The Far Left BBC will turn the possible US Supreme Court victory for President Trump into a defeat as it shows its’ full bias.Next biased attack please …
Russians are making themselves easy targets as they try to muscle in on BBC territory to undermine the West. We are meant to believe the Russians want to hack the NHS – a culture still using fax machines to avoid the accountability of emails . Perhaps they’d favour us with hacking the BBC.
Then the House of Clowns returns after another little holiday joining with the BBC to block Brexit .
Times calls Liz Bonin the new Attenborough, after her big anti-plastic prog.
Lucky Liz can surely expect to come second in a name exercise for a recycling compacter, after ‘Trashy McTrashface’.
#rarehonour Ask Socks.
Stoke : 2 different recent fatal stabbings involving non-whites
– Madni Ahmed, of Etruria, was arrested following the death of pensioner Riasat Bi
– Iraqi born Ms Najmadeenn32 stabbed to death, 3 men held.
Dana Abdullah is due to appear in court on Saturday accused of killing 32-year-old Avan Najmadeen
Also on ITTB for any who have run afoul of sensitive* BBC types.
*Realise they are in a corner of a debate with only one exit strategy.
Times front page and 2 pages inside is about Russian troll farms brainwashing British Youth
– On anti-GM ..( believable cos RT does flakey anti-GM docos)
– Anti-feminist ..with a surfer girl account actually in St Petersburg not California
– Spreading anti-Islam with a Westminster Bridge attack photo showing hijab woman ignoring all and staying on phone … (last week’s inquiry actually aired people who said passers byvignored them)
– They don’t accuse Russia of spreading anti-fracking.
Remember when Manchester Uni put Kipling’s poem on the Student Union wall, and the students replaced it withva poem by black American activist Maya Angelou ?
Well black activist Alice Walker has named Kipling’s poem as one of her favourites.
Nick Beake, the BBC’s intrepid foreign correspondent at the Indonesian tsumani, does… Jim’ll Fix It
Flicking onto the BBC News Channel this afternoon I’m initially dismayed as the anchor leads into yet another report from Palu on the island of Sulawesi as she seems almost to relish the death count and gives us the latest: ‘there could be thousands still buried in the rubble’. Stop with the disaster porn, I think. A moment of lethargy (which one might term extreme disaster fatigue) prevents me from reaching for the remote prior to my expectation that the female asian BBC reporter on the ground with her strangled English will once again be berrating us with the ‘anger’ of the locals at the tardiness of the relief response. Pressure guilt.
But no. Here comes Nick Beake fresh from Rohingya-land a little late to the party but arriving in Palu in time to find a young boy whose arm was broken in the earthquake whilst he was in town watching his beloved Manchester City on tv. Our Nick clearly revels in the BBC news matra of telling people’s stories. For my taste he’s also a little too keen on making the stories. Observing that our quake victim is a particular fan of Riyad Mahrez (City’s French born Algerian transfered for something north of £60m) our BBC chap declares:
“We thought Manchester City ought to know about this so we contacted them”.
Cue the sound of Jimmy Savile’s distinctive yodel… ‘as it ‘appens, guys and gals’
And sure enough, our Nick returns to the casualty tent where the youngster is recuperating clutching his BBC-issue laptop so as to bring a tear to the eye of the Indonesian lad when he plays a message from said Mahrez. How could Man City’s PR department refuse? They’d have to have a heart of stone. And be exteremly short-sighted in the marketing department.
I’m metaphorically sick a bucket at this point – and on the basis that a trouble shared is a trouble doubled, decided to share.
perhaps if we didnt chuck massive amounts of money around in foreign aid for the Ethiopian spice girls et al we could put a little aside in some kind of emergency fund for … erm emergencies
Is he the same one who muttered some crap about the Indonesians-yes, grieving -but now all ready to move on from it all, and be too maudling?
He`d only just arrived, and he`s invoking the Spirit of the Manchester Arena. “Don`t Look Back In Anger” twaddle.
Unless it Grenfell, Orgreave or Hillsborough of course.
This BBC creep really has no right to pontificate on how entitled the Indonesians are to grieve…and, yes the number of bodies was a factor in his calculus.
Sickening, ignorant and typically trite platitudes from particularly stupid amoral hacks .
Noticeable that BBC and Sky have eased up considerably on the Kavanaugh tweets. His angry face , their picture of choice , no longer popping up every 5 minutes. Another battle lost by the dangerous liberal looney left. Thankfully. No doubt regrouping and marking out their next target …….going to have a wild punt and guess it will be a white male !!!!!. Loving these loonies not having it all their own way …..about time too. Although I don’t think they are enjoying it ……..tough !!!!!!!!
Global News clearly did not get the memo.
Taking a leaf from the BBC’s book they had impartial punditry to savour on ‘calls for’ Judge K to be hung drawn and quartered from the Editor of… The Hill.
That is The Hill, without which Katty Kay would have no sources to quote.
That is, this The Hill:
Perfect for a BBC RT or like.
Tragic, in every way. But as this is about the BBC…
BBC News
A large proportion of those who die during interactions with US police officers have a disability. This is the story of Ethan Saylor – told by his mother.
Learn more:
No link to comments, but… #CCBGB A surprise, as usually these are open season for virtue signallers and armchair beat police.
The top one points out the BBC is really giving this story… from the USA… a lot of BBC attention. Perhaps because BBC attention over there is not comfy where it has been until recently and needed a distraction.
As ever a variety of things were left out, but given this was by the deceased’s mother, perhaps inevitable. However, again, allowing the media to shape inquiries or court case outcomes is not looking a great future for anyone the BBC expects to keep them safe.
Oh no! Barbara Broccoli has been reported by the beeb as saying James Bond was written as a male and will stay as a male. She’s obviously a sexist and must be torn apart by the snowflake brigade on twitter etc at once! Now, where’s my safe space?
Some Bond girl apparently rewrote her 5 minutes on her back in a recent Bond film where she elected not to go to his room for a shag .
Obviously she didn’t have any ideas about what bond films are like . Silly girl ..
…. bit like some other dizzy British actress who claimed fame gave her PTSD . Fruitcake
Meanwhile it is over three months since six year old Alesha MacPhail was raped and murdered on the isle of Bute.
Police arrested and charged, an unnamed teenager, shortly afterwards.
Then the BBC pushed the story down the memory hole. The same memory hole where the millions of rapes went.
Usually curious, the BBC displays an amazing unconcern about this murder.
Whereas I am most concerned, because Bute was enriched by some “refugees” recently.
When does the identity of the accused become public under Scottish Law?
some lady in scotland did name the perp and the full weight of Scottish law dropped directly on her head
Im amazed the truth hasnt seeped out yet, but the longer it remains under wraps the more suspicious I become.
Did anyone ever find out the name of the axeman who attacked people on a train in Switzerland?
That one seems to have gone down the memory hole. Must have been a case of nothing to do with islam.
6 years old you say? Why does that age ring a bell, mmm, must check my Koran.
Guess who was masterminding all the protests around the US against Kavanaugh?
I think the figure is $18 million he’s also put into Europe to stop Brexit and the growing resistance to the EU.
The man has his evil fingermarks over anything that is subversive. Candidate No.1 for dangling from a lamppost.
Certain elements on Twitter claim President Trump is anti Semitic because he names Soros . There really is some hysteria about .
Open Society Foundation / Soros financing a lot of the ‘protest groups’, stirring up shit.
Open Society Foundation / Soros financing a lot of the ‘protest groups’, stirring up shit.
Agreed – Thoroughly evil old bastard!
I used to like talking coming from the radio rather than music whilst I did the cooking or the ironing (traditional gender roles to a degree in the ‘D’ household) but the amount of time before I find the ‘off’ switch grows less and less. I really should reset the radio to Classic FM (I know somebody on this site recommended a Swiss station – could they remind me of it, please.)
Today, ironing and I switched on the radio Saturday afternoon. Jane Garvey on Woman’s Hour (weekend edition) interviewing a female Conservative MP who is trying to encourage more Conservative women standing for parliament. Jane’s tone of voice when asking twice why the Conservatives don’t have all women shortlists because ‘they work for Labour’ was said in such a voice that was just plain aggressive and rude.
It is a good job that I am not a Conservative MP because I would have pointed out that such Labour MPs as Angela Rayner and Diane Flatbot are so poor that it gives every justification for women to work on the counter at Woolworths and leave running the country to men. At this point I will make no comment about Mrs May.
But my real point is why an interviewer from the BBC thinks it is OK to be as rude as they like to any Conservative who agrees to be interviewed and why in response the Conservatives don’t hit them with both barrels. Labour would have done under Alistair Campbell for far less.
No ads, no news, minimal inter track chat.
Does need a WiFi connection though.
Classic FM is headed in very dire directions.
Thanks GW I will give it a try but have limited data on my broadband package.
I use it a lot. It doesn’t use much data. It’s only audio.
Needs an internet connection. Might or might not be via wifi.
That would be the same Jane Garvey who infamously said, while reminiscing about Labour’s 1997 election victory, that, “The corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles.”
Thing is, she had the decency to try to backtrack a bit after that admission of bias but then realised that there was no way to retract the statement and stopped trying to do damage control. She then said something like, “Wish I hadn’t started this.”
Could be that she needs reminding that there was a time when she was honest about the BBC’s bias in favour of the left. Those little flashes of honesty are incredibly few and far between on the BBC.
She could also have pointed out that the Cons may not do all-women shortlists but they’ve had 2 female leaders to Labour’s, erm, 0.
<>She could also have pointed out that the Cons may not do all-women shortlists but they’ve had 2 female leaders to Labour’s, erm, 0.
Aargh, I just had a vision of Emily Thornberry as PM followed by Dianne Abbott.
Well done BBC, asian and white wimmin, and black man as main Dr Who characters, God so many group wanks in the BBC corridors this weekend along with a wimmin and a black man for peace prize.
Something else to ignore / boycott alongside maltesers who are convinced workplaces in the UK are full of white wimmin , disabled wimmin and black men and absolutely no white men, starting to be sickening this trend with few white husbands in adverts also
There are comments on this one and, well, yes, they could…
BBC speaking for the nation again, though a certain set of ‘we’s’ cruising around like Cylons might benefit from a few tabs popped in the slot.
dum de dum
“at-risk groups (such as people from ethnic minority groups with dark skin, elderly people in care homes and those who wear clothing that cover most the skin”
quite why elderly people in care homes are different from ederly people who are house bound god only knows
but the others would basically seem genetically or theologically unsuitable for northern climes
Wimmin in every job possible wonder when the reports will start comng in about how so many women in the workplace are rather nasty little bullies, in 30 years working have seen the wimmin gang culture in action over and over,
Against my better judgement I’ve been watching a broadcast of a few of the Democrat talking heads waxing eloquent about their disdain for judge Kavanaugh. It appears to be live and the final vote will allegedly be taking place at 5pm US eastern time, in a couple of hours.
Apparently the really good news is that the vote has already been determined in favour of the judge’s nomination, and I suppose the final vote is just a formality so I’m wondering what these current speakers hope to gain by continuing to trash Kavanaugh. Perhaps they simply want their opposition on the record but I have never heard such voluminous amounts of crap spewed with such apparent sincerity and moral conviction.
And I hope I’ll never hear it again.
Come to think of it, that would preclude me ever listening to the BBC again.
Also like to add : never seen such vitriol and the abuse of the legal process in vilifying an individual..apart fromthe treatment of Trump himself, by those who are perfectly aware, yet ignore, the verifiable fact that their ex leader was a provable sex criminal whose wife abused the victims, hypocrisy of immense proportions proving politics is indeed a stinking dirty business how do these people sleep at night ?
If they have their way, they’ll drag the US government down till it resembles a third-world dictatorship.
Any time I heard this news item re Kavanaugh on the radio, it is made perfectly clear what the Sky and BBC hacks think of his being passed to be a judge.
“Alleged sex offender has been passed to be a SC judge, being Trumps nominee”…
All day. Nothing whatsoever about how these allegations came about in real time, who released them and why they just MIGHT have had ulterior motives.
No-both Sky and the BBC think that being innocent until proven guilty, the right to defence or a fair trial before these slurring witch hunts etc-well it`s so last century.
Won`t somebody PLEASE think of the vulnerable victim…and how could she possibly be seen as partial?
Outrageous smearing all day by the liberal hacks. They wilfully tried to destroy this man and his family, just to nobble the hated Trump.
How on earth are they getting away with this?
The US Law has been weaponised every bit as much as ours nowadays. Brexit and Trump in 2016, at least have taught us that. And the consequences if we don`t deal with this use of law to destroy political prerogative, as duly mandated by electorates.
Alicia ,
The polarisation being promoted by MSM is very concerning and difficult to assess where it is going . Permissive liberalism has been running public organisations for decades and any threat to their interests is violently attacked because so many people have ‘skin in the game’ .
We see this in the ‘ look the other way stuff ‘ infecting out country – Islamic paedophilic rape gangs being the most obscene example – but moving down to practices which people are forced to accept – such as the burka …
Our Brexit will help if it is anything like the wishes of joe public to get control back . And if President Trump gets a respectable second term he can really get going on the swamp .
in 300 words how to tell the most one sided debunked pile of lies and half truths and completely avoid balance
Surely, you must understand. It’s just not in our remit to think.
We simply need to be ‘Informed and Educated’
Silly you . . .
Kavanaugh confirmed yessssssss !
Al Beeb and it’s Lefty Libtard allies are not happy bunnies.
I have no idea whether Kavanaugh will make a good justice or indeed I have no idea what he will be able to really do. But when I saw the weakness of the evidence and the Democrats playing for a delay, trashing a man on unsubstantiated allegations, the lies, the calls for an FBI investigation and then the whining because they didn’t like that the FBI didn’t spend months investigating and the rabble demonstrating in their bullying aggressive way, then I had to cheat at Kavanaugh’s appointment.
Deborah, I guess you meant “cheer” not “cheat” at the judge’s appointment!
TrueToo yes ‘cheer’ not ‘cheat’. I swear on the iPad letters move around after I have both typed and checked it. I wonder if it is a google algorithm to change my words to something more politically correct.
I’ve got a similar problem on Word – when I put an apostrophe in, it creates a gap and there’s nothing I can do to close it. Weird.
Google probably has a way of making you type ‘cheat’ when you type ‘Kavanaugh.’ I’m only half joking.
Now that justice Kavanaugh has been confirmed I wonder how many people against him actually know why they are or how his judgements have gone in the last few years .
On this side of the pond there has been a long standing complaint / observation that judges are not of ‘the real world ‘ and need to have ‘ experience of life’ . Well mr justice Kavanaugh has been through the ringer – together with his family – and seems to have come out the other side .
Reason seems to be in short supply but rabid group think is in the ascendency . I suppose that certain democrats will continue to physically abuse and harass Justice Kavanaugh in their in their inability to accept the outcome of democratic procedures – Soubry , Adonis and others might take note – or not .
Congratulations President Trump – good luck with the next nominee .
Because the vote was so close and a lot of the senators were a bit thick and didn’t know what they were voting for perhaps they should be given the chance to have a second final vote – no ifs no buts – once in a generation – call it a people’s vote – and if they don’t get that right have another one ….
Watch out there is a wimmin with a time machine tardis tonight and some black friends but with luck maybe they will f+ck off to a different timeline where all is black men white wimmin and sharia law and then the feminists all turning up to work with black eyes and bruises under their hoods will be thinking twice…
I actually face a tough decision regarding Dr Who. For me it was always one of the highlights of Saturday night viewing, I grew up with Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker.
But now…….I just have this awful feeling it has been “modernised”. They have bowed to the pathetic PC brigade by making the main character a female, it looks like the companions tick all the PC boxes as well by being different colours, and you just know that every episode will have some underlying political or left-wing message.
So……do I give it a chance, or is this yet another part of my life that I have to leave behind, something else eroded in this rotten era? Do I still watch it for the sake of tradition? It’s a quandry.
I’m not watching Doctor Who because it’s the Thirteenth Doctor, so it would be unlucky for me to watch it. In fact, if you have Triskaidekaphobia, its probably now illegal to watch Doctor Who.
Also consider the possibility that the Thirteenth Doctor Who was responsible for, the death of Jesus, Britain losing thirteen American Colonies, the American Civil War, the Apollo 13 disaster and the thirteenth episode of Doctor Who which was called “The Brink of Disaster”
So to avoid the disaster, watch JRR Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” on ITV2, instead.
You can vote with your remote, although with less viewers they will probably assume it is art rather than popular entertainment and elevate it to some award or other
I think that the new Doctor Who actress should be given the Nobel Peace Prize in the same way Barrack Obama was handed it. I.e. for PC reasons
I stopped watching it over a decade ago, when it stopped being a man’s and boy’s programme and turned into a woman’s programme.
Now, by all accounts it’s morphed into a woman’s and ethnics’ programme. I suppose only metrosexual and effete men are now it’s male target audience.
“Top EU officials have expressed optimism that a Brexit deal can be struck by the end of the year.”
I smell a rat .
Deffo Taffman – For all intents and purposes I think it is all loosely scripted. Right from Theresas midnight dashes to Brussels to her “standing up to Brussels” after being slighted by Drunker and Co – it is all games.
I hope I am proved wrong but it is all too convenient even down to the once “right leaning” Express and Mail now jumping aboard Captain Theresas showboat – The good ship “Sellout”
I expect if she is still around next year we will get some sort of burlesque act at the the Tory Conference with her slowly removing her Union Jack lingerie to reveal all – to the sound of the “Ode to Joy”
Oh God did I really say that!
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”
So they say and when the silent seething majority in this country finally say enough is enough we will see about that as well, I hear rumours alreadt that the police are sick nd tired of their agenda prioritising hate crime i.e. any muslim that gets into an arguement, see their council website it actively encorages this waste of police time yet never mentions attacks on Jews, homosexuals or white people filming documetaries in “their gehttoes” and absoultely no mention of their religion actively seeking out underage white girls for sex,
We certainly witnessed some exquisite enrichment on QT last night when we were all subjected to the real face of censorship, intolerance and disgraceful racism. Nice to see the veil not so much slip, but completely drop off!
Maybe her observations would be better employed in a (much) more distant, tolerant and inclusive society, where her social and political viewpoint will be more relevant and respected.
Hopefully . . .
It Was Alright In The 70’s.
If anyone has ever seen any of these programmes (on Channel 4 I think) then hopefully you’ll have a similar view to mine. I love watching the various old clips, whether they be sport, music, comedy etc etc, brings back so many memories and of course only a bunch of completely pointless lefty snowflakes could be offended by the clips……which brings me onto the completely pointless lefty snowflakes who we see on the show, sitting there watching said clips in horror, open-mouthed, aghast, performing double-takes, feeling “offended” at what was on offer in the 1970’s.
I think it’s fairly clear which side of the fence the actual programme itself comes down on. In fact I’m kind of surprised that the bBBC doesn’t make the programme itself.
Alf Garnet and love thy neighbour were presented as a parody, but one thing that is slowly coming as a realisation is that “pakis” were generally treated as a minority that had no part in our society and 30 years on ? they continue to seperate themselves, unlike the West Indians, unlike the Sikhs. unlike the Hindhus, and now they have “rights” and mosques to stick up for themselves and what do they do ? rape white children in organised gangs, the seventies had one good idea….keep these bastards down
I remember a woman called Mary Whitehouse, the President of CUNT, who didn’t think It Was Alright In The 70’s.
She was filmed sitting watching the telly in horror, open-mouthed, aghast, performing double-takes, feeling “offended and disgusted” at what was on offer in the 1970’s. She used to say something like “I watched the telly last night. The use of offensive words such as “Fuck, Cunt and Nigger” was disgusting.
Her CUNT stood for “Clean Up National Television”
The use of most of those “offensive words” on TV were absolutely taboo in the 1970’s. Now you can say almost any swearword you like. Certainly the first two words you mention would barely raise an eyebrow today.
Even that aged dinosaur Jon Snow was pictured with the the F word emblazoned on a T shirt. Sad old git.
As for the third, only black rappers are permitted to use it. Absolutely verboten for anyone else!
In the 70’s we still had the likes of Dick Emery and Benny Hill. There seems to be an attempt to expunge them from our collective consciousness. Although both are popular on You Tube.
Now we’ve got the likes of Keith Lemon and Julian Clary.
I know who I prefer.
What confuses me about these it was all right cheap tv programs is they have zz list “celebs” who are too young to have seen these programs but proceed to tell us what we are about to see or have just seen so I assume it’s all scripted along with the show of outrage at the non PC contents. What confuses me even more is how not funny in the slightest Shappi Khorsandi seems to crop up on virtually ever one of these programs is it because she has such in depth knowledge of British society from the 1960s. Wonder how much these people get paid for their appearances? It’s on Channel 4, so almost the same as the BBc.
Time to co ordinate the answer to every bloody muslim in this country that has the word racist” on the tip of their tongue at every opportunity, I do not know or care about your race, but whatever it is you have run away from it to this country and then abuse its laws
Any bloody muslim that calls anyone racist should immediately give up their British passport as they obviously do not consider themselves part of our society
Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed 50-48 in the Senate. 48 is becoming a real losers number wouldn’t you say? Haha
@Farage says The vote would have been 51 to 49
BUT Senator Lisa Murkowski, the only Republican opposing Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, chose to vote “present” instead of “no”,
so that fellow GOP Senator Steve Daines, who would have voted “yes” could be at his daughter’s wedding in Montana, instead of at the vote
Excellent and now the witches should take a closer look at Clinton sex crimes and his wife’s complicity
Readers please note that anything Al Beeb and the Libtards don’t like, they always use the pejorative word “Divisive”.
Brexit vote – “Divisive”.
Kavanaugh vote “Divisive”
BBC – “Divisive”.
F+cking your secretary with a cigar , and what is BBC the term for that ? all of a sudden they stop wanking into their skinny lattes about wimmin and blacks and walk away it seems, Hilarie’s racist attacks when she stood against Obama ? hmm so so quiet the BBC sometimes, women raped and sexually abused by her husband she called them bimbos, ……
Clinton’s friends say they have seen her deal with Bill Clinton’s conduct before, bristling at threats and countering them with steely determination. Her reaction, said longtime Arkansas friend Jim Blair, is to face accusers and respond thusly: “These people are not going to run over us.”
[From the archives: Hillary Clinton, trying to have it all]
Her detractors, though, say that Clinton has unfairly lashed out over the years at the women involved in her husband’s indiscretions. Her responses have forced her to walk a fine line during the campaign on sexual assault issues, even as she builds strong political support among female voters
Female voters ? hmhh silly bitches it seems, like the silly bitches marching in London against Trump in suport of a sex criminals wife…..unless they have a liking for cigars
It is remarkable the bbc remains as disinterested in why Bubba also went by ‘Slick Willy’ as they are how Nick Robinson is by ‘Toenails’.
Is stabbing becoming so common in London that this evening three policemen can get brutally stabbed and Al Beeb don’t report it?
Perhaps their duty researchers will get the ‘heads up’ from here ?
They’re probably checking out the colour and religion of the perps and victims before deciding whether to bury the story in local news or put it on their front page.
Perhaps that’s the result of appointing a Dick as your leader.
On this morning’s Radio 4 Saturday Live chat programme one of the guests was a woman Doctor Who fan, Christel Dee. She listed some badges she sported on her coat. Among them was the Soviet hammer and sickle. No one challenged her, maybe that would have been seen to be uncool to BBC Progressivists. How would they have responded to a swastika?
Our peculiarly intelligent danseuse extraordinaire Treesa-May writes in today’s Observer, attempting to woo voters away from Jeremy’s clutches and into her mantis-like arms.
Is anyone prepared to tell the stupid woman that, without the News of the World, core Labour voters don’t read Sunday papers? Let alone the Sunday Guardian.
The Guardian ‘reported’ how Treezer is trying to get Labour to vote for her Brexit plans.
As Bill Cash points out, Chequers subjects us indefinitely to the interpretation of the European Court of Justice and undermines the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972.
These factors alone, with a few more concessions thrown in (customs union), are tasty enough for a number of opportunistic remainers to support Treezer’s ‘proposal’.
‘It’s the season of not letting go, no matter how mental it proves you are.
Like the bbc needs to care.
Nice theory.
Currently they are impartially covering every lunatic protest they can get footage from.
The bbc ‘buys into’ anything the bbc want to. And strolls past anything that spoils the narrative.
LBC this morning had one of these deranged women on complaining about Justice Kavanaugh. A sympathetic interviewer, I can’t be bothered to recall who it was, and only the news ended her uninterrupted whineathon.
The left is infused with evil, they don’t recognise it in themselves and their malignancy never ceases, never sleeps. They’ll only stop when they have been stopped.
A charming depiction of JRM. Darken the stubble look above the lip, flick out a piece of hair on the forehead, menace the eyes a little and you’ve got it! It’s amazing that all the Irish have done throughout Brexit talks is winge and moan. No positive suggestions have been forthcoming. Verruca has been wined and dined by the EU and made to feel important so has danced their tune with no thought of his own in his head. Ireland could have pushed hard for the EU to ensure they did well out of Brexit, but the EU have played them like a piano, playing their aged old hatred of the UK and waving the threat of the border and they haven’t had the sense to see beyond this. They have been delighted to be used as the stick. But, they will find themselves isolated and the interest will drop off when their use is evaporated. verruca will be given a job in the EU and happily leave his people behind.
Sorry link didn’t work.
English Lass, not all Twitter images work here
only the ones that end in .jpg
So if it doesn’t post the tweet URL making sure you change mobile to www
“A charming depiction of JRM” “Top dog among the more bonkers Breexiteers”
from Kim Bielenberg Features Writer for Irish Independent Saturday Review
Thanks SG
And the Irish have a particular way with minorities which is why we have all their “travellers” over here that they drove out of their country, playing victim status does not sit well with them for anyone that is familiar with their violent intolerance, but saying that, would be quite happy to swap their travellers for our muzzies and see how they get on there, try whinging about burkas and halal food and demanding their own schools and mosques and whatever else they generally whinge about over there and see the response
Ireland and the Irish? Their time is coming fast. Welcome to the Grand Plan, “Ireland 2040”. The sloMo destruction of Ireland:
“By 2040 an additional one million people will live in Ireland”
Well, look across the Irish Sea and further, the EU and see what happens when you import migrants from, “Third World Shitholes”.
Ireland: You are welcome!
No doubt after entering Ireland, they’ll invade Northern Ireland with the intention of eventually making it to England.
Does Mrs May have a dance for this eventuality?
Bbc Newsbeat and CBeebies just cleared their schedules and are hiring Larry LeWBo and John Bannerman to do a special.
Ah, the Beebs usual standard of reporting:
Two “Men” stabbed 3 police officers in crazy corbinland Islington last night.
Lets see if we can find the update buried deep some time later in life when everyone’s moved on.
Buried, or.., ignored?
Often happens.
The image ends in .jpg so I’ll make it .jpg:small and post it here

Stephen Colbert’s Late Show is one of America’s biggest
and he said “So how did our politics get so poisonous?”
This Ariel Dumas is one of his writers
…she tweeted this and then deleted it.
\\ Liberals are always preaching about being peaceful!
Meanwhile they are the most hate filled, abusive, oxygen depleters on the planet! //
Could be a spoof, but 6k is a good sample.
Guessing, so far, Sky won’t be covering it, and the bbc won’t be covering Sky not covering it?
The Army is undermanned by about 4,000. Some 10,000 have been kicked out for drug taking etc. The Army is to write to each of the 10,000 offering a bribe to return. The ‘Dumbing Down’ of everything surrounding continues apace. Whether it be university entrance, O and A levels, foreign doctor admittance to the NHS. Politician quality anyone? The list goes on. Compare this with a gradual lowering of IQ and, maybe, it starts to make sense. All amenities will suffer a slow death to meet the expectations of people from, as the POTUS described, “Third World Shitholes”.
Be as prepared as you can.
Our weekend television reminds me of the Roman bread and circus with baying whistling morons watching talentless morons trying to be famous and the BBC using its status as a “news service” to relive such moronic programmes endlessly, even elevating these morons to a form of “celebrity” by giving them attention on their news website, God how ashamed one can be of a country and its national broadcaster that repeatedly does that, apprentice, strictly, xfactor etc etc
G – And wasn’t it a bribe of £10,000 each?
Actually, I couldn’t believe my ears as to how low the army has sunk, offering bribes to people expelled for taking drugs. If you pause a moment to reflect on this, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. A FEW HIGH-LEVEL RESIGNATIONS NEED TO FOLLOW.
8:50am R4 Val McDermid opinion piece saying budget travel is very bad and there should be travel taxes.
‘Budget travel means people don’t have contact and respect for native culture’
Cos her idea of budget is package resorts and AirBnB
.. My idea of budget travel is a level down from that ie walking and camping and being in the back of the pickup with Thais, Burmese and chickens, that definitely does put you in touch with the natives.
– From the voice I assumed Val was a man , but no she is a celebrity married lesbian who hates Thatcher of course. The Guardianland clique that is always on Radio4.
This is a very interesting short film of how various nationalities dealt with the Somali Pirates. In summary, it appears that most flags blew sh1t out of the pirates. Britain? Released them after capture because, “there was not enough evidence”. Just about sums up this sh1thole of a country……….
No wonder the Somali’s are prospering in the UK ‘knifing’ game.
Have to say, back in the day, there was a bloke who knew what worked.
And the Irish have a particular way with minorities which is why we have all their “travellers” over here with their charming criminal lifestyle, that they drove out of their country, playing victim status does not sit well with them for anyone that is familiar with their violent intolerance, but saying that, would be quite happy to swap their travellers for our muzzies and see how they get on there, try whinging about burkas and halal food and demanding their own schools and mosques and whatever else they generally whinge about over there and see the response
Are Fran and Lord Tiny back from summer hols yet, or still lying low?
We had a great display of balanced reporting from the beeb on this morning’s BH on R4. Paddy O’ Connell had two women to discuss the Judge Kavanaugh issue, ‘one from each side’.
The first, the screamer/shreeker who tried to intimidate Senator Flake, was allowed to go first, uninterrupted; the second, went on a lengthy ‘pro-women’ diversion before she came out to support the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’. O’ Connell was eager to cut her short, and then proceeded to attack President Trump personally: he couldn’t resist a little smear in case there were any doubts where he stood, after all that balance. No, Paddy, there are never any doubts where you stand!
Very ‘impartial’, our O’ Connell. But then, that’s how we’ve come to know Broadcast House.
One gets the impression BBC fact-checkers have taken the morning off
Bob Geldoff goes straight to air warning the music industry will be “decimated” by a “Hard Brexit”
Trump’s Supreme Court pick is “narrowly confirmed after weeks of sexual assault allegations”
On the basis that anti-Brexit headline number one is absolute de rigueur for the BBC daily Project Fear sequel ‘the final countdown’ in this case one hardly need unpack their will/could/might protocol.
As for the headline in the US story let’s simply acknowledge two facts which essentially gut the BBC phrasing for the story:
Firstly, the even balance between Republicans and Democrats on the Senate and the bitter partisan nature of votes for new appointees guaranteed a near 51:49 split – and so it was – Not news.
There were not ‘weeks’ of allegations. Kavanaugh was bitterly opposed by the Dems for weeks of hearings but they quietly sat on the flimsy Ford allegation (she had asked for anonymity) then they leaked her name for political advantage (and likely helped shape her story) going public at the last moment prior to final voting so as to delay the process for a couple of weeks more. Only then did a couple of even less plausible me-too’ers come out of the woodwork.
So BBC script editors have fudged the facts to back their anti-Trump agenda – who would have guessed?
Geldoff still alive then ? and why is he still living here ? let him sod off back to the island of Ireland. I’m only surprised he hasn’t joined that bunch on the Pledge who do nothing but spout bile against this country.
Terrible. Tragic. But enough about the subbing.
“super-veg rainbow flatbread”
Might have been safer going to Greggs
Is it dolphin friendly though
Yeti Airlines are allowed to fly. Might be safer to opt not to use them.
Men/Women split – beginning? Katty is a tad late to the ball on this one. Wasn’t Hillary’s campaign desperately stirring that poisoned pot in 2016?
Re Soros financing anti-Brexit
Here’s a couple of posts from 2016 about the BBC’s Brexit cheating.
From @Craig : Of the 15 progs in The Brexit Collection only was balanced
From DAVID KEIGHLEY : There was heavy bias towards the Remain side in BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat,
The key points include that audiences were 1.5 times more likely to hear Remain opinions and speakers, alleged ‘fact checking’ by the programme which favoured the Remain side, and feature reports that were heavily skewed towards Remain arguments, especially with regard to immigration.
Who is ths Kay c+nt ? I am not familiar with twitter twats but surely the BBC as a national broacaster cannot let her get away with this kind of angry teenage uneducated barely post pubescent crap in its name ??
Yes, I’ve come to realise that the US is in a very dark place. A seething mass of putrid lefties seem to be running riot. No doubt financed by Soros & Co. (NWO/UN). Could it be more obvious in the US because it is a more ‘open’ country without any ‘Hate Speech’ laws (yet)? Or, being more, low-key, it is a little less obvious in the UK or the sophistication of ‘cover-ups’ is superior?