The Far Left BBC will throw its full bias at the red Tory Conference this week- desperate to get a non PC sound bite or snoozing grandee . We ll have plenty to report . If the BBC s false coverage of the UK isn’t enough we will witness the anti Trump bias in full flow as the Supreme Court nomination circus continues…
Start the Week Thread 1 October 2018
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If Emily does get the QT gig, it will be… ‘interesting’.
Katty send a comp crate over?
When I got home today I was greeted with my third letter from the Tellygoons warning me that I was going to be visited by an ‘Enforcement Officer’ threatening me with a fine of up to £1,000.
This was rubber stamped in red with ’Enforcement Visit Approved’! Although, I must add that the rubber stamp was not really a rubber stamp, for it was printed on, along with the rest of the artwork on the ‘billet-doux’ from Crapita.
Al Beeb know jolly well what they can do with their letter.
The ones addressed “to the occupier” with “ we know where you live “ have always given me a headscratch . They never get my name right “ mr fedup2” . They are due at my place on the 10th apparently .
Most ‘occupiers’ live somewhere I suppose?
At least they got that one correct.
Crapita by name and Crapita by fame.
Al beeb has a headline on its website
“Coud the Westminster attacker have been stopped ?”
It then goes into that traditional recital of blaming anyone but the evil vermin himself .
What it doesn’t say is that rubbish like him – free loading on Blighty – should never got to ‘ arrivals’ in the first place – and as we know – there are thousands more just like him .
On the upside – at least he is dead
It looks as if Treezer has seen off Boris and sooner or later she will lead the Tories into an election. Be prepared, the silly woman thinks this dancing stunt has made contact with the British people and expect more dancing during the election campaign.
This follows in that tradition of Kinnock’s ‘We’re alright’, and Milliband’s bacon sandwich.
Stupid gawky woman makes enough of a fist of walking, let alone ‘dancing’.
Dancing for joy as the Tories have allowed her two long years to bugger up Brexit and now she knows she has almost got away with it. Bitch!
And that is how the political elite both behave and present behaviour to we the Stupid.
Probably spent more time on getting THAT lit, and practiced that they did on anything else.
Patronising and condescending hardly describe it.
Reminds me of Sarah Teather making a complete fool of herself re “Strickli” at a Lib Dem Conference-utterly toe curling.
Still better than Blair’s ‘things can only get better’ broadcast from 1997 which tried to be all cool but in the long term, things got a lot more worse!
She could have at least come on dancing to a BRITISH group?…..its not as if we havent got a rich heritage of pop and dance music over the last 60 years or so?………Im sure we could all make suggestions for a PM to dance to…………
Al Beeb tells us ………………….”Theresa May: Tories must be a party for everyone”.
Is she referring to Remainers? She is a Remainer.
“Brexit means Brexit”!
Who was it that said “words mean what I want them to mean”?
Strong and stable ….
The Tories have been sold a dummy . Mrs Chamberlain has already agreed a BINO with Barnier.
This country of our is crying out for a leader.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Where are the all ‘good’ men in Parliament?
“No deal is better than a bad deal”
Vote UKIP ! The Tories are not British anymore.
Why are they all triggered about some drunken student Tories being ‘offensive’? I imagine writing ‘f**k the NHS’ was written by someone at that glorious stage of drunkenness where you think everything you say is hilarious. Why take everything so seriously?
So now students cannot get drunk and make poor attempts at humour? What sort of hell do they want to live in? 1984 becomes more of a reality every day. They really are finger-wagging killjoys; I would not invite them to any of my pub crawls – what a bunch of miserable tw*ts.
Maybe the t shirt was just pointing out what immigration will do (has already done).
What about Jon, metrosexual, Snow getting drunk and shouting ‘ F*ck the Tories’ at Glastonbury?
No outrage or disgust expressed by the usual baying hyenas on the left when that happened.
Sounds like medical students ….
I’ve taken to switching off the Far lefts favourite queer son – Owen Jones . His parent paper -The Guardian – is a sour thing – always finding the worst in any event or story . Who buys it? Perhaps publicly funded organisations out of your taxes .
The thing I enjoy most is the on tap ‘begging bowl’ they forever throw out when visiting their site . May it fold sooner than later and master O Jones can get paid directly by the taxpayer as a beeboid . He’d fit in really well .
Ps – I only mention’queer’ because so often in life now ‘sexuality’ is used as a weapon for some reason or another – be it personal or as a group. Master Jones deploys it when he chooses too…to be a ‘victim’ or something or other .
Someone recently pointed out the bbc still cannot get enough of him…. despite, or maybe because of him whinging constantly how biased the bbc is for not getting him on screen enough.
On every topic the Guardian is predictable. Jones is just one of many. It is a hive mind unlike any other in the media.
Now veering towards extreme second stage feminism tinged with increasingly strident progressive fantasies.
They all believe that outside their bubble the rest of us are either fascist deplorables or starving and exploited near slaves.
Great fun to comment on just to get the abuse.
Whether biased or not I do think it lazy that the likes of al beeb and sky churn the same pundits even after they have been discredited – no alibi ‘light ‘brown and Toynbee come to mind as plain scatty rent – a- mouths .
It’s an insult to those who choose to pay their tv tax and choose to be consumers of its shallow ego driven output ( see mateless, Robinson, lady Brooke , the former Edward night mare et al)
Their pool is as limited as their abilities.
I see they have again invited on Isabel Oakeshott for ‘balance’… and to give the FBPE zombie mob a new frenzy target.
Interesting way to show support to a guest…
Katty & Co did an interview with April in Washington.
Poor interviewee, but bottom line: Buy her book ‘Under fire’.
And guess what? She’s already working hard on her second book.
Good to see that principles are still at the heart of things.
I’m assuming the Feds are near the end of the “ did he /didn’t he allegations from 36 years ago “ and whatever else the Democrats have thrown at the candidate .
The level of vitriol against the US President is quite something . The White House put out feelers gyres saying that pay rates are increasing and unemployment continues to decrease .
Yet this is ignored by the likes of sopel and his swamp friends but I’m sure the ‘guy’ on ‘Main Street ‘ doesn’t need to be told about pay increases .
It’s called real life …
A serious news presenter should have covered this recent hoax by five academics who set out to expose how progressive post modern doctrines lack intellectual rigour. Peer reviewed academic journals published hoax papers. Trouble is that the BBC is full of this shit.
Editor’s note: For the past year scholars James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian have sent fake papers to various academic journals which they describe as specialising in activism or “grievance studies.” Their stated mission has been to expose how easy it is to get “absurdities and morally fashionable political ideas published as legitimate academic research.”
To date, their project has been successful: seven papers have passed through peer review and have been published, including a 3000 word excerpt of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, rewritten in the language of Intersectionality theory and published in the Gender Studies journal Affilia.’
The whole public sector conspiracy basically colludes in saying “I`ll pretend I never saw that”. This applies as much from Acid Attacks in White City as it does to Godfrey Elfwick.
The power of the media lies in deciding which turds of theirs are to be polished and served up as “news”-May going to speak to Abba, for example?
And which stories are to be buried ,or allowed to wither on the vine like the Tommy Robinson case, the Grenfell fraudsters-and, of course Muslim grooming gangs across Europe.
I choked when Comrade May spoke about the incorruptible legal system . I thought of TR at that moment and started to do a lie count .
She never mentioned Checkers . She never mentioned ‘ social care ‘ . That was enough for me – especially when she tried the “ social care” lie during the election she lost . Thank god the DUP call the shots .
I think the Tommy Robinson court case was postponed because the original date of 27th. September would have clashed with the Conservative party conference. That they hadn’t realised it when setting that date could mean many things such as the judges aren’t conservatives, they are uninformed about what events are upcoming, they knew but thought they’d create some mischief, or perhaps the whole bloody lot of them are incompetent fools. Either way, I think pressure was put on the judges to move the case to October. So much for our independent judiciary.
Justice is blind.
Also deaf and dumb.
Nice safe pair of hands though.
This should be shown on MAINSTREAM TV…its scary shit…….These Humanities/Gender Studies courses should be seriously scrutinised by our Curriculum Authorities………I have to say I did laugh more than I have at any BBC comedy in years……..
” Farmers to face more extreme weather in future
.. so a group of Lincolnshire farmers are visiting Spain”
This package has been running all day in the usual way that BBC Lincs/Yorks TV also put their pieces on BBC Radio Humberside & BBC Radio Lincolnshire
They’ve just run it on Look North : They sent the journo & cameraman to Cordoba with a group of Lincolnshire farmers
Their 5 minute report boils down to this : “So how do farmers in dry Cordoba deal with the dry climate ?
.. ah they get together and build huge reservoirs”
water activist farmer “and we too in England will have to do something like this as the climate changes”
Well actually I can see they went on Sept 11th as they were at annual meeting of the #EUWMA, the European Union of Water Management Associations, in Cordoba.
It’s called digging a hole in the ground and allowing water to go in it . Irrigation . Maybe be ask the Israelis too .
My Lord heseltine – made comments today about brexiteers dieing off making the brexit vote invalid : wonder when lord heseltine will die off . The Tory broody version of Gordon Brown and a 100% not nice person .
I was gonna use the c word but since I ask others here to moderate their language perhaps I can’t ….
“Brexiteers dying off”?
I do hope The Lord Tarzan doesn’t have in mind some form of “final solution” for the quite a few young brexiteers that I know personally.
I really think he should stick to educating Cheetah. Or perhaps it’s the other way round.
Mr Heseltine, the fake aristo, must be going senile because he’s regurgitating something that was being said by the sore Losers almost immediately after they Lost in 2016.
Of course he omits to say that with people dying, a lot of Losers will be in that category too.
Perhaps he is hoping that old Losers never die – they merely lose their marbles.
Shortage of water – Too many people coming in to the country and not enough reservoirs.
This island gets plenty of rain.
I am not sure what sort of farmer the man from Lincolnshire is. Most farmers I know are far too busy drilling their autumn crops to go on jollies to Spain.
Roast beef and olives in the near future then, can’t wait
So they are going to build reservoirs in Lincolnshire……..I thought you put them up hills….. i suppose I’m wrong modern reservoirs probably don’t need to be up a hill.
Yet if it was a Labour group they would have said nothing though…
‘Plymouth University Tory group suspended over T-shirts’
I mean is this the only anti Tory story that the BBC can come up with today?
This was actually from the The Mirror, a nasty lefty rag. How come the BBC never share any of those interesting stories from the likes of The Sun or The Times?
Or Breitbart, or Vanessa Beeley, or that other real reporter Tommy Robinson?
This looks like a team effort at considerable cost to use what remains of the credibility of the name to possibly influence the balance in US and if so is it meddling?
I suspect that what Senator Flake has to say is of increasingly less importance to Republican voters.
But, strangely, of proportionately greater importance to the BBC.
As a matter of interest, a question for those who follow US politics in more detail than I. What is the story with the aptly-named Flake? Is he up for re-election? Retiring? A known RINO?
I think he has said he’s not standing for re-election in November.
He told a reporter that’s why he was able to make his yes vote on judge Kavanaugh conditional on there being another FBI investigation of the evidenceless accusations. It seems his moral compass is very flexible. I think, a while back, he also joined a bunch of Democrats on a visit to Cuba, which I’d have thought would bring into question where his true loyalties lie.
This looks like a team effort at considerable cost to use what remains of the credibility of the name to possibly influence the balance in US and if so is it ‘meddling’?
Al Beeb ………..Adam Price, Plaid Cymru says ” Brexit must be stopped”. He is out of touch with the people of Wales. The so called Welsh Parliament should be abandoned , it’s a White Elephant.
And dont forget Taff, it was only decided by a margin of 50.3 to 49.7%. I have always said those in favour only thought they were voting in favour of the language.
It Tony bloody Bliars first step at breaking up the UK into regions for his NWO masters. It succeeded in Wales and Scotland, then he put Fatso Prescott in charge of the North East regional assembly campain…that killed it thankfully.
At such a narrow margin ai think we need a recount.
The chaos in the devolved issue of health in Wales is testament to the useless talking shop in Cardiff.
The current row about the fate of hospitals in the Hywel Dda health board area shows what a cock up it is. I would rely on Withybush Hospital if need be, but they basically want it shut.
Hackney stabbing . Was this terror related ? Not much details coming out here in the west ?
Getting stabbed in the Hackneys… painful.
Could it be cockney rhyming slang – Hackney Wick?
But are there any cockneys left in London?
Anyone born within the hearing of the call to prayer from the East London Mosque is a cockney, innit?
The BBC continuing their war on men…..
‘What would women do if men had a 9pm curfew?’
pay for their own drinks?
BBC Morning email priority ‘news’:
‘We lived in a single mum commune’
The arrangement worked on a practical level, with the women cooking together and helping each other out with childcare. “When you have been through something rubbish like someone leaving you, petty stuff didn’t matter,” says Janet.
She did not charge Vicky any rent for the first year, telling her to save her money to get her own place. Instead, Vicky paid for a cleaner twice a week. In many ways, Janet says, it was easier living with a woman.
In many ways, sounds like what it must be ‘working’ at the BBC.
Sex workers wouldn’t be too pleased.
the bbc invents a new word by putting together two of its victim groups
‘Jay is also a vocal influencer in the black community’
Colour me shocked (see what I did there? ).
Can’t be arsed watching, but how does a person’s Pantone number appear in gaming?
My boys were whupping some American college grads on Halo when they were kids, until they started laughing and got kicked off.
Please, what is a “Black community”? Sounds pretty exclusive and racist to me, without the slightest hint of diversidee…
Vive la difference, plus ça change
It’s amusing to watch the top of the BBC Business tv show at 8.30 on the news channel. I say top of the show because I’ve switched off by about 3 minutes in. It’s been completely feminised this morning, with presenters and guests all in skirts, having a bit of a natter about business related subjects. Fair enough, you could say. Mind you, women don’t appear to have brought any new insights to the subject. On the contrary, it’s the usual tedious BBC anti-Brexit agenda. I notice the one voice of the patriarchy, boss of RBS, (a middle-aged white chap, but with an antipodean accent) goes straight to the BBC airwaves with his quote ‘hard Brexit could push the UK economy into recession’.
the financial powerhouse and genius’s that are the RBS, that RBS you mean?
Breaking the silence radio 4
an anonymous essay
Cambridge uni
went for drinks
hooked up with some guy
went to his room
went to hospital didnt inform police
told supervisor at uni didnt inform police
everyone she told had similar experiences didnt inform police
seems shes now told everyone apart from the police
the beeb engaging in some not so subtle KAVANAUGH bashing
its LAD culture see (all men are rapists)
where is this going exactly?
the uni wants to deal with it themselves by changing the burden of proof (Cambridge uni)
ohhhhh dangerous time indeed
‘Improve’, eh?
“aims to shift attitudes and actions towards climate change through this reporting masterclass”
So, not really reporting then?
Wonder how they are getting there?
And… ‘Personclass’, at the very least, surely?
Bbc hiring an A380 to get the 28gate alumni down there?
Move over Nadiya, the BBC’s new headscarf girl on the block
BBC London local news this morning use about a third of their headline bulletin time to bring us the poetry of “Momtaza Mehri: The new face of London’s poetry scene” – commissioned by the Beeb she’s doing a poem wot she wrote about our boozy queen of Camden, Amy Winehouse.
Here’s a BBC report from way back in May
‘Momtaza Mehri, who is Somali-British, was recently named the Young People’s Laureate for London. She sees poetry as a powerful tool.’
Powerful tool for what exactly? If it’s such a powerful tool and ‘resonates’ with so many people then why the need for all the public commissions, BBC promotion, prizes etc?
Bbc seem pretty chokker with powerful, if undeservedly so, tools already.
Has the bbc really thought this through? Have the lads seen where ‘Evan’ and ‘David’ place on the birth registries…
Wisdom from the phony animal expert who entertained with films of animals killing each other.
“More tea, vicar?”
I think the wording behind May should be ‘Brexit means Brexit in name only’
I believe we import far more cars than we export with the eu.
If the U.K. car makers think tariffs in the eu will reduce car sales then the same must be true for eu car imports. The U.K. car makers would have a big advantage over eu imports and would probably sell MORE cars than before.
Nobody seems to mention that.
These employers, care homes for example, who say they must have the cheap labour.
This ‘cheap’ labour comes with many other costs which remoaners tend to ignore.
Working tax credits.
Housing benefits.
Child benefits.
Schooling costs.
Nhs use and many other monies they are able to claim.
Then, there’s the Brit denied this job who is then paid all the dole money plus other benefits.
The cost of paying the first sums to the overseas worker plus the cost of payments to the out of work Brit must come to a tidy sum.
Give the job to the Brit and the savings are huge.
The remainers don’t see any of that, they think every immigrant is £thousands gain.
If an employer takes an immigrant in then the employer should pay all the benefits, nhs costs, housing costs, schooling costs, child benefits etc instead of the taxpayer subsidising employers.
I don’t know if anyone has done a cost analysis although I’ve heard each immigrant costs tens of thousands and only the employer makes money from this arrangement.
If immigrants really are a net gain then sending a couple of million Somalians to Greece should get their debt down.
A couple of million Syrians should help reduce Spanish youth unemployment and a few million Eritreans should get Italy on the road to recovery.
Unless of course, they have been telling us lies.
Where my sister lives the chances are that the first person, (and the next and the next), will be an Asian woman shuffling along the pavement. I doubt if they are an ‘economic benefit’. Ever so often there will be a ‘white’ couple with a child or two and as they pass by I hear them chatting away in some east European language. I doubt if those children are an ‘economic benefit’.
Where I live I often see several ‘grannies’ walking with toddlers or children in pushchairs, again they chat away in Polish. I doubt if any of them are ‘economic benefits’.
It is probably true to say that the hospitals in Birmingham would have closed down without the ‘benefit’ of Asian immigration – they wouldn’t have enough patients!
This Canary?
The one that set the mob on Laura K?
Kerry Ann needs to send a sulky letter to Lord Tone.
I’m heartily sick of the media behaving as though they are the moral guardian of this country. (not BBC) Sky debating whether the ‘international community’ have been slow to respond to the tsunami disaster in Indonesia. Jolly hockey sticks Jonathan Samuels (studio one day, Indonesia next) has indicated that the £3 million aid that the UK have promised, is not nearly enough and will be swallowed up very quickly. So follows a quick chat on how much we should send. All disasters get a hand out from us, but why should we be seen to be the main donator to a relief fund. Its f….g crackers, we are not the sticking plaster for the world.
These journalists should report the news, they’re not paid to give opinions. Neil Patterson, another Sky idiot, actually referred to someone in the news as a ‘prick’. I did a double take, are there no rules anymore ?
I wonder how much fellow Muslim county Saudi Arabia has given?
It’s not as though they’re short of cash, is it?
Whenever I see “journalists” talking about slow to respond in disaster areas it shows me how little they understand about the logistics of working in a disaster area and are out for the sensational headlines.
The company I worked for helped during the 2004 disaster in Indonesia. Masses of “we must do something” aid was sent to Jakarta and ended up in a big mess rotting in the airport. The World Food Programme was overwhelmed and the company I worked stepped in and organised proper warehousing , trucks, floating warehouses, and helicopters to get the aid to where it was needed. This was especially important where the roads had gone. We must do something without expertise is totally useless and is mere virtue signalling for governments and reporters.
From the latest ‘Media masters’ podcast blurb:
Rageh Omaar
International Affairs Editor, ITV News
Rageh Omaar is international affairs editor at ITV News. During his 25-year career, he has reported from some of the world’s most unpredictable conflicts and humanitarian disasters in Kabul, Baghdad and Gaza. His 2017 report on the impending famine in the Horn of Africa led to more than £50m of aid being raised, and cemented his reputation for hard-hitting coverage of humanitarian disasters. In this in-depth interview, he recalls some of the pivotal moments of his career, from interviewing Nelson Mandela to the “seat of the pants” experience of presenting News at Ten.
Not sure “hard-hitting coverage of humanitarian disasters” is the same as “rehashing cash-addicted NGO PRasNews” any more than swearing at people until they buy your song helps people kept in camps with nothing to do except get jiggy to make the next famine worse.
Often we need to remind ourselves that we live the reality – because the stuff we hear on the BBC shows Beeboids live in a parallel virtual virtue-signal universe.
This morning they have David Lord Attenborough of Gaga and Bluster who has changed out of his desert boots and baggy khaki shorts and is now comfortably ensconced at the old gents club campaigning for paper staws and against Trump. The horrible Donald just won’t let the rest of the World Order turn the global thermostat down a notch – like we want them to and they could easily have done…
Then someone says everywhere they go they see abandoned plastic straws, on the pavements, in the grass verges, in the gutters… we’ve all seen the pictures of one up a turtle’s nostrel…
Aparently the BBC campaign has achieved something. If you’ll believe them this is a customer-led demand for paper. Oh and now we’re importing the paper straws from China at four times the cost! And are we sure the Chinese are ethically sourcing the paper? And the carbon footprint of that addition transportation? Not to mention the adverse balance of payments cost to the UK.
Mariandra Heunis, whose husband was tortured and murdered during one of the many attacks on white farmers in South Africa, has posted her account on YT, in order to contradict SA President Ramaphosa’s statement in NY, that there were no farm murders taking place in SA.
It will come as no surprise to anyone on this site that the Marxist ANC, who encourage this sort of thing with their many ‘liberation songs’, have their slave media in the US who will publish R’s denials, fudges and obfuscations, without question.
If nobody takes up the cause of these isolated people, declared war on by their government, their cause is surely lost. So view the video please, like and share.
I notice she has not included footage of Ramaphosa telling his lie, but Willem Petzer has, in his video ‘Boer widow speaks out…’, also on YT.
Those of you who have seen Lauren Southern’s ‘Farmlands’, will not be surprised by this account. It’s not one you’re likely to see on the beeb. Wouldn’t fit into their narrative.
‘French officials say Iran’s ministry of intelligence was behind a plot to bomb a rally of Iranian opposition groups in Paris in June.’
So, BBC, on a scale of 1 to 10, how does this rate in comparison with Putin’s alleged attack on the Skripols?
Has the far-left bbc reported yet that the FBI report, the seventh such report, on judge Kavanaugh has been handed to the Senate for their consideration?
GCN radio is reporting that the vote to elect him to the supreme court could take place on Saturday.
Sajiv Javid’s conference speech about immigration
Seems he’s ticking boxes.
\\ ….
We shouldn’t brush aside the *legitimate concerns* that many people – most people – have had about the way immigration has been managed, especially the anxieties of those on low pay or in low skilled jobs.
The *irresponsible way Labour increased immigration*, without any real mandate, has understandably undermined the public’s trust.
They lost faith that politicians will manage immigration sustainably
But that doesn’t mean they are hostile to individuals.
Just look at the reaction to difficulties faced by Afghan interpreters who helped our troops.
Or Caribbean families who started coming here in the 1950s. When the British public cries out for decency, they’re usually right.
The *Windrush* scandal was a public policy failure many years in the making.
These were people who rightfully settled here from the Commonwealth decades ago and became pillars of our communities.
The way the system had been treating them – over many years – deeply offended our sense of fairness.
So WE are doing everything to put it right.//
(ehh didn’t some of them FAIL by failing to normalise their own immigration state, and travel on Jamaican passports etc ?)
\\ Our eyes were opened in a different way by the tragedy of *Grenfell*.
That fire affected a truly *diverse community* of residents.
(Diverse ? no it was undiverse in the way MOST people were of foreign origin)
\\ For me, even responding to it was the most moving and harrowing experience of my life.
(pass the sick bucket)
And it laid bare how some communities have not been given the same standards and opportunities that we all expect.
We have to put that right too.
(Jeez if you think Grenfell is the most unjust thing in Britain you are way out of touch)
\\ But there is a wider, more positive story here. It is my strong belief that immigration has been *good for Britain*. We have… // it continues …
“pillars of our communities” really Javid all of them every single one
including rotherham taxi drivers
*good for Britain* really javid all of it ALL of Britain and all Britons
frankly javid you would be better off keeping you mouth shut, as lots of people now know you are at best a spin merchant but more likely an outright liar
Reading guff like this you know that all main parties will do absolutely nothing about immigration. TM’s record as Home Sec speaks for itself.
Let’s keep reminding everyone that it’s not Christians and apart from some so called travelers, it’s not white Europeans who are causing the destruction of our way of life. It’s muslims. So, why not get rid of the problem rather than pretending a problem doesn’t exist?
R4 now Artists against Trumps wall in Arizona.
… ‘There were 80 border deaths year ..the media don’t report them’
…. Well they are not Tump’s fault
.. they are down to traffickers, who hype the dream and then abandon those who have paid them.
The bbc has a frequent habit of shunting responsibility from those actually to blame onto people the bbc doesn’t like and are less likely to react in ways the bbc refuses to acknowledge.
The tonality of the author suggests even FoBs are not convinced.
Certainly the Empire appears to be growing ever more as ‘too big to pay redundancy’ issues loom and the top floor panics about their multi-million pensions.
Not quite BBC but it’s about a Bake Off competition
Funnily enough I’ve not heard this on the BBC who are usually so very keen to deliver Bake Off-related news snippets
‘Rose West wins prison bake-off competition after impressing fellow lags with Victoria Sponge cake’
‘West who was locked up for life in 1995 for murdering 10 girls and women, is said to have impressed fellow prisoners with the sweet treat.’
“There are some very violent women on the wing and a lot of them are very aggressive towards West because of her crimes. But she tends to defuse situations by offering other prisoners cakes and biscuits.”
‘Last November, it emerged that the killer was reportedly enjoying a ‘middle class’ life behind bars – listening to The Archers and getting foot massages.’
I’d so eat a cake from that source. Not.
I wonder if there were any files baked into these cakes?
Flies, more like…
“I knew an old lady…”
As opposed to hanged – which is the Fedup remedy for saving taxpayers cash on prisons .
Things I really didn’t need to know from the BBC #546
The role of BBC Orifice Investigator is doubtless coveted corporation wide.
Oh my God ! I don’t even want to know how they’re used – and er, reusable ???? Nothing appears to be off limits anymore.
in Beeboid-speak “trending” means “things that we want to be trending”
Tyranny in France.
“…French authorities might be reviving the old Soviet use of “psychiatry” to silence dissidents or political opponents.”
You couldn’t believe it unless you were confronted by the facts.
once again someone being punished for the truth
A very worrying development indeed.
Coming to these shores soon, no doubt.
Speaking the truth will be both a crime and a sign of madness.
It makes you wonder what this NWO/islamic Government would do if there was a sudden uprising. I guess they would not hesitate to bring in the police + army. Problem there, as I see it, is the police/army would have to confront many of their own families and/or friends. The word I picked up a month or two ago was that plod was pretty pissed off with the goings on of the Marxists/PC/’Hate Speech’ faction and deserting the Met in quite considerable numbers. The Army? The retired hierarchy is clearly not at all happy with the nonsense and as, no doubt, they are still, unofficially ‘connected’ one wonders whether the Army would turn out.
Which is why they want to establish a European Army
For those of you here who agree with us that the solution is abolition and shutdown, a polite reminder:
Please sign and share with everybody you know the petition (link below). Thank you very much.
The realisation begins to dawn that all the BBC’s screaming and shouting is perhaps counter-productive?
Then again, like a gambling addict, maybe if I have just one more go it’ll be different this time.
Expect more of these stories from one side from Katty, who makes a mockery of BBC claims to impartiality.
Bizarre behaviour. Can I recall much about my school days? Not really, but it was the sixties.
When that teacher from Dulwich College decided to drag up some dirt on Nigel Farage, IIRC it did not end well. For her.
Sure that isn’t Father Brown ???
The Speccy catches the Beeb lying (again)
Why is the BBC blaming falling car sales on Brexit?
Looks like they have now edited the headline
New car sales plunge 20% in September
What is the position with BBC Complaints? Will they still log and/or discuss based on a sneaky punt or shut down shop as it ‘never happened’? No record, no pack drill. Equally tweets. Once they vanish, what can a complainant use to point to via the BBC’s rigged registration of complaint system?
somebody is lying to us
I’m into extreme al beeb rationing but I caught a bit of vintage Sopel this morning which led me to think he is smelling his own farts again. Sopel theory goes-
President Trump doesn’t care if his first nomination gets the job or not because by their antics the democrats have cheesed off republican so that they will turn out in bigger numbers next month .
Pres Trump will just nominate another right winger and get them through next time
Win win as Sopel said . I wonder if mr Sopel is die for the beeboid rehab clinic with Katty Emilie Marvell peeenarrrr and that queer little chap with the ears .
Al beeb is trumpeting that comrade tusk is upset that a Tory minister compared the EU with the USSR . I think it’s wrong too – the ReichEU is far better description . Anything that upsets those unelected smug time wasters in Brussels can only be a good thing .
Maybe Russia could do some manoeuvres on the border of their EU and see how the surrender monkeys get on without the. Americans and little us next time …
I had to give up on Jeremy Vine within minutes today as he kept pushing the BBC line that terrorist action is the fault of the police and security services and that parliament ‘obviously’ needs more protection.
No! Our MPs should be at the back of the queue when it comes to protection. They are the ones brought the Desert Death Cult to our shores, they are the ones that seek to criminalise anyone that objects.
There was a time when we didn’t need a passport to travel within our own country, a time free of ‘pat-downs’, security barriers, identity badges and those ‘pillars of Islam’ that obstruct our shopping centres.
True Jim
Haven’t of heard of anyone getting sacked or disciplined for having a system where the main gate of parliament didn’t have a gun on it .
I care less for the politician because as far as I’m concerned death should be an occupational hazard if they allow the country to be over run with third world peasants – I care more for the unarmed innocents paid to smile at the tourists and get shot or stabbed through negligence .
Too true JimS, that is entirely the point. Let the bastards who opened, and keep open the floodgates for savages, let them be last to be protected. The trouble is, they dont have to live in the third world enclaves full of barbarians like joe bloggs, so have no clue.
……There was a time when we didn’t need a passport to travel within our own country, a time free of ‘pat-downs’, security barriers, identity badges and those ‘pillars of Islam’ that obstruct our shopping centres…….
Yes, and it was long before this lot of ‘jazzy hands’ (new name for Snowflakes) were even born. And before I had to listen with indignation to young ‘know it alls’ of non-British heritage, spout with such authority on the politics of this country .. (am I alone in noticing how they speed talk at 100 mph but actually say nothing?)
R4 now The Adam”ant Alarmist” Rutherford Show
Rutherford opens his piece “The *International* Panel on Climate Change just met”
… Ffs BBC Science the “I” stands for Intergovernmental
\\ A “traumatised and indoctrinated” British man who was rescued from a 6ft green wooden shed in Cumbria is believed have been kept as a slave for up to 40 years.
A 79-year-old British man arrested for modern slavery offences.//
FFS no media mention in the headline that again the slavemasters were a “bad gypsy” clan.
Such timidity/bias within libmob culture is the reason why such issues haven’t been addressed earlier.
The police seem to be routinely afraid of “bad gypsies” , asking them to bring their license to the police station and never doing anything when they don’t turn up.
They will often not even dare to go onto the sites when a crime is reported, I know this for a fact, one even commented “2% of the population, 20% of the crime”
Whatever the outcome of the us Supreme Court nonsense one can but conclude that any one looking for a job in the future will be judged on their past behaviour – however long ago it was. This poses a real danger to those who are dumb enough to put their lives on face book – particularly the antics of teenagers – a record sitting in the cloud for ever .
I write with limited knowledge of social media because apart from this site I don’t engage and have no exposure to Facebook .
But good and bad people seem destined to suffer injustice in the jobs market in decades to come as a result . That doesn’t seem right .
Given events elsewhere, nationally and further afield, comments could…
Oh, and in the spirit of testimony, I wonder if Katty watches Tucker but decided to stick with bbc belief and edited this one out of her shares?
A fair point or you could do what Dr Ford did who spent 5-6 days before going public frantically deleting all social media traces.
Makes you wonder why she would do that, worried that we might discover blatant partisan bias in her attitudes to the world…
Times on St Brian
\\ The head of Amnesty International UK ordered staff to work with the disgraced charity chief Brendan Cox despite being aware of concerns about his behaviour towards women.
There have been calls for Kate Allen to face a disciplinary inquiry for committing Amnesty UK to support Mr Cox’s Great Get Together project a year after his resignation from Save the Children in September 2015 amid sex harassment allegations.
A confidential investigation report seen by The Times concluded that Ms Allen, Amnesty UK’s director since 2000, and senior managers failed to carry out due diligence or risk assessments, while no one acted on staff concerns about working alongside Mr Cox. …//
And the size of their salaries ? ?!
Schoolgirl, 15, died from a severe allergic reaction ‘after eating food from a dirty takeaway infested with mouse droppings
“Mohammed Abdul Kuddus, 40, (right image, left) and Harun Rashid, 38, (right image, right) will go on trial accused of manslaughter. The pair deny the manslaughter charges. ”
drug dealer, 21, who used three children to sell crack cocaine and heroin while forcing them to live in a squalid flat”
Zakaria Mohammed, 21, (pictured) from Aston, Birmingham, recruited the vulnerable youngsters to extend his drugs network to Lincoln,”
So much for their religion and bloody prophet
Story #1 (We’ll if “Poisoned by Moh” gets as much media coverage as “Poisoned by Pret”)
Megan Lee, who was 15, died after eating food from the Royal Spice Takeaway
The incident took place on December 30, 2016. She died just two days later
Mohammed Abdul Kuddus and Harun Rashid to go on trial for manslaughter
Kuddus pleaded guilty for failing to discharge general duty of employers
He also pleaded guilty for failing to maintain food safety regulation set by EU
No mention on the BBC…It’s a disgrace really is.
Story #2
Zakaria Mohammed 21, of Birmingham, trafficked three children to sell drugs
He forced them to sell crack cocaine and heroin from freezing, squalid flats
They were transported from Birmingham to Lincoln to work as ‘workhorses’
He was caught when two boys and a girl were found in a one-bedroom flat
..Em if he’s 21 then he’s probably not the big king pin is he ?
The police believe he was. They said “Mohammed claimed to be playing the role of a ‘trusted and informed lieutenant’ and that there were drug bosses further up the chain – but I believe he was very much in charge.”
In the BBC Look North item from Lincoln just now, the camera showed streets of old white people, then the camera flick to the vox pop 2 young black women.