The Far Left BBC will throw its full bias at the red Tory Conference this week- desperate to get a non PC sound bite or snoozing grandee . We ll have plenty to report . If the BBC s false coverage of the UK isn’t enough we will witness the anti Trump bias in full flow as the Supreme Court nomination circus continues…
Start the Week Thread 1 October 2018
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Good one RT is carrying a good one about the polytechnic / uni of Brighton carrying a sex workers guide in the freshers exhibition – obviously a potential career for those with 2:2s in meedja studies.
That’s got to be a wimmin s ‘ hour special.
Sex workers? Damn sight more useful than meedja studies grads, or most ‘arts’ degrees. They do an honest night’s work and give pleasure to their customers, which is more than can be said of the beeb.
(And you’re not forced to pay them if you don’t want their services.)
Sex workers. Do they exist? I lived for 15 years in Manchester’s red light district in Whalley Range, saw them sitting on the walls near the park each day. Used to chat with them. They sold drugs, fenced stolen goods, participated in muggings of would be clients, but never to my knowledge engaged in sex – far too risky.
Fedup, I saw the article, and some photos… Wimmin’s Hour, I don’t think so, LGBT hour more like, the (potential) sex workers they wanted to talk to weren’t girls… it is Brighton we’re talking about.
Ah big – I left the gender issue open in my comment since sex working is ( presumably ) an equal opportunity career .
Personally I believe in freedom of choice should any one seek such a career as long as they pay their taxes .
They’re saying now that the stand was set up to educate potential ‘sex workers’ on sexual health, in a ‘fun way’… which is laudable, I guess.
Still, if it was my 18 year old son, just left home for the first time and being confronted with that during Freshers week it would make me squirm too… I know you can’t protect them from reality for ever, and we live in a screwed up ‘reality’ right now, don’t we?
Especially at Unis and on the BBC it seems.
No doubt. But they are not meant to be, are they?
I’m sure I speak for most here when I say I’m not dumping my plastic in the sea. I put mine in the recycle box like a good citizen. So I’m not exactly sure how “reducing my plastic footprint” is going to help.
Unless of course the council is “recycling” the plastic I dutifully put in the box by sending it abroad where questions won’t be asked.
I think it used to go to China, where the rivers were better strained, but they got fed up and stopped.
So yes, it probably does get to other countries out there with their own version of tipping on the fly.
The % finding its way back to upset junior bbc producers learning to surf in Cornwall is therefore minimal.
We have a new chapter of bonkers bored middle class housewives round here posting bloody meat trays and dumping packs on supermarket conveyors. They seem scary. Some blonde, fat, tattooed, bespectacled and prone to jabbing fingers. All with Diesel Volkswagen SuVs.
So I will likely resist pointing out the health-saving and waste-prevention benefits packaging is designed to serve.
Or that businesses tend not to add cost unnecessarily.
I’m sure I speak for most here when I say I’m not dumping my plastic in the sea. I put mine in the recycle box like a good citizen. So I’m not exactly sure how “reducing my plastic footprint” is going to help.
Unless of course the council is “recycling” the plastic I dutifully put in the box by sending it abroad where questions won’t be asked.
Gaaaaah! The dreaded duplicate comment bug!
“I dutifully put in the box by sending it abroad where questions won’t be asked.”
That’s exactly what happens.
Does any other country bother?
You must be wrong. The BBC would have mentioned that.
Of course they would……………….
Wouldn’t they ?
The stupendous marketing of bottled water to be carried around by most of the word’s population can carry some of the blame for plastic dumping. And of course manufacturers who give us their produce in ready wrapped.
As someone who has never drunk ‘water / coffee on the go’ and has always had milk delivered in glass bottles, I object and am deeply offended to be told off by those who probably still do, and get all pious and tearful at the damage plastic is causing.
Something the BBC would not mention .Israeli start-up Woosh installs and maintains Drinking Water Vending Machines in major cities. Woosh cleanses recycled plastic bottles and fills them with purified water.
Quality. He deserves to be on the bbc more. Impartially, of course.
Wasn’t Mitch Benn the right on prick who was “let go” by the Now Show to make way for more diversity?
Good to see he hasn’t lost his sense of humour.
You can’t lose what you never had.
“It’s time for EU to get serious on Brexit, says Dominic Raab”
Who is he kidding ?
Parliament is a stage full of Liberal actors. Most pretending to be Conservatives.
We should have got out of the EU over two years ago.
How commonly do drinkers suffer blackouts?
Thankfully, Auntie has provided some brainwashing to show us that Brett Kavanaugh probably suffered a blackout as a result of alcohol consumption, so he is guilty as sin. Trouble is, their description could just as easily apply to Dr Ford, and therefore explain the holes in her story.
BBC ideology prevents them from seeing that Ford is possibly out of her depth being used and abused by hypocritical Democrats
Classic bbc. Purely coincidental ‘fact-checking’ on topics that suit their version of the narrative.
Of course, sometimes they get nailed, if the corrections do only kick in too little, too late.
Note how the bbc initially, and by default, ‘doesn’t see’ a problem with the plain fact that its ‘reporting’ is a bare-faced, totally-misleading lie.
Meanwhile, in complement…
GW, Extract from a comment on the BBC Watch article.
“eradicate the British Biased Corporation’s news team all together from British society, where they do more damage than good”
If Kavanaugh had blacked out due to alcohol, it is very, very unlikely that he would be in a fit state to push her into a room and attempt to attack her. It should have been easy for her to escape if she had wanted to.
When I was young I often used to drink a lot, too much. But despite however drunk I sometimes got, I never blacked out. Unfortunately I was always able to remember everything the morning after! I know that if I had ever tried to commit an assault on a woman when I was drunk that, despite me being tall, any woman would have been able to get away from me easily.
Her story does not add up. I thought at first that someone might have assaulted her. I now wonder if she was ever actually assaulted at all and that this is all a choreographed sham, planned with “Democrat” Party requirements in mind.
Maybe she used to fantasize about being assaulted when she was young and in her therapy sessions it was her fantasy memory that was triggered not a real memory.
If, however, she is telling the truth and Kavanaugh as a 17 year old did try to grope her, her acting performances and “Democrat” Party convenient timings make it look as though he is innocent. This would do women who have been genuinely attacked a grave dis-service, as they will be less likely to come forward because there will now be a great deal of scepticism on future claims. This last sentence is even more valid if Kavanaugh is innocent.
Not sure if others have mentioned this so apologies but YouTube has a few body language commentaries pointing out Fords inconsistent behaviour. Body Language Ghost is the best site.
I’ve seen some of them. Very illuminating although clearly analysed by someone from our side of thinking.
Helpfully, Al Beeb have pointed out the difference between a blackout (Amnesia) and passing out (Sleep/unconsciousness)
“”Juncker: British planes may be stopped from landing in EU if Brexit talks fail””
“”The European Commission president also says pets could be subject to a four-day quarantine coming into – and leaving – the EU.””
“There never was a real referendum campaign in Britain in the sense of an information campaign.””
I got a leaflet.
No mention of this. Or by the queue of Remainers passing through broadcast studios.
That should do wonders for the Spanish tourist trade.
Also overflights to/from the USA.
All EU planes should then be banned from coming into Britain, all EU boats and ships should be banned from docking in Britain or travelling through British territorial waters. All EU fishermen to be arrested if they dare to cross into British waters. Resisting arrest could lead to tragic repercussions.
All EU owned businesses in this country will be nationalised with no reparations. They could then be sold to the British public.
Junker, two can play at that game.
I’d take it one step further and threaten to shoot down all EU aircraft if they entered British airspace.
DS You are too soft.
Identify all planes which might have EU personnel aboard and blow them out of the sky.
I listened to Treezers live interview on our far left Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC, just after the 0800 news. Treezers lies in response to questions were, disjointed and incoherent.
G- we have got used to the same old phrases, mostly not answering the questions at all, but designed to ensure her own survival. An interview with her is actually pointless for that reason, you learn nothing new, and may as well be speaking to a lamppost.
‘Disjointed and incoherent’ is because the phrases don’t match the questions. She thinks she’s got her message over, however.
One compliment: I think this time she managed to avoid saying ‘I’m getting on with the job…’
But, she’s no leader.
I have some ancient Chinese proverbs that both advise and describe Treezer perfectly.
On Brexit means Brexit: “One who is as disappointing as an empty dumpling.”
On being a remainer managing Brexit: “Do not have each foot on a different boat”
On making brave statements and never delivering: “Do not be outwardly a fierce bull but inwardly as timid as a mouse”
On hanging on to power: “The foolish will confuse power with greatness.”
The situation for the citizens of Calais –
Further evidence, (if that’s what is needed) that when the savages invading the EU reach a critical mass how the law and everything else, ‘normal’ utterly breaks down. Certain facts reported by this citizen show the similarites to parts of the UK.
The French government has totally failed the citizens of Calais. Slick boy Macron (who somehow reminds me of Bill Clinton) should step back and hand over to someone who can do the job of ensuring citizens’ safety. Of course he won’t.
French government is not the only one to fail in this regard.
Armed soldier guarding the take away shop and ice cream bar at the port of Quisterham, near Caen. Why? Lots and lots of enrichers in the area, breaking into lorries, cars, etc and somehow managing to find a way to benefit land. Thank you Treezer Merkle and Macron.
Not just Calais. Enough is enough as our arch traitoress would say
Calais today, London tomorrow, the West the day after.
My word, she’s good!
2018-10-02 BBC News, leading story.
Headline “Low-skill migration to fall, May vows”
Article headline. “Low-skill migration to fall after Brexit, promises May”
No comments allowed.
Just as well, otherwise there would be 17,410,742 comments noting that promises, or vows, from May are worthless.
Vote UKIP.
You can add to that the statement that we will not be “locked in” a customs union. Not that I don’t trust politicians but does that not allow “temporary” membership for. say, 10 years until all us old leavers have died and they can hold another referendum?
Somehow I don’t think the EU in its present aspirational form will exist in 10 years. We are witnessing the slow motion dissolution as the people of Europe are simultaneously understanding the Globalist’s experiment via EU ‘governance’ and what a failure it has been. Their focus on mass immigration will be the death of the EU.
Now we are witnessing the Globalists devotees, Merkel, Treezer, Macron and others sticking rigidly and doggedly to the UN/Globalist/Soros migration policy whereas others in the EU elite are vocally beginning to do as all other reptilian politicians do, slither toward changing sides.
explain to me again why we need a deal?
Flaky students ban clapping and replace it with jazz hands .
But isn’t that racist?
2018-10-01 BBC News Europe.
A senior scientist who said physics “was invented and built by men” has been suspended with immediate effect from working with the European nuclear research centre Cern.
Prof Alessandro Strumia, of Pisa University, made the comments during a presentation organised by the group
He told his audience of young, predominantly female physicists that his results “proved” that “physics is not sexist against women. However the truth does not matter, because it is part of a political battle coming from outside”.
He produced a series of graphs which, he claimed, showed that women were hired over men whose research was cited more by other scientists in their publications, which is an indication of higher quality.
Just as well for the professor he did not use the term white.
The BBC provides quotes from two female scientists stating how bad the bias is.
The BBC provides no quotes whatsoever on whether the claims of, unofficial affirmative action, as I shall call it, are true.
Of interest is the case of a mathematics paper removed from a journal after acceptance and approval by referees. It was mentioned in the below quoted comment in the so called free speech supporting Spiked and censored. Some feminist objectors to science are OK with the comrades at Spiked.
16 days ago
Very scary account here of a mathematician whose paper was disappeared from a journal after it was accepted, because it might offend women scientists. This story strikes at the very heart of science and objectivity, and freedom to pursue mathematics.
Apologies to Spiked if this account of censorship offends your readers.
“This story strikes at the very heart of science and objectivity, and freedom to pursue mathematics.”
Well, they’ve got to the law already so why should science escape?
Remember that islam asserts that the Sun rises only at allah’s command and, if he so wishes it, it can rise in the West. Why should we not all warm to this way of thinking in preparatiion for the day isalm takes over?
J Vine has 2 female guests
Psychologist Susan Blackmore was one daring to say un PC things
“Well looking at sex …not gender
by sex I mean what you are born with
Males and females have evolved different
eg if you look at the IQ distribution, females are more to the centre whilst men vastly outnumber them at the top and bottom end”
This of course means you can have plenty of female scientists
but when you look at geniuses you will almost always get more males than females.
\\ Most of the people who are commenting have not read any of the detail presented.
The key point is that on average, men and women choose to do different things.
If we try to arbitrarily make those outcomes statistically more “equal”, it does lead to discrimination against men. //
Stew. As a matter of fact, this mirrors my experience of all walks of life from cookery and driving through running a business to the sciences. Men cover the complete spectrum, from knuckle-dragging dullard to genius. Whereas, as you say, women tend to populate the moderate and sensible centre ground.
“A senior scientist who said physics “was invented and built by men” has been suspended with immediate effect from working with the European nuclear research centre Cern.”
The BBC has rather changed its tone on men in physics. It’s not that long ago that one of their stories about CERN was on the “Hardon Collider”.
2018-10-01 Breitbart London
Controlling EU Migration After Brexit Could Be Too Hard, Says Whitehall
Civil servants have told ministers that attempts to respect the referendum result and reform the UK immigration system after Brexit could cause a “Windrush-style” crisis.
Austria to Close Several Federal Asylum Centres, Citing Lack of demand
Policies to discourage and drive down illegal immigration created by Austria’s conservative-populist coalition government are proving so successful the government is reportedly to close seven asylum centres across the country.
So results are due to intention.
Austrians getting the results they want.
The UK is getting the results our enemies want.
Sack the effing lot, stop the pensions.
Not, to my knowledge, on the BBC.
The muslim home secretary is apparently going to present his plans to curb immigration after march next year. But he seems to be only talking about EU immigrants.
He’s also voiced concerns about the paklanders who have been raping our children. Now if he was serious about reducing the number of immigrants who come to our country, contribute nothing and engage in violence, rape torture and murder, wouldn’t a good starting point be to stop paklanders and other dangerous muslims, such as banglas and somalis from coming here? And here’s the truth, he could do that now because it has nothing to do with the EU.
But instead he uses his position to persecute anyone who dares to speak out against these muslim atrocities or is critical of islam. And yet people keep voting for these traitors.
Breaking news..
I had to do a double take as the headline screams:-
‘Civil partnerships: Law to be changed for mixed-sex couples’
Who are these strange beings, ‘mixed-sex couples’?
Gender bending Unicorns or fairies? Then I came to the awful realisation that Al beeb were referring to the lesser spotted couple, consisting of a Man and a Woman.
The picture they use to illustrate the story is of a happy couple who are of a mixed …
I will get my coat!
I suppose the c of e will allow civil partnerships to take place in their churches – I wonder what they’d call these ceremonies ?
The pictures would be far nicer for the family album …
European Research Group fringe meeting
and the DUP torpedo it
Go Arlene!
It just had to happen…. yes, our Home Secretary couldn’t resist first mentioning how his Dad arrived from Pakistan in the 60’s etc etc etc, yawn, and how he is proud of this country that he has the opportunity of being the first Muslim H.S. clap clap clap. Then he just HAD to mention his brother being a senior office in the Met, clap clap clap. This was followed by how great it was that Dianne Abbot was the first black woman to be made an MP and how we should be proud of her clap clap clap. Or should that be crap crap crap.
jeez Abbot surely black people are ashamed of that illiterate fookwit
The latter.
From the “You Couldn’t Make it Up” line …
“A university has voted to ban clapping … to avoid triggering anxiety and improve inclusion.
At its first union meeting of the year, it was argued that the traditional loud noise should be replaced by the more inclusive form of expression – British Sign Language (BSL) clapping.”
Click to access diversity-in-TV-2018-report.PDF
The report reveals that white people and heterosexuals underrepresented in TV but Offcom wants to see more Diversity.
“the audit found 4 percent of people working in the TV industry identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) compared to 2 percent of the general population, while 49 percent of employees said they were heterosexual compared to 93 percent of the general population.”
“White people were revealed to be underrepresented in the data, which showed they comprise 71 per cent of the UK-based TV industry compared to 88 per cent of the wider labour market — however, this was not considered a problem by Ofcom, which praised efforts by all five of the main broadcasters focused on “improving representation of employees from minority ethnic backgrounds”.
Now we know why every advert has to have a mixed race couple.
AMW’s take on TR’s Sky interview.
Journalists are stupid.
AMW is being too kind. I dont think journalists such as Sky,s Jason Greaseball are stupid at all.
They know exactly what they are doing. They know that the Government, establishment and media have decided that for whatever reason Islam is to be protected at all costs, and have reasoned (quite rightly) that their career development depends on enthusiastically parroting the same wearisome pro Islamic platitudes rather than focusing on the actual truth.
They are nothing more than ambitious Quislings, more than willing to try and sell to us any half baked politically correct bullshit even if in the long term it results in the destruction of all that we hold dear.
As Tommy said to Jason when he was released from prison “Why should I speak to you – all you do is lie”
The fact that they found it necessary to re-edit the interview shows that they are more than aware of what they are doing.
These people really are the scum of the earth.
Years ago people like this lowlife would have been arrested for treason and probably given just deserts in the Tower of London or the Tyburn. These days they win awards instead – How times change.
Civil partnerships: Law to change for mixed-sex couples
Typical, the BBC use a mixed RACE photo to illustrate a mixed SEX couple.
They have done it twice, once in the article linked above and a different mixed race photo on the news homepage
SKY new showing how the leftist media will stop at NOTHING to make sure the target for their hatred suffers. This is now becoming quite unreal and just how a so called news organisation the size of SKY can actually tweet this is beyond me. I actually want to re-set the world and start again …madness
Right that’s it. Hang him.
We really need to set the bar of youthful misdeeds no higher than running through a farmer’s wheatfield without permission.
That way we’ll ensure only those who excel in serving the public ever get appointed to high office.
If the commies in the USA win this battle and prevent Mr Kavanaugh from becoming a supreme court justice, it will be a very dark day for the rule of law as opposed to the rule of hate filled collectivists and the mentally unstable.
In addition, every boy from the age of puberty will have to be very careful about what he does, says and where he goes to for entertainment and with whom he associates, particularly women. He had better not get drunk, chat up girls, do stupid stuff that young men do when they’re together. In fact they should all become hermits and remain celibate for their whole life.
The Tommy Robinson persecution, the President Trump persecution, the Brett Kavanaugh persecution, these are all manifestations of the existential war that has been declared on men, especially heterosexual men and if it isn’t won by normal, heterosexual men reasserting themselves then the destruction of Western civilization is almost certainly assured.
“In addition, every boy from the age of puberty will have to be very careful about what he does…”
Why? He will be ‘hanged’ anyway so he might just as well go for the ‘sheep’ rather than the non-existent ‘lamb’. Come his trial he can always try blaming his mother, sister, female primary teacher, female secondary teacher, female headmistress, female TV life-style pundits, etc. When he has been told from the time he can crawl that he is useless what else can a boy do?
Strange the beeb continually criticise Boris Johnson but when he arrives at the venue Jo Coburn nearly wets herself with excitement and Sky are just as quivery.
Just had another historic report of a “Tory lost” by-election on BBC parliament slipped in to the Conservative Conference live program.
How do I put this… comments could…
BBC News
“We have to be realistic that some students will experiment with drugs.”
About this website
Should students be told how to take drugs safely?
Danny Boyle has been spotted directing a Blue Peter special. Using the entire W1A staff as leads.
Stand by….
In addition to the comments, the imagery in complement is all your could wish for from the Bonkers Beauty Collective.
If only it could fly the BBC would be relevant and truthful.
I saw some ‘ethnic’ shopping bags hanging outside a restaurant today. I thought they were just part of the ‘theme’ but then I saw they were priced at £45. I did wonder who would buy them, women I thought, strange creatures! In my pocket I had my cotton ‘Safeway’ bag that must have cost, oh 50p or so.
No-body forces them to buy this stuff. I dare say a fair few are doing it with their husband’s money anyway!
Sometimes the BBC are their own worst enemies, through sheer ineptitude and bias.
Watched the programme about plastic in the sea. Now personally i think it is a genuine problem which needs a decent airing. But the programme……….
Naturally the programme is used as a round the world jolly, so we start in Lord Howe Island, off the coast of Queensland. Nice if you can get it. We are treated to many examples of the presenter (female, non-white needless to say) emoting and looking shocked and forlorn at the contents of sheerwater birds’ stomachs. Ok, we got it from the start, you don’t need to keep on with the emoting. Then its off to Indonesia to see a river of plastic floating on, well, a river. The problem (which I’ve seen in India for myself) is totally inadequate, often non-existent, refuse collection, due to local and national (usually emerging economies) government failings. But that is swiftly brushed aside and we are told the problem is down to those nasty private sector global brands selling products in sachets. Weird thing was, in all the coverage of plastic floating on water or submerged beneath it, there were no sachets to be seen.
So the programme is human interest driven, full of presenter emoting, and with the usual private sector targets. What could have been useful is rendered useless with questionable credibility by the BBC’s insatiable bias and dreadful lefty agenda and editorialising.
Sheffield has a honourary mayor
…and now has an honourary poet laureate
Looks like he’s escaped from Disneyland.
I don’t think he will be a match for Hughes, Larkin or Betjeman somehow, but Benjamin Zephaniah might be worried.
Is that a hat on his head or some sort of alien cushion ?
his cat maybe? – does he know its there?
O – It’s a brain cell warmer, for lonely brain cells.
“……globalists are patriots who have a worldview that is not limited to the political boundaries of one state.”
“By refusing for the United States to play its proper role as an integral part of the change coalition, he [Trump] is not even doing his own country any favor. His stubborn refusal to deal with real and present challenges only increases the pressure on future U.S. governments to take the necessary actions.”
This is how the ‘Globalists’ / UN / Soros see themselves: beneficent liberators of the Worlds population (except China, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Middle Eastern countries et al) of course.
Just think what would become of the downfall of the US after another Saint Obama/Hilary administration? It was running downhill rapidly under Globalist control. Trump has pulled it back from the brink, hopefully. The Socialist, ‘bringing it down to everyone else’s level before merging was well underway before Trump. That’s halted.
Globalism: Sick.
Housing crisis and Christmas food in the spotlight among new BBC commissions
Flog It is dropped
A new raft of daytime programmes will air this winter on BBC One.
As part of the broadcaster’s “next generation” of factual programming for the winter season.
– new art-commissioning series hosted by Nick Knowles, and a show about budding entrepreneurs trying to launch their inventions.
– Britain’s Housing Scandal will shine a light on the 200,000 domestic properties that are said to remain empty despite an estimated 140 families becoming homeless every day, according to Shelter
(That’s same as the Channel 4 series 4 years ago !)
Matt Allwright will expose the nation-wide crisis across the five-part series, while trying to pair empty houses with people in need.
– chef Paul Ainsworth and home cook Catherine Fulvio will pair up to present Best Christmas Food Ever.
inspired by a different celebrity guest appearing in each episode.
– trade renovations for the real world trend of commissioning artwork in Home Is Where The Art Is.
3 local artists battle it out in each episode to create bespoke pieces for mystery buyers, who they get a brief taste of by snooping around their homes.
– The Customer Is Always Right will see each episode focus on three entrepreneurs, all in their first year of starting, who are trying to launch their inventions, ranging from pet accessories to home and garden tools.
– The Best House In Town, which will look at homeowners across the country who go the extra mile to make their houses stand out from the crowd.
– new factual series Defenders UK, which follows the work of enforcement agencies across the country who crack down on crooks and conmen, including fly-tippers and unlicensed taxi drivers.
Dan McGolpin, controller of BBC programming and daytime said: “We’re creating a new generation of daytime television programmes for BBC One.
“They are modern, accessible and relevant to viewers all around the UK.”
“We’re creating a new generation of daytime television programmes for BBC One. They are modern, accessible and relevant to viewers all around the UK.”
They’ve thrown a handful of ‘hundreds and thousands’ onto piles of dogs**t and are promoting them as ‘chocolate cookies.’
Why can’t they have bbc 5 just for white people who want to get out of Blighty or property speculator charging obscene rents to poor people …?
I think I’ll be watching paint dry instead.
Well worth an hour and a quarter of anyone’s time…
Court news : nutter called Crossley was trying to push people onto track
a passing ethnic Muslim saved a 91year old guy from certain death
Going to be a bit awks at the Xmas alumni meet, plus one of the weekly ‘Our turn to give you an award’ shindigs…
Seems bawling statements from the cheap seats is considered a bit off. And the BBC is unique in that they cannot be blown off by the state no matter what.
Jon Snow is beside himself. And looking a bit shorter and browner.
R4 prog now
Multicultural London English
(MLE sounds like Jamaican)
stars the Somali refugee Ishmail
BTW the trailer before is for Tom Daly on Lauren Laverne’s Desert Island Discs
#GuardianLand clique
It just makes us in the shires realise that London is no longer our capital city. .
It is somewhere else.
Here, for instance?
Birmingham stabbing: Three men stabbed on Birmingham High Street – police cordon
Coming edition of R4 Costing The Earth on Oct 16th
“Women and Climate Change
Costing the Earth
Programme looking at *man’s* effect on the environment and how the environment reacts” sic
Let’s face it – if Wimmin didn’t keep on pumping out babies the population would fall and the planet would heal itself in a Giai kind of way . It’s all their fault and they just push the blame onto chaps.
The new Sky Q-Box ratings system
\Television programmes will be rated on whether they feature inspiring role models, positive messages or unhealthy levels of consumerism in an attempt to empower parents./
BBC save money by starting new Youtube version
Actually watch the vid about the mystery magic fire retardent paint Starlite
magic or Geller fraud ?
Are ‘nuclear blasts’ of equal impact? At what distance? And what happens at No. 76?
Caught a bit of Jeremy Vine today. Some female supposed to be working in the field of High Energy Physics said that their ‘top-priority’ was ‘gender equality’. We are truly doomed if she represents the quality of thinking in UK universities.
A thought experiment: One could take a representative sample of the UK adult population and measure their heights or the reflectance of their hair. It would be then possible to establish the median value at which the population at large is evenly split. Then when recruiting physics professors one simply chooses those that equalise the heights/reflectance for your faculty. How exactly that improves research or how one actually achieves ‘equality’ across multiple factors is surely worth a Nobel prize!
Interesting to surmise, if there was an asteroid on its way to destroy the earth they would have to assemble a team to attempt to stop it, I can just hear the dialogue, well, firstly we need some wimmin and some muslims and some black people….BOOOOM never mind watch for the tsunami, now we will need some wimmin engineers and rescuers …etc etc…
The East Asians must be laughing now. The Chinese in particular.
They see the West basically giving up on excellence to pursue an equality of mediocrity.
The boris speech was far better than most of the other TelePrompter bore fests at the actual conference but he still pulled his punches . He didn’t call out the bastards in Brussels who deserve a drop of novichook for the disrespect they have shown Blighty -he had a nice line about being able to negotiate with barnier -or tusk or whoever.
Please – can we just get them to walk away from the negotiations so we can go to WTO – and see who suffers the most .? ( krauts of course ).
The Apprentice: ‘Not one candidate is actually stupid’
More promotion of their own diversity propaganda, and funnily enough, a chance to have a kick at Katie Hopkins.
Despicable organization.
He is starting to come across as not of this planet.
Look North just had 5 mins of scary scary
“Warmest Summer” (it seemed warmer in 76)
“ooh too many apples year, so won’t be any next year”
“ever warming weather is leading to more extreme weather, scientists say”
I’m frightened that the trees are dying as all the leaves are falling off . Just suppose winter is cold too . Unnatural – cause by trump/brexit .
Maybe Emily was cracking a funny?
But who knows?
If the bbc is a ‘jewel’, that may explain why its coverage is so much…
Maybe Emily is a jewel? Or Katty? Or Anthony? Or any of the legions of bbc ‘reporters’ seeking to minimise the awkward aspects of the man who has guaranteed bbc survival on his watch.
The only relation to jewel with those three is jewels are rocks. They are as dumb as a box of the things.
Interestingly twitter is going ballistic… but only within the media bubble. No one else appears to give a rat’s.
Might have been a genius move. At the moment the best they can muster is huffing and puffing and trying to convince even themselves about ‘solidarity’, but there is bound to be ambitious scabs out there.
Frankly I could care less about the MSM, as they don’t hold power to account now anyway. They are simply poorly disguised activists.
I’ll get my news and analysis elsewhere based on facts rather than gotcha interviews, dodgy edits and wafflefests to avoid saying anything, and then wield my vote accordingly.
Those who twitter are twitter wankers i.e. momentum etc, twitter storm = lots of wankersshouting at each other, their lack of education or verbal ability is acknowledged by only allowing them to shout at each other in one sentence, and their complete inability of precis means abuse is their only recourse
David Vance is a regular twitterer …. not me though . “ I like to watch”
New BBC podcast
BTW in Adrian Goldberg’s podcast photo I see he puts his arm around Labour’s Jess Phillips
.. and Labour’s Gisela Stewart
..but not for the only time he has a Tory Michael Fabricant
..ah he puts his arm around all his female guests but not the men
Is there a heterosexual podcast ?
Depends on the colour of your skin, or race it appears
Do you ever notice that as al beeb works hard to divide the Conservative party they never comment on the lack of female leadership in their Labour Party or that the conservatives have had two? Strange for an outfit which is obsessed with gender this and gender that …..
Part of the probem is the BBC is infested with a post Thatcher generation who were “educated” during that backlash and are now truly indoctrinated with that mindset
Sorry, but what the heck is an “LGBT Sport Podcast”? Why would you need one?
Interesting to observe that Thatcher and Churchill are highly admiired in China by the general public take what you want out of that but they made international impact as standing up for their country
And now, it’s statistics time.
OECD GDP growth for first half of 2018
Eurozone 0.8%
USA 1.6%.
Note to BBC.
Interesting to know : muslim infiltration of Eurozone vs USA, and muslim rape gangs in Eurozone vs USA, I strongly believe that the USA would have a different approach to multiple muslim gangs across the country repeatedly raping USA teenagers, from both the authorities and their citizens, say what you like about their democracy and constitution, but the outrage of their citizens would ring a damn sight louder that it does here and probably involve a double barrel shotgun, something that all right thinking citizens here would probably like to use as justice
Its about time we had a British constitution that all immigrants had to sign up to immediately, a binding legal document, regarding their behaviour and opinions about this country and its culture and laws and religions upon arriving, specifically designed to prevent, for example a certain, unemployed benefit receiving muslim immigrant in Luton very vocal in local news websites, who has decided that our country is decadent and demanding all muslims be educated separately in schools paid for by British taxpayers
Kick him out NOW.
There are loads of them in Luton, couldnt find a plane big enough but they have all made sure they get a British passport first, before they open their racist gobs
HRH Jon snow goes to twitter to bitch about not being given access to the PM at the Party conference . good. I wish more politicians would stop appearing before grandstanding journos and go straight to twitter instead .
Journos are about getting sound bites for their own political beliefs – not explaining to the public in a clear and unbiased way
By the way tories – sell channel for to a private buyer . The State should not be involved in broadcasting .
Shock horror, Kavanaugh may (or may not) have once thrown some ice cubes at someone. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man is a rapist and mass murderer, and is unfit for high office.
There are rumours he once farted too.
Hang ‘im!
Clinton is a sex criminal it is all availalble on the web, where is the outrage ? the Jimmy Savill of America and his wife has the nerve to stand for election after attacking the victims, also racist attacks when standing aginst Obama and the silly bitches marching thru London protesting about Trump ? what a twisted world
If any one is in any doubt about a dark agenda in America just check out Clinton’s sex crimes, and the many other corrupt dealings versus the fuss made about any any person associated with Trump and, as they say, go figure……