The Far Left BBC will throw its full bias at the red Tory Conference this week- desperate to get a non PC sound bite or snoozing grandee . We ll have plenty to report . If the BBC s false coverage of the UK isn’t enough we will witness the anti Trump bias in full flow as the Supreme Court nomination circus continues…
Start the Week Thread 1 October 2018
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Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without consent in 1993; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; and Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton’s first term as president, while Willey’s and Broaddrick’s accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton’s second term. Millwee did not make her accusations until 2016.
Clinton has adamantly denied all four accusations. Through his representatives, Clinton has responded to the allegations by attempting to discredit the credibility of the accusers, noting that (in the case of Broaddrick and Willey) they previously testified under oath that Clinton never made unwanted advances. Several witnesses close to Willey and Jones have stated that the two women described their encounter with Clinton as consensual.[2][3][4]
Of all the allegations made against him, Clinton has only admitted extramarital relationships with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, both of which have generally been accepted as consensual. However, some commentators have nonetheless characterized Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky, who was at the time a White House intern, as sexual misconduct because of the vast power imbalance between a president and an intern; Lewinsky was 22 at the time and described the relationship as completely consensual.[5] In 2018, Lewinsky herself began to question her long-standing view that her relationship with Clinton had been consensual, characterizing the relationship as a “gross abuse of power” wherein the power differential between the two was so great that “consent might well be rendered moot.”[6]
Charges of sexual misconduct on Bill Clinton’s part resurfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign of his wife, Hillary Clinton. When a lewd recording of Hillary’s opponent Donald Trump discussing the ability to grope women when in power was released during the campaign, Bill Clinton’s accusers, Broaddrick, Willey, and Jones, reemerged as critics of Hillary Clinton, accusing her of enabling her husband’s alleged sexual assaults on them. They appeared as guests at the second 2016 presidential debate and referenced Bill Clinton in pre-debate statements.
During the 1990s, most Democrats suspended judgment on the three accusations or stated that they believed Clinton’s denials. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations in 2017 and the many other such cases that emerged in the aftermath, the allegations against Clinton have been revisited and lent more credibility.[7][8][9]
America’s ongoing national reckoning with sexual assault and sexual harassment by powerful men now has liberals and Democrats reconsidering the legacy of one of party’s most important figures of the past quarter-century: President Bill Clinton.
Clinton has faced multiple allegations of sexual assault and harassment, most famously his affair with Monica Lewinsky — which, while consensual in some sense, was nonetheless textbook sexual harassment of a subordinate of a kind that would (or perhaps more accurately, should) get many CEOs fired from their companies.
But it’s not just Lewinsky. Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, sued Clinton during his presidency for allegedly exposing himself to her when he was governor in 1991. Kathleen Willey claims that Clinton fondled her breast and forced her hand on his crotch in the Oval Office in 1993, when she was a White House volunteer.
Most seriously of all, Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor.
The issue of Clinton’s sexual misconduct came up repeatedly during Hillary Clinton’s presidential run. But Bill himself was not on the ballot, and many were understandably hesitant to make the candidate answer for her husband’s offenses.
How I wish this was question time. Alistair Campbell gets swatted like he should.
Rather neat conflation of current bbc obsessions by recent but now ex-editorial ‘talent’.
Esler a man who sounds like he has mental issues ( see Alistair Campbell ) torpedoes the old al beeb defence that the bbc must be unbiased as it is attacked from both sides.
A man who earns his crust being unbiased suddenly is free of al beeb and becomes the hate filled left he pretended not to be all along .
Thank goodness for the internet which has a verifiable memory…politicians’ manifestos and what they do afterwards for example, and what people say one day and ….Cameron had a big purge on his manifesto and pre election speeches on the internet, he was partially successful but not enough, it is there and can expose him for the lying toad he was and of course Corbyn has nowhere to hide from the truth of his insidious past which should be a serious warning to all, especially those in and around Golders Green and those who have respect for cultural / religious minorities in this country who cause no harm or offence to anyone yet appear to be targets for him and his mob, that is normally called racism
Worth keeping in mind as one is subjected to Katty Kay’s posts, RTs and likes.
In short, not the kind of person we want to have as a judge in the Supreme Court. QED.
Those people think we are all idiots.
Wow I wish I was his libel / slander lawyer that luxury yacht is on its way
Lots of lawyers’ kids being funded through college now.
Just hope they have chaperones and keep notes.
Yep, her timing could not be better in a political sense what a coincidence, and 50 year old harridan just decides to get upset about it just…now, such a transparent politically motivated slander she should be jailed for perverting the cause of justice, and the Clinton camp for their sticky fingers in this, Bill always has sticky fingers ….and wet cigars
A final thought from me as I slide under the duvet.
When all is said and done, a reporter really is only worth the credibility they have. To be professional, honest, objective and impartial.
Then if, as can happen, they are deceived cleverly enough to in turn mislead, if they set things right they may… may survive to report some more.
But to set out with an agenda, to set out yourself to decieve; that surely, at the very least, should be the end of any career in journalism.
Unless, of course, you are employed by one of all too many once respected MSM brands these days.
Job versus truth in the MSM huh….dont risk getting a mortgage if you want to report the truth, save it for this site
Newsnight’s “ChristopherCooking the books”
He spotted a think tank putting out a POSITIVE Brexit report
.. he scribbled a BBC report saying “The Rightwing think tank IEA” has “dubious maths”
… GuardianLand forget the “too wow to be true rule” and leap to retweet the story : 1,503 direct Retweets with 2,112 Likes
cos it’s their CONFIRMATION BIAS
A few days later Cook withdraws his BBC article and issues a Mea Culpa
\ And ALL the people who tweeted the first anti-IEA article with glee admitted their confirmation bias & tweeted the Mea Culpa /sarc
Nope, the correction was merely retweeted 105 times with 299 Likes

Cook & libmob friends go all Vicki Pollard …”Yeh, but yeh the IEA report still sucks”
If another in the bbc’s unique sole direction.
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BBC North America correspondent:
“The president has come to the defence of young (presumably white, presumably privileged) men, innocent or guilty, who suddenly find their reputations and livelihood threatened a year after the #MeToo whirlwind first swept on to the scene.
In a nation where young black men are incarcerated at a rate five times those of their white counterparts, the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” in criminal proceedings may ring hollow. For the rest of the nation, however – particularly the wealthy and well-connected – it has been central to the American concept of justice and due process. ”
Have a look at some of the “the innocent until proved guilty young black men” in Luton for example, only one was arrested from this, until they joined, this was a community carnival, and they added their cultural enrichment in their own particular way, its a pity our BBC correspondent does not live in the real world:
I have asked the BBC why their correspondent wishes to bring race into a story that has no racial implications yet still wishes to make Trump a racist for applying the legal definition of innocent until proven guilty ? a pretty interesting way of twisting his own political bile into this story, the fact that the BBC employ such a person to comment on serious stories is rather concerning
Good spot Annunaki; would be interested to hear what they come back with. This needs repeating:
—”In a nation where young black men are incarcerated at a rate five times those of their white counterparts, the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” in criminal proceedings may ring hollow. For the rest of the nation, however – particularly the wealthy and well-connected – it has been central to the American concept of justice and due process.”
Innocent til proven guilty now gets relegated to some sort of quaint socio-economic artifact. The rest of the article makes it clear Zurcher’s backing trial by “mass media” and “the court of public opinion.”
We are witnessing the breakdown of the rule of law, with the rule of the mob attempting to replace it. Highly dangerous times.
And it’s that type of “may ring hollow” snide and loaded remark sneakily inserted into their reports that reveals, for anybody with eyes to see, the left-wing SJW Marxist bias of the BBC. They should know that blacks commit far more crimes than whites – they commit homicide at seven times the rate of whites. If blacks are incarcerated at only five times the rate of whites it might even suggest that the criminal justice system is biased against whites. But I doubt if that idea could ever be thought in the BBC universe.
A little look further with his name and not hard to find his ourtright hatred of Trump :
Most Americans understand – and perhaps tacitly approve – doing everything one can to minimize tax liability. The Times story says Trump did much more than that, however – he and his family committed outright fraud.
Al Beeb “Theresa May on why Boris Johnson speech made her cross”
IMHO Al Beeb is a quandary now that it is quite evident that Jeremy is a looser.
The only choice they are left with is to back either Mrs Chamberlain or Bojo?
They will back Mrs Chamberlain because she is a remainer.
It will be a ‘Chequers deal’, unless someone else steps up to take over?
Someone encapsulated it today, she (May) is a technocrat but not a team leader
Efficiency versus effectiveness, a subtle difference maybe, but local authorities are full of efficient people, and thank God they were not in charge 1939 – 45
The primary talent of these, from direct experience, is to reframe a problem so as to be able to transfer it from themselves to a colleague’s desk, and to hell with the taxpayer who just wants someone to take reponsibility, risk averse to the point of paralysis if confronted with a problem to solve, unless they can find a policy to hide behind
Radio 4 hourly news bulletin yesterday: something about gay marriage and woman has been the first female in a while to achieve something.
Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation..
BBC talking about Trump tax but not this -
“President Trump has MOCKED the woman in the Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations”
The word ‘mocked’ is a loaded and biased editorial choice for BBC tv news this morning. They should simply have scripted their news headline to say Trump had referred to the allegations at his rally and then run the clip for us to make our own judgement of his words.
The BBC can’t help itself habitually telling us what to think. And on the subject of Trump it is always anti.
As time goes on they have become more brazen. Their usual framing used to be ‘Trump has been accused of mocking…’ thereby snidely outsourcing their own Leftist slant to the familiar get out of jail free formulation: ‘some people say’. Now the BBC shed that cloak of supposed balance and go straight for the jugular.
I have always maintained that BBC coverage of US politics is a cipher for their anti-conservative take on UK politics where their bias has to be somewhat more covert.
BBC morning email:
Trump: ‘Scary’ times for young men
Donald Trump has said he believes the Senate will approve his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, despite allegations of sexual misconduct against him dating back to the 1980s. The US president also said it was a “scary” and “difficult” time for young men.
A vote to confirm Mr Kavanaugh has been delayed as the FBI investigates the claims, which he denies. The FBI has not yet interviewed his main accuser, Professor Christine Blasey Ford, her lawyers have said.
Meanwhile, the New York State Tax Department has confirmed it is investigating claims that Mr Trump helped his parents dodge millions of dollars in taxes during the 1990s. The White House called the New York Times story that prompted this a “misleading attack”.
Classic bbc, full of quotes they like and omissions that don’t suit, in particular the explanation President Trump gave for his statement, which they did not have space for. Apparently.
Sky uses the key quote. Thinks public are stupid (check out Kay Burley today). Pays price.
Short memories at the BBC :
Mere hours before one of the final presidential debates, Trump held a press conference with Broaddrick, Willey, Jones and a fourth woman, Kathy Shelton—whose alleged rapist had been defended by a young Hillary Clinton—in attempts to remind voters of Hillary Clinton’s alleged shady past of helping her husband cover up his alleged sexual misconduct.
“Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said at the time, referring to Trump’s Access Hollywood comments, which involved Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent.
“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me,” Broaddrick added. “I don’t think there’s any comparison.”
Broaddrick first spoke out about Hillary Clinton’s attempts to silence her in 1999, when she told the Drudge Report that Hillary Clinton approached her at a political rally to thank her for keeping quiet about the alleged assault.
“She caught me and took my hand and said, ‘I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill,'” Broaddrick recalled. “I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase—looking less friendly and repeated her statement—’everything you do for Bill.'”
Broaddrick said Hillary Clinton wouldn’t let her “get away until she made her point.”
“She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you,” Broaddrick continued. “I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering.”
Willey has leveled similar accusations against Hillary Clinton, telling the Washington Examiner in October 2016 that the conversation about Bill Clinton’s alleged assaults should include discussion of the Democratic nominee’s complicity.
“Hillary Clinton’s been calling me a bimbo for 19 years, as well as Paula and Juanita and Gennifer [Flowers],” Willey told the outlet
FMR. SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE: Usually I can keep a straight face but I can’t after listening to that. There’s a reason why Trump refers to Mrs. Bill Clinton as Crooked Hillary.
Let’s unpack this for a minute.
She sat up there during the trysts that her husband was having, actual rape allegations, some of them have been proven, and she defended the actions of her husband and she trashed the reputations of those victims. So for her to sit up here today and say victims need to be believed because they have to have the courage to come forward. And when the victims of her husband came forward she trashed them, she called them floosies, she blamed it on a right-wing conspiracy.
“Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent. ”
Slight correction, he actually said they consented.
Yes, Trump was saying that when you are a celebrity, women throw themselves at you. I think we all know this is true, but it’s something the sisterhood don’t want to acknowledge.
Exactly. I think his words were “THEY LET YOU let you grab them…”.
I don’t see it as Trump mocking the woman. I see it as mocking the lack of evidence which the Democrats have seen fit to ignore for political gain. Instead of telling “the woman” that she hasn’t provided sufficient evidence to make a case, they have encouraged her into the limelight and to hang with the personal cost either to her or the man she accuses, providing it buys them time.
But Nick Ferrari over at LBC is making the exact same assertion, that he was mocking Ms Ford. The media is signing its own death warrant and is terminally sick. Witness Sky being caught bang to rights misrepresenting Tommy Robinson and the silence from the media about that.
They seem unified on this.
How’s the solidarity on Mrs. May’s interview appearances going?
‘Scary’ times for young men…. and not just young men, but middle aged and older ones who were once young men too, it seems.
Plain speaking common sense from Trump gets trashed, as usual, by the usual anal retentives who are more interested in his: bad grammar (sic), hairstyle, and small hands than what he says.
Certainly crap times for male Physicists, who can look forward to relegation to the back of the queue, and stagnant careers from now on to make way for the ladies. No wonder so many men are donning the dress and growing a pair (of tits).
Trump now needs to send an itemised bill for the full cost of this sorry Professor Ford fiasco to Democrat HQ. Not fair for the US taxpayer to have to foot the bill is it?
UK Sheffield’s Mayor (Muslim) produces his own Ten Commandments (Christian) … why not Five Pillars of Islam?
Here’s mine:
Go to school.
Master the English language.
Pass a few exams.
Avoid drugs and violence.
Work hard.
Pay your dues.
Show respect to others.
Be tolerant of other points of view.
Obey the laws of the land.
Earn a place in society.
I must have missed something but is this person ACTUALLY Mayor of Sheffield or is it a joke?….or have I been in hibernation for 20 years?……….
Assuming this man was ELECTED, this tells us more about the people of Sheffield than it does about this ‘mayor’. If not elected, how did he get there? Someone posted a picture of him sitting on the table of what must have been the council boardroom, legs crossed, wearing an anti-Trump T-shirt and a Sombrero. If he was appointed (by Labour?) how do the people of Sheffield feel about their ‘mayor’?
Oh wait. Sheffield…isn’t that Nick Klegg territory?
His Honour Magid Magid is a Green councillor on Sheffield City Council. He was appointed Lord Mayor on the Buggin’s turn principle, and is now doing his best to mock all British standards and turn Sheffield into a laughing stock.
All I can say if that is his aim he is very successful, he is a 24 carat imbecile
We are sorry to learn you weren’t satisfied with our earlier response and appreciate that you felt strongly enough to contact us again.
The time needed for us to reply at this stage of the complaints service depends on the issue you raised but can also sometimes be affected by practical matters, such as whether a production team is away or how many other complaints need to be investigated further.
We aim to reply at this stage within 20 working days (four weeks) but will let you know if it may take longer. For full details of our complaints process please visit:
Please don’t reply to this email because it’s an automated acknowledgement sent from an account which can’t receive replies. If you do need to get in touch, please use our webform instead at, quoting your reference number.
Here is the text of your response to our reply:
Complaint Summary: Investigate a company hiding facts from its payers
Full Complaint: Dear £3.5 billion BBC paid under threat of prosecution,
I requested information on how much a person called MR.B was paid to appear on shows for a company XYZ, the company XYZ then sent it onto a freedom of information request (RFI20181703) who then replied that they could not respond to the request because it was ‘excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’’
This is odd because on the website for XYZ they have this … “The XYZ wants to ensure that it is at the forefront of transparency. We are required by our Charter to observe high standards of openness and to seek to maximise transparency and accountability. We already undertake a lot in this area, including publishing information about senior staff salaries, expenses and corporate information about the running of the XYZ.”
I think the BBC, with its £3.5billion setup, should investigate this company without prejudice and ensure that company XYZ can tell the customers, who pay their salaries under threat of prosecution, how much they pay individuals. Would you agree?
p.s. XYZ = BBC and Mr.B = Tony Blair. Many
Thanks, Mark
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Old news, comments interesting.
Think we’ll ever have an ‘indigenous’ news category on our own left-centre news outlet?
How long before Katty and Anthony ‘quote’ Matt and Hugo.
Someone correctly opined all these ‘journalists’ do is rake up dirt. True, but they prefer sifting what others have raked and then ‘quoting’ this to provide one degree of separation immunity.
Guest Who
Their dirt digging is all very selective. They never dig very deep where their own breed is involved. All very loyal but extremely bad journalism I would have thought.
“They never dig very deep where their own breed is involved.”
Lefty – A bit like this? Chris is still family, after all.
Once again the children at the BBC breakfast are telling us something that grown ups have known for years.
Money has germs on it. So our sofa jockeys suggest that it is time to give up cash and just use plastic
They interview some black professor who can hardly speak English (box ticking) who tells us how dangerous it is.
Of course Lightweight Dan comes up with the idea of cleaning our cash with anti bacterial wipes..
Stupid boy..
This Professor by chance offering good exchange deals that will result in a meeting at Waterloo Station?
first wimmin physics prize winner for a while, fine, but bearing in mind the fire brigade physicals that had to be lowered to get some wimmin in (public safety implications there?) lets hope she did not have to learn only half the formulae
The bbc seems excited that an all women squad is being assembled specifically to address the demands of feminists caught in tower block fires. Called ‘Grenfell Girls’. Apparently.
Apologies, not BBC bias, but this US lecture on the diversity delusion nails BBC and progressive thought.
Not likely to be seen as a Reith Lecture.
Well worth a watch, makes one wonder that instead of producing incidental morons the cult of diversity has been deliberately engineered to churn out dimwits. Ensuing those grounded in reality an easy ride to the best jobs and governing the masses.
I regularly see Heather on Tucker Carlson and she’s pretty impressive. Her and Tammy Bruce make an awesome combo.
RE: BBC coverage of Trump mocking Ford’s testimony.
It is extremely convenient to remember no key details about an offence as it means nobody can contradict you. Luckily our legal system is based on a hefty burden of proof: beyond reasonable doubt is quite a high threshold. In this case it would be unreasonable not to doubt pretty much everything. A single doubt is sufficient to sway a jury and here there is barely a single thing you can be sure about – apart from, somewhat conveniently, who the perpetrator was.
I am not as old as Ford but I remember exactly where I was for key events and who was there: losing virginity; my girl kissing my mate . . . How can you totally forget everything? And surely with such an emotionally salient moment the details would be seared in your memory forever, just like Lady Macbeth haunted by what had happened and reliving it in her dreams?
Why has everything about Ford been wiped/memory holed from the Internet? That is extremely suspicious. The whole sorry saga stinks and let’s hope it has turned more to our cause.
They are like a jilted lover with Trump. They did everything to help Hillary win but they lost. Imagine the jolly to her inauguration! A thousand or so BBC staff hyping the victory of this corrupt snake as the most empowering feminist triumph in history.
Plus now it would be smooth sailing for them: Clinton would spout their PC crap and they would be snug and smug in cocktail parties together agreeing what bullsh*t ‘news’ story they would run together. Instead they are at war with an honest man who refuses to play their lying game, forces them to discuss topics they like to memory hole and time and time again calls them out for being the lying parasites they clearly are. O how glorious it has been!
“Luckily our legal system is based on a hefty burden of proof”.
‘Fraid that concept was shot to ribbons by ‘Hate Crimes’ and in particular ‘Hate Speech’ which drove a ‘coach and horses’ through that principle.
So Flog It has been flogged to death and finally hit the buffers after 17 years, to be replaced by six new commissions, one being the Housing Crisis in Britain Today. Deep joy.
In the BBC’s own words……
Dan McGolpin, controller of BBC programming and daytime described the new commissions as a “new generation of daytime television programmes” for the channel.
“They are modern, accessible and relevant to viewers all around the UK.”
Do we take it that the new generation means programmes are aimed at the young who are hanging around the house all day ? And I suppose the ‘new commission’ is the perfect opportunity to throw more diversity at us, as the current daytime progs are hideously white. Funny that the majority of daytime viewers are the mainly retired and also hideously white.
The white Brits will get (not legally sanctioned but, hey, that doesn’t matter to isalm) ‘assisted euthanasia’ in hospitals when islam takes over. They’re no doubt currently studying all the NHS ‘scandals’ to see how far they will go without it being obvious.
I actually quite like Flog it.Paul Martin’s educational bit in the middle is actually quite interesting (and intellectual!)…but probably too challenging for modern day watchers.I imagine the new ‘programmes’ will nicely fill the ‘Equality Diversity and Inclusive’ agenda that the BBC are determined to follow through at all cost……lots of ‘ethnic’ Gay handicapped and Transvestites and ‘minototies’ all building ,buying, selling ,decorating, cooking….oh gosh I cant wait.
Lucky, I’m not holding my breath. It will be dire. Each programme will have a black and white presenter and the content will only rival that of CBBC. I can only imagine that the Commissioning Editors of two decades ago who installed Flog It have now retired, to be replaced by a new Yoof generation who were probably in primary school when it began.
I dare the Islamic Community to remove the Churchill statue …. please do.

I would not put it past Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary and possible first Mohamidan Prime Minister
over my dead body…………
They’re stupid, but not quite that stupid.
No doubt Peter Hitchens would approve.
Bathhouse Barry sent back Mr Churchill’s bust almost as soon as he entered the White House. It’s what muslims and their commie lickspittles do – trash everything that is good and pursue the policies of those who are bad.
President Trump restored Mr Churchill’s bust to the Oval Office almost as soon as he entered the White House. That’s what real heterosexual, red-blooded American men do.
The Western world is very quickly going to have to decide if it wants a society based on feelings, emotions and communist rhetoric our a society based on justice, freedom, the rule of law and evidence. The two are incompatible and diametrically opposites.
“First female majority of judges on the Supreme Court” gloats BBC news.
So what, we wonder?
How about giving its audience a more honest and explanatory headline, which would go something like this:
“Identity politics now dominates BBC news agenda”
Couldn’t care less about the bbc news agenda. We know it will always be biased. The real bad news comes from the UK Supreme Court.
Loads of guity verdicts and death sentences handed out every 28 days ?
Will Dawn Butler take on McDonalds today?
MP Accuses Jamie Oliver of Cultural Appropriation Over ‘Jerk Rice’
Labour’s Dawn Butler tweeted that jerk “is not just a word you put before stuff to sell products”
I accuse Dawn Butler of cultural appropriation: she is sitting in the UK parliament. I’d be OK with her sitting in the Jamaican parliament, since she seems to feel closer to Jamaica than the UK. She should try honesty.
Sorry, I do not know of Dawn Butler. I see she is a politician. Please, please, I have to know what is the colour of her skin, that is the main issue… innit? Politics is about pigmentation.
I think she supports some sort of racial separation – shall it be called apartheid?
Poor girl got a proper Londonistan east end educashon
Let’s just say she not only identifies with Jamaica, she looks like she should be sitting in their parliament, not ours.
If she sits in ours, she should stop identifying with Jamaica.
We’re not being colonized, are we? I mean, we’re not becoming a Jamaican colony, are we?
If she insists on sitting in ours, she should try to see herself as a Brit, and stop all that nonsense about Jamaican cultutre being appropriated. On jerky! Is that the best she can do for Jamaican culture? Jerky?
jerk “is not just a word you put before stuff to sell products”
Maybe, maybe not. But it is something that fills the benches around her right up to her front bench.
And she never wears Jeans, etc etc
Jerky for dogs. Do dey feed dis to de dogs in Jamaica?
I have just read what it says on the packet. Don’t take it to Labour meetings in Tower Hamlets, Luton, etc, etc..
Been thinking about the Boris speech yesterday – and the observations of Quentin Letts whose days with the Mail must be numbered .
I like neither Boris nor Quentin . But I would like to see Boris get the leadership just to really see a few beeboids faint . If Katty loses it every time President Trump belches imagine the Boris effect . Popcorn anyone ?
I really hope Boris takes over. We may not need him for very long, but at the moment he seems the only person.
I’ve put this on the relevant thread but felt that it was too good to be missed. This is the headline on the BBC NI website.
“Brexit ‘could delay’ fire service response”.
Oh, ffs.
Ha ha -and there will be more fires because we don’t comply with the ReichEU fire directive .
The maybot ( a term I don’t like but the best description ) makes her farewell autocue speech to fellow remainers today . I really hope the sad old bag doesn’t try humour . And she looks worn out . Chuck checkers
It’s one of those “ do you remember where you were ?” Nonsense days when al beeb announced it has a girl DJ doing a mans job – er – of putting on records on the light programme or radio something or other .
Apart from the sickeningly smug BBC celebrating every wiimin getting a job, I will celebrate not having to hear that noisy fool Evans again
As I so rarely listen to R5 during the night, and never watch any news dribbling from the bbbc these days (over a year now), I wonder how many of the ‘journos’ have left to go to commecial stations now? They must all be panicking just a little – the skivers left behind that is…
Wouldn’t it be fun if the bbbc farmed out Slopel and Katters to a decent US news organisation, where they could a) learn some manners and b) learn to be a better journo.
The best way to get proper news these days is to check the dead tree press headlines, then seek out the real story, especially US news where President Trump regularly tells the lefties to piss off!
Of course, the other excellent way is to log on here, and read some classic stuff, clearly hated by liberals, lefties, pseudo-lefties, sjws, sjw’s children, snowflakes, their parents, (or at least the one they live with and pays for their bad habits), communists, crypto-communists, antifa idiots, pacifist twonks, pseudo twonks, anti-Brexiteers, pro-remoaners, (they smell different you know), and everyone who doesn’t try to work for a living, and refuses to become British.
(With apologies to Geoffrey Palmer in Reggie Perrin)!
The bbbc methods of ‘reporting’ are just not fit for purpose – what a pathetic bunch of no-hopers.
It reminds me of the Daily Mail headline: Child Car Seats a Possible Cause of Cancer.
Having listened to Comrade Pinargh in the pre amble to the PM regnation speech one could only conclude that he is the media advisor in waiting to comrade Corbyn . Such obscenely biased tosh
Anyway – listening the Mrs T May waffling on like a woman’s hour presenter with a cough a could only conclude that the red Tory Party in its current form is not for me .unless we get a full British brexit .
So by ending free movement … she is saying it was wrong in the first past?
Theresa May was supposed to sort immigration in 2012 … she’s had 6 years … nothing …
Playing reverse bullshit bingo with the May speech
Diversity 1 mention
Brexit – maybe 6
Overseas aid – zero
Laughs – 2
Islamic terrorism zero
Immigration 2
far left – zero
Unemployment – zero
Bodyguard – 1
President Trump – zero
NATO zero
Diane Abbot -1
Jo Cox 1
She thinks that politics needs to be less polarised but she and her type , by labelling the likes of me as racist for saying anything about foreigners coming to Blighty without any democratic confirmation by the electorate .
Her type caused this multicultural mess -where being white is meant to bring guilt with it – on any side of politics .
She meandered on . I was thinking that the poor sods in their seats were straining to get to New Street Station .
She hasn’t got a clue, MM. She perhaps has a vague inkling that mass immigration is a bad thing, but then, being the coward she is, she has to spout the usual platitudes about it being a good thing. I have never forgiven her for banning Robert Spencer from entering the UK – a highly civilised man and brilliant scholar who knows the Koran inside out and whose only crime is to identify the ultimate goals of Islam and say what they are.
On my read of what she said ending free movement means the ReichEU will end the other three ‘freedoms’ . For Brussels they are all interlinked . Therefore WTO brexit . Thanks Tess . – and I always thought she was a ‘remainer ‘ .
seems verhofftwat has another red line for treasoner mayhem to bend over for
I cant see how it is possible to come to an agreement , but then again I never could.
Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.
In 2015 the Houses of Parliament, along with the people of the UK, will be commemorating 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta (1215).
Here you have it: BBC Wimmin TDS Anchor and aspiring impartial debate chairthingie confuses possible ‘victim’ with ‘currently evidence-light accuser’.
Like that refugee/migrant/terrorist thing they seem unable to get past.
Apparently The actual slides of the speaker from Cern
Last slide
\\ Many told me “don’t speak, it’s dangerous”.
As a student, I wrote that weak-scale SUSY is not right, and I survived. Hope to see you again. //
The angry Twitter thread that got him fired begins with 10 tweets from Dr Jess Wade
Again we see abuse of process with his rapid firing.
This is wrong ..if he has done thing wrong in his job, then he should judged through proper process.
Just the same in Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh case.
The nomination hearings are not the right place to hear individual accusations.
Dr Christine Blasey Ford of sexual assault 30 years ago should be listened to, but the case should be in the normal court system, not hijacking the nomination hearing.
Her turning up now looks like her being anti-Trump than caring about true justice.
The gender asymmetry’ sexism -in -citations ‘
equation is clearly some form of hate crime and discriminates against thick o s who ain’t no good at sums ……
Can you guess who the far left bbc 5 went too for post PM speech comment ?
You guessed it – Owen “snide”Jones .
Owen’s party have just taken action against journos who dare not toe their line
\\ Ms Hartley-Brewer, who hosts the 6:30am-10am breakfast who on talkRADIO, recorded a light-hearted video mocking the safe space – which had a sign on its door stating:
“This area is for us by anyone,” adding; “It is not monitored.”
Labour accused her of committing a “hate crime” against disabled people who felt vulnerable.//
She probably thought the safe space was where she could go and praise Allah
A dictatorship in the making…
If it was wasnt so serious…it would be hilarious.The Labour Party are excelling themselves with their Cultural Marxist sound bites….
How desperate of them!
They are probably the only ones he has not blocked. And vice versa.
May says that if we can’t decide on what Brexit we want, we may not get any Brexit at all.
Now, make of that what you will…
‘I’ am very wary when ‘we’ is used and ‘I’ am included without being asked.
I voted for one option. And it was the one that prevailed.
Well the Prime Minister survived her speech and no letters fell off the wall, she did not have a bad throat and no one handed her a P45. I actually thought that the speech was good and despite different views the main thing was everyone there together in support of this country. No silly sound bites like that came of the Labour speeches and no laying the blame on our countries ills on anyone either!
What do the BBC say about it? Oh, they just commented on her dancing. The left must be feeling a bit rattled right now!
The dancing was an acute embarrassment, and certainly not prime ministerial. I’m afraid it only pointed to her lack of confidence that she has party support, and her inherent introversion. One cannot imagine a Prime Minister of old doing such a thing.
I see no problem with it to be honest. It was like she was sticking two fingers up at the more daft criticisms as a way of saying ‘take the mick out of this then’
So far all the critics can comment on is her dancing on stage as they are yet to find much else from the speech to make a story out of. Indeed the BBC are not being too harsh yet. They must be really struggling today
Palmerston doing a little jig along to Mamma Mia before a speech, yeah right
‘The dancing was an acute embarrassment, and certainly not prime ministerial.’
I guess dancing is what separates May from Chamberlain.
‘the Prime Minister survived her speech and no letters fell off the wall, she did not have a bad throat and no one handed her a P45’
BBC News Channel headline scriptwriters are having a bit of a laugh as they carefully reiterate these problems from last year and then tell us the PM hopes to ‘banish memories’ of them – just as the BBC editors gleefully remind us.
BBC – no longer even subtle with their bias.
And another example of every newscaster wants to be a comedian, just as every comedian wants to be a newscaster.
Yet as it seemed to go down very well the BBC must be feeling very gobsmacked. I mean how can they bring down the PM when she clearly actually pulled off a very challenging speech during very challenging times?
sounded like a nothing butty of empty platitudes to me
If Chequers is what she actually says it is, then I wouldn’t have a problem either with the speech, apart from all the virtue signalling. But of course it isn’t, its just a liar that May repeatedly spouts in order that we plebs start to believe it. And that is why she has to go asap.
BBc Breakfast we are back to the “Bacon is bad for you story” yet again.
I thought he lived in LA?
It’s after the students’ union at the University of Manchester voted to ditch clapping, whooping and cheering in favour of “jazz hands”
About this website
Why I can’t stand people clapping
Hannah Molesworth is autistic which means she struggles around loud noises such as clapping.
No link to the comments, which is a shame.
Combine that with women’s equality and it’ll be dynamite.
Imagine the excitement next World Cup final where the Nigerian ladies beat the Venezuelan ladies 32-0 and there’s 18 people in the stadium doing jazz hands to celebrate.
Progress for the win.
Have to change the rules a little to allow them all safe spaces
All stewards and burger van staff to face full MI5 interrogation for historical acts of touching boobs from age 3 upwards
Not really necessary, if they are white and male they are guilty
If they really could stop that whooping that would be wonderful. Civilized people clap or laugh politely or stay silent.
Or this one which, so far, seems to be going even worse.
BBC News
Teenagers weigh in on the Kavanaugh hearings and what consent means to them.
Can’t wait for Katty to bring in her brood to ‘weigh in’, as Emily once attempted.
I wonder if Katty, or indeed any teenagers, have seen this:
Given the lead protagonist, ironic.
Very entertaining: ‘The Ingraham angle’ (Fox News) on YT: ‘Liberals operate by their own resistance rule book’.
A lot about the nutters at American universities, right up to the top staff, never mind the students! An eye-opener.
BBC webshite. Front page. Now. In the ‘must see’ section.
‘Seven facts about Zoe Ball’.
And the hard-edged, investigative, impartial, world-class journalism continues………….
Apparently the bBbc announced this on the Breakfast News this morning with the on-screen caption,
Perhaps she’ll be known as “Scrotum” in future. Well, she is getting a bit wrinkly ……
I wonder if they’ll include the fact about why her poor sod of a boyfriend topped himself?
Correction: facts.
In the UK it is clearly illegal to lay people off on grounds of gender.
So I guess all the male staff will be fully paid as well
\\ Emmerdale is planning an all-female episode involving those in front of the camera, and behind it too.
The one-off special next March will be written, produced, and directed by women to mark International Women’s Day March 8th//
SG, I wonder what the viewing figures will be like…………
Have they decided if men who transgender into women can take part?
What fun it would be if the male cast all decided to ‘self identify as women’ for a day or two before transmission.
How would the ‘equality’ work out then?
“2 new BME ambassadors appointed to West Yorkshire Police” that has been retitled : “positive action” ambassadors
‘Bme are 18.2% olf WY population but only 5.7% of police officers’
Big stories on same page
– Malala in front of her portrait
– Grenfell : Rio Ferdinand says
– Sheffield Lord Mayor appoints hip hop poet laureate
– Abba say new musical will lift Brexit gloom
– Pret A Manger teenager
small story : NGO says #MeToo has changed attitudes
FFS I give up…..time to blacklist the BBC ..oops
BBC ‘Only the second man to be extradited from Pakistan in 10 years’
– cos there are no ethnic-Pak criminals
– or cos UK authorities are weak ?
Times frontpage : Forced marriage abusers are to be blocked from UK to protect victims from repercusions