Midweek Open Thread 31 October 2018

It is obvious from the tainted output of the rotten BBC that it can never be trusted . But who can be ? I was asked this during a survey yesterday and couldn’t answer . Journalists ? Politicians ? NHS? Banks ? Lawyers? Auditors ? Accountancy Firms ? Charities ? Comparison sites? Car manufacturers ? Interest groups ? Us?


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520 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 31 October 2018

  1. DYKEVISIONS says:

    Shurely shome mishtake!


    • Beeb Brother says:

      I demand a ‘People’s Midweek Threas’ so I can have another chance.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Dykey, – You’re clearly a vampire who stays awake until a new thread is opened, and now, at 6.32 am at daybreak, you’re off to bed – deed done !!!


  2. Scroblene says:

    I seem to recall that Mrs Amelia Nosepoultice of 65, Acacia Gardens could be trusted – she was that sort of good woman…


  3. Fedup2 says:

    All Hallows’ eve and I have a horrible confession – I watched Newsnight. I know – it’s not healthy – but watching George Osborne talking about his catastrophic ( for him ) approach to brexit was a rareity for the BBC – great comedy .

    Watching him were ‘three witches ‘( mysogeny alert ) of a lady from UKIP , a token Pakistani student type with a chip. And Mary Louisa ‘Polly ‘Toynbee who looked like she’d have been happier with comrade Owen Jones of her lap.

    Poor Polly looked like she was either going to have a thrombo or dive across the studio and strangle viscount Osborne . Priceless .

    The Pakistani token young person kept on using the term ‘ People of Colour” her after known as POC which sounds like an American import and an abuse of the English Language .

    Viscount George hasn’t changed one bit. He is still a disconnected pink Tory with an absolute disconnect to people who don’t use taxis or claim expenses .

    The whole bit was about 20 minutes and well worth it .


    • StewGreen says:

      The 3 women come on at 18m30s with Polly jabbing her fingers for 2 minutes
      ..and then Suzanne Evans speaking sense
      .. then squeals from Ash Sarkar from Novara Media (Labour or Soros front group)
      “What I care about is the fact the effects of austerity have been felt unevenly across different communities”


      • StewGreen says:

        Good point

        She’d only just been squealing “racist ” on Sky


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Following on from the 8 Pakistani types ( won’t use ‘men’ – animals is better) convicted on Tuesday as well as the 20? Last week and god knows how many small groups –

    I wonder how many Pakistani Muslims are committing sexual assaults against white girls? I was trying to do the sums – say there are 500 000 Pakistani Muslim- males of breeding age in Blighty – would that mean that one in – say 5000- is raping white children ? ( calculated on the assumption that there are 2 million Muslims overall )

    I’m not including cases where the Police / cps just can’t be bothered
    Weak evidence
    Victims are threatened to drop the case
    Dumb or corrupt juries who won’t convict

    Just thinking out loud on Halloween – the new monsters kids need to be scared of – and ‘trick or treat’ can have a different interpretation ….


    • Kaiser says:

      1 in 100 is much nearer the mark

      3000 in rotherham 1500 abused kids

      telford has similar stats


      • Fedup2 says:

        Kaiser – thank you – brain not best early in the day ….


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          According to the 2011 census there were 1.2 million ‘self identified’ Pakistanis in the UK at that point. If we halve that for men, and then divide by three for the right kind of age range, that would make 200,000 potential candidates. 1 in 100 of those would be 20,000, not sure if Kaiser’s number is right (how can anyone know?), but by my rough and ready reckoning, there have been getting on for 100 named so far, and it can only be a fraction of the total involved who ever get to court.

          What’s even scarier, to me, is the way it was covered up for so long. Seems to me the men involved felt they were quite safe to carry on with their sick little pastime, and news that they were ‘above the law’ got passed around their community. How else do you explain the spread up and down the country?

          Which raises even more disturbing questions, people who should have known about it (in fact, in many cases MUST have known about it, and chose to turn a blind eye!):

          Social Workers (lots of these girls were known to Social Services, or in care)
          Midwives/Health Visitors
          Sexual Health Workers
          Co-workers of ‘men’
          Wives of ‘men’
          Parents of ‘men’
          Friends of ‘men’
          Imans of ‘men’?

          There are far more guilty parties than just the ‘men’ involved. From what I’ve read, many of the girls, and their parents, were crying out for help, but just got ignored. To me that’s as much of a horror story (if not more) as the abuse itself.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Big – great job – I wish your post could be put on every thread as a reminder for what is happening and what the British State has accepted in the name of their poisonous corrupt ‘ diversity’
            As supported by the BBC .

            The state knows that if it fairly reported these failure the consequences for the Pakistanis in UK would be grave..some might need a single ticket home…


          • tarien says:

            100% agree with you Big Brother Corporation, no doubt that out of all those you list most would and certainly should have been aware of what was happening to many of those girls who were assaulted by those Islamic filth. It is just simply beyond belief that our Government and our Judiciary and of course the British Police Force have allowed such disgusting behaviour from people alien to our cuture to have got to such a catastrophic / cataclysmic consequence. Devastating to those female victims undertandably in many cases ruining their future lives. Execution should be a consideration.


          • Banania says:

            “…the way it was covered up for so long…”
            It is stillbeing covered up, in the way of not being openly discussed. On two on Politics Live today there was a heated argument about whether “Pakistan” should ever be mentioned. Perhaps it shouldn’t, when the vital common characteristic of these gangs is “Moslem”, and it is in England that they come mostly from Pakistan, but of course nobody mention the religion and ideology; only the possibility of “cultural” or “heritage” influence. The silly Conservative woman even said she had knowledge of “white grooming gangs” in her constituency. What these people don’t say is deafeningly loud.


    • john in cheshire says:

      Mike Cunningham at orphans of liberty website has an interesting assessment of why more people aren’t outraged at the industrial scale rape, kidnapping, torture and murder of our white children by muslims:


      If ever there was evidence of evil at work in our country, it’s the way those we pay to protect us and our children have taken the side of our enemies.


      • theisland says:

        The blanket bans on muslim rape gang trials means that there is only one day’s reporting at the end of the trial instead of months of reporting the horrific details emerging in court each day. We are purposely kept in the dark in an attempt to prevent national discussion and enquiry which, as we know, would reveal the incompatibility of the mindset of Islam with western values.



        • tamimisledus says:

          Unlike the case of Rolf Harris and others where it seemed that we had wall to wall coverage.
          But the decision on whether reporting restrictions are imposed is made by someone in the legal profession probably supported by a whole load of legal precedent determined by others in the legal profession.
          How I hate the legal profession ….. even more than BBC journalists, or any other kind of journalist for that matter.
          In a currently ongoing prosecution, BBC reported that a (black) lawyer said in court that the police had not been looking at the right man whom he actually named.
          Presumably, like Peter Hain, this behaviour is protected.
          So much for the justice in the UK legal system.


        • tarien says:

          Again agree 100%-theisland-continued cover up year after year, our Judiciary being shown as without teeth-who is happering them? Government no doubt aided by the interference from the EU as per usual. Yet one small political party who acknowledges the continuing horrific behaviour from many of those that folllow the teachings of Islam and in particular the devasting influx of Muslims into a small town in N/Ireland, are charged by the Police with goodness what and prison. Whose side are our Government and Police Force on?


      • tarien says:

        That has been the case for many years in fact ever since the integration of the European Union into our lives. Evil has been stalking our lands and has through stealth with outside support allowed our lands to be flooded with peoples from countries that have none or very little affliation to ours bringing their vile practices to insult us. How we now alter the situation is perhaps too late. Just notice the number of coloured people now appearing on our TV screens in every programme no matter its type and in every commercial, or piece of advertising. Who would you believe just one first prize in that silly programme ‘The British Bake Off ? Yes youv’e guessed it, an Asian with runners up also coloured people and the biggest supporter of such actions is the BBC. I really begin to understand their hate of the white British person, that same white persons whose men and women that fought two world wars and kept us safe and free-not it would appear anymore. How sad.


    • tarien says:

      And yet the authorities/Police are continually harrassing the leaders of Britain First with charges of what is claimed insitement for producing and distributing leaflets telling of the grooming gangs and other atrocities and especially of the invasion of Muslims into a town in N/Ireland causing utter disruptiion to the local community. These two B First leaders are to face court again having already been imprisoned just a few months ago. What the H is our Judiciary playing at when it is quite obvious to us all just how much disgusting behaviour is being thrown at our society by such peoples from lands that are completely alien in culture/faith/ideology and language to that of the Western European. I say Government beware the long patience of the indigenious peoples is running thin.


    • BRISSLES says:

      …..say there are 500 000 Pakistani Muslim- males of breeding age in Blighty ……

      Sexual assault matters aside, when you read that there are more than half a million Muslim males – (regardless of nationality) in this country, the potential procreation is both staggering and frightening. Who needs war when migration and infiltration does the job instead.


      • Luckyharry69 says:

        My 89 year old mum today said “we should send them all home”…..bless her.
        I tried to sort of tell her that it would quite difficult….


    • tamimisledus says:

      Please don’t insult animals by using this odious comparison.
      Thank you.


    • NCBBC says:

      Good news

      Pakistan Frees Asia Bibi, Christian Who Spent 8 Years on Death Row for ‘Blasphemy’. (Solitary confinement of a desperately poor Christian woman in a Pakistani prison- mind boggles)

      Pressure from Pres Trump has worked

      In January, the United States Department of State placed the country on its Special Watch List for severe religious freedom violations, citing, among other infractions, Bibi’s imprisonment. The Pentagon also cut military aid to the country that month arguing that the Pakistani government did not sufficiently curb its Islamist elements, while President Donald Trump announced cutting American taxpayers’ dollars going to aid the country for the same reason.

      No one, certainly not Pres Obama got Pakistan to free Asia Bibi, or the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish prison, despite stuffing both countries with dollars.


      God Bless Pres Donald Trump.

      Now its vital that Asia Bibi and her family are helicoptered out to a local military base, and from there to safe country where Muslims are not a problem – which means virtually all European countries cannot be a safe haven for this mercilessly persecuted family.


    • jip says:

      “would that mean that one in – say 5000- is raping white children ?”

      Mate, its not one in 5000… its more like one in 10, or worse…

      According The Jay report, Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 Adult Muslim males.

      Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. Some were raped hundreds of times in total, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average…

      What is more we have similar numbers in Telford, Sandwell… and many other towns, the hidden by a government that refuses to do a proper study.

      Just think if one in 10 were doing that, then the average number of rapes per perpetrator would be 50 rapes on average… plus if 1 in 10 were doing it then the average Muslim (who must know say 20 men)… would know at least two mass gang child rapists.

      I thnk it is reasonable to say that at least 50% of the Muslim community must know this is going on…. they just cant be that blind… yet there has not been one prosecution due to a Muslim informant.

      Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf


  5. Guest Who says:

    Look at Evan’s face.

    Must say, being hoisted up a crane… brave.


  6. Cassandra says:

    Just on Radio 4 Toady at 7.25am……wait for it…..”BREXIT IS BAD FOR HORSE RACING!


  7. Fedup2 says:


    I liked the UN ( freebies) bloke toady had on burbling about how human rights is going down the toilet (as always ) – with a side order of anti trump salad – and it turns out that he is some tuppny halfpenny princling from Jordan of all places – big on democracy they must be . Beyond a joke .

    Preceded by the taller milliband still thinking he is important enough to be listened too talking about some war in bongo land which is none of our business but obviously wanting Blighty ;” peacekeepers ‘ to go in and get killed for no other reason than his conscience and political status as he aims for a better job running the UN.

    Albeeb is continue to use the hideous slaughter in America At the weekend to demonstrate that things are more hatey but I would suggest that if that had been done by a Muslim and not by some white Supremacy fruitcake the mass murder would be gone by now in accordance with standard BBC pro Islam policy .

    It’s funny that the BBC doesn’t realise that it’s biased output to be ‘all in it together ‘ actually makes people rebel and hate it – amongst other issues being done to Blighty without democratic consent – see mass uncontrolled immigration and destroyed public services ..


    • quisquose says:

      I liked how he managed to name-check every individual that the BBC (just coincidentally) hates, and blame them for all the world’s woes … Jair Bolsonaro (before he’s even done anything), Rodrigo Duterte, Viktor Orbán and of course the greatest evil of them all Donald Trump.


      • MartinW says:

        The human rights records in many muslim countries and muslim-dominated regions are far worse than in those the left-wing media and human rights industry pick out for vilification. And in China it is now pretty terrible. Don’t be an overt Christian in any of these places. Please note that it was (inevitably) Michal Hussein who quickly introduced Donald Trump into the conversation, prompting downright lies from the Yuman Rights spokesman. She is a disgrace, and can be relied upon to bring Trump into every interview she conducts.


  8. Guest Who says:

    If this doesn’t get George presenting Countryfile, what will?



    • Beltane says:

      What a beauty! As if Monbiot’s claims to fame on ‘climate change’ were not enough, the ignorant fucker can’t tell a Chinese Water Deer from a muntjac.
      Thank you George, QED I believe.


      • Beltane says:

        So rather than admit a mistake, the picture is removed – a policy not unknown in figures challenging any of George’s perceived beliefs in his nice little earner.


    • StewGreen says:

      Original tweet



      • StewGreen says:

        another reply to Monbiot
        1) That’s not a Muntjac.
        2) They’re more akin to tusks than teeth and are certainly not canines and never were.
        If you want to be a vegan then that’s fine, it’s up to you,
        .. but if you want to argue your corner, start by getting your facts right. //


  9. Guest Who says:

    Bbc doing what it does best. And it is not calming things down.


  10. JamesArthur says:

    BREXIT IS BAD FOR MUSEUMS INDUSTRY! The BBC were given a report from the Arrogant People’s Vote Group…well that’s not got any bias then…WTF! Why on earth would they trust this as a source of truth..has it been fact checked?


    • Guest Who says:

      The bbc Brexit coverage seems to be having the precise opposite effect the bbc intends, like most of its meddling.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Being a ‘friend of the Nat Gallery ‘ I wander about the place when in central Londonistan and ennnjoy the cast of all nations going in for free and compare it to queueing in the forecourt of the Louvre and having to pay ReichEuromarks to go in there .

      Maybe after brexit you’ll be able to get near a famous picture without the q for selfy or selfish .


      • JamesArthur says:

        Yes it is amazing we go to Europe and pay for entry to everywhere but anyone can get in free here…how about UK citizens free anyone else pays…I don’t see that happening – the liberal left will find some way of saying it’s elitist or xenophobic


        • TrickCyclist says:

          Have you also noticed museums asking you to ‘Donate so that we can stay free to enter’ – a self-defeating argument if ever there was one!
          I always take that to mean, Pay so that ‘other’ people don’t have to. I’d prefer that everybody paid if that’s necessary – as Fawlty would say, “No Riff-Raff!”


          • taffman says:

            How about Al Beeb asking us ‘Donate so that we can stay free to entertain’?


    • Banania says:

      What is the museums industry? Are they the people who sent out those annoying Christmas catalogues?


  11. Foscari says:

    The BBC has gone raving bonkers with their attitude towards diversity!
    Whilst glancing at the TV whilst eating my porridge I believed I
    saw an interviewer on Breakfast TV ask a black actress would she
    like to play the role of JAMES BOND !
    You may ask why not? Yes lets have Adolf Hitler portrayed by a
    black actor, why not. Conversely why not Nelson Mandela played
    by a white women. I reiterate from a couple of days ago . Have
    you ever seen such as load of bollocks such as the diverse,
    politically correct , latest DR WHO ? The lunatics are in charge of
    the asylum at the BBC.


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      Personally I havent got that much of a problem with Doctor Who being a woman…..after all it is a family/childrens science fiction show and was never meant to be taken seriously.And the ‘Doctor’ is a Timelord could morph into various forms?……….A woman can still be used as a ‘vehicle’ to have fun sci-fi style storylines……(discuss)

      BUT that isnt the reason why the BBC have done this…we all know that.


      • SteveHovis says:

        “Personally I havent got that much of a problem with Doctor Who being a woman…..after all it is a family/childrens science fiction show and was never meant to be taken seriously…”

        This type of hand-waving always makes me think of that old adage that ‘if you give an inch, they’ll take a mile’. In the case of cultural Marxism and its mission via popular culture, laxity should never be given even into what many people still believe to be “harmless entertainment”. Popular culture has increasingly become an extended battle ground of identity politics and ideology.

        Be it comic books, video games, films, television series ecetera ecetera these things are still the products of the civilizations that gave birth to them and as such contain the DNA of aforementioned forces. Tinkering around with established character’s gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, creed (whatever) might on the surface appear “harmless” to the dimissive amongst us, but its purpose still belongs to the hollowing out of the culture that gave birth to their emergence. This isn’t a trivial thing because it will always reach out further as we see with increasing historical distortions of one form or another.

        “And the ‘Doctor’ is a Timelord could morph into various forms?”

        “Forms” set via a long-established gender, which with it brings a limiting factor to what can be introduced later down the line. I’m not a fan of retconning in any storytelling medium, but even less so when it’s governed by the hyper-tense moment of the now. If way back when it was established that Timelords could ‘regenerate’ into this, that or the other this would have never mattered because it would have been part of established lore long ago. But its emergence today is not only unacceptable because its motivated by the evil of cultural Marxism, but it also sweeps the proverbial rug from under the series feet because it destroys established lore. Funny, isn’t it, how identity politics and cultural Marxism ruins absolutely *everything*, including storytelling.

        When everything is politicized (including things that are used as forms of escapism) common discourse becomes increasingly impossible.

        I wonder what would happen if you got Mr T and changed him from a black guy into a white one? Identity politics is messy and divisive, and that holds true within popular culture as well. I think people are wrong to dismiss fantasy and science-fiction material in popular culture not being important in what’s currently going on because the overlap is there for all to see.


        • Luckyharry69 says:

          I did clarify Steve at the bottom?….I didnt deny it was a cultural marxist/PC BBC move to have a woman and personally…yes, it is a painful to watch.
          If it had happened years ago then maybe it would have gone under the radar..who knows.The point I was making is that Doctor Who was a ethereal almost mystical science-fictional character as such and being a ‘female’ wouldnt go against that?perhaps……..I do agree with all you are saying though.
          “I only came for the five minute argument”….lol


    • tamimisledus says:

      Does that mean you wouldn’t want to help fund my next* film, a biopic of Opray Winfrey with Oprah played by a disabled white lesbian dwarf?
      * I promise not to make any other film before this one, though I reserve the right to make any other kind of artifice on this or any other subject.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Ah, but a truly talented Actor/ess could make you believe they were something/one they clearly aren’t purely through their incredible mastery of the arts of acting, mime and dance! Imagine, they could ‘transform’ themselves into a tree, or a dog, or a train, and we’d all be deceived…. no?… no, perhaps you’re right on second thoughts, a female, black actress, would need a lot of make up/prosthetics to look much like Bond as described by Fleming, and anything else would just be PC schlock, so why not go for the cheap option and just hire a white guy instead?


        • TrickCyclist says:

          Always thought it was easiest to define Bond by what he’s not – e.g. not pacifist, not unpatriotic, not short, not teetotal, not working class and – most definitely – not gay.


  12. JamesArthur says:

    I was wondering about all of this vitriol aimed at Trump and blaming him for killings..and wondered about how many happened under Saint Obama – and somebody has done the work for me…Obama 24 mass killings 256 dead, 257 injured – Trump 4 mass killings 83 dead 512 injured.
    So if this were the Olympics Obama is way ahead in the table – funny I don’t hear him getting the blame for any of it and nothing from BBC in terms of analysis


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    Why the long faces, BBC?
    And here’s the SP… BBC Breakfast TV take up the reins of the BBC’s daily anti-Brexit agenda item with a report on horse racing and another eight furlong hack around the track in the Project Fear stakes which they tentatively term ‘uncertainty’.


  14. Panda says:

    Its now obvious to me that the Manchester bombings, 1000s of rapes in Rotherham/around the country etc was caused by Donald Trumps ‘hate rhetoric’. Once more the beeb have educated me on just what’s wrong with the west.


  15. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC. With the news you need to know. And much you’d rather not.


  16. Synchronised says:

    Beeb website reporting on Anti Trump protests during his visit to the Pittsburgh synagogue. Wouldn’t occur to the beeboids to question the morals of the protestors demonstrating during such a sombre occasion. Contempt is far too light a word for the lot of them.


    • tamimisledus says:

      Perhaps, as some of the protesters insist, he should have waited longer so they could claim he didn’t act quickly enough?
      Now I need to get back to my search for the lost rhetorical question.
      Any help by your readers would be appreciated.
      BTW, that last was a rhetorical statement.


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    I’m fast coming to the opinion that the BBC’s constant tilts at every individual industry and sectors’ Brexit Fears are both a targeted campaign and are a failing strategy. Afterall, why we ask is Brexit so hard? Could it be that our European EU friends, allies, partners, neighbours have got it in for us? Just as the BBC flooded our TV screens in 2015 & 16 with hordes of migrants and impassioned propaganised reports insisting we must let them in – that all turned out counter-productive. So who do we blame for a Bexit no deal? Theresa May has bent over backwards for Brussels – just as Cameron went cap in hand and came back with nothing. Our side has given every concession. The EU has given nothing. People know this. If it’s to be a blockade, so be it. Napoleon attempted to freeze us out of trade in his Continental System – he failed. Even his brother the King of Holland traded with Britain against orders. The Russians also, and look what what happened when Napoleon set out to punish them.


  18. Guest Who says:

    I have been interested in how the bbc would react to the good news about the Asia Bibi sentence.

    Given most BBC staff seem to be West Chinese, it seems to be following predictable lines.


    • john in cheshire says:

      This really is a good news story and long overdue. Goodness knows how this Christian lady survived for over eight years in a muslim prison, in solitary confinement for most of the time.
      That’s how God protects His own.


      • tamimisledus says:

        It’s just a pity God could not have protected the Christians against the muslim hordes in the Middle East in the seventh century onwards.
        Then we might not have had sanctimonious Christians on AlBeeb and elsewhere, from the Pope down, telling how we must be nice to the muslims, as there would have been no muslims.
        On that basis, it doesn’t look like God will be protecting Christians from the muslims hordes in the twenty first century either as these Christians invite their own destruction.


  19. JamesArthur says:

    The BBC R4 is having a field day today BREXIT – every story has been negative – POTUS every story negative and now apparently Far Right attacks have increased (almost as much as Islamic terrorists, no real comparative stats quoted except percentages (so a 24% increase, is it from 4 to 5 or 400 to 500) and they are a big concern – although the Frank Gardener (BBC person) talking doesn’t really seem to have any real statistics..he quotes 4 domestic right wing plots that have been stopped in the UK last year..hmmm what exactly were they – he doesn’t say?
    Yet another BBC favourite – the right wing…Does it never occur to them that the the Left wing also commit offences?


    • Sluff says:

      Right at the end of this whole story, clearly designed to associate terror attacks with the ‘Far Right’ (i.e. almost any person not subscribing to the BBC Guardianista lefty narrative), our Frankie tacks on a final sentence that these right wing attacks are only a small proportion as compared with the Jihadi attacks. Of course, many listeners will have zoned out by then. But no doubt Al Beeb will use this to claim ‘balance and impartiality’.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Take no notice of Frank Gardner. He has been droning on about far-right threats for many years, even when he was reporting on obvious ISIS atrocities. It was so illogical and surreal, I came to the conclusion that he is on a commission. Bonus for every mention of ‘far right’.
      Bet he would be hard-pressed to explain what that actually meant.
      The supreme virtue signaller.


      • john in cheshire says:

        Isn’t he the man who was shouting to the muslim killers words to the effect, ‘ don’t shoot, I’m on your side’, just before they shot him?


    • tarien says:

      Well once upon a time not so long ago the BBC would have been considered totally right wing-I wonder what has happened to alter that scenario? I can guess as well as you can.


    • Kaiser says:

      as 3 of those plots were probably to post hateful stickers near some snowflakes im not going to start worrying about them


  20. StewGreen says:

    LBC lead news story calls GAb “the same neo-Nazi social media website”
    Their tweet doesn’t use the word
    \\ LBC has discovered the CPS has failed to bring a number of British people to court suspected of posting far-right anti-Semitic abuse online, using the same social-media platform used by the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre suspect. //

    Gab is certainly not a neo-Nazi website
    ..that is a massive massive smear #Libel


    • StewGreen says:

      JOB opens his show “Why is Netanyahu attending the inauguration of the Brazilian president who by any reasonable use of the word a FASCIST ?

      … FFS language misappropriation

      His first topic is Fred Dibnah who he describes as a “famous Yorkshireman”
      … em Fred was born in Bolton , has a Lancashire accent ..you dim southerner.


      • tamimisledus says:

        And there I was thinking that Dibnah was a decent person.
        Sent from my iphone in darkest Bradford.


      • tamimisledus says:

        Is that the LBC presenter I like to refer to as “Our little Jobbie”?


        • StewGreen says:

          Yep James nO’Brain

          BTW this is this video Gab’s director explains his side
          “94% of stuff on Gab is just normal stuff
          .. just like 97% of stuff on Twitter is just normal stuff
          .. we do have rules and Terms of Service and do police things like direct threat
          ..we do remove thousands? of bots every day
          ..and do sanction/report some individual users”


          • oldcrone says:

            When you use the above Andrew Torba link you get a little shield on your search bar (I use Bing and Google Chrome) which says “this page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources.” … is this a ruse to keep people from viewing it. What does unauthenticated sources mean … non MSM? Surely that little sneaky shield should come up on all BBC and Sly News websites?


            • Arthurp says:

              No – basically the page is being sent mainly by https (secure http) – however there are some elements (often pictures) or links to other pages that are merely http – and thus not secure.

              To have an https protocol you must have proof of identity (security certificate) i.e. that your website is actually authentic – you don’t need that for http – hence the images/ links are unauthenticated.


    • StewGreen says:

      LBC think they have an exclusive cos someone has send them a list of “kill the jews” tweets whicjh the CPS have not prosecuted.

      Sometimes there are reasons for not prosecuting
      eg the person is a child, in a mental hospital, under surveillance etc.
      TheoUsherwood has done a long 10 tweet post


  21. fakenewswatcher says:

    My goodness, haven’t we seen yet another big wave of anti-Trump wash in just recently? He ‘is divisive’ (like Orban or Bolsonaro), so he has ‘set a climate’ in which pipe bombs are sent and jews attacked.
    No one has any responsibility for their actions. It’s all Trump’s fault.
    I heard a Democrat lady wail on the beeb that she wished he would stop saying he was a ‘white nationalist’, cos that endangered the jews.
    Actually, he said no such thing. But you will note a large amount of poetic license in these interviews. The truth is, the beeb and much of the MSM (ITV were disgustingly biased last night) have hated Trump from the moment he was elected. I’ve been observing US Presidents and studying US elections since Ike. Trump had to contend with ‘impeachment’ efforts from day one, that has never happened before. Especially from people who admit that they’re still looking for a reason. Truth: they still haven’t got over ‘their Hillary’ losing, when The Lord had clearly ordained a Democrat woman for the job this time.
    We all know by now the beeb are pro-Democrat. So is Hollywood, are US universities and US media (except Fox). Trump has a lot of enemies. The beeb will try to help get Trump impeached.
    Maybe he will intercept ‘the caravan’? Maybe he eats babies. Any reason will do.A large beeb team in the US is working on it. Two years of anti-Trump reporting, Zilch to show for it so far,


    • john in cheshire says:

      I think these Trump haters are hoping ( I doubt they have prayed in their lives, unless it’s to Moloch or the Baphomet) that the invaders reach the US border just before the elections next week, and that some of them try to storm whatever barriers are in place, provoking a violent situation.

      The MSM will be hoping to capture pictures of some of the no doubt agent provocateurs in the midst of the invaders being physically restrained, maybe beaten by a soldier or two and hope against hope that someone is shot or trampled to death.

      This is their game plan, I believe, and it’s so transparent I’m sure President Trump will not give them the pleasure of being able to report on it.

      But maybe, they don’t need real events, maybe they’ve already got their fake news reports, and their LARP actors have already ‘played dead’. Will Ratty Katty and Soapy Sopel be there to add their cup of cold sick to the fake news? We’ll see next week, I suppose.


      • Guest Who says:

        The BBC often attempts to damn by association.

        They have a post about the murder of ‘Whitey’ Bulger.

        This is their audience’s most liked post:

        “Hopefully this is the way Trump will die.
        He deserves it.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        I was trying to work that through and trying to work out the positive and negative effect of the normal crying 5 year olds put in front of the cameras – particularly if the border staff start using CS or similar .
        I’m thinking that the polarised sides of America are already set in their way but the middle might well be judging the economy as any words from the metro bubble dwellers in the big cities .
        The Hilary Clinton comment about ‘they all look the same ‘ didn’t seem to get any traction

        Or perhaps the politics next week will turn out to be ‘local ‘ and not just on the President ….

        In any event Sopel and the vast numbers of Al beeb US correspondents will put the negative spin on it –

        ‘Didn’t do as well as many predicted ‘
        ‘A resounding failure for trumps’ policies ‘
        ‘Shows that the election of Trump was a one off ‘
        ‘Doesn’t bare well for the Presidential election in 2 years”
        ‘Shows that the electorate are turning to the Democrats ‘

        Take your pick of the usual lines to come


    • Deborah says:

      I have to admit that I find Trump ‘odd’ but I try to see what he has done and what he is saying rather than the way he says it. But I have also noticed that in every walk of life, you mention Trump and you get a sneer, an aside, a negative comment from people who you would think have no interest in American politics. I blame the BBC because you never hear his name mentioned there, in comedies, interviews etc without similar. Nobody in public dare say his name and just say or hear the facts.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Deborah- I know why you find Trump ‘odd’, I do too. My favorite US president was RR -‘The Gipper’, very gentle and ‘gentlemanly’ compared to Trump.
        But the US of Reagan was a very different place from what it is now. And a very different situation requires a very different personality. The understatement of the year would be to say you need someone with a very thick skin. A bruiser. Someone whose self-confidence merges into boastfulness. With huge, unlimited energy. Happy to take on an established mindset. No Mr Nice Guy. Likeable? Irrelevant.
        Given the hostility from the US media, universities, academia, virtue-signallers, the Democrats, many within the Republican party, much of ‘abroad’ etc, a Nice Guy wouldn’t have lasted a week. They hate him, not least cos he was democratically-elected. He knows it.
        The eloquence of a Kennedy would have been nice. But here you need someone who knows what’s going on, not a sweet talker. Someone armorplated. Sneers and asides bounce right off. Yes, indeed: someone odd.
        Trump will do.


  22. smoogie7 says:

    Well the BBC failed to publish my comment yesterday when on their website I mentioned about how cash strapped schools where wasting their money on ‘gender natural’ toilets and my comment did not get past the moderation.

    The only comments they let through where all the Tory bashing, pro Labour posts…


    • Rich says:


      My youngest daughter’s school has an individual laptop available for every year 5,6 and 7, a computer suite with obligatory robots to program, whitescreens in every classroom with tablets for every teacher and even a tv suite where kids can learn about broadcasting and communication and make their own programmes. Learning methods are constantly being upgraded which are dependent on expensive software packages purchased from private suppliers, not the education authority. This is an ordinary, free, now Roma-ridden state primary school.

      My older daughters attend a grammar with school fees of about £150 per year. I attended their recent prizegiving where of course austerity and cuts were mentioned repeatedly and the ‘begging-bowl’ produced.
      My eldest girl went to an “awareness” session recently at a school across the road. The children didn’t have to pay for the buses that were hired to ferry about 180 pupils 300 yards but somebody did.

      Cuts? Austerity?


      • Rich says:


        Just to comment further on your point about “gender-neutral” toilets in schools and the money being wasted on them.

        I wonder if these toilets can stop some foreign national children crapping on the floors in the corners of the cubicles instead of in the toilet bowls, a problem in my daughters school at present she tells me.

        It’s not the cultural enrichment we can smell bBBC.


        • smoogie7 says:

          Crapping on the floor at my old school would have probably got you shipped off to a special school back then. My school was very white though so we had no excuses!


      • smoogie7 says:

        My sister teaches reception age children at a state ran school and has never mentioned cuts being an issue. The school is popular locally and there are never any complaints about funding in the area it seems. The area itself tends to lean Tory so less of the left wing Labour drones around


      • JimS says:

        How did we ever manage with one teacher to a class of 42 and the only non-teaching staff being a caretaker (live-in), secretary and canteen staff?

        Going back another generation there were even pupil-teachers helping out. Pupils then could work out percentage discounts on items measured by the gross and priced in £sd (including farthings!). The A* generation struggles to tick the right answer out of a choice of four.


    • Luckyharry69 says:


      Anybody who complains about a post on the BBC HYS sites can have it removed just by complaining?….so it wasnt the BBC themselves.

      I know because I spent a whole evening just complaining for the sake of it and getting posts removed…. I dont post on there now…its a waste of time.

      People just get’offended’ and delete posts?…hope that helps…..


      • smoogie7 says:

        All posts where pre moderated so someone obviously felt offended by my post perhaps


        • Fedup2 says:

          Pre moderated … mmmm … that’s I good idea … maybe I’ll start doing it here … oh the power …


    • tamimisledus says:

      Do you think anybody apart from the Tory bashers (and of course your esteemed self) bothers to waste their time posting comments on the BBC website?


    • Banania says:

      I think you mean the opposite of “natural”.


  23. BRISSLES says:

    Sky aren’t much better. They’re headline news is ‘care in the community’ followed by plastic in the oceans. I’ve now resorted to the shopping channels for some sanity.


    • smoogie7 says:

      Sky are just ‘BBC with adverts’ which is why I think that it would be pointless seeing the BBC become subscription as it will still be the BBC, just ‘with adverts’


      • Kaiser says:

        but I wont have to pay for it!


        • smoogie7 says:

          I don’t even have a TV so the BBC get nothing from me. I am still waiting for them to send their heavies round


        • taffman says:

          I don’t pay for it. I haven’t for years. When the Telegoons call or snoop or send me love letters, I don’t answer their questions and then send then away with a Boo!
          I donate the money saved here …………
          They are the only party that wants an end to the ‘tax’ on the old and the poor for the only entertainment they can get.


      • Guest Who says:

        The subscription part is fine by me. They can do what they like then. If it works. Still not thrilled about the ‘British’ bit mind.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Guest Who

          Yes yes, I’m for subscription. They tell us the BBC is so good, so progressive and diverse, it must be worth three times the current licence fee. And maybe the Government could cream off a bit of the profits for Grenfellians and other oppressed minorities.


        • smoogie7 says:

          These days the first B standards for biased!


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      I love the shopping channels LOL!!….makes me feel almost ‘normal’…


  24. SteveHovis says:

    Not directly BBC related but I thought everyone needed cheering-up. The future has never looked so good!

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em92Hrb2s90&w=560&h=315%5D


  25. G says:

    Anybody hear the item on Toady earlier in relation to aggressive patients toward health service staff?
    There are now proposals to increase the minimum jail term from 6 to 12 months.
    Numbers of violent and/or abusive incidents has rocketted, apparently and we are told the police have been disinclined to prosecute perps. This got me thinking, ‘disinclined to prosecute’; health workers being, ‘spat at’. In view of the propensity of our far left Marxist State Broadcaster to distort or omit the truth of any given subject (indeed lie in many instances), I decided to do a little research. The ‘facts’ presented by the BBC in this item reminded me of articles from Germany e.g.:
    It appears that much has been researched on the effects of this violence and abuse but little on the perps. I wonder why. Having lived in the Middle East, I know only too well the propensity of the arab/muslim to spit at you if he/she doesn’t appreciate something you say. Turn violent and abusive? Yes, at the drop of a hat! despise the kaffir/gay or female nurses? Tick that one as well.
    No doubt in an attempt to cover up any ‘diversity’ of violent/abusive patients, code words and expressions are used. You know, similar to those used by our stasi/State Broadcaster: ‘mental health’ issues; ‘become violent if they don’t understand’

    Click to access 298085%20-%20NHS%20Violence%20Against%20NHS%20Frontline%20Staff%20Report.pdf

    An extract:
    “Among those staff who have experienced abuse, the main contributory factors they perceive to be the cause include:
    o A consequence of the patient’s mental health condition
    o The person was under the influence of alcohol
    o The length of time waiting to be seen by a health professional
    o Problems understanding information/instruction”

    “It was the ‘lorry’ wot did it’ anyone”?
    While researching, I came across this interesting article. Ring any bells?


  26. Anne says:

    This is worth a read:

    Why students feel so vulnerable

    I’m not suggesting that readers should feel any sympathy, mind you. If students (and non students) have already spent several years looking at themselves in the mirror, playing with their smartphones and nurturing grievances on social media, what can I do? Nothing like the student life I remember.

    On the lamentable SKY, this morning, there was a report about the 40 or so deaths of people in care with epileptic related problems. Terrible story which needs investigating. What is going on? However, I couldn’t avoid thinking about the constant stream of people with grievances in and out of the TV studios. They must have a sign outside saying “queue here”. I don’t want to sound heartless, but I think they’re devaluing the genuine cases.

    I particularly liked the middle part (highlighted by me) of this comment, following the Spiked article linked above:

    “They are an oppressed minority and their fears and phobias, whatever they may be, are being played on by unscrupulous, but innocent looking, sources. I would name my paper, the Guardian, as being a primary source of mental disturbance. A Chinese water torture of anguish and discontent (while at the same time an often brilliant investigative news organ).

    Spot on – and I’d include the BBC in that.


  27. angus longstaffe says:

    O’brien is going full anti-fascist and simultaneously wanting to give himself a pat on the back but appears to be having ‘ a funny turn ‘. Man, that boy is weird.


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      I listen to him for 5 minutes but I just cant stand it any longer….I have to switch off.

      Yesterday he couldnt beleive that young white/british girls in the 1970s and 1980s were having sex with older boys and men…..he is not living in the real world…..


      • angus longstaffe says:

        He must have been sprogged in a camera obscura then kept in the darkest confines of Ampleforth to hatch in a metropolitan bubble. His world view must have developed upside down from his early camera obscura days, then the sadomasochistic sepia of The Brothers set in and then fully developed stared to smash his head against the white bulbs of LBC.


    • Guest Who says:

      Makes you wonder what the BBC saw in him.


  28. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    Bizarre story of Corbyn ally Kate Osamor and her drug-dealer son. Corbyn is sending her mother to the House of Lords. Now she’s blocking journalists who write about the junkie.


    • Kaiser says:

      he wasnt a dealer, lmao he just had enough drugs on him to fuel the rolling stones and their entire road crew for a week, for his own personal use


  29. Sluff says:

    A few days ago I was alerted to the PC nonsense that is incredibly written into the Of om licence granted to the BBC.

    Here is an example
    Section 2.42 on Diversity, Audience Portrayal, and Representation
    Quote –
    The BBC must demonstrate how it has regard to the range of diverse communities of the whole of the United Kingdom. This should include age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background;

    Mr S junior dug out for me a report from a learned institution in the US running the statistics of suicide rates among transgender people. It turns out that people who have had gender reassignment surgery have the highest suicide rates of all.

    So by being ridiculously, zealously poltically correct, the BBC is also in effect killing people.

    Have a nice day.


    • G.W.F. says:


      Speaking as a middle aged moslem male with a severe injury to my testicles inflicted by a dog bite whilst engaging in zoophiliac gratification with a Rottweiler bitch I feel that I am entitled to BBC diversity representation.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      So Ofcom, the ‘regulator’, is prescribing all the PC nonsense? Presumably Ofcom itself is full of former bbc types?
      The suicide rate is very sad, but not very surprising.
      We live in a mad, mad world.
      Take violence against NHS staff: little Matt Hancock says the penalty has been increased from 6 months to one year in prison.
      Wow! That’ll stop the assaults in their tracks!
      But surely THIS is a hate crime? Hatred of medical staff?
      Why are these not simply common assaults or attempted murders? As hate crimes, perpetrators may need an extra year or two in prison? Certainly withdrawal of NHS services. So many tens of thousands with no self-control at all?
      Oh dear, but the prisons are full. And full of issues. Who would want to be a prison guard, with prisoners apparently free to do drugs, use mobile phones, assault staff, guide drones in to landing etc.
      And who would want to be a cop? A murder or two a day…
      Or a teacher? What with schools all getting their own mental health operatives? Why are we apparently driving so many students mad?
      ‘Liberalism’ seems to have spawned a tolerance of disorder and so many unhappy people. We’re ‘free’ to do anything we want, but not really free to think for ourselves and express those thoughts PEACEFULLY.
      Maybe people need a little authority, order and structure in their lives? Maybe the freewheeling world of Ofcom isn’t quite so benign? Or would that thought make me a fascist?
      I think not. Many years ago, at Uni, I studied fascism. I still have a feeling that 999 out of every thousand who bandy that word about haven’t a clue what it means.
      I think we should set all Ofcom members and bbc chiefs ‘A Clockwork Orange’ as compulsory reading.
      I think Burgess, like Orwell or Huxley, knew what was coming.


      • Luckyharry69 says:

        I have just checked out the Ofcom website.
        Thanks for bringing that to our attention.
        I must admit, foolishly, I thought Ofcom was supposed to ‘monitor’ media output objectively…not to actually dictate and define it based on the same old PC agenda……
        Its very worrying.
        My letter to my MP will have to be edited now


    • Banania says:

      Jordan Peterson said (in a fascinating interview with lefty Helen Lewis – see You Tube) that there will be lawsuits in 15 years’ time. Have they thought of this?


  30. Halifax says:

    This is good news. It would seem that the BBC are now identifying people by there Country and Religion see “Pakistani Christian Cleared of Blasphemy” So In future we will see “Pakistani Muslim Bomber” and “Pakistani Muslim pedophile” when they report on Asian lead events……….


    • Northern Dreamer says:

      Or perhaps not report those ‘unhelpful to the cause’ items at all…….umm……


  31. Guest Who says:

    For a bloke wot ain’t that bovvered, the Boyoga Beauty Corp don’t half seem keen to make this a thing.

    For one outacted in all scenes by the product of an unfortunate encounter between a Space Hopper and cue ball, he is pretty brave to raise billing logic.


    • Guest Who says:

      Must get out my micrometer…




      • StewGreen says:

        I worked as an extra in Jackie Chan’s movie Drunken Master II, on screen for 20 seconds as surprised merchant.
        (He spoke to me ! ..genius)
        I also did 20 Hong Kong TV dramas , being white we were often the baddies


        • Guest Who says:

          I tried to upload that… honest!

          He once almost ran me over in his Mitsubishi sports car.

          M goi.


          • StewGreen says:

            M goi (Cantonese for Thank you)
            Maio guan shi (no problem)

            image URLs which don’t end in .jpg .gif .png don’t show up
            most images can be posted by just posting the URL of a tweet which includes the image


    • vlad says:

      Is the bbc racist for calling yellow people racist?

      The Far-Liberal beeb doing what they do best: race baiting, stirring, and virtue signalling.


      • G.W.F. says:


        When push comes to shove over Islam and the EU the BBC are a bunch of yellow bellied cowards.
        Is that racist or an accurate description?


  32. Loobyloo says:

    Asia Bibi: Pakistan acquits Christian woman on death row http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-46040515

    Pay attention westerners, this woman and her family are in genuine need of immediate asylum. Not the hordes of military aged young men flooding over from the Middle East, Africa and south and Central America looking for a better life.

    I know nothing about the history of Pakistani law but was interested in Al Beebs piece

    ‘What is blasphemy in Pakistan?
    Laws enacted by the British Raj in 1860 made it a crime to disturb a religious assembly, trespass on burial grounds, insult religious beliefs or intentionally destroy or defile a place or an object of worship, punishable by up to 10 years in jail.’

    ‘The ruling heavily referenced the Koran and Islamic history. It ended with a quote from the Hadith, the collected sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, which calls for non-Muslims to be treated kindly.’

    These two passages seemed to me to say 1) blasphemy laws are the fault of the British 2) Islam is kind

    The BBC needs that be disbanded with immediate effect.


  33. Loobyloo says:

    Can artificial intelligence help stop religious violence? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-46035542

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Have to sign off now for the good of my health… things are accelerating into an Orwellian nightmare which cannot end well.

    Have a nice day!


  34. Foscari says:

    I just watched the BBC 1PM news.The feature about the Christian
    girl being incarcerated in prison for 8 years for blasphemy ,
    beggars belief. Who watched that interview with that Muslim
    preacher? His ” brothers” are running the mosques in the UK.
    Whilst the “bothers and cousins” of the rabble behind him are
    grooming and raping girls in cities and towns all over the UK..
    I am glad that I won’t be here. That owing to demographics of
    birh rate in four generations the relatives of these Pakistani
    Muslim rabble will be in a majority in the UK. God help our
    great grandchilden. the BBC wont.


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC been working hard to say
      “don’t look at that , look at this instead”

      Yesterday BBC ran this piece
      Why are Pakistan’s Christians targeted?


      • vlad says:

        How nice of them, after destroying churches and burning Christians alive.

        And note the beebistan’s weasel euphemism: “famous for its religious violence”.

        No, beeb: famous for its muslim atrocities!


        • G.W.F. says:

          Worth checking if these Muslims are Ahmadi Muslims, who are persecuted in Pakistan, Saudi and the UK where they are not recognized as Muslims. Often seen to be performing pro Christian actions and presented by the media as examples of good Muslims.

          eg. Today the media is focusing on Muslims selling poppies, but scarcely mentions that they are Ahmahdis,

          from Wiki
          Ahmadis in the UK have endured killings, mass protests by other Muslims against Ahmadi mosque construction,[174] and threats and intimidation.[175] In March 2016, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, attended the wake of an Ahmadi, Asad Shah, 40, killed by a Sunni, Tanveer Ahmed, 32, in what the police characterised as “religious prejudice”.[176] In April 2016, leaflets calling for death to Ahmadis were found in Stockwell Green mosque.[177][178] The mosque claimed that it was unaware of the leaflets being placed on its premises. The leaflets were authored in the name of an ex-head, Yusuf Ludhianvi, of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat (or Khatme Nabuwwat) – an anti-Ahmadiyya organization. The organization is fully known as Almi Majlis-e-Tahafuz Khatmi Nubuwat or the International Committee for the Protection of the Finality of Prophethood.[179]
          In October 2017, BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme investigated the publication and broadcasting of anti-Ahmadiyyah material in the UK, and asked when and whether media regulators should intervene.[180]


    • ID says:

      Fatberg Fogarty on LBC inspired by this case is currently pondering the utility of “blasphemy laws” in GB. She asks if the muslim response to the Charlie Hebdo murders could have some justification. Why she thinks infringing the ridiculous taboos of a primitive and violent religion deserves any censure, let alone the penalty of death, is beyond me. Is this what sitting in a studio day in day out listening to your own incoherent babblings does to your intellectual capacity? The media as a whole seem to think that islam is sacrosanct and any slight deserves severe punishment. On the Daily Politics Joke O’Burn seemed to think islam, because it was a religion, could not be an ideology or system of ideas. The BBC has no difficulty in believing that Churchill was in some way morally degenerate and intellectually misguided because he held to the tenets of imperialism, yet a religion, a system of ideas, that stipulates blasphemers, heretics and apostates should be killed, cannot be judged morally and intellectually inferior. Fogarty mentions “religious peace” laws in Austria and a woman who was prosecuted for calling Mo a paedophile (Kinderschänder). A number of Austrians associated with the FPÖ have been prosecuted under the “Herabwürdigung religiöser Lehre” law ( Denigration of Religious Doctrine). Of course, this is just islamic blasphemy law in a different guise. If you cannot critise the doctrine of a religion, you are essentially being forced to tacitly accept the credo of that religion. Susanne Winter, a FPÖ MP, was fined €24,000 and given a suspended sentence of 3 months for saying that Mo would be a “paedophile as currently understood in Austrian law”. Rather than pretending that Pakistan is some kind of muslim aberration, it should look at so-called progressive, secular European countries effectively imposing islam blasphemy law.
      Many contributors on this site would be liable to prosecution and heavy fines or imprisonment if they were living in Austria.


  35. StewGreen says:

    now on R4 Drama : Mexican “innocents” transmigrating to the US
    \\ Juan, a child migrant, risks everything to cross Mexico aboard ‘The Beast’, a freight train bound for the U.S.A. For the travellers on such a perilous journey, some fates can seem worse than death.//
    Puta, merde, huevon ! (WTF in Chilean Spanish)


    • Guest Who says:

      Does he have to sit on the floor too when the cameras are on him?


    • StewGreen says:

      Ah the play was’t rosy rosy
      .. he got robbed by his friendly fellow travellers
      ..Then at the ed he wakes up as ad finds his legs got amputated when he jumped off the train, so they are putting on a bus back south.


  36. StewGreen says:

    Beeboid once mre tweets feelings


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Leftists seem to have a problem understanding that a bit of poetry on the Statue of Liberty does not, in fact, supersede the right of the USA to enact any form of immigration control it wants.


    • Guest Who says:

      I wonder what is on her front door? A bit like the W1A foyer, rather suspect if anyone crossed the threshold uninvited she may suddenly lose the idealism.

      And as with Paul Mason or John Simpson, appending ‘news’ seems an insecure punt to convince folk of something well and truly beyond credibility.


  37. StewGreen says:

    8pm Moral Maze
    \\ When does ugly discourse, encouraged by anonymity and magnified by online sharing, begin to have violent consequences?
    Does giving a platform to hateful views ‘normalise’ hatred? //
    With Michael Portillo, Mona Siddiqui, Anne McElvoy and Claire Fox.


  38. vlad says:

    I wonder if that’s the same hate the beeb stirs up towards all Rightists, Trump, Farage, UKIP, Brexiteers, TR, etc etc, or is that kind of hate ok?


    • Guest Who says:

      Good point in complement from ‘Monkey Brains’ on the ITTB open thread:

      “I am pretty sure I heard Kermani state that “Far Right Clerics” still supported Asia’s execution. Yes, “Far Right” meaninglessly applied to “clerics” with no further explanation. Note how the BBC are normally so keen to ensure we use the correct Arabic terms when it comes to Islam…but as soon as we have a negative story, then that rule goes out the window. Imams become “clerics” and fundamentalist becomes “Far Right”, while Sharia becomes “law”.

      Yet another BBC ‘exception’ to the rule.


  39. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘Asians’ in BBC parlance are often Muslims; but Asia Bibi, we learn, is a Christian Pakistani. But not, perhaps, for much longer (I will explain).
    The back story is she had a falling out with her village neighbours – as you do. Apparently two Muslim women refused to share a cup of water with her – or some such. A local Muslim cleric cries blasphemy and poor Asia goes to jail for 10 years in Pakistan under threat of the death penalty.
    Nicholas Owen on the News Channel brings a latterly unfamiliar touch of old school gravitas to the job of BBC News Channel Afternoon Live anchor, as well he might, for there are some sensitive issues at stake.
    Our Nick acknowledges “deep shock” at this “whole business”. I have an odd sudden image of a world-weary British colonial administrator attempting to bring civilised peaceful order among fanatical irrational native tribesmen who can be somewhat tiresome in their fractiousness. Seems the regular BBC orderly ritual of afternoon tiffin has been rudely interrupted by the unpleasantness of this “whole business”.
    A westernised Pakistani female lawyer joins our Nick in the studio as a kind of interpreter come advisor on local law and custom. We’re told this blasphemy thing is just a hangover from a past military dictator who was rather unpopular. She doesn’t really explain however why the law is still on the books. The extremists who tend to violently protest and to bump off progressive lawyers who defend blasphemy cases have only “a kind of street power” our expert reassures us. The Government (of Pakistan remember) ought to stop “appeasing” them, she continues.
    Fear not, a solution may be at hand. When Asia Bibi’s lawyer was asked on camera will she remain in Pakistan now that she is out of jail, he replies “I don’t think so”. Our female lawyer in the BBC studio doubts her lawyer will stay either. Perhaps they will both come to Britain? A tiny token counterweight to the huge continuing migration of Pakistani Muslims coming here and the gradual creep of Sharia law and our own encroaching pseudo blasphemy laws under the code words hate crime.
    Perhaps we here in the UK ought to beware that “kind of street power” and our own Government ought to beware of “appeasing”


  40. vlad says:

    A simple question for the 17,410,742 people who voted Brexit: why on EARTH are you still paying the bbc extortion tax? They hate and despise you and are doing all in their power to sabotage your vote.

    Join the resistance!


    • Boomer says:

      Hello All.


      Can’t speak for the other17,410,740 but since the end of April me and Mrs. B. no longer have a licence.
      All quite legal since we don’t watch any live television from any source.
      Mrs. B. is still able to watch her favourite quiz show (The Chase) on ITV hub and we watch world drama on All4 for which we don’t need a licence which is also the case for things we watch on Netflix and Prime.
      About the only thing we can’t watch is live news from Sky, ITV, BBC etc and anything on BBC iPlayer. These are benefits.
      I had wanted to end the licence in April 2017 but didn’t have the alternatives in place.
      Mrs. B. wanted to watch the Royal Wedding in May and we were able to do this and stay within the law by watching the proceedings on a large screen at Sandringham.
      My only regret is the money I have previously sent the BBC’s way especially in the last few years.


  41. Roland Deschain says:

    Snipe, snipe, snipe.



    • Synchronised says:

      Please God the mid terms go well, even to just shut this woman up.
      I hope I’m not dreaming on the first point but I suspect the second one is a bit of a forlorn hope.


  42. Roland Deschain says:

    Anyone might think the BBC goes trawling for anything they think they can criticise Trump for, regardless of whether it’s actually anything to do with him. I’m beginning to suspect they don’t like him.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Looking at the current Jaywick – perhaps I should leave happy memories as being taken there on holiday as a kid just those – memories .


    • Luckyharry69 says:


      The BBC obviously hasn’t ‘seen’ whats happening in California’s ‘Sanctuary’ cities and other Democrat states.Its anarchy in some councils.The police are being intimidated…uprisings in schools over gender teaching/council meetings etc…Portland,San Fransisco etc…….ANTIFA

      They have got big problems that puts Essex to shame!

      .Druggies/camps/homeless in the streets,rioting,Companies leaving the state,Tax hikes, harassment of Republicans etc etc….

      that’s ‘socialism’ American style……


  43. StewGreen says:

    Re the claim that UK has poor growth compared to others
    EU 19 block grew by 0.2% in June as against the predicted 0.4%

    German car industry was hit by new emission test rules.


  44. StewGreen says:

    MP will keep employing her drug dealer son

    From 2020 new rules ban MP from spending public money employing relatives.


  45. Guest Who says:


    All is relative.

    My trust is such that I may check who is behind Pew.


  46. G says:

    Excellent news but……………
    As the UK continues to fill with Pakistani’s, blasphemy will, ‘come to a town or city’ near you in due course.


  47. Rich says:

    The bBBC are fond of India especially the India of the Marigold Hotel, Bollywood, colourful sort furnishings and rebelling against the Raj. There was a documentary on bBBC 4 a couple of nights ago about the trafficking of children within India however that offered a different side to this common held bBBC view. A real problem in Indian society and whilst it is being combatted bravely by some it appears to be a growing problem in the worlds largest, and also quite possibly most morally corrupt, democracy.

    The new Indian middle class, who give me the impression that they regard themselves as somewhat superior to us westerners, are driving the exploitation of children to provide cheap labour for their homes and shops and factories, seeing them as little more than slaves. Often trafficked by people they know from their rural villages, aided by corrupt police and officials, with promises of pay or having been sold by poverty stricken parents, they are treated like dogs when they are taken to the major towns and cities, working in private homes, sweatshops, factories and mines and for many of the girls, disease ridden brothels. Children as young as three were shown undertaking manual labour on slagheaps, scraping for mica to be sold on by their “owners” at a great profit to be used in make-up for western women. Three?

    A few reasons for this were mentioned of course. The caste system, the existence of indentured slavery and inevitably where female exploitation is involved our old friend, Islam, but none were investigated too thoroughly. The main reason for this trafficking, a seemingly accepted practice amongst all in India, was poverty and debt, debt often caused by having to pay for medical treatment.
    Medical treatment is supposed to be provided by the state for free but there are no doctors. Well, where are they?
    Education is also supposed to be free to all but there are no teachers. Again, where are they?

    This wasn’t asked but I would say that many are in the west. And this is what the bBBC and their ilk never ask themselves. If we have open borders or schemes to attract foreign skilled Labour from countries such as India, who is doing those jobs there? I don’t blame the doctors and those educated enough to become teachers a better life in their eyes in the West but what about their own? Surely all we are doing is perpetuating poverty and exploitation and a growing reliance on aid for developing and third world countries throughout the world by encouraging so many to come to our universities and our NHS . Isn’t it time we stopped this?

    Throwing money at India through foreign aid won’t help the plight of these children, thousands of whom to missing every year, either. Indian society needs to change but we need to change our relationship with them as well. We need to train more of our own doctors, we need to think seriously about using the sub-continent as a service provider if don’t need to and we need to stop giving money to a nation where the lives of their children and poor are worth so little. More documentaries like this and a more honest representation of India by the bBBC might help too.

    I’m no moral crusader and have no animosity towards India especially but I’m fed up being told by the bBBC that it is such a spiritually enlightened and culturally aware nation, that, like Pakistan, all its troubles are the cause of the British, when in reality documentaries like these show it to be a corrupt and often amoral society at risk of civil unrest on a colossal scale.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Rich ,
      I was watching the Al beeb “empire” series with. Jeremy …Kyle ? Clarkson ? . something or other the other day . There was a bit on Ghandi… when he visited Blighty over something to do with cotton –

      No mention that the guy wearing the Indian blanket kit was actually a barrister wearing the get up for a political act together with the slaughter caused by the separation from one of our favourite nations – Pakistan .


  48. StewGreen says:

    So moving 200 of 800 @channel4 staff to Leeds constitutes HQ relocation? Hmm…
    Then sub-hubs in Glasgow and Bristol with about 50 in each


    • Fedup2 says:

      Some clown on the twitter told the C4 comrades how much a season ticket back to London is …. can’t see Comrade Snow ever going to Leeds .. hell I remember the reception ( joyfully hostile ) when he visited something called a’ council estate ‘ which he must have read about in a book sometime ..


      • Guest Who says:

        Clowns on Ch4


        On Channel 4 News tonight

        Divided USA – The Debate

        Jon Snow’s in the Indiana town of Elkhart, a Republican stronghold famous for its recreational vehicle manufacturing plant and just upriver from another town, South Bend, which is solidly Democrat. A perfect illustration of a divided nation, you could say.
        He’ll be talking to voters who, alongside millions of others up and down the USA, will be heading to the polls on Tuesday for the midterm elections. It’s the first chance they’ve had to express their feelings at the ballot box since President Trump’s election two years ago.


        Impartially selected voters, no doubt.


        • Dave S says:

          Emily on Newsnight did not look happy. The interviews did not go as planned. Too many Trump supporters who would not back down.
          He will win again in 2020.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Saw that, and cringed at how Jon Snow continually turned the questioning around so that Trump was vilified. (Jon Sopel, Jon Snow both Trump haters)


    • StewGreen says:

      Today there are also NHS Digital job losses in Leeds
      80% of NHS Digital jobs are in Leeds
      So most of the 500 job losses will be there.


  49. Loobyloo says:

    Oh, FFS, I couldn’t resist reading Al Beebs piece on UK witches…and I KNEW what it would be like.

    Well, surprise, surprise – it’s not very diverse. All featured are white – non of the African variety that kill children and eat their body parts.
    And there’s two male witches, husband and husband.

    How hard did they have to look to find them? Did they advertise? it’s not funny or clever. It’s propaganda and brainwashing.

    It needs to go NOW.


    • Guest Who says:

      There’s always BBC ‘men’.


    • Anne says:

      Enough of this wiccaphobia !

      I’m reporting you for hate crimes.

      Alternatively, I might turn you into a frog. I haven’t decided yet.


  50. Guest Who says:

    Every so often, they catch you out…