newspaper reports and yet it does reveal an interesting item – the RMT’s own press release:
And blown me down, we discover the very phrase:
“breakdown in industrial relations”
Cut ‘n’ Paste, eh BBC?
Wait until they wheel out that bbc cycling activist to coordin… ‘report’ (views his own) on the forthcoming General Strike called for in a speech by Rebecca Long Bailey’s slightly thicker sister.
Apropos of nothing but is Rebecca Long Bailey made of plastic?
Her over-smooth face appeared to be melting on tv this morning. She looks and sounds like one of those Japanese super android robots made to measure for the european market – but with culturally naive research as to what europeans might actually find attractive.
Her CPU could do with a bit of an upgrade too.
are all the BBC in the NUJ will they be going on strike and shutting the F**k up for a few days
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
Link back to previous thread
Page 3 went from 9am Tuesday until Wednesday dawn
The second story on the World Service 5am news bulletin was about someone reporting ‘hate speech’ on Facebook and it not being followed up.
Then we have the epic scoop, which radio 4 has also covered, about how eating fruit and vegetables is good for you.
Political correctness really is AIDS for the mind, ravaging critical faculties like HIV does to the immune system. Just as fantastically talented young men would be laid low by a mere common cold, here we have a lavishly funded broadcaster with global reach and the power and wherewithal to do pretty much anything but instead they report on nonsense like this.
They want to silence the alternative media but until they are cured of this infection the sinking ship of the MSM will be abandoned by more and more people. We want bold, engaging and interesting content not cowardly, repetitive and mind-numbingly tedious garbage like this. Their first thought with everything is: ‘Will this offend anyone?’ Truth, fun and all those other ‘Far right’ concepts are barely considered.
BBC Breakfast lightweight male makeweight, the lanky would-be matinee idol Dan Walker is having a whale of a time with his whale facts this morning. (What a shame he was born 40 years too late, he missed his calling; he might have been on a sofa with John Noaks, Peter Purves and Valerie Singlewoman). Instead his job involves a lot of promotion of anthropogenic global warming.
Mind you, anthropomorphism (you know, like Johnny Morris impersonating the ring-tailed lemur) is still alive and well at the BBC as they oooh and ahhhh and coo over that Beluga whale.
Please nobody mention the possibility that off-shore wind farms might be giving these animals a bum stear.
#honestmistake my shiny metal arse.
Their TDS is trying to get people killed.
It does raise the more serious point that the original, incorrect Tweet is still up there, available to be retweeted without the correction by anyone with TDS in order to reinforce the TDS in others.
Looks like it has now been taken down.
Surely even my dopey MP has seen this one?
As a matter of interest, although eventually taken down, how does one complain about the process by which it went, and stayed up?
The BBC website requires a link, which now does not exist.
Do they get away with ‘Oops’ thanks to their own rotten systems? Again.
Forgive the repost – missed the new thread (not first)
Bbc did report this but then try to wriggle out by talking about Sophie and Sophia…. anyway – it is true.. they chose pictures of young clean shaven Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah CBE and Muhammad Ali to make their point
Muhammad is the UKs most popular name not Oliver
7300 to 6300 new born
Oliver held its position as the most popular boys’ name since 2013, topping the 2017 list with 6,259 babies, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
A number of readers asked whether adding together all of the different spellings of Muhammad would mean more babies were given that name than Oliver.
Muhammad, spelt that way, was the 10th most popular name for baby boys in 2017 – with 3,691 babies given that name in England and Wales.
However, if we combine 14 different spellings – Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamad, Muhamed, Mohamud, Mohummad, Mohummed, Mouhamed, Mohammod, Mouhamad – we get 7,307 boys.
Yes, I noticed that. The BBC avoided answering its own question:
“A number of readers asked whether adding together all of the different spellings of Muhammad would mean more babies were given that name than Oliver.”
The answer, BBC, is yes.
Was going to mention this story but my tedious calculations meant that Gammon has beaten me to it. What I find most annoying about the Beeb’s coverage of this story is the fact that they try and diminish the sheer amount of Mo’s born by emphasising the totals of fourteen different spellings – when they really only needed to add the top three.
Oliver came out at 6,259.
Muhammad came out at 3,691.
Mohammed came out at 1,982.
Mohammad came out at 837.
That makes 6,510 – they didn’t need to bother with the lesser spellings that got 450, 269, 30, 13, 11, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3 and 3 respectively – but I suppose fourteen different spellings sounds less demographically disastrous than a mere three.
Headline should read “Mo Undefeated champion again”.
BTW it’s an under estimate since hyphenated names like Muhammad-Ali were not included
(actually the tool DOES list Ollie-James)
\\ One has to plough through half a page of obfuscation, before finding that the simple answer, on any fair reading of the data,
is “yes”.//
using the BBC baby name counter \\ There were 453 baby boys called Ali in 2017. //
Wikipedia is wrong ? \\ It is also sometimes reported that Muhammad is the most popular boy’s name in all of Britain, however this is based on combining multiple spelling variations such as Mohammed, but not combining spelling variants of other popular British names such as Ollie and Olly//
Claim \\ There’s a problem with the claim that various spellings of Muhammad makes it more popular than Oliver (as below). It doesn’t factor in variations of Oliver. Add in Ollie, Olly and Olivier and you find Oliver + variants remains most popular (7,368)//
Oliver 6,259, Ollie 788 Olly 213 and Olivier 108
Well Muhammad (14 spellings) 7,307
You can add the further variation like Turkish spellings etc Mehmet
Mo 3, Mehmet 37, Mehmed 4, Mahammed 3, Mahamed 9
= 7,363
oh look ” were 43 baby boys called Md in 2017″
So ** 7,406 ** winner for Muhammad
If I am right , that means the Wikipedia page is wrong , so one of you should edit it
There are both hyphenated names for both Oliver and Muhammad
Oliver-James 29
Muhammad-Ali 17 Mohammed-Ali 4 Muhammed-Ali 3
Ah that tweet claiming Ollie is still the most popular comes from a ** BBC journalist ** on Watchdog
His profile says “David Quinn
TV current affairs/consumer journalist and story producer at BBC Studios. @BBCWatchdog.”
As David seems to have be a Professor of Abbottanomics, might he know what the names represent as a % of population on various bases.
Meanwhile, the John Lewis Xmas ad will be a hoot.
I was under the impression they were all exempted from any questions, like the BBC.
Davis is now claiming Olaf is a form of Oliver so an extra 47
Hmm To me Oliver is Romanic
and Olaf is old Norse
I see no proven connection
He claims 9 from Olli
Likewise that is Finnish derived from old Norse Olaf
He also claim 19 from Oli, .. I wonder if most of those come an African language
Ah “Óli is a Faroese and Icelandic masculine given name.”
He did make a point that Mo could mean Morris ..that makes little difference as there are only 3 anyway.
Ah he just ran away
“Engaging in prolonged Twitter debate over whether Oli is related to Oliver illustrates the point that counting each spelling once is the fairest way, hence Oliver is most popular.”
Ooh I missed that sharp observation… (it only takes the top 3). I’d also like to see what it looks like with Hyphenated names as many more (I believe) are….
And the underlying fact is that, ignoring their names and their sex, there are more muslims being born than there are Christians.
That should be of concern to everyone who isn’t a muslim. For, even the far-left bbc will suffer once the muslims think they are strong enough.
You can’t assume everyone born into an ethnic Muslim family will be an actual Muslim
And anyway there’ll still be more babies born to ethnic Christians than ethnic-Muslims
Since when are Oliver and Ollie the same name, anyway? If you’re given the name Oliver you could conceivably have the nickname of Ollie – but if you’re called Ollie you’re never going to be called Oliver. Whereas, no matter how you spell it, Muhammad and its variants are the same name with the same pronunciation – the spelling differences arise from the fact that Arabic is a phonetic language and that any spelling of it is an approximation.
Ah I said all variations are names after the same prophet.
Maybe they could just use a generic spelling to cover them all-like J I H A D I S T ?
I saw BBC news for the first time in a long time last night and wow! Just wow!
The bias was extream. Support for Labour is off the rails!
Are the BBC actually a branch of the horrendous Labour Party?
they seem to be some kind of interchangeable jobs, with holidays at the guardian
The Gaurdian is pretty much the BBC’s news letter. Both seem to have done a secret deal with Labour in exchange for good publicity. That is bad for this country
Report on BBC this morning
A beluga whale has been spotted swimming in the River Thames. Normally inhabiting in the arctic waters, it is unusual to have one swimming in British waters.
I can imagine the producers at the beeb wetting themselves at the possibility of blaming global warming, and the disappointment when someone pointed out that the whale has actually gone the wrong way and into warmer waters.
It is Theresa May’s fault I guess. Just wait for them to interview Corbyn over it. He would expect to win an election!
Maybe he was expecting Corbyn to renationalise the whaleways?
(“Taxi for Dyst…”)!
I’ll get mi coat!
Anyone hear the friendly, jovial, knockabout between Toenails and Tom Watson on Toady this morning?
Apparently this is known in some circles as an ‘interview’.
Ha ha ha.
Interesting technique. Toenails asks a series of what could be challenging questions (Brexit, antisemitism, calls for general strikes). To each question, Watson gives an answer, usually in a throwaway style, and then Toenails does not challenge but moves straight on to the next question.
So there is no analysis, no probing and follow up, and the whole tone is jovial throughout.
It is as if the participants are winking at each other and Watson has been briefed ‘ look, you know we have to ask you a few awkward questions but don’t worry, we won’t make it difficult’.
I wonder if the bBBC will adopt the same light touch joviality to the Tories next week?
How many ‘as we have made very clears’ did Tom manage?
They won’t interview the Tories, they will grill them and grill them hard. Comparisons would be made to Labour and anything that sounds good would be interrupted. The final result would be ‘broken party’ and ‘divided by Brexit’ and of course ‘Labour could be closer to power’
The BBC are a joke and not a funny one either
Answering smoogle above, it should be noted that the reason Tom Watson was ‘interviewed’ was that cuddly Jezza turned down the opportunity!
Unlike apparently all the other party leaders.
Perhaps he thought questions about his allotment might be too difficult for him.
Corbyn can’t say anything unless his minder Seamus Milne has his hand up his rear end working his mouth.
Still pitched a bit high for the mental ages of most at the Labour Conference, especially those behind podiums.
“You’re right Rob, it looks like we misheard the President. It was our bad and we’ve issued a clarification.”
Trump said “more”
The BBC hear “war” in their prejudiced ears
and don’t check just print it
Oh dear! The thought of all those Universities grinding to a standstill, as Momentum supporting students march out in droves, fills me with dread.
What a calamity, think of how the country will suffer from the lack of… er… pontificating and seat warming going on, and if they withhold their fees think about all those poor Vice Chancellors.
preferably do it in a nice cold spell so the uni estates staff can turn off the heating and the canteen staff can not turn up to feed them, and the security staff can have they day off and leave the little loves to attract the attention of the marauding locals
This is just dreadful BBC reporting and no comments or anyway to answer back – horrific:
BBC News – Labour MP Laura Smith calls for general strike
“A general strike is when workers from across industries take action collectively in large numbers. The last one in the UK happened in 1926, in support of coal miners”
They completely ignore and write out of history the winter of discontent general strikes caused under Labour like it never happened – honestly this is awful
Laura Smith, eh? What would she know about real workers or real suffering or the real implications of a General Strike? This is more like the bbc keen to stir up trouble, so they have something ‘exciting’ to write about, and build up nonentities into news stories. R4 Toady droned on about it, and they have far too much airtime on their hands. Desperate stuff.
Never mind, if you were relieved when Toady was over you could hear all about Ghanaian music to bring a warm glow to your heart.
please please please call a general strike,
everyday your not in power call a general strike,
lets even have a general strike,
lets show all these people what it was actually like in the 70’s
No, you mean 1920’s – nothing happened in the 70’s under Labour Government as not reported by the BBC
I’m a couple of days late with this BBC lie by omission but I just confirmed my facts last night. This concerns the launch of the IEA Brexit report – which the BBC smugly dismisses with the headline: “IEA Brexit report based on dubious maths” – heaven forfend they look too closely into Labour policy this week.
At the press launch BBC News Channel told us that this alternative to May’s Chequers deal was “supported by some Conservative MPs”
I noticed on the tv pictures of the presser a woman on the panel who looked suspiciously like Labour MP Gisela Stuart. And it was. Of course the BBC would be keen to airbrush Labour Leavers from the narrative.
I know IEA is “right wing” cos LauraK told me
@AsISeeIt BBc said ” this alternative to May’s Chequers deal was “supported by some Conservative MPs”
..i don’t spot the BBC tweeting or printing this though
In it’s report on the verdict of the Bill Cosby trial the BBC quoted Cosby’s spokesman, Andrew Wyatt who dismissed the trial as “the most racist and sexist” in the history of the US, and said the convicted man was a victim of a “sex war”.”……surely the BBC should have corrected Wyatt and informed him the word he should have used was “spokesperson”? And for some reason, the report also omitted this little gem when Wyatt said , “We know what this country has done to black men for centuries.” (and also compared Cosby to Christ). I’ve reached the full extent of my in-depth analysis now, the only thing I have left to add is…
Mr Cosby’s lawyer even had the audacity to mention Jesus Christ in the same sentence as Mr Cosby.
This wickedness is all pervasive and those who should be calling it out don’t care and many of them are cheerleaders for it.
BTW Twitter list of Radio 5 call in topics
\\ BBC Two is being completely rebranded for the first time in more than 25 years as the channel looks to reinvent itself in the face of threats from streaming services such as Netflix. //
new logos and idents more money for graphic designers
(focusing on the art student stuff rather than actual progs)
\\ “reinvigorate” Newsnight .. make sure it fits better with the rest of the BBC Two schedule, such as by theming discussions around documentaries //
The Guardian does not allow comments
Ah, the Graun…
Reminds me of the BBC ‘why the BBC writes ‘Trust the BBC’ at the bottom of BBC articles the BBC knows you have no choice in funding’ tag.
The excitement and enthusiasm in Nick Robinson’s voice when he reports from Blackpool is very obvious . Don’t expect any beeboid to sound like that at the Tory conference.
Presumably Robinson is going to enjoy having his taxes doubled to pay for stage 1 of labour’s Marxist agenda. I suspect that the rest is still hidden from us.
most on Robinson’s income is probably hidden from us as well so its not going to come out of his pocket
The Labour Conference reminds me of a Nuremberg Rally…it’s frightening to think this gang is prepared for government. Sheesh…so many insane fanatics at one gathering 🙁
Or is it me…and I’M insane?
no your perfectly rational
It’s not only unbelievable that Labour might be in Government soon. It’s unbelievable that they sit on the green benches as ‘Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition’.
‘The Democrats own the media’. Lionel Nation. ‘This is war’.
You could do worse than watch Lionel on YT. His ‘what Trump must do..’ is interesting and entertaining.
2015-03-05 The Times London
“Labour ‘conspiracy let in 3.6m to create multicultural Britain’”
“Immigration during Labour’s time in power boosted the UK population by 3.6 million, according to a report published today”
This is the reason Labour has its current electoral support.
Without the votes, frequently multiple votes, of these people, Corbyn would be on the Watford bypass, not as the BBC constantly claims, near Downing St.
How many millions of crimes have been committed by these imports? All down to Labour.
This is the pattern throughout, LCS. Ruthless, amoral and cynical people have found a way of artificially and illegally bolstering their voting support, and dressing it up as virtue. Or pretending it’s economic necessity. Or simply disguising it.
Blair. Merkel. Obama. List goes on…
The objective is a) to give conservatives one in the eye -as Blair put it (or something to that effect) and b) when you loathe, fear and despise your indigenous voters, cos they can put you out of office if you don’t deliver on ‘promises’, you need to replace them.
PS. We Brexiteers need to be EXTREMELY vigilant. Our politicians will fast-track half the Commonwealth in here, in the event that we actually do leave the EU. Economic necessity, you know. And eliminating ‘world poverty’. I can hear them saying this is what ‘leavers’ wanted (fewer EU migrants), so that’s what they’re delivering. There was a very interesting interview re this on the R4 news at 10 last night, when R Shah questioned some professor from Birkbeck college.
Put NOTHING past them.
Agree. I voted Leave but I’m beginning to wonder whether it will be out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Sounds like the soros propaganda is getting to you . We can always rejoin if it goes tittys up… just means saying goodbye to the nation state
The BBC might wet their pants with excitement at the labour conference but what they are witnessing is a cult and its supporters. There is mention of Nuremberg in this thread . Of course the Nazis were a cult. Cults are almost invariably evil.
What cult has a leader who refuses live interviews , brainwashes and takes over the lives of its adherents and relies on taking a large chunk of people’s income? Why Corbynism of course.. but also Scientology.
The worst thing is these people think they are doing good . The SS in the concentration camps thought they were doing the good thing for their country by killing millions of defenceless innocents … paths to hell and all that …and yes I am comparing the momentum fundamental mindset to national socialists .
I’m beggining to wonder if it might be worth giving the BBC, snowflake and lifelong Labour voters their wish and vote in Corbyn McDonnell Abbott and all the rest of the absolute jokes that make up Labour so they can see what a bloody mess Blighty would become when run by marxists.It might be fun watching the beeb telling us what a success Jeremy is everyday as it obviously falls apart.
Panda- is this not a little like crossing an extremely busy road full of high-speed vehicles, to show what a mess there will be if you get hit?
No offense intended.
Never mind Corbyn. Could you live with several years of Abbott as Home Secretary? My imagination is unable to even go there.
I know I’m old, and the young shall inherit the earth, but watching the news channels at these party conferences is like watching ‘schools out’ !
Currently Adam Boulton is interviewing a couple of 12 year olds -one of whom is glottal stopping her way through the chat (she doesn’t realise there is a T in the alphabet) and its dispiriting to hear and watch. Complete airheads who should be on work experience.
We have lost the age of big beasts of any political party, and for me anyway, whether one agreed with their politics or not, at least the politicians of decades ago had ‘gravitas’ instead of the CBBC variety we have now.
Even worse is Sky’s Beth Rigby, reportin what’s happenin from Downin Street.
I don’t suppose the far-left bbc has reported that the self styled white helmets in Syria; who were set up and supported by our government with our money, and who staged fake attacks as well as being linked to the real terrorist killers in Syria; are now being imported into our country and will be housed, protected and given our money on which to live? Our swamp dwellers rewarding evil yet again:
“According to the UK International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt, however, the White Helmets are facing “persecution from the Assad regime” and have a lot of “valuable experience and expertise protecting civilians in need.”
Im sure they will be soon doing a great job appearing at the scene of bombings in Britain, showing us how muslim immigrants are doing vital work as first responders for the emergency services
No bikini dive bombing from Old Penny very soon then?
White helmets will go to purple when they see her, I fear.
Mordant wit eh? I do wonder how we`ve gone from Mrs Thatcher to Penny, Amber and Nicki….
R4 Now : Passport Paddy : is all about : female comedian getting her Irish passport cos of Brexit
..frequent references to “my wife”
..and this comedian is Zoe Lyons not Susan Calman
Yes, this ‘comedian’ Zoe Lyons – never heard of her, but clearly has a good agent as she is popping up everywhere ; C/masterchef, magazine articles, radio’s Just A Minute etc etc. Having seen her, being a lesbian appears to be her only option.
Me either. But given her CV, to get a BBC gig makes having an agent redundant.
Mr Trump has tweeted that unemployment benefit claims in the states is at a 49 year low . And the smug swamp dwellers in the snow flake UN laughed at him .
Metro liberals will have enjoyed that but I’m sure no American would have thought much of their President being laughed at . It reminded me of the defunct White House press party where osama bin Obama took the pee out of the current President .not laughing now .
And there we have it – news that Mohammed is the most frequent name given to UK new born children was in the BBC stream for a few hours – since pushed out of the top list by the new number 1 story “Meghan closes a car door and some people can’t handle it” and other BBC Labour cult event promotional stories. A good day to bury “blink and you’ll miss it” vibrant news of our multi-faith UK
Watching the labour reps talk to the BBC does give the impression of friends having a chat …. in the preamble to the comrade Corbyn rant Diane Abbot will do the 7 times table …..
…. 4 sevens are…. it’s not about the numbers – I can get the numbers -I haven’t come to this interview with numbers – I’ve come with policy -I’m not well – and I’m a black fat woman with diabetes – said the shadow Home Secretary . Lord god .
Couldn`t private schools for posh black boys include a special parent option, so poor Dianne gets some remedial teaching of sums and such?
Obviously, she`d be free to have full pop at the buffet, which ought to get here there on a state disability scooter, and provide the bariatric hoist once she`s done.
Surprised the Boateng Academy for rich black boys didn`t give Doyenne some extra coaching. Corbyns sidecar might have fitted her back then, what have we lost?
Not any pounds any way eh dearie?
I subscribe to a few petition/activist sites to stay on top of this and that. One is…
Just got this.
If you find yourself at the Labour conference this week, or at the Green Party conference in early October, please make sure to come along to the fringe events we are hosting there.
And they are expecting to be taken seriously? Who do they think they are; the BBC?
Ms. Wrong-Daily clearly uses the BBC for all her science stuff.
A lot of BBC activity around the kids.
Well, they`re all safely herded back into schools until half term now GW.
Parents kept at the gate, if they can be bothered at all anyway.
Black History Month next, followed by Movember where I grow a tashe(easier by the year!)-and then it`s Winterval, with that Beybee Cheeses kiddie…cool beans or what?
AND-isn`t it Comic Relief late November, or are we on the Children In Need cycle this year for March?
Anyway, any excuse to dress up as a fusty school marm and not do anything.
Pretty much Groundhog Day really, without the tweed and hairpiece of Miss Bunn.
Hairpiece No?…herpes yes…what is THAT?
My next lesson, that`s what!
“I (George Orwell) am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money (BBC TV Tax) on doing work that produces no result.” – Orwell
OK, time for some balance.
Di needs this GIF.
“ Labour has a strong record on progressing women’s rights and freedoms that we can be proud of.” – Labour Party Manifesto 2017
Click to access labour-manifesto-2017.pdf
Who are the MANY? Who are the FEW?
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.” Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
Tommy Robinson show trial: I presume after a scrupulous selection process the jury will be all Muslim or members of Antifa.
By now the Far Left BBC will have prepared the reports for the various outcomes of the TR political show trial tomorrow including allegations that supporters were violent and abusive outside the court – complete with edited film of it .
I just hope the MSM is ignored again tomorrow …..
…. maybe the judge will impose reporting restrictions as is so popular now ….
The Today Programme
Is Labour recycling policies? Nick Robinson asks Shadow Business Secretary, Rebecca Long-Bailey, why Labour’s plan to create 400,000 ‘green’ jobs is the same as Ed Miliband’s promise in 2008.
Comments (not many in 5 hrs) seem mixed, between screaming Mo-bots defending the honour of a peroxide sink who makes Katty seem like Einstein, and some trying to find out either what she was on, what she was talking about or who she gets her talking points from.
Not asked and thus answered.