The staff of the Far Left BBC will be preparing to sing the internationale at the end of their party conference today . BBC 2 is to be rebranded – presumably to a picture of the Test Card .
A black American comedian has gone off to tell jokes in prison for 10 years ……
and talking of prison — the Tommy Robinson show trial is about to start …enjoy?
Despite Brexit. Despite the “Right Wing” State of Israel.
Best Tweet I’ve seen this week because it’s everything the BBC hates.
Positive news and success for Britain and Israel. 🙂
problem is they don’t EVEN actually have “dual” loyalties
It’s not a conspiracy if you can see it in broad daylight …
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Can the website itself be reportedbecause I find it offensive ?
I’m guessing that for the 95 per cent of people who prefer living to politics they’ll have no idea about the Far Left conference today .
Any way watching comrade Corbyn s speech – if his audience didn’t clap at every word he said – thus interrupting the flow – he would have delivered a much better speech than a meandering wish list doubt Master O Jones will be the go to for al beeb with his mum ms polly Toynbee nodding along with a happy beeboid .
Words Corbyn didn’t use – immigration – unemployment – NATO – taxation – terrorism – realism .
Unfortunately many voters rely on the odd soundbite and generalised impressions. This suits Corbyn admirably and explains why he can get away with so much and his murky views don’t lose him many votes.
The world is unfair
Capitalism doesn’t work
We can give you freebies just by soaking the rich and taxing companies so it’s painless
All this resonates with quite a lot of people I’m afraid.
Yes, never underestimate the gullibility of the masses, especially after decades of lefty brainwashing by the beeb, the meeja and the mis-ejucashional system.
Free money trees? Sounds good to me, I’ll vote for that party.
Did Mr Corbyn use the word patriotism?
Did any of the collective haters use the word patriotism, or refer to loyalty to one’s country?
Or what about JFKs words:
Ask not what my country can do for me, but what can I do for my country.,16185.msg157307.html#msg157307
“I have SJPN court is 1/10/18. I am disabled did not get SJPN withing 21 days HELP!
Hello, I do not watch TV. I used to and always had a license but they mucked up the Direct Debit so I was considering not watching BBC anymore due to its bias I decided I would not get a license and not watch TV on my laptop anymore. I have not watched terrestrial TV since. This was January 2018. I watch the online news and TV programmes on Amazon, Netflix, and Youtube or DVD box sets. On the 17/3/2018 a TV Licensing guy came to my house and rang my intercom. he asked to come into my flat but I could not let him in as I am confined to my bedroom 24/7 and I cannot get to my flat door without someone helping me. I live alone. He insisted on telling me he had to come in and I kept telling him it was impossible. he then asked me about watching TV. I said I did not watch it. He said but you have one I can see it. I told him again I was disabled and the one he could see had not been switched on since 2012 and I doubted it even still worked. He was incredulous when I told him I did not watch TV and he asked me how do you watch TV again and again. Eventually, he asked me what I do instead and I told him DVDs and Netflix etc. he asked me how I watch the news so I told him CNN, Al Jazeera, and Reuters plus I read various newspaper websites. He just kept asking inane questions he thought it was impossible to live without TV. I do not remember that he cautioned me but there is one attached to theSJPN notice and it is total crap. I would like to know is it possible to caution someone you have not seen, nor identified as the person you are cautioning And if not how do I et this chucked out of court I am not physically able to go to the court which is the other side of London to me”
Interesting one – from my barrack room lawyer says of a law degree I recon the written record of the ‘interview’ would be ruled inadmissible because the victim hasn’t had a chance to see it and agree to its content by signing and dating it .
Obviously TV licensing gestapo will go for the weakest victim to get their prosecution bonuses –
I reckon the victim here needs either to get to court if they have been summonsed or get medical evidence from their GP , doctor saying why they are unfit to attend .
The easiest advise is citizens advice isn’t it ? But these can be difficult to find ….
All pretty heartless isn’t it ? Best thing to do is not treat tv licensing staff as human beings because they Are not .
“Eight years of destructive austerity…” – Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Conference 2018
… same Jeremy Corbyn with an 18% pay rise since 2010!
Corbyn once again in his final speech advocates a Palestinian State….what a cringeworthy bunch of slippery Marxists this Labour Party are.Everyone one is a ‘victim’….group identity politics as just espoused by the awful Dawn Butler with her utopian rhetoric……God I hope the British public can see through this nonsense….
Might be connected ….
Birmingham and the West Midlands Measles Outbreak now stands at 85 cases and Public Health England (PHE) West Midlands are urging Parents to ensure their child is up to date with their MMR Vaccines in 2018.
As millions of Muslims around the world celebrate Eid, Birmingham is hosting Europe’s largest event (EID)with more than 140,000 people gathering in Small Heath Park. {15jun2018}
Now in its seventh year, Celebrate Eid marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.
Over the last 3 days at the labour get together I’ve noticed the media have changed their interview method.
Instead of talking over and interrupting those being interviewed they now ask a question and let the person at the labour conference answer it saying anything they want and without any challenge by the interviewer.
We can now listen to the answers to the (soft) questions without getting annoyed by constant interruptions no matter how wierd and wonderful the answers are.
No doubt it will be exactly the same for the Conservative (I tried with a small c but auto correct keeps changing to a large C) conference, unchallenged answers with no interruptions.
We’ll see. Rather torn between the BBC not getting ‘carried away’ and the BBC ‘mishearing’.
Which seems to happen a lot these days.
Was I dreaming or did I see Laura Smith MP for Crewe and Nantwich calling for a GENERAL STRIKE in 2018!!!!!………WTF………I hope everybody in the country is hearing this….it should be BBC HEADLINES.Absolute disgrace and shows this current Labour Party in their TRUE light……..
Apparently it’s just a case of overenthusiasm and not an overturning of democracy if you can’t get the result you want.
Threat to Nationa Security or what?
Bernard Ingham: Brexit is the inevitable consequence of ignoring Margaret Thatcher’s speech at Bruges 30 years ago
She said let’s go for cooperation NOT a superstate.
Housekeeping : embedded tweets are appearing differently
Windows – with the quoted tweet
Android – only the main tweet
Ah my Android works now I put the browser on desktop mode
…it was defaulting to mobile.
If true, it will be interesting if the BBC misquote, or ignore.
They handle most ‘dilemmas’ with the latter. Ensures no consequences.
Trans offended so poster removed
Labour are ‘ready’ to govern…
With a picture of Corbyn looking like some sort of God. We will see if May gets the same special treatment next week
“Yeh yeh we answer 80% of complaints on time.
…oh hang on our system is wrong , so that’s not true.
Dunno what the real results are”
Times : The BBC misled its own board for a year about the speed at which it was responding to serious complaints, providing inaccurate data that exaggerated the proportion being resolved within time targets.
Clerkenwell : Architect Amin Taha submitted plans for a brick building
And then built something different
The council say fix it.
Would there be a special reason he can get away with it ?
It’s the same in Halifax they ripped down walls up root trees turn homes into guraded forts people complain to the council through the proper procedures but they then play the RACE card which Trumps the law the will of the masses etc so just let them get on with transforming beautiful homes into glorified high security car parks and leave the area join the “white flight”……
Um what was wrong with using a home grown British architect ? – (Amin Taha, born in Berlin and graduated from Uni of Edinburgh, well I suppose it could be a German name – now !!). We seem to give Johnny Foreigner far too many commissions and contracts, no wonder they pour into Britain.
That’s an “award winning” building?
Who was the judge, Stevie Wonder?
“Eight fabulous foreign phrases we wish we had in English.”
Those foreign languages: German / Mandarin / French / Spanish / Welsh / Irish / Italian / Danish
Naturally, the trusted and impartial BBC make sure their photo editors are bang on the money again.
The only non effnics are Mr Blobby and a pig!
The word ‘craic’ is as fake as that photo. The word is ‘crack’, it originally meant lively, loud conversation and is Ulster Scots or Northern English, so it’s not actually a foreign phrase at all no matter how many Irish theme-pubs promise a great night of it.
The word has been ‘Paddyfied’ by changing the spelling to make it more like Gaelic for marketing and by using it at every opportunity possible to highlight what ‘quare fellas’ the Irish are, ‘fun-lovin’ feckers’ one and all. ‘What’s the craic?’ has become a bit of a piss-take to be honest. Think Graham Norton in Father Ted.
A bit like ‘banter’ which is really good natured reciprocal wordplay not the excuse to verbally abuse and bully that it now seems to mean. But then again, as has often been said on here, the bBbc appear to have a dictionary all of their own, they change the meaning of words to suit their agenda all the time.
‘Fuck’ is used with increasing regularity on the box, but the word ‘bollocks’/bollox’ is rarely ever heard, shame really, as it can give real gravitas when said with urgency. However, the Canadian show Murdoch Mysteries is the exception where the word is often uttered, along with ‘bloody ‘ell’, ‘bugalugs’ and various other mainly Yorkshire phrases, spoken by Sheffield actor Thomas Craig in his role as Inspector Brackenreid.
Rich, I did not know that. (A timely reminder to rewatch some Father Ted too)
The BBC says ‘Most climate scientists regard a rise of 2C as the point when global warming could become irreversible and the effects dangerous. At current rates, we are on track for a rise of more than 3-4C by the end of the century.’
200 years of Global warming up to 1997 was 0.76C, since then we have had the pause/hiatus/peak, also some charlatans have adjusted the warming to over 1C. The evidence is that the Medieval Warm period reached a peak half a degree higher than at present. The irreversible positive feedback warming hoax was disproved by a scientific paper which proved the climate was in a negative feedback. So climate scientists no longer talk about positive feedbacks. The people who talk about runaway Global Warming are environmental activists and computer modellers like professor Peter Cox.
So the BBC should say: ‘Most environmental activists regard a rise of 2C as the point when global warming could become irreversible and the effects dangerous. According to the computer animated hoax, we are on track for a rise of more than 3-4C by the end of the century.’
What’s happened to the once trendy Ozone layer ?? Has it gone ?
BBC News at One : cancelled to continue our glorious next leader’s speech.
BBC News at One Thirty : Everyone was most joyous, including interviewers and interviewees as ‘we’ held a cuddly discussion on the wonders of the speech just completed.
COMRADES, let me tell you, I am convinced that salvation is close at hand…AARGH!!! 🙁
Tommy Robinson is in court tomorrow; the Old Bailey of all places. He must be a very dangerous man because that’s the place where the terrorist trials are held.
He’s very worried that our swamp dwellers are going to send him back to prison and judging by what he’s saying, they’ve already broken him; he’s fearful for his family.
If he is sent back to prison, I’d say he’s being treated worse than that Choudhury criminal, who was intent on harming us. Whereas all that Tommy Robinson has done is to try to warn us about people like the Choudhury criminal; and he’s imminently to be released so he can continue his activities to do us harm.
That’s how filthy our swamp dwellers are and they need to be drained as a matter of urgency, from all walks of life.
UAF, Class War, Stand up to Racism and all are arranging to be outside the Old Bailey tomorrow to see that Tommy Robinson is locked up and to combat his supporters.
I suspect the BBC have already filmed a few actors with bald heads and tattoos giving the Nazi salute.
Well good luck to you all who are going down tomorrow to the Old Bailey to stand at the other sides of the barriers.
We expect the authorities will attempt to cheat, the more witnesses the better.
ITV Calendar special on Yorkshire bid for cycling championship
Organiser “if we get it it will the most inclusive and diverse so far”
#MetroLib #Groupthink
The Seven Stages of Grief are a walkover compared to the Seven Stages of Tommy.
Where are you in your appreciation of Tommy Robinson?
Shock or Disbelief: Ignore him. He’s a racist, he’s a thug!
Denial: What he says couldn’t be true, could it?
Anger: Tommy’s causing so much trouble and hate. Stop him!
Bargaining: Maybe we should buy him off?
Guilt: Christ, we nearly got him killed in prison that time!
Depression: Oh, my God, what if he’s right?
Acceptance and Hope: You know what, that Tommy Robinson’s got a point. Shame we let him get murdered. I know, let’s put up a statue to him.
Good post Bill
Definitely a very brave man – And this summer I actually got off my middle aged arse and actually went up to London to protest for him.
The ghastly Theresa May and her corrupt establishment are now doing their upmost best to destroy this very brave man who in my eyes is a British hero in every sense of the word.
I hope for the best – but expect the worst, but I would encourage anyone here to come and do what they can to help stop this judicial farce.
Once Tommy is gone – who is next?
The way things are going on in this country it could be any of us.
So what instructions is Savid Javid (peace be upon him) and the Muslim Council giving to the judge at Tommy Robinson’s trial. Whatever the verdict don’t even think it is based on anything other that political expediency.
“The way things are going on in this country it could be any of us.” Just a ‘warm up’ prior to islam taking over. That’s the way it is in Saudi all the time.
Helicopter at Sheffield school fight
: Crowds gathered as the fight erupted More than 15 police vehicles, dog teams and a police helicopter were sent to a secondary school.
Cash strapped South Yorkshire Police.
Twitter people say it’s race war
“Sheffield city council put Roma Slovaks and the Asian community together in a confined area and evidently couldn’t see what was going to happen.”
\\ What mainstream media fail to mention and looking at other videos and sources, this was groups of Roma Slovak and Pakistani. //
” Wonder what the mayor has to say about it. Majid Majid”
Old news-story working on integration
So c4 led with the news with the disclosure that colonels in the Russian GRU are enthusiasts for the architecture of uk cathedrals .
Then came the Corbyn hero worship .
Londonistan crime update
Guled Farah of Newham North Africa is the 19 year old shot to death in north east Londonistan at the weekend – killing number 105 in our great capital city . Our thoughts are with blah blah blah .,
An arrest has been made
Katty will be scrambling into her Zero again.
Guessing this one will not be checked by the golden gob.
Trump accuses China of election ‘meddling’ against him
Mr Trump did not offer proof for his claim
but bother to read on & BBC provide a copy of a Trump tweet offering evidence, if not proof. Anyway evidence & proof is so 20th century
I’m sure they’ll roll out the inverted commas to signify just how robust they consider that evidence when it emerges.
Technically, it is all evidence of varying degrees. Proofs are the domain of maths and logic. (Provings are the domain of homeopaths). The beeb, in their commitment to honest reporting in a post-truth world should know this, but I somehow doubt it.
How fortunate it was that one of the chefs competing in the NHS-themed Great British Menu on bBbc 2 tonight was able to meet the person he idolises, his inspiration and hero, Nola Ishmael OBE, the first black Director of Nursing in London.
Afterall, if the bBbc is able teach us just one thing, it is surely that in this day and age even a mixed race Liverpool boy-turned-chef can and should aspire to be a black, Bajan, female nurse.
Rich, did anyone really believe that ? I very much doubt that the chef had ever heard of her before deciding to enter the competition. Its pretty obvious that the BBC has a ‘list’ of potential invitees to the dinner, and then they marry up the chefs from within the region to do the fill-in video clip. Its all contrived.
I just caught the end of it Brissles but both me and my 13 year old daughter thought it highly unlikely and so obviously contrived.
Although a quick search for the chef, Liam Simpson-Trotman, shows that this isn’t your common or garden mixed-race-double-barelled surname but, I think, is his and his husband’s combined. So who knows what he wanted to be when he grew up?
The NFU – a corrupt remainer outfit addicted to EUReich subsidies trumpeting that farm exports will be disrupted for 6 months if no deal at brexit .
I think plants will stop growing and a nuclear winter will set in after the volcanoes and earth quakes .
The influence of the NFU had a fair amount to do with the result of the Brexit referendum in Northern Ireland, as their equivalent here, the UFU, declared themselves against Brexit early in the debate. Indeed their president at the time, Ian Marshall, a Protestant from Co Armagh, has since secured himself a post on the Agricultural Panel in the upper house of the Irish government, despite it being a foreign country and him standing as an independent. Funny that.
Agriculture dominates the economy here and many voters in rural communities were swayed by their scaremongering and the threatened loss of EU subsidies and markets. They were greatly helped in this by the deliberate muddying of the waters by the governments at the time, in Westminster and Dublin, and a lack of clear intention or assurance from the leave campaign.
Many of the voters who elected to Remain are also traditionally UUP, not DUP, voters whose leader at the time was and still is very pro-Remain. Unsurprisingly he, Mike Nesbitt, was a television journalist prior to entering politics.
Interestingly however his replacement, as he resigned after Remain were defeated, is very pro- Brexit and so the parties stance has also changed. The new UUP leader, Robin Swann, who was in my class at school, is also chairman of the YFCU Rural Affairs Committee, an ex-chairman of Rural Youth Europe and has worked in establishing Young Farmers Clubs in Eastern Europe with the UN, obviously more knowledgeable in rural affairs than his predecessor and so is highly respected amongst the mainly Protestant, and pro-British, pro-Union farming community.
This is seldom mentioned, especially by the bBbc, because it renders their assertion that a United Ireland would follow Brexit a lot less credible. Pro EU money does not mean pro united Ireland, the majority of people in Northern Ireland do not identify as Irish, will not accept governance by the Irish paliament, contrary to media claims, and although it does seem a little unprincipled to those of us who don’t rely on the land for our livelihood, cleared and more supportive agricultural policies would change the narrative on everything with regards to Brexit in Northern Ireland and quieten the shit-stirring Irish government significantly.
– thanks for filling in the gaps. My solution to the Ireland border issue is for the 3 million irish plus 1 million EU guest workers to pull out of the Reich EU with us – particularly since they don’t get the huge wads of our cash to build things and stick a ReichEU flag on anymore .
If we manage to get to a WTO brexit and then go one to succeed the pressure on Eire to leave must go up eh?
Although this post is purely EU oriented I write it because it’s not a discussion heard in the MSM but of course they wouldn’t raise the issue would they ?
A train taking Labour Party conference delegates back to London was severely delayed.
Cue Corbyn to demand nationalisation of the railways.
Except that the problem was a signal failure.
Which is the responsibility of Network Rail.
Which is already publicly owned !!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Egg on face for Corbyn. How well deserved.
But not expecting the BBC to be asking any difficult questions about this.
The BBC is currently bewailing Nigerians fleeing from…. er… their home, being sent back by Libyans who have plucked them out of a millpond where their boat sank.
The are ‘migrants’. Apparently.
can someone explain why they dont just take a flight into europe, It would appear a damned sight cheaper and easier
“infamous sub-prime mortgages which contributed mightily to the crash…introduced because lenders were forced to offer mortgages to the poorest and minorities in the US under duress from the Left and US government….socialism and government policy, public policy, leading to economic failure”
google freddie mac fannie mae
if your mortgage goes pop here they take your house sell it and you owe them any losses, seems the demorats didnt want to burden their minorities with such trivia as actually having to pay their mortgages regardless
quite how the financial genius’s the remainers are so desperate to keep in london for their skills got suckered into the american governments un-secured loans scam is the real question , never mind whether they have even started to help repair the damage they did
Thankfully the Labour party jamboree is over and along with it the disgusting bias BBC coverage. You can sense all the BBC reporters loved the week. Wall to wall coverage. Promises of free everything for everyone completely unchecked , just taken as read. All labour MPs interviewed allowed free reign to spout anything they want , never challenged or interrupted.Bbc made it out a huge success, never mentioning all the mixed messages from different MPs , all saying different things !!!! Corbyn is here and the future was quite clearly the message from the BBC.
Now wait for the conservative conference . Interviewees no doubt stopped at every word, interrupted at every opportunity. Party in crisis, calls for general election blah blah blah. I suspect the difference in coverage will be making my blood boil next week. BBC not even trying to hide their Labour bias now. This week has proven that beyond any doubt
Last night’s News at Ten report by Laura Kuenssberg on Corbyn’s speech came across more as an advertorial than a serious news report. I don’t think it was analysed or dissected in the slightest.
Let’s see how May’s speech next week is treated. I’ll stick my neck out now and say it won’t get the same kid glove treatment.
Luckily the renowned bbc adherence to professional accuracy remains at 106%.
Toady watch
Fuming . Wanted to hear response to the communist party conference yesterday particularly the shadow minister whistling the labour theme tune.
Didn’t hear much but caught an interview between meeeshhhaall and some dodgy Eire politician ( is there any other sort) . He claimed the EU funded north Ireland during its troubles and wasn’t challenged . Nearly choked on me corn flakes .
The term saucy c word instantly came to mind . An unpleasant word – particularly for early in the day and definitely on the website but for such a lie to be made and go unchallenged is awful
I often describe this ethnic beeboid as the @work experience girl” I now see that I am wrong because that is offensive to work experience girls .
Off switch again.
These days, you never quite know when they’re joking.
In sports gossip, our gal Beaky Nugent tries to remain neutral in the Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho drama. Afterall if yesterday’s coverage of Labour conference is anything to go by the BBC seem to be here to smoothe divisions in the reds. But I jest. Apparently fans are divided into two camps. And Beaky reckons our very own Gary of the huge annual BBC pay wad has summed things up – Katty Kay stylee:
“Power cuts after Brexit in Northern Ireland”
“Energy bills up 30%”
That’s the random headlines from BBC Breakfast this morning – the same broadcaster which also brings us a morality tale from darkest Africa warning us not to trust “Governments who use the term fake news”. And that’s the possibly scripted concluding statement of one Charlie Statist our sofa puppet this morning. And there was me up until now hanging on every word out of Cameroon as being gospel. This snide comment from our BBC presenter was clearly a politically motivated anti-Trump dog whistle. Very poor stuff, BBC. How about you fact check some of your own stuff and nonsense?
Maybe they can use the waste fuel burned in the biomass scandal to compensate for the Brexit fuel gap until they can dream up another fear mongering headline.
On Toady they had a report from Trump’s latest press conference. The reporter sneers about Trump saying China is interfering with the midterms, implying he is deranged, when he tweeted out blatant evidence of it yesterday. I thought election meddling was the worst crime imaginable? Of course it was never really about that but just a way to discredit Trump.
Spying on opponents was heinous for Nixon but memory holed when Obama did it; Russian meddling in election is appalling but Google, Facebook and China meddling is fine; racism is terrible but white girls in Rotherham do not count, as according to the BBC racism is ‘prejudice plus power’ and these poor defenceless white girls had power just because of their skin colour. How I loathe their double standards.
“The most extraordinary thing was that he did not mention Russian meddling in the last election.”
Why should he? It was two years ago and laughably non existent. He has a hell of a lot on his plate why on earth waste yet more time on the Russia hoax? The MSM have so much egg on their face over the Russia nonsense. The reporter felt obliged to signal his group think credentials by bringing it up but you could tell his heart was not in it. Trump humiliated them over this and how they hate him for it.
Won`t that be Sopel though?
So -as long as we`re not paying or listening-and we`re laughing if anybody even DARES mention the BBC and “news” in the same sentence?
Then we`ll be alright. They`re in deep trouble like the Euro and the whole shebang.
Well, this is a first ! ……………
I heard brief extracts from Treezer’s speech to the UN. Partly it was a confession as to where liar May’s devotion lies – and it was sure not the British public!
“We must invest in the patient work of building open societies [note the expression!] in which everyone has a stake in the future.”
“Fair and respected rules are essential for business to flourish and drive growth. But recent history shows that this cannot be sustained without deeper partnerships between governments, business, international financial institutions and civil society to ensure that growth delivers for everyone.”
“For the best way of resisting protectionism is to ensure that this century is defined by open markets that really deliver for all our people.”
She sees success in creating countries that:
“They include a government that is transparent and accountable.
An independent judiciary to enforce the rule of law.
Free and fair elections and a free and open media.
The freedom of expression, a right to redress and property rights that are reliably enforced.
And equality, freedom of thought, opinion, religion and conscience – all found in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed 70 years ago.”
I don’t recognise the UK do you?
Treezer must set an example:
“That is why we must call out hate speech, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of prejudice and discrimination against minorities wherever we find it.”
A speech littered with the expression, “inclusive societies”. What no one can miss is, in using that expression, her inference to “Open Societies”. And indeed, that slips out. And we all know who’s behind ‘Open Societies’ – George Soros and the NWO! –
Take a look at, “Inclusive Societies” and have a laugh – (“Resilient and prosperous…” doncha know)
The Globalist Treezer’s complete speech –
Drain the UK swamp.
Oh bris – priceless – the Tory conference needs to put that clown on repeat . I’m surprised al beeb didn’t get the 5 second delay button pressed in time but I suppose she bored every one to sleep .
‘We should be alarmed that black employment levels are rising ‘ – she is obviously a disciple of the next Home Secretary – Diane Abbott …
Which is sweet. Maybe then can get presenters dressed as rainbow bees too?
Clearly reinvigorating content is beyond them.
And he knows.
9pm BBC 2, Dock series about Redcar features a seg about Tory activist Jade struggling in a Labour town.
We expect the BBC editors will mock her, but the film maker is sympathetic.
Yes, if we ever DO find those rare birds….media hacks who STILL have some humanity and a mind of their own(or at least open to being so)-we need to really back them and let them know. They`re in a war zone, their jobs depend on us keeping them encouraged. So easy to take the lefts default position.
I find hospital and pensioners stations are popping up nationally-but they have to use Sky via the USA , so their news is crap. But a few sly emails, or a smile at the Wetherspoons Curry Night tonight seems to move mountains. Still got it, especially after a Prosecco or three.
R Linc’s news : strange stand alone phrase just now.
“The UK’s largest supplier of kale, say it is doubtful that Brexit will affect its sales or labour supply”
…. That counts as a Brexit positive story ?
O/T the pseudo-liberal takeover of science
It’s a Thursday so some children will be being taken to the Gravity Fields SCIENCE Festival in Grantham
There are about 5 lectures today : 2 feature TV’s Dallas Campbell
but I suspect the kids will get dragged into these teo “worthy” lectures instead
… boxes ticked
First thing I see on picking up Yorkshire Post
“Having a highly skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce is vital to all of this.”
.. Those words are from the new Drax Power Stations boss in her speech.
Diversity is fine, it’s the law that all people have to treated equally as regards jobs.
You don’t need to shout ‘we are obeying the law”
The fact that she does.. shows she is virtue signalling.
Darn new tablet keeps autocorrecting words
Said to my mum yesterday while visiting (she’s nearly 90)….have a look at this Mother…it was the beginning of Corbyn’s closing ceremony…………as the camera panned the crowd …she commented ” how can they cram so many ugly mugshots into 1 hall”
We quickly returned to the “Soma” of Bargain Hunt,…leaving the Comrade to possibly offer the sqaud free facelifts on the Peoples NHS!!
Radio 3 does science:
We are played a piece of music with performers set in different parts of a church, to produce an echo effect – ‘stereo invented by early musicians’ apparently
I wonder why we have two ears? Perhaps to let BBC ‘facts’ enter through one and leave via the other?
£3.5 billion BBC ‘Tommy Robinson’ search reveals … news from 07aug2018 (2 months old) ….