The Far Left BBC will turn the possible US Supreme Court victory for President Trump into a defeat as it shows its’ full bias.Next biased attack please …
Russians are making themselves easy targets as they try to muscle in on BBC territory to undermine the West. We are meant to believe the Russians want to hack the NHS – a culture still using fax machines to avoid the accountability of emails . Perhaps they’d favour us with hacking the BBC.
Then the House of Clowns returns after another little holiday joining with the BBC to block Brexit .
Is it just me, or are the Democrats in the US taking their society ‘back’ into a medieval mindset?
Listen to the maniacal screeching of the anti-Trump, anti-Kavanaugh, anti-Flake screamers, and it seems the irrational, uncivilized manner of their rants is reminiscent of -what in the middle ages would have been called ‘demon possession’.
Are we just too ‘modern’ to recognize the phenomenon of people who won’t accept whatever democratic process they are trying to disrupt, by simply casting aside all limits of accepted behaviour and norms? Pug, your post at 10.19 puts it well.
Or is it simply the rage of spoilt people who can’t get used to losing for a change, having had things their way for about forty years (eg a Supreme Court happy to approve the slaughter of the unborn)?
Burn the witch burn the witch
That – regrettably- seems to be where the US is heading. The only virtue of politics – a dirty business at the best of times- is that it has attempted to reconcile opposing views in a RATIONAL, reasonably civil, and then an institutional process. Take away rational debate, civil behaviour, and the institutions of governments , which give expression to its outcome, and you are back to mob rule.
Simpson says :”It’s the broadcasters’ job to give people the range of opinions they won’t necessarily get in the newspapers . . . we are only telling you something you don’t want to hear.’
Eh? This survey by News-watch, based on Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed, a series of programmes on Radio 4 presented by Chris Morris of the BBC ‘Reality Check’ unit, found that 75 per cent of the main speakers were against Brexit, and those in favour had just seven per cent of the programme time.
“Simpson’s claim that the BBC is giving viewers and listeners a ‘range of opinions’ on topic after topic – from climate alarmism, to President Trump and Brexit and dozens more – is thus moonshine”
Well the BBC tells us it’s the most trusted broadcaster and the most popular and there’s no better way to finance it .
Is that an opinion we don’t want to hear ?
BBC Ideas
“Is it wrong to judge other cultures?” A short, (2:54), cartoon, with subtitles.
“The A to Z of isms .. relativism”
“Moral relativism is the view that what’s right in one culture may be wrong in another and that there’s no way of judging between the two – it’s all relative.”
“There’s no absolute truth of the matter.”
“Different strokes for different folks -”
“Imagine a Martian landing on earth -”
“she would see that people behave differently in different places.”
. . .
“She” would also see BBC sexism, anti Christian, anti-male, anti-white, anti Western, propaganda; masquerading as history and philosophy. In under three minutes.
Imagine what the BBC could achieve with £4,000,000,000 24/7/365.
Now I am going to stick my neck out here, but I have been totally astonished and ask where are all the red blooded woman. I love being a woman, in lots of ways I am far better than men and in lots of things men are better than me. I have never wanted to be compared to a man, I am totally content as I am, as I do not feel unequal. As for Christine Blasey Ford’s teenage rumpy bumpy, which was definitely exaggerated, if it ever even happened. It’s just part of teenage growing up. Do we want to confine our sons to male only parties worried how the odd flirt or squeeze will come crashing down on them later in life, exaggerated and blown up out of all proportion. These hysterical screaming female mobs are a disgrace to real women. And, before I get a barrage of hate mail I’m most certainly not in any way belittling rape. However her pathetic stage show in my opinion did just that.
They seem to be blind to Clinton sex attacks though, the Jimmy Savill of the USA with his complicit harridan wife
Annunaki — Sex attacks are OK really, as long as it’s Democrats committing them?
Should really tell us all we need to know about the entire Kavanaugh rumpus.
Well said EL, my thoughts exactly. Any anyway, how many of us can even remember whether we were groped or not at a teenage party 5 years later, let alone 40 years. I want to know why she didn’t make a bloody song and dance about it when it happened and get justice then, rather than wait decades later.
Having just had a major birthday with an O on the end, I’d be well happy with a quick ‘grope’ !!!!! do my ego a world of good.
I see that the foul mouthed foreigner, Bob the Gelding, has been spouting his leftwing rubbish, this time about the music industry and how leaving the EU is not only going to destroy it but that it will also destroy our standing in the world, because the world listens to British music. Is this an example of a lefty holding two contradictory ideas and believing them both to be valid?
Obviously, he’s entitled to his warped views but he doesn’t have a special entitlement to nationwide publicity to try to undermine our well thought out decisions and instructions to our servants, to Leave the EU.
What has the far-left bbc said about this?
Best description of that twat : dining out on I dont like Mondays for the rest of his sad life and like that nasty beady eyed Lydon twat, making a career out of attacking rock bands for making money then reforming their bands to do the same 3 or 4 songs over and over etc
Just a quick word in defence of John Lydon, at a recent concert he slagged off Corbyn and defended Jewish people.
Ha ha! He best quip of for me at the end of the 2012 London Olympics was
“Who’d have thought – 3 weeks ago the world thought that Britain was really good at music and really bad at sport”
The choice of British music and musicians was dire and performed awfully. An embarrassment. To be honest remembering the whole cringing Danny Boyle left wing celebration of the NHS makes me feel slightly queasy. I noticed the BBC spouting something about good old Danny and Brexit this week I think. Must look it up….
What a horrible left wing hypocrite Danny Boyle is (In my personal opinion ) taking investment for the 2012 Olympics to promote his politics and himself and then having a go at the government of the day for trying to engender the same pride and spirit as his show attempted, albeit in a cringing sanctimonious way. Rubbing peoples nose in the NHS as a pinnacle of British achievement. Whatever your views on TM we don’t need millionaire Champaign socialists forever crying after UK independence day. “I was brought up to be European” Just move mate – leave the country you hate so much.
Film director Danny Boyle has distanced himself from Theresa May’s £120m Festival of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, just days after it was announced.
The man behind the triumphant 2012 London Olympic opening ceremony laughed off suggestions he would work on the festival, and insisted he was “a European first”.
Mr Boyle has previously voiced his anger at the referendum result, claiming: “We had our hearts broken with Brexit, because we wanted to stay in the EU.”
The Manchester-born artist blamed England for voting for Brexit and has also suggested that the referendum result could split the United Kingdom
Who the feck describes themselves as a European? What a twat. I bet you could ask 1,000 people their nationality and not one would reply ‘European’. My brother took part in the 2012 Opening Ceremony (the best bit with the chimneys), he met Boyle and said he was right up his own a-hole. Saying stuff like this confirms it.
On @Farage Show former Conservative candidate Ali Miraj said his Tuesday article in City-AM was banned by Facebook within minutes
Its title : Stop seeking refuge in moral indignation
They didn’t reply to him
He has a discussion of Facebook
Mardell and the BBC currently having kittens about Kavanaugh’s appointment. They simply can not tolerate a victory for President Trump. It’s nice to see liberal lefties on the back foot.
Kavanaugh confirmation– I very nearly reached for the long-lying bottle of champagne, EE.
I desisted.
It’s been waiting for many years, to be cracked open when Comrade Merkel is booted out.
British sparkling wines are just as good?…they win all the awards by all accounts….I’m not a champagne drinker myself……
All lefties hate the decison to endorse Mr Kavanaugh. It’s in their blood.
Luckily, he’s the sort of bloke who will raise the finger at them, and do the job he’s good at!
Great times – seeing sjws and snowflakes running around and squealing like frightened rabbits!
The link:
Please also share the petition link with others elsewhere on social media and among family, friends, etc.
Thank you!
Good news: according to the MoS some TV ‘stars’ are squealing that the nasty HMRC are after them for dodgy tax avoidance schemes.
Good. May they squeeze the pipsqueaks until their pips squeak.
jug ears first
lefties fall out and waste police time
If it was 1st April you’d dismiss this twaddle as a joke. Talk about making things complicated.
Insane Extreme Liberalism and lefty Political Correctness contain the seeds of their own destruction.
Sadly they’ll waste a lot of our time and money and do a lot of damage before they implode under the weight of their own stupidity and contradictions.
Kaiser – time to exercise restraint in relation to this person should the person use the comments of others to support the allegation in civil proceedings.
At least they can never take Father Ted away from us- the gobshites .
Quick tea break and… quality…
That’s the last time that I shall ask for a “Wee Dram” …….
The beeb really are taking the piss, aren’t they?
The BBC (Katy and Tony please note) and other UK media outlets (Robert Moore please note) seem to use Democrat and biased US sources for their stories and assessments of the US. They would be better off using this as an assessment of what is wrong with doing that.
Thanks gb.
gb – a true treat – thank you .
Favourite story of the day –
Dame Jennifer Murray of the tedious wimins hour allegedly being skinned by HMIC for irregularities in her Production Company Tax arrangements with the far left BBC
I’m sure that won’t be a subject for their programme …
Mmm, delicious, that’s made my day.
May there be many more like her.
Nothing better than sanctimonious champagne socialist beeboids being shown to fiddle their taxes like the best of them.
The BBC seem surprised that the Prime Minister is trying to appeal to Labour voters to vote Tory.
From their website:
Responding to Mrs May’s article, Labour Party chair Ian Lavery said the claim that austerity policies were over was “a con”.
“The Tories have spent their entire time in power running down our schools, local services and NHS, while gifting huge tax breaks to big business,” he said.
“The prime minister is clearly spooked, so is resorting to desperate pleas in an attempt to revive her failing administration. The British public won’t be fooled.”
I think that the public are feeling spooked about Labour themselves, a potential far left dictatorship? If anyone has any sense then they would ditch Labour.
Funny how this seems to be written as a surprise. Is it not what politicians have always done? Trying to take votes from other parties? The BBC really are struggling now!
I think they’re struggling with everything, from poetry on R4 to political basics.
I wonder whether we are starting to see recruitment by quota/tickbox, rather than ability, beginning to tell?
Quality (or what’s left of it) everywhere going downhill rapidly!
The BBC is on it’s way out slowly but surely. The clock is ticking…
im suprised treasoner mayhem is trying to appeal to labour voters whilst conservative ones are leaving the tories in droves
I wouldn’t say people are leaving the Tories in droves. If you do leave and place your vote elsewhere then that is a vote for Labour, even if you vote for any other party.
At least the Tories are not riddled with all of that deselection like Labour are.
nope fell for that shit before ,
Tories have no plans except to screw me over slower than labour
I no longer wish for a slow death rather than a quick death
tax rates are the highest for generations
they have procrastinated, lied and obfuscated on brexit
they have done f all about immigration if anything its got worse
they have done f all about crime
they have done f all about terrorism
they have done f all about rape gangs
they have not done anything about the problems , but they have cracked down hard on anyone who objects and they have embraced PC madness and identity politics.
they are the enemy of the white (actually) working and middle class of Britain
fuck them the greedy anti-british bastards, keeping down any chance of a real sensible patriotic conservative party arising,
I hope corbyn taxes them to extinction and from the wreckage corbyn wreaks, perhaps there is a chance for a new britain to arise
Lily Allen’s autobiography “My Thoughts Exactly” is top of the Sunday Times bestsellers list.
What a sad reflection of how low we have managed to sink.
Let’s face it – our country is no longer ours. It has been hijacked by the ignorant lefties, and the aliens we’ve allowed in. Together, they’ll sink it. Leave whilst you can – I did.
Yes Goat, you’ll be safe from the EU, Islam etc in France of course. There’s none of it there. It’s a real haven. And it’s got that nice fellow Macron to look after things.
Anybody who wants to consider leaving the UK because of the political situation should ask themselves what planet they are on.
Because if you haven’t got a better one to go to (or own a tardis) then you will face the same problems.
I left in 1968. I could see the way things were going (and I was proved right).
What did surprise me, about fifteen years ago, was the numbers of Brits who decided they wanted to resist the decline.
Bad though the situation may be at least there is a resistance and increasing numbers of people are willing to call themselves patriots and the size of the pro-Brexit vote in the face of Project Fear really was magnificent.
Age and income make it difficult for me to move back now, but who knows. I’d certainly like to.
In 1968 nobody seemed to give a damn. Now it’s different. My advice to people is, ‘yes live abroad for a while it can be good for you, but don’t give up on Britain’.
Times are a changing again. This time there’s hope.
1). Though there are plenty of Islamics in France, it would seem the vast majority are merely passing through, on their way to the Nirvana of handouts, and free everything, north of the Channel.
2). Where I live, I experience no immigrant related problems, at all – rarely see a Muslim, life is far more pleasant, and so are the inhabitants.
I wouldn’t move back, even if I was bribed. Britain won’t be improving any time, soon, so I’ll see out my days here, with a far more enhanced way of life, thanks.
Spoilers : Dr Who just started
It has an Afro Caribbean writer
There have been 4 scenes so far and white people are scarce
– Scene #1 : Mixed race couple (she black, he white) teaching a stroppy black manchild to ride a bike
#2 The stroppy black manchild finds a spaceship
#3 Valiant female Pak/Bangla police officer solves parking dispute between white woman & other Pak/Bangla woman.
#4 Male PakBangla police chief decides to send female PakBangla police officer to check spaceship call
3 white faces in 16 minutes . I guess al beeb wants to sell it to the islands and Pakistan . And it’s a bloody yawn – bring back William Hatnell.
The current Doctor Who follows the scatty model adopted by the Scottish one mimicking the ill fated sylvester McCoy .
The Beeb has obviously decided to keep the script slow and simple for non English speakers and the subtitles .
I could feel the remote controls being hit to find something better – which wouldn’t be difficult …..I’m only passing comment not as criticism but on evidence of al beeb losing it .
Twitter is asking if Countryfile deliberately overran so it could claim high rating by getting the people who had switched on for Doctor Who.
Countryfile ended at a bird rescue centre where the leader claimed
“We get oil covered birds coming in in the winter cos that’s when the storms stir up the oil that is resting on the seabed from big tanker accidents like the Torrey Canyon (1967)”
…(hmm maybe )
And – “This year we have had so many seagulls come in with burnt feet cos the stood on hot roofs”
(Oh come on surely they know not to stay standing on hot surfaces ?
more likely they touched down on hot metal steel tanks etc.)
Unfortunately my country pursuits involved hunting fishing killing and eating so that twaddle is not for me .
For Doctor Whoess Al beeb decided to save on the special effects budget by filming in the dark and rehashing the ‘ predator ‘ script without any humour or surprise . And they saved on having opening titles of a Tardis .,
No wonder people are going to Netflix and amazon .
The “ comments are free “ newspaper is asking for comments about Doctor who to be submitted on a form and they will be assessed before a sample is published Monday . Guess the narrative ?
I switched on Countryfile to catch the forecast for farmers and growers. Sadly the producers haven’t thought they were making a programme for them for many years. But within 2 minutes of the end of the weekly forecast I heard those words, ‘Climate Change’. Another two minutes and the words said again. I switched off.
I do hope that the Al BBC is ensuring that the “wimmin” quota is in full effect, the clip I saw earlier had a woman assistant, a woman Dr
being helped by a woman police officer.
Almost as good as the woman presenter,(sofa), passing over to the woman boxing commentator, passing over to the woman football presenter for the now daily yawnfest,(empty ground) news on the lionessessssssssss.
Oh its taking a late Sunday slot apparently to capitalise on the success of “the bodyguard” … to push the erm … ratings up,
is there something they re not telling us?.
Irony? I search for “INTERNATIONAL BLASPHEMY DAY” which is about Islam and I get “INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY” in the results, but no INTERNATIONAL BLASPHEMY DAY!!!
I’m guessing that the far left BBC won’t be promoting Comrade Mcdonalls election winning 4 day working week idea . It sounds a bit like the French revolutionaries idea of changing the number of days in a week or decimal hours in a day .
Also even the most ardent fantasist about the money tree won’t believe a four day week is credible .
Try finding a local authority officer before 11am on a Monday, any time between 12 and 2 pm any day, or on a Friday afternoon, some already seem to have taken the idea to heart
Prisons minister says specialist Muslim chaplains to be trained to deradicalise extremists (Muslims) ….
…. errr …. this might have a flaw in it.
. . . . .
Nearly there – can I suggest a De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists .. young, old, male and female …
A De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists ….
9am Breakfast with different Religion – today we start with one of the 4000 available
11am Snacks with Mark Steyn – “Is this man worried for nothing? He can sing as well!”
1pm Dinner with Douglas Murray – “Some people think he has a point, and is not Alt-Right at all (notice that Alt-Left is hardly mentioned on BBC – found an article here)”
3pm Tea with Thomas Paine – his thoughts during the Revolutions and readings from “The Age of Reason”.
4pm Biscuits with David Starky – Histories – how countries have developed, the good and bad bits kept in
5pm Join Thomas Sowell in a session of “Compared to What?”
9pm Tea and cookies with Carl Sagan – see what else is out there in the real world…
10pm Viewing the world through telescopes and microscopes – germs can kill and are real
11pm To bed with the soft voice of Christopher Hitchens whispering into your ear … same again tomorrow
Just watched the opening episode of Dr Who.
Set in Sheffield.
Now I know that city quite well, and I am absolutely sure that, even now, it has a predominantly white population.
Which is odd, because, based on the casting, Sheffield appears to be, ahem, 50%+ minority ethnic.
What for next week? The Doctor finds a ramp to help a wheelchair user up the steps to the Mosque on Wolseley Road?
The BBC. Where the narrative demands Fake Drama.
Concerning Dr who, I have just been listening to a group of Americans discussing the latest episode. All of them commented on the sheer volume of commercials they have to endure on BBC America. More commercials than program time they tell me.
The BBC must be raking in a fortune from advertisers with BBC America. It’s about time they switched to adverts at home as well.
“wimmin” power BBC?
I’m thinking of complaining because no Scots Welch Irish or Chinese people were represented . I suppose the Russian was the ‘preditor’ Creature with teeth stuck to his head . I don’t think I’ll be visiting Doctor Who until it gets to be british again .
So some angry popstars and musicians are railing against Brexit in a letter to May.
I urge all 52% Brexiteers to boycott their music. Your lives will be immeasurably enhanced, and it’s time we adopted some direct action tactics from Antifa and the hard left.
Hit them where it hurts: in their wallets.
Bob Geldorf, Damon Albarn, Jarvis Cocker, Brian Eno, John Eliot Gardiner, Bobby Gillespie, Howard Goodall, Johnny Marr, Nick Mason, Alan McGee, Rita Ora, William Orbit, Simon Rattle, Ed Sheeran, Paul Simon, Neil Tennant, Roger Taylor and Sting.
Paul Simon isn’t even British! What does it have to do with him?
I’m guessing things they have in common ;
1 a lot of cash
2 properties in their mainland Europe
3 business interests in mainland Europe
4. Production companies to ‘avoid ‘ tax for public services .
5 . All ‘chaps ‘ ( sorry Rita – but I don’t know who you are )
Where’s Macca ? His drug addled mind usually signs up to these things – ‘give Ireland back to the irish’ indeed .
Another soros grid project fear jobs …
To quote Homer Simpson-roughly of course.
“Pop stars-is there anything that they DON`T know?”
Imagine Homer, Peter and Brian Griffin as well as all the likes of Kiss cartoons, Joan Baez and members of Iron Butterfly ALSO want us to stay in the E.U.
Well now I`m staying…but what a shower of liberal faux rebels, a whos-who of the new popocracy.
Has one of them done a song we`d know of since 1994?
The co-creator of Father Ted has been given a verbal warning by police for alleged harassment following a row on Twitter with a transgender woman.
“Graham Linehan was told by West Yorkshire Police not to contact Stephanie Hayden.
She reported him for referring to her as a “he”, and for tweeting the names she used before transitioning. Miss Hayden, 45, is now suing the writer.
Mr Linehan, 50, told the BBC he is also considering taking action against her.”
Its a real pleasure watching lefties like Linehan getting caught in their own machinery.
“Graham Linehan was told by West Yorkshire Police not to contact Stephanie Hayden.”
Haven’t the police got better things to do ?
Like stopping knife and gun crime ?
Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker a hit with fans after the first episode
The BBC praising the new Dr Who lass, and kindly telling us how the entire world adored the new incarnation of the doctor almost as much as the anonymous reviewer.
Alas, the comments section doesn’t appear to agree. I’d say for every 1 who found it tolerable there are 10 who thought it cr-p of the highest order and despised the Diversity of the casting.
Actually, the 10-1 ratio maybe being a little kind.
The bbc is rather good at ignoring what doesn’t suit and trumpeting what does.
I have submitted some scripts that the BBC may find acceptable:
Doctor Bint and the Muzzies:
The good Doctor helps the poor muzzies who have run out of stones whilst punishing their wives for adultery when getting raped, she takes them to the moon to find some more rock
Doctor Bint and the Brexit Bastards:
The Doctor helps in the fight against an evil world where people vote and have a mind of their own and just will not be told what is good for them, althought there is extreme tension when she cant work out how to change the fuse on her sonic screwdriver until she finds a bloke to do it
Doctor Bint and the Black Hole
The poor Doctor believes she is stuck in the gravitational pull of a black hole for the rest of time , until her male assistant points out she has left the handbrake on the Tardis
Saddo has decided to inspire the troops.
Surely no one at the bbc would fail to see this could prove awkward.
Stuff the EU Customs Union, Great Britain should go for this for this ! ………………
Trans Pacific Trade Pact
Come on Al Beeb, report your Biased view on it.
Oh I forgot, your ‘Propaganda Department’ does not work weekends .
Well they have 😉
Brexit: Japan ‘would welcome’ UK to TPP says Abe
But of course cant resist ending the article with a negative
“in the run-up to Brexit several Japanese financial firms have said they intend to move their main EU bases away from London and electronics giant Panasonic has said it will move its European headquarters from the UK to Amsterdam.”
Al Beeb tells us that “SNP MPs would back a new Brexit referendum if it were put to them, party leader Nicola Sturgeon has said.”
So the Scots want independence from the most democratic and liberal country in the world to jump in to a cabal of countries under a dictatorship.
What on earth has happened to Scottish people?
Watching too much ‘Braveheart’?
“Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker a hit with fans after first episode”
Not according to their own HYS?
Perhaps the beeboids will ‘doctor’ the up-ticks when the morning arrives?
I actually don’t rate Ms Whittaker as an actress. Only seen her in Broadchurch, and then every night over two weeks in The Assets on the Alibi channel. Honestly ? she was rubbish. It was a weird series where all English actors were characters in the CIA , so all had strangulated American accents. Whittaker was the worst.
I gave up on Dr Who after Sarah Jane Smith left.
Graham Norton on fiction and ‘frustrating’ pay lists
– promotes his novel and defends the BBC.
Pass the sick bucket.
I often cut and paste the morning bbc email, which of course has a ‘what you need to know’ or ‘if you read one thing today’. Well, instead here’s what popped into my in box:
BBC News Daily
Act now on climate change, world told…
Plus, Graham Norton on ‘frustrating’ pay
lists Having trouble reading this email?…
Well, since they ask, not without laughing out loud, no..
‘Telling the world’ has been used so much now it inspires the exact reverse in response.
And even in their own summary, poor Graham’s woes are actually way down the list but gets propelled to the subject line?
Friends in the sub editorial?
Better still: stick him IN the sick bucket.
Quality listening on Toady today discussing the housing crisis and why prices are going up. With their financial “expert” I learnt that this was because they are not building enough houses to fulfill demand .
How to solve it? a stamp duty holiday for dem kidz and of course planning authorities to release more land.
Me in my ignorance thought that slowing our ridiculous inward immigration rates might also help – but this was not mentioned – If only I possessed a degree in economics or international banking I would understand the facts for myself and no longer be under the ridiculous assumption that the BBC are telling us lies by omission.
OK my first complaint in several years is E-mailing it’s way to the complaints section at the BBC I await my templated reply. “I don’t bother to complain to the BBC as I realise you investigate the complaint against you so inevitably my complaint will be invalid. I also realise this is an agenda issue for the BBC which you like to ram down viewers throats with a one sided view. However I was extremely unhappy with the item run on breakfast with 3 climate change disciples giving us their opinion on climate change. The male guest informed us that “all” the scientific community were behind this. All? Really? I am sure you will tell me your usual excuses that over a period of time the whole of the argument will be shown. However for those of us who believe climate change is a lie seem to find very little to zero representation. “
“Why this war hero wasn’t allowed to fight for his country”:
This is from today’s BBC website. I saw the headline and thought, I bet a pound to a penny ………
And low and behold it was the BBC back to its favourite topic.
I don’t catch BBC TV News very often these days, but was over at my Mum’s today and caught the headline item on the evening show, which went something like this, BBC clearly in deep panic mode:
(Annoying intrusive pounding music, gradually but very slowly fading from my bleeding eardrums…)
Sophie Rayofsunshine (for it is she): At a summit in South Korea, the International BioScience Conference today set out the findings of its latest report into the state of the environment. Our environment correspondent James Frazer reports from Seoul:
(Close-up of elderly Scotsman in khaki battledress, eyes bulging in terror) We’re doomed! Aye, doomed! We’re all doomed! We have to start eating food we’ve produced oursel’ in our own wee gardens by the end of the week at the very VERY latest. Or we’re all going to die. Aye. And if we don’t cut fossil fuel emissions by six HUNDRED per cent by this time next month, we’ll all be swept away in a global apocalypse the like of which mankind hasnae seen since biblical times, Aye. Thousands of square kilometres of wind farrums will have to go up now – RIGHT now. There have been calls for people caught driving vehicles with petrol engines to be executed on the street, where they’re found, aye, very fair, very fair. Otherwise: doomed, there y’are.
(Cut to fierce looking woman standing outside Lidl, Bexleyheath) It’s clear we’re going to have to make some big changes, starting with our diets. (Camera pans to woman with trolley containing some thin sliced salami and half a pint of semi-skimmed) Look at this bitch. (points at salami) What have you got that for? Don’t you understand you’re destroying the world? Don’t you understand you’re literally KILLING US ALL!! You should be ashamed of yourself! Bitch!
Rayofsunshine: Well, there we have it, conclusive proof. We’d better start jolly well sorting ourselves out straight away, otherwise we’ll all be dead by 2024. And now, some Russians.