I drafted the following contribution before I saw the news of the horrific shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh
I appreciate the opportunity to expose the vile anti-Semitism that leads to these attacks, whether coming from Jeremy Corbyn or any other source, including the BBC itself – often disguised as criticism of Israel.
Here’s the earlier draft:
Intelligence Squared US is an interesting debating forum, left-leaning since it’s filled to the brim with academics, but still worth watching because of the differing perspectives from the knowledgeable panel members and the often-fiery debates. There are several on the IQ2 US site and on YouTube stretching back many years.
Intelligence Squared UK, on the other hand, is not only a pale imitation of its US counterpart but has also mangled the US format beyond recognition – with ‘debates’ that are actually left-wing echo chambers with no room for dissent. And so you have Justin Webb, lately BBC North America ‘Editor’, chairing a lefty fest around the following leading question:
Is the Trump presidency causing irreparable damage to America?
For those of my esteemed colleagues who might watch the thing, I should state that Webb engages in a long, excruciating introduction, which is well worth skipping, except that, at 3 minutes in, he has something to say about his ‘interview’ of Obama, putting a humorous slant on it. I watched it at the time, and it was apparent that Webb had no idea how to conduct the interview and sat there mesmerised by the great man, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of his car. Well, I guess Webb’s capacity for self delusion is boundless. He probably also thinks he’s a good journalist rather than a propagandist.
There is one panel member, the lady journalist, who has a couple of sensible things to say about the topic, but apart from that the audience is also predominately anti-Trump and the entire thing is probably a waste of time.
However, while surfing through the IQ debates I stumbled on a podcast questioning whether Jeremy Corbyn is fit to become Prime Minister.
This was much more of a real debate, with Howard Jacobson and Anna Soubry crossing swords with Ash Sarkar (I’d never heard of her, luckily) and Chris Williamson (of whom unfortunately I had).
Jacobson is really impressive, especially with his scathing and hilarious opening attack on Corbyn for his anti-Semitism.
Apparently there will be a video of the podcast at some stage. Might be worth watching it with the sound muted when Sarkar and Williamson open their mouths.
I’m surprised that there can be any debate about whether comrade Corbyn could become PM . Those with a memory of his treacherous support for our countries enemies – such as PIRA and his desire to end NATO would not let him anywhere near number 10!. McDonnell runs the show and if labour one he would be in charge and be even more dangerous to National Security .
Our Justin Webb is just a beeboid time server now and probably runs a “ production company “ -journos and money – hand in hand .
If nobody from the Tories will step up to the plate, then Corbyn might well get in. May is not exactly a popular leader – not a leader full stop, rather.
No surprise that the BBC avoid mentioning that the synagogue shooter hated Trump ( There is no MAGA as long as there is kike infestation), but continue linking Trump to the bomb campaign –
The BBC’s Dan Johnson in Washington says the shootings come at a tense time in the US, after a week in which mail bombs were sent to critics of Mr Trump, ahead of crucial mid-term elections next month. (BBC emboldening)
10pm BBC1 news certainly avoided telling us that the synagogue murderer”s web site was full of anti-Trump rhetoric as well as antiSemitic stuff and by careful linking with the pipe bombs suggested these murders in Philadelphia had Trump to blame. £3 billion annual income and how many in the newsroom? And they cannot even tell us the relevant stuff, although when Our Jo was killed we knew her killer was a right wing pro Brexit before even he knew himself.
Interesting to read the end of this article:
in which the condemantion of various leading figures is reported, such as, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Cue silence from Jeremy Corbyn.
But the BBC still don’t get why we voted Trump , brexit etc and probably never will. Sad.
Brexit Britain..but not as you know it The Times (Saturday) October 27th 2018.
A report on the scare mongering from The New York Times which seems to be hysterically reporting barely credible reports by ‘undercover’ BBC style reporters that could only come from those linked directly to The Guardian or the hysterical elements of the BBC. But reading on it all becomes clear….. how this New York newspaper seem to be distorting the UK referendum into ‘bunker Britain’ and doom worse even than the BBC.
“… but critics of the newspaper say its fits a pattern of relentless doom mongering. Under Mark Thompson , its British Chief Executive and a former director general of the BBC…”
(my comment)
Some of us remember well the BBC under its last charter review trying to justify a £1 million bung that was accepted by the same Mark Thompson (who had by now left under another BBC cloud due to Saville scandel I seem to I recall). Meanwhile the BBC under interrogation by the House of Commons Select committee (Chaired by the commendable Patricia Hodge) who stated she could not believe the scale of public money wasted on bungled (multi-million bungle) BBC (ICT) projects and ridiculous and overtly generous BBC directors staff ‘expenses’. When asked directly ( it was Lord Hall who was asked) why Mark Thompson was worth so much.. the BBC (Lord Hall) replied that it ‘was to keep him focussed” – (!)
The rest of the debacle is on record at HANSARD but that nice Mr Cameron gave the BBC its Charter (again) as long as it took orders from OFCOM in future and its bungling BBC Trustees were then disbanded. But the BBC now invigorated with more worldwide sexually liberated ambitions as the world’s largest (corrupted) broadcaster (based entirely on the UK telly tax)…
.. and now back to the USA, New York Times…
“…Boasting 3.8 million subscribers, the Old Gray Lady, as it is affectionately known, launched a $50 million global expansion plan in 2016 with a particular focus on attracting more digital readers in Britain”. A big fail then.
It was also reported that under Mark Thomspon of The New York Times has put up an “unrelenting bombardment” of negative stories about Britain since the referendum”. Not surprising then.
Who would have though it? Mark Thompson is the basis for all this (New York) state side propaganda. How proud the BBC must be that he was so cheap!
Needless to say the BBC will never mention that he was one of ‘them’ with his snout in the BBC trough of endless luxury, power and fantasy. Very BBC, very much as you know it.
Trump and Brexit that is the PEOPLES VOTE Democracy actually worked for once and twice despite the MSM and they hate it, despite what they peddle to us on the news and the adverts …. we all know different and are not easlily led, BBC flying in the face of truth about the ethnic make up of our sociey is absolutelty disgraceful and Orwellian
One thing that Robin Hood didn’t have to deal with was the BBC, luckily for him, however I expect the BBC would have made a postivie issue of the invasion by Duke William of Normandy, claiming that Edward the Confessor said he could have the throne of Britain, don’t be nasty to the Normans but kick the butts of the wretched Brits as much as you like.
Vote Labour if you want you kids to be handed on a platter to Islamic child gang rape. Labour stronghold Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 Adult Muslim males.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. Some were raped hundreds of times in total, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average…
What is more we have similar numbers in Telford, Sandwell… Labour offers flagship polices of Islamic child gang rape, and Venezuela as an economic role model.
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
The only way to fight back: refuse to pay tax anymore a tax strike
Agreed, that’s the untimate nuclear weapon to force the political elite to sit up and take notice. But, the question is, as every tax is taken at source, how would one promote a ‘tax strike’? That’s the dilemma.
Council tax isn’t taken at source. TV licence isn’t. What about road tax? I don’t have car so don’t know about that one.
And it might get worse Annuaki when cash money is taken away, then the establishment will have utter control of our lives or what we are doing with them. Only one way to beat this controlling financial regime and that is to have our own money along the lines of the Bradbury pound successfully established in 1914 but then taken away by Lloyd George under pressure from the banking elits back to massive indebtedness.
I had to edit one of your comments and delete others. I have to ask you again to moderate your language. David Vance, who administers this site, would not allow those comments to stand. I agree with him.
Thanks TueTrue and DV. I appreciate a site where I feel comfortable posting and that I can recommend to friends. It applies both to language and content.
Annunki, I visit some schools in some of the most deprived areas of the country including alternative provision (pupil referral units). What language is used out of my hearing may be very different, but those children are capable of controlling themselves in front of guests, so we can too.
Ahh a wimmin to demand how one speaks, especially after one has been admonished, usual wimmin witch hunt behavior, there with their burning brand and pitchfork, Roger Daltrey said it best..meet the new boss same as the old boss, I visit these schools too and you are sadley mistaken or living in fairy land
Thanks noted and appreciated.
how sweet of you. the kind of language you can hear in any secondary school on a daily basis aw bless, and whilst I watch the degradation of my country in front of my eyes I will make sure I never swear… cos thats really bad
And will make sure I never run with scissors in my hand
I didn’t read what you wrote, so make no comment on the original content. However, perhaps the fact you can hear that sort of language daily in secondary school is one of the reasons the country is degrading before our eyes. If one cannot maintain standards in our public discourse, we are in a poor position to maintain standards overall.
Language Timothy ..
Sorry, mother.
Father, it was practically his only line, not a bad job and the reason why we are all doomed i say, doomed, we are all ok with dealing with the overt, world wars etc. but the covert, insidious…..time to visit our churches every Sunday to re establish our values and culture (and I promise not to swear)
Annunaki – I also didnt see what you said but I do understand your frustration.
I always enjoy reading your stuff as it is direct and to the point.
We can still get bloody angry, stand up against these “bastards” (in all ways) yet not give them what they want – an easy target.
You should save the rage until it most needed and the way things are going this may be sooner rather than later. And who knows I may meet you one day outside Whitehall – and that day we both may need it.
Thanks and I do feel that I was a “victim” last night, of a Polish attack… vodka, which does tend to concentrate ones anger and frustration to an Anglo Saxon response, , what this site should realise is that it tends to fan the flames of anger then watch the reponse, and I wear my heart on my sleeve sometimes, and, yes. I turn up and stand to be counted when it matters in Whitehall pity more do not, hope to see you next time
Amen to that!
Taking back Speakers Corner, Hyde Park from those who have decided it is an appropriate place to put down their prayer mats and stop anyone else being there. (our immigrants decided to do that, it says a lot about their respect for our country,) that was a good day, families, elderly middle class, children, all together but never reported, police all around chatting and laughing together ..
I wish I had been on that one. I did two or three last summer. (pain in the arse to get to from Cornwall), but was a little bit disappointed with the turn out particularly on the Brexit and freedom one.
The last Tommy Robinson demo was OK – but I cant say I was very impressed with the policing, Antifa being allowed to flaunt profanity strewn banners whilst we were much more strictly policed.
As a result of Gerard Battens support for all of these I am now proper impressed with him and I think he could well be almost as much of a treasure and patriot as Tommy Robinson.
I did not see the removed comments but I have ticked every one of your comments that I have read.
I come from a rough background and it never left me, and I feel as angry as you about our country. But I do understand the objection to swearing on this site. Perhaps it is something I got from my mum. Keep the arguments coming.
I also appreciate Annunaki’s input here and I have told him that. But those comments were way out of line and I have expanded on my reasons for removing them in a comment below.
Mea Culpa
Roland Deschain, agreed.
I take issue with the proposition that the BBC has ‘journos’.
Left wing robots programmed to say and think the same things, anti Trump, anti Brexit, pro transgender, pro mass immigration, pro statist, collectivist socialism, maybe but ‘journos’, no.
Not journos – from their schools and yoonies they emerged as NPCs? “non-playable characters”
Here’s a vid on the subject.
This meme is brilliant, and a must-watch.
Wait until Milo and Katie get this.
This NPC image is very powerful , explains so much in such a way that will inflame all the right people.
I apologise unreservedly for my inappropriate use of language – particularly to any real journalists who are so few and far between
I have reported myself to myself and may delete my post ….
It is evident throughout their output: Tommy Robinson previously known as Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon every bloody (is that allowed) time
Nelson Mandela previously known as Rolihlahla, in later years he became known by his clan name, Madiba ?? nope
Cliff Richard previously known as Harry Webb ? nope
Elton John etc. etc.
They always prefix Tommy ” extreme right wing Tommy Robinson” but never Corbyn as “hard left Jeremy Corbyn “. Or come to think of it “thick as sh*t” Diane Abbot or “my brain hurts”, Dawn Butler. ( and it’s just a coincidence, their background ).
I know this may sound far-fetched but just hear me out. I believe that Miss Abbott is absolute proof of Darwin’s theory of evolution. In that she proves evolution is not by nature progressive, and an organism’s future will follow whichever course it’s environment dictates.
In this case, the organism is splitting from the Homo Sapien Sapien lineage, and a new species, we could call the Home Sapien Abbotticus is establishing itself.
My evidence: it’s rise to the top of the food chain with a very limited set of responses to all arguments [racist,sexist,islamaphobe] has over a short period, seen a reduction in brain capacity so dramatic, an entirely new species has evolved.
The specimen actually looks towards its brain, and attempts dialogue as it tries to make sense of the world around it. But to no avail. To be fair, Diane does not need to make sense of the world, as she has found herself at the top of the food chain with no sense whatsoever.
There are lots of examples in nature, i.e. the dodo, which lost the ability to defend itself against predators [humans and rats],as prior to these predators, it had none.
R P Mc M
Yes, the references to TR’s brushes with the law are also evidence of “special treatment” by the BBC.
No mention of Sir Nick Clegg’s arson conviction, Dennis McShane, former Europe Minister and still priapic for the EU, six months for defrauding the taxpayer. Stephen Fry jail for credit card theft. Daily Politics contributor, the economist Vickt Price, jail for perjury. The occasional murderer has also acted in the BBC’s flagship soap Eastenders. Who the BBC thinks has “served his debt to society and should be allowed to get on with his life” is highly selective.
I think the Yaxley stuff was intended to give information to Jihadis who could target his family. Remember the left have form on the targeting of families – Trump’s family threatened, Class War psychos gunning for Mogg’s children immediately after celebrating the murder of the Romanovs on their FB page.
Gerald Ford: Ford was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr., but his parents split up two weeks after he was born when his father, who had a history of abuse, threatened at knifepoint to kill his wife and new son. When Ford’s mother remarried, he became Gerald Rudolff Ford, Jr.
Bill Clinton: Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III several months after his father’s death. His mother married Roger Clinton several years later. He proved to be an abusive alcoholic who beat his wife and son Roger Clinton, Jr. Bill repeatedly intervened physically to protect his mother and half-brother from his step-father. When Roger Clinton, Sr. straightened himself out and stopped the physical abuse, Bill legally changed his name to William Jefferson Clinton as a gesture of detente with his step-father.
Jesse Jackson: Born Jesse Louis Burns to Helen Burns, a 16 year old girl, his father was a much older (and married) man, Noah Louis Robinson. His mother married Charles Henry Jackson a few years later, and Jesse adopted Jackson’s last name years later, as a teen.
Newt Gingrich: Born Newton LeRoy McPherson to a 16 year old single mother who left her husband one week after they were married because he hit her. When he was three years old, his mother remarried and his step-father adopted him.
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Born Hillary Diane Rodham, she began dating Bill Clinton while the two were in law school. Rodham was ambitious and wanted to seek a political career by working in Washington after graduation. However, Bill Clinton wanted to marry her and, while she rejected marriage, she did follow him to Arkansas, where they continued dating. Eventually, she accepted his proposals but she retained the name Hillary Rodham, deciding to not adopt her husband’s last name in order to keep their professional lives separate. When Clinton was defeated in 1980 when he ran for re-election as Arkansas governor, some advisers felt it was in part due to Hillary’s feminist image. At that point, she began dying her hair blonde, and took the last name of “Clinton”, sometimes referring to herself as “Mrs. Bill Clinton”. She continued using that name until after her husband was elected President of the United States. Shortly after he became president, she announced that she would like to be called “Hillary Rodham Clinton,” with “Rodham” being a middle name and her last name still being just “Clinton.” Thereafter, the press frequently referred to her as Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has not ever changed this position. However, when she ran for senate in 2000 and then for president in 2008, she seems to have been referred to usually as Hillary Clinton. Her signs tended to say “Hillary for Senate” or “Hillary for President,” and her campaign’s website was http://www.hillaryclinton.com
Extra (sort of): Barack Hussein Obama II, who met his biological father, Barack Obama Sr., only on one occasion as a boy (other than in infancy), long struggled with his feelings associated with his name, and for a time went by the name Barry Obama. When he lived in Indonesia from age 5-10, at some point his mother and step-father listed his name as Barry Soetoro. However, that was never legally his name and he chose to go by his original last name when he returned to the US to live with his grandparents while his mother and step-father remained in Indonesia. Some conspiracy theorists have made much of these name variants, but as can be seen above, many presidential candidates have had their name changed, or changed their name by their own choice, at various points.
Annu, could it be that the BBC have their own favourite ‘Tommy Robinson’ (he of the Tom Robinson Band, ‘2, 4, 6, 8 Motorway’ and frequent BBC appearances) which makes them even more keen to mention the latter-day Tommy Robinson’s real name?
I would like to interrupt the regularly scheduled BBC hogwash disguised as “News”.
To show some actual (and interesting ) News.
Swearing and the state of the country are two separate issues. I also often feel like swearing at the news and hurling a brick through the monitor but it doesn’t help.
Biased BBC has been going for about 15 years. The site has really grown in popularity. Years ago it would never have had about a thousand comments a week. I’ve been here on and off since close to the beginning and I think the people here have made a positive contribution towards reasoned political debate and educating those under the delusion of political correctness.
But there’s a way to go about it. It’s not only about swearing. Just letting off steam and insulting people is seldom productive.
Like Deborah, I also recommend this site to others. I mentioned it to a PC lefty on another site. She came back to me saying BBBC was a racist hate site so I asked her, a few times, to give me some examples. She couldn’t, and I think the reason was that she had originally found one or two comments that seemed racist and insulting and then couldn’t find them again because they were such a small fraction of the total input. Still, she wouldn’t change her mind about this site.
OK, she’s only one person but It’s a bad idea for BBBC to become known as a hate site for other reasons. The PC brigade has started to control content it doesn’t like on the Internet (witness Facebook, Twitter and Google, for example) and we want them to stay the hell away from us here.
Noted, and apologies to those offended,
yeh but moment though, hate is one thing, generally irrational , anger is another, as long as it can be justified
True. Hate and anger are not necessarily the same thing.
different parts of the brain, and, interestingly, also related to age, the students who frequently frustrate us are actually not fully developed until at least 25 years old, something the actuaries in car insurance are well aware of, so maybe cut them some slack as long as they keep their stupidity to themselves and not twitter it around
“Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have made it possible for scientists to watch the rate at which the PFC matures, and have discovered the male brain doesn’t fully develop until age 25. Meanwhile, women experience a maturity rate of 21 years-old.”
This one has legs. Probably nice ones, but who would risk being creepy?
The BBC say they did “development work”, but didn’t commission it
Someone calls him a “Victimhood signaller”