Start the Week Thread 1 October 2018

The  Far Left BBC will throw its full bias at the red Tory Conference this week- desperate to get a non PC sound bite or snoozing grandee . We ll have plenty to report . If the BBC s false coverage of the UK isn’t enough we will witness the anti Trump bias in full flow as the Supreme Court nomination circus continues…

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722 Responses to Start the Week Thread 1 October 2018

  1. Beeb Brother says:



    • Beeb Brother says:

      Their ‘news’ about J K Rowling miscasting a role last week was peak BBC: protecting the racial pride of a fictional character. I wish they could care so much about the actual murders of predominantly black boys in London. This is not a single murder like Stephen Lawrence but a never-ending torrent of bloodshed. Why no Macpherson report, media obsession and ‘outrage’ – demanding we find out why on Earth this is happening and doing everything humanly possible to stop this tragedy unfolding?

      Alas there is a deafening silence. When an ‘oppressed’ group turns oppressor it is like that old trope of a robot shutting down when told a paradox as it cannot compute. The SJW mind cannot operate in this context so the crimes are memory holed. Hence Rotherham where an ‘oppressed’ group managed to wreak more oppression than all those evil straight white men combined.

      Key to the problem with the BBC is what they refuse to report on, which is rapidly becoming pretty much everything. How on earth could they think we wanted to know all about ‘gender pay’ at the Corporation? Some extremely well paid middle class woman wants even more money for doing less work than a man; why the f**k did that lead the news for weeks?


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Exactly! Well put.


        • Doublethinker says:

          Yes an excellent analysis. Another example of when the leftists cognitive dissonance becomes too much for them and they melt down was when Owen Jones stormed out of a TV interview when he simply couldn’t handle the fact that Muslims had targetted gay people in a mass killing in the USA. Of course he knew that Muslims do this all over the world but he had managed over the years to bury this fact and it’s consequences but this event was just too much , the facts had to be faced, he couldn’t keep them suppressed any longer and he had a melt down.


          • Annunaki says:

            Well the BBC do love “crunching numbers” (its called maths to normal people) so what about comparing the increase in attacks on Jews and gays to the increase in muzzies in this country ?


      • tarien says:

        They are terrified to do so(BBC) however the torch of Islam is burning brightly in its seemingly never ending efforts, as indeed its ideology prescribes, to keep the terror of Jihad alive in this ever becomming supressed nation of ours. For goodness sake people wake up! Please tell us that shall have to listen the Muslim Home Secretary speaking at the Conservative conference-of course I can always turn off the TV, now why didn’t I think of that before!


        • Flexdream says:

          I think our Home Secretary is a nominal muslim , and less likely to fawn over Islam than our previous Catholic(secret), Presbyterian and Anglican (x2) Prime Ministers.


          • tarien says:

            Beg to differ here somewhat Flexdream. Yes we recognise that Sajid Javid is an extremely intelligent, well-educated, financially astute, presentable, experienced in public office but also a real master of the four pillars of Islamic deception — taqiyya, tamriya, maruna and kitman. Javid was appointed in the expectation that he will garner the majority vote of the now huge and electorally corrupt Muslim demographic in the UK, as Cameron so yearned for in 2014…
            David Cameron once reported as saying that he wanted to see a British Asian Prime Minister in his lifetime. Mr. Cameron made the remarks at an awards dinner in central London where Sajid Javid, then the Culture secretary topped a power list of the most influential Asians in the UK. I for one do not want to see a Black Flag flying above No 10 Downing Street.


            • Flexdream says:

              I appreciate your concerns. I think Javid is married to a practicing Christian. I hope I’m not wrong, but I don’t think he is a keen Muslim.
              As for your remarks on Cameron – I agree. I’d just like to see a Conservative Prime Minister, of any religion or none, not another Blairite!


              • Dragunski says:

                I hope you would take a “Blairite” over Jeremy Corbyn. If I were British, I’d be much more concerned about him.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Early toady watch
    Anti Tory story
    Dead Muslims in Muslim country
    Trump sorts our nafta (ouch )
    16 to 24 year olds are lonelier than other lonely people

    Other items
    IFS saying public finances are better than expected
    Vegan gardening

    Off switch – Martha the bee and the Asian amateur


  3. Navets says:


    I too read the article and it gave me a hefty dose of increduous WTFism. Part of me, in a warped sense, marvels at the ingenuity of these SJW types, they really have a diverse and expanding catalogue of behaviour they find offensive in other people and It got me wondeing that if The Elephant Man is ever remade, should the Casting Director do everything he could to find someone with Proteus Syndrome to play the part? Would this satisfy everyone or would they still find fault in the gender or ehnicity of the actor?


    • Beeb Brother says:

      Have they thought through this whole idea and where it leads? Is Rain Man not a great film because Dustin Hoffman is not really autistic? Braveheart is my favourite film – what if they had to search for a Scottish actor instead of Mel Gibson, who was absolutely brilliant? It may have been a bad film without his performance. The whole wonder of the stage and screen is that anything is possible; were their doctrine applied it would have the most devestating effect on the quality of artistic productions, which indeed is already happening.

      Should we burn all Shakespeare’s plays as he ‘culturally appropriated’ nearly all the plots? The sonnet came from Italy so is ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ now some evil racist work?

      Yet at the same time there must be a black James Bond though that was clearly not the case in the original text. You just know in every drama the hero will be BAME, just as every single decent person seeking a mortgage or looking to improve themselves in adverts is black now. Who cares?

      The idea that fictional portrayals of groups matter is nonsense. A girlfriend I had at university was Italian and before meeting her the only Italians I had come across were in gangster films. Did I expect her father to be a drug smuggling extortionist who executed rivals? Of course not and obviously he was nothing like that. For ages all the bad guys in Hollywood films have been British. Who gives a sh*t? When I was in New York asking politely for directions did anyone think I was secretly a criminal mastermind plotting world domination?


    • tarien says:

      Indeed Navets most of what I listen to or watchon BBC I find offensive these days-I’m not Asian, or from a Negro stock, or Arab, or Jew or anything else outside Europe, but as far as it goes I”m a white indigenous Northern Hemisphere person, where much of World’s inventions, medical advancements, anda multitude of various technical engineering inventions come from and from which the world gleans much, not that you would think it as far as the traiterous BBC are involved.


      • NCBBC says:

        tarien wrote where much of World’s inventions, medical advancements, anda multitude of various technical engineering inventions come from and from which the world gleans much, not that you would think it as far as the traitorous BBC are involved.

        All of it. This miraculous technical, engineering and scientific civilisation is the work of Western man.

        Not just the technical side, but too the concept that man himself is a sovereign entity. From which follows “presumption of innocence”, Habeas Corpus, and Bill of Rights.

        All of it is the creation of Western man. The people who are the beneficiaries do not value it, as they know not the cost, or the creative effort that is required, as they lack it.

        So it is a astonishing that female senators in the USA, believe that presumption of innocence is scrapped when a man is accused by a woman. These senators should be driven from the senate, and deprived of everything that is the creation of Western man. They wont last more then 24 hours.


        • TheRebelUK says:

          Well said NCBBC, the west is being attacked from within by its own people who are brainwashed snowflakes. After that circus of a hearing against Kavanaugh, it showed senator Flake and McConnell getting harrasssed by women, very aggressively who were supposed to be innocent protestors.

          Flake crumbles and then calls for FBI investigation into the unsubstantiated claims by an alcoholic liar against conservative judge with perfect record.. it’s supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

          The BBC in it’s totally unbiased reporting showed these upset aggresive woman who were abusing the senators but forgets to include an important fact.

          These women who harrasssed the senators worked for a not for profit with funding from George Soros… That man is one of the most dangerous to western civilization ever and would wipe out white people and nation states and cultures.

          These liberals are like sheep being led by Soros and his money and the BBC are only to happy to publicise just what Soros wants and label anyone to right of centre as far right. Pathetic BBC and useless conservative government who are the most left wing conservatives ever!


          • Annunaki says:

            Yep and a wanker who calls himself the BBC north america correspondent who spends his time on twitter trying to rake up muck on trump, is that not completely unprofessional for a state broadcaster employee ?


            • TheRebelUK says:

              Yeah and this biased reporter from the BBC gets paid loads and who pays? We do out of our taxes.

              We pay for biased news from state broadcaster. It needs to end


              • johnm says:

                Speak for yourself I’ve never paid the licence fee in my life. The BBC survives thanks to weak minded cucks scared of a few copy pasted threatening letters.


        • tarien says:

          Here here NCBBC. Habeas Corpus is the one great example the United Kingdom has over other European countries-Innocent until proved guilty-in Europe as we know it is the other way around, can be nasty as I found out whilst living and working in France.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Well said Sir/Madam!


  4. Alex says:

    Sky ‘News’ is nothing but a left-wing opinion/propaganda machine. No wonder its viewing numbers are dwindling….


    • king crimson says:

      Again the sky report refers to TR as ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ and yet we never hear of Maurice Micklewhite, Reginald Dwight or Harry Webb to name but a few. In previous threads, much has been made of a need (for want of a better term) to fight back against the msm lies, the creeping sharia etc., some posters have even hinted at the possibilty of ‘civil war’ in the not too distant future…Not the bbc, but I had the misfortune to catch about 10 minutes of the x factor on Saturday evening and if the audience and/or so-called talent are anything to go by, we stand no chance. We really have regressed to talentless freak shows. We’re at the bread and circuses stage of our society or what’s left of it. Thank God I’m the wrong side of 60.


      • Old Goat says:

        Me too.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Go East, young man, go East!
        Things are still normal and done reasonably properly in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia etc. In the same way that the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) fluorished for a long time after the collapse of the Western Empire (Rome), so Eastern Europe can survive, particularly if it is able to come to some amicable arrangement with Russia, albeit all the issues that might entail. And for those ‘the wrong side of 60’, some of those countries make very pleasant retirement destinations with their European heritage, low costs and wonderful mono-culturalism.


        • NCBBC says:

          Just wait a little. If Pres Trump gets his nominee into SCOPUS, and wins the November election, the EU will be dead soon.


        • NCBBC says:

          The strategy of the traumatised left after the fall of their beloved USSR was to infiltrate Western institutions, and then turn the nation to socialist . The EU already is de-facto EUSSR. Many of their officials are ex-communist or hard far left. America would have become the USSA but for the miraculous victory of Donald Trump.

          Climate change aka Global Warming, was to be the instrument to implement socialism via control of energy usage and tariffs. Brilliant plan.

          The hidden agenda behind ‘climate change’
          By John Eidson
          In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.’s real purpose in pushing climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:

          This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution.

          Then Trump happened.

          Trump’s victory is little short of a miracle. Its the hand of God. Almost like el Cid. He cannot be beaten.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Ah yes, remembering In the Court of the Crimson King, puts me close enough to my maker to not care if the liberal brainwashed youth make a complete mess of their future. I will be pushing up daisies before the proverbial hits the fan….
        I tell the youth, they know better, all I get is ” but some of my best friends are moslem” hey ho….good luck with the future.
        I used to despair, now I laugh at them. It helps.


      • NCBBC says:

        Mark Steyn does solid analysis of the fact of a socialist, anti-democratic world today


    • BRISSLES says:

      When you consider that Sky’s politics reporter – Adam Boulton is married to Angie Hunter – Tony Blair’s ‘gatekeeper’, then are we really surprised that the politics agenda is always left of centre ?


      • BRISSLES says:

        Manic Kay Burley is in equal shouty mode in Birmingham. She now has her own show – The Kay Burley Show despite it still being the same programme. I wondered how long it would take for her to stamp her feet, after Sophie Ridge got her name above the show on a Sunday ! Nothing like a bit of jealousy amongst the girls !!!


      • NCBBC says:

        Pres Trump is the new el Cid of the West. Defeat is not an option for him. The left is going to be destroyed, and so too the EUSSR.


  5. Ed Hitter says:

    The BBC could have focused on Jeremy Hunt’s speech in which he likened the EU to the Soviet Union in the way it punishes those who want to leave, or his “ no, no, no” moment regarding the Irish Border.
    But it didn’t, unlike the Telegraph which splashed on it this morning.
    Indeed, you might not find a reference anywhere on the BBC. I searched its website without luck. The Today headlines were all about a business donor blasting the Tories.
    Ii is clear why Hunt’s statement is so uncomfortable for our state broadcaster. It puts in a nutshell why people hate the statist, non democratic Euro bloc.
    But the BBC does not do anti EU stuff. Hunt spoke proudly about the U.K. and its achievements and said the EU was like a prison.
    Perhaps a former foreign secretary saying stuff like that would get coverage but, again, Boris is only useful to the BBC when it wants to mock and stir.
    Next up…Hammond digging at Boris. And so it goes on……


    • Doobster78 says:

      Spot on. Indeed quite a “rousing” speech from Mr Hunt. Excellent. But as you say, largely ignored by the BBC. Caught under 3 minutes of breakfast @ around 6.04am and there he was, the gurning little labour loving turd Chris Mason already making a negative slant on a answer to a question about Theresa May from a donor, where indeed there was no negative slant to be taken. Amazing how different it already feels to the coverage last week. Quite an eye opener.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      Thomas Sowell in ‘The Vision of The Anointed’ makes the point that the very nature of limited time and space in news makes it so hard to be balanced. I was rapt by the Kavanaugh hearing so I watched much live coverage plus umpteen tweets and news reports from different sides. All you get on the BBC is a brief overview then a comment from some ultra biased leftoid pal of theirs.

      Their model of everyone tuning in and being told what to think is dead to the younger generation. It was so exciting getting lives updates, watching the actual coverage unfold etc. Why wait until 6pm to get some brief news summary, which will leave out crucial details and be heavy on talking heads framing their desired narrative? It is akin to getting pure drugs from source or getting them from some dodgy dealer who has cut it with all sorts of nasty impurities – spin, PR, leftism etc.


  6. smoogie7 says:

    I will be watching closely this week to see if May gets the same special treatment that Corbyn got last week. I heard that she gave a harsh look to Marr as no doubt he was harder on her than he was to Corbyn.

    Talking of Corbyn I hear that he is lurking in the shadows trying to mobilise his troops to storm the Tory conference in order to claim victory. Amy trouble from that lot would be ignored by the BBC who instead would find ever newer weird and wonderful ways to make the Tories fail this week.

    An interesting week ahead…


  7. Guest Who says:

    They do science they do.

    Meanwhile, the BBC Sex Editorial team has hired an A380 to fly them to California to celebrate trans 10 year olds being propelled onto the boards of companies. Or something.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      If you read Dr Strumia’s full comment, he actually makes many good points.

      He’s not saying women aren’t welcome in Physics, nor is he saying they can’t be successful in it, all he is saying is that the vast majority of Physicists are men, because more men than women have an aptitude for it, and that is due to mother nature, not ‘bias’ or ‘prejudice’ on the part of Physicists (who’d doubtless love to share their cheerless working lives with oodles of hot, Physics mad totty).

      The same could be said (correctly) about my own field, Engineering, or you could reverse it and say there are more women: Teachers, Nursery Workers, Nurses and GPs, because those are all professions that generally appeal to more women than men.

      What he is objecting to are things like: quotas for women in Physics (resulting in being forced to take on substandard staff, rather than the most able – not a big issue when it comes to retail assistants, but rather more serious when it comes to operating multi billion Euro Hadron Coiiders), free degrees for girls studying STEM, but not boys, however able and gifted, and why aren’t men and women equally liable for conscription in forced labour gangs in the EU? (I have to admit the last one did seem a little OT, but why miss the chance for a good rant, while you’re very publicly committing Hari Kari, hey?)

      All fair and reasonable points… unless you’re insane.


  8. Gammon says:

    What is going on with the Torys allowing this 30% house price crash to continue – Phillip Hammond R4 this morning – Yes to house price crash in short term – 2 to 3 years but we look out to 15 years positively. Yes to tax rises to pay for NHS. Its like they are trying to lose or create so much fear that a super soft brexit will be a relief!

    As an aside that stupid Laura Konisberg should keep her opinion to herself and quoting secret sources – she makes it all up!!


    • tarien says:

      As I and no doubt like millions of other British people, STOP sending money overseas that we really cannot afford-we need it all here-these other countries will have to learn to stand on their feet as we have had to do for many many years. Laziness and corruption at the foot of most trouble in Africa particularly-I know as I have worked there.


  9. Roland Deschain says:

    I think I see how this is going to play out. Try to find some inconsistency in Kavanaugh’s testimony. After all, as a judge in the highest court in the land, a lie on oath would indeed be fatal.

    So watch them call anything they can find a “lie”. Even better if he really has tripped himself up. I note some have said he denied drinking as he would have been underage if he’d been drinking at the time concerned. I have no idea if that’s true. But if they get him on this, I predict that the sexual assault allegations will disappear like snow off a dyke. It would be job done and they wouldn’t be necessary any more.


    • Guest Who says:

      Her husband must be a living saint.

      And her groupies are beyond deranged if they cannot see the precedent the Dems, bbc and she have set.


      • Guest Who says:



        • Guest Who says:

          I concede it might be me, but I put the image url in as indicated and, well… #honestmistake


          • Fedup2 says:

            LEDS should be fun. Law enforcement data base link police computers . Add the NHS and inland revenue computer ( if already not done ) and instant police state.

            I was thinking about writing to tv licensing and removing the implied right access when they intend to visit next week .


      • Doobster78 says:

        I would love to have the time, money and inclination to hire a PI to delve right into the past of Kattys husband to find any tiny little misdemeanor from the age of 16 onwards !!! Even just finding a woman he looked at the wrong way. Then, report it to his bosses and when they take no action, just keep reporting it til he loses his job , see how she feels then …. her crusade against men is tiresome.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Flake allows you to see where the term RINO came from.

      Republican In Name Only.

      We could add PTDG, but it’s less straightforward.

      Playing The Democrats Game.


    • Banania says:

      The Democrat line now seems to be that, notwithstanding Kavanagh’s innocency (if his guilt cannot be proved), do we really want somebody in such a high position with this cloud over him, and who has responded intemperately to his accusers? Just as they can set aside the result of the election, they are preparing the ground for setting aside this appointment to the Supreme Court. Our “people’s vote” gang are behaving in exactly the same way.


  10. AsISeeIt says:

    So now we know
    I’ve no particular preference for Tommy Robinson; one could hardly claim he has the cultural insights of a Roger Scruton nor the psychological incisiveness of a Jordan Peterson, he certainly lacks the debating skills of a Douglas Murray. He has accumulated, however, some cultural and political significance – hence liberal journalism in the form of Sky News takes the trouble to step up and attempt to knock him down on behalf of the liberal press pack. And look carefully at the line of attack which they go for, the quote “I don’t care if I spread fear”. This line tells us much, much, more about mainstream liberal journalism than it does about the thoughts of TR. Because what their laser-like focus on this line explains for us is the source of what we notice and record hereabouts – the bias, the fake news, the lies by omission, the relativism, the bias of low expectation, the cover ups, the false equivalence – all culminating with the relentless celebration of enrichment even as the country goes to the dogs. The media are telling us loud and clear that this uneducated, dubious, rather short, apparently insignificant working-class guy would spread fear – ergo we the right-thinking media class would never do that. No matter if we have to take the news and bend and reshape and twist the statistics and obfuscate the facts. But oh no, we in the mainstream, our number one priority, the overriding word of commandment printed in oversize type and gilt-framed above our desks is not the word “truth” but the mantra “avoidance of fear”. In the eyes of the mainstream TR’s sin is to risk community cohesion. So now we know. What we hear in their news may not be true – but instead we can rest assured it is being shaped to avoid fear.


    • JimS says:

      You do realise that TR didn’t say “I” but “it” (in reference to a film) don’t you?

      Sky’s own transcript agrees with TR’s account, and, in Lindsay Shepherd fashion, TR had his own secret regarding to back that up!

      See “Gone to the Pub”


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Oh, unless folk cant be bothered to see the full version, the reply given in Sky’s edited version, was to a completely different question to the one voiced over in the inserted piece.
        Clever? Not so much when full facts are known. And yes, Jim has it exactly, they even changed the wording.
        Utter cretins.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          Not so much can’t be bothered. More a case of not being good for the career prospects to be found listening to that in the office at lunchtime.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Well AISI, if he doesnt have the debating skills of…Murray etc, why do you think the media hacks are afraid to debate him.
      There’s real fear, as you will witness in the full unedited version of Tommy’s interview.
      He ran rings around that ( cant be bothered to find out his name) sky wimp.
      I think you’ll find Tommy’s debating style resonates with the ordinary bloke.
      Currently the media are queueing up to decalre they dont want to interview him. The truth is they are shitting themselves.
      Tommy outwitted them with his full length recording.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      I agree AISI, I’m more of a Douglas Murray kind of person but the nature of TR means that he’s going to bulldoze through the snug dinner party chat and stop the debate from hiding behind intellectual sparring (not that I think that’s Murray’s game, but it’s easier for them to keep him at a safe distance).

      The Skybot looked ruffled, good work by TR. (And thanks for those other video links above.)


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        You are most welcome TM.
        The full version appears to have disappeared down a black hole somewhere


    • Banania says:

      You could have left out your initial virtue-signalling. We all know about Douglas Murray, Jordan Peterson, etc., and are perfectly able to fit them and Tommy Robinson into the picture. He is perfectly able to earn our respect by what he says and does. However, I entirely agree with what you go on to say.


  11. English Lass says:

    Brilliantly put AS. Far more succinct than I could have put it, but my feelings entirely. I also felt it was written in retribution, sarcastically questioning the audacity that he had been caught out. ‘How dare anyone question the media.


  12. MarkyMark says:

    The BBC are unwilling to say who they give YOUR money to … this should be reported by the BBC … oh.wait ….

    The information you have requested (How much has the BBC paid Tony Blair) is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.

    Freedom of Information request – RFI20181703

    Thank you for your request to the BBC of 7th September 2018, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

    “I see that Tony Blair is all over the BBC news again. Can you tell me: 1) How much Tony Blair is paid when appearing on a BBC TV show and BBC Radio Show? 2) How much Tony Blair has been paid overall by the BBC this year and in total?”

    The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.

    Part VI of Schedule 1 to FOIA provides that information held by the BBC and the other public service broadcasters is only covered by the Act if it is held for ‘purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”. The BBC is not required to supply information held for the purposes of creating the BBC’s output or information that supports and is closely associated with these creative activities.
    1 The limited application of the Act to public service broadcasters was to protect freedom of
    expression and the rights of the media under Article 10 European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”). The BBC, as a media organisation, is under a duty to impart information and ideas on all matters of public interest and the importance of this function has been recognised by the European Court of Human Rights. Maintaining our editorial independence is a crucial factor in enabling the media to fulfil this function.

    1 For more information about how the Act applies to the BBC please see the enclosure which follows this letter.

    Please note that this guidance is not intended to be a comprehensive legal interpretation of how the Act applies to the BBC.
    That said, the BBC makes a huge range of information available about our programmes and
    content on We also proactively publish information covered by the Act on our
    publication scheme and regularly handle requests for information under the Act.

    Appeal Rights
    The BBC does not offer an internal review when the information requested is not covered by the Act. If you disagree with our decision you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. Contact details are: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,
    SK9 5AF, tel: 0303 123 1113 or see

    Please note that should the Information Commissioner’s Office decide that the Act does cover
    this information, exemptions under the Act might then apply.

    Yours sincerely,

    Information Rights

    The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.


  13. StewGreen says:

    Trailer for a R4 prog by Gordon Brown
    The Bailout airs Saturday at 8pm
    Wonder if it comes from his Guardian article

    BTW now on R4 The Book of the Week is about Franklin’s failed 1845 mission to cross the Northwest Passage in HMS Erebus & HMS Terror…written/read by Michael Palin
    “was meant to traverse the last unnavigated section of the Northwest Passage.
    After a few early fatalities, the two ships became icebound in Victoria Strait, near King William Island” until found in 2014/2016


  14. MarkyMark says:

    Dear £3.5 billion BBC paid under threat of prosecution,

    I requested information on how much a person called MR.B was paid to appear on shows for a company XYZ, the company XYZ then sent it onto a freedom of information request (RFI20181703) who then replied that they could not respond to the request because it was ‘excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’’

    This is odd because on the website for XYZ they have this … “The XYZ wants to ensure that it is at the forefront of transparency. We are required by our Charter to observe high standards of openness and to seek to maximise transparency and accountability. We already undertake a lot in this area, including publishing information about senior staff salaries, expenses and corporate information about the running of the XYZ.”

    I think the BBC, with its £3.5billion setup, should investigate this company without prejudice and ensure that company XYZ can tell the customers, who pay their salaries under threat of prosecution, how much they pay individuals. Would you agree?

    p.s. XYZ = BBC and Mr.B = Tony Blair.

    Many Thanks,


  15. MarkyMark says:

    Reference CAS-5099091-CQGNFZ

    Thank you for contacting the BBC.

    I understand you feel BBC News presenters have failed to get clarity from representatives of the Labour Party who is being referred to in the slogan “For the Many not the Few”.

    Naturally we regret when any member of our audience is unhappy with any aspect of what we do. We always strive to be robust in our dealings with politicians and other figures of public interest. The interviewer’s role is to seek answers that will inform our audiences. Our journalists seek to hold politicians and other public figures to account by asking them pressing questions on a variety of topics. We appreciate you feel BBC interviewers should do more to clarify this meaning of the slogan used by the Labour Party.

    I have passed your comments to the BBC News teams via our audience feedback report to ensure your concerns are seen by the right people quickly.

    Thank you, once again, for contacting the BBC.

    Kind regards

    John Hamill

    BBC Complaints Team


  16. MarkyMark says:

    CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.

    CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.

    CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.

    CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.

    CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.

    CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.

    CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.

    CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …

    CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …

    CAS-5099091-CQGNFZ: Who are the Many? Who are the Few?Please find out!

    CAS-5086018-5SBJXS: Jon Sopel’s book selling using the BBC Brand

    CAS-4648073-VGS5J5 : Free Political Advert for Labour (Jerry Christmas)


  17. Rich says:

    I’ve noticed that some here have been recently highlighting that the standard of agenda-free documentary being shown on Channel 5 is much better than most of the twisted bullshit that the bBbc are producing. I think you’re right but I’m worried it might not last.

    I hope I’m wrong but I caught the Jeremy Vine Show this morning, someone who sums up all that is wrong with the bBbc in one parcel of shite, a man whose voice is only matched in levels of irritation by his face, and I think that it might be too late already.

    All-female panel, fake empathy, tabloid friendly, dumbed down content. It was bad under the odious Matthew Wright but Vine takes standards down a peg further because his self-importance, stupidity and lack of awareness know no bounds. It seems that the bBbc are not content with driving away their own viewers and helping to make Sky unwatchable, they now see Channel 5 as a credible rival and have decided to infect it by infiltration as well.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Would it be ok for the London Mayor to sit on a desk and wearing a Nazi helmet wearing a t-shirt saying Xi Jinping is a waster man? Would it? So why is this OK?



    • Old Goat says:

      You can almost feel the blustering indignation issuing from those portraits of previous mayors and other officers, hanging on the wall behind him (and probably on the other walls, too). By Gad, they’d have the bastard horsewhipped!


    • G.W.F. says:

      Looks as if he is preparing for a toilet squat, like other newcomers to civilisation



      • G says:

        Reminds me of a Portaloo on a construction site in Saudi. All muslim ex-pats from some islamic country or other. Eventually the site management brought in steam cleaners to clean out the loo. Even then, they failed and indeed, in the end decided to burn the Portaloo down as the only hygenic way forward. Despite the signs (as shown in your contribution) the users continued to, ‘sh1t from a great height’ and put up with the filth and flies surrounding them.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Marky- Important to recognize this for what it is: RACISM. It may be disguised carefully by an anti-Trump T shirt, but look at the more general context, and you will easily see the anti-white racism.
      So who is this oaf? Where did u see this pic.? We need to register this with the police as a hate crime. For starters, I find this offensive. And that’s allegedly all it takes, innit? Two can play that little game.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        The bad news is that this particular waste of space is His Honour Mr Magid Magid (so good they named him twice), a “British-Somali”, Green councillor and the Lord Mayor of Sheffield.

        You can see his utter contempt for all British standards of decency and decorum. The frightening thing is, there are millions like him.

        Can’t end well, can it?


    • Excartographer says:

      Isn’t the sombrero an example of cultural appropriation or doesn’t it count if you’re the mayor?


  19. fakenewswatcher says:

    We know what the loathsome beeb are. Their former DG, Dyke, referred contemptuously to his ‘hideously white’ environment, before he skipped over to the top post at the FA.
    This is why even some whites show themselves to be anti-white at heart (when that would seem to be a contradiction): they are usually part of a self-promoting elite.
    They like to virtue signal, like to put on display how they’re not ‘racist’. They like to keep most of the competition at bay by implying they’re possibly ‘racist’ instead, since this is supposedly the ultimate no-no. The Dykes of this world see themselves as the creme de la creme. They have nothing but contempt for us deplorables, the licence fee payers.
    This has led to the promotion of rampant ‘multiculturalism’ on the beeb. The agenda is basically anti-white. My little town is hideously white, and so NOT represented on the beeb. But they DO want be to pay their licence fee.
    Also, I have reason to believe that, a la Dyke, they want to change my town into something else it is not. And I should pay for that? I should pay THEM so that their Dykes can live it up, and – at the same time, destroy the future of my town, to get it to look like London? My town is like it is and always has been, and I like it that way. That doesn’t make me racist.Dyke & Co can get lost. They think they can threaten me into paying for my own elimination?

    They must be bloody mad.


  20. StewGreen says:

    Re : Why the UK has such cheap food : By Ratula Chakraborty & Paul Dobson : University of East Anglia (open comments !) called BBC News story
    New commenter @Forager has done a long detailed debunk of the piece and showed it to be BBC constructing NEWS narratives.

    See his post, 6 posts down this page Log of BBC Climate Bias
    “Shock news: BBC commissions puff piece from the University of East Anglia and posts it on the front page of its website”


  21. Terminal Moraine says:

    I make this the fourth day in a row this story about an in-house murder in an Egyptian Coptic monastery has appeared on the website homepage.

    They’ll be pushing this, as in typical fashion the BBC think a bit of dirty business by the home side ‘balances’ out any wider, unspoken atrocities. Equality for the win.

    The Copts regularly suffer bombings of churches and homes being set on fire; killings, abductions all commonplace. The Egyptian government mostly turns a blind eye to incidents, or worse — reconciliation agreements often mean forcing Copts from the areas they live in. It’s an ongoing, entrenched problem in a 90% Islamic country and there are plenty of incidents to bring to light e.g. here, here, and here.

    But search for reports on Copts, and from the whole of 2018 the only other BBC reference is via their ridiculous Pidgin site: Egypt: Copts dey teach football to Christians. Which somehow — despite purporting to be an article about Coptic Christians and football — still manages to lead with a photo of everyone’s favourite Muslim… Mo Salah.



    • TrueToo says:

      Terminal Moraine,

      Shameless indeed. I recall one particularly savage attack by Muslims on the Copts in their church which slaughtered dozens. The BBC all but ignored the savagery and only reluctantly and belatedly tiptoed around it days after it happened.

      May the BBC demise be hastened and may it be painful.


      • Oaknash says:

        I think the BBC view is that Christianity is the “wrong sort of religion” besides which it doesnt seem to play the victim game nearly as well as the religion of Peace.
        Always seems to be plenty of Muslim victims all over the world.
        So very strange that war seems to follow the religion of Peace wherever it goes. One could almost think that it foments trouble wherever it goes.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Most of the ‘endangered minority groups’ seem to be in the Middle East (Copts, Druze, Assyrians, Armenians, Alawites, Yazidi, Sufis, Dom, Syrian Christians, Maronites, Greek Orthodox, Baha, Samaritans etc….), and rarely a mention on the BBC of the persecution THEY face, unlike the ‘lovely’ Palestinians… Actually, without the protection of Israel and the US, many of these groups would have been completely wiped off the planet (rather than nearly completely hounded to oblivion).


        • TrueToo says:


          One could almost think that [the Religion of Peace] foments trouble wherever it goes.

          Whatever gave you that idea?!


  22. G.W.F. says:

    Laura Legs Koeningsberg predicts a bumpy time for Tories.

    BBC are dumping the losers.

    Quite honestly I will not object to BBC bias against Treacherous Treezer and her supporters. She has spent her entire term in office pandering to Islam, running Britain down, insulting the US President. And I hope that the planned anti Tory demonstrations by the people of Anti-fa, who she has compared favourably with the Normandy heroes, will divert attention from the Conference.
    Do the job BBC, ruin this traitor.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      GWF- While I agree with your sentiments about Treezer and the unconservative Conservatives, you do need to take care: the other side of Laura’s coin is that Labour are IT. The denigrating of Treezer is the elevation of Corbyn.
      Since the start of the C conference, the beeb theme has been:
      C have no values (unlike Jeremy, who has)
      C have no ideas (unlike Jeremy, who has)
      C have no strategy (unlike Jeremey, who has)
      Listened to Carolyn Quinn on R4 last night, and found that strategy to be very explicit:
      Chris somebody, former Treezer speechwriter, was happy to declare that Tories were so lacking in ideas, Labour would ‘wipe the floor with them’. So THAT’S probably who dreamed up the ‘nasty party’ soundbite;
      Justine Greening was happy to declare Tories had no ideas. Only HERS, ‘equality of access’ was one. She sounded like a red ‘Tory’. (If she’s greening, it’s going to take a long time, ha-ha.) And she wants a second referendum, ostensibly because there is an ‘impasse’. (There is one, carefully crafted by Treezer).
      I could go on, cos Quinn’s skillful at setting up a pro-Labour chat, ostensibly neutral.
      But this morning on Toady, it continued: the Tories have no ideas BECAUSE CORBYN HAS THEM. (eg Rachel Sylvester)

      So be careful: it’s Treezer out cos Corbyn is now ‘ready for government’. Why? Not because of ideas or values (other than socialism). Because he said so! This will be the beeb’s theme all week. Wanna bet?


      • Guest Who says:

        Corbyn has explicitly guaranteed his state megaphone safe funding in perpetuity. Not that this would conflict them in any interesting way.

        The only time they wavered and started actually ‘reporting’ was when he looked like taking them down with him.

        This appears to have passed.


  23. Guest Who says:

    Count the number of degrees of separation our peroxide Lois Lane has managed in this ‘report’:

    Does she actually leave home?


    • Doublethinker says:

      She and the rest of the media are just getting ready for when the FBI give the judge a clean bill of health. The left has to be able to blame someone whenever it doesn’t get what it wants, preferable the President.


    • Guest Who says:

      In this one, Katty has posted that there was no point her posting.


  24. Guest Who says:

    Saw this on a side link to another story posted here.

    “The Sunday night drama plugging the gap left by Bodyguard”

    Between viewers’ ears?


  25. Doobster78 says:

    Sky News still trying to make sure Kavanaugh isnt confirmed. Comments could be …………..

    As noted by a few comments, they have used a picture to suit their agenda and also, yet again, its ONE former classmate, the other 25 have no issues but as is they way with the world today, its the ONE voice from the far left that seems to win out every time


  26. Guest Who says:

    Last time comments could have gone better was when Lord Hall was allowed out in public.


    • vlad says:

      I suspect the Australian ABC is as biased as the US ABC and of course our very own, dearly be-hated beeb.

      Talking of msm bias in the US, here’s a little stat from Wikipedia, and I’m sure the same applies in UK:

      “Many critics of the media say liberal (or left wing) bias exists within a wide variety of media channels, especially within the mainstream media, including network news shows of CBS, ABC, and NBC, cable channels CNN, MSNBC and the former Current TV, as well as major newspapers, news-wires, and radio outlets, especially CBS News, Newsweek, and The New York Times.[50] These arguments intensified when it was revealed that the Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations from employees of these same organizations.[51] ”


  27. David R says:

    BBC Parliament have just put a Liberal Party film about the Orpingon by-election victory as a 3 minute insert into the CPConference live. No bias there then!


  28. Roland Deschain says:

    Not much doubt where the BBC sits on this one.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Roland – sorry – really – who are these people ? Which one is an MP?


      • Roland Deschain says:

        Donald Trump is the President of the USA. Kanye West is an uppity n*gger who has ideas above his station by supporting said President even though n*ggers not supposed to do that. Lana Del Rey thinks her opinion is important and so does the BBC.


    • Payne by name says:

      The BBC supporting diversity once again but not when it’s diversity of opinion.

      And surely this is a disgusting example of white-splaining?


  29. StewGreen says:

    Tonight’s TV
    BBC1 8:30pm-10pm Anti plastics special from Liz Bonin : Drowning in Plastic

    BBC4 10pm to 11:30pm Doco about landfill (repeat)

    PBS 7:50pm “Decoding the Weather Machine”.

    Climate change is arguably the defining challenge of our time,
    yet widespread misunderstanding and misinformation has hampered the ability of individuals – politicians and public alike – to understand and address the issue.
    NOVA cuts through the noise to help define the way forward.
    Why do scientists overwhelmingly agree that our climate is changing and that human activity is causing it?
    How and when will it affect us? Where is there uncertainty in the science and what does that mean?
    And what will it take to bend the curve of global warming toward more benign outcomes?
    Join scientists around the planet on a quest to better understand the workings of the weather and climate machine we call Earth, and discover how they are finding that we can be resilient – even thrive – in the face of enormous change.
    Part 1 of 2.

    First shown in the US in March : US blurb

    Disastrous hurricanes. Widespread droughts and wildfires. Withering heat. Extreme rainfall. It is hard not to conclude that something’s up with the weather, and many scientists agree. It’s the result of the weather machine itself—our climate—changing, becoming hotter and more erratic. In this two-hour documentary, NOVA will cut through the confusion around climate change. Why do scientists overwhelmingly agree that our climate is changing, and that human activity is causing it? How and when will it affect us through the weather we experience? And what will it take to bend the trajectory of planetary warming toward more benign outcomes?

    the transcript is available and features top US Climate nutter KATHARINE HAYHOE who thinks she won the Nobel Prize

    7:30pm BBC1 Yorks will feature item about Ford Eco-boost engines overheating and setting cars on fire
    Ford to refund ‘engine fail’ EcoBoost customers


    • Old Goat says:

      That Hayhoe woman is one bonkers lady.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      “Anti-plastics special”

      Ever get the feeling we’re all being led by the nose on this subject which spontaneously appeared all over the media overnight?


      • StewGreen says:

        Bottomline neither you or I are litter louts
        So 100% of the plastic we use goes in the correct litter processing route.
        What is economically possible to be recycled can be recycled
        And the rest can be burnt safely in a high temperature incinerator thus freeing us from building more intermittent energy machines like wind turbines.
        Almost zero % of the plastic we use is ending up harming animals.
        But when we throw away plastics in Asia it may well end up burnt at low temperature or in the ocean.


  30. Dave666 says:

    BBc news13:00 and the great climate change lie continues. Now so proven, apparently, there will be no dissenting voices to be heard on the BBc. The BBc giving you the full picture apart from when it doesn’t.


  31. Campaign To Abolish The BBC says:




    The link:

    Please also share the petition link with others elsewhere on social media and among family, friends, etc.

    Thank you!


  32. Terminal Moraine says:

    Hard to tell just from looking at the Guardian ‘Opinion’ page (not to be confused with the Guardian ‘News’ page) which way they lean on the current Senate hearing



    • Doublethinker says:

      Bottom left hand picture strongly suggests that the judge could smell something indescribably foul. But that isn’t a surprise with all those Democrats in the room.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      One thing seems clear — public displays of frustration are not welcomed.

      (Unless you’re a black woman on a tennis court, in which case a meltdown is just challenging the patriarchy and speaking truth to power).


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I must congratulate the agitprop commissars at the Guardian.

      Obviously, all the left wing media (BBC, Sky etc) deliberately select photos to show their leftist fellow travellers in the best light, whilst also selecting only the photos which show their right wing fascist enemies with contorted faces, snarling their racist hatred of all that is decent, good and politically correct.

      In this case, however, the Guardianistas have actually managed to frame Dr Blasey Ford with the beatific face of an angel, whilst the clock on the wall behind her gives her the appearance of having a halo. Double plus good comrades!

      There can be no doubt that Brett Kavanaugh is indeed a running dog of the fascists, and that he must be subject to revolutionary justice without further delay. A bullet to the head from Senator Dianne Feinstein is the least he deserves.

      The time is surely coming when we will be able to consign the hated Trump presidency to the memory hole. Hillary Clinton won in 2016. She will win again in 2020, and Chelsea Clinton will be elected in 2024 and 2028.

      All hail Madame President Clinton!


    • Guest Who says:

      On Facebook:

      BBC News

      “In denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and in downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, Brett has not told the truth.”

      About this website
      Classmate: Kavanaugh lied about drinking

      No link but comments enabled. Be interesting how it goes, as that is another degree of separation effort using quotes from folk the BBC like, that might make even Katty blush.


      • Scroblene says:

        Of course Guest!

        I often get as pissed as a fart, and collapse in an armchair in front of the fire!

        But never do I get a visit from the thought police, or the FBI!

        I reckon that the grauiniaide somethings should do an article on me… (preferably using a blunt pencil).


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      Sorry but I can’t take many more pictures of that mean old hag. Time for her to put on her pointy hat and exit via broomstick!


  33. Doublethinker says:

    Loonies in Great Missingden ( or some such place) have installed a statue of Ronald Dahl’s Matilda ‘starring down’ President Trump. What a stupid and ignorant idea. Apparently they had a vote to see which modern day person this character should give the eye to and 42% voted that it should be the President!
    What I find fascinating about this is firstly, that these idiots should vote for a figure who has little immediate impact on their lives . If they wanted a politician why not May or Corbyn ? Clearly they are influenced by the foul state broadcaster and newspapers like the Times and Guardian.
    Secondly I reckon that about 5% of the population of this country has benefitted from Globalisation , 10% at the outside, so the majority of those who despise the President are actually against the man who is fighting their corner for them but they are to thick to realise it!! They are just led like bleating sheep by the likes of the BBC and the rest of the Globalists. No doubt we will be getting a chorus from them of two legs good , four legs better , very soon.


  34. Payne by name says:

    Well said. This case just infuriates me. Women are meant to be equal to men, they want to be treated the same yet when being lightly and oh so gently questioned, Ford has to be treated with itty bitty kid gloves and asked at every opportunity ‘are you okay’, ‘can we get you anything’.

    Give me a goddam break.

    We are talking about an accusation of sexual assault, which has manifested into attempted rape and then into attempted murder.

    The woman can’t exactly place when it happened or where it happened and the people that she claims were involved all say that it didn’t happen.

    Furthermore, her claim that she cannot fly because she is still so traumatised by the event was literally shot down in flames – proof if nothing else that she is capable of lying and fabrication.

    Brett is being accused with the most heinous of crimes while the media pours over every facial expression and emotional outburst and labels it proof of guilt. I assume if he had being completely unmoved, he would have been labelled a cold, unfeeling robot not fit to pass judgement over matters relating to all of us caring, feeling warm blooded individuals.

    I know that Fox likes to report many things as being hugely important but this one really is. An accusation with no credible proof, an accuser who has clearly been trained in the Diana school of woe is me, victimhood girly speak and a media/democrat lynch mob desperate to get their pound of flesh.

    Who would want to serve the public, when you have seen the public act like that towards you?


    • Scroblene says:

      What pisses me off, is the fact that any red-blooded bloke in school just dreams of getting a girl’s bra off, even if he hasn’t a clue what to do next!

      And that girl is in the same boat as well, so what the hell does that say for some frustrated, raddled old bint now, dreaming of what might have been, only to find that she was as stupid as the bloke may have been!

      What a waste of time and money! Why can’t she go and get some kid to give her one and forget it all?

      Oh no, she’s a democrat…



  35. lojolondon says:

    A good article if you watched the BBC (and SKY) coverage and were wondering how come Kananagh dares to still show his face with all the ‘overwhelming’ weight of evidence that he is a drunken lout….


  36. StewGreen says:

    St Helens modern slavery madness.
    Vietnamese boy was arrested at cabis farm, he’s been on remand for 6 months , at trial judge says this is ridiculous since the maximum jail is 6 months and I can’t deport him cos that puts him in traffickers hands.
    #1 I hope the age has been verified.
    #2 He’s still Vietnam’s problem not ours.
    When UK kids commit crime they’d be dported back here.
    He doesn’t even speak English.
    It would even be OK if the UK authorities paid for a foster family in Vietnam, better for him and UK taxpayer.


  37. StewGreen says:

    Pub quiz : a blind journo is afaid of dogs so has to have a Guide Horse.
    #1 What’s his first name ?
    #2 What’s his employer ?
    make a guess before you look
    No comments allowed
    gets a kicking in the comments


  38. StewGreen says:

    Did we get a say in how a statue of Trump being berated should be put up in a public space ?
    ah temporary
    The temporary statues at Great Missenden, where Dahl lived for 36 years, are positioned in fields opposite the town’s library.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      And Trump won a far bigger poll of Americans as their choice to ‘size up to’ one Hillary Clinton – so there! You could say Trump, our hero, was her nemesis.

      Anyway, I’m no expert on children’s literature but I think I saw the movie and on the contrary to what the BBC claims wasn’t the evil scold Miss Trunchbowl a deadringer for Hillary? She was certainly somewhat headmistressy when she berated the deplorables.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I couldn’t put it better than this.


  39. StewGreen says:

    Television ignores vast swathes of the country
    libby purves
    Metropolitan TV people are obsessed with diversity, just not the sort that includes the old, the religious or the rural
    BBC gets a kicking in the comments


  40. Flexdream says:

    My niece is staying and mentioned in passing she’s knows no-one under 30 who watches TV and needs a licence – it’s all Amazon, Netflix etc. I’m well over 30 and I’ve not needed a licence for over 15 years.

    Great 🙂

    As the inevitable consequence appears I know the BBC will squeal about how unfair this all is, and push for direct tax funding to fill the gap. Too late! It can go the way of the man with the red flag, the phone box and the video rental shop.


    • Guest Who says:

      My kids have not watched TV in years. Annoyingly, now in digs, it seems the deal is that all utilities are covered by the landlord, including the TVL.

      Quite the racket as most students are paying for something indirectly that they do not use.


  41. Ed Hitter says:

    Oh for pity’s sake, the BBC has decided that one of the biggest news stories in the world today is about a scientist in Italy being suspended for making remarks about women in physics.
    This item is so serious and important that it is on the BBC home page and on its news channel.
    This is the kind of froth that years ago might have made a paragraph in a newspaper – in Italy.
    A real minnow of a news item – but the BBC thinks this is what Joe Bloke of Barnsley is talking about.
    They are so out of touch. This is not journalism, it is piecing together snippets to fit a precise agenda of liberal indignation.
    Meanwhile, in towns across our country there are gangs who really do put women in their place – misogynistic rapists and slave drivers – and yet the BBC never quite gets round to shining a light into that dark place.
    But somebody somewhere said something that upset someone else, and this is your news……pathetic!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Come on Ed – lighten up – CERN does its first ‘get girls into physics ‘ seminar and the fella shows up and sez all the best physics bods are men – and girls can’t think hard – high comedy – hope it’s on Your Tube .

      Al beeb is bound to make such nonsense number one with some serious faced girly news presenter on £150k trying to make it sound important …

      9 days until I’m due for a visit from the TV licensing bod. Shame I’m not on the same continent .


  42. Sluff says:

    Fake news, BBC style.
    On the 6 pm news, a live report from Hayling Island.
    A load of plastic pieces have turned up.
    Presumably totally unconnected with a Panorama later tonight on plastic waste !!!!!!


  43. Scroblene says:

    It’s now a year since I watched the bbbc ‘news’ – and every other programme!

    Blood pressure near normal, plenty of chats with Senora O’Blene at the drinks time (lunchtime and 6:00pm) and a game with the dog as well!

    Gardening is such a pleasure without wondering what lefties are up to and everywhere I go, I can talk to real people, not zombies or wasters!

    Gone yet bbbc?


  44. Sluff says:

    Five people died on the roads today.
    Just as they do every day of the year.
    So why is the BBC absolutely salivating over the dead girl who ate the sandwich at Pret a Manger?
    Is this the ‘nasty profiteering private business ‘ narrative in a different form, you know, versus the cuddly caring public sector?
    Well, except for Shrewsbury NHS maternity care, among many other examples.


    • vlad says:

      Because the beeb /msm have turned the Pret story it into a ’cause’, a ‘campaign’. And most beeboid journos are after a lefty cause to justify their meaningless existence; simply reporting the news isn’t glamorous enough.


  45. lojolondon says:

    US Prosecutor trashes Dr Ford story – saying that her confused, contradictory and mistake-ridden testimony made her case even weaker : “In the legal context, here is my bottom line,” she writes. “A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that. I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence.”

    So – ask yourself – because the Biased BBC has only ever shown how Kavanagh is guilty, how are they going to spin this obvious outcome? Sexism? Old boys club sticking together? Or the Russians dunnit?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Have another vote ! They didn’t understand what they were investigating or were too thick and besides a bit has changed in 36 years …. sorry which thread is this ? Or all of them ?


  46. David R says:

    Not bias – BUT should the bBBBC be doing this. “Palu, Idonesia, four days ago. A lack of heavy lifting equipment is hampering rescuers’ attempts to reach people who remain alive in the ruins of collapsed buildings” say the BBC but they have a report on tonight’s News at Six “LIve from Palu” with a reporter and a canera man (and a sound man? And how many others?) reporting live that there is “No electricity or water” (except for the camera sound and lights) and that “people came to our car begging for water” and it took 21 hours to drive here”.
    Can’t the BBC offer any better help than sending a crew to a remote disaster area?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Being out of Blighty at the moment – caught the NY times – which make The Guardian look like right wing porn . Some F wit who was once an ambassador wrote a front page column asking how all the countries becoming Nazi – including America – could be stopped . We didn’t get a mention but Poland and Hungary and Italy did .

      This character couldn’t get it that he and his type are the extremist – I won’t through the ‘ Nazi ‘ term around because it’s far too serious than for the NY times to carry – no wonder circulation is falling.

      Obviously the overall issue is being over whelmed with alien non judeochristian foreigners .

      I checked the author out – guess what – appointed by a failed Muslim president- Obama .


    • vlad says:

      Yes: they could sell Broadcasting House, MediaCity and all their other obscenely expensive properties; sack 99% of their useless lefty journalists, their bloated managers, their Marxist so-called comics, and with the proceeds end world hunger.
      Better still, close down the whole stinking operation.


  47. smoogie7 says:

    Someone at the BBC might be in a bit of trouble…

    “Moscow-loving, Hamas-hugging, high-taxing, moderate-bashing, job-destroying, national anthem-avoiding, Nato-hating, class war-provoking one-man museum of economic folly.”

    Rare for the BBC to be so balanced these days and actually one of the highlights so far!


    • TrueToo says:


      I thought you were joking until I clicked on your link. Gove really did say all that about Corbyn and nobody at the BBC edited it out.

      Seems that someone at the BBC is going to be looking for another job.


  48. Dover Sentry says:

    Anybody else here seen BBC Panorama last week and it’s take on Brexit?

    For once they detailed the advantages of leaving the EU and towards the end had a few positive words about the USA and how much of their recent economic success was owed to Trump.

    They managed at the end to mention how much safer the world had become since Trump’s engagements with Russia and North Korea. There was also some criticism of Obama.

    Not really….it was just a crazy dream 🙂


    • JimS says:

      No, it wasn’t a dream, it was a ‘recovered memory’ so must be true!


    • smoogie7 says:

      I thought I had a similar dream once. They said that the tough austerity measures brought by the country where paying off well and then I woke up…


  49. Fedup2 says:

    Al beeb world news has some unknown new beeboid acting like a child in relation to President Trump , his attitude to the American media and the Supreme Court circus , . It ain’t just alleged boys being boys 36 years ago – now he apparently drunk too much booze when he was twenty .

    As a result of these allegations I have excused myself from being nominated for the US Supreme Court because when I was 20 – some 38 years ago I got mullered on 3 pints of lager .
    I may also have tried to chat up a lady but failed through alcohol abusing me . I am happy for the FBI to investigate this matter .

    Question ; how did the world go so mad ?


    • Dover Sentry says:

      The BBC/Left do not approve of white male heterosexuals such as Trump seeking high office.

      And why does the BBC/Left approve and support Islam? My theory is that the BBC see their ‘far right’ enemy as being the enemy of Islam.

      Therefore, their enemy’s enemy is their friend!


      • EmptyingDadsShed says:

        The left has a history of killing millions of people, perhaps the lefties subconsciously know that when they gain power that will be able to round up the problematic Muslims, as they did in the past with their other political/religious foes


  50. Guest Who says:

    How do I put this? Comments could….